Re: [ozmidwifery] what doctors learn at med school!

2002-11-11 Thread Rhonda

  ..."its the underlying premise in all that we do"..."we have to 
  always be thinking at every moment...are you the one who is going to make 
  my life hell?"
  Ok - well I can almost understand this way of thinking and i do not 
  condone it.
  But, our Body Piercing Studio - cannot get insurance at all - never 
  have been able to even though it should be very low risk. However, 
  we have had a court case going for the past 2 yrs - still dragging out 
  over a piercing that we didn't even do. The guy seems to have been 
  paid by the shop that did do the piercing to say we did it. (he had 
  his tongue done by them on a Wed AM - it got swollen and he ended up in 
  hospital on Sunday PM. He had it removed surgically - 2 days latter 
  (so on tuesday)they did a tracheostemy for infection from swelling and 
  then a day after that he had renal failure and now he is saying we did the 
  piercing on the Thursday and the problems must have all been our 
  fault. A - he has NO proof at all and B - we have witnesses too say 
  we did not do and and saw he had it done on Wed. But it is still 
  dragging out and costing in legal fees.
  Because he has the doctors assisting him we have had a hell of a time 
  proving that it is a a great big fraudulent case and a lie. And the 
  doctors wont admit that they may have caused a problem - even though he 
  got the swelling 2 days after they removed it.
  So i in some ways look at clients as - "Are you the next dickhead who 
  is going to try to make my life hell?"
  I have some highly educated clients who I can chat to for hours and 
  fiinally get round to what they have come in for and i also have clients 
  who are absolute "nuff nuffs" and as they walk out the door the prediction 
  of how long it will take for them to return with an infection is almost 
  worth betting on.
  I must admit that some surprize me and do take care of the piercing 
  and return for the check up in two weeks time with no problems - to my 
  It seems to be the lower socio economic clients who are more inclined 
  to expect to pay less and sue if they have a problem - it seems to 
  me that the lower socio economic clients are more likely to go to the TV 
  shows and the likes because it is not worth counter sueing for defamation 
  as they have nothing. If I were to go on TV and defame someone I 
  would risk litigation and the loss of my business and house etc but if I 
  have nothing - what can I loose.
  Next time you see someone bagging any business on the likes of ACA 
  you will notice the socio economic status of that person. Most of 
  them are low income people in rented houses. I guess Doctors see the 
  same thing and the mentality is therefore being taught to them. It 
  is so sad for this to be happening.
  Unfortunately, since we have had this rediculous case happen to us we 
  are more distant from clients in general and defensive. Wef find it 
  hard t trust people.
  We have the consolation that - A - we didn't do it and B - because 
  they lied on ACA we will eventually win our case and then look at 
  Here i am a country girl just trying to make ends meet (we just sold 
  a bull - he cost us about $120 in formula and feed - because we have not 
  had enoughrain we had to sell him - we got $49) Situation grim and 
  rain not coming it is taking it's toll on the farmers and then to top it 
  off we have litigation to contend with. I look at my life sometimes 
  and think - who needs TV shows. 
  Sorry to rant so long - just sometimes can't believe how some "nuff 
  nuff" people can get legal help and how we are becoming so much run by 
  lawers and litigation. 
  ---Original Message---
  Date: Monday, November 
  11, 2002 19:02:58
  Subject: Re: 
  [ozmidwifery] what doctors learn at med school!
  I had the dubious pleasure of sharing last semester with 
  a group of first year medical students, of which one wished to become an 
  obstetrician, but she couldn't tell me why? They were all in my 
  opinion, abnormally focussed on litigation - this was first years 
  What was really scary was they had no idea - they thought the reason 
  we had the highest intervention and cs rates in Australia was because of 
  our lower socio-economic group women. When I asked if they could 
  explain why the healthiest and most affluent women of our community 
  experience the most intervention they were struck dumb. These 
  young women will be unleashed on the community in approx. 7 years; God 

Re: [ozmidwifery] nuff nuffs

2002-11-11 Thread Rhonda

  I guess to add to what I have already said - The guy sueing us was 
  not OUR customer and did not get his piercing done by us. We are of 
  the firm belief that if we treat people with respect and we do the right 
  thing by them then they wont sue us anyway. I guess if he had come 
  to us he wouldn't have ended up so sick and wouldn't be doing this.
  So, customer service is so important and I guess this makes us even 
  nicer to our clients not really in fear of litigation but to prevent it in 
  a way.
  ---Original Message---
  Date: Tuesday, November 
  12, 2002 09:13:30
  Subject: [ozmidwifery] 
  nuff nuffs
  "..."we have to always be thinking at every moment...are 
  you the one who isgoing to make my life hell?"So why is she 
  even bothering? She needs a profession where she doesn't haveto deal 
  with people!--This mailing list is sponsored by ACE 
  to subscribe or unsubscribe..


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Re: [ozmidwifery] what doctors learn at med school!

2002-11-11 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

Gees, Rhonda, I feel for you with your business. Why would anyone want to 
get a tongue pierced?shudder

Read what I'm saying next carefully please. I understand your situation; 
that not what I'm about to rant about. It's the situation in general.

This whole business of "class distinction" gets on my 
We, of the "lower socio-economic class", are fed up with 
"middle class" people who are educated in The System on how to rip off the 
people with less, ripping us off. Just because we have not had the opportunities 
of education, (which included how to get along in The System) did not have the 
sheer luck (or whatever it may be) of marrying the "right" person with the 
"right" pay packet or socio-economic status to haul us out of whatever we've 
been forced into, does not mean Freddy or Freda Bloggs has the right to exploit 

In my own case, I have been very shabbily treated by 
several "landlords" (my, how THAT term needs to be changed!). The last one used 
his position as a big-wig at Australia Post to have me turfed out with my 
children on false pretences, gathering along the way a series of false 
"information". He lied under oath, as did his missus, at the Residential 
Tenancies Tribunal. This was largely responsible for my son leaving 

Since I moved with my Darlings to Adelaide in 1996, we 
have lived in 5 different houses.One was in such bad state that when I 
contacted the housing inspectors after the electricals failed and the landlord 
wanted me to pay $2000 for the place to be rewired, there was a list as long as 
your arm of things to be fixed to bring the house up to "liveable" standard. The 
inspector found all the electricals were wired by an amateur from one joint in 
the roof -- less than a metre from where there'd been a leak from the holey roof 
for over ten years. The inspector could not understand how there'd never been a 

The damned "landlord" actually told me I 
shouldconsider myself lucky to live in such a place, there's plenty worse. 
Yes, I said, I've seenpeople dying of starvation without even a piece of 
plastic for shelter -- in India, in Vietnam during the war, in Indonesia, but 
this is Adelaide, Australia. The place I'min currently isdreadful to 
live in at $175 per week. I'm on aCentrelink payment which is inadequate, 
but I cannot realistically be a full-time mother and go out to work. How others 
manage it, I do not know. When I diddo it for a while, my children went 
bananas and I chose to live on a small income rather than let them go off the 

Many people of the 'lower socio-economic class" are not 
there by choice. We would love to have a mortgage, which would be less to pay 
than rent.

Many have a background of child abuse or other hardships. 
Many have worked hard but been treated badly and left with no option but to 
quit, making it harder to get another job. It can leave one bitter and 

You have no idea how hard it is to haul oneself out of 
that pit once you've fallen into it. You do not have enough money for clothing. 
To buy food, you have to hunt around for the cheapest. Your have to beg the 
school to allow your child to go on excursions, to do subjects where there is a 
fee. To not have to pay the school fees, even though it's a government school, 
the fees are much too high for those on a low income. 

An example of this is my son's high school staff insisted 
I talk to all the school councillors as well as the Outdoor Education teachers 
and tell them exactly WHY I could not afford the Outdoor Ed. fees, yet wanted 
Leslie to do that subject. I had to do that twice every term. I found out I had 
to tell them he wanted to be an Outdoor Ed teacher so he could do it as a 
subject in Years 10  11. If you don't have the money, they said, there has 
to be a valid reason for him doing the subject that anyone with $85 per term is 
allowed to do.

We have to beg for all sorts of rights that others take 
for granted. How do you think we put shoes on our children's feet? By going 
without decent shoes ourselves. This is how I became physically disabled to the 
point where I could no longer walk and they had to do the shopping. I cannot 
take public transport, yet maintaining my 1975 Corona is difficult. I have to 
pay more for petrol than I would with car on unleaded. Paying registration is 
$110 every three months. If I could save up enough to pay for a year, it would 
be considerably less, but it's impossible. There are many ways in which the 
"middle class" make us pay more because we have less, which makes it even more 
difficult to get out of the poverty trap. 

Every attempt I have made at getting out of the poverty 
trap has led me further into it, further back financially. 

How do you get a job anyway, wearing shabby clothing and 
shoes, when you're up against people who have been in the workforce consistently 
for twenty years or more, who have the clothing, the car, are able to afford to 
look after 

[ozmidwifery] Greens Rally In Melbourne

2002-11-11 Thread Sarah Slater
 my name is Sarah and I'm a mum of three and an aspiring midwife! 

I would love to come to the Rally. I live in Ballarat and I drive an eight seater van, 
so I would have room for up to four people if they want a lift? I ask only a 
contribution of $10 towards petrol. I'd like to leave Ballarat at about 8.30 so if 
you're interested let me know. My private e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hope to hear from someone soon.

love from

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Re: [ozmidwifery] flyer

2002-11-11 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

Yeah, Go Vicki and Nic!!! I've recently found 
there's an American psychologist in Amsterdam claiming to have invented Vocal 
Dance in Amsterdam in the eighties. What a coincidence! I coined the term Vocal 
Dance in Amsterdam, where I lived and worked from 1976 to 1985. I emailed her 
and remarked that there must be a lot of people we know in common who would 
remember me and my Vocal Dance performances and teaching -- and was answered by 
a woman I worked with in 1978/9, who remembers me well! I have people asking me 
for copies of my radio play. Imagine what would happen if the ABC found out I'd 
broken my own copyright agreement!!! Bugger 'em, they can listen to in on 
December 7th, 8:30pm, Radio National, likethe 65.000 others.

This email is virtually a PS to my last post about 
being exploited. So, YESS! get up, stand up, stand for your rights! You created 
something beautiful; you have a right to be paid for it.
- Original Message - 
From: Vicki 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 'ozmidwifery' 
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 12:53 AM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] flyer
Liz...What is this about? This image and the original poster 
iscopyright of Nic and myself... Sorry, but you cannot use it. 
Pleaseeveryone, do not print out this poster. If you want to see or obtain 
theoriginal, please go to the Capers website 
Message-From: elizabeth mcalpine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 5:46 PMTo: ozmidwifery; [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: 
[birthnews] Fw: flyerlisters, From Liz 
McAlpine Safe to open.Here is a draft for you to look at. It 
is in Adobe PDF format whichmeans you should be able to print it out 
at your end okay. Let me knowif you have trouble opening the file. Feel free 
to make comments andrecommedations on how the flyer could be 
improved.--This mailing list is sponsored by ACE 
Graphics.Visit to 
subscribe or unsubscribe.

Re: [ozmidwifery] BRUSHING TEETH

2002-11-11 Thread Aviva Sheb'a

Jolly good, Andrea! Two dentists I know said that 
no child under the age of nine has the co-ordination to be able to brush teeth 
effectively, and that yes, first let them do it themselves, them you do it. 
Explaining how important teeth are can never happen too young. 
- Original Message - 
From: Andrea 
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [ozmidwifery] BRUSHING TEETH
Lynn, I think it is more establishing the pattern of teeth 
brushing that is important at this stage. I would avoid using very much 
toothpaste at all as she is swallowing it rather than spitting it out. 
Put a token amount on the brush( because she will want it because you do) 
and then give her the brush to use (chew) and then she needs to let you have 
a turn. If it stays light and fun then she will become more co operative 
as it becomes ho hum. Just making it part of the morning and bedtime 
routine is what is important. Then when the molars arrive she will be 
ready to let you have a good go at them.Andrea 
Quanchi--This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.Visit to 
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[ozmidwifery] Greens Rally in Melbourne

2002-11-11 Thread Sarah Slater
Hi! It's Sarah here again. 

I'm sorry but my husband has justed vetoed the trip tomorrow due to another expense 
later in the week!! Really disappointed as I would have loved to have gone. I'm s 

Hope you get lots of support tomorrow. 

Love from Sarah

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Re: [ozmidwifery] PARKING- Rally Venue Melbourne Wed Nov 13

2002-11-11 Thread Jennifer Semple
Parking on the street usually isn't too bad in Richmond  I don't think 
Lennox St. is a commercial area.

Looks like it's pretty close to Nth Richmond train station on the 
Epping  Hurstbridge lines  trams 23, 24, 42,  109 along Victoria St 
(though double check because I'm looking  an old Melways edition).

See you all there!  Jen

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[ozmidwifery] Looking for images

2002-11-11 Thread Dr Penelope A Barrett
Title: Looking for images

Does anyone know where I can get hold (online) of some nice clear graphics that relate to mothers and midwives working together? I want to do some work on a simulation/game for my students and need to get some pictures (photographs and/or graphics) to work with.

Penny B.

RE: [ozmidwifery] Looking for images

2002-11-11 Thread Jane Palmer
Title: Looking for images


I have 
some professional promotional photographs taken of woman and the midwives in the 
practice I work in. If interested email me direct.


Birth and Beyond Caring, Professional 
Midwifery Services Sydney Visit 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dr Penelope A 
  BarrettSent: Tuesday, 12 November 2002 11:59 AMTo: 
  OzmidwiferySubject: [ozmidwifery] Looking for 
  imagesDoes anyone know where I can get 
  hold (online) of some nice clear graphics that relate to mothers and midwives 
  working together? I want to do some work on a simulation/game for my students 
  and need to get some pictures (photographs and/or graphics) to work 
  with.Penny B.

Re: [ozmidwifery] Looking for images

2002-11-11 Thread Debby M

You could try webshots at www.webshots.comit has all sorts of photos on it and may have what you are looking for. You can download images or click the RH mouse button over the images to copy them.


From: Dr Penelope A Barrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ozmidwifery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ozmidwifery] Looking for images 
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:59:29 +1100 
Does anyone know where I can get hold (online) of some nice clear graphics 
that relate to mothers and midwives working together? I want to do some work 
on a simulation/game for my students and need to get some pictures 
(photographs and/or graphics) to work with. 
Penny B. 
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[ozmidwifery] ARM and crotchet hooks

2002-11-11 Thread Larry Megan
Yesterday my lovely Mum was teaching me how to crotchet and it got me
thinking about artificial rupturing of membranes. I thought it appropriate
that before any practitioner was let loose on a woman to perform this
procedure, they had to first make a baby rug or something and master the
crotchet hook.
What do you think?

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Re: [ozmidwifery] ARM and crotchet hooks

2002-11-11 Thread Tom, Tania and Sam Smallwood
and perhaps be proficient at vacuuming an entire house (unprompted, of
course!) before touching a Ventouse!!!

Love it!

- Original Message -
From: Larry  Megan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ozmidwifery [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 2:53 PM
Subject: [ozmidwifery] ARM and crotchet hooks

 Yesterday my lovely Mum was teaching me how to crotchet and it got me
 thinking about artificial rupturing of membranes. I thought it appropriate
 that before any practitioner was let loose on a woman to perform this
 procedure, they had to first make a baby rug or something and master the
 crotchet hook.
 What do you think?

 This mailing list is sponsored by ACE Graphics.
 Visit to subscribe or unsubscribe.

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Re: [ozmidwifery] hurtful birth experiences

2002-11-11 Thread Margie Perkins
Hi Melissa,

Thanks for this message.Your words will continue to keep me open to listening to more 
tales of hurt while I also learn how to better advocate for women I'm supporting. 

 What I find really hard to know  how to respond to is when women themselves say 'I've 
got the baby - that's what matters' while they are very obviously traumatised and 
clamp down on the birth topic. Some gentle comment,  but one which indicates that a 
well baby is NOT the only desirable result of a birth and an offer to listen down the 
track seems all I can do. And this hurts me too! 

On this note, I have a friend who had a 'bad' birth in 1961. She had another baby in 
1969 but didn't get any pregnancy care until she was 7 1/2 months pregnant because she 
was so much in denial about it and fearful of the birth.  She took herself to a woman 
GP who had had 8 children herself at that time and helped her ease her panic with a 
breathing technique. Well my friend  swears by 'the breathing'.  Her story is that her 
waters broke, she began contracting and she stayed well away from the hospital - 
walking through Lane Cove parkland, visiting friends around and about and then when 
they did get to the hospital, at her husband's begging, she refused to go in until she 
felt sure the baby was about to be born. She staggered in, the midwife took one look 
at her, ushered her into a room where the baby was born immediately, the birth missed 
by the father who was getting into his required hospital garb. Back then the midwives 
were congratulating her , saying, 'well done, we saw !
you out there on the grass, we knew what you were doing'. 


At Sun, 10 Nov 2002 21:52:43 +0800, 
rem  melissa bruijn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 MArgie - just wanted to say THANK YOU for these words.  The 
 biggest thing I
 am finding for anyone who has been traumatised by their birth 
 experience is
 Everytime someone says It is not ok, as you have, it lets us 
 hear that our
 pain is valid.   We  usually hear but you're fine and the baby is 
 whenever we mention our difficulties to others.  Hearing It is 
 not ok also
 gives us permission to grieve, for it admits that there IS another 
 way that
 IS ok...and we have missed out on it.  It is important to 
 acknowledge this.
 And the way you wrote about having had the honour of supporting 
 women on their new journey...that just fills me with hope, and 
 that there are people like you out there.  Thank you,
 From: Margie Perkins [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [ozmidwifery] hurtful birth experiences
 Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 4:21 PM
  My heart goes out to everyone who is sharing or has had soul and 
  hurting births. It is not ok.  And must change. I have had the 
 honour of
  supporting a number of women who have previously been 
 traumatised by
  caesareans (or other things)  and it is something so special to 
 be part of
  their new journey.
  love and the greatest respect to you all.
  At Thu, 7 Nov 2002 17:39:56 +1100 (AUS Eastern Daylight Time),
  Rhonda ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  I suggest tjhat you allow her to be angry and to vent her pain 
  her anger
  towards those who caused it.   Support her in complaining to the
  and insisting upon answers as lame as they may be.  If she were 
  ask why
  was the induction needed?  Was the baby in distress (at the time
  of the
  first insertion of gel - a horrible substance called prostin 
  from Pig
  Lovely!) Was her placenta failing?  What was the indication that
  at 10 days
  over she needed to be induced anyway?
  Then once they have wormed out of that she should ask for
  explanations as to
  why all of the intervention and what caused it and why was it 
  Give her lots of love and support to do this as nothing will
  change and it
  will keep happening unless women are encouraged to complain and
  conplain and
  Even if she personally gets little satisfaction fron the 
  it is
  just one more brick to add - eventually we will built a wall to
  women from this - brick by brick.
  You need to complain first to the registra at the hospital but 
  the same
  time go directly to the medical practitioners board and make 
  outlines that the initial induction was not called for and the
  intervention could have been avoided.  Also any poor bedside
  manner should
  be outlines clearly if they were rude to her which it seems they
  were not
  supportive and gentle from your description.
  I wish her love and luck in her recovery - if she needs someone 
  talk to
  you are welcome to give her my email.
  The problem is this happens every day and it is not looked at as
  torture or
  as something that needs to be changed.  The only way it will be
  seen as a
  problem is if they are inundated with