PyQt 4.0beta1 Released

2006-04-29 Thread Phil Thompson
Riverbank Computing is pleased to announce the release of PyQt v4.0beta1
available from

PyQt is a comprehensive set of Qt bindings for the Python programming language
and supports the same platforms as Qt (Windows, Linux and MacOS/X).  Like Qt,
PyQt is available under the GPL and a commercial license.

PyQt v4 supports Qt v4 (  
PyQt v3 is still available to support earlier versions of Qt.

PyQt v4 is implemented as a set of 8 extension modules containing 
approximately 400 classes and 6,000 functions and methods.

The non-GUI infrastructure including event loops, threads, i8n, Unicode,
signals and slots, user and application settings.

A rich collection of GUI widgets.

A set of classes to support TCP and UDP socket programming and higher
level protocols (eg. HTTP).

A set of classes that allows PyOpenGL to render onto Qt widgets.

A set of classes that implement SQL data models and interfaces to industry
standard databases.  Includes an implementation of SQLite.

A set of classes to render SVG files onto Qt widgets.

A set of classes that implement DOM and SAX parsers.

A set of classes that enables the Qt Assistant online help browser to be
integrated with an application.

A Windows installer is provided for the GPL version of PyQt to be used with
the GPL version of Qt v4 (
It enabes a complete PyQt environment to be installed on Windows without the
need for a C++ compiler.

PyQt includes the pyuic utility which generates Python code to implement user
interfaces created with Qt Designer in the same way that the uic utility
generates C++ code.  It is also able to load Designer XML files dynamically.

Support the Python Software Foundation:

Summer of Code mailing list

2006-04-29 Thread Neal Norwitz
There's a new SoC mailing list.


You can sign up here:

This list is for any SoC discussion:  mentors, students, idea, etc. 
Student can submit applications starting May 1, so now is the time to
get students interested in your ideas!

Please pass this information along.


Support the Python Software Foundation:

python-dev Summary for 2006-01-16 through 2006-01-31

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
Sorry the summaries are so late.  We were late already, and it's taken
me a bit of time to get set up with the new site.  But I
should be all good now, and hopefully we'll get caught up with all the
summaries by the end of May.  Hope you all weren't too depressed
without your bi-weekly python-dev updates! ;-)

python-dev Summary for 2006-01-16 through 2006-01-31

.. contents::

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


Google summer internships

Google is looking to fill an unprecedented number of `student intern
positions`_ this (US) summer, at several US locations (Mountain View,
Santa Monica, Kirkland (Wash.), and New York).  The perks are
incredible, and Google is not just looking for software development
interns - there are also product management positions, and UI design
and usability analyst positions.

Contributing thread:

 - `Know anyone interested in a Google internship?`__

 .. _student intern positions:


Possible Summer of PyPy

Armin Rigo announced the possibility of a Summer of PyPy, which
would follow the style of Google's Summer of Code in funding
students to work on various aspects of PyPy.  The possibility has not
been confirmed yet, but we'll let you know when there's more info.

Contributing thread:

 - `Summer of PyPy`__



Integers and strings in different bases

Alex Martelli requested the inverse of ``int(string, base)`` that
would convert an int into a string with digits in the appropriate
base. There was a lot of discussion of exactly where such
functionality should go. Among the suggested locations were:

* The str constructor, e.g. ``str(number, base)``
* A str classmethod, e.g. ``str.from_int(number, base)``
* An encoding method, e.g. ``str(number).encode(basebase)``
* A method on ints, e.g. ``number.to_base(base)``
* A format code, e.g. ``%baseb % number``
* A builtin function, e.g. ``base(number, base)``
* A function in the math module, e.g. ``math.base(number, base)``

People seemed generally to like the builtin function or math module
function options, though there was some debate as to the best name for
the function.  Guido suggested letting the proposal sit for a week or
two to see if anyone could come up with a better name or suggest a
better location for the function.  (However, he seemed generally in
favor of the proposal, suggesting that hex() and oct() should be
deprecated and removed in a future version of Python.)  No decisions
had been made at the time this summary was written.

Contributing threads:

 - `str with base`__


PEP 355: Path - Object oriented filesystem paths

Björn Lindqvist resuscitated the idea of incorporating a Path class
based on Jason Ordenorff's path module to the standard library by
creating `PEP 355`_.  There was some general discussion (and
corresponding PEP changes), with much discussion centred on the use of
/ as a join-with-separator operator, which was eventually dropped
from the PEP.

More discussion considered whether Path should subclass string or not.
Subclassing string provides the advantage that Paths can be used in
the majority of places where strings are currently used, without
modification.  However, there are many methods of strings that do not
seem appropriate for Path objects.  Jason Orendorff would prefer for
Paths to not subclass strings, and a new format specifier (e.g. for
PyArg_ParseTuple()) be created for use with Paths.

There was general agreement that the utility of the module would be
highest when Path objects could be seamlessly used where string paths
were previous used.  The debate centred on whether subclassing string
was the best way to do this or not.  Path objects clearly are not
string objects (e.g. __iter__ and join() are nonsensical with paths).
Changing the C API so that Paths are accepted where necessary was the
suggested solution, although the PEP (at the time of writing the
summary) still subclasses Path from string.

Changing the methods from the names used by the os module and Jason's
module to ones that conform to PEP 8 was recommended.  Jason explained
that the reason that there is so much cruft in his path module is that
the design is heavily skewed toward people already familiar with the
existing standard library equivalents.  He feels that a standard

python-dev Summary for 2006-03-01 through 2006-03-15

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
python-dev Summary for 2006-03-01 through 2006-03-15

.. contents::

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


Webstats for

Thomas Wouters set up webalizer on and added
webstats for all subsites of


Check 'em out if you're interested!

Contributing thread:

- `Webstats for et al.`__


Python 2.5 release schedule

The first releases scheduled for Python 2.5 are quickly approaching. 
Check `PEP 356`_ for details, but the first alpha is due on April 1st.

.. _PEP 356:

Contributing thread:

- `2.5 release schedule?`__


Py3K branch

Guido has begun work on Py3K, starting a new branch to rip out some
stuff like string exceptions and classic classes.  He's trying to get
a feel for what Python 3.0 will look like, hopefully before his
keynote in OSCON.

Contributing thread:

- `Py3k branch - please stay out :-)`__


Deprecated modules going away in Python 2.5

A number of deprecated modules will be removed in Python 2.5, including:

* regex (regexmodule.c)

and a variety of things from lib-old.  These modules have been
deprecated for a while now, and will be pulled in the next Python

Contributing thread:

- `Deprecated modules going away in 2.5`__



Maintaining ctypes in SVN trunk

Thomas Heller put ctypes into the Python SVN repository, and with the
help of perky, Neal Norwitz and Thomas Wouters, updated it to take
advantage of the new ssize_t feature. The official ctypes
development will remain in its Sourceforge repository at least for a
while since this makes it easy to test ctypes on the SF compile farm.

Contributing threads:

- `ctypes is in SVN now.`__
- `Developing/patching ctypes (was: Re: integrating ctypes into
- `Developing/patching ctypes`__


Windows buildbots

Josiah Carlson had been working on getting a buildbot slave running on
a Windows box, but eventually gave up due to crashes caused by VS.NET.
Tim Peters fought his way through the setup with a XP box, posting
`his lessons`_ to the wiki, and Trent Mick managed to follow a similar
route and setup a Win2K buildbot slave.  Thanks to all who suffered
through the config -- Windows buildbot coverage looks pretty good now!

.. _his lessons:

Contributing threads:

- `Another Windows buildbot slave`__
- `Still looking for volunteer to run Windows buildbot`__


Python 3.0: or next(itr)

The end of last fortnight's defaultdict thread turned to discussing
the fate of the iterator protocol's .next() method in Python 3.0. 
Greg Ewing argued that renaming .next() to .__next__() and introducing
a builtin function next() would be more consistent with the other
magic methods and also more future-proof, since the next() function
could be modified if the protocol method needed to change.  Raymond
Hettinger was very strongly against this proposal, suggesting that
trading a Python-level attribute lookup for a Python-level global
lookup plus a C-level slot lookup was not a good tradeoff.

The discussion then spread out to other protocol method/function pairs
-- e.g. len() and __len__() -- and Oleg Broytmann suggested that they
could all be replaced with methods, thus saving a lookup and clearing
out the builtin namespace.  Neil Schemenauer and Michael Chermside
argued against such a change, saying that the double-underscore
pattern allows new special methods to be introduced without worrying
about breaking user code, and that using 

python-dev Summary for 2006-02-01 through 2006-02-15

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
python-dev Summary for 2006-02-01 through 2006-02-15

.. contents::

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


QOTF: Quotes of the Fortnight

We had a plethora (yes, I did just say plethora) of quotable quotes
this fortnight.

Martin v. Löwis on the `lambda keyword`_:

I believe that usage of a keyword with the name of a Greek letter
also contributes to people considering something broken.

Raymond Hettinger on the `learnability of Python`_:

A language suitable for beginners should be easy to learn, but it
should not leave them permanently crippled...  To misquote Einstein: 
The language should be as simple as possible, but no simpler.

Robert Brewer on `Pythonic syntax`_:

Community consensus on syntax is a pipe dream.

.. _lambda keyword:
.. _learnability of Python:
.. _Pythonic syntax:


Release plan for 2.5

`PEP 356`_ lists the release plan for Python 2.5.  Check it out for
the latest feature updates and planned release dates.

.. _PEP 356:

Contributing threads:

- `release plan for 2.5 ?`__
- `2.5 release schedule`__
- `2.5 PEP`__


lsprof available as cProfile

Armin Rigo finished his integration of the lsprof profiler.  It's now
available as the cProfile module which exposes the same interface as

Contributing thread:

- `cProfile module`__


ssize_t branch merged

Martin v. Löwis merged in the ssize_t branch (`PEP 353`_). All you
folks on 64 bit machines should now be able to index sequences using
your full address space.  Enjoy!

.. _PEP 353:

Contributing threads:

- `ssize_t status (Was: release plan for 2.5 ?)`__
- `ssize_t branch (Was: release plan for 2.5 ?)`__
- `ssize_t branch merged`__



Rumors of lambda's death have been greatly exaggerated

Guido's finally given in -- the lambda expression will stay in Python
3.0. Of course, this didn't stave off another massively long thread
discussing the issue, but Guido finally killed that by providing a
pretty exhaustive list of why we should keep lambda as it is:

* No purely `syntactic change to lambda`_ is clearly a net gain over
the current syntax
* It's perfectly fine that Python's lambda is different from Lisp's
* Lambda current binding behavior is (correctly) exactly the same as a
def statement
* Allowing a block inside a lambda is never going to work because of
the need to indent the block

.. _syntactic change to lambda:

Contributing threads:

- `any support for a methodcaller HOF?`__
- `Let's just *keep* lambda`__
- `Let's send lambda to the shearing shed (Re: Let's just *keep*


The bytes type

Guido asked for an update to `PEP 332`_, which proposed a ``bytes``
type. This spawned a massive discussion about what the bytes type
should look like and how it should interact with strings, especially
in Python 3.0 when all strings would be unicode. Pretty much everyone
agreed that bytes objects should be mutable sequences of ints in the
range(0, 256). Guido and others were also generally against a b'...'
literal for bytes, as that would confusingly suggest that bytes
objects were text-like, which they wouldn't be.

There was a fair bit of haggling over the signature of the bytes
constructor, but it seemed towards the end of the discussion that
people were coming to an agreement on ``bytes(initializer
[,encoding])``, where ``initializer`` could be a sequence of ints or a
str or unicode instance, and where ``encoding`` would be 

python-dev Summary for 2006-02-16 through 2006-02-28

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
python-dev Summary for 2006-02-16 through 2006-02-28

.. contents::

[The HTML version of this Summary is available at]


Python release schedule

The Python 2.5 release schedule is `PEP 356`_. The first releases are
planned for the end of March/beginning of April. Check the PEP for the
full plan of features.

.. _PEP 356:

Contributing threads:

- `2.5 PEP`__
- `2.5 release schedule`__
- `2.4.3 for end of March?`__


Buildbot improvements

Thanks to Benji York and Walter Dörwald, the `buildbot results page`_
now has a new CSS stylesheet that should make it a little easier to
read.  (And thanks to Josiah Carlson, we should now have a Windows
buildbot slave.)

.. _buildbot results page:

Contributing threads:

- `buildbot is all green`__
- `buildbot vs. Windows`__


Deprecation of multifile module

The multifile module, which has been supplanted by the email module
since Python 2.2, is finally being deprecated.  Though the module will
not be removed in Python 2.5, its documentation now clearly indicates
the deprecation.

Contributing thread:

- `Deprecate \`\`multifile\`\`?`__


Win64 AMD64 binaries available

Martin v. Löwis has made `AMD64 binaries`_ available for the current
trunk's Python. If you're using an AMD64 machine (a.k.a. EM64T or
x64), give 'em a whirl and see how they work.

.. _amd64 binaries:

Contributing thread:

- `Win64 AMD64 (aka x64) binaries available64`__


Javascript to adopt Python iterators and generators

On a slightly off-topic note, Brendan Eich has blogged_ that the next
version of Javascript will borrow iterators, generators and list
comprehensions from Python.  Nice to see that the Python plague is
even spreading to other programming languages now. ;)

.. _blogged:

Contributing thread:

- `javascript quot;standing on Python's shouldersquot; as it moves



A dict with a default value

Guido suggested a defaultdict type which would act like a dict, but
produce a default value when __getitem__ was called and no key
existed. The intent was to simplify code examples like::

# a dict of lists
for x in y:
d.setdefault(key, []).append(value)

# a dict of counts
for x in y:
d[key] = d.get(key, 0) + 1

where the user clearly wants to associate a single default with the
dict, but has no simple way to spell this.  People quickly agreed that
the default should be specified as a function so that using ``list``
as a default could create a dict of lists, and using ``int`` as a
default could create a dict of counts.

Then the real thread began. Guido proposed adding an ``on_missing``
method to the dict API, which would be called whenever ``__getitem__``
found that the requested key was not present in the dict. The
``on_missing`` method would look for a ``default_factory`` attribute,
and try to call it if it was set, or raise a KeyError if it was not.
This would allow e.g. ``dd.default_factory = list`` to make a dict
object produce empty lists as default values, and ``del
dd.default_factory`` to revert the dict object to the standard

However, a number of opponents worried that confusion would arise when
basic dict promises (like that ``x in d`` implies that ``x in
d.keys()`` and ``d[x]`` doesn't raise a KeyError) could be
conditionally overridden by the existence of a ``default_factory``
attribute.  Others worried about complicating the dict API with yet
another method, especially one that was never meant to be called
directly (only overridden in subclasses). Eventually, Guido was
convinced that instead of modifying the builtin dict type, a new
collections.defaultdict should be introduced.

Guido then defended keeping 

Re: Non-web-based templating system

2006-04-29 Thread qscomputing
Actually, that looks even better that EmPy for what I need. I will try
out these suggestions and then see what seems best.

Thanks very much.


Re: Non-web-based templating system

2006-04-29 Thread Erik Max Francis

 Actually, that looks even better that EmPy for what I need.


Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM erikmaxfrancis
   All bad poetry springs from genuine feeling.
   -- Oscar Wilde

Re: Using a browser as a GUI: which Python package

2006-04-29 Thread André
Problem solved using CherryPy.

See for the


Re: (was Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Criticism vs Constructive Criticism)

2006-04-29 Thread Tagore Smith

John Bokma wrote:
 Tagore Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  sending mail to abuse at (any of my) desmesne(s). You won't get a
  response- in fact, no-one will read your mail.

 Then you come close to being RFC ignorant IMO. Couldn't be bothered to
 check it out.

I don't care much about the RFC. I'd like to actually handle abusive
users. But people report abuse for all kinds of strange reasons. It
seems that believing in Darwinism is a form of abuse... go figure.
That's actually my point. You are helping to ensure that abuse is
tolerated.  We stopped reading the abuse account for a reason.

  I'm not sure that Xah's post was offtopic, and I am not sure how to
  determine that objectively.

 An excessive crosspost is hardly ever on topic.

Now you are just being dishonest.

  I am sure that it was excessively
  crossposted. I also know that Xah was posting to Usenet a long time
  before you,

 Could be, oldest post I could find of myself:

 But is this a pissing contest?
No- if it were you would no longer have internet access.


Re: (was Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Criticism vs Constructive Criticism)

2006-04-29 Thread John Bokma
Tagore Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John Bokma wrote:

[ .. ]

 An excessive crosspost is hardly ever on topic.
 Now you are just being dishonest.

In what way?
 No- if it were you would no longer have internet access.

Try me.

John   MexIT:
   personal page:
Experienced programmer available:
Happy Customers:

Re: MinGW and Python

2006-04-29 Thread Ross Ridge

Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 How would you build for MSVCRT.DLL using MSVC 7 or 8? You don't have
 the header files for that library...

You should be able to use the header files that come with these
compilers.  Things like sizes, field offsets, or member function
names don't change between versions of the runtime.  See the MSDN
library page you refered to earlier:

... and you don't have the import library.

I already mentioned where you can get it.

Ross Ridge



2006-04-29 Thread Dr.Ruud
Tagore Smith schreef:

 [addressing John Bokma]
 your objection seems to be less about the
 crossposting, and more about the content.

Why do you think that?

Affijn, Ruud

Gewoon is een tijger.


Re: python-dev Summary for 2006-02-16 through 2006-02-28

2006-04-29 Thread Manlio Perillo
Steven Bethard ha scritto:
 python-dev Summary for 2006-02-16 through 2006-02-28
 .. contents::
 Translating the Python documentation
 Facundo Batista had proposed translating the Library Reference and
 asked about how to get notifications when the documentation was
 updated (so that the translations could also be updated). Georg Brandl
 suggested a post-commit hook in SVN, though this would only give
 notifications at the module level. Fredrik Lundh suggested something
 based on his `more dynamic library reference platform`_ so that the
 notifications could indicate particular methods and functions instead.

As the new maintainer of (where an huge amount of
documentation has been already translated), I have written some
scripts/modules to help to keep this translation updated.

The scripts are in

with some examples in

The process is simple.
First with the mark script one can split a new document in N subparts
(using visual marks), for helping translators to focus on small parts.

The main issue is updating the documentation to a new version.
The update-version script will merge changes from old and new versions
of the original documentation to the translated one.

I hope this scripts can be useful, I'm thinking of releasing then as a
separate package.

Regards  Manlio Perillo

Re: not quite 1252

2006-04-29 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Martin v. Löwis wrote:

 Well, if the document is UTF-8, you should decode it as UTF-8, of

Thanks. This and:

solved my problem with understanding the encoding.


proof that I understand it now (please anyone, prove me wrong if you can):

from zipfile   import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED

def by80(seq):
 it = iter(seq)
 while it:
 yield ''.join( for i in range(80))

def utfCheck(infn):
 zin   = ZipFile(infn, 'r', ZIP_DEFLATED)
 data ='content.xml').decode('utf-8')
 for line in by80(data):
 print line.encode('1252')

def test():
 infn = xxx.sxw

if __name__=='__main__':

PyQt 4.0beta1 Released

2006-04-29 Thread Phil Thompson
Riverbank Computing is pleased to announce the release of PyQt v4.0beta1
available from

PyQt is a comprehensive set of Qt bindings for the Python programming language
and supports the same platforms as Qt (Windows, Linux and MacOS/X).  Like Qt,
PyQt is available under the GPL and a commercial license.

PyQt v4 supports Qt v4 (  
PyQt v3 is still available to support earlier versions of Qt.

PyQt v4 is implemented as a set of 8 extension modules containing 
approximately 400 classes and 6,000 functions and methods.

The non-GUI infrastructure including event loops, threads, i8n, Unicode,
signals and slots, user and application settings.

A rich collection of GUI widgets.

A set of classes to support TCP and UDP socket programming and higher
level protocols (eg. HTTP).

A set of classes that allows PyOpenGL to render onto Qt widgets.

A set of classes that implement SQL data models and interfaces to industry
standard databases.  Includes an implementation of SQLite.

A set of classes to render SVG files onto Qt widgets.

A set of classes that implement DOM and SAX parsers.

A set of classes that enables the Qt Assistant online help browser to be
integrated with an application.

A Windows installer is provided for the GPL version of PyQt to be used with
the GPL version of Qt v4 (
It enabes a complete PyQt environment to be installed on Windows without the
need for a C++ compiler.

PyQt includes the pyuic utility which generates Python code to implement user
interfaces created with Qt Designer in the same way that the uic utility
generates C++ code.  It is also able to load Designer XML files dynamically.

Re: ANN: Leo 4.4 rc1 released

2006-04-29 Thread Fulvio
Alle 22:58, venerdì 28 aprile 2006, Edward K. Ream ha scritto:
 Many new commands, including
Small question.
Has it way of using macro or programmable input?
I mean this because for linux there arent many text editors with macro 
(recording/playing back) nor any with script commands.

Thank you.
If Leo lack of this, would be appreciated to give some idea to get involved on 
making it running python code.


Python member of function

2006-04-29 Thread brianlum

I was wondering if anyone knew of a built in Python function that will
check if an item is a member of a list, i.e., if item i is a member of
list l.

I read of a function in but I can't seem to get that to work and
finding pages for python in does not reveal very many relevant



Re: Python member of function

2006-04-29 Thread Erik Max Francis

 I was wondering if anyone knew of a built in Python function that will
 check if an item is a member of a list, i.e., if item i is a member of
 list l.
 I read of a function in but I can't seem to get that to work and
 finding pages for python in does not reveal very many relevant

Yes, `in` is the relevant operator.  It's quite simple to use:

  a = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
  2 in a
  4 in a

If you're having problems using it in some circumstance, you'll have to 
be specific.

Erik Max Francis  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Jose, CA, USA  37 20 N 121 53 W  AIM erikmaxfrancis
   No man quite believes in any other man.
   -- H.L. Mencken

Re: Python member of function

2006-04-29 Thread Rene Pijlman
I was wondering if anyone knew of a built in Python function that will
check if an item is a member of a list, i.e., if item i is a member of
list l.

 1 in [1,3,4]
 2 in [1,3,4]

René Pijlman

Re: Python member of function

2006-04-29 Thread brianlum
Thanks, I was using in incorrectly.  Thanks a lot!


midi input

2006-04-29 Thread Will Hurt

can you tell me of a python module available for linux which allows me
to access midi i/o data. ie i want to get hold of raw midi input coming
in from an external controller. ive managed to get the controller
configured under alsa-midi. if possible could you also give me some
example code on how to do this.

thanks in advance



Re: ANN: Leo 4.4 rc1 released

2006-04-29 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Fulvio wrote:

 I mean this because for linux there arent many text editors with macro
 (recording/playing back) nor any with script commands.

umm.  what about the big ones: emacs  vim ?  they both have extensive
support for macros and scripting, and can both be scripted in Python.  and
if you're running linux, they're not very far away...



Re: PyQt 4.0beta1 Released

2006-04-29 Thread Skink
Phil Thompson wrote:
 Riverbank Computing is pleased to announce the release of PyQt v4.0beta1
 available from
 PyQt is a comprehensive set of Qt bindings for the Python programming language
 and supports the same platforms as Qt (Windows, Linux and MacOS/X).  Like Qt,
 PyQt is available under the GPL and a commercial license.
 PyQt v4 supports Qt v4 (  
 PyQt v3 is still available to support earlier versions of Qt.

Phil, great news!
However I have one question: my qt4 is built with QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY
and when I try to build pyqt I got errors no such method

What should I do? Rebuild qt4 without QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY #define?

My qt is 4.1.2


[ANN] ConfigObj 4.3.1 validate 0.2.2

2006-04-29 Thread Fuzzyman
`ConfigObj 4.3.1`_
and `validate 0.2.2`_ are now available.

These are both minor bugfix/feature enhancement releases.

What is New in ConfigObj ?

Changes since **ConfigObj** 4.3.0 :

* Added ```` back into ````. (Thanks to Stewart

* Updated to ``_ 0.2.2.

* Preserve tuples when calling the ``dict`` method. (Thanks to Gustavo

* Changed ``__repr__`` to return a string that contains ``ConfigObj({
... })``.

* Change so that an options dictionary isn't modified by passing it to
ConfigObj. (Thanks to Artarious.)

* Added ability to handle negative integers in ``unrepr``. (Thanks to
Kevin Dangoor.)

What is New in validate ?

Changes since **validate** 0.2.1 :

* Addressed bug where a string would pass the ``is_list`` test. (Thanks
to Konrad Wojas.)

What is ConfigObj ?

**ConfigObj** is a simple but powerful config file reader and writer:
an *ini file round tripper*. Its main feature is that it is very easy
to use, with a straightforward programmer's interface and a simple
syntax for config files. It has lots of other features though :

* Nested sections (subsections), to any level
* List values
* Multiple line values
* String interpolation (substitution)
* Integrated with a powerful validation system

- including automatic type checking/conversion
- repeated sections
- and allowing default values

* All comments in the file are preserved
* The order of keys/sections is preserved
* No external dependencies
* Full Unicode support
* A powerful ``unrepr`` mode for storing basic datatypes

What is validate ?

``_ is a
module for validating values against a specification. It can be used
with **ConfigObj**, or as a standalone module.

It is extensible, and as well as doing type conversion from strings,
you can easily implement your own functions for transforming values in
any way you please.


Re: PyQt 4.0beta1 Released

2006-04-29 Thread Phil Thompson
On Saturday 29 April 2006 1:27 pm, Skink wrote:
 Phil Thompson wrote:
  Riverbank Computing is pleased to announce the release of PyQt v4.0beta1
  available from
  PyQt is a comprehensive set of Qt bindings for the Python programming
  language and supports the same platforms as Qt (Windows, Linux and
  MacOS/X).  Like Qt, PyQt is available under the GPL and a commercial
  PyQt v4 supports Qt v4 (
  PyQt v3 is still available to support earlier versions of Qt.

 Phil, great news!
 However I have one question: my qt4 is built with QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY
 and when I try to build pyqt I got errors no such method

 What should I do? Rebuild qt4 without QT_NO_ACCESSIBILITY #define?

 My qt is 4.1.2

Yes - the current code assumes a fully configured Qt.


Re: Recommendations for a PostgreSQL db adapter, please?

2006-04-29 Thread Gerhard Häring
Hash: SHA1

Keen Anthony wrote:
 I am currently using psycopg 2 as my db adapter for a mod_python  
 PostgreSQL web app. It's works fine, and I haven't any complaints. I 
 would appreciate some input on what other pythonistas like in an 
 adapter. There were several different options available to me, but there 
 was no particular informed reason for me to choose psycopg. Am I missing 

Considering pyPgSQL, psycopg1, PyGreSQL and psycopg2 - psycopg2 is a good

There's also interesting development happening here: - but it seems to be in the midst of

- -- Gerhard
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: Re:

2006-04-29 Thread Matt Garrish

Bill Atkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 John Bokma [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Isn't it crazy that one person is allowed to create such a huge mess
 everytime he posts?

 Isn't it crazy that one person willfully creates such a mess every
 time Xah posts?  Shush!

Don't waste your time with the Bokma. He wants everyone to follow the 
posting rules that annoy Bokma the least, but he never follows them himself.



Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread nikie
Steven Bethard wrote:

 nikie wrote:
  Steven Bethard wrote:
  John Salerno wrote:
  If I want to make a list of four items, e.g. L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'],
  and then figure out if a certain element precedes another element, what
  would be the best way to do that?
  Looking at the built-in list functions, I thought I could do something
  if L.index('A')  L.index('D'):
  # do some stuff
  This is probably a pretty reasonable approach as long as you're not too
  worried about efficiency.  It scans the list twice though, so if you
  start doing this with really big lists, it might be better to do
  something like:
  On average, it'll only have go through half the list twice, as it can
  break as soon as it finds the item it searches for. Don't think you can
  get any more efficient than that.

 Sure you can:

  a_index = None
  d_index = None
  for i, item in enumerate(L):
  if item == 'A':
  a_index = i
  elif item == 'D':
  d_index = i
  if a_index is not None and d_index is not None:

  if a_index  d_index:
  # do some stuff

 That goes through exactly the minimum number of elements.  But it's
 probably slower than two .index() calls since .index() is coded in C.
 But timeit and see if you're interested.

On my PC, calling index twice is 5 times faster.

But let's just pretend for a moment Python code was compiled and
optimized as well as C code. Then, this function would still not be
faster than calling index twice. You seem to be under the impression
that looping through a list takes a lot of time and comparing items
takes none. The reverse is the case: Looping through a list means the
processor has to do something like increment an index once for every
item in the list (for optimized C code! Looping through a generator
like the one returned by enumerate in interpreted code is a lot more
complex). Comparing two items on the other hand involves (as lists
aren't statically typed) looking up a cmp-method dynamically, calling
it dynamically, and, of course, a string comparison, which again
involves two pointer lookups for every character that has to be
compared. So, if you want to know how fast your function will be,
you'll have to count the number of comparisons. (Of course, we're
ignoring the fact that smaller functions tend to run quicker due to
cache-, branch-prediction and optimization-effects) If you call your
function with the list ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'], it will compare the first
item 'C' to 'A' and 'D', than the second, 'A' to 'A' and the third 'D'
to 'A' and 'D', so it'll have to do 5 comparisons, correct? If you call
index to find the first occurence of the item 'A' in the same list, it
will have to do 2 comparisons (it can break as soon as it finds the
iten), and 3 comparisons are needed for finding the item 'D', so it'll
do 5 comparisons, too. Plus, you have a small overhead for comparing
a_index and d_index to none (which is faster than a
sting-comparison, but still takes time, probably more time than
incrementing an index for looping through a list). Things get even
worse if 'A' and 'D' aren't neighbors in the list, because than all
the items bewteen 'A' and 'D' will have to be compared to 'A' and 'D'
in the version above, but only to 'D' if you call index twice. So, the
function above isn't only less readable, it's also slower on the
average case.

You might however be able to tweak the performance of the index-version
a little bit if you call it only on small chunks of the array at a
time, using the index()-versions that take a start- and stop index, so
the whole list only has to be moved from the memory to the cache once.
But I'm not sure the performance is memory-bound at all (always hard to
tell in an interpreted language).

L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B']
positions = dict((item, i) for i, item in enumerate(L))
  {'A': 1, 'C': 0, 'B': 3, 'D': 2}
positions['A']  positions['D']
  Isn't this bound to be less efficient? I mean, inserting the items into
  a dict is probably O(n log n)

 No, it's O(N).  Dicts are just hash tables.  Insertion is O(1).  So N
 insertions is O(N).

I've measured that with the timeit module. The time it takes to build a
dict with N entries doesn't seem to be proportional to N, (t-c)/n keeps
increasing. Try this:

import timeit, math

def time(N):
return timeit.Timer(dict([('%%010i'%%i,i) for i in range(%i)]) %

c = time(1000)*2-time(2000)

for i in range(1000,100,1000):
t = time(i)
print %5i - %f (t/n = %f) % (i,t, (t-c)/i*1000)

 This route is also dramatically more efficient if you need to make M
 comparisons between items instead of just 1 comparison.  In that case,
 using the dict is O(N + M) instead of the O(N * M) of the .index() route.

Assuming (as I have said already) that you build the dict once, but
call index again and again for every comparison, which is of course

Need help removing list elements.

2006-04-29 Thread nuffnough
This is python 2.4.3 on WinXP under PythonWin.

I have a config file with many blank lines and many other lines that I
don't need.

read the file in,  splitlines to make a list, then run a loop that
looks like this:

config_file = open(lines.txt, rb)
returned_lines =

i = len(returned_lines)

for i in range(i):
if returned_lines[i].find(Value) == -1:
if returned_lines[i].find(Name) == -1:
print read in this useless line ...
print returned_lines[i]
print Removing line ...
returned_lines[i] = 

This blanks out all the lines I don't want.  I did originally try 'del
returned_lines[i]' but I got list index out of range, so I made a loop
to delete the empty elements.

for i in range(i):
if returned_lines[i] == :

del returned_lines[i]

But this gives me IndexError: list out of range

After much experimentation and dumping of the list, I have figured out
that it doesn't like removing multiple empty elements in a row.  In
other words, if there are 4 empty lines,  it will remove one of them,
and seems to behave as though that was one element instead of 3.  if I
make i = i - *number of groups of empty elements* it works without an
error,  but leaves many empty elements behind.

Obviously I can iterate over it time and again,  but that isn't how the
world should work.

Is this something obvious that I am doing wrong, or something more

Any help will be gratefully appreciated!


Re: Recommendations for a PostgreSQL db adapter, please?

2006-04-29 Thread Tim Churches
Gerhard Häring wrote:
 Keen Anthony wrote:

 I am currently using psycopg 2 as my db adapter for a mod_python  
 PostgreSQL web app. It's works fine, and I haven't any complaints. I 
 would appreciate some input on what other pythonistas like in an 
 adapter. There were several different options available to me, but there 
 was no particular informed reason for me to choose psycopg. Am I missing 
 Considering pyPgSQL, psycopg1, PyGreSQL and psycopg2 - psycopg2 is a good

Hmmm, Gerhard, you are listed as one of two developers for pyPgSQL on
SourceForge  ( ). The fact that
you are recommending a different DB adaptor project suggests a degree of
disengagement with pyPgSQL. Is Billy G. Allie still interested in
pyPgSQL, or is it now completely unloved? If so, then perhaps some new
maintainers can be found for it - several projects rely on pyPgSQL,
including ours ( )  - for which
we currently need to provide our own pyPgSQL tarball rolled from CVS
plus some of our own minor but important patches - which were submitted
for consideration but have not (AFAIK) been checked into the pyPgSQL
CVS. The latest tarball for pyPgSQl available from the pyPgSQL
SourceForge pages is dated 2003.

No criticism is intended in any of the foregoing observations - it is
inevitable that people move on to new projects (such as pySQLite), but
it would be a shame if pyPgSQL just rotted, because it has several
things in its favour, such as some unit tests (which were conspicuously
absent from any of the alternatives when we evaluated them in 2003 -
perhaps they have been added by now). Overall we have found pyPgSQL to
be very reliable.

Tim C


Re: Need help removing list elements.

2006-04-29 Thread jwelby
This looks like a job for list comprehensions:

 returned_lines= ['Name: John, Value: 12','We don't want this one.','Name: 
 Eric, Value: 24']
 [x for x in returned_lines if ('Name' in x and 'Value' in x)]
['Name: John, Value: 12', 'Name: Eric, Value: 24']

List comprehensions are great. If you are not familiar with them, check
out the Python documentation. Once you get started with them, you won't
look back.


Re: Need help removing list elements.

2006-04-29 Thread jwelby

Looking at your example a bit closer, change the 'and' in the list
comprehension I posted  to 'or', and it should do what you want.


Re: Need help removing list elements.

2006-04-29 Thread Max Erickson

 But this gives me IndexError: list out of range

You are making the list shorter as you are iterating. By the time your 
index is at the end of the original list, it isn't that long any more. 
Creating a new list and appending the elements you want to keep avoids 
the problem. Or you can just use a list comprehension(untested):

returned_lines=[line for line in open(lines.txt, 'rb') 
if line != ]

or just

returned_lines=[line for line in open(lines.txt) if line]



Re: Recommendations for a PostgreSQL db adapter, please?

2006-04-29 Thread Gerhard Häring
Hash: SHA1

Tim Churches wrote:
 Gerhard Häring wrote:
[...] Considering pyPgSQL, psycopg1, PyGreSQL and psycopg2 - psycopg2 is a 
 Hmmm, Gerhard, you are listed as one of two developers for pyPgSQL on
 SourceForge  ( ). The fact that
 you are recommending a different DB adaptor project suggests a degree of
 disengagement with pyPgSQL.

It's not that I'd now say that pyPgSQL is bad software, but as you say it
didn't see a lot of maintenance the last two years, and AFAIK this won't
change anytime soon.

With the last release, it was pretty much feature complete, and Billy G.
Allie and me were talking about a rewrite of many parts in C for increased
performance, and for taking advantage of the new PostgreSQL API. I told him
that I was unfortunately too busy with other things to contribute
significantly to pyPgSQL. I see myself more as a helper for pyPgSQL nowadays.

 Is Billy G. Allie still interested in pyPgSQL, or is it now completely

AFAIK he is still interested and committing fixes to the current codebase
now and then and working on the rewrite.

I don't know, however, if there's a plan for the long overdue maintenance
release to the last release from 2003.

 If so, then perhaps some new maintainers can be found for it [...]

I'll just cc Billy so he can comment :-)

 - several projects rely on pyPgSQL,
 including ours ( )  - for which
 we currently need to provide our own pyPgSQL tarball rolled from CVS
 plus some of our own minor but important patches - which were submitted
 for consideration but have not (AFAIK) been checked into the pyPgSQL
 CVS. The latest tarball for pyPgSQl available from the pyPgSQL
 SourceForge pages is dated 2003.
 No criticism is intended in any of the foregoing observations - it is
 inevitable that people move on to new projects (such as pySQLite), but
 it would be a shame if pyPgSQL just rotted, because it has several
 things in its favour, such as some unit tests (which were conspicuously
 absent from any of the alternatives when we evaluated them in 2003 -
 perhaps they have been added by now). Overall we have found pyPgSQL to
 be very reliable.

- -- Gerhard
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird -


Re: can i set up a mysql db connection as a class ?

2006-04-29 Thread Ed Leafe
On Apr 27, 2006, at 8:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 my question is, is there a way i can set up a global connection so  
 when the program loads, it connects once, then stays connected ? maybe
 i could assign instances of the cursor ?

We do something like this in Dabo. We define connections, giving  
each an identifying name, and the application object loads the  
definitions at startup (without actually connecting). When a business  
object needs a connection, they call  
self.Application.getConnectionByName(connName). If that connection  
hasn't been made, the app connects and returns a reference to the  
connection. It also stores the reference, so that the next time a  
business object requests that connection, it simply returns the  
existing reference.

shameless plug
If you're developing database applications, especially if they  
involve a GUI, you really should take a look at Dabo. It's an app  
framework written by database developers for database developers.
/shameless plug

-- Ed Leafe


Re: wxPython, wxcombobox opening

2006-04-29 Thread Philippe Martin

I do not have the answer but am very interested in the issue. I tried this:

l_ev = wx.MouseEvent(wx.wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN)

Which did send the event to the combo (which is in a pannel in my case) ..
but that is apparently not the event that triggers the dropping of the

I posed elsewhere and will forward here any hint.


Rony Steelandt wrote:

 Does somebody knows a way to automaticely open the list part of a
 wxCombobox when it gets the focus ?


RE: (was Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Criticism vs Constructive Criticism)

2006-04-29 Thread bruce
but you know...

one could simply hit the delete/skip button when you see a msg you don't
like!!! or email/spam filters... or you can spend more time complaining.. in
life, you gotta' learn to pick your battles...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Of Tagore Smith
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: (was Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Criticism vs Constructive

John Bokma wrote:
 Tagore Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Your emails to his ISP
  are far more wasteful- you are using up very scarce resources
  dedicated to dealing with real abuse.

 According to his hosting provider dreamhost:
 I have warned this user that excessive offtopic cross-posting is not
 allowed, and explained that if he doesn't quit he risks losing his
 account. If you (or anyone else) notice this in the future, please do not
 hesitate to submit another report.

Precisely: you have wasted the time of someone who might otherwise have
spent that time dealing with real abuse. You got the standard email
sent out to placate people like you. That was my point. Try sending
mail to abuse at (any of my) desmesne(s). You won't get a response- in
fact, no-one will read your mail. We just don't have the resources to
deal with the easily offended. Too bad- we wouldn't mind handling real
abuse, though it is unlikely given our selective set of users.

I'm not sure that Xah's post was offtopic, and I am not sure how to
determine that objectively. I am sure that it was excessively
crossposted. I also know that Xah was posting to Usenet a long time
before you, and that he will still be posting to Usenet long after you
have given up in disgust, no matter who you complain to.

 Reread it a few times, it might educate you (note the *cross-posting* and
 the *submit another report*)

I think I've mentioned the crossposting in every message I have posted
on this thread, and that I don't approve of crossposting. I'm not sure
that you are in a position to educate me, and that you suggest that you
are is, frankly, obnoxious. I've been civil so far.

 (Rest of your misinterpretation snipped).

You can snip the important part, but that won't make the point go away.

I happen to have been working in this industry for a long time. I have
a lot of friends working at, and running, various enterprises. Some of
those enterprises handle a lot of the internet's traffic, measured by
packets at least. If I were really ethically impaired I could easily
mess up internet access for a list of people I don't like. A call
from a backbone provider is not as ignorable as a random email to

But I am not ethically impaired (or at least not ethically impaired in
that way). Every young sysadmin learns a simple thing: you have
disproportionate power, don't abuse it.  Sometimes you have to read
people's mail, to diagnose a problem. If they are into weird bondage
stuff you avert your eyes, and you _never_ tell anyone (though I think
you are allowed to look at them funny at the company picnic). If they
are into child porn you call the cops, I think (the ethics are fuzzy
here, but this is my conclusion).

Crossposting is bad, unless it serves a specific purpose- Xah's post
obviously doesn't. I dont like people reporting on Usenet posters to
their ISPs, but... I can't really complain about that. Crossposting is
not good, without a really good justification.

But you are complaining about the content of his posts, and harassing
his ISP based on that.  That's not just bad, it is wicked. You can
quote whatever you want from their emails, but I won't change my mind
on this subject- Xah shouldn't crosspost, but otherwise he should be
allowed to post.

Would you like a Usenet campaign started to disrupt your internet
access? You would be angry if that were done, and justifiably.



Re: Using Databases in Python

2006-04-29 Thread Steve Holden
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 21:29:32 +0100, Steve Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 Given that his web-site implies that he does these for a living, it
may not be a publicly available item.

Nah, he's a bozo and his web site is completely wrong (as usual :-).

   I didn't mean to imply everything is done commercially, only that
 what I saw seemed to lean that way (I also clicked on one of the books
 that showed up and got something about unavailable from Amazon G)

Hmm, time to crawl the site, methinks. Thank you!

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: Can you create an instance of a subclass with an existing instance of the base class?

2006-04-29 Thread Steve Holden
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
  bruno at modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

 bruno at modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:

I think you're taking Python's OO-ness too seriously. One of the 
strengths of Python is that it can _look_ like an OO language without 
actually being OO.

According to which definition of OO ?

Isn't there one?

Your claim that Python _look_ like an OO language without actually
being OO implicitely relies on a definition of OO - or is just
 Which nicely evades answering the question.

Well I have to say you are also nicely evading answering the question, 
which is enough to make me suspect your are trolling (deliberately 
asking contentious questions for the purposes of creating futile 
argument and discussion).

If you *aren't* trolling then what's your objection to saying what led 
you to make the assertion that Python could look like an OO language 
without being one?

But sine you say later that Python objects are basically dictionaries 
it's clear your understanding of Python isn't terribly complete, which 
might cast doubt on your understanding of object orientation.

For the record, Python *is* an object-oriented language, but it happens 
to offer convenient features for procedural programming as well. Since 
these features are orthogonal to its OO features, the fact that they 
exist doesn't stop Python from being an OO language.

So why do you assert that it merely looks like one?

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


2006-04-29 Thread penshe


2006-04-29 Thread penshe


2006-04-29 Thread penshe


How to get computer name

2006-04-29 Thread pitarda
How do I get the computer name in python?

I've been looking over the internet, and couldn't find anything.




self modifying code

2006-04-29 Thread Robin Becker
When young I was warned repeatedly by more knowledgeable folk that self 
modifying code was dangerous.

Is the following idiom dangerous or unpythonic?

def func(a):
 global func, data
 data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
 def func(a):
 return simple(data,a)
 return func(a)

It could be replaced by

data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
def func(a):
 return simple(data,a)

but this always calculates data.
Robin Becker

Re: How to get computer name

2006-04-29 Thread Tim Heaney
pitarda [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How do I get the computer name in python?

You can use the os module to get it from your environment.

   import os

Depending on your operating system, the environment variable you need
might have a different name. For example, I think in Windows you
might try


You can see all of the environment variables currently available with


I hope this helps,


Re: How to get computer name

2006-04-29 Thread pitarda
Thanks! :)

Though,... I think once I saw something like: getComputerByName but
can't find it anymore,...



Re: Re:

2006-04-29 Thread John Bokma
Matt Garrish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Don't waste your time with the Bokma. He wants everyone to follow the 
 posting rules that annoy Bokma the least, but he never follows them

Wow Matt, did it hurt that bad boy?

Grow up, you're smart enough to see what Xah is doing. If not, ask someone 
with more brains to control you better.

John   MexIT:
   personal page:
Experienced programmer available:
Happy Customers:

Re: Hooking things up in GUI application

2006-04-29 Thread Florian Diesch
Ryan Ginstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Behalf Of sturlamolden
 If you use PyGTK (it also runs on Windows), you can design 
 the GUI with
 GLADE and then use libglade to import the gui as an xml-resource.

 Yes, I've tried something similar with wxGlade. Nice, but it doesn't seem to
 remove the most tedious work -- hooking up handlers (although it does help
 here, at the cost of some behind-the-scenes magic), and getting data into and
 out of GUI widgets. 

Kiwi looks promising, but it is
under heavy development and you have to learn it by examples.

Emacs hat den weiten Weg von krank, nur krank bis komisch hinter sich.
[David Kastrup in [EMAIL PROTECTED]]

Re: self modifying code

2006-04-29 Thread nikie
Robin Becker schrieb:

 When young I was warned repeatedly by more knowledgeable folk that self
 modifying code was dangerous.

 Is the following idiom dangerous or unpythonic?

 def func(a):
  global func, data
  data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
  def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)
  return func(a)

It took me quite a while to figure out how it works, so, yes, I'd say
it's unpythonic ;-). It's not really dangerous, but it can get nasty if
someone tries to rename the function, or put it into a class.

But that's probably not the kind of self-modifying code you've been
warned against anyway: I've only ever seen self-modifying code in
assembly language or in lisp, the idea is that you really change the
code (i.e. single opcodes in the function that's currently running), so
you can e.g. make an infinite loop, and eventually overwrite the loop
statement to do something else so the loop ends. I'm not sure if you
can do the same thing in Python, maybe by changing the bytecode of a
running function.

 It could be replaced by

 data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
 def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)

 but this always calculates data.

You could of course initialize data with None and calculate it only on
demand. Or you could use:
This has the advantage of encapsulating the memoization logic so it can
be tested (and understood) separately from your code.


Re: self modifying code

2006-04-29 Thread Peter Otten
Robin Becker wrote:

 When young I was warned repeatedly by more knowledgeable folk that self
 modifying code was dangerous.
 Is the following idiom dangerous or unpythonic?
 def func(a):
  global func, data
  data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
  def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)
  return func(a)
 It could be replaced by
 data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
 def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)
 but this always calculates data.


data = None
def func(a):
global data
if data is None:
data = costly()
return simple(data, a)

if you want lazy evaluation. Not only is it easier to understand, 
it also works with

from lazymodule import func

at the cost of just one object identity test whereas your func()
implementation will do the heavy-lifting every time func() is called in the
client (unless func() has by chance been invoked as lazymodule.func()
before the import).



Re: Re:

2006-04-29 Thread John Bokma
John Bokma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Matt Garrish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Don't waste your time with the Bokma. He wants everyone to follow the
 posting rules that annoy Bokma the least, but he never follows them
 Wow Matt, did it hurt that bad boy?
 Grow up, you're smart enough to see what Xah is doing. If not, ask
 someone with more brains to control you better.

Also, if you need a post in a Xah Lee thread to make you look right, and 
me look bad... that's quite a message in itself Garrish :-D.

John   MexIT:
   personal page:
Experienced programmer available:
Happy Customers:

Re: How to get computer name

2006-04-29 Thread Richard Townsend
On 29 Apr 2006 10:04:39 -0700, pitarda wrote:

 Thanks! :)
 Though,... I think once I saw something like: getComputerByName but
 can't find it anymore,...

 import socket
 print socket.gethostname()
 print socket.gethostbyname('blade') # will print IP address


Re: self modifying code

2006-04-29 Thread Robin Becker
Peter Otten wrote:

 def func(a):
  global func, data
  data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
  def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)
  return func(a)

 at the cost of just one object identity test whereas your func()
 implementation will do the heavy-lifting every time func() is called in the
 client (unless func() has by chance been invoked as lazymodule.func()
 before the import).

in the example code the heavy lifting, costly(), is done only once as 
the function that does it is overwritten. As pointed out it won't work 
as simply in a class. Memoisation could improve the performance of the 
normal case form of the function ie

def func(a):
 return simple(data,a)

but I guess that would depend on whether simple(data,a) is relatively 
expensive compared to the costs the memo lookup.
Robin Becker

opposite function to split?

2006-04-29 Thread randomtalk
hello everyone! I can't seem to find a function that combines a list of
items into a string with a seperator between the individual elements..
Is there such a method that does the opposite of sting.split? thanks


Re: opposite function to split?

2006-04-29 Thread Robin Becker
 hello everyone! I can't seem to find a function that combines a list of
 items into a string with a seperator between the individual elements..
 Is there such a method that does the opposite of sting.split? thanks
join is your answer

','.join(['a','b','c']) == 'a,b,c'

Robin Becker

Re: self modifying code

2006-04-29 Thread John J. Lee
Robin Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When young I was warned repeatedly by more knowledgeable folk that self 
 modifying code was dangerous.
 Is the following idiom dangerous or unpythonic?
 def func(a):
  global func, data
  data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
  def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)
  return func(a)

1. I don't think most people would call that self-modifying code.  I
   won't try defining that term precisely because I know you'll just
   pick holes in my definition ;-)

2. The use of global func is just plain weird :-)

3. Peter Otten's version is OK, but how about this, using a closure
   instead of globals (UNTESTED)

def make_func():
namespace = object() = None
def func(a):
if is None: = somethingcomplexandcostly()
return simple(, a)
return func
func = make_func()



Re: Using a browser as a GUI: which Python package

2006-04-29 Thread John J. Lee
André [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I would like to use a browser (e.g. Firefox) as a simple GUI
 framework.  Note that this is to be done on a single user machine, so
 the question of sandboxing is not really relevant here.
 My ultimate goal would be to port the main features of two
 wxPython-based apps I wrote (rur-ple and Lightning Compiler, both found
 within a standard browser.

If you can stick to Firefox, you might find XUL useful.  There are
various different styles of development that use XUL and Python -- a
bit of Googling and reading should find them.



Re: Urllib2 / add_password method

2006-04-29 Thread John J. Lee
mrstephengross [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm working on learning how to use urllib2 to use a proxy server. I've
 looked through the postings on this group, and it's been helpful. I
 have not, however, found complete documentation on the add_password()
 functions. Here's what I've got so far:

Don't use a password manager with proxy auth in 2.4, it doesn't work:

 It works, but I don't really know what I'm doing with the
 proxy_auth_handler part. Specifying username and password make sense,
 but I haven't found documentation on what 'realm' and 'host' are for.
 Shouldn't username  password be sufficient?

Both proxy and auth handling in urllib2 are buggy in 2.4, but passing
the username and password in the userinfo component of the URL works
(didn't read your code, hope nothing important in there):

import urllib2

proxy_handler = urllib2.ProxyHandler({
http: http://john:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3128})
opener = urllib2.build_opener(proxy_handler)

response =

However, ISTR specifying a port number as I do above (the :3128 bit)
is not supported in 2.4 (it does in current SVN, so will in 2.5).

Hmm, I notice just now that urllib2's digest auth support breaks
urllib2's handler scheme.  Must file another bug...



Re: self modifying code

2006-04-29 Thread Robin Becker
John J. Lee wrote:
 1. I don't think most people would call that self-modifying code.  I
won't try defining that term precisely because I know you'll just
pick holes in my definition  ;-) 

Don't really disagree about the rewriting code, but the function does 
re-define itself.

 2. The use of global func is just plain weird :-)
 3. Peter Otten's version is OK, but how about this, using a closure
instead of globals (UNTESTED)
 def make_func():
 namespace = object() = None
 def func(a):
 if is None: = somethingcomplexandcostly()
 return simple(, a)
 return func
 func = make_func()
the inner function is almost precisely what I started with, except I 
used the global namespace. However, it keeps the test in side the 
function which costs about 1%.
Robin Becker

Re: A QFB agent: how to catch C-level crashes and last Python stack ?

2006-04-29 Thread robert
Thomas Heller wrote:
 robert wrote:
 When employing complex UI libs (wx, win32ui, ..) and other extension 
 libs, nice only Python stack traces remain a myth.

 Currently I'm hunting again a rare C-level crash bug of a Python based 
 Windows app with rare user reports - and still in the dark (I get 
 snippets of machine stack traces / screenshots with random mem. 
 access error / python caused the runtime to terminate in an unusual 
 way / ..)

 I'd like to hook a kind of quality feedback agent a C-level to enable 
 the user transfer a report (similar to what Mozilla/Netscape has), 
 e.g. in a changed python.exe stub. Next to the machine stack/regs it 
 should grab the relevant last Python thread stack(s), if any, and 
 maybe other useful status and python global vars.
 (There are also Python threads going on. )

 Is that possible?

 It looks like this may be what you want.  Quoting from
 In recent years, scripting languages such as Perl,
 Python, and Tcl have become popular development tools
 for the creation of sophisticated application software.
 One of the most useful features of these languages is
 their ability to easily interact with compiled languages
 such as C and C++. Although this mixed language approach
 has many benefits, one of the greatest drawbacks
 is the complexity of debugging that results from using
 interpreted and compiled code in the same application.
 In part, this is due to the fact that scripting language
 interpreters are unable to recover from catastrophic errors
 in compiled extension code. Moreover, traditional
 C/C++ debuggers do not provide a satisfactory degree
 of integration with interpreted languages. This paper
 describes an experimental system in which fatal extension
 errors such as segmentation faults, bus errors, and
 failed assertions are handled as scripting language exceptions.
 This system, which has been implemented as
 a general purpose shared library, requires no modifications
 to the target scripting language, introduces no performance
 penalty, and simplifies the debugging of mixed
 interpreted-compiled application software.
 It may be an interesting project to port this to Windows.
 Hope that helps,

Thanks, exactly. That would be quite luxurious as WAD manages to even 
continue normal Python execution on the current stack (only in a UNIX 
main thread?) with a regular Python exception. That would make pets out 
of all bugs - preventing users from facing nameless app freezes, but 
make the help bug elimination for distributed programs by detailed reports.

simply catching signal.SIGSEGV with Python's signal module causes just 
looping at 100% CPU load (The GIL is not forced ?)

WAD obviously has not anymore evolved since the beginning.

The Author says, that a Windows port would be quite complex - because 
advanced execution context manipulation is obviously not possible with 
signals on Windows.
Yet he mentions the Windows C++ structured exception handling, which 
may enable that.

I know that the fast Object Store OO-Database uses exactly that method 
to catch and recover execution from seg faults, while updating a kind of 
memory mapped database into the system.
I integrated that OO-DBMS exception handler once with Python some years 
back by making a C++ file out of python.c as shown below or even by 
using that PSECall alone, which is needed anyway for wrapping any other 
Python threads (start functions) with the seg fault handler. Probably 
there is even better thread control possible than on Linux. Yet I don't 
know so far if its possible to find the valid Python exit functions on 
the stack (for returning from exceptions) the same style as in Unix ELF 
binaries ...


{ try { _PSE_NS_ _ODI_fault_handler _ODI_handler; try {
   } catch (_PSE_NS_ os_err e) { e.print(); } \
} catch (_PSE_NS_ _ODI_fault_handler) {} }

#include os_pse/ostore.hh
#include Python.h

extern C { DL_EXPORT(int) Py_Main(int, char**);}

int main(int argc, char **argv)
int result=0;

// The top of the stack of every thread of every program
// must be wrapped in a fault handler
// This macro begins the handler's scope

result = Py_Main(argc, argv);

// This macro ends the fault handler's scope

return result;

#ifdef SWIG

//# for wrapping python threads with the PSE fault handler
%native(PSECall) _wrap_PSECall;
//#include os_pse/ostore.hh
//#include Python.h
static PyObject *_wrap_PSECall(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
 PyObject * func =0 ;
 PyObject * funcargs =0 ;

PyObject* result;

 if(!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,OO:PSECall,func, funcargs)) return NULL;

// The top of the stack of every thread of every program
// must be wrapped in 

Re: [wwwsearch-general] Re: Urllib2 / add_password method

2006-04-29 Thread John J Lee
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006, John J. Lee wrote:

 mrstephengross [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm working on learning how to use urllib2 to use a proxy server. I've
 looked through the postings on this group, and it's been helpful. I
 have not, however, found complete documentation on the add_password()
 functions. Here's what I've got so far:

 Don't use a password manager with proxy auth in 2.4, it doesn't work:

 It works, but I don't really know what I'm doing with the
 proxy_auth_handler part. Specifying username and password make sense,
 but I haven't found documentation on what 'realm' and 'host' are for.
 Shouldn't username  password be sufficient?

Oops, didn't read your question.

I'm surprised if it worked at all given that bug (maybe you're using an 
older Python, and I forget all the details of the bug).

Anyway, to answer your question: yes, username  password *should* be 
sufficient, but the password manager classes in urllib2 at present aren't 
very friendly like that.  You can use HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm so 
that at least you can forget about the realm part.  (The realm is what 
you see in the title bar of the pop-up that web browsers display.  See RFC 
2617 for more details.)

I'm adding friendlier proxy/auth support to package mechanize ATM (and 
finding/fixing bugs as I go), so maybe some of that will find its way into 
Python 2.6.



Re: Simple DAV server?

2006-04-29 Thread robert
Ivan Voras wrote:

 Kyler Laird wrote:
 Ivan's been working on a problem I've been experiencing with Windows XP
 (failure to launch).  He sent a new version my way today.  I'm going
 to test it tomorrow when I've got some XP users available.  If it works
 I'm going to work on putting my changes into a subclass.

 I don't see this being a full-featured fully-compliant DAV server
 immediately but I'm betting that it will provide adequate service for my
 users soon.
 Most of the problems are probably because I didn't mean it to be a 
 fully-compliant WebDAV server, but to serve my need at the time :)
 I'm still waiting for SourceForge to approve the project so there's a 
 proper place to integrate all the patches. One thing I insist on is the 
 separation of davserver and fsdav (e.g. no contamination of knowledge 
 between the two).

I tried a little with that last package from KL (MOVE). Added the 
missing urllib.unquote's and sorted few other problems. ok.

I now also need PROPPATCH / arbitrary properties. Windows for example 
stores (original) file time stamps in such properties.
Started writing on that, yet not complete - little complex. Properties 
to go to a .##dav folder (copied and moved together with the objects 
with COPY/MOVE).


Re: urllib.urlopen() with pages that requires cookies.

2006-04-29 Thread John J. Lee
mwt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  use urllib2 and cookielib.  here's an outline:
  import urllib2, cookielib
  # set things up
  jar = cookielib.CookieJar()
  handler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar)
  opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler)
  data = urllib2.urlopen(someurl).read()
  # ...
  data = urllib2.urlopen(someotherurl).read()
  # ...
  # dump cookie jar contents (for debugging)
  for cookie in jar:
  print cookie
 How would this outline be changed/expanded if it also needed to handle
 basic authentication?

handler = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(jar)
pm = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
# use None for realm: send username and password for all realms
pm.add_password(None,;, joe, password)
auth_handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler(pm)
opener = urllib2.build_opener(handler, auth_handler)

Note that (I just noticed that) using both basic auth and digest auth
handlers at the same time is broken, at least in SVN :-((



Re: (was Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Criticism vs Constructive Criticism)

2006-04-29 Thread Terry Reedy

Tagore Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 The only thing really wrong with Xah's post is that it was crossposted
 to several groups.

I think the content of repeatedly slandering people as criminals, because 
of technical disagreements, is even more abusive.



Can we create an_object = object() and add attribute like for a class?

2006-04-29 Thread Pierre Rouleau
Hi all,

Is there any reason that under Python you cannot instantiate the object 
class and create any attributes like you would be able for a normal class?

Python 2.4.2 (#67, Sep 28 2005, 12:41:11) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on 
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  a = object() = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'data'
  class Object:
... pass
  a = Object() = 1
  print = , =  1
  class Object2(object):
... pass
  b = Object2() = 2

I also tried with Python 2.4.3 with the same results.
Being able to do it would seem a natural way of declaring namespaces.

Pierre Rouleau

Re: (was Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Criticism vs Constructive Criticism)

2006-04-29 Thread James Stroud
bruce wrote:
 but you know...
 one could simply hit the delete/skip button when you see a msg you don't
 like!!! or email/spam filters... or you can spend more time complaining.. in
 life, you gotta' learn to pick your battles...


You may want to check your mail reader to make sure it responds to the 
thread. That would help people to skip messages. The thread in 
question got out of hand a long time ago (even before I jumped in ;), so 
it would help if related posts replied to the thread--at least 
thunderbird does not group your post with the thread. I'm guessing other 
news readers won't either.

Also, there is no doubt that you will soon be chastised for top 


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Re: Xah's Edu Corner: What Languages to Hate

2006-04-29 Thread Timo Stamm
John Bokma schrieb:
 I have warned this user that excessive offtopic cross-posting is not 

I just wrote to the abuse department at dreamhost, telling them that 
your accusations are highly exaggerated.


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: What Languages to Hate

2006-04-29 Thread John Bokma
Timo Stamm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just wrote to the abuse department at dreamhost, telling them that 
 your accusations are highly exaggerated.

I included Xah's post, on which they based their reply. Maybe use your 
weekend to do some research?

John   MexIT:
   personal page:
Experienced programmer available:
Happy Customers:

Re: Using Databases in Python

2006-04-29 Thread Petr Jakes
Thank you very much, Steve.

Petr Jakes


Re: Xah's Edu Corner: Criticism vs Constructive Criticism

2006-04-29 Thread Chris Rathman
Good thing there's absolutely nothing happening in the world of
functional programming...


Why does bufsize=1 not work in subprocess.Popen ?

2006-04-29 Thread I. Myself
I read in the docs that bufsize=1 causes line buffering.  (for 

The following tiny program launches an executable file and then receives 
its output.  That works, but I want to
receive each line as it is ouput, not all of the lines at termination, 
which is what is happening.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from os import remove, sep

p = Popen(. + sep + myprogram, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1)

line = p.stdout.readline()   # get next line
print line,
if line.count(terminator):
How can I get line buffering?

Mitchell Timin

I'm proud of  If you want to write software,
or articles, or do testing or research for ANNEvolve, let me know.

Humans may know that my email address is: (but remove the 3 digit number)
zenguy at shaw666 dot ca


Re: Need help removing list elements.

2006-04-29 Thread John Machin
On 30/04/2006 12:22 AM, Max Erickson wrote:
 But this gives me IndexError: list out of range
 You are making the list shorter as you are iterating. By the time your 
 index is at the end of the original list, it isn't that long any more. 

If you are hell-bent on conditionally deleting items from a list in 
situ, you need to do it backwards:

for i in xrange(len(alist)-1, -1, -1):
 if not_interested(alist[i]):
 del alist[i]

 Creating a new list and appending the elements you want to keep avoids 
 the problem. Or you can just use a list comprehension(untested):
 returned_lines=[line for line in open(lines.txt, 'rb') 

Call me crazy, but I wouldn't open the file in BINARY mode :-)

   if line != ]
 or just
 returned_lines=[line for line in open(lines.txt) if line]

For a modicum of extra effort, the condition if line.strip() throws 
away lines containing only whitespace.

However I don't see the point of creating a list of lines, then throwing 
out only *some* of the uninteresting ones. IMHO the OP might be better 
advised to read the file one line at a time, ignoring 
blank/empty/comment lines, then *validate* the remainder. Hint: with the 
semi-squished-list approach, you can't report the original line number 
of any erroneous line without extra effort.

The OP might be even better advised to (read the source of, use) an 
existing config file parser module.

Hope some of this helps,

Re: Using Databases in Python

2006-04-29 Thread Steve Holden
Petr Jakes wrote:
 Thank you very much, Steve.
Happy to oblige. You did me a favor, as I had promised the students I 
would put the notes up on the net. Must remember to include them in the 
permanent site build process now :-)

Steve Holden   +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
Love me, love my blog
Recent Ramblings


Re: Why does bufsize=1 not work in subprocess.Popen ?

2006-04-29 Thread Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], I. Myself wrote:

 I read in the docs that bufsize=1 causes line buffering.  (for 
 The following tiny program launches an executable file and then receives 
 its output.  That works, but I want to
 receive each line as it is ouput, not all of the lines at termination, 
 which is what is happening.

From the Python side you can only control Python's input buffer but not
the output buffer of the external program you are starting.  I guess that
programs buffers its output.

Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

Re: Can we create an_object = object() and add attribute like for a class?

2006-04-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Pierre Rouleau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 Is there any reason that under Python you cannot instantiate the object
 class and create any attributes like you would be able for a normal class?

Yep: instances of type object do not have a __dict__ and therefore there
is no place to put any attributes.  This is necessary to allow ANY
subclass of object, and thus any type whatsoever, to lack a per-instance
__dict__ (and thus to save its per-instance memory costs), since by the
principle of inheritance (known as Liskov substutition, or also as the
IS-A rule) a subclass cannot _remove_ superclass attributes, so if the
universal superclass had a __dict__ so would every type in Python.

 Being able to do it would seem a natural way of declaring namespaces.

I find that ns = type('somename', (), dict(anattribute=23)) isn't too
bad to make a namespace ns, though it has some undesirable issues (e.g.,
ns is implicitly callable, which may make little sense for a namespace).

At any rate, any natural way of declaring a namespace SHOULD allow
arbitrary named arguments in the instantiation call -- bending
principles to give each instance of object a __dict__ would still not
fix that, so that wouldn't do much. I think it's worth the minor bother
to write out something like

class Namespace(object):
def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__ = kwds

and I generally go further anyway, by defining at least a repr that
shows the attributes' names and values (very useful for debugging...).


Re: self modifying code

2006-04-29 Thread Ben C
On 2006-04-29, Robin Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When young I was warned repeatedly by more knowledgeable folk that self 
 modifying code was dangerous.

 Is the following idiom dangerous or unpythonic?

 def func(a):
  global func, data
  data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
  def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)
  return func(a)

It looks quite clever (a bit too clever ... :)

 It could be replaced by

 data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
 def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)

 but this always calculates data.

Why not just:

data = None
def func(a):
global data

if not data:
data = somethingcomplexandcostly()

return simple(data, a)

Or nicer to use a singleton perhaps than a global, perhaps something
like this:

class Func(object):
exists = False

def __init__(self):
assert not Func.exists
Func.exists = True = None

def simple(self, a):
assert is not None
# ... do something with presumably
return something

def __call__(self, a):
if is None: = somethingcomplexandcostly()
return self.simple(a)

func = Func()


Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
nikie wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:
 nikie wrote:
 Steven Bethard wrote:

 John Salerno wrote:
 If I want to make a list of four items, e.g. L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'],
 and then figure out if a certain element precedes another element, what
 would be the best way to do that?

 Looking at the built-in list functions, I thought I could do something

 if L.index('A')  L.index('D'):
 # do some stuff
 This is probably a pretty reasonable approach as long as you're not too
 worried about efficiency.  It scans the list twice though, so if you
 start doing this with really big lists, it might be better to do
 something like:
 On average, it'll only have go through half the list twice, as it can
 break as soon as it finds the item it searches for. Don't think you can
 get any more efficient than that.
 Sure you can:

  a_index = None
  d_index = None
  for i, item in enumerate(L):
  if item == 'A':
  a_index = i
  elif item == 'D':
  d_index = i
  if a_index is not None and d_index is not None:

  if a_index  d_index:
  # do some stuff

 That goes through exactly the minimum number of elements.  But it's
 probably slower than two .index() calls since .index() is coded in C.
 But timeit and see if you're interested.
 On my PC, calling index twice is 5 times faster.
 But let's just pretend for a moment Python code was compiled and
 optimized as well as C code.

Ok, lets get comparable functions by writing them both in Python:

- -
def index(L, item):
 for i, x in enumerate(L):
 if x == item:
 return i
 return -1

def a_d_index(L):
 a_index = None
 d_index = None
 for i, item in enumerate(L):
 if item == 'A':
 a_index = i
 elif item == 'D':
 d_index = i
 if a_index is not None and d_index is not None:
 return a_index, d_index

$ python -m timeit -s import temp; L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'] a = 
temp.index(L, 'A'); d = temp.index(L, 'D'); a  d
10 loops, best of 3: 5.73 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s import temp; L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'] a, d = 
temp.a_d_index(L); a  d
10 loops, best of 3: 3.75 usec per loop

The a_d_index() function is definitely faster.

I understand your point about comparison time, but in this case we're 
just comparing one element strings, so it's not so horrible.  Sure, if 
you used strings that are more complicated to compare (or worse yet, you 
used your own custom objects with __cmp__ methods) you could provoke the 
kind of behavior you're looking for.

But in this particular case, there really is some substantial overhead 
to Python's iterator protocol, and you can't just ignore that.

Of course the moral of the story (as is the moral of all such threads) 
is that if you're really interested in speeding things up you need to 
start timing things.


Re: Why does bufsize=1 not work in subprocess.Popen ?

2006-04-29 Thread I. Myself
Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
 In [EMAIL PROTECTED], I. Myself wrote:

 I read in the docs that bufsize=1 causes line buffering.  (for 

 The following tiny program launches an executable file and then receives 
 its output.  That works, but I want to
 receive each line as it is ouput, not all of the lines at termination, 
 which is what is happening.

 From the Python side you can only control Python's input buffer but not
 the output buffer of the external program you are starting.  I guess that
 programs buffers its output.

   Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch
That makes sense.  I remember now that someone told me that Windows 
sends line-by-line only to the screen.  To a pipe it sends buffers full.


Mitchell Timin

I'm proud of  If you want to write software,
or articles, or do testing or research for ANNEvolve, let me know.

Humans may know that my email address is: (but remove the 3 digit number)
zenguy at shaw666 dot ca


resume picking items from a previous list

2006-04-29 Thread kpp9c
I have a several list of songs that i pick from, lets, say that there
are 10 songs in each list and there are 2 lists.

For a time i pick from my songs, but i only play a few of the songs in
that list... now my wife, Jessica Alba, comes home, and i start playing
from Jessica's list of songs. After playing a few songs, Jessica, who
needs her beauty sleep, goes to bed, and i start my play loop which
starts picking from my songs again...

The wrinkle:
only now i want it to pick first from among the 6 songs yet not played
from the first time around, and *then* when the list is exhausted,
shuffle the whole original list of songs and start again.

Here is some working but hilariously bad code that does most of this
funny biz... I've gotten this far, but can't figure out how to get the
loops to keep track of what was played and what wasn't and how to
pick-up the list where it left off.

I know this is a dumb thing to want to do, but you know, being married
to bona-fide star is not easy.

# ---
#!/usr/bin/env python

import random
import os

def shuffleloop(iterable):
An iterator like itertools cycle, which returns elements from the
iterable and saves a copy of each. When the iterable is
exhausted, it return elements from the saved copy.

The added wrinkle here is that the saved copy is randomly shuffled.
Repeats indefinitely.
saved = []
for element in iterable:
yield element
while saved:
for element in saved:
yield element

def playall_reload(startime, playdur, smpl_lst):
'''a loop that shuffles and plays all sounds in a list. If the
sequence is exhausted the list is reloaded, re-shuffled, and plyed
again. It does this as many times as needed to fill the time

Also returns the end of the last duration so that the begining of the
section can be fed to the next function or loop.
event = 0; incr = 0; lst_len = len(smpl_lst)
smpl_loop = shuffleloop(smpl_lst)
endpoint = startime + playdur
while startime  endpoint:
sample =
splt = os.path.split(sample)
# get the duration of the current soundfile
# (hard wire it for now)
#incr = DUR()
dur = 10
#load the sample  play it
# input(sample)
# PLAY(startime, dur)
print event %d @ %.4f  -- [%s] dur: %.4f % (event+1, 
splt[1], dur)
incr = dur
startime = startime + incr
event = event + 1
if (event  lst_len):
print \n\n*** Heads-up yo: the input sequence was not 
return startime

def test():
kevins = ['/Users/kevin/snd/songs/loveisintheair.aif',

jessicas = ['/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/iloveu.aif',

one = playall_reload(1.00, 20.00, kevins)
two = playall_reload(one, 180, jessicas)
three = playall_reload(two, 40.00, kevins)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Re: self modifying code

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
John J. Lee wrote:
 Robin Becker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 When young I was warned repeatedly by more knowledgeable folk that self 
 modifying code was dangerous.

 Is the following idiom dangerous or unpythonic?

 def func(a):
  global func, data
  data = somethingcomplexandcostly()
  def func(a):
  return simple(data,a)
  return func(a)
 1. I don't think most people would call that self-modifying code.  I
won't try defining that term precisely because I know you'll just
pick holes in my definition ;-)
 2. The use of global func is just plain weird :-)
 3. Peter Otten's version is OK, but how about this, using a closure
instead of globals (UNTESTED)
 def make_func():
 namespace = object() = None
 def func(a):
 if is None: = somethingcomplexandcostly()
 return simple(, a)
 return func
 func = make_func()

Unfortunately, this doesn't work because you can add attributes to plain 
object instances:

  namespace = object() = None
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File interactive input, line 1, in ?
AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'data'

Maybe you want something like:

  def make_func():
... def func(a):
... if is None:
... = somethingcomplexandcostly()
... return simple(, a)
... = None
... return func
  func = make_func()
  def somethingcomplexandcostly():
... print 'executing somethingcomplexandcostly'
... return 42
  def simple(data, a):
... return data, a
executing somethingcomplexandcostly
(42, 1)
(42, 2)


Re: Can we create an_object = object() and add attribute like for a class?

2006-04-29 Thread Pierre Rouleau
Alex Martelli wrote:

 Pierre Rouleau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,

Is there any reason that under Python you cannot instantiate the object
class and create any attributes like you would be able for a normal class?
 Yep: instances of type object do not have a __dict__ and therefore there
 is no place to put any attributes.  This is necessary to allow ANY
 subclass of object, and thus any type whatsoever, to lack a per-instance
 __dict__ (and thus to save its per-instance memory costs),

Makes sense. I was under the impresssion that instances of type object 
did have a __dict__ but was hidden for some reason.  I should have known 
...  explicit is better than implicit...
Being able to do it would seem a natural way of declaring namespaces.
 I find that ns = type('somename', (), dict(anattribute=23)) isn't too
 bad to make a namespace ns, though it has some undesirable issues (e.g.,
 ns is implicitly callable, which may make little sense for a namespace).
 At any rate, any natural way of declaring a namespace SHOULD allow
 arbitrary named arguments in the instantiation call -- bending
 principles to give each instance of object a __dict__ would still not
 fix that, so that wouldn't do much. I think it's worth the minor bother
 to write out something like
 class Namespace(object):
 def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__ = kwds
 and I generally go further anyway, by defining at least a repr that
 shows the attributes' names and values (very useful for debugging...).
That's what I do too, but sometimes i just want to have a quick holder 
attribute in a class and am lazy to do it.  I could declare one such 
class inside a module and import it but again, that means importing, 
name space of the module, etc...

I can understand the design decision not to give object a __dict__, but 
I wonder if i'd be a good idea to have a class that derives from object 
and has a __dict__ to be in the standard library.  I posted the original 
question because I run into this quite often and I just saw a post a 
little before mine (self modifying code) where the idiom was used.


Pierre Rouleau

Re: time conversions [ - sec(.ms)

2006-04-29 Thread kpp9c
timedelta looks to be just the ticket! bravo, thank you... i guess this
must be pretty new to Python. Nice... more batteries included




Re: Can we create an_object = object() and add attribute like for a class?

2006-04-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Pierre Rouleau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can understand the design decision not to give object a __dict__, but
 I wonder if i'd be a good idea to have a class that derives from object
 and has a __dict__ to be in the standard library.  I posted the original
 question because I run into this quite often and I just saw a post a 
 little before mine (self modifying code) where the idiom was used.

Yes, I do agree it would be a good idea.  It's probably too late to add
features to Python 2.5, but I think you should propose a PEP for 2.6.
Standard library module containers seems to be a good place for the
proposed namespace-type, but some discussion might help get some idea of
a consensus about the type's name (is 'namespace' good enough?  Is an
__init__ taking arbitrary named arguments, and a __repr__ emitting them,
all the functionality we need -- or should perhaps the type also expose
some other methods delegating to the underlying __dict__, such as
__len__ [[number of attributes]], update, __contains__, __iter__...?).


Re: Generate a sequence of random numbers that sum up to 1?

2006-04-29 Thread Paul Rubin
Anthony Liu [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 OK, I actually just want to manually create Hidden
 Markov Models by randomly generating the initial state
 probabilities PI,

OK, this sounds like you actually want to divide the unit interval up
into pieces of varying sizes.  Example (untested):

  n = 10   # number of pieces desired

  # Take the unit interval [0,1] and sprinkle in n-1 random points
  s = sorted([0,1] + [random() for i in xrange(n-1)])

  # now find the size of each sub-interval and make a list
  r = [(s[i+1] - s[i]) for i in xrange(n)]

  print sum(r)   # should be 1.0 within rounding error

Re: midi input

2006-04-29 Thread kpp9c

mxm rocks!

i used to use it this to create midi files so i know it works... but
now it has grown to big for my small brain,  have no clue how to
actually use it... i keep hoping for a small tutorial and some more
docs, this partially due to the bizarre mysteries and dark science
of the midi file format and how it actually works with time. I would
love to be able to use this again... I just need to figure out how to
change real human time into something that midi can use.

If i could specify a tempo base (tempo of say 60)
and have it go up a scale in quarter notes or something.. i could maybe
figure it out from there. I just want to be able to specify notes like
csound or something does:

start_time, duration, freq


but i think that this also will do realtime stuff and you can
monitor/filter/pipe incoming midi data as well. I just don't know how
to do that either

another possibility is to look at csound
or cmix
or pd
or supercollider

all of which are free, mostly open source, and available on linux

good luck on your quest!


Re: String Exceptions (PEP 352)

2006-04-29 Thread Paul Rubin
bruno at modulix [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What's wrong with:
 assert foo and bar and i  10, \
   if foo and bar i must not be greater than 10

It doesn't necessarily do anything.  With optimization enable, assert
is a no-op.

Re: Can we create an_object = object() and add attribute like fora class?

2006-04-29 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Pierre Rouleau wrote:

 I can understand the design decision not to give object a __dict__, but
 I wonder if i'd be a good idea to have a class that derives from object
 and has a __dict__ to be in the standard library.

so you can replace one line of code in some of your programs with
an import statement ?




Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread Justin Azoff
John Salerno wrote:
 If I want to make a list of four items, e.g. L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'],
 and then figure out if a certain element precedes another element, what
 would be the best way to do that?

 Looking at the built-in list functions, I thought I could do something like:

 if L.index('A')  L.index('D'):
  # do some stuff

This actually performs pretty well since list.index is implemented in

The obvious (to me) implementation of:
def before(lst, a, b):
for x in lst:
if x == a:
return True
if x == b:
return False

runs about 10-50 times faster than the double index method if I use
psyco.  Without psyco, it ends up being faster for the cases where a or
b appears early on in the list, and the other appears towards the end.


Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread nikie
Steven Bethard wrote:

 nikie wrote:
  Steven Bethard wrote:
  nikie wrote:
  Steven Bethard wrote:
  John Salerno wrote:
  If I want to make a list of four items, e.g. L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'],
  and then figure out if a certain element precedes another element, what
  would be the best way to do that?
  Looking at the built-in list functions, I thought I could do something
  if L.index('A')  L.index('D'):
  # do some stuff
  This is probably a pretty reasonable approach as long as you're not too
  worried about efficiency.  It scans the list twice though, so if you
  start doing this with really big lists, it might be better to do
  something like:
  On average, it'll only have go through half the list twice, as it can
  break as soon as it finds the item it searches for. Don't think you can
  get any more efficient than that.
  Sure you can:
   a_index = None
   d_index = None
   for i, item in enumerate(L):
   if item == 'A':
   a_index = i
   elif item == 'D':
   d_index = i
   if a_index is not None and d_index is not None:
   if a_index  d_index:
   # do some stuff
  That goes through exactly the minimum number of elements.  But it's
  probably slower than two .index() calls since .index() is coded in C.
  But timeit and see if you're interested.
  On my PC, calling index twice is 5 times faster.
  But let's just pretend for a moment Python code was compiled and
  optimized as well as C code.

 Ok, lets get comparable functions by writing them both in Python:

That's changing the subject, and you know that. The OP asked whether
using L.index('A')  L.index('D') was a good (pythonic, efficient)
idea. It is. Maybe it wouldn't be efficient if List.index was
implemented in python (because, as I have already said in my previous
post, looping through an enumerate-object in python is more complex
than a simple C-loop), but it is actually implemented in C. Even if you
wrote a C function that tried to do all the comparisons in one sweep
through the list, I'm willing to bet it won't be faster than the OP's
suggestion on the average (at least for moderate-sized lists,
otherwise, processing the list in blocks, using the cache more
efficiently might be a good idea).

That's what this thread was all about. Now, I don't really see what you
are trying to say: Are you still trying to convince the OP that he
should write a Python function like one of those you suggested, for
performance reasons? If not, I must have misunderstood your last posts,
and apologize for repeating the obvious ;-)


Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
nikie wrote:
 That's what this thread was all about. Now, I don't really see what you
 are trying to say: Are you still trying to convince the OP that he
 should write a Python function like one of those you suggested, for
 performance reasons?

Sure, if it really matters.  Code it in C, and you can do better than 
.index().  But I don't think it really matters. ;-)


Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
Steven Bethard wrote:
 John Salerno wrote:
 If I want to make a list of four items, e.g. L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'], 
 and then figure out if a certain element precedes another element, 
 what would be the best way to do that?

 Looking at the built-in list functions, I thought I could do something 

 if L.index('A')  L.index('D'):
 # do some stuff
 This is probably a pretty reasonable approach

Just to clarify, because there seems to be some confusion.  I would 
absolutely go with this approach unless you have profiled and found it 
to be a bottleneck.  It's clear, concise, and quite fast.


Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread Edward Elliott
Steven Bethard wrote:
 Ok, lets get comparable functions by writing them both in Python:

First of all, your functions aren't quite comparable.  The first index takes
the value to locate as a variable, while the second has both values
hard-coded as literals.  Changing the second one to index2(L, a, b) makes a
slight but not significant difference in the timings.

Secondly, the lists you tested with are artificially short.  As you increase
the size of the list, the difference lessens to unimportance:

$ python -m timeit -s import temp; L = ['x'] * 500 + ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B']
a, d = temp.index2(L,'A','D'); a  d
1000 loops, best of 3: 227 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s import temp; L = ['x'] * 500 + ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B']
a = temp.index1(L, 'A'); d = temp.index1(L, 'D'); a  d
1000 loops, best of 3: 236 usec per loop

Third, the target values are very close together in those lists.  If there's
a large difference in their positions, then the two-in-one-pass algorithm
becomes much slower:

$ python -m timeit -s import temp; L = ['C','A'] + ['x'] * 500 + ['D',
'B'] a = temp.index1(L, 'A'); d = temp.index1(L, 'D'); a  d
1 loops, best of 3: 120 usec per loop

$ python -m timeit -s import temp; L = ['C','A'] + ['x'] * 500 + ['D',
'B'] a, d = temp.index2(L,'A','D'); a  d
1000 loops, best of 3: 267 usec per loop

Remember kids:
1. Numbers can show anything
2. Know your data set
3. Premature optimizations are evil


Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
Edward Elliott wrote:
 Remember kids:
 1. Numbers can show anything
 2. Know your data set
 3. Premature optimizations are evil

Amen. =)


Re: Can we create an_object = object() and add attribute like fora class?

2006-04-29 Thread Pierre Rouleau
Fredrik Lundh wrote:

 Pierre Rouleau wrote:
I can understand the design decision not to give object a __dict__, but
I wonder if i'd be a good idea to have a class that derives from object
and has a __dict__ to be in the standard library.
 so you can replace one line of code in some of your programs with
 an import statement ?

ok... I should have said something like the built-in object type 
instead of standard library...

Pierre Rouleau

Re: best way to determine sequence ordering?

2006-04-29 Thread Steven Bethard
John Salerno wrote:
 If I want to make a list of four items, e.g. L = ['C', 'A', 'D', 'B'], 
 and then figure out if a certain element precedes another element, what 
 would be the best way to do that?
 Looking at the built-in list functions, I thought I could do something 
 if L.index('A')  L.index('D'):
 # do some stuff

Ok, since, as happens some times, the discussion here has gotten 
extremely sidetracked from the original question, as a public service ;) 
I thought I'd give a brief summary of the options discussed and when 
they might be useful:

* The original::

   if L.index('A')  L.index('D'):
   # do some stuff

   If you're doing exactly one comparison, this is probably your best 
bet in most cases as .index() is coded in C.  It's clear, concise and 

* Justin Azoff's before()::

   def before(lst, a, b):
   for x in lst:
   if x == a:
   return True
   if x == b:
   return False

   if before(L, 'A', 'D'):
  # do some stuff

   You might gain a bit from this version if one of the elements you're 
looking for appears early in the list.  It only iterates through the 
list once, but performs two comparisons each time, so you'll only gain 
from it if you comparisons aren't too costly (e.g. you're comparing 
single character strings).

* building a dict of indicies::

   positions = dict((item, i) for i, item in enumerate(L))

   if positions['A']  positions['D']:
   # do some stuff

   You'll only get a gain from this version if you need to do several 
comparisons instead of just one.

And most importantly, as Edward Elliot put it:

 Remember kids:
 1. Numbers can show anything
 2. Know your data set
 3. Premature optimizations are evil



Re: Can we create an_object = object() and add attribute like fora class?

2006-04-29 Thread Alex Martelli
Pierre Rouleau [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Fredrik Lundh wrote:
  Pierre Rouleau wrote:
 I can understand the design decision not to give object a __dict__, but
 I wonder if i'd be a good idea to have a class that derives from object
 and has a __dict__ to be in the standard library.
  so you can replace one line of code in some of your programs with
  an import statement ?
 ok... I should have said something like the built-in object type 
 instead of standard library...

I'm -1 on adding a new built-in for this functionality -- it's just not
important enough to warrant a built-in (there are already too many

Putting a namespace type in the standard library could provide enough
helpful functionality to make an import well warranted, so I'm  +1 on
adding such a type to the standard library (in 2.6 -- I think it's too
late for 2.6).


Re: resume picking items from a previous list

2006-04-29 Thread James Stroud
kpp9c wrote:
 I have a several list of songs that i pick from, lets, say that there
 are 10 songs in each list and there are 2 lists.
 For a time i pick from my songs, but i only play a few of the songs in
 that list... now my wife, Jessica Alba, comes home, and i start playing
 from Jessica's list of songs. After playing a few songs, Jessica, who
 needs her beauty sleep, goes to bed, and i start my play loop which
 starts picking from my songs again...
 The wrinkle:
 only now i want it to pick first from among the 6 songs yet not played
 from the first time around, and *then* when the list is exhausted,
 shuffle the whole original list of songs and start again.
 Here is some working but hilariously bad code that does most of this
 funny biz... I've gotten this far, but can't figure out how to get the
 loops to keep track of what was played and what wasn't and how to
 pick-up the list where it left off.
 I know this is a dumb thing to want to do, but you know, being married
 to bona-fide star is not easy.
 # ---
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 import random
 import os
 def shuffleloop(iterable):
   An iterator like itertools cycle, which returns elements from the
   iterable and saves a copy of each. When the iterable is
   exhausted, it return elements from the saved copy.
   The added wrinkle here is that the saved copy is randomly shuffled.
   Repeats indefinitely.
   saved = []
   for element in iterable:
   yield element
   while saved:
   for element in saved:
   yield element
 def playall_reload(startime, playdur, smpl_lst):
   '''a loop that shuffles and plays all sounds in a list. If the
   sequence is exhausted the list is reloaded, re-shuffled, and plyed
   again. It does this as many times as needed to fill the time
   Also returns the end of the last duration so that the begining of the
   section can be fed to the next function or loop.
   event = 0; incr = 0; lst_len = len(smpl_lst)
   smpl_loop = shuffleloop(smpl_lst)
   endpoint = startime + playdur
   while startime  endpoint:
   sample =
   splt = os.path.split(sample)
   # get the duration of the current soundfile
   # (hard wire it for now)
   #incr = DUR()
   dur = 10
   #load the sample  play it
   # input(sample)
   # PLAY(startime, dur)
   print event %d @ %.4f  -- [%s] dur: %.4f % (event+1, 
 splt[1], dur)
   incr = dur
   startime = startime + incr
   event = event + 1
   if (event  lst_len):
   print \n\n*** Heads-up yo: the input sequence was not 
   return startime
 def test():
   kevins = ['/Users/kevin/snd/songs/loveisintheair.aif',
   jessicas = ['/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/iloveu.aif',
   one = playall_reload(1.00, 20.00, kevins)
   two = playall_reload(one, 180, jessicas)
   three = playall_reload(two, 40.00, kevins)
 if __name__ == '__main__':

I didn't read your code, but a class might make it simpler:

class Playah(object):
   def __init__(self, playlist):
 self.playlist = playlist
   def reset(self):
 self._order = randrange(len(self.playlist))
 self._i = 0
   def next():
 song = self.playlist(self._i)
 self._i += 1
 if self._i  len(self.playlist):
 return song

You could probably 

how not use memmove when insert a object in the list

2006-04-29 Thread kyo guan
Hi :

python list object like a stl vector, if insert a object in the front 
or the middle of it,
all the object after the insert point need to move backward.

look at this code ( in python 2.4.3)

static int
ins1(PyListObject *self, int where, PyObject *v)
int i, n = self-ob_size;
PyObject **items;
if (v == NULL) {
return -1;
if (n == INT_MAX) {
cannot add more objects to list);
return -1;

if (list_resize(self, n+1) == -1)
return -1;

if (where  0) {
where += n;
if (where  0)
where = 0;
if (where  n)
where = n;
items = self-ob_item;
for (i = n; --i = where; ) /// here, why not use 
memmove? it would be more speed then this loop.
items[i+1] = items[i];
items[where] = v;
return 0;



Re: resume picking items from a previous list

2006-04-29 Thread James Stroud
James Stroud wrote:
 kpp9c wrote:
 I have a several list of songs that i pick from, lets, say that there
 are 10 songs in each list and there are 2 lists.

 For a time i pick from my songs, but i only play a few of the songs in
 that list... now my wife, Jessica Alba, comes home, and i start playing
 from Jessica's list of songs. After playing a few songs, Jessica, who
 needs her beauty sleep, goes to bed, and i start my play loop which
 starts picking from my songs again...

 The wrinkle:
 only now i want it to pick first from among the 6 songs yet not played
 from the first time around, and *then* when the list is exhausted,
 shuffle the whole original list of songs and start again.

 Here is some working but hilariously bad code that does most of this
 funny biz... I've gotten this far, but can't figure out how to get the
 loops to keep track of what was played and what wasn't and how to
 pick-up the list where it left off.

 I know this is a dumb thing to want to do, but you know, being married
 to bona-fide star is not easy.

 # ---
 #!/usr/bin/env python

 import random
 import os

 def shuffleloop(iterable):
 An iterator like itertools cycle, which returns elements from the
 iterable and saves a copy of each. When the iterable is
 exhausted, it return elements from the saved copy.

 The added wrinkle here is that the saved copy is randomly shuffled.
 Repeats indefinitely.
 saved = []
 for element in iterable:
 yield element
 while saved:
 for element in saved:
 yield element

 def playall_reload(startime, playdur, smpl_lst):
 '''a loop that shuffles and plays all sounds in a list. If the
 sequence is exhausted the list is reloaded, re-shuffled, and plyed
 again. It does this as many times as needed to fill the time

 Also returns the end of the last duration so that the begining of the
 section can be fed to the next function or loop.
 event = 0; incr = 0; lst_len = len(smpl_lst)
 smpl_loop = shuffleloop(smpl_lst)
 endpoint = startime + playdur
 while startime  endpoint:
 sample =
 splt = os.path.split(sample)
 # get the duration of the current soundfile
 # (hard wire it for now)
 #incr = DUR()
 dur = 10
 #load the sample  play it
 # input(sample)
 # PLAY(startime, dur)
 print event %d @ %.4f  -- [%s] dur: %.4f % (event+1, startime,
 splt[1], dur)
 incr = dur
 startime = startime + incr
 event = event + 1
 if (event  lst_len):
 print \n\n*** Heads-up yo: the input sequence was not 
 return startime

 def test():
 kevins = ['/Users/kevin/snd/songs/loveisintheair.aif',

 jessicas = ['/Users/kevin/snd/quiet_songs/iloveu.aif',

 one = playall_reload(1.00, 20.00, kevins)
 two = playall_reload(one, 180, jessicas)
 three = playall_reload(two, 40.00, kevins)

 if __name__ == '__main__':

 I didn't read your code, but a class might make it simpler:
 class Playah(object):
   def __init__(self, playlist):
 self.playlist = playlist
   def reset(self):
 self._order = randrange(len(self.playlist))
 self._i = 0
   def next():
 song = self.playlist(self._i)
 self._i += 1
 if self._i  len(self.playlist):
 return song
 You could probably make it an iterable if you tried.

Oops, I meant that

self._order = randrange(len(self.playlist))

should be

self._order = range(len(self.playlist))


James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, 

  1   2   >