Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2899 - 11/18/10

2010-11-19 Thread joe hallett
I agree.

Joe Hallett

On Nov 18, 2010, at 11:00 AM, PowerMail discussions 

> I for one may take Jean Michel up on this offer.

Problems 10.6.4 AddressBook & PM6-05

2010-06-30 Thread Joe Hallett
I'm not sure if these are inter-related issues but here's what is happening:

The Mac Address Book is creating large numbers of spurious "cards" some
of which are titled "PowerMail sync identifier" - others are "No Name"
and "First name: Last name:" The Mac Address Book and the PM Address
Book have not been synced to each other for many months.

The problem appeared after I tried to initiate sync via MobileMe. Two
other Macs and an iPad were already synced through MobileMe without
signs of problems.

PowerMail's filter debugger option does not appear. An unrelated problem?

Any thoughts, other than wipe down and reinstall everything?


Joe Hallett

Joe Hallett - Independent Writer on Technologies and Applications

503-780-8626 cell/text

Apple Address Book Contacts

2009-05-07 Thread Joe Hallett
Folders named "Apple Address Book Contacts " appear in my PowerMail
address book. It seems as if the individual contacts in these folders
already appear in the PM Address Book.

Why are they there and what should I do to get rid of them and prevent
them from coming back?

Joe Hallett

Can't compact database

2009-04-27 Thread Joe Hallett
I am unable to run the "archive and cleanup" or "compact database"
commands. The process appears to start normally, but after a short time
it stops with the error message "A database error occurred
Class=DB ;what=100;when=9;err=158"

I'm running PM v6.0.2 build 4601. The message database is about 1.5GB

I would like to troubleshoot this problem and archive old messages,
creating a smaller and up to date database without losing my folder
structure and filters. Is this posible? How?


Joe Hallett

Joe Hallett - Independent Writer on Technologies and Applications

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2859 - 07/14/08

2008-07-20 Thread Joe Hallett
Thanks for your inputs regarding filtering of duplicate messages. I
should have remembered that sometimes the best way to solve a problem is
to try to explain it to someone else.

Using the "Account" information in my filters took care of my problem.

>powermail-discuss Digest #2859 - Monday, July 14, 2008
>  Mail Filtering
>      by "Joe Hallett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Independent Writer on Technologies and Applications

Mail Filtering

2008-07-13 Thread Joe Hallett
My wife and I share a computer running PowerMail. Each of us has several
email accounts - a total of nine. All incoming mail is filtered. Spam is
removed and remaining messages are organized into folders. Some are
automatically forwarded to an external business acount. All are labeled.

Here is the problem: We frequently receive messages that are addressed
to each of us as individuals. The filters treat each copy as if it were
a new message. This results in forwarding duplicate copies, confusing
our filing and labeling system, and causing extra manual effort to sort
things out.

How can I flag these messages and apply unique processing depending upon
whether our names both appear in the address fields?

Joe Hallett

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2823 - 06/09/08

2008-06-09 Thread Joe Hallett
My biggest wish if for a persistent "recent mail" folder which survives
shutting down PM...something like Emailer's log folders would be fine. 

Joe Hallett

>powermail-discuss Digest #2823 - Monday, June 9, 2008
>  Re: pwmail 6: i wish
>  by "Dave N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: pwmail 6: i wish
>  by "Tim Lapin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: pwmail 6: i wish
>  by "Matthias Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: pwmail 6: i wish
>From: "Dave N" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:17:27 -0700
>I wish that when in the "Recent Mail" window that I could double-click
>the Folder name to open a new window showing that folder with this
>message highlighted so I could follow the thread. (Or just see the other
>related messages easily) 
>I wish that PM would let me choose which folder to search in the search
>box, instead of making me leave the search window to click on the folder
>I want to search, then return to the search window to perform the search. 
>I wish that the command-f for "Find" would allow a search of the current
>message instead of all messages except the very one I am working on.  
>I wish that PM had a Find/Replace text function. Consider that we spend
>far more time in PM than in any word processor. We need decent text
>editing functions. 
>I wish that PM could auto-correct the spelling mistakes I make most
>often, like don;t when I mean to type don't. 
>I wish PM could print emails as you might expect from any Mac
>application. That is; by showing the Print dialog box first, and
>including the To/From/Subject/Date portion of the message (even if that
>message was viewed as html). 
>I wish that PM could forward a html message without losing the html. 
>I wish that PM could file read messages in a Read folder after reading
>them. (without needing to quit PM). 
>I wish PM supported smart folders (like iTunes). 
>I wish that more menu commands were available as toolbar icons,
>especially view long/short headers. 
>I wish a right-click (or control-click) pop up menu in list views would
>let us file messages in folders, apply colored labels, and mark as spam/
>not spam. 
>I wish that in List view, we could see not only the sender's name, but
>their email address too. 
>I wish there was a toolbar pull down menu for filing in folders, just
>like the single message view does. 
>I wish that in single message view the File->Folders->new Folder was not
>I wish that PM supported making new ToolBar icons to run AppleScripts.  
>I wish there was a toolbar button for "Show Raw Message Source."
>Especially in this age of rouge emails. (Yes I know of & use an
>AppleScript for that). 
>I wish that there could be different font sizes for reading & composing
>vs printing. 
>I wish that the spellchecker worked in the subject line. 
>I wish that PM could display quote marks ' and " instead of 1, 2 & 3 for
>messages sent from MS clients. 
>I wish that PM message filters were as powerful as Claris Emailer was.
>If this & this but not that, then do something. PM only offers to
>perform the result If all conditions are met, or if any condition is met. 
>I wish there could be keyboard commands for the text clippings. 
>I wish that after marking an open message as Spam, PM would close the
>I wish that when viewing a html message that hovering the mouse over a
>link would show where that link points to. 
>I am glad that PowerMail does all that it does. Thank you for that. I do
>use it heavily. (Can you tell?) 
>Dave N
>Subject: Re: pwmail 6: i wish
>From: "Tim Lapin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 07:14:49 -0400
>On   Wednesday, April 23, 2008,   Dave N   sent forth:
>>I wish that the command-f for "Find" would allow a search of the current
>>message instead of all messages except the very one I am working on.  
>>Dave N
>I second that wish.
>I have one of my own:
>I wish that I could mark a folder as read from the "ctrl-click"
>contextual menu, just like Thunderbird does on the PC (I have no
>experience with it on the Mac but I assume that version has that feature
>as well).
>Tim Lapin
>Intel iMacOS 10.4.11PowerMail 5.6.1 1 GB RAM 250 GB HD
>Subject: Re: pwmail 6: i wish
>From: "Matthias Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 11:56:34 +0200
>maybe we'd like to see a feature list from CTM for PM v6 :-)
>or we could ask if there is a thing like v6 on schedule at all?
>all the best
>End of powermail-discuss Digest

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2707 - 10/17/07

2007-10-22 Thread Joe Hallett
Thanks to those of you who called my attention to the possibility that a
backup operation was somehow causing my "slow addressbook" problem. A
long time ago I had set up a nightly backup of the PM addressbook using
Apple's Backup software...and then I had forgotten about it. After a
weeklong test with Backup turned off, addressbook speed has remained normal.

Joe Hallett


>powermail-discuss Digest #2707 - Wednesday, October 17, 2007
>  Re: Issues with EPS attachments?
>  by "Justin Beek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: Slow Address Book
>  by "Mikael Byström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: PowerMail 5.2.3 db problem. Please help.
>  by "Mikael Byström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: Setting PM as the Default Email Reader
>  by "Mikael Byström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: No PowerMail selection in iPhoto '08
>  by "Mikael Byström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: Slow Address Book
>  by "Rick Lecoat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: Slow Address Book
>  by "Jim Pistrang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re(2): Powermail support (Was: Re: Exporting from PowerMail - all mail is
>  by "Winston Weinmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: Slow Address Book
>  by "Marlyse Comte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: Slow Address Book
>  by "Jim Pistrang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Re: Slow Address Book
>  by "Marlyse Comte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Issues with EPS attachments?
>From: "Justin Beek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 14:05:43 -0500
>We are getting these from non-teachable customers. :(
>But yes, ZIPs work just fine!
>On Oct 16, 2007, at 12:47 PM, Mikael Byström wrote:
>> Justin Beek asked:
>>> Are we the only ones having this issue?
>>> Is there a fix?
>> Do you zip the files or not? ie do you compress them?
>> If not, that should do the trick.
>> Mikael
>> Tech facts:
>> PM 5.5.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.5 | Powerbook G4/550Mhz | 1GB RAM |
>> 80GB HD
>Subject: Re: Slow Address Book
>From: "Mikael Byström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 00:00:33 +0200
>Jeremy Hughes said:
>>Same here. It's been mentioned on this list on more than one occasion.
>>In our experience, Powermail becomes generally slow and unresponsive
>>(not just the address lookup).
>>We're using Retrospect as our backup program.
>That's a known bug, but I don't remember which app is responsible for
>not playing nice with the other. One clue is that I don't have this
>problem with another backup application. So I wouldn't blame Powermail
>for this particular bug necessarily, at least not outside of use with
>Tech facts:
>PM 5.5.3 Swedish | OS X 10.4.8 | Powerbook G4/400 Mhz | 1GB RAM | 80GB HD
>Subject: Re: PowerMail 5.2.3 db problem. Please help.
>From: "Mikael Byström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2007 00:14:01 +0200
>Dan MacMillan said:
>>The message database is currently at 2gb, and before I managed to compress
>>it, a problem developed. After a reboot, PowerMail attempted to rebuild
>>the sort indicies, but this failed after about 12 minutes with the
>>following , "A database error occurred" ; "Class=DB ; what=100; when=9;
>>err=158". I restarted PowerMail a number of times, and this rebuild fails
>>in the same fashion each time.
>The classic response is to delete the sort index located at "~/PowerMail
>Files/Message Database index" and let the indices rebuild from scratch.
>However your latter "disk full" error could indicate permission problems
>or other filesystem problems, so I would first check the disk with
>appropriate repair application to rule out physical and logical problems
>in the filesystem and then make sure that all files under "PowerMail
>Files" was full readable and writeable for the user in question. The
>latter can be done in the finder by choosing that folder and set the
>proper rights for it and then extend that by clicking "use for included

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2709 - 10/19/07

2007-10-19 Thread Joe Hallett
I agree completely. We should not have to "manage" the Recent Mail
Window. This is the only area where I find that PowerMail has been not
been a step up from the features of Emailer. (Remember the "auto-file" logs?)

Joe Hallett


>Hunting through hundreds of nested folders looking for 'bolded'
>folders and opening them to look at the mail is unnecessarily
>convoluted, which is why I rely on the RMW.
>Having that collation wiped between restarts is incredibly unhelpful to

Slow Address Book

2007-10-08 Thread Joe Hallett
My PM address book has gradually slowed down to the point where it is
not usable for addressing messages (auto-filling the recipients box). I
have been able to "fix" the problem temporarily by clearing caches but
within a short time the slowness returns.

I've tried various combinations of synch with the Mac Address Book
without success.

Anyone have this problem - any solutions? Any ideas?


Joe Hallett

Filters not working

2007-08-16 Thread Joe Hallett
My first filter sets a default label. The subsequent filters move
messages to designated folders and most switch to more appropriate
labels. All has been working well for months, but now messages are
getting "stuck" in the In Tray. 

If I select messages in the In Tray and run "Perform all filters"
nothing happens. If I select the same messages in the In Tray and run
only the appropriate single filter the messages are properly processed.

Turning off filters prior to the "appropriate" one does not have an effect.

I've compacted the database. What else should I try?


Joe Hallett

Re: powermail-discuss Digest #2627 - 05/07/07

2007-05-07 Thread Joe Hallett
I recently switched from Emailer which had even less support for IMAP.
But several years ago I started to use a small application called Mail
Forward <> which automatically forwards
mail from several IMAP accounts to a central POP account where PowerMail
takes over. This allows me to apply all filtering, saving and sorting
actions to IMAP mail. 

The only downsides that I have found are that occasionally I will
accidentally shut down MailForward and there always is a short delay in
receiving mail

Joe Hallett

>I am evaluating it for use with an IMAP account.  It connected to the 
>IMAP server and retrieved the folder list just fine.  I'm also able to 
>browse messages.  However, I am unable to do the following and 
>wondering if these are indeed limitations or am I missing something:
>- IMAP folder counts for new messages do not show up.  Folders 
>containing new messages simply show up emboldened.
>- I cannot filter to IMAP folders since only local folders appear in 
>the target folder list for the action to move messages.
>- It would seem that only the Inbox is checked for new messages.

From Emailer to PowerMail

2007-04-14 Thread Joe Hallett
I've been considering a change from Emailer to PowerMail for about 2
years. On March 1st of this year I made the switch. Now after a month of
really using PowerMail, here is my wish list - if PowerMail already can
do some of these things I would appreciate your tips! Thanks.

Logs - recent mail - any way to retain dated lists of messages that
arrived in predetermined time periods

Save Text to Many - this Applescript can be very handy for creating
searchable text from selected mail or the contents of a folder- for
example - all mail related to a specific  trade  show or product.

Filters - I understand the value of using a stop filter but it would be
helpful to be able to run a sequence of filters after the stop...not
just single filters

Where can I find a succinct description of synchronizing between the PM
address book and the Mac address book

Is there a place to see mail database statistics - number of folders &

My wife and I share access to one PowerMail installation. It would be
really helpful to be able to toggle our two default sending accounts by
a single keystroke...or perhaps be able to tab into the account box when
setting up an outgoing new message  - now we leave the sender blank &
select it from the Account pulldown list

Is there a list of Applescripts other than those provided with PowerMail

Is there a way to mark incoming messages as "read" (checkmark) after
they have been automatically forwarded by a filter without losing the
indication that they have been forwarded

I would like to be able to open the mail browser from the recent mail
window by clicking on a toolbar icon

Joe Hallett
Tualatin, OR USA