Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2021-11-07 Thread rincage

I have a Google home/nest hub device sat right next to my hi-fi set up.
Does anyone know how I can get it to browse to my material player at

I know it has a browser on the device, but you can't just load it, you
have to somehow navigate to it with your voice. And even if I do, is
there a way to "bookmark" it so I can get back to it again?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-11-07 Thread erland

afriend wrote: 
> BTW when I did some tests on a *clean* LMS 8.2.1 test system CustomSkip
> 2.5.83 didn't show up in the list of "unsupported extensions" for me.
> It's still listed in the main repo xml file though, just didn't show on
> the settings > plugins page under "unsupported extensions". All of the
> other plugins did though. Can anybody reproduce this?

Unsupported plugins only appear after a user have manually installed
them, confirmed that they work and issued a pull-request towards the
unsupported repo:
If people don’t know how to make a pull request they can also just tell
mherger or another community developer to do it for them.

So the reason Custom Skip doesn’t appear is that nobody has done this
yet. People using Custom Skip on 8.0 have installed it before they
upgraded to LMS 8.* or manually installed it after they setup LMS 8.*

The reason for the above process is to ensure plugins which have never
worked on 8.* doesn’t appear in the unsupported list.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
*Starting with LMS 8.0 I no longer support my plugins/applets* ('see
here for more information'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-11-07 Thread RobbH

Following up, the only issue I've encountered is that where dynamic
playlists from earlier versions of DPL3 had been saved as favorites, the
favorites no longer work. I don't think that's surprising. The playlists
still work, so it's just a matter of deleting the old favorites and
saving new ones.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-11-07 Thread afriend

RobbH wrote: 
> I've removed your old repo and added the new one. I've uninstalled the
> previous version of DPL3 and re-installed from the new repo. I then had
> both DPL2 and DPL3 installed, and two Dynamic Playlists entries under My
> Music. Uninstalled DPL2 and everything appears to be back to normal, but
> it hasn't really been tested yet.
> I also do not see the old Custom Skip, which I have never used, in the
> Unsupported Plugins list, or anywhere else. DPL2 also did not appear in
> that list at first, but it's now there again. Your Custom Skip shows up
> in the right place.

Actually I think I phrased that last part about coexisting in a
misleading way (edited my post now). It was about making sure that these
new versions 3 (with the different name) wouldn't block the listing of
the previous versions 2 in the "unsupported extensions" section. Thanks
for confirming that for DPL v2. And at least I know the missing
CustomSkip2 is not related to CustomSkip v3. So that's something.

'*github repos*' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite issue with DAC name ?

2021-11-07 Thread nickhews

paul- wrote: 
> The easiest way to deal with this is to reference the card by number
> > 

  >   > 
  > tc@piTouch:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
  > 0 [Headphones ]: bcm2835_headpho - bcm2835 Headphones
  > bcm2835 Headphones
  > 1 [sndrpihifiberry]: HifiberryDacp - snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus
  > snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus

> > 
> My hifiberry is card 1, so my output device is "hw:CARD=1"
> If you have more than one USB sound card, they can get enumerated
> differently each boot, but with only one, the number should stay
> conisistent.

I will look at this and try to see how I can make use of it.
I may come back with further queries on implementation if that's ok?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite issue with DAC name ?

2021-11-07 Thread nickhews

Man in a van wrote: 
> When you played the device in Moode did you try the Squeezelite renderer
> or the MPD ?
> ronnie

Thanks -the answer is both.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-11-07 Thread RobbH

afriend wrote: 
> BTW when I did some tests on a *clean* LMS 8.2.1 test system
> CustomSkip 2.5.83 didn't show up in the list of "unsupported extensions"
> for me. It's still listed in the main repo xml file though, just didn't
> show on the settings > plugins page under "unsupported extensions". All
> of the other plugins did though. Can anybody reproduce this?
> For testing purposes I've added the versions with the different internal
> name to this repo
> I did some preliminary tests but maybe users who know their way around
> github (RobbH et al.) could confirm that they still work as they should
> and whether the new versions, once installed, peacefully coexist with
> the old unsupported versions of DPL and CS in the LMS main repo.
> Take care. Thanks again.

I don't think I'm someone who knows his way around Github, but I can
follow simple instructions, sometimes correctly. I've removed your old
repo and added the new one. I've uninstalled the previous version of
DPL3 and re-installed from the new repo. I then had both DPL2 and DPL3
installed, and two Dynamic Playlists entries under My Music. Uninstalled
DPL2 and everything appears to be back to normal, but it hasn't really
been tested yet.

I also do not see the old Custom Skip, which I have never used, in the
Unsupported Plugins list, or anywhere else. DPL2 also did not appear in
that list at first, but it's now there again. Your Custom Skip shows up
in the right place.

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-11-07 Thread afriend

erland wrote: 
> keeps his plugin in the main repo to make it easy to install for people
> that wants a supported version and if he wants to make it easy for
> people to install my unsupported version changing the plugin name to
> DynamicPlayList3 in repo will probably probably allow that

Thank you for your opinion. The voice of reason always has a nice ring
to it.
Download counts suggest that apparently once DPLv3 is removed from the
LMS main repo  future versions would only reach a small fraction of all
previous DPL v3 users which is kind of sad. Adding external repo urls
seems to be a lot less common than I'd hoped.
So you're right, it'd probably be better if DPL v3 remained part of the
LMS main repo.
Therefore I've changed the internal plugin name that LMS uses, both for
Dynamic Playlists 3 and Custom Skip 3.

But even if I add DPL3 or CS3 to the LMS main repo (again) one thing
due to some changes in my life I'll have even less time to spend on LMS
I don't know yet what this will mean for these plugins (and others) but
we'll see.
That was actually the main reason I'd considered removing DPL3 from the
main repo.

BTW when I did some tests on a *clean* LMS 8.2.1 test system CustomSkip
2.5.83 didn't show up in the list of "unsupported extensions" for me.
It's still listed in the main repo xml file though, just didn't show on
the settings > plugins page under "unsupported extensions". All of the
other plugins did though. Can anybody reproduce this?

For testing purposes I've added the versions with the different internal
name to this repo
I did some preliminary tests but maybe users who know their way around
github (RobbH et al.) could confirm that they still work as they should
and whether the new versions, once installed, peacefully coexist with
the old unsupported versions of DPL and CS in the LMS main repo.

Take care. Thanks again.

'*github repos*' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Musly DSTM Mixer (mix by similarity)

2021-11-07 Thread frankd

Hi Craig, 
thanks a lot for driving this plugin and your work on Material and
everything else in the Squeezebox area.
I used an earlier version of you music-similarity plugin, before you
made it public (via Github - I was interested in this "mysterious new
project...". So far that version worked very well (I only used Musly not
Essentia). I will try this new version of your plugin when I will have
time to "fiddle" with my system, also trying Essentia with my Raspberry
Pi setup. 

cpd73 wrote: 
> I originally started by creating a DSTM mixer using Musly (this thread),
> tried with Essentia, and am now trying to combine these two - hence
> 'music-similarity'. I'm not 100% sure if combining Musly and Essentia
> makes a massive difference (althogh it does to analysis time, what takes
> Musly 1hr takes Essentia about 17),so was going to experiment before any
> releases. However, it always helps to have someone else's
> experience/thoughts on the subject...
> The music-similarity repo already has pre-built copies of Musly for
> Fedora and Raspbian (as these are what I use). These are built from my
> fork of Musly, where I have made some (minor) changes (I merged in some
> branches, and increased the extract length). Therefore you should not
> need to build Musly. The repo also contains the Essentia binary taken
> from Roland0's LMS Essentia page. This binary works fine under Fedora,
> and probably other Linux distros.
> I perform my music analysis on a Fedora laptop, then copy the DB and
> jukebox file to a Pi4 where my LMS is installed. Never tried analysis on
> the Pi, but I would imagine the analysis would be very slow (Pi only has
> 4 cores, whereas my laptop has 8). The code does not need to be
> installed system wide, you can run it from wherever you cloned the git
> repo. (I assume you cloned the repo, as no release has been made).
> Hopefully the README on the github page provides enough info to allow
> you to modify config.json for your setup. The following config should be
> enough  for the analysis machine:
> > 

  >   > 
  > {
  > "musly":{
  > "lib":"lib/x86-64/fedora/",
  > "extractlen":120,
  > "extractstart":-210
  > },
  > "essentia":{
  > "enabled":true,
  > },
  > "paths":{
  > "db":"/home/user/MusicSimilarity/",
  > "local":"/home/user/Music/",
  > "lms":"/home/user/Music/"
  > },
  > "lmsdb":"/mnt/pi4/LMS/Cache/library.db",
  > "threads":9
  > }

> > 
> >   >   > 
  -  'extractlen' defines the length (in seconds) that Musly will
  > analyse from the track
  -  'extractstart' specifies where the analysis starts. If negative,
  > then the anlaysis starts in the middle but no later than the value
  > set. e.g. extractlen = 30, extractstart = -60, track length = 5 mins
  > then Musly will analyse 30 seconds of music starting at 1 minute. If
  > track length was 2 minutes, then it will analyse 30 seconds starting
  > after 45 seconds.
  -  'paths.db' specifies where the output database
  > (music-similarity.db) and jukebox (music-similarity.jukebox) will be
  > written
  -  'paths.local' specifies where your music is stored. When saving
  > paths to the database, this part will be removed. e.g.
  > 'paths.local=/home/user/Music/', music
  > file='/home/user/Music/ABBA/Dancing Queen.m4a', then 'ABBA/Dancing
  > Queen.m4a' will be stored as the path in the database. This allows
  > the analysis to be run on a different machine.
  -  'paths.lms' is the path to your music as the LMS server sees it.
  > This is only required for anlysis if you have CUE files.
  -  'lmsdb' should contain the path to LMS's library.db file. Again,
  > this is only required if you have CUE files.
  > > > 
> On the machine that will be used to create similarity mixes (in my
> case my Pi4) the config is even simpler:
> > 

  >   > 
  > {
  > "musly":{
  > "lib":"lib/armv7l/raspbian-buster/"
  > },
  > "essentia":{
  > "enabled":true
  > },
  > "paths":{
  > "db":"/home/pi/music-similarity/"
  > },

> > 
> 'music-similarity.service' is a Linux systemd service file that can be
> use to automatically start the music-similarity service on a Pi, etc.
> To use this
> >   > 
  -  Edit 'music-similarity.service' so that paths are correct for
  > your system
  -  Copy 'music-similarity.service' to /etc/systemd/system
  -  sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  -  sudo systemcrl enable music-similarity
  -  sudo systemctl start music-similarity
  > > > 
> To use this with LMS you need to install
> This should be done
> by cloning the repo and manually installing, as the current release
> versions are out of date.

frankd's Profile: 

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Success: MusicIP and Spicefly Sugarcube running on Raspberry Pi

2021-11-07 Thread frankd

CypherMK wrote: 
> 1:3.1+dfsg-8+deb10u8

Maybe others can chime in who use OSMC - I know about some reports who
were successful in the past. 
However a lot of things changed also for the OSMC image since August
2021 - OSMC changed to Kodi Matrix and a lot of parts were adapted and
patched to account for all Kodi changes (including drivers, potentially
for IP interfaces, a lot of stuff still manual down-stream patches). 
I still do not believe this should cause issues for MusicIP, but you
never know - maybe other users of OSMC can share their version and if
MusicIP still works
The issue is not that MusicIP is not running - the issue is the
communication via API / Webinterface

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty 4.6.2 LMS 8.2 - Streaming stops on Radio after about 10sec

2021-11-07 Thread michael.tanner

mherger wrote: 
> > Any idea what could be the issue?
> Maybe your server.log will tell us?

Unfortunately, there is nothing... however I was able to solve it, but
no plan what was the issue. LMS restart did not help, but restarting OS
solved the issue... that is probably the reason why nothing is in LMS
It is installed on a VM running on Synology NAS.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite issue with DAC name ?

2021-11-07 Thread paul-

The easiest way to deal with this is to reference the card by number


  tc@piTouch:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
  0 [Headphones ]: bcm2835_headpho - bcm2835 Headphones
  bcm2835 Headphones
  1 [sndrpihifiberry]: HifiberryDacp - snd_rpi_hifiberry_dacplus

My hifiberry is card 1, so my output device is "hw:CARD=1"

If you have more than one USB sound card, they can get enumerated
differently each boot, but with only one, the number should stay

piCorePlayer a small player for the Raspberry Pi in RAM. 

Please 'donate'
if you like the piCorePlayer

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty 4.6.2 LMS 8.2 - Streaming stops on Radio after about 10sec

2021-11-07 Thread Michael Herger

Any idea what could be the issue?

Maybe your server.log will tell us?
plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] 'MediaServer' *certified* Alexa skill for LMS

2021-11-07 Thread philchillbill

You can now specify a player name together with the favorite name when
using the PlayFavorite command. Same is true for the PlayPlaylist
command. :cool:

If you say e.g. "Play favorite Radio Paradise *on the* Kitchen player",
the bridge /(?:in|on)\s(?:the)?\s?/i will be used to split your
utterance. If the portion after the split (fuzzy) matches one of your
player names, that will be taken as the player to target and the
leftmost portion before the bridge will be used as the favorite name to
match against. If there's no match post-bridge against a player name,
the bridge is assumed to be part of the actual favorite name itself and
the split is abandoned. None of this applies when using the Stream
variant of both commands as in that case there never is a player
specification (the Echo itself is the inherent target).

for details.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread Paul Webster

bpa wrote: 
> Which I do.
> The issue is the raw_offset field.
> I used it during DST to adjust the time and it seemed to work for all of
> the countries that I rely on it for ... but now it does not.
> So one hack would be for me to ignore the raw_offset if not in DST but
> then I have to go and check for all countries again ... not hard but
> annoying.
> However, the API provider has said that they are looking into it so I'm
> holding off on code changes until they come back with either a change to
> their data for Dublin or explanation of how that field really should be
> used.
> Meanwhile - the switch to London works fine.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin, allzic radio, caroline
flashback, cesky rozhlas, frequence3, jukeradio,, linn
radio, mother earth, naim radio,, radioblues flac, radio espace,
somehow jazz, supla finland

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread bpa

slartibartfast wrote: 
> I just tried there API from the command line and didn't see a time
> difference.

Originally I saw the difference with a browser - then I repeated from a
command line and saw no difference - odd but maybe some sort of

Lisbon is also on same TZ as Dublin & London. London and Lisbon results
looks the same.  Dublin has extra DST data but the "dst" flag field is
false for all - which could be read to means ignore the DST  stuff such
as dst_offset.

Definitely treatment of Dublin is different to London and Lisbon - so it
cannot be blamed on EU (who determine DST dates for Ireland)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

Paul Webster wrote: 
> The issue for me is the difference in the raw_offset field - since I
> only care about the timezone and if in DST or not.DST offset is also 
> different and London doesn't have any DST date info
and Dublin does.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite issue with DAC name ?

2021-11-07 Thread Man in a van

When you played the device in Moode did you try the Squeezelite renderer
or the MPD ?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread Paul Webster

The issue for me is the difference in the raw_offset field - since I
only care about the timezone and if in DST or not.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin, allzic radio, caroline
flashback, cesky rozhlas, frequence3, jukeradio,, linn
radio, mother earth, naim radio,, radioblues flac, radio espace,
somehow jazz, supla finland

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite issue with DAC name ?

2021-11-07 Thread Paul Webster

This has come up before ... the challenge is now to find the right
keywords to find an old thread about it!

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin, allzic radio, caroline
flashback, cesky rozhlas, frequence3, jukeradio,, linn
radio, mother earth, naim radio,, radioblues flac, radio espace,
somehow jazz, supla finland

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

bpa wrote: 
> Only quickly looking at the data from - in their
> datetime filed - there is a difference of 4 minutes between Dublin and
> London !!  
> Definitely something is wrong with worldtimeapi.orgI just tried there API 
> from the command line and didn't see a time

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Squeezelite issue with DAC name ?

2021-11-07 Thread nickhews

I have searched this forum for possible answers without success, but if
it has been dealt with feel free to point me in the right direction.
Until then ….

I run pCp 8 with LMS on an Rpi4, but cannot connect it successfully to
my DAC, a Furutech ADL GT40a (this last character is a small Greek
alpha) with USB input. It does find it but apparently can't handle the
name (I think).

When connected to any of the USB sockets (usb 2 or usb 3) on my Rpi4,
the following happens when selecting USB Audio and choosing the DAC from
the list of devices exposed :

DAC name in Squeezelite shows: hw:CARD=GT40,DEV=0  (note the
unusual symbol)

There are further iterations of this device name on the page, but I
cannot get that screenshot onto this post, for some reason.

When I go to 'Save' in Squeezelite an error message “Please match the
requested format” appears next to the Output Setting box,  as if it
cannot handle one or more of the characters in the name.
If I make a simple change to the saved name in 'Output Setting' (eg
removing the symbol) Squeezelites saves it, backs up the change, but
will not restart (not unexpectedly).

I have tried replacing the symbol with the Arial character map symbol
(small greek alpha) but this is also rejected by the Squeezelite page,
before saving.

Picoreplayer in USB Audio mode works fine when I select a USB-based
bluetooth extender option (not currently connected), which plays to my
bt headphones, so the problem is not with the Rpi4 USB.
As a further check I have installed and run Moode 7.41 with this DAC, on
the same Rpi4, and it works fine – found immediately and plays very
well, so I don't think the problem is related to drivers or to a basic
Linux issue.

I am fairly sure that the symbol in the DAC name is the problem. On my
Eunhasu SMS200 streamer, which includes LMS+Squeezelite, this problem
also occurred and was cured/corrected by the Eunhasu engineers making a
change to how their implementation of Squeezelite handled the unusual

I would not expect the developers here to make a special change in
pCp/Squeezelite but could the problem be overcome by my writing a change
into a config or other file? For example could the  symbol be seen as
another character, one that Squeezelite is happy with? 
I realise that getting Squeezelite to accept a modified name may not
allow Squeezelite to then talk back to the device, so my idea may not be
the right approach, but any relevant suggestions are welcome.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty 4.6.2 LMS 8.2 - Streaming stops on Radio after about 10sec

2021-11-07 Thread michael.tanner

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Does this happen for every track? I saw sound stop after 34 seconds on
> one track while the track progress bar was still increasing.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

... this happens with every song, no difference...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread bpa

Only quickly looking at the data from - in their
datetime filed - there is a difference of 4 minutes between Dublin and
London !!  

Definitely something is wrong with

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread Paul Webster

Yes it is but the API provider represents the data in a different way
for Dublin and London.

In the future they might be different - e.g. if only one of them decide
to stop switching to DST.
I suspect it will not happen, at least while Northern Ireland is part of

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin, allzic radio, caroline
flashback, cesky rozhlas, frequence3, jukeradio,, linn
radio, mother earth, naim radio,, radioblues flac, radio espace,
somehow jazz, supla finland

Paul Webster's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

Paul Webster wrote: 
> The API provider is looking into it but as a workaround … edit the
> plug-in’s stationdata-rte.json and change the timezone near the start
> from Dublin to London.Isn't Dublin in the same time zone as London?

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread Paul Webster

The API provider is looking into it but as a workaround … edit the
plug-in’s stationdata-rte.json and change the timezone near the start
from Dublin to London.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin, allzic radio, caroline
flashback, cesky rozhlas, frequence3, jukeradio,, linn
radio, mother earth, naim radio,, radioblues flac, radio espace,
somehow jazz, supla finland

Paul Webster's Profile:
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plugins mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty 4.6.2 LMS 8.2 - Streaming stops on Radio after about 10sec

2021-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

michael.tanner wrote: 
> Hi all
> My Spotty worked fine last used weeks ago. Now I have the issue I can
> start streaming on Radio, but after about 10-15 sec playing stops. In
> the client the time is still running. I use familiy account with Spotify
> Client ID.
> Any idea what could be the issue?
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Mike

Does this happen for every track? I saw sound stop after 34 seconds on
one track while the track progress bar was still increasing.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Softsqueeze 3.9.2 OSX High Sierra disable sleep

2021-11-07 Thread MarkS

mherger wrote: 
> There's always the original Transporter ;-)

Got rid of my Squeezebox hardware long ago, world's moved on...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

slartibartfast wrote: 
> This is weird, all the album's in my Spotty Album list have the track
> listing of a different album in my album list.[image:
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkA rescan of online music fixed it but how 
> did it happen. I did notice
that the first couple of albums in the list had changed after the rescan
and they weren't newly added albums.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Spotty 4.6 - sorting option for Albums/Artists/Songs, replay gain fix

2021-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

This is weird, all the album's in my Spotty Album list have the track
listing of a different album in my album list.[image:]

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread Paul Webster

I think it is due to a peculiarity of the time zone API call I am
making. I’ve dropped them a question to see if it is a fault in their
data (I suspect not) or in my interpretation of it (I suspect it is).

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin, allzic radio, caroline
flashback, cesky rozhlas, frequence3, jukeradio,, linn
radio, mother earth, naim radio,, radioblues flac, radio espace,
somehow jazz, supla finland

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Spotty 4.6.2 LMS 8.2 - Streaming stops on Radio after about 10sec

2021-11-07 Thread michael.tanner

Hi all

My Spotty worked fine last used weeks ago. Now I have the issue I can
start streaming on Radio, but after about 10-15 sec playing stops. In
the client the time is still running. I use familiy account with Spotify
Client ID.

Any idea what could be the issue?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread Paul Webster

RTE - the programme info.

Unfortunately they give the start time as something like 
So I have to work out what that means in the timezone of the
I thought I had it working well but knew that there might be an issue
when the clocks changed (in the broadcaster's country) ... and I forgot
to double-check when I came back from my short break that covered the
time going back ... so I released 0.0.12 using the beta code without

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin, allzic radio, caroline
flashback, cesky rozhlas, frequence3, jukeradio,, linn
radio, mother earth, naim radio,, radioblues flac, radio espace,
somehow jazz, supla finland

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread slartibartfast

Paul Webster wrote: 
> Annoyingly the plugin is 1 hour out because of the recent clock change.Which 
> stations are affected. I tried quite a few and the track info
matches the music.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Radio Now Playing plugin

2021-11-07 Thread Paul Webster

Annoyingly it is 1 hour out because of the recent clock change.

Paul Webster
author of \"now playing\" plugins covering radio france (fip etc),
planetradio (bauer - kiss, absolute, scala, jazzfm etc), kcrw, abc
australia, cbc/radio-canada and rte ireland
and, via the extra \"radio now playing\" plugin, allzic radio, caroline
flashback, cesky rozhlas, frequence3, jukeradio,, linn
radio, mother earth, naim radio,, radioblues flac, radio espace,
somehow jazz, supla finland

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: UPnPBridge = integrate UPnP/DLNA players with LMS (squeeze2upnp)

2021-11-07 Thread jigsaw_rh

philippe_44 wrote: 
> Try to send me a full zipped log and I'll see if there is something else
> I can understand

OK done in MP ;) 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Dynamic Playlists 3 (mod)

2021-11-07 Thread marco.mosca

erland wrote: 
> Unsupported=Nobody has officially tested the plugin with the LMS version
> and nobody have said they are going to fix any existing or future bugs
> caused by the plugin itself or current or future LMS version. None of my
> plugins are possible to install in LMS 8.0 or later unless you have
> checked the “Use unsupported extensions” checkbox which also state that
> you are aware of the risk that the plugins might even make whole LMS
> unstable. If you have issues with LMS, one of the first thing you should
> do IMHO is to uninstall any unsupported plugins to verify that they
> don’t cause the problem.
> Deprecated=The plugin/functionality is still supported and bugs will be
> fixed and users will be offered support if they have issues. However,
> deprecated means that the plugin or functionality is planned to be
> removed in the future. LMS has no way to indicate that a functionality
> is deprecated as far as I know, so if you want such indication you will
> have to monitor the forum and read between the lines. The fact that the
> last release of Dynamic Playlist was more than 4 years ago when I told
> everyone via forum that I wasn’t going to have the time to maintain it
> should be an indication. The fact that the last bug correction was 8
> years ago should be an even better indication.
> So I guess you can consider my version of Dynamic Playlist to be
> deprecated and unsupported since 2017.
> My personal recommendation, which I’ve previously stated in the forum,
> is that people that want to keep the functionality in my plugins should
> look for a different solution or try to encourage other plugin
> developers to implement something similar (like afriend did)
> When someone (like afriend) decides to test, fix bugs and adjust
> functionality in an unsupported plugin so you can get an officially
> supported version again, that’s a really good thing. Some functionality
> might break or disappear because it relies on other unsupported plugins
> but having a version that’s officially tested and supported and might
> get new features in the future is still a good thing IMHO. When another
> developer offers a new version it’s natural that the roadmap for the
> future goes in another direction.
> If you use LMS 7.8.*, which is the last LMS version which my Dynamic
> Playlist plugin was tested on, you will get my version since afriend
> only offers his version on LMS 7.9 and later. Of course, using LMS 7.8
> is no solution because then you are using an LMS version that’s no
> longer supported and might stop working at any time due to OS upgrades
> and other similar things.
> I’m sorry about the situation, but this kind of issues is something you
> will have to live with when you are using free software which relies on
> people spending their spare time to fix bugs or add functionality. The
> best way forward is to try to encourage the new developer in all
> possible ways, complaining on someone who spend their spare time to
> offer things for free is just going to make the situation worse.

Dear Erland,

Thank you. This is crystal clear. 

I am actually on LMS 8.1 and your plugins are still working fine.
Anyway, I truly understand your position and I have already made some
effort to get rid of Multi Library and Custom Browse plugins, however
IMHO Custom Skip and SQL Playlist have very useful features that have
not yet fully replaced in DPL V3. I will do my best to encourage and
support afriend to evolve DPL V3 for the benefit of the community.

All my best.

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