[Proto-Scripty] Auto re-size slider scrollbar range based on viewport's width

2009-06-16 Thread Keane

I'm using slider as a scrollbar for a horizontal layout. It works
fine, but when I re-size the browser, the scrollbar's range will not
resize based on the browser's viewport width. The scrollbar extends to
the rigth and the default horizontal scrollbar shows up.

Here's the page where you can check it

The slider.js and prototype.js files can be found in the same

How do I make the slider/scrollbar resize it's scrollable range
automatically once the browser has been resized?


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[Proto-Scripty] Prototype and forms

2009-06-16 Thread anthony

I have a form that when a user selects something from a drop-down,
another element in the form appears. There is another piece of the
form, that is never showing up, I need to understand what I am doing
wrong and how to fix it:

script type=text/javascript language=JavaScript
function getAdjForm() {

   var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));

if ($('adjType').value !==   $('territory').value !== ){

new Ajax.Updater(
?= $this-url(array('controller'='index', 'action'='get-adj-
parameters: params});

function getTerritories() {

var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));
new Ajax.Updater(
?= $this-url(array('controller'='index', 'action'='get-
parameters: params});

if ($('adjType').value !== ){

function getCustomer() {

var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));
new Ajax.Updater(
?= $this-url(array('controller'='index', 'action'='get-
parameters: params});


form method=POST id=createAdjForm action=

table border=0 CELLSPACING=10
bSelect Adjustment Type/b
?php echo $this-formSelect('adjType', $this-adjType, 
(onChange=getAdjForm()), array(=Select an Adjustment Type) +
$this-adjTypes) ?
bSubmitting Territory/b
?php echo $this-formSelect('shortTerritory', $this-
shortTerritory, array(onChange=getTerritories()), array
(=Select a Territory) + $this-shortTerritories) ?
div id=territories/div
td valign=top
?php echo $this-formTextarea('justification',$this-
justification,array(rows=5,cols=75)) ?
div id=adjForm

This issue is that the data that should be here:
div id=adjForm
Is never showing. When getAdjForm(); is called from getTerritories(),
the $('territory').value !==  seems to be the problem. Does the
browser not know that was an element because it just appeared?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: AJAX request - select element

2009-06-16 Thread fufolewe


thx a lot for your help.


doesn't work means it returns NULL ;)
But of course, you are right.

I already feared that the A string is not a document/DOM is the main

@T.J. Crowder

thx! I'll try this soon, it looks promising :)

I already created a regEx solution but it's too unflexible for my
needs (handle div,li',span,...alt...title tags..maybe additional
style info and so on makes the regEx quite hard ..)

On 15 Jun., 13:41, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 As Colin points out, you're trying to treat a String object like a
 Document (by calling getElementById), which isn't going to work.

 You have a couple of options.

 1. Use string parsing to isolate the markup in that string for the
 element you want.  Once you have just that markup, you can use that
 with the #update call.  This could be fairly challenging to do in the
 general case (or maybe you have massive Regex fu), but perhaps in your
 specific case it might be simpler.

 2. Alternately, use a document fragment[1][2].  This is to a large
 extent what document fragments are for -- holding copies of things and
 mucking about with them off-to-the-side.  I was surprised not to have
 an example lying around and wanted to refresh my memory, so here's a
 small example:


 (Supply your own 'fragment2.html'; it can be any valid HTML doc, make
 sure it has an element with the ID 'two' in it -- or change the ID
 used in the example.)

 Basically, I request the page via Ajax.Request, then create a fragment
 to hold the result and (because I'm lazy) a div inside that fragment
 so that I can use Prototype's Element#update function.  I put the
 retrieved document inside the div (almost certainly creating a
 completely invalid document temporarily!), then go find the element
 inside that with the ID I want, and update a target div with that

 Note this line:

     elm = findElementByID(div, 'two');

 I coded up a quick recursive-descent lookup function for finding the
 element by ID because you can't use document.getElementById (or
 Prototype's $) to find it in the fragment -- the fragment isn't in the
 document (which is probably a good thing, otherwise you'd be massively
 worried about ID conflicts loading up an entire page like this).
 Interestingly, if you're using Prototype 1.6.1 RC2, you could (as of
 the time of this writing) use:

     elm = div.select('#two');

 ...instead, because apparently Prototype's new Sizzle-based selector
 engine finds the element correctly, wheras in the old selector
 engine doesn't.  But I wouldn't.  Firstly, the simple recursive-
 descent function is small and doesn't take long; secondly, I wouldn't
 bet on future changes not causing Element#select to stop working in
 this context -- barring finding documentation saying that it will, of
 course.  I don't know Sizzle well enough to know if it intentionally
 handles this situation.


 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Jun 13, 10:04 pm, fufolewe rentsch.dan...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have a simple problem which is driving me nuts:

  I would like to make an AJAX req which returns the whole page - select
  an element by its ID from the response text and update targetDiv
  with this element (myDivID).

  But it doenst work :/

  function loadContent(url) {

          new Ajax.Request(url, {
                          method: 'get',
                          onSuccess: function(transport) {

                          var response = transport.responseText;

                          var element = response.getElementById( 'myDivID');




  Some ideas?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: AJAX request - select element

2009-06-16 Thread Alex McAuley

You could always update the response into a hidden iframe and search that - 
i am pretty sure this works

- Original Message - 
From: fufolewe rentsch.dan...@gmail.com
To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 10:49 AM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: AJAX request - select element


thx a lot for your help.


doesn't work means it returns NULL ;)
But of course, you are right.

I already feared that the A string is not a document/DOM is the main

@T.J. Crowder

thx! I'll try this soon, it looks promising :)

I already created a regEx solution but it's too unflexible for my
needs (handle div,li',span,...alt...title tags..maybe additional
style info and so on makes the regEx quite hard ..)

On 15 Jun., 13:41, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 As Colin points out, you're trying to treat a String object like a
 Document (by calling getElementById), which isn't going to work.

 You have a couple of options.

 1. Use string parsing to isolate the markup in that string for the
 element you want. Once you have just that markup, you can use that
 with the #update call. This could be fairly challenging to do in the
 general case (or maybe you have massive Regex fu), but perhaps in your
 specific case it might be simpler.

 2. Alternately, use a document fragment[1][2]. This is to a large
 extent what document fragments are for -- holding copies of things and
 mucking about with them off-to-the-side. I was surprised not to have
 an example lying around and wanted to refresh my memory, so here's a
 small example:


 (Supply your own 'fragment2.html'; it can be any valid HTML doc, make
 sure it has an element with the ID 'two' in it -- or change the ID
 used in the example.)

 Basically, I request the page via Ajax.Request, then create a fragment
 to hold the result and (because I'm lazy) a div inside that fragment
 so that I can use Prototype's Element#update function. I put the
 retrieved document inside the div (almost certainly creating a
 completely invalid document temporarily!), then go find the element
 inside that with the ID I want, and update a target div with that

 Note this line:

 elm = findElementByID(div, 'two');

 I coded up a quick recursive-descent lookup function for finding the
 element by ID because you can't use document.getElementById (or
 Prototype's $) to find it in the fragment -- the fragment isn't in the
 document (which is probably a good thing, otherwise you'd be massively
 worried about ID conflicts loading up an entire page like this).
 Interestingly, if you're using Prototype 1.6.1 RC2, you could (as of
 the time of this writing) use:

 elm = div.select('#two');

 ...instead, because apparently Prototype's new Sizzle-based selector
 engine finds the element correctly, wheras in the old selector
 engine doesn't. But I wouldn't. Firstly, the simple recursive-
 descent function is small and doesn't take long; secondly, I wouldn't
 bet on future changes not causing Element#select to stop working in
 this context -- barring finding documentation saying that it will, of
 course. I don't know Sizzle well enough to know if it intentionally
 handles this situation.


 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Jun 13, 10:04 pm, fufolewe rentsch.dan...@gmail.com wrote:


  I have a simple problem which is driving me nuts:

  I would like to make an AJAX req which returns the whole page - select
  an element by its ID from the response text and update targetDiv
  with this element (myDivID).

  But it doenst work :/

  function loadContent(url) {

  new Ajax.Request(url, {
  method: 'get',
  onSuccess: function(transport) {

  var response = transport.responseText;

  var element = response.getElementById( 'myDivID');




  Some ideas?


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[Proto-Scripty] Doctypes

2009-06-16 Thread Chris Sansom

I'm curious about the recent discussion that's arisen as a sideline 
from the 'Creating new lines and bypassing them through escapeHTML' 

I've been using Prototype for a little while now (though not 
Scriptaculous - yet!). I'm not by any stretch of the imagination an 
expert and I'm sure I'm still not using it as fully as I could (I 
keep coming across things in the docs that make me go 'Doh! I could 
have been doing that all this time'). However, I've also been working 
exclusively in XHTML 1.0 Strict for some time and I haven't been 
aware of anything not behaving as advertised. Also, unless I've 
missed something obvious, I don't /think/ I've seen any reference to 
doctypes in the API docs or Tips  Tutorials at prototypejs.org.

So should I be changing my ways here? I seriously don't want to have 
to convert several large and complex PHP-driven sites to a different 
doctype if I can help it!

Cheers... Chris
Highway 57 Web Development -- http://highway57.co.uk/

Nobody looks good bent over. Especially to pick up a cheque.
-- Frank Zappa

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: AJAX request - select element

2009-06-16 Thread ColinFine

On Jun 15, 1:41 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 2. Alternately, use a document fragment[1][2].  This is to a large
 extent what document fragments are for -- holding copies of things and
 mucking about with them off-to-the-side.  I was surprised not to have
 an example lying around and wanted to refresh my memory, so here's a
 small example:


Thanks, TJ. I'd no idea DocumentFragment existed.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Doctypes

2009-06-16 Thread Szymon Wilkołazki

Chris Sansom wrote:
 I'm curious about the recent discussion that's arisen as a sideline 
 from the 'Creating new lines and bypassing them through escapeHTML' 
 I've been using Prototype for a little while now (though not 
 Scriptaculous - yet!). I'm not by any stretch of the imagination an 
 expert and I'm sure I'm still not using it as fully as I could (I 
 keep coming across things in the docs that make me go 'Doh! I could 
 have been doing that all this time'). However, I've also been working 
 exclusively in XHTML 1.0 Strict for some time and I haven't been 
 aware of anything not behaving as advertised. Also, unless I've 
 missed something obvious, I don't /think/ I've seen any reference to 
 doctypes in the API docs or Tips  Tutorials at prototypejs.org.
 So should I be changing my ways here? I seriously don't want to have 
 to convert several large and complex PHP-driven sites to a different 
 doctype if I can help it!

All this issues regarding DOCTYPE's are not really about prototype 
requiring a certain, one and only one doctype.

Prototype can work with both HTML 4.0 and XHTML 1.0, but it REQUIRES 
that the browser is rendering page in Standards Compilant Mode and not 
in Quirks Mmode [1].

The thing is, that you, as a webmaster, have to tell the browser to 
use the Strict Mode, and not old, buggy, and browser-incompatibile 
Quirks Mode. You can do this only by setting one of the DOCTYPE's 
which are called Doctype Switch'es.

In the Quirks Mode the different browsers render the page differently, 
in almost unpredictable way. This is why Prototype, and I thing than 
any other js framework require Standards Compilant Mode.

If you are developing a valid XHTML webpages with proper doctypes then 
don't worry, you're on the right path.

You can read more on this at Wikipedia, or just use Google.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quirksmode

Best Regards,

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[Proto-Scripty] Event.stop with two observers on same object

2009-06-16 Thread steffenb


as it isn't documented, I was wondering if this is the intended
behavior: when registering two separate event observers on one object,
Event.stop doesn't prevent the second one from firing.  Test case:



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Event.stop with two observers on same object

2009-06-16 Thread T.J. Crowder


Interesting question.  It's the expected behavior.  The documentation
[1] says that Event#stop will:

* Prevent further bubbling of the event
* Prevent the default behavior of the event (where the browser allows

Not triggering other observers doesn't fall under either of those
categories.  It would also create a non-deterministic situation (since
neither browsers nor Prototype guarantee the order in which event
handlers are called).  It would also be cross-talk (since your handler
doesn't necessarily have anything to do with other handlers on the
element), which is usually a bad idea, although I think a successful
argument could be made that preventing bubbling also creates a cross-
talk situation. :-)

[1] http://prototypejs.org/api/event/stop

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Jun 16, 10:18 am, steffenb sbart...@tzi.de wrote:

 as it isn't documented, I was wondering if this is the intended
 behavior: when registering two separate event observers on one object,
 Event.stop doesn't prevent the second one from firing.  Test case:


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Problems with pollDoScroll and IE family (1.6.1 rc)

2009-06-16 Thread gnaegi

Hi David

Thanks for the link, but this does not help me. I know what
pollDoScroll() does. My problem is that when I use prototype in my
webapp, I get Out of stack space error messages in IE because the
pollDoScroll() method is executed over 600 times in a recursion and
the expression document.documentElement.doScroll('left'); will always

I traced it down to the fact that together with ExtJS
pollDoScroll.defer(); does not seem to wait long enough. I don't know
if this is an ExtJS-Prototype combination problem or if this is
because my app does some other things while loading.

When I replace pollDoScroll.defer(); with pollDoScroll.delay(0);
everything works.

How is the process to get in tough with the Prototype devels? Is this
something we can change in the release or is there a reason why it
uses pollDoScroll.defer(); instead of pollDoScroll.delay(0);?

Thanks for any hints

On Jun 6, 10:06 pm, david david.brill...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Florian,

 i found this comment on the dean edwards blog.
 go and see it:http://dean.edwards.name/weblog/2006/06/again/#comment121098

 I think it explain your problem.


 On 3 juin, 19:08, Florian Gnägi florian.gna...@gmail.com wrote:


  I get errors with prototype 1.6.1rc in IE browsers. In IE debugger I
  get the Out of stack space message.

  I could track it down to the lines 635 and 636 in event.js. When I
  remove the lines, everything runs smoothly.


  Could this be a sideeffect of using prototype with ExtJS?

  Thanks for any hints
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[Proto-Scripty] Effect.Morph syntax question

2009-06-16 Thread Walter Lee Davis

There's the simple method (these names are from the documentation in  
the Wiki):


and the complex method:

new Effect.Morph(foo,{style:'top:12px;',duration:0.5});

They work fine. Yet, from reading the code, I can't tell why I can't  
seem to use any parameters besides the style with the simple syntax.  
For example, this dies horribly:


Doesn't the methodize wrapper just shift the arguments over and send  
the callee to the function constructor?

Thanks in advance,


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Prototype and forms

2009-06-16 Thread Rick Waldron
A few things...

 var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));

You can clean this up as:

 var params = $('createAdjForm').serialize();

There are other points that you could optimize, but thats not your

And at whatever point you want adjForm to appear, you need to add:



On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 5:46 PM, anthony mrsmi...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a form that when a user selects something from a drop-down,
 another element in the form appears. There is another piece of the
 form, that is never showing up, I need to understand what I am doing
 wrong and how to fix it:

 script type=text/javascript language=JavaScript
 function getAdjForm() {

   var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));

if ($('adjType').value !==   $('territory').value !== ){

new Ajax.Updater(
?= $this-url(array('controller'='index',
parameters: params});

 function getTerritories() {

var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));
new Ajax.Updater(
?= $this-url(array('controller'='index', 'action'='get-
parameters: params});

if ($('adjType').value !== ){

 function getCustomer() {

var params = Form.serialize($('createAdjForm'));
new Ajax.Updater(
?= $this-url(array('controller'='index', 'action'='get-
parameters: params});


 form method=POST id=createAdjForm action=

 table border=0 CELLSPACING=10
bSelect Adjustment Type/b
?php echo $this-formSelect('adjType',
 $this-adjType, array
 (onChange=getAdjForm()), array(=Select an Adjustment Type) +
 $this-adjTypes) ?
bSubmitting Territory/b
?php echo $this-formSelect('shortTerritory',
 shortTerritory, array(onChange=getTerritories()), array
 (=Select a Territory) + $this-shortTerritories) ?
div id=territories/div
td valign=top
?php echo
 justification,array(rows=5,cols=75)) ?
 div id=adjForm

 This issue is that the data that should be here:
 div id=adjForm
 Is never showing. When getAdjForm(); is called from getTerritories(),
 the $('territory').value !==  seems to be the problem. Does the
 browser not know that was an element because it just appeared?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Draggables/Droppables grid problem

2009-06-16 Thread adamski

OK problem solved - I realised I needed large droppables - so I made
each column in the grid a droppable area, and worked out the target
from the mouse event coordinates. Works now!

On Jun 15, 10:44 am, adamski adam.elemen...@gmail.com wrote:
 I'm working on a 3 column grid of draggable objects. Draggables are
 Droppable on any other Draggable, where they are placed just above
 after a successful ajax call. I have all logic and ajax stuff in

 Its kinda working, but - the interface is quite jumpy, and seems to
 have a problem moving elements from left to right. Right to left is
 more or less ok.

 The area where it detects the droppable seems quite fragile. About 1
 time in 8 I am able to actually get it to drop in the right place!

 If anyone has any pointers it would be very much appreciated!! Are
 there any in-depth tutorials/examples on interface building with
 scriptaculous drag and drop?
 Could it be to do with the order in which the javascript is executed?
 Currently I am using Rails helpers, which produces script tags under
 each html element.

 Thanks in advance,
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[Proto-Scripty] element is null error on Draggable - element exists!

2009-06-16 Thread adamski

I'm having some trouble getting a Draggable to dorp onto a Droppable.
I get the old element is null error from prototype (its trying to
show an non-existent element).

However, the element being dragged most definitely exists, as does the
droppable. JS generated form Rails helpers.

Any help much appreciated.

 Funny thing is I have just got another page on our app working really
well with draggables and droppables. I did notice an element is null
error on that page but it seems not to affect its functionality.

Code excerpt is below, hope its not too long to skim through.

  div id=release-search-results-panel
div id=card-search-results

div style=position: relative; id=card_Issue_297 class=entity-
search-card level1

span style=display: none; id=Issue_297_arrow
  img id=Issue_297_expanded onclick=javascript: return
toggleWallSearchTree(297, 'Issue',false); return false; src=/images/
icons/arrow_down.gif style=display: none; cursor: pointer;
  img id=Issue_297_collapsed onclick=javascript: return
toggleWallSearchTree( 297,'Issue',false);return false; src=/images/
icons/arrow_up.gif style=display: inline; cursor: pointer;
img id=loading_Issue_297 
style=display: none;
span id=Issue297_loading style=display: none;

  img src=/images/small-loading.gif
I1 : test KPI

script type=text/javascript
new Draggable(card_Issue_297, {revert:true})

!-- IMPORTANT: span MUST be empty for JS/Ajax to work --
span id=Issue_297_children class=child-container/span

div style=position: relative; id=card_Issue_298 class=entity-
search-card level1

span style=display: none; id=Issue_298_arrow

  img id=Issue_298_expanded onclick=javascript: return
toggleWallSearchTree(298, 'Issue',false); return false; src=/images/
icons/arrow_down.gif style=display: none; cursor: pointer;
  img id=Issue_298_collapsed onclick=javascript: return
toggleWallSearchTree( 298,'Issue',false);return false; src=/images/
icons/arrow_up.gif style=display: inline; cursor: pointer;
img id=loading_Issue_298 
style=display: none;
span id=Issue298_loading style=display: none;
  img src=/images/small-loading.gif
I2 : there is an issue here

script type=text/javascript
new Draggable(card_Issue_298, {revert:true})

div style=position: relative; 
script type=text/javascript
Droppables.add(release-iterations-panel, {after_effect:Element.hide,
before_effect:Element.show, onDrop:function(element){Element.show
('indicator'); new Ajax.Request('/releases/add_item',
{asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request)
{Element.hide('indicator')}, parameters:'id=' + encodeURIComponent
(element.id) + 'authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: element is null error on Draggable - element exists!

2009-06-16 Thread Rick Waldron
Could you set this up on http://jsbin.com/?

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:06 PM, adamski adam.elemen...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm having some trouble getting a Draggable to dorp onto a Droppable.
 I get the old element is null error from prototype (its trying to
 show an non-existent element).

 However, the element being dragged most definitely exists, as does the
 droppable. JS generated form Rails helpers.

 Any help much appreciated.

  Funny thing is I have just got another page on our app working really
 well with draggables and droppables. I did notice an element is null
 error on that page but it seems not to affect its functionality.

 Code excerpt is below, hope its not too long to skim through.

  div id=release-search-results-panel

div style=position: relative; id=card_Issue_297 class=entity-
 search-card level1

span style=display: none; id=Issue_297_arrow
  img id=Issue_297_expanded onclick=javascript: return
 toggleWallSearchTree(297, 'Issue',false); return false; src=/images/
 icons/arrow_down.gif style=display: none; cursor: pointer;
  img id=Issue_297_collapsed onclick=javascript: return
 toggleWallSearchTree( 297,'Issue',false);return false; src=/images/
 icons/arrow_up.gif style=display: inline; cursor: pointer;
img id=loading_Issue_297
 style=display: none;
span id=Issue297_loading style=display: none;

  img src=/images/small-loading.gif
I1 : test KPI

script type=text/javascript
 new Draggable(card_Issue_297, {revert:true})

!-- IMPORTANT: span MUST be empty for JS/Ajax to work --
span id=Issue_297_children class=child-container/span

div style=position: relative; id=card_Issue_298 class=entity-
 search-card level1

span style=display: none; id=Issue_298_arrow

  img id=Issue_298_expanded onclick=javascript: return
 toggleWallSearchTree(298, 'Issue',false); return false; src=/images/
 icons/arrow_down.gif style=display: none; cursor: pointer;
  img id=Issue_298_collapsed onclick=javascript: return
 toggleWallSearchTree( 298,'Issue',false);return false; src=/images/
 icons/arrow_up.gif style=display: inline; cursor: pointer;
img id=loading_Issue_298
 style=display: none;
span id=Issue298_loading style=display: none;
  img src=/images/small-loading.gif
I2 : there is an issue here

script type=text/javascript
 new Draggable(card_Issue_298, {revert:true})

div style=position: relative;
script type=text/javascript
 Droppables.add(release-iterations-panel, {after_effect:Element.hide,
 before_effect:Element.show, onDrop:function(element){Element.show
 ('indicator'); new Ajax.Request('/releases/add_item',
 {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, onComplete:function(request)
 {Element.hide('indicator')}, parameters:'id=' + encodeURIComponent
 (element.id) + 'authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: z-index sortable list

2009-06-16 Thread Maya

Thanks so much for your help!  I'll give it a go and see what happens.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: z-index sortable list

2009-06-16 Thread Maya

Thanks so much for your help!  I'll give it a go and see what happens.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Creating new lines and bypassing them through escapeHTML

2009-06-16 Thread kangax

On Jun 16, 4:57 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 If XHTML isn't necessary for Prototype, I'd suggest we change the
 doctype of the examples and unit tests.

Good idea. Exclusively using XHTML doctype either shows our ignorance
on the subject or the fact that we prefer to serve browsers with
broken tag soup with no apparent benefits.

 What doctype do you use?  You've been using and contributing to
 Prototype for a long time, I'll totally jump ship to whatever you're

I'm using HTML 4.01 strict, but I really don't want you to jump this
ship just because I'm on it :)
I'd rather you realize why this is the only viable option at the
moment (seriously, look at that article link to which I pasted


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Doctypes

2009-06-16 Thread kangax

On Jun 16, 5:52 am, Chris Sansom ch...@highway57.co.uk wrote:
 I'm curious about the recent discussion that's arisen as a sideline
 from the 'Creating new lines and bypassing them through escapeHTML'

 I've been using Prototype for a little while now (though not
 Scriptaculous - yet!). I'm not by any stretch of the imagination an
 expert and I'm sure I'm still not using it as fully as I could (I
 keep coming across things in the docs that make me go 'Doh! I could
 have been doing that all this time'). However, I've also been working
 exclusively in XHTML 1.0 Strict for some time and I haven't been
 aware of anything not behaving as advertised. Also, unless I've
 missed something obvious, I don't /think/ I've seen any reference to
 doctypes in the API docs or Tips  Tutorials at prototypejs.org.

 So should I be changing my ways here? I seriously don't want to have
 to convert several large and complex PHP-driven sites to a different
 doctype if I can help it!

You certainly shouldn't rush and change all the doctypes, but you
should probably change them to HTML 4.01 strict some time in the
future. Remember that by serving documents with XHTML doctype and text/
html content-type makes browsers parse those documents as HTML, not
XHTML. Browsers simply correct invalid HTML that you're sending. Most
of the time, there's absolutely no need to confuse browsers by serving
such documents with XHTML doctype; there's not benefit in changing
doctype from HTML to XHTML.

As always, you can find tons of info on this subject online.



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