Re: [osg-users] [build] Building OpenThreads on Windows

2013-05-19 Thread Nav Joseph
Nick, I had used make on linux to build OpenThreads standalone. Without having 
to build osg.
I just wanted to know how to do the same thing on Windows. My first post shows 
the errors I've been facing.

Nav or Joseph? You can call me Nav :-)

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Re: [osg-users] [build] Building OpenThreads on Windows

2013-05-17 Thread Nav Joseph
Ok thanks, using the lib that was with the osg build worked, but initially I 
was getting some error that it couldn't find OpenThreads_somethingwin32.lib. 
Now that error is no longer there.
But still, I would like to know how to get it built on Windows without having 
to build the whole of OSG.

Nav or Joseph? You can call me Nav :-)

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Re: [osg-users] Some OSG Windows functionality not available in Linux?

2013-05-09 Thread Nav Joseph
Oh thanks for that. He checked and saw that the Linux version was 3.0.1 and the 
windows version was 3.1.4. I guess he got one of the nightly builds, because 
3.0.1 is the latest stable release.

Nav or Joseph? You can call me Nav :-)

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[osg-users] Some OSG Windows functionality not available in Linux?

2013-05-09 Thread Nav Joseph

Posting this on behalf of a colleague:

I have built OSG3.0.1 in /usr/local directory. But I found that few of the 
files were missing in /usr/local/include/osgShadow directory which are already 
there in the windows equivalent.
NOTE: - I have a windows based application (contains OSG and OSGEarth) that I 
need to port to Linux.
These files are:
1. ViewDependentShadowMap
2. ShadowSettings
In addition to this, ShadowedScene file in /usr/local/include/osgShadow also 
appeared to be different, as it was not having setShadowSettings method in it.
My questions are:-
1. Did I miss some flag while building OSG or are these files absent in the 
LINUX variant of OSG?
2. How to go about it if these files are absent by default in the LINUX variant?
I guess, copying missing OSG files from windows to Linux will not serve my 
purpose. Please advise.

Thanks in advance!

Nav or Joseph? You can call me Nav :-)

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Re: [osg-users] Can OSG be used as a tool to edit maps?

2013-01-08 Thread Nav Joseph
ok, gathering more info to answer your question, but meanwhile, when you 
mentioned pre-processing the map, what did you mean? Is there already a tool 
for it?

Nav of Joseph? You can call me Nav :-)

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[osg-users] Can OSG be used as a tool to edit maps?

2013-01-07 Thread Nav Joseph
My question is as an offset to a discovery that osgEarth does not allow saving 
a map it generates, to the hard disk.
So I was wondering that if osgEarth is only for displaying maps, and virtual 
planet builder was to split up a map into tiles and lod's, and osgEdit was 
meant only for minor modelling of a scene, then that leaves me with only OSG 
itself, which has to be programmed in such a way that it allows me to edit a 
scene the way I want to edit it.

Eg.If I have a vector map (in whatever format) and I want to change a few 
details (like the color of a few lines) in it and save the map (as .osg or .ive 
or any other format), is my only option to use OSG for this task? What is the 
best way to edit maps using osg related tools? I'm ready to do some amount of 
programming related to it, as long as I can customize it as per the intricate 
details I want to edit. Raster, vector and maybe even DEM.

Nav of Joseph? You can call me Nav :-)

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Re: [osg-users] Using another threading library with osg's openthreads?

2012-10-04 Thread Nav Joseph
Thanks for the info.

ps: I'd prefer being called Nav. :-) will add it to my signature, if that's 
what you meant.

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[osg-users] Using another threading library with osg's openthreads?

2012-10-03 Thread Nav Joseph
As a general question, expecting a general or specific answer, I'd like to know 
if it is efficient to use another threading library like OpenMP or TBB on top 
of OSG's threading?

I'm asking because openthreads and tbb would be using their own thread pools, 
so when it comes to getting hardware thread priority, won't these the thread 
priority slow down the application?

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Re: [osg-users] Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at After Renderer::compile

2012-09-28 Thread Nav Joseph
Thanks Chris. Installing the NVidia drivers solved the problem. T'was a bit 
tricky because of having to first remove nouveau.

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[osg-users] Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at After Renderer::compile

2012-09-27 Thread Nav Joseph
On viewing a "map.ive" file (which I converted from .dem to .ive using 
osgdem.exe) with osgviewer, the map is being shown with its elevations, but is 
completely white. I can't see the raster map which is supposed to be draped on 
it. This is in Linux (osg built with the latest git clone).

On windows, when I use osgviewer to view the same "map.ive", I see it with its 
elevations and the raster map draped on it.

The error I see in RHEL when I close the viewer is "Warning: detected OpenGL 
error 'invalid enumerant' at After Renderer::compile". The cow.osg file is 
rendering perfectly fine with all reflections visible on the cow. I haven't yet 
installed the graphics drivers for my NVidia card, so the framerate is low, but 
I don't see why the raster doesn't render when the cow does.

On typing glxinfo, I get this:

> name of display: :0.0
> display: :0  screen: 0
> direct rendering: Yes
> server glx vendor string: SGI
> server glx version string: 1.4
> client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI
> client glx version string: 1.4
> GLX version: 1.4
> OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
> OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
> OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.11
> OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20

(deleted a lot of the blah blah that got printed with the glxinfo command)

Help? How can I get the raster portion of the map to get displayed?

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[osg-users] Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid enumerant' at After Renderer::compile

2012-09-27 Thread Nav Joseph
On viewing a "map.ive" file (which I converted from .dem to .ive using 
osgdem.exe) with osgviewer, the map is being shown with its elevations, but is 
completely white. I can't see the raster map which is supposed to be draped on 
it. This is in Linux (osg built with the latest git clone).

On windows, when I use osgviewer to view the same "map.ive", I see it with its 
elevations and the raster map draped on it.

The error I see in RHEL when I close the viewer is "Warning: detected OpenGL 
error 'invalid enumerant' at After Renderer::compile". The cow.osg file is 
rendering perfectly fine with all reflections visible on the cow. I haven't yet 
installed the graphics drivers for my NVidia card, so the framerate is low, but 
I don't see why the raster doesn't render when the cow does.

On typing glxinfo, I get this:

> name of display: :0.0
> display: :0  screen: 0
> direct rendering: Yes
> server glx vendor string: SGI
> server glx version string: 1.4
> client glx vendor string: Mesa Project and SGI
> client glx version string: 1.4
> GLX version: 1.4
> OpenGL vendor string: Mesa Project
> OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
> OpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 7.11
> OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20

(deleted a lot of the blah blah that got printed with the glxinfo command)

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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] [SOLVED] Building Virtual Planet Builder in Linux

2012-09-12 Thread Nav Joseph
Tried the GDAL macros and osg built successfully. VPB didn't; and it appeared 
to be because of the osg paths I had set wrongly in bash_profile.
Anyway, I was under a time-crunch, so just rebuilt osg without gdal for the 
Thank you very much for helping out. Hope this thread will be helpful for 
someone else in future.

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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Building Virtual Planet Builder in Linux

2012-09-11 Thread Nav Joseph
@Jordi: Thanks for the timely reply. It helped me get things done fast. I see 
why a mailing list is beneficial.
Checked with glxinfo, and I do have direct rendering. Don't know what info 
indicates that my drivers are ok though. But I guess that doesn't matter 
because I haven't installed the linux drivers for the graphics card. The driver 
software tells me that I need to remove Nouveau first. Will be doing that soon.

How to compile osg with gdal? I had a look at the CMake files, but there didn't 
seem to be any option for gdal. Do I have to run cmake with a command like 

cmake ../osg -DGDAL_INCLUDE_DIR=../gdal/include
make install

How do I find out whether GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR is the correct macro to use or not? 
I'm guessing from what I remember from the Windows CMake GUI.

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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] Building Virtual Planet Builder in Linux

2012-09-11 Thread Nav Joseph
Thanks Jordi; 
I have 'lib', 'bin' and 'include' in my osg folder, but no 'share' directory.
Viewer is working now! :-) 
I had to type 

./osgviewer "cow.osg"

I was getting an error of a cannot open display and the viewer not being able 
to create a window, but that was because I was the root user. Running viewer as 
an ordinary user made it work.

Framerate is surprisingly low, at just 6.1fps.

VPB found all the plugins it was earlier unable to find (except gdal, which 
I'll be installing now). Thanks so much! :-)

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[osg-users] [vpb] Building Virtual Planet Builder in Linux

2012-09-11 Thread Nav Joseph
I saw that installing OSG on Linux would be easy, so gave it a shot on RHEL6.x.
OSG built without any problems, and I set the paths mentioned in this page 

But when I created a git clone of virtualplanetbuilder and typed the 
./configure of VPB, it gave me this error:

[root@static-104 vpb]# ./configure 
-- Could NOT find osgDB (missing:  OSGDB_LIBRARY OSGDB_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Could NOT find osgFX (missing:  OSGFX_LIBRARY OSGFX_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Could NOT find osgUtil (missing:  OSGUTIL_LIBRARY OSGUTIL_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Could NOT find osgSim (missing:  OSGSIM_LIBRARY OSGSIM_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Could NOT find osgTerrain (missing:  OSGTERRAIN_LIBRARY 
-- Could NOT find osgViewer (missing:  OSGVIEWER_LIBRARY OSGVIEWER_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Could NOT find osgGA (missing:  OSGGA_LIBRARY OSGGA_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Could NOT find osgText (missing:  OSGTEXT_LIBRARY OSGTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Could NOT find osg (missing:  OSG_LIBRARY OSG_INCLUDE_DIR) 
-- Could NOT find OpenThreads (missing:  OPENTHREADS_LIBRARY 
CMake Error at /usr/local/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake:226 
  ERROR: Missing the following osg libraries: osgDB osgFX osgUtil osgSim
  osgTerrain osgViewer osgGA osgText osg OpenThreads.

  Consider using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or the OSG_DIR environment variable.  See
  the /usr/local/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindOpenSceneGraph.cmake for more
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:174 (FIND_PACKAGE)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

My main question is what can I do to solve this kind of error. I looked at the 
CMake lists but that does not seem to be the problem.

Additional info: 
Although osg had built without any problems, I'm not able to render anything 
with the viewer.

[root@static-104 osg]# export PATH={$PATH}:/home/nav/osg/osg/bin
[root@static-104 osg]# export OSG_FILE_PATH=/home/nav/osg/osgdata
[root@static-104 osg]# osgviewer cow.osg
Warning: Could not find plugin to read objects from file "cow.osg".
osgviewer: No data loaded

Did I miss something?

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Re: [osg-users] VPB

2012-07-03 Thread Nav Joseph
Download it from here:

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Re: [osg-users] [vpb] build VPB on VS 10

2012-07-02 Thread Nav Joseph
@Robert: I'm having the same problem with Virtual Planet Builder. I'm using 
gdal 1.7 already, and virtual planet builder version 0.9.7. OSG version 3.1.1.

Which version of osg should I use?

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Re: [osg-users] Switch node not working the second time I change the values

2012-06-27 Thread Nav Joseph
Thanks Robert. I had edited my earlier post to include the code. With your 
mention of managing the viewer, I placed breakpoints and found that I just 
needed to use setRunFrameScheme(osgViewer::ViewerBase::CONTINUOUS);
Works now. Thanks :-)

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Re: [osg-users] Switch node not working the second time I change the values

2012-06-27 Thread Nav Joseph
Correction: Just tried the same program, and the switching between textures is 
happening. When I click and drag, an object in the viewer rotates. When I 
simply click on the viewer, the object stops rotating.
After clicking, when I drag to rotate the object, I see that the texture switch 
had happened. I guess it didn't refresh for god knows what reason.
How can I ensure that the refresh happens?

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[osg-users] Switch node not working the second time I change the values

2012-06-26 Thread Nav Joseph
Created a switch node for which I set true and false values, and it works.
The Geodes contain one texture each. I declared buttonSwitch as a global, 
outside main.

osg::ref_ptr buttonSwitch = new osg::Switch;
osg::ref_ptr geode1 = new osg::Geode;
osg::ref_ptr geode2 = new osg::Geode;
geode1->addDrawable( quad1.get() );
geode2->addDrawable( quad2.get() );


camera->addChild( buttonSwitch.get() );

But when I try to switch on a mouse click, it does not work

virtual bool handle( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter& ea, 
osgGA::GUIActionAdapter& aa )
osgViewer::View* view = static_cast(&aa);
if ( view )
switch ( ea.getEventType() )
case osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::PUSH:

The control reaches the setValue line. I checked with a breakpoint. But I don't 
see the textures switching between visible and not visible. Is some kind of a 
refresh required to show the switched texture?

Additionally, I was using this technique to implement a button on my screen, 
since I found osg Widgets to be unreliable. Hope it's a good thing to implement 
my own navigation controls using textures as buttons and screenspace items? I 
didn't want to use MFC buttons coz my app would soon be ported to Linux.

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Re: [osg-users] Topic approval in this forum

2012-06-14 Thread Nav Joseph

Jan Ciger wrote:
> I do not want to sound rude, but I do find it a bit odd that on one hand you 
> find the current setup inconvenient for you because you have to look in 
> various places for OSG-related info and not on StackOverflow that you are 
> obviously using for other things as well. On the other hand, you are 
> proposing that the actual development community moves to adopt a tool less 
> fit for their needs, adding to their workload, so that it makes your life 
> easier. Do you think that is a fair proposition to make?

Didn't understand what you mean. I was proposing that using SO would be 
convenient for everyone. Not just me. If the mailing list is better, then no 
objections from me.

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Re: [osg-users] Topic approval in this forum

2012-06-14 Thread Nav Joseph
Firstly, thank you Robert and Jan, for considering my request. I'm glad that 
people on the mailing list have been responding so quickly to the technical 
questions I had too.

The time of leading contributors is most important, which is why StackOverflow 
(SO) has already taken care of the matter. Why else would it be the most 
thriving forum on the internet? Eg: When a person starts asking a new question, 
an algorithm shows similar questions to the person on-the-fly, so that they 
won't have to ask the same question and take up time of the leading 
contributors. Even if the question gets asked, users with sufficient 
( can mark the 
question as a duplicate and close it, so that someone else won't have to bother 
looking at it.
Even without logging in, you can click on the OpenSceneGraph tag on SO and 
it'll show you with customized icons, which questions need your attention and 
which have already been answered satisfactorily. There's also the RSS feed and 
notifications ( 
I promise you, you'll be saving a lot more time.

Jan, seriously, I (am humbly mentioning that I) tend to be efficient when it 
comes to using a search tool, and there's good reason I'm recommending SO's 
voted up answers. It's because even with Google's indexing, I've found it 
arduous to search for answers in a forum and even to have to follow a long 
discussion until I could decide that I could actually contribute to that 
thread. SO does away with all these problems.

Those of you who value your time, I'd humbly recommend that you join SO just to 
see what it is like, and maybe help out people with ordinary C++ questions and 
see how things work until you get a reputation of 100 points at least. Perhaps 
then, you yourself might recommend SO. I'm glad y'all were willing to discuss 
it instead of flatly shooting it down. If you prefer the mailing list, then no 
problem. I'm also happy to be using the forum.

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[osg-users] OSG fps not matching the Beginners guide

2012-06-13 Thread Nav Joseph
In Chapter 12's Adding Occluders to a complex scene example, in the 2010 
version of the beginners guide of OSG, there's an occluder node which occludes 
10 randomly generated quads.
The fps shown in the book is 40fps, when the 10 'massive quads' are fully 
occluded and 11.57fps when not occluded.

On my system, the fps is 0.5fps when fully occluded and 1.01fps when not 
I have 2GB RAM, an Intel core 2 duo CPU, 2.53GHz and an NVidia GeForce GT 430 
graphics card. No other applications were open at the time I ran the program. 
Not even Visual Studio Intellisense.

Tried running the program on a system without a graphics card, and the quads 
didn't even render (but this is secondary. Main problem is what caused such a 
slow reaction on my card-equipped system).

Is it a known issue among OSG users that some cards don't support OpenGL well 
enough? Because I saw a forum post where a person said "I think that the nVidia 
Quadro FX 5600 doesn't have as good OpenGL support as the "consumer" GPU cards"

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Re: [osg-users] Topic approval in this forum

2012-06-13 Thread Nav Joseph
Hi Jan,

I hadn't meant creating extra hoops. The idea was that it'd be easier for 
people looking for OSG answers to find it easily on the StackOverflow answering 
framework, if everyone on the mailing list shifted to StackOverflow, and so 
that the moderators of the OSG forum could be spared of the moderating effort.

I'm not advertising for StackOverflow. Just happened to find it after having 
used OSG-style forums for a long time, and found that their method of 
rating/selecting answers and being able to add comments below the answers, 
removed a lot of the pain of having to search for the actual answer from within 
a long discussion in a forum or a mailing list. While googling for answers, 
whenever I come across a mailing list page or a forum page, I groan, because I 
have to keep cliking every subsequent email reply link, searching for that one 
final email where the answer to my question waits.

I haven't ever used a mailing list, but from what you mention, it appears a lot 
more convenient for people who are using it. Perhaps y'all would have an easy 
way of going back and finding the answer to the questions you asked on the 
mailing list, without having to first go through a lot of emails. Thanks for 
mentioning that mailing lists are faster. I didn't know mailing lists had these 
advantages. Since you suggested it, I've already recommended my colleagues to 
try the mailing list.

[Still, it'd be nice if there was a teensy little chance that people migrated 
to StackOverflow :-) ]

(p.s: I knew you had sent your message thru the mailing list. People on the 
forum refer to me as Nav, and people on the mailing list refer to me as Joseph 
:-) dual identity ;-) )

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Re: [osg-users] Topic approval in this forum

2012-06-13 Thread Nav Joseph
Thank you for being open to the idea of shifting to StackOverflow (SO). I did a 
bit of searching, and was surprised to find that the idea was not new.

First, I found that SO already supports a feed. I clicked on this link
and Thunderbird (which I use instead of Outlook) opened up and showed me all 
the new questions tagged with OpenSceneGraph in SO.
So you've already got your mailing-list-style option for questions.

There's an admin who posted his opinion on using SO for questions and the 
mailing list for announcements:

And the SO moderators opinion on it:

Went through the links you sent, and I know it'd be a bit difficult to convince 
people to shift to a new forum, but personally, I've found SO's question-answer 
format to be very helpful in getting good answers from people, and the 
provision of comments below the answers, the chatrooms, the wiki format and the 
stackexchange notifications to be very helpful.

I appreciate the amount of investment that has gone into creating a mailing 
list and a forum that interfaces with it. It would be great if we could also 
use the popular framework that SO provides. The only current problem with 
asking questions on SO is that all the experts of OSG are here in the OSG 
forum, so there's nobody to answer questions in SO :-)

(ps: a colleague tried registering into this forum and it didn't allow him 
saying that only one registration is allowed per IP. I guess the forum is 
considering my company's IP instead of the individual computer's IP)

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Re: [osg-users] rotate an osg object with two fingers on a touch screen (Android)

2012-06-12 Thread Nav Joseph
Sounds more like an algorithm solution than an osg solution.
The below algo isn't perfect, but it'll give you an idea.


if (finger1pressed) finger1=true;
if (finger2pressed) finger2=true;
if (finger1released) finger1=false;
if (finger2released) finger2=false;

if (finger1 && finger2)
  check for dragging of finger2 and rotate
  check for dragging of finger1 and rotate


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Re: [osg-users] Topic approval in this forum

2012-06-12 Thread Nav Joseph
Hi Art and sholmes:

Thanks for approving me into the community. Sorry, but it's because I'm so 
accustomed to a much-less-strict registration process on other forums, that I 
thought that even here, the rules would be the same.

I don't mean any offence...just trying to suggest alternatives, that if 
moderation is slowly becoming a problem, would it be possible to gradually 
start asking and answering OSG questions on Or to start a 
new forum on

I understand there may be ownership issues and the very sentiment of having 
ones own forum to be discussed, but if there's the slightest chance that the 
users of osg can benefit from the questions being asked on StackOverflow (which 
is an excellent forum), and the moderators can be spared of the arduous 
moderation task, so that they can focus on what they like (programming), then 
it's a win-win for everyone.

Meanwhile, I'm happy to be here, and glad to contribute to the community (which 
I already have started doing :-) ).
Thanks :)

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Re: [osg-users] Error while running the Sample program in book

2012-06-12 Thread Nav Joseph

praveenaj wrote:
> By the way, I still can't figure out what's the difference between 
> OSG_FILE_PATH and OSG_SAMPLES_PATH? Documentation doesn't clearly describe 
> the difference between those. Any help?

There's no difference between those environment variables. Both aren't standard 
OSG variables, so you can even have ABC_DEF as an environment variable to point 
to the OSG path. Someone probably decided that they wanted a variable to hold 
the path to OSG code samples, so they created OSG_SAMPLES_PATH.
In my system, I've created only OSG_FILE_PATH which points to 
F:\ProgramFiles\OSG\OpenSceneGraph-Data-3.0.0, and this folder is where I've 
stored all the cessna.osg files and the image files etc.

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[osg-users] Topic approval in this forum

2012-06-12 Thread Nav Joseph

I'm glad to see an OSG forum which is very necessary, given that OSG is a bit 
tough to understand in the beginning.

I would like to urge the owner of the forum to not have a rule where the posts 
of newbies have to wait for approval. It has been more than a week since I've 
posted a question and answered somebody else's question, but my posts are still 
waiting for approval.
Internet forums manage this situation by giving administrator privileges to 
trusted forum users and by taking backups of the forum posts. 

Couldn't this forum do the same? This way, collaboration between osg users 
would improve and people would be happy to introduce themselves to osg, knowing 
there's a good forum that can help them.

Hoping that you'd consider improving the forum this way.

Thank you!


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Re: [osg-users] Error while running the Sample program in book

2012-06-12 Thread Nav Joseph
Just copy and paste the DLL into the folder where your program's exe is located.
If you don't want to do that, then go to Visual Studio's project settings and 
set the value Working Directory to the same directory that the DLL is located 

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[osg-users] Why doesn't the viewer first destroy existing camera before assigning new camera?

2012-06-12 Thread Nav Joseph
First post in this forum. While trying to understand the viewer, I was going 
thru the OSG source code and saw that when a master camera is assigned to the 
viewer thru setCamera, OSG does not actually destroy the existing default 
master camera.

void View::setCamera(osg::Camera* camera)
if (_camera.valid()) _camera->setView(0);

_camera = camera;

if (_camera.valid())

Why is it like this? Won't this result in a memory leak when I do: 
osg::ref_ptr camera = new osg::Camera;
osgViewer::Viewer viewer;
viewer.setCamera( camera.get() );

Thank you!


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