one user, virtual domains, mysql, wizz bang, mailing list manager

2000-06-21 Thread Peter Gradwell


I guess the subject says it all, I'm looking for the vpopmail of mailing 
list management to work with qmail.

Basically, I want to have one virtual user with one .qmail file in it 
leading to one program which will then handle multiple lists for multiple 

I can have multiple domains delivered by putting

into virtualdomains etc. however, I don't know of much that will then 
process it.

MailMan seems to be the nearest option, and will appear to work with qmail. 
Ok, it doesn't have a mysql backend, but I can live without.

I don't think that ezmlm is this program, because it's dependant on too 
many .qmail files. It also (afaik) needs one user per virtual domain.

Did I mention it needed bounce handling, web interfaces, digests and other 
chummy MLM features too?

Does such a program exist? Or do I need to write it !?



peter at gradwell dot com; online @


2000-01-27 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 10:51 27/01/00 +0200, the wonderful TAG said:
>IS there a way of flushing the qmail queue - PLEASE HELP!!!

kill -ALRM qmail-send

or, if you're using memphis RPMS:

/etc/rc.d/inet.d/qmail.init alrm

all explained at


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Sending Host's IP Address

2000-01-06 Thread Peter Gradwell


qmail-command defines a whole bunch of really useful environment variables 
which are set, like HOST, SENDER, USER, LOCAL, etc.

We want to capture the sending host's IP address in a perl script, invoked 
from a .qmail file, as we want to look it up in the MAPS lists and do some 
stats and stuff.

It appears that we will have to parse the headers of the message to get the 
ip address of the host it came from. Is this the only way?



peter at gradwell dot com; online @

persistent connections for qmail file programs

2000-01-06 Thread Peter Gradwell

Hi ya,

If I have a perl script, in a .qmail- file, which connects to a mysql 
database, has anyone considered how to make the mysql connection persistent.

Would it be at all possible to have persistence in the program run by a 
.qmail file?

or am i totally mad?


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: Delivering mail into a SQL table

2000-01-05 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 21:29 03/01/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Are there any patches that let me deliver mail messages into a SQL
>database (mysql preferrably) instead of Maildir ?

you should deliver all mail to a single user

e.g. in virtualdomains

and then create the user 'saver' and in ~saver/.qmail-default



where is a simple perl script that inserts the information into 
the mysql database.

The mail will be delivered to the perl script on STDIN and you should also 
examine the enviroment variables - 'man qmail-command' and 'qmail-local' 
AFAIK for info.


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: Another "forwarding" type question...

1999-12-30 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 11:40 29/12/99 -0700, you wrote:
>another mail "forwarding" question/issue:
>I have registered yelich.{com,net,org} and I want to use qmail to accept
>mail on one machine.. where you can set up a domain plus host such as
>"" where I can then use a .qmail-default so that all
>mail to this host+domain gets forwarded... I also want to do
>"," ""  and others.
>Can qmail handle this easily?  If so, how?

interestingly, I think you could also put something like this in virtualdomains

and then create a user 'forwarding' and in their ~/.qmail-default put 
&[EMAIL PROTECTED] and then all mail for all subdomains and your 
domains will be handled by the same .qmail file and forwarded.

- you will need to add the specific subdomains to rcpthosts though, AFAIK.


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: big rcpthosts file

1999-12-29 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 12:03 29/12/99 +0100, you wrote:

>rcpthosts is scanned every time an email comes in (by qmail-smtpd).
> > But then again, if you need to administer a file with like 900
> > significant lines, you'd like to use some automatic tool for that. It's
> > easy to adapt that tool to work with morercpthosts and cdb format.

so, the "most frequently used domains" rule is a vague one then...

What is more effective?
 - searching a fairly empty (5 lines) rcpthosts file and then 
searching morercpthosts

 - just searching a large rcpthosts file.

Does the speed in searching a cdb more than outweigh the multiple file 
handling/access delay?

If so, I'll just bung the few "static" things (like the machine names) in 
rcpthosts, and make the mysql->rcpthosts script generate morercpthosts, and 
also run qmail-newwhatsit.

what do we think?



peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: big rcpthosts file

1999-12-29 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 23:43 28/12/99 +0100, bert hubert wrote:

> Rule  of thumb for large sites: Put your 50 most com-
> monly used domains into rcpthosts, and the rest  into
> morercpthosts.

ah, but does it matter? I have nearly 900 in my rcpthosts file and I'm not 
noticing anything in particular. I'm doing a constant stream of mail, but 
never more than one stream at anyone time really... performance is fine.

I don't *really* know which domains are the busiest. To work that out I 
would have to do something like get all the domains from the qmail logs, 
use qmail-analog to weight them, sort the list of domains, and then split 
them appropriately.

Currently I have a script that just generates the rcpthosts file from the 
virtualdomains file, and that is generated out of a simple script that just 
prints out a mysql table contents.

Ranking everything would be a bit OTT IMHO.

So, should I be worried? Does it matter? When does it matter?



peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: begging for mercy, I am swallowing pride.

1999-12-07 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 11:27 AM 07/12/99 -0500, you wrote:

> > Did you in fact reply to the unsubscribe confirmation message?  I don't
> > see your response or the final unsubscribe message enclosed.
> >
>Yeah. I got the "not in list' message. Thanks.
>I've never seen people work so hard at getting rid of me before. Almost 
>comforting ;)

it would appear that his anti-virus software is swallowing the return-path 
header, thus making it rather tricky to work out what address it is he's 
subscribed to. I've sent him to the logs.

(Is this list members only? It would make life much easier if it was.)

peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: Sendmail Virtusertable equivalent?

1999-12-07 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 07:32 AM 07/12/99 -0800, you wrote:

>I don't believe this deals with mail relaying? (SMTP queuing)

well how do you mean. By putting a domain into the rcpthosts file, qmail 
will effectively accept the mail, queue it and deliver it to the better 
preference MX hosts. [1]

So, if you wanted to relay mail for specific domains, then yes, you could 
enter them into the rcpthosts file...

If on the other hand you wanted to run a smart host mail relay for your 
users, then you would need to enable selective relaying, and Chris Johnson 
has written how to do this on this website (linked from


[1] Which is why, if your mail server is the best MX preference host, but 
ony has the domain name listed in rcpthosts and not virtualdomains or 
locals, you get a bounce akin to "uh oh, that domain is in my rcpthosts, 
and i'm the best pref mx, but it's not in my locals or virtualdomains file"...

peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: Sendmail Virtusertable equivalent?

1999-12-07 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 08:12 PM 06/12/99 -0500, Jay Soffian wrote:

>I presume you've read the qmail instructions and are familiar with the
>basics of setup. I did leave out a pretty important step though... you
>need to add the virtual domains (the LHS in the virtusertable) to
>either /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts on
>/var/qmail/control/morercpthosts (I used morercpthosts, don't forget
>to run qmail-newmrh).

and of course, don't forget that on the qmail website there is a brilliant 
use of (either) sed (or awk, I forget which) to generate an rcpthosts file 
from a  virtualdomains file, which when added to the bottom of your "build" 
script adds one further level of marvelousness!

peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: Secondary mail Q

1999-12-07 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 07:32 PM 06/12/99 -0500, Bob C. Ruddy wrote:
>I'm looking to set up a secondary mail server for when my primary is
>unreachable. I don't want qmail to deliver the email though just queue it
>up till the primary mail server comes online. I looked through the faq but
>did not see anything. Can someone point me in the right direction.

yeah, just bung the domain in the rcpthosts file on the second server and 
then in the DNS give it a higher MX preference value than the primary server.

Then, qmail on the secondary MX will accept the mail for the domain and try 
and deliver it to the primary MX, queuing and retrying on the way...

I think it gives up after a message has been in the queue for 7 days or 
something. Plenty of time for you to try something else :)

peter at gradwell dot com; online @

Re: Inbound delivery performance options

1999-12-06 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 09:29 AM 06/12/99 -0500, you wrote:

>2.  Modify qmail to pull the mailbox dir/user info _at delivery time_ from
>the DB.
>It strikes me that option 1 is probably better from a performance and
>simplicity standpoint (plus in the event of catastrophic database or
>connectivity failure) in that deliveries won't be interrupted.  Has anybody
>tried anything like #2, and have some decent insight as to why I might or
>might not want to do this?

I'm running a mail forwarding system for many domains, where by I receive 
mail for the domains at one user (forwarding) and then forward it on. 
~forwarding/.qmail-default contains a pipe to a perl script that looks up 
appropriate values using the HOST, LOCAL and DEFAULT environment variables 
and then forwards the mail.

The perl program connects to a mysql database each time it runs at the 
moment, to do the lookups.

Apparently I can do about 400 deliveries a minute or something (based on an 
"average" pc server) before I run out of CPU power, though, I guess i'll 
probably run out of disk space and RAM before that...

My coding skills arn't particularly optimised, I guess a better hack, with 
persistent connections, and more RAM, CPU and disk space, could increase an 
order of magnitude.

And because it's done on the fly, no one ever complains the data is out of 

interestingly, I have the database stored on a server in the UK, but the 
primary MX is in the US, and this works quite well, because the performance 
demands of the database connections are fairly minor compared to the actual 
processing of mail. What's better, is that if, for some reason the US 
server can't talk to the UK server, then the perl script just exists with 
the appropriate exit code and qmail defers the mail back into the queue, 
for later delivery.

The man pages qmail-command and qmail-local will help, along with the 
safecat program for delivery to maildirs.

peter at gradwell dot com; online @

RE: QMail an MySQL or similar

1999-11-02 Thread Peter Gradwell


At 5:52 pm +0800 2/11/99,the wonderful Michael Boman wrote:
>It's something simmular I just set up here. You need to grab the QMail+mySQL
>patch from and follow the instructions. If you need more help
>from there feel free to contact me.

i'm interested in this patch... i've just searched for 'sql' and drawn a blank.
Perhaps my glasses need cleaning - i'd really appreciate a more specific link.



peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

** Cheap and easy ecommerce: **

On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR)

1999-10-21 Thread Peter Gradwell


has anyone got an implementation of

It's On-Demand Mail Relay (ODMR) - SMTP with Dynamic IP Addresses
by Randall Gellens of Qualcomm.

for qmail & maildirs?

- guess it would be kinda like serialmail, but not, IYSWIM.



peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

forward and environment variables

1999-10-08 Thread Peter Gradwell

Hi ya,

I'm considering improving my mail forwarding service (I take mail for and forward it). Currently, mail for domains is 
rewritten using fast forward. However, this is not as flexible as i 
would like, so I was considering some different ways for forwarding 

My best idea so far is to deliver all the mail for all the domains 
and deliver it to ~forwarder/.qmail-default. Then, that 
.qmail-default file would have two lines

| forward $END_ADDRESS

- now, the idea is that would work out (from a mysql table) 
where the messages was going and set the environment variable 
$END_ADDRESS and then exit with the appropriate exit code (100??)

Now, I can see the following problems - IMHO is it not desirable to 
pipe the whole message the, else AFAIK the perl program may 
have a huge file in memory.  Equally, I understand that the 
$RECIPIENT environment variable will have been set with the envelope 
recipient. Would it be possible to have something like this:

`echo $RECIPIENT |`
|forward $END_ADDRESS

in the .qmail-file.

- secondly, will the $END_ADDRESS variable, if set by be 
present in the forward program?

any pointers much appreciated.



peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

Re: Selective forwarding using .qmail

1999-09-10 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 3:01 pm -0400 10/9/99,the wonderful Dave Sill wrote:
>Damon Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Does anyone use their .qmail files to selectively forward messages to
> >different addresses?  Say "if from=??? or subj=???"
> >
> >How about passing the messages to a script for processing?
>Sure. These are very common. Tools like maildrop and procmail make it
>very easy, but it can be done directly from .qmail files.

how can you do it just in the .qmail file?

I'd like to have a list of 'important' from addresses (in a line 
delimited text file) that I forward mail to an 'important'pop3 
account, with the rest being junked.

- kinda opposite to procmail, which appears to prefer forwarding mail 
if it matches. But creating a 3 line entry for each matching person 
might take some time...


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

** Cheap and easy ecommerce: **

Re: Alias Manipulation by CGI Script

1999-09-02 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 1:05 pm -0700 2/9/99,the wonderful Kai MacTane wrote:
>I'd like to set up a CGI script that allows certain users to modify certain
>aliases from a Web form. This would include creating and deleting a few,
>which would require write access to the alias directory.
>Looking at the permissions on that directory, I see they're "drwxr-sr-x",
>which leads me to wonder: Does anyone know if qmail would have a problem
>with changing those permissions?

I have a little system where by people can add entries to a mysql 
database, with passwords and stuff. every 15 mins, a root crond job 
comes along, rebuilds virtualdomains, rcpthosts and /etc/aliases and 
reloads qmail, and thus, users change their forwarding settings.

(using the fastforward package of course)

as long as your cgi does enough syntax checking, your /etc/aliases 
shouldn't get broken.


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

** Cheap and easy ecommerce: **

Re: ezmlm+idx in italian !!

1999-08-30 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 4:18 pm +0200 30/8/99,the wonderful Dimitri SZAJMAN wrote:
>I just installed ezmlm-idx. I did evrything in the 'INSTALL.idx' and the
>'make fr' in order to get french messages. But I get italians msg !
>I did a 'make clean; make; make man; make fr' then I did 'rm -rf DIR' and
>'rm -rf /home/user/.qm*' and I recreated a list with ezmlm-make and msg in
>DIR/text/ are still in italian !
>Why ?

from the ezmlm list:

> To add the file with target "it" I changed the default
> target to "itall". The problem is that "it" is a dependency of
>"setup:". Thus, "make setup" will copy to ezmlmrc. I did
> testing in the build dir or via rpm so didn't see this.
> Fix:
> There are several options:
> 1. learn Italian
> 2. after make setup, do cp ezmlmrc.en_US /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlmrc
> [or wherever your ezmlm binaries live].
> 3. Apply the patch below, then "make en_US; make setup". The make en_US
> is not needed if you haven't previously "make setup". If you made
> Italian lists, remove DIR/text/* and do ezmlm-make -+ DIR.


>This patch is also available as


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

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colons->dots in fastforward [was: Re: ISP Needs Qmail for *thousands*of third-level ( domains!]

1999-08-29 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 5:44 pm -0400 26/8/99,the wonderful John R. Levine wrote:
>Then make a .qmail-alias-default that uses fastforward to look up the
>actual address.  (Remember that dots turn into colons when it looks up
>the address.)

- do you need to turn dots into colons for /etc/aliases with fast forward?

I have it working without the conversion...


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

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Re: sendmail style virtual domains

1999-08-27 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 09:26 27/08/99 -0400, you wrote:

>Okay, I understand what you're saying ,but my questions would now
>be that I have to double relay this message through a domino mail
>My boss told me that he needs it to go to like:
>"$[EMAIL PROTECTED]"@dominioserver
>So how would this work in qmail?  I really don't want to use
>sendmail which my boss is saying we might have to go to to do this...

the only thing I can think of is emailing it in the form


assuming dominoserver understands the percenthack and will expand the 
domain and relay it.
As for actual syntax, I don't know, but may be the list might.


Re: sendmail style virtual domains

1999-08-25 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 2:14 pm -0400 25/8/99,the wonderful Eric Davis wrote:
>In sendmail 8.9 I can use the following line in sendmail Virtual Domains
>This would basically redirect the mail from the first domain for the
>user to the user account at the other domain that I want it forwarded
>to.  In browsing through the qmail docutmentation I do not see anything
>to do that.

deliver it to a .qmail file and put this in the file:

| forward "$DEFAULT"


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

qmail-faq [WAS: Re: New qmail list et al]

1999-07-01 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 1:52 pm -0400 1/7/99,the wonderful [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Quick help: Send mail with subject "minifaq" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


not sure if there is a faq attached though..


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

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Re: qmail configuration as relay-only

1999-06-02 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 11:59 am +0200 2/6/99,the wonderful Lanik, Laurenz (21) wrote:
>At the moment I dont have DNS, - I just have my /etc/hosts with the
>following content:

then it won't work. qmail requires dns, it doesn't use /etc/hosts


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

** Cheap and easy ecommerce: **

.. a few hours with qmail-pop3d

1999-05-25 Thread Peter Gradwell


I've just had a few hours with qmail-pop3d and I'd like to highlight a few things i've 

I started out with this in inetd.conf and a broken Maildir permissions.

Fixing the permissions was easy, but this still was reporting a 'no home/maildir found'
> pop3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup 
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

so, I wen't to the djb faq and looked at this:

pop3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

and also to Dave's wonderful life with qmail...

pop3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

but non of these worked.

So I went back to checkpassword, recompiled, ran the tests, and it worked :-(

so I gave up on inetd, and went to tcpserver...

I tried this:

tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

but this didn't work either... so I went back to the checkpassword tests, and found I 
was using
'ice' as my hostname. This finally works:

tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup ice \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

Now, I'm not sure, why, how or where the difference is, but I though't I'd record this 
for archive
prosperity, and I'd like to urge all you knowledgeable documentation writers to 
mention it! 'cause
it's just cost me several hours of sleep :-)

thanks to Manohar Pradhan for his help.


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

 ... just another (profitable) student ...

Re: pop3 - no $HOME/Maildir

1999-05-25 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 2:56 pm -0700 25/5/99,the wonderful Mahlon Smith wrote:
>Your permissions for your Maildir appear to be incorrect.
>Should read:
>drwx--   5 peterusers1024 Mar 28 19:51 Maildir/
>Always best (and easiest) to create Maildirs with the supplied
>maildirmake command.
>(/var/qmail/bin/maildirmake   by default.)

hum, done that, deleted the old one and put in the new one...

one thing I notice is that in the DJB faq he uses this:

pop3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

where as in Dave's life with qmail he recomends this:

pop3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup qmail-popup 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

- note the extra qmail-popup




peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

** Cheap and easy ecommerce: **

pop3 - no $HOME/Maildir

1999-05-25 Thread Peter Gradwell


I've just restarted my mail server, (having not got the origional pop3d boot up script)

using this line in /etc/inetd.conf

pop3 stream tcp nowait root /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup 
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir

(all one line)

and when I try a pop3 session, I get an
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir


[peter@tea peter]$ telnet 110
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK <830.927664332@/bin/checkpassword>
USER peter
PASS pass
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir
Connection closed by foreign host.

however, it does exist:

drwxr-xr-x   5 peterusers1024 Mar 28 19:51 Maildir/

peter@ice:~$ ls -al Maildir
total 14
drwxr-xr-x   5 peterusers1024 Mar 28 19:51 ./
drwxr-xr-x  45 peterusers4096 May 25 21:03 ../
drwx--   2 peterusers6144 May 18 12:52 cur/
drwx--   2 peterusers2048 May 25 21:09 new/
drwx--   2 peterusers1024 May 25 21:09 tmp/

can some one pass me a clue please?



peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

 ... just another (profitable) student ...

Re: Q: RedHat 6.0 and qmail RPMs

1999-05-14 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 1:50 pm +0200 14/5/99,the wonderful Christian Wiese wrote:

>Q: Are the qmail RPMs good, or should I use the "normal" way (compile
>the qmail sources) to  setup my qmail server ???

they're excelent. (the memphis ones)


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

Re: qmail-popup/qmail-pop3d logging patch?

1999-05-12 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 5:48 am -0500 12/5/99,the wonderful Andy Walden wrote:

>It would be sweet to be able to log bad passwords when people try to get
>their mail like cistron radius does when they are trying to dial in.

Paul Gregg's version of Checpassword does that


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

** Cheap and easy ecommerce: **

Re: Qmail as an IMail replacement

1999-05-10 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 9:29 am -0700 10/5/99,the wonderful Jonathan W Herbert wrote:

>My problem is that the majority of these users are `real' users,
>in that they need to pop for their mail, as well as be able to
>send mail through this new host.
>I'm having trouble understanding if this is possible, although i imagine

check out 'single uid' pop3 -


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

** Cheap and easy ecommerce: **

Re: User forcing bounce?

1999-05-08 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 9:37 pm + 7/5/99,the wonderful John Conover wrote:
>Is there a way for a user to force a bounce out of ~/.qmail, with an
>unknown error?

yeah, if you send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], I bounce it.
the contents of /qmail-pete is:

peter@ice:~$ cat .qmail-gradwelldotcom-pete
|bouncesaying "Sorry, we will NEVER accept email to pete even if he did exist."


peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

** Cheap and easy ecommerce: **

Re: FW: Web Interface to Qmail on Linux

1999-04-13 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 11:11 am -0700 13/4/99,the wonderful Matthew Kaing wrote:
>Hi, I like users to be able to access and manage their email via a browser.
>Does anyone know of a web-based interface to Qmail or other similar packages
>for Linux that is freeware?

peter at gradwell dot com;
gradwell dot com Ltd. Enabling the internet you don't see.

Re: Mail Message Replication.

1999-04-07 Thread Peter Gradwell

>main issues are really "how to replicate imcoming messages" and "how to
>replicate POP3 transactions", though I'm sure it's a bit more involved
>than that.

Think 'cluster' !

Rather than having a warm spare, for which you can just flip over
to by changing an MX record, I think your time would be better spent
on a central mail spool, that was redundant (you know RAID, dual NICs, two
power supplies) and two front end work horses, using that spool.

That way you can break pretty much any individual component, with out
actually breaking service.

I'm not a unix raid guru, but I should have thought that this would give
you the ability to 'fix a disk'.

I belive NetApp do some nice NFS servers 


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

rblsmtpd just defers to my mx backup, so I get the spam :-(

1999-03-29 Thread Peter Gradwell


got an interesting spam last night, the offending header is thus:

> Received: from (
> by with SMTP; 28 Mar 1999 22:23:41 -
> Received: from unknown ( [])
> by

now, is my secondary mail relay. the spammer 
will have tried to deliver this mail to, however, it 
will have been blackholed because I'm running rblsmtpd using the DUL 
MAPS list to filter my mail.

Now, I rejected the mail, so it was delivered to insnet. I assume 
that I then accepted the mail from my insnet relay, and thus I got 
the spam.

Given that rblsmtpd only ever defer's mail, and it doesn't actually 
reject it (to give sys admins time to fix their broken systems) is it 
likely that the spam is going to reach me via my relay every time?

If so, would it be possible to have rblsmtpd actually bounce the mail 
for people on the dul list?

It seems you can't win really :-(


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

RELAYCLIENT and InetD - clarification

1999-03-23 Thread Peter Gradwell


I want to use INETD and a RELAYCLIENT variable. I have been to the 
archives and done my homework, but I can't find a specific example.

(I currently can't / don/t want to change to using tcpserver, as I'm 
keen to make as few changes to the server as possible.)

Could some one please confirm that I could put this in my qmail/rc 
file and have it work nicely. I want to allow relaying from

--- begins ---

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
exec env - RELAYCLIENT="" \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-start ./Mailbox /usr/local/bin/accustamp \
| /usr/local/bin/setuser qmaill /usr/local/bin/cyclog -s 500 -n 
30 /var/log/qmail &

---ends ---

- i would try it, but it's a fairly important server and I don't have 
a spare :-)



peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: qmail Performance question

1999-03-22 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 12:02 am +0100 23/3/99,the wonderful Peter van Dijk wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 10:35:28PM +0000, Peter Gradwell wrote:
>> At 9:16 pm + 22/3/99,the wonderful Russell Nelson wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > Then tell them to poll the pop3 server every zero minutes.
>> you would be wise to do it every 1 minute, if they are using Eudora,
>> they will never see their mail :(
> Hmm well Russells point is that the mailclient starts checking mail 
> as soon as it's
> done checking mail, and have the pop3d block until new mail comes 
> in.. To make this
> really work, the mailclient should check pop mail as often as possible.

which, in Eudora's case is 1 min. Oh well, never mind.


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: qmail Performance question

1999-03-22 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 9:16 pm + 22/3/99,the wonderful Russell Nelson wrote:
> Then tell them to poll the pop3 server every zero minutes.

you would be wise to do it every 1 minute, if they are using Eudora, 
they will never see their mail :(


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: 500.000+ users mailserver

1999-03-03 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 2:13 pm -0500 3/3/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   I don't know much about proxies; is there some nifty way for a user to
>   connect to a large mail-server, have the server tell the user's machine
>   "your mail is actually on server03", and then redirect the POP/SMTP
>   requests to the correct PC without having all of the resulting traffic
>   pass through one machine?  This would allow you to load-balance by
>   moving mail accounts around without inconveniencing the user.

surely, if your user accounts are dealt with by NIS, and their home directories 
mounted  via NFS,
then it doesn't matter which of the cluster they connect to?

Or is there a 32K+ limit on NIS user ids  as well?


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Accepting mail for anything

1999-02-26 Thread Peter Gradwell


I'm trying to envisiage a totally automatic domain name registering system, where by 
the webform
takes a domain name registration request, sends off the appropriate forms, adds the 
appropriate dns
entries and changes the mail server config so you can accept mail for that domain...

However, this would require adding an entry to virtualdomains for each new domain, and 
restarting your qmail server, probably not a good plan.

Would it be possible to have the virtual domains file replaced with some sort of 
mechanism, so that on reciept of a mail for a domain, the system went off, looked up 
the domain and
if listed in the database, it accepted mail for it and delivered to a then specified 
.qmail file?

Any ideas?



peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: Remote addresses not getting processed

1999-02-24 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 5:30 pm -0500 24/2/99, Mark E Drummond wrote:
>Hi all. Qmail is delivering to local addresses from both local and
>remote senders. But it is not delivering to remote addresses, whether
>from a local or remote sender. Any ideas?

yeah, it's not supposed to.

You need to enable relaying, using the RELAYCLIENT environment variable.

see the faq:


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: smtp relaying

1999-02-19 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 10:49 pm +0300 19/2/99,the wonderful Roman V. Isaev wrote:
>   I see there are some pop3-before-smtp authentication patches.
>But using pop3 before sending mail is awkward. So... why nobody
>thought about a patch using a password in user's e-mail? :)
>Any MUA allows user to enter his e-mail. ANY. Let's use it!
>password#username@host. Check that password at mail from: point,
>receive message if user's password is okay, strip password# from
>all headers and continue the work...
>   What's wrong with this idea? I think I'm inventing a bicycle,
>but there must be a good reason to reject it...

it sounds horribly insecure to me...


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: Email addresses containg . ; eg

1999-02-17 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 10:09 am + 17/2/99,the wonderful Chris Naden wrote:

>Can anyone tell me why I can't have <>.<> email
>names and what I should do about it?

use colons.



will work.


At 5:48 pm -0800 8/2/99,the wonderful Russ Allbery wrote:
>It's possible to use this to great effect to avoid having too many files
>in the same directory and to more logically organize things.  Since qmail
>converts periods to colons, there's really no security problem with it.


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: On demand?

1999-02-13 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 4:32 pm +0100 13/2/99, Peter van Dijk wrote:
>On Sat, Feb 13, 1999 at 02:35:10PM +, Richard Letts wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Feb 1999, Peter van Dijk wrote:
>> > Err.. this is _very_ common practice, actually. I'm on a fixed-IP
>> > dialup, but I'm my own primary MX nonetheless. Any mailhost failing to
>> > deliver to a secondary MX is Very Broken(tm). Can you name one MTA which
>> > is that stupid?
>> the secondary MX
>Err... come again?

I belive richard means that the secondary mx will sit there uselessly trying to
deliver to the nonexistant primary mx.

Which is why the secondary needs to be modified only to deliver when primary is up.

>Ok.. let me rephrase my question: do you know one MTA which is so stupid that it will
>not deliver to a secondary MX if the primary MX is down?

not one worth using.


peter at gradwell dot com; online @

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: On demand?

1999-02-13 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 10:16 pm -0800 12/2/99,the wonderful Russ Allbery wrote:

>> - Donna Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> | [...]  Basically what people are wanting is this: When they are
>> | dialed up mail gets delivered straight to thier machine (Not to the
>> | mail server then to thier machine) [...]
>Assuming the "not to the mail server then to their machine" should be
>taken literally, that's going to require playing games with DNS MX records
>based on whether the customer is dialed in.

My ISP (Demon Internet, UK), has a system where by the login servers trigger a mail 
"kick" on
login, forcing their relays to deliver mail. They don't use qmail/serialmail, but the 
concept is
the same.

Now, I think if you ignore this "not to the mail server then to their machine", then 
you don't have
a problem. You could imitate this by having your mail system, on recipt of a mail for 
that company,
try and deliver immediately, but on failing, to keep it until said "kick" was 

It's generally good to fire off another kick 5 mins after they logged in, to make sure 
the first
one cleared all the mail.

That way, they get the mail, you get static MX records, and everyone's happy.

Second to that, perhaps you could make them primary MX, so that mail is delivered 
directly to them
if poss, but on fall back, it comes to you, and then you dleiver it using the above 

Of course, I'm sure you could do something with dynamic dns as well if you really 


gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: MRTG && qmail

1999-02-12 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 2:15 pm + 12/2/99,the wonderful Russell Nelson wrote:
>I have MRTG reporting on the number of deliveries per five minute
>period.  I'm running
>qmail-analog every five minutes, on the previous integral five minute
>slice of the data.  Right now, I'm recording the number of
>deliveries.  I could record anything else, though.  Candidates?


I'd love to know how you did this :-)

especially, how you got the qmail analog detail into a form for mtrg to plot it.

also, I think it would be really useful to know the amount of mail data transfered per 
user in
graph form! That comes out from the qmailanalog report zsuids, I think.



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: Helping a guy out with qmail

1999-02-12 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 5:46 pm -0800 11/2/99, Bill Parker wrote:
>Hello all,
>   I am trying to give a guy some assistance with qmail, he is running a
>linux box which is on a private network (i.e. the FQDN is NOT known to the
>internet) when he sends mail with Outlook Express (on his lan to the
>Linux box) he gets the following:
>heres the error (i think, im look in /var/log/qmail)
>918783025.254361 info msg 147722: bytes 2293 from <#@[]> qp 31505 uid 86
>918783025.331852 starting delivery 9: msg 147722 to remote postmaster@
>918783025.334195 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
>918783025.875727 delivery 9: failure:
>918783025.879945 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
>918783025.884383 triple bounce: discarding bounce/147722
>918783025.885949 end msg 147722

are you running a local dns on the private network?

you need a dns server on the local network so that qmail can look up this domain, even 
if the
domain is not visible on the internet.

I refer you to
which, even if it's not linux/qmail specific, should help you get the idea.


gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: 100,000 mailing lists

1999-02-11 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 11:45 pm -0800 10/2/99, Dongping Deng wrote:
>Let's consider a hypothetical situation: a machine needs to host 100,000
>mailing lists, each list has subscribers, say, less than 15; and the
>traffic for each list is less than 3 a day.  Will ezmlm be more suitable
>for such situation?

one would assume so, I mean, isn't that what egroups (wwwcom) use?

ezmlm doesn't seem to care about how much it has to do, just give it memory and 
bandwidth and off
it goes.

This is probably better on the ezmlm list though..


gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: Qmail, Majordomo, and virtual domains

1999-02-11 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 8:08 am -0600 11/2/99, Chuck Milam wrote:
>On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Chuck Milam wrote:
>> > Does Majordomo get the entire virtual domain?
>> Unfortunatey, no.  That's what makes it a little tougher.
>I've convinced the users to take a compromise.  Instead of trying to
>just going to create [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Problem solved...well, problem looks
>easier now, anyway.  Now, on to the implementation.

you could of course alias [EMAIL PROTECTED] to username@virtdomain


gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: Using multiple IP addresses

1999-02-08 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 1:16 pm -0600 7/2/99,the wonderful [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>As long as qmail will listen to any IP address on the machine, then it's
>just a matter of appropriate MX's to get certain domains to go to certain
>addresses, and routing to get certain addresses to go to certain interfaces.
>Why would qmail not listen on all interfaces?

ok, so it's listening on all interfaces, but it still pumps the mail out again on the 
ethernet device/ip address.

Any way to get it to make the mail go in and out on the same device/ip ?



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Safely archiving logs

1999-02-07 Thread Peter Gradwell


I'm using cyclog to log all  qmail activity.

When I delete all the log files

rm /var/log/qmail/*

it's using, it doesn't seem to recreate them until I restart qmail.

I want to archive my log files daily:

cat /var/log/qmail/* | gzip mylogs.gz

and then delete the old ones

but my rm attempt above doens't seem to be the best way.

What's the best way to archive log files and remove the old ones?



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Using multiple IP addresses

1999-02-07 Thread Peter Gradwell

Hi there,

I have a couple of virtual hosting clients, using true ip virtual hosting for their 
website and ftp

(Linux 2.0.35 / Slackware 3.6 with multiple ips bound to the card)

Currently qmail is running on my first ip address and it's handling mail for multiple 
However, I would like to run their mail off of their ip address, so I can see what 
they are doing
bw wise.

Even more brilliant would be to bind qmail to a different virtual device, because then 
I could
create a bandwidth limited virtual ethernet card and run mailing lists on there, 
whilst allowing
other services full bandwidth.

How anyone have any experience of telling qmail which ip address / device to listen 
and operate on?



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: Slow Queue Processing

1999-02-04 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 4:49 pm +0100 4/2/99,the wonderful Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:

>Hmm.  I don't see a signal handler for SIGALRM in the code, so I would
>expect that to terminate qmail-lspawn and hence bring qmail-send
>crashing down??

it's in the FAQ:

7.2. How do I manually run the queue? I'd like qmail to try delivering
all the remote messages right now.

Answer: Give the qmail-send process an ALRM. (Do svc -a /var/run/qmail
if qmail is supervised.)

You may want to run qmail-tcpok first, to guarantee that qmail-remote
will try all addresses. Normally, if an address fails repeatedly,
qmail-remote leaves it alone for an hour.


gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Thanks guys

1999-02-03 Thread Peter Gradwell

Hi guys,

Thanks for your hints

The /var/qmail/bin/ programs had the wrong permissions, though as far as I
can see, the queue structure is ok.

make setup, check worked wonders :-)

That was an unpleasant 2 hours 



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

451 qq Trouble creating files in Queue

1999-02-03 Thread Peter Gradwell


Can some one help me!! I'm dropping mail left right an centre :-(

Im my log I have errors like

920404304.660331 starting delivery 328: msg 321541 to local
920404304.660358 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
920404304.668162 delivery 328: deferral:
920404304.668188 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
920404344.670379 starting delivery 329: msg 321542 to local
920404344.670405 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
920404344.679381 delivery 329: deferral:
920404344.679407 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
920404424.680526 starting delivery 330: msg 321545 to local
920404424.680552 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
920404424.680566 starting delivery 331: msg 321545 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
920404424.680585 status: local 1/10 remote 1/20
920404424.680957 delivery 331: deferral:
920404424.680979 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
920404424.681266 delivery 330: deferral:
920404424.681287 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
920404584.690386 starting delivery 332: msg 321544 to local
920404584.690412 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
920404584.698611 delivery 332: deferral:
920404584.698637 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

and when I try to send mail to it, it's returning the error
451 qq Trouble creating files in Queue.

Do you have any ideas ?



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"


1999-02-03 Thread Peter Gradwell


Could some one please explain this to me:

920403544.098213 delivery 317: deferral:
920403544.098239 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

It looks kinda worrying!

also, is there a way to be copied on all errors?



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: multiple receipents

1999-02-02 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 5:20 pm + 2/2/99,the wonderful root wrote:
>Sorry guys to bug again,
>Qmail is now 99% working, however have one more problem:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> useraccount1 + useraccount2 + useraccount3
>say i have [EMAIL PROTECTED] , i want jane and bill to get copies of it. In
>the end upto 8 people will be on the list to receive [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s

just put


(each on a new line)

in the .qmail-info file for that domain.


gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: accustamp is a zombie

1999-01-31 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 4:08 pm +0100 31/1/99,the wonderful Peter van Dijk wrote:

>> exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
>> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-start ./Mailbox /usr/local/bin/accustamp \
>> | setuser qmaill /usr/local/bin/cyclog -s 500 -n 30 /var/log/qmail &
>Is setuser in the PATH at that moment? Try putting /usr/local/bin/ before

ah, brilliant.



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

accustamp is a zombie

1999-01-31 Thread Peter Gradwell


I'm being a newbie I'm slightly concerned that accustamp has turned into a

Here is what ps -aux says:

qmaill 105  0.0  0.0 0 0  ?  Z16:36   0:00 (accustamp )
qmailq 108  0.0  0.1   832   224  ?  S16:36   0:00 qmail-clean
qmailr 107  0.0  0.1   836   232  ?  S16:36   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmails 102  0.0  0.2   876   264  ?  S16:36   0:00 qmail-send

I use this in my /var/qmail/rc file:

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-start ./Mailbox /usr/local/bin/accustamp \
| setuser qmaill /usr/local/bin/cyclog -s 500 -n 30 /var/log/qmail &

and call it with this:

csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'

Also, whilst I'm in paranoia mode, the qmail start process is listed as this:
root   106  0.0  0.1   836   232  ?  S16:36   0:00 qmail-lspawn

and there is no mention of cyclog. Which is a shame.
Also, looking at the logs, they don't seem to be terribly uptodate :-(

I would like to have cyclog rotating my logs, with everything going into

Could some one confirm I've managed this? - Mail does appear to being
getting through!



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: Bouncing specific users

1999-01-28 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 7:51 am -0600 on 28/1/99, the great Mate Wierdl wrote:

>| bouncesaying "Pete is a bad boy, and cannot receive mail"

more to the point - I hate being called pete and it amuses me no end that
some spammers have picked up 'pete' rather than 'peter' 



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Bouncing specific users

1999-01-28 Thread Peter Gradwell


I've recently aquired control of a new domain and am supporting it under qmail.

My boss wants me to accept mail for all addresses at and
deliver them to person x (which is easy using a .qmail-default) but we want
to reject a specific address, [EMAIL PROTECTED] What do I put in the
.qmail-pete file?



gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"

Re: Here's why mail to nonexistent users should be bounced.

1999-01-25 Thread Peter Gradwell

At 5:57 am + on 25/1/99, the great Sam wrote:
>Instead, since I've patched it to refuse
>E-mail to nonexistent local addresses, I'm just rejecting the RCPT TO: with
>significant savings in bandwidth and time.  I hardly need to do anything
>about it, except watch the mail logs scroll, with some detached amusement.

and what do us newbies need to do to achive this wonderful 'feature' as well?

Many Thanks


gradwell dot com ltd - writing the bits of the web you don't see
online @ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

"To look back all the time is boring. Excitement lies in tomorrow"