Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: SuperDateTime - Current Date/Temperature and/or Baseball Screensaver

2018-06-15 Thread BoomX2 started rolling in new URLs for their JSON data late last
year.  This release uses the new URLs as I expect the previous URLs have
been deprecated and may stop working at some time in the future.  There
are advantages to the new URLs as they provide 14 days of extended
forecast.  This release also allows you to select your preferred
language for the data.

Change list:
# - Updated to new URLs and JSON file formats.
# - Added language setting for URLs.  Thanks
# - Added support for multiple OT periods in NBA games.
# - Cleanup unused code for weather map support.

You can download and install the update manually here:

Or you can use the repository listed here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: YouTube Plugin (API v3)

2018-06-15 Thread philippe_44

kmalmquist wrote: 
> Ah I see, thanks.  So this would probably be a whole new project to make
> those work.

Yes, it would be a major addition because I have to separate video and
audio then re-format audio. In case of webM I had to extract the Vorbis
data and then re-build an Ogg wrapper around it - it was a lot of pain
for me. I don't even know what are the format used to for live

LMS 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9 - 5xRadio, 3xBoom, 4xDuet, 1xTouch, 1 SB2. Sonos
PLAY:3, PLAY:5, Marantz NR1603, JBL OnBeat, XBoxOne, XBMC, Foobar2000,
ShairPortW, JRiver 21, 2xChromecast Audio, Chromecast v1 and v2, , Pi
B3, B2, Pi B+, 2xPi A+, Odroid-C1, Odroid-C2, Cubie2, Yamaha WX-010,
AppleTV 4, Airport Express, GGMM E5

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-15 Thread Glenn2

mavit wrote: 
> This is probably a good time to mention a similar change that I proposed
> in

I just tried that out and I like it.  I like the nice scrolling
How could I tweak that patch so that instead of the two lines being:


instead have them as


Then it would be perfect for me (on my SB3)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2018-06-15 Thread Lateboomer

I think I know what causes the issue. I run the uPnPBridge plugin under
Daphile server at Intel NUC. When I am not explicitly choosing the Atoll
Streamer ST100 as the output after reboot, although by default the
selected output highlighted Atoll being selected, then the streamer may
not be selected properly, then cd playing will fail. However, if I
explicitly choosing the Streamer as the output each time after startup,
then CDplayer can play correctly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2018-06-15 Thread bpa

Lateboomer wrote: 
> The CDplayer is running at Intel NUC and it is able to play cd to
> Squeezelite without any isse. It is when trying to play to Atoll
> Streamer ST100 that it says "could not open file for: CD track 02..." 
> However, what is more strange is that I managed to play whole cd album
> to the streamer without any issue in one incidence accidentally. After
> that I couldn't repeat the success even though I used back the same cd.
"Could not open file for" message usually means transcoding issue.
Either no rule or transcoding chain fails for some reason.
IIRC The acceptable destination format of UPnPbridge depends on the
device that is rendering the stream.  Make sure you have MP3, PCM and
Flac all enabled for CDplay filetype.

If problem still continue then get a log of player.source set to INFO 
trying to play the stream.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2018-06-15 Thread Lateboomer

The CDplayer is running at Intel NUC and it is able to play cd to
Squeezelite without any isse. It is when trying to play to Atoll
Streamer ST100 that it says "could not open file for: CD track 02..." 

However, what is more strange is that I managed to play whole cd album
to the streamer without any issue in one incidence accidentally. After
that I couldn't repeat the success even though I used back the same cd.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.3.0 - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-06-15 Thread danmalks

bakker_be wrote: 
> Hi Dan,
> actually Windows should take care of that for you, though it's of course
> possible to do this check through some kind of command line batch. Copy
> paste the following code into notepad and save it as
> CHECK_RESTART_LMS.BAT somewhere you can remember.
> > 

  >   > 
  > for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc query "logitechmediaserver" ^| 
findstr "STATE"') do (
  > if /I "%%H" NEQ "RUNNING" (
  > REM Put your code you want to execute here
  > REM For example, the following line
  > net start "logitechmediaserver"
  > )
  > )

> > 
> First test this on a command prompt (same process as before to obtain
> it). If you have no administrative rights on your PC you'll get a
> message like this:
> > 

  >   > 
  > C:\Users\username\Desktop>CHECK_RESTART_LMS.BAT
  > System error 5 has occurred.
  > Access is denied.

> > 
> If instead you get a success this message you already have
> administrative rights, and you can just doubleclick
> CHECK_RESTART_LMS.BAT from now on to do its job.
> Otherwise you'll need an "elevated command prompt": just click the
> start button/hit the windows key on your keyboard and type CMD. You'll
> get search results, one of which will be "Command Prompt", right-click
> it and choose "Run as administrator" and run you file again from the
> location where you saved it (easiest is to just drag and drop it onto
> this window).
> You should get a success message. If you do, next time no need to go
> through all this, just right-click CHECK_RESTART_LMS.BAT and directly
> choose "Run as administrator".
> I don't have LMS installed on Windows anymore, so the service name
> "logitechmediaserver" could be wrong. If you start task manager and go
> to the "Services" you'll be able to find the name. It's possible that
> you need to either click "More details" to show this tab, depending on
> you Windows version.

Thanks very much, appreciate the thorough response. 

I'll give this a try, but my first obstacle is that I do not see lms
running as a service, when I check the task manager "Services" tab (even
in 'more details').
I do have the lms running and I do see it in the task manager listed
under "background processes", along with the tray icon, I see:
Logitech Media Server (32 bit)
Logitech Media Server Tray Icon (32bit)

Do you recommend I setup the first one as a windows service? Will that
mess up any existing workflow (ie: the tray icon and web control turning
it on and off as it does currently)?

Also, if this is not relevant conversation for this forum, I can pm you

Anyone know if there are 64 bit versions of these apps? I'm running 64
bit and can't imagine that's related to my original issue, but worth

Thanks very much,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2018-06-15 Thread bpa

Lateboomer wrote: 
> I am running LMS on rpi and I have added CDplayer and UPnPBridge
> plugins. The upnp player is Atoll Streamer ST100. I can use UPnPBridge
> at LMS to play usb music files and stream internet radio to the
> streamer. However, is it possible to use CDplayer to play audio cd and
> output via UPnPBridge to the streamer? How to configure UPnPBridge to
> allow cd playing? Currently I can't play cd and it says failed to open
> cd track..

The CDplayer plugin is ignorent of the destination player - so failure
to open CD track is probably (still) a CDplayer plugin failure.  Does
CDplayer fail to play to Squeezelite player (e.g. to PC speakers) - if
so then problem is in CDplayer installation not the UPnPBridge.
UPnPBridge can have a strange interactions with some plugin as it has a
large buffer but IIRC they do not usually manifest as a plugin error.

What is the CDplayer error in detail ?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 2.3.0 - Spotify Connect for your Squeezebox

2018-06-15 Thread bakker_be

danmalks wrote: 
> Thanks. You seem familiar with windows. Do you know what the recommended
> approach would be to do the following:
> a) check if lms is running
> b) if not, start it, then stop it (you've already provided a suggestion
> for the start/stop tasks)
> Thanks,
> Dan

Hi Dan,
actually Windows should take care of that for you, though it's of course
possible to do this check through some kind of command line batch. Copy
paste the following code into notepad and save it as
CHECK_RESTART_LMS.BAT somewhere you can remember.


  for /F "tokens=3 delims=: " %%H in ('sc query "logitechmediaserver" ^| 
findstr "STATE"') do (
  if /I "%%H" NEQ "RUNNING" (
  REM Put your code you want to execute here
  REM For example, the following line
  net start "logitechmediaserver"

First test this on a command prompt (same process as before to obtain
it). If you have no administrative rights on your PC you'll get a
message like this:


  System error 5 has occurred.
  Access is denied.

If instead you get a success this message you already have
administrative rights, and you can just doubleclick
CHECK_RESTART_LMS.BAT from now on to do its job.
Otherwise you'll need an "elevated command prompt": just click the start
button/hit the windows key on your keyboard and type CMD. You'll get
search results, one of which will be "Command Prompt", right-click it
and choose "Run as administrator" and run you file again from the
location where you saved it (easiest is to just drag and drop it onto
this window).
You should get a success message. If you do, next time no need to go
through all this, just right-click CHECK_RESTART_LMS.BAT and directly
choose "Run as administrator".
I don't have LMS installed on Windows anymore, so the service name
"logitechmediaserver" could be wrong. If you start task manager and go
to the "Services" you'll be able to find the name. It's possible that
you need to either click "More details" to show this tab, depending on
you Windows version.

Main System: Touch; Marantz SR-5004 + TMA Premium 905 + TMA Premium 901
+ Teufel Ultima 20 Mk 2 + BK Monolith+ FF + Lenovo T460 + Kodi + Pioneer
Workshop: iPad 32GB Wifi + Squeezepad (local playback activated)
Wherever needed: Acer Iconia Tab A700 + Squeezeplayer
Kitchen: iPhone 5s + iPeng (local playback activated) + NAD 312 + Teufel
Ultima 20 Mk 2
Headphone (cozy corner): Lenovo T550 + Squeezelite-X + Cyrus Soundkey +
Topping A30 + Focal Elear
Car: TBC ...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-15 Thread bpa

mavit wrote: 
> …Which leads me to think: is there any chance that the source code for
> this plugin could be hosted on one of the code hosting platforms, e.g.,
> GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket?  It makes it easier to see what’s changed and
> why, easier for people to propose improvements, and harder for those
> suggestions to be inadvertently lost/forgotten.
No because they don't work with plugin repository.  I tried a number of
different storage sites and sourceforge was the only one with fewest

As for suggestions - keep them all in this forum.  Telling people they
can put issues and suggestions on more than one site make it hard for

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-15 Thread mavit

…Which leads me to think: is there any chance that the source code for
this plugin could be hosted on one of the code hosting platforms, e.g.,
GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket?  It makes it easier to see what’s changed and
why, easier for people to propose improvements, and harder for those
suggestions to be inadvertently lost/forgotten.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-15 Thread mavit

Glenn2 wrote: 
> Anyway, I cracked it.  I changed a line in  $self->text is
> where it stores a specific string for showing on VFD displays.  I
> concatenated the title and info strings with ': ' between.

This is probably a good time to mention a similar change that I proposed

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] BBCiPlayer V1.5.2 beta test

2018-06-15 Thread JJP

Hi, Can anyone [bpa? :-) ] help with my iplayer config please?

I'm getting frequent and variable Connecting... and Rebuffering... on
all listen live streams.

I noticed this about 6 months ago and have since moved to new LMS server
hardware without success.

System / Server Config:
LMS 7.9.1 running on Lenovo Thinkpad X230 Laptop Notebook i7-3520M 8GB
Win 10 
Players misbehaving: Squeezbox 2 & Classic. Wired and wireless.
UK based, zen internet DNS.

iPlayer config:
BBC iPlayer 1.5.3
BBC iPlayer Extras 2.0.0
Seconds to delay: 15, Buffer fullness: 100. Fiddling with these has
little effect.
HLS>DASH>MP3>FlashAAC>FlashMP3   this plays 339kbps CBR, AAC LC
If I set DASH>HLS>MP3>FlashAAC or DASH, the player seems to repeatedly
buffer about 0,1,2,3 seconds and then restarts at 0 without playing.
Setting Bitrate for DASH lowest/highest makes no difference.

Server Log file has lots of:
[18-06-15 10:02:58.0586] Slim::Utils::OS::Win32::getPriorityClass (752)
Error: Slim::Utils::LogCan't get process handle () [Wrong number of
parameters: expected 0, got 1.]
I've tried setting server priority in LMS config to 0:Normal and -16
without effect.
I've attached a more detailed log file.

I can play mp3 bbc streams without problem eg

I can stream bbc iPlayer radio through my Windows browser without any
buffering.  Spotty streams happily at 700+kps

Any pointers would be much appreciated!


|Filename: log.txt  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2018-06-15 Thread Lateboomer

I am running LMS on rpi and I have added CDplayer and UPnPBridge
plugins. The upnp player is Atoll Streamer ST100. I can use UPnPBridge
at LMS to play usb music files and stream internet radio to the
streamer. However, is it possible to use CDplayer to play audio cd and
output via UPnPBridge to the streamer? How to configure UPnPBridge to
allow cd playing? Currently I can't play cd and it says failed to open
cd track.

Thank you.

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