[Proto-Scripty] Help Needed !

2009-10-29 Thread Siddhartha

i am a newbee to this prototype thing and i am trying to use a
Class.create() in an example, but i am not able to figure how to use
the classes and their functions. Can anyone here send me a complete
working example, which involves creating a class, writing functions in
that class, subclassing that class, extending the class and calling
all the functions. though there are many examples on the web, i cudnt
find a COMPLETE WORKING example. any help would be deeply



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[Proto-Scripty] Element.update when an object's toElement method returns DocumentFragment

2009-10-29 Thread sep16

I recently discovered that Element.update/insert automatically call an
object's toElement method if it exists, which would be pretty
handy...except that when a DocumentFragment is returned, it inserts
[ object DocumentFragment ].

Is there any reason this shouldn't work?  It seems that if you're
calling a method to return the contents of a containing element, it'd
be MORE likely that you'd need to return a collection of elements
rather than a single element, and the way to do that is by returning a
DocumentFragment object.

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[Proto-Scripty] Ajax.Updater Issue in IE - cache issue - Symfony + Prototype

2009-10-29 Thread Avichal Garg


I'm using Prototype I spent a lot of time searching the net
for solutions to this and found a few good suggestions/hints. The most
relevant is the following, which talks about the exact problem I'm

I have a page, sitting at www.domain.com/folder which opens a popup.
This popup then uses Ajax.Updater to update a div on www.domain.com/folder
(the parent/opening page). In FF this works fine. In IE it works the
first time but not subsequent times. After the parent page is

I've tried setting the http headers in the indexSuccess module/actions/
actions.class.php as suggested here 

$this-getResponse()-setHttpHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate(D, d M Y
H:i:s). GMT);
$this-getResponse()-setHttpHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, no-
cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
$this-getResponse()-setHttpHeader('Pragma', 'no-cache');

This hasn't worked.

I also noticed in the updateContent function in Ajax.Updater, there is
a call: receiver.update(responseText); (line 1468 or so)

The first time through, this call is executed and the resulting call
is made to the IE specific update function on line 2449. The second
time through, this function doesn't seem to get called at all.

I also tried creating a unique URL for the ajax request by appending
the current timestamp to the end of www.domain.com/folder?timestamp=12311312312.
This creates two unique subsequent URLs for the Ajax.Updater call but
the call to receiver.update still seems to fail.

Does anyone have ideas on what is going on? Am I not setting my http
headers in the right place?


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[Proto-Scripty] Object Oriented Prototype This keyword Advices

2009-10-29 Thread Cemo

Hi all,

I have been using a js library first time, so please forgive me If I
ask something very fool.

Actually my objective is implementing a reusable component for

1.  Returning photo links with AJAX
2.  And with the help of back and forward button it should change next
or previous photo link.

But now I have a problem  in my back and forward functions. Since I
could not reach images variable in back and forward function scope.

(Actually I successfully implemented but I am not sure it is best
practice )

Ok, How should Implement such a functionality please?

document.observe(dom:loaded, function() {

var Chooser = Class.create({

initialize: function(images, backElement,
forwardElement)  {
this.images = images;

Event.observe(backElement, 'click', this.back);
Event.observe(forwardElement, 'click',

console.log('Chooser initialized');

back: function() {
// Problem is here

forward: function() {
// Problem is here

var baseUrl = '/j/advertisementAjaxAction.action';

myAjax = new Ajax.Request(baseUrl,
method: get,
onSuccess : function(transport) {
data = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
new Chooser(data.photos, $('init_back'), $
onFailure : function() {
//todo set error

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Help Needed !

2009-10-29 Thread T.J. Crowder


 ...i cudnt
 find a COMPLETE WORKING example.

The API docs for Class[1] have one (an Animal class and a Snake
class that derives from it), but ignore the links they have to the
tutorial on classes and inheritance, it's out of date and misleading
if you're using version 1.6.

[1] http://api.prototypejs.org/language/class.html

T.J. Crowder
Independent Software Consultant
tj / crowder software / com

On Oct 28, 1:37 pm, Siddhartha sidv...@gmail.com wrote:
 i am a newbee to this prototype thing and i am trying to use a
 Class.create() in an example, but i am not able to figure how to use
 the classes and their functions. Can anyone here send me a complete
 working example, which involves creating a class, writing functions in
 that class, subclassing that class, extending the class and calling
 all the functions. though there are many examples on the web, i cudnt
 find a COMPLETE WORKING example. any help would be deeply


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: New API Doc

2009-10-29 Thread T.J. Crowder

 Big block of text that's probably useful, but I want a list of methods
 that's quick and easy, and always one of the first things I see.

Good point. JavaDoc has the same problem and it's bothered me for
years.  We want there to be robust class-level information; but the
index of methods should be readily accessible, not pushed down by the
class overview.

-- T.J.

On Oct 28, 6:15 pm, Adm.Wiggin admwig...@gmail.com wrote:
 A good example of badness in the new API is the page for the Array


 Big block of text that's probably useful, but I want a list of methods
 that's quick and easy, and always one of the first things I see.

 On Oct 27, 5:29 pm, Adm.Wiggin admwig...@gmail.com wrote:

  How's this going?  Very much interested in Going back to page-per-
  method (rather than a long run-on page).

  Having the side navigation easy to navigate in the page-per-method
  style like the old documentation is also of paramount importance.  For
  example, if I click on Hash in the sidebar, I should immediately see
  an easy to read list of all the methods of the Hash class.  As it is,
  they're in a big block, which is hard to scan through, where the
  vertical (alphabetical) list was quick and relatively painless.  Lots
  of times, I'm just looking to verify the order of parameters, and it
  was very helpful to be able to find the exact method very quickly so
  that in almost no time I'm looking at the page reading the order of
  the methods.

  Something else that might be handy way further down the road is an
  easy way to access these pages by-url.
  For example, if I need to look up a PHP function to very the argument
  order, it's as easy as typing inhttp://php.net/function_name_here--
  concrete example being stripos (is it haystack first, or needle
  first?  I never can remember)http://php.net/striposandI'm there
  immediately.  Obviously way down the road, but certainly something to
  think about.

  On Oct 9, 3:56 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


   You're not the only one, not by a long chalk. :-)

   We're working on it.  Tobie, Samuel, and Andrew are working hard to
   improve the structure, navigation, and presentation, and I'm
   continuing the ongoing quest of copying over, updating, and fleshing-
   out the content (which is a manual and labor-intensive process).  You
   should see marked improvemenet in the online docs over the course of
   the next couple of weeks.

   What happened is that the project switched from having the
   documentation be a completely separate thing (in a difficult-to-use
   tool) to having the documentation be part of the source code (a'la
   Javadoc), using a new tool built for the purpose called PDoc.  That
   way, when someone changes or adds code, they can update the
   documentation at the same time, and hopefully the two will be kept
   much more in sync.  (The official policy, in fact, is that code
   patches with documentation impacts that don't include the
   documentation updates are rejected.)  It also simplifies the process
   of people reporting and offering patches for documentation errors/
   omissions.  However, the docs got inadequate testing (and weren't
   complete) when 1.6.1 was released.  1.6.1 *needed* to be released,
   there was a lot of good, urgently-needed stuff in there (generally,
   and for IE8 and Chrome).

   If you want to, you can still get to the old docs (for now) 

   However, I expect to finish copying/updating/improving the content
   Real Soon Now (happen to be working on that today), which will at
   least address the content issue.  And Tobie and Samuel just had a week-
   long codefest on the tool so we should see those improvements very

   One thing that would be *really* useful would be to know what it is
   you find difficult about navigation (and just generally what's
   difficult about using the docs), so that that feedback can, um, feed
   into the improvement process.  Two things that Tobie et. al. are
   already doing are

   1) Going back to page-per-method (rather than a long run-on page), and
   2) Adding syntax highlighting to examples

   I'm sure there are other things they're doing as well, those just
   happen to be the two I know of.

   What else needs to be done?

   T.J. Crowder
   Independent Software Consultant
   tj / crowder software / comwww.crowdersoftware.com

   On Oct 8, 7:00 pm, louis w louiswa...@gmail.com wrote:

It's also just plain hard to navigate and understand all of the
different methods available.

An example. If I select Event there is no longer the list of available
methods appearing in the sidebar menu. Then I need to scroll down a
page which is visually hard to scan to be able to pick out
'isRightClick' in light grey text buried in a sea of bright blue

Usability should be a key factor when redesigning 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: DragDrop performances

2009-10-29 Thread Mattia Locatelli
Hi all,
I make some tests, and I see the performance problem I have happen when the
table is bigger than the window and so I have the scrollbars (I set the
option scroll: window on my draggable but also without i have the same
performance issue).
I see the prepare function takes a lot fo time to run, I suppose the
bottleneck is getting the coordinates from the browser.

If anyone have any idea on how to solve this problem please post...

Thanks in advance

2009/10/28 Mattia Locatelli mattia.locatelli...@gmail.com

 Hi all,
 I look with the IE8 profiler and I see the updateDrag function in IE8 takes
 in my page 456ms and in the IE7 compatibility mode 15 ms.
 I think there is soem problems with the recursive execution of this


 2009/10/28 Mattia Locatelli mattia.locatelli...@gmail.com

 I don't have any droppable on the table or anywhere in the page. There is
 just one draggable element and no droppables. Like in the online sample.
 The code to create the draggable element is this :

 var draggable = new Draggable(objId, { scroll: window });

 Well, I think I found something:
 I develop with IE8 and when I use the compatibility mode for IE7 the drag
 drop work pretty well. But if I use the IE8 engine is really bad.

 Maybe is a problem with the IE8 engine...

 2009/10/28 Peter De Berdt peter.de.be...@pandora.be

  On 28 Oct 2009, at 14:36, MattiaLocatelli wrote:

 I'm experiencing a performance problem with drag and drop.

 I drag an image on an html table.
 I have only one draggable element (the image) and the problem is that
 until the table is not big in size (let's say 7 columns and 30 rows)
 the drag effect is very smooth, but when the size of the table is
 bigger the performance of the drag operation is very rough.
 I'm testing it in IE8.
 Any idea is welcome.

 You're quite vague, but I'm suspecting you have a droppable on every
 table cell. What you'll need to do, is make the table itself a droppable
 (only one) and the use the drop coordinates to find out on what cell the
 draggable was dropped.

  Best regards

 Peter De Berdt


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Object Oriented Prototype This keyword Advices

2009-10-29 Thread Guille

Ok, i was bored at work :D... So far, this works in my testbench. I
get an array of images, initialize the object, bind the methods to
click events and change the images forward and backward.

I hope this will help you:

img src=/images/assets/add.png id=frame/br/
img src=/images/assets/previous.png id=previousImage
style=cursor: pointer; /
img src=/images/assets/next.png id=nextImage style=cursor:
pointer; /

var dataSourceUrl = '/images.php';
var imagesUrl = '/images/assets/';
var frameId = 'frame';
var backElementId = 'previousImage';
var fwdElementId = 'nextImage';

var Chooser = Class.create({
'images': null,
'imagesUrl': null,
'frame': null,
'initialize': function(images, imagesUrl, frameId, backElementId,
fwdElementId) {
this.images = images;
this.imagesUrl = imagesUrl;
this.frame = $(frameId);
Event.observe($(backElementId), 'click', this.back.bind(this));
Event.observe($(fwdElementId), 'click', 
'back': function() {
imageFilename = this.frame.src.match('\/([^\/]+)$');
imageIndex = this.images.indexOf(imageFilename[1]);
if (imageIndex == 0) {
imageIndex = this.images.length;
this.frame.src = this.imagesUrl+this.images[imageIndex - 1];
'forward': function() {
imageFilename = this.frame.src.match('\/([^\/]+)$');
imageIndex = this.images.indexOf(imageFilename[1]);
if (imageIndex + 1 == this.images.length) {
imageIndex = -1;
this.frame.src = this.imagesUrl+this.images[imageIndex + 1];

document.observe(dom:loaded, function() {
new Ajax.Request(dataSourceUrl, {
'method': get,
'onSuccess': function(transport) {
json = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
new Chooser(json.photos, imagesUrl, frameId, 
'onFailure': function() {
console.log('Ajax failure');


On 28 oct, 09:02, Cemo cemalettin@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have been using a js library first time, so please forgive me If I
 ask something very fool.

 Actually my objective is implementing a reusable component for

 1.  Returning photo links with AJAX
 2.  And with the help of back and forward button it should change next
 or previous photo link.

 But now I have a problem  in my back and forward functions. Since I
 could not reach images variable in back and forward function scope.

 (Actually I successfully implemented but I am not sure it is best
 practice )

 Ok, How should Implement such a functionality please?

     document.observe(dom:loaded, function() {

             var Chooser = Class.create({

                 initialize: function(images, backElement,
 forwardElement)  {
                     this.images = images;

                     Event.observe(backElement, 'click', this.back);
                     Event.observe(forwardElement, 'click',

                     console.log('Chooser initialized');

                 back: function() {
                     // Problem is here

                 forward: function() {
                     // Problem is here

             var baseUrl = '/j/advertisementAjaxAction.action';

             myAjax = new Ajax.Request(baseUrl,
                 method: get,
                 onSuccess : function(transport) {
                     data = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
                     new Chooser(data.photos, $('init_back'), $
                 onFailure : function() {
                     //todo set error
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[Proto-Scripty] Help me with hashes

2009-10-29 Thread Buda

Help me please, this operation is best

I have an object

var MyObj:{
   prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
   prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
   prop: ['А',  'E']
   prop: ['D', 'E']

I neet to get a new hash like this

  A: ['obj1', 'obj3'],
  B: ['obj2'],
  C: ['obj1', 'obj2'],
  D: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj4'],
  E: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3', 'obj4'],
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Help me with hashes

2009-10-29 Thread Vladimir Tkach
var MyObj={
  prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
  prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
  prop: ['А',  'E']
  prop: ['D', 'E']
var newObj = {}

if(typeof newObj[x]==undefined){newObj[x]=[]}



2009/10/29 Buda budari...@gmail.com

 Help me please, this operation is best

 I have an object

 var MyObj:{
   prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
   prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
   prop: ['А',  'E']
   prop: ['D', 'E']

 I neet to get a new hash like this

  A: ['obj1', 'obj3'],
  B: ['obj2'],
  C: ['obj1', 'obj2'],
  D: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj4'],
  E: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3', 'obj4'],

Best Regards,
Vladimir Tkach




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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Help me with hashes

2009-10-29 Thread budarin
Спасибо Владимир, помогло!
From: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Vladimir Tkach
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:02 PM
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Help me with hashes
var MyObj={
  prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
  prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
  prop: ['А',  'E']
  prop: ['D', 'E']
var newObj = {}

if(typeof newObj[x]==undefined){newObj[x]=[]}


2009/10/29 Buda budari...@gmail.com

Help me please, this operation is best

I have an object

var MyObj:{
  prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
  prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
  prop: ['А',  'E']
  prop: ['D', 'E']

I neet to get a new hash like this

 A: ['obj1', 'obj3'],
 B: ['obj2'],
 C: ['obj1', 'obj2'],
 D: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj4'],
 E: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3', 'obj4'],

Best Regards, 
Vladimir Tkach




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[Proto-Scripty] Re: New API Doc

2009-10-29 Thread joe t.

First, it's great to see there's diligent activity on the docs, which
seemed like they went stale for a while there. To the whole team, keep
up the great work!

Definitely need the quick-look menu of methods (and any other
properties) provided by each of the major classes.

i have a suggestion for enhancement, and two issues with the new docs:
It might be helpful to somehow indicate from the (to-be-improved)
navigation when a method HAS, or IS, an alias. Why do i want to see
the actual documentation on Enumerable#select or Enumerable#filter
when all it's going to tell me is Alias of Enumerable#findAll?
Especially when they don't operate any differently. Show me that in
the menu so i can just go to #findAll directly. Or better yet, don't
give aliases a method-level entry at all. Perhaps something like the

* Enumerable - link to main Enumerable doc
  - findAll  - link to #findAll, where the aliases are also noted
(filter) - link to #filter, if the user REALLY wants to see it
(select) - link to #select, if the user REALLY wants to see it

1. This seems isolated to Firefox/Gecko. The menu panel doesn't scroll
normally. i have no idea why, but it scrolls about 1/10th the expected
speed, which is a nuisance.

2. This one is happening in all browsers. If i click Element (for
instance), location bar says
  If i then click #select, i'm taken to that method:
  Great. But the natural impulse (mine, at least) to get back to that
list of methods is to use the browser's Back action. Gotcha! The
location bar returns back, but the browser window doesn't.

-joe t.

On Oct 27, 7:29 pm, Adm.Wiggin admwig...@gmail.com wrote:
 How's this going?  Very much interested in Going back to page-per-
 method (rather than a long run-on page).

 Having the side navigation easy to navigate in the page-per-method
 style like the old documentation is also of paramount importance.  For
 example, if I click on Hash in the sidebar, I should immediately see
 an easy to read list of all the methods of the Hash class.  As it is,
 they're in a big block, which is hard to scan through, where the
 vertical (alphabetical) list was quick and relatively painless.  Lots
 of times, I'm just looking to verify the order of parameters, and it
 was very helpful to be able to find the exact method very quickly so
 that in almost no time I'm looking at the page reading the order of
 the methods.

 Something else that might be handy way further down the road is an
 easy way to access these pages by-url.
 For example, if I need to look up a PHP function to very the argument
 order, it's as easy as typing inhttp://php.net/function_name_here--
 concrete example being stripos (is it haystack first, or needle
 first?  I never can remember)http://php.net/striposand I'm there
 immediately.  Obviously way down the road, but certainly something to
 think about.

 On Oct 9, 3:56 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


  You're not the only one, not by a long chalk. :-)

  We're working on it.  Tobie, Samuel, and Andrew are working hard to
  improve the structure, navigation, and presentation, and I'm
  continuing the ongoing quest of copying over, updating, and fleshing-
  out the content (which is a manual and labor-intensive process).  You
  should see marked improvemenet in the online docs over the course of
  the next couple of weeks.

  What happened is that the project switched from having the
  documentation be a completely separate thing (in a difficult-to-use
  tool) to having the documentation be part of the source code (a'la
  Javadoc), using a new tool built for the purpose called PDoc.  That
  way, when someone changes or adds code, they can update the
  documentation at the same time, and hopefully the two will be kept
  much more in sync.  (The official policy, in fact, is that code
  patches with documentation impacts that don't include the
  documentation updates are rejected.)  It also simplifies the process
  of people reporting and offering patches for documentation errors/
  omissions.  However, the docs got inadequate testing (and weren't
  complete) when 1.6.1 was released.  1.6.1 *needed* to be released,
  there was a lot of good, urgently-needed stuff in there (generally,
  and for IE8 and Chrome).

  If you want to, you can still get to the old docs (for now) 

  However, I expect to finish copying/updating/improving the content
  Real Soon Now (happen to be working on that today), which will at
  least address the content issue.  And Tobie and Samuel just had a week-
  long codefest on the tool so we should see those improvements very

  One thing that would be *really* useful would be to know what it is
  you find difficult about navigation (and just generally what's
  difficult about using the docs), so that that feedback 

[Proto-Scripty] Event....

2009-10-29 Thread Alex Mcauley

Is there a way to spoof the window event ...

Basically i have  script where the core relies on event being passed
to it to work some stuff out but in one particular script i cant pass
the event object because it goes to a server side script then back
again... is it possible to spoof it - or even collect it as post/get
data so i can pass it back along to the script...

i tried

var e=window.event

but its returned as undefined

Thanks in advance
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Help me with hashes

2009-10-29 Thread Vladimir Tkach
nop but answer in english please


2009/10/29 budarin budari...@gmail.com

  Спасибо Владимир, помогло!

 *From:* prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com [mailto:
 prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Vladimir Tkach
 *Sent:* Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:02 PM
 *To:* prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
 *Subject:* [Proto-Scripty] Re: Help me with hashes

 var MyObj={
   prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
   prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
   prop: ['А',  'E']
   prop: ['D', 'E']
 var newObj = {}

 if(typeof newObj[x]==undefined){newObj[x]=[]}



 2009/10/29 Buda budari...@gmail.com

 Help me please, this operation is best

 I have an object

 var MyObj:{
   prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
   prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
   prop: ['А',  'E']
   prop: ['D', 'E']

 I neet to get a new hash like this

  A: ['obj1', 'obj3'],
  B: ['obj2'],
  C: ['obj1', 'obj2'],
  D: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj4'],
  E: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3', 'obj4'],

 Best Regards,
 Vladimir Tkach





Best Regards,
Vladimir Tkach




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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Event....

2009-10-29 Thread Alex McAuley

Sorry -  disregard

The function before the one called (the callee) has an event so i just did 
window.lastEvent=event instead so i can now access it

Alex Mcauley

- Original Message - 
From: Alex Mcauley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com
To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 1:29 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Event

 Is there a way to spoof the window event ...

 Basically i have  script where the core relies on event being passed
 to it to work some stuff out but in one particular script i cant pass
 the event object because it goes to a server side script then back
 again... is it possible to spoof it - or even collect it as post/get
 data so i can pass it back along to the script...

 i tried

 var e=window.event

 but its returned as undefined

 Thanks in advance

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request with JSON response

2009-10-29 Thread Lapis

I think I'd do it more like this, if i just wanted JSON as the

On the server: set the response type to application/json, something
to the equivalent of = response.setContentType(application/json)
Then print your json object to the response (java stylee again):
writer.print(String.format({value: %d, feelingOk: %s}, 42,

In the callback, it is handled like this:

onComplete : function (transport) {
  // obtain the json you sent
  var jsonObj = transport.responseJSON;
  // use it

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[Proto-Scripty] Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Russell Keith
Ok, maybe I'm just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms and I
am getting nothing from it.


What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I have
read the Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.


I have this form:


form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php method=POST

input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /

input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)? /

input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /

input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /

input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /

input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /



When I try to do alert($F('A_NAME')); I get an 'Object does not support
this property or method' error.  I get the same error when I try to
submit the form with 'document.createPDF.submit();' is there something
wrong with my form?

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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Richard Quadling

2009/10/29 Russell Keith russell.ke...@aacreditunion.org:
 Ok, maybe I’m just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms and I am
 getting nothing from it.

 What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I have read
 the Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.

 I have this form:

     form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php method=POST

     input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /

     input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)? /

     input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /

     input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /

     input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /

     input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /


 When I try to do alert($F(‘A_NAME’)); I get an ‘Object does not support this
 property or method’ error.  I get the same error when I try to submit the
 form with ‘document.createPDF.submit();’ is there something wrong with my


$F() returns the element. So,


should be what you are looking for,

Richard Quadling
Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
EE : http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_248814.html
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
ZOPA : http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request with JSON response

2009-10-29 Thread michael

What would my json response look like (syntax-wise) in this case?

On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 07:28:43 -0700 (PDT), Lapis petter.env...@gmail.com
 I think I'd do it more like this, if i just wanted JSON as the
 On the server: set the response type to application/json, something
 to the equivalent of = response.setContentType(application/json)
 Then print your json object to the response (java stylee again):
 writer.print(String.format({value: %d, feelingOk: %s}, 42,
 In the callback, it is handled like this:
 onComplete : function (transport) {
   // obtain the json you sent
   var jsonObj = transport.responseJSON;
   // use it

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Richard Quadling

2009/10/29 Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com:
 2009/10/29 Russell Keith russell.ke...@aacreditunion.org:
 Ok, maybe I’m just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms and I am
 getting nothing from it.

 What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I have read
 the Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.

 I have this form:

     form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php method=POST

     input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /

     input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)? /

     input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /

     input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /

     input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /

     input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /


 When I try to do alert($F(‘A_NAME’)); I get an ‘Object does not support this
 property or method’ error.  I get the same error when I try to submit the
 form with ‘document.createPDF.submit();’ is there something wrong with my


 $F() returns the element. So,


 should be what you are looking for,

 Richard Quadling
 Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
 EE : http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_248814.html
 Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
 ZOPA : http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling


Completely wrong.

The form elements do not have IDs, so you need to add them for $F() to work.


See that the parameter is an element.
Richard Quadling
Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
EE : http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_248814.html
Zend Certified Engineer : http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
ZOPA : http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Walter Lee Davis

Try giving your form elements IDs to match their NAME property. I have  
always needed the ID to be set in order to get a value out of $F.


On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Russell Keith wrote:

 Ok, maybe I’m just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms  
 and I am getting nothing from it.

 What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I  
 have read the Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.

 I have this form:

 form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php  
 input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /
 input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)? 
 input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /
 input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /

 When I try to do alert($F(‘A_NAME’)); I get an ‘Object does not  
 support this property or method’ error.  I get the same error when I  
 try to submit the form with ‘document.createPDF.submit();’ is there  
 something wrong with my form?


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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Russell Keith

Then how is $F() any different than $()?

Also, any idea why I can't get my form to submit.  I have been all over
Google and can't figure it out.

-Original Message-
From: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
[mailto:prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Walter
Lee Davis
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:24 AM
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

Try giving your form elements IDs to match their NAME property. I have  
always needed the ID to be set in order to get a value out of $F.


On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Russell Keith wrote:

 Ok, maybe I'm just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms  
 and I am getting nothing from it.

 What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I  
 have read the Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.

 I have this form:

 form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php  
 input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /
 input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)? 
 input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /
 input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /

 When I try to do alert($F('A_NAME')); I get an 'Object does not  
 support this property or method' error.  I get the same error when I  
 try to submit the form with 'document.createPDF.submit();' is there  
 something wrong with my form?


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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Kevin Smith
You need to give the input tags an id, as follows:

form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php method=POST
input type=hidden id=A_NAME name=A_NAME value=John /
input type=hidden id=APPLY_DATE name=APPLY_DATE 
value=?=date(m/d/Y)? /
input type=hidden id=A_BIRTH_DATE name=A_BIRTH_DATE 
value=01/01/01 /
input type=hidden id=L_NAME name=L_NAME value=Jane /
input type=hidden id=L_BIRTH_DATE name=L_BIRTH_DATE 
value=01/01/01 /
input type=hidden id=A_ACCOUNT name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /

On 29/10/2009 15:08, Russell Keith wrote:

 Ok, maybe I'm just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms and 
 I am getting nothing from it.

 What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I 
 have read the |Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.|

 | |

 |I have this form:|

 | |

 form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php method=POST

 input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /

 input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)? /

 input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /

 input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /

 input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /

 input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /


 When I try to do alert($F('A_NAME')); I get an 'Object does not 
 support this property or method' error.  I get the same error when I 
 try to submit the form with 'document.createPDF.submit();' is there 
 something wrong with my form?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Russell Keith

Well, the issue was with my function name not the form.  I changed my
function name when I couldn't even get alert('test') to work.  It all
appears to be working now.

-Original Message-
From: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
[mailto:prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Russell
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:28 AM
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

Then how is $F() any different than $()?

Also, any idea why I can't get my form to submit.  I have been all over
Google and can't figure it out.

-Original Message-
From: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
[mailto:prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Walter
Lee Davis
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:24 AM
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

Try giving your form elements IDs to match their NAME property. I have  
always needed the ID to be set in order to get a value out of $F.


On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Russell Keith wrote:

 Ok, maybe I'm just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms  
 and I am getting nothing from it.

 What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I  
 have read the Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.

 I have this form:

 form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php  
 input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /
 input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)? 
 input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /
 input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /

 When I try to do alert($F('A_NAME')); I get an 'Object does not  
 support this property or method' error.  I get the same error when I  
 try to submit the form with 'document.createPDF.submit();' is there  
 something wrong with my form?


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Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Alex McAuley

because it gets values from anything (selects that can have multiples 
aswell) ...

Where as value on a multiple select would not.!!

Alex Mcauley
- Original Message - 
From: Russell Keith russell.ke...@aacreditunion.org
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:27 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

Then how is $F() any different than $()?

Also, any idea why I can't get my form to submit.  I have been all over
Google and can't figure it out.

-Original Message-
From: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
[mailto:prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Walter
Lee Davis
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:24 AM
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

Try giving your form elements IDs to match their NAME property. I have
always needed the ID to be set in order to get a value out of $F.


On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Russell Keith wrote:

 Ok, maybe I'm just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms
 and I am getting nothing from it.

 What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I
 have read the Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.

 I have this form:

 form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php
 input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /
 input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)?
 input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /
 input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /

 When I try to do alert($F('A_NAME')); I get an 'Object does not
 support this property or method' error.  I get the same error when I
 try to submit the form with 'document.createPDF.submit();' is there
 something wrong with my form?


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For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Effect.move speed issue + tooltip suggestions?

2009-10-29 Thread Eric

Hi Peder,

You can adjust indirectly the speed of the effect with the duration
parameter, which is the effect duration (from start to end).

In your case, you may change:
new Effect.Move(caroImgs[imgIdx], {x: newLeft, y:0, mode:
new Effect.Move(caroImgs[imgIdx], {x: newLeft, y:0, mode: 'absolute',

For the tooltip script, I have no idea, but you may have a look at


On Oct 25, 5:17 pm, Peder Johnsen supp...@johnsendesign.no wrote:
 Hi, is there anyway to speed up the move effect?
 I am currently using it forwww.pixelgeddon.com(press the joystick
 And the way it is now its moving a bit to slow..

 Also I wonder if anyone of you know about any good tooltip scripts
 that works with Prototype  script.aculo.us.
 It has to let me display a sepereate div with html text for each image
 in that scroller that I use the move effect for :).

 Best regards,
 Peder Johnsen.
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Help me with hashes

2009-10-29 Thread Buda

Thanks, it works!

On 29 окт, 15:33, Vladimir Tkach tea...@gmail.com wrote:
 nop but answer in english please


 2009/10/29 budarin budari...@gmail.com

   Спасибо Владимир, помогло!

  *From:* prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com [mailto:
  prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *Vladimir Tkach
  *Sent:* Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:02 PM
  *To:* prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  *Subject:* [Proto-Scripty] Re: Help me with hashes

  var MyObj={
    prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    prop: ['А',  'E']
    prop: ['D', 'E']
  var newObj = {}

          if(typeof newObj[x]==undefined){newObj[x]=[]}



  2009/10/29 Buda budari...@gmail.com

  Help me please, this operation is best

  I have an object

  var MyObj:{
    prop: ['А', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    prop: ['B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
    prop: ['А',  'E']
    prop: ['D', 'E']

  I neet to get a new hash like this

   A: ['obj1', 'obj3'],
   B: ['obj2'],
   C: ['obj1', 'obj2'],
   D: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj4'],
   E: ['obj1', 'obj2', 'obj3', 'obj4'],

  Best Regards,
  Vladimir Tkach




 Best Regards,
 Vladimir Tkach



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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request with JSON response

2009-10-29 Thread Lapis

From a Java horizon it would be:
writer.print({success : true, message : 'good'});
writer.print({success : false, message : 'bad'});

(writing to the response's PrintWriter)

Hoping I am not misinterpreting your question right now.


On Oct 29, 4:19 pm, mich...@haston.name wrote:
 What would my json response look like (syntax-wise) in this case?

 On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 07:28:43 -0700 (PDT), Lapis petter.env...@gmail.com

  I think I'd do it more like this, if i just wanted JSON as the

  On the server: set the response type to application/json, something
  to the equivalent of = response.setContentType(application/json)
  Then print your json object to the response (java stylee again):
  writer.print(String.format({value: %d, feelingOk: %s}, 42,

  In the callback, it is handled like this:

  onComplete : function (transport) {
    // obtain the json you sent
    var jsonObj = transport.responseJSON;
    // use it

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[Proto-Scripty] $$ is a violation of Model-View-Controller

2009-10-29 Thread JoJo

Is it poor practice to use $$?

   $$('#grandparent #parent tag.class');

I've been using $$ quite a lot because it has sped up DEVELOPMENT, but
now I have realized that it will slow down MAINTENANCE.  Recently, my
boss asked me to move a whole div to another part of the page.  Since
I was accessing that div with $$, I was forced to change my JS along
with my HTML.  If I had accessed that div with $('elementID'), I would
have only needed to edit my HTML.

For this, I believe that $$ is a violation of the model-view-
controller paradigm.  HTML and CSS are the view.  JS should be thought
of as the controller.  If you think about it, JS processes user input
just like PHP, except on a livelier schedule.  To make your website
easier to implement, you should refrain from using $$ to describe the
HTML structure.

What are your thoughts?
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

2009-10-29 Thread Rick . Wellman

$F() gets the *value* of the form element (i.e. a dropdown's value, the
text in a text box, etc.)
$() just gets the DOM element itself (so would return the dropdown, the
text box, etc. respectively).
[so also, using $F() on a non-form element is fairly pointless]

-Original Message-
From: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
[mailto:prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Russell
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:28 AM
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

Then how is $F() any different than $()?

Also, any idea why I can't get my form to submit.  I have been all over
Google and can't figure it out.

-Original Message-
From: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
[mailto:prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Walter
Lee Davis
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 10:24 AM
To: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Forms

Try giving your form elements IDs to match their NAME property. I have  
always needed the ID to be set in order to get a value out of $F.


On Oct 29, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Russell Keith wrote:

 Ok, maybe I'm just being dense, but I am reading the API for forms  
 and I am getting nothing from it.

 What is proper use of the $F utility and what can it do for me?  I  
 have read the Form.Element.getValue and it means nothing to me.

 I have this form:

 form name=createPDF action=/pdf/pdf_process.php  
 input type=hidden name=A_NAME value=John /
 input type=hidden name=APPLY_DATE value=?=date(m/d/Y)? 
 input type=hidden name=A_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=L_NAME value=Jane /
 input type=hidden name=L_BIRTH_DATE value=01/01/01 /
 input type=hidden name=A_ACCOUNT value=1 /

 When I try to do alert($F('A_NAME')); I get an 'Object does not  
 support this property or method' error.  I get the same error when I  
 try to submit the form with 'document.createPDF.submit();' is there  
 something wrong with my form?


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: New API Doc

2009-10-29 Thread T.J. Crowder

Hi Joe,

I think you've gotten the wrong impression -- I'm not in charge (or
control) of the new doc stuff, that's Tobie  Andrew with some help
from a couple of other people.  All I've done is try to merge in (and
update) the old API docs content into the new stuff, since it hadn't
been done.

But I know Tobie  Andrew are very open to suggestions and eager to
improve the new docs.  My suggestion would be to log any issues you
run into (or suggestions) on Prototype's Lighthouse project[1],
flagging them appropriately as either bugs or enhancements.  Some of
them may or may not be more appropriately filed on the PDoc project[2]
instead, but it's a bit hard sometimes to tell where a problem is, so
I'd tend to lean toward reporting them on the Prototype project.

[1] https://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8886-prototype/overview
[2] https://prototype.lighthouseapp.com/projects/8889-pdoc/


-- T.J. :-)

On Oct 29, 1:23 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
 First, it's great to see there's diligent activity on the docs, which
 seemed like they went stale for a while there. To the whole team, keep
 up the great work!

 Definitely need the quick-look menu of methods (and any other
 properties) provided by each of the major classes.

 i have a suggestion for enhancement, and two issues with the new docs:
 It might be helpful to somehow indicate from the (to-be-improved)
 navigation when a method HAS, or IS, an alias. Why do i want to see
 the actual documentation on Enumerable#select or Enumerable#filter
 when all it's going to tell me is Alias of Enumerable#findAll?
 Especially when they don't operate any differently. Show me that in
 the menu so i can just go to #findAll directly. Or better yet, don't
 give aliases a method-level entry at all. Perhaps something like the

 * Enumerable - link to main Enumerable doc
   - findAll  - link to #findAll, where the aliases are also noted
     (filter) - link to #filter, if the user REALLY wants to see it
     (select) - link to #select, if the user REALLY wants to see it

 1. This seems isolated to Firefox/Gecko. The menu panel doesn't scroll
 normally. i have no idea why, but it scrolls about 1/10th the expected
 speed, which is a nuisance.

 2. This one is happening in all browsers. If i click Element (for
 instance), location bar sayshttp://api.prototypejs.org/dom/element.html
   If i then click #select, i'm taken to that 
   Great. But the natural impulse (mine, at least) to get back to that
 list of methods is to use the browser's Back action. Gotcha! The
 location bar returns back, but the browser window doesn't.

 -joe t.

 On Oct 27, 7:29 pm, Adm.Wiggin admwig...@gmail.com wrote:

  How's this going?  Very much interested in Going back to page-per-
  method (rather than a long run-on page).

  Having the side navigation easy to navigate in the page-per-method
  style like the old documentation is also of paramount importance.  For
  example, if I click on Hash in the sidebar, I should immediately see
  an easy to read list of all the methods of the Hash class.  As it is,
  they're in a big block, which is hard to scan through, where the
  vertical (alphabetical) list was quick and relatively painless.  Lots
  of times, I'm just looking to verify the order of parameters, and it
  was very helpful to be able to find the exact method very quickly so
  that in almost no time I'm looking at the page reading the order of
  the methods.

  Something else that might be handy way further down the road is an
  easy way to access these pages by-url.
  For example, if I need to look up a PHP function to very the argument
  order, it's as easy as typing inhttp://php.net/function_name_here--
  concrete example being stripos (is it haystack first, or needle
  first?  I never can remember)http://php.net/striposandI'm there
  immediately.  Obviously way down the road, but certainly something to
  think about.

  On Oct 9, 3:56 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


   You're not the only one, not by a long chalk. :-)

   We're working on it.  Tobie, Samuel, and Andrew are working hard to
   improve the structure, navigation, and presentation, and I'm
   continuing the ongoing quest of copying over, updating, and fleshing-
   out the content (which is a manual and labor-intensive process).  You
   should see marked improvemenet in the online docs over the course of
   the next couple of weeks.

   What happened is that the project switched from having the
   documentation be a completely separate thing (in a difficult-to-use
   tool) to having the documentation be part of the source code (a'la
   Javadoc), using a new tool built for the purpose called PDoc.  That
   way, when someone changes or adds code, they can update the
   documentation at the same time, and hopefully the two will be kept
   much more in sync.  (The 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: New API Doc

2009-10-29 Thread T.J. Crowder

Forgot to say:

   Great. But the natural impulse (mine, at least) to get back to that
 list of methods is to use the browser's Back action. Gotcha! The
 location bar returns back, but the browser window doesn't.

I *thought* I'd seen that the other day and was irritated by it, glad
to know it's not just me.  I was in too much of a rush to go into
detail at the time.

-- T.J. :-)

On Oct 29, 1:23 pm, joe t. thooke...@gmail.com wrote:
 First, it's great to see there's diligent activity on the docs, which
 seemed like they went stale for a while there. To the whole team, keep
 up the great work!

 Definitely need the quick-look menu of methods (and any other
 properties) provided by each of the major classes.

 i have a suggestion for enhancement, and two issues with the new docs:
 It might be helpful to somehow indicate from the (to-be-improved)
 navigation when a method HAS, or IS, an alias. Why do i want to see
 the actual documentation on Enumerable#select or Enumerable#filter
 when all it's going to tell me is Alias of Enumerable#findAll?
 Especially when they don't operate any differently. Show me that in
 the menu so i can just go to #findAll directly. Or better yet, don't
 give aliases a method-level entry at all. Perhaps something like the

 * Enumerable - link to main Enumerable doc
   - findAll  - link to #findAll, where the aliases are also noted
     (filter) - link to #filter, if the user REALLY wants to see it
     (select) - link to #select, if the user REALLY wants to see it

 1. This seems isolated to Firefox/Gecko. The menu panel doesn't scroll
 normally. i have no idea why, but it scrolls about 1/10th the expected
 speed, which is a nuisance.

 2. This one is happening in all browsers. If i click Element (for
 instance), location bar sayshttp://api.prototypejs.org/dom/element.html
   If i then click #select, i'm taken to that 
   Great. But the natural impulse (mine, at least) to get back to that
 list of methods is to use the browser's Back action. Gotcha! The
 location bar returns back, but the browser window doesn't.

 -joe t.

 On Oct 27, 7:29 pm, Adm.Wiggin admwig...@gmail.com wrote:

  How's this going?  Very much interested in Going back to page-per-
  method (rather than a long run-on page).

  Having the side navigation easy to navigate in the page-per-method
  style like the old documentation is also of paramount importance.  For
  example, if I click on Hash in the sidebar, I should immediately see
  an easy to read list of all the methods of the Hash class.  As it is,
  they're in a big block, which is hard to scan through, where the
  vertical (alphabetical) list was quick and relatively painless.  Lots
  of times, I'm just looking to verify the order of parameters, and it
  was very helpful to be able to find the exact method very quickly so
  that in almost no time I'm looking at the page reading the order of
  the methods.

  Something else that might be handy way further down the road is an
  easy way to access these pages by-url.
  For example, if I need to look up a PHP function to very the argument
  order, it's as easy as typing inhttp://php.net/function_name_here--
  concrete example being stripos (is it haystack first, or needle
  first?  I never can remember)http://php.net/striposandI'm there
  immediately.  Obviously way down the road, but certainly something to
  think about.

  On Oct 9, 3:56 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:


   You're not the only one, not by a long chalk. :-)

   We're working on it.  Tobie, Samuel, and Andrew are working hard to
   improve the structure, navigation, and presentation, and I'm
   continuing the ongoing quest of copying over, updating, and fleshing-
   out the content (which is a manual and labor-intensive process).  You
   should see marked improvemenet in the online docs over the course of
   the next couple of weeks.

   What happened is that the project switched from having the
   documentation be a completely separate thing (in a difficult-to-use
   tool) to having the documentation be part of the source code (a'la
   Javadoc), using a new tool built for the purpose called PDoc.  That
   way, when someone changes or adds code, they can update the
   documentation at the same time, and hopefully the two will be kept
   much more in sync.  (The official policy, in fact, is that code
   patches with documentation impacts that don't include the
   documentation updates are rejected.)  It also simplifies the process
   of people reporting and offering patches for documentation errors/
   omissions.  However, the docs got inadequate testing (and weren't
   complete) when 1.6.1 was released.  1.6.1 *needed* to be released,
   there was a lot of good, urgently-needed stuff in there (generally,
   and for IE8 and Chrome).

   If you want to, you can still get to the old docs (for now) 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: $$ is a violation of Model-View-Controller

2009-10-29 Thread Rick . Wellman

Though I consider javascript/prototype to be one of my weaker web app skills 
(which is why I like Prototype in the first place), I feel compelled to add to 
this discussion in that:

While I certainly agree with the Use Case that you are describing (and the one 
referenced in the response) I guess I have been lucky enough to have never 
used $$() that way.  However, I have used it (and will most likely continue to 
do so) to retrieve elements based on their CSS class selector.  In fact, some 
of the page effects that I have been asked to implement rely on the use of 
$$().  So, IMHO, maybe it is better stated that $$() is part of the View in the 
MVC paradigm?  Just like Struts is a Controller but many people use the Struts 
tags which are part of the View?

-Original Message-
From: prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:prototype-scriptacul...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of kangax
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 4:51 PM
To: Prototype  script.aculo.us
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: $$ is a violation of Model-View-Controller

On Oct 29, 4:36 pm, JoJo tokyot...@gmail.com wrote:
 Is it poor practice to use $$?

    $$('#grandparent #parent tag.class');

 I've been using $$ quite a lot because it has sped up DEVELOPMENT, but
 now I have realized that it will slow down MAINTENANCE.  Recently, my
 boss asked me to move a whole div to another part of the page.  Since
 I was accessing that div with $$, I was forced to change my JS along
 with my HTML.  If I had accessed that div with $('elementID'), I would
 have only needed to edit my HTML.

 For this, I believe that $$ is a violation of the model-view-
 controller paradigm.  HTML and CSS are the view.  JS should be thought
 of as the controller.  If you think about it, JS processes user input
 just like PHP, except on a livelier schedule.  To make your website
 easier to implement, you should refrain from using $$ to describe the
 HTML structure.

 What are your thoughts?

Yep. I came to the very same conclusion recently -


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Ajax.Request with JSON response

2009-10-29 Thread Michael Haston

Didn't seem to work for me.  I might have it wrong.

Code ...

function ajaxRequest2(){
var url = /cgidev2p/r_chgpwd.pgm;
var pars = 'v_current=' + escape($F('v_current')) +
'v_new=' + escape($F('v_new')) + 'v_confirm=' + escape($F('v_confirm')) +
'sessionid=' + escape($F('sessionid'));
var submitObj = document.getElementById('goButton');
new Ajax.Request(url, {
method: 'get',
parameters: pars,
onComplete: function(transport){
// obtain the json you sent
var jsonObj = transport.responseJSON;
// use it
alert('feelingOk:' + jsonObj['feelingOk']);
alert('value:' + jsonObj['value']);



{success : true, message : good}

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[Proto-Scripty] Finding the Absolute Position of an Element

2009-10-29 Thread Jonathan Rosenberg

Seems like this should be easy, but I can't come up with a solution.

What I want to do is to use Effect.Move to move an element to another
element's position.  Seems like I need to find the target element's absolute
position to do this.

So, how do I find an element's absolute position?  Or is there another way
to do what I want?

Jonathan Rosenberg
Founder  Executive Director
Tabby's Place

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