RE: remote generators

2002-07-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: david nicol [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 foreach (grep { $_-{smoker} and $_-{age}  18 } @Subscribers){ 
 This would imply an extension of the array tieing 
 interface, so we can send the grep block to the
 data server, and get back a generator object for
 foreach to shift qualifying subscribers off of.

I'm uncomfortable with the idea of an object reaching out and overriding
other functions.  What if I really want to grep through everything in the
array? How would this work if the grep block is passed to another server:

  grep {
  print STDERR 'testing:', $_{name}, \n;
  $_{smoker} and $_{age}  18;

That's not to say that grep and map methods might not be a nifty idea as
tied array methods, but let's keep it to an object-perpsective, say
something like this:

  @Subscribers-grep({ $_-{smoker} and $_-{age}  18 });

I'll grant you that tied hashes already reach out and override commands
like each and keys, but those are very simple commands that only take a
hash as an argument, not other complicated arguments like blocks.

Personally, I can't help but think that in any situation in you need to use
a tied array for that sort of complexity you'd probably do better with a
real SOAP object that has methods like return_qualified_smokers.


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Re: RFC - Hashing PMC's

2002-07-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If I have:
$a = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
$b = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
%foo{$a} = 'A';
%foo{$b} = 'B';
 Then I want C (%foo{$a} == 'A')  %foo{$b} == 'B'  to be true.

Maybe this a case of And Now For Something Completely Similar.  This
looks like something we already have in Perl 5, so the language wouldn't
need to be changed in this regard.  In Perl 5 the string ID's of the
objects, which are guaranteed globally unique during their lifetime, can be
used as hash keys.  So for the code above, your desire for C (%foo{$a} ==
'A')  %foo{$b} == 'B'  would be met.  Of course, you can't pull the
objects themselves back out of the Ckeys array, but FWIW there's a module
on CPAN that gives you that ability, so even that requirement is sorta met
in Perl 5.

 I want to be able to do C $b[0] = 3  and 
 still be able to lookup %foo{$b}

Again, looks like you want something that's already in Perl 5.  Tweak the
above code to Perl5 syntax and it Does What You Expect.

 But then sometimes you'd *want* hashing to be based
 on the content. Hmm. Assuming $b hasn't been 
 modified, how about:
%foo{*$a} = 'A';
%foo{*$b} = 'B';

If we can make the assumption that the need to do this type of thing is so
rare that we don't need a special language feature to do it, we can again
look to existing Perl 5 capabilities to give you what you want:
   %foo{join '', @a} = 'A'

 Sorry if this got a bit rambly; I'm not sure working 
 things out as you type is necessarily a good idea

Maybe I'm doing that myself.  Here's my point: the features you suggest
sound great.  However, all of those features are already available in Perl
5 in an only slightly more roundabout way.  Ergo, I submit that the
language does not need to be changed in any way to do what you suggest.


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Re: 'while {' in Perl 6

2002-08-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (Had an interesting typo there.  I put = insteaqd of -.  
 I wonder how much trouble that sort of thing is gonna cause.
 Maybe pairs can be disallowed or warned about where a pointy
 sub might be expected.)

I foresee a lot of problems.  To my Perl5 eyes, - means a property or
method will be next while = means maps to.  Indeed, 25% of my brain
thinks that - ought to be switched to = because maps to is already
pretty close to the new intended meaning.  = as a pair creator doesn't
make a lot of sense in that context anyway, so there's no ambiguity.  (45%
of my brain says that = now creates a pair object so yes in fact it *is*
ambiguous, 25% says to Just Trust Larry, and 5% is busy craving a latte).

Question: if the compiler *doesn't* raise an error, what happens? How would
the following code be interpreted, even insanely?  An endless loop perhaps?

  while something() = $_ { ... }


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Re: Autovivi

2002-08-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Of course, there are issues here if the code modifies those
 variables, since the issue of whether a variable is rw is
 really distinct from whether it represents a pass by value
 or reference.  Slapping a constant on it is a bald-faced
 attempt to get the speed of pass-by-reference with the
 guarantees of pass-by-value.  Perhaps there should be a way
 to declare a parameter to be pass-by-value, producing a
 modifiable variable that does not affect the caller's value.
 But I'm not sure saving one assignment in the body is worth
 the extra mental baggage.

I'm not sure I read that right, but it sounds like you're implying that
pass-by-values will be read-only.  Is that the plan?


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Re: Autovivi

2002-08-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Perhaps there should be a way 
 to declare a parameter to be pass-by-value, producing a 
 modifiable variable that does not affect the caller's value. 
 But I'm not sure saving one assignment in the body is worth 
 the extra mental baggage. 

 and later he said ...

 The default is pass-by-reference, but non-modifiable.  If
 there's a pass-by-value, it'll have to be specially requested
 This is a minimal difference from Perl 5, in which everything
 was pass-by-reference, but modifiable.   To get pass-by-value,
 you just do an assignment.  :-)

Thesis: there should be an option for pass-by-value-modifiable without
requiring a new assignment or new variable.

Reason 1: Pass-by-value-non-modifiable *is* a significant change from
Perl5.  I know this doesn't quite mesh with the technical facts, but from
the how-people-actually-use-it perspective, there's a big change.  Yes,
Perl5 is pass-by-reference-modifiable, but in practice most people don't
use it that way.  Except for short 1-3 line functions, most subs start by
creating named variables and copying them from @_, like one of these lines:

my $self = shift;
my ($tag) = @_;

That is, they actually use it like pass-by-value-modifiable.  Now, Perl6
will give us a slicker way to get well-named variables as subroutine

sub mysub ($name, $email) { ... }

Ah, but that's where a bait-and-switch problem comes in.  It feels like the
param list is taking the place of my ($tag) = @_;, but the new-improved
named arguments don't act the same way.  Suddenly they're not modifiable. 
That's different.

Reason 2: Enforced non-modifiable arguments are a pain. PL/SQL does not
allow you to modify pass-by-value arguments to functions, and most PLSQL
programmers I've talked to hate that.  It requires you to create a named
argument, then another variable with an almost-same-name that can be
modified.  My PLSQL is cluttered with variables named v_email and p_email,
instead of just email.  I would hate to see Perl go down that road.

Resolution: Use whatever default seems good, but provide the freedom to get
pass-by-value-modifiable, perhaps something like this:

sub mysub ($name is m, $email is m) { ... }


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Re: auto deserialization

2002-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Wow, this is nice. He means (I think) that this will be translated into
 my Date $bday = Date-new('June 25, 2002');

I rather like it too, but it hinges on how strictly typing is enforced.  If
typing is strictly enforced then it works because the VM can always know
that since Date isn't a String, it should call the FROM_STRING static
method if such a method is available.

However, it appears that typing won't be so strictly enforced, in which
case the intent becomes ambiguous.  Does the line mean to instantiate Date
using the string, or to just assign the string to $bday and just have the
wrong type?

Is there some kind of third option?  I have to admit I've always found Java
commands like Date bday = new Date('June 25, 2002') somehow redundant.


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Re: auto deserialization

2002-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Monday, September 2, 2002, at 03:44  AM, Damian Conway wrote:

 my Date $date .= new('Jun 25, 20002');

 H. That's a very interesting idea.
 I like it.

Looks pretty groovy to me too.  It looks like the .=
operator, no longer being employed as a string appender, 
now means use the class I just mentioned.  

If so, perhaps it would only be a small step further for
it to also mean and if I don't give the name of the method,
use new_from_[class of object being passed]. So, the following code
would call Date::new_from_String, passing 'Sep 21, 1963' as the
sole argument:

my Date $date;
$date .= 'Sep 21, 1963';

The Perl golfers will love it.  It's almost as concise as the original
idea, w/o the ambuguity of what ought to be assigned (the string or a new
object). It shouldn't slow things down, either, because the determination
of the argument's class could be determined at compile time. 


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Re: auto deserialization

2002-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Trey Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 no strict 'refs';
   my Date $date;
   $date .= 'Sep 21, 1963';
 There is a method name there--'Date::Sep 21, 1963'.

But that's my point.  You wouldn't have to put the method name or the class
because the compiler would understand what to call.  It would see that
$date is in the Date class, and 'Sep 21, 1963' is in the String class, so
it would pretend the statement really reads

   $date = Date::new_from_String('Sep 21, 1963');

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Re: auto deserialization

2002-09-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This will potentially get out of hand quickly

I don't think this is a case where out-of-hand-generalization is necessary.
I'm only saying that there could be a handy shorthand for a single very
common case. Nevertheless, I'll simplify the proposal.  Oh, and forget I
said anything about the .= operator, I'm glad it's keeping its current job.

Suppose there were a #= operator (or whatever you like) which means nothing
more and nothing less than instantiate an object of the type the variable
is declared for using the 'new' method of that class.  Pass the value on
the right as the single argument, and assign the results to the variable on
the left.  To me that results in delightfully clean and unambiguous code

$date #= 'Sep 21, 1963';

If the compiler detects that there is no 'new' method that accepts a single
argument of the type to the right of the operator then that's a
compile-time error.

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Re: Multimethod Dispatch

2002-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Over loading is what C++ has. It is not the same as
 multi-dispatch. The trouble with over loading is that the
 compiler uses static (compile-time) type information to
 select the over loaded method. This can create subtle
 bugs when people try to re-use code by sub-classing.

So, just to clarify, does that mean that multi-dispatch is (by definition)
a run-time thing, and overloading is (by def) a compile time thing?


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RE: Argument aliasing for subs

2002-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Peter Behroozi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Has anyone considered a syntax for allowing
 subroutines to have many different names for
 the same argument?  For example, in, many
 methods support the -override parameter but
 can also accept the alias of -force:

Yes. See the thread starting at
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg09551.html .  The
end result was that Damian liked the idea and leans towards a syntax like

  sub load_data (
 $filename_tainted is named('filename'),
 $version_input is named('version','ver') //= 1)


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Re: Argument aliasing for subs

2002-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If it were allowed, it would probably be done
 via properties instead:
  sub hidden (str $name, int $force, int $override is aka($force))
{ ... }

Would the following be simpler...?

 sub hidden (str $name, int $force is aka($override))
   { ... }

Damian's statement says to me that there is an argument named $force, and
another argument named $override which is also known as $force... that
sounds conflicting.  The revised statement simply says that there's an
argument named $force and it is also known as $override.

BTW, the aka thing is cool.  It could be complementary to is named:

 # can't use force_tainted as argument:
 sub hidden (int $force_tainted is named($force))

 # can use force_tainted as argument:
 sub hidden (int $force_tainted is aka($force))

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Defaulting params (reprise)

2002-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It was settled a while ago that sub arguments would be defaulted like this: 

  sub load_data ($version / /=1) {...} 

(The space between / and / is on purpose, my emailer has problems if they
are together) I and a few others had issues with the slash-slash-equals
thing, but were unable to persuade Damian, Larry, et al to change.  I'd
like to make one more proposal for defaulting. Damian seems to like
properties for arguments, how 'bout this construct:

  sub load_data ( $version is default(1) ) {...} 

It's clean, fits the existing syntax, and immediately understandable.


If you reprise the songs, we'll reprise the jokes. - George S. Kaufman 

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Re: Defaulting params (reprise)

2002-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Jonathan Scott Duff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Or are you proposing to *only* replace //=?  Or are you 
 proposing to *only* replace //= in subroutine declarations?  

Only augment //= in subroutine declarations, //= would also work.

 What issues did you have with //=?  It seems clear and concise to me.

I love the //= operator, but in the context of sub declarations it's
confusing as the *only* way to default an argument.  I still think = makes
sense as an argument defaulter... but that issue's been settled for now and
I'm not advancing it again.



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Re: Defaulting params (reprise)

2002-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Jonathan Scott Duff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Oh.  You want default() to be synonymous with //= but only in
 subroutine declarations.  That seems a tad odd. Why not make it
 synonymous everywhere?
   my $foo is default(23);  # same as ...
   my $foo //= 23;

Well, for is default to DWIM in a function call, it would almost have to
not DWIM outside a function call.  Why?  Well, the concept (as seen through
my too-human eyes) would be that the function arguments would be created
and populated something like this: 1) create the variable 2) if the
argument is sent, set the value of the variable using the sent value 3)
else set the value using the default property.  

OK, that makes sense so far, but outside of a function call, I'm not sure
where it would be decided that the variable was never set, and so it would
never get the default value.  Yes, is default could populate the variable
as soon as it is created, but that seems wasteful.

Is there a general rule that a property must make sense in all contexts? 
If Perl6 has the is named property for sub arguments, does that mean that
it must also make sense outside a function...

 my $foo is named('bar');

(Hmm, maybe it does... you could have two variables aliased to each other. 
OK, bad example. Work with me here.)


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Re: Defaulting params (reprise)

2002-09-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Trey Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Properties are meant to be out-of-band information; miko's
 suggestion would have this property setting the *value* of
 the variable.

Ah, but my exact point is that the default *isn't* set immediately.  The
property is held until the sub is called.  If the argument is passed, the
default property is ignored.  If it isn't set, only then is the default
property used to set the value.  That's why I don't think the property
makes any sense except when used to define subroutine arguments.

And then Damian said:
 That's why we chose them for parameter defaulting as well.

Ah well.  Let's see how it plays in Peoria.


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Re: Blocks and semicolons

2002-09-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 BTW, does anybody else find is rx funny?

Only because they're not called regular expressions anymore.  How about
px for pattern expression?


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RE: We need an OO issue list tutorial!

2002-10-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Proposed Remedy: We need to better document our
 discussions so that we don't keep having them.

That's a groovy idea.  It'll help us all by defining terms and providing
examples to wrap our brains around.

An idea to add to the general concept of Perl6 cookbooks: we could use a
lot more of Damian's And now for something completely similar concept. 
There's a growing fear out there that Perl6 is going to crumble everyone's
houses in an earthquake of shifting paradigms.  Every Perl6 cookbook would
do well to start with some delightfully childlike examples like this:

 # Perl5
 # Perl6

Stuff like that eases people into the Perl6 world by starting with the

Perhaps to go with Apocalypses and Exegeses we could have Psalms, a bunch
of bitsize perls of wisdom.  Except, um, psalms are, by definition, sacred,
so, um, I dunno, just a thought.  Larry?


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Re: untaintby property

2002-10-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Larry said:
 If properties aren't entirely passive, then it may be
 possible to register a callback on the tainted property
 itself that defeats any misguided attempt to untaint it.

Callbacks on properties? That's too cool.  By doing callbacks on tainted
and on taintby, a module could be written to implement my ideas without
having to fiddle with the language itself.  Too groovy.


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RE: Indeterminate math

2002-10-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Michael G Schwern [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 This came up at YAPC::Europe.  Someone [1] wanted to know if 1/0
 would produce a divide by zero error in Perl 6, or if it would
 return a value representing an indeterminate result (undef?)
 It would make more sense for Perl, upon being given a simple bit
 of impossible math, to return undef (like other functions do on
 failure) than to generate an error.  The error seems a throwback
 to earlier days of hardwired calculators.

The problem with returning undef is that undef numifies to zero.  It would
make more sense if either 1/0 returned NaN, if Perl6 has NaN, or throw an
error, which Larry has indicated will be a concept in Perl6.

  There once was a man from NaNtucket
  Who kept all his bits in a bucket
He said I'm a hero!
I divided by zero!
  and the bits in the bucket, they tuckit!


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Re: Indeterminate math

2002-10-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Mark J. Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Summary of values:
1/0  +Inf
-1/0 -Inf
0/0  NaN
Inf/Inf  NaN

Are Inf and NaN going to be standard in Perl 6? As long as we're traveling
down that road, how about i (the square root of -1), or Lukasiwiscean Null?
(Sorry if I sound sarcastic, I'm actually honestly curious.)

My inner Larry Wall is right now saying that there needs to be a more
generalized solution to all this.  OK, here's one. By default, anything/0
throws an exception.  However, you can load modules to handle those
exceptions, substituting Inf, NaN, or whatever as the evaluation of the


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Lukasiewiczian logic (was Indeterminate math)

2002-10-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Andrew Rodland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 After much fighting with google to find the right spelling,

Sorry bout that.  Your searching was probably as difficult as my attempts
to pronounce it.

 it looks like Lukasiewiczian NULL is just the nifty NULL
 that SQL has, and the nifty ways that it affects logical
 and aggregate operations. Actually, something I wouldn't mind
 seeing in other languages -- I can't say if perl is one of those,
 but if it can be provided by expansion, that would be neato.
 Miko, did I get the right thing out of that?

Yup.  It would be cool to be able to overload , ||, and ! to implement
Lukasiewiczian logic within a given scope. I'm no expert, but I wrote a
short essay explaining Lukasiewiczian logic. See

Trivia: Jan Lukasiewicz is the Polish in Reverse Polish Notation.  Trivia
2: my mom, Carole O'Sullivan nee Lucas, says Lukasiewicz is probably my
second cousin fifteen times removed, or something like that.  It's probably
my best credentials in the math world.


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A concept for Exceptions

2002-10-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A brainstorm for your enjoyment, perusal, and general discussion...


A proposal for an extension to the usual exception handling concept.  The
concept detailed here provides a mechanism for handling exceptions in one
of three ways: changing the values being evaluated, setting the result of
the entire expression, or throwing an exception as usual.


Why do I want to augment how exceptions are handled?  Is everything about
exceptions already invented?  

The answer is that I hate how Java handles exceptions.  In Java it seems
like every time you want to do something, you have to surround it with
exception handlers.  I find that in Java my code becomes buried in
exceptions.  Yes, the current every-block-is-a-try-block greatly helps this
problem, but there's still the looming prospect of having to write
mountains of CATCH blocks to handle every problem. 

What I propose here is a system that provides a technique for actually
fixing the problems on the fly, instead of having to hand code error
handling every step of the way.  Furthermore, the techniques described here
provide a way to make certain behaviors modifiable, so that everybody gets
their own favorite flavor of ice cream, so to speak.  This concept was
inspired by the variety of preferences about how Perl6 should handle 1/0.

Please note that this is not a proposal for *changing* how exceptions are
handled, it's merely an *addition* to the standard techniques.


Each block gets a reference to an ExceptionCreator object.  By default,
blocks inherit their parent's reference, so we won't have to be moving and
creating references a lot. When the interpretor gets to an error, it calls
the ExceptionCreator's standard method for handling that specific type of
exception: divByZero(), stringConcatenationUsingUndef(), whatever. The
method for that type of exception calls the constructor of an Exception
class that is devoted to handling just that type of exception. The
Exception's constructor method, described in more detail on the next
section, determines how the exception is handled.

To change how certain exceptions behave, a block simply changes the methods
of the existing ExceptionCreator to point to other subroutines.  This
approach allows for an ala carte style of exception configuration.  Blocks
can (through a module that makes this sort of thing easy), clone the
ExceptionCreator object, then change just the methods that are desired.  A
reference to that new object is passed down the line to child blocks.

You can also set the default ExceptionCreator reference, i.e. the
ExceptionCreator used by default by all blocks in the entire program. By
doing so, you can set how certain exceptions are handled by modules that
you use but didn't write.  For example, suppose I want all string
concatenations using undef to be fatal (and I do).  I simply override the
default ExceptionCreator's concatUndef() method to something more fatal.  

The following are some of the standard exceptions that the interpretor
might throw. I'm sure there a more. These are just the ones that come to

- divide by zero
- numeric operation on non-numeric value
- string concatenation using undef
- use of tainted data in protected operation
- unsuccesful attempt to open file

Modules that provide alternate exception handlers should supply static
methods for making the change to a given block.  For example, to have div
by zero evaluate to Inf instead of a fatal exception, you could simply add
this code to your block:

   use Math::Inf::Exception;

and voila, the import routine sets your block's ExceptionCreator for
handling div by zero errors.


Every type of standard exception has its own class.  The static constructor
method, new, accepts one argument and returns one of three possible values.

The input is a reference to the object that caused the exception.  This is
an optional argument in case no specific object threw the exception. An
example of an object that threw an exception would the undef object used in
a string concatenation.  

The constructor returns one of three values: an exception object, the
DO_OVER constant, or the EXPRESSION constant. 

If an exception object is returned, that means that the interpretor should
immediately exit the block, throwing the exception to that block's CATCH
block, or its parent's CATCH block, and so on outward until somebody
catches it.  You know the routine.

DO_OVER means to reevaluate the expression because the reference to the
offending variable has been set to something else.  For example, the undef
might have been changed to an empty string.  The interpretor will only call
each type of exception once for each type of object.  If the exception
constructor just sets the value to another undef, the interpretor will make
a nasty gesture are the handler, so enough of you, and throw its own
UnhandledException exception.

It must be noted 

Re: A concept for Exceptions

2002-10-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From: Luke Palmer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I like the idea of this.  The finer details, like returning
 what to do, could be more elegant.  But the extensibility
 idea is golden.

Thanks Luke.  Your email made me think of another way of explaining the
concept.  Basically, what I'm suggesting is that certain common types of
exceptions could be handled in-place, instead of having to write exception
handlers.  Perl5 already does some things like this, e.g. undefs become
empty strings and zeros when needed.  I'm just suggesting formalizing the
process more so that custom in-place exception handlers can be implemented.

Does that make the return what to do concept a little more elegant? If
not, feel free to work a Pygmalion with my Eliza Doolittle.


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Re: [RELEASE] Parrot 0.1.2 Phoenix Released!

2005-03-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Leo, you (or someone) might want to:


on etc.

When you get a spare minute ;-)

Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than aufwiedersehen 

-Original Message-
 Date: Sun,  6 Mar 2005 16:57:38 +0100
 Subject: [RELEASE] Parrot 0.1.2 Phoenix Released!
 From: Leopold Toetsch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Perl 6 Internals

 On behalf of the Parrot team I'm proud to announce the release of
 Parrot 0.1.2.
 What is Parrot?
 Parrot is a virtual machine aimed at running Perl6 and other dynamic
 Parrot 0.1.2 contains a lot of new stuff:
 - New string handling code. Strings now have charset and encoding
 - Parts of a generational garbage collector
 - Better Python support, separated into dynclasses
 - Parrot Grammar Engine
 - Improved test coverage and documentation
 - and a lot more
 After some pause you can grab it from
 As parrot is still in steady development we recommend that you
 just get the latest and best from CVS by following the directions at
 Turn your web browser towards for more
 information about Parrot, get involved, and:
 Have fun!

Re: Perl development server

2005-05-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How about zephyr.

On Mon, 23 May 2005 18:55:29 +0200, Juerd [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 Thomas Klausner skribis 2005-05-23 18:03 (+0200):
 Sorry, I had previously overlooked this lone paragraph.
 I like onion the best so far. 

Re: Perl development server

2005-05-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It reminds me of minor league baseball and roller coasters...anyway,
onion seems somehow appropriate since they also make the people kitchen
cry ;)

On Mon, 23 May 2005 21:00:51 +0200, Juerd [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] skribis 2005-05-23 13:58 (-0500):
   I like onion the best so far. 
  How about zephyr.
 The building my grandmother lives in is called Zephyr. 
 For me, the word is strongly associated with old people, and not at all
 with programming :)
 While an onion has many layers that together make a single whole that
 adds taste to almost any meal, which I think is a nice view of Perl 6.

A question about role-private attributes

2008-11-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am trying to understand the following small portion from S12, and it
seems slightly ambiguous to me:

=== from S12:
You may wish to declare an attribute that is hidden even from the
class; a completely private role attribute may be declared like this:

Cmy $!spleen;

The name of such a private attribute is always considered lexically
scoped. If a role declares private lexical items, those items are
private to the role due to the nature of lexical scoping.

I was unable to figure out what this piece of code would print:

role A {
my $!spleen;
method set_spleen($x) { $!spleen = $x; return self }
method say_spleen() { say  $!spleen }

class B does A {}
class C does A {};;;


How many 3s will that print? Just a single 3 would indicate that every
instance of every class that composed A has its own copy. If 3 is
printed twice, that would indicate that not every instance but every
class has its own copy. All three 3s will indicate only a single copy
for the entire role.

My guess is that the first interpretation was intended. Is that guess
correct? I would also guess that Cmy $spleen would give us the third
interpretation. But I do not know what syntax would result in a role-
private class attribute.
