RE: Trouble dismissing dialog

2002-07-01 Thread Peter Epstein

Two basic approaches come to mind. One is to write your own event loop for
your popup. That way, you can react to taps in any way you like. This isn't
that hard, but it's a little scary in that you might miss something that
FrmDoDialog does for you. The alternative I would consider is to use
FrmDoDialog, but to assign your own event handler. This handler gets first
crack at all events. By making it detect taps outside the bounds, it should
be easy enough to make them effectively press the cancel button. I'd go for
this approach since your code is already set up to use FrmDoDialog with your
own event handler.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Crashes on Alarm

2002-06-08 Thread Peter Epstein

The display alarm launch code of the alarm manager is supposed to be used to
display an alarm dialog. This is how it used to work in PalmOS 3.5 and

In PalmOS 4.0, the attention manager was added, so rather than presenting
your own dialog, you now call AttnGetAttention. This is done in your alarm
trigger launch code. You also set the purgeAlarm bit so that the alarm
manager knows that you don't need to display anything. One key advantage of
the attention manager is that you no longer have a sequence of alarm
dialogs. This means you can have a goto button and it will work even if
there are other alarms that have gone off.

Perhaps for your purposes the attention manager is not appropriate (as your
app will be the sole app of interest on the device). But don't present your
non-modal UI during the display launch code. Instead, present a modal dialog
which asks the user the questions. When the dialog is closed, you return to
whatever application the user was running. This might be your application,
but it need not be.
Peter Epstein

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RE: ticks time vs. secs time

2002-05-06 Thread Peter Epstein

The tick clock stops while the device is off, whereas the real-time clock
obviously keeps going.
Peter Epstein

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RE: ticks time vs. secs time

2002-05-06 Thread Peter Epstein

I think you're asking whether the tick clock stays in sync with the time of
day clock while the device is on.

In other words, if you poll the time of day clock until it rolls over to the
next second and then sample the tick clock, can you simply add
SysTicksPerSecond() to the tick clock to determine when the time of day
clock will roll over again? I think the answer is yes, assuming the device
stays on during that entire time. However, I'm not sure.

I'm also not sure I understand your question ;-)
Peter Epstein

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RE: ticks time vs. secs time

2002-05-06 Thread Peter Epstein

I don't think you'd want the tick clock to be reset when you set the time of
day clock. Applications can rely on the fact that the tick clock only ever
increases (although it will eventually wrap around). I don't even think
you'd want to tweak the duration of one of the ticks in order to align the
tick clock with the time of day clock (so the tick clock advances every time
the time of day clock advances, and at precisely the same moment). So,
you're stuck with independent clocks that advance at the same rate assuming
the time of day is not set and assuming the device stays on.
Peter Epstein

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RE: ticks time vs. secs time

2002-05-06 Thread Peter Epstein

From Danny's comments I think even this might not be safe. In other words,
one clock might drift relative to the other. Perhaps the amount of drift
will be small enough in practice to be of no consequence. I don't know. An
approximate correlation is probably all you really need if you always have
the option of querying your own real time clock (the GPS).
Peter Epstein

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RE: Right justified; custom loading

2002-04-25 Thread Peter Epstein

The phone numbers in the address list are right justified.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Can you disable build in keyboard?

2002-04-19 Thread Peter Epstein

Catch these virtual characters: vchrKeyboard, vchrKeyboardAlpha, and
Peter Epstein

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RE: Adding an Address record from my application?

2002-04-19 Thread Peter Epstein

You have the source code to the Address application, so I think you can
answer this question for yourself. You can also try entering text into the
various fields in an address record on the device, and beam the record to a
PC or Mac laptop. Open the vcard using a text editor and see what you get.
For the most part, the mapping is pretty obvious, and follows the vcard
standard. However, there are some oddities, as always happens when using
standards. The vcard standard is defined by these guys:
Peter Epstein

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RE: Truncated chars in table cell

2002-04-19 Thread Peter Epstein

FntCharsWidth takes as input the current font. You should switch to the font
you plan to use for drawing the characters before measuring the characters.
Perhaps that is your problem? If so, the amount of text clipped would vary,
with longer strings getting more pixels clipped than shorter strings.
Peter Epstein

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RE: CtlSetLabel on label failing on debug ROM

2002-04-16 Thread Peter Epstein

A label is not a control, so it isn't appropriate to use control APIs on a
label. Use FrmCopyLabel to set the text of a label. Make sure your new label
fits in the space available. In other words, make sure the label you set in
Constructor is at least as big as any label you ever set using FrmCopyLabel.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Events during Alert Box

2002-04-15 Thread Peter Epstein

I would agree that posting a vchr event into the key queue is not by itself
an appropriate notification mechanism. The key queue is good in that it
survives app switches and is thread safe. However, the event can be lost in
an event loop that is not in your control. While you can work hard to avoid
most of these, there will always be one or two dialogs that are still
causing problems, such as the low battery dialog and the attention manager
dialog. An API you can call to poll the MSR library would be appropriate.

Other alternatives: callback or sub-launch. With a callback, you'd pass the
address of a routine in your app to a setup API, and it would call the
routine when data was ready. This requires the routine to stay locked and
loaded, which is a bit of a pain. With a sub-launch, the setup API would be
given the info needed to identify your application, and it would sub-launch
the app with a specific launch code to inform you that data was ready.

Of course, none of this makes your job any easier -- unless you can convince
the authors of the MSR library to update it.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Looking for an application that ...

2002-04-15 Thread Peter Epstein

Peter Epstein

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RE: Adding an Address record from my application?

2002-04-15 Thread Peter Epstein

I'd say the exchange manager is the elegant solution. It requires using a
wire line format (vcard), which is then parsed by the Address application.
This means it'll be relatively slow, but it also means it'll keep working
even if the format of the Address database changes.

The obvious alternative is to use the source code provided to directly write
to the Address database. Be careful not to call EvtGetEvent while you've got
the Address database open, or you could have trouble receiving a beamed
vcard while your app is adding the Address record.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Events during Alert Box

2002-04-12 Thread Peter Epstein

Sorry, but I'm completely clueless when it comes to NetLib, so I really
can't answer your question. I'd try running the code in POSE and using the
event tracing capability of POSE to see what events are generated when you
manually dismiss the dialog. However, I'd first try to find a way to avoid
the dialog altogether.
Peter Epstein

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RE: ? about fldSetText edit in place

2002-04-12 Thread Peter Epstein

a) True, as far as I know - the record will grow as needed.
b) I don't think so. It should work even if there is more stuff after the
field text in the record.
c) See FldCompactText API in the docs. It will shrink the record so it
doesn't waste any extra space.
Peter Epstein

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RE: ? about fldSetText edit in place

2002-04-12 Thread Peter Epstein

I would agree that the docs for FldSetText and FldSetTextHandle should refer
to FldCompactText. At a minimum, that API should be included in the see
also list. Remember to look at the available sample code too, as it will
often get you unstuck when the documentation doesn't.
Peter Epstein
Palm, Inc.

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RE: Events during Alert Box

2002-04-11 Thread Peter Epstein

If you call an OS API that presents a modal dialog and blocks until that
dialog is closed, you're effectively asking the OS to run it's own event
loop for that dialog. It can't very well run your event loop if it's not
going to return until the dialog closes.

If you use FrmDoDialog to present the dialog, you even have the option of
setting up your own event handler that gets first crack at every event
precessed by the dialog's event loop. You also have the option of writing
the entire event loop for the dialog from scratch. Or, you can use a
non-blocking approach with FrmPopupForm, so that your main event loop
continues to run while the dialog is open.

I do agree that it would be nice if you could set up your own event handler
that gets first crack at every event processed by FrmCustomAlert. Because
the event queue refers to forms and form objects by ID, these events can't
stick around when you switch applications. So, the OS flushes the main event
queue when switching apps. Only the key queue survives the switch. The key
queue is also thread safe, whereas the main event queue is not.

My advice is to avoid using custom events for communicating information
within your application. I think custom events may have some utility, but I
do agree that they may do more harm than good because they sure seem more
useful than they really are.

So, what do you do instead? Well, there are probably lots of good
alternatives. One approach to consider: Set globals that indicate that the
app needs to do something. In your main event loop, before processing an
event, check the globals, and in a suitable priority order, take the
necessary actions. For low priority actions that should occur after
processing all other events, check the globals in your nilEvent handler.
Peter Epstein

-Original Message-
From: Blake Winton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 8:48 AM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: RE: Events during Alert Box

 From: John Crouch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  When an alert box is being displayed via the
  FrmCustomAlert() function call, my app does not
  receive any events.  We have a need to trap events
  during this time.  Am I missing something or is
  this correct - we don't get events when an alert
  box is up?
 No.  There are a surprisingly large number of
 standard PalmOS functions that will shut your app

This is ridiculous.  I put up with, and even defend a
large number of Palm's fairly obviously wrong decisions,
(multiple-select lists, for example,) but this is the
straw that broke the camel's back.  Why even add user
events, if we are going to lose them at random

 The alternative I employed was to write replacement
 functions for the Palm alert functions and to pray
 that people wouldn't bring up the keyboard and leave
 it there.  If your only problem is with alert boxes
 then the replacement code isn't too hard to write.

This was what we started doing, with our
EventSafeFrmCustomAlert method, but after we found
out that the keyboard dialog would eat all our events
as well, we decided that we just can't go down that

 As Peter's reply indicated, the other answer to this
 is to implement low-level mechanisms at OS level to
 trap events below the interface.  Doing this in a
 robust manner on a variety of PalmOS versions is a
 task I'm really not looking forward to.

As a third alternative, we're looking into creating our
own event queue which slurps up all the standard events
whenever it gets called, and we would ask for events
from it.  That way any random Palm function could suck
all the events off of the Palm event queue, and not
cause the rest of our programs to fail.  Has anyone
done that before, and are there any obvious pitfalls I
should avoid?

The rest of the rant deleted here...


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RE: Are background appliations supported in palm?

2002-04-11 Thread Peter Epstein

Using the procedural alarms feature of the alarm manager, it is possible to
set up an application so that it gets a chance to run once a minute, even
when the device is off. You can run even more often while the device is
on. This is still just a single thread, but you're given a chance to do
something on a periodic basis, which may be all you need?
Peter Epstein

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RE: Events during Alert Box

2002-04-11 Thread Peter Epstein

I would agree that Symbol probably should have used virtual character events
that go in the key queue rather than custom events that go in the general
event queue.
Peter Epstein

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RE: High density screens / Palm OS 5

2002-04-10 Thread Peter Epstein

The problem with winLockDontCare is that it doesn't just flip back and forth
between two buffers, but rather allocates and then frees the second video
buffer repeatedly. Since you have no guarantee of getting the same chunk of
memory, you can't assume anything about the image data in the buffer. For
example, parts of the memory could have been allocated as another chunk of
memory that was used and then freed. So, even if the address of the buffer
is the same as last time around, the actual content of the buffer may not
be. This means you really can't use winLockDontCare unless you truly don't
care. So much for updating the n-1 frame to get the n+1 frame.

The net result is that very few game developers do hardware page flipping.
Instead, they tend to leave the screen pointing to the same chunk of memory,
and update that memory using either the OS blitter or their own custom
blitter. This works, but it limits the frame rate you can achieve.

What is needed is a way to use WinScreenLock/Unlock in which the video
buffer is not copied and not freed/allocated every other frame.
Peter Epstein

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RE: High density screens / Palm OS 5

2002-04-10 Thread Peter Epstein

Aaron Ardiri wrote:
  if your running on a device with VRAM - it does alternate :)
  but, looking closer at the code on devices that dont have VRAM,
  its a horrid mess.. badly written..

All true. So, I suppose if you know the device has VRAM, you can use the API
for hardware page flipping.

  no, what we really need is a feature that lets us know what the display
  hardware is and the address of the controller register memory. people
  doing hardware flipping will take the time and write this code

I think in fact we agree here. I definitely agree with you that PalmOS
should define standard features that are set appropriately on each device to
allow third party developers to test the hardware. This is critical to allow
developers to safely talk directly to the hardware. And I'm sure you
wouldn't also mind it if the OS provided an API for hardware page flipping.

  palm already does this with the CPU type (feature to let us know
  which CPU is there)... it'll be a very easy addition.. could even
  release patches that fix it for older units.. its just setting
  a feature.. not rocket science..

You'll get no argument from me!

  as a game programmer, i dont trust some college graduate that has
  zero knowledge of game programming to write a system level API routine
  like that.. anyone with any game programming knowledge would never have
  written the WinScreenLock() API's as they are written..

The API wasn't written for hardware page flipping. It's just that the API
looks like it could support this, when in fact it doesn't.

  if you want something done right, you do it yourself :)

  a good programmer would check that the hardware exists before they
  start poking at it.. however, there are people out there that will
  ask how to do page flipping - and, palmsource can suggest the
  WinScreenLock() API's to get them started.

Over time, it's natural to have the OS do more. And yes, that means putting
up with problems. I think I'd rather have the OS provide a TCP/IP stack for
me ;-)
Peter Epstein

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RE: Mult Tables

2002-04-09 Thread Peter Epstein

Some form objects support a usable bit. If a form object isn't usable, it
won't accept any events, and it won't appear on the screen. This is
conceptually quite different than simply erasing and drawing a form object.
Erasing the object will make it disappear from the screen, but it won't keep
it from accepting and processing events.

Tables don't have a usable bit. However, each row in a table has a usable
bit, so if you set every row to be not usable, you should be able to
effectively have two overlapping tables on the same form and switch between
the two. Have a look at TblSetRowUsable in the docs.

The other option is simply to have one table and to reload the table when
necessary. You might also need to adjust the bounds of the table.
Peter Epstein

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RE: LSSA Problem

2002-04-05 Thread Peter Epstein

You can NOT safely assume that color devices use a specific SED chip. New
devices are constantly coming to market, from Palm, Sony, and others. The
rule should always be that you first check out what you're running on, and
only if you KNOW you've got a specific kind of hardware do you start poking
around with it. Otherwise, you fall back to a slower but safe solution that
uses the existing Palm OS APIs.

When a new device comes along, you may have to update your app in order to
get your app to take advantage of it's graphics hardware. Better that than
the alternative: your app assumes the new device has some hardware that it
in fact doesn't have, so it crashes.

The question then becomes how to test various aspects of the hardware. This
has been discussed on the forum before, and the answers aren't always as
good as I think they could be.

The Astraware folks gave an excellent presentation at the last PalmSource
conference in San Jose that covered this topic.
Peter Epstein

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RE: winEnter/winExit don't work properly with FrmDoDialog?

2002-04-05 Thread Peter Epstein

I tried the approach of watching the characters, and it was indeed a pain to
maintain. The worst cases are the characters that sometimes bring up dialogs
and sometimes don't. I recall two such characters. One is a low battery
character that only sometimes presents a low battery dialog. Another is an
attention manager character that only sometimes brings up the attention
manager dialog.

I agree that the winEnter and winExit event problem is indeed a flaw, and a
fairly serious one. Somehow I don't think it's very easy to fix. If you
can't rely on getting an event to notify you of something, you really can't
do much with the event, and the whole thing has very little value. More than
anything, it tempts you down a dead-end.

One strategy I've tried is to read the tick clock before sending any event
to SysHandleEvent, and then to check how much time has passed. If it's been
too long, assume a dialog has been presented, and retroactively pause
everything as of the time when the event was sent to SysHandleEvent. I can't
say this strategy worked, but I think it can be made to work ;-) Sadly,
there are no easy answers here.
Peter Epstein

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RE: LSSA Problem

2002-04-05 Thread Peter Epstein

I work for the other half of Palm, so I really can't answer your question. I
too would love to hear more details on how the Astraware guys detect the
various hardware features and generally on how they do game development.
Their games have a consistent polished quality that is quite impressive.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Palm OS 5 Simulator - Mac

2002-04-05 Thread Peter Epstein

From what I've heard (and believe me, I'm no expert on this stuff), the
PowerPC supports giving each process it's own endianness. This should make
it possible to implement a Mac simulator for Palm OS 5 that is
little-endian. Byte-swapping would have to be done when moving data between
the simulator process and any of the normal processes used by the OS, which
would slow things down somewhat.

I have no idea if this is really practical, but even if it is, I can
understand the bias towards the PC. After all, there are so many more of
them out there.

Emulating an ARM processor on a Mac is practical, but the performance you
can expect will be so much slower than any real ARM based device that using
it for debugging applications might not be very practical.

It sure looks like a PC is in my (and your) future.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Events during Alert Box

2002-04-05 Thread Peter Epstein

FrmCustomAlert calls FrmDoDialog, which has it's own event loop. You can set
up an event handler that gets first crack at all events, but I think you'd
need to call FrmDoDialog yourself rather than FrmCustomAlert.

The other alternative that comes to mind is to patch traps (on 68K based
devices) and use the new notifications provided in Palm OS 5 (on newer ARM
based devices) to detect the events you need to.
Peter Epstein

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RE: [OT] RE: LSSA Problem

2002-04-05 Thread Peter Epstein

Yeah, we're being split in two. At least we're not siamese twins ;-)
Peter Epstein
Palm, Inc.

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RE: LSSA Problem

2002-04-05 Thread Peter Epstein

Some Astraware games definitely do detect hardware and use custom blitters
tuned for that particular hardware (eg. Zap 2000 and 2016). I know lots of
other game developers do the same thing.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Preference corruption caused by the Address application

2002-04-04 Thread Peter Epstein

One possible explanation is that you're using the same creator code and ID
for your preferences as Address is using for it's preferences. When you call
PrefSetAppPreferences, the first parameter is a creator code (it uses
'addr') and the second is an ID (it uses zero). You typically use the
creator code of your own application, which is presumably different than the
creator code of Address.

Another possible explanation is that the preferences database got corrupted
so badly that messing with one record is affecting another. You should try
to reproduce this problem in the emulator.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Basic C question

2002-04-01 Thread Peter Epstein

Actually, this is a PalmOS specific programming issue, if I understand your
problem correctly. You want to copy a string into a database record. To
write to a database record, you have to use specific APIs that check to make
sure you don't write outside the record you're intending to modify. That
helps make the database more secure against data loss from a bug in an
application. Normally, you used DmWrite to copy a specific number of bytes
into a database record, but to copy a null terminated string, you use
Peter Epstein

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RE: Fixing 16-bit reference out of range errors

2002-03-27 Thread Peter Epstein

Re: the #pragma segment call

Thanks. I guess this is one of those things that was added in the last
century - uh - few years ;-)
Peter Epstein

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RE: Fixing 16-bit reference out of range errors

2002-03-27 Thread Peter Epstein

If you use the small code model for your multi-segment app, and you arrange
your code into segments in a logical way, the number of slow calls from one
segment to another will be low, and the performance will be good. A large
single segment application that uses the smart or large code model will be

Sharing global variables between segments doesn't require anything special
on your part. However, if you break your code up into multiple compilation
units, you have to get the compiler and linker to share global variables
between compilation units (.c files). Any good book on C will explain how to
do this. See, for example, page 103 of C: A reference manual by Harbison
and Steele.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Debugging multiple segment application

2002-03-27 Thread Peter Epstein

Make sure the dot is there in the debug column for each of your .c files in
your project window. Look for the little green bug, then scan down that
column. Click where the dot should be to add a dot.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Debugging multiple segment application

2002-03-27 Thread Peter Epstein

I've never had any problem with this. I've done lots of multi-segment app
debugging on Macs, but all using the old R6 version of CodeWarrior (don't
ask). Sorry, I know that's little help.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Generate a particulat even

2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein


MemSet(newEvent, sizeof(newEvent), 0);

before setting up the event.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Generate a particulat even

2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

In this one case, it probably doesn't matter, as the rest of the event is
ignored. I found other instances where the MemSet was included in the sample
code. In general, it's a good thing to do when setting up an event to be
posted to the event queue, but in many cases, the attributes that aren't
being set won't be read. It's just that if for any reason there is code that
depends on one of the values not set, the value it gets will be quite
unpredictable, leading to bugs that are tricky to track down.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Dialog to Capture Key Pressed

2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

I didn't read you sample code, but here is one idea to consider: Add a
second button to your form that is not usable. When you want to close the
dialog after a key is pressed, generate a ctlSelectEvent for this button.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Dialog to Capture Key Pressed

2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

Definitely set the pControl in the event. Also initialize the event with a
MemSet call to clear out all the unused portions of the structure. I used
this approach in the attention manager dialog, so I know it works.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Dialog to Capture Key Pressed

2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

Get the pControl using the available APIs:

First, get the pointer to the form. This can be done with FrmGetActiveForm
or FrmGetFormPtr. Then, use FrmGetObjectIndex and FrmGetObjectPtr to convert
the ID of the control to an index and then to a pointer.
Peter Epstein

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2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

Try a string that reads like a number?
Peter Epstein

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2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

As others have already said, it isn't clear what number you're looking for.
The routine you're using is for parsing base 10 integers. There is a
corresponding routine for parsing hexadecimal integers. Apparently, what you
want to do is something entirely different. If you're trying to convert a 4
character creator code to a UInt32, then you want what might be called base
256. This can easily be coded up, but there is no OS support for it. Read
one digit at a time. Start with a zero result. Before adding in the next
digit, shift the result by 8 (multiplying it by 256). Then add in the next
digit. Repeat 4 times and you've filled your UInt32. Of course, that will
only handle a 4 character string, but that's the way it goes.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Dialog to Capture Key Pressed

2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

If you want the DMSPopupDialog routine to block, returning only when the
user closes the dialog, I'd use FrmDoDialog rather than FrmPopupForm. You
can still set up your own event handler for the dialog, and you can prepare
the dialog and draw it before calling FrmDoDialog.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Misc Dm record questions

2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

1) DmFindRecordByID does a linear scan, so it's not that fast.

2) Yup, all correct. The only caveat is that unique IDs aren't 100%
absolutely positively guaranteed to be unique. There are some probabilistic
strategies used here, so if you want to be safe, you can create your own
unique ID and store it within the record.

3) The record header is currently 8 bytes (4 bytes for the handle, 3 bytes
for the unique ID, 4 bits for the category, and 4 bits for flags such as the
dirty bit. This may change. Then there is the chunk overhead of the memory
manager. I don't know that off the top of my head.

4) There are a few helper routines such as DmStrCopy, but you can also use
DmWrite directly to move parts of a record around before or after resizing
the handle. You can also allocated a new chunk using DmNewHandle, fill it
all in, and then use DmAttachRecord to detach the old handle and attach the
new one in it's place. Finally, you have to free the old handle. This is a
bit safer if you're worried about the user hitting the reset button during a
long operation that involves lots of such record resizes.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Fixing 16-bit reference out of range errors

2002-03-26 Thread Peter Epstein

Smart code model isn't actually very smart. It results in a performance and
space penalty, but it does let your app grow right up to the 64K limit of a
single segment without any extra work on your part.

Changing the link order is really easy, and often works to solve your
immediate problem, but as the app continues to grow, it gets harder to find
a link order that works. At some point, it's worth the work to switch to
multiple segments just to avoid this headache. If you have one monolithic .c
file, then changing the link order is a much bigger job, as CodeWarrior
doesn't support specifying the link order within a compilation unit.
Breaking a .c file into pieces is a nice thing to do anyway, but it does
require some C language skills that you can get by without when you've got
just one big file.

Jump islands just seem like too much of a hack to me, but I've seen code
that uses them, and it does let you continue to use the small code model
without having to break up your code into multiple files in order to let you
specify the link order.
Peter Epstein

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RE: sysNotifyEvtGotEvent

2002-03-22 Thread Peter Epstein

If I recall correctly, that notification was added in PalmOS 4.0 and removed
in PalmOS 4.1. My advice is not to use it. Check out the new notifications
in PalmOS 5. There are some that have a narrower scope that makes them less
of a performance bottleneck.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Locking the Device at a Preset Time or after being inActive f or xx duration?

2002-03-18 Thread Peter Epstein

If I recall, this capability is built into PalmOS 4.0.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Multiple Resource Files

2002-03-18 Thread Peter Epstein

We're getting around to upgrading. Really we are ;-) Anyway, that's just one
more reason that using multiple resource files is just fine.
Peter Epstein

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RE: What prevents draw APIs from working?

2002-03-18 Thread Peter Epstein

Well, a few things comes to mind:

1) WinDrawChars uses the textColor rather than the foreColor. Have you
called WinSetForeColor? Perhaps the foreColor is the same as the backColor?

2) What is rP? If the extent is zero or negative in either x or y, then it
may not draw.

3) Verify your clipping bounds. This would affect both text and rectangles,
but best to be sure. Call WinGetClip and use the debugger to verify that the
resulting rectangle covers the region you're drawing on.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Beaming app deletes data

2002-03-18 Thread Peter Epstein

I remember hitting this same bug a couple of years ago. Annoying one isn't
it? When the Launcher asks the user whether it's okay to replace the
existing app, and the user says yeah, go ahead, the Launcher was deleting
not just the app, but all associated databases as well. This means a user
who upgrades by accepting a new version beamed from someone else's device
ends up losing all their data. Not good.

Work-arounds exist, but they have their problems. For example, you could
give the new version of your app a new creator. That would let it coexist on
a device with the old version, and it would mean the user would have to
delete the old version. They might delete the old version before running the
new one. So, to be sure you transfer their data in time, you'd catch both
the reset and sync notify launch codes, and check for old data at that time,
moving the data into a database with the new creator. You could go a step
further and automatically delete the old version of the app.

Or you could document the problem and hope it doesn't catch too many users
off guard.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Tables, example?

2002-03-15 Thread Peter Epstein

The sample code for the built in applications is a very valuable resource.
Just think for a moment about where you've seen the behavior you want in
your application, then go find the source code and see how it was done. For
example, you say you'd like to use dates and checkboxes in tables. Well, the
To Do application uses check-boxes and dates. The checkboxes are obvious. To
see dates, hit the Show... button and turn on Show Due Dates.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Multiple Resource Files

2002-03-15 Thread Peter Epstein

I like to use one file per form, but I think either way works fine. If you
use Constructor to edit your resource files, and you have more than one, you
will get warnings about duplicate uMWC resources (at least this is the case
on the Mac). These resources are used only by Constructor, and so there
really is no problem. If you're on a Mac, you can create a resource merge
target to work around this problem. Or you can just live with the warnings
and disregard them.
Peter Epstein

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RE: TblGetItemBounds not reflect row height change?

2002-03-14 Thread Peter Epstein

I agree that the PalmOS tables are weak in this area. But I don't see it the
way you do. The row height need not match the item heights. Each item can
have it's own height. What would be nice is a TblSetItemHeight function that
applies to some item styles such as custom, that don't have any obvious item
height of their own. Item styles such as label, check-box, and field would
give errors if this function was called on them.

If you want to work with pre-4.0 devices, you can't use my new item style.
I'm not the best person to answer the question of how to do it. The authors
of apps like AsciiChart that were fixed to work properly on the older OS
versions could answer better than I. However, here is my best guess.

Get access to the OS source code. Look at table.c and see how you can
override it's behavior by catching events and processing them yourself. For
example, instead of letting the table deal with highlighting the row as you
drag the stylus around, do it yourself with your own EvtGetPen loop. Start
this up on a TblEnterEvent, and if the pen is inside the row when it is
released, generate a TblSelectEvent, just like the code it table.c does. In
short, use tables but override some of the table logic to get the correct
behavior. I'm sorry I don't have a more detailed answer. One other thought:
there may very well be an application out there that has had to solve this
problem, and whose source code is available. Perhaps a bit of time spent on
this might be well rewarded.
Peter Epstein

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RE: TblGetItemBounds not reflect row height change?

2002-03-14 Thread Peter Epstein

Good point about using a gadget. In your case, all your table items are
custom. So the table isn't really doing that much work for you. When a table
really comes in handy is with editable fields within the table. Either way
should work. The advantage of sticking with tables is that you can simplify
your code more easily in the future once you no longer need to support
pre-4.0 devices.
Peter Epstein

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RE: TblGetItemBounds not reflect row height change?

2002-03-14 Thread Peter Epstein

The row height is used properly in all cases, as far as I know. Tables don't
require all (or in fact any) of the items in a row to use the entire height
of the row. The row height is used correctly to determine how much further
down the next row starts.

You have pointed out a bug in the table code (as well as the obvious
annoying limitation that was fixed in 4.0). A custom table item is given the
full row height when it is asked to draw itself, but only highlights itself
if the tap is within the top 11 pixels. That inconsistency should be
corrected. Also, the documentation is lacking in that it doesn't spell out
what the height of each item style is.

The problem with making all custom table items take the full height of the
row they are in is that it can break compatibitily of old applications.
That's why I created a new custom item style with the new semantics in Palm
OS 4.0. It could be argued that the old item style is really a bit silly,
and should be deprecated so that it can eventually be removed from the OS
source code after application developers have been given a chance to switch
to the new item style. Of course, none of this will help you in your
immediate problem.

For that, you need to write your own EvtGetPen loop. I think you'll find
this isn't actually that hard once you've seen how the table code does it.
Peter Epstein

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RE: TblGetItemBounds not reflect row height change?

2002-03-14 Thread Peter Epstein

I don't think we can fix this inconsistency by changing the highlight logic
to highlight the entire row height for custom table items. There will be
apps out there that have custom table items and don't want such a large
highlighted area. Take, for example, the times shown in the Datebook day
view. These are custom items, and they're in rows that also contain text
items. These text items can span multiple lines, making the row height much
greater than 11 pixels. Tap on a time to change the event time (or create a
new event at a nearby time), and while the pen is down, the time is
highlighted. You wouldn't want the entire row to be highlighted. It would
look funny.

Even changing the bounds passed to the draw callback might break some code.
The safest strategy is to leave it inconsistent, but create a new item style
or styles that have a consistent behavior. Then the old item style can be
Peter Epstein

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RE: TblGetItemBounds not reflect row height change?

2002-03-13 Thread Peter Epstein

I'm not saying that apps can't control row heights. The APIs let you set the
height of each row, and they work fine. What I'm saying is that table items
don't always consume all the height available in the row they are in. You
have some control over how much of the row height is used by an item via the
itemStyle. In other words, it's not enough to set the row height to
something more than 11. You also have to use an item style that uses the
extra height available in the row. Since you're using customTableItem for
all your table items, it should be easy to do this: just use the new
tallCustomTableItem instead. This should work for PalmOS 4 and newer. To
support older OS versions, you'll need to do a bit more work. To be sure,
the inflexibility of some table item styles to support different heights is
annoying. I remember running an early version of an ASCII chart that didn't
work when you tapped on the bottom portion of an item. You're not the first
person to run into this problem.
Peter Epstein

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RE: TblGetItemBounds not reflect row height change?

2002-03-12 Thread Peter Epstein

The row height need not be the same as the item heights. Sure, the item
heights can't be any larger than the row height, but there is no reason all
(or even any) items in a row have to take all the height available. Each
item style has it's own rules for determining the item height. Many are by
definition one line in a specific font (11 pixels). In Palm OS 4.0, I added
a new item style called tallCustomTableItem that uses the row height rather
than the font line height. Just change your item style from customTableItem
to tallCustomTableItem and you should be all set, assuming you limit your
application to run on Palm OS 4.0 and later.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Thousands separator

2002-03-11 Thread Peter Epstein

Don't forget to get the user preference for the decimal and thousand
separator characters rather than hard coding the characters used where you
live. Note that the characters used for thousand separator can also be a
space or appostrophe (or a comma or period). PalmOS 4.0 added these two
extra characters to the LED font for this very reason.

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RE: FATAL EXCEPTION after syncing

2002-03-11 Thread Peter Epstein

Temporarily hack your code so that it does absolutely nothing on the sync
notify or reset launch codes. That includes commenting out code that runs on
all launch codes! Be thorough. Then see if it still crashes when installed
via HotSync. If not, you can easily isolate the cause of the problem. It
could be code that's accessing globals when it shouldn't (e.g. putting the
min OS version for the OS version check in a global). It could be code that
needs to be in the first segment but isn't.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Finding problems with Gremlins and solving them

2002-03-08 Thread Peter Epstein

You should be able to source level debug a POSE gremlins session. Before
starting the gremlins running, build your app, enable debugging, and run it
from CodeWarrior. Step past the initial breakpoint and then go to the POSE
window and start Gremlins. I don't think you want to use the hordes or
Gremlins minimization. Instead, when you get an error, just hit the debug
button on the dialog and you should break into the CodeWarrior debugger with
your stack and other state ready to analyse.

PalmDebugger can also be used. You don't have to connect it up to POSE in
advance. Just leave the error dialog from POSE on the screen, go start
PalmDebugger and set it up to talk to POSE, and you're all set.

All comments above are based on working with a Mac, although I don't see why
PC would be any different.
Peter Epstein

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RE: using DmQuickSort

2002-03-05 Thread Peter Epstein

If you want examples, see the source code for the example applications
included with the SDK. For example, Memo Pad keeps it's records in
alphabetic order if the user chooses that option in the preferences. Since
the conduit places new memos at the end, Memo Pad must sort the database
when HotSync has finished. If you look at the source code for Memo Pad, you
should be able to find where it catches the sync notify launch code. This
will lead you to an example of using quicksort with a very simple comparison

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RE: PalmOS 4.0: blank screen after time change?

2002-03-01 Thread Peter Epstein

I would suggest doing your time updating on the trigger launch code and
setting the purgeAlarm flag within the launch parameters, so you never get
the display launch code from the alarm manager. What you're trying to do is
a background action that doesn't present any user interface. For that kind
of thing, the trigger launch code is appropriate. The vchrAlarm event that
the alarm manager generates in order to do the display launch code can have
unwanted side effects. That said, I don't see how this would cause the
behavior you're seeing.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Clearing a WinDrawChars

2002-03-01 Thread Peter Epstein


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RE: vchrPageUpWhenOff

2002-02-26 Thread Peter Epstein

Ignoring the twisted history for the moment, it's clear that developers
writing for specific Palm branded devices such as the m100 or m500 series
may very well want to take advantage of device specific features just as
people do with Sony's jog dial and high resolution APIs. I would hope that
Palm's SG business would eventually release it's own header files just as
Sony does. These header files would supplement rather than replace the
PalmOS SDK header files.

It makes sense for Palm device specific characters to be removed from
Chars.h. In an ideal world, the SG specific definitions would have been
provided at the same time as the new version of the SDK, but things aren't
nearly that organized yet ;-)

The virtual character range reserved for Palm branded device specific
features has been corrected in the PalmOS 4.0 update 1 header files.
Peter Epstein

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RE: vchrPageUpWhenOff

2002-02-26 Thread Peter Epstein

The m100 series devices have a feature that when the device is off, the up
button can be pressed to turn on the device briefly and show a popup clock
dialog. Holding down the up button will also activate the backlight. When
the up button is pressed while the device is off, a different character is
generated than when the same button is pressed while the device is on. This
character causes another character to be generated that in turn pops up the
clock. At least I think that's how it works ;-) Tapping on the clock
silk-screen button should not generate the first event in the sequence.

If you want to write code that does stuff like this, just make sure you're
running on an m100 series device in order to avoid problems with Sony
devices that ended up using the same range of character codes due to the
Peter Epstein

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RE: digitizer information

2002-02-25 Thread Peter Epstein

I don't think the hardware is capable of sensing pressure. I think the best
you can do is to determine whether the pen is up or down, and if down,
where. That can easily be done using the PenGetPoint routine.
Peter Epstein

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RE: 4.1 or i705 Bug

2002-02-25 Thread Peter Epstein

As far as I know, a vchrAlarm event will close a popup list on any version
of PalmOS. I believe the problem here is not that this event closes the
popup list, but that this event is being generated in the first place. This
event occurs when the alarm manager wants to send the display launch code to
an application. If you're using the alarm manager for background tasks, you
need to avoid sending this event by telling the alarm manager not to do the
display launch code. I know you'd think you could just let the launch occur
and ignore it, but for this very reason you can't. So, when you get the
trigger launch code, set the purgeAlarm flag.

Now, it may very well be the case that an i705 generates these events even
if no software has been installed (just after a hard reset). If that is the
case, it's a bug. The cause would be one of the built in applications using
the alarm manager incorrectly. If that is indeed the case, please let us
know so that we can track down the culprit. Thanks!
Peter Epstein

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RE: lightweight sorted containers

2002-02-25 Thread Peter Epstein

If the data you want to keep sorted is large or needs to persist across runs
of your application, you'll want it to live in the storage heap. That
complicates things when it comes to using data structures that are designed
for random access memory. Just something to think about.
Peter Epstein

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RE: 4.1 or i705 Bug

2002-02-25 Thread Peter Epstein

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too [email polling]. Probably a bug in the
Peter Epstein

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RE: When will they realize they are providing an operating system ? (was: Re: Inconsistency in the SDK docs?)

2002-02-22 Thread Peter Epstein

I can't comment on what the future holds, as I really don't know. What I
will say is that you're quite right when you describe how the OS and
applications were originally developed. There was no wall between the two,
and the OS really was just enough to get the job done for the applications
that shipped on the ROM. This was probably the right thing to do at the
time. A huge amount of progress has been made towards turning Palm OS into a
real operating system over the years, and I too hope that the split will
lead to further improvements in this area.

With Palm OS 5, remember that the decision to hide internals is a technical
one rather than some new philosophy. In the end, I hope that it helps make
Palm OS more of a real OS, but I don't think that's the driving force behind
Peter Epstein

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RE: When will they realize they are providing an operating system

2002-02-22 Thread Peter Epstein

I'm really not the right person to answer your questions, and I'm sure I'll
make some mistakes, but here goes anyway...

The decision to disallow access to internals of some structures was made
because those structures have a different layout in memory on an ARM than
they do on a 68K. The differences are caused by two things: endianness and
packing rules. The result is that in order to expose such a structure, the
operating system would need to maintain a shodow structure that is arranged
as the 68K would expect it to be, and deal with propagating changes between
these two structures whenever either one was changed. Such shadow structures
are used in PalmOS 5, but adding a bunch more is best avoided.

That is what little I think I might know ;-) Hopefully others will correct
me if I'm wrong.
Peter Epstein

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RE: SDK 4.0 Update... where?

2002-02-21 Thread Peter Epstein

As far as I can tell, that URL gets you the 4.0 SDK, not the new update 1
Peter Epstein

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RE: i705 ROM available?

2002-02-21 Thread Peter Epstein

I agree that it's a pity the way the LED ended up being handled differently
on our devices. Vibrate is at least consistent across all the devices,
stopping on it's own after a little while. As I understand it, the reason
the m500 series LED stops blinking after a little while is that leaving it
going would consume too much power. So, I'd expect future non-wireless
devices to continue this trend (as they don't have a radio that sucks lots
of power, and therefore can afford to use smaller and lighter power

If you override the resources used by the attention manager to specify the
LED blinking pattern, you should be able to make the LED stop blinking after
a while, just as it does on the m500 series. If the user dismisses all the
requests, the attention manager will stop the LED for you, assuming it is
still blinking. In short, you should be able to make the LED behave as it
does on the m500 series by just overriding some resources.

The question of how to detect the device you're running on has come up many
times on this forum. I'm not familiar with the techniques, as I work mostly
with apps that live in ROM.

It should be possible to detect whether you're running on the i705 easily
enough, but that's not really what you want to do. You want to know whether
the LED will continue to blink indefinitely. This can be determined by
getting the values of the resources used to specify the LED blink pattern.
I'd verify this by testing it on an m500 series device and an i705 (using
POSE), but I think you can read the 'tint' resource with ID 13503 to
determine the repeat count. If this is zero, it repeats forever. If it's any
other number (eg 3), then it repeats that many times and then stops on it's
own. This is how I'd decide whether to use the LED or not.
Peter Epstein

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RE: what is the correct generic term for a PalmOS device?

2002-02-21 Thread Peter Epstein

I've heard several variations over the years, but most recently it's been
either PalmOS device or Palm Powered device. I don't like the sound of
the latter, so I use the former. I have no idea what the official policy is,
but I do know that simply Palm is not considered acceptable.

For end user documentation and tip text in the application, if it's been
stated elsewhere that the product is for PalmOS devices, I like to use the
term handheld to refer to the device.
Peter Epstein

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RE: POSE 3.4 memory leak question

2002-02-19 Thread Peter Epstein

If I recall correctly, POSE was changed recently so that when running
Gremlins with just your application checked off (no other apps allowed to
run), you now get app stop events every once in a while. I think this
explains why the memory leak was being reported as early as it was. And just
because it's so appreciated, I'd like to thank Keith for implementing this
Peter Epstein

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RE: Pop-up lists close when alarm is triggered

2002-02-19 Thread Peter Epstein

The alarm manager generates a vchrAlarm character when it is triggered in
order to arrange for the display launch code that follows the trigger launch
code. This character is what is causing the popup lists to close. Since the
vchrAlarm typically opens a dialog, this makes sense (we don't want a dialog
to open on top of a popup list). Since you're not presenting a dialog (or
doing anything else when you get the display launch code), you can tell the
alarm manager not to send you a display launch code. This will eliminate the
vchrAlarm, and your problem should be solved. The launch parameters for the
trigger launch code include a purgeAlarm boolean that you can set to true.
This should do the trick. See the AlarmMgr.h header file and/or the
documentation for more details.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Cmd System Reset problem

2002-02-19 Thread Peter Epstein

Ouch! Modifying a collection while iterating over it is a classic no-no.
Unless this is changed, the documentation for this launch code should forbid
database creation or deletion. To work around this limitation, you could use
the alarm manager to delay the action you wish to take.
Peter Epstein

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RE: POSE 3.4

2002-02-15 Thread Peter Epstein

Based on your description, I'd suggest you switch from using buttons to
using one or more gadgets. That way you can make it look and feel exactly as
you like. It's a bit more work, but perhaps it's worth it?
Peter Epstein

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RE: Multiple database

2002-02-14 Thread Peter Epstein

One thing that's a bit tricky is implementing global find support over
multiple databases. The APIs don't really give you much of a place to
specify which database the various hits are located in. Feature manager can
help you store extra information.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Palm Simulator / POSE : accessing video RAM

2002-02-14 Thread Peter Epstein

First of all, the new Palm simulator for Windows simply can't report as many
errors as POSE can. It's an inherent limitation of the approach used. Just
because this simulator doesn't complain about something doesn't mean a
thing. If POSE complains, you probably want to change your code to avoid the

Secondly, WinScreenLock, as currently implemented, does not support hardware
page flipping for double buffered animation. The problem is that in order to
do proper double buffering, you need the display address to jump back and
forth between two fixed buffers. Then, when the screen is looking at one,
you can update the other. This is hard for the developer because it means
the update logic has to jump two frames at a time instead of just one. The
advantage is that you do less copying. Today, there is no guarantee that
you'll get the same address every other time you call WinScreenLock.

I too would like to see true double buffering support in Palm OS. Until the
day that happens (and even then, you'll want to support older devices that
don't have it), here is what I suggest: Do single buffering. Maintain your
own off-screen window. Draw the next frame on that window. When it's ready,
copy it onto the screen. To make it faster, keep track of one or more damage
regions, and copy only the damaged (dirty) portions. The address of video
memory is not changed in this scheme. This approach isn't as fast as true
double buffering, but many game developers have been quite successful using
this approach. Astraware gave an excellent talk at PalmSource on this topic.
Peter Epstein

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RE: segments in OS 5

2002-02-13 Thread Peter Epstein

Regis Nicolas wrote:
 But since it's not possible to develop ARM native code for Palm OS 5.0, I
 not sure of how much an issue this is.

While it isn't possible to develop ARM native applications in Palm  OS 5.0,
it is possible to develop ARM native code that gets invoked by a 68K
application on that OS. As a PalmSource programming contest entry, John
Marshall used this approach to implement a Mandelbrot Set viewer that ran
very nicely on ARM hardware.

I'm sure you know all about the ARM native support in Palm OS 5.0. I just
want to clarify so that others don't think we're leaving them out in the
cold with no way to take advantage of the extra horsepower that ARM native
code provides.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Multi-CPU Compilers and OS

2002-02-13 Thread Peter Epstein

The key is to profile your application to find the bottlenecks. Look for
bits of code that do a lot of heavy computation with as few OS calls as
possible. These are your candidates for porting to ARM native code. Of
course, optimizing your code without reverting to ARM native code is also a
valuable alternative.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Multi-CPU Compilers and OS

2002-02-13 Thread Peter Epstein

I'm a little confused by your comments. I'd expect a custom optimized
blitter you wrote for a 68K based Palm device to be slower than the OS
blitter in Palm OS 5 because the former will be emulated while the latter
will be ARM native. What was once faster is now slower. The reason the
emulator is indeed fast is that most of the time an application is running
it's in an OS routine. All the OS routines are now ARM native, so they run
nice and fast.

If you've got a processing bottleneck in your application (such as computing
values in the Mandelbrot Set, as John Marshall did), these will have enough
work to do that even when running ARM native, they'll still swamp the
overhead of getting to and from ARM native code. If instead you have
something that gets run a huge number of times, and is a bottleneck only
because of that, then porting it to ARM won't help you. You need to get that
inner loop into ARM native code!

Don't trust your intuition when it comes to optimizing code. Run a profiler
such as the one provided in POSE, and examine the results carefully. When
you do find a bottleneck and optimize it, another bottleneck will be
exposed. You can keep doing this, but after a few iterations you'll tend to
have no one big bottleneck, but rather a bunch of separate things that each
take 20% of the time. That's a good time to stop ;-)
Peter Epstein

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RE: Multi-CPU Compilers and OS

2002-02-13 Thread Peter Epstein

I'm impressed that you've managed to outperform the OS APIs even when
they're ARM native and you're emulated. Porting your custom blitter to ARM
native code will really fly!
Peter Epstein

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RE: Multiple database

2002-02-13 Thread Peter Epstein

I'm not sure what you mean by sections. There is no reason to use multiple
databases just because your code is divided into multiple code segments or
multiple compilation units (.c files).

Code segments are primarily a way of creating an application that's bigger
than 64K without breaking the 64K per record/resource limit imposed by

Multiple compilation units are a way of organizing your source code. It is
also easier to associate functions with code segments in some development
environments if you split the functions into several compilation units, and
assign each compilation unit to one segment.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Multiple database

2002-02-13 Thread Peter Epstein

Using one database for each type of record can make things easier, since it
means all the records have the same format, and you don't have to worry
about skipping over records of the wrong type.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Palm OS 5 and built-in apps database access

2002-02-12 Thread Peter Epstein

Note that if all you want to do is add records to a PIM database, you can
use the exchange manager's local send capability that was introduced in
PalmOS 4.0. For queries or edits of existing records, you'll have no choice
but to continue directly accessing the databases in PalmOS 5.0, despite the
fact that this will almost surely fail in the next OS release after that.
Peter Epstein

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RE: i705 ROM available?

2002-02-12 Thread Peter Epstein

The LED will indeed continue to blink red on the i705. The
AttnDoSpecialEffects API just invokes the same blink pattern that the
attention manager itself uses. On the m500 series, this pattern terminates
after a set number of iterations. On the i705, this pattern continues

There is no API available within the PalmOS SDK for turning off the LED.
There is an API in the hardware access layer, but it's not part of the SDK.
Since the attention manager fetches this blink pattern from a resource, you
can change the behavior of both the attention manager and those applications
that use AttnDoSpecialEffects by creating your own version of this resource
in your own resource database that you open on device reset and sync notify,
and that you set to stay open even after your application exits. This takes
advantage of the fact that when the OS tries to get the value of a resource,
it looks through the chain of open resource databases, starting with the
database that was opened most recently, until a resource with the specified
type and ID are found.

By comparing the resources of an m500 series device with those of the i705,
you should be able to figure out what resources you need to include in this
database. Look at 'tint' resources in the range from 13500 to 13512. I wish
all this was in the public headers of the SDK. Remember to check the device
ID to make sure you're on an i705 before hacking these resources!

An alternative simpler approach is to just use the attention manager rather
than AttnDoSpecialEffects. That way, the attention manager will take care of
turning off the LED when there are no more attention requests pending.
Peter Epstein

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RE: invert color for a particular object

2002-02-12 Thread Peter Epstein

You can use the swap mode of the blitter to swap any two colors. It's not
the fastest graphic mode, but it will let you swap any two colors within a
specified region (such as a rectangle). In general, it's best to just redraw
things using the desired colors, but swapping can be a quick and dirty
solution if used with care.
Peter Epstein

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RE: OS 5 == High Development Cost?

2002-02-06 Thread Peter Epstein

From what little I know, the new simulator is in many ways like the old one:

The old one took advantage of the fact that Macs used to have 68K
processors, and therefore could at least emulator one. It also took
advantage of the fact that PalmOS resources were stored as MacOS resources.
The result was something that ran much faster than the emulator, ran only on
the Mac, and acted like one generic device rather than emulating all the
details of any one specific real device.

The new one takes advantage of the fact that the CPUs used in PCs have the
same endianness as the ARM. Because the actual processors are different, the
entire OS ends up being compiled into a different instruction set, but the
packing rules and endianness mean you can still access data in the same way.
The result is once again something that runs much faster than the emulator,
but this time it's only on the PC. Sad for us Mac-heads, but all smiles for
the Windows crowd. Again, the simulator acts like one generic device rather
than emulating all the details of any one specific real device.

Because of the approach taken in implementing the new simulator, the code
involved in much more cleanly separated from the core OS. Another advantage
of the new simulator over the old is that it can run multiple applications
rather than being stuck in one. This is a major improvement. You also get
visual tools instead of command line tools for viewing memory and such.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Bitmap Animation - Clarification?

2002-02-01 Thread Peter Epstein

The OS supports switching the display between two different chunks of video
memory using the WinScreenLock and WinScreenUnlock APIs. This API isn't
supported by all devices. Also, the only way that this API can really be
used for double buffering is to have the OS copy the entire screen every
time. This is too slow to be useful for game animation. This API wasn't
designed for double buffering, so it isn't actually surprising that it
doesn't work out. The important thing is to understand the limitations of
this API so you don't get fooled into thinking it can do something it really

So, the result is that you generate the next frame of the animation in an
off screen window and then copy the necessary portion of that window to the
screen, just as Tilo explained so well.

There is another way that's based on exclusive ORing to draw and then erase
the car. This can be made to work with a multicolor car on a white
background, but if the car overlaps anything, the resulting colors will be
all mixed up.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Creator ID

2002-01-31 Thread Peter Epstein

Try this link:

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RE: Continuous Fatal Excpt on Install, fine on Pose others...

2002-01-29 Thread Peter Epstein

If it crashes on a soft reset, it's probably the code that runs when your
app receives the reset launch code. If it also crashes on an install, it's
probably the code that runs on a sync notify launc code. That tells me the
most likely cause is some code that runs on all launch codes, probably
outside the switch statement for the launch code.

Try commenting out all code that runs outside of that switch statement as
well as any code that runs on sync notify and reset launch codes. If it no
longer crashes on install or on a soft reset after the install, then you've
narrowed down the problem.

Perhaps you're accessing globals or code in other segments. You might try an
up arrow reset rather than a hard reset. This will avoid sending the sync
notify launch code to the applications. This will almost surely let you keep
the app on the device even if it misbehaves.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Continuous Fatal Excpt on Install, fine on Pose others...

2002-01-29 Thread Peter Epstein

As usual, Bob comes through with an excellent practical approach to
debugging a problem! I'll try your approach the next time the opportunity
presents itself.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Raw Data Date Representation

2002-01-25 Thread Peter Epstein

By my calculation, the difference in the binary values is 30 while the
difference in dates is 28 days. That implies the representation used is not
simply a day count from some baseline date. I suspect it's a bit field that
has bits for day, month, and year. I assume you've checked and found it
doesn't match our DateType (7 bits for year, 4 for month, and 5 for day)? If
not, I'd take more samples, choosing samples that vary in only one way (day
month or year) and see if you can determine the bit field used.
Peter Epstein

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RE: Yikes!! Syntax errors after multi segmenting app to large mod el

2002-01-23 Thread Peter Epstein

Are you switching from the small memory model to the large memory model, or
from a single segment to multiple segments? If the latter, you probably want
to use the small memory model, as it will produce a smaller PRC that runs

As for your syntax error, you can use the compile command to compile any
given .c file. If they all give syntax errors, check your prefix file.
Peter Epstein

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RE: A bunch of new questions

2002-01-18 Thread Peter Epstein

You shouldn't need to do anything special before or after accessing a global
variable. There are times when you're not allowed to access your globals.
Somehow, I don't think this is one of those times. Perhaps you're just going
outside the bounds of the array?
Peter Epstein

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RE: Launch self on sync notify?

2002-01-15 Thread Peter Epstein

Since the sync notify launch code is sent to multiple applications after a
HotSync, it would be a bad thing if your application responded to it before
all applications were notified and given a chance to react. I suggest
setting up a timer (using the alarm manager) to launch yourself in a little

Instead of immediately switching to your application when the timer expires,
I suggest waiting for the display sub-launch from the alarm manager and
presenting a dialog at this time. If the user chooses to decompress the
application and run it at this time, he can tap the corresponding button. If
not, he can tap the Cancel button. This puts the user in control of app
switching, and that's a good thing.
Peter Epstein

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