[PHP] uksort wisdom

2002-02-04 Thread Sondra Russell

Hi Guys!

I'm looking to get a *deeper understanding* of uksort.  My quandry:

$array[listing1][name] = listing 1;
$array[listing1][premiere] = ;
$array[listing2][name] = listing 2;
$array[listing2][premiere] = ;
$array[listing3][name] = listing 3;
$array[listing3][premiere] = yes;

I'd like the result to come out as:
$array[listing3] //(this is the one with the premiere set to yes)
$array[listing1] // (no premiere, but in order)
$array[listing2] // (again, no premiere, but again in order)

So far, I've got:

function cmp= ($a,$b) {
global $array;
if ($array [$a][premiere] == yes) {
return -1;
} else {
return ($a  $b) ? -1 : 1;


But that ends up, strangely with:

Any wisdom?  Just would like a better idea of the inner workings of uksort.


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re: [PHP] Paypal Instant Payment Notification

2002-01-28 Thread Sondra Russell

hi guys!

i've been working on this darn instant payment notification script 
for weeks now.  I've gotten pretty close based on some recent posts 
that use the great Rasmus' postToHost function to talk to paypal and 
get the confirmation.  However, the reply from paypal, instead of 
being one word (VALID or INVALID), is a whole web page.

I'm thinkin' the problem is that I'm not posting to 
https://www.paypal.com/blah, but to http://www.paypal.com/.  How do I 
use the posttohost function (or some other function) to post securely?


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[PHP] Image Resampling

2001-12-06 Thread Sondra Russell

Dear Friends,

I'm working on a tool where my dear user can upload a large jpg for 
use with a store.  The tool would upload the jpeg, resample (as 
opposed to resize - image quality is appalling on that!) it to 
thumbnail, and then be done with the whole thing and go smoke a 

Sounds simple, right?  Well, here's my challenge: my hosting company 
isn't quite up to GD v.2x (they're staying behind in gif-land with GD 
v.1.6).  So, I successfully installed ImageMagick to call from 
system() or exec().

BUT, my hosting company runs php in safe mode, forbidding any system 
or exec calls.

Now, I KNOW I'm not the first person on the planet to have this 
challenge.  Anyone?  Bueller?  Share with me.


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[PHP] Ezmlm Hosts besides csoft.net?

2001-11-29 Thread Sondra Russell

Hello everyone!

I'm wondering if you guys could suggest a hosting company that provides:
ezmlm (or ezmlm-idx).

I have been with csoft.net, which was wonderful and which provided 
all of these things, but last night they decided to pull down my web 
site for six hours without notification based on an erroneous 
accusation of sending spam.  They've reinstated the account, of 
course, but I'm still very unhappy with those guys and need to 
change!  I would tell anyone else to proceed with caution when 
hosting with them, btw.

Any suggestions would be welcome!

Sondra Russell

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[PHP] High-Volume Newsletter Techniques?

2001-11-14 Thread Sondra Russell

Yes, I saw the discussion a few days earlier on this topic, but I'm 
wondering if there is still some unmined wisdom out there about 
building a script that sends a newsletter out to 25,000+ people 
The very impressive class I found (phpmailer-1.41) looked great, but 
it didn't *directly* address the high-volume issue in the readme so 
I'm still a little nervous.

And, unfortunately, it's not one of those types of technical 
challenges you can keep testing over and over without seriously 
annoying the first 100 or so people on your list who *do* get the 
email before the script times out.

I think the amount of trash email I get each day proves that vast 
mailings aren't TOO difficult, but I think I could use a little 
wisdom before I give it a shot.

Anyone?  I'll buy you a coke!

Thank you in advance,
Sondra Russell

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[PHP] Thank You Friends

2001-10-31 Thread Sondra Russell

Dear Venerable PHP List,

I hope this isn't viewed as impolite on this list.  I just wanted to 
write all of you to thank you for the immeasurable contributions you 
have made to the project I've been working on for the last three 


It is a site supporting an English language literary magazine 
published here in Paris, and has new stories and articles every day.

While it is hard to see through the pretty pictures and words to the 
infinitely recursing arrays (which this list helped me debug) and the 
amazing grep challenge 2000 (which this list polished for me), we all 
know how crucial those invisible little combinations of syntax can be 
to bringing beautiful things to the surface.

Please feel free to visit the site *if you want*.  I just wanted to 
let you ALL know that even though we've never met, you've made me a 
smarter person and have helped bring the work of perhaps otherwise 
obscured talented writers and artists to the masses.

Thank You Friends,

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[PHP] paypal instant notification

2001-10-31 Thread Sondra Russell

Hi guys!

I'm going to use paypal with my site, and they have a cool instant 
notification feature which sends, to a page I preassign, information 
about a transaction as it happens.  My script is supposed to:
a) receive this information (as a post)
b) send it back to them with a sort of is this really coming from 
you? message
c) get a confirmation from them, yes, this came from us
d) take the post and insert it into my database or whatever else I'd 
like to do with it.

They have provided a perl sample script (see below).

Mostly I'm just trying to figure out how to replicate the whole 
receiving, sending, and receiving again thing in PHP.  This is 
especially tricky since I apparently can't test my work without 
actually going through a transaction on paypal (and spending money). 
I sorta have to get it right the first time.

Anyone done this before?

Thanks again!

sample perl script:

   # read the post from PayPal system and add 'cmd'
   read (STDIN, $query, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
   $query .= 'cmd=_notify-validate';

   # post back to PayPal system to validate
   use LWP::UserAgent;
   $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
   $req = new HTTP::Request 'POST','https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
   $res = $ua-request($req);

   # split posted variables into pairs
   @pairs = split(//, $query);
   $count = 0;
   foreach $pair (@pairs) {
   ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
   $value =~ tr/+/ /;
   $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack(C, hex($1))/eg;
   $variable{$name} = $value;

   # assign posted variables to local variables
   $receiver_email = $variable{'receiver_email'};
   $item_name = $variable{'item_name'};
   $item_number = $variable{'item_number'};
   $custom = $variable{'custom'};
   $payment_status = $variable{'payment_status'};
   $payment_date = $variable{'payment_date'};
   $payment_gross = $variable{'payment_gross'};
   $payment_fee = $variable{'payment_fee'};
   $txn_id = $variable{'txn_id'};
   $first_name = $variable{'first_name'};
   $last_name = $variable{'last_name'};
   $address_street = $variable{'address_street'};
   $address_city = $variable{'address_city'};
   $address_state = $variable{'address_state'};
   $address_zip = $variable{'address_zip'};
   $address_country = $variable{'address_country'};
   $payer_email = $variable{'payer_email'};
   if ($res-content eq 'VERIFIED') {
   # check transaction for uniqueness
   # process payment
   elsif ($res-content eq 'INVALID') {
   # possible fraud
   else {
   # error

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[PHP] Whacky WGET issue...

2001-08-30 Thread Sondra Russell

Hello everyone!

Crazy question:

I've created a little script that reads in .txt files and, with the 
help of phplib templates, matches them up with a collection of 
templates and spits out the beautiful html page.

In order to avoid sending variables through the URL I've stolen this 
bizarre workaround where, when you call 
http://www.mysite.com/somepage.html for example, the apache 
configuration realizes it's a 404 and redirects all 404s through my 
cms script.  Then my script looks for 
http://www.mysite.com/somepage.txt and does the rest.

This works beautifully, and my plan was to have a dev environment 
that runs against the little CMS system and then wget the whole site 
periodically for the live server (so, the live site actually *is* a 
collection of flat pages).

Beautiful plan, but it turns out that WGET doesn't see the apache 
configuration change that runs all 404s through my CMS script.  It 
sees a 404 and tells me its a 404 and then goes back to its coffee 
break, you know?

Anyone else tried this workaround before with similar results? 
Anyone else have a better workaround?  Bueller?

Anyway, best,

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[PHP] Grep Challenge 2001

2001-08-23 Thread Sondra Russell

Hello everyone!

Here's my grep challenge. Turn:

!--begin variable: variable_blah--
blah blah
blah blah
blah blah
blah blah

!--begin variable: variable_blah2--
blah 2 blah 2
blah 2 blah 2
blah 2 blah 2
blah 2 blah 2

(variable_blah) (blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah)
(variable_blah2) (blah 2 blah 2 blah 2 blah 2 blah 2 blah 2 blah 2 )

Where the blahs (that are not part of the variable name) contain 
practically anything but the next comment !--begin variable:. 
Also the blahs maintain their \n and such (I just flattened those 
values out for demo purposes here).

I've tried:/!--begin variable:?([\w\s]*)--([\w\s]*)/m, but that 
misses out on any punctuation and /!--begin 
variable:?([\w\s]*)--(.*)/m gives me some other weirdness-- it 
doesn't find anything at all for the second substring.

Any suggestions!

Thanks cowboys!

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[PHP] Function to Build Trees

2001-08-19 Thread Sondra Russell

Hello everyone,

I've been tearing my hair out trying to write a function in PHP that 
will accomplish the following:

Given a multidimensional array with words as keys, I want to match 
the values of each array with the keys of the array and build a new 
array that reflects these relationships as a sort of tree.  So, in 
the list below, fruit, apples, oranges, red are the keys and 
in the fruit array are the values apples and oranges, so I want 
the function to create a new array that looks like:

$array['fruits'] = array(apples,oranges,pears);
$array['apples'] = array(red,granny smith);
$array['oranges'] = array('mandarin');
$array['red'] = array(big red,small red);

$array['fruits'] = array(apples,oranges,pears);
$array['fruits']['apples'] = array(red,granny smith);
$array['fruits']['oranges'] = array('mandarin');

And then I want it further to figure out that red, now in the array 
found at: $array['fruits']['apples'] matches a key in the original 
array so the final result looks like:

$array['fruits'] = array(apples,oranges,pears);
$array['fruits']['oranges'] = array('mandarin');
$array['fruits']['apples'] = array(red,granny smith);
$array['fruits']['apples']['red'] = array(big red,small red);

So, you see how it builds a little tree, right?

AND, I'd like this function to be able to handle any number (probably 
less that 30, but whatever) of initial array elements in an 
unpredictable order and the final tree could have up to five or six 
levels.  You know?

Is this impossible, or am I just going about the end result wrong?? 
It seemed like such a simple thing three days ago, but now I am about 
to cry uncle.

Anyway, please write if you have any thoughts.

Sondra Russell

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