Re: Re: [ql-users] Perfection

2005-04-22 Thread Dilwyn Jones
> As far as I remember from my own dealings with Freddy, many years ago, there 
> was no other choice but to have a long chat - he could talk for hours, and 
> remain on topic too.

> I used to do some work for him - which never came to fruition as he vanished 
> before it was complete - conjverting old 128Kb programs to run on expanded 
> systems plus removing the copy protection routines etc. We had many a long 
> chat in those days :o)
Do you still have any of that work? I know there was some discussion on the 
issue of rejuvenating old software etc at the Quanta AGM on sunday.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Perfection: my take on it

2004-10-14 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz
>  Yes, you get drunks and a few fights, but nothing like you get over here. (And 
> that's only the QL shows)

Are the fights because the pubs are ... licenced ?

(how's that for getting back on topic?)

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Perfection: my take on it

2004-10-14 Thread dilwyn.jones
> from around Dublin IIRC. Of course, strictly speaking its illegal here too,
> but it isn't enforced to anything like the degree it is in the UK. Just ask
> any QL show attendees.. (ah, back on Topic!!)
Tenuous way of getting back on topic if ever I saw one!

Actually, I can vouch for the more relaxed Irish way of doing things...

Darren's unleashed me on the black stuff a few times...hic!

Not only are they more relaxed about it, they seem more responsible about it too. Yes, 
you get drunks and a few fights, but nothing like you get over here. (And that's only 
the QL shows)

(see - if Darren can get back on topic like that, so can I!)

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Perfection

2004-10-14 Thread dilwyn.jones
Darren Branagh wrote:
> Yes - I checked last night - my version is v6.10, so not far off the
> current v6a11 Malcolm quoted.
> I have virtually all the files needed, although they are all over the
> place. The main executable I use, the configurator is still on the disk
> mark gave me (only used it once or twice to alter the screen size
> initially) and I have the manuals etc on the original DP collection Disks
> somewhere. I recall the manual was in Perfection format - which was
> strange, as you'd need the manual in order to find out how to load the
> manual... :-))
Didn't Freddy originally supply a little "how to load Perfection instructions into 
Perfection to read Perfection instructions on how to read program instructions in 
Perfaction" type sheet with the package? (DP Mensa members way of simplifying things 
;-) ).As I recall, wasn't everything in Perfaction format?

> I can put together a complete set of files for you Dilwyn. But might be
> better to get the v6a11 Dave obviously has. Question is, is there any real
> differnce in the two versions?

I'm just thinking Darren, if we can get your version together fairly quickly, then 
once Malcolm has approached David Batty and/or Freddy Vachha THEN I can pester Malcolm 
or Dave Gilham for the files which have changed. 

Alternatively, if the two of you can liaise over the files, and either of you hold, 
say, a zipped copy of the latest package so that it can be sent to me for release if 
we do manage to clarify the copyright situation.

Alternatively, if Malcolm can liaise with Dave Gilham over the latest version (as both 
are members of the same group) so that everything is ready to go once permission is 
formally received.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Perfection

2004-10-13 Thread dilwyn.jones
> George Gwilt wrote:-
> >The version I have, which I amended so that it would print files, is v
> 6.01.
> >What is yrs?
> >From memory, I think it is v6.10 - but stand to be corrected.
> I will check this evening.
> Darren.
Darren, on the assumption that the version you have is th emost up to date available, 
would it be possible for you to send me the complete files so that once the copyright 
issue is dealt with, I can immediately be in a position to put it on the website for 
download if the copyright situation permits by then.

There's been a lot of correspondence and interest, I'd like to be in a situation for 
the PD library and download site to be able to offer it if the situation permits.

As I don't have the original perfection or SE versions, I guess documentation would be 
needed as well. My hope is that I can be chasing up the files while attempts are made 
to sort out the copyright situation, so that it's ready to go when permission is given 
and avoid further delays.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Perfection: my take on it

2004-10-12 Thread dilwyn.jones

Rich Mellor wrote:
> David Batty and Sector Software are still around - see:
> _ 
> ( 
> email address:
> _accordion AT 
> (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> --
Which reminds me, David Batty came to a Quanta meeting at Manchester last year. He 
took a QL EMulators CD off me, and he was also interested int he source code for Turbo 
which he can get from John Sadler's website. We were stood outside talking about old 
times (he used to sell some of my software many years ago), and as he opened the boot 
of his car, what did I see in there...Accordions. Apparently he's quite into them!

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: Re: [ql-users] Perfection

2004-10-07 Thread dilwyn.jones
> > QLiberator had two authors and one, whom I believe has the only copies of
> > the code, has "disappeared". (I put that in inverted commas as we amateur
> > genealogists have means of tracing people whether dead or alive)
> Surely someone on this list must know the name of the 'disappeared' man?
Ian Stewart was the "marketing" man, and Adrian Soundy or Sundy (forgot how to spell 
the surname) who did most of the coding. Can be checked via QL World old copies if 
anyone has the patience.

> > There is an upgraded version of EasyPtr and very good it is too. The
> > problem is that Albin Hessler is the author and Marcel the upgrader for 
> > his own use. Everyone wants to respect copyright in this case, but no 
> > one knows what the legal position is. Hence the upgrade cannot be 
> > distributed.
> Not even to those who legally hold the original, d'you think?
Would be nice to think that the legitimate resellers (Roy and Jochen and anyone else 
allowed ot sell it) could contact Albin Hessler to try to allow distribution of the 
update, or at the very least make the source code available to someone like Marcel or 
Rich Mellor who might be interested in updating and breathing new life into it!

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List