Re: I need an idea for practise!

2014-07-17 Thread Paul McNett

On 7/17/14, 12:30 PM, Rick Johnson wrote:

You know, you would fit in nicely in the American public
school system, since American teachers are not only free of
the requirement of teaching, they are actually*COMPELLED*
not to do so by the greedy unions.

Hi Rick,

I know a lot of American public school teachers, and they are among the 
hardest-working people I've ever encountered. I have no clue what you 
mean about them being free of the requirement to teach.

Do you find that insulting people achieves your goals?


Re: What should i do

2014-06-27 Thread Paul McNett

On 6/27/14, 2:19 AM, wrote:

Hello I finished the codeacademy python course a week ago and my goal is to 
start developing websites (both back and front end) ,my question is do i start 
the web dev tuts and learn the holes of knoledge on the go or continue to learn 

In my opinion if you want to start developing both front and backend of 
websites, then you should start developing a full-stack web 
application. You'll stumble and have to redo things along the way, but 
there's no better way to learn.

1) Get a Linux host with root access, like from Rackspace cloud. You are 
only charged while it is switched on. If you leave it on for a month 
you'll owe maybe $16.

2) Install python, virtualenv, pip, and a web framework. Starting with 
flask would be an excellent choice.

3) Install a database backend. Starting with PostgreSQL would be an 
excellent choice.

4) Implement the polling app from the Django tutorial, or maybe you have 
your own idea of a simple app to make.

5) Learn CSS and throw in some javascript to make it pretty.

6) Push your commits to GitHub along the way.

Do all of this and I can't promise how long it will take, but I can 
promise you'll be well on your way to becoming a strong web developer.


Re: What should i do

2014-06-27 Thread Paul McNett

On 6/27/14, 11:12 AM, alister wrote:

On Fri, 27 Jun 2014 08:18:24 -0700, Paul McNett wrote:

On 6/27/14, 2:19 AM, wrote:

Hello I finished the codeacademy python course a week ago and my goal
is to start developing websites (both back and front end) ,my question
is do i start the web dev tuts and learn the holes of knoledge on the
go or continue to learn python?

In my opinion if you want to start developing both front and backend of
websites, then you should start developing a full-stack web
application. You'll stumble and have to redo things along the way, but
there's no better way to learn.

1) Get a Linux host with root access, like from Rackspace cloud. You are
only charged while it is switched on. If you leave it on for a month
you'll owe maybe $16.

Better yet host internally on your own Linux box
Even a Raspberry pi for £45 (inc case PSU  sd card) could do this if
you don't have a spare PC to use.

you don't want a development system exposed to the public internet anyway
(unless you want to become Nicos Mk 2)

Well, that's part of the experience too. :)  Seriously, set up the 
firewall to only allow port 80 from your address, etc.

Installing VirtualBox and Ubuntu on your local system is probably the 
better way to go at first, agreed.



Re: Not Responding When Dealing with Large Data

2014-06-18 Thread Paul McNett

On 6/18/14, 10:20 AM, cutey Love wrote:

I'm trying to read in 10 lines of text, use some functions to edit them and 
then return a new list.

How is it that you are opening the file, and iterating the contents?

The problem is my program always goes not responding when the amount of lines 
are a high number.

What do you mean, goes not responding? What environment are you 
running in? Windows and IDLE?

I don't care how long the program takes to work, just need it to stop crashing?

Note that not responding isn't the same as crashing. If your program 
crashed, it would likely print on your terminal something like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
... lots of lines including useful information about the problem


Segmentation Fault

If it just goes not responding for a while in your tight loop, it 
could simply mean just that: your IDE or whatever is focusing so hard on 
running your program that there aren't any cycles to say still here to 
the OS, so the OS has no clue what's going on and says to the user not 

Have you waited to see if it ever completes?



Re: Generate Single PowerPoint from two powerpoints using pywin32(python)

2014-06-18 Thread Paul McNett

On 6/16/14, 11:20 PM, Jaydeep Patil wrote:

I have two powerpoints, which consists of images in each slide.
I need to read each powerpoint, copy images from both powerpoint  paste these 
images into output powerpoint side by side.

How should i do thism using python?
The repoisition of shapes seems to be difficult.

This seems like the wrong forum to ask this. Whatever the right 
Powerpoint calls are to accomplish this, it has nothing to do with 
Python. Well, you are making the calls via Python but the content of the 
calls aren't python.

Back in the old days (it's been over a decade since I've worked with 
Microsoft Office using COM automation) when I needed to figure out how 
to programatically manipulate a Powerpoint slide or Excel spreadsheet, 
my general flow was:

1) turn on the macro recorder in Office.
2) do the operation that needs doing, using the Office UI.
3) save the macro.
4) set up the situation again, and this time play back the macro to make 
sure it works.
5) convert the macro code into whatever is needed in the client 
programming language (usually just wrapping the actual macro lines of 
code into strings passed using a pywin32 function)

6) test running the situation with the calling client programming language.

Frankly, I'm not sure COM automation is the current way to interact with 
Microsoft stuff, but surely by querying other forums (Microsoft Office 
automation forums should exist, I'd think) on how to do #1-3 above would 
get you halfway. Then you could ask here about how to use pywin32 (or 
whatever) to communicate with Powerpoint to do the work.

Does that make sense?


Re: Not Responding When Dealing with Large Data

2014-06-18 Thread Paul McNett

On 6/18/14, 3:32 PM, cutey Love wrote:

Hi, thanks for the replies,

I mean windows displays Not responding close the program now

How can I do it asynconistrically?

It's simple code just open file, loop through line by line and do some 
comparons with the string.

To get anything better from us than we've already given, you must tell 
us your environment and show us some code.



Re: Python Fails to Write to File

2014-06-18 Thread Paul McNett

On 6/18/14, 4:03 PM, cutey Love wrote:

I'm trying to write data to a text file

But I'm getting the error:

TypeError: invalid file: _io.TextIOWrapper

Always better to err on posting too much context (the entire traceback) 
than too little.

Code is

def saveFile():
 file_path = filedialog.asksaveasfile(mode='w', filetypes=[('text files', '.txt')], 
 fo = open(file_path, 'w')

I used Google (searched on filedialog.asksaveasfile) to realize that 
you are likely using Tkinter. I then used Google to find out the API for 
filedialog.asksaveasfile() and I found that it returns the ALREADY OPEN 
FILE for you to write to, not the name of the file you are writing to.

Referring to that same documentation, I see there's another function you 
are probably more interested in: filedialog.asksaveasfilename(). Then, 
you can open the file, write to it, and close it and be in control of 
every step. Not sure which is preferable, though, as I have no (recent) 
Tkinter experience.

 for e in myList:


You should use a context manager to open, write to, and close files. 
Such as:

with open(file_path, 'w') as fo:
for e in myList:

The file is being created if not already present but no data is written

filedialog.asksaveasfile() was opening it for you. It was being closed 
automatically when file_path fell out of scope (after the exception 
caused by your fo = open(file_path, 'w') line.

My response was intended to help.


Re: Suds and Python3

2014-05-31 Thread Paul McNett

On 5/31/14, 11:36 AM, wrote:

Suds is defacto python SOAP client, but it does not mainte recent few years. 

Is it really the defacto? It seems like I've heard more about 
pysimplesoap, and looking at GitHub there have been commits in the past 
4 days.

As far as why it hasn't been maintained, you could write and ask the 
authors directly.

In general, SOAP has been falling out of favor over the past half decade 
at least because of its relative heaviness next to, e.g. RESTful web 
services usually using JSON instead of XML. Way, way simpler and more 
fun to do.

That said, SOAP will be around for a long time and if you need to do it, 
you want a good library for it.

I don't have direct experience, but I did do cursory reviews of a 
handful of the SOAP libaries listed here in the python wiki:

And from what I can tell without actually trying any of them, 
pysimplesoap feels like the best option currently.

I want to use SOAP and Python3. How do it?

If it were me, I'd install each of the libraries listed on the wiki page 
and make a matrix of features desired, make up a suite of unit tests to 
test those features, and then run each of them through the suite to see 
how they stack up. Also consider how alive the project is, and how the 
project's bug tracker is maintained, look at their forum, etc.


Re: Script suddenly stops

2014-05-30 Thread Paul McNett

On 5/29/14, 7:47 PM, Chris wrote:

I'm trying to read ten 200 MB textfiles into a MySQL MyISAM database
(Linux, ext4). The script output is suddenly stopping, while the Python
process is still running (or should I say sleeping?). It's not in top,
but in ps visible.

Does it stop in the same place every time? How long are you waiting 
before giving up? Is it at all possible that it is the MySQL side that 
is blocking?

Why is it stopping? Is there a way to make it continue, without calling
kill -9, deleting the processed lines and starting it again?

One thing to try (maybe, depending on whether it still fits into your 
requirements for a database transaction) is to increase the number of 
rows inserted before each commit.


It won't have any bearing, but those globals aren't necessary...


Re: Challenge: Please break this! [Python Security]

2009-02-23 Thread Paul McNett

tav wrote:

I'm keen to know your experiences even if you don't manage to write to
the filesystem -- and especially if you do!

Does it count when it breaks some standard libs that aren't even trying to write to 
the filesystem?

mac:ss pmcnett$ python pkm
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 159, in module
  File, line 15, in main
parser = OptionParser()
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/, line 
1191, in __init__

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/, line 
1266, in set_usage

self.usage = _(%prog [options])
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/, 
line 566, in gettext

return dgettext(_current_domain, message)
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/, 
line 530, in dgettext

  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/, 
line 465, in translation

mofiles = find(domain, localedir, languages, all=1)
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/, 
line 437, in find

for nelang in _expand_lang(lang):
  File /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/lib/python2.5/, 
line 131, in _expand_lang

from locale import normalize
ImportError: cannot import name normalize


Re: Unexpected scientific notation

2009-01-09 Thread Paul McNett

Mark Dickinson wrote:

On Jan 8, 1:00 am, Paul McNett wrote:

It displays '3E+1' instead of '30.0'.

As I can't reproduce I'm looking for an idea brainstorm of what could be causing
this. What would be choosing to display such a normal number in scientific 


[I thought I replied to this earlier, but the post isn't showing up.
So here it is again.]


I suspect it's your use of the Decimal normalize() method that's
this.  Trailing zeros on Decimal instances are significant, so
Decimal('30.0'), Decimal('30') and Decimal('3E+1') are considered
distinct (though they all have the same value).  The normalize method
strips all trailing zeros, turning Decimal('30.0') into Decimal('3E

One way to get around this is to add 0 after normalizing: this will
make sure that scientific notation is used only for very large
or small numbers, as usual.

Thank you for the insight. I believe the problem is with my use of normalize(), but I 
still can't figure out why I can't reproduce the issue in my running app. But I can 
see in the interpreter that printing Decimal(30.0).normalize() results in 3E+1.


Re: Unexpected scientific notation

2009-01-09 Thread Paul McNett

Paul McNett wrote:

Mark Dickinson wrote:

On Jan 8, 1:00 am, Paul McNett wrote:

It displays '3E+1' instead of '30.0'.

As I can't reproduce I'm looking for an idea brainstorm of what could 
be causing
this. What would be choosing to display such a normal number in 
scientific notation?


[I thought I replied to this earlier, but the post isn't showing up.
So here it is again.]


I'll clarify my LOL: Mark initially replied to me directly, to which I responded 
directly. Because he replied directly, I kept my response offline, too, not knowing 
if he had a special reason to discuss this offline instead of in public.

Then he replied to the list, so I made a different response to the list.

Anyway, thanks again Mark for your guidance.


Re: Replying to list messages

2009-01-08 Thread Paul McNett

Ben Finney wrote:

Paul McNett writes:

But arguing about this here isn't going to change anything: opinions
differ just like tabs/spaces and bottom-post/top-post.

In cases like this, one side can simply be wrong :-)

Best of luck getting your programs behaving as you want them to!

BTW, I agree with you that in an ideal, pure world mailing lists wouldn't munge 
reply-to field, but when 80% of the people use email clients that don't support
reply-list, the practical thing to do as a list admin that wants to avoid 
having to
explain over and over again that your client software is broken is to simply
swallow some pride and munge the reply-to. Now, 99% of the users are happy, and 
remaining 1% are elite enough to understand how to get around any problems this
caused. Happy is good.



Unexpected scientific notation

2009-01-07 Thread Paul McNett
One of my users has reported that my app is giving them scientific notation instead 
of decimal notation for one specific value among many that display properly. I am 
unable to reproduce on my end, and this is the first I've heard of anything like this 
since the app's launch 2 years ago.

The app bundles python 2.5.2 using py2exe.

It displays '3E+1' instead of '30.0'.

As I can't reproduce I'm looking for an idea brainstorm of what could be causing 
this. What would be choosing to display such a normal number in scientific notation?




Re: Unexpected scientific notation

2009-01-07 Thread Paul McNett

Robert Kern wrote:

Paul McNett wrote:
One of my users has reported that my app is giving them scientific 
notation instead of decimal notation for one specific value among many 
that display properly. I am unable to reproduce on my end, and this is 
the first I've heard of anything like this since the app's launch 2 
years ago.

The app bundles python 2.5.2 using py2exe.

It displays '3E+1' instead of '30.0'.

As I can't reproduce I'm looking for an idea brainstorm of what could 
be causing this. What would be choosing to display such a normal 
number in scientific notation?


Locales? Do you at last know the code that's responsible for formatting 
the number?

I do use locale.format, but I use it for all numbers, and only one such number
displays in scientific notation - the rest are fine. Here's the code:

   1355   def uom_string(self, val):
   1356 Given a decimal value, format it for string display.
   1357 if self.unit_of_measure == inches:
   1358   fd = dabo.dAppRef.getSSPref(fraction_display)
   1359   if fd == decimal:
   1360 return '%s' % locale.format(%.5f, val.normalize(), True)
   1361   else:
   1362 return '%s' % fractions.getImperial(val)
   1363 elif self.unit_of_measure == millimeters:
   1364   #return u%s\u339C % self.uom_round(val)
   1365   return %smm % locale.format(%.1f, self.uom_round(val), True)
   1366 else:
   1367   raise ValueError, Unit of Measure '%s' not recognized. %

In this case, self.unit_of_measure == inches and fd == decimal.



Re: Unexpected scientific notation

2009-01-07 Thread Paul McNett
[Some day hopefully I'll remember to change the to: address to 
instead of the original sender. I always end up sending the first reply to the 
sender, then going oops, forgot to hit 'reply-all', and sending another copy to the 

Ben Finney wrote:

Paul McNett writes:

The app bundles python 2.5.2 using py2exe.

It displays '3E+1' instead of '30.0'.

As I can't reproduce I'm looking for an idea brainstorm of what
could be causing this. What would be choosing to display such a
normal number in scientific notation?

As I understand it, the Python string formatting operations
use the operating system's C library to perform (some of?) the

The different behaviours you see might therefore be caused by
different C libraries in the operating system.

To avoid these and related problems, I would avoid floating point
wherever possible and use the ‘Decimal’ type for representing decimal

Thanks. I forgot to mention that all numbers are already instances of
decimal.Decimal, not float. As I mentioned in a prior message, they do go 
through a
locale.format() call to display the value.



Re: Replying to list messages

2009-01-07 Thread Paul McNett

Ben Finney wrote:

Paul McNett writes:

[Some day hopefully I'll remember to change the to: address to instead of the original sender.

Even better: Take full advantage of the standards-compliant messages
from the list, by using the “Reply to list” function of your RFC
2369 compliant mail program. That way the message is sent to the
declared list posting address, without you having to change anything.

If your mail program still doesn't have such a function, over a decade
since RFC 2369 was written, lobby the vendor to add it. Or, in the
case of free software, act some way yourself (write code, pay someone
else to do so, or some other action) to have that function added for

I remember taking advantage of that in KMail, before that program became unusably 

For Thunderbird (which I see you're using, Paul), the open bug report
is URL:
Meanwhile, you can install an add-on to provide the function

Thanks; I'll follow up with those. In general I don't tend to use add-ons because I 
have at least 3 computers I regularly use and it is a pain to keep them all 
configured consistently.

I always end up sending the first reply to the sender, then going
oops, forgot to hit reply-all', and sending another copy to the

At least that's merely a minor inconvenience; easily rectified by
just sending the message again using the correct function.


That's much better, of course, than the opposite situation which
exists on some misconfigured mailing lists: that a message sent using
the “Reply to sender” function, with content written in the
knowledge that only the original message's sender should be reading
it, instead ends up going to the mailing list. That damage can't be

Well, when you are a member of a public mailing list, replying to a thread, the 
expectation is that you are replying to the list, so I happen to think the correct 
behavior is the one you think is broken, because practicality beats purity. If I want 
to send a private message to someone, I'll start a new mail to that person, or simply 
copy/paste their email addy over the list address, but the most common case is that 
someone intends to reply to the list.

But arguing about this here isn't going to change anything: opinions differ just like 
tabs/spaces and bottom-post/top-post.

Thanks to the Python mailing list administrators for conforming to the
standards and not breaking the configuration like that!

Thanks to the Python mailing list volunteers for running such a well-oiled and 
popular list!


Re: Check file is

2008-12-22 Thread Paul McNett

Colin J. Williams wrote:

The ReportLab toolkit appears to be concerned with building Portable
Document Files.  I would be interested in any utility which will read
any pdf - for example, to convert pdf - html

I don't know of any Python utility to do this, but pdftohtml, pdftotext, pdftoppm, 
and pdftops exist on my Ubuntu Linux system.


Re: Building musical chords starting from (a lot of) rules

2008-11-14 Thread Paul McNett

Mr.SpOOn wrote:

Anyway, I think I can use a chain of  if-clauses, one per rule and at
the end remove the notes marked with no. But this seems to me a very
bad solution, not so pythonic. Before I proceed for this way, do you
have any suggestion? Hope the problem is not too complicated.

I say, start with what you can think of (the chain of if clauses). Get it working. 
Then, you'll likely find ways to refactor if needed.

Get it working first.
Make it right iteratively over time.

At least that's what I do. And it works for me.


Re: What's the perfect (OS independent) way of storing filepaths ?

2008-10-24 Thread Paul McNett

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Sun, 19 Oct 2008 20:50:46 +0200, Stef Mientki wrote:

Duncan, in windows it's begin to become less common to store settings in
because these directories are destroyed by roaming profiles 

The directories aren't destroyed by roaming profiles. When the user logs 
out, they get copied to the server. When they log in at a different 
machine, they get copied to the workstation.

So configuration information saved in c:\Documents and 
Settings\pmcnett\Application Data\My Application gets conveniently 
migrated from machine to machine where I happen to login.

A really nice feature.

Isn't *everything* destroyed by roaming profiles? *wink*

I've heard such bashing of roaming profiles but I've never had anything 
but love for them. That is, until people go and start saving their 
movies and pictures in My Documents. Which is why I set their home 
directory to a server share and have them save their docs there.

Seriously, I don't know anyone who has anything nice to say about roaming 

I loathe Windows, but roaming profiles was one thing they did (mostly) 
right. I couldn't be happy in a world that didn't include roaming profiles.

Perhaps I'm not seeing the worst of it as I use Samba on Linux as the PDC?

Anyway, on Windows user configuration information should go in the 
user's Application Data directory. If you don't want it to roam, you can 
instead put it in the (hidden) Local Settings/Application Data directory.


Re: [1,2,3] exactly same as [1,2,3,] ?

2008-08-29 Thread Paul McNett

Steven D'Aprano wrote:

On Thu, 28 Aug 2008 16:28:03 -0700, Paul McNett wrote:



are exactly the same, right?

When confronted with this type of question, I ask the interpreter:

mac:~ pmcnett$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 22 2008, 07:57:53) [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple
Computer, Inc. build 5363)] on darwin Type help, copyright,
credits or license for more information.
  [1,2,3] == [1,2,3,]

Putting on my pedantic hat...

In this case you're right about the two lists being the same, and I'm a 
great believer in checking things in the interactive interpreter, but you 
need to take care. Just because two objects compare as equal doesn't 
*necessarily* mean they are the same:


1.0 == 1


1.0 == decimal.Decimal('1.0')


1.0 == float(decimal.Decimal('1.0'))


These are comparing different types.

collections.defaultdict(999) == {}


I try this and get:

TypeError: first arument must be callable


ctypes version mismatch

2008-08-29 Thread Paul McNett

Anyone have anything to suggest on this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 41, in module
  File App.pyo, line 25, in module
  File ui\__init__.pyo, line 23, in module
  File ui\FrmProductionOrders.pyo, line 10, in module
  File ui\PagEditProductionOrders.pyo, line 8, in module
  File ui\GrdProductionOrderOpenings.pyo, line 5, in module
  File ui\DlgEditProductionOrderOpening.pyo, line 17, in module
  File ui\ShutterCanvas.pyo, line 9, in module
  File wx\lib\floatcanvas\FloatCanvas.pyo, line 6, in module
  File numpy\__init__.pyo, line 46, in module
  File numpy\ctypeslib.pyo, line 9, in module
  File ctypes\__init__.pyo, line 20, in module
Exception: ('Version number mismatch', '1.0.2', '1.0.3')

I just updated from python 2.5.1 to 2.5.2, and wxPython to The issue is only in the py2exe-built app, not when running the
script from the command line.


Re: ctypes version mismatch

2008-08-29 Thread Paul McNett

Thomas Heller wrote:

Paul McNett schrieb:

Anyone have anything to suggest on this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 41, in module
   File App.pyo, line 25, in module
   File ui\__init__.pyo, line 23, in module
   File ui\FrmProductionOrders.pyo, line 10, in module
   File ui\PagEditProductionOrders.pyo, line 8, in module
   File ui\GrdProductionOrderOpenings.pyo, line 5, in module
   File ui\DlgEditProductionOrderOpening.pyo, line 17, in module
   File ui\ShutterCanvas.pyo, line 9, in module
   File wx\lib\floatcanvas\FloatCanvas.pyo, line 6, in module
   File numpy\__init__.pyo, line 46, in module
   File numpy\ctypeslib.pyo, line 9, in module
   File ctypes\__init__.pyo, line 20, in module
Exception: ('Version number mismatch', '1.0.2', '1.0.3')

I just updated from python 2.5.1 to 2.5.2, and wxPython to The issue is only in the py2exe-built app, not when running the
script from the command line.

I guess you should remove the build and dist directories and rebuild
your app - this is always a good idea when something goes wrong, not only
after upgrading Python or Python packages.

Thanks for responding (and thanks for starting py2exe!). Yes, my build 
script always wipes out the build and dist directories first.

The problem turned out to be (it was right there in the traceback, but I 
glossed over it at first) that numpy includes their own ctypeslib, and 
*that* version was 1.0.2. Now, I'm still not sure why it mattered in the 
exe but not running just the script, but upgrading numpy resolved the issue.


Re: [1,2,3] exactly same as [1,2,3,] ?

2008-08-28 Thread Paul McNett



are exactly the same, right?

When confronted with this type of question, I ask the interpreter:

mac:~ pmcnett$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Feb 22 2008, 07:57:53)
[GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5363)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 [1,2,3] == [1,2,3,]


Re: [1,2,3] exactly same as [1,2,3,] ?

2008-08-28 Thread Paul McNett

James Mills wrote:

I must point out though that although they contain
the same elements/data, they are not the same

True, but the OP wanted equality:

 I want to be
 sure I'm generating an equivalent data structure.


Re: How to figure out if the platform is 32bit or 64bit?

2008-08-01 Thread Paul McNett

Gary Josack wrote:

Trent Mick wrote:

Manuel Vazquez Acosta wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Just test for maxint value:

from sys import maxint
if maxint  33:
print more than 32 bits # probably 64
print 32 bits

I believe that was already suggested in this thread. That test will 
just tell you if the Python *build* is 32-bit or 64-bit. If the answer 
is 32-bit, then that doesn't tell you if this is a 32-bit Python 
running on a 64-bit OS.


have you tried platform.architecture()?

I just tried it:

WindowsXP in Parallels Desktop:
('32bit', 'WindowsPE')

Ubuntu 7.10 in Parallels Desktop:
('32bit', '')

Ubuntu 8.04 on a AMD64 Machine:
('64bit', '')

Mac 10.4 on a Intel64 Machine:
('32bit', '')

All look correct except for Mac.



Re: wxPython: How can I get window's HANDLE in wxPython.

2008-07-02 Thread Paul McNett

Leo Lee wrote:

I need a window's handle to be passed to external c++.
Thanks in advance 

import wx

GetHandle(*args, **kwargs) unbound wx._core.Window method
GetHandle(self) - long

Returns the platform-specific handle (as a long integer) of the
physical window.  On wxMSW this is the win32 window handle, on wxGTK
it is the XWindow ID, and on wxMac it is the ControlRef.


Re: [Employment] New TurboGears Job in Eugene, OR

2008-06-27 Thread Paul McNett

Silas Snider wrote:

Full-time academic year position
Salary range: $2819 - $4404 per month ( $16.26 - $25.41 per hour)

The following knowledge, skills and experience are necessary for this

Expert Python and SQL programming skills, and proficiency with
Javascript, CSS, XHTML and web standards. Professional experience with
open source projects, ideally using Turbogears and MySQL. Experience
with Mac OSX Server or other server administration. Familiarity with
version control. Skills using on-line documentation for open source
packages. Wide knowledge of open-source software and ability to find,
evaluate, learn and implement new open source technologies.

They want an expert for a maximum of $25 per hour? If they find someone, 
it'll be a pretty good bullshitter looking for experience.


Re: Making wxPython a standard module?

2008-06-14 Thread Paul McNett

Grant Edwards wrote:

On 2008-06-14, Torsten Bronger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've never used any of the designers, but I agree 100% that
wxPython code is nasty ugly. wxPython has a very un-Pythonic
API that's is, IMO, difficult to use.

I know that such requests may start a never-ending thread but
I'd really like to know what you mean with this.


Well, if we want this thread to be never ending, I'd better put
a little dramatic hyperbole into my answer, so here goes... ;)

(blatant self-promotion warning: I'm one of the founders of Dabo, and it
sounds like you may like to take a look at it, given your comments below)

IMO, a few of the un-Pythonic things about wxPython are:

 1) Window ID numbers.

  You don't need to know what it's for, just pass a -1.
Their very existence at the user level feels wrong.

I'm told that for approximately 3 uber-sophisticated
wxWidgets programmers window IDs can be useful in some rare
situations.  Meanwhile everybody else working under
normal conditions has to pass a useless positional
parameter every time they instantiate a widget.  Things that
are useful only in exceptional situations should only be
visible in exception situations.

Dabo is a nice wrapper around wxPython, which among other things does
away with id numbers. There are a few places (wxMenu events, for one)
where you need to deal with window id's, but Dabo doesn't expose the
user to that, it handles it the way it should work.

 2) the flags parameter.

  1975 called, and they want their bit-masks back.
The mashing together of a several dozen different,

completely unrelated attributes into the flags parameter
is a trick left over from C/assembly language programming
on machines who's memory size was measure in KB.  Rather
than OR-ing together a bunch of bit-patterns to make the
window act the way you want, you should be setting
individually named object attributes or passing optional,
named parameters to the class method.

Dabo uses properties for everything, including the individual style
bits. And it handles making the setting in the right place so it just
works without the user needing to know, for instance, that flag x only
works after the class is fully instantiated, or vice-versa.

Properties can be set on the object once instantiated, sent to the
constructor, or set in a subclass:

# create a textbox by instantiating the baseclass
# and sending property values to the constructor:
txt = dabo.ui.dTextBox(self, Value=Hello, FontBold=True)

# tweak some other properties:
txt.FontItalic = True
txt.BackColor = yellow

 3) the parent/child tree

  the only thing less well understood than Window IDs

I've been writing wxPython apps for about 9 years now, and
I still have only a very vague idea what the parent/child
tree is for.  Everybody I know just makes everything the
child of the first panel they put in the application frame.
The same people who specify Window IDs other than -1
probably use complex parent/child trees for something.

Every container object needs to know about its children, and every
object needs to know about its parent. So, in Dabo we have 2 properties:
Children and Parent.

 4) sizers

  they're like aspirin -- they work, but nobody knows exactly how

OK, that's a bit out-of-date since I seem to recall that
somebody did finally figure out how aspirin works a couple
years back.  The way sizers work seems pretty complex
compared to other GUI toolkits I've used, and the extra
complexity doesn't seem to provide any extra capability.

The one thing that seems to me to be particular complicated

is controlling which objects stretch in what axis when a
window is resized.  I've been using them for many years,
but I've never gotten them more than about 90% figured out.

Every time I write a wxPython apps, I'm initially surprised
at its behavior when the window is resized and have to
spend some trial-and-error time fiddling with the sizer
parameters.  I don't remember having to do that in tkInter
or in Trestle: things just worked.

Sizers are admittedly a bit complex in Dabo, too. Or, sizers aren't
complex, but the code that creates them gets pretty wordy pretty fast.

vs = dabo.ui.dSizer(v)
hs = dabo.ui.dSizer(h)
hs.append(dabo.ui.dLabel(self, Caption=Name:))

 5) binding

  What? you wanted a button that _did_ something when you clicked it?

Binding has actually improved a bit in the past few years.
It's not as obscure as it used to be, but it's still an
extra explicit step that shouldn't be required. It should
only take one line of code to create a button widget that
calls a specified callable when it's clicked. Something
like this:

  b = wx.Button(label=Click Me, action=myCallable)

Instead you used to have to create a 

Re: readlines with line number support?

2008-05-14 Thread Paul McNett

Nikhil wrote:
I am reading a file with readlines method of the filepointer object 
returned by the open function. Along with reading the lines, I also need 
to know which line number of the file is read in the loop everytime.
I am sure, the line should have the property/attribute which will say 
the line number of the file.

If there is none, do I have to end up using the counter in the loop?

fp = open(file, r)
lineno = 0
for line in fp.readlines():
print line number:  + lineno + :  + line.rstrip()
lineno = lineno + 1


for lineno, line in enumerate(open(file)):
  print line number: %s : %s % (idx, line.rstrip())

Note the other stylistic changes, too.


Re: Why is None = 0

2008-04-25 Thread Paul McNett

Gregor Horvath wrote:

  None = 0

More accurately:

None  0


Is there a logical reason?

None is less than everything except for itself:

 None  'a'
 None  False
 None == None

In my humble opinion, I think that comparisons involving None should 
return None, but I trust that the designers came up with this for very 
good reasons. As far as I know I've never been bitten by it.


Re: how to mysqldb dict cursors

2008-04-24 Thread Paul McNett

Vaibhav.bhawsar wrote:
I have been trying to get the DictCursor working with mysqldb module but 
can't seem to. I have pasted the basic connection code and the traceback 
from pydev. The connection does open with the default cursor class. 
can't figure this one out. many thanks.

Try one of:

import MySQLdb, MySQLdb.cursors
conn = MySQLdb.connect(..., cursorclass=MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)


import MySQLdb, MySQLdb.cursors
conn = MySQLdb.connect(...)
cur = MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor(conn)

I'm going off of memory here, though, but I'm at least close.



Re: function that accepts any amount of arguments?

2008-04-23 Thread Paul McNett

globalrev wrote:

if i want a function that can take any amount of arguments how do i

Put an asterisk before the argument name.

lets say i want a function average that accepts any number of integers
and returns the average.

def avg(*args):
  return sum(args) / len(args)

There are some dangers (at least two glaring ones) with this code, 
though, which I leave as an exercise for the reader.



Re: Pysqlite issue no attribute 'autocommit'

2008-02-04 Thread Paul McNett
Andy Smith wrote:

   Im trying to run a Python based program which uses MySQL with 
 python-sqlite and Im recieving this error,
 'Connection' object has no attribute 'autocommit'
 I´ve had a google for this and its seems like it may be a bug 
 python-sqlite or sqlite bug , but also I tried searching
 for it on the python issue traker and didnt find anything. Is anyone 
 else aware of this issue and any solution?
 thanks for any help! Andy.
 PS sorry if I didnt include much info, hoping its a known issue (and 
 also I didnt write the code, so not sure what
 else to include off the top of my head! :P)

What you should do is post the entire traceback.



Re: PIL linux err

2008-01-31 Thread Paul McNett
dzizes wrote:

 I'm trying to run simple .py on linux, which is using PIL. Below error
 message which I receive:
 IOError: decoder jpeg not available
 Do you know what might be the problem?

No, but google seems to:



Re: Terminology: script versus program

2008-01-24 Thread Paul McNett
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

 Linux/Unix/Mac admins may be excused for saying that they've never come 
 across a .BAT file at all.
 $ locate .bat | wc -l

 $ locate .sh | wc -l

$ locate .bat | wc -l
$ locate .sh | wc -l
$ locate .py | wc -l

Hmmm... that matched all the .pyo and .pyc files, too. Not fair.

$ locate -r '\.py$' | wc -l
$ locate -r '\.sh$' | wc -l
$ locate -r '\.bat$' | wc -l

Still a bit unbelievable, although I do have all the branches and tags 
checked out of my main projects, and I tend to make lots of little .py 
files so most of that 17,425 number is probably me.



Re: mac dashboad

2007-12-21 Thread Paul McNett
Carl K wrote:

 Yes.  But I don't want to rely on wx - trying to use just native mac python 
 (whatever they ship with)

Since OSX 10.4, Mac ships with wxPython installed.



Re: DBApi Question with MySQL

2007-12-12 Thread Paul McNett
Hans Müller wrote:

 I'd like to modify some tables in a database in one transaction.
 This approach doesn't work:
 import MySQLdb
 con = MySQLdb.connect(servernam, user = username, passwd = verysecret, 
 db = test, use_unicode = True, charset = utf8)
 cursor = con.cursor()
 cursor.execute(delete from table)
 do-some-stuff and wait
 cursor.execute(insert into table value(%s, %s), (1, 2))
 When I look into the databse while the script is running, all rows from table 
 are gone.
 The expected behavior would be to see the new lines only when the script is 
 The deletion should be (since inside a transaction) invisible up to the 
 Has someone an idea how to use transactions correctly ?
 What I need is this
 start transaction
 delete a lot of date in some tables (about 2 million rows)
 insert a lot of new date in these tables (also about 2 million lines)
 commit all changes, so all changes become visible here and only here.
 Thanks a lot,

Quick questions before going any further:

1) What's the table type in MySQL: ISAM, INNO, or ? As you probably know 
MyISAM doesn't support transactions.

2) Is MySQL set to AutoCommit? Issue:
cursor.execute(select @@autocomit)
print cursor.fetchall()

If so try sending:
cursor.execute(set autocommit=0)

...and then doing the code you posted.



Re: Copy database with python..

2007-11-02 Thread Paul McNett
Abandoned wrote:

 I want to copy my database but python give me error when i use this
 cursor.execute(pg_dump mydata  old.dump)
 What is the problem ? And how can i copy the database with python ?

You are just going to have to give us more to go on. Please post the 
entire traceback of the error that you see (copy/paste it from your 

You can't issue system commands using the cursor's execute() method and 
expect that to work. execute() is for executing SQL, DML, or DDL, not 
for doing shell stuff.


import os
os.system(pg_dump mydata  /tmp/old.dump)

but I'm not versed in postgressql, so this probably won't work exactly 
as written. You'd need to run that code from the server hosting the 
postgresql database.

 Note: The database's size is 200 GB

Well, then you may want to make sure you have enough room on the target 
volume before trying to dump the file! Note that the dump file could 
conceivably be much larger (or much smaller) than the database itself.

pkm ~

Re: 3 number and dot..

2007-10-31 Thread Paul McNett
Abandoned wrote:

 I want to do this:
 for examle:
 12332321 == 12.332.321
 How can i do?

Assuming that the dots are always in the 3rd and 7th position in the string:

def conv(s, sep=.):
   l = [s[0:3], s[3:6], s[6:]]
   return sep.join(l)

print conv(12332321)

pkm ~

Re: 3 number and dot..

2007-10-31 Thread Paul McNett
Abandoned wrote:

 On Oct 31, 10:18 pm, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Abandoned wrote:
  I want to do this:
  for examle:
  12332321 == 12.332.321

  How can i do?

 Assuming that the dots are always in the 3rd and 7th position in the string:

 def conv(s, sep=.):
l = [s[0:3], s[3:6], s[6:]]
return sep.join(l)

 print conv(12332321)

 But it's starts from the end..
 print conv(12332321)
 This is wrong it would be 12.332.321

Ok, my slicing was off by one. Mea culpa. I leave it as an exercise to 
fix it. It is really easy, if you understand basic slicing in Python. If 
you don't understand slicing, you should google 'python slicing tutorial'.

But, from the other messages in the thread it has become apparent that 
you are wanting to group by thousands (that wasn't at all clear in your 
initial message).

Chris Mellon has given you the best response: use the locale module for 
this. Other people have done all the work for you, all you need to do is 
learn how to use locale to get what you want.

It seems like you are looking for a spoonfed solution rather than 
looking for guidance on how to solve the problem for yourself. If I'm 
wrong about that assessment, I apologize in advance.

Best regards and good luck with your project!

pkm ~

Re: Problem with format string / MySQL cursor

2007-10-18 Thread Paul McNett

 On Oct 19, 7:32 am, Florian Lindner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a string:

 INSERT INTO mailboxes (`name`, `login`, `home`, `maildir`, `uid`,
 `gid`, `password`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %i, %i, %s)

 that is passed to a MySQL cursor from MySQLdb:

 ret = cursor.execute(sql, paras)

 paras is:

 ('flindner', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]', '/home/flindner/', '/home/
 flindner/Mail/test', 1001, 1001, '123')

 But that gives me an error:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File, line 188, in ?
   File, line 33, in main
 execute(action, account_type, options)
   File, line 129, in execute
 executeSQL(sql, options.username, options.login, options.home,, options.uid, options.gid, options.password)
   File /home/flindner/, line 29, in executeSQL
 ret = cursor.execute(sql, paras)
   File /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/, line
 148, in execute
 query = query % db.literal(args)
 TypeError: int argument required

 I don't see errors in the format string or some other problem

 What's wrong?

 You should be using '?' for parameter bindings in your sql string not
 python format specifiers (you are after all writing sql here not
 INSERT INTO mailboxes (`name`, `login`, `home`, `maildir`, `uid`,
 `gid`, `password`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

Sorry Tim, but that isn't correct:

 import MySQLdb


Florian, what happens when you replace your %i with %s?

pkm ~


Re: sqlite and TemporaryFile under Windows

2007-10-16 Thread Paul McNett
Matthieu Brucher wrote:
   If this is the way of using sqlite, it is still cumbersome as a
 lot of
   other classes that work on files can work on file-like (and isn't
 it the
   whole point of Python ;) ?
 I don't think that sqlite can work on streams, or on file-like objects.
 Obviously it cannot, but what are the reason it can't ?

I have no idea.

 You could just save it as tempfile.mktemp(). I think the utility of this
 function in this case outweighs the possibility that your routine will
 coincidentally overwrite another file of the same name within the same
 fraction of a second. The warning is dire, but when you think about it
 in context it doesn't seem that bloody likely that there will be a
 problem. ;)
 Well, I could, but in this case I have to delete the file myself, which 
 the whole point of the use of TemporaryFile.

Go with the flow dude! Unless you want to solve the issue by delving in 
to the source for pysqlite yourself so that it can work on file-like 
object, the extra os.unlink call doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Also, you are downloading the file off the Internet somewhere anyway. 
Either you work with that stream without creating a file (which we've 
already discovered isn't possible) or you save it to a file. Sure, it 
would be nice to use TemporaryFile(), but it shouldn't be a showstopper 
to use mktemp() an unlink() instead.

pkm ~

Re: sqlite and TemporaryFile under Windows

2007-10-15 Thread Paul McNett
Matthieu Brucher wrote:
 I want to create a temporary database that is downloaded for the net. So 
 I want to use a temporary file that will be deleted at the end of my 
 program. For this, I wanted to use tempfile.TemporaryFile. The problem 
 with Windows is that I can't give to sqlite3.connect() the file neither 
 can I give its name (if I use NamedTemporaryFile). Is there a solution 
 somewhere ?

Are you aware that you can do an in-memory database (IOW no file at all)?

cur = sqlite.connect(:memory:)

pkm ~

Re: sqlite and TemporaryFile under Windows

2007-10-15 Thread Paul McNett
Matthieu Brucher wrote:
 Are you aware that you can do an in-memory database (IOW no file at
 cur = sqlite.connect (:memory:)
 Yes, but in this case, how can I use the DB that I downloaded from the net ?

Ah, sorry, I guess I missed that part.

 If this is the way of using sqlite, it is still cumbersome as a lot of 
 other classes that work on files can work on file-like (and isn't it the 
 whole point of Python ;) ?

I don't think that sqlite can work on streams, or on file-like objects.

You could just save it as tempfile.mktemp(). I think the utility of this 
function in this case outweighs the possibility that your routine will 
coincidentally overwrite another file of the same name within the same 
fraction of a second. The warning is dire, but when you think about it 
in context it doesn't seem that bloody likely that there will be a 
problem. ;)

pkm ~

Re: Is there some sort of portable IDE?

2007-09-24 Thread Paul McNett
Lamonte Harris wrote:
 Like say you don't got python installed, but you want to test code is 
 there a way?(School)

Like way, dude, check this out:

pkm ~

Re: How do you limit the # of lines Read?

2007-09-18 Thread Paul McNett
 I am working on a loop for my code and was wondering if there is a way
 to limit the number of lines read through?  I'd hate to cut the test
 file in order to run the code in the testing phase.  Can you add a
 value in the parenthesis of the readline() function?
 t = string.readline()  # Limit this somehow?

Assuming s is a file-like object:

for idx, line in enumerate(s):
 if idx  2:
 print idx, line

pkm ~

Re: Python and Cron

2007-09-07 Thread Paul McNett
Greg Lindstrom wrote:
 This may be more of a Linux question, but I'm hoping some of you may be 
 able to help me.
 I have a python (2.4) routine running on Gentoo Linux.  It creates a 
 file and, after the file is complete, renames the file using the 
 os.rename() command.  When I run the file from the command line 
 everything works great, but when I schedule the job to run from the 
 crontab file, the original file is created and populated, but the rename 
 fails.  I am using full paths for both the original and destination 
 file, and run the command line version after I 'su' to the production 
 account (named 'edith').  I am told by my sysadmin that the cron jobs 
 run as edith as well, so he does not think it is a permission issue (he 
 points out the original file is being created and populated as 
 expected...the rename fails)
 Have any of you dealt with anything like this?  It really has me 
 scratching my head.

Can you post the Python script?

What's the name of the original file, and what are you trying to rename 
it to? I'm wondering if you are deriving the new name from something, 
and that thing is failing from within the cronjob for some reason. 
Perhaps the new name contains a complete path in one of the cases but 
not in the other...

Edith should be getting email (if email routing is set up correctly) if 
the job is failing or producing output. Specifically, perhaps she's 
getting Python tracebacks and not telling you... :)

pkm ~

Dealing with PayPal's messy SPF records

2007-09-04 Thread Paul McNett
I administer email for a few clients of mine, using Postfix. One of the 
policies that is in place is SPF-checking, and rejecting messages 
accordingly. This has been working well for months.

However, today a user called me to complain that they weren't able to 
get confirmed with PayPal to set up a new account. Turns out, SPF was 
rejecting the email from PayPal because of Too many DNS lookups. This 
was somewhat surprising as I had been expecting the problem to be with 
my greylisting setup.

I took a look at PayPal's SPF structure and it is indeed a big mess - 
lots of includes, and those includes have lots of hosts and mx records, 

I helped the user by temporarily disabling all SPF checking and then 
reenabling it after the user got confirmed, but I was wondering if there 
is an elegant way to tell postfix to ignore the going over MAX_LOOKUPS 
for (,). I guess this would involve modifying

I took a look at the source, and see where these values are 
hardcoded, complete with references to the RFC, and I don't want to 
modify those hardcoded values. I also don't want to disable SPF as the 
final layer of policy checking on my mail server. But, I have to 
recognize that companies like PayPal are big players, and I'm probably 
not going to get them to budge by complaining, so I should try to 
accommodate their messy setups as much as possible, as my users are 
nearly always right.

Anyone been down this road before and can offer tips/advice? I did 
google for relevant strings, but didn't come up with anything that 
appeared to address this specific problem.

pkm ~

Re: Mouse control with ctypes in OS X

2007-08-20 Thread Paul McNett
Niklas Ottosson wrote:
 I need to get hold of the mouse position and also need to be able to 
 change it. In windows I have used ctypes.windll.user32.getCursorPos() 
 and ctypes.windll.user32.setCursorPos() with great success in my program 
 but now I also need to make a Mac OS X version of the program.
 Does anyone know what the above libraries and functions are called in OS 
 X? Any help is greatly appreciated. 

All I can offer you is the knowledge that OS X will probably not let you 
set the mouse position, as it is a gross violation of the HIG (The user 
is in charge of where the mouse appears, not the application).

But, I'm sure someone will chime in on how to get the mouse position.

pkm ~

Re: Why PHP is so much more popular for web-development

2007-07-25 Thread Paul McNett
Steve Holden wrote:
 When someone starts to push the limits of PHP they either continue to 
 push until they get where they want to be (producing an ugly or 
 ill-maintained bunch of code along the way) or they choose a more 
 appropriate tool.
 The latter behavior is typical of programmers. The former is typical of 
 typical users. There are many people producing web sites who I wouldn't 
 let within yards of any of my code. but it's some kind of tribute to PHP 
 that it manages to satisfy so many of them. This doesn't mean that 
 grafting PHP features into Python mindlessly will improve the language.
 The Python approach is a scalpel, which can easily cut your fingers off. 
 The PHP approach is a shovel, which will do for many everyday tasks.

Exactly right on. I actually use PHP quite a bit. For websites that 
would otherwise be static html pages other than the fact that I want to 
reuse elements (header, footer, etc.), I choose PHP in a heartbeat, 
because it's easy, and I'm lazy. Ditto if it is a simple db-driven site.

Start adding business rules and complex program flow and I run away from 
PHP as fast as I can. I wouldn't want to actually code anything in it, 
after all. ;)

I've seen comments that mod_python is hard to use, but I just haven't 
found that to be the case. For me, mod_python is the next step up when 
PHP no longer suits my needs. Granted, I'm spoiled because I run my own 
server and don't rely on some hosting provider to tell me what I can and 
cannot do. :)

pkm ~

Re: Advice on sending images to clients over network

2007-07-22 Thread Paul McNett
Frank Millman wrote:
 I guess the point of all this rambling is that my thought process is
 leading me towards my third option, but this would be a bit of work to
 set up, so I would appreciate any comments from anyone who has been
 down this road before - do I make sense, or are there better ways to
 handle this?
 Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

I would put the images into a static web directory, either on the same 
or different server. Then your main server just sends the url (or 
relevant portion of the url, or list of all urls to download), and then 
the client grabs the images from your image server using urllib.

Let Apache do what it's good at, instead of reinventing that particular 

pkm ~

Re: Advice on sending images to clients over network

2007-07-22 Thread Paul McNett
Paul Rubin wrote:
 Frank Millman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
 Why on earth don't you write the whole thing as a web app instead of
 a special protocol?  Then just use normal html tags to put images
 into the relevant pages.

I believe he has a full desktop client app, not a web app. Believe it or 
not, there's still a solid place for desktop applications even in this 
ever-increasing webified world.

Use the right tool for the job...

pkm ~

Re: Advice on sending images to clients over network

2007-07-22 Thread Paul McNett
Calvin Spealman wrote:
 On 7/22/07, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Paul Rubin wrote:
  Frank Millman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Any suggestions will be much appreciated.
  Why on earth don't you write the whole thing as a web app instead of
  a special protocol?  Then just use normal html tags to put images
  into the relevant pages.

 I believe he has a full desktop client app, not a web app. Believe it or
 not, there's still a solid place for desktop applications even in this
 ever-increasing webified world.

 Use the right tool for the job...
 There is no reason that something being a desktop app means they
 can't use HTTP instead of reinventing the protocol wheel all over

Absolutely! Which is why I recommended setting up an httpd to serve the 

I interpreted Paul Rubin's response to say rewrite the whole thing 
(client, server, everything) as a web app.


pkm ~

Re: New guy help with setup

2007-07-12 Thread Paul McNett
meg99 wrote:
 I just downloaded 2.5 and read the readme file.  It says Before you
 can build Python, you must first confiigure itStart by running the
 script ./configure.
 I can't find ./configure
 I am running Windows XP SP2

You downloaded the wrong file. You want the Windows Installer:


pkm ~

Re: New guy help with setup

2007-07-12 Thread Paul McNett
meg99 wrote:
 On Jul 12, 4:24 pm, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 meg99 wrote:
 I just downloaded 2.5 and read the readme file.  It says Before you
 can build Python, you must first confiigure itStart by running the
 script ./configure.
 I can't find ./configure
 I am running Windows XP SP2
 You downloaded the wrong file. You want the Windows 
 My applogies - I did download and install 2.5.1

In that case, open up your command window (Start|Run cmd enter).

Type 'python' at the c:\ prompt.

Or, Start|All Programs|Python 2.5|IDLE


pkm ~

Re: New guy help with setup

2007-07-12 Thread Paul McNett
meg99 wrote:
 On Jul 12, 4:35 pm, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 meg99 wrote:
 On Jul 12, 4:24 pm, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 meg99 wrote:
 I just downloaded 2.5 and read the readme file.  It says Before you
 can build Python, you must first confiigure itStart by running the
 script ./configure.
 I can't find ./configure
 I am running Windows XP SP2
 You downloaded the wrong file. You want the Windows 
 My applogies - I did download and install 2.5.1
 In that case, open up your command window (Start|Run cmd enter).

 Type 'python' at the c:\ prompt.

 Or, Start|All Programs|Python 2.5|IDLE

 I opened the command window and typed 'python'
 got 'not recognized as a command'

Add c:\python25 to your Windows system path.

 went to the python25 folder and typed 'python'
 got the  prompt

Good! Python is installed and working normally.

 typed './configure'
 got 'no Python documentation found for './configure'

You don't need to ./configure. That's for when you are going to compile 
Python from source code into a binary, which you don't need to do 
because you installed a precompiled binary for Windows.

pkm ~

Re: Build EXE on Mac OsX 10.4

2007-06-14 Thread Paul McNett
Sherm Pendley wrote:
 Gabriel Genellina [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 En Wed, 13 Jun 2007 17:35:19 -0300, Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:

 Tempo wrote:
 Has anyone sucesfully built a *.exe file on a mac operating system
 before from a *.py file? I have been trying to do this with
 pyinstaller, but I keep getting errors and I don't know how to
 install  [...]
 You need to build Mac Apps on Mac, Windows EXE's on Windows, and Linux
 ELF's on Linux. You can't build a windows.exe from Mac, just as you
 can't build a from Windows.
 That's not entirely true. gcc on linux can generate a Windows EXE, and
 using: python bdist_wininst, you can generate a complete
 binary  installer for Windows. I'm not sure if this can be done on a
 Mac too.
 In principle, certainly - there's even a MacPort package for a complete
 cygwin installation. I've built a number of packages with it - SDL and
 several related libraries, for instance. There are also ELF cross-compiler
 MacPort packages, presumably for building Linux binaries.
 On the other hand, I *haven't* tried any of those compilers with,
 and I have no idea if it can support those targets in practice. :-(

There's the rub. In practice, it is hard enough getting my 
correct for building a nice windows.exe from Windows. Plus, the first 
thing I want to do after building an exe is *test* it on the target 

pkm ~

Re: OS X install confusion

2007-06-14 Thread Paul McNett
John Fisher wrote:
 On Jun 14, 1:31 pm, Kevin Walzer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 John Fisher wrote:
 Hi Groupies,
 I have an Intel Macbook running OS X 10.4.
 It came installed with Python 2.3.5. I have since installed MacPython
 with version 2.4.4, cool.
 When I open a bash terminal session and type python, it brings up
 version 2.3.5. If I type IDLE it brings up version 2.4.4.
 My question: what do I have to do to get it to bring up 2.4.4 with the
 python command?
 Thanks for bringing light to my ignorance.
 Sounds like a path problem. Apple's system Python is installed in
 /usr/bin. Your installation is probably in /usr/local/bin. Edit your
 profile or use the full path.

 Kevin Walzer
 Code by Kevin
 The default python on tiger (2.3.5) is sym-linked to /usr/bin/python
 and /usr/bin/pythonw.

 I found it easier to relink to the new installation path. This also
 leaves /usr/bin/python23 and /usr/bin/pythonw23 still linked to the
 original version if you want to quickly check something.

 OK, please give a little more information how I can accomplish this

Your Python 2.5 is likely installed here:


But OS X comes with a system Python, version 2.3.5, likely installed here:


If you look at /usr/bin, you'll see:

lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  9 Jan 31 17:24 python - python2.3
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel 72 Jan 31 17:24 python2.3 - 
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel 10 Jan 31 17:24 pythonw - pythonw2.3
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  29704 Aug 19  2006 pythonw2.3

So, python is linked to python2.3, and python2.3 is in turn linked to 

You need to (warning: watch for line wrap):

sudo -s
enter your password
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/python 
ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin/pythonw 
rm python
rm pythonw
ln -s python python_current
ln -s pythonw pythonw_current

However, that isn't what I did. I like the system being able to find and 
use the system-installed python, but I like my scripts to use the python 
version I installed (2.5). To get that, skip the above symlinking and 
instead edit your .bash_profile file (hidden file inside your home 
directory) and put these lines at the top:

export PATH

pkm ~

Re: Build EXE on Mac OsX 10.4

2007-06-13 Thread Paul McNett
Tempo wrote:
 Has anyone sucesfully built a *.exe file on a mac operating system
 before from a *.py file? I have been trying to do this with
 pyinstaller, but I keep getting errors and I don't know how to install
 UPX properly. I tried putting the linux UPX folder in my python 2.4
 directory, but that didn't work. I am just generally confused right
 now. Ha. If anybody can lend me some insight I would really appreciate
 it. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

You need to build Mac Apps on Mac, Windows EXE's on Windows, and Linux 
ELF's on Linux. You can't build a windows.exe from Mac, just as you 
can't build a from Windows.

pkm ~

Re: updates in sqlite3 do not work

2007-05-29 Thread Paul McNett
Chris Fonnesbeck wrote:
 I have a script set up to perform UPDATE commands on an sqlite database 
 using the sqlite3 module. Everything appears to run fine (there are no 
 error messages), except that none of the UPDATE commands appear to have 
 actually updated the table. If I run each command on its own in a sqlite 
 session, the UPDATE command works fine, so it is not a SQL syntax issue. 
 UPDATE simply seems not to work. Any idea what the problem might be?

You need to explicitly commit the transaction e.g.:

import sqlite3.dbapi2 as sqlite

con = sqlite.connect(temp.db)
cur = con.cursor()

cur.execute(create table test (id INTEGER, name CHAR))
cur.execute(insert into test values (1, 'bob'))


pkm ~

Re: How to get started as a xhtml python mysql freelancer ?

2007-05-25 Thread Paul McNett
gert wrote:
 I made something that i was hoping it could make people happy enough
 so i could make a living by providing support for commercial use of
 But in reality i am a lousy sales men and was wondering how you people
 sell stuff as a developer ?

In my experience, you don't make money by selling support unless you are 
a large company selling support for a large project or a wide array of 
projects. The people that will use your library will mostly be 
developers and not end-users, after all.

To make money from things you develop, I think you need to take your 
library and either build an application that has wide appeal and sell 
that, or sell yourself as a custom developer that can build the 
application the customer needs, using the tools you are comfortable 
with. You can then build in the cost of developing your library that you 
will reuse for the custom applications.

pkm ~

Re: Python script not mapping our site correctly?

2007-05-24 Thread Paul McNett
 We have been using the Google recommended python script for about a

Which script would that be? Googling for 'python script' yields approx. 
27 million hits.

 We recently realized that the script was not crawling our sites
 url's, but just our folders which reside on the server. 

The behavior of the script recently changed, or you were running the 
script for a year not realizing what its purpose was?

 The python
 script seems to be designed for 'non database' sites, not a site which
 is using .asp, and has dynamic pages.

It sounds like your script is just traversing a directory structure on 
disk, presumably indexing the text in the files found there. I think it 
sounds like (but I'm guessing, here) that you want what is known as a 
web crawler, that communicates via http with your site, follows links, 
and indexes the resulting pages.

 We are an ecommerce site. What are other ecommerce sites using to
 create an xml file?

XML is mostly used to persist data of one sort or another. What kind of 
XML file do you want to create?

 Are they using the python script?

We aren't going to be able to help you with this question until you 
become *much more specific*:

+ Which python script? Where did you download it from and what is it called?

+ What is the purpose of the XML you want generated? (WAG: Submit to 

+ What pages do you want indexed?

Usually, for database-driven ecommerce sites, for developing lists of 
products for submission to places like Froogle, I don't go via the web 
interface at all: I write python scripts (there's that word again!) to 
connect to the database, and run queries to determine the results, run 
that through a template for each line that figures out things such as 
the URL of the page that represents the product, etc.)

But I hesitate to say much more until we understand what you want your 
python script to do.

pkm ~

Re: dabo framework dependancies

2007-05-23 Thread Paul McNett
Peter Decker wrote:
 On 5/22/07, daniel gadenne [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm considering moving over to dabo for wxpython development.
 However I do not write traditional database applications
 à la foxpro (I'm a 20 years user of fox...) anymore.
 Only xml-fed applications.

 I'm a bit hesitant to jump onboard since dabo seemns to carry
 over its own lot of database connectivity dependancy.

 Can you reasonably use dabo for plain datafree application?
 That's exactly how I use it. I write apps that don't use database
 servers, and don't have any database programs installed. I just want
 the dabo.ui stuff, since it makes wxPython so easy to work with.

Dabo has three main modules: db, biz, and ui, and an overarching 
application object. Every class descends from an abstract dObject. For 
database apps, you'd typically set some connection information in the db 
layer, put all your business code in the biz layer, and define your GUI 
in the (you guessed it) ui layer. You can certainly do what Peter has 
done and only use the ui layer and application object. I've done this 
myself and if I ever had to code a non-database UI that's probably what 
I'd do, too. Although I have to admit I can't really picture an 
application that doesn't need to save data. Here's a simple example that 
puts up a textbox:

import dabo

app = dabo.dApp()

frm = app.MainForm
tb = dabo.ui.dTextBox(frm, Value=Type in here, FontBold=True)


You can easily define your own subclasses, too:

import dabo

class MyRadioList(dabo.ui.dRadioList):
   def initProperties(self):
 self.Choices = [Snakes, Bees, Fishes]

   def onHit(self, evt):
 print Radio choice '%s' selected. % self.Value

app = dabo.dApp()
frm = app.MainForm
rl = MyRadioList(frm)

So, yes, you can reasonably use Dabo even if you have no traditional 
database in the mix.

pkm ~

Re: Python and GUI

2007-05-21 Thread Paul McNett
 Just wondering on what peoples opinions are of the GUIs avaiable for

Python has, I believe, 4 compelling choices for GUI library: Tkinter, 
wxPython, PyQt, and PyGTK. Like everything in life, each has their 
relative merits and downsides. Briefly, here are my feelings on each, 
but I'm mostly versed in wxPython.


Pros: comes with Python out of the box; terse; easy

Cons: owner-drawn (not-native OS widgets); limited in out-of box 
functionality; kind of ugly


Pros: easy to install binary on all platforms, active development, 
active friendly community of contributors, native os base widgets on all 

Cons: hard to build from source on all platforms, everything but the 
kitchen sink comes with it, and some things are pretty buggy still or 


Pros: looks good on all platforms, easy to install and use.
Cons: licensing issues require you to understand lots of specifics; 
owner-drawn widgets.


Can't comment because I haven't used it. The major con in my mind is 
that (I think) you need the Gtk library to be installed on all 
platforms, so on OS X / Windows the widgets won't look platform-native.

 All I am doing is prompting users for some data (listbox, radio
 buttons, text box, ect...).  Then I will have some text output, maybe
 a scrolling text message as things are happening.

I think each of the GUI libraries would be able to handle this easily.

 I have some minor things I need to do, for example, if Checkbutton X
 is clicked, I need to disable TextBox Y, and I would like to display
 the scrolling text (output)

Again, this is simply responding to events as they happen. You set up a 
callback function with your reactive code, and tell the GUI library to 
call that function when the event occurs.

 Ultimately, is it worth downloading and learning some of the packages
 avaiable for Python, or should I just stick to the Tkinter stuff that
 is included.

I think everyone should use wxPython, but I'm biased.

 More specifically, has anyone used the Qt stuff for python, easy to

I've used it and it is easy, yes. Relative ease I can't answer though, 
because I find wxPython extremely easy due to depth of use over the years.

Shameless plug: consider using Dabo on top of wxPython - we feel it 
makes wxPython even easier and more pythonic, but admittedly there's a 
bit of a learning curve there too. Even though Dabo is a full 
application framework originally meant for desktop database 
applications, it is modular and you can choose to only use the UI 

pkm ~

Re: File DB instead of real database?

2007-04-13 Thread Paul McNett
Jia Lu wrote:
  I donot want to use a real DB like MySQL ... But I need something to
 save about more than 1000 articles.
  Is there any good ways?

(in Python 2.5):

#-- begin
import sqlite3.dbapi2 as sqlite

con = sqlite.connect(path/to/new/filename.db)
cur = con.cursor()
create table articles (id integer primary key autoincrement,
name text,
content clob);
create index articles_name on articles (name);

insert into articles (name, clob)
   values (My new article, Article text. blah blah);



#-- end

pkm ~


Re: DOS, UNIX and tabs

2006-12-30 Thread Paul McNett
Sebastian 'lunar' Wiesner wrote:
 Paul McNett [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed
 Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 But I think we all agree that mixing tabs and spaces is A Very Bad
 I like mixing tabs and spaces, actually. Tabs for indentation, and
 additional spaces to make the code look pretty. Somebody please tell
 me why this is bad and I'll stop.

 class Apple(object):
 def contrived_example_function(self, argument1, argument2,
 argument3, argument4):
 print hello, world

 Apparently, emacs in python mode follows this convention, too.
 That doesn't seem like a standard settings to me. I can't remember
 changing the indentation settings for python, nonetheless my gnu emacs
 uses four spaces for indentation. Placing wrapped lines into ordered
 columns is done by inserting additional spaces. This all happens
 automatically; you never need to insert spaces manually...

I never tried emacs, but somebody once told me that if you have set
indentation-by-tab, it will indent with tabs but insert additional
spaces in wrapped lines to look pretty.

 I like it because I get the best of both worlds: the only thing
 against using tabs-only-indentation is that wrapping long lines can be
 quite ugly, while space-only-indentation allows for beautifying it
 somewhat by lining up the columns to match.
 Did you try to open your code files with another editor, which has a
 different length for tabulator chars? It would look quite ugly, I

Actually, no. Everyone can choose their own number of spaces-per-tab and
it'll look right, as long as everyone uses a monospace font.

pkm ~


Re: DOS, UNIX and tabs

2006-12-29 Thread Paul McNett
Steven D'Aprano wrote:
 But I think we all agree that mixing tabs and spaces is A Very Bad Thing.

I like mixing tabs and spaces, actually. Tabs for indentation, and 
additional spaces to make the code look pretty. Somebody please tell 
me why this is bad and I'll stop.

class Apple(object):
def contrived_example_function(self, argument1, argument2,
   argument3, argument4):
print hello, world

Apparently, emacs in python mode follows this convention, too. I like it 
because I get the best of both worlds: the only thing against using 
tabs-only-indentation is that wrapping long lines can be quite ugly, 
while space-only-indentation allows for beautifying it somewhat by 
lining up the columns to match. Tabs+spaces allows the lining up with 
spaces to be explicitly separate from indentation.

pkm ~


Re: Good Looking UI for a stand alone application

2006-12-18 Thread Paul McNett
Luc Heinrich wrote:
 Peter Decker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You're full of it. I routinely write GUI apps in Dabo for both Windows
 and Linux users, and they look just fine on both platforms.
 Oh, I'm sure you do. Now go try to run one of your Dabo apps on a Mac
 and see how it looks/feels... :

It looks/feels like a native app on OS X.

 Here's a hint directly taken from the Dabo homepage: It also suffers
 from the same display limitations on some platforms (most notably OS X),
 but these should improve as the underlying toolkits improve.

That was written a long time ago, and doesn't really apply anymore as a
lot of effort has gone into wxPython over the past three years getting
correctly interfaced to the OS X native API.

(Note to self: rewrite that (prescient) paragraph).

 Using sizers is the key; layouts just 'look right' no matter what the native
 fonts and control sizes are.
 No, sizers are a tiny part of a much bigger problem. Sizers might be the
 key to solve parts of the look problem, they don't address any of the
 feel problem.

Admittedly, to some extent there is a lowest common denominator problem
inherent in any UI toolkit that tries to be crossplatform and use the
platform's native GUI. But for the most part, that just isn't the case
anymore in a practical sense.

Why not use the best crossplatform native toolkit (wxPython) and then if
you need native features that aren't provided, use ctypes or something
to get access to the native GUI? Nothing in wxPython or Dabo prevents
you from doing that.

 But you clearly have a point here, so let me rephrase: Crossplatform
 toolkits/frameworks suck. All of them. No exception. UNLESS you only
 target the lowest common denominator, aka Windows and its Linux

Absolutism sucks. Please try not to be so black and white about things,
and you may find you enjoy life more.

 Now, the OP *explicitely* said that [his] requirement is that the
 application needs to look as good on Windows as on the Apple Mac, so
 the rephrasing does not apply in this case. So here's a last try:
 Crossplatform toolkits/frameworks suck. All of them. No exception.
 ESPECIALLY if one of your target is Mac OS.

It is much more nuanced than that.

pkm ~


Re: detecting that a SQL db is running

2006-12-01 Thread Paul McNett
bill ramsay wrote:
 none of this matters,  all i am trying to find out is whether or not
 the local MSDE is actually running.

If it is a local MSDE then you may be able to rely on the connection
being refused if the server isn't running.

#-- begin
import socket

host =
port = 1433  ## replace with msde_port, if it differs

s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET)
s.connect((host, port))
print Server on %s is running % port
except socket.error, e:
print Server on %s appears to be down (%s) % (port, e)

#-- end

Please note that this is untested and not very well thought through. But
try it and see if it gets you on the right track. If this isn't run
locally, you'll probably need to set the timeout low enough for the
connect call not to appear to hang before returning the timeout error.

pkm ~


Re: Converting Microsoft Works databases.... *shudder*

2006-11-03 Thread Paul McNett
Michael B. Trausch wrote:
 GISDude wrote:
 I totally forgot that MS Works was out there. Haven't used that one in
 about 6 or 7 years. Honestly, your best bet is to convert to .csv or
 some delimited .txt file. Once that is done, all your rows/columns will
 be nice and neat .
 Once that is done, (and since your client doesn't have ACCESS, try
 MYSQL or POSTGRESQL(they are open source). They can handle A LOT OF
 DATA, so however big your orginal DB is, you can import it to one of
 these more than capable OS freebie Databases.
 Yeah; the only thing is that I am going to have to write a solution to
 give them easy access to their data.  Sometimes, they just want to
 look up a row of data, but they don't want to put their data in a
 database server -- they want it on their machine so that it is private
 (FSVO private--it's a Windows box).

You can set up database servers that only serve to the local machine. I 
have a couple applications out there that have MySQL server running on a 
Windows box and the only client that connects is the local machine. 
However, you may find it easier and every bit as rewarding to go with 
the simpler solution: sqlite.

As far as easy access to the data, it is quite possible that Dabo could 
help you there. Once you have your data in sqlite or MySQL, the Dabo 
AppWizard can generate a basic application for you to search, browse, 
edit, and report on your records. The basic application generated can 
then be modified by you (in Python) to make it more custom and to 
enhance it as your needs grow.

sqlite information:
dabo information:

(Please note that the dabodev website is going through some scheduled 
maintenance so it may not be available when you call this weekend, but 
in any case it will be fully functional by Monday).

pkm ~


Re: Serious wxPython Error while executing..

2006-10-30 Thread Paul McNett
kath wrote:
 Hello, sorry about the lengthy message.
  I finding difficult to execute this program. The wx.Notebook i created
 is coming on the splitted frame(self.p2). How do I that. I am started
 to learn wxPython, and when I run the code, the code doesnot close
 gracefully, it throughs me an error.
 pythonw.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.  We are
 sorry for the inconvenience

I get a segmentation fault on Linux, after running the script, choosing
Add new fund from the menu, and then closing the application. I don't
get the segmentation fault if I merely start the app and close it.

 here is the code seems a bit lengthy, sorry about that.
 Please help me to find my mistake, and how do I go forward resolving
 this problem.

You actually have several problems. But, the segmentation fault appears
to be directly related to the fact that you add boxsizer to the border
sizer twice.

Another problem is that you create the notebook every single time, and
add just one page to it, but you probably want just one notebook with
one or more pages.

pkm ~


Re: .doc to html and pdf conversion with python

2006-10-14 Thread Paul McNett
Alexander Klingenstein wrote:
 I need to take a bunch of .doc files (word 2000) which have a little text 
 including some tables/layout and mostly pictures and comvert them to a pdf 
 and extract the text and images separately too. If I have a pdf, I can do 
 create the html with pdftohtml called from python with popen. However I need 
 an automated way to converst the .doc to PDF first.
 Is there a way to do what I want either with a python lib, 3rd party app, or 
 maybe remote controlling Word (a la VBA) by printing to PDF with a 
 I already tried wvware from gwnuwin32, however it has problems with big image 
 files embedded in .doc file(looks like a mmap error).

I would try scripting OpenOffice from Python, using the Python-UNO bridge.

Once you have the pdf, use the pdftohtml to get access to the image 
elements you need.

pkm ~


Re: SQLwaterheadretard3 (Was: Is it just me, or is Sqlite3 goofy?)

2006-09-08 Thread Paul McNett
 Do you know what INNER JOIN means?
 Do you know how important it is to a relational database?
 Can you explain how an INNER JOIN can even work, in theory,
 with dynamic data types?

Let's stop the pissing contest and just see how it works. After all, 
this is Python and we can easily just try it out. Here's my example. 
Please tell me how this causes unexpected results, and why it isn't SQL. 
Please modify my example to get it to cause a catastrophe, and post it 
here so we can see the errors of our ways and be properly humbled.

#-- Preliminaries:
  from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite
  con = sqlite.connect(test.db)
  cur = con.cursor()

#-- Create 3 tables for a M:M relationship between customers
#-- and categories:
  cur.execute(create table customers (id integer primary key 
autoincrement, name char))
  cur.execute(create table categories (id integer primary key 
autoincrement, name char))
  cur.execute(create table cust_cat (id integer primary key 
autoincrement, cust_id integer, cat_id integer))

#-- Insert some test data into customer and categories:
  cur.execute(insert into customers (name) values ('Ziggy Marley'))
  cur.execute(insert into customers (name) values ('David Bowie'))
  cur.execute(insert into categories (name) values ('Glam Rock'))
  cur.execute(insert into categories (name) values ('Nuevo Reggae'))
  cur.execute(insert into categories (name) values ('Male Singers'))
  cur.execute(select * from customers)

#-- Take a look at the data (and retrieve the pk's):
[(1, u'Ziggy Marley'), (2, u'David Bowie')]
  cur.execute(select * from categories)
[(1, u'Glam Rock'), (2, u'Nuevo Reggae'), (3, u'Male Singers')]

#-- Relate some customers to some categories. Note how I send strings
#-- in some places and ints in others:
  cur.execute(insert into cust_cat (cust_id, cat_id) values (1, 3))
  cur.execute(insert into cust_cat (cust_id, cat_id) values (1, '2'))
  cur.execute(insert into cust_cat (cust_id, cat_id) values ('2', '1'))
  cur.execute(insert into cust_cat (cust_id, cat_id) values ('2', 3))

#-- Run some queries:
  cur.execute(select as cust_id, as 
cust_name, as cat_id, as cat_name from 
customers inner join cust_cat on cust_cat.cust_id = inner 
join categories on = cust_cat.cat_id order by 2,4)
[(2, u'David Bowie', 1, u'Glam Rock'), (2, u'David Bowie', 3, u'Male 
Singers'), (1, u'Ziggy Marley', 3, u'Male Singers'), (1, u'Ziggy 
Marley', 2, u'Nuevo Reggae')]

  cur.execute(select as cust_id, as 
cust_name, as cat_id, as cat_name from 
customers inner join cust_cat on cust_cat.cust_id = inner 
join categories on = cust_cat.cat_id where = 
1 order by 2,4)
[(2, u'David Bowie', 1, u'Glam Rock')]

  cur.execute(select as cust_id, as 
cust_name, as cat_id, as cat_name from 
customers inner join cust_cat on cust_cat.cust_id = inner 
join categories on = cust_cat.cat_id where = 
'1' order by 2,4)
[(2, u'David Bowie', 1, u'Glam Rock')]

  cur.execute(select as cust_id, as 
cust_name, as cat_id, as cat_name from 
customers inner join cust_cat on cust_cat.cust_id = inner 
join categories on = cust_cat.cat_id where = 
'2' order by 2,4)
[(1, u'Ziggy Marley', 2, u'Nuevo Reggae')]

  cur.execute(select as cust_id, as 
cust_name, as cat_id, as cat_name from 
customers inner join cust_cat on cust_cat.cust_id = inner 
join categories on = cust_cat.cat_id where = 
'3' order by 2,4)
[(2, u'David Bowie', 3, u'Male Singers'), (1, u'Ziggy Marley', 3, u'Male 

  cur.execute(select as cust_id, as 
cust_name, as cat_id, as cat_name from 
customers inner join cust_cat on cust_cat.cust_id = inner 
join categories on = cust_cat.cat_id where = 
3 order by 2,4)
[(2, u'David Bowie', 3, u'Male Singers'), (1, u'Ziggy Marley', 3, u'Male 

If I have skipped the test case that will fail, please enlighten me.

Paul McNett


Re: urlopen() error

2006-09-08 Thread Paul McNett
Tempo wrote:
 Hello. I am getting an error and it has gotten me stuck. I think the
 best thing I can do is post my code and the error message and thank
 everybody in advanced for any help that you give this issue. Thank you.
 Here's the code:
 import urllib2
 import re
 import xlrd
 from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
 book = xlrd.open_workbook(ige_virtualMoney.xls)
 sh = book.sheet_by_index(0)
 rx = 1
 for rx in range(sh.nrows):
 u = sh.cell_value(rx, 0)
 page = urllib2.urlopen(u)
 soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
 p = soup.findAll('span', sale)
 p = str(p)
 p2 = re.findall('\$\d+\.\d\d', p)
 for price in p2:
   print price
 Here are the error messages:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File E:\Python24\, line 16, in -toplevel-
 page = urllib2.urlopen(u)
   File E:\Python24\lib\, line 130, in urlopen
 return, data)
   File E:\Python24\lib\, line 350, in open
 protocol = req.get_type()
   File E:\Python24\lib\, line 233, in get_type
 raise ValueError, unknown url type: %s % self.__original
 ValueError: unknown url type: List

You were expecting u to be a url string like;, but it 
looks like it is actually a list. I'm not familiar with package xlrd but
cell_value() must be returning a list and not a cell value. Presumably, 
the list contains the cell value probably in element 0. Put in a print 
statement before your call to urlopen() like:

print u

You'll likely discover your error.

Paul McNett


Re: Class instantiation

2006-08-23 Thread Paul McNett
Colin J. Williams wrote:
 class arSpread(object):
def __init__(self, fileId= None, ar= None):
  if fileId:
if ar is not None:
  print fileId
  self.connect(fileID, mode= 'r')   # open sheet in the read mode
  self.connect(fileID, mode= 'w')   # open the sheet in the 

'dOH! smack's head. Change to self.connect(fileId, ...)


Paul McNett


Re: I'm just not cut out for web programming, I guess :)

2006-05-17 Thread Paul McNett
John Salerno wrote:
 Ok, I've tinkered with this thing for a while, and I keep fixing little 
 problems, but I always get a 500 Internal Server error when I go to this 
 I don't necessarily even want help just yet, I'd like to figure it out 
 myself, but can someone at least tell me why I'm not getting helpful 
 feedback from the cgitb module? Am I using it wrong? The webpage just 
 displays the internal server error.
 import cryptogen
 import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
 quote_file = open('quotes.txt')
 quote = quote_file.readline().strip()
 print '''content-type: text/html
 !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN;
 html lang=en-us
  meta http-equiv=content-type content=text/html; charset=utf-8
 quote = cryptogen.convert_quote(quote)
 for word in quote[0].split(' '):
  word_len = len(word)
  print 'input type=text name=%s size=%d' % (word, word_len)
 print 'input type=submit value=Submit/form/body/html'

Are you sure the python that the web server runs has the cryptogen 
module available? Have you set the execute bit on your script? What's 
the output in your web server error log?

Paul McNett


Re: is there any overheard with try/except statements?

2006-03-08 Thread Paul McNett
John Salerno wrote:
 One of the things I learned with C# is that it's always better to handle 
 any errors that might occur within the codes itself (i.e. using if 
 statements, etc. to catch potential out of range indexing) rather than 
 use too many try/catch statements, because there is some overhead every 
 time the program encounters the try.
 Is this the case at all with Python, in terms of extra work or slower 
 speed? Or is try/except implemented differently in Python than it is in 
 other languages, so that it runs just like any other code?

The try structure is very efficient. However, when an exception happens 
at runtime, the creation of the exception object is expensive.

That said, it does seem to be considered Pythonic to ask for 
forgiveness instead of asking for permission. If you check for every 
exceptional possibility before actually doing the thing you want to do, 
your code gets ugly very quickly.

I would use try...catch liberally, and then if profiling determines that 
you have a performance bottleneck (e.g., because an exception object is 
being created in lots of iterations of a loop) then factor out the try 
block in that case, placing a comment explaining why you did it that way.



Re: how do you move to a new line in your text editor?

2006-03-02 Thread Paul McNett
John Salerno wrote:
 But I read in the PEP that spaces are recommended over tabs. If this is 

If you like tabs, stick with tabs. There isn't any reason to use spaces 
unless your boss is demanding it. Tabs are the slightly better choice, 
in my humble opinion.

That said, you should be able to tell your editor how to behave in the 
indent/unindent case, no matter whether you use tabs or spaces. If not, 
time to switch editors! ;)



Re: commenting out blocks of code

2006-02-17 Thread Paul McNett
john peter wrote:
  in java, i can  prevent a block of code from executing
 by bracketing the block with comment indicators, as shown
   statement1 will not execute;
   statement2 will not execute;
   statement3 will execute
 is there a similar mechanism in python, other than prefixing
 the '#' character to the start of each statement i do  not
 want to execute (which gets old very quickly if one needs to
 comment and uncomment several statements a couple of
 times while playing around with code say during initial design)?

IMO this is a missing feature in Python. However, if the block of code 
you are wanting to comment out doesn't happen to contain any 
triple-quotes, you can surround the code with those. For example:

def myFunc(arg):
return arg + 2

def myFunc(arg):
return arg + 1

  print myFunc(2)



Re: Visual Report Editor

2006-02-16 Thread Paul McNett
Pawel wrote:
 I plan to make Visual Reporting Editior, a new product for
 corporate-class systems. Data will be in XML and in my application,
 designer should be able to make fascinating templates of reports. I
 will use Python and MSVS 2005 Pro. My question is, which libaries will
 be useful in my job. I plan to buy Qt and make visual layer of
 application using Qt. I'm making businessplan soI have to decide which
 tool will be useful. Is Qt best choice, maybe I should buy something

Before you go to all that work, please take a look at the Dabo Report 
Designer, which uses wxPython for the UI and ReportLab for the PDF 

There's a 23-minute screencast here which may give you an idea if its 
design is compatible with yours:

It isn't complete and I could certainly use help making it so.



Re: Help with super()

2006-01-13 Thread Paul McNett
David Hirschfield wrote:
 So, the larger question is how to do anything that resembles what I 
 want, which is to have a chain of subclasses with a single attribute 
 that each subclass can define as it wishes to, but with the ability to 
 get the combined value from all the ancestors down to the current 
 subclass I access that attribute from.
 Does that make any sense?

Yes, it makes sense. The trick is to not query the values using self, but to 
the class definitions for the attribute. See my second message that gives an 
example, climbing the __mro__ tree backwards.

Paul McNett


Re: Help with super()

2006-01-12 Thread Paul McNett
David Hirschfield wrote:
 Is there a way to get what I'm after using super()?


 The idea is that I could have a chain of subclasses which only need to 
 redefine _v, and getting the value of v as a property would give me back 
 the full chain of _v values for that class and all its ancestor classes.

Does this work? :

class A(object):
   _v = [1,2,3]

   def _getv(self):
 ret = []
 mroList = list(self.__class__.__mro__)
 for c in mroList:
   print c, ret
   if hasattr(c, _v):
 ret += c._v
 return ret

   v = property(_getv)

class B(A):
   _v = [4,5,6]

b = B()

print b.v

Paul McNett


Re: Tabs bad

2005-12-06 Thread Paul McNett
Björn Lindström wrote:
 Paul Rubin http://[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Björn Lindström) writes:

Actually using tabs for eight spaces and then filling out with spaces to
the correct indentation is the convention for Emacs Lisp. Of course,
since everyone coding Emacs Lisp does it with the same editor, it's no

The variable `indent-tabs-mode' controls this.  I like no tabs.
 Same here. It's still the convention for Emacs code, regrettably.

I don't use Emacs, I do indent with tabs, and I do fill in the extra spaces of 
continuation lines with spaces. Therefore, I break all the commandments and do 
everything wrong. ;)

FWIW, I've long struggled with my opinion on tabs versus spaces. When I started 
programming in 1995, tabs seemed the logical choice because I was using 
different editors all the time and I could tell each editor how many spaces to 
give each tab. But then as I started reading more people's code I started 
patterns in source code that I couldn't emulate using pure tabs. This comes 
to horizontal lining up continuation lines with prior lines. Examples:

select customer.cfirst,
   from customer
  where customer.cstate in (CA, OR)
  order by customer.clast

 win = dabo.ui.dDialog(self, NameBase=frmRulesDialog,
   Caption=Minesweeper Rules, 
   Centered=True, Modal=False)

Everyone that was writing beautiful code like this was using spaces only. So 
switched. But it was a real PITA to not be able to use any old editor, only 
that could set how many hard spaces to make for each hard tab. And, I had to 
remember to make that setting because I prefer 2 spaces per tab.

So now I'm back to tabs for indentation and spaces for lining up continuation 
lines. Example:

win = dabo.ui.dDialog(self, NameBase=frmRulesDialog,
  Caption=Minesweeper Rules, 
  Centered=True, Modal=False)

(if that didn't come over email correctly, that is one tab for indentation on 
all three lines, followed by several spaces on lines 2 and 3 for getting the 
arguments lined up with the previous line.)

I've been reluctant to admit to doing this since it violates the NEVER MIX TABS 
AND SPACES commandment, but there you go. I found a way to reconcile the best 
both worlds, because let's face it, tabs do make slightly more sense.

Finding out that Emacs has been doing this by default makes me feel better 
admitting this publicly.

There are definitely issues with mixing whitespace like this, especially is 
someone is encountering it without understanding it. But Python handles it just 

Paul McNett


Re: ANN: Dao Language v.0.9.6-beta is release!

2005-12-05 Thread Paul McNett
 Python is the superior design, today.  But, like Betamax tape format,
 Python isn't mainstream yet.  And, sadly, maybe it never will be.  I
 want that changed.  I want Python to take over the world so I don't
 have to beg my next boss to let me use it.  And if adding an optional
 dumbed-down format will help then that might be an improvement in the
 big picture.  

I couldn't disagree more. I most certainly do *not* want Python to take over 
world. I want .NET and Java to prevail, so that large companies with money to 
throw away at such technologies will continue to do so, and so that I can still 
fly in under the radar to my small clients and be able to provide them with the 
simplest solution that works at a price they can afford and a price that I can 
live on. Having .NET and Java in the world makes me into more of a hero when I 
can swoop in and get the real business problem solved using Python.

Now, say Python were to usurp everything else and become the dominant language. 
Everyone would learn Python. Python would become all the rage and get all the 
hype. Sun, Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, Apple, and SCO would all evangelize on their 
new Python initiatives. Microsoft would attempt to release their version with 
just a few non-standard things added on. Sun would sue them for not sticking 
with standards. Books and articles would be written. Middle-level management 
would start identifying places that Python is deficient in their eyes. CIO 
Insight would start making recommendations. Everyone would be pumping so much 
energy into so many different places that, like Java, Python would stall out 
be consumed by its own hype, and the programmers that made Python what it is 
would burn out on it (read: they'd be busy counting all their stock options).

Plus, there would now be a deluge of Python programmers in the market place, 
competing with my billing rate.

No, I like Python just where it is, thank you very much. If someone doesn't 
to give Python a second look because of their own bigoted ideas, I say Python 
doesn't want that type of person to begin with. Perhaps that sounds a bit 
elitist, but if people would just put their preconceptions aside, they'd 
realize that Python really does get block indentation (and a whole host of 
things besides) right.

Paul McNett


Re: ANN: Dao Language v.0.9.6-beta is release!

2005-12-05 Thread Paul McNett
Christopher Subich wrote:
From The Design of Everyday Things, docs are a sign of poor design.
Even a single word, such as the word Push on the face of a door, is
an indication that the design can be improved.  Please, rethink the
design instead of trying to compensate with more documentation.  
 This quote, with a naive reading, would seem to imply that needing 
 documentation is evidence of bad design.  I think we can all agree that 
 this interpretation is ludicrous: the only programming language, for 
 example, which does not need documentation is the natural language, and 
 that contains so many ambiguities that humans often get instructions wrong.

Indeed, there is only one user interface that needs no documentation whatsoever.

Paul McNett


Re: an intriguing wifi http server mystery...please help

2005-11-30 Thread Paul McNett
 Please excuse any ignorance here.
 I would love to show you what you are asking for, but I am not sure
 what you are asking for (newbie here).
 All these connections (i.e. client-server connections) are within my
 local area network.
 I have a simple linksys 802.11b router.
 My server is set to say,, port ,
 and my client is set to say,
 I load up the server, then go to the client computer webbrowser and

If you are on Windows, please open a command window (Start|Run and then type 
'cmd') and type:

route print

On Linux or Mac, the command would simply be:


Do this on both computers, and post the output here. If you are using ip 
addresses only in your URL's the problem isn't with DNS or name lookup so let's 
eliminate a routing problem next.

Paul McNett


Re: wxPython installation issues on Debian

2005-11-30 Thread Paul McNett
 Thanks a lot for the clarification. I don't have a compelling reason
 not to use 2.3 other than having to install the modules I've already
 set up for 2.4. Not really a big deal. Looks like I'll be switching to

Umm, for what it's worth: I'm on Ubuntu (a Debian derivative), using Python 
2.4.2 and wxPython 2.6. The wxPython was installed using 'apt-get install 

So I don't know why you say you need to use Python 2.3 as I don't even have 
on my system.

Paul McNett


Re: wxPython installation issues on Debian

2005-11-30 Thread Paul McNett
Robert Kern wrote:
 Although Ubuntu is a Debian derivative, it does have different packages.
 At the moment, Debian's default Python is 2.3 although one can also
 install Python 2.4, and most Python packages in Debian have been built
 for both (that's why I erroneously recommended installing the apparently
 nonexistant python2.4-wxgtk2.4). However, it appears that the maintainer
 of the Debian wxPython is not building packages for both Python 2.3 and
 2.4. The maintainer of the Ubuntu wxPython package apparently is.

As far as I know, the maintainer of the wxPython package is the same (Ron) and 
Ubuntu just uses the upstream wxPython from Debian. However, I see above that 
you are referencing wxPython 2.4 and not 2.6. It is very possible that for 
wxPython 2.4, there is only a Python 2.3 package.

wxPython 2.4 is obsolete. If possible, wxPython 2.6 should be used. But, I 
know if it is available for Python 2.4 under Debian (or Ubuntu, for that 

Paul McNett


Re: wxGrid and Focus Event

2005-11-29 Thread Paul McNett
lux wrote:
 How can I capture the EVT_SET_FOCUS on a wxGrid?

If you want to catch when the grid as a whole gets the focus, use:

  grid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.onGridFocus)

If you want to catch when a cell in the grid gets the focus, use:

  grid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL, self.onCellSelected)

And, your questions will be better on the wxpython-users list at

Paul McNett


Re: wxGrid and Focus Event

2005-11-29 Thread Paul McNett
Paul McNett wrote:
 lux wrote:
How can I capture the EVT_SET_FOCUS on a wxGrid?
 If you want to catch when the grid as a whole gets the focus, use:
   grid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.onGridFocus)

Oops, my bad:

  grid.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.onGridFocus)

 If you want to catch when a cell in the grid gets the focus, use:
   grid.Bind(wx.grid.EVT_GRID_SELECT_CELL, self.onCellSelected)
 And, your questions will be better on the wxpython-users list at

Paul McNett


Re: wxGrid and Focus Event

2005-11-29 Thread Paul McNett
lux wrote:
 Can you try this code?

Sure, thanks for posting it!

 If you press only the TAB key
 the focus go from the TextCtrl to the Grid (I suppose)
 but onGridFocus in not called.

Confirmed, at least on Gtk.

 any idea?

Yep, the grid is actually a collection of subwindows, and I made the guess that 
the first window to get the focus is actually that little corner window at the 
intersection of the column labels and the row labels. Try this instead:

 g.GetGridCornerLabelWindow().Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, onGridFocus)

Paul McNett


Re: wxGrid and Focus Event

2005-11-29 Thread Paul McNett
lux wrote:
 Now it work!!!

Not so fast. I've found out that I had to do the following ugly workaround to 
ensure it works in all cases:

def _initEvents(self):
if self.BaseClass.__name__ == dGrid:
## Ugly workaround for grids not firing focus events from the 
## correctly.
self._lastGridFocusTimestamp = 0.0
self.GetGridWindow().Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.__onWxGotFocus)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_FOCUS, self.__onWxGotFocus)

def __onWxGotFocus(self, evt):
if self.BaseClass.__name__ == dGrid:
## Continuation of ugly workaround for grid focus event. Only 
raise the
## Dabo event if we are reasonably sure it isn't a repeat.
prev = self._lastGridFocusTimestamp
now = self._lastGridFocusTimestamp = time.time()
if now-prev  .05:
self.raiseEvent(dEvents.GotFocus, evt)

Paul McNett


Re: wxGrid and Focus Event

2005-11-29 Thread Paul McNett
Bugs wrote:
 So Paul, are you saying there's a bug with the wxGrid control and if so, 

Yes, I think it is a bug.

 do you know if there's been a bug-report submitted to the wxWidgets 
 and/or wxPython folks?

I don't know, but I've been meaning to check.

 Or is this just the way the wxGrid control works?

wxPython/wxWidgets, like any GUI toolkit, is pretty complex. For the most part 
all the commonly-needed things work just fine - it is when you venture into the 
less-used things that you get into trouble.

If I filed a proper bug report for everything wrong with wxPython/wxWidgets, 
probably not get anything else done. But on the other hand you couldn't force 
to stop using wxPython if you tried!

Paul McNett


Re: an intriguing wifi http server mystery...please help

2005-11-29 Thread Paul McNett
 Laptop wired, client
 Desktop wired, server
 webpage served in 2 seconds
 Laptop wired, server
 Deskop wired, client
 webpage served in 2 seconds
 Laptop wireless, client
 Desktop wireless, server
 webpage served in 2 seconds
 Laptop wireless, server
 Desktop wireless, client
 webpage served in 90 seconds
 What the heck is happening?

Please post your routing tables and, if you are referencing your server machine 
by name, your name server addresses (/etc/resolv.conf on Linux).

Paul McNett


Re: exceptions, internals (introspection?)

2005-11-10 Thread Paul McNett
ej wrote:
 I have often wondered how to get at other internals, such as the name of
 the current function, file, line number I am in?  The arguments to the
 current function, etc. 

Others have given you information on how to get at the stack trace. But 
regarding getting at some of the other internals you are talking about:

  import inspect

Back to exceptions, you can also provide your own global exception handler by 
overriding sys.excepthook (drop in your own function).

Paul McNett


Re: how to modify text in html form from python

2005-10-21 Thread Paul McNett
Philippe C. Martin wrote:
 PS: If my question is not clear, I am trying to share the form between the
 client and server.
 just as many sites out there allow you to modify existing data:
 1) the server pops up a form with your data in it.
 2) the client can modify it and submit.
 I know this is a _basic_ question, sorry.

When debugging Python cgi scripts, it is helpful to run the scripts from a
command line just to make sure there aren't any compiler errors. Depending on
how the server is set up, you'll get a server error or just a blank page if your
script won't compile. When I run your script directly as I suggest, here's what
I get:

   File, line 23
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

D'oh! You needed to surround the html with quotes to make it a string, as in:


I don't really understand your original problem, but perhaps this will help get
you rolling again.

Paul McNett


Re: Documenting properties

2005-09-27 Thread Paul McNett
Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen wrote:
 So, my question is, is there a way to get __doc__ support for
 properties, in effect, use the xxx syntax for documenting properties.

Yes, the property() function accepts a doc argument, as in:

property(fget, fset, fdel, doc)

MyProp = property(_get, _set, None, This will show up in __doc__)

 Is the preferred way to use xxx or # to document ?

# is for source code commenting (audience is the person reading your
code). x is for documenting your API (audience is the person using
your code). They are quite different.

 Whatever is preferred, what's the upside/downsides of the two beyond
 what I just explained?

Nothing really, but something handy to keep in mind is that the string
literal (x) can be used to block out huge sections of code during
testing, where you'd have to put a # in front of every line otherwise.

Paul McNett


Re: PyGTK or wXPython?

2005-09-13 Thread Paul McNett
Jarek Zgoda wrote:

 I would use wx, if it wasn't so dog slow on linux. Qt and GTK are much
 faster, but each one has disadvantages. Finally, you get 3 GUI toolkits,
 of which each claims to be cross-platform, but each is working at
 acceptable level of WTF only on one system (wx on Windows, Qt and GTK on
 linux) and the most appealing (Qt) has no free version for Windows.

I must say, I haven't found wx to be slow on Linux at all. Slow on Mac, 
yes, but faster on Linux than on Windows (and getting much much better 
on Mac). The exception to this is the StyledTextControl, which is by far 
much faster on Windows, and with lots of styled text dog-slow on Linux.

Wx does use the native underlying toolkit for the platform (Qt is 
owner-drawn), which can cause some platform inconsistencies.

Paul McNett


ANN: Dabo 0.4.1

2005-08-31 Thread Paul McNett
We are happy to announce the release of Dabo 0.4.1, available for
download from:

Dabo is a framework for developing 3-tier database applications, and
comes with database wrappers for MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, and
SQLite. It wraps the wxPython GUI toolkit, making it easier to use and
more polymorphic, providing a nice property interface to the controls.

In addition to the main dabo-0.4.1 package, there are also updated
downloads for dabodemo-0.4.1 and daboide-0.2.1.

There have been numerous improvements in Dabo over the past few weeks
since 0.4, summarized here:

Improved test framework for uiwx. Now you can run ui/uiwx/ and
get almost all of the dabo controls in one form, and they are the same
tests that you get when you run an individual control directly.

Factored out the saving/restoring of user settings out of dApp into
the separate dUserSettingProvider class, which can be subclassed or
overridded by the developers. Added properties UserSettingProvider
and UserSettingProviderClass to dApp.

Dabo user settings are no longer saved to .userSettings.ini in the app
directory, but are saved to the user's home directory (in ~.dabo/) or
if on Windows, in User Profile/Application Data/Dabo/.

Support for SQLite added. As of this moment, Dabo supports several major
open-source database backends: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, and SQLite.
Next on the list should be Oracle, Sybase, and MS-SQL.

Started work implementing a Quick Report in the datanav library, which
replaces the old HTML Print Preview. This uses the fledgling Dabo Report
Writer to create a PDF rendition of the dataset.

Added new property for all controls: StatusText. When set, and when the
form has a status bar, that text will show in the form's status bar when
the mouse enters the control.

Expanded the dabo.ui.strToBmp() function to accept an optional scale
factor or width/height values. If they are passed, the returned bitmap
image is sized to those values.

Added an optional parameter to the bizobj and cursor's getDataSet()
method. If you send a list of field names, only those fields are returned.

Fixed some lingering bugs in the dabo.ui.uiwx package and the datanav
lib. dWizard works better now. Improved dGauge, dLine, dBox, dRadioBox,
dListBox, dToolBar, and dSizers.

Added simple decimal support to dTextBox.

Work continues on dGrid, specifically dColumn is now better worked
into the Dabo Way.

Added dabo.trace() function, that will drop you into pdb.

dConnectInfo reworked to have better property names.

Removed dependency on PIL and reportlab from Dabo. These are dependencies
still, but only if you try to run a report.

Added dabo.lib.StopWatch.StopWatch class, which is a light Python
stopwatch with start(), stop(), reset() methods and Value property.

This is a partial list. Both Ed and Paul have been very busy with Dabo
since 0.4 a few weeks ago. Lots of bugfixes and enhancements were made,
and we encourage everyone to upgrade.

In addition, we'd like to note that the minesweeper game in dabodemo has
been greatly improved, and also the addition of the card game of
montana. The development of these games are helping us iron out user
interface issues that otherwise may have gone unnoticed.

The AppWizard in daboide/wizards has also been updated to produce even
better generated applications, ones that give the developer a starting
structure that is relatively easy to tweak, modify, and augment.

Paul McNett


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