Re: [python-uk] C is it faster than numpy

2022-02-25 Thread Michael

On Fri, 25 Feb 2022 at 16:22, BELAHCENE Abdelkader <> wrote:

> Hi,
> What do you mean?
> the python and C programs are not equivalent?
The python and C programs are NOT equivalent. (surface level they are: they
both calculate the triangular number of N, N times, inefficiently and
slowly, but the way they do it is radically different)

Let's specifically compare the and the C versions. The pure python
version *should* always be slower, so it's irrelevant here. (NB, I show a
version below where the pure python version is quicker than both :-) )

The version:

* It creates an array containing the numbers 1 to n. It then call's's sum function with that array n times.

The C version :
* Calls a function n times. That function has a tight loop using a long
that sums all the numbers from 1 to n.

These are *very* different operations. The former can be vectorised, and
while I don't use, and while I'm not a betting person I would bet a
Mars bar that the version will throw the array at a SIMD
implementation. A cursory look at the source to numpy does indeed show that
this is the case (fx: grabs a mars bar :) ), and not only that it's
optimised for a wide variety of CPU architectures.

If you don't know what that means, take a look at this -- numpy however
supports multiple versions of SIMD - including things like this: - which is pretty neat.

Upshot - numpy will /essentially/ just throw the entire array at the CPU
and say "add these, give me the result". And it'll be done. (OK there's a
bit more to it, but that's the principle)

By contrast your naive C version has to repeatedly create stack frames,
push arguments onto it, pop arguments allocate memory on the stack, etc.
It's also single threaded, and has no means of telling the CPU "add all
these together, and I don't care how", so it literally is one after the
other. The actual work it's doing to get the same answer is simply much
greater and many many more clock cycles.

If you took the same approach as numpy it's *possible* you *might* get
something similarly fast. (But you'd have a steep learning curve and you'd
likely only optimise for one architecture...)

Aside: What size is the *value*  the C version is creating? Well it's just
(n * n+1 ) /2  - primary school triangular number stuff. So 50K
is 1250025000 - which is a 31 bit number. So the C version will fail on a
32 bit machine as soon as you try over 65536 as the argument... (On a
64bit machine admittedly the fall over number is admittedly higher... :-) )

C and C++ *are* faster than pure python. That's pretty much always going to
be the case ( *except* for a specialising python compiler that compiles a
subset of python to either C/C++/Rust or assembler). However, python +
highly optimised C/C++/etc libraries will likely outperform naive C/C++
code - as you've ably demonstrated here.

Why? Because while on the surface the two programs are vaguely similar -
calculate the triangular number of N, N times.  In practice, the way that
they do it is so different, you get dramatically different results.

As a bonus - you can get faster than both your and C versions with
pure python, by several orders of magnitude. You can then squeeze out a few
more percent out of it.  Output from a pure python version of a piece of
code that performs the same operation - calculates the triangle number of
N, N times:

michael@conceptual:~$ ./ 1500
time using pure python: 1.81 sec
time using pure python & memoisation: 1.7 sec

Note that's 15 million, not 50,000 - and it took the same time for my
machine (recent core i7) as numpy did for you on your machine for just
50,000. That's not because I have a faster machine (I expect I don't).

What's different? Well the pure python version is this - it recognises you
were calculating  the triangular number for N and just calculates that
instead :-)

def normaltriangle(n):
   return (n*(n+1))/2
... called like this ..
   tm1=it.timeit(stmt=lambda: normaltriangle(count), number=count)
   print(f"time using pure python: {round(tm1,2)} sec")

The (naive) memoisation version is this:

def memoise(f):
   cache = {}
   def g(n):
   if n in cache:
   return cache[n]
   X = f(n)
   cache[n] = X
   return X
   return g

def triangle(n):
   return (n*(n+1))/2

... called like this ...
   tm2=it.timeit(stmt=lambda: triangle(count), number=count)
   print(f"time using pure python & memoisation: {round(tm2,2)} sec")

Original file containing both:


import timeit as it

def memoise(f):
   cache = {}
   def g(n):
   if n in cache:
   return cache[n]
   X = f(n)

Re: [python-uk] A question about etiquette for posting jobs or looking for extra help on freelance gigs

2019-01-30 Thread Michael
On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 15:22, Chris Adams  wrote:

> Hi folks
> I've been a lurker on this list for a while, and I'd like to post a
> request for help for a 3-6 month long freelancer project, but I wanted to
> check what the etiquette was before I did this about posting jobs.
> From - - the sign up
page for this list:

This list is to help UK Python users to form a community, arrange events,
advertise help or jobs wanted or sought and generally chat.
I'd say post. Adding something to make filtering simpler is always nice

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Digital Market place

2018-04-18 Thread Michael Grazebrook
If you're a consultant or part of a comapny who'd like to bid for 
government work, there's a window of opportunity to sign up for the 
Government Digital Marketplace:

In the past, some Python contracts have been advertised there which I'd 
love to have done but was unable to bid for because the opportunity to 
sign up to the list of permitted suppliers happens only every few years 
(noth the months they advertise!)


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Reviewing third-party packages

2017-07-26 Thread Michael Grazebrook
It's a question which interests me too. If you find some good resources, could 
you post them to this group?

Do you know how much checking is done on the Active State and Anaconda 
On 27 July 2017 at 00:17:33 +01:00, wrote:

> Are you able to recommend materials which deal with the *management 
> precautions* one should take in reviewing a third-party package before 
> use/inclusion in a wider system, please?
> There are plenty of resources available which deal with the coding-technical 
> side of things, eg dir(), help(), PSL's, etc.
> This enquiry encompasses those, but am particularly interested in security: 
> back-doors, phoning-home, and other 'nasties'; license management; any costs; 
> citation; etc.
> Will welcome references to articles, tutorials, check-lists, etc...
> -- 
> Regards,
> =dn
> ___
> python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python Platform Developer - Counter Terrorism

2017-02-20 Thread Michael
On 20 February 2017 at 11:44, S Walker <> wrote:

> I'm just wondering what happens if two people with the (BOGUS AGREEMENTS)
> disclaimer mail each other. This inspires ideas for future dojo silliness.
I believe a major apathy disclaimer starts being expressed at that stage.


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] 2 Principle Engineer roles in London up to £95k

2016-12-08 Thread Michael

Speaking as one of the few who didn't say anything - because the ad wasn't
relevant to me at the time - I personally see little reason to change the
policy of allowing job ads on here. A handful of people complain once or
twice a year, and the upshot is more posts and traffic as a result of the
complaint that all the job postings in the past 9/10 months.

There's so few ads posted, listing the dates:

Dec 6th - Sophie - uproar
Nov 14th - Adam - no comment by others
Nov 7th - Sophie - no comment by others
Nov 1st - Daniel - no comment by others
Oct 25th - Alastair - handful comments (criticising company's choice of
Oct 24th - Oisin - no comment by others
Sep 29th - A.Grandi - no comment by others
Sep 16th - Fabio - no comment by others
Sep 12th - Alastair - no comment by others
Sep 7th - Niamh - no comment by others
Sept 6th - Steve - no comment by others
Aug 31 - Ben - no comment by others
Aug 31 - Sophie - no comment by others
Aug 26 - Isambard - no comment by others
Jul 13 - Sophie - no comment by others
Jul 12 - David - no comment by others
Jul 7 - Sam - no comment by others
Jul 7 - Sophie - no comment by others
Jul 6 - Sophie - no comment by others
Apr 13 - Alan - no substantial comment by others

I got bored at that point :-)

There was discussion on Sep 2nd about this, with the consensus being
"revisit if it gets too spammy".

The posts on the list tend to be even announcements and job postings.

Perhaps worth noting that those who have posted multiple jobs appear to
have also participated in other discussions too. *Personally* I think it's
over inflated. The data says we're not inundated with job postings, and the
fact that the same people are posting them suggests to me that people are
getting jobs as a result of this. (I could be wrong on that - given it's

As for code of conduct, I work with cubs every week who are 8-10.5 years
old and they would all understand that no matter how lighthearted, everyone
piling onto simple a mistake can be upsetting. And that's before the
dreadful comments that some people have made.

IMO, Leave it as is, and ask people just for a bit of common politeness.
The list description says "there will be job ads". it's said that for years
(decades?) Anyone who doesn't like it doesn't actually have to join. (and
if they can't tolerate a high peak of 5 ads in a month - not even this
month, perhaps they need to re-evaluate their response)

Anyway, that's my tuppenceworth.


On 8 December 2016 at 14:00, Andy Robinson <> wrote:

> On 8 December 2016 at 09:29, James Broadhead <>
> wrote:
> > Personally, I'd be in favour of #2 - it allows the community to promote
> > positions internally, but avoids recruiter-mails which seem to trigger so
> > much ire.
> It seems to me that the real issue was a tiny number of list members
> being rude to or about Sophie Hendley.
> But if we are to consider changing our policy on this, then we need to
> find out what the 720 subscribers think.   I would not want to cut
> that many people off from a relevant and interesting future job offer
> if less than 1% of them are grumbling about recruiters.   How many
> people would need to express an opinion to warrant changing things?
> - Andy
> ___
> python-uk mailing list
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Coding "Bootcamps"

2016-05-18 Thread Michael
On 18 May 2016 at 16:11, Andy Robinson <> wrote:

> On 18 May 2016 at 15:52, Zeth <> wrote:
> > My degrees are in econometrics and theology, and I also somehow found
> > myself making a living from writing code. I know theology is much more
> > practical than philosophy but I am sure the same logic applies*
> There was a great Tim Ferriss podcast where he interviewed Alain de
> Boton about what philosophy is and whether it's useful.  From memory,
> Alain said something like  "If you can ONLY do it in a university and
> there are no jobs in the outside world, that's a sign that your
> profession has gone off the rails somewhere...".

Of course, HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy does have an excellent piece on
the employment rights, wherefores protecting philosophers' jobs, as
described by the Philosophers' workers union.

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Python data wrangling - my experience of last year's Southampton course

2016-04-25 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Lasy year, Southampton Uni started a new summer school. It's mostly about using 
Python to explore, process and visualise data. Since the second summer school 
is now open for registration, it seems like

a good time to share my experience of attending it.

It's mainly aimed at PhD students of various disciplines. But anyone can attend.

I attended the courses on IPython Notebook (Jupyter) and Pandas. There are 
about 8 courses running in parallel, so hard choices. Some of the courses are 
taught by authors of the packages.

The Pandas course was challenging. In a PhD level class, trying to learn 
Pandas, numpy, Scipy and Seaborn in 2 days, mastering every detail was beyond 
me. I couldn't use it without looking stuff up. But I know what it can do and 
where to start. It was good enough to put the new knowledge to work for my 
client when I got back to work.

With the IPython course, I left feeling competent.

The fee is reasonable - less than a training company but without the 
mollycoddling and a larger class size (30 ish?). Then again, being able to set 
up a fresh development environment is a useful thing to know. There was plenty 
of support if one got stuck (Though set-up is best done before the week begins).

For me, there was also quite a bit to learn beyond the syllabus. Discovering 
about what the students were researching was an an added bonus. That works both 
ways as several people were interested in my experience of the world of work. 
It introduced me to some tools I hadn't known about before such as slack and 

Add to that the pleasure of revisiting student life and I had an excellent 
week. Maybe this would interest you too.

Michael Grazebrook
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] URGENT: Volunteers for teacher collaboration please... :-)

2016-02-17 Thread Michael

Please put me down for Lancaster and Manchester.

BTW, did you mean for Manchester & Southampton to be on the same day?

Manchester: 23rd March
Southampton: 23rd March


On 17 February 2016 at 08:30, Nicholas H.Tollervey <> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I realise I must sound like a stuck record about this sort of thing -
> please accept my sincere apologies.
> TL;DR: I need volunteers from around the country to support a twilight
> meetup of teachers happening in various parts of the UK. It's not
> difficult and likely to be a lot of fun and will only take a few hours
> of your time in the early evening of a single day. I may be able to
> cover travel expenses. Please get in touch. More detail below...
> Computing at School (see:, a grass
> roots movement of computing teachers in the UK would like to run a
> series of training courses for "Master Teachers" in MicroPython on the
> BBC micro:bit during March. These teachers would go on to act as the
> seed / catalyst for other teachers who require Python training during a
> series of training events over the summer. Put simply, this is an
> exercise in Python evangelism for teachers.
> Master teachers are those who have demonstrated a combination of deep
> subject knowledge and teaching skill. Put simply, they're the most
> senior teachers you can get. They're also the leaders in the field and
> what they say or do influences many hundreds of their colleagues.
> The idea is for the master teachers to get together with Python
> developers (that'd be *you*) for a few hours to work through MicroPython
> related educational resources. These events would happen at university
> based hubs around the country. As a Python developer you'll *get a BBC
> micro:bit* and be expected to offer advice, answer questions and
> demonstrate Python as needed. Honestly, it's not an onerous task and
> will only last a few hours in a "twilight" session (i.e. after work).
> The locations and proposed dates are as follows:
> London: 25th February
> Birmingham: 9th March
> Nottingham: 15th March
> Lancaster: 16th March
> Newcastle: 17th March
> Hertfordshire: 21st March
> Manchester: 23rd March
> Southampton: 23rd March
> It's easy for UK Python to be very London-centric. This is an
> opportunity for Pythonistas throughout the UK to step up and get involved.
> Why should you volunteer a few hours of your time to help teachers? Need
> you ask? Your help and influence will ultimately contribute to the
> education of the next generation of programmers - your future
> colleagues. It's a way to give back to the community by fostering the
> next generation of Pythonistas with the help of the CAS Master Teachers.
> It's also, from a moral point of view, simply a selfless and
> unambiguously good thing to do.
> If you're thinking "oh, they won't want me", then YOU ARE EXACTLY THE
> PERSON WE NEED! Your experience, perspective and knowledge is invaluable
> and teachers need to hear from you. Rest assured, this will not be a
> difficult or high-pressure activity. In fact, it's likely to be a lot of
> fun.
> Remember that awesome person who mentored you and/or gave you a step up?
> Now's your chance to be that person for a group of master teachers.
> If this is of interest to you, please get in touch ASAP and I can start
> to coordinate things with CAS.
> I'm going to put in a grant request to the PSF to see if we can cover
> travel costs for developers. But there's no guarantee this will come about.
> Best wishes,
> N.
> ___
> python-uk mailing list
python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northants Geek Meet

2016-01-28 Thread Michael Foord

Hey all,

There is a Northants Geeks meetup tonight! 8pm at the Malt Shovel pub in 

All the best,

Michael Foord
python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] First dojo of 2016 is next Thursday: Wait list

2016-01-04 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Thanks. Signed up.

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Open Sourcing MicroPython on the BBC micro:bit

2015-10-20 Thread Michael

On 20 October 2015 at 11:11, Jurgis Pralgauskis <> wrote:

> Hi,
> an alternative to TouchDevelop could be Blockly
> <>, as it currently has translation
> to Python,
> example
> (it has various adaptations, for example - turtle graphics
> )
While touch develop is also open source, there *is* a "blocks" interface in
the micro:bit platform - which under the hood is blockly. The reason for
both is because some schools use one, other schools use the other, etc.

(The prototype micro:bit system used in schools trials in January this year
used blockly as the front end, and the python generation interface, and it
looks like - from the source - that this has been used as the basis for the
blocks interface.)

That said, having worked with blockly I personally think it's great, and
provides the potential for a "graphical python" interface. (ie same
semantic model, generates text and converts from text back to blockly)

Integrating blockly with skulpt or brython seems a relatively simple task
for anyone wanting to play.

Anyway, the great thing about the micro-python implementation is that it
avoids the need for all the stuff I needed to do for the prototype, and
allows off-line use by definition :-)

I also (still) think it's absolutely astonishing that Damien managed to
port python to the micro:bit - it's an absolutely tiny device - just 16K
RAM, so getting this much python in such little runtime space is an amazing
feat :-)


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] python-uk Digest, Vol 144, Issue 5

2015-09-02 Thread Michael
While I'm not currently looking for anything, in London, personally I think
given there are around 2 or 3 such postings a year on this list (if that),
imposing "rules" as such is a little odd. As *suggestions* though, IMO both
comments make sense.

Starting a new thread makes sense though - rather than just replying to the
list digest with an unchanged subject - since it's less likely to be read.

Must admit personally, when I see these things I think - location? (if down
south, remote working?) what is it? who is it? does it pay the bills?

(I'll be over here painting the bike shed green)


On 2 September 2015 at 23:12, Stestagg <> wrote:

> The rule we use for is that the advert has to name
> the actual company the ad is for(not just an agency/broker). This was
> something that Sal Fadhley suggested, IIRC.
> This allows posts by agents, but tends to lead to more useful/informative
> ads, and avoids the vague teasers that are often seen as spam.
> I suggest we adopt the same rule on this list, on top of Richard's comments
> Thanks
> Steve
> On Wed, 2 Sep 2015 at 19:48 Richard Barran <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Sophie,
>> A quick hint: job ads are welcome here, but only if correctly written and
>> targeted. A lot of people here *hate* recruiters (with reason - I myself
>> have only ever met 2 or 3 that I get on with), hate seeing this list being
>> used for spam, and, well… next time, please start a new discussion thread
>> with its own title, rather than highjacking another thread ;-)
>> Richard
>> On 2 Sep 2015, at 18:44, Sophie Hendley <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I'm helping to build a new team for a very exciting startup. It's a
>> product company founded by some of the leading technical and business
>> people from Spotify, Google and Facebook.
>> I'm looking for a Senior Developer to work in the platform development
>> working on a Micro-Services Architecture using Python in a TDD environment
>> It's London's biggest technology investment and they're building their
>> platform from scratch.
>> The salary is anywhere up to £85,000 there are also share options and
>> private healthcare on top of this along with free food and drinks
>> Let me know if you're interested and we can have a chat.
>> Kind regards,
>> Sophie
>> On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 11:00 AM, <> wrote:
>>> Send python-uk mailing list submissions to
>>> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>>> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>>> You can reach the person managing the list at
>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of python-uk digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>>1. London Python Code Dojo (Season 7, Episode 1) (Alistair Broomhead)
>>> --
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2015 11:39:28 +
>>> From: Alistair Broomhead <>
>>> To: UK Python Users <>
>>> Subject: [python-uk] London Python Code Dojo (Season 7, Episode 1)
>>> Message-ID:

Re: [python-uk] Nicholas Tollervey winner of PSF Community Service Award

2015-06-24 Thread Michael
Congratulations Nick!


On 24 June 2015 at 14:31, Naomi Ceder wrote:

 As a member of the PSF board of directors it gives me great pleasure to
 report that our own Nicholas Tollervey has been awarded the PSF's Community
 Service Award for Q2, 2015 in recognition of his work in promoting Python
 in education in the UK.

 Please join me in congratulating Nicholas for this recognition of all that
 he has been doing for our community.

 Look for a more formal announcement on the PSF blog in the coming days.

 (Getting to make this announcement is definitely my favourite thing about
 being a director so far :-) )

 Naomi Ceder
 Naomi Ceder

 python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Congratulations Carrie Anne and Naomi

2015-06-02 Thread Michael Foord

On 02/06/15 08:35, Nicholas H.Tollervey wrote:

On 02/06/15 08:28, Steve Holden wrote:

Hi Nick,

On Jun 2, 2015, at 8:23 AM, Nicholas H.Tollervey wrote:

It's also rather wonderful that 7 of the 12 directors are women.

11, I believe, to make tied votes less likely. But I echo your
sentiments entirely on both points.

I don't see how having 11 positions makes ties less likely. In this case 
it *caused* the tie :-)


Aha... I got confused by the, In short we had 12 people win (by vote
count) - and should have remembered the bit about the tie.

My mistake. I should actually read *and understand* my bloody email. ;-)


python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Congratulations Carrie Anne and Naomi

2015-06-02 Thread Michael Foord

On 02/06/15 09:16, Steve Holden wrote:

Votes OF the board, not votes FOR the board.  S

Hah. That does make sense :-)



On Jun 2, 2015, at 8:39 AM, Michael Foord wrote:

I don't see how having 11 positions makes ties less likely. In this 
case it *caused* the tie :-)

Steve Holden / +1 571 
484 6266 / +44 208 289 6308 / @holdenweb

python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Congratulations Carrie Anne and Naomi

2015-06-02 Thread Michael
Congratulations to both of you!

@sparks_rd /

On 2 June 2015 at 08:23, Nicholas H.Tollervey wrote:

 Hi Folks,

 In case you've not heard, two UK based Pythonistas have been elected as
 directors of the Python Software Foundation board.

 Congratulations to and celebrations for Naomi Ceder and Carrie Anne

 It's also rather wonderful that 7 of the 12 directors are women.

 Just thought people would want to know.


 python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] DJUGL - Django User Group London: this evening (April 22th) at 19:00 c/o WayraUK

2015-04-22 Thread Michael
I don't know about others, but unless you check twitter all the time, then
a lot of announcements tend to disappear into the ether. (Much as I like

Regional announcements would be nice to see more on this list too. (I often
can't make them due to family/work commitments, but still, I can hope :-)



On 22 April 2015 at 11:48, wrote:


 I tweeted it a couple of times and even the official DJUGL account
 tweeted about it, but we all forgot to post here.

 I'm sorry :(

 On 22 April 2015 at 11:44, Nicholas H.Tollervey wrote:
  On 22/04/15 11:40, Tom Viner wrote:
  Joint twitter / this-listserv announcements would be appreciated by me
  for one.
  Seconded... if we don't know it's happening... etc...
  python-uk mailing list

 Andrea Grandi -  Software Engineer / Qt Ambassador / Nokia Developer
 python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Microbit

2015-03-13 Thread Michael
Since it's in photos, it's safe to say that the current _prototype product_
uses an Atmel 32U4, which doesn't have anywhere enough memory to run
micropython. (So in order to run python on it via the gcc-avr tool chain,
you can probably infer a number of things I had to do, involving ply)

The actual final device wil be using a different chip, so we'll see on that

The micropython device is cool though :-)

As I get the go ahead to release stuff, I will do so. Meanwhile, the PSF
are an official partner, so I'll be supporting Nick.


On 13 March 2015 at 10:44, Antonio Cavallo wrote:

  Getting hold of MicroBits is at the top of my ToDo list with this
  project. I'll let you know how I get on.


 python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Microbit

2015-03-12 Thread Michael

Just thought it worth mentioning this:

From the article:

The BBC will be giving away mini-computers to 11-year-olds across the
country as part of its push to make the UK more digital.

One million Micro Bits - a stripped-down computer similar to a Raspberry Pi
- will be given to all pupils starting secondary school in the autumn term.

The BBC is also launching a season of coding-based programmes and
Just thought it worth mentioning that while that pictures the prototype, it
uses an awful lot of python in the software stack.


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Wanna help? BBC Make It Digital 2015 - Partnerships (kids/coding related)

2014-12-02 Thread Michael
  [ Apologies if you receive this more than once. I'm doing

this in part because I'm hoping people find it interesting,

but mainly because I'm hoping it'll make we do better.  ]


Hope everyone's well - long time no see.

tl;dr - we're building something to do with kids/coding, looking for
partners to express interest in working with us so we can share what we're
doing. I'm posting here because I'm hoping it's of interest.

There is a rather opaque post here  ...

 ... about something I'm involved with. I don't want to repost the whole
thing, but that means the following is a little out of context, but will
hopefully go some way to explain why I'm forwarding this here:

  In 2015, the BBC's Make it Digital initiative will shine a light
  on the world of digital creativity and coding -- in 2015 we want
  to capture the spirit of what we did with the BBC Micro, but
  this time for the digital age.

  ... we can only deliver at scale through working in partnership.
   This is why BBC Learning is now inviting expressions of interest

  from individual companies, consortia and organisations.

  As part of Make it Digital, we'd like to create a hands-on
  learning experience that allows any level of young coder from
  absolute beginner to advanced maker to get involved.

Because I'm involved with it - in building tech for it - I can't say much
beyond that post due to the fact we're required to share the same
information with everyone simultaneously (for obvious reasons I hope)

However, the reason I'm posting it here is because I'm hoping that it's of
interest, either to you who's reading, to someone you know, or an
organisation you work for/with. Or simply have contacts you feel should be
involved with this.

The way to get involved - which doesn't require a commitment at this stage -
is to simply visit the link above, take a look at the process we're
following (which the BBC has to follow), and pop an email to the address on
that page if you'd like to express interest.

If anyone has any questions, please not while I might/might not be able to
answer them here and now, as soon as I can answer them I will :-)

One question that has arisen though so far is it looks like you're doing
something like X, I/my company/my contact do something like Y, is that of
interest? please assume that it IS of interest :-)


| Michael Sparks, Senior Research Engineer
| BBC RD / BBC Learning, MediaCityUK, Salford, M50 2LH
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Next London Python Code Dojo - 3rd June at Hogarthin Soho

2014-07-09 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Oops. I should be careful with the reply button.

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Looking for work

2014-07-04 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Hi fellow Python fans,

I'm looking for contract work and immediately available. My CV is here:

Briefly: I've been contracting for nearly 3 decades. I've only a few 
years Python experience but it's my favourite language. I'm weak at web 
skills, strong on analysis, design, software engineering. I mostly work 
in the City.

If anyone is active in an open source Python project, I'm open to 
suggestions for good uses for my time while I look for work.

Michael Grazebrook.

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] TDD stuff in London, next two weeks (and list comprehension scoping)

2014-05-31 Thread Michael Foord

On 31 May 2014, at 11:13, Jonathan Hartley wrote:

 That's what I thought too, but:
 $ python3
 Python 3.4.0 (default, Apr 19 2014, 12:20:10) 
 [GCC 4.8.1] on linux
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
  class Some(object):
 ...   tokens = ['a', 'b', 'c']
 ...   untokenized = [Some.tokens.index(a) for a in ['b']]
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File stdin, line 3, in Some
   File stdin, line 3, in listcomp
 NameError: name 'Some' is not defined

The name Some is not bound until the class body has finished executing. You 
should just be able to access the name tokens from inside the class body 

Python 3.3.4 (v3.3.4:7ff62415e426, Feb  9 2014, 00:29:34) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin
Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information.
 class Some:
... tokens = [1, 2, 3]
... thing = [token ** 2 for token in tokens]


 On 30/05/14 16:07, Sven Marnach wrote:
 On 30 May 2014 15:49, Harry Percival wrote:
 I had the problem outside of a class body, in a normal function... 
 The particular problem mentioned in the StackOverflow quesiton you linked 
 only ever occurs inside class bodies.  They are the only enclosing scopes 
 that are skipped in name lookups.  You can still access class attributes of 
 the class by using ClassName.attribute inside the list comprehension, like 
 you would have to do to access class attributes from inside methods.
 python-uk mailing list
 Jonathan Hartley
 Made of meat.   +44 7737 062 225   twitter/skype: tartley
 python-uk mailing list


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Bodleian Library looking for pythonistas

2014-05-27 Thread Michael Davis
The Bodleian Library is looking for three new developers, working on a variety 
of python frameworks. Primarily Django and Pyramid, with some legacy 
applications on Pylons. There is also the opportunity to work on other 
technology, such as Fedora Commons. This is an ideal opportunity for a solid 
python developer interested in getting involved with a wider range of 

Michael Davis
Digital Portfolio Manager
Bodleian Library
python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northants Geeks: 22nd May

2014-05-19 Thread Michael Foord

Hey all,

It's that time of the month again: the Northants Geek meetup is this 
Thursday. 8pm in the Malt Shovel pub, Northampton. Beer and geeky 
conversation. Hopefully see some of you there!

All the best,

Michael Foord
python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Interesting libraries

2014-04-24 Thread Michael Grazebrook


The modules you chose last meetup were interesting.

Would anyone like to give lightning talks expanding on the demos we did? 
We uncovered a range of intriguing, useful and rarely used modules. The 
demos gave us a taste, but not always a balanced view of the modules' 
true strengths. So if you've time to take a deeper look, let's hear from 


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Micropython for microcontrollers

2013-12-03 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Thanks. Just signed up for one.

I'm doing a bluetooth related development and what Damien's creating is 
exactly what I wanted - but couldn't find - when I started the project. 
The Nordic Semiconductor bluetooth module is a system-on-chip with 
enough memory to run this and also based around an ARM core.

On 03/12/2013 12:28, Sandy wrote:
Had this pointed out to me yesterday, and controlling robotics with a 
python interactive shell seemed too cool to pass up.


So, a step towards making a real Iron Python?


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Lift back to Northampton after PyCon UK on Sunday

2013-09-18 Thread Michael Foord
Hey folks,

Any of you wonderful people who are going to PyCon UK and returning on the 
Sunday, driving somewhere in the vicinity of Northampton - if so would you be 
willing and able to take me back with you? Replies off-list would be most 

All of the best,

Michael Foord


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] The London Python Dojo is this Thursday

2013-07-12 Thread Michael Grazebrook
Perhaps we could stream teams, but also make sure less experienced teams 
have more experienced mentors - mentors who would rarely take the 
keyboard and try to ensure everyone is included.

On 12/07/2013 12:18, wrote:


On 12 July 2013 12:00, Tim Golden wrote:

While I'm definitely sympathetic, making sure to involve newbies is not
that easy a problem to solve. (Though that's not to say we can't try).
It pretty much comes down to who's in your team. Sometimes you get a
team which wholeheartedly embraces egalitarianism and passes the
keyboard round like a conch shell; other times, you've got someone
desperately keen who just grasps the challenge du jour by the keyboard
and will hardly let go.

I was offered to take the keyboard (we were in the same team if I'm
not wrong) and do some coding but I refused because I was both too
tired and because I felt I was not at the proper level to code that

Which brings me to your suggestion of... well, I'm not sure whether
you're suggesting team streaming, ie a team of newbies, a team of
pros; or whether you're advocating specifically mixing the teams up.
I'll assume the latter as it seems to make more sense in the context.

wrong assumpion :P

If I'm in a team where other people are way more expert than me, I
will never want to take the keyboard and start coding something.
I think they would be bored by my slowness and by my level. My slow
speed in coding could affect also the whole result (considering also
that we have a stric time to respect)

We've tried to make this happen maybe once or twice in the past. It's
actually very difficult in practice, because you need people to identify
their level of profiency and then divide up on that basis. Actually,
maybe it's not that hard: we could just ask people to put, say, 0, 1 or
2 on their name badge at the beginning to indicate perceived expertise,
and then somehow use that in the grouping. I don't know: something like
that could work.

I would put a 1 in my case, hoping to get a easier (and doable)
problem to solve.
If it's still to hard I will try with 0. Better coding something easy
than just watch other people coding.

I think people are likely to be self-deprecating when identifying their
level. I liked a question that Bruce Durling used a few years back: Are
you more likely to be asking or to be answering questions about Python?.

I won't self depreate ;) if I see that the problem is too easy for me,
I will go to the more difficoult group the next time, no problem at

re bringing easy / intermediate problems along: well, anyone can propose
a problem. I think you're suggesting that *different* problems be solved
during the one evening, some easier, some harder. I don't say we'd never
do it, but in general we like to have everyone working on the same thing
so that, when it comes to the show-and-tell at the end, you're seeing
how another team solved the same problem you solved.

I understand your point, really risk that people stop
coming to the Python Dojo just because they don't feel to be at the
proper level.

I will probably keep coming anyway, because I really like the social
part of the event (beer, meeting people, making new friends, talking
about our jobs etc), but I will keep watching other people coding.

Another person could simply say: mmm... interesting but... not for my
level. And stop coming. Do you really want this?

All that said, I'm up for trying anything. I have no issue with having a
specifically newbie-friendly session; or with having a problem which
specifically splits into an easier and a harder component; or with
making teams deliberately mixed ability. But that's just my take.

of course if it's just me wanting this no problem, I will adapt
someway, but let's see what the other people think about.


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Suggestions / best practices for deployment

2013-05-20 Thread Michael Foord

On 20 May 2013, at 15:00, David Reynolds wrote:

 On 20 May 2013, at 14:51, Harry Percival wrote:
 Also, question for django people:  static files, as collected by 
 collectstatic:  in the repo, or not?
 Not. That is a deployment step in my book.

Agreed. Many apps will copy their static files from the installed version when 
you issue this command and there's just no need for those to be in the repo.


 David Reynolds
 python-uk mailing list


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Suggestions / best practices for deployment

2013-05-16 Thread Michael
While we're on topic - what would people say is best practice for testing
of a web API in a way that slots cleanly into a CI setup? Lots of different
options out there, hence the q. (I realise this is also a bit like saying
how long is a piece of string)


On 15 May 2013 10:57, Harry Percival wrote:

 Dear UK Python chums,

 some of you probably know I'm writing a book about TDD for O'Reilly.  I'm
 looking for some help with the (first) chapter on deployment.

 What do you use for deployment?  Do you have any kind of automated
 scripts? How do you manage virtualenvs, the database, apache/uwsgi
 config... What do you think might work as a sort of best practice lite
 for a simple site for beginners?  (django, sqlite database, static files)

 Harry J.W. Percival
 Twitter: @hjwp
 Mobile:  +44 (0) 78877 02511
 Skype: harry.percival

 python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] The perils of reply-to

2013-01-03 Thread Michael Foord

On 3 Jan 2013, at 11:40, Andy Robinson wrote:

 As a list admin I supposed I ought to ask this again.
 Currently the emails are set to 'reply to the list' by default.   It
 used to be 'reply to sender' but too many people found they were doing
 just that and cutting off conversations, so a few years ago there was
 a general vote to change it.
 In the light of this morning's, er, entertainment, are the Python
 developers on this list (well, all but one of them...) happy with the
 way it currently works?

I find reply-to-list as the default *much* more user friendly. Pedants be 


 Best Regards,
 Andy Robinson
 Managing Director
 ReportLab Europe Ltd.
 (I think I am still a list admin...)
 python-uk mailing list


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] The perils of reply-to

2013-01-03 Thread Michael Foord

On 3 Jan 2013, at 17:07, Jon Ribbens wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 04:41:27PM +, Antonio Cavallo wrote:
 like this?
 I don't want either of those options, I want the proper, standard
 list behaviour, which is Reply-To unchanged from the sender's email.

However sincerely (and obstinately) you believe in the correctness of your 
desires, the mailing list exists to serve its users - not any notion of 
correctness. The majority of the subscribers who have expressed an opinion, 
either in this thread or the poll, prefer reply-to-list.

FWIW on lists where reply-to goes to the individual I *very* regularly see 
messages accidentally sent only to the original sender and not to the list. 
This is regularly a (mild) impediment to communication. I very rarely see the 
opposite (public replies that were meant to be private). So the cure is largely 
worse than the disease.


 python-uk mailing list


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] The perils of reply-to

2013-01-03 Thread Michael
On 3 January 2013 17:13, Michael Foord wrote:

 On 3 Jan 2013, at 17:07, Jon Ribbens

  On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 04:41:27PM +, Antonio Cavallo wrote:
  like this?
  I don't want either of those options, I want the proper, standard
  list behaviour, which is Reply-To unchanged from the sender's email.

 However sincerely (and obstinately) you believe in the correctness of your
 desires, the mailing list exists to serve its users - not any notion of
 correctness. The majority of the subscribers who have expressed an opinion,
 either in this thread or the poll, prefer reply-to-list


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] The perils of reply-to

2013-01-03 Thread Michael
On 3 January 2013 22:41, Jon Ribbens wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 07:41:31PM +, Michael wrote:
 On 3 January 2013 17:29, Jon Ribbens wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 03, 2013 at 05:13:57PM +, Michael Foord wrote:
   On 3 Jan 2013, at 17:07, Jon Ribbens 
I don't want either of those options, I want the proper, standard
list behaviour, which is Reply-To unchanged from the sender's email.
   However sincerely (and obstinately) you believe in the correctness
   of your desires, the mailing list exists to serve its users - not
   any notion of correctness. The majority of the subscribers who have
   expressed an opinion, either in this thread or the poll, prefer
   FWIW on lists where reply-to goes to the individual I *very*
   regularly see messages accidentally sent only to the original sender
   and not to the list. This is regularly a (mild) impediment to
   communication. I very rarely see the opposite (public replies that
   were meant to be private). So the cure is largely worse than the
  You are wrong. HTH.

 No, he's not - he's absolutely correct when he says the mailing list
 exists to serve its users - not any notion of correctness.

 If that was the only thing he'd said I wouldn't've said he was wrong.

Since you're not arguing that he's wrong about the majority of list
posters (here) preferring reply to list, and that the mailing list
exists to serve them, and that any arbitrary notion of correctness
other than that isn't relevant, are you saying that Michael's
perception of what he sees is incorrect?  (cf I rarely see and I
very rarely see)

Or is he wrong about your apparent obstinate belief in your desires ?
(I personally would have said petulant)

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] The perils of reply-to

2013-01-03 Thread Michael
On 3 January 2013 23:24, Daniele Procida wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 3, 2013, Michael wrote:

Or is he wrong about your apparent obstinate belief in your desires ?
(I personally would have said petulant)

 That's uncalled-for.

 It would be gauche to end up trading insults over reply-to settings, and we 
 don't want to be gauche, do we?

Very true. I didn't view it or intend it that way, but can see how it
could be. Maybe I've just seen this argument too many times.

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] hexagonal Django

2012-12-05 Thread Michael Foord

On 5 Dec 2012, at 07:33, Chris Withers wrote:

 On 04/12/2012 17:46, Menno Smits wrote:
 On 2012-12-04 14:46, Jonathan Hartley wrote:
 I haven't, yet, but I'm thinking of refactoring a vertical slice of our
 monster Django app into this style, and I'd love to hear if you think
 it's crazy / brilliant / obvious / old-hat, etc.
 Since you mentioned this a few weeks back, I've been thinking about this
 approach a lot and doing a fair bit of background reading on the idea. I
 think it falls in to the brilliantly-obvious category, at least for any
 app of significant size. I plan to start using these ideas for my next
 big work project (not Django however). Previously, I've tended towards
 less flexible, harder-to-test, layered architectures.
 The biggest concern I have with this approach is that it appears to preclude 
 taking advantage of any features of your storage layer. If your business 
 objects have to not know or care about their underlying storage, how do you 
 take advantage of nice relational queries, stand alone text indexing service 
 or other specific features of the architecture you've chosen?

I guess you still need to provide an abstraction for these features, even if 
only one backend supports the abstraction.

 There's also the risk that you end up testing each bit (business, views, 
 storage) in isolation and never get around to doing the automated integration 
 testing required to ensure artifacts of implementation (*cough* bugs) don't 
 cause problems across those boundaries...

Well, you need integration / acceptance / functional / end to end tests 


 That said, I'd love to see a project that's a good example of this, are there 
 any around online in Python? The closest thing I can think of is the move to 
 the component architecture that Zope did from v2 to v3; architecturally 
 brilliant but actually killed off the platform...
 Simplistix - Content Management, Batch Processing  Python Consulting
 python-uk mailing list


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] LIVE Python Developer Vacancies

2012-11-30 Thread Michael
On 30 November 2012 10:12, Matt Hamilton wrote:

 On 30 Nov 2012, at 09:32, Adam Elliott wrote:

  Hi all,
  I have various LIVE Python Developer vacancies!

 Good move. I've found dead Python developers to be a bit useless.

They wouldn't be dead, they'd be merely resting. Pining even.

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] LIVE Python Developer Vacancies

2012-11-30 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Does the Norwegian Blue tweet?

On 30/11/2012 12:06, xtian wrote:
Or just not moving due to being tired and shagged out after a 
particularly loud tweet.

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] : computer and programming related gear (plus site)

2012-08-28 Thread Michael Foord

On 28 Aug 2012, at 13:35, Will McGugan wrote:

 Nice. I would like to see Freecycle run off flogthedogs. Have you seen 
 Freecycle? Awesome concept, hideous interface.

Last time I saw freecycle it was a very-high-traffic Yahoo groups mailing list 
that you had to subscribe to to use. So I didn't even bother looking this time 
round - but I did want to make it easy to give stuff away. Likewise Craigslist 
in the UK is an equally bad user interface here as it is in the US, but doesn't 
seem to be used much (particularly locally).


 On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 1:20 PM, Michael Foord 
 Hey all,
 I'm trying to slim down my unneeded possessions, much of which is computer 
 and programming related gear (including some Python books). Ebay is useless 
 for locally collected stuff, so I've developed my own site for selling and 
 giving away stuff for local collection. I'm hoping that as well as helping me 
 get rid of my excess gear it will also be a useful resource for other people 
 to sell their stuff.
 The site is:
 Computer gear (hardware, gadgets and tech books):
 Some XBox accessories (etc):
 Built with Python, Django, openstreetmap and a few other open source tools. 
 The site itself isn't *yet* open source because (*ahem*) the tests are in a 
 terrible state. It's also a young site, so I'm still adding features to it - 
 although all the basic functionality (including new user registration) works 
 fine. Probably the next step is building a json api so that I can add in page 
 sorting and filtering via ajax.
 There are some interesting features, like search by distance from a postcode, 
 which I hope to write up in some blog posts. Not *terribly* useful until 
 there are more items that aren't just in *my* postcode (although I do now 
 have six users on the site!).
 Anyway, I hope this is of interest and even potentially useful...
 All the best,
 Michael Foord
 May you do good and not evil
 May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
 May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
 -- the sqlite blessing
 python-uk mailing list
 Will McGugan
 python-uk mailing list


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Pyserial on Raspberry Pi returning just \x00 ie NULL characters

2012-07-02 Thread Michael
On 2 July 2012 14:15, Stephen Emslie wrote:
 I've found strace to be a really valuable tool in debugging arduino serial
 communication. Not sure what your problem is, but perhaps inspecting the
 serial connection like this could help:

 strace -e trace=read,open,write -p process_id

 That should print out all read, write, and open calls from your process to
 the operating system, which includes reads and writes on the connection to

Excellent point - I'd forgotten about strace for some reason. Would
make an awful lot
of sense here.

On 2 July 2012 14:06, John Pinner wrote:
 There are known problems with the Pi USB :

 * Some possible driver issues (to do with mixed high- and low-speed
 devices on the same hub.

This one I wasn't aware of. I might shift things about to see if that
changes things.

 * Power capacity.

Yep, I'm aware of the power issues - which to be fair I think are
perfectly reasonable.

 For example, I have a rather nice IBM USB keyboard, if I use that at
 the same time as a USB wifi dongle, the wifi stops working. A cheapo
 Kensington keyboard works fine.


 * Checking for a healthy 4.75 - 5.25 volts between TP1 and TP2 on the Pi.
 * Installing an updated Pi kernel. Dom has just done a beta Wheezy
 image, which he thinks may have fixed the USB driver problem, but he
 wants feedback:

 * Using a decent quality *powered* USB hub (=2.0 amps)

The actual setup I have is:

Dedicated power supply - Pi
.. connected to a 4 port powered hub (with decent power supply).
.. with the arduino plugged into that, with it's own 9V 1.5A power supply.

So I'm pretty sure power isn't the issue (but can't rule it out).

I wasn't aware of the more recent debian image. I'll try that before hunting
around in strace output - much appreciated!

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Python developer / lead

2012-03-15 Thread Michael Mangion
We are looking for Python developers to join a well-backed, early stage and
ambitious project based in London. We're currently a small team building a
service to collect, analyse and publish real-time sports data and releasing
in the second half of this year. We work in a very friendly, flexible
environment where you will be expected to set your own pace and deliver
great work while challenging everyone else in the team to achieve their
full potential.

The project will allow you to work with huge datasets, cloud based
services, mobile web and app development, social interactions and
gamification. The project and role have amazing potential with the ability
to influence technology direction. Leadership role is available for the
right person.

Skills  Requirements

*What we are looking for*

   - Expertise in Python and Django or similar frameworks
   - A real love for development and learning new things
   - Motivation, talent and endless spirit
   - Experience developing web apps, ideally in a startup environment
   - Good knowledge of design patterns like MVC and DRY
   - Real passion for iterative development
   - Ideally people with web skills like HTML5/CSS3, javascript, jQuery and
   - Have a good knowledge of PostgreSQL and NoSQL like MongoDB
   - Effective oral and written English skills

*What you'll do*

   - Work on a new product where you'll contribute to architecture
   discussions, database design and programming
   - Be part of a highly collaborative, friendly, and open environment
   within a small team
   - Get a say in the technology direction
   - Excellent career opporunities including project leadership
   - Get your choice of Mac or PC
   - A chance to benefit in the success of the company through stock options
   - Enrich the team with your knowledge and insight

About CrowdScores Ltd.

CrowdScores is a well-backed, early stage Internet company based in
London. We are building a product of our own from scratch so can focus on
delivering our vision using the best tools and technoligies without having
to compromise to fit in with customer environments and limitations.

We are completely cloud based and our core development will touch on web,
API development, mobile app development, social gamification, social
interaction and communities. We have big plans and are looking to build a
team to match. We'd love to hear from great players who want to be at the
cutting edge.

*We also offer:*

   - a friendly, collaborative and driven team atmosphere
   - a quiet office in one of the best parts of central London
   - flexible working hours (and days if necessary) and location at times
   - your choice of Mac or PC, Herman Miller desks and ergonomic chairs
   - the chance to work on a product that will be used by millions (we hope)
   - a chance to benefit in the success of the company through stock options
   - group gliding or other crazy sports days when we need to unplug
   - competitive salaries

Please send your CV and cover letter to:
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Future Dojo idea ... randomised trials

2012-02-07 Thread Michael Grazebrook
It would be amusing to do a randomised trial, well-designed, and submit
the results to some prestigious journal.

Of course we'd probably be turned down. But then again, I bet there are
very few academic studies based on the use of hardened professionals
like us.

Or even ... we could look for papers published by London academics in
this area, and work with them to design an experiment which would be
fun, informative, and have a realistic chance of being published.

Is there an academic amongst us who can advise?

On Feb 7, 2012 15:59 Jonathan Hartley wrote:

 People are always banging on about how programming lacks scientific
 rigour when it comes to evaluating common practice.
 Is TDD *always* faster?
 Is it *ever* faster?
 Who knows? Fortunately, we have the tools to answer the question once
 and for all. We, at the London Dojo, could run a randomised trial:
 I'm curious what results we'd get if we randomly made some Dojo teams
 use TDD for the assignment, and others not. Our usual time contraints
 result in a mad scramble for the finish line. Would TDD make the task
 harder, or easier? Would the results be more functional, or less?
 Perhaps it doesn't make sense: A team assigned to do TDD might only
 members who were not practiced in it. But I can't help but wonder what
 results it would produce. Is anyone else curious?
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Game of Life / TDD ideas

2012-02-07 Thread Michael Grazebrook
There is no one true way of development. The standards my brother works
to on civil aircraft systems, are utterly different from what I
experience in the commercial world - thank goodness.

As a freelancer, I often come into chatoic clients. Heres a method I
sometimes use:

Most people know what standard should apply before they start a task.
Few remember when deadlines loom.

So you can set up a Wiki with a library of software standards. Small and
simple is nice. Anyone can add or edit standards.

Before starting a task, select the standard. Then the team should hold
them to it. It's flexible, adaptive and can apply to almost any process.

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northants Geek Meetups

2011-08-21 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

Next Wednesday we have a Northants Geek meet barbecue at Brixworth 
Country Park. From 7pm:

The date of our regular Thursday evening meetup has been changed to 
Thursday September 1st, Malt Shovel pub Northampton.

All the best,

Michael Foord


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Northampton Geek Meet: Barbecue on Wednesday

2011-07-20 Thread Michael Foord
Hey all,

If the weather stays grey and horrible we have an alternative location for
the barbecue tonight, a big house opposite abington park. It has a big
garden and gazebo. We'll make a decision around 5pm and I'll email the list.

The address will be 417 wellingborough road (NN1 4EY), which is right
opposite where we will be having the barbecue if the weather is good...

If you need to find us you can always ring me on: 07731 383732

All the best,

Michael Foord

On 18 July 2011 19:10, Michael Foord wrote:

 Hey all,

 We're having regular geek meets in Northampton, with a few pythonistas in
 regular attendance. Everyone welcome and they're always good fun.

 We usually meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Malt Shovel pub
 in Northampton.

 You can subscribe to the mailing list or follow the twitter account or use
 the calendar for reminders:!/**northantsgeeks/**group/northantsgeeks**calendar/ical/**ckklo5jfb8kvc2bbjeqbuqkomg%****public/basic.ics

 This Wednesday evening, 7pm 'til late at Abington park Northampton, we have
 a barbecue.

 Come and join us! (Bring food if you can, but we won't turn you away if you

 All the best,



 May you do good and not evil
 May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
 May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
 -- the sqlite blessing**different.html


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Northampton Geek Meet: Barbecue on Wednesday

2011-07-20 Thread Michael Foord
Sorry for the spam. Last today I promise (well unless the heaven's open here
in Northampton anyway)...

The weather's cleared up and the forecast is cloudy at worst, so we're
sticking with an outdoors barbecue. Yay!

See you at Abington park from 7pm.

All the best,


On 20 July 2011 13:52, Michael Foord wrote:

 Hey all,

 If the weather stays grey and horrible we have an alternative location for
 the barbecue tonight, a big house opposite abington park. It has a big
 garden and gazebo. We'll make a decision around 5pm and I'll email the list.

 The address will be 417 wellingborough road (NN1 4EY), which is right
 opposite where we will be having the barbecue if the weather is good...

 If you need to find us you can always ring me on: 07731 383732

 All the best,

 Michael Foord

 On 18 July 2011 19:10, Michael Foord wrote:

 Hey all,

 We're having regular geek meets in Northampton, with a few pythonistas in
 regular attendance. Everyone welcome and they're always good fun.

 We usually meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Malt Shovel pub
 in Northampton.

 You can subscribe to the mailing list or follow the twitter account or use
 the calendar for reminders:!/**northantsgeeks/**group/northantsgeeks**calendar/ical/**ckklo5jfb8kvc2bbjeqbuqkomg%****public/basic.ics

 This Wednesday evening, 7pm 'til late at Abington park Northampton, we
 have a barbecue.

 Come and join us! (Bring food if you can, but we won't turn you away if
 you can't...)

 All the best,



 May you do good and not evil
 May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
 May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
 -- the sqlite blessing**different.html


 May you do good and not evil
 May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others

 May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
 -- the sqlite blessing


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing
python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northampton Geek Meet: Barbecue on Wednesday

2011-07-18 Thread Michael Foord

Hey all,

We're having regular geek meets in Northampton, with a few pythonistas 
in regular attendance. Everyone welcome and they're always good fun.

We usually meet on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Malt Shovel 
pub in Northampton.

You can subscribe to the mailing list or follow the twitter account or 
use the calendar for reminders:!/northantsgeeks/

This Wednesday evening, 7pm 'til late at Abington park Northampton, we 
have a barbecue.

Come and join us! (Bring food if you can, but we won't turn you away if 
you can't...)

All the best,



May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Tell us what you did with Python this year....

2010-12-21 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

I started the year working for a German firm writing web applications 
with Django on the server and Silverlight on the front end. The front 
end application (about 20 000 lines) was written entirely in IronPython 
and running in the browser. Communication with django was almost 
exclusively sending and receiving json.

In September I started working for Canonical, working on web services 
associated with Ubuntu Pay, the new software centre and the single sign 
on services for canonical websites. This is mostly working with django.

unittest in the Python standard library has continued to evolve, which 
I've been heavily involved with along with a few other standard library 
tweaks (my favourites being contextlib.ContextDecorator and 
inspect.getattr_static plus backporting weakref.WeakSet to Python 2.7). 
Python 2.7 was released in 2010 as well as the first alphas and betas of 
3.2. The changes to unittest are available in a backport to earlier 
versions of Python called unittest2 which has gained a surprisingly 
large number of users and will be incorporated in the next version of 

My 'other' testing project is mock, which is approaching a 0.7.0 release 
with a lot of new features. The blocker on getting the final version out 
of the door is a thorough review of the documentation. Hopefully I will 
find time for this over the christmas break. The beta seems to be 
getting a nice level of uptake though and no new bug reports since the 
last release...

ConfigObj is still reasonably popular but I'm not using it a great deal 
myself these days, so I haven't worked much on it this year. A couple of 
folk ported it to Python 3 though, which is fantastic.

In 2010 I attended PyCon US, EuroPython and PyCon Italia. All were 
fantastic and at EuroPython this year we had our first language summit 
and PSF members meeting. I'm currently helping with talk selection for 
PyCon US 2011 and organising the language and vm summits we will have 
there. We intend to repeat the language summits and PSF members meeting 
at EuroPython 2011. The EuroPython 2011 location is fantastic, so 
hopefully see you all there!

All the best,

Michael Foord


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Tell us what you did with Python this year....

2010-12-21 Thread Michael Foord
On 21 December 2010 17:10, Javier Llopis wrote:

  As an attempt to generate some content and balance out the jobs
  Why don't a few people here tell us what they got up to this year?
  Neat projects at work, things you learned about Python in 2010, things
  you've been playing with

 I have automated an ill-thought process that used to involve creating an
 ad-hoc 1500 line windows batch program to carry out an unattended remote
 installation every time my company tried to deploy new content on their
 large network of Video Lottery Terminals.

 I was hired basically to help develop those silly windows batch programs
 which were creating a bottleneck, and by writing step by step a 5000 line
 python program that automatically generated the batch programs, the
 bottleneck went elsewhere. The whole process is as ill-thought as ever,
 but I'm no longer stressed, and they haven't had to replace the members of
 the team who left the company, effectively downsizing it from five to two

Yay for Python replacing people. Uhm, I think... ;-)


 I have also used Python to do lots of file processing, one time programs.



 python-uk mailing list


May you do good and not evil
May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others
May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
-- the sqlite blessing
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Tell us what you did with Python this year....

2010-12-20 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Dear Mr Berkley,

This sounds both fun and interesting! Tell me more! Was this business or 

A small project of my own is to help my father with his milling machine. 
He wants to re-write a program in a more modern language: the program 
converts printed circuit board layouts into the milling machine's g-code 
language. At the moment the code is in an archaic Basic dialect.

Is that sort of thing interesting to you?

Michael Grazebrook

On 20/12/2010 14:43, wrote:

Controlling a 2 axis mirror array to concentrate solar energy.

Generating CAD files for the manufacture of a worm gear wheel. 

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] London Python Roles

2010-12-15 Thread Michael Grazebrook

I work in the financial sector. Python is definately increasing.

Some systems are being written in Python, but that's not its main use. 
Certainly not for calculations and financial models, where they normally 
have to be very fast.

It's popular as a repacement for Perl, for example in batch automation. 
I've also used it for reporting: its excellent ability to interface to 
libraries means you can drive Excel (or most things .Net) from Python. I 
even used it to link to Bloomberg once, creating a framework to get the 
data to test some finanical models.

Report Lab does a fair bit of work in the financial sector in a rather 
different field.

Little in the web field in Finance: maybe that's just my persoanl 

On 15/12/2010 11:57, Matt Hamilton wrote:

We've also seen it (as a python web dev company) increase quite a bit in the 
web field. Another big area I keep seeing python jobs advertised are in the 
financial services industry. Just as engineers used fortran and business people 
used cobol, I think financial services are using python for a good language to 
write calculations/simulations of financial models.

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Senior Python Experts/Hackers needed for Global Financial Powerhouse

2010-11-04 Thread Michael Czirjak
Global Financial Powerhouse is seeking Senior Python Experts/Hackers to join
their elite Core Strategies team who will take part in the design, development
and implementation of their next generation Cross Risk Platform. Candidates will
be responsible for building the platform foundations and applying the platform
to markets businesses. This is a Front Office role, working with Traders,
Quants, Technologists and Key Business stakeholders.

Candidates must have a deep passion for technology, particularly with Python,
C++ and Open-Source technologies within Unix/Linux environments.

BS, MS, PHD in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics from a top-tier University
with a high GPA is required

Full relocation and H1-B Transfers will be provided for those that qualify.

NYC or LONDON Location - $150k-$400k Total 

If you are interested  qualified, please contact Michael Czirjak at:
212.244.4220 or email your resume to:

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python UK user groups / website / coordination

2010-08-03 Thread Michael Foord

On 02/08/2010 09:16, Nicholas Tollervey wrote:


During Europython a group of us who organise various Python related user groups 
within the UK went for a drink. Here's what we talked about:

* We should organise an IRC chat sometime in August to coordinate ourselves.
* Since we're spread rather thin on the ground it'd be good to coordinate a central 
Python-UK page for user groups / events that could contain a google-calendar, 
tweet-stream and links etc... (KISS)
* We might be able to support the costs of running the site by having a very 
simple job-board for UK related Python jobs (er... 37signals ask for $400 for 
30 days of advert for Ruby jobs - someone asked me to find out the figures)

The Python jobs board has this market pretty much sewn up. Unless (and 
until) we get a *huge* amount of traffic I don't think it is worth even 

* It'd be great if there were more coordination between groups so they might be 
able to swap speakers, cooperate at events or organise activities together.
* Some sort of python-hacker-barn-weekend event sounds cool.

Event and speaker coordination sounds great - more complex than just a 
wiki, a calendar and some doodles. A fantastic long term goal though.

* The PSF might be persuaded to contribute some money for stuff.

Almost certainly.

All the best,


* We should try to make better use of the python-uk mailing list (hence this 
message) :-)

We all handed over our email addresses and a Doodle ( 
for the first IRC meeting was created.

Just to keep momentum going, I personally think it'd be interesting to hear 
what the wider UK-Python community thinks about this and it also gives us an 
opportunity to make sure we haven't missed anyone who might be interested in 
joining in.

Also, this email nudges things along so we don't end up as a beery conference 
plan rather than something we actually act upon! :-)

All the best,



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python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python UK user groups / website / coordination

2010-08-02 Thread Michael Foord

On 02/08/2010 15:44, Nicholas Tollervey wrote:

Hmmm... I like the app-engine idea since it is v.simple and plain ol' Python 
(rather than a complex project like Pinax that requires Django-fu to 

GitHub / BitBucket is a great idea too.

Seriously, all we need to start with right now is:

1) A shared Google Calendar that is readable by *everyone* and writable by PUG 
organisers (that identify themselves here on this mailing list)
2) A Twitter list of Python-UK people
3) A web-page with both these embedded on them.


This sounds great.

I *would* volunteer to create these right now but I'm up to my eyes in code and 
it's my wedding anniversary today so this evening is out. Also, perhaps we 
could decide on the date of an IRC meeting / open up the doodle so people on 
this list can say when they're available..? Coordination and community 
collaboration is the way to go before actually doing anything (IMHO) ;-)


Some kind of organisation - like deciding who will maintain the calendar 
and twitter lists.

To be honest a Pinax site seems like overkill, but if people with spare 
energy are *volunteering* to do the work then that is great.



On 2 Aug 2010, at 15:27, Zeth wrote:


On 2 August 2010 15:23, Reza  wrote:

This sounds like a great idea. A suggestion though - since we're all
Python hackers, why not create a hosted website on AppEngine?

We have already started a pinax based site for it. We have hosting.
python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list


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python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Next Northants Geeks Meetup: Thursday 15th July, BBQ Abington Park

2010-07-08 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

The next exciting installment of the Northants Geek Meet is nearly upon 
us. We're having a barbecue on July 15th at Abington Park, starting at 

Everyone welcome. If you can bring food, drink and friends - but they're 
all optional and will be provided. We usually get a good turnout of 
10-20 people from the whole spectrum of geekdom. (Programmers, web 
designers, system administrators, truck drivers, gadget enthusiasts, 
students and so on.) Everyone is welcome.

We'll be at the side  of Abington Park nearest the town centre. Pretty 
much where the A appears on this google map:,-95.677068sspn=60.635244,116.015625

If the weather is too gruesome we'll probably default back to the Malt 
Shovel pub as usual. A definite decision will be made before 6pm - so 
check the twitter account (url in the signature of this email) before 
leaving. Feel free to phone me if you need to check.

All the best,

Michael Foord

07731 383732

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northants Geek Mailing List

2010-06-18 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

For those of you who don't use twitter there is now a mailing list for 
the Northants Geek Meet. Announcements will be posted there, along with 
possible discussion about meeting dates etc:

All the best,

Michael Foord


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have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your 

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Northants Geek Mailing List

2010-06-18 Thread Michael Foord
On 18 June 2010 17:17, Michael Foord wrote:

 Hello all,

 For those of you who don't use twitter there is now a mailing list for the
 Northants Geek Meet. Announcements will be posted there, along with possible
 discussion about meeting dates etc:

The next meeting is *likely* to be on a barbecue on the 15th July, venue
still to be decided...

All the best,

Michael Foord

 All the best,

 Michael Foord


 READ CAREFULLY. By accepting and reading this email you agree, on behalf of
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python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northants Geek Meet, June 17th 7.30pm Malt Shovel Pub Northampton

2010-06-07 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

The next Northants Geek Meet is on June 17th (Thursday) at the usual 
time and place; 7.30pm Malt Shovel pub Northampton.

All the best,



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have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS on behalf of your 

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northants Geek Meet, 29th April 7:30pm, Malt Shovel Pub Northampton

2010-03-29 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

The next exciting Northants Geek Meet is Thursday 29th April at the Malt 
Shovel pub in Northampton, 7:30pm.

Link to the Malt Shovel pub:

121 Bridge Street

Follow @northantsgeeks on twitter for announcements.

All the best,

Michael Foord


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You further represent that you have the authority to release me from any BOGUS AGREEMENTS 
on behalf of your employer.

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Code Dojo - yesterday and next year...

2009-12-11 Thread Michael Foord

On 11/12/2009 14:35, Nicholas Tollervey wrote:


* DATES: So we don't have any further clashes - we bagsy the Thursday in the 
first week of every month for our meeting. For next year, this means the Dojo 
will meet on the following dates:

7th January
4th February
4th March
1st April (!)- we must do something appropriate for this one - 
suggestions please.
6th May
1st June
1st July (Europython happening 17th-24th July)
August (Summer School Holiday!)
2nd September
7th October
4th November
2nd December

Public google calendar? (Yes I'm lazy, it would save me entering them 
all myself...)


* As promised, I've created a wiki (PBWiki - it's free and feature-ful) where 
we can organise future talks. It's publicly readable and you'll need to pester 
me for edit rights from the wiki's front page... I'll immediately approve you 
as an admin so you can approve others. Obviously, this is so we don't get 
inundated with spam. The URL is here:

As always, comments, suggestions and ideas most welcome.

Best wishes,

python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northants Geek Meet, Christmas Curry: Friday December 18th

2009-12-06 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

In the third exciting installment of the Northants Geek Meet we will be 
joining forces with the StationX folk for a curry evening in Northampton.

Friday December 18th, 8.45pm at the Tamarind restaurant.

If you intend to come please sign up (or email me):

Restaurant details:

   151-153 Wellingborough Road, Abington,
   Northampton, NN1 4DX

Everyone welcome. I need to confirm numbers, so if you're intending to 
come it would be helpful if you could let me know ASAP.

We'll probably meet up somewhere beforehand for drinks, I'll post 
details here.

All the best,

Michael Foord


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northampton Geek Meet: Thursday November 26th

2009-11-19 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

The second episode of the Northampton geek meet is on Thursday November 
26th. All welcome (even if you're not from Northampton but just 
interested in technology or good beer and conversation).

We start around 7.30pm. You can read a little bit about the previous one 

The chosen location is the King Billy pub, which has WiFi (via the 
Cloud) and a good selection of beer:

The King Billy
2 Commercial St
Northampton, NN1 1PJ
01604 621325


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Northampton Geek Meet - Wednesday 7.30pm King Billy Pub

2009-10-21 Thread Michael Foord
And if you're in Northampton tonight rather than London don't forget the
Geek Meet. Details below (and next time I'll try to make sure it doesn't
clash with the Pyssup):

2009/10/18 Michael Foord

 Hello all,

 The Northampton Geek Meet is this Wednesday at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

 The chosen location is the King Billy pub, which has WiFi (via the Cloud)
 and a good selection of beer:

 The King Billy
 2 Commercial St
 Northampton, NN1 1PJ
 01604 621325

 They are expecting us and I've checked there are no bands playing. See you

 All the best,

 Michael Foord


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Google Wave

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Foord

Bruce Durling wrote:

Any pythonistas here on Google Wave?

I'm in. Apparently my address is:

   fuzzyman AT googlewave DOT com


I don't have invites, but it would be good to find other people. Not
much use without collaborators.

python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Google Wave

2009-10-18 Thread Michael Brunton-Spall
It's certainly worth pointing out that if you have a wave account,
then you can do a search for with:public python to find some
existing python waves, including a django wave.  If you set the public
attribute of a wave if becomes findable with the above search, which
will help anybody who'se managed to work out how to find public waves
(it not being obvious and all!)

You can find myself at michael.bruntonspall at googlewave dot com


Michael Brunton-Spall

2009/10/18 Bruce Durling
 2009/10/18 Tim Head
 me too: betatim at googlewave dot com

 Assuming you get bored of adding new collaborators, can you just post
 the link to the wave and we can just go there and add ourselves?

 At the moment I'm trying to figure out what a useful URL would look
 like. I'm a total n00b here.

 python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Reminder: London Python Code Dojo Tomorrow

2009-10-16 Thread Michael Foord

Nicholas Tollervey wrote:
A quick write-up of last night's code dojo:

The beer and crisps Pyssup is next Wednesday (unfortunately I can't 
make it).

I've also just realised that during the round-up session last night we 
mentioned we should start a pattern of holding it on the third 
Thursday of every month. Unfortunately, I've just realised that the 
Pyssup guys bagsied the third x of every month for their event. 
Might I suggest we move the dojo to the first Thursday of the month so 
we keep some space between these events..? That'll mean the next Dojo 
will be on Thursday 3rd November, 6:30pm at Fry-IT's offices. Anyone 
have any problems with this..?

I won't be able to make that particular week (I'm sure you can cope 
without me for one week), but in general the first Thursday of the month 
sounds fine.

Many thanks to Marcus and Fry-IT for their venue, beer and pizza! Much 

Michael Foord

As always, comments and suggestions welcome,


On 14 Oct 2009, at 09:29, Nicholas Tollervey wrote:


A quick reminder that the second London Python Code Dojo is tomorrow.

Sign up here: 
(so we know how much pizza/beer to order)

Starting at 6:30pm at the same place as last time:

Address: Fry-IT Limited
503 Enterprise House
1/2 Hatfields
London SE1 9PG

Nearest Tubes: Waterloo Southwark

0207 0968800

Google Map:,+London,+SE1+9PGsll=51.507954,-0.107825sspn=0.007439,0.022724ie=UTF8ll=51.508235,0.107825spn=0.007439,0.022724z=16iwloc=A 

This month's challenge is to create from scratch a 
Tic-tac-toe/noughts and crosses game with an AI opponent - the first 
test for which can be found here:

Free pizza and beer will be provided by Fry-IT from 6:30, coding will 
start when the food is finished. All participants who code will have 
their name put into a hat for a prize draw for Python related books 
donated by O'Reilly and others.

See you there,

python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Northampton Geek Meet - October 21st, 7pm

2009-10-08 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

Advance warning of a Northampton Geek Meet on the evening of October 
21st, starting around 7pm or so.

It isn't exclusively for Python geeks, although there will be at least a 
couple of us there, and everyone is welcome.

We haven't settled on a definite location, but the Charles Bradlaugh pub 
is looking likely just because it is easy to find:

If you would prefer somewhere with free wifi then feel free to make 
suggestions. :-)

I'll follow up with a reminder nearer the day and with a definite 
decision on location.

All the best,

Michael Foord


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] 2nd London Python Dojo - 18:30 15 October 2009 at Fry-IT

2009-09-28 Thread Michael Foord

Nicholas Tollervey wrote:

Finally, has always struck me as a fun 
thing to do in a group with the simple aim of expanding one's 
knowledge of Python's capabilities and libraries. Perhaps something 
fun for a Xmas special..?

This sounds like a great idea.


As always, comments, suggestions, feedback and ideas most welcome.

Best wishes,


On 27 Sep 2009, at 22:29, Paul Nasrat wrote:

2009/9/24 Bruce Durling

We all enjoyed the last dojo so much we decided to have another one.
Fry-IT are hosting again.

There is a sign up and information page here:

We're doing tic-tac-toe (noughts and crosses) with and AI opponent.

I've looked through the skeletal code on github and that looks like a
good start.

Do we have a shared objective for what we are trying to get out of the
dojo in terms of learning?

python-uk mailing list

python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] 2nd London Python Dojo - 18:30 15 October 2009 at Fry-IT

2009-09-28 Thread Michael Foord

Jon Ribbens wrote:

On Sun, Sep 27, 2009 at 10:29:33PM +0100, Paul Nasrat wrote:

I've looked through the skeletal code on github and that looks like a
good start.

The lines in the test code which look like this:

assert state == [ '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', '_', ]

are somewhat making the assumption that the board state object will
not be immutable.

Also I'd like to put in a strong vote for part of the spec being that
the game will allow human v human, human v computer, or computer v
computer games (by entering number of players: zero ;-) )
I think we should start simple. We can always expand the spec if we 
complete the task... (highly unlikely in my opinion)


python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] REMINDER: Restarting Python North West Tonight, 6pm Rain Bar Manchester

2009-09-24 Thread Michael Sparks

Just a reminder that python north west restarts tonight, 6pm at the
Rain Bar in Manchester.

I'll be giving away the spare notes from my tutorial at Europython for
those interested. Also, APress have very kindly donated us some eBook
coupons for attendees. (They initially offered books, and then
realised that they couldn't get them to us in time, so both offers are
very welcome :-)

I'll bring a penguin with me, (oh and a small stack of booklets :) so
that people know at least one familiar face to look for :)

Original message was this:


A few people will have already noticed some small comments about this, but
we're plotting to restart python northwest. Specifically, we're restarting
this month. Details:

   * When: Thursday 24th September, 6pm

   * Where: Rain Bar, Manchester:
  - 80 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5JG
  - map:

   * Who: Who can come? If you're reading this YOU can :-)
 More specifically anyone from beginners, the inexperienced through deeply
 experienced and all the way back to the plain py-curious.

   * What: Suggestion is to start off with a social meet, and chat about
 stuff we've found interesting/useful/fun with python recently. Topics
 likely to include robots and audio generation, the recent unconference,
 and europython.

   * Twitter: / #pythonnorthwest / #pynw

How did this happen? I tweeted the idea, a couple of others seconded it,
the David Jones pointed out it easier to arrange for a specific 2 people
to meet than it was to e-mail a vague cloud of people and get _any_ 2 to
meet anywhere., so that's where we'll be.

If twitter feedback is anything go by, we're hardly going to be alone, so
please come along - the more the merrier :-) Better yet, please reply to this
mail saying you're coming along!

More generally, assuming this continues, pynw will probably be every third
thursday in the month, maybe alternating between technical meets and social
ones. (topic for discussion perhaps?)

Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested!

See you there!

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Restarting Python North West - 24th Sept 2009, 6pm

2009-09-14 Thread Michael Sparks

A few people will have already noticed some small comments about this, but
we're plotting to restart python northwest. Specifically, we're restarting
this month. Details:

   * When: Thursday 24th September, 6pm

   * Where: Rain Bar, Manchester:
  - 80 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, M1 5JG
  - map:

   * Who: Who can come? If you're reading this YOU can :-)
 More specifically anyone from beginners, the inexperienced through deeply
 experienced and all the way back to the plain py-curious.

   * What: Suggestion is to start off with a social meet, and chat about
 stuff we've found interesting/useful/fun with python recently. Topics
 likely to include robots and audio generation, the recent unconference,
 and europython.

   * Twitter: / #pythonnorthwest / #pynw

How did this happen? I tweeted the idea, a couple of others seconded it,
the David Jones pointed out it easier to arrange for a specific 2 people
to meet than it was to e-mail a vague cloud of people and get _any_ 2 to
meet anywhere., so that's where we'll be.

If twitter feedback is anything go by, we're hardly going to be alone, so
please come along - the more the merrier :-) Better yet, please reply to
this mail saying you're coming along!

More generally, assuming this continues, pynw will probably be every third
thursday in the month, maybe alternating between technical meets and social
ones. (topic for discussion perhaps?)

Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested!

See you there!

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] REMINDER: PyCon 2010: Call for Proposals]

2009-09-04 Thread Michael Foord

Call for proposals -- PyCon 2010 --


Due date: October 1st, 2009

Want to showcase your skills as a Python Hacker? Want to have
hundreds of people see your talk on the subject of your choice? Have some
hot button issue you think the community needs to address, or have some
package, code or project you simply love talking about? Want to launch
your master plan to take over the world with python?

PyCon is your platform for getting the word out and teaching something
new to hundreds of people, face to face.

Previous PyCon conferences have had a broad range of presentations,
from reports on academic and commercial projects, tutorials on a broad
range of subjects and case studies. All conference speakers are volunteers
and come from a myriad of backgrounds. Some are new speakers, some
are old speakers. Everyone is welcome so bring your passion and your
code! We're looking to you to help us top the previous years of success
PyCon has had.

PyCon 2010 is looking for proposals to fill the formal presentation tracks.
The PyCon conference days will be February 19-22, 2010 in Atlanta,
Georgia, preceded by the tutorial days (February 17-18), and followed
by four days of development sprints (February 22-25).

Online proposal submission is open now! Proposals  will be accepted
through October 1st, with acceptance notifications coming out on
November 15th. For the detailed call for proposals, please see:

For videos of talks from previous years - check out:

We look forward to seeing you in Atlanta!


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] pyconuk

2009-09-02 Thread Michael Sparks
On Tuesday 01 September 2009 22:56:42 Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
 Anything behind the scenes has been happening?

An unconference is based on a concept called Open Space Technology.

Essentially, if you can think of a traditional conference as top down,
an open space event is generally bottom up.

The general outline of an open space event goes like this:

The participants arrive at the venue. There then follows an opening event.
This takes following form:
   1 Everyone says their name and introduces themselves. For speed
  this is often simplified to name, affiliation (if any), and 3 tags or
  words describing themselves or interests. This is generally in a circle
  or concentric circles so that everyone can see everyone else's face.

   2 In the middle of the circle is either post it notes or A4 paper, and
  people then go in the middle, announce a session idea, write it on
  the paper, with their name.

   3 Then they go and stick it up on a schedule, which doesn't have any
  pre-filled in slots. (ie rooms  times)

   4 The sessions then start.

   5 At the end of all the sessions, there is should also be a closing
  session, where a brief discussion can take place, or summary (if

Some geek unconferences tend to skip one or two of these steps, but
hopefully pycon uk's unconference won't - IMO open space works best
when you don't skip these steps.

Some other points:
   * You ARE encouraged to blog the sessions at the event. (Traditional open
  space suggests designating someone per room to document the discussion,
  but blogging works just as well)

   * If this is your first time, you are expected to talk. (Don't know what to
  talk about? Run a session called teach me about fun project based
  on the interests you hear from others)

   * Wearing a badge, with your name, affiliation and three tags is useful :)

There are also 4 rules of open space events, which are usually
mentioned in the opening ceremony:
* Whoever comes is the right people
* Whatever happens is the only thing that could have
* Whenever it starts is the right time
* When it's over, it's over

Finally, there is the law of two feet: If at any time during our time
together you find yourself in any situation where you are neither
learning nor contributing, use your two feet. Go to some other place
where you may learn and contribute.

If this seems really bizarre, there's a short summary here: , and Harrison Owen's
book on the topic is well worth reading. (Harrison Owen is an
anthropologist, and apparently one year he ran a traditional academic
style conference. Apparently it went really well, but he said that
everyone came up to him afterwards complimenting on it and saying that
the coffee breaks were the best bit, and maybe make the breaks longer
next time. Being an anthropologist he went off to try and figure out
how to make the entire conference the best bit, and came up with
open space technology.)

If there's one other thing I'd suggest adding: introduce yourself
informally to people between sessions as well, and ask someone you've
never met before what they do, and what they hope to talk about. Open
space events start from conversations, and the schedule is not fixed,
it's stuck on with sticky notes, and if turns out everyone wants to
discuss something like how on earth do I... that's perfect. Those
sorts of events have always been the best :-)

If I could make the event (I have a family commitment that weekend)
then I'd be interested in a session called how to run a python user
group successfully, and drag some of the PYWM people in, but I can't.
Other's may be interested in graphics, or concurrency or testing, or
packaging, or... Basically, run a session if you want to teach or want
to learn. (Same thing really)

It sounds like it can't work, and yet every single time someone
follows the rules, and encourages everyone to run a session, it always
does. But then open source sounds like it can't work either, and yet
it does :-) (pictures rather than description)

Other than that, have fun :-)

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] [ANN] August London Pyssup

2009-08-14 Thread Michael Foord

Andy Kilner wrote:
Next Wednesday is the 3rd Wednesday of the month so it's time for 
another London Python pub meet.  July's meetup was well attended and a 
great success so we'd like to continue each month on a regular schedule.

Time: Wednesday 19th August, from 7pm
Venue: The George[1] (opposite and along from last month's venue).

If you have any Python-curious

py-curious? I like it :-)


friends or colleagues, bring them along too.  Get there whenever you 
like, me and Stephen will battle London traffic and try and get there 
as close to 7pm as possible.  We'll display the usual can-o-spam in 
case the gaggle of geeks in the corner isn't enough of a giveaway.

Look forward to seeing you there,

Andy Kilner  Stephen Emslie


python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] [pyconuk] Proposed PyCon UK UnConference, 5th September

2009-08-11 Thread Michael Sparks
On Friday 07 August 2009 10:25:39 Nicholas Tollervey wrote:
 As £2k is steep given the number of delegates (or lack thereof) how
 about a different venue for smaller numbers?

I could have offered a venue in Manchester which was essentially free at
the weekend (and recently used by Drupal Camp) if anyone had spoken to
me before booking and announcing the venue in Birmingham. (Struck me as
a rather odd, given I'd suggested such a beast a couple of years ago before
it being sidelined in favour of pycon uk which as then being organised behind
closed doors, and I'd looked into venues before, and also things moved on)

(I've got only intermittent connectivity since I'm on holiday and not back
for another week)

If the september unconference doesn't go ahead (as mentioned to John when he
announced the date, I don't even know if I can make it because it's been
arranged for the one weekend I find really awkward being the same weekend as
my daughter's birthday), I'll arrange a pycamp later in the year.


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] [pyconuk] Proposed PyCon UK UnConference, 5th September

2009-08-06 Thread Michael Foord

In case anyone didn't spot it, the URL to book at is:


John Pinner wrote:


We confirmed the Unconference - http:/// - a couple of weeks ago and announced it on the 
pyconuk and python-uk lists.

Regrettably there has been a very poor response (2 delegates, and one 
of those is me!) so faced with venue and insurance costs of approx £2k 
to cover it looks like we will have to cancel. Very disappointing 
given the high level of interest expressed at EuroPython.

Unless of course there is a sudden rush...

We'll give it until the middle of next week before making a final 

Best wishes,


pyconuk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python 3 book - 45% off at amazon

2009-05-06 Thread Michael Connors
Looks like a bargain.

What is the target audience? Any good for someone with a lot of Python
experience who is moving to Python 3?

2009/5/6 Mark Summerfield


 I've just noticed that are now charging just 15.94 GBP for
 _Programming in Python 3_. I have no idea why or how long it will last,
 but if you're interested maybe this would be a good time to get it:-)

 See my website for the table of contents and for a PDF of one of the
 chapters, and links to independent reviews. Both and have
 look inside, although has more reviews.


 Mark Summerfield, Qtrac Ltd,
C++, Python, Qt, PyQt - training and consultancy
Programming in Python 3 - ISBN 0137129297

 python-uk mailing list

Michael Connors
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] [pyconuk] Correction: London Python Meetup, Wednesday, October the 8th

2008-09-25 Thread Michael
On Thursday 25 September 2008 17:14:29 Simon Brunning wrote:
 Sorry - that's *Wednesday* the 8th. I shouldn't be allowed out on my
 own, I really shouldn't.

That's the point of a meetup isn't it?

*ducks and runs*


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] [Fwd: ACCU Conference 2009 -- Call for Participation]

2008-09-20 Thread Michael Foord

Hello UK Python Programmers,

In recent years there has been a healthy Python track at the UK ACCU 
conference. Now that Python is mainstream (yay... I think) Python talks 
have moved into the main tracks at the ACCU. Unfortunately that meant 
not so many Python talks last year.

ACCU is a great UK programmers conference run by the community. If you 
gave a talk at PyCon UK, or have one waiting in the wings, then put it 
forward... It would be great to see the Python community well represented.


 Original Message 
Subject:ACCU Conference 2009 -- Call for Participation
Date:   Sat, 26 Jul 2008 11:33:34 +0100
From:   Giovanni Asproni [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Call for Participation - ACCU 2009
April 22-25, 2009. Barcelo Oxford Hotel, Oxford, UK
Submission deadline: 20th of October 2008
Highlight: Special track on patterns, please read on
Email proposals to: Giovanni Asproni, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We would like to invite you to present a session at this leading
software development conference.

Leading a session is a highly rewarding experience: the lively and
highly engaged atmosphere of the event means that, even as a speaker,
you are likely to greatly enhance your understanding of the topic you
are exploring.

We have a long tradition of high quality sessions covering
many aspects of software development, from programming languages
(e.g., C, C++, Java, C#, Ruby, Groovy, Python, Erlang, Haskell, etc.),
and technologies (libraries, frameworks, databases, etc.) to subjects 
about the

wider development environment such  as development process, design,
analysis, patterns, project management, and softer aspects such as
team building, communication and leadership.

In particular, this year we are going to have a special track on
patterns--design, organizational, etc., as long as they are related
with software development. We are interested in experience reports,
techniques, lessons learned, etc.

Sessions may be either tutorial-based, presentations of case studies, or
take the form of interactive workshops. We are always open to novel
formats, so please contact us with your idea.
The standard length of a session is 90 minutes, with some
In order to allow less experienced speakers to speak at
the conference without the pressure of filling a full 90 minutes, we
reserve a number of shorter 45 minute sessions.
This year we are going to have also some lightning
talks, which are presentations of a maximum duration of 5 minutes
(more information about this format at

If you would like to run a session please let us know by emailing your
proposals to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by the 20th of October 2008 at the latest.
Please include the following to support your proposal:

* Title (a working title if necessary)
* Type (tutorial, workshop, case study, etc.)
* Duration (45/90 min)
* Speaker name(s)
* Speaker biography (max 150 words)
* Description (approx 250 words)

If you are interested in knowing more about the conference you may
like to consult the website for previous years' editions at for background information.

Speakers running one or more full 90 minute sessions receive a
special conference attendance package including free attendance, and
assistance with their travel and accommodation costs. Speakers filling
a 45 minute slot qualify for free conference attendance on the day of
their session.

The conference has always benefited from the strength of its
programme, making it the highlight of the year for many
attendees. Please help us make 2009 another successful event.

I'm looking forward to seeing you there,
Giovanni Asproni
ACCU 2009 Conference Chair


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] PyCon UK Wiki Page: IronPython Tutorial

2008-08-07 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

PyCon UK starts with a tutorial day, when you have the opportunity to
attend two half day tutorials for only £30. We have some great tutorials
lined up:

Christian Muirhead, Menno Smits and myself will be holding an IronPython
tutorial in the morning session. I've put up a page on the PyCon UK wiki

* The topics we intend to cover
* The pre-requisites (bring a laptop - you will be coding!)

There is also a space for you to request additional topics if there is
anything you particularly want us to cover. If you are intending to come
to the tutorial there is also space on the page for you to put your name.

If you do come, please check the pre-requisites again as we are still
deciding (for example) what databases we will be able to support. (It is
likely that we will support MySQL, SQL Server and Postgres and we may
also support sqlite.)

Michael Foord

python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Talk on IronPython and Silverlight Tomorrow Evening, Thoughttworks London

2008-07-23 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

Sorry for the late notice, I should have posted this earlier. Tomorrow 
I'm giving a talk on IronPython and Silverlight at the Thoughtworks Geek 
Night (London).

It's open to all and I'd love some Python company!

Details here:

Wiki page for event:

Michael Foord


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] invalid syntax

2008-07-21 Thread Michael Connors

 for fileName in glob.glob('*.mpg'):
 print filename

 Variable names are case sensitive.
Michael Connors
python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] May 10th Python Global Sprint and Bug Day (London)

2008-05-07 Thread Michael Foord

Hello all,

We're still 'looking at details', but I'd like to know if anyone is 
interested in participating in the Python bug-day / sprint on Saturday? 
Particularly, if any of you are up for getting together 'somewhere in 
London' for the sprint.

The venue depends on the numbers interested... :-)

Michael Foord
python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] Multicore Kamaelia

2008-03-15 Thread Michael

I've added some experimental multicore work in Kamaelia's /Sketches area
today. It allows you to take the following code:

Textbox(position=(20, 340),
TextDisplayer(position=(20, 90),

... and make it run multicore as follows:

Textbox(position=(20, 340),
TextDisplayer(position=(20, 90),

The proof that this works multicore is the fact these are both pygame 
components and hence would not open two windows unless it was
multi-process. I've written up more about this here:

To work this uses Paul Boddie's pprocess module, LikeFile written by a GSOC
student last year, and the components above were also from GSOC. 

Code in subversion is here for the curious:

This wouldn't've been as easy to write without using Paul's really nice code, 
so I'll just embarass him and say thank you for that here :-)

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python Development jobs

2008-02-13 Thread Michael Sparks
On Wednesday 13 February 2008 14:00:55 Michael Foord wrote:
 Django was released in July 2005. So 4-5 years experience with it is

Oh, I don't know - New Scientist reckoned recently that this was 
potential year 0 for time travel...


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Favourite ways of scrubbing HTML/whitelisting specific HTML tags?

2008-02-07 Thread Michael Foord
Michael Sparks wrote:
 On Thursday 07 February 2008 15:48:46 Jon Ribbens wrote:
 The code at
 is wrong, for example.

 That's because it whitelists a collection of tags but doesn't whitelist 
 specific attributes, I presume.

 I can certainly adapt that code to work the way I'd prefer it.

 Changing allowed_tags to something like:
 allowed_tags = {
'a' : [id, name, href],
'img' : [id, src],
tag : [ list of allowed attributes ]

 Would allow that code to be used with only a small modification, if I'm 
 reading your objection right.

Ahhh... sounds entirely plausible.


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Favourite ways of scrubbing HTML/whitelisting specific HTML tags?

2008-02-07 Thread Michael Foord
Jon Ribbens wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 02:35:29PM +, Michael Sparks wrote:
 Just a quick Q for people: what's your favourite way (preferably a library 
 of allowing a subset of HTML tags through? I can think of 1/2 dozen 
 ways of doing this, but I'm sure there's a preferred approach for some...

 Be aware that if you are doing this for security reasons (e.g. to
 prevent cross-site scripting), it is very hard to get right.

 The code at
 is wrong, for example.

I take no responsibility for anything I did two years ago. ;-)

That aside, what *is* wrong with it. (I know nothing about XSS nor was 
that my concern - but I am interested).


 python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] [pyconuk] Minimalistic software transactional memory

2007-12-21 Thread Michael Sparks
On Thursday 20 December 2007 07:55:11 Richard Taylor wrote:
 You won't find much on MASCOT unfortunately:

This was indeed enough for me to find lots :-)

   * The Official Handbook of Mascot : Version 3.1 : June 1987

linked from:

Interestingly (to me :-), reading the documention, their starting point was
essentially very similar to mine -

Well,  I do like doing software archaeology... (I have a copy of Simula BEGIN 
for example, along with various occam books :-)

Something striking - the above manual is over 20 years old, and appears 
intensely relevant today. Secondly, that manual covers version 3.1. Version 1 
dates back to 1975 (according to Hugo Simpson's page) - predating Smalltalk 
(but 8 years after Simula had its first book published...).

It's really incredible just how much of their wheels we've reinvented :-)

I don't know whether to be really happy (reinvention of something previously 
successful implies its a good idea :-) or whether to cry :-)

(really happy really :-)

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] [pyconuk] Minimalistic software transactional memory

2007-12-19 Thread Michael Sparks
On Wednesday 12 December 2007 08:43:14 Richard Taylor wrote:
 I like to use explicit read locks for shared data structures, mainly
 because it makes it much safer when someone comes along and adds
 functionality to the methods later on. 

I've had a think about this - especially with regard to reading locks - and
thought in more detail about how the functions operate and what API is
likely to get used.  In the end I came to the conclusion that the problem
areas are (naturally) these parts:

class Store(object):
def usevar(self, key):
def set(self, key, value):
def using(self, *keys):
def set_values(self, D):

The thing here all of these functions have in common is they are all
read-write on the state (eg creating non-pre-existing vars). So rather than
having separate read  write locks, I've decided on a single lock for

The API for store has also changed such that it has the following methods as 
def __get(self, key):
def __make(self, key):
def __do_update(self, key, value):
def __can_update(self,key, value):

These however assume the store is locked by the caller. (incidentally, I split 
a conceptual __try_update into __can  __do since that makes __do_update 
reusable. (DRY principle) ) They're marked private to indicate to a user that 
using these outside the class could easily cause problems.

I agree generally speaking about using decorators, however, this is intended 
to be used in Kamaelia's core concurrency framework Axon. At present that 
code is largely python 2.2.late compatible, meaning that it should be 
portable to Nokia Series 60 phones as well as Jython. The other aspect is we 
have very very minimal reimplementations of the core in Ruby  C++ (as well 
as a shedskin compiled version), and I've even seen a Java reimplementation 
of the core as well 

So decorators - nice as they are (and relevant here) - are something I try and 
avoid - in the core at least. Using just the one lock though simplfies the 
boiler plating, and also I feel dramatically reduces the chances of any form 
of lock up based on trying to access the STM.

  It's interesting though, after having developed large amounts of code
  based on no-shared-data  read-only/write-only pipes with data handoff
  and not having had any major concurrency issues (despite mixing threads
  and non threads) switching to a shared data model instantly causes
  The difference is really stark. One is simple, natural and easy and the
  other is subtle  problematic. I'm not shocked, but find it amusing :-)

 I agree. Where possible we use 'pipe and filter' or 'message queue'
 patterns for inter-thread communication. We have a library based around the
 MASCOT design method that uses concepts of 'queues' and 'pools', which has
 proved very powerful for large multi-threaded applications. 

I'd not heard of MASCOT - I'll take a look into it. It sounds very similar to 
what we currently do in Kamaelia. I suspect pools maybe similar to what we 
call backplanes.

 We have found 
 that the best way to avoid thread related problems is to indulge in a
 little design work to explicitly limit all thread communication to a few
 well thought through mechanisms and then police their use rigidly.

Indeed. That's the main reason for slowly progressing this STM code :-)

I think the latest iteration is now minimally sufficiently safe. (ie safe from 
user code for the 4 main calls a user can/will do) The current iteration of 
the code can be found here:

Many thanks for the feedback - much appreciated!


python-uk mailing list

[python-uk] [OT] Petition to Make UK TV Listings Free for Use on the Web

2007-05-04 Thread Michael Foord
Hello all,

Sorry for the off-topic post, but I thought it would be the sort of 
thing that interests people like us. :-)

Currently anyone publishing television listings in the UK is required by 
law under Schedule 17 of the Broadcasting Act 1990 to pay a royalty, 
which BDS (Broadcasting Data Services) collects on behalf of the 

By releasing television schedule details into the public domain many web 
sites will be able to integrate this information into their content, 
creating a tighter convergence between the web and television which will 
benefit advertisers, broadcasters, webmasters and importantly, the 
consuming public.

And my motivation for creating it is explained in this extract from a 
mailing list post:

There are several voluntary projects that wish to combine a database
of extensive program information with an XML feed of the non-free
official channel listings to create an uberfeed that can be used to
schedule recordings, etc. Unfortunately they are prohibited from doing
python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Bazaar sprint in London 14-18 May -- talk/meetup that week?

2007-05-03 Thread Michael Foord
Michael Hudson wrote:
 As you may or may not know, there's going to be a sprint on the Bazaar
 version control system in London in the week 14-18 May:

 Is there any interest in a talk on Bazaar amongst the London-based
 Python types?  If that's too much effort, we should at least all meet
 up and drink some beer together.
I would be interested in a talk and / or beer. :-)

Michael Foord

 python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] PyCamp UK

2007-03-20 Thread Michael Sparks
Hi Doug,

On Tuesday 20 March 2007 11:24, Doug Winter wrote:
 There was a lot of talk of this in early Feb, but then it's all gone
 quiet.  Are things happening or has it died a death?  Is there
 anything we can do to help it happen?

It hasn't died a death, I've had a preliminary chat with the potential venue, 
and it looks good - they're happy with the idea. I'm suggesting the first 
PyCamp be a relatively modest affair, which also has the benefit of low cost.

Since clearly this would work better if I posted details, I'll set up a small 
wiki at some point either today or tomorrow, and post about it again then to 
start moving things forward.

Many thanks for prodding :-)

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python evening talks in London: Ten lines of code

2007-03-18 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Nobody has volunteered off-line. I reckon you volunteered! Thanks. I'm
going to try to persuade Andy Robinson to do 10 minutes if I can, but
he's on holiday this week. 

The proposal I'm making is so basic (in Python terms) that if the worst
came to the worst I could do it myself, despite my inexperience. But
that would rather waste the opportunity. I'm comfortable with 3
speakers, max 5 but that's harder to coordinate. My current contract
ends on 2nd April so I'll have more flexibility in my time to prepare. 

The concept for this first lecture is several tiny programmes. They
don't have to be those I proposed. It had crossed my mind that a
potential future speaker might present a 10 line demo and use it as a
sales pitch for a later lecture or tutorial.

Tim, you're absolutely right that WMI isn't what I thought it is. I've
only used the TK package (old habits) and want to do better! Would you
like to meet up or 'phone?

Tim Golden wrote:

Pete Ryland wrote:
Funnily enough, my company's business revolves around a "discovery
engine" which is entirely written in python.  It uses wmi, ssh, snmp
and other technologies to find and gather information from customers'
server estates.  We use omniORB (it's developer works for us),
BerkeleyDB, and a whole host of other technologies.  Perhaps I could
get some of our engineers to present some talks too.  I'm sure one of
them can explain wmi too!

I think I must have met you or one of your colleagues
at one of the London Python meetups some months ago,
at the Bank of England place. (And, I think, had
some email correspondence with someone as well). Glad
to hear that WMI is getting used out there, although
ironically I hardly use it myself these days! (Out of
interest, do you use my module or have you rolled your

But this is not going to buy the baby a new hat (to
coin a phrase). Michael G: has anyone come forward
privately with definite offers of help? We obviously
have to get this moving if we're going to fit into
this cancellation. Has anyone come forward either
to flesh out your spec. or to offer an alternative?

python-uk mailing list


python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python evening talks in London: Ten lines of code

2007-03-17 Thread Michael Grazebrook

Allow me a trip into fantasy land. I'd like to play with an idea for a
lecture of broad appeal suitable for the 11th, where we addresses a
wider audience of non-Python users. What do you think?

Ten lines of code - Python's power
Lecture by ???, Michael Grazebrook, and ???
Date  Time: 11th April 2007
Networking and refreshments 17:30 - 18:30.
Lecture: 18:30 - 20:00
Networking and Wine reception 20:00 - 22:00
Cost: Free
Venue: The IET, Savoy Place, London, WC2R 0BL

Python is a superb language for the casual user. Yet it's also robust
enough to run business on. This talk is aimed at people who've never
used Python before, to show how to do simple but powerful things with
it. It's also about protecting the fish in Dad's pond.
This talk presents five small programs, each
in less than ten lines of code, which you could easily adapt:

  A program to grab (?the event calendar from
the IET web-site? - some web page) and put it into Excel
  Driving some hardware from a simple
USB-driven bread-board

  A simple web server
  A simple Windows user interface using WMI

  Putting it together - a remote application
with hardware to protect dad's fish

Bring a lap-top if you want. After the
lecture, we'll retire to the IET bar. We'll have experienced Python
users on hand to help you try out the demos and get up to speed. You
may also get to meet some of the authors of Python text books and
packages, who are proposing to put on some talks on more advanced
topics later in the year.

Python is also a powerful language robust
enough that organisations from banks to internet companies run major
systems with it. But that's a topic for another day.
Now I'm a Python beginner, only a few months professional
experience. I know some of what I propose is possible. And I've written
some of these components. I've never used WMI and never used the Excel
interface (though I want to). I'm wondering if one or two of you could
share the duty of being the speaker. 3 speakers with 15 minutes each
plus questions seems less daunting than doing the whole talk on my own.

I'm also thinking we might use it as a networking event to see what
the interest is like and put together more meaty proposals for more
specialised themes. Would you lot turn up even though the content isn't
I think I should also explain the bit about "protecting the fish in
dad's pond". It relates to my present to my father. He has a pond with
a boat and some fish in it. He likes his fish and he doesn't like the
heron which eats them. So we thought it would be fun to set up a
steerable web-cam which you could operate from anywhere. Then do
something to scare the heron if we see it (make a noise? fire a water
pistol? we haven't built it yet). So my present was a copy of Python, a
couple of servos and a USB interface board from Maplin. I'm off home
tomorrow (Sunday) to see if we can make it happen ...

My fear is that this rather trivial stuff would not attract you lot
- and if we're to make this regular, we need to prove that enough
people want it to get in good audiences. After the lecture, I want to
do some "market research" on what people want. This would be an
excellent forum for us to thrash out in more detail what we want to do
with a full monthly time slot. Note that we won't get the main lecture
theatre most of the time, as we will on the 11th. The plan is to run in
parallel with other events, because the building will be already
staffed and the nibbles laid out.

Anyone is welcome to call me on 020 73761337 or 07713 02580 (please
call out of business hours).
What do you think? 

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python evening talks in London: Ten lines of code

2007-03-17 Thread Michael Foord
Tim Golden wrote:
 Michael Grazebrook wrote:

 If you're really after an interface builder, I know
 from his blog that Michael Foord has done stuff with
 IronPython and the .NET Windows Forms stuff, so maybe
 he could step forward. (But I'll leave that up to him)
I'm very interested in these talks, but I'm afraid I'm stacked out for 
the next few months. :-(

After that I'd love to help with some talks.

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python evening talks in London

2007-03-15 Thread Michael Grazebrook

I'm an IET member and attend their lectures occasionally. It's part of
the the Institute of Engineering Technology's mission to put on the
sort of presentations and lectures we'd like. So we're helping with
their mission. If you don't know it, the IET is the engineer's
equivalent of the institute of chartered accountants or the law
society. It's the body which puts C. Eng after your name. But a
lot more too.

The venue is great, both location and facilities. The London group puts
on a free evening lecture once per month and monthly lunchtime lecture.
We would add to these, not replace them. Take a look at the current
programme (and by all means pay it a visit!):
Check the box for "Include events from Local Networks"
A typical evening lecture has pre-lecture food  soft drinks from
5:30. Then about an hour of lecture. Then a glass and a bit of
networking after the event. All (usually) free. The IET is the very
essence of the 19th century learned society, a forum for techies to get
together, share ideas and do some networking.

This would be a completely different kind of event from the pub
meet-ups. It's up to us to propose the format. It doesn't have to be
the same as what the IET already does. We could put on lectures. Or we
could put on tutorials, where everyone's asked to bring a laptop and
the material's distributed through their wireless network so we can try
it out during the tutorial. Or we could stage discussion meetings. Or
some mix of the above. The style is up to us.

If you're giving a talk, advertising isn't allowed. By all means hand
out your business card over a glass during the networking part of the
event. And of course you have the platform because of what you're doing
in the real world, no need to hide it. The lecture notes and codes
samples which the IET customarily posts on its web site after the talk
might even include your company contact details. But don't give a sales

We'd probably want to have our sessions clash with some other stream of
lectures: it costs money to keep the building open during an evening.
But there's a huge capacity, so space and numbers are not a problem. We
can take over a different lecture theatre from the other event.

The professional networks present their budgets at the end of this
month, so we need to sketch out what we want to do quickly. 

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python evening talks in London

2007-03-15 Thread Michael Grazebrook
Andy Robinson wrote:
 Michael Foord wrote:
 There are lots of banks, hedge funds and other companies that now 
 develop with Python. It would be nice to find a way of reaching them 
 (and finding out what they would like to learn about). Perhaps spamming 
 all the London companies that advertise on the Python job board ?
The Belgian bank / hedge fund KBC are likely to be interested. They use 
a good deal of python, and were interested when I suggested it to them a 
few months ago. No idea how to put the word out more generally though.

python-uk mailing list

Re: [python-uk] Python evening talks in London

2007-03-14 Thread Michael Foord
Andy Robinson wrote:
 Hi all,

 Yet another London-centric suggestion.  Apologies to the rest of the 
Sounds great Andy.

I'm tied up for a few months, but after that will be much freer to take 
part in this sort of thing. I'd love to attend.

Suggestions for talk subjects :

* web frameworks (naturally!)
* popular standard library and extension modules
* setuptools and eggs
* IPython (the alternative interactive interpreter)
* GUI framework comparison
* Jython
* Testing tools
* Project management with Trac
* Developing with RPython (Restricted Python from PyPy - already used in 
production systems by companies like EWT)

I'd be happy to talk about IronPython sometime. Possibly also a few 
other subjects I have in mind for further down the road (using rest2web, 
GUI acceptance tests with unittest, agile development and TDD etc).

There are lots of banks, hedge funds and other companies that now 
develop with Python. It would be nice to find a way of reaching them 
(and finding out what they would like to learn about). Perhaps spamming 
all the London companies that advertise on the Python job board ?

Format - talk and demo followed by questions works well for many 
subjects. How about sprinting style as well ?

All the best,

Michael Foord

python-uk mailing list

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