[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-08 Thread jack . jansen
> The advantage to users of keeping the languages the same is that readers of 
> your code don’t have to learn two disparate syntaxes to make sense of what 
> they’re reading.  One of Python’s enduring strengths has been its 
> readability. 

Agreed. But if the little language is (a) clearly flagged and (b) has a 
different domain I think this is much less of a problem. I don’t think 
f-strings are seen as a problem, far from it, because they’re clearly flagged. 
That’s why I suggested t-strings. And while from a Python parser point-of-view 
the grammar of current type expressions are the same as the grammar of other 
Python code I think that for human readers this is not the case: there’s a lot 
of square brackets but nothing is being indexed, to name one major readability 


> Using the same syntax may have some benefits for language implementors (e.g. 
> less complex grammar to implement), but I don’t really see these benefits for 
> language users.
> As an example, and I don’t know if this has been discussed before, I think a 
> pretty neat syntax construct for optional argument would be (like, for 
> instance, in Kotlin):
> def f(x: int? = None): ...

I introduced the t-strings specifically because I think it would be beneficial 
to have the little language a clearly flagged and have as little interaction 
with “normal” Python as possible. Your example here works fine for Optional, 
and looks pretty understandable if you know C# (or apparently Kotlin), but it 
doesn’t solve all the other problems with readability. And I think you’ll 
quickly run out of constructs once you try to fix more problems if you don’t 
want to clash with existing Python syntax…

Jack Jansen, , http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

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[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-08 Thread jack . jansen

On 8 Jan 2022, at 23:05, Skip Montanaro  wrote:

>> ... make sense of what they’re reading.
> Some of us have that problem with type-embellished code now. I'm not sure a 
> little language would be such a bad idea. 🤔 Fortunately, my relationship to 
> the working world allows me to simply ignore explicit typing. 😉

Yeah, that was my take too, until about a year ago.

In the last year I’ve contributed mods to two packages that were rejected 
because I hadn’t provided typing (and black formatting, but that’s a different 
subject). I’ve reluctantly done so. And while I *hated* it because of the 
unreadability I _do_ like the outcome: I changed some of the APIs because they 
were doing things “my way”, but that was really pretty impossible to explain to 
the typing system. The modified APIs are arguably cleaner.

I’m not yet at the point where I’m going to type all the packages and other 
stuff I maintain, but I _am_ contemplating doing it, eventually, maybe, if I 
find the time, procrastination willing, …. 
Jack Jansen, , http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

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[Python-Dev] Re: Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-08 Thread jack . jansen
Indeed, there needs to be a way to get back and forth from the little typing 
language to Python and back.

That’s why I suggested the t-string format: in analogy to f-strings you could 
use {expression} constructs in there that would be evaluated in the normal 
Python environment (and syntax).

For the sake of argument lets assume for now that the little language uses
-  a : b to be equivalent to Mapping[a, b]
- [a] to be Sequence[a]
- (a, b) being Tuple[a, b] 
- (a, b) -> c being Callable,
- *a being Iterable[a]
- ?a being Optional[a]

Then your example would become something like

T = TypeVar(’T’)
Data = t’str : [(int, T)]’
Factory = t’(int, *str) -> ?[Data(T)]’

And note that I’m making up the syntax as I’m typing. Maybe it’s much better to 
use keywords (like optional, iterable) in stead of symbols).
Jack Jansen, , http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

> On 8 Jan 2022, at 11:32, Serhiy Storchaka  wrote:
> 08.01.22 01:59, jack.jan...@cwi.nl пише:
>>> If I can make a wild suggestion: why not create a little language for
>>> type specifications?
> We need a way to define aliases. For example, write:
> Data = Mapping[str, Sequence[Tuple[int, T]]]
> Factory = Callable[[int, Iterable[str]], Optional[list[Data[T
> def get_foo_factory(type: str, id: int) -> Factory[Foo]: ...
> instead of
> def get_foo_factory(type: str, id: int) -> Callable[[int,
> Iterable[str]], Optional[list[Mapping[str, Sequence[Tuple[int,
> Foo]]: ...
> ___
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[Python-Dev] Suggestion: a little language for type definitions

2022-01-07 Thread jack . jansen
I posted this suggestion earlier in the callable type syntax discussion, at 
which point it was completely ignored. Possibly because it’s a really stupid 
idea, but let me post it again on the off chance that it isn’t a stupid idea 
but was overlooked. 

> If I can make a wild suggestion: why not create a little language for type 
> specifications?
> If you look at other programming languages you’ll see that the “type 
> definition sub-language” is often completely different from the “execution 
> sub-language”, with only some symbols in common and used in vaguely related 
> ways.  `bool (*myfuncptr)(int, float*)` uses a completely different set of 
> syntactic rules than `rv = (*myfunptr)(*myintptr, &myfloat)`. So with some 
> grains of salt you could say that C is comprised of a declarative typing 
> sublanguage and an imperative execution sublanguage.

And an even better example is Pascal, which uses a set of syntactic constructs 
for typing that are completely different from the execution statement syntax: 
`var a : array[1..10] of real` looks very different from `a[1]`, where C `float 
a[10]` looks pretty similar to `a[10]`.

The next bit of my original email is another wild idea, the previous bit 
doesn’t depend on it really. I can imagine completely different ways of doing a 
typing sublanguage:

> Python typing uses basically a subset of the execution expression syntax as 
> its declarative typing language.
> What if we created a little language that is clearly flagged, for example as 
> t”….” or t’….’? Then we could simply define the typestring language to be 
> readable, so you could indeed say t”(int, str) -> bool”. And we could even 
> allow escapes (similar to f-strings) so that the previous expression could 
> also be specified, if you really wanted to, as t”{typing.Callable[[int, str], 
> bool}”.

Jack Jansen, , http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: RFC on Callable Type Syntax

2021-10-11 Thread jack . jansen
If I can make a wild suggestion: why not create a little language for type 

If you look at other programming languages you’ll see that the “type definition 
sub-language” is often completely different from the “execution sub-language”, 
with only some symbols in common and used in vaguely related ways.  `bool 
(*myfuncptr)(int, float*)` uses a completely different set of syntactic rules 
than `rv = (*myfunptr)(*myintptr, &myfloat)`. So with some grains of salt you 
could say that C is comprised of a declarative typing sublanguage and an 
imperative execution sublanguage.

Python typing uses basically a subset of the execution expression syntax as its 
declarative typing language.

What if we created a little language that is clearly flagged, for example as 
t”….” or t’….’? Then we could simply define the typestring language to be 
readable, so you could indeed say t”(int, str) -> bool”. And we could even 
allow escapes (similar to f-strings) so that the previous expression could also 
be specified, if you really wanted to, as t”{typing.Callable[[int, str], bool}”.


> On 7 Oct 2021, at 18:41, S Pradeep Kumar  wrote:
> Hello all,
> Typing-sig has been discussing user-friendly syntax for the type used to 
> represent callables. [1] Since this affects the Python language syntax, we 
> wanted to get some high-level feedback from you before putting up a detailed 
> PEP.
> TL;DR: We want to propose syntax for Callable types, e.g., `(int, str) -> 
> bool` instead of `typing.Callable[[int, str], bool]`. Questions: 1. Are there 
> concerns we need to keep in mind about such a syntax change? 2. Should we 
> propose syntax for additional features in the same PEP or in a future PEP?
> # Motivation
> Guido has pointed out that `Callable` is one of the most frequently used type 
> forms but has the least readable syntax. For example, say we have a callback 
> `formatter` that accepts a record and a list of permissions:
> ```python
> def print_purchases(
> user,
> formatter,  # <-- callback
> ):
> <...>
> output = formatter(record, permissions)
> print(output)
> ```
> To give it a type, we currently have to write:
> ```python
> from typing import Callable
> def print_purchases(
> user: User,
> formatter: Callable[[PurchaseRecord, List[AuthPermission]], 
> FormattedItem]  # Hard to read.
> ) -> None:
> <...>
> output = formatter(record, permissions)
> print(output)
> ```
> `Callable` can be hard to understand for new users since it doesn't resemble 
> existing function signatures and there can be multiple square brackets. It 
> also requires an import from `typing`, which is inconvenient. Around 40% of 
> the time [2], users just give up on precisely typing the parameters and 
> return type of their callbacks and just leave it as a blank Callable. In 
> other cases, they don't add a type for their callback at all. Both mean that 
> they lose the safety guarantees from typing and leave room for bugs.
> We believe that adding friendly syntax for Callable types will improve 
> readability and encourage users to type their callbacks more precisely. Other 
> modern, gradually-typed languages like TypeScript (JS), Hack (PHP), etc. have 
> special syntax for Callable types.
> (As a precedent, PEP 604 recently added clean, user-friendly syntax for the 
> widely-used `Union` type. Instead of importing `Union` and writing `expr: 
> Union[AddExpr, SubtractExpr], we can just write `expr: AddExpr | 
> SubtractExpr`.)
> # Proposal and Questions
> We have a two-part proposal and questions for you:
> 1. Syntax to replace Callable
> After a lot of discussion, there is strong consensus in typing-sig about 
> adding syntax to replace Callable. So, the above example would be written as:
> ```python
> def print_purchases(
> user: User,
> formatter: (PurchaseRecord, List[AuthPermission]) -> FormattedItem,
> ) -> None:
> <...>
> output = formatter(record, permissions)
> print(output)
> ```
> This feels more natural and succinct. 
> Async callbacks currently need to be written as 
> ```
> from typing import Callable
> async_callback: Callable[[HttpRequest], Awaitable[HttpResponse]]
> ```
> With the new syntax, they would be written as 
> ```
> async_callback: async (HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse
> ```
> which again seems more natural. There is similar syntax for the type of 
> decorators that pass on *args and **kwargs to the decorated function.
> Note that we considered and rejected using a full def-signature syntax like 
> (record: PurchaseRecord, permissions: List[AuthPermission], /) -> 
> FormattedItem
> because it would be more verbose for common cases and could lead to subtle 
> bugs; more details in [3].
> The Callable type is also usable as an expression, like in type aliases 
> `IntOperator = (int, int) -> int` and `cast((int) -> int, f)` calls.
> **Question 1**: Are

[Python-Dev] Re: Worried about Python release schedule and lack of stable C-API

2021-09-26 Thread jack . jansen

> On 26 Sep 2021, at 04:09, MRAB  wrote:
> On 2021-09-26 00:14, jack.jan...@cwi.nl wrote:
>> I think we really need to come up with some scheme whereby extension 
>> packages become more long-lived than a single Python release...
> You mean, something like the Python ABI (PEP 384, Stable Application Binary 
> Interface)?

And Steven D”Aprano also mentioned the stable ABI.

The problem with the stable ABI is that very few developers are targeting it. 
I’m not sure why not, whether it has to do with incompleteness of the ABI, or 
with issues targeting it easily and your builds and then having pip/PyPI do the 
right things with wheels and all that. I’ve been on the capi-sig mailing list 
since its inception in 2007, but the discussions are really going over my head. 
I don’t understand what the problems are that keep people from targeting the 
stable ABI (or the various other attempts at standardising extensions over 
Python versions).

> On 26 Sep 2021, at 06:21, Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> Do you have a reason to think that it is in danger in some way? Some 
> factor that didn't apply equally in 2001 and 2011 as it does in 2021?

Yes, very much so. Wheels.

Before we had wheels there were very few packages that were distributed in 
binary form, the NumPy family and the various GUI toolkits are the only ones 
that come to mind, and they had very active developer communities that tracked 
Python releases.

Wheels are absolutely wonderful, but the downside is that everyone has come to 
depend on them. Before wheels, extension modules were often optional, in that 
many packages would provide their basic functionality in pure Python, and then 
have some performance-enhancing or functionality-extending optional extension 
modules. Wheels have obviated the need for that. So now everything depends on 
extension modules (and on external packages that depend on extension modules, 
and so on).
Jack Jansen, , http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Re: Worried about Python release schedule and lack of stable C-API

2021-09-26 Thread jack . jansen

> On 26 Sep 2021, at 05:49, Nathaniel Smith  wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 5:40 PM  wrote:
>> PyPI packages and wheels are targeted to specific Python versions, which 
>> means that any project that depends on some of the larger extension packages 
>> (of which there are many, and many of which are must-have for many projects) 
>> now start lagging Python versions by years, because somewhere deep down in 
>> the dependency graph there is something that is still stuck at Python 3.8 
>> (for example).
> Can you give some examples of the packages you're thinking of, that
> are prominent/must-have and stuck on years-old Pythons?

Open3D is an example. Will finally move to Python 3.9 some time the coming 
month. Its dependency graph contains about 70 other packages.

In this specific case, the underlying problem was that TensorFlow was stuck at 
3.8. The TensorFlow codebase got ported in November 2020, then released early 
2021. Then Open3D included the new Tensorflow (plus whatever else needed to be 
adapted) in their codebase in May. They’re now going through their release 
schedule, and their 0.14 release should be up on PyPI soon. 

Jack Jansen, , http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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[Python-Dev] Worried about Python release schedule and lack of stable C-API

2021-09-25 Thread jack . jansen
I’m getting increasingly worried about the future of Python, and those worries 
have been exacerbated by the new yearly release rhythm, and the lack of a 
stable C-API that is full enough to entice extension writers to use it.

PyPI packages and wheels are targeted to specific Python versions, which means 
that any project that depends on some of the larger extension packages (of 
which there are many, and many of which are must-have for many projects) now 
start lagging Python versions by years, because somewhere deep down in the 
dependency graph there is something that is still stuck at Python 3.8 (for 
example). I fully understand that 3.8 is good enough for the developers of that 
package, and that they have more pressing things to do than porting to 3.9 or 
3.10, but it now keeps any project or package that depends on their software on 
3.8 as well.

And I also fully understand that some other developer who creates a new package 
that is essential to my application only targets the current Python release, or 
maybe one release back, but now if I need both the new package and and older 
one I’m up the well-known creek without a paddle.

Building packages from source has become pretty much impossible nowadays, 
especially if your project is multi-platform and needs to interface to specific 
hardware, and you want to do the right thing with CI/CD builds and all that. On 
Linux/MacOS you have a chance when you try to specify all the dependencies for 
third party libraries and what not, but on Windows you’re dead in the water. 
And that is assuming you have the time and are smart enough to back port the 
new package to the old Python release, or the old package to the new Python 
release (and for the latter there’s probably a good reason why the developers 
haven’t done so already). Before you know it you have to install a couple of 
graphics card APIs for some obscure AI feature used by something you’ve never 
heard of, Cython for something else, and obscure vendor libraries for something 
else again.

I think we really need to come up with some scheme whereby extension packages 
become more long-lived than a single Python release...
Jack Jansen, , http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman

Python-Dev mailing list -- python-dev@python.org
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Re: [Python-Dev] Tracker cleanup report

2009-02-16 Thread Jack Jansen

On  16-Feb-2009, at 20:40 , Daniel (ajax) Diniz wrote:

There are about 20 Mac-related, 24 invalid/outdated and four IRIX
issues on the 'will be closed unless someone voices disagreement'
queue, so we have a good chance of totaling a hundred closed issues in
ten days.

I had a cursory look at these issues as they came by, and I didn't see  
any that struck me as still being relevant.

Jack Jansen, , http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-3000] New proposition for Python3 bytes filename issue

2008-09-30 Thread Jack Jansen

On  1-Oct-2008, at 00:32 , Martin v. Löwis wrote:

How does windows (and Python on windows) handle NFC versus NFD  

That's left to the application.

Can I have two files called "ümlaut.txt", one in NFD and one NFC  

Yes, you can. It sounds confusing, but only in a theoretical way. You
never have combining characters on Windows (at least, I don't). The
keyboard input defaults to NFC, and users normally don't type file
names, anyways, except when creating the files - later, they just use
the mouse to indicate what file they want to act on.

And are both of those representable on the Python side (i.e. can they
both be returned from listdir() and passed to open())?


CIf I compare
these two filenames, do they compare differently?


Actually, that all sounds pretty non-confusing to me:-)

So, normal users will always have the one form, and if by chance they  
get the other form they can still use the file. Also from Python, even  
when doing listdir() and then open(), everything will work just as  
expected. That there are two files that have a similar visual  
representation is not too bad, the same happens with ellipses versus  
dot-dot-dot and many other cases.

Which means the only problem area left is unix filesystems (whether on  
Linux or mounted remotely on MacOS or whatever), where filenames are  
really byte strings with only / and nul illegal.

Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-3000] New proposition for Python3 bytes filename issue

2008-09-30 Thread Jack Jansen

On  30-Sep-2008, at 23:42 , Martin v. Löwis wrote:

It's the other way 'round: On Windows, Unicode file names are the
natural choice, and byte strings have limitations. In a sense, Windows
got it right - but then, they started later. Unix missed the  

of declaring that all file APIs are UTF-8 (except for Plan-9 and OS X,
neither being "true" Unix).

How does windows (and Python on windows) handle NFC versus NFD issues?  
Can I have two files called "ümlaut.txt", one in NFD and one NFC form?  
And are both of those representable on the Python side (i.e. can they  
both be returned from listdir() and passed to open())? CIf I compare  
these two filenames, do they compare differently?

Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Filename as byte string in python 2.6 or 3.0?

2008-09-29 Thread Jack Jansen
I'm a bit late to join in this discussion, but if unicode filenames  
are going to be the normal mode, how about this whole normalized/ 
canonical business?

This is a headache that has shown up on the Mac a couple of times,  
because MacOS prefers filenames to be NFC, whereas Python prefers its  
Unicode to be NFD (or the other way around, I keep forgetting the  

To make the problem worse, even though MacOS prefers its filenames in  
the one form, it will allow filenames in the other form (which can  
happen if you mount a foreign filesystem, for example over the net).  
The fact that "incorrect" filenames can exist mean that the simple  
solution of converting NFC<->NFD in Python's open() and friends won't  
work (or, at least, it'll make some filenames inaccessible, and  
listdir() may return filenames that don't exist).

Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Pydotorg] Should we help pythonmac.org?

2008-08-19 Thread Jack Jansen

On  19-Aug-2008, at 19:28 , Bill Janssen wrote:

My understanding is that if there is a system Python, you shouldn't
change it.  Ever.

Huge, big, honkin' +1 from me on that.  Besides, for a system Python,
you want your distribution to manage packages, not setuptools,
otherwise you confuse -- and probably break -- your system.

I find this discussion fascinating.  I install new packages into my
system Python all the time, with "/usr/bin/python setup.py install",
and that includes setuptools.  I've got PIL, ReportLab, Twisted, Xlib,
appscript, docutils, email-4.0.1, fuse, PyLucene, medusa, mutagen,
roman, setuptools, and SSL installed in the Leopard machine I'm
writing from.  They don't wind up in
/System/Library/.../site-packages/, they wind up in
/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages/, which is sort of the right place,
from an Apple point of view.  I do this on lots of Macs -- I've got a
regular posse of them at work.  And I've never had any problems with

Same here: if have yet to see adverse consequences of installing third  
party packages into system Python. And now that Apple is distributing  
fairly current versions of things like PyObjC there's even little  
reason to build my own copy of Python. I have one on disk, but I find  
that I use the system Python for almost everything.

Fink (and to a lesser extent MacPorts) I don't touch with a 10 feet  
pole: too often I've created software for distribution only to find  
that it somehow, behind my back, was linked against a dynamic library  
that I had installed locally through it.

Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] New syntax for 'dynamic' attribute access

2007-02-12 Thread Jack Jansen

On 12-feb-2007, at 0:45, Ben North wrote:

>self.(method_name) = self.metadata.(method_name)

I like the functionality, but I don't like the syntax, to me it looks  
too much like a method call.

To me self.[method_name] = self.metadata.[method_name] looks better:  
what we're doing here is more like dictionary lookup than calling  
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] file(file)

2007-01-12 Thread Jack Jansen

On  12-Jan-2007, at 19:01 , Guido van Rossum wrote:

On 1/12/07, A.M. Kuchling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Many types in Python are idempotent, so that int(1) works
as expected, float(2.34)==2.34, ''.join('hello')=='hello'
et cetera.

I'm not sure I understand the use case; I don't believe I've ever felt
the need for this.

I have oodles of routines of the form
def foo(thefile):
if type(thefile) == str: thefile = open(thefile)
if not hasattr(thefile, 'read'): thefile = open(thefile)
or something similar.

We should also consider the semantics in more detail. Should the seek
position be shared between the two objects? What about buffering?

That's definitely the hard part. But it's somewhat similar to  
"normal" mutable objects which are (I think always, right?) shallow  
copied when used in a constructor.

Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

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Re: [Python-Dev] Renaming Include/object.h

2007-01-03 Thread Jack Jansen

On 3-Jan-2007, at 23:17 , Gregory P. Smith wrote:
> +1   on using the python/*.h subdirectory.

I'm a bit concerned about the "python/*.h": could it cause trouble in  
combination with Apple's framework naming convention (#include  
 magically gets the header out of the  
quicktime framework) and the case-insensitiveness of the Mac filesystem?

#include "python/blabla.h"
always find that file along the -I paths, and not somehow  
accidentally start looking for /Library/Framework/Python.framework/ 
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python and the Linux Standard Base (LSB)

2006-11-29 Thread Jack Jansen

On 28-nov-2006, at 22:05, Guido van Rossum wrote:

> On 11/28/06, Barry Warsaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> There's a related issue that may or may not be in scope for this
>> thread.  For distros like Gentoo or Ubuntu that rely heavily on their
>> own system Python for the OS to work properly, I'm quite loathe to
>> install Cheeseshop packages into the system site-packages.
> I wonder if would help if we were to add a vendor-packages directory
> where distros can put their own selection of 3rd party stuff they
> depend on, to be searched before site-packages, and a command-line
> switch that ignores site-package but still searches vendor-package.
> (-S would almost do it but probably suppresses too  much.)


We've been running into this problem on the Mac since Apple started  
shipping Python.

There's another standard place that is searched on MacOS: a per-user  
package directory ~/Library/Python/2.5/site-packages (the name "site- 
packages" is a misnomer, really). Standardising something here is  
less important than for vendor-packages (as the effect can easily be  
gotten by adding things to PYTHONPATH) but it has one advantage:  
distutils and such could be taught about it and provide an option to  
install either systemwide or for the current user only.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] PEP: Adding data-type objects to Python

2006-10-30 Thread Jack Jansen
Would it be possible to make the data-type objects subclassable, with the subclasses being able to override the equality test?The range of data types that you've specified in the PEP are good enough for most general use, and probably for NumPy as well, but someone already came up with the example of image formats, which have their whole own range of data formats. I could throw in audio formats (bits per sample, excess-N or signed or ulaw samples, mono/stereo/5.1/etc, order of the channels), and there's probably a whole slew of other areas that have their own sets of formats.If the datatype objects are subclassable, modules could initially start by adding their own formats. So, the "jackaudio" and "jillaudio" modules would have distinct sets of formats. But then later on it should be fairly easy for them to recognize each others formats. So, jackaudio would recognize the jillaudio format "msdos linear pcm" as being identical to its own "16-bit excess-32768".Hopefully eventually all audio module writers would get together and define a set of standard audio formats. -- Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman  

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] The "lazy strings" patch

2006-10-24 Thread Jack Jansen
On  23-Oct-2006, at 16:58 , Larry Hastings wrote:I genuinely don't know how many external Python extension modules are well-behaved in this regard.  But in case it helps: I just checked PIL, NumPy, PyWin32, and SWIG, and all of them were well-behaved.  Apart from stringobject.c, there was exactly one spot in the Python source tree which made assumptions about the structure of PyStringObjects (Mac/Modules/macos.c).  It's in the block starting with the comment "This is a hack:".  Note that this is unfixed in my patch, so just now all code using that self-avowed "hack" will break.As the author of that hack, that gives me an idea for where you should look for code that will break: code that tries to expose low-level C interfaces to Python. (That hack replaced an even earlier worse hack, that took the id() of a string in Python and added a fixed number to it to get at the address of the string, to fill it into a structure, blush).Look at packages such as win32, PyObjC, ctypes, bridges between Python and other languages, etc. That's where implementors are tempted to bend the rules of Official APIs for the benefit of serious optimizations. --Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jackIf I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman ___
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Segfault in python 2.5

2006-10-18 Thread Jack Jansen

On 18-Oct-2006, at 22:08 , Michael Hudson wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I've been attempting for hours to
>> reduce the problem to a completely self-contained script, but it is
>> resisting my efforts due to timing problems.

Has anyone ever tried to use helgrind (the valgrind module, not the  
heavy metal band:-) on Python?
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] OT: How many other people got this spam?

2006-10-01 Thread Jack Jansen
I was wondering: how many other people who maintain websites (well:  
"maintain" might be a bit of a misnomer in my case:-) related to  
Python have also got this spam?

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Snake Tracks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: October 1, 2006 21:21:45 GMT+02:00
> Subject: Special Invitation for cwi.nl from Snake Tracks
> Fellow Website Owner/Operator;
> As of September 29th, 2006 we will be launching what is soon to be the
> worlds largest snake enthusiast website.  The website contains  
> valuable
> information for all those interested in snakes including care sheets,
> species information and identification, breeding information, and an
> extensive list of snake specific forums.
> We welcome you to visit our website and join our community of snake
> enthusiasts worldwide. Currently we are browsing through Google and
> other major search engines looking for websites we feel would make  
> good
> link partners.  I have personally come across your site and think that
> exchanging links could benefit both of our businesses. By linking  
> to us
> you will receive a reciprocal link and be showcased in front of all  
> our
> visitors.
> If you are interested in this partnership please add one of the
> following text links or banners to a high traffic area on your  
> website:
> 1) Snake Tracks - The Worlds Largest Snake Enthusiast Website. Visit
> our site for care sheets, species information, field herping
> information, breeding, captive care, and our extensive list of snake
> enthusiast forums.
> 2) Snake Tracks Forums - Visit the Worlds Largest Collection of Snake
> Enthusiast forums including our field herping, captive care, habitat
> design, and regional forums.
> 3) Snake Care Sheets - Visit the Worlds Largest Snake Enthusiast
> Website. Forums, Care Sheets, Field Herping, Species information and
> more.
> You may also visit our link page to choose from several banner images
> and text links.  Once you have linked to our website, fill out the  
> form
> and we will add your site to our directory.
> http://www.snaketracks.com/linktous.html
> I look forward to hearing from you in regards to this email.  Please
> allow up to 24 hours for a response as we are currently receiving
> extremely large amounts of email.
> Sincerely;
> Blair Russell - Snaketracks.com

Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Python Doc problems

2006-09-29 Thread Jack Jansen

On 29-sep-2006, at 4:24, Greg Ewing wrote:

An example of a good way to do it is the original Inside
Macintosh series. Each chapter started with a narrative-style
"About this module" kind of section, that introduced the
relevant concepts and explained how they fitted together,
without going into low-level details. Then there was a
"Reference" section that systematically went through and
gave all the details of the API.

Yep, this is exactly what I often miss in the Python library docs.
The module intro sections often do contain the "executive
summary" of the module, so that you can quickly see whether this
module could indeed help you solve the problem at hand.
But then you go straight to descriptions of classes and methods,
and there is often no info on how things are plumbed together, both
within the module (how the classes relate to each other) and
more globally (how this module relates to others, see also).

A similar thing occurs one level higher in the library hierarchy:
the section introductions are little more that a list of all the
modules in the section.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] python, lipo and the future?

2006-09-17 Thread Jack Jansen
Just wondering: is it a good idea in the first place to create a  
universal 32/64 bit Python on MacOSX?

On MacOS you don't pay a penalty or anything for running in 32-bit  
mode on any current hardware, so the choice of whether to use 32 or  
64 bits really depends on the application. A single Python  
interpreter that can run in both 32 and 64 bit mode would possibly  
make this more difficult rather than easier. I think I'd prefer a  
situation where we have python32 and python64 (with both being ppc/ 
intel fat) and python being a symlink to either, at the end-users'  

For extension modules it's different, though: there it would be nice  
to be able to have a single module that could load into any Python  
(32/64 bit, Intel/PPC) on any applicable MacOSX version.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Baffled by PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords modification

2006-02-14 Thread Jack Jansen
Thanks to all for a rather insightful discussion, it's always fun to  
learn that after 28 years of C programming the language still has  
little corners that I know absolutely nothing about:-)

Practically speaking, though, I've adopted MAL's solution for the  
time being:

> /* The keyword array changed to const char* in Python 2.5 */
> #if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x0205
> # define Py_KEYWORDS_STRING_TYPE const char
> #else
> # define Py_KEYWORDS_STRING_TYPE char
> #endif
> ...
> static Py_KEYWORDS_STRING_TYPE *kwslist[] = {"yada", NULL};
> ...
> if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args,kws,format,kwslist,&a1))
>     goto onError;

At least this appears to work...
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Baffled by PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords modification

2006-02-10 Thread Jack Jansen
I keep running into problems with the "const" modifications to  
PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords() (rev. 41638 by Jeremy).

I have lots of code of the form
char *kw[] = {"itself", 0};

if (PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(_args, _kwds, "O&", kw,  
CFTypeRefObj_Convert, &itself)) ...
which now no longer compiles, neither with C nor with C++ (gcc4, both  
MacOSX and Linux). Changing the kw declaration to "const char *kw[]"  
makes it compile again.

I don't understand why it doesn't compile: even though the  
PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords signature promises that it won't change  
the "kw" argument I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to pass a  
non-const argument.

And to make matters worse adding the "const" of course makes the code  
non-portable to previous versions of Python (where the C compiler  
rightly complains that I'm passing a const object through a non-const  

Can anyone enlighten me?
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] mac memory leaks

2006-01-03 Thread Jack Jansen

On 3 Jan 2006, at 08:58, Neal Norwitz wrote:

> I had a friend run regrtest -L on Mac OSX a while ago.  There are
> several memory leaks which still appear to be an issue.  There are a
> bunch of leaks reported from  putenv which I'm not sure how to fix
> The attached patch should correct one of the problems.  Can someone
> with a Mac test it?  I'll add to SF later if I don't get a response.
> n
> --
> I'm not sure about how to fix these or if they are real problems:
> Leak: 0x02541470  size=368  instance of 'NSCFData'
> Call stack: call_function | ici_ICFindPrefHandle | ICFindPrefHandle |
> OpaqueICInstance::FindPrefHandle(ICKeyInfo const&, unsigned long*,
> char**) | OpaqueICInstance::GetPref(ICKeyInfo const&, long, void*,
> long*, unsigned long*) | OpaqueICInstance::GetPrefCore(ICKeyInfo
> const&, long, void*, long*, unsigned long*) |
> OpaqueICInstance::LazyLoad() | ICCFPrefWrapper::ContainsPrefs() |
> ICCFPrefWrapper::GetPrefDictionary() | fetchXMLValue |
> _loadXMLDomainIfStale | _CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData |
> __CFTryParseBinaryPlist | __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject |
> __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject | __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject |
> __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject | __CFBinaryPlistCreateObject |
> __CFDataInit | _CFRuntimeCreateInstance | CFAllocatorAllocate

This is somewhere down in the Internet Config builtin module, which  
would point to the webbrowser library module. My guess is that it's a  
singleton leak.
> Leak: 0x02506640  size=256
> Call stack: call_function | do_call | PyObject_Call | parser_st2tuple
> | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple |
> node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple |
> node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple |
> node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple | node2tuple |
> node2tuple | PyTuple_New | _PyObject_GC_NewVar | _PyObject_GC_Malloc |
> PyObject_Malloc | new_arena

No idea. There don't seem to be any mac-specific modules involved...

> Leak: 0x0118ad10  size=80
> Call stack: call_function | AE_AECreateDesc | AECreateDesc | operator
> new(unsigned long)

Hmm, the first candidates here would be test_aepack and  
test_scriptpackages, but neither one has an obvious leak (on cursory  
inspection). And actually, if there was a leak problem in either I  
would expect more than one AEDesc to be leaked.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Proposal: can we have a python-dev-announce mailing list?

2005-11-03 Thread Jack Jansen

On 3-nov-2005, at 22:36, Oleg Broytmann wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 10:29:37PM +0100, Jack Jansen wrote:
>> I know I would be much helped with a moderated python-dev-announce
>> mailing list, which would be only low-volume
> 3Amail.python.org

Hmm. I wouldn't mind if it was push in stead of pull, I wouldn't mind  
if it was in the right order, and I wouldn't mind if itwas more  

But: I'll just wait to see whether more people chime in that they'd  
like this, or that I'm alone...
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Proposal: can we have a python-dev-announce mailing list?

2005-11-03 Thread Jack Jansen
As people may have noticed (or possibly not:-) I've been rather  
inactive on python-dev the last year or so, due to being completely  
inundated with other work. Too bad that I've missed all the  
interesting discussions on Python 3000, but I'm bound to catch up  
some time later this year:-).

BUT: what I also missed are all the important announcements, such as  
new releases, the switch to svn, and a couple more (I think).

I know I would be much helped with a moderated python-dev-announce  
mailing list, which would be only low-volume, time-critical  
announcements for people developing Python. Even during times when I  
am actively following python-dev it would be handy to have important  
announcements coming in in a separate mailbox in stead of buried  
under design discussions and such...
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Tools/bgen/bgen bgenGenerator.py, 1.17, 1.18 bgenObjectDefinition.py, 1.29, 1.30 bgenType.py, 1.15, 1.16 bgenVariable.py, 1.6, 1.7 scantools.py, 1.37

2005-06-26 Thread Jack Jansen

On 24-jun-2005, at 21:46, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Tools/bgen/bgen
> In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv18095/Tools/ 
> bgen/bgen
> Modified Files:
> bgenGenerator.py bgenObjectDefinition.py bgenType.py
> bgenVariable.py scantools.py
> Log Message:
> Normalize whitespace to avoid offending Bug Day volunteers.

Argh, sorry... I thought I had all my machines educated to do tab  
expansion for Python, but apparently not...
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: marshal / unmarshal

2005-04-15 Thread Jack Jansen
On 14-apr-05, at 15:08, David Robinow wrote:
On 4/11/05, Tim Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Heh.  I have a vague half-memory of _some_ box that stored the two
4-byte "words" in an IEEE double in one order, but the bytes within
each word in the opposite order.  It's always something ...
 I believe this was the Floating Instruction Set on the PDP 11/35.
The fact that it's still remembered 30 years later shows how unusual 
it was.
I think it was actually "logical", because all PDP-11s (there were 2 or 
3 FPU instructionsets/architecture in the family IIRC) stored 32 bit 
integers in middle-endian (high-order word first, but low-order byte 

But note that neither of the PDP-11 FPUs were IEEE, that was a much 
later invention. At least, I didn't come across it until much later:-)
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Problems with definition of _POSIX_C_SOURCE

2005-03-16 Thread Jack Jansen
On a platform I won't mention here I'm running into problems compiling 
Python, because of it defining _POSIX_C_SOURCE.

It turns out that on this platform the definition causes all sorts of 
declarations in sys/types.h to be skipped (presumably because they're 
not official Posix identifiers), which in turn causes platform-specific 
headers to fail.

The comment in pyconfig.h suggests that defining _POSIX_C_SOURCE may 
enable certain features, but the actual system headers appear to work 
the other way around: it seems that defining this will disable features 
that are not strict Posix.

Does anyone know what the real meaning of this define is? Because if it 
is the former then Python is right, but if it is the latter Python 
really has no business defining it: in general Python isn't 100% 
posix-compliant because it'll use all sorts of platform-dependent (and, 
thus, potentially non-posix-compliant) code...

This problem is currently stopping Python 2.4.1 to compile on this 
platform, so if anyone can provide any insight that would be very 
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Doc/lib libimp.tex, 1.36, libsite.tex, 1.26, libtempfile.tex, 1.22, libos.tex,,

2005-02-17 Thread Jack Jansen
On 14-feb-05, at 10:23, Just van Rossum wrote:
-The module was found as a Macintosh resource.  This value can only be
-returned on a Macintosh.
+The module was found as a Mac OS 9 resource.  This value can only be
+returned on a Mac OS 9 or earlier Macintosh.
not entirely true: it's limited to the sa called "OS9" version of
MacPython, which happily runs natively on OSX as a Carbon app...
But as of 2.4 there's no such thing as MacPython-OS9 any more. But as 
the constant is still in there I thought it best to document it.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Misc NEWS, 1.1237, 1.1238

2005-02-04 Thread Jack Jansen
On 4-feb-05, at 20:00, Jeremy Hylton wrote:
Add NEWS item about future parser bug.
Give back the time machine!
I already will have by the time you needed it.
I knew this was going to happen one day.
(And now we should all be getting out our copies of the HHGTTG and work 
out the horrible future past conditional tense and such. It's probably 
having shall been in book 2).
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Is msvcr71.dll re-redistributable?

2005-02-03 Thread Jack Jansen
On 3 Feb 2005, at 02:01, Phillip J. Eby wrote:
Sounds like this puts all Python users in the clear, since Python is 
the Licensee Software in that case.  So, anybody can distribute 
msvcr71 as "part of" Python.

OTOH, the other wording sounds like Python itself has to have a 
click-wrap, tear-open, or signature EULA!  IOW, the EULA appears to 
prohibit free distribution of the runtime with a program that has no 

So, in an amusing turn of events, the EULA actually appears to forbid 
the current offering of Python for Windows, since it does not have 
such a EULA.
That was also my conclusion last year:-(
But at least Python can still be distributed without msvcr71, putting 
the burden of obtaining it on the end user, because of Python's 
license. In another project we're using GPL, and careful reading 
(disclaimer: IANAL) has not convinced me that GPL and the EULA are 
compatible. Actually, I have this vague feeling that the MSVC 7 EULA 
(plus the fact that MS isn't shipping msvcr71.dll with Windows) might 
have been drafted specifically to be incompatible with the clause in 
GPL that doesn't allow you to link against third party libraries unless 
they're part of the OS.

What we've done in that project is link with msvcr71.dll, but not 
include it in the installer. I think that we could (theoretically) 
still be dragged into court by the FSF, but at least not by Microsoft.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Unix line endings required for PyRun* breaking embedded Python

2005-01-22 Thread Jack Jansen
On 21-jan-05, at 14:07, Bob Ippolito wrote:
On Jan 21, 2005, at 7:44, Jack Jansen wrote:
On 21 Jan 2005, at 08:18, Stuart Bishop wrote:
Just van Rossum wrote:
Skip Montanaro wrote:
Just re.sub("[\r\n]+", "\n", s) and I think you're good to go.
I don't think that in general you want to fold multiple empty lines 
one. This would be my prefered regex:
s = re.sub(r"\r\n?", "\n", s)
Catches both DOS and old-style Mac line endings. Alternatively, you 
use s.splitlines():
s = "\n".join(s.splitlines()) + "\n"
This also makes sure the string ends with a \n, which may or may 
not be
a good thing, depending on your application.
Do people consider this a bug that should be fixed in Python 2.4.1 
and Python 2.3.6 (if it ever exists), or is the resposibility for 
doing this transformation on the application that embeds Python?
It could theoretically break something: a program that uses unix 
line-endings but embeds \r or \r\n in string data.

But this is rather theoretical, I don't think I'd have a problem with 
fixing this. The real problem is: who will fix it, because the fix 
isn't going to be as trivial as the Python code posted here, I'm 
Well, Python already does the right thing in Py_Main, but it does not 
do the right thing from the other places you can use to run code, 
surely it can't be that hard to fix if the code is already there?
IIRC the universal newline support is in the file I/O routines, which I 
assume aren't used when you execute Python code from a string.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Unix line endings required for PyRun* breaking embedded Python

2005-01-21 Thread Jack Jansen
On 21 Jan 2005, at 08:18, Stuart Bishop wrote:
Just van Rossum wrote:
Skip Montanaro wrote:
Just re.sub("[\r\n]+", "\n", s) and I think you're good to go.
I don't think that in general you want to fold multiple empty lines 
one. This would be my prefered regex:
s = re.sub(r"\r\n?", "\n", s)
Catches both DOS and old-style Mac line endings. Alternatively, you 
use s.splitlines():
s = "\n".join(s.splitlines()) + "\n"
This also makes sure the string ends with a \n, which may or may not 
a good thing, depending on your application.
Do people consider this a bug that should be fixed in Python 2.4.1 and 
Python 2.3.6 (if it ever exists), or is the resposibility for doing 
this transformation on the application that embeds Python?
It could theoretically break something: a program that uses unix 
line-endings but embeds \r or \r\n in string data.

But this is rather theoretical, I don't think I'd have a problem with 
fixing this. The real problem is: who will fix it, because the fix 
isn't going to be as trivial as the Python code posted here, I'm 
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Updated Monkey Typing pre-PEP

2005-01-21 Thread Jack Jansen
On 20 Jan 2005, at 12:07, Guido van Rossum wrote:
The first problem is what I'd call incomplete duck typing.
Confit de canard-typing?
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: [Csv] csv module and universal newlines

2005-01-12 Thread Jack Jansen
On 12-jan-05, at 2:59, Skip Montanaro wrote:
terminators = {"darwin": "\r",
   "win32": "\r\n"}
if (dialect.lineterminator != terminators.get(sys.platform, "\n") 
   "b" not in getattr(f, "mode", "b")):
   raise IOError, ("%s not opened in binary mode" %
   getattr(f, "name", "???"))
On MacOSX you really want universal newlines. CSV files produced by 
older software (such as AppleWorks) will have \r line terminators, but 
lots of other programs will have files with normal \n terminators.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.3.5 schedule, and something I'd like to get in

2005-01-07 Thread Jack Jansen
On 7 Jan 2005, at 11:08, Bob Ippolito wrote:
10.3 or later. For older OSX releases (either because you build 
Python on 10.2 or earlier, or because you've set 
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to a value of 10.2 or less) we use the old 
behaviour of linking with "-framework Python".
Wouldn't it be better to link with the actual dylib inside the 
framework on 10.2? Otherwise you can no longer build 2.3 extensions 
after you've installed 2.4.
It would certainly be better to do this for 10.2.
This patch implements the proposed direct framework linking:
Looks good, I'll incorporate it. And as I haven't heard of any 
showstoppers for the -undefined dynamic_lookup (and Anthony seems to be 
offline this week) I'll put that in too.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.3.5 schedule, and something I'd like to get in

2005-01-06 Thread Jack Jansen
On 6 Jan 2005, at 00:49, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
The "new" solution is basically to go back to the Unix way of 
building  an extension: link it against nothing and sort things out 
at runtime.  Not my personal preference, but at least we know that 
loading an  extension into one Python won't bring in a fresh copy of 
a different  interpreter or anything horrible like that.
This sounds good, except that it only works on OS X 10.3, right?
What about older versions?
10.3 or later. For older OSX releases (either because you build Python 
on 10.2 or earlier, or because you've set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to a 
value of 10.2 or less) we use the old behaviour of linking with 
"-framework Python".
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] 2.3.5 schedule, and something I'd like to get in

2005-01-05 Thread Jack Jansen
[Grmpf. I should check which account I use before pressing send. Here  
goes again]

On 5-jan-05, at 1:08, Bob Ippolito wrote:
The problem we're trying to solve is that due to the way Apple's  
framework architecture works newer versions of frameworks are  
preferred (at link time, and sometimes even at runtime) over older  
Can you elaborate on that somewhat? According to

there are major and minor versions of frameworks. I would think that
every Python minor (2.x) release should produce a new major framework
version of the Python framework. Then, there would be no problem.
Why does this not work?
It doesn't for reasons I care not to explain in depth, again.
But I do care:-) Specifically because I trust the crowd here to come up  
with good ideas (even if they're not Mac users:-).

Ronald already explained most of the problem, what it boils down to is  
that  multiple versions of a framework can live in a single location.  
For most applications that's better than the old MacOS9 architecture  
(which I believe is pretty similar to the Windows dll architecture)  
because you can ship a single foo.framework that contains both version  
1.2 and 1.3. There's also a symlink "Current" that will point to 1.3.  
At build time the linker will pick the version pointed at by "Current",  
but in the file it will record the actual version number. Hence, if you  
ship this framework new development will link to the newest version,  
but older programs will still load the older one.

When I did the framework python design I overlooked the fact that an  
older Python would have no way to specify that an extension would have  
to link against its own, old, framework, because on MacOS9 this wasn't  
a problem (the two had different filenames).

As an aside, I also overlooked the fact that a Python framework  
residing in /System could be overridden by one in /Library because in  
2.3 we linked frameworks by relative pathname, because I simply didn't  
envision any Python living in /System for some time to be. The -F  
options could solve that problem, but not the 2.3 and 2.4 both in  
/Library problem.

The "new" solution is basically to go back to the Unix way of building  
an extension: link it against nothing and sort things out at runtime.  
Not my personal preference, but at least we know that loading an  
extension into one Python won't bring in a fresh copy of a different  
interpreter or anything horrible like that.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma  

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] 2.3.5 schedule, and something I'd like to get in

2005-01-04 Thread Jack Jansen
First question: what is the Python 2.3.5 release schedule and who is 

Second question: I thought this info was in a PEP somewhere, but I 
could only find PEPs on major releases, should I have found this info 

And now the question that matters: there's some stuff I'd really like 
to get into 2.3.5, but it involves changes to configure, the Makefile 
and distutils, so because it's fairly extensive I thought I'd ask 
before just committing it.

The problem we're trying to solve is that due to the way Apple's 
framework architecture works newer versions of frameworks are preferred 
(at link time, and sometimes even at runtime) over older ones. That's 
fine for most uses of frameworks, but not when linking a Python 
extension against the Python framework: if you build an extension with 
Python 2.3 to later load it into 2.3 you don't want that framework to 
be linked against 2.4.

Now there's a way around this, from MacOSX 10.3 onwards, and that is 
not to link against the framework at all, but link with "-undefined 
dynamic_lookup". This will link the extension in a way similar to what 
other Unix systems do: any undefined externals are looked up when the 
extension is dynamically loaded. But because this feature only works 
with the dynamic loader from 10.3 or later you must have the 
environment variable MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to 10.3 or higher 
when you build the extension, otherwise the linker will complain.

We've solved this issue for the trunk and we can solve it for 2.4.1: if 
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET isn't set and we're on 10.3 we force it to 
10.3. Moreover, when it is 10.3 or higher (possibly after being forced) 
we use the dynamic_lookup way of linking extensions. We also record the 
value of MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in the Makefile, and distutils picks 
it up later and sets the environment variable again.

We even have a hack to fix Apple-installed Python 2.3 in place by 
mucking with lib/config/Makefile, which we can do because 
Apple-installed Python 2.3 will obviously only be run on 10.3. And we 
check whether this hack is needed when you install a later Python 
version on 10.3.

That leaves Python 2.3.5 itself. The best fix here would be to backport 
the 2.4.1 solution: configure.in 1.456 and 1.478, 
distutils/sysconfig.py 1.59 and 1.62, Makefile.pre.in 1.144. Note that 
though the build procedure for extensions will change it doesn't affect 
binary compatibility: both types of extensions are loadable by both 
types of interpreters.

I think this is all safe, and these patches shouldn't affect any system 
other than MacOSX, but I'm a bit reluctant to fiddle with the build 
procedure for a micro-release, so that's why I'm asking.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] 2.3.5 schedule, and something I'd like to get in

2005-01-04 Thread Jack Jansen
First question: what is the Python 2.3.5 release schedule and who is 

Second question: I thought this info was in a PEP somewhere, but I 
could only find PEPs on major releases, should I have found this info 

And now the question that matters: there's some stuff I'd really like 
to get into 2.3.5, but it involves changes to configure, the Makefile 
and distutils, so because it's fairly extensive I thought I'd ask 
before just committing it.

The problem we're trying to solve is that due to the way Apple's 
framework architecture works newer versions of frameworks are preferred 
(at link time, and sometimes even at runtime) over older ones. That's 
fine for most uses of frameworks, but not when linking a Python 
extension against the Python framework: if you build an extension with 
Python 2.3 to later load it into 2.3 you don't want that framework to 
be linked against 2.4.

Now there's a way around this, from MacOSX 10.3 onwards, and that is 
not to link against the framework at all, but link with "-undefined 
dynamic_lookup". This will link the extension in a way similar to what 
other Unix systems do: any undefined externals are looked up when the 
extension is dynamically loaded. But because this feature only works 
with the dynamic loader from 10.3 or later you must have the 
environment variable MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to 10.3 or higher 
when you build the extension, otherwise the linker will complain.

We've solved this issue for the trunk and we can solve it for 2.4.1: if 
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET isn't set and we're on 10.3 we force it to 
10.3. Moreover, when it is 10.3 or higher (possibly after being forced) 
we use the dynamic_lookup way of linking extensions. We also record the 
value of MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET in the Makefile, and distutils picks 
it up later and sets the environment variable again.

We even have a hack to fix Apple-installed Python 2.3 in place by 
mucking with lib/config/Makefile, which we can do because 
Apple-installed Python 2.3 will obviously only be run on 10.3. And we 
check whether this hack is needed when you install a later Python 
version on 10.3.

That leaves Python 2.3.5 itself. The best fix here would be to backport 
the 2.4.1 solution: configure.in 1.456 and 1.478, 
distutils/sysconfig.py 1.59 and 1.62, Makefile.pre.in 1.144. Note that 
though the build procedure for extensions will change it doesn't affect 
binary compatibility: both types of extensions are loadable by both 
types of interpreters.

I think this is all safe, and these patches shouldn't affect any system 
other than MacOSX, but I'm a bit reluctant to fiddle with the build 
procedure for a micro-release, so that's why I'm asking.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Let's get rid of unbound methods

2005-01-04 Thread Jack Jansen
On 4-jan-05, at 19:28, Guido van Rossum wrote:
extra type checking on the first argument that unbound methods are
supposed to provide is not useful in practice (I can't remember that
it ever caught a bug in my code)
It caught bugs for me a couple of times. If I remember correctly I was 
calling methods of something that was supposed to be a mixin class but 
I forgot to actually list the mixin as a base. But I don't think that's 
a serious enough issue alone to keep the unbound method type.

But I'm more worried about losing the other information in an unbound 
method, specifically im_class. I would guess that info is useful to 
class browsers and such, or are there other ways to get at that?
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Mac questions

2005-01-04 Thread Jack Jansen
On 4 Jan 2005, at 11:41, Bob Ippolito wrote:
And finally: Is there any other way to find the true spelling of a 
except than a linear search with opendir()/readdir()/closedir() ?
Yes, definitely.  I'm positive you can do this with CoreServices, but 
I'm not sure it's portable to Darwin (not Mac OS X).  I'm sure there 
is some Darwin-compatible way of doing it, but I don't know it off the 
top of my head.  I'll try to remember to look into it if nobody else 
finds it first.
I haven't used pure darwin, but I assume it has support for FSRefs, 
right? Then you could use FSPathMakeRef() to turn the filename into an 
FSRef, and then FSGetCatalogInfo() to get the true filename.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Darwin's realloc(...) implementation never shrinks allocations

2005-01-04 Thread Jack Jansen
On 3 Jan 2005, at 23:40, Bob Ippolito wrote:
Most people on Mac OS X have a lot of memory, and Mac OS X generally 
does a good job about swapping in and out without causing much of a 
problem, so I'm personally not very surprised that it could go 
unnoticed this long.
*Except* when you're low on free disk space. 10.2 and before were 
really bad with this, usually hanging the machine, 10.3 is better but 
it's still pretty bad when compared to other unixen. It probably has 
something to do with the way OSX overcommits memory and swapspace, for 
which it apparently uses a different algorithm than FreeBSD or Linux.

I wouldn't be surprised if the bittorrent problem report in this thread 
was due to being low on diskspace. And that could also be true for the 
original error report that sparked this discussion.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Mac/OSX fixapplepython23.py, 1.2, 1.3

2005-01-02 Thread Jack Jansen
On 2-jan-05, at 22:35, Bob Ippolito wrote:
On 2-jan-05, at 4:40, Bob Ippolito wrote:
+exec %s "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
This script should check to see if MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is 
already set.  If I have some reason to set 
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4 for compilation (say I'm compiling an 
extension that requires 10.4 features) then I'm going to have some 
serious problems with this fix.
I was going to do that, but then I thought it didn't make any sense, 
because this script is *only* used in the context of Apple-provided 
Python 2.3. And setting MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to anything other 
than 10.3 (be it lower or higher) while compiling an extension for 
Apple's 2.3 is going to produce disappointing results anyway.

But, if I've missed a use case, please enlighten me.
You're right, of course.  I had realized that I was commenting on the 
fixpython script after I had replied, but my concern is still 
applicable to whatever solution is used for Python 2.4.1.  Anything 
lower than 10.3 is of course an error, in either case.
2.4.1 will install this fix into Apple-installed Python 2.3 (if 
applicable, i.e. if you're installing 2.4.1 on 10.3), but for its own 
use it will have the newer distutils, which understands that it needs 
to pick up MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET from the Makefile, so it'll never 
see these scripts.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Mac/OSX fixapplepython23.py, 1.2, 1.3

2005-01-02 Thread Jack Jansen
On 2-jan-05, at 4:40, Bob Ippolito wrote:
+exec %s "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
This script should check to see if MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is already 
set.  If I have some reason to set MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.4 for 
compilation (say I'm compiling an extension that requires 10.4 
features) then I'm going to have some serious problems with this fix.
I was going to do that, but then I thought it didn't make any sense, 
because this script is *only* used in the context of Apple-provided 
Python 2.3. And setting MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to anything other than 
10.3 (be it lower or higher) while compiling an extension for Apple's 
2.3 is going to produce disappointing results anyway.

But, if I've missed a use case, please enlighten me.
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

Re: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Mac/OSX fixapplepython23.py, 1.1, 1.2

2004-12-29 Thread Jack Jansen
On 29-dec-04, at 4:35, Bob Ippolito wrote:
This is the wrong fix.  Distutils is dumber than you think.  This 
patch just breaks C++ compilation in a different way.  The correct 
solution is a patch to distutils of some kind.

from distutils/unixccompiler.py:174
if target_lang == "c++" and self.compiler_cxx:
linker[0] = self.compiler_cxx[0]
self.spawn(linker + ld_args)
"linker" is the variable expanded LDSHARED (or whatever comes out of 
Any suggestions as to what to do to get c++ compilation fixed?
Also, could you point me to a readily available extension package that 
uses c++?
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list

[Python-Dev] Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src setup.py, 1.208, 1.209

2004-12-27 Thread Jack Jansen
On 18-dec-04, at 21:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Update of /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src
In directory sc8-pr-cvs1.sourceforge.net:/tmp/cvs-serv21493
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Switch from getting LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS from the environment to the 
This is to avoid a problem that inconsistently comes up where the 
variable is unset while the Makefile clearly has the values set and 
are used
during ``make``.
I'm building MacPython binary distributions with an LDFLAGS configure 
option, as in
	$PYTHONSRC/configure -C --enable-framework LDFLAGS=-Wl,-x

This has suddenly started failing with a very mysterious error message. 
When the
make tries to build the extension modules I get
	running build
	running build_ext
	usage: setup.py [options]
	setup.py: error: no such option: -W

Could this somehow be caused by your fix?
Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack
If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma 

Python-Dev mailing list