[ppiindia] Donny dan Cita-citanya

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik larasati Mulyadi
Hai, Kawan-kawan yang baik...

Ini aku ada sebuah titipan dari seorang anak cacat bernama Donny. Seorang 
penyandang cacat ( stoliosis ) dari keluarga miskin lulusan SMP Negeri 235 
Jakarta dengan nilai yang sangat baik.
Membutuhkan sebuah sarana transportasi sepeda motor roda 3 ( modifikasi ) untuk 
keperluan pergi ke sekolah.
Bagi kawan-kawan yang ingin membantu Donny, dapat menghubungi :
Yayasan Sayap Ibu Bintaro
Telp : 021-7331004 / 021-7331007
Email : ysibint...@gmail.com

Sedih sekali melihat kondisi Donny.
Bantuan kalian sangat diharapkan oleh Donny. Terima kasih.


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[ppiindia] TAKUT GAGAL KE???

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Noor Zuriana Jamaludin
hari raya semakin hampir!!mula sekarang jana duit raya RM100,000 tahun 
kelapa dara)=>GRAB jana-RM30,000,000(1%=RM300,000!!)=TEKNIK HJ ISHAK 
sehari jana RM1000 seminggu!!Sebarkan shj id bioasli pd kwn2 mcm sy buat 
ni=Wang Percuma RM100-RM1000 ajak 5 kwn join GRAB 
daftar percuma sepanjang hayat, sila klik:

RM100,000!!!follow facebook sy FORMULA RM1000 SEMINGGU AUTOMATIK



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[ppiindia] Indahnya Bekerja

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Indahnya Bekerja

By: agussyafii

Pagi hari motor sudah berbunyi. Hana putri saya menyapa, 'Ayah mau berangkat 
kerja ya?' saya menjawab dengan menganggukkan kepala. "Hana bareng ya 
yah..berangkat sekolah.' Pagi hari berangkat sekolah sambil mengantar Hana 
sekolah. Lambaian tangan istri saya turut menyertai disaat motor melaju. 
Menikmati indahnya matahari pagi, bertegur sapa dengan tetangga adalah 
kebahagiaan tersendiri buat saya.

Bekerja itu pada dasarnya menyenangkan sebab letih karena bekerja terasa lebih 
nikmat daripada lebih karena tidak mengerjakan apapun. Itulah sebabnya bekerja 
keras berapapun hasilnya yang penting halal akan membawa keberkahan di dalam 
hidup kita, di dalam keberkahan itulah yang mendatangkan kebahagiaan dan 
ketenteraman dihati bagi kita dan keluarga kita.

Apabila kita dalam kesendirian, tidak ada aktifitas pekerjaan akan membuat 
tubuh kita terasa letih dan mudah lelah. Keletihan itu menyerap segala energi 
yang ada dipikiran, hati dan tubuh kita. Apalagi sudah tidak ada aktifitas 
ditambah dengan keinginan bermacam-macam akan membuat hati dan pikiran menjadi 
tidak jernih sehingga mudah marah dan tersinggung karena hal-hal yang sepele.

Berbeda jika kita bekerja dan ada aktifitas produktif, dengan bekerja kita 
mempunyai kesempatan untuk berbagi kebahagiaan dengan orang lain sehingga 
pekerjaan dan profesi yang kita jalani membawa ketenteraman di dalam hati.  
Maka nikmatilah pekerjaan kita, karena memang bekerja adalah ibadah, pengabdian 
kita kepada Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala dan sudah menjadi tanggungjawab kita 
sebagai seorang mukmin. Sekalipun letih dan lelah dengan cepat membuat tubuh 
dan pikiran kita menjadi bugar kembali. Apalagi disaat menerima hasilnya atau 
gajian tiba, Wuih, semriwing...! 

'Sesungguhnya Allah mencintai seorang mukmin yang giat bekerja.'(HR. Thabrani).

Yuk, hadir di Kegiatan 'Amalia Cinta al-Quran (ACQ).' Hari Ahad, Tanggal 20 
Juni 2010 Di Rumah Amalia, Jl. Subagyo IV blok ii, No.23 Komplek Peruri, 
Ciledug. Silahkan kirimkan dukungan dan partisipasi anda di 
http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii3, atau http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, 
http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 087 8777 12 431


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[ppiindia] Gus Dur: Budaya Kita di Masa Peralihan

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Ananto
Budaya Kita di Masa Peralihan

Oleh: KH. Abdurrahman Wahid

Senin, 28 Juni 2004

Beberapa tahun lalu, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia menyelenggarakan
lokakarya, membicarakan hasil-hasil penelitiannya mengenai 14 macam budaya
daerah yang ada di Indonesia, terutama yang memainkan peran penting dalam
masa peralihan bangsa dari tradisional memasuki modern. Salah satu di
antaranya adalah budaya daerah di Ngada, Flores Timur.

Penelitian menemukan, di kawasan itu belum ada pengadilan negeri. Maka,
masih banyak diberlakukan sistem hukum adat Ngada guna mengatur kehidupan
masyarakat yang sudah berfungsi ratusan tahun.

Ketika bertandang ke Maumere di pulau yang sama tahun ini, penulis berdialog
dengan civitas academica Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Ledalero, penulis mendengar
adanya pergulatan hukum di Larantuka. Ternyata di kawasan Pulau Flores
sebelah timur itu, Pengadilan Negeri Larantuka telah mengganti hukum adat
dengan hukum positif nasional. Sayang, penelitian empiris tentang pergantian
fungsi hukum tidak sempat dilakukan saat itu. Bahkan rakyat tiba-tiba
dihadapkan fenomena: kolusi antara sistem peradilan yang bersandar pada
"mafia peradilan" di mana-mana, yang tentu akan membela kepentingan
kekuasaan; dan melupakan perikemanusiaan dalam masalah hak-hak milik rakyat
atas tanah.

Untuk menguasai hak milik rakyat atas tanah adat yang sudah mereka miliki/
garap selama berabad-abad, keputusan Bupati Larantuka sebagai penguasa
daerah dibenarkan pengadilan negeri setempat melalui perundang-undangan yang
tidak pernah diuji Mahkamah Agung tentang status, apakah rangkaian
Undang-Undang (UU) dan peraturan yang dikeluarkan tentang penguasaan tanah
melanggar UUD atau tidak? Kita ketahui, hak-hak penguasa seperti itu
"didiktekan" pihak eksekutif selama bertahun-tahun, melalui proses
legislatif yang timpang dan Mahkamah Agung yang termasuk jajaran mafia
peradilan. Patutkah kita heran bila terjadi korban jiwa dalam kasus yang
mengakibatkan rakyat berhadapan dengan penguasa. Ironisnya, pemda memberi
mereka "santunan sosial" "sesuai UU".

Dalam beberapa kasus, aneka kejadian seperti itu diprotes lembaga
kemasyarakatan. Dalam kasus tanah rakyat di Larantuka, ternyata "digarap"
seseorang pastor dari Keuskupan Larantuka, yang pembelaannya dibawa ke
sidang Pengadilan Negeri Larantuka, dan akhirnya diterbitkan sebagai buku
(yang memihak rakyat) oleh staf keuskupan itu.

Keberanian moral seperti itu jelas menunjukkan, telah muncul "peran baru"
kaum agamawan yang turut ambil bagian dalam proses demokratisasi. Hal
seperti ini juga terjadi tahun 1990-an, saat sepasang pria-wanita menuntut
pengakuan moral dan status jelas dari perkawinan agama Khonghucu yang mereka
lakukan, yang saat itu oleh Kantor Catatan Sipil Surabaya dianggap tidak

Perkara itu, oleh Pengadilan Negeri Surabaya, implisit dinyatakan melanggar
UUD. Namun, dalam pelaksanaannya mengalami aneka hambatan dari birokrasi
karena pertimbangan politik yang dipaksakan oleh system politik kita yang
ada demi kepentingan sepihak.

Dengan serta-merta, Khonghucu dinyatakan oleh penguasa sebagai "filsafat
hidup". Mereka lupa, jutaan warga Khonghucu di negeri ini merasa Khonghucu
adalah sebuah agama. Bahwa ada pihak lain, seperti Partai Komunis Tiongkok
dan Pemerintah Singapura yang telah menganggapnya sebagai "filsafat hidup",
tidak sekali-kali menghilangkan kewajiban kita untuk berpegang kepada
anggapan kaum Tionghoa sendiri di negeri ini.

Cara melihat perubahan sosial ini sebenarnya harus memasuki segala aspek
kehidupan kita sebagai bangsa. Dengan demikian, proses peralihan bangsa
berjalan alami. Ada yang tetap dan tidak mengalami perubahan, seperti
prinsip moral/etika yang mengatur kehidupan kita; tetapi ada pula yang
mengalami perubahan, terutama mengenai "manifestasi" prinsip itu akibat
proses modernisasi. Pemahaman yang benar atas perubahan-perubahan sosial
yang terjadi dalam kehidupan kita tidak mudah dipetakan. Namun, tanpa "peta
budaya", kita akan lebih banyak mengalami "kehilangan budaya" yang tidak
dapat diganti oleh apa pun dalam kehidupan kita sebagai bangsa.

Dengan kata lain, kita akan mengalami aneka perubahan sosial yang liar, yang
tentunya sama-sama tidak diingini. Apalagi perubahan-perubahan itu
menyangkut hampir seluruh aspek kehidupan kita sebagai bangsa. Kita tentu
tidak mengingini perubahan asal berubah sehingga kita kembali tertinggal
dalam mencari keseimbangan antara hal-hal material dan imaterial, atau
sering disebut sebagai "pembangunan material" dan "pembangunan spiritual".
Kita menginginkan keseimbangan yang secara relatif akan mengarahkan
nilai-nilai yang berkembang, menjadi sesuatu yang positif dan konstruktif
bagi kehidupan bangsa dalam jangka panjang.

Karena itu, mau tidak mau kita harus memahami proses modernisasi dan
tradisionalisme. Adalah sebuah kehormatan, juga berarti tantangan, untuk
mengelola perubahan demi perubahan sosial itu sendiri.

Salah satu hal yang harus diperhatikan, menjaga tidak terjadi penghentian
perubahan so

[ppiindia] China supercomputer named second-fastest in global list, U.S. holds overall lead

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny



China supercomputer named second-fastest in global list, U.S. holds overall lead


BEIJING (AP) -- A Chinese supercomputer has been ranked the world's 
second-fastest machine in a list issued by U.S. and European researchers, 
highlighting China's ambitions to become a global technology center. 

The Nebulae system at the National Supercomputing Centre in Shenzhen in 
southern China came in behind the U.S. Department of Energy's Jaguar in Oak 
Ridge, Tennessee, according to the list released Monday. 

Supercomputers are used for complex work such as modeling weather systems, 
simulating nuclear explosions and designing jetliners. 

The semiannual TOP500 list highlighted Beijing's efforts to join the United 
States, Europe and Japan in the global technology elite and its sharp increases 
in research spending, driven by booming economic growth. 

It also reflected China's continued reliance on Western know-how: Nebulae was 
built by China's Dawning Information Industry Ltd. but uses processors from 
Intel Corp. and Nvidia Corp., both American companies. 

The Nebulae is capable of sustained computing of 1.271 petaflops - or 1,271 
trillion calculations - per second, according to TOP500. It said the Jaguar was 
capable of sustained computing of 1.75 petaflops. 

The Chinese computer ranked first in theoretical computing speed at 2.98 
petaflops, the group said. The list was compiled by Hans Meuer of the 
University of Mannheim, Germany; Erich Strohmaier and Horst Simon of 
NERSC/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Jack Dongarra of the University 
of Tennessee, Knoxville. 

The communist Beijing government wants China to evolve from a low-cost factory 
into an prosperous "innovation society." A 15-year government plan issued in 
2006 promises support for areas ranging from computers to lasers to genetics. 

Boosted by Nebulae's performance, China rose to No. 2 overall on the TOP500 
list with 24 of the 500 systems on the list and 9.2 percent of global 
supercomputing capacity, up from 21 systems six months ago. 

The United States held onto its overall lead with 282 of the 500 systems and 
55.4 percent of installed performance. 

Europe had 144 systems on the list, including 38 in Britain, 29 in France and 
24 in Germany. 

Elsewhere in Asia, Japan had 18 supercomputers on the list, up from 16 six 
months ago, and India had five. 

A second Chinese computer also made the Top 10. The Tianhe-1 at the National 
Super Computer Center in the eastern city of Tianjin, at No. 7, uses processors 
made by Intel and Advanced Micro Devices Inc., another American company. 

The list also reflected breakneck advances in supercomputing speeds. 

No. 1 on the June 2008 list was the Roadrunner system at the Los Alamos 
National Laboratory in New Mexico, capable of 1.04 petaflops, or about 
two-thirds of Jaguar's level. In the latest list, Roadrunner dropped to No. 3. 

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[ppiindia] The flotilla fiasco

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny

The flotilla fiasco
Tuesday, June 1, 2010 

THE ISRAELI commandos who landed on the deck of the Turkish ferry Mavi Marmara 
off the coast of the Gaza Strip early Monday were totally unprepared for what 
they encountered: dozens of militants who swarmed around them with knives and 
iron bars. The result was a bloody battle in which at least nine passengers 
were killed -- and a diplomatic debacle for the government of Binyamin 
Netanyahu. Though the investigations to come will find many to blame, it's 
already clear that Israel's response to the pro-Palestinian flotilla was both 
misguided and badly executed. 

We have no sympathy for the motives of the participants in the flotilla -- a 
motley collection that included European sympathizers with the Palestinian 
cause, Israeli Arab leaders and Turkish Islamic activists. Israel says that 
some of the organizers have ties to Hamas and al-Qaeda. What's plain is that 
the group's nominal purpose, delivering "humanitarian" supplies to Gaza, was 
secondary to the aim of provoking a confrontation. The flotilla turned down an 
Israeli offer to unload the six boats and deliver the goods to Gaza by truck; 
it ignored repeated warnings that it would not be allowed to reach Gaza. Its 
spokesmen said they would insist on "breaking Israel's siege," as one of them 
put it. 

Yet the threat to Israel was political rather than military. So far there's 
been no indication the boats carried missiles or other arms for Hamas. Mr. 
Netanyahu's aim should have been to prevent the militants from creating the 
incident they were hoping for. Allowing the boats to dock in Gaza, as Israel 
had done before, would have been better than sending military commandos to 
intercept them. The fact that the soldiers who roped down from helicopters to 
the lead Turkish ferry were unprepared to subdue its passengers without using 
lethal force only compounded the error. 

Israel will now endure days, if not months, of condemnations by its many 
enemies. Middle East peace talks are at risk again, as are Israel's once-strong 
relations with Turkey. What was to have been a conciliatory meeting between Mr. 
Netanyahu and President Obama Tuesday has been cancelled. The White House has 
been properly cautious so far in responding to the incident; it should be 
careful to distinguish itself in the coming days from the anti-Israeli chorus. 
U.S. diplomacy should aim at ensuring that the inevitable calls for an 
international investigation do not lead to another one-sided setup like the 
United Nations' Goldstone commission, whose report on Israel's 2008 invasion of 
Gaza has become another weapon in the international campaign to de-legitimize 
the Jewish state. 

As for Mr. Netanyahu, the only road to recovery from this disaster lies in 
embracing, once and for all, credible steps to create conditions for a 
Palestinian state. A good start would be easing restrictions on both Gaza and 
the West Bank, once the reactions to Monday's events subside. Mr. Netanyahu 
also needs to broaden his government to include pro-peace parties; one of his 
main problems is cabinet hawks who have made Israeli diplomacy an oxymoron. The 
prime minister is in a deepening hole; his only way out is to move to the 

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[ppiindia] U.N. Security Council Condemns 'Acts' in Israeli Raid

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny

U.N. Security Council Condemns 'Acts' in Israeli Raid
Published: June 1, 2010

UNITED NATIONS - After hours of negotiations, the United Nations Security 
Council early on Tuesday condemned "acts" resulting in the deaths of nine 
civilians in Israel's attack on an aid flotilla trying to breach the Gaza 

In a formal statement that seemed less forceful than what had been demanded by 
the Palestinians, Arab nations and Turkey, the council also demanded an 
impartial investigation into the confrontation. 

The statement urged that aid ships seized in the raid on Monday be released 
along with civilians held by Israel. 

"The Security Council deeply regrets the loss of life and injuries resulting 
from the use of force during the Israeli military operation in international 
waters against the convoy sailing to Gaza," the statement said, adding that the 
15-member body "in this context, condemns those acts which resulted in the 
loss" of lives. 

The wording seemed designed to dilute demands for condemnation exclusively of 
Israel, which argues that its soldiers acted in self-defense in response to 
violent resistance to their interception of the vessels from passengers on 
board. After the raid, Israel seized hundreds of activists as well as the 

"The Security Council requests the immediate release of the ships as well as 
the civilians held by Israel," the United Nations statement said, calling for 
"a prompt, impartial, credible and transparent investigation conforming to 
international standards." 

It also said the situation in Gaza, under blockade by Israel, was "not 
sustainable" and called for a "sustained and regular flow of goods and people 
to Gaza, as well as unimpeded provision and distribution of humanitarian 
assistance throughout Gaza." 

On the broader Palestinian-Israeli confrontation, the Security Council renewed 
calls for a two-state solution and voiced concern that the raid on the flotilla 
took place while United States-sponsored so-called "proximity talks" were under 

Earlier, Turkey - the unofficial sponsor of the convoy - had proposed a 
statement that would have condemned Israel for violating international law and 
demanded a United Nations investigation, the prosecution of those responsible 
for the raid and compensation for the victims. It also called for the end of 
the blockade. 

But the Obama administration refused to endorse a statement that singled out 
Israel, and it proposed a broader condemnation of the violence that would 
include the assault by passengers of the Israeli commandos as they landed on 
the deck of the ship. 

As the wrangling continued late Monday night and in the early hours Tuesday, 
the two countries were trying to work out their differences on the wording, 
including whether to specify that the investigation should be conducted by 
outsiders, diplomats said. 

While condemnation of Israel in the Security Council is not uncommon, the 
criticism at the emergency session called by Turkey and Lebanon was notable for 
both its vehemence and for the broad array of countries demanding an 
independent investigation into the decision to fire on civilians in what they 
described as a humanitarian mission. 

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu of Turkey, whose country's once close 
relations with Israel have deteriorated markedly since Israel's invasion of 
Gaza in 2009, called the attack "tantamount to banditry and piracy; it is 
murder conducted by a state." 

Noting that the ships were carrying items such as a playground equipment, 
cancer medicine and milk powder, he said that given the history of the Jews the 
Israelis should be more conscious than others of "the dangers and inhumanity of 
ghettoes as the one we currently witness in occupied Gaza." 

Gerard Araud, the French ambassador, said the death toll indicated "there was 
disproportionate use of force and a level of violence which nothing justifies 
and which we condemn." 

Nawaf Salam, the Lebanese ambassador, said even the laws of war require the 
delivery of humanitarian aid. 

Several envoys said Israel was in violation of international law, not least 
because Security Council resolution 1860, passed in January 2009 during the 
Gaza war, had called for ending the blockade and opening unfettered access to 
humanitarian assistance throughout the strip. The diplomats also demanded 
immediate access to their citizens, with some 32 different nationalities among 
the estimated 600 to 700 people on the flotilla. Israel seized all six ships 
and forced them into port. 

The United States, which habitually defends Israel in the council, said that 
the attempt to run the blockade by sea was ill advised. 

"Direct delivery by sea is neither appropriate nor responsible, and certainly 
not effective, under the circumstances," said Alejandro Wolff, the deputy 
permanent repre

[ppiindia] Kisah bulan terbelah dua

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Kisah bulan terbelah dua


UMAT di zaman Rasulullah SAW dianggap sangat bertuah. Tidak sahaja mereka 
berpeluang bertemu dengan baginda namun yang lebih beruntungnya lagi dapat 
melihat sendiri segala kejadian-kejadian mukjizat yang Allah kurniakan kepada 

Ini termasuklah kejadian bulan terbelah dua, antara yang benar-benar berlaku 
dalam usaha Nabi Muhammad untuk menyakinkan kebenaran dakwah baginda itu. 

Jika kita menjadi pengikut baginda ketika itu, tentu segala kejadian mukjizat 
yang berlaku akan menambahkan lagi keimanan atau kepercayaan kepada Allah SWT. 

Namun, perkara seperti ini sukar diterima oleh puak-puak kafir Quraisy. Mereka 
tetap dengan sikap degil mereka.

Walaupun peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj tidak ada sebarang kesangsian, dengan 
segala macam bukti dan keterangan daripada al-Quran namun kedegilan tetap makin 

Malah mereka sendiri kadang kala meminta baginda tunjukkan bukti! Kononnya 
dengan bukti tersebut mereka akan menyerah kalah kepada kebenaran. 

Namun yang sebenarnya mempunyai niat yang busuk, kononnya Rasulullah tidak akan 
mampu menunjukkan sebarang bukti kerana yang diminta semuanya bersifat luar 
biasa dan tidak masuk dek akal. 

Andai, bukti tersebut gagal ditunjukkan oleh baginda maka semakin galaklah 
mereka memusuhi dan mengeji Nabi. 

Namun baginda tetap menyahut apa juga cabaran, asalkan mereka akhirnya percaya 
kepada keesaan Allah yang Maha Agung. 

Iaitu pada suatu hari, sekumpulan pembesar Quraisy itu datang menemui baginda, 
iaitu di antara mereka termasuklah Al Walid Al Mughirah, Abu Jahal Hisham, Al 
As Wail, Al Aswad Muthalib, An Nadhru Al Harith. 

Peristiwa ini dikatakan berlaku sebelum baginda melakukan hijrah ke Madinah dan 
diriwayatkan dalam banyak catatan sejarah sehinggalah mengikut sastera Melayu 
klasik sendiri, kisah bulan terbelah dua ini menjadi kisah-kisah penglipur lara 
yang popular.

Dalam Hikayat Nur Muhammad dan Nabi Bercukur dan Nabi Wafat misalnya, ada 
diceritakan mengenai kisah bulan terbelah ini, pada bahagian kedua dari tiga 
bahagian yang ada, iaitu: Hikayat Nabi Bercukur iaitu menceritakan mukjizat 
Nabi SAW, kisah bulan terbelah. 

Hikayat ini telah diterjemahkan ke dalam rumi dengan tajuk Bunga Rampai Sastera 
Melayu Warisan Islam terbitan Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP). 

Para pembesar itu mencabar baginda supaya menunjukkan mukjizat yang mereka mahu 
melihat sendiri melalui mata kepala walaupun mereka sepatutnya telah beriman 
dengan pengalaman perjalanan Nabi Muhamad sepanjang Israk dan Mikraj itu yang 
lalu, adalah benar. 

Mereka berkata, "Jika kamu seorang yang benar (seorang nabi yang diutuskan oleh 
Allah) belahkan bulan yang sedang mengambang penuh pada malam ini kepada dua 

"Adakah jika permintaan ini dipenuhi, kalian berjanji untuk menerima dakwahku 
dan kita semua bersama-sama menyembah Allah, tuhan yang satu?" kata baginda 

Pembesar-pembesar itu pun menganggukkan kepala tanda bersetuju terhadap syarat 
yang Rasulullah berikan. 

Lalu baginda pun berdoa dan memohon kepada Allah untuk membelah bulan sebagai 
perkara yang luar biasa untuk dijadikan tanda dan bukti kekuasaan Allah Yang 
Maha Tinggi.

Sejurus kemudian tanpa disangka oleh para pembesar Quraisy itu mereka dapat 
menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana bulan mengambang penuh yang menghiasi langit pada 
malam itu bukan sahaja terbelah kepada dua bahagian. 

Tetapi terpisah menjauhkan diri antara satu sama lain. 

Separuh boleh dilihat di sebalik gunung di sebelah kiri dan separuh atau 
sebahagian bulan lagi dapat disaksikan berada pada sebalik gunung di sebelah 
kanan dengan keadaan masih bercahaya. 

Bulan tidak lagi berbentuk bulat sebagaimana lazimnya!

Mereka yang menyaksikan dalam antara percaya dengan tidak, hampir-hampir tidak 
mendengar apabila baginda berkata; "Saksikanlah kejadian ini iaitu sebagai 
bukti kebenaran mukjizat yang dikurniakan Allah dan risalah kenabian yang Allah 
amanahkan kepadaku,"

Begitu pun setelah menyaksikan kejadian yang sungguh luar biasa itu pun, 
kalangan kafir Quraisy tidak menepati janji, mereka tidak mahu mempercayai apa 
tah lagi untuk menerima dakwah nabi. 

Sedangkan kejadian bulan terbelah ini memang benar-benar berlaku dan wajib 
dipercayai. Walaupun ada yang mempertikaikannya kerana bertentangan dengan 
sains dan akal yang waras namun atas nama mukjizat, kelebihan yang diberikan 
kepada Rasulullah ia tidak dapat dibuktikan secara saintifik.

Sebagaimana kebanyakan mukjizat-mukjizat yang Allah berikan kepada para nabi 
sebelum Nabi Muhammad.

Ini termasuk mukjizat Nabi Isa a.s yang boleh menghidupkan orang yang telah 
mati, tiada sesiapa yang dapat pertikaikan lagi.

Walaupun pada hakikatnya, yang mati tetap akan mati, tidak mungkin akan hidup 

Kejadian bulan terbelah dua ini sebenarnya disaksikan oleh seluruh penduduk

[ppiindia] International-Standard Schools Cater to the Rich, Critics Charge

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
June 01, 2010 
Ulma Haryanto

International-Standard Schools Cater to the Rich, Critics Charge

While countless parents across Greater Jakarta pay extra fees for what is 
claimed to be a high-quality education for their children, many of these 
international-standard schools merely cater to the rich, Indonesia Corruption 
Watch said on Tuesday. 

"The commercialization of education is backed by the government," Ade Irawan of 
the ICW said. "The 2003 law on the national education system states that SBIs 
[international-standard schools] and RSBIs [state schools in the process of 
attaining international standards] are to charge extra fees for high-quality 
education. The fact is, however, that the existence of such schools will widen 
the gap between the rich and the poor." 

Ade's statement came two days after the government prepared to launch an 
evaluation of international-standard schools to ensure that they live up to 
their promises. 

"There is a growing need for high-quality education. This need is being turned 
into an opportunity by some state schools to make a killing," Ade said. 

The requirements in the law for turning a state school into an 
international-standard institution are flawed because, among other things, they 
focus mainly on the facilities the school can provide, he said. 

Some observers have demanded that the schools be scrapped altogether because 
they threaten to price low-income students out of a quality education. 

Every district or city in the country, according to the law, is obliged to turn 
at least one state school into an international-standard institution, with 
lessons in two languages, fewer students to a classroom and a curriculum 
integrating both national and international educational standards, including 
adopting a foreign curriculum from a developed nation. The cost of the enhanced 
education standards provided by international-standard schools is borne by the 

Suparman, who heads the Indonesian Independent Teachers Federation, has said 
the idea of inter­national-standard schools runs contrary to the Constitution, 
which mandates that the government provide every child in the country the same 
access to education. 

Panjar, a math teacher at SMPN RSBI 182 state junior high school in Kalibata, 
South Jakarta, which is in the process of achieving international standards, 
said the only difference, to his knowledge, at his school would be that he 
would have to teach in English. 

"The school has just declared its transition toward international standards for 
the 2010-11 school year, and we teachers received the notification in May," 
Panjar said. "We have already had one training session in conversational 

Nina Feyruzi, an English teacher at a state high school in South Jakarta, said 
the ambitious international-standards program was not accompanied by adequate 
human resources. 

"In order for a school to move from RSBI to SBI, the Ministry of Education 
gives it three years to prepare itself. Some schools outsource teachers who 
have experience in private schools so that existing teachers can learn from 
them," she said. 

However, she said, most teachers were too old to learn. 

"When the ministry's people came for an inspection, the only thing they looked 
at was whether the school had enough PCs or LCD screens," Nina said. "Textbooks 
are also a problem, because the schools use bilingual textbooks that are 
published locally and have many grammatical or terminology errors." 

Agus Hidayat, a parent in Tangerang, said he knew of two schools in Greater 
Jakarta where parents were asked to fill in a questionnaire declaring the 
amount they were willing to contribute for those schools to achieve 
international-standards qualification.

Related articles
Parents Express Frustration Over Curriculum Rule
11:26 PM 11/03/2010

Experts Accuse International-Standard Schools of Leaving Poor Out in the Cold
11:02 PM 31/05/2010

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[ppiindia] Sebaiknya Nasionalisasi Perusahaan Migas - Bls: Politik Energi Yang Berbau Kolonial

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Lebih baik pemerintah fokus pada menasionalisasi perusahaan migas yang jelas 
tidak efisien dan menarik untung sebesar2nya. Jika presiden Venezuela Hugo 
Chavez dan Bolivia Evo Morales bisa menasionalisasi perusahaan asing, saya 
yakin bangsa Indonesia yang jauh lebih besar bisa.

Harga minyak oleh kartel minyak dinaikan dari US$ 24/barrel jadi US$ 80/barrel 
hanya dalam beberapa tahun. Ini maruk, serahak, loba, tamak, dsb.

Tidak pantas rakyat Indonesia menanggung kenaikan harga minyak yang dinaikkan 
oleh perusahaan2 migas swasta/asing yang serakah. Lebih baik nasionalisasi 
perusahaan2 tsb ketimbang rakyat harus menderita karena kenaikan harga.


Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits


Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com

Belajar Islam via SMS:


--- Pada Sen, 31/5/10, ulfha_raz  menulis:

Dari: ulfha_raz 
Judul: [ekonomi-nasional] Politik Energi Yang Berbau Kolonial
Kepada: ekonomi-nasio...@yahoogroups.com
Tanggal: Senin, 31 Mei, 2010, 9:02 PM



  Politik Energi Yang Berbau Kolonial

Oleh: Rudi Hartono*)

Pemerintah memastikan akan mencabut subsidi BBM dalam waktu dekat,

demikian dikatakan Menkokesra Agung Laksono seperti dilansir Kompas, 29

mei 2010. Selanjutnya, menurut Menkokesra ini, pemerintah akan

menggantinya dengan mekanisme pemberian kompensasi-kompensasi kepada

sektor rakyat tertentu.

Sungguh, ini bukan sekedar sebuah penjelasan yang dangkal, melainkan

juga pernyataan yang sangat mengelabui. Lihatlah, setiap kali pemerintah

hendak mencabut subsidi, logika berfikir seperti ini terus dikemukakan.

Rakyat kembali menjadi korban, terutama mereka yang sudah

"ngos-ngosan" menghadapi tekanan ekonomi. Ini kebijakan yang

mengagetkan, dikatakan bahwa kita mengalami krisis energi, padahal

sumber energi di bumi pertiwi sangat melimpah.

Indonesia masih memiliki cadangan minyak sebesar 3,99 miliar barel dan

diperkirakan baru habis dieksploitasi selama 11 tahun. Disamping itu,

kita masih memiliki potensi cadangan sejumlah 4,41 miliar barel.

Cadangan gas mencapai 170 TSCF dan produksi per tahun mencapai 2,87

TSCF, dan diperkirakan akan bertahan hingga 59 tahun lagi. Cadangan

batubara masih diperkirakan 18,7 miliar ton, dan diperkirakan masih bisa

bertahan hingga 150 tahun (diolah dari berbagai sumber).

Kepentingan dibalik pencabutan Subsidi

Pemerintah berdalih, kenaikan harga minyak dunia akan memaksa lonjakan

subsidi BBM, sehingga akan menyulitkan anggaran. Ini sangat aneh,

setidaknya bagi saya, karena sekalipun subsidi BBM membengkak hingga

Rp30 trilyun , itu berarti hanya bertambah menjadi Rp87,4 triliun, masih

lebih rendah dibanding alokasi untuk membayar bunga utang luar negeri

sebesar Rp115,6 triliun dan belanja pegawai sebesar Rp161.7 triliun.

Lantas, kenapa pemerintah begitu berani mengutak-atik soal subsidi BBM

saja, padahal ini berkaitan dengan rakyat banyak, sementara persoalan

utang luar negeri tidak pernah tersentuh pembicaraan sama sekali. Utang

luar negeri tidak hanya membuat APBN menjadi kering-kerontang, tetapi

membawa dampak lebih luas seperti pendiktean kebijakan ekonomi dan

politik kita oleh pihak asing.

Demikian pula pendapat miring para ekonom neoliberal mengenai subsidi.

Mereka begitu getol mengecam subsidi sebagai pemborosan, tidak

produktif, dan dianggap kuno. Namun, ketika para pengusaha mengalami

krisis, mereka pun ramai-ramai berteriak perlunya subsidi bagi sektor

swasta dalam bentuk bailout. Pendek kata, mereka mengecam segala bentuk

subsidi untuk orang miskin dan rakyat banyak, tapi menghalalkan subsidi

bagi segelintir kaum kaya.

Sepandai-pandainya tupai melompat, suatu saat akan jatuh juga, begitu

kata pepatah lama. Sehebat apapun pemerintah membungkus "maksud

busuk" dibalik rencana itu, tetapi masyarakat lambat laun akan

mengerti juga. Di sini, ada beberapa agenda terselubung dibalik rencana

penghapusan subsidi itu:

Pertama, Rencana pengurangan subsidi merupakan "rangkaian" dari

paket liberalisasi sektor migas di Indonesia. Ini hanya pelengkap

liberalisasi sektor hilir, setelah sebelumnya sektor hulu sudah dikuasai

asing. Sudah menjadi ketentuan tidak tertulis, bahwa prasyarat masuknya

swasta dalam sektor hilir, adalah adanya harga yang kompetitif. Artinya,

pemerintah harus bersedia melempar harga BBM sesuai mekanisme pasar.

Untuk diketahui, saat ini, ada 105 perusahaan yang sudah mendapat izin

untuk bermain di sektor hilir migas, termasuk membuka stasiun pengisian

BBM untuk umum (SPBU), diantaranya British Petrolium (Inggris), Shell

(Belanda), Petro-China (RRC), Petronas (Malaysia), dan Chevron-Texaco


Kedua, saat Eropa dan AS sedang mengalami krisis dan membutuhkan

suntikan dana, maka negara-negara dunia ketiga dipaksa menjalankan

kebijakan "mengencangkan ikat pinggang", termasuk pemerintah

Indonesia. Disam

[ppiindia] Bagi yang mau solidaritas dangan palestina dan protes ke PBB

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Bagi yang mau protes ke PBB silahkan tanda tangan list ini, dalam waktu sekejap 
sudah hampir sudah hampri 700.000. Click situs ini : 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Jihad Watch

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Jihad Watch

Turks irked: Islamic supremacist Turkish PM says "Israel's behavior should 
definitely, definitely be punished...Today is the beginning of a new age. 
Things will never be the same again."
As Turkey embraces, and attempts to lead, the latest jihad against Israel, 
Turkey's Islamic supremacist Prime Minister fulminates about Israel's acts of 
defense against the Hamas-linked Jihad Flotilla. "Turkey's PM says Israel 
should be punished," by Pinar Aydinli and Tulay Karadeniz for Reuters, June 1:

  ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called Tuesday for 
Israel to be punished for storming a Turkish aid ship and said "nothing would 
ever be the same" in relations between the two allies. 
  Turkey was infuriated by the killing of nine people, including four Turks, 
during the Israeli assault Monday to stop a convoy of six vessels delivering 
aid to the Gaza Strip, and 368 Turks were still being held in Israel.

  "Israel's behavior should definitely, definitely be punished," a spirited 
Erdogan told a meeting of his parliamentary deputies broadcast on live 

  "No one should try to test Turkey's patience," he said.

  "The time has come for the international community to say 'enough'," he said. 
"The United Nations must not stop at its resolution condemning Israel, but 
stand behind its resolution."...

  "Israel should lift the inhumane embargo on Gaza right away. Killing innocent 
people is a wicked recklessness," he said.

  Erdogan has become popular throughout the Islamic world for his trenchant 
criticism of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. With an election due by 
July next year, Erdogan could bolster support for his Islamist-leaning AK 

  "Today is the beginning of a new age. Things will never be the same again," 
he declared. "We will never turn our back on the Palestinians."...

Posted by Robert on June 1, 2010 9:27 AM | 16 Comments 
Print this entry | Email this entry | Digg this | del.icio.us | Buzz up! 

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[ppiindia] Baju Untuk Ayu

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Baju Untuk Ayu

By: agussyafii

Belum genap setahun hidup dilaluinya di Ibukota bersama putrinya. Hidupnya tak 
menentu dan berpindah-pindah. Air matanya sudah kering mengalir dia tumpahkan 
dalam pengaduan kepada Sang Khaliq setiap sholat di masjid Istiqlal. Poto wajah 
kecil Ayu putri kesayangannya selalu tersimpan di dompetnya sebagai tanda 
cinta. Bajunya teramat lusuh. Wajahnya terlihat kuyuh dengan sepatu yang 
berlobang diujungnya. Kulitnya hitam legam terbakar sinar matahari.

Setiap hari menyusuri jalanan untuk mengais rizki. Terkadang memaksa dirinya 
untuk mengemis demi sesuap nasi. Suara bising, asap knalpot sudah menjadi menu 
sehari-hari. Kakinya perih penuh luka kebanyakan jalan kaki. Batuknya beberapa 
kali terdengar. Hari makin tambah panas, belum sesuap nasi mampir ke perutnya. 
Matanya melelehkan air mata membayangkan wajah cantik putrinya yang 
berlari-lari menyambut dirinya pulang sementaranya perutnya melilit menahan 

Sambil duduk dia keluarkan secarik kertas tulisan tangan putrinya. 'Ayah, kalo 
ayah udah dapet duit jangan lupa beliin Ayu baju ya..ayah.' 

Kertas itu kemudian dilipat dan dimasukkan ke kantong celana. Tangannya 
mengucap keringat dan air mata yang menyatu dipipinya. Direlung hatinya terasa 
perih bagai teriris sembilu. Wajah anaknya yang sedang tersenyum bagai pisau 
menusuk sampai ke hulu hatinya. Sejak istrinya meninggal dunia, hidup anaknya 
penuh penderitaan karena mempunya seorang ayah seperti dirinya. Keinginan untuk 
membahagiakan putrinya belum juga mampu diwujudkan. Pikirannya menjadi kalut 
tidak tahu bagaimana mendapatkan baju untuk putrinya.

Matanya memandang kepada sebuah Supermarket diseberang jalan. Dia mendatangi 
Supermarket itu dengan wajah memelas mencoba berharap belas kasihan setiap 
pengunjung. Wajahnya yang kurus tak  terawat tak membuat orang menaruh kasihan 
pada dirinya. bahkan orang yang melihat malah tidak menoleh sedikitpun. Tak 
seorangpun peduli padanya. Hatinya semakin perih dan menangis. Kakinya gemetar 
menahan lapar. Tubuhnya terasa rapuh. Wajah putrinya terlintas di dalam 
benaknya. Rengekan Ayu terngiang ditelinganya. 'Ayah, Ayu mau baju baru..'

Tanpa disadarinya matanya melihat sebuah dompet tergeletak dimeja kasir. 
Matanya melirik ke kanan dan ke kiri mengawasi orang-orang disekeliling dengan 
penuh keyakinan dia ambil dompet itu. Sekuat tenaga dia berlari menuju pintu 
keluar. Seorang Ibu berteriak, 'Jambret...jambret...' Orang-orang disekeliling 
Supermarket terkejut dengan teriakan itu. Beberapa orang berlari mencoba untuk 
mengejarnya. Nampak satu dua orang menghadang. Perutnya yang seharian lapar 
membuatnya tak berkutik. Bogem mentah dilayangkan diwajahnya. Mata 
berkunang-kunang. darah mengucur dibibirnya. Orang-orang yang sudah terbakar 
amarah tidak mempedulikan teriakannya meminta ampun. Bahkan sebagian orang 
meludahi wajahnya. 

Wajahnya tersungkur menyentuh trotoar. Teriakan orang-orang tidak terdengar 
lagi. Terkapar tubuhnya dijalanan. Tidak tahu berapa lama dirinya pingsan. 
Kumandang adzan itu membangunkan dirinya seolah Sang Khaliq menyapa hati dan 
tubuhnya yang penuh luka. Berkali-kali dirinya beristighfar memohon ampun 
kepada Allah atas semua kekhilafan yang telah dilakukannya. Terucap kata lirih 
disaat wajah putrinya yang sedang tersenyum menyambutnya pulang. 'Ayu, maafkan 
ayah belum bisa membelikan baju baru buat Ayu.' 

Ayu sang buah hati memeluknya, mencium mesra pipi ayahnya. Pertanda Ayu 
mengerti apa yang sedang terjadi. Malam kelam dibawah kolong mereka berdua 
menikmati singkong bakar, begitu terasa nikmatnya. Mensyukuri hidup dengan 
penuh kasih sayang. Sekalipun hari itu Ayu belum memakai baju baru.

Maka nikmat Tuhanmu yang manakah yang kamu dustakan? (QS. ar-Rahman 55:16)

Yuk, hadir di Kegiatan 'Amalia Cinta al-Quran (ACQ).' Hari Ahad, Tanggal 20 
Juni 2010 Di Rumah Amalia, Jl. Subagyo IV blok ii, No.23 Komplek Peruri, 
Ciledug. Silahkan kirimkan dukungan dan partisipasi anda di 
http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii3, atau http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, 
http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 087 8777 12 431


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[ppiindia] International Activists Cause Their Own Deaths By Attacking Non-confrontational Israeli Commandos?

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar

International Activists Cause Their Own Deaths 

By Attacking Non-confrontational Israeli 

By Belén Fernández 

May 31, 2010 "Palestine Think Tank" -- At a 
press briefing this morning following the massacre
by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) commandos of passengers on board the
Mavi Marmara, one of the boats pertaining to the Freedom Flotilla
attempting to break the siege of Gaza, IDF spokeswoman Avital
Liebovitch claimed that the passengers had engaged in “severe violence
against our soldiers.”

to Liebovitch, the violence was premeditated and was administered via
live fire, sharp items such as knives, and weapons “grabbed” from the
IDF commandos. While underscoring Israel’s unique ability to portray
its armed forces as victims, the analysis failed to provide a
compelling reason for why—if the alleged attack using grabbed weapons
was indeed premeditated—the IDF did not throw a wrench in the works by
simply refraining from raiding the ship.

not satisfied with sporadic violations of logic, Liebovitch reiterated
that the IDF had not desired a confrontation with the activists but
that the justness of the confrontation— which she herself admitted
occurred “not in Israeli territory”—had since been proven given the
passengers’ alleged reaction. The Israeli tendency to award retroactive
justification to its actions was also evident during the 2008-2009
attack on Gaza, which Israel advertised as a defensive war against
Palestinian rockets by severing the portion of the cause-and-effect
timeline that involved deliberate Israeli violations
of the ceasefire agreement with Hamas. The inversion of aggressor and
victim did not of course prevent Gazan civilians from perishing in this
particular confrontation at a rate of approximately 400:1 vis-à-vis
their Israeli counterparts.

As for the inversion of 
aggressor and victim aboard the Mavi Marmara, a communiqué
on the website of the Israeli Foreign Ministry this morning confirmed
that pre-planned “life-threatening and violent activity” against the
IDF commandos could have been averted had the humanitarian vessels
heeded the invitation of the Israeli Navy to dock at Ashdod, “where
they would be able to unload their aid material which would then be
transferred over land [to Gaza] after undergoing security inspections.”
Such charitable offers regarding the fate of 10,000 tons of
international aid have yet to be reconciled with the continuing Israel
denial that there is a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, or with the fact
that pencils and laundry detergent have not in recent Gazan history
been eligible for overland transfer. The naval invitation to Ashdod has
meanwhile been called into question by Liebovitch’s declaration this
morning that the purpose of the confrontation on the Mavi Marmara was
simply to prevent the pa

[ppiindia] Freedom Flotilla and the BBC's Shame

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Posted by:  "a b"  



  Mon May 31, 2010 10:09 pm(PDT)


  Freedom Flotilla and the BBC's Shame

by Muhammad Idrees Ahmad

The BBC proves its despicable subservience to the Israeli propaganda
machine once again. Before it was shamed by Al Jazeera and others into
covering the Freedom Flotilla massacre, it reported the story as a mere
claim by Hamas. Here is how it first appeared on the BBC's website:

BBC News – Israel intercepts Gaza flotilla, says Hamas

The Palestinian movement Hamas says the Israeli navy has intercepted a
flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian aid to the Gaza strip.

The massacre soon became the top news story on Google News and Twitter.
The BBC could no longer maintain the pretence of ignorance. It finally
reported on the massacre as a matter of fact, but appended this line:
"Hamas, a militant palestinian group that controls the Gaza strip, has
fired thousands of rockets into Israel over the past decade."

The victims weren't innocent, you see. They were on their way to aid
these terrible people who fire `thousands of rockets into Israel'.
That's all you need to know. And if you mention those hundreds of
thousands of bombs, missiles and rockets that Israel has shot into
Gaza…Why, you must be an anti-Semite!

I took the risk, and sent in a complaint. I am assuming I wasn't the
only one questioning the relevance of the line to the report because it
was swiftly removed. In its place, it posted a short video segment in
which the reporter went out of his way to `stress' that according to
the Israeli military no one was killed. He then went on to excuse the
killings because `clearly when you have as many as 600 people on board
these ships, at night, in high sees, it is a very very difficult
situation…and you can imagine a rather chaotic situation. Of course the
Israeli military is very well experienced with dealing with crowd
control'. But turns out he wasn't entirely shameless. He did add: 'but
certainly if you've got live fire being fired as well as tear gas
canisters which is what is being reported was fired, then that is a
very dangerous situation in a very crowded space'.

The BBC has now added a sidebar in which `diplomatic correspondent'
Jonathan Marcus tells readers how terrible this massacre is…for
Israel's image! The clueless ass tells us that `this was always going
to be a high-risk operation'… for Israel! He addes: `Taking over
vessels at sea is no easy task, even if the units carrying out the
mission are well-trained, and it is especially difficult if the people
already on board the vessels resist.' But at least he thinks the deaths
are a tragedy…but for Israel! Because they `threaten to make what was
always going to be a potential public relations disaster for Israel
into a fully-fledged calamity.' So the BBC pays a `diplomatic
correspondent' your tax money so he can worry about the myriad ways
Israel hurts itself by killing innocent civilians in international

Thanks to all who've written in. Don't let them get away with using
your tax money to feed you propaganda on behalf of a foreign criminal
entity. For more on the BBC's disgraceful record of whitewashing
Israeli crimes here and here.

This is your money being used in the service of murderers and child
molesters. You have a responsibility to act. At minimum, you can

http://pulsemedia. org/2010/ 05/31/freedom- flotilla- and-the-bbcs- shame/



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Undangan belajar manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Ahmad Syamil

Organisasi non-profit Indonesian Production and Operations Management
Society (IPOMS)



Kegiatan organisasi nir laba IPOMS cukup banyak termasuk juga
penyelenggaraan training dari, untuk, dan oleh anggotanya termasuk acara 
di bawah.

Jika berminat mengikuti kegiatan IPOMS silahkan
bergabung dengan milis utama IPOMS dengan mengirim email ke



Tidak seluruh pelamar milis IPOMS akan diterima.

Supaya cepat diterima keanggotaannya, dianjurkan mendaftar melalui web site:


dan mohon menulis:

Nama: __ Nama kota:  Saya teman Ahmad Syamil.

Mari majukan SDM dan Industri di Indonesia!

Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University


Bapak dan Ibu Yth,

Sehubungan dengan keterbatasan tempat di BIC (Business Innovation
Center, Kemayoran, Jakarta), sementara masih banyak
Bapak dan Ibu yang berminat untuk mengikuti study group BSCM, maka IPOMS
bekerjasama dengan PT jababeka infrastruktur mengadakan study group BSCM
di Jababeka Cikarang, pada tanggal 5,12 dan 19 Juni 2010 dengan jadwal
sebagai berikut;

*Sabtu , 5 Juni 2010*
09.00 -- 11.00 wib
Introduction to Material Management and Production Planning System

11.00 -- 12.00 wib
Master Scheduling & Material Requirement Planning

12.00 - 12.45 wib
Break ( Praying and lunch)

12.45 -- 13.45 wib
Master Scheduling & Material Requirement Planning

13.45 -- 16.00 wib
Inventory Fundamental

*Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010*
09.00 -- 11.00 wib
Production Activity Control and Capacity Management

11.00 -- 12.00 wib
Just in Time Manufacturing and Total Quality Management

12.00 - 12.45 wib
Break ( Praying and lunch)

12.45 -- 13.45 wib
Just in Time Manufacturing and Total Quality Managemen

13.45 -- 16.00 wib
Physical Inventory, Physical Distribution and Warehouse Management

*Sabtu, 19 juni 2010*
9.00 -- 11.00 wib
Products and Processes

11.00 -- 12.00 wib
Purchasing and Forecasting

12.00 - 12.45
Break ( Praying and lunch)

12.45 -- 13.45 wib
Purchasing and Forecasting

13.45 -- 16.00 wib
Order Quantity and Independent Demand Ordering System


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Re: [ppiindia] French journalists deported

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Denina Kusumaningayu Puspitarini


From: sunny 
To: undisclosed-recipi...@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue, June 1, 2010 6:28:16 PM
Subject: [ppiindia] French journalists deported

May 26, 2010 
French journalists deported 

Baudouin Koenig (left) and Carole Helena Lorthiois (right) were expelled from 
the Papuan provincial capital Jayapura on Wednesday morning and have been 
ordered to leave Indonesia, Jayapura district immigration head Robert Silitonga 
said. -- PHOTO: AFP

JAKARTA - TWO French journalists will be deported from Indonesia on Wednesday 
after they filmed a peaceful demonstration in Papua province, where the 
government is accused of rights abuses. 

Baudouin Koenig and Carole Helena Lorthiois were expelled from the Papuan 
provincial capital Jayapura on Wednesday morning and have been ordered to leave 
Indonesia, Jayapura district immigration head Robert Silitonga said. 

'After questioning them, we found that they had committed permit violations so 
they'll be deported. They had filmed a protest and they did so outside the 
areas they were permitted,' he said. 

The journalists had just arrived in Jayapura to make a documentary about an 
ongoing census when they stopped to film a human rights rally outside the 
Papuan legislative council. 

Mr Silitonga said Koenig only had a permit to film 'cultural activities' in 
certain areas, while Lorthiois did not have a journalist visa. 

Papua, on the far eastern extreme of the Indonesian archipelago, is off-limits 
to foreign journalists and aid workers without special permission, which is 
rarely given. -- AFP 

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[ppiindia] French journalists deported

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
May 26, 2010 
French journalists deported 
Baudouin Koenig (left) and Carole Helena Lorthiois (right) were expelled from 
the Papuan provincial capital Jayapura on Wednesday morning and have been 
ordered to leave Indonesia, Jayapura district immigration head Robert Silitonga 
said. -- PHOTO: AFP

JAKARTA - TWO French journalists will be deported from Indonesia on Wednesday 
after they filmed a peaceful demonstration in Papua province, where the 
government is accused of rights abuses. 

Baudouin Koenig and Carole Helena Lorthiois were expelled from the Papuan 
provincial capital Jayapura on Wednesday morning and have been ordered to leave 
Indonesia, Jayapura district immigration head Robert Silitonga said. 

'After questioning them, we found that they had committed permit violations so 
they'll be deported. They had filmed a protest and they did so outside the 
areas they were permitted,' he said. 

The journalists had just arrived in Jayapura to make a documentary about an 
ongoing census when they stopped to film a human rights rally outside the 
Papuan legislative council. 

Mr Silitonga said Koenig only had a permit to film 'cultural activities' in 
certain areas, while Lorthiois did not have a journalist visa. 

Papua, on the far eastern extreme of the Indonesian archipelago, is off-limits 
to foreign journalists and aid workers without special permission, which is 
rarely given. -- AFP 

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[ppiindia] Gaza flotilla attack: SA journalist found

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Gaza flotilla attack: SA journalist found
1 June 2010, 10:18
South African journalist Gadijah Davids, who was caught up in a clash between 
the Israeli Defence Force and an aid ship bound for Gaza, is alive, her 
relieved mother Magboeba said on Tuesday.

"The mere fact that she is alive is quite consoling for us," Davids said.

The department of international relations told the family that she had been 
found, and they were currently working on finding out more about the conditions 
that she was being held under.

Davids said she had known the possibilities when she left.

She had been covering Palestinian issues for some time for community radio 
station Radio 786 in Cape Town, and already had an idea of what she might face. 
She had wanted to be part of a team delivering medical supplies, and was not 
interested in anything military.

"She will come back a stronger person. It was a maiden experience for her on so 
many levels -- it was the first time she left home, first big story, and now 
she has an international scoop -- we are very proud of her."

Daniel Seaman, spokesman for the Israeli government, told Sapa that the people 
on five of the six ships would be sent home by plane as soon as they had 
identified themselves.

They were currently being held in prisons around the country.

They would be sent home because they had not engaged in violent confrontation 
with the soldiers who boarded the vessels to search them.

The people on board the sixth -- the Mavi Marmara -- where nine people were 
killed when the soldiers rappelled on to the ship from helicopters --would be 
released only if authorities could establish that they were not part of the 
direct physical confrontations that also left a number of soldiers wounded.

The Israeli government said two of its soldiers' guns were taken away and they 
were attacked with sticks and knives.

Seaman could not say how they would establish who was directly involved and 
they were in the process of identifying those who were on board, as well as 
those killed.

Those found not directly involved would be flown home, and the others would 
face charges, still to be formulated, in Israel.

The flotilla attempted to sail through an Israeli blockade to Gaza. The Israeli 
government, in response to mortar attacks two years ago, imposed the blockade 
of supplies to the contested territory and insisted on searching consignments 
bound for the area.

The blockade included maritime traffic.

Restricted items included cement, which they said could be used to mould mortar 
shells. Israel had rejected international calls that the restrictions were too 
harsh and were causing a humanitarian crisis. - Sapa 

Related Articles
  a.. [VIDEO] Family 'very proud' of missing journo
  b.. Cape journalist on Gaza aid ship

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[ppiindia] Lomba menulis untuk mahasiswa

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar

:From: Aria Indrawati 
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 3:07 PM





Yayasan Mitra Netra bersama Persatuan 
Tunanetra Indonesia (Pertuni), The International Council of Education for 
with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) dan The Nippon Foundation (TNF) mengajak 
rekan-rekan mahasiswa se-Jabodetabek untuk berperan dalam upaya 
menumbuhkembangkan kampus yang ramah pada mahasiswa penyandang disabilitas, 
melalui “Lomba Menulis”. 
Pilihan tema: 
Mewujudkan Kampus yang Ramah dan Non-Diskriminatif bagi Penyandang 
Peran Pusat 
Layanan Disabilitas di Perguruan Tinggi.
Ketentuan lomba: 
Peserta adalah 
mahasiswa aktif Strata 1.
Setiap peserta 
diperbolehkan mengirimkan 2 (dua) tulisan untuk masing-masing tema.
Tulisan belum 
pernah diikutsertakan pada kegiatan lomba apapun/dimanapun.
Tulisan ditulis 
dalam Bahasa Indonesia sesuai EYD serta tidak menyinggung unsur SARA.
Panjang tulisan 
maksimum 8 halaman A4, spasi 1.5, jenis huruf Times New Roman, dan ukuran font 
Tulisan dikirim 
paling lambat tanggal 30 Juni 2010 pukul 12.00 WIB dalam bentuk softcopy 
berformat Ms. Word ke alamat e-mail: inklusipaper@ yahoo.co. id, dilampiri CV 
penulis yang berisikan 
• Nama lengkap.
• NIM (Nomor Induk Mahasiswa).
• Jurusan, fakultas, semester, dan 
• Tempat, tanggal lahir.
• Alamat rumah.
• Kontak (nomor telepon/HP dan 
• Daftar tulisan yang pernah dibuat (jika 
Dewan Juri: 
1. Prof. Dr. Bambang Shergi Laksmono, MSc 
(Dekan FISIP UI).
2. Jodhi Yudono, Redaktur Senior 
• Juara 1 mendapatkan piagam dan uang 
sebesar Rp. 1.800.000
• Juara 2 mendapatkan piagam dan uang 
sebesar Rp. 1.300.000
• Juara 3 mendapatkan piagam dan uang 
sebesar Rp. 800.000
Pengumuman pemenang akan dilakukan pada 20 
Juli 2010, disampaikan ke seluruh peserta melalui e-mail.
Penyerahan hadiah dilakukan bersamaan 
dengan kegiatan Seminar/Kuliah Umum di Universitas Indonesia (UI) pada 28 Juli 
Jika membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut, 
silakan hubungi Yayasan Mitra Netra:
Contact person: Muizzudin Hilmi
Telepon: 021-7651386
E-mail: m...@mitranetra. or.id 
Mari berperan mewujudkan “kampus yang 
ramah bagi penyandang disabilitas” di Indonesia... ..
Pendidikan dasar memang penting, sedangkan 
pendidikan tinggi adalah jalan strategis menuju 
perubahan... ..





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[ppiindia] Gelar Doa Bersama, Umat Kristiani Semarang Kutuk Israel

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Selasa, 01/06/2010 11:21 WIB

Penyerangan Kapal Kemanusiaan

Gelar Doa Bersama, Umat Kristiani Semarang Kutuk Israel

Triono Wahyu Sudibyo - detikNews

- Umat Kristiani di Semarang, Jawa Tengah, berdoa mengutuk keras
penyerangan kapal relawan oleh Israel. Demi menunjukkan keseriusan,
seorang jemaat mengaku siap berangkat ke Jalur Gaza.

digelar di Gereja Hati Kudus, Jl. Krokosono, Tanah Mas, Semarang,
Selasa (1/6/2010). Puluhan umat itu tergabung dalam Komisi Hubungan
Antaragama dan Kepercayaan Keuskupan Agung Semarang.

jemaat Romo Aloysius Budi Purnomo, mengatakan, serangan Israel terhadap
kapal relawan merupakan tindakan tak beradab dan berlawanan dengan
prinsip kemanusian, keadilan, dan perdamaian.

"Kami berharap dunia internasional bergerak," katanya usai doa bersama.

tak menimbulkan ekses lebih jauh, tindakan itu seyogyanya tak dibalas
dengan kekerasan. Kekerasan jika dilawan dengan kekerasan, hanya jadi
lingkaran kekerasan," imbuhnya.

Ketika sebagian besar jemaat
sudah membubarkan diri, seorang jemaat mengacungkan tangan. "Saya siap
berangkat ke Jalur Gaza," katanya.

Nelwan, demikian nama jemaat itu, menambahkan, kesiapannya itu atas dasar 
kemanusiaan. Palestina sudah terlalu menderita. 

siap berangkat dan mendarmabaktikan keahlian saya. Bisa leat Mer-C atau
organisasi lain," pungkas ahli hidrologi Undip Semarang ini.





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[ppiindia] Massacre on high seas

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Headline News
Massacre on high seas
Published Date: June 01, 2010 

JERUSALEM: Israeli marines stormed a Turkish aid ship bound for Gaza yesterday 
and at least nine pro-Palestinian activists were killed, triggering a 
diplomatic crisis and an emergency session of the UN Security Council. European 
nations, as well as the United Nations and Turkey, voiced shock and outrage at 
the bloody end to the international campaigners' bid to break Israel's blockade 
of the Gaza Strip.

Boarding from dinghies and rappelling from helicopters, naval commandos stopped 
six ships, 700 people and 10,000 tonnes of supplies from reaching the 
Islamist-run Palestinian enclave - but bloody miscalculation left Israel 
isolated and condemned. Once-close Muslim ally Turkey accused it of "terrorism" 
in international waters. The UN Security Council met in emergency session. The 
European Union, a key aid donor to Palestinians, demanded an independent 
inquiry and an end to the Gaza embargo.

Israel's most powerful friend, the United States, was more cautious. But 
President Barack Obama said he wanted the full facts soon and regretted the 
loss of life. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voiced regret as he cut short a 
visit to Canada and rang Obama to call off a White House meeting that had been 
planned for today. He said his forces had been attacked: "They were mobbed, 
they were clubbed, they were beaten, stabbed, there was even a report of 
gunfire. And our soldiers had to defend themselves." F
or all his regret, he vowed to maintain a three-year-old embargo to stop 
Iranian-backed Hamas from bringing arms to Gaza.

Back home, questions were asked about how an operation that aimed to avoid 
bloodshed had gone so badly and publicly wrong. The White House meeting had 
seemed intended to soothe ties with Obama, which have been strained by 
differences over Jewish settlement construction that delayed the recent revival 
of peace talks with the Palestinians. But Obama must also balance support for 
Israel, which is popular with American voters, with understanding for an angry 
Turkey and other Muslim US allies. Palestinian Presi
dent Mahmoud Abbas said: "What Israel has committed on board the Freedom 
Flotilla was a massacre.

Even after the vessels were escorted into Israel's Ashdod port, accounts of the 
predawn operation some 120 km out in the Mediterranean were sketchy and limited 
to those from the Israeli side. Activists were held incommunicado, though 
Israeli officials said most would be free to go in due course. Military 
night-vision video showed commandos being winched down, only to be surrounded. 
Some Israeli commentators asked why commanders put troops into a position where 
they were cornered.

An Israeli minister admitted plans to maintain the blockade on Hamas while 
avoiding an international incident had backfired in spectacular fashion. "It's 
going to be a big scandal, no doubt about it," Trade Minister Binyamin 
Ben-Eliezer said. One marine told reporters his squad went in with anti-riot 
paintball guns but, fearing for their lives, resorted to using normal pistols 
or leapt overboard. In military footage, a commando fired a paintball at a man 
who seemed to be clubbing an Israeli. Other video sh
owed a commando fire a pistol, two-handed. "We were prepared to face human 
rights activists and we found people who came for war," the marine told 

A reporter with the pan-Arab satellite channel Al-Jazeera, who was sailing on 
the Turkish ship leading the flotilla, said the Israelis fired at the vessel 
before boarding it, wounding the captain. "These savages are killing people 
here, please help," a Turkish television reporter said. The broadcast ended 
with a voice shouting in Hebrew, "Everybody shut up!" At Barzilai hospital in 
the southern Israeli city of Ashkelon, a few activists trickled in under 
military escort. "They hit me," said a Greek man, who
se right arm was in a sling, calling the Israelis "pirates". He did not give 
his name and later was escorted away with a neck brace.

Israeli military officials said nine activists died on the Mavi Marmara, a 
Turkish cruise ship carrying nearly 600 people. Most of the dead were Turks, 
one senior Israeli officer said. Military officials said some activists had 
snatched pistols from the boarding party, which responded to gunfire. Seven 
troops and 20 protesters were injured, the military said. Some officials had 
earlier put the death toll at 10 or even higher.

The bloodshed sparked street protests and government ire in Turkey, long 
Israel's lone Muslim ally in the region. Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, whose 
Islamist views and outreach to Iran and other Israeli enemies are blamed by 
many in Israel for souring relations, said before cutting short a trip to 
Chile: "This action, totally contrary to the principles of international law, 
is inhumane state terrorism. I'd like to address

[ppiindia] What Can Brazil Do Without Lula?

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Pertanyaan yang mirip ialah : Apa  yang NKRI bisa berbuat tanpa SBY? 
hehehehe.  Bagaimana komentar Anda?



What Can Brazil Do Without Lula?

2010 is the year of change for Brazil. In October, the country is to elect a 
new President. The current President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva can no longer be 
a candidate since the Brazilian Constitution only allows the same President 
serve two terms. The main presidential candidates are former governor of São 
Paulo, José Serra, and Dilma Rousseff, handpicked by President Luiz Inácio Lula 
da Silva. 

Lula will be leaving his successor a rich legacy. Today, due to high level of 
economic development in all spheres and large number of employable population, 
Brazil is significantly ahead of the rest of Latin America. In terms of GDP, it 
is the eighth economy in the world. Lula's Presidency that lasted two terms, 
since 2003, made the country to be what it is now. 

Russia Today: Brazil's Middle Eastern adventure

Lula came to office when the country was falling into abyss. His predecessor 
Fernando Cardoso could not fight the inflation and borrowed so much money from 
the IMF that the country was preparing for a default. Many economists argued 
about when exactly it was going to happen, thinking the new "left President" 
would only make things worse. Yet, instead the country not only got out of the 
hole but achieved great success both in economy and foreign policy. 

Lula managed to properly direct the energy of radical Trotskyists and the 
experience of market economists in his government. As a result, he has built a 
thriving economy and more or less stable social sector, which none of other 
countries of the region have. 

Brazilian economy deserves special attention. Raw materials and agricultural 
products are not the only things it supplies to the world markets. The main 
export is aviation equipment, transportation, electric equipment, fabrics and 
shoes. The revenue from the export of these items is significantly larger than 
the revenue from iron ore, energy, rare metals and agricultural products, 
including famous Brazilian coffee, soy, sugar and fruit. 

During Lula's presidency the manufacturing sector got a strong impetus for 
development. The sector was heavily invested into. The "left" President 
realized that without stimulus to manufacturing and production of competitive 
goods the country will remain a giant "banana republic." 

Lula managed to keep inflation at bay, something many countries are unable to 
do. He even paid the IMF debt ahead of time in 2005. Today Brazil is no longer 
a borrower but a lender who provides help to the third world countries on 
easier terms of payment (compared to the West). 

Lula has proved that Goldman Sachs was right when it included the country into 
virtual BRIC group (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) that is expected to 
experience rapid economic growth by 2050. 

The success with the internal policy has an effect on the foreign policy. 
Brazil has become a regional arbitrator in its own way, and it is taken into 
account by everyone from the outrageous Venezuelan Hugo to the pro-American 
Columbian Uribe. 

Interestingly enough, Brazil became a protector of Honduran president Zelaya 
overthrown in 2009 (he was hiding on the territory of the Brazilian embassy). 

It is worth mentioning that Brazil currently has the strongest armed forces in 
Latin America. 

The US attitude towards Brazil is controversial. On the one hand, the US is 
ineffectively trying to direct Brazil towards the American policy. It even made 
some "amicable gestures" like a recent purchase of 200 Brazilian battle planes 
Super Tucano. On the other hand, it is secretly sabotaging Brazil by trying not 
to allow the enhancement of its position in other countries of the region. 

Americans are definitely concerned with Brazil's actions that contradict the 
US's opinion increasingly more. The West frequently calls Lula's policy 
immoral, while it proved to be extremely good for Brazil. Lula is friends with 
Hugo Chavez who sells him cheap oil, and George W. Bush Jr., who has the market 
important for Brazilian export. At the same time, he allowed neither of them to 
interfere with his affairs. 

Now he has befriended China that became his main partner and shifted the US to 
the second place. 

When the US suggested introducing sanctions against Iran for the refusal to 
stop the nuclear program, Lula asked to give him time to convince Ahmadinejad 
to agree with the demands of the world community. Washington considered it to 
be an attempt to "talk against time."

"Lula's policy is first of all aimed at strengthening of Brazil, making it one 
of super powers of the 21 century. Here the interests of Brazil and the West 
clash," Boris Martynov, Deputy Head of the Institute of Latin America in Moscow 
told Pravda.ru. "Many are used to Latin America

[ppiindia] 'Israeli commandos are wild dogs'

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny

Photo by: AP 
'Israeli commandos are wild dogs' 
06/01/2010 12:55 

Ahmadinejad calls for strong UNSC resolution over flotilla raid. 
The Iranian president on Tuesday demanded a strong UN Security Council 
resolution against Israel over its raid on an aid flotilla bound for the Gaza 

In a speech broadcast live on state TV, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 
called on the Security Council to adopt a resolution that would "cut off" 
Israel's hands, thus preventing it from committing more "crimes."

At least nine people were killed when Israeli navy commandos raided the 
Gaza-bound flotilla Monday.

The UN Security Council called Tuesday for an "impartial" investigation of 
Israel's raid after an emergency meeting and marathon negotiations that lasted 
nearly 12 hours. It was weaker than what was initially demanded by the 
Palestinians, Arabs and Turkey.

"I ask the Security Council to keep the crimes of the Zionists on its agenda 
and to cut off their hands from committing crimes with a strong resolution," 
Ahmadinejad said during a provincial visit to town of Ilam, some 430 miles (700 
kilometers) southwest of Teheran.

He said such a resolution by the Council would secure international confidence 
in the body and send a message that it doesn't issue "resolutions only against 
countries the US and its allies want."

Ahmadinejad was referring to the push by the US, four other permanent Security 
Council members - Russia, China, Britain and France - and Germany for a new set 
of UN sanctions against Iran over its refusal to stop enriching uranium.

The West suspect the program masks efforts to make nuclear weapons, a charge 
Iran denies and claims it's for peaceful power generation.

Ahmadinejad, who is known for his anti-Israel rhetoric, called Israeli 
commandos who rappelled onto the Gaza-bound flotilla "wild dogs" and criticizes 
Washington for its "weak and tendentious" stance in support of Israel.

He warned Israel against further raids on Gaza, saying that a "storm of anger 
from the nations of the region will uproot you."

Israel faces international fury over flotilla
Ban Ki-moon 'shocked' by raids
Turkey recalls top envoy

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[ppiindia] Ratna Listy Bertekad Jayakan Kerocong

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik johnoei

Ratna Listy Bertekad Jayakan Kerocong

Sepeninggal maestro keroncong Gesang Martohartono (20/5), ternyata tidakhanya 
Bondan Prakoso saja yang konsen untuk melestarikan musik keroncong, RatnaListy 
pun bertekad menaikan pamor keroncong di industri musik Indonesia.

Artis sinetron yang lebih banyak tampil sebagai presenter ini kerap 
dimintatampil menyanyi untuk membawakan lagu-lagu keroncong. Ini merupakan 
salah satumomen yang membanggakan untuk wanita kelahiran Madiun 2 Agustus 1973.

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35010

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[ppiindia] Ini Dia Makanan Yang Harus Dihindari Wanita Hamil

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik johnoei

Ini Dia Makanan Yang Harus Dihindari Wanita Hamil

Asupan sehat sangat diperlukan oleh wanita hamil untukmencegah terjadinya 
penyakit dan juga infeksi selama kehamilan. Kesehatan harusdiutamakan, pasalnya 
makanan yang masuk juga mempengaruhi perkembangan sijabang bayi.

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35009

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[ppiindia] Tenggelamnya Kapal Century

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Kapal Century tengelam sebelum berlayar! Siapa akan berani dan 
berhasil mengangkatnya dari dasar laut? 


Tenggelamnya Kapal Century
Oleh Donal Fariz

Senin, 31 Mei 2010 | 02:35 WIB

Sekretariat Bersama Partai Koalisi bentukan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono 
tidak hanya berhasil membenamkan kasus Bank Century. Lebih dari itu, dalam 
konteks yang lebih luas keberadaannya amat berpotensi menyandera penegakan 
hukum jangka panjang.

Melalui Sekretariat Bersama, Aburizal Bakrie diplot oleh SBY sebagai pemecah 
ombak (breakwater) gelombang politik yang semakin membesar belakangan ini. Arus 
deras kelompok oposisi telah mengancam kursi kekuasaan SBY. Untuk meredam hal 
ini, terjadilah tawar-menawar kekuasaan (political bargaining). Alhasil, dengan 
sangat cepat Golkar berpindah ke lain hati jadi partai koalisi pemerintah. 
Walau dianggap melanggar fatsun politik, ini realitas. Publik pun jamak 
mengetahui bahwa dalam politik tak ada musuh yang abadi dan kawan yang sejati. 
Karena hanya kepentinganlah yang abadi.

Kini, dengan jubah Golkar, Aburizal jadi satu gerbong kereta dengan pemerintah. 
Jabatan sebagai ketua harian forum koalisi memberikan porsi kekuasaan besar. 
Bahkan, sebagian kalangan menilai teramat besar. Sebagai ketua, ia berwenang 
memanggil menteri untuk hadir pada rapat tertentu. Ini jelas telah menyusupi 
kekuasaan pemerintah.

Di sisi lain, sebagai ketua forum koalisi, Aburizal tentu berperan untuk 
merapikan barisan koalisi di parlemen. Di belakang layar, Aburizal bertugas 
sebagai invisible hand (tangan-tangan tak tampak) untuk "menyeiramakan" suara 
parlemen yang belakangan bernada sumbang terhadap pemerintah.

Perkawinan kepentingan ini jelas telah menimbulkan politik kartel di negara 
ini. Secara teori, Meitzer berpendapat, politik kartel muncul dari sebuah 
koalisi besar di antara elite politik. Sistem ini digunakan untuk meminimalkan 
kerugian pihak yang kalah, entah dalam pemilu atau dalam koalisi. Kartel lebih 
mengutamakan mekanisme perangkulan (incorporation) dari elite yang memiliki 
latar belakang ideologi yang berbeda. Dalam politik kartel, dorongan 
berpartisipasi dalam kabinet dan struktur kepemimpinan di komisi, misalnya, 
adalah karena kepentingan partai-partai untuk mengamankan kebutuhan finansial 

Apa yang terjadi saat ini mencerminkan sebuah kepentingan pragmatis yang jauh 
dari unsur ideologis. Partai oposisi versus partai pemerintah yang sebelumnya 
begitu sengit berkompetisi di satu hal akan dengan mudah menjadi kooperatif 
dalam hal lain. Intinya, mereka terlibat di pemerintah atau parlemen bukan demi 
perjuangan program atau ideologi partai, melainkan patut diduga demi 
mengamankan sumber-sumber rente.

Semakin meyakinkan kita jika melihat latar belakang para politikus Senayan. 
Dalam catatan Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), setidaknya 44 persen anggota 
DPR periode 2009-2014 merupakan pengusaha. Dominasi pengusaha di ranah politik 
semakin menguatkan akan ancaman persekongkolan antara penguasa dan pengusaha.

Dibentuknya Sekretariat Bersama (Sekber) tidak bisa dilepaskan dari pertautan 
di atas. Bagaimanapun publik tahu Sekber lahir dari benih megaskandal Century. 
Tak berlebihan rasanya jika Sekber memang sangat berpotensi menyandera 
penegakan hukum di negeri ini karena lembaga ini akan menjadi benteng kuat 
dalam menahan serangan hukum terhadap para politisi hitam.

Kapal Century

Jika kepentingan politik sudah menggumpal antarpihak "bermasalah", semua cara 
tentu bisa dihalalkan. Lihat saja pernyataan Ketua DPP Partai Golkar Priyo Budi 
Santoso yang siap memetieskan proses politik kasus Century (7/5). Jelas sangat 
kontraproduktif dengan semangat berapi-api partai beringin ini pada masa angket 

Memori publik masih sangat kuat merekam saat paripurna hak angket Century, 
dengan lantang 104 kader Golkar memilih opsi C. Pilihan dengan kesimpulan ada 
penyalahgunaan wewenang dan pelanggaran hukum dalam proses bail out Bank 
Century. Lompat pagar Golkar ke dalam partai koalisi sudah barang tentu diikuti 
peralihan sikap politik bahwa tidak ada yang bermasalah dengan Bank Century.

Manuver ini jelas membahayakan penuntasan kasus Bank Century secara 
keseluruhan. Kasus ini mustahil sampai pada Peradilan Konstitusi karena peta 
dan kalkulasi politik di parlemen sudah berubah secara drastis. Kondisi 
sekarang menunjukkan setidaknya 58 persen suara parlemen sudah berada pada opsi 
A. Jumlah ini jelas tidak memenuhi syarat untuk sampai pada hak menyatakan 
pendapat dan pemeriksaan di Mahkamah Konstitusi. Apa yang dilakukan Lily Wahid 
untuk menguji pasal-pasal hak menyatakan pendapat dalam UU Nomor 27 Tahun 2009 
agaknya tak memiliki daya guna untuk kasus Century saat ini.

Bagitu pula halnya penuntasan kasus Bank Century di KPK. Tidak bisa dimungkiri 
proses penegakan hukum butuh dukungan politis. Jika melihat kondisi KPK saat 
ini, lembaga ini jelas sangat m

[ppiindia] Software Butterfly 2.0 (Menses) For : menstruation cycle calendar

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik bagus fathi

Bagi anda pasangan muda suami istri ,tentunya akan sangat memerlukan
aplikasi ini.Mengapa demikian? Karena aplikasi ini akan memberikan
kepada anda,perhitungan tepat tentang hari menstruasi ,hari dimana anda
dalam kesuburan yang rendah ,dan waktu dimana anda sedang mengalami
masa kesuburan yang tepat.

Apabila memiliki masalah dengan penjadwalan menstruasi ,anda dapat
hitung dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini.Anda hanya perlu menentukan hari
start anda mengalami menstruasi ,dan aplikasi ini akan secara otomatis
menentukan sampai kapan anda mengalami mesntruasi beserta informasi
masa kesuburan ,dapat mentargetkan program pembuahan anda.
Walaupun terlihat simple dan sangat sederhana sekali ,namun aplikasi
ini dapat dijadikan acuan mendeteksi waktu terbaik untuk melakukan
pembuahan ,dan juga waktu menstruasi anda.Perhitungan berdasarkan
tanggalan seperti ini,dapat dikatakan belum bias dijadikan acuan dasar
untuk menentukan masa pembuahan untuk kehamilan ...selengkapnya langsung ke TKP 

Semoga Bermanfaat Terima kasih

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[ppiindia] Kemlu: 1 WNI Terluka Akibat Serangan Tentara Israel

2010-06-01 Terurut Topik johnoei

Kemlu: 1 WNI Terluka Akibat Serangan Tentara Israel

Jakarta, KabariNews.com- Serangan tentara Israel ke kapal Mavi Marmara yang 
mengangkut bantuankemanusian dan para relawan pada hari Senin (31/5), lalu ini 
mendapatkecaman dari berbagai negara.

Selain menciderai para relawan, serangan tersebut juga menewaskan 20 orang 

Untuk artikel selengkapnya klik http://www.KabariNews.com/?35008

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