Re: Pass DBs reveal password lengths + PEBKAC issue

2017-02-23 Thread Brian Candler

On 23/02/2017 13:51, Thibault Polge wrote:

 The consequence is a serious reduction of the complexity of
 brute-force attacks,

IMO, this is a non-issue.

Suppose each position in my password is taken from a set of N 
possibilities, and then I tell you that my password is exactly 10 
characters long.

Indeed, that means you don't have to brute-force all the 1 to 9 digit 

But (N^1 + N^2 + N^3 ... + N^9) is far smaller than N^10; approximately 
N times smaller.

Hence the saving in brute force is a factor of 1/N. If I'm using base64 
passwords then N=64 and I've saved you about 1/64th of the total work, 
or less than 2%.

Not telling you my password length is a form of security through 
obscurity.  The strength of the password comes from its length and its 
randomness - not from keeping its length secret.

In any case: by the time I've added metadata to passwords on subsequent 
lines (URLs, usernames, comments) you're unlikely to get any dependable 
info about my password length from the gpg file length.



Password-Store mailing list

Re: pass-otp: A pass extension for managing one-time-password tokens

2017-02-15 Thread Brian Candler

On 15/02/2017 03:21, Thomas Harning Jr. wrote:

The nice bit about the key URI format is that it bundles all the OTP
details in an optional way with defined defaults and helps keep all
the OTP details in one place.

Plus it can be rendered as a QR code, and hence auto-loaded into a 
device like a phone.

In fact, "pass show --qrcode" is in git already.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: encrypted file and directory names?

2017-02-06 Thread Brian Candler

On 05/02/2017 21:22, Adam Spiers wrote:
The first thing to note is that if the mechanism for calculating 
obfuscated filenames is a simple hash such as SHA-256, then in order 
to implement

   pass show
we simply perform SHA-256 on "", and then look for a file 

The trouble with this discussion is that no threat model has been 
proposed, so we can just argue round in circles.

You said you are worried about certain types of attack (e.g. an 
untrusted sysadmin on the same machine, who is able to read system 
memory) - IMO such an attack is meaningless to try to defend against. If 
the attacker has root on the system you're using, you are toast whatever 
you try to do.  There are a million ways they can intercept what you're 

I gather than you don't want people to learn which websites you have 
visited. Well, if they have root on your system they will learn this 
anyway. So if that's not it, perhaps the threat is from people who don't 
have access to your machine, but do have access to the git repo?

If they have access to the repo, even if the filenames are encrypted or 
salted and hashed, they'll be able to infer useful things from the 
number of subdirectories, the number of files in each subdirectory, and 
the commit history in each subdirectory.

(You could keep everything in one flat directory, but then you lose the 
ability to encrypted to different sets of keys, with a different .gpgid 
file in each subdirectory)

So if your paranoia level is high, then as others have said, it may make 
more sense to encrypt the whole directory tree rather than each file 

I like pass because it's simple, it's open, it does the job I care 
about, and its security model is abundantly clear. I worry that adding 
obfuscation will make it not really any more secure, but less practical 
to use.


Password-Store mailing list

Re: encrypted file and directory names?

2017-02-05 Thread Brian Candler

On 05/02/2017 03:53, HacKan Iván wrote:

I thought the same, but implementing it is a real pain in the ass.

I'm currently working on something I'll send soon, and then I'm gonna 
work on an extension to do just that :)

If this is implemented I'd definitely prefer to see it as an extension, 
because I like the way pass works today.  My threat model is different 
to yours :-)

I'd say that the main benefit of putting separate passwords in separate 
files is that you can have independent changes to the git repository and 
they are less likely to cause merge conflicts.

If you added a single encrypted file at the top of the repository, 
mapping password name to token, that benefit would be lost. In fact, you 
might as well just keep all your passwords in a single file (instead of 
name -> token it would contain name -> password)



Password-Store mailing list

Re: Generate new password for multiline entries

2017-01-29 Thread Brian Candler

On 29/01/2017 12:18, Emil Lundberg wrote:
If you use gpg-agent, you can instead use `git log -p `, 
which shows you the diff for each commit in the log. Git will 
automagically decrypt the files before diffing.

"Binary files a/xxx.gpg and b/xxx.gpg differ" - some .gitconfig magic is 
required to make it happen. After some googling and tweaking:

git config --global diff.gpg.textconv "gpg --decrypt --use-agent"
echo "*.gpg filter=gpg diff=gpg" >> ~/.gitattributes

But here's a scenario where this doesn't work. You are in a team; all 
your files are encrypted to A, B and C. After a while, new team member D 
comes along. You 'pass init A B C D' to re-encrypt to repository. 
However, D still does not have any access to the previous versions of 
each file.

Re-writing the *entire* git history to re-encrypt every previous 
revision is not an easy task.



Password-Store mailing list

Re: Generate new password for multiline entries

2017-01-28 Thread Brian Candler

On 28/01/2017 16:42, Simon Lackerbauer wrote:

On 01/28/2017 05:34 PM, Brian Candler wrote:

I like this idea a lot. I like keeping history of passwords, as
sometimes you come across some forgotten system which still uses a
password from one or more generations ago.

Isn't that what's basically the point of the git integration? Each
change of any file in the pass store is separately committed anyways and
easily searchable with the appropriate git tools.

Yes I know, but it's not trivial. First you 'git log ' (where 
filename is relative to the current directory) until you find what you 
think is the commit you want. Then since you've forgotten the command, 
you google for it. Then you run "git show :" (where, 
this time, filename is relative to the top of the repo), remembering to 
pipe it into gpg -d to decrypt it.

Whereas what I do is just have a file containing:


so that when I'm logging into a system, I have the various generations 
of password there right in front of me.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: Generate new password for multiline entries

2017-01-28 Thread Brian Candler

On 28/01/2017 16:21, Patrick Burroughs (Celti) wrote:

I think there's room in this idea for a `pass rotate` subcommand, that
will shove the old password down a line, then generate and insert the
new password. Should be relatively easy to implement*and*  would help
satisfy some systems that have synchronisation issues around password

I like this idea a lot. I like keeping history of passwords, as 
sometimes you come across some forgotten system which still uses a 
password from one or more generations ago.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: best use of yubikey with pass

2017-01-07 Thread Brian Candler

On 06/01/2017 22:13, Oliver Albertini wrote:

Forgive me if this is is the wrong place to ask, or if it has already been 
addressed. Also, thanks to the developers of pass, it is a really useful 

What is the best practice for using a yubikey to authenticate gpg in the 
context of pass?

Which kind of Yubikey do you have?

I have a Yubikey standard (no longer available). It does OTP in the 
first slot. I could use the second slot to store my GPG passphrase as a 
static string - but I don't, since I know it :-) Since it just types in 
the static string, it would be vulnerable to keyloggers.

A Yubikey U2F isn't usable for this application as far as I can see. 
It's intended for 2FA to web apps.

A Yubikey 4 or Yubikey Neo has the ability to store your GPG private 
key, and decrypt messages inside the key. That would be the strongest 
solution I think, but I've not tried it yet. There's a nice writeup here:

It sounds like the PIN is cached, which is useful for bulk operations 
like "pass grep" which has to decrypt all the files in your repo.


Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass][new feature] item information

2016-12-31 Thread Brian Candler

On 31/12/2016 11:04, Vahid Ma'ani wrote:
"grep" option search content of crypted files and i should type 
passphrase some times for each search.

Not if you use gpg-agent. It keeps your passphrase for 5 minutes.

gpg-agent is invaluable for certain operations on the repo. For example, 
using "pass init" to change the set of keys that the passwords are 
encrypted for - it has to decrypt and re-encrypt every single file.  And 
indeed, you don't want to have to type your passphrase for every one :-)

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [PATCH] stop using pwgen

2016-12-20 Thread Brian Candler

On 20/12/2016 10:17, Daniel Dörrhöfer wrote:

I have tested this implementation with the -no-symbols / -n option
turned on and have noticed that the password contains a single quote (').

e.G. 7S3b4wJ4R7'RfWGagkhaM95'6

To reproduce this, you have to generate a couple of passwords.

Good catch :-)


has spurious quotes. Try changing to:


Password-Store mailing list

Re: [PATCH] stop using pwgen

2016-12-18 Thread Brian Candler

On 18/12/2016 15:20, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:

Any criticism of this?

Well firstly, it doesn't even work under OSX. I tried this:

read -r -N $length pass < <(tr -dc "$characters" < /dev/urandom)
echo $pass


$ ./
./ line 4: read: -N: invalid option
read: usage: read [-ers] [-u fd] [-t timeout] [-p prompt] [-a array] [-n 
nchars] [-d delim] [name ...]

tr: Illegal byte sequence

Looking at the bash manpage:

   read  [-ers] [-u fd] [-t timeout] [-a aname] [-p prompt] [-n 
nchars] [-d delim]

   [name ...]
  -n nchars
 read returns after reading nchars characters 
rather than  waiting

 for a complete line of input.

But even changing -N to -n, OSX's tr doesn't work with binary data. The 
problem is that 'tr' is complaining about invalid unicode characters. 
You can fix it like this:

read -r -n $length pass < <(LC_ALL=C tr -dc "$characters" < /dev/urandom)

And now it works:

$ ./

But more seriously, there is the risk that this will consume a 
pipe-buffer (4KB? 8KB?) of entropy, only to discard most of it. That's 
extremely wasteful.

Furthermore, despite consuming so much entropy, it doesn't even 
guarantee that every password generated has at least one upper-case, 
lower-case, digit and symbol - i.e. the password may still be rejected 
by many websites!

With the default password length of 25, the probably of *not* including 
at least one digit is:

p(no digits) = ((95-10)/95)^25 = 0.062

That is, 6.2% of the time, it will generate a password with no digits. 
(Probabilities of no upper-case, no lower-case and no symbols are much 
smaller and can be ignored) (*)

I think we need a pluggable password generator, so at least we don't 
have to argue and people can use whatever generator they prefer. And as 
for a default, well pwgen is (in my opinion) better than the one in that 



(*) Aside: using random bytes into base64 also doesn't guarantee at 
least one symbol from each class of course.

However, if you don't care about symbols, base64 does a better job. A 
24-character base64 password, consuming 18 bytes from /dev/urandom, has 
a smaller probability of no digits:

p(no digits) = ((64-10)/64)^24 = .017

p(no upper) = p(no lower) = ((64-26)/64)^24 = .037

However, about half of passwords will have no symbol:

p(no symbols) = ((64-2)/64)^24 = .467

You can probably keep sites which require at least one symbol happy just 
by appending one fixed symbol to the end, like "=". This is not making 
your password any weaker, so why not?

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [PATCH] stop using pwgen

2016-12-18 Thread Brian Candler

On 18/12/2016 14:02, ilf wrote:

I also proposed a method to do this without base64:

Here's a simple way to generate passwords from /dev/random directly 
in shell:
tr -dc "[:graph:]" < /dev/urandom | head -c 32 

As I said at the time, that's terrible because it will consume 4KB or 
8KB of data from urandom for every password you generate, most likely 
depleting the entropy pool completely.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [PATCH] stop using pwgen

2016-12-18 Thread Brian Candler

On 17/12/2016 23:22, Antoine Beaupré wrote:

base64 turns each group of 3 bytes into 4 characters, so 18 bytes => 24

ah. yes. i was counting the last = sign, sorry.

"=" signs are only added if the input isn't a multiple of 3 bytes:

$ echo -n "abc" | base64

> > `base64` is not compatible with any password rules that require a 
special character.

> actually, it is, often. i have observed that base64 will yield a + or /
> sign in about one out of 3 generated passwords.

My experience is also that 16-character base64 passwords are accepted 
most of the time, as long as the generated password has a mix of 

There are some sites which require a special symbol. However I also 
recently came across a site which rejected a base64 password because it 
did not allow + or / in a password. You can't have one algorithm which 
always works :-(


Password-Store mailing list

Re: [PATCH] stop using pwgen

2016-12-17 Thread Brian Candler

On 17/12/2016 22:02, Antoine Beaupré wrote:

a 18 bytes password contains (naturally) 144 bits of entropy and
base64 turns that in a 25 character password
base64 turns each group of 3 bytes into 4 characters, so 18 bytes => 24 

base64 passwords are more portable and incur only a ~13% size increase
compared to original byte stream.

4/3 = 33% increase

But anyway, I'm happy with the proposed approach for default password 
generator. Undoubtedly there will be people who want something else, so 
it would be good if it could be pluggable.

(Aside: I don't actually see any need for entropy > 96 bits: brute 
forcing 2^95 combinations, at a trillion attempts per second, would take 
1.25 billion years. But I suppose burning a bit more entropy and storage 
does little harm)



Password-Store mailing list

Re: Protect .gpg-id

2016-12-07 Thread Brian Candler

On 07/12/2016 16:52, Emile Cantin wrote:
I think the key here is that 'pass init' reads and re-encrypts 
everything with the new key(s), but Eve didn't actually use 'pass 
init' but did it manually (because she can't read the files). This 
leads to a situation where files in the directory are encrypted with a 
different set of keys than the ones present in .gpg-id, which might be 
detectable. Perhaps we can try to detect that kind of situation and 
throw a big nasty warning in these cases?
Interesting idea. Simplest option: whenever re-encrypting an existing 
file (either via 'pass init' or via 'pass edit'), check if the set of 
keys it was previously encrypted to is different to the new set.

*** WARNING: foo/bar ***
>>> Encrypting using new key: 0123456789ABCDEF
>>> No longer encrypting for key: 56789ABCDEF01234
Are you sure you want to continue?

That would be a start, although you have to trust everyone else to be 

I suppose it would still be possible for Eve to:

- update .gpg-id to point to A/B/E
- put in a dummy (e.g. blank) password file, encrypted with A/B/E
- hope that the next time A or B accesses it they think that the empty 
file was a bug, and replaces it with the correct password??

Password-Store mailing list

Re: Backing up pass

2016-12-04 Thread Brian Candler

On 04/12/2016 21:26, Jacob MacDonald wrote:
The repository is not stored as bare; That way I can access the files 
in the repository directly from Drive

Warning: doing "git push" to a non-bare repository is generally not 
recommended, although you can do it with a post-update hook, or you can 
use a feature introduced in git 2.3 called "push to deploy":

To use this, you have to set config "receive.denyCurrentBranch = 
updateInstead" on the server copy of the repository.

Otherwise: normally what happens is pushing to the repo updates the 
objects in the repo but *not* the checked-out working copy, which can 
get your repo into a very confusing state.  See:

Password-Store mailing list

Re: Backing up pass

2016-12-04 Thread Brian Candler

On 04/12/2016 18:58, Soham Chakraborty wrote:
I have pass set up in my work computer. And I would like to have the 
contents of my password store into my home computer as well.

I am looking to know how you folks manage such use case. Do you backup 
existing password store and then restore it on the new computer? If 
so, can someone point me to a guide or just layout the steps.

You can use any file synchronisation tool you like - e.g. something 
cloudy like dropbox / sparkleshare / owncloud, or something peer-to-peer 
like syncthing or unison or osync.

Or you can use the git version control system, which password-store 
supports natively. In that case, you would still want a central machine 
with a "bare" repository that the other two machines pull and push to; 
that could be any server with an ssh account.

Choose whichever mechanism you're most comfortable with.



Password-Store mailing list

Re: Cannot edit existing password using vim (or gvim)

2016-12-01 Thread Brian Candler

On 01/12/2016 12:20, ads wrote:
If I do mkdir /dev/shm/foo, then touch /dev/shm/foo/bar, the file bar 
gets written correctly.

And what if you do "gvim /dev/shm/foo/bar" ?

Is it possible that there is an apparmor policy for gvim, which is 
preventing it opening files under /dev ?
Somebody else suggested setting nobackup in vim, and I have tried that 
(and nowritebackup too). No difference. I have also removed my .vimrc 
file and .vim directory, and no difference.

I'm very puzzled.

It might be useful to do an strace to see the actual system call it 
tried to do and the error it got back:

strace -f pass edit  2>strace.out

This will generate a ton of splurge in file strace.out, but if you 
search through it for EPERM somewhere near the end, or just before it 
prints the error message, it may give a clue.



Password-Store mailing list

Re: Sorted .. now ... iPhone?

2016-11-23 Thread Brian Candler

On 23/11/2016 14:34, Cycle London wrote:
Second: is there a way to get my passwords onto an iPhone or Android, 
without an ssh client and running the command directly on the host? 

There are links from to android app and 
iOS app (but I haven't tried them)

Password-Store mailing list

Re: Mac Version of pass not asking for gpg ID?

2016-11-23 Thread Brian Candler

On 23/11/2016 13:44, Tao Bror Bojlén wrote:

Could it be that your GPG passphrase is saved in the macOS keychain?
That would explain why you aren't prompted for it after a reboot.

Try opening the macOS keychain and seeing if anything comes up when you
search for "gnupg".

I second that explanation.

I had to debug something similar for someone else, but in this case 
their ssh passphrase was being stored in the keychain after an upgrade 
to macOS 10.12.  However it wasn't visible in keychain access. It needed 
to be removed manually using a sqlite command:

The same might also be true with gpg passphrases and 10.12.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] generate passwords natively instead of dependency

2016-11-15 Thread Brian Candler

On 14/11/2016 21:27, ilf wrote:
Here's a simple way to generate passwords from /dev/random directly in 

tr -dc "[:graph:]" < /dev/urandom | head -c 32 

Aside: even though urandom doesn't block, I still think it's a really 
bad idea to consume 4KB or more of data from it to generate a single 

As it says in the random(4) manpage:

   should be very economical in the amount of seed material that  
they  read  from  /dev/urandom
   (and  /dev/random); unnecessarily reading large quantities of 
data from this device will have

   a negative impact on other users of the device.

   The amount of seed material required to generate a cryptographic 
key equals the effective key
   size  of the key.  For example, a 3072-bit RSA or Diffie-Hellman 
private key has an effective
   key size of 128 bits (it requires about 2^128 operations to 
break) so a  key  generator  only

   needs 128 bits (16 bytes) of seed material from /dev/random.

   While  some  safety  margin above that minimum is reasonable, as 
a guard against flaws in the
   CPRNG algorithm, no cryptographic primitive available today can 
hope to promise more than 256
   bits  of security, so if any program reads more than 256 bits 
(32 bytes) from the kernel ran-
   dom pool per invocation, or per reasonable reseed interval (not 
less than one  minute),  that
   should be taken as a sign that its cryptography is not skilfully 

So if you want to generate a 32 character password, using a 95 character 
set (6.57 bits of entropy per character), then you should consume 210 
bits from /dev/urandom - no more.  Then you should deterministically map 
those bits to the desired output character set - not just throw away 
good quality random bytes which don't match the 'tr' pattern.

This is something which is easy to do in a good general-purpose 
programming language, which the shell is not.

(In any case, passwords don't need 210 bits of entropy. 128 is more than 



Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] generate passwords natively instead of dependency

2016-11-15 Thread Brian Candler

On 14/11/2016 21:27, ilf wrote:
Currently, pass depends on pwgen to generate passwords. I think it 
would be easy and desirable to drop this dependency and generate 
passwords natively.

Here's a simple way to generate passwords from /dev/random directly in 

tr -dc "[:graph:]" < /dev/urandom | head -c 32

We could also use "alnum" instead of "graph" and/or "base64" instead 
of "head".

I really see no reason to add an extra dependency, just for its single 
use on line 457 of src/

Also, we gain being in control of (and responsible) of password 
generation ourselves. In the past, there have been issues with pwgen 
using low-entopy:

What do you think? 

I think whatever is done won't satisfy everyone, so it needs to be 
easily pluggable.  I would prefer not in an environment variable - but 
that would probably mean introducing a config file, either in the user's 
home directory, or inside the repo itself (like .gpg-id)

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] Change the default text editor for pass

2016-11-14 Thread Brian Candler

On 14/11/2016 09:58, Micha Rosenbaum wrote:

On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 10:51:26AM +0100, Uwe Kaminski wrote:

>What do you think regarding this functionality especially if you do
>not use vi as default editor?

Have you tried to set your wanted editor with the environment variable

 export EDITOR=joe && pass edit Your/Passphrase

In addition, if this is an Ubuntu system, there is a generic 
/usr/bin/editor which points to whatever is the current default editor. 
So if you do

EDITOR=editor pass edit foo

it will use the system default. And to change the system default editor, 
" sudo update-alternatives --config editor"

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] Provide symbol set as command line argument

2016-11-11 Thread Brian Candler

On 11/11/2016 10:05, Henrik Christian Grove wrote:

tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9!"#$%&'\''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~' head -c 32 && echo

You're absolutely right, I totally missed that first head which is
totally unneccessary.

Note that if you pipe /dev/random directly into tr like this, you are 
likely to consume 4KB or more of random data, which will unnecessarily 
deplete your entropy pool, and indeed may block waiting for more 
entropy. It's a highly wasteful approach, as entropy is a valuable 
resource, and this in turn may impact on the performance of other 
cryptographic operations taking place on the machine.

If you are using 'pass' then I suspect you are making passwords to 
copy-paste rather than remember and type. Therefore the benefits of 
having a larger character set are minimal, when you could just have 
longer passwords to achieve the desired level of entropy.

Consider that the base64 set has 64 symbols, and hence 6 bits of entropy 
per character. The set in that 'tr' line has 95 symbols, so has 6.57 
bits of entropy per character.

So to get a password with 96 bits of entropy, you need a 16-character 
base64 password, or a 15-character password from that extended set. I 
don't consider the benefit of saving one character to be worthwhile, 
especially considering the difficulty of locating some of those 
characters on different keyboards, or the fact that many sites may 
reject some of those characters (different sites having their own 
policies as to which characters are acceptable)

A good-quality 96-bit password can be generated consuming the minimum 
amount of system entropy like this (*):

head -c 12 /dev/random | base64

However if you really *do* want to use shorter passwords with more 
symbols, then I think it would be better to use a dedicated external 
program to generate passwords. The shell is *not* a good general-purpose 
programming language.

I think 'pass' should have a simple default, and a configuration setting 
to choose an external password generator.



(*) Some sites insist that your password *must* include at least one 
upper case, lower case and digit, and occasionally this formula will 
generate a password which doesn't meet those requirements - roughly 1 
time in 15.

p(no digits) = ((64-10)/64)^16 = .0659812552
p(no uppercase) = p(no lowercase) = ((64-26)/64)^16 = .0002385931

However there are only two symbols in the base64 set, so if a site 
requires at least one symbol then you're quite likely to fail.

p(no symbols) = ((64-2)/64)^16 = .6017103034

I find that in practice, passwords generated like this are fine, and if 
very occasionally I have to generate another one, that's not a big deal 
- certainly less work than having to configure a program with the rules 
for a given site.
Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] Provide symbol set as command line argument

2016-11-09 Thread Brian Candler

On 09/11/2016 19:32, Kevin Cox wrote:
You do have a bug though. You shouldn't use head because then if you 
happen to draw 10 newlines before the characters you need your 
generated password will be shorter then you expected. Try the following.


dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=12 | ...

I tend to just pipe to base64; this gives a longer password with few or 
no symbols. 12 random bytes = 96 bits of entropy, and base64 gives a 
16-character password.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] [PATCH] Allow custom subcommands

2016-10-03 Thread Brian Candler

On 04/10/2016 05:45, Sylvain Viart wrote:

Pass itself could be signed. By the user at init.
But why? Do you have a version of Linux which only executes signed 

As for the admin being tricked into installing a malicious plugin - 
what's the difference between that and installing a malicious version of 
'pass' itself?

The only protection for 'pass' is installing it from a trusted location, 
and/or verifying the code by eye. Surely the same applies to plugins?


Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] Add 'Change Dir' Functionality

2016-09-18 Thread Brian Candler

On 18/09/2016 12:52, Jakob Holderbaum wrote:

Both tools allow to specify the optional working dir with -C in front of the 
actual command. For example:

`git -C ~/dev/dotfiles status`


`make -C ./build test`

Wouldn't it be great if pass could provide the same interface:

`pass -C ./secrets show production/database_password`

Another option I would like to see is to be able to use multiple git 
repos within the tree. This could then be combined with symlinks: e.g.

.password_store/secrets -> /home/me/secrets
.password_store/customer1 -> /home/me/customers/one/password_store

Then you could do:

pass show secrets/production/database_password

as if it were were a single pass tree (but actually commits would take 
place within secrets/.git)



Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] gpg: [don't know]: 1st length byte missing

2016-08-31 Thread Brian Candler

On 31/08/2016 15:44, Sylvain Viart wrote:

Nope, it has a non-zero size:

ls -l ~/.password-store/web/
-rw--- 1 sylvain sylvain *528* juil. 19 15:27 

gpg -d /home/sylvain/.password-store/web/

Does it give the same error? If so, it would appear to be corrupt.

> I was more thinking about some gpg hidden switch to try more to guess 
the content.

If the file is truncated, it's almost certainly going to be missing the 
data you want :-(



Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] Feature request – combined insert/generate/edit for new entries

2016-07-18 Thread Brian Candler

On 18/07/2016 08:53, Adrián López Tejedor wrote:

I sent this path the 17 of June with exactly that.

I have added the "--edit" option to generate.

Excellent, thank you. I have applied this by hand.

Note: I intentionally don't use a gpg agent, and I notice with "pass 
generate --edit" I get prompted for the passphrase twice - once after 
the generation has displayed the new password before entering the 
editor, and once after the editor. But I can live with this.

The other thing is that when --edit is specified I think it's not 
necessary to display the newly-generated password to stdout: but as long 
as you remember to clear your scrollback buffer afterwards, that's OK too.



Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] Feature request – combined insert/generate/edit for new entries

2016-07-15 Thread Brian Candler

On 15/07/2016 22:29, Marcos Alano wrote:
I agree with Kenny. Pass has so much potential even being based on so 
basic principles (lots of encrypted files). A good interface to add 
new entries with an option to generate a random password is a nice idea.

I like this idea too.

Perhaps something similar to "pass generate -i", but which created the 
file if it were missing, and put you into the editor before saving.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] list of passwords with its age

2016-05-20 Thread Brian Candler

On 20/05/2016 12:36, Renato Alves wrote:
I don't know if gpg stores any kind of date as part of the metadata of 
the encrypted content but encrypting a timestamp seems like the only 
resiliant approach.

You could simply sign the data when encrypting it: the signature 
includes a timestamp.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] [Add passphrase feature 1/4] add new command 'passphrase'

2016-05-10 Thread Brian Candler

On 10/05/2016 16:43, Martin Bless wrote:

Am Tue, 10 May 2016 15:51:24 +0200 schrieb Joschka Tillmanns:

Hello Joschka,


>May I get some feedback for this patch?

I don't like the idea of introducing the dependency of "aspell". For
example I'd like to use "pass" in combination with "Ansible" to set up a
server. But I don't want to have to deal with aspell there.

Aside 1: it could just read /usr/share/dict/words directly, rather than 
run "aspell"

Aside 2: there is a dictionary in rfc2289 appendix D (although I think 
these are less memorable)

Better make generating passphrases a utility of its own.

I agree with this.

Passphrases are for things that you commit to memory (like your gpg 
passphrase); whereas I think the primary role of password-store is for 
storing passwords which are hard to remember.

Password-Store mailing list

Re: [pass] Easiest way to change gpg key?

2016-05-09 Thread Brian Candler

On 09/05/2016 16:06, Lukas J wrote:
I would like to change the key I use for encrypting my password. I 
couldn't find an option for pass to do that. Is there an easy way to 
do it?

Do you mean, re-encrypt all your stored passwords with a different GPG 
public key?

I think "pass init " should do that.

Password-Store mailing list

[pass] "pass edit" and multiple passphrase prompts

2016-05-09 Thread Brian Candler

I am using pass under OSX without gpg-agent [^1]

Something I've noticed:

- "pass edit foo/bar" when it creates a new file, doesn't ask for your 

- "pass edit foo/bar" when editing an existing file asks for your 
passphrase both before *and* after editing

I thought this meant that it was signing it in the second case - however 
the file doesn't appear to be signed. Does anyone else see this?



[^1] installed from homebrew, plus the following patch manually applied:

Clue from:

Password-Store mailing list

[pass] Multiple git repos in single tree

2016-05-09 Thread Brian Candler

(I don't know if this has been discussed or proposed before)

I have multiple git-backed password stores for different clients. Right 
now I am using wrapper scripts to set the base directory, e.g.

PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/Users/brian/git/client1/password-store pass "$@"

PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=/Users/brian/git/client2/password-store pass "$@"

However this is a bit messy, and means I have to type the correct 
command variant each time.

What would be nicer is if the various git repos could go as 
subdirectories under .password_store:


Then password abc/def from client1 could be extracted by "pass -c 
c1/abc/def" with no wrapper scripts required.

In principle, pass already lends itself to this quite well: e.g. c1 and 
c2 have their own .gpg_id files, and "pass c1" already lists all the 
subfiles if c1 is a directory.

I think the issues are:

1. "pass git push" and "pass git pull" currently enforce that there is a 
.git directory at the top level, and in any case wouldn't know which 
repo I was talking about. It would have to be extended e.g.

"pass -p c1 git push" or "pass @c1 git push"

2. git adds and commits have to take place in the right repo.

This will involve either:
- walking back up the tree from the leaf to find a parent with a .git 
subdirectory, and setting GIT_DIR to this; or

- cd to the directory where the file exists, and let git itself walk upwards

3. What happens if I put my personal password store (also a git repo) at 
the top level, and client password stores as subdirectories? This means 
I'll have a git repo within a git repo. Maybe git submodules would be 
required, but that makes things complicated.

But I can sidestep that just by keeping them in separate directories.


Any comments?


Password-Store mailing list