Re: [PHP-DB] RE: Help for a beginner

2009-12-23 Thread Andy Shellam
> The default installation of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 
> adds a line to the Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts which causes network 
> functions (database connect functions too, like mysql_connect) to timeout 
> when connecting to "localhost".  To resolve this problem, remove the entry 
> from the hosts file:
> ::1 localhost
> or connect using the IP address, or another domain name.

Just FYI, this is also the default on newer Linux versions - Ubuntu 9.10 being 
a prime example.  Connecting to "localhost" creates an IPv6 connection.  Some 
utilities (e.g. telnet) fall back to trying IPv4 if the v6 connection fails.


Re: [PHP-DB] Displaying Password - orale...

2009-12-23 Thread Andy Shellam
Hi Karl,

> I did some search and found Zend Studio for MAC 5.5.
> it's $299, but thats a goal at least.

Just so you know I fully empathise with both yours and Daevid's situation - 
you'll probably find a lot of people on this list are in the same boat, as am I.

Anyway just a hint - I bought my first Mac in September and I'm never turning 
back but that's a conversation for another day.  The one thing I thought was 
missing that I couldn't match on Windows was a decent IDE - for both PHP and 
C++ (my two main freelancer languages.)

However someone on this list pointed me in the direction of what I thought was 
a Java IDE - NetBeans.  It turns out it's a damned-fine C++ and PHP editor.  It 
handles code completion of LARGE projects (4,000+ files) ten times faster than 
others - Zend Studio and Eclipse, and Komodo for instance.

Plus it's free :)

I used Zend Studio when it was a stand-alone Java application then switched to 
PhpEd but unfortunately that's Windows only.  I've also tried Eclipse but 
couldn't get to grips with it.  However I feel NetBeans is such a stronger 
contender than any of these - straight from the word go I just got on with it.

Re: the certification - I'm looking at doing a Zend course next year for 
nothing more than to try and get PHP recognised as a professional skill - I've 
been programming in it since 2002.  I don't know of any other companies that do 
PHP qualifications, but as Zend is "the PHP company" anyway they probably mean 
more :P

Hope this helps you anyway.

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Re: [PHP-DB] Displaying Password

2009-12-22 Thread Andy Shellam
Hi Karl,

> Yes you are correct. I do not store a plan text password.

Great stuff - so many systems I've seen use plain-text passwords it's little 
wonder there's so much data theft.

> If you cant read the encrypted text, you cant decrypt it right?

Wrong.  There are two-way encryption methods requiring the use of a common key, 
and an initialization vector for some protocols - see the mcrypt library which 
PHP can use (I had a play around with it quite recently.)

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Re: [PHP-DB] Combing PDO with mysql_pconnect connections in one application -- will this degrade performance?

2009-12-10 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)

> One thing to be careful is if you are relying on 'transactions' to handle 
> anything. Obviously the transaction has to be in the same connection just to 
> work. Despite what others have said, the PDO connection will be different to 
> the generic mysql connection as it is a separate process. Persistent 
> connections will only reuse an already open connection, you can't connect two 
> processes to the same connection. You would not know which process was 
> accessing things.

According to the documentation:

"First, when connecting, the function would first try to find a (persistent) 
link that's already open with the same host, username and password. If one is 
found, an identifier for it will be returned instead of opening a new 

Therefore, providing you've configured PHP's --with-mysql and --with-pdo-mysql 
options with the same MySQL library, then as long as the host, username and 
password are the same, the same connection will be re-used for both the native 
(mysql_pconnect) connection and the PDO connection.

I'm not sure about the mysqli library, but I believe that lies beneath the 
mysql_* family of functions anyway so it shouldn't make a difference whether 
you're using libmysqlclient or mysqli.


Re: [PHP-DB] Combing PDO with mysql_pconnect connections in one application -- will this degrade performance?

2009-12-09 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)

> As long as you test it (hopefully using some sort of automated tests) you 
> should be right.
> Since you're using persistent connections (make sure you set pdo to do the 
> same), I don't think you're really doubling the number of connections.

Yeah, I think PDO uses the underlying mysql/pgsql functions anyway - it just 
provides a common API layer across all database types.

Therefore if you call mysql_pconnect outside of PDO, then call the same 
database server with PDO, technically it should realise the connection has 
already been made to that server and use your previous connection.

As Chris pointed out, make sure PDO will also use persistent connections.


Re: [PHP-DB] Multiple instances of mysql_connect() in single PHP document.

2009-11-11 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)


If the databases are in the same mysql server, then you could qualify
the table select with the database name and simply re-use the

select db_name.table_name.field from db_name.table_name [where]

No offence, but if I saw this in an application's source code, I'd run  
a mile.

The negligible overhead of simply making two connections is far better  
in my opinion than having to rewrite each query if the database name  
changed, or to point an application at a copy of the original database  
with a different name for testing.  At least with the dual-connection  
approach, you'd only have to change it once.

Of course in a full application, you'd want the two database  
connection details in a config file, so the databases could even be  
located on separate servers, and you wouldn't need to make a source  
code change to point the application to another database.


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Re: [PHP-DB] losing MySQL resource

2009-11-09 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)

Hi Stan,

Are you saving the instance of your class in $_SESSION?

Class instances can be persisted across sessions, however resources  
(i.e. MySQL and other DB connections) cannot.  What you need to do, is  
every method in your wrapper class that uses the MySQL resource needs  
to check if it's a valid resource (is_resource() springs to mind.)

If it isn't valid, you need to re-create it (using mysql_connect).

The reason for this is that PHP isn't running between session  
requests, so it cannot maintain and monitor the database connection  
across requests.


On 9 November2009, at 21:11, Stan wrote:

I got as far as creating a class to be the wrapper ... instantiating  
object of that class ... saving the reference in a $_SESSION  
variable ...
but my object reference seems to be invalid upon the next request  
(in the

same session) from the client browser.  What have I missed?


""Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)""  wrote in


I got around this by creating a database wrapper class which gets
passed the credentials from the app's config file.  An instance of  

class is created and saved in the session, and every query to the
database runs through the class's Query() wrapper method which checks
if the connection is alive and valid - if it isn't, it reconnects it
before running the query.


On 9 November2009, at 16:46, Stan wrote:

How do I make an Object persistant for the duration of a Session?
"Chris"  wrote in message news:4AB6B16C.

Niel Archer wrote:

I'm maintaining a session.  I successfully connect to a database


= mysql_connect()).  I save the connection resource in a session


($_SESSION['connection'] = $DBConnect) ... to use in subsequent

queries.  It

remains valid while the user is on the current page.
print_r($_SESSION['connection']) yields 'Resource id #3', for

User browses to a new page ... in the same session.


no longer references a valid mysql resource.
print_r($_SESSION['connection']) yields '0'.

Other "ordinary" values saved in $_SESSION variables remain  

Is there something special about a mysql resource?

Not about the resource itself, no. PHP closes connections to a Db
when a
script ends, unless the connection is persistent, so while the
IS saved, the connection to which it refers no longer exists.

No resources (whether they are persistent or not) can be stored in

The big pink box has more info.

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Re: [PHP-DB] losing MySQL resource

2009-11-09 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)


I got around this by creating a database wrapper class which gets  
passed the credentials from the app's config file.  An instance of the  
class is created and saved in the session, and every query to the  
database runs through the class's Query() wrapper method which checks  
if the connection is alive and valid - if it isn't, it reconnects it  
before running the query.


On 9 November2009, at 16:46, Stan wrote:

How do I make an Object persistant for the duration of a Session?
"Chris"  wrote in message news:4AB6B16C.

Niel Archer wrote:

I'm maintaining a session.  I successfully connect to a database


= mysql_connect()).  I save the connection resource in a session


($_SESSION['connection'] = $DBConnect) ... to use in subsequent

queries.  It

remains valid while the user is on the current page.
print_r($_SESSION['connection']) yields 'Resource id #3', for  

User browses to a new page ... in the same session.


no longer references a valid mysql resource.
print_r($_SESSION['connection']) yields '0'.

Other "ordinary" values saved in $_SESSION variables remain valid.

Is there something special about a mysql resource?

Not about the resource itself, no. PHP closes connections to a Db  
when a
script ends, unless the connection is persistent, so while the  

IS saved, the connection to which it refers no longer exists.

No resources (whether they are persistent or not) can be stored in  


The big pink box has more info.

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: [PHP-DB] Very old question: Mysql and old authentication

2009-10-29 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)

-Remote Server
"old_passwords" "ON"
"version" "5.0.45"

That's probably why - as I said in my previous e-mail, the mysqlng  
driver doesn't support the old authentication mechanism.  If you  
cannot change the remote server, you need to re-compile PHP with the  
MySQL client library (libmysql) instead of the PHP 5.3 native driver  

Re: [PHP-DB] Very old question: Mysql and old authentication

2009-10-29 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)
The mysqlnd driver doesn't support MySQL 4.1 or earlier - it looks  
like the server that you think is 5.0.45 is actually a lot older, or  
your user account on MySQL has been set up using the old  
authentication method.

The solution would be to re-compile PHP 5.3 with the original MySQL  
client library (libmysql) instead of the newer mysqlnd.


On 29 October2009, at 20:05, SuNcO wrote:

Recently we update our Local Server to this:

Apache Version : 2.2.11
PHP Version : 5.3.0
MySQL Version : 5.1.36

All works fine locally, but when we want to connect to a Remote  
Mysql Server 5.0.45 just can't, we got the "mysqlnd cannot connect  
to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication" msg

The solution as i see is to use the OLD_PASSWORD trick, but in this  
case we can't do that because the Server is a Shared server and yada  
yada yada.. change some in the Remote Mysql Server is not an option

I think Php must provide a solution for this but we can't found it

We use SqlYog 6.05 to connect to Mysql Server's. Why it works with  
NEW and OLD algorithm and Php don't ?

Any help on this please ?

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Re: [PHP-DB] DB interface problem

2009-10-27 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)

Hi Giff,

Glad you got it sorted!

pg_exec() is the old (and deprecated) name for pg_query - this behaves  
differently to pg_execute.

pg_execute runs a SQL statement that has previously been prepared with  
a call to pg_prepare, while pg_query runs a SQL query directly.

After a quick glance through your code, I think pg_query is what you  



On 27 October2009, at 22:06, Giff Hammar wrote:


Thanks for your help! The var_dump after the pg_execute showed that  

execute() method wasn't being called (I left a line out of the calling
script). Once I fixed that, I changed pg_execute back to pg_exec and  

worked as expected. Now I have to figure out the difference between
pg_exec and pg_execute... From what I can tell, pg_exec isn't  

any more and I should be using pg_execute instead... Thanks again.


On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 19:51 +0000, Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists) wrote:

Hi Giff,

No worries - I know the feeling well!

At first glance this looks OK, however I notice that there is no  

property defined in the STH class, like there is session and query.

$this->res on line 202 is what's causing the issue - PHP is saying
it's not a valid PostgreSQL result resource, so if you trace back to
where that comes from, you get to line 175:

$this->res = @pg_execute($this->session, $query);

PHP is therefore trying to assign a query result to a property that
doesn't exist.  I would have expected PHP to throw an error at this
but it may have been obscured with your logging settings, I'm not  

Try adding "public $res;" after line 85 and see what you get.  You
could also add "var_dump($this->res);" between lines 175 and 176  

should tell you what PHP thinks "$this->res" is.

And lastly, you could get a back-trace of the rows() method call to
see if it's being called before $this->res has been assigned - just
add the line "var_dump(debug_backtrace());" between lines 201 and  

Hope this gives you a starting pointer!


On 27 October2009, at 19:36, Giff Hammar wrote:


Sometimes I'm too fast for my own good. I added .txt to the file and
should be visible as Just
appending the .txt didn't work.

Thanks for taking a look!


On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 17:49 +, Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)  

Hi Giff,

I want to have a look at this for you, but you'll need to put the
on your server as plain-text because your server is parsing the PHP
code and only sending us the output, not the source code.

Append *.txt to your file on the server and we should be able to  

it better!


On 27 October2009, at 12:48, Giff Hammar wrote:

I started having trouble with a DBI interface to my PostgreSQL
after I built a new Ubuntu machine. The Postgres version is 8.3  

DBI was written several years ago (by someone else). I'm using PHP
version 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2 with apache2. The problem is that I get  


Warning: pg_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid  

result resource in /var/www/lib/dbi_pgsql.php on line 202

I don't know what to check next to figure out why this is  

Here is what I have done so far:

- Updated the old PHP commands in the dbi file to reflect new ones
 var -> public
 pg_numrows -> pg_num_rows
 pg_cmdtuples -> pg_affected_rows
 pg_exec -> pg_execute
- Connected to the database as the same user by using straight PHP
vs the DBI. It worked fine.
- Connected to the database via psql and that worked fine, too.

There is something with the DBI class that is not right, but I  
am a

novice with objects and classes, so I can't pin it down. The whole
is here: - it's 205 lines
so I
didn't want to put the whole thing in this post.

If anyone can take a look at it and let me know what to check
next, I
would really appreciate it.


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Re: [PHP-DB] DB interface problem

2009-10-27 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)

Hi Chris,

$this->res = @pg_execute($this->session, $query);
PHP is therefore trying to assign a query result to a property that  
doesn't exist.  I would have expected PHP to throw an error at this  
but it may have been obscured with your logging settings, I'm not  

Close - the '@' before pg_execute is hiding the notice/warning.

I'd say check your database username/password are correct.

Yeah I noticed that, but the line below it does a check to see if the  
pg_execute command succeeded, and if it didn't it kills the script,  
but that's not happening - it's getting further down the line, which  
is why I think $this->res is not being persisted across method calls.


Re: [PHP-DB] DB interface problem

2009-10-27 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)

Hi Giff,

No worries - I know the feeling well!

At first glance this looks OK, however I notice that there is no "res"  
property defined in the STH class, like there is session and query.

$this->res on line 202 is what's causing the issue - PHP is saying  
it's not a valid PostgreSQL result resource, so if you trace back to  
where that comes from, you get to line 175:

$this->res = @pg_execute($this->session, $query);

PHP is therefore trying to assign a query result to a property that  
doesn't exist.  I would have expected PHP to throw an error at this  
but it may have been obscured with your logging settings, I'm not sure.

Try adding "public $res;" after line 85 and see what you get.  You  
could also add "var_dump($this->res);" between lines 175 and 176 which  
should tell you what PHP thinks "$this->res" is.

And lastly, you could get a back-trace of the rows() method call to  
see if it's being called before $this->res has been assigned - just  
add the line "var_dump(debug_backtrace());" between lines 201 and 202.

Hope this gives you a starting pointer!


On 27 October2009, at 19:36, Giff Hammar wrote:


Sometimes I'm too fast for my own good. I added .txt to the file and  

should be visible as Just
appending the .txt didn't work.

Thanks for taking a look!


On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 17:49 +, Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists) wrote:

Hi Giff,

I want to have a look at this for you, but you'll need to put the  

on your server as plain-text because your server is parsing the PHP
code and only sending us the output, not the source code.

Append *.txt to your file on the server and we should be able to see
it better!


On 27 October2009, at 12:48, Giff Hammar wrote:

I started having trouble with a DBI interface to my PostgreSQL
after I built a new Ubuntu machine. The Postgres version is 8.3 and
DBI was written several years ago (by someone else). I'm using PHP
version 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2 with apache2. The problem is that I get the

Warning: pg_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL
result resource in /var/www/lib/dbi_pgsql.php on line 202

I don't know what to check next to figure out why this is happening.
Here is what I have done so far:

- Updated the old PHP commands in the dbi file to reflect new ones
  var -> public
  pg_numrows -> pg_num_rows
  pg_cmdtuples -> pg_affected_rows
  pg_exec -> pg_execute
- Connected to the database as the same user by using straight PHP
vs the DBI. It worked fine.
- Connected to the database via psql and that worked fine, too.

There is something with the DBI class that is not right, but I am a
novice with objects and classes, so I can't pin it down. The whole
is here: - it's 205 lines  
so I

didn't want to put the whole thing in this post.

If anyone can take a look at it and let me know what to check  
next, I

would really appreciate it.


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Re: [PHP-DB] DB interface problem

2009-10-27 Thread Andy Shellam (Mailing Lists)

Hi Giff,

I want to have a look at this for you, but you'll need to put the file  
on your server as plain-text because your server is parsing the PHP  
code and only sending us the output, not the source code.

Append *.txt to your file on the server and we should be able to see  
it better!


On 27 October2009, at 12:48, Giff Hammar wrote:

I started having trouble with a DBI interface to my PostgreSQL  
after I built a new Ubuntu machine. The Postgres version is 8.3 and  

DBI was written several years ago (by someone else). I'm using PHP
version 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.2 with apache2. The problem is that I get the

Warning: pg_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL
result resource in /var/www/lib/dbi_pgsql.php on line 202

I don't know what to check next to figure out why this is happening.
Here is what I have done so far:

- Updated the old PHP commands in the dbi file to reflect new ones
   var -> public
   pg_numrows -> pg_num_rows
   pg_cmdtuples -> pg_affected_rows
   pg_exec -> pg_execute
- Connected to the database as the same user by using straight PHP  

 vs the DBI. It worked fine.
- Connected to the database via psql and that worked fine, too.

There is something with the DBI class that is not right, but I am a
novice with objects and classes, so I can't pin it down. The whole  

is here: - it's 205 lines so I
didn't want to put the whole thing in this post.

If anyone can take a look at it and let me know what to check next, I
would really appreciate it.


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