[PHP] How can I do this correctly? Trying to get gd to work...

2002-01-08 Thread Joelmon2001

with dl() function. Thanks for your time. Even though I read php.net's 
support on dl, I still cannot get it to work, so I figured I'd ask (if I may)

The syntax was:


Warning: Unable to load dynamic library './libdgso' - ./libdgso: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory in 
/home/sites/site7/web/php/page.php on line 2

Line 5 is of course

Which .so file should I choose to use and is there a specific path I must 

Thanks. I just want to try to load gd using this method so I can become more 
familiar with it..


[PHP] Question about php.ini and dynamic extensions

2002-01-08 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, if I want to be able to load dynamic extensions via php, do I just go 
php.ini and under

; Dynamic Extensions ;

Do I just add the extensions I need?

making sure they are uncommented ?

And then just save the file and reload apache?

In the php page, would

activate it? Is this how to do it?


[PHP] Question about Php/Mysql. Unsure if it's enabled.

2002-01-07 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, my subject is a bit confusing, I bet. I need a bit more speace to 
explain this situation.

Ok, basically I only configured php with apxs

However, I noticed the mysql was supported (It said so on php info page)

How is that possible?

I never tested a mysql script yet on this server (linux) yet, I just had to 
ask if this is normal and how this is possible. Or if I am misinterpreting 
the output. The file actually prints:


MySQL Support   enabled 
Active Persistent Links 0   
Active Links0   
Client API version  3.23.32 

Does this mean it really supports it? or am I just not understanding 

It even says zend server is in use, yet I never installed zend.
The version of php is 4.0.5 on apache webserver on linux

How is this possible? Just curious


[PHP] Is the 'dl' function a bad idea to use?

2002-01-05 Thread Joelmon2001

Hey, thanks for your time. You are busy, so I'll be brief

A.) If I were to use it, for a gd or mysql library, not oftenly, certainly 
not more than 100 requests per day, would it affect the server negatively?

B.) Is there a delay in using it as oppossed to compiling them during 
installation (or recompile)

I ask as I am not familiar at all with this feature, but saw it in some code, 
(For ming, actually, to make flash movies) and it worked well for me

So, if I use it, am I doing myself a disservice? Or not? Thanks, I have no 

Ps. In case one asks why I'd use such a method, I am picklehead, no 
intelligent answer, can be provided, I am just curious as I wasn't really 
aware of such an option earlier on. Thanks ;)

[PHP] Quick question about recompiling with GD library

2002-01-02 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, I have png/jpeg support and gd 1.8.3

I see, however, some linux ./configure examples that just use
--with-gd and no 
--with=/usr/local/png or whatever

the question is, would
--with-gd be enough to create/add text to jpeg/png or *only* if they are 

Just want to double check



Ps. Is there a way php can access the .so file without compiling that 
library? I saw an example where they connected to the ming (To create flash 
files) .so file, is that a workaround from having to ./configure and is it 
bad practice?

[PHP] Question about using libraries without ./compile --with-library

2001-12-27 Thread Joelmon2001

I know you can use ./configure --with-gd to compile gd with php
and same with ming, to make flash movies, for example

However, I noticed on source code one tutorial showed
the php script link straight to the ming .so file, which made me wonder *IF* 
that was because they didn't use ./configure...is it possible to do that with 
gd and others? To use php and that library *without* ./configure? I found 
that odd, unless I misunderstood what they were doing in that ming flash 
example by connecting to that .so file

Is that something you can do with ming, gd library or any other without 
./configure option? If that is the case, what are the performance differences 
in using such a method?

Is it such a bad idea, that I should avoid such practices? 
If I need to elaborate and show a code example, I will. I just never really 
knew of such a way to use a library. 

Thanks for your time


[PHP] ./configure error. won't let me continue...

2001-12-21 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello. I am trying to 
and I have many options I want to add. I receive an error which is further 
below. It comes after I type this endless ./configure which you see below as 
shown via telnet:

[root@www php-4.0.5]# ./configure --enable-bcmath --enable-ftp \
--enable-safe-mode --with-gd=/usr/local --enable-gd-native-ttf \
--with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local --with-png-dir=/usr/local --with-ming \
--with-freetype-dir=/usr/local --with-t1lib=/usr/local \
--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql --with-pgsql=/usr/local/pgsql \
--with-ttf=/usr/local --enable-shared-pdflib --enable-magic-quotes \

***ERROR IS:***
configure: error: can only configure for one host and one target at a time 

What does this mean? WHy do all examples I see format the options like this, 
yet it won't work for my raq 3? Is there a solution? I simply want to 
./configure all at the same time so I can install this puppy (Php4)



Re: [PHP] Re: Mommy, is it true that...?

2001-12-20 Thread Joelmon2001

how does one prevent a hacker deleting tables or what not?

This is a topic I do not know enough about, thanks for opening my eyes to 
this matter


[PHP] Hello, q about ./configure (php) on linux

2001-12-19 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, I have a question, I just want to confirm something

When I use the -- with 
./configure such as:

My libpng is actually located (The top level directory) at:
however, libpng.so is at 

which path do I use in the --with 

It might sound like silly q, but I want to make sure I do this right, I am 
just confused if I point to the top level or the .so. Why would I ask this? 
All examples show pointing to usr/local/lib for my type of linux, but I found 
the top level elsewhere and that concerned me. now I am confused if 
libjpeg/png/gd all have /usr/local/lib or the path to the top level 

Thanks for your time


[PHP] how to get postscript to work with php/gd?

2001-12-18 Thread Joelmon2001

Does anybody know?

I know gd I edit the  makefile and can support older version of freetype
however, for certain reasons I can't install freetype 2, and I was considering
postscript fonts

Does anybody know from experience how to get gd/php working with them?

the goal is just better font support with gd/php instead of the default text 
that is displayed

Thanks. I have had trouble finding for sure which course of action to take 
for linux (raq 3) so I hope this isn't too off topic


[PHP] Q about php with gd

2001-12-16 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, just wondering if I want to get the most out of gd 2+ with php
does it require freetype 2+? Or can I get away with freetype 1.35?



[PHP] Best book you've used/or one can use to learn php?

2001-12-13 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, thanks for your time. The subject says it all. I'll still read, test, 
and search archives. But taking into consideration new changes in php, and 
not wanting to just learn x in php, just curious if there is a current 
recommended Book you know of or book that has helped you greatly that maybe 
some of us are not aware of, that might not even be in the archives

Thank you

[PHP] Do gd/ming/other libraries work with php 4.1?

2001-12-11 Thread Joelmon2001

Might sound silly, I don't know anything about this 4.1 version

Anything I need to know about, can I still install libraries and then untar 
php and use:
./configure--with this and that and this and that?

Any new features? Or is all this new info in the .gz file?

Just wondering, thanks for your time


[PHP] How to use gd/php with no freetype?

2001-12-06 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello and thanks for your time. 

 After endless searching, I am still lost

let's just assume I can't install freetype, and it looks like that for 
matters I won't get into. (linux, raq 3) 

What solution would allow me to specify fonts for text written into images? 
Instead of using the default font, imagine I want to use helvetica. Am I 
out of luck without freetype? And if somehow I get freetype installed does 
php allow the method to name the font such as Arial and if so, which file 
do I edit so by default I can specify the font so the text written to the 
image looks as I intended? Thanks. I searched and couldn't find answer to 
both q's, esp. the first. 


[PHP] How to use gd/php without freetype?

2001-12-04 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello and thanks for your time. After endless searching, I am still lost

let's just assume I can't install freetype, and it looks like that for 
matters I won't get into. (linux, raq 3) 

I obviously need gd to create images and create text onto them
But I want to be able to use normal standard fonts besides the default font
that is used with text strings

am I to believe without freetype, I can't do this? Am I just stuck with the 
default text font without freetype? Or is there another solution? Or do I 
just look for a fonts directory and call it during a php script using gd? 
MIght seem like a simple q
but to this newbie, it's vital and I cannot find documentation on non 
freetype solutions

Thanks so much 


[PHP] Question about adding library to use with php

2001-12-02 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, i have one simple question

With php installed, if the time comes where I want to add another library, 
let's say ming, do I redo the ./congigure script or do I redo the 
installation or just edit one file to accomodate the new software so it can 
work with php? This way if there is software not configured with php at the 
moment that comes out in a year or what not, I would know what to do.

This is one area I am confused with. I am not sure if it is necessary to redo 
installation or just one simple modification.


[PHP] Question per install. Editing apxs (linux)

2001-12-01 Thread Joelmon2001

One source for raq 3 users like myself said to edit it for php and do this:
Line 203:
($rc, @ARGV) = Getopts(qn:gco:I+D+L+l+S+W+iaA,
This line should read as I have above. Normally its:
($rc, @ARGV) = Getopts(qn:gco:I+D+L+l+W+iaA, @ARGV);
[in other words, remove the +S ]

Ok, Remove the +S. Fine. However, another site said:

#fix apxs so that it can use the -S option
wget http://www.uk2raq.com/updates/php/apxs
mv apxs /usr/sbin/apxs
chmod 755 /usr/sbin/apxs

That was interesting.

What is the difference between the 2 options?

Thanks. I hope this is not off topic, as it's per installing php


[PHP] Few quick questions on php 4.1

2001-12-01 Thread Joelmon2001

I saw a download for it a few days ago but I am curious to know:

A.) how stable is it
B.) Is there offically a known 'make' one must have on linux to install it?
3.7.7 ok? (Freetype I found out 3.7.8 or higher according to a developer of 
C.) what are the new features and when is it officially up from php.net?

Unless I am a picklehead and I missed it was released like today or yesterday


[PHP] Confirm mysql support option with php install

2001-11-28 Thread Joelmon2001

Hi, guys. Just want to confirm when I install all the other libraries like gd 
and freetype and what not, and I get the php file installed and I am about to 

since mysql currently runs with asp beautifully my option would be

--with mysql and PATH to mysql not *just*
-- with mysql if I want php to connect to the same db's and not overwrite any 
mysql data, correct?

I ask as one raq 3 site with rpm's gave instruction on installing php with 
mysql, but showed 
-- with mysql not the path
and I got confused as to the best way

I thought it was said to require the *path* to mysql if it's installed and 
working pre
php installation

Just hoping ot confirm so I don't fudge this up, and god forbid, even erase 
my mysql data (I will make backups, but still)


[PHP] Question about Linux Rpm

2001-11-27 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, I see all the ways to compile the tarball on a raq 3
for php after one installs freetype/gd and has mysql

well, what about the rpm?
Since I have mysql installed, after I get gd/freetype up
will the rpm know what to do to incorporate them? Or would I still
have to modify certain files?

For those that have used linux rpm's instead of using the 
tarball and compiling with make, ./configure ...

Thanks, just curious


Re: [PHP] Question about Linux Rpm

2001-11-27 Thread Joelmon2001


RPM is good if everything is installed by RPM.
Otherwise, RPM won't know that you have dependencies installed, and will

Thanks. But how do I know if an rpm can run on a raq 3 when I read it's 
supported for redhat?

Sometimes I read For redhat 6.1 and then some say yes, you can install 

Just curious. But I do see what you are saying if I can get them to install
I would have to install the php/gd first with many others...but knowing *if* 
I can is hard enough
And if I did, php/gd and php/mysql and what not I presume go first before the 
php rpm?

Along with a few others. Wow, maybe it is best from source

[PHP] Re: failure notice

2001-11-25 Thread Joelmon2001

For those running php 4 on raq 3, how did you compile freetype?

make install

or just 2 make's?

Just curious

[PHP] Can php do this?

2001-11-24 Thread Joelmon2001

Thanks for your time . *This* = create follow up autoresponders
Or at least have php run with cron, so I can daily hit a mysql
db and use php to email those people at a specified time, like
every 3 days. Just so when I have users to the site who register
and their name/email is in a table users in db data, 
php/cron can be used to pull the name/email from mysql
and (with unsubscribe message at bottom) email them when I 
say to do so in cron. Getting cron by itself to work is fine
but with php script that connects to mysql and emails users?
Can that be done?

Sort of like cron doing what you would do if you visited
page.php and once it's hit, it emails specified users in a database
Would I need path to php in the cron script to do this?
Or am I just living a dream?

The idea of emailing users in a mysql db with php script
every day is very appealing to me. (Yes, with unsubscribe feature)

Thanks, I hope to goodness this made sense and you
enjoyed your holiday


Re: [PHP] Can php do this?

2001-11-24 Thread Joelmon2001

Thanks guys

I just want to confirm one last thing, as it's been a while since I needed 

After I create this file (cron.file) for ex
and use 
crontab cronfile (I do this as root, if it matters)
do permissions need to be set? I really can't recall
I would think that would do it as I am not uploading it
and do it as root 

Thanks for the help, GREAT help and it's appreciated

Now I just need to get freetype 2 installed right on my raq 3
and I can live like a king


[PHP] How to run php files on windows millenium?

2001-11-21 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, my friend has windows ME, but no personal web server

When I use php, I use personal web server on win 98

WHen he downloads php on his pc with windows me,
can he use notepad to make php files, and use
http://localhost still to view them online?

Or must he use personal web server? What can he do to get it up and running
(Php) on his windows millenium?


[PHP] Proven linux install for freetype 2/tiff?

2001-11-16 Thread Joelmon2001

What is needed to use gd to full capacity to create/modify images?
I figured freetype and tiff support? 

Can I simply untar them
make install

for that software, like freetype? I asked the list, and checked the site. No 

I don't want to install gd/php and find out Sorry, you can't create images 
as intended. Please bang your head against the wall

So I figured I'd ask lol
Just looking for proven way to get that free type 
installed. Does the gd config file need edit?

Very confusing, I even read admin's recall their horror stories
so I hope this is a good place to ask :)


[PHP] Question about using system call/gzip

2001-11-11 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello. I just want to confirm that if I use a system call to 
execute gzip, so I can zip a directory, the file can be
decompressed by windows users

for example, if I visit
bleh.php and it compresses a directory /directory
will that file that it creates, which I download, be 
able to be unpacked using a 'winzip' for example on a windows machine?

Please insert Yes :)



Re: [PHP] Question about using system call/gzip

2001-11-11 Thread Joelmon2001

Gzip only compresses single files?

So what if I want to compress a directory and have it download when a page is 

I thought gzip would allow this. To compress a specified directory
when page.php is accessed. This is confusing. I tried the zend.com articles, 
too confusing to grasp. I am a bit confused

Thanks for your time, I appreciate it

[PHP] Hello, per making .zip files

2001-11-04 Thread Joelmon2001

Hello, I have tried the zend.com articles to no avail

on php/linux 
4.03 or even 4.05 whatever

is there a way to speciy a directory, in let's say
zip.php and when joe schmoe goes to that page, that directory
which is specified is downloaded immediately as zip?

Not a user interface to make them

nobody seems to have a straight answer
trying not to talk about 3rd party $10m components

can php do this? If so, how? I get errors with every 'solution'
so I figured I'd ask here. 
