[Puppet Users] Styling parameter and variable types

2014-12-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters
With the future parser we can now add type annotations to a whole bunch of 
things. Usually it's pretty easy, just chuck the type in front of the 
variable and you're done. But what if you have multiple variables or class 
parameters beneath each other, do we align them, how do we align them, and 
what about more complex type definitions?

An example:

class test (
  String $param1,
  String $param2,
  Integer $param3,
  Variant[String, Integer] $param4 = 80,
  Struct[{ a = Enum[hi, there, everyone], b = Optional[Variant[Enum[yo, 
lo], Integer[2]]]}] $param5 = { a = 'hi', },
) {}

So do we style it like so: align based on starting token of required and 
option parameters

class test (
  String  $param1,
  String  $param2,
  Integer $param3,
  Variant[String, Integer] 
   $param4 = 80,
  Struct[{ a = Enum[hi, there, everyone], b = Optional[Variant[Enum[yo, 
lo], Integer[2]]]}] $param5 = { a = 'hi', },
) {}

Or do we take it one step further and align everything:

class test (
  Variant[String, Integer] 
   $param4 = 80,
  Struct[{ a = Enum[hi, there, everyone], b = Optional[Variant[Enum[yo, 
lo], Integer[2]]]}] $param5 = { a = 'hi', },
) {}

Should we break up complex type definitions:

class test (
  String   $param1,
  String   $param2,
  Integer  $param3,
  Variant[String, Integer] $param4 = 80,
a = Enum[hi, there, everyone]
b = Optional[Variant[
Enum[yo, lo],
  }]   $param5 = { a = 'hi', },
) {}

I like this last one best. It limits the length of the line and by 
splitting up the type definition according to the type we're defining (a 
hash) it becomes fairly easy for a human to parse. But then, should the 
Variant after the Optional be on a new line already or only the arguments 
to Variant since that one can take multiples (like in the way you'd break 
up an array over multiple lines) etc. etc. etc. I'm still not entirely 
happy about all the white spacing between the type and the actual variable 
name but I do like the columnar view it creates.

Eventually we'll be able to create/alias our own types which should limit 
the amount of crazy before a variable or parameter definition but until 
then, what do we do? And once we have the ability to create/alias our own 
types, how do we style those?

We don't have to agree on a it must be done exactly this anal way but a 
loose consensus about what it could look like would be useful.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Client self-deregistration from PuppetDB

2014-12-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters
There's no need for CGI magic through the Puppet Master, you can talk to 
PuppetDB directly. See the PuppetDB API 

On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 13:01:34 UTC+1, Ryan Anderson wrote:

 You could try a hack like having the system going away call a cgi on the 
 puppet master (via wget) that in-turn does the 'puppet node deactivate' 

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[Puppet Users] Re: puppetboard unable to reach puppetb

2014-10-09 Thread Daniele Sluijters

This doesn't look like a configuration error with regard to Puppetboard but 
one with regard to Apache. These lines:  configuration error:  couldn't 
perform authentication. AuthType not set!: /static/js/lists.js, referer: 
http://puppetboard.jokefire.com/ aren't generated by Puppetboard, it has no 
concept of authentication and AuthType is an Apache thing.

My bet is the Require all granted line. From what I can gleam 
from http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require 
it would require a few more settings, AuthType, AuthName, 
AuthBasicProvider, AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile.

Until you have authentication set up, replace that Require line with:

Order deny,allow
Allow from all

Let me know if this works for you,

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: puppetboard unable to reach puppetb

2014-10-09 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I missed the part where this actually still works but then throws the 
PuppetDB connection issues.

* How did you install Puppetboard, with this 
module: https://forge.puppetlabs.com/nibalizer/puppetboard?
* Are Puppetboard and PuppetDB running on the same machine?
* Can you show me your settings.py as documented 
here: https://github.com/nedap/puppetboard#settings

Daniele Sluijters

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetboard unable to reach puppetb

2014-10-09 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I think I know what's going on here. You've, dutifully, told Puppetboard 
that it needs to validate the server certificate that PuppetDB is 
presenting you with (PUPPETDB_SSL_VERIFY) when you setup a connection. 
However, I'm betting your OS trust-store does not include a copy of the 
Puppet Master CA, the one that handed out PuppetDB's server certificate.

What you need to do is change PUPPETDB_SSL_VERIFY from True to 
/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/ca.pem (I think that's the path). What also is 
slightly weird is that you have defined PUPPETDB_KEY and PUPPETDB_CERT 
twice, the latter having it set to None which I'm guessing is what 
Puppetboard ends up picking.

However, since your PuppetDB and Puppetboard are hosted on the same machine 
you can forgo the whole SSL debacle and use a local, plain connection 
instead. Since this traffic will never leave the host people would need to 
be logged in to your master to intercept it. Your settings.py then looks 
like this:

PUPPETDB_HOST = 'localhost'

Once that works for you don't forget to change the LOGLEVEL back to 'info'.

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 9 October 2014 09:24:08 UTC-7, bluethundr wrote:

 Hi Daniel,

  Thanks for getting back to me. 

 This doesn't look like a configuration error with regard to Puppetboard 
 but one with regard to Apache. These lines:  configuration error: 
  couldn't perform authentication. AuthType not set!: /static/js/lists.js, 
 referer: http://puppetboard.jokefire.com/ aren't generated by 
 Puppetboard, it has no concept of authentication and AuthType is an Apache 
 My bet is the Require all granted line. From what I can gleam from 
 http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/mod_authz_core.html#require it 
 would require a few more settings, AuthType, AuthName, AuthBasicProvider, 
 AuthUserFile and AuthGroupFile.
 Until you have authentication set up, replace that Require line with:
 Order deny,allow
 Allow from all

 Ok so I changed my apache config to this:

 VirtualHost *:80
 ServerName puppetboard.jokefire.com
 WSGIDaemonProcess puppetboard user=apache group=apache threads=5
 WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/puppetboard/wsgi.py
 ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard_error_log
 CustomLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard_access_log combined

 Alias /static /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard/static

 Directory /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard/static
 WSGIProcessGroup puppetboard
 WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
 *Order deny,allow*
 *Allow from all*

 I also changed the directory and contents to be readable by apache:

 [root@puppet:/etc/httpd/conf.d] #ls -ld 
 drwxr-xr-x. 4 apache apache 4096 Oct  8 12:47 

 I still get the error:


 I missed the part where this actually still works but then throws the 
 PuppetDB connection issues.
 * How did you install Puppetboard, with this module: 

  I did it via python pip install. I tried using the puppet module 
 initially. But it threw a bunch of dependency errors on my system. So 
 rather than try to wrestle with those I decided to to try a pip install 
 which went ok.

 * Are Puppetboard and PuppetDB running on the same machine?

 Yes! They are.

 * Can you show me your settings.py as documented here: 

 Sure! Here you go.

 [root@puppet:~] #cat /var/www/puppetboard/settings.py
 PUPPETDB_HOST = 'puppet.jokefire.com'
 PUPPETDB_KEY  = '/etc/puppetdb/ssl/private.pem'
 PUPPETDB_CERT = '/etc/puppetdb/ssl/public.pem'
 LOGLEVEL = 'debug'

 I also tried the PUPPET_HOST with the IP of the machine, and with 
 None of that seemed to make any difference!

 Thanks again for getting back to me on this.



 On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:10 PM, Daniele Sluijters daniele@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:


 I missed the part where this actually still works but then throws the 
 PuppetDB connection issues.

 * How did you install Puppetboard, with this module: 
 * Are Puppetboard and PuppetDB running on the same machine?
 * Can you show me your settings.py as documented here: 

 Daniele Sluijters

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Facter 2.2.0

2014-08-30 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I don't mind even changing that stuff in .Z releases but I think .Y is more 
appropriate indeed. Releasing a new major version of Facter every time a 
fact is bug fixed seems madness and not something you should get into.

As long as the release notes are in order I think most people have come to 
expect at least some 'breakage' on .Y releases, regardless of wat semver 
says (that's not anything personal towards Puppet Labs, it happens on a lot 
of projects).

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: Facter 2.2.0

2014-08-27 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I agree with the spirit of the fix but the fact that it isn't mentioned 
anywhere in the release notes is a bit annoying. I personally also consider 
this a backwards incompatible release, you're changing old behaviour. 
Albeit for the better, but people depended on that behaviour and no prior 
warning or deprecation warning was issued.

Do also keep in mind that though we can easily fix our own manifests with a 
regexp match, since the launch of the Forge people have started to use more 
and more modules maintained by others. Unless the maintainer has already 
issued an update you're stuck with manually patching an upstream module and 
carrying that change. Depending on how you deploy your environment this 
might be difficult to do.

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: First anniversary of the module team

2014-06-30 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Sounds great! 3 and happy birthday (albeit a few days late but feel free 
to consume more cake).

On Wednesday, 25 June 2014 18:53:25 UTC+2, Ashley Penney wrote:

 The 1st anniversary of the module team!

 Hello from the module team here at Puppet Labs!  I’m starting this email 
 with a lie because I’m not sure exactly when our first anniversary really 
 is, but I started on the 1st of July and the team had only just gotten 
 started, so that’s as good a date as any.

 For those readers who are unaware, the module team at Puppet Labs exists 
 primarily to implement the supported modules initiative.  For anyone that 
 missed the announcement last year, the goal of supported modules is to help 
 you more easily discover amazing modules and offer support for those 
 modules to Puppet Enterprise customers.  Over the last year we’ve been 
 laying the foundations to make this sustainable (and making it up as we go 
 along).  In order to support modules across the diverse set of platforms PE 
 runs on, we’ve had to experiment with and learn how to test modules in a 
 sustainable, scalable way, and over the last year we’ve been trying to 
 accomplish that.

 Members of the team

 Before we talk about what we’ve been doing over the last year, I thought 
 it would be nice to briefly talk about who is in the team, our backgrounds, 
 and where you can get hold of us.  I’ll list everyone in the order they 
 joined the team to make life easy for me.

 Hunter Haugen

 Hunter was the very first member of the team and many of you know him as 
 “hunner” on IRC.  Previously a member of the Professional Services team, 
 Hunter spent his time traveling and visiting customers all over the world. 
  His background, like mine, is mostly UNIX systems administration.  He’s 
 responsible for the huge refactoring of the apache module a while back, and 
 is all over the popular puppetlabs modules we hope you’re all using.

 Ashley Penney

 This one is me.  I’m “ashp” on IRC and hopefully I know many of you.  I’ve 
 been a Puppet user since the start of 2008, when I spent most of my time 
 harassing Luke on IRC over “bugs” I found that turned out to be fundamental 
 design decisions.  I’ve been in operations for ~12 years, and this is the 
 only job I’ve ever had where nobody will wake me up at 0300 to let me know 
 everything has crashed and the world is on fire.  It’s pretty awesome.

 Chris Hoge

 Anyone here who has used the openstack modules can thank Chris for putting 
 in a ton of work to make them awesome.  Just before I took this job, I 
 tried to use the puppetlabs openstack modules and after a week I threw up 
 my hands and gave up as nothing worked.  Now they actually work and are 
 awesome. Progress!  Chris primarily focuses on openstack, but he sometimes 
 has to wrestle modules that are dependencies into shape (like mongodb!). 
  You can find him as “hogepodge” on IRC.

 Travis Fields

 Travis joined to help the module team build out and build up awesome 
 modules specifically for Windows.  The rest of us are Linux users, so we 
 often just threw up our hands and said “I can’t fix that!” when modules had 
 issues on Windows.  Since joining the team, he’s taken over the reboot and 
 registry modules, fixed vcsrepo to work on windows, taken on the new acl 
 module, as well as fixed a number of issues throughout our tooling to make 
 sure Windows is a true first class platform for modules instead of 
 something we hide under the bed from.  Travis goes by “cyberious” on IRC.

 Morgan Haskel

 Morgan previously worked with Onyxpoint (a long time Puppet community 
 member!) on Puppet modules.  Battle-scarred from forcing complex modules 
 into behaving properly, she joined Puppet Labs to help us write amazing 
 supported modules.  She’s brought some adult supervision to the team and 
 ensures we’re on a regular cadence for module releases.  You can ask her 
 questions about Hadoop (she’ll love it, I promise) on IRC as “_morgan”.

 AJ Johnson

 The almost-newest member of the team is our boss; he's in charge of 
 ensuring we’re all pointing in the right direction and focused on actually 
 building things the community benefits from.  He escaped from IBM to come 
 wrangle the team into a semblance of order and make sure we’re on track to 
 deliver supported modules!

 Colleen Murphy

 The actual-newest member of the team comes to us for the summer as an 
 intern from PSU (that’s the portland one, not the Pennsylvania one).  She’s 
 a Linux sysadmin, Puppet user, and developer, and she is already helping us 
 tackle a project we’ve been putting off for months.  You can find her on 
 IRC as “crinkle”.  If you’re igalic or blkperl then I preemptively ban you 
 from asking her for PR merges! :)

 Other People

 This is already longer than an Oscar acceptance speech, so I want to wrap 
 up by just saying that we have a bunch of other fantastic people that help 
 us keep this show on the road.  Lauren Rother helps ensure modules have 

Re: [Puppet Users] params.pp/inheritance/defaults/hiera/hiera functions?

2014-05-31 Thread Daniele Sluijters
 - Don't use automatic hiera lookups.  This removes the magic and makes it 
more clear to everyone that the data is coming from hiera.

Hold on a sec; if you mean data bindings with 'automatic hiera lookups', 
most certainly use them. Do not ever hardcode hiera() functions in 
parameter lookups in your module as you module can now _only_ work with 
Hiera and not everyone uses or wants to use hiera. Instead let data 
bindings take care of it so that everyone can benefit from your code, 
Hiera, ENC or by explicitly passing data in.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet 3.6.0... and scaling?

2014-05-22 Thread Daniele Sluijters
The environment caching is already there, use the environment_timeout 
setting. Mine is set to unlimited and I reload at deploy time by touching 
tmp/restart.txt. This so far seems to work really well.

On Thursday, 22 May 2014 19:26:47 UTC+2, Tristan Smith wrote:

 Dang. That does look an awful lot like my issue. I am in fact using 
 directory environments (mostly because of the screaming deprecation 
 warnings telling me I was a bad man if I didn't).

 :/ Shame on me for using a .0 release.

 On Thursday, May 22, 2014 10:17:24 AM UTC-7, Ellison Marks wrote:

 Hey, I think I remember another thread that mentioned that there were 
 some performance issues with directory environments. Basically, the next 
 3.6 release will add a caching option that mostly alleviated the problem 
 for the OP from that thread.


 On Thursday, May 22, 2014 9:59:25 AM UTC-7, Tristan Smith wrote:

 After much hacking to get directory environments settled and the 
 manifest directory in place, I rolled Puppet 3.6 to our puppetmasters last 

 One of our puppetmasters has nearabouts 1000 clients, runs passenger 
 under apache 2.2 (ruby 1.8.7, sadly, thanks CentOS), and normally doesn't 
 really notice puppet running - basically peaks out at 20% CPU usage.

 Under 3.6, even doubling the passenger worker count, it couldn't keep up 
 with the load - I started running out of apache procs due to workers stuck 
 in waiting mode and they were all just hanging waiting for a passenger 
 worker to free up. CPU usage on the system capped out.

 Strace -c on the passenger workers had them spending 30% of their time 
 in clone() and 60% in wait4(), fwiw.

 I'm going to be digging to figure out what in hell changed to cause 
 this, but has anyone else experienced a significant change in performance 
 under 3.6?


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[Puppet Users] Re: Hiera Performance Testing

2014-04-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Then I'm afraid you're on your own. The instrumentation framework got added 
and expanded upon somewhere in the 3.x series, I believe 3.2 was the first 
to be able to give some useful information and as of 3.5 the API is 
actually public so that others can build on it.

As far as Hiera goes, lookup times depend on a bunch of things. Part of it 
is the complexity of the hierarchy, the more places it might need to look 
the longer it will take. If you do a 'normal' hiera call it'll exit on the 
first match so depending on how quickly it can find a match it'll take a 
bit longer or not. Then there's the hiera_array and hiera_hash calls which 
search the whole hierarchy and build up an array or hash of all the 
returned values which will take longer than a hiera call.

If you really want to get an indication I'd say just switch a few modules 
to hiera and compare compile times. You could also start adding 
Hiera.debug() calls with time information in Hiera's backend.rb.

In all honesty though, I'd suggest you get to upgrading to 3.4+ first. 
That'll give you a bit of a performance boost and 3.4+ doesn't require 
Hiera, it just ships with it. It'll also enable a bunch of things that will 
make your life more pleasant as a module author or maintainer. If you're 
using opensource modules it's likely they'll shortly start dropping 2.7 
support if they haven't already with the coming of Puppet 3.6 and 4.x.

Daniele Sluijters

On Monday, 14 April 2014 19:35:37 UTC+2, David Danzilio wrote:

 Unfortunately, and I probably should've mentioned this in the OP, we're 
 currently stuck on the 2.7 series.

 On Monday, April 14, 2014 1:11:36 PM UTC-4, Daniele Sluijters wrote:


 I think a good start would be to turn on profiling, aka profiling=true in 
 puppet.conf or puppet agent --profile. The output will show up in the 
 master's logs.

 Daniele Sluijters

 On Friday, 11 April 2014 22:55:45 UTC+2, David Danzilio wrote:

 Hi Everybody.

 I'm trying to come up with a way to understand how Hiera is going to 
 affect compile times on our Puppet masters. We've got just over 100K lines 
 of Puppet code, and thousands of hosts across a few environments. I know 
 there are a lot of variables to this problem, but I'm drawing a blank on a 
 good way to test this. Has anybody run into this? Is there a simple way to 
 do this that I'm just not seeing?


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[Puppet Users] Re: Hiera Performance Testing

2014-04-14 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I think a good start would be to turn on profiling, aka profiling=true in 
puppet.conf or puppet agent --profile. The output will show up in the 
master's logs.

Daniele Sluijters

On Friday, 11 April 2014 22:55:45 UTC+2, David Danzilio wrote:

 Hi Everybody.

 I'm trying to come up with a way to understand how Hiera is going to 
 affect compile times on our Puppet masters. We've got just over 100K lines 
 of Puppet code, and thousands of hosts across a few environments. I know 
 there are a lot of variables to this problem, but I'm drawing a blank on a 
 good way to test this. Has anybody run into this? Is there a simple way to 
 do this that I'm just not seeing?


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[Puppet Users] Re: Final Comments on Pro Puppet 2nd Edition

2014-03-27 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I'm going to be slightly blunt here. The authors of the book have, 
repeatedly, ask you to connect with them through different channels and 
contribute your fixes to the Github repository that was set up. Though I 
appreciate your review of the book, the way you've handled the situation is 
not exactly exemplary.

I'm also wondering what you're trying to achieve here. I'm sure you realise 
that most people won't be reading your posts on the mailing lists before 
buying the book. From reading your comments most of them are not about 
errors with regard to Puppet but with (perceived) errors in grammar, style 
or formatting. Only a few are actually about code or command errors and a 
few about terminology that's used before it's been explained or other 
issues that could potentially hamper the users understanding.

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 27 March 2014 05:17:40 UTC+1, Jon Forrest wrote:

 I just posted my list of issues I discovered in Chapters 11 
 and 12 - the last two chapters of Pro Puppet 2nd Edition. 

 I found a lot of issues with this book. I simply don't 
 understand how these issues escaped the editors. One reason 
 I posted what I did is so that anyone thinking about buying 
 the book will know what to expect. 

 I just hope the technical material about Puppet was higher 
 quality than the editing job that went into this book. Since 
 I'm not a Puppet expert I have no way of judging, so I won't 

 I've posted the complete list of issues on 

 Jon Forrest 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Ideas to allow users only on certain servers

2014-03-14 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Use virtual users.

Instead of declaring your users as 'real', add a @ in front of them. Now 
they are virtual so they aren't automatically created by Puppet, you need 
to explicitly realise them, for example based on a tag or group they're a 
member in.

You can do it along the lines of:
Users | tag == 'dev' } on a development machine and Users || if you 
want them all.


On Thursday, 13 March 2014 22:52:39 UTC+1, Philippe Conway wrote:

 So at my organization, we have different departments that should only have 
 access to certain servers.

 For example:

 Dev Team: Dev Servers
 Tech Support: Production Server
 Admins: All servers

 How Puppet manages our users now, is once you add the user to the user 
 manifest, it adds them too *all *the servers. 

 I've tried adding an if/else statement as sort of mentioned here:


 But I learned that wasn't best practice.

 I've also tried putting users in different classes such as:


 However that gets a little redundant...Is there another way to do this 
 through Puppet? Or am I better off using something like Active Directory to 
 authenticate and manage groups?

 Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks!

 - Philippe

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[Puppet Users] Announce: puppetdb-stencil 0.0.1

2014-03-13 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Good news everyone,

After about 4hrs of food, beer and code Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden (ekohl 
on Github) and I are intoxicated to release puppetdb-stencil. 
Puppetdb-stencil is designed to render resource types based on a template.

The canonical example of this is the nagios types in Puppet:

$ cd examples  python ../puppetdb-stencil.py nagios_host nagios_hostgroup
define host {
host_name node1.example.com
hostgroups +mysql
use mysql
alias MySQL Cluster node node1.example.com
address node1.example.com

define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name mysql
alias MySQL Cluster 1

On a PuppetDB with 600+ machines and 900+ host groups generating the files 
for these types takes about 1s in total.

Because of the templating this principle can be applied to any resource 
available through PuppetDB as long as a template is created for that type. 
Templating is done with the Jinja2 library allowing for inheritance and 
many other advanced templating features.

This work has been inspired by the work done by eBay/Marktplaats and Github.

You can find puppetdb-stencil at: 

We expect to shortly add:
* packaging and availability through PyPi
* additional configuration switches to fully configure connecting to 
* allow for an arbitrary query to be passed in to the resource request
* allow to specify a file to which the output will be written instead of 
* tests, Travis integration and the works

Daniele Sluijters

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2014-02-13 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Niels: Thank you for the Arch packages, I'll add them to the README's.

Jose: I'm not sure what you're getting at, what do you understand as 
outofsync? Nodes that haven't checked in in a while show up, if that 
timeframe is too big for you can modify the settings.

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: puppetboard and ssl

2014-02-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters

It should work, Puppetboard is supposed to just pass in the settings to 
pypuppetdb so unless we really screwed up somewhere that shouldn't be the 

Can you show me your settings.py file?

Daniele Sluijters

On Saturday, 8 February 2014 23:35:43 UTC+1, Johan De Wit wrote:


 Has anyone configured puppetboard to use SSL to connect to the puppetdb 
 server ? 

 puppetboard runs on a dedicated server, puppetdb on my puppetmaster. 

 Using plain http, on 8080, everything works. 

 When i configure puppetboard for https, I get always 
 ERROR:pypuppetdb.api:Could not reach PuppetDB on 
 puppet.koewacht.net:8081 over HTTPS. 

 doing the same with pypuppetdb, in a python shell, it works, 

 as teh apache user, to rule out permission problems. 

   from pypuppetdb import connect 
   db = connect(host='puppet.koewacht.net', port=8081, 
   nodes = db.nodes() 
   for node in nodes: 
 ...   print(node) 

 Just looking to see if it is some setting I oversee, or I have to delve 
 in the code .. 



 Johan De Wit 

 Open Source Consultant 

 Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363) 
 Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006) 
 Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70 
 Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71 
 3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73 
 BELGIUM http://www.open-future.be 

 Next Events: 
 Puppet Fundamentals Training | 
 Puppet Intruction Course | 
 Zabbix Certified Training | 
 Zabbix for Large Environments Training | 
 Subscribe to our newsletter | http://eepurl.com/BUG8H 

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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppetboard and ssl

2014-02-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hey Johan,

SSL_VERIFY trips up a few people, I need better docs on that.

When you connect to PuppetDB as a client you need to present two things, a 
private key and a public key signed by the Certificate Authority that also 
signed the server certificate of PuppetDB. This in all likeliness is your 
Puppet CA and it looks like you're passing on those certs correctly.

However, since we're connecting over SSL to PuppetDB, PuppetDB itself also 
presents us with a server certificate, again signed by the Puppet CA. This 
is what SSL_VERIFY governs, wether we want to verify that the certificate 
PuppetDB presents us with is signed by a CA we trust.

When SSL_VERIFY is set to True pypuppetdb/Puppetboard will try to use your 
OS truststore, /etc/ssl/ca-certificates usually, to verify that PuppetDB's 
server certificate is signed by a CA we know. Since in all likelihood you 
haven't added your Puppet CA to this truststore verification will fail and 
this is why you get the error.

You have two choices now, set SSL_VERIFY to False and trust that you're 
always talking to your actual PuppetDB or copy from the Puppet CA 
$vardir/ssl/ca_crt.pem to /etc/puppetboard and set SSL_VERIFY to the path 
of ca_crt.pem. In that case the file SSL_VERIFY points to will be used to 
verify PuppetDB's server certificate instead of the OS truststore.

I hope this fixes the issue for you.

Daniele Sluijters

On Monday, 10 February 2014 20:16:51 UTC+1, Johan De Wit wrote:


 It was not the typo.  But it seems the  ssl_verify=True did the bad thing.

  db = connect(host='puppet.koewacht.net
  nodes = db.nodes()
  for node in nodes:
 ...   print(node)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pypuppetdb/api/v3.py, line 55, 
 in nodes
 nodes = self._query('nodes', path=name, query=query)
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pypuppetdb/api/__init__.py, line 
 266, in _query
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/api.py, line 55, in get
 return request('get', url, **kwargs)
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/api.py, line 44, in 
 return session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/sessions.py, line 383, 
 in request
 resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/sessions.py, line 486, 
 in send
 r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
   File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/adapters.py, line 385, 
 in send
 raise SSLError(e)
 requests.exceptions.SSLError: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:492: error:14090086:SSL 
 routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed
  db = connect(host='puppet.koewacht.net
  nodes = db.nodes()
  for node in nodes:
 ...   print(node)

 the working config :

 PUPPETDB_HOST = 'puppet.koewacht.net'
 PUPPETDB_KEY = '/etc/puppetboard/pb_priv.pem'
 PUPPETDB_CERT ='/etc/puppetboard/pb_pub.pem'
 LOGLEVEL = 'debug'



 On 02/10/2014 04:01 PM, Johan De Wit wrote:

 I should create an alias pupept=puppet :)  

 I will test this further this evening, but seems logic the typo did it 
 (well broke it)
 On 02/10/2014 03:48 PM, Johan De Wit wrote:
 Hoi Daniele,


 PUPPETDB_HOST = 'puppet.koewacht.net'
 #PUPPETDB_KEY = '/etc/puppetboard/pb_priv.pem'
 #PUPPETDB_CERT ='/etc/pupeptboard/pb_pub.pem'
 LOGLEVEL = 'info'

 ls -l /etc/puppetboard/ssl

 [root@centos65 puppetboard]# ls -l /etc/puppetboard/
 total 8
 -rw-r- 1 apache apache 3247 Feb  8 12:30 pb_priv.pem
 -rw-r- 1 apache apache 1895 Feb  8 12:31 pb_pub.pem

 I assume the pythin code is executed as apache, as given in the vhost 
 definition :

 VirtualHost *:80
 ServerName puppetboard.koewacht.net
 WSGIDaemonProcess puppetboard user=apache group=apache threads=5
 WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/puppetboard/wsgi.py
 ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard.error.log
 CustomLog /var/log/httpd/puppetboard.access.log combined

 Alias /static /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard/static

 Directory /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/puppetboard
 WSGIProcessGroup puppetboard

[Puppet Users] Re: Include class if package exists

2014-02-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters

What you're actually running into is that you want the nagios::commandes 
class to be executed after the nagios package has been installed.

In that case, use the before metaparameter:

package { 'nagios':
ensure = present,
before = Class['nagios::commandes'],

This should fix your ordering and ensure everything works as you expect. 
Generally when you run into an issue with Puppet where you want to 
conditionally order something al you need are the 
require/before/notify/subscribe parameters.

On Monday, 10 February 2014 23:20:06 UTC+1, Pascal Robert wrote:


 I'm using Puppet for the first time, and for my tests, I'm recreating our 
 Nagios setup into a Puppet modules. It works at 95%, but I do have a 
 problem: my module include files but I also need to modify a couple of 
 Nagios configuration files that comes with the Nagios RPM package. Example:


 class nagios::commandes {

 nagios_command { 'process-service-perfdata':
 command_name = 'process-service-perfdata',
 ensure = present,
 command_line = '/usr/bin/perl /usr/libexec/pnp4nagios/process_perfdata.pl
 target = '/etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg',



 class nagios {

   include nagios::commandes
   package { 'nagios':
 ensure = present,

   package { 'nagios-plugins-all':
 ensure = present,

   package { 'nrpe':
 ensure = present,

   service { 'nagios':
 ensure = running,
 hasstatus = true,
 hasrestart = true,
 enable = true,
 require = Package[nagios],

 It works fine when Nagios is already installed, but if not, the include of 
 the class in init.pp is done before the package is installed so it fails.

 Error: Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeFlat could not write 
 /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg: No such file or directory - 
 Could not evaluate: Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeFlat could not write 
 /etc/nagios/objects/commands.cfg: No such file or directory - 

 If there a way to include the class only if the package is installed?

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[Puppet Users] Re: Using facts that don't exist yet...

2014-01-31 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Facts get sent at the start to the Puppet master so bringing an interface 
online during a Puppet run won't make it available as a Fact during that 
run, only on the next run as then the Facts are collected again. Your best 
bet is to make it conditional, check for the existence of the Fact and only 
if it is set do something.

On Friday, 31 January 2014 09:57:02 UTC+1, Krist van Besien wrote:


 I run puppet with foreman, and want to do the following:

 - Initalize a network interface
 - Start a service, bound to that interface.


 #Start an interface for vlan 301 on interface em1
network::if::dynamic { 'em1.301':
   ensure = up,

 #Start an openstack L2 agent

class { 'neutron::agents::ovs': 
 local_ip = $::ipaddress_em1_301,
 enable_tunneling = true,
 after  = Network::If::Dynamic['em1.301']

 My problem is that the ::ipaddress_em1_301 fact doesn't exist yet the 
 moment the catalog gets retreived. So it throws an error. Is there a way 
 around this?


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Re: [Puppet Users] Choo choo here comes the FOSDEM train

2014-01-30 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hi everyone,

I've booked at Sogno d’Italia for approx. 30 people. They are expecting us
somewhere between 19h00 and 19h20 (that's 7PM for the Americans). 

I've changed the Eventbrite event to allow tickets up to 35 which means 
about 15 places left if you want to join in. So, if you want food, please 
register :).

See you soon!

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 23 January 2014 11:27:36 UTC+1, Johan De Wit wrote:

 On 01/23/2014 11:18 AM, Daniele Sluijters wrote: 
  Hi everyone, 
  This is starting to shape up nicely. We've got a group of about twenty 
  people registered now, I'm 
  guessing a few more will join us so I'm thinking we'll end up with 
  about 30 people, which is good. 
  As you all know, the FOSDEM beer party is taking place the night 
  before in Delirium. If you 
  haven't been to Delirium, even if you don't like beer, just go and 
  have a look around. The sheer 
  amount of beer available is mind-blowing. 
  If you're wondering about the local cuisine, the Huffington Post is 
  here to help you: 
  Johan: Do we have an idea yet where we can crash with 20-30 people? 
 Not really, maybe we should send out some scouts, and do a reservation 
 in the neighbourhood ? 
 Previous year, seems the puppeteers took over an italian restaurant :)   
 Sogno D'italia. 

  Daniele Sluijters 
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 Johan De Wit 

 Open Source Consultant 

 Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363) 
 Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006) 
 Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70 
 Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71 
 3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73 
 BELGIUM http://www.open-future.be 

 Next Events: 
 Puppet Fundamentals Training | 
 Puppet Intruction Course | 
 Zabbix Certified Training | 
 Zabbix for Large Environments Training | 
 Subscribe to our newsletter | http://eepurl.com/BUG8H 

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Re: [Puppet Users] Choo choo here comes the FOSDEM train

2014-01-23 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hi everyone,

This is starting to shape up nicely. We've got a group of about twenty 
people registered now, I'm
guessing a few more will join us so I'm thinking we'll end up with about 30 
people, which is good.

As you all know, the FOSDEM beer party is taking place the night before in 
Delirium. If you
haven't been to Delirium, even if you don't like beer, just go and have a 
look around. The sheer
amount of beer available is mind-blowing.

If you're wondering about the local cuisine, the Huffington Post is here to 
help you:

Johan: Do we have an idea yet where we can crash with 20-30 people?

Daniele Sluijters

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Re: [Puppet Users] People transferring from Brussels to Ghent?

2014-01-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hi everyone,

Seems to be shaping up nicely, we've got 10 people registered for now.
Would be nice if the group grows a bit more but it's a good start.

Johan: Could you ask around a bit about a venue we could crash for
food and drinks? It would be nice if it weren't too far from the Solbosch

Daniele Sluijters

On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 17:02:45 UTC+1, Felix.Frank wrote:

 On 01/14/2014 04:22 PM, Erik Dalén wrote: 
  I'll be there (and at puppet camp amsterdam before and cfgmgmt.eu 
  http://cfgmgmt.eu the days after). 
  Github: https://github.com/dalen/ 
  probably won't be wearing the glasses I have on the picture there :) 

 I won't be at FOSDEM, but will be landing in Brussels Sunday afternoon 
 and board a train to Ghent near the airport some time around 7 p.m. 
 local time. 

 If that coincides with anyone's plans, that would be awesome. 


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[Puppet Users] Puppetboard 0.0.3 / pypuppetdb 0.1.0

2014-01-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hi everyone,

It's taken longer than I would have liked but, it's that time of the season 

## Releases
pypuppetdb 0.1.0 is now available on PyPi[1] and updated docs have been 
posted to Read The Docs[2].

[1]: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypuppetdb
[2]: http://pypuppetdb.readthedocs.org/en/v0.1.0/

The README and CHANGELOG should provide adequate information on what's 
changed. It's nothing
terribly major except for the SSL settings and behaviour which has been 
slightly changed and almost
complete support for v3. All the endpoints are supported, just not all the 

Of far greater note is the release of Puppetboard 0.0.3. There have been 
plenty of changes over the
past few months. Since a lot of people have been running from source and 
pulling in changes regularly
the changes won't be that obvious but if you were running from a 'release' 
you're in for a party. I suggest
you have a look around the screenshots at available at the Github 

Up to now it's been a slight pain to install Puppetboard and get it 
running. As per 0.0.3 Puppetboard is
now packaged and available on PyPi, a simple `pip install puppetboard` is 
all it takes. The README has
received extensive updates with regard to how you configure Puppetboard and 
your webserver. Because
for some unknown reason PyPI has decided to not render my README as HTML 
but in stead serve up
the raw ReStructuredText you're better off using the Github[3] repository 
to browse the README.

[3]: https://github.com/nedap/puppetboard

## Future plans
I promised native packages for both pypuppetdb and Puppetboard a while ago. 
Packages for pypuppetdb
will hopefully be released in time for FOSDEM for Debian/Ubuntu and likely 
CentOS. Packages for
Puppetboard take a bit more doing as most distributions don't ship the 
dependencies we require.

As noted in pypuppetdb's README, 0.2.x series will drop support for API v3, 
so PuppetDB prior to 1.5.
This is also partially due to internal surgery that needs to happen to 
nicely support query pagination and
a few other long-standing feature requests.

Enjoy and as usual you can contact me or join #puppetboard for any help.

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Choo choo here comes the FOSDEM train

2014-01-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hi everyone,

It's not exactly a secret that FOSDEM will be taking place during the first 
weekend of February at the usual location, the ULB Solbosch campus in 
Brussels. It's also not that big of a secret that a lot of Puppeteers 
attend especially now that we have a Configuration Management room.

However, it usually is a secret who will be there and that more difficult 
to get in touch with each other because everyone's running about going to 
interesting talks. Plus, not everyone knows everyone.

So I'd like to propose two things:
 * If you're going to FOSDEM, reply to this e-mail, drop a line with your 
name, nickname and if you're comfortable with it, a picture so that people 
might recognise you;
 * Join the meetup, which will likely involve food and drinks at your own 
expense. If you're up for it, feel free to register here (or not, doesn't 
matter but it's nice for in your 

Now I just have to hope a few people will show up :).

Daniele Sluijters

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Re: [Puppet Users] Choo choo here comes the FOSDEM train

2014-01-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Sounds good. It depends a bit on how big the group gets. If we're a small 
amount of people it's easier to just figure out something ad-hoc but if the 
group grows we'll need to think of a venue beforehand at which point having 
a few local volunteers help out and suggest places would be extremely 

Just to avoid any confusion, this is no way an official Puppet Labs events 
nor am I affiliated with Puppet Labs. This is just a call to socialise from 
one community member to the rest.

Daniele Sluijters

On Friday, 10 January 2014 22:28:12 UTC+1, Johan De Wit wrote:

 Hi all, 

 The Belgian Puppet User Group will represent all Puppet User Groups @ 
 the puppet  stand   @ FOSDEM 

 We hope to see you all passing by the stand and have a nice chat. 

 If we, as the belgian puppet user group can help out with this, feel 
 free to contact me, so i can assign some volunteers :) 



 On 01/10/2014 10:13 PM, Daniele Sluijters wrote: 
  Hi everyone, 
  It's not exactly a secret that FOSDEM will be taking place during the 
  first weekend of February at the usual location, the ULB Solbosch 
  campus in Brussels. It's also not that big of a secret that a lot of 
  Puppeteers attend especially now that we have a Configuration 
  Management room. 
  However, it usually is a secret who will be there and that more 
  difficult to get in touch with each other because everyone's running 
  about going to interesting talks. Plus, not everyone knows everyone. 
  So I'd like to propose two things: 
   * If you're going to FOSDEM, reply to this e-mail, drop a line with 
  your name, nickname and if you're comfortable with it, a picture so 
  that people might recognise you; 
   * Join the meetup, which will likely involve food and drinks at your 
  own expense. If you're up for it, feel free to register here (or not, 
  doesn't matter but it's nice for in your 
  Now I just have to hope a few people will show up :). 
  Daniele Sluijters 
  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
  Groups Puppet Users group. 
  To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send 
  an email to puppet-users...@googlegroups.com javascript:. 
  To view this discussion on the web visit 

  For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out. 

 Johan De Wit 

 Open Source Consultant 

 Red Hat Certified Engineer (805008667232363) 
 Puppet Certified Professional 2013 (PCP006) 
 Open-Future Phone +32 (0)2/255 70 70 
 Zavelstraat 72  Fax   +32 (0)2/255 70 71 
 3071 KORTENBERG Mobile+32 (0)474/42 40 73 
 BELGIUM http://www.open-future.be 

 Next Events: 
 Puppet Fundamentals Training | 
 Puppet Intruction Course | 
 Zabbix Certified Training | 
 Zabbix for Large Environments Training | 
 Subscribe to our newsletter | http://eepurl.com/BUG8H 

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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetlabs/firewall and fail2ban

2013-10-30 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Ah indeed, I misread the puppetlabs-denyhosts module. I had a look at the 
DenyHosts project but that seems limited to SSH alone. My fail2ban has 
rules that scan logs of our web servers, mail etc.

Daniele Sluijters

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 01:39:56 UTC+1, Don Hoffman wrote:

 On reading your message, I think you are perhaps confusing the static 
 Linux /etc/host.deny mechanism with the DenyHosts project.  See 


 On Oct 29, 2013, at 5:32 PM, Donald Hoffman don.h...@gmail.comjavascript: 

  On Oct 29, 2013, at 12:00 PM, Daniele Sluijters 
  DenyHosts is not an option for me since I can't predict which hosts 
 will be connecting from the outside. Fail2ban solves that issue by looking 
 for odd behaviour instead of asking me to whitelist. 
  Thanks for the suggestion though, 
  Daniele Sluijters 
  Hmm.  Don’t quite follow.   DenyHost works pretty much the same as 
 fail2ban on the detection side.  I.e. “looking for odd behavior.  See this 
 entry from their FAQ:  http://denyhosts.sourceforge.net/faq.html#1_5 
  The DenyHost daemon monitors /var/log/secure for various signs of 
 unsuccessful attempts to connect (from anywhere).  Once a threshold is 
 reached a rule for that IP address is inserted in to /etc/host.deny.   
 Pretty much has the same detection features as Fail2ban. 
  It is only on the filtering side where DenyHosts and Fail2ban really 
 differ.  Fail2ban sets up iptables firewall rules while DenyHosts adds 
 entries to hosts.deny for filtering in the app (usually sshd) server 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Warning: Local environment: 42A doesn't match server specified node environment production, switching agent to production

2013-10-30 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Have you tried --environment=42A?

Daniele Sluijters

On Wednesday, 30 October 2013 09:47:13 UTC+1, AVE1810 wrote:


 When I run puppet agent --test --environment 42A, I have the following 
 warning :
 Warning: Local environment: 42A doesn't match server specified node 
 environment production, switching agent to production.

 The puppet manifest for the environment 42A isn't applied.

 The puppet version is 3.3.1-1puppetlabs1 on agent and puppetmaster node

 puppet.conf on the agent node :


 pluginsync = true

 server = puppet
 report = true*

 puppet.conf on the puppetmaster node :


 pluginsync = true

 modulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/modules/production
 manifest = /etc/puppet/environments/manifests/production/site.pp

 modulepath = /etc/puppet/environments/modules/install/42A
 manifest = /etc/puppet/environments/manifests/install/site.pp

 server = puppet
 report = true

 ssl_client_header = SSL_CLIENT_S_DN
 ssl_client_verify_header = SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY

 storeconfigs = true
 storeconfigs_backend = puppetdb


 external_nodes = /etc/puppet/node.rb
 node_terminus = exec*

 If i comment  the last two  lines (external_nodes and node_terminus) on 
 the puppetmaster puppet.conf node, The puppet manifest is applied correctly.

 Anybody has an idea ?


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[Puppet Users] puppetlabs/firewall and fail2ban

2013-10-29 Thread Daniele Sluijters

A while back I wanted to switch our home-brewed iptables module to the 
puppetlabs/firewall module but I couldn't figure out
how to tell puppetlabs/firewall to leave the fail2ban chains alone.

I was curious if someone had solved the issue and had some examples I can 
work from?

Daniele Sluijters

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Re: [Puppet Users] puppetlabs/firewall and fail2ban

2013-10-29 Thread Daniele Sluijters

DenyHosts is not an option for me since I can't predict which hosts will be 
connecting from the outside. Fail2ban solves that issue by looking for odd 
behaviour instead of asking me to whitelist.

Thanks for the suggestion though,

Daniele Sluijters

On Tuesday, 29 October 2013 18:22:04 UTC+1, Don Hoffman wrote:

 On Oct 29, 2013, at 8:41 AM, Daniele Sluijters 


 A while back I wanted to switch our home-brewed iptables module to the 
 puppetlabs/firewall module but I couldn't figure out
 how to tell puppetlabs/firewall to leave the fail2ban chains alone.

 I was curious if someone had solved the issue and had some examples I can 
 work from?

 Daniele Sluijters

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 I ran in to this issue also.  Never found a scaleable/supportable 
 solution, so switched to DenyHosts instead just to get the deployment 
 going.   I used the puppetlabs-denyhosts module.Depending on your 
 application an app-level filter vs a firewall-level filter may be adequate. 
  The latter is possibly more scalable if you are getting massive attacks on 
 your SSH port for example.   But if they get so massive that DenyHosts is a 
 significant resource drain you may need to switch to an upstream 
 DDoS-blocking solution anyway, so I decided the app-level filter was 


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[Puppet Users] Re: Role-based puppet

2013-10-25 Thread Daniele Sluijters

What you'll need is some way to classify nodes, I do this through Hiera.

Per node I have a yaml file named after the host: hostname.yaml with the 
  - '::role::somerole'

In manifests/site.pp I only define one node, the default:
node default {
  hiera_include('roles', [])

Now when hostname checks in it will hit node default and a hiera lookup 
will be done for an array named 'roles', which I just defined in the yaml 
file. If it's found those roles, which are actually a puppet module, are 
included on the host/in the catalog and get applied. If not we return an 
empty array so nothing happens, you can also chose not to provide a default 
in which case it will error.

As for how to organise roles and profile in Puppet, Craig Dunn has a very 
nice post that should get you started:

Daniele Sluijters

On Friday, 25 October 2013 19:08:39 UTC+2, Steven Jonthen wrote:

 Hi guys,

 I want realise a role-based puppet-configuration. What I mean is this:
 There should be a simple external text-file, which contains hostname/node 
 -- role association. 
 Then there should be a class-definition for each role. In this way, I want 
 to associate a server with different roles. 
 In this way, Puppet should look for the hostname of the Puppet-Agent in 
 the external file and see what roles it should have and then 
 execute the role-classes. 

 I hope I could explain my problem. The problem is, that I've no idea how 
 to realise it. 
 Please help

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[Puppet Users] Re: Why there is a need for the architecture fact when it is only using hardwaremodel fact?

2013-10-25 Thread Daniele Sluijters

It doesn't only use hardwaremodel fact:
# Resolution:
#   On non-AIX IBM, OpenBSD, Linux and Debian's kfreebsd, use the 
hardwaremodel fact.
#   On AIX get the arch value from lsattr -El proc0 -a type
#   Gentoo and Debian call x86_86 amd64.
#   Gentoo also calls i386 x86.

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 24 October 2013 16:49:57 UTC+2, beyonddc...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi all, hopefully this is a quick question.  I would like to know why 
 there is a need for the architecture fact when it is only using 
 hardwaremodel fact?


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[Puppet Users] multi-master with single CA, certificate woes

2013-10-24 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I've been battling this all day so I hop some people over here have some 
good ideas. I'm trying to set up a multi-master puppet environment with a 
single CA.

This is what I've done so far:
* node 1, the CA:
  * install puppetmaster
  * stop it
  * wipe `vardir/ssl`
  * configure certname and dns_alt_names
  * start it up

* node 2, an actual master that will handle requests but no CA:
  * install puppetmaster
  * stop it
  * wipe `vardir/ssl`
  * configure certname, dns_alt_names and ca_server to point to node1, set 
ca=false in the [master] block and point server to itself
  * do a puppet agent -t
  * sign the CSR on node1
  * get acknowledgement that node2 grabbed its cert from node1

Now I want to actually make the Puppet master on node2 usable. My Puppet 
masters run in Passenger Standalone with an nginx in front of them proxying 
the requests on port 8140 to them.

The complete SSL configuration in nginx now looks like this:
ssl on;
ssl_certificatessl/puppetmaster/node2.pem; # this is 
ssl_certificate_key ssl/puppetmaster/node2.key;  # this is 
ssl_client_certificate  ssl/puppetmaster/ca.pem;   # this is 
ssl_crlssl/puppetmaster/crl.pem;   # this was 
copied from the master at `vardir/ssl/crl.pem`
since we do only master, no CA we can require a client certificate

location / {
[..] bunch of other proxy_set_header directives [..]
proxy_set_headerX-Client-Verify  $ssl_client_verify;
proxy_set_headerX-Client-DN  $ssl_client_s_dn;
proxy_set_headerX-SSL-Subject  $ssl_client_s_dn;

I started the Puppet master and reloaded the nginx for the configuration to 
take effect.

First I tried to connect with openssl s_client:
root@node2 # openssl s_client -connect localhost:8140 -cert 
/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/node2.pem -key 
depth=1 CN = Puppet CA: node1
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
verify return:0
Certificate chain
 0 s:/CN=node2
   i:/CN=Puppet CA: node1
 1 s:/CN=Puppet CA: node1
   i:/CN=Puppet CA: node1
issuer=/CN=Puppet CA: node1
Acceptable client certificate CA names
/CN=Puppet CA: node1
SSL handshake has read 5314 bytes and written 2445 bytes
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
Server public key is 4096 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
Protocol  : TLSv1.2
 Start Time: 1382622609
Timeout   : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)
GET /production/node/node2
Forbidden request: node2l( access to /node/node2 [find] at 

This looks fine, It complains about the self-signed certificate in the 
chain but other than that verify return = 0 which as far as I'm aware means 
success. Once the handshake is complete I can actually do a GET for that 
node but that seems to fail because of something in auth.conf, which is 
slightly odd since the authentication succeeded so the ACL shouldn't trip 
over it but that's step two (I'm probably forgetting to proxy/set a header).

Now, running `puppet agent -t` however gives me this:
Warning: Unable to fetch my node definition, but the agent run will 
Warning: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate 
B: certificate verify failed: [certificate signature failure for /CN=node1]

At this point I'm lost. Ntpd's are running, nodes are within far less than 
a second in sync of each other. Certificate is valid from yesterday to 
yesterday in 2018 so I doubt that's an issue either. If it were the 
`openssl s_client -connect` should have failed too but it's obviously 
perfectly happy with it.

What am I missing here? I fear it's staring me in the face but I'm just not 
seeing it.

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: multi-master with single CA, certificate woes

2013-10-24 Thread Daniele Sluijters

With a lot of help from Hunter Haugen (Puppetlabs) we managed to figure out 
what was wrong and fix it.

The errors always pointed in the direction of SSL issues but I never 
managed to figure out why. Turns out this had something to do with the way
I was starting the master to create the CA.

The first issue we found was that ca.pem on node2 wasn't actually matching 
ca_crt.pem on node1 which clued us in that something really was wrong
with the way the CA was behaving.

My initial approach of bootstrapping the CA server turned out to be the 
issue. I just cleaned the ssl dir, did a `puppet agent -t` followed by a 
`puppet cert list`
which would automatically say something about signing the CA and considered 
it done. Turns out that's the wrong way to do it. What eventually worked
was wiping vardir/ssl (again) and then starting a Puppet master in the 
foreground: `puppet master --no-daemonize -v`. It then actually correctly 
the CA. After that everything started to work. Running `puppet agent -t 
--server=node1` (itself) passed and after having requests a cert for node2 
signed it that too started to work.

I'll shortly document and publish the complete configuration and send a 
pull request towards Puppetlabs to clarify a few things in the docs about 
how to
achieve all this.

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 24 October 2013 15:59:13 UTC+2, Daniele Sluijters wrote:


 I've been battling this all day so I hop some people over here have some 
 good ideas. I'm trying to set up a multi-master puppet environment with a 
 single CA.

 This is what I've done so far:
 * node 1, the CA:
   * install puppetmaster
   * stop it
   * wipe `vardir/ssl`
   * configure certname and dns_alt_names
   * start it up

 * node 2, an actual master that will handle requests but no CA:
   * install puppetmaster
   * stop it
   * wipe `vardir/ssl`
   * configure certname, dns_alt_names and ca_server to point to node1, set 
 ca=false in the [master] block and point server to itself
   * do a puppet agent -t
   * sign the CSR on node1
   * get acknowledgement that node2 grabbed its cert from node1

 Now I want to actually make the Puppet master on node2 usable. My Puppet 
 masters run in Passenger Standalone with an nginx in front of them proxying 
 the requests on port 8140 to them.

 The complete SSL configuration in nginx now looks like this:
 ssl on;
 ssl_certificatessl/puppetmaster/node2.pem; # this is 
 ssl_certificate_key ssl/puppetmaster/node2.key;  # this is 
 ssl_client_certificate  ssl/puppetmaster/ca.pem;   # this is 
 ssl_crlssl/puppetmaster/crl.pem;   # this was 
 copied from the master at `vardir/ssl/crl.pem`
 since we do only master, no CA we can require a client certificate

 location / {
 [..] bunch of other proxy_set_header directives [..]
 proxy_set_headerX-Client-Verify  $ssl_client_verify;
 proxy_set_headerX-Client-DN  $ssl_client_s_dn;
 proxy_set_headerX-SSL-Subject  $ssl_client_s_dn;

 I started the Puppet master and reloaded the nginx for the configuration 
 to take effect.

 First I tried to connect with openssl s_client:
 root@node2 # openssl s_client -connect localhost:8140 -cert 
 /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/node2.pem -key 
 depth=1 CN = Puppet CA: node1
 verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
 verify return:0
 Certificate chain
  0 s:/CN=node2
i:/CN=Puppet CA: node1
  1 s:/CN=Puppet CA: node1
i:/CN=Puppet CA: node1
 issuer=/CN=Puppet CA: node1
 Acceptable client certificate CA names
 /CN=Puppet CA: node1
 SSL handshake has read 5314 bytes and written 2445 bytes
 New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
 Server public key is 4096 bit
 Secure Renegotiation IS supported
 Compression: NONE
 Expansion: NONE
 Protocol  : TLSv1.2
 Cipher: ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256
  Start Time: 1382622609
 Timeout   : 300 (sec)
 Verify return code: 19 (self signed certificate in certificate chain)
 GET /production/node/node2
 Forbidden request: node2l( access to /node/node2 [find] at 

 This looks fine, It complains about the self-signed certificate in the 
 chain but other than that verify return = 0 which as far as I'm aware means 
 success. Once the handshake is complete I can actually do a GET for that 
 node but that seems to fail because of something in auth.conf, which is 
 slightly odd since the authentication succeeded so the ACL shouldn't trip 
 over it but that's step two (I'm probably forgetting to proxy

[Puppet Users] Re: SSH Module with multiple conditions

2013-10-24 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Your approach seems fairly solid and should work but two things:

- prefer osfamily over operatingsystem, for example osfamily Redhat = 
operatingsystem RedHat|CentOS|Fedora and a few more
- use osfamily to resolve your files. Instead of 'if string this then file 
that' just point it to puppet:///modules/ssh/$osfamily/sshd_config

Good luck,

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 24 October 2013 22:16:00 UTC+2, John wrote:

 I've written and deployed a simple Linux SSH module.  But I need to modify 
 to include support for FreeBSD and AIX.  On top of that, I need to include 
 some conditionals in there that (for example)

 if (/etc/file1 contains string abc) ; then
   install sshd-config-x  ssh-config-x
 elsif (/etc/file1 contains string xyz); then 
   install sshd_config-y  ssh_config-y
 else install sshd_config-z and ssh_config-z.

 So I've got multiple conditions; one for operating systems one for 
 configurations based on the contents of other files.

 Here is my current init.pp I've come up with from the Pro Puppet book.  Is 
 this a good start?  Or do I totally need to scrsp this and restart based on 
 my criteria? 

 class ssh::params {
   case $operatingsystem {
 freebsd: {
   $ssh_package_name = 'openssh'
   $ssh_service_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' 
   $ssh_service_name = 'sshd' 
 /aix: {
   $ssh_package_name = 'openssh-server'
   $ssh_service_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' 
   $ssh_service_name = 'ssh' 
 /(RedHat|CentOS|Fedora)/: {
   $ssh_package_name = 'openssh-server'
   $ssh_service_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' 
   $ssh_service_name = 'sshd' 

 class ssh::install {
   package { $ssh::params::package_name:
 ensure = installed,

 class ssh::config {
   file { /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
 ensure = present,
 owner = 'root',
 group = 'root',
 mode = 0600,
 source = puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config,
 require = Class[ssh::install],
 notify = Class[ssh::service],
   file { /etc/ssh/ssh_config:
 ensure = present,
 owner = 'root',
 group = 'root',
 mode = 0440,
 source = puppet:///modules/ssh/ssh_config,
 require = Class[ssh::install],

 class ssh::service {
   service { $ssh::params::ssh_service_name:
 ensure = running,
 hasstatus = true,
 hasrestart = true,
 enable = true,
 require = Class[ssh::config],

 class ssh
   include ssh::params, ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service

 Here are the configuration files under the file files directory...

 [root@puppet ssh]# find files

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[Puppet Users] Re: SSH Module with multiple conditions

2013-10-24 Thread Daniele Sluijters

One other tip, fully qualify everything to avoid weird behaviour in puppet:

- $::osfamily, not $osfamily
- $::ssh::params, not $ssh::params
- include ::ssh::params, not ssh::params

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 24 October 2013 22:16:00 UTC+2, John wrote:

 I've written and deployed a simple Linux SSH module.  But I need to modify 
 to include support for FreeBSD and AIX.  On top of that, I need to include 
 some conditionals in there that (for example)

 if (/etc/file1 contains string abc) ; then
   install sshd-config-x  ssh-config-x
 elsif (/etc/file1 contains string xyz); then 
   install sshd_config-y  ssh_config-y
 else install sshd_config-z and ssh_config-z.

 So I've got multiple conditions; one for operating systems one for 
 configurations based on the contents of other files.

 Here is my current init.pp I've come up with from the Pro Puppet book.  Is 
 this a good start?  Or do I totally need to scrsp this and restart based on 
 my criteria? 

 class ssh::params {
   case $operatingsystem {
 freebsd: {
   $ssh_package_name = 'openssh'
   $ssh_service_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' 
   $ssh_service_name = 'sshd' 
 /aix: {
   $ssh_package_name = 'openssh-server'
   $ssh_service_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' 
   $ssh_service_name = 'ssh' 
 /(RedHat|CentOS|Fedora)/: {
   $ssh_package_name = 'openssh-server'
   $ssh_service_config = '/etc/ssh/sshd_config' 
   $ssh_service_name = 'sshd' 

 class ssh::install {
   package { $ssh::params::package_name:
 ensure = installed,

 class ssh::config {
   file { /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
 ensure = present,
 owner = 'root',
 group = 'root',
 mode = 0600,
 source = puppet:///modules/ssh/sshd_config,
 require = Class[ssh::install],
 notify = Class[ssh::service],
   file { /etc/ssh/ssh_config:
 ensure = present,
 owner = 'root',
 group = 'root',
 mode = 0440,
 source = puppet:///modules/ssh/ssh_config,
 require = Class[ssh::install],

 class ssh::service {
   service { $ssh::params::ssh_service_name:
 ensure = running,
 hasstatus = true,
 hasrestart = true,
 enable = true,
 require = Class[ssh::config],

 class ssh
   include ssh::params, ssh::install, ssh::config, ssh::service

 Here are the configuration files under the file files directory...

 [root@puppet ssh]# find files

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[Puppet Users] Re: Changes to issue tracking for Puppet projects

2013-10-24 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hey Eric,

I was curious if you could elaborate a bit more on the choice of JIRA. I'm 
currently in the exact opposite spot, migrating away from JIRA to Redmine.

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 24 October 2013 22:18:12 UTC+2, Eric Sorenson wrote:

 We're working on some big changes to our issue-tracking infrastructure. 
 This includes a plan to migrate open issues from Redmine to JIRA for: 
 Puppet, Hiera, Facter, MCollective, PuppetDB, the Forge, and Puppet 
 Enterprise. We're tentatively planning for this change by the end of 2013; 
 I’ll send out communications with specific dates prior to the migration. 

 We’ll actively migrate Redmine bugs that are in-flight for the current 
 releases when the cutover happens.  Following the migration date, new bugs 
 must be submitted in JIRA, though Redmine will remain available as a 
 read-only point of reference.   

 There are a few things you need to know: 
 * Everybody needs to create a new account on JIRA, since we can’t migrate 
 passwords from redmine to jira. 
 * If you were watching redmine bugs to track their progress, you will be 
 notified via email with the new location of the bug in JIRA. You'll need to 
 set yourself up to watch the bug in JIRA with your newly-created account. 
 * Some older issues that we think are obsolete will not be migrated, but 
 if we made a mistake and forgot to include your favorite bug, there will be 
 a link on each Redmine issue where you can migrate it with a single click. 

 Please reply to this thread on puppet-users if you have any questions, 
 concerns, or suggestions about the planned migration from Redmine to JIRA. 


 Eric Sorenson - eric.s...@puppetlabs.com javascript: - freenode 
 #puppet: eric0 
 puppet platform // coffee // techno // bicycles 

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[Puppet Users] Re: What Do You Test

2013-10-21 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Usually there's about million things that can go wrong but ever since 3.x 
I've really had no issue whatsoever with upgrading releases. This was quite 
a bit different from 2.6/2.7 and I think really speaks to the work the QA 
folks at Puppet Labs are trying to do.

That being said, most issues we had actually stemmed from our own code 
base. Things you know you shouldn't have done but did tend to bite you in 
the ass when you least expect it. I've been able to avoid any major issues 
since 3.x by simply having a sane, fairly well tested, code base. Also a 
good tip, don't patch custom things into Puppet or Hiera etc, that will 
break, eventually.

Daniele Sluijters

On Monday, 21 October 2013 20:54:13 UTC+2, Kurt Wall wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 We are working on enhancing our internal testing so we can improve the 
 overall quality of Puppet releases. For example, I am one of two QA 
 engineers assigned full-time to testing Puppet's FOSS stack. I'm seeking 
 your input and experience to help us identify what we're missing and what 
 we can improve. We have an extensive test suite, but there's always room 
 for more testing and for better testing.

 When a new version of Puppet is released, what do you try out before you 
 deploy the it in a production setting? What sorts of behaviors do you test 
 before you unleash a new release on unsuspecting machines and users? To 
 express it differently, what has bitten you in the past when deploying a 
 Puppet release? What makes you wary when installing a new release of Puppet?



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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppet 3.2: add element to array

2013-10-21 Thread Daniele Sluijters

It should be possible to do something like this:

$users = [a,b,c]
$users += [d,e]

Or, $users = [[a,b,c] [d,e]] etc.

Perhaps a better question, what is it you're trying to do, exactly, that 
you need this?

Daniele Sluijters

On Monday, 21 October 2013 20:21:18 UTC+2, Sergey Arlashin wrote:

 Is it possible to add a new element to an array inside puppet manifest ? 
 Something like ruby's array.push('new_element') ? 

 Best regards, 
 Sergey Arlashin

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[Puppet Users] pypuppetdb 0.0.4 / puppetboard 0.0.2

2013-10-15 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hello everyone,

It's been way to long since the release but I finally had some time to sort 
a few things out and release updates to both pypuppetdb and Puppetboard.

For those of you who have no idea what this is about:
 * pypuppetdb is a library to work with the PuppetDB API in Python;
 * Puppetboard is meant as a replacement to Puppet Dashboard leveraging 
PuppetDB through pypuppetdb as its datasource.

New is PuppetDB 1.5 (API v3) compatibility. None of the new features of API 
v3 have been implemented yet, that's going to be the goal for the coming 
weeks but everything that used to be possible with API v2 + Experimental is 
now available over API v3. Because PuppetDB 1.5 dropped the /experimental 
endpoints those have been removed from pypuppetdb too, even for older 
versions of PuppetDB.

Puppetboard has gained a metrics tab and facts now have pretty pie-charts 
as well as an assorted set of small fixes and improvement across the board.

Once pypuppetdb has gained support for all the new features in API v3 there 
are going to be some significant changes to Puppetboard, both in its 
capabilities and the UI. For those of you who will be at Puppet Camp London 
in November, I'm hoping I'll be able to show you at least some of that.

As usual you can get the code from:
 * pypuppetdb: https://github.com/nedap/pypuppetdb or `pip install 
 * puppetboard: https://github.com/nedap/puppetboard

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: PuppetDB 1.5.0 Available

2013-10-01 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Oh goody this looks awesome.

Daniele Sluijters

On Tuesday, 1 October 2013 01:56:49 UTC+2, Chris Price wrote:

 PuppetDB 1.5.0 is now available for download!  This is a new feature 
 release that contains a few bug-fixes as well.

 ## Downloads ## 

 Available in native package format at: 
 http://yum.puppetlabs.com and http://apt.puppetlabs.com 

 Puppet module: 

 Source (same license as Puppet): http://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb/ 

 # Documentation (including how to install): 

 # Issues can be filed at: 

 ##  PuppetDB 1.5.0 Release Notes  ## 

 Notable features and improvements:

 * (#21520) Configuration for soft failure when PuppetDB is unavailable

   This feature adds a new option 'soft_write_failure' to the puppetdb
   configuration.  If enabled the terminus behavior is changed so that if a
   command or write fails, instead of throwing an exception and causing the 
   to stop it will simply log an error to the puppet master log.

 * New v3 query API

   New `/v3` URLs are available for all query endpoints.  The `reports` and
   `events` endpoints, which were previously considered `experimental`, have
   been moved into `/v3`.  Most of the other endpoints are 100% 
   with `/v2`, but now offer additional functionality.  There are few minor
   backwards-incompatible changes, detailed in the comments about individual
   endpoints below.

 * Query paging

   This feature adds a set of new HTTP query parameters that can be used 
 with most
   of the query endpoints (`fact_names`, `facts`, `resources`, `nodes`, 
   `reports`, `event-counts`) to allow paging through large result sets over
   multiple queries.  The available HTTP query parameters are:

  * `limit`: an integer specifying the maximum number of results to
  * `order-by`: a list of fields to sort by, in ascending or descending 
 The legal set of fields varies by endpoint; see the documentation 
 individual endpoints for more info.
  * `offset`: an integer specifying the first result in the result set 
 should be returned.  This can be used in combination with `limit`
 and `order-by` to page through a result set over multiple queries.
  * `include-total`: a boolean flag which, if set, will cause the HTTP 
to contain an `X-Records` header indicating the total number of 
 results that are
available that match the query.  (Mainly useful in combination with 

 * New features available on `events` endpoint

 * The `events` data now contains `file` and `line` fields.  These 
   the location in the manifests where the resource was declared.  They 
   be used as input to an `events` query.
 * Add new `configuration-version` field, which contains the value that 
   supplied during the agent run.
 * New `containing-class` field: if the resource is declared inside of a
   Puppet class, this field will contain the name of that class.
 * New `containment-path` field: this field is an array showing the full
   path to the resource from the root of the catalog (contains an 
   list of names of the classes/types that the resource is contained 
 * New queryable timestamp fields:
 * `run-start-time`: the time (on the agent node) that the run began
 * `run-end-time`: the time (on the agent node) that the run 
 * `report-receive-time`: the time (on the puppetdb node) that the 
 report was received by PuppetDB
 * Restrict results to only include events that occurred in the latest 
   for a given node: `[=, latest-report?, true]`

 * New `event-counts` endpoint

 `v3` of the query API contains a new `event-counts` endpoint, which 
 can be
 used to retrieve count data for an event query.  The basic input to the
 endpoint is an event query, just as you'd provide to the `events` 
 but rather than returning the actual events, this endpoint returns 
 of `successes`, `failures`, `skips`, and `noops` for the events that 
 the query.  The counts may be aggregated on a per-resource, per-class,
 or per-node basis.

 * New `aggregate-event-counts` endpoint

   This endpoint is similar to the `event-counts` endpoint, but rather than
   aggregating the counts on a per-node, per-resource, or per-class basis,
   it returns aggregate counts across your entire population.

 * New `server-time` endpoint

   This endpoint simply returns a timestamp indicating the current time on
   the PuppetDB server.  This can be used as input to time-based

[Puppet Users] Re: [Puppet-dev] Announce: PuppetDB 1.5.0 Available

2013-10-01 Thread Daniele Sluijters
It's not just the Precise packages that are missing. The complete Debian 
suite is missing too, squeeze, wheezy, jessy and sid.

On Tuesday, 1 October 2013 04:59:16 UTC+2, blkperl wrote:

 No packages for precise/raring? Its missing debs for 1.5.0. Lucid seems 


 On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Chris Price 

 PuppetDB 1.5.0 is now available for download!  This is a new feature 
 release that contains a few bug-fixes as well.

 ## Downloads ## 

 Available in native package format at: 
 http://yum.puppetlabs.com and http://apt.puppetlabs.com 

 Puppet module: 

 Source (same license as Puppet): http://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb/ 

 # Documentation (including how to install): 

 # Issues can be filed at: 

 ##  PuppetDB 1.5.0 Release Notes  ## 

 Notable features and improvements:

 * (#21520) Configuration for soft failure when PuppetDB is unavailable

   This feature adds a new option 'soft_write_failure' to the puppetdb
   configuration.  If enabled the terminus behavior is changed so that if a
   command or write fails, instead of throwing an exception and causing 
 the agent
   to stop it will simply log an error to the puppet master log.

 * New v3 query API

   New `/v3` URLs are available for all query endpoints.  The `reports` and
   `events` endpoints, which were previously considered `experimental`, 
   been moved into `/v3`.  Most of the other endpoints are 100% 
   with `/v2`, but now offer additional functionality.  There are few minor
   backwards-incompatible changes, detailed in the comments about 
   endpoints below.

 * Query paging

   This feature adds a set of new HTTP query parameters that can be used 
 with most
   of the query endpoints (`fact_names`, `facts`, `resources`, `nodes`, 
   `reports`, `event-counts`) to allow paging through large result sets 
   multiple queries.  The available HTTP query parameters are:

  * `limit`: an integer specifying the maximum number of results to
  * `order-by`: a list of fields to sort by, in ascending or 
 descending order.
 The legal set of fields varies by endpoint; see the documentation 
 individual endpoints for more info.
  * `offset`: an integer specifying the first result in the result set 
 should be returned.  This can be used in combination with `limit`
 and `order-by` to page through a result set over multiple queries.
  * `include-total`: a boolean flag which, if set, will cause the HTTP 
to contain an `X-Records` header indicating the total number of 
 results that are
available that match the query.  (Mainly useful in combination 
 with `limit`.)

 * New features available on `events` endpoint

 * The `events` data now contains `file` and `line` fields.  These 
   the location in the manifests where the resource was declared. 
  They can
   be used as input to an `events` query.
 * Add new `configuration-version` field, which contains the value 
 that Puppet
   supplied during the agent run.
 * New `containing-class` field: if the resource is declared inside of 
   Puppet class, this field will contain the name of that class.
 * New `containment-path` field: this field is an array showing the 
   path to the resource from the root of the catalog (contains an 
   list of names of the classes/types that the resource is contained 
 * New queryable timestamp fields:
 * `run-start-time`: the time (on the agent node) that the run 
 * `run-end-time`: the time (on the agent node) that the run 
 * `report-receive-time`: the time (on the puppetdb node) that the 
 report was received by PuppetDB
 * Restrict results to only include events that occurred in the latest 
   for a given node: `[=, latest-report?, true]`

 * New `event-counts` endpoint

 `v3` of the query API contains a new `event-counts` endpoint, which 
 can be
 used to retrieve count data for an event query.  The basic input to 
 endpoint is an event query, just as you'd provide to the `events` 
 but rather than returning the actual events, this endpoint returns 
 of `successes`, `failures`, `skips`, and `noops` for the events that 
 the query.  The counts may be aggregated on a per-resource, per-class,
 or per-node basis.

 * New `aggregate-event-counts` endpoint

   This endpoint is similar to the `event-counts` endpoint, but rather than
   aggregating the counts on a 

[Puppet Users] Re: introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-14 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Good catch, I'll get that fixed asap.

Daniele Sluijters

On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 22:36:35 UTC+2, Ellison Marks wrote:

 Er, excuse me, I misspoke. As it is it relies on having python 2.7+, not 3 
 for the formatting. Still, the Redhat family, by default, is still on 2.6.

 On Tuesday, August 13, 2013 12:13:17 PM UTC-7, Ellison Marks wrote:

 So I finally got the time to get this going, and it is indeed, very cool. 
 One hitch though: I grabbed the source from github, and most things seemed 
 to work, but the overview page errored out. It seems that it was using 
 python 3 syntax for it's format strings on line 86 and 88.

 86: 'avg_resources_node': {:10.6f}.format(avg_resources_node['Value']),
 87: 'mean_failed_commands': mean_failed_commands['MeanRate'],
 88: 'mean_command_time': {:10.6f}.format(mean_command_time['MeanRate']),

 I added a 0 to the format specification and it worked  fine

 86: 'avg_resources_node': {0:10.6f}.format(avg_resources_node['Value']),
 87: 'mean_failed_commands': mean_failed_commands['MeanRate'],
 88: 'mean_command_time': 

 On Wednesday, August 7, 2013 5:47:23 AM UTC-7, Daniele Sluijters wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 It’s a lovely grey and rainy day here in the Dutch summer, as good a day 
 as any to release a new little project.

 Its name is Puppetboard and has as aim to replace Puppet Dashboard’s 
 reporting functionality. It does not nor will it include ENC features. It 
 does all this without storing any data itself but querying PuppetDB instead.

 The whole thing is built in Python and relies on Flask and WTForms. The 
 communication logic has been split of in its own library called pypuppetdb 
 which makes heavy use of the requests library. The interface is powered by 
 Twitter Bootstrap with the Flatly theme.

 Though I’ve pushed all the code out and made it public it’s all very 
 young but it works fairly well. However, I’ve committed numerous 
 barbarities in the code just to get things working and to figure out how to 
 handle certain things. For the foreseeable time in the future I’ll be 
 working on cleaning all this up and figuring out what I can do on my side 
 and on PuppetDB’s side to make all this work a little better. Especially 
 when it comes to dealing with big responses from PuppetDB...

 This is the first time I’m open sourcing a project so that too is all 
 new to me. I’d welcome the feedback and if someone feels brave enough even 
 commits on the projects but try and be gentle about it :-). I’ll also be at 
 PuppetConf including the Developer Day so feel free to reach out to me in 

 To the code:

  * puppetboard: https://github.com/nedap/puppetboard

  * pypuppetdb:  https://github.com/nedap/pypuppetdb

 I realise that puppetboard doesn't have a test suite right now but it 
 will soon. In order to do so I have to restructure a few things about it 
 first. The installation documentation will improve with it.

 Pypuppetdb's test suite will be expanding the coming days once I'm done 
 mocking the HTTP requests _query() makes and manage to get a decent and big 
 enough set of test data to feed into PuppetDB. This will allow me to run 
 integration tests and benchmark certain changes I have in mind.

 I’m hoping to be able to get a release out every month with improvements 
 to both projects, perhaps even faster in the beginning but it remains to be 
 seen how much time I’ll be able to spend on it.

 A special thanks goes out to Ken Barber for helping out with all things 
 PuppetDB and coming up with a way to run PuppetDB on Travis so we can run 
 integration tests. Hunter, thank you for being so interested in this 
 project and pushing me to release it.


 Daniele Sluijters

 Nedap | Steppingstone

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[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: PuppetDB 1.4.0 Available

2013-08-12 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Great work! I really like the addition of puppetdb-anonymize, that's going 
to help me out in a few situations.

Daniele Sluijters

On Friday, 9 August 2013 01:59:25 UTC+2, Ken Barber wrote:

 PuppetDB 1.4.0 is now available for download!  This is a new feature 
 release and the start of the 1.4 series of PuppetDB. 

 ## Downloads ## 

 Available in native package format at: 
 http://yum.puppetlabs.com and http://apt.puppetlabs.com 

 Puppet module: 

 Source (same license as Puppet): http://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb/ 

 # Documentation (including how to install): 

 # Issues can be filed at: 

 # See our development board on Trello: 

 ##  PuppetDB 1.4.0 Release Notes  ## 

 Notable features and improvements: 

 * (#21732) Allow SSL configuration based on Puppet PEM files (Chris 
 Price  Ken Barber) 

   This feature introduces some functions for reading keys and 
   certificates from PEM files, and dynamically constructing java 
   KeyStore instances in memory without requiring a .jks file on 

   It also introduces some new configuration options that may 
   be specified in the `jetty` section of the PuppetDB config 
   to initialize the web server SSL settings based on your 
   Puppet PEM files. 

   The tool `puppetdb-ssl-setup` has been modified now to handle these new 
   parameters, but leave legacy configuration alone by default. 

 * (#20801) allow */* wildcard (Marc Fournier) 

   This allows you to use the default Accept: */* header to retrieve JSON 
   documents from PuppetDB without needed the extra Accept: 
   header when using tools such as curl. 

 * (#15369) Terminus for use with puppet apply (Ken Barber) 

   This patch provides a new terminus that is suitable for facts storage 
   with masterless or `puppet apply` usage. The idea is that it acts as a 
   cache terminus, intercepting the first save request and storing the 
   in PuppetDB. 

 * Avoid Array#find in 
 Puppet::Resource::Catalog::Puppetdb#find_resource (Aman Gupta) 

   This patch provides performance improvements in the terminus, during the 
   synthesize_edges stage. For example, in cases with 10,000 resource (with 
   single relationships) we saw a reduction from 83 seconds to 6 seconds 
 for a 
   full Puppet run after this patch was applied. 

 * Portability fixes for OpenBSD (Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse) 

   This series of patches from Jasper improved the scripts in PuppetDB so 
   are more portable to BSD based platforms like OpenBSD. 

 * Initial systemd service files (Niels Abspoel) 

 * Updated spec file for suse support (Niels Abspoel) 

   This change wil make puppetdb rpm building possible on opensuse 
   with the same spec file as redhat. 

 * (#21611) Allow rake commands to be ran on Ruby 2.0 (Ken Barber) 

   This allows rake commands to be ran on Ruby 2.0, for building on Fedora 
   to be made possible. 

 * Add puppetdb-anonymize tool (Ken Barber) 

   This patch adds a new tool 'puppetdb-anonymize' which provides users 
 with a 
   way to anonymize/scrub their puppetdb export files so they can be shared 
   with third parties. 

 * (#21321) Configurable SSL protocols (Deepak Giridharagopal) 

   This patch adds an additional configuration option, `ssl-protocols`, to 
   the `[jetty]` section of the configuration file. This lets users specify 
   the exact list of SSL protocols they wish to support, such as in cases 
   where they're running PuppetDB in an environment with strict standards 
   for SSL usage. 

   If the option is not supplied, we use the default set of protocols 
   enabled by the local JVM. 

 * Create new conn-lifetime setting (Chuck Schweizer  Deepak 

   This creates a new option called `conn-lifetime` that governs how long 
   idle/active connections stick around. 

 * (#19174) Change query parameter to optional for facts  resources (Ken 

   Previously for the /v2/facts and /v2/resources end-point we had 
 documented that 
   the query parameter was required, however a blank query parameter 
 could be used 
   to return _all_ data, so this assertion wasn't quite accurate. However 
   could never really drop the query parameter as it was considered 
 mandatory and 
   without it you would get an error. 

   To align with the need to return all results at times, and the fact that 
   making a query like '/v2/facts?query=' to do such a thing is wasteful, 
 we have 
   decided to drop the mandatory need for the 'query' parameter. 

   This patch allows 'query' to be an optional parameter for /v2/facts 
   by removing the validation check and updating

Re: [Puppet Users] introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-08 Thread Daniele Sluijters

That's awesome, let me know how it goes. I'm not sure how well it will be 
able to handle itself at the scale of your infrastructure but only one way 
to find out!

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 8 August 2013 01:47:07 UTC+2, Erik Dalén wrote:

 Cool stuff will try it out. I think we might have some Python projects at 
 work that would be interested in using the pypuppetdb library as well.

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[Puppet Users] introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-07 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Hello everyone,

It’s a lovely grey and rainy day here in the Dutch summer, as good a day as 
any to release a new little project.

Its name is Puppetboard and has as aim to replace Puppet Dashboard’s 
reporting functionality. It does not nor will it include ENC features. It 
does all this without storing any data itself but querying PuppetDB instead.

The whole thing is built in Python and relies on Flask and WTForms. The 
communication logic has been split of in its own library called pypuppetdb 
which makes heavy use of the requests library. The interface is powered by 
Twitter Bootstrap with the Flatly theme.

Though I’ve pushed all the code out and made it public it’s all very young 
but it works fairly well. However, I’ve committed numerous barbarities in 
the code just to get things working and to figure out how to handle certain 
things. For the foreseeable time in the future I’ll be working on cleaning 
all this up and figuring out what I can do on my side and on PuppetDB’s 
side to make all this work a little better. Especially when it comes to 
dealing with big responses from PuppetDB...

This is the first time I’m open sourcing a project so that too is all new 
to me. I’d welcome the feedback and if someone feels brave enough even 
commits on the projects but try and be gentle about it :-). I’ll also be at 
PuppetConf including the Developer Day so feel free to reach out to me in 

To the code:

 * puppetboard: https://github.com/nedap/puppetboard

 * pypuppetdb:  https://github.com/nedap/pypuppetdb

I realise that puppetboard doesn't have a test suite right now but it will 
soon. In order to do so I have to restructure a few things about it first. 
The installation documentation will improve with it.

Pypuppetdb's test suite will be expanding the coming days once I'm done 
mocking the HTTP requests _query() makes and manage to get a decent and big 
enough set of test data to feed into PuppetDB. This will allow me to run 
integration tests and benchmark certain changes I have in mind.

I’m hoping to be able to get a release out every month with improvements to 
both projects, perhaps even faster in the beginning but it remains to be 
seen how much time I’ll be able to spend on it.

A special thanks goes out to Ken Barber for helping out with all things 
PuppetDB and coming up with a way to run PuppetDB on Travis so we can run 
integration tests. Hunter, thank you for being so interested in this 
project and pushing me to release it.


Daniele Sluijters

Nedap | Steppingstone

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[Puppet Users] Re: introducing puppetboard 0.0.1

2013-08-07 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hi Klavs,

Thanks, I'll think about that. An API that could be used for notifications 
and such was already on my mind. Unfortunately I don't think I can 
currently ask PuppetDB for the statistics you mention but perhaps that can 
be added to PuppetDB.

As far as notifying about failed runs through Nagios, we actually use a 
plugin that checks the report age and its content on every node.

Daniele Sluijters

On Wednesday, 7 August 2013 15:32:48 UTC+2, Klavs Klavsen wrote:

 It seems very cool. Thank you for sharing.

 One thing that I would be missing, before being able to switch (as 
 gathered from screenshots - I haven't tested it yet :) - is the overview of 
 failed, unreported and unresponsive hosts.
 Also - there would need to be a way to query this - just as I currently do 
 from puppet-dashboard (for my nagios monitoring) - so that I can alert when 
 I started getting failed runs etc.

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[Puppet Users] Re: Template with array and nested hash

2013-04-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters

So you have an array containing one or multiple hashes which in turn 
contains an array of rules which are hashes by themselves.

In templates you use erb, so embedded ruby. Therefor you can use just about 
any construct from the Ruby language, including how you can do things with 
Arrays and Hashes.

So, we start:

% @squid_acls.each do |acl| %
  so now we have a loop for the outer part of the array

  # %= acl['comment'] =%
  here we just outputted what comment contained

  % acl['rules']. each do |rule| %
  now we're accessing the contents of the rules key. Since we know it's an 
array you can loop over it 

   acl %= rule['aclname'] =% %= rule['acltype'] =% %= rule['arg'] =%
  % end %
% end %

This probably won't work out of the box like this but it should give you an 
idea on how to get started.

Daniele Sluijters

On Tuesday, 16 April 2013 06:26:25 UTC+2, Matthew Ceroni wrote:

 I have the following 


 As outlined in the above I want to turn the data structure I have into 
 what is outlined in a template. Not sure how to go about accessing and 
 looping over the multiple levels in the data structure.


On Tuesday, 16 April 2013 06:26:25 UTC+2, Matthew Ceroni wrote:

 I have the following 


 As outlined in the above I want to turn the data structure I have into 
 what is outlined in a template. Not sure how to go about accessing and 
 looping over the multiple levels in the data structure.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Generate YARD docs for modulepath

2013-04-11 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I had the same question. I can tell you that just using YARD won't work, 
you'll only get warnings about undocumentable classes.

As far as I can understand, a Handler and Parser will have to be written 
for YARD if we want to use it to document Puppet code. Better even, `puppet 
doc` just needs to get fixed (which could then use YARD once a Handler and 
Parser have been written).

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 11 April 2013 10:56:16 UTC+2, Sven Sporer wrote:

 I know that Puppet 3.1 uses YARD to document the Ruby code (not 
 manifests). The question is if the parser logic for RDOC templates can be 
 used together with YARD:


 Sry for the confusion (and doubleposting).

 Am Donnerstag, 11. April 2013 10:43:15 UTC+2 schrieb Sven Sporer:

 Hi, Puppet 3.1 now uses YARD to generate its API documentation. Is 
 anybody aware of the possibility to generate nice YARD docs for a given 
 module path, replacing the default RDOC-style site from puppet doc 
 --modulepath ...? Could the YARD Template from Puppet 3.1 be used for this?

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[Puppet Users] Puppetlabs APT GPG key

2013-01-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters

I just started getting errors from APT: W: GPG error: 
http://apt.puppetlabs.com squeeze Release: The following signatures were 
invalid: BADSIG 1054B7A24BD6EC30 Puppet Labs Release Key (Puppet Labs 
Release Key) i...@puppetlabs.com

It looks like they keyring was changed yesterday on the APT repository:
keyring.gpg 09-Jan-2013 14:51 2.5K

However, I've yet to see an announcement about this. So, was this actually 
done by Puppet Labs or is something else going on?

Kind regards,

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: Puppetlabs APT GPG key

2013-01-10 Thread Daniele Sluijters

With a bit of help from Haus we figured it out.

The last time our apt-cacher-ng pulled in the apt.puppetabs.com repo 
something went wrong causing a few of the files to go corrupt, triggering 
the validation errors. This then trickled down to all the machines when 
apticron ran an apt-get update.

The solution was to get rid of /var/cache/apt-cacher-ng/apt.puppetlabs.com 
and /var/lib/apt/lists/* (and then recreating /var/lib/apt/lists/partial) 
on the apt-cacher-ng machine. After that, apt-get clean and apt-get update 
were run on the apt-cacher-ng machine. it now pulled in everything 
correctly and everything started working again.

How the issue occurred in the first place still remains a bit of a mystery.

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 10 January 2013 09:02:14 UTC+1, Daniele Sluijters wrote:


 I just started getting errors from APT: W: GPG error: 
 http://apt.puppetlabs.com squeeze Release: The following signatures were 
 invalid: BADSIG 1054B7A24BD6EC30 Puppet Labs Release Key (Puppet Labs 
 Release Key) i...@puppetlabs.com

 It looks like they keyring was changed yesterday on the APT repository:
 keyring.gpg 09-Jan-2013 14:51 2.5K

 However, I've yet to see an announcement about this. So, was this actually 
 done by Puppet Labs or is something else going on?

 Kind regards,

 Daniele Sluijters

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Re: [Puppet Users] passenger used in puppet 3.0?

2012-11-29 Thread Daniele Sluijters
That depends.

If you start Unicorn and make it listen to a Unix socket then no, you'll 
need something in front of it to accept the HTTP connections for you and 
then proxy that to the unicorn socket.

You can also tell Unicorn to bind against an IP, in which case you won't 
need an nginx in front and you can just tell f5 where to find your 

You will, in both cases, need something like God, supervisord or something 
else to check and restart the Puppet Master in case it stops/crashes.

Daniele Sluijters

On Wednesday, 28 November 2012 20:21:35 UTC+1, DJames wrote:

 we have f5's load balancer can it be used instead of Nginx?

 On Wednesday, November 28, 2012 10:30:24 AM UTC-5, jmslagle wrote:

 On 11/28/2012 09:53 AM, DJames wrote: 
  current dev system is using passenger, but production (babystage) is 
  using 3.0 version, and we have 1800+ servers (prod) that will be 
  is passenger the way to go still? 

 I was previously using passenger and just recently switched to using 
 nginx/unicorn.  I like the setup a lot better - I can't really quantify 
 why other than the architecture of the way it does it seems better to 
 me, and getting passenger working was a pain under RHEL6. 

 General instructions here: 


 Some notes: 

 1) I ended up symlinking /etc/puppet to ~puppet/.puppet to fix the issue 
 where puppet master not running as root will not look in the right place 
 for it's config. 

 2) I couldn't find unicorn packages for RHEL - I ended up using gem2rpm 
 and tweaking it to build. 

 3) I used supervisord instead of god because I'm more familiar with it. 
   Again you'll likely need to build packages for it - I just updated the 
 spec here: https://github.com/easel/supervisor-rpm  There's a good 
 puppet module to manage supervisord here: 



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[Puppet Users] Puppet 3 killed my environment variables

2012-10-03 Thread Daniele Sluijters

In Puppet 3 Puppet does its absolute best to make sure $HOME, $USER and 
$LOGNAME environment variables are unset and nowhere to be found. I realise 
this change was necessary because it caused some weird start-up issues with 
Puppet but this also killed our RabbitMQ module.

RabbitMQ is written in Erlang and that thing _requires_ a $HOME to be set 
as it will try to write an erlang-cookie to it and horribly fail and go up 
in flames if it can't. Since Puppet 3 every Exec we have in the RabbitMQ 
module now fails because of this. We've tried changing the command to 
'$HOME=/var/lib/misc/puppet rabbitmqctl do something' but yet again the 
Exec type just nukes the environment too. This being the 'offending' pull 
request which got 

So, short of patching Puppet to not do this or generate static wrappers for 
every rabbitmqctl command which then in turn get called by an Exec, how do 
we solve this? I really don't feel like generating wrappers for every Exec 
that needs one of those environment variables set. I'd actually expect that 
Exec would allow me to explicitly pass in environment variables that I 
really need set in that case but the docs don't seem to know anything about 

Kind regards,

Daniele Sluijters

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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet 3 killed my environment variables

2012-10-03 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Sorry, I got confused between two things. It's not the actual Exec type. 
it's when a provider executes a command that the environment cannot be set.

Daniele Sluijters

On Wednesday, 3 October 2012 15:00:54 UTC+2, Stephen Gran wrote:


 On Wed, 2012-10-03 at 05:45 -0700, Daniele Sluijters wrote: 
  In Puppet 3 Puppet does its absolute best to make sure $HOME, $USER 
  and $LOGNAME environment variables are unset and nowhere to be found. 
  I realise this change was necessary because it caused some weird 
  start-up issues with Puppet but this also killed our RabbitMQ module. 
  RabbitMQ is written in Erlang and that thing _requires_ a $HOME to be 
  set as it will try to write an erlang-cookie to it and horribly fail 
  and go up in flames if it can't. Since Puppet 3 every Exec we have in 
  the RabbitMQ module now fails because of this. We've tried changing 
  the command to '$HOME=/var/lib/misc/puppet rabbitmqctl do something' 
  but yet again the Exec type just nukes the environment too. This being 
  the 'offending' pull request which got 
  So, short of patching Puppet to not do this or generate static 
  wrappers for every rabbitmqctl command which then in turn get called 
  by an Exec, how do we solve this? I really don't feel like generating 
  wrappers for every Exec that needs one of those environment variables 
  set. I'd actually expect that Exec would allow me to explicitly pass 
  in environment variables that I really need set in that case but the 
  docs don't seem to know anything about that. 

 Can you not just set resource defaults like: 

 Exec { 
 environment = HOME=/home/wibble 


 Stephen Gran 
 Senior Systems Integrator - The Guardian 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Getting all variable occurrences from Hiera

2012-08-17 Thread Daniele Sluijters

True, however, that is already the case. A host right now is made up of two 
YAML files. Nevertheless I agree it would be nice to keep all information 
relevant to a specific node contained in its own YAML.

I could easily create something that would just parse the files and 
generate DHCPD and DNS files from them without going through Puppet but 
that defeats the purpose. Plus one'd have to remember to run that code 
before committing.

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 16 August 2012 23:08:26 UTC+2, Alexander Swen wrote:

 I hadn't thought of just separating that information into its own YAML 
 file, that's an interesting solution and one I'll definitely be looking 
 into to.

 But then, information about one host is kept in multiple files and it 
 would be my aim to wrap all specific info for one host into one yaml. so 
 that once you remove the host, you only have to remove that file.
 That yaml file should keep alle the specific params of that host. and 
 every other module should be able to take advantage of that information. 
 This is not only the case for dhcp, but for dns as well. and of course the 
 /etc/network/interfaces file of the host itself.

 And to avoid needless redundancy of information, certain values should be 
 written into that file maximum once. so, the ipaddress for example must not 
 be written in some dns config yaml file as well. and in the hostname.yaml. 
 Should you decide to change the ipaddress, you definitely forget either the 
 bind or the dhcp config.

 I realize that this might lead into a feature req for Hiera. 
 There must simply be a way to tell the dhcp and bind modules to have a 
 look in all hostname.yaml files to collect all ipaddresses and macaddresses 
 and hostnames.

 Best regards,

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[Puppet Users] Re: brew and macosx and puppet

2012-08-17 Thread Daniele Sluijters

The problem is that you're running 'brew install nginx' as root, since 
Puppet runs as root.

If you run that command as root on a console it will tell you:

9:35:11 r...@chell.portal.daenney.net ~ brew install nginx
Cowardly refusing to `sudo brew install'

And it exists with an exitcode of:
9:35:14 r...@chell.portal.daenney.net ~ echo $? 
  1 ↵

So, unless you can run that command as the actual user that owns the brew 
installation this just won't work.

Daniele Sluijters

On Friday, 17 August 2012 09:20:53 UTC+2, Dan wrote:

 any hints on installing a package through the 'brew' provider on macosx?


 exec { brew_install_nginx:
 command = /usr/local/bin/brew install nginx,
 creates = /usr/local/sbin/nginx,
 path= /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin,
 user = push,

 brew install nginx works from the command line, outside of puppet


 $ ls /usr/local/sbin/nginx
 ls: /usr/local/sbin/nginx: No such file or directory
 $ /opt/bin/contact_puppet_server.sh 
 info: Retrieving plugin
 info: Caching catalog for dev.push.am
 info: Applying configuration version '1345186944'
 err: /Stage[main]/Nginx::Install/Exec[brew_install_nginx]/returns: change 
 from notrun to 0 failed: /usr/local/bin/brew install nginx returned 1 
 instead of one of [0] at /etc/puppet/modules/nginx/manifests/install.pp:23 

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[Puppet Users] Re: Installing puppet-dashboard on ubuntu precise

2012-08-17 Thread Daniele Sluijters

Are you sure there's no rack 1.3.5 somewhere around your system? If there 
is it is probably found in the $RUBYLIBDIR path before the one installed 
from gem so you're still seeing the error.

If not, then it's getting interesting...

Daniele Sluijters

On Wednesday, 15 August 2012 07:17:38 UTC+2, Sam Morrison wrote:


 I'm trying to install dashboard on precise and I get the below error.
 I'm using the latest version that is available in the puppet apt 
 repository. The package rdoc is installed (it's just a virtual package 
 pointing to ruby)

 Are there some other missing dependencies that the package doesn't specify?
 I don't know ruby that well so finding it hard to debug.

 Also it's well after 2011-11-01 is that a problem too?


 root@admin:/usr/share/puppet-dashboard# rake RAILS_ENV=production 
 db:migrate --trace
 NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be 
 removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem.source_index called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#initialize is deprecated with no replacement. It 
 will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#initialize called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after

[Puppet Users] Re: Custom types in environments working .... yes/no/maybe ?

2012-08-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters

We've ran into the same problem. Our current solution, which we're not 
happy about, is to also have the custom types on the master/production 
environment. Doing that at least the custom types are always available. 
Unfortunately, it makes it impossible to deploy an update of a custom type 
to a branch/environment for testing.

Daniele Sluijters

On Wednesday, 15 August 2012 19:06:03 UTC+2, Douglas wrote:

 My issue may be related to this bug: 


 Custom types in environments require loading into master's libdir 

 However, now I'm not so sure, This was working previously with a given 
 client.  However, after trying on a fresh client, it's failing with: 

 err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Could not find a 
 default provider for logical_volume 

 The server seems to have the files: 

 And so does the client: 

 pluginsync=true in /etc/puppet/puppet.conf. Using multiple 
 environments and puppet 2.7.1. 



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[Puppet Users] Getting all variable occurrences from Hiera

2012-08-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters

We've been using Hiera for a while and one of the things I'd like to do is 
use the data we have in the YAML backend and generate our BIND zonefiles 
and DHCPD.conf from it.

Every node has a stanza defined with it's 'primary' IP-address and 
MAC-address like so:
  - ip:
  - mac_address: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

Based on that information and the YAML file it was found in (so the node in 
our case) I'd like to generate a dhcpd.conf like this:

host hostname(.yaml) {
  fixed-address: m_interface[ip]
  hardware ethernet: m_interface[mac_address]

Now, this can be done for a single node, however, I need a way to get that 
information for every node. As far as I understand both hiera_hash and 
hiera_array only walk the hierarchy upwards, not outwards (which is usually 
what you want anyway).

I'm looking for something like a hiera_all that would return a hash with 
the node name as key and value the m_interface stanza for that node.

At this point I'm not even sure this can be done so, anyone got any bright 

Kind regards,

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: Installing puppet-dashboard on ubuntu precise

2012-08-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters

The issue is probably that the Puppet package is requiring librack-ruby. In 
the case of Debian Squeeze this neatly resolves to 1.1.0 and there are no 

Dashboard should be fixed to work with more recent versions of Rack though 
as Wheezy ships with 1.4.1 so the issue will be more prominent.

What you can try for now is to uninstall the Ubuntu package and grab the 
Debian librack-ruby and install that through dpkg. It's probably going to 
want to upgrade librack-ruby the next time you run apt-get upgrade so you 
might have to hold the package if you go down this road.

The issues are caused by endor/rails/railties/lib/rails/gem_depedency.rb 
and vendor_gem_source_index.rb that use deprecated functions. The fix 
should be fairly simple but someone actually has to get up and do it.

The issue is being tracked in http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/9296 so 
I suggest you update that ticket.

Daniele Sluijters

On Wednesday, 15 August 2012 07:17:38 UTC+2, Sam Morrison wrote:


 I'm trying to install dashboard on precise and I get the below error.
 I'm using the latest version that is available in the puppet apt 
 repository. The package rdoc is installed (it's just a virtual package 
 pointing to ruby)

 Are there some other missing dependencies that the package doesn't specify?
 I don't know ruby that well so finding it hard to debug.

 Also it's well after 2011-11-01 is that a problem too?


 root@admin:/usr/share/puppet-dashboard# rake RAILS_ENV=production 
 db:migrate --trace
 NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be 
 removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem.source_index called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#initialize is deprecated with no replacement. It 
 will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#initialize called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01.
 Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec called from 
 NOTE: Gem::SourceIndex#add_spec is deprecated, use Specification.add_spec. 
 It will be removed

[Puppet Users] Re: Custom types in environments working .... yes/no/maybe ?

2012-08-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters
I'm afraid I don't completely agree there. One of the benefits of 
environments is that it allows you to completely separate a change for a 
module/extension into a separate environment, without needing a separate 
master, SSL CA and so forth.

As far as the point to not exposing the production master to untested code, 
fair enough. I guess there's a chance that untested Ruby code in a 
different environment could crash the master. Then again, I'll probably 
notice that about 10 seconds after deploying the actual code and if an 
agent can't check in for a few minutes that's not necessarily a problem.

The point that we would be able to test Puppet extensions without putting 
them into production is moot really if Puppet would actually bother to load 
extensions from a environment specific libdir. There's plenty of ways to 
work around the fact that extensions in environments don't really work as 
one would expect them to but, that really ought be fixed in the first 
place, or environments removed all together. In it's current state the 
behaviour is slightly unspecified.

The patch suggested in the ticket seems reasonable enough though I'm 
guessing one would have to tell Puppet its libdir now looks like 
/var/lib/puppet/master/lib/%= environment % for it to work.

On Thursday, 16 August 2012 16:37:10 UTC+2, jcbollinger wrote:

 On Thursday, August 16, 2012 3:26:23 AM UTC-5, Daniele Sluijters wrote:


 We've ran into the same problem. Our current solution, which we're not 
 happy about, is to also have the custom types on the master/production 
 environment. Doing that at least the custom types are always available. 
 Unfortunately, it makes it impossible to deploy an update of a custom type 
 to a branch/environment for testing.

 For what it's worth, I would recommend using an entirely separate Puppet 
 process for testing.  If you like, it can run on the same server, but a 
 different port.  That would have several advantages for you, among them

- you would be able to test modifications to your Puppet extensions 
without putting them into production
- you would be able to test how changes apply to and affect your 
various environments (or if you use environments only for this purpose, 
then you could drop them altogether)
- your production master would not be exposed to any unproven code
- it would fit in more intuitively (to me) with source control, 
branches, etc.


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[Puppet Users] Re: Getting all variable occurrences from Hiera

2012-08-16 Thread Daniele Sluijters

We already used stored configs but we can't use it for DHCP and DNS because 
those records need to be created before the node actually syncs for the 
first time, even before it's installed with an OS to begin with.

I hadn't thought of just separating that information into its own YAML 
file, that's an interesting solution and one I'll definitely be looking 
into to.

Daniele Sluijters

On Thursday, 16 August 2012 10:37:23 UTC+2, Daniele Sluijters wrote:


 We've been using Hiera for a while and one of the things I'd like to do is 
 use the data we have in the YAML backend and generate our BIND zonefiles 
 and DHCPD.conf from it.

 Every node has a stanza defined with it's 'primary' IP-address and 
 MAC-address like so:
   - ip:
   - mac_address: aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

 Based on that information and the YAML file it was found in (so the node 
 in our case) I'd like to generate a dhcpd.conf like this:

 host hostname(.yaml) {
   fixed-address: m_interface[ip]
   hardware ethernet: m_interface[mac_address]

 Now, this can be done for a single node, however, I need a way to get that 
 information for every node. As far as I understand both hiera_hash and 
 hiera_array only walk the hierarchy upwards, not outwards (which is usually 
 what you want anyway).

 I'm looking for something like a hiera_all that would return a hash with 
 the node name as key and value the m_interface stanza for that node.

 At this point I'm not even sure this can be done so, anyone got any bright 

 Kind regards,

 Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] hooking NewRelic into Puppet agent

2012-08-07 Thread Daniele Sluijters
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to hook NewRelic into the Puppet agent. Why? Because I'm pretty 
positive at this point that the metrics Dashboard reports are not accurate 
/ incomplete and I can't really split out those metrics in stuff like 
'which commands take too long' or 'how long am I waiting on the network' 
and so forth.

Now, I've been able to hook NewRelic into the Puppet agent by changing 
/usr/bin/puppet to look like this:

 require 'rubygems'
 require 'newrelic_rpm'
 require 'new_relic/agent/instrumentation/controller_instrumentation'
 include NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation
 perform_action_with_newrelic_trace(:name = PuppetAgentRun: 
 #{`hostname`}, :category = :task) do
   require 'puppet/util/command_line'

This (and a newrelic.yml) gets me some basic information in NewRelic's 
Background Tasks showing data like this:

Category Segment % Time Avg calls (per task call) Avg time (ms)
 OtherTransaction Object/PuppetAgentRun: nl12s0020 50.2 1.0 28,540
 External Net::HTTP[nl14s0008-vm5.healthcare.nedap.local]: POST 37.1 2.0 
 External Net::HTTP[nl14s0008-vm5.healthcare.nedap.local]: GET 8.8 190 
 External Net::HTTP[nl14s0008-vm5.healthcare.nedap.local]: PUT 3.8 2.0 
 External Net::HTTP[nl14s0008-vm5.healthcare.nedap.local]: HEAD 0.1 2.0 

Though interesting it still doesn't tell me much so I want to do something 
like this:

 require 'puppet/configurer/downloader'
 Puppet::Configurer::Downloader.class_eval do
   include NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer
   add_method_tracer :evaluate

However, this is where it goes wrong. At that point, agents start 

 /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/indirector.rb:6: uninitialized constant Puppet 
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/ssl/host.rb:1
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/network/http_pool.rb:1
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/configurer.rb:4
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/configurer/downloader.rb:1
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in 
 from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in `require'
 from /usr/bin/puppet:9

Now, one would think that a 'require puppet' would fix it but then 
everything breaks with errors like this:

 err: /Stage[main]/Ntp/File[/etc/ntp.conf]: Could not evaluate: Could not 
 retrieve information from environment production source(s) 
 puppet:///modules/ntp/ntp.conf at 

This goes on and on and causes failed runs, so we tried stuff like 'require 
puppet/util' or 'require puppet/util/plugin' but eventually we always end 
up with a  error similar to:

 uninitialized constant Puppet (NameError)

It would seem that Puppet code loads a lot of stuff itself instead of 
letting Ruby handle it and at this point I'm at a loss. How do I hook into 
Puppet classes and functions in a way that doesn't break the agent and 
allows me / NewRelic to see what is going on?

Kind  regards,

Daniele Sluijters

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[Puppet Users] Re: Announce: PuppetDB 0.9.2 Available

2012-07-13 Thread Daniele Sluijters

We just got hit with the same problem on Debian Squeeze:
java version 1.6.0_18
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.8.13) (6b18-1.8.13-0+squeeze2)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode)

Daniele Sluijters

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