Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Ganshorn Thomas

- Some of the UI in my case are created dynamically either at compile 
time or at runtime. The former depending on the target platform and 
the latter depending on the device screen resolution. I don't see 
this possibility with QML.

Why is that? The fact that the UI is declarative in nature does not 
mean that it is static or that you have to declare everything 
beforehand. That is a misconception. It is far easier to change the UI 
dynamically than it ever was with QWidget and .ui files.  Qt Quick  is 
actually designed precicely to target multiple resolutions. Did you 
have a specific use case in mind?


Jens Bache-Wiig

I don't know about his usecases but because this discussion is really 
interesting for me i can send my usecases.

I have an application.
This application needs to control multiple objects (character rig in 
vfx, or rig for fluid simulation of flowline)

I need now an ui that can, in certain circumstances reconfigure itself 
based on the existing and configured objects.
That means as one example for each object we have some common states 
(enabled, disabled, animated or not, active, inactive, stopped, running, 
keyframe,  )
and we want to have a dynamic ui that shows these objects in a grouped 
grid (see windows explorer) where the grouping can be changed at runtime 
and even created at runtime.

Currently this is a nobrainer in qt widgets.
i have eg an SysButton class that shows the name of the system, the 
state, some functionality.
If i have 100 systems i just create 100 buttons, give them in their 
initialize function the name of the system, the button uses that name 
to find the system from a global class and connecting itself with it.
For the 100 buttons i created my own layout class that can show them 
based on the screensize.
The buttons are simply organized in groups, if the screensize is to 
small for the number of system buttons it will use automatic scale so 
that the non important buttons get smaller, it can scroll and reorder 
the buttons if necessary

to show the Important ones (they red or orange ones) at top.

This is just a simple example.
We have much more complex Userinterfaces that need to be automatically 
created by the software based on the current scene or workflow step.

Now i thought cool with qml this might be easier and we can have a 
cooler looking ui for all the artists. They can probably even modify 
that stuff for their own needs.
Part of it is, i don't have to write my SysButton class in c++ and can 
easily change the visual style great.

BUT ... how can i create 100 of them without extreme large development 
overhead ?

I can't. In C++ it is only
SysButton* newButton = new SysButton ( myUIContainer, sysName );
I did not find a good way to do it in qml, show me one please.
I tried to work with models but really ? Writing a modell for creating a 
list of sysbuttons ?

Sorry this is just not real. It can't be because this would be just stupid.

What is with layout ? i have no idea of how to create a real working 
dynamic layout in qml.
It is just not working in real world situations. Yes it may be possible 
by using hacks and thousand of lines of javascript code, but this is 
just not practical.
We thought in the end even about creating hundred of qml views in the 
end that are controlled by c++.

How can i connect the QML SysButtons ? Only if i make all my systems 
accessible to qml (wich are in the end several thousand objects that i 
have to make accessible.

And doing this IS a large overhead runtime and development wise)
(Also here show me a good way instead of having a c++ initialize 
function that belongs to my widget, having a javascript function that 
belongs to my qml object)
Yes i know exactly HERE qml COULD be better because of its runtime 
capabilities. But the truth is ... it is just not usable

Because debugging IS a REAL nightmare.
Whatever you say i can say from my metrics that using qml took as more 
than 12 times longer for the current tests than with qwidgets.
And yes there is stuff like learning time. But the debugging is just 
real shit and i know why i say shit. It can be only worse if you have to 
use remote debugging on a ui application that only writes some traces 
every now and then and you do not have an debugger.

The ui quality gets much worse than before, not because of missing 
features but because of the really bad separation of logic and ui.
Whatever you say including javascript in files that are to be handled by 
designers was NOT a good idea and WILL NEVER be a good idea.
We dont have ANY designer who can code. Yes they CAN hack some 
javascript yay. But that is exactly the SHIT that costs time.
Because they can't code, they can only hack some stuff into it, That is 
untested, in many cases not working and just (if you need to integrate 
more complex functionality) way to much for them.
So we realized we have to divide javascript functions and qml separately 
creating an 

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Robin Burchell
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 8:30 AM, Ganshorn Thomas wrote:
 An addition

 Try to draw some line diagrams in qml please.
 HTML5 Canvas no problem.
 QML ? Please write your own c++ class that you register at qml.

two things to note here:

#1: it's already been written for you
#2: canvas functionality is integrated into Qt Quick v2

All the best,

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] MIME type support in Qt5

2011-10-10 Thread Wolf-Michael Bolle
Hi David,

  I have come to understand that QtCreator is
  maintaining a local MIME database that is completely independent from the
  system MIME database, and is built from scratch from XML files that are
  part of the QtCreator distribution.
 Yes but it doesn't have to stay that way!
 It was done this way because, well, there was no code for accessing the
 system MIME database.
 Someone (who I understood to be from the Qt Creator development team) 
 on this list earlier that Qt Creator could and should use the system
 database once qmime exists.

I didn't feel ready to make such design decisions on them. ;-)

I wanted to preserve their existing functionality and their way to fill their 
MIME database.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread jens.bache-wiig
Try to draw some line diagrams in qml please.
HTML5 Canvas no problem.
QML ? Please write your own c++ class that you register at qml.

I had the same reaction last year. Which is why I created:

In Qt 5, html5 Canvas is part of the language.

BUT ... how can i create 100 of them without extreme large development overhead 
I can't. In C++ it is only
SysButton* newButton = new SysButton ( myUIContainer, sysName );

Depends on your use case. Sounds indeed like you could use a model.  But if 
that sounds
too heavy handed. You can use a Repeater:

Repeater {
model: 100
SysButton {}
onItemAadded: { initialize button }

And if you prefer something closer to C++, you create a button Component and 
instantiate it:
var sysButton = buttoncomponent.createObject(conainer)

What is with layout ? i have no idea of how to create a real working dynamic 
layout in qml.
It is just not working in real world situations. Yes it may be possible by 
using hacks and thousand of lines of javascript code, but this is just not 
We thought in the end even about creating hundred of qml views in the end that 
are controlled by c++.

It is a bit hard to answer without seeing a picture of what you want to 
achieve. In general you can get far with the built in layouts and anchoring. I 
have written some layouts in javascript though. If there are valid use cases, I 
certainly see that we might add more complex layouts in Qt Quick 2. Perhaps you 
are making things a bit more difficult by avoiding the model and being explicit 
about the buttons. A GridView sounded like a good fit for an explorer type 
layout of icons or buttons. But I also wonder how you did the layout easily in 

How can i connect the QML SysButtons ? Only if i make all my systems accessible 
to qml (wich are in the end several thousand objects that i have to make 
And doing this IS a large overhead runtime and development wise)

I don't know enough about the use case or why these buttons are so complex. How 
do you connect it in C++? Your button has an index. Can't you simply have a 
buttonClicked(int) slot on the C++ side?

Because debugging IS a REAL nightmare.
Whatever you say i can say from my metrics that using qml took as more than 12 
times longer for the current tests than with qwidgets.
And yes there is stuff like learning time. But the debugging is just real shit 
and i know why i say shit.

Debugging can certainly get better. It is already a lot better than it was a 
year ago if you use the tools available. I agree that a C++ application at the 
moment feels more predictable.

We dont have ANY designer who can code. Yes they CAN hack some javascript yay. 
But that is exactly the SHIT that costs time.
Because they can't code, they can only hack some stuff into it, That is 
untested, in many cases not working and just (if you need to integrate more 
complex functionality) way to much for them.

Regular designers should not have write code. Web designers with javascript 
skills might have the skill set required. I personally find it a lot easier to 
implement complex UI designs in QML than with C++ though.  Our designers 
usually just send us pretty pictures and tell us how they want it to work. And 
if they ask me to tweak the margin a few pixels, I know it takes me 5 seconds 
to try it out in Qt Quick without having to recompile the whole project. But 
having a designer taking over the actual interface code is probably not a good 
idea. You can keep all your code in .js files if you want to. Perhaps we should 
introduce a flag in Qt Quick that enforces that as a policy. I think the 
majority would prefer the convenience of being able to do a simple signal 
emission inline though.

So we tried another approach ... we use javascript and html5 and what to say ?
it works better in our case because there is a separation between layout, look 
and code.

I thought html5 was every bit as javascript enabled as Qt Quick. But it is 
great that you found a technology that works for your project. Qt supports and 
strongly encourages html5 hybrid development. In fact we are pushing it more 
than ever. It is not the solution for everyone though. I don't think you could 
do a full native looking UI with it for instance.


Jens Bache-Wiig
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] declarative - quick

2011-10-10 Thread Kent Hansen
Hi Girish,

Den 08. okt. 2011 08:17, skrev ext Girish Ramakrishnan:
 Is there a plan to rename declarative module to quick? I would prefer
 saying QT += quick or QT += quick2 instead of QT += declarative.
 Isn't declarative more like a programming style?

The idea is to move the graphical parts of declarative (e.g. scenegraph 
items) into a quick or quick2 library, and keep the core 
declarative stuff in the existing library. Coincidentially, this makes 
the .pro file's QT += qtquick correspond to the import QtQuick that 
you do in qml. It also means you'll need to add both in your .pro file 
(e.g. QT += declarative qtquick), unless we automagically add 
declarative when qtquick is added (not a fan of that).

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] JSON (was Re: Some parts of LibQxt in Qt)

2011-10-10 Thread Mark
On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Jedrzej Nowacki


 On Wednesday 5. October 2011 15.51.23 you wrote:

  Hi Jedrzej,


  On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Jedrzej Nowacki wrote:



   As Thiago already pointed out, we have few (too many) competing

   implementation of JSON parsers, and two different environments (C++ and

   JS/QML) in which they should work. We should have only one

   mainly because we can't allow behavior differences and because of

   maintenance costs (testing, performance improvements, etc.).


   Currently, I do not see obvious winner. For QML, V8 implementation may

   preferred, as it creates a native JS object, which can be used directly

   from a QML application. On other hand from C++ point of view it would

   an overkill to start full JS environment to parse a tiny json file. But

   of course everyone will use QML, so it is not a problem, right :-)?

   I do not like about qjsonparser mentioned by Girish, is that it uses

   QVariant as a type for object storage. It won't be fast, ever. QVariant

   is a type safe replacement for void*, and nothing more. I think it is

   misuse to treat it as a correct object representation. In Qt, we

   have two classes, which takes that responsibilities; QObject and

   QJSValue. The first should be known to everyone, second represents a JS

   object. Another issue related to QVariant is that it always needs to be

   converted to something, in a common case you need to iterate over

   QVariantMap to create an useful



  Right, we are sort of reusing QVariant to store the entire json

  structure since it incidentally happens to support all the types that

  appear in json :) So, maybe we can make the return value be

  JsonObject. You can then say:

  JsonObject map =;

  int someInt = obj.intValue(bar);

  JsonArray arr = obj.array(baz);

 Yes, something like that would be generic and have chance to be fast :-).
 On top of it, we may create additional convenience function without much
 overhead (like QJSValue or QVariantMap conversion).

   I think we need more benchmarks, before we can make the right decision.


  I can benchmark my implementation against the others, if the owners

  can first tell me that it is completely standards compliant (encoding

  detection etc). I have benchmarked against qjson and it's way faster.

  The benchmark results are in the qjsonparser repo.

 I tried to benchmark it against v8 json parser. The benchmark is rather a
 smoke test, then proper scientific measurement, but it seems that V8 is
 significantly faster. Result and test in attachment. Important benchmark
 would be to replace v8 json parser by a custom one and see if it doesn't hit
 performance of QML.



 Don't know if this is of much help but V8 has a C++ JSON parser :

Or that's what i think it is judging by the file name and the things it
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Stefan Majewsky
On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 9:13 PM, wrote:
 Putting QWidgets on top of/inside the scene graph is doable without
 performance regressions. We haven't done it though.

Personally, I consider such an effort top priority if you want people
to migrate from QtWidgets to Qt Quick 2.

At kdegames, we have 40 applications which are nearly all based on
QGraphicsView. Reality is that GUI and logic are not separated
properly; the views, scenes and items contain most of the logic.

It's simply not feasible to start porting these towards a
scene-graph-based interface unless there is a way to embed the
QGraphicsView into the chrome provided by Qt Quick 2.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] MIME type support in Qt5

2011-10-10 Thread David Faure
On Monday 10 October 2011 09:08:31 Wolf-Michael Bolle wrote:
 Hi David,
   I have come to understand that QtCreator is
   maintaining a local MIME database that is completely independent
   from the system MIME database, and is built from scratch from XML
   files that are part of the QtCreator distribution.
  Yes but it doesn't have to stay that way!
  It was done this way because, well, there was no code for accessing the
  system MIME database.
  Someone (who I understood to be from the Qt Creator development team)
  on this list earlier that Qt Creator could and should use the system
  database once qmime exists.
 I didn't feel ready to make such design decisions on them. ;-)
 I wanted to preserve their existing functionality and their way to fill
 their MIME database.

Why don't we let the Qt creator guys do the port to QMimeType once it's ready, 

I don't understand all this rush in hacking on Qt creator mimetype stuff 
before qmime.git is ready, and without any re-thinking of how qt creator 
should handle it.

David Faure,,
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Konstantin Tokarev

10.10.2011, 13:39, Stefan Majewsky
 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 9:13 PM, wrote:

  Putting QWidgets on top of/inside the scene graph is doable without
  performance regressions. We haven't done it though.

 Personally, I consider such an effort top priority if you want people
 to migrate from QtWidgets to Qt Quick 2.

Like what Apple is doing: to make people use something new one should
make them feel that something old is less attractive than it was before...

 At kdegames, we have 40 applications which are nearly all based on
 QGraphicsView. Reality is that GUI and logic are not separated
 properly; the views, scenes and items contain most of the logic.

However, I can see benefits of specifically QGraphicsView running on top
of scene graph.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] declarative - quick

2011-10-10 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Monday, 10 de October de 2011 10:23:19 Kent Hansen wrote:
 It also means you'll need to add both in your .pro file 
 (e.g. QT += declarative qtquick), unless we automagically add 
 declarative when qtquick is added (not a fan of that).

If A depends publicly on B and you do:
 QT += A

Then B is also automatically imported.

It has to because by construction B's classes are used in A, so you have to 
use B to use A.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] declarative - quick

2011-10-10 Thread Simon Hausmann
On Monday, October 10, 2011 01:31:47 PM ext Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On Monday, 10 de October de 2011 10:23:19 Kent Hansen wrote:
  It also means you'll need to add both in your .pro file 
  (e.g. QT += declarative qtquick), unless we automagically add 
  declarative when qtquick is added (not a fan of that).
 If A depends publicly on B and you do:
  QT += A
 Then B is also automatically imported.
 It has to because by construction B's classes are used in A, so you have to 
 use B to use A.

Not quite, it doesn't mean that you can do #include ClassFromB if you do
QT += A.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

[Qt5-feedback] Creating hybrid apps with WebView, where should I look?

2011-10-10 Thread Ville M. Vainio
I'd like to review the support Qt5 has for Hybrid application (i.e.
webview that can call out to exposed QObjects, and QObjects that can
modify the DOM in webview).

Where should I look?
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Ville M. Vainio
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Alexis Menard wrote:

 BTW, currently folks who need WebKit 2 are actually forced to use QML 
 because no Qt/C++ API exists.

 This is bullshit based again on not checking out stuff. Dude, git
 clone WebKit trunk and look the h files are exported, the method
 public, and everything is there. What we promised is a good QML API
 but we let around the C++ (which is the one our QML plugin use also
 btw). By good API in QML I mean a property based one which in some
 cases is less convenient in C++ but *still there*.

So you can use the Webkit C++ api directly in your Qt application? Is
there a public example for this (like the plugin you mention)?
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] declarative - quick

2011-10-10 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Monday, 10 de October de 2011 13:34:21 Simon Hausmann wrote:
  It has to because by construction B's classes are used in A, so you have
  use B to use A.
 Not quite, it doesn't mean that you can do #include ClassFromB if you do
 QT += A.

But shouldn't it? If I have:

#include ClassFromA

which in turn has:

#include B/ClassFromB

Then I am using that class from B. More importantly, if I use that class from 
B, then my application has to link to B *directly*, so the buildsystem must 
know this dependency.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Creating hybrid apps with WebView, where should I look?

2011-10-10 Thread Alexis Menard

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 8:35 AM, Ville M. Vainio wrote:
 I'd like to review the support Qt5 has for Hybrid application (i.e.
 webview that can call out to exposed QObjects, and QObjects that can
 modify the DOM in webview).

 Where should I look?

The webkit trunk repo. It's a work in progress, we have a QML element
for desktop use case and one for touch use case (and the C++ API that
comes with it).

The hybrid case is something we are still researching for WebKit2
architecture. Nothing really settled there for now.

In any case for old school people who don't want to change anything
the old QWebView and friends are still sitting in the repo.

 Qt5-feedback mailing list

Alexis Menard (darktears)
Software Engineer
INdT Recife Brazil
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] declarative - quick

2011-10-10 Thread Girish Ramakrishnan
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Kent Hansen wrote:
 Hi Girish,

 Den 08. okt. 2011 08:17, skrev ext Girish Ramakrishnan:
 Is there a plan to rename declarative module to quick? I would prefer
 saying QT += quick or QT += quick2 instead of QT += declarative.
 Isn't declarative more like a programming style?

 The idea is to move the graphical parts of declarative (e.g. scenegraph
 items) into a quick or quick2 library, and keep the core
 declarative stuff in the existing library. Coincidentially, this makes
 the .pro file's QT += qtquick correspond to the import QtQuick that
 you do in qml. It also means you'll need to add both in your .pro file
 (e.g. QT += declarative qtquick), unless we automagically add
 declarative when qtquick is added (not a fan of that).

I really like the idea of separating the graphical parts to separate
library. Still, please do consider renaming 'declarative' in QT +=
declarative to something else. QT += qml or quickcore or something? We
should take the whole Quick terminology to heart and use it all over

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Stefan Majewsky
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Alexis Menard wrote:
 I think this opens a pandora box just like QGraphicsProxyWidget.
 People will expect to put anything inside and hope that it will work
 and get angry when it doesn't (not knowing why it can't work).
 But if it's easier and less error prone that QGraphicsProxyWidget then
 yes perhaps it's a good step.

QWidget-QGraphicsView is (or at least feels like) an entirely
different porting story than QWidget+QGraphicsView-QtQuick for two

1. QGraphicsView and QtWidgets have blatantly different usecases (user
interface vs. visualization), while QtQuick is a UI Construction
Toolkit (the uick in Quick) just like QWidgets.

2. Porting QWidget to QGraphicsView can happen from inside to outside
(usually single widgets with custom paintEvent() have been converted
into a QGraphicsView) while, from what I can currently project,
porting to Qt Quick while happen from the outside, starting at the
mainwindow level, while leaving the contained QWidgets (or
QGraphicsView) intact during the porting.

 QWidget-QML is not a trivial port though so at some point people will
 have to move the code from C++ to QML.

That's why I want to do it step to step, and again, starting at the
standardized chrome layer (mainwindow with menu, tool, and status
bars) looks like the obvious direction, not only because this is the
point where most needs to be changed in touch-friendly ports for

 Thing is that most of the logic could be written JS. I was wondering
 if that's better to have an intermediate solution rather than thinking
 if it could be worth to re-think the entire thing (for simple kdegames
 of course).

We have a handful spare-time developers on a codebase of 260 KLOC, and
you're asking to switch languages? No, thanks.

As I said numerours times, I really like the idea behind Qt Quick and
QML. And I agree that many things can be done in JavaScript very well.
But we're talking about existing code here. So there must be a huge
improvement if you want us to just consider using JS for the game
logic. But there is no improvement: It's not faster, it's not simpler
(just because of a direct port to JS), but on the other hand the bug
will definitely introduce regressions. That hasn't to do with the
quality of the involved technologies and/or people, it's simple math
for N = 260 KLOC.

My point is, you should stop wondering about people who have never
used Qt Quick complaining about Qt Quick if you tell people to rewrite
their business logic in JS. Of course these are not your exact words,
but many people seem to take it like this, and in some way I
understand them.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Regular expression libraries for QRegExp

2011-10-10 Thread Girish Ramakrishnan
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:03 PM, Olivier Goffart wrote:
 On Monday 10 October 2011 11:52:37 Mark wrote:

 Some time ago I've read something here about replacing Qt't QRegExp backend
 with a existing library to get rid of the maintenance burden.

 One other conclusion was not to touch QRegExp, meaning keeping compatibility.
 And those that need powerfull regexp can use the library and syntax they want.
 (Notice that in C++11, there is std::regex)

Wouldn't this prevent a nicer tight integration with other Qt classes
like QString, QVariant etc? That is to say it would be nice if we
could use a more powerful regexp with these classes.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Kishore Jonnalagadda
On Monday 10 Oct 2011 8:17:19 AM Alexis Menard wrote:
 Beurk this thread is just about people ranting never tried to use QML
 or thought about using it as a real alternative or don't even let time
 for the technology to mature. I write down this date and we will see
 in 1-2 years when QML will spread a bit, when Qt Components will be
 mature and released. C++/QML lives very well together, you can almost
 do all your ugly hack in C++ that you have in your code. Custom
 painting - custom items that you export so you can use them in QML.
 4 years ago you guys ranted about QGraphicsView, it matured, it's
 stable (It has its flaws for sure) and now many people use it, work on
 it and have stuff based on it. N9 UI, Plasma, and many more.
 Half of this thread is FUD.
 Of course if you don't want to change any of your code and expect to
 get Qt5 for free, this is not going to happen like almost any of major
 upgrades. Now for the ease of the move QWidget was let as a separate
 library which is good. You can move to QML when you feel QML is ready
 for your project.

I want to change my code eventually. I just don't know how! Maybe the one 
thing that can help most the transition is if QtComponents were soon released 
and most if not all the QWidget/QGrapicsView based examples and demos were 
ported to QML.

That would give the C++ people (such as myself) a clear idea of how something 
that is done in C++ can now be done in QML.
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Иван Комиссаров
Most of letters from nokia developers that says that QML is great technology 
mention mobile platforms. Guys, there is NO mobile platforms with Qt…
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Quim Gil
On 10/10/2011 09:42 AM, ext Adriano Rezende wrote:
 On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Uwe  
 On Sun, 09 Oct 2011 12:35:12 +0200, Peter Kümmel wrote:

 Maybe it isn't that bad in Qt because only the GUI is implemented in
 QML, business logic could still be C++.

 Yes and it looks like the idea of having different teams with different
 skills for these tasks ( something I don't believe in, because for non
 developers QML isn't easy enough ).

 I have to disagree, some designers are already using QML/JS for
 prototyping instead of Flex.

In fact this designers and programmers working together meme was my 
first motivation to try Qt Quick myself instead of believing nice slides 
 Henrik Hartz.  ;)  Now I'm designing functional and decent looking UIs 
without any prior (or current) C/C++ knowledge, and not even decent JS 

I work with Michael Hasselman (also in this list) in , a mobile chess app. He is a real 
programmer while I'm not even a real designer. He takes care of the 
backend in C/C++ and I take care of the UI in QML, leaving some hooks in 
the code for each other. It's working very well! Before QML my chances 
of actually contributing any code were... very thin. Check 
if you are interested in the full story.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Quim Gil
On 10/10/2011 09:58 AM, ext Иван Комиссаров wrote:
 Most of letters from nokia developers that says that QML is great
 technology mention mobile platforms.

Just in case you missed it, the opener of this thread expressed his 
concerns on QWidget vs QML in mobile platforms - and this is the topic 
of this thread:

On 10/06/2011 10:14 PM, ext Daniel Mendizabal wrote:
  But what happen now when new mobile phones come with Qt5 without
  QWidget support?

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Иван Комиссаров
Qt is _not_ used for mobile development as i see. In fact, i agree that 
QWidgets are bad there. But main use-case for qt framework is desktop. Lot of 
arguments was about limitations of qwidgets and one of the example was mac 
style. First produce next billion devices (that would be sold), than let us 
your managers use nokia phones (Green still uses IPhone?), that we talk about 
mobile development.

Not to be rude, i just don't share your optimism about mobile development with 
Qt. Development of new technologies is great, but do not break
main and only place Qt works on - desktop platforms.

10.10.2011, в 21:12, Quim Gil написал(а):

 On 10/10/2011 09:58 AM, ext Иван Комиссаров wrote:
 Most of letters from nokia developers that says that QML is great
 technology mention mobile platforms.
 Just in case you missed it, the opener of this thread expressed his 
 concerns on QWidget vs QML in mobile platforms - and this is the topic 
 of this thread:
 On 10/06/2011 10:14 PM, ext Daniel Mendizabal wrote:
 But what happen now when new mobile phones come with Qt5 without
 QWidget support?
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Monday, 10 de October de 2011 20:58:11 Иван Комиссаров wrote:
 Most of letters from nokia developers that says that QML is great technology
 mention mobile platforms. Guys, there is NO mobile platforms with Qt…

I think your definition of no platforms is quite a bit restrictive.

I've just paid 4490 kr for a mobile with Qt. If you are right, the box I'll
receive in the mail will be empty.

You probably meant no platforms I care about.

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Regular expression libraries for QRegExp

2011-10-10 Thread Mark
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Thiago Macieira wrote:

 On Monday, 10 de October de 2011 18:13:47 Giuseppe D'Angelo wrote:
  If a solution doesn't come up in time for 5.0, could QRegExp still be
  moved into a separate module so that it's possible to put a
  replacement inside qtbase somewhere in the 5.x lifetime?

 Unknown. We need to figure out how to do that without breaking QString.

 Can't there be a QRegExp2 that is made with the regex engine?
QRegExp2 should then be used for stock Qt classes (QString and what else is
using it).
QRegExp should be deprecated and dropped in Qt 6 ..?

I'm also guessing that using std::regex is not an option since not all
compilers that Qt support have std::regex support.

Just some brainstorming...
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread vivainio
Be realist, people that get paid to work on Qt mostly get paid with the 
expectation that Qt will deliver on mobile. Expecting anyone to not care about 
mobile use cases is not going to fly here.

On 10/10/11 8:27 PM Иван Комиссаров wrote:

Qt is _not_ used for mobile development as i see. In fact, i agree that 
QWidgets are bad there. But main use-case for qt framework is desktop. Lot of 
arguments was about limitations of qwidgets and one of the example was mac 
style. First produce next billion devices (that would be sold), than let us 
your managers use nokia phones (Green still uses IPhone?), that we talk about 
mobile development.

Not to be rude, i just don't share your optimism about mobile development with 
Qt. Development of new technologies is great, but do not break
main and only place Qt works on - desktop platforms.

10.10.2011, в 21:12, Quim Gil написал(а):

 On 10/10/2011 09:58 AM, ext Иван Комиссаров wrote:
 Most of letters from nokia developers that says that QML is great
 technology mention mobile platforms.

 Just in case you missed it, the opener of this thread expressed his
 concerns on QWidget vs QML in mobile platforms - and this is the topic
 of this thread:

 On 10/06/2011 10:14 PM, ext Daniel Mendizabal wrote:
 But what happen now when new mobile phones come with Qt5 without
 QWidget support?

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Georg Rudoy
2011/10/10 Adriano Rezende
 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 6:39 AM, Stefan Majewsky wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 9:13 PM, wrote:
 Putting QWidgets on top of/inside the scene graph is doable without
 performance regressions. We haven't done it though.

 Personally, I consider such an effort top priority if you want people
 to migrate from QtWidgets to Qt Quick 2.

 At kdegames, we have 40 applications which are nearly all based on
 QGraphicsView. Reality is that GUI and logic are not separated
 properly; the views, scenes and items contain most of the logic.

 It's simply not feasible to start porting these towards a
 scene-graph-based interface unless there is a way to embed the
 QGraphicsView into the chrome provided by Qt Quick 2.

 Supporting QWidget or QGV on top of QtQuick2 would be a huge mistake
 IMO. It would be a political movement that will not end up well in the
 long term. If one wants to use QML, they must use it in the right way,
 avoiding creating a Frankestein application. We already suffered with
 QGraphicsProxyWidget for no real gain. QtQuick2 needs to provide all
 features to support all the real use cases without creating a
 bridge/portal that could summon old demons.

But that's the only sane and feasible way of porting big QWidget-based
applications to QML. One would do it iteratively, for example,
top-down, first putting the whole QMainWindow into QML context, then
start rewriting different parts of it in QML.

I guess it's quite obvious that this way is much better, much more
manageable, doable by small opensource teams, feasible for
more-or-less mature projects, and such.

  Georg Rudoy
  LeechCraft —
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Thiago Macieira
On Monday, 10 de October de 2011 21:27:42 Иван Комиссаров wrote:
 Qt is not used for mobile development as i see. In fact, i agree that
 QWidgets are bad there. But main use-case for qt framework is desktop. Lot
 of arguments was about limitations of qwidgets and one of the example was
 mac style. First produce next billion devices (that would be sold), than
 let us your managers use nokia phones (Green still uses IPhone?), that we
 talk about mobile development.

 Not to be rude, i just don't share your optimism about mobile development
 with Qt. Development of new technologies is great, but do not break main
 and only place Qt works on - desktop platforms.

Once and for all:


* WE WANT QML TO WORK ON THE DESKTOP, with desktop use-cases

* You don't get to tell people what they work on. That's the principle of Open
Source. That leads to:

* If you want something to happen, convince someone to do it by arguments or
do it yourself.

The arguments don't seem to be convincing anyone. The people who have been
developing QWidget for 15 years are telling you it's at its limit. They don't
want to continue evolving it.

This thread has gone on long enough. People's tempers are flared to the point
that some emails have no sense at all. We're rehashing the same arguments over
and over again.

I will not reply to any more emails on it and hopefully the thread will
eventually die. It's also going on KMail's auto-ignore feature.

(btw, did anyone say Kontact Touch is a complex app mixing QML and C++?)

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) - thiago (AT)
   Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
  PGP/GPG: 0x6EF45358; fingerprint:
  E067 918B B660 DBD1 105C  966C 33F5 F005 6EF4 5358

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Georg Rudoy
2011/10/10 Kishore Jonnalagadda
 On Monday 10 Oct 2011 8:17:19 AM Alexis Menard wrote:
 Beurk this thread is just about people ranting never tried to use QML
 or thought about using it as a real alternative or don't even let time
 for the technology to mature. I write down this date and we will see
 in 1-2 years when QML will spread a bit, when Qt Components will be
 mature and released. C++/QML lives very well together, you can almost
 do all your ugly hack in C++ that you have in your code. Custom
 painting - custom items that you export so you can use them in QML.

 4 years ago you guys ranted about QGraphicsView, it matured, it's
 stable (It has its flaws for sure) and now many people use it, work on
 it and have stuff based on it. N9 UI, Plasma, and many more.

 Half of this thread is FUD.

 Of course if you don't want to change any of your code and expect to
 get Qt5 for free, this is not going to happen like almost any of major
 upgrades. Now for the ease of the move QWidget was let as a separate
 library which is good. You can move to QML when you feel QML is ready
 for your project.

 I want to change my code eventually. I just don't know how! Maybe the one
 thing that can help most the transition is if QtComponents were soon released
 and most if not all the QWidget/QGrapicsView based examples and demos were
 ported to QML.

 That would give the C++ people (such as myself) a clear idea of how something
 that is done in C++ can now be done in QML.

I support this idea.

Moreover, some documentation/tutorials/exampls regarding porting
typical C++/QWidget-based code to QML would be very helpful. So would
be something that describes general philosophy of QML for

Trolls' documentation was always excellent, it'd be nice if it'd be
also the case with porting from old, mature and well-known
technologies to newer ones like QML.

  Georg Rudoy
  LeechCraft —
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Frans Klaver
On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 20:05:21 +0200, Иван Комиссаров  

 But i need bug fixes. Bugs that i reported to Qt bug tracker about TWO  
 YEARS old, some of them with high priority. Even merge requests are  
 waiting for weeks to be reviewed.

This is something I think isn't good. At least the merge requests should  
be handled properly. Hopefully the contribution flow changes are going to  
clear the way for people to actively develop on QtWidgets.

 So please, stop developing that cool stuff for developing 100line  
 applications and fix what you have already done.

Don't tell them to stop looking forward. Even though the work on the old  
stuff has to be done, you still need to accept that Qt has to move forward  
and that takes work.

This whole thread ended up with a lot of people venting frustration about  
everything and nothing. It all seems to boil down to something that is  
entirely not related to Qt5 -- people think the priorities are wrong.

I do agree with Thiago that if you want something done, you need to do it  
yourself or get someone else to do it for you. If, however, the 'do it  
yourself'-part is done, but the results are ignored, there isn't much use  
in doing it yourself.

Ah well, that's a different discussion I guess.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Adriano Rezende
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Georg Rudoy wrote:
 2011/10/10 Adriano Rezende
 Supporting QWidget or QGV on top of QtQuick2 would be a huge mistake
 IMO. It would be a political movement that will not end up well in the
 long term. If one wants to use QML, they must use it in the right way,
 avoiding creating a Frankestein application. We already suffered with
 QGraphicsProxyWidget for no real gain. QtQuick2 needs to provide all
 features to support all the real use cases without creating a
 bridge/portal that could summon old demons.

 But that's the only sane and feasible way of porting big QWidget-based
 applications to QML. One would do it iteratively, for example,
 top-down, first putting the whole QMainWindow into QML context, then
 start rewriting different parts of it in QML.

I know that it would give you faster results but it would also lead to
a very bad/ugly integration since both worlds have different ways to
expose their features; a different architecture would also be required
for a QtQuick application. If source quality must be preserved, a
bottom-up approach would be better, since the critical parts resides
in the development of the custom widgets that cannot be created using
pure QML.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Adriano Rezende
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Uwe Rathmann wrote:
 On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 13:42:11 -0300, Adriano Rezende wrote:

 I have to disagree, some designers are already using QML/JS for
 prototyping instead of Flex.

 Kudos to all of these designers.

 In my daily work ( ) we
 are supported by a designer team who made a beautiful design concept. But
 they are artist - very far away from any programing.

Yes, they are artists. They just need minimal programming skills to
provide a good prototype. The quality of their source code is
irrelevant since in a real product the final code would be
reviewed/rewritten by real developers.
The advantage here, is that they work with final technology and they
are bounded to its limitation. Their widgets/screens could be used
temporarily during the application development so the developers could
focus on the critical parts letting the UI refinements/optimizations
for later stage.

 On the Qwt support channels I see a completely different group of users
 with limited programming skills: engineers and scientist. Maybe QML would
 help them - but I'm not sure as they have to write the rest of the
 application in C++ anyway.

 I will try to offer an optional QML API for Qwt 7 ( even if the Qwt
 community will hit me for another major redesign ) and let them decide.

I think a QML API for Qwt would be great. Recently I had to create QML
widgets for Histograms and PieCharts in a desktop project. If a
library was already provided I would use it.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Peter Kümmel
On 10.10.2011 22:22, Frans Klaver wrote:

 people think the priorities are wrong.

That's the point:

 Priority for Desktop is very low at Nokia.

We all see it, feel it, any many old-school desktop
develors don't like it.


Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Georg Rudoy
2011/10/11 Adriano Rezende
 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Georg Rudoy wrote:
 2011/10/10 Adriano Rezende
 Supporting QWidget or QGV on top of QtQuick2 would be a huge mistake
 IMO. It would be a political movement that will not end up well in the
 long term. If one wants to use QML, they must use it in the right way,
 avoiding creating a Frankestein application. We already suffered with
 QGraphicsProxyWidget for no real gain. QtQuick2 needs to provide all
 features to support all the real use cases without creating a
 bridge/portal that could summon old demons.

 But that's the only sane and feasible way of porting big QWidget-based
 applications to QML. One would do it iteratively, for example,
 top-down, first putting the whole QMainWindow into QML context, then
 start rewriting different parts of it in QML.

 I know that it would give you faster results but it would also lead to
 a very bad/ugly integration since both worlds have different ways to
 expose their features; a different architecture would also be required
 for a QtQuick application. If source quality must be preserved, a
 bottom-up approach would be better, since the critical parts resides
 in the development of the custom widgets that cannot be created using
 pure QML.

That's more of migration process details, I guess. Whether bottom-up
or top-down, you'd still need to be able to have both QWidget-based
stuff and QML-based stuff in your application.

And, well, buggy/ugly integration is OK as long it is not a final
result. I think there is just no way of porting a 200 kLOC
application seamlessly, quickly and without much pain.

Anyway, the more logic was separated from UI in the original app, the
less changes should be made to the architecture. So one could split
this into two parts: separate the logic and then change the UI to QML.

  Georg Rudoy
  LeechCraft —
Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Andre Somers
Op 10-10-2011 18:44, Adriano Rezende schreef:
 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 6:39 AM, Stefan Majewsky  wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 9:13 PM,  wrote:
 Putting QWidgets on top of/inside the scene graph is doable without
 performance regressions. We haven't done it though.
 Personally, I consider such an effort top priority if you want people
 to migrate from QtWidgets to Qt Quick 2.

 At kdegames, we have 40 applications which are nearly all based on
 QGraphicsView. Reality is that GUI and logic are not separated
 properly; the views, scenes and items contain most of the logic.

 It's simply not feasible to start porting these towards a
 scene-graph-based interface unless there is a way to embed the
 QGraphicsView into the chrome provided by Qt Quick 2.
 Supporting QWidget or QGV on top of QtQuick2 would be a huge mistake
 IMO. It would be a political movement that will not end up well in the
 long term. If one wants to use QML, they must use it in the right way,
 avoiding creating a Frankestein application. We already suffered with
 QGraphicsProxyWidget for no real gain. QtQuick2 needs to provide all
 features to support all the real use cases without creating a
 bridge/portal that could summon old demons.

I agree, QProxyWidget was a bit of a monster. But supporting the other 
route around: be able to seamlessly integrate Quick2 inside a QWidget 
based UI, so you can create custom widgets based on it. That would, 
IMHO, provide a feasable upgrade path.


Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Robin Burchell

2011/10/10 Иван Комиссаров
 But i need bug fixes. Bugs that i reported to Qt bug tracker about TWO YEARS 
 old snip

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Peter Kümmel wrote:
 We all see it, feel it, any many old-school desktop
 develors don't like it.

Guys, you're preaching to the choir. The people participating in this
mailing list, ahead of the open governance launch scheduled on October
17th. ( are just
trying to help, and responses like these are *not* helping yourselves,
your cause, or anyone else.

Regarding Nokia's commitment to desktop support, it should be obvious
by now that it is not a tremendous priority for them, but they do have
some interest in keeping it working at least through projects like
Creator - plus the larger developer community. This doesn't mean to
say that you should rely on Nokia - you shouldn't. If you want a job
done well, do it yourself, as the old adage goes.

Regarding patches not getting review, and stuff - I know the
frustration you're feeling, believe me, I do. I've been feeling it
ever since I first joined #qt-labs and started following
discussions/development, trying to get my own patches even remotely
reviewed, let alone integrated. I've pretty much given up on that, for
the time being waiting for October 17th.

I've gotten so frustrated of all the crap, and all of the waiting that
I've (privately) set up infrastructure with the intention of a
community project forking Qt in past, but in the end, I went back to
waiting, when things started to finally move along again. Hopefully
the end to all this is coming, and we can look forward to the bright,
happy days of patches being written and applied within the same year.

To get back to my point: Venting your frustrations on this list, to
the software engineers working will not fix that for many reasons,
which I'll omit for brevity at the moment, they'll simply discourage
such talented folks from wanting to actively participate in this list,
or worse still, in open governance itself - when it launches. These
are *not* things we want to happen, the reasons for which should be

Let's have a bit more patience and try keep it civil.

All the best,

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Иван Комиссаров
Am i correct, that it  wouldn't be possible to integrate QDeclarativeView into 
widget-based app in qt5? I already used such approach, was quite pretty.

11.10.2011, в 0:36, Andre Somers написал(а):

 Op 10-10-2011 18:44, Adriano Rezende schreef:
 On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 6:39 AM, Stefan Majewsky  wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 9:13 PM,  wrote:
 Putting QWidgets on top of/inside the scene graph is doable without
 performance regressions. We haven't done it though.
 Personally, I consider such an effort top priority if you want people
 to migrate from QtWidgets to Qt Quick 2.
 At kdegames, we have 40 applications which are nearly all based on
 QGraphicsView. Reality is that GUI and logic are not separated
 properly; the views, scenes and items contain most of the logic.
 It's simply not feasible to start porting these towards a
 scene-graph-based interface unless there is a way to embed the
 QGraphicsView into the chrome provided by Qt Quick 2.
 Supporting QWidget or QGV on top of QtQuick2 would be a huge mistake
 IMO. It would be a political movement that will not end up well in the
 long term. If one wants to use QML, they must use it in the right way,
 avoiding creating a Frankestein application. We already suffered with
 QGraphicsProxyWidget for no real gain. QtQuick2 needs to provide all
 features to support all the real use cases without creating a
 bridge/portal that could summon old demons.
 I agree, QProxyWidget was a bit of a monster. But supporting the other 
 route around: be able to seamlessly integrate Quick2 inside a QWidget 
 based UI, so you can create custom widgets based on it. That would, 
 IMHO, provide a feasable upgrade path.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Attila Csipa
On Monday 10 October 2011 22:31:54 Peter Kümmel wrote:
 On 10.10.2011 22:22, Frans Klaver wrote:
  people think the priorities are wrong.
 That's the point:
  Priority for Desktop is very low at Nokia.
 We all see it, feel it, any many old-school desktop
 develors don't like it.

I also see people who think QML is cool and productive, even on the desktop. 
So there. I think old-school developers will be surprised when they see that 
even the traditional desktop platforms kick into higher gear and start 
introducing new usage patterns that will feel strange for the old guard. Of 
course you can say Windows 8's Metro, Lion's gestures (and even touch 
interfaces in general) are gimmicks, but I guess then someone can also say C++ 
is a fad and real programmers use COBOL (this whole discussion reminds me of 
when I was migrating from DOS and was hitting walls with regard to graphics 
interfaces being seen as a fad - with similar arguments about performance and 
efficiency - and Clipper/DBase/FoxPro with Norton Commander said to be the 
only real way to use computers).

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] Concern about removal of QWidget classes

2011-10-10 Thread Aleix Pol
On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Peter Kümmel wrote:

 On 10.10.2011 22:22, Frans Klaver wrote:
  people think the priorities are wrong.

 That's the point:

 Priority for Desktop is very low at Nokia.

 We all see it, feel it, any many old-school desktop
 develors don't like it.


 Qt5-feedback mailing list

That's why the OpenGovernance model is appealing to us. We can have people
caring about the desktop, while Nokia isn't into it.

And this someone can be you.

Qt5-feedback mailing list

Re: [Qt5-feedback] declarative - quick

2011-10-10 Thread Lincoln Ramsay
On 10/10/2011 09:31 PM, ext Thiago Macieira wrote:
 On Monday, 10 de October de 2011 10:23:19 Kent Hansen wrote:
 It also means you'll need to add both in your .pro file
 (e.g. QT += declarative qtquick), unless we automagically add
 declarative when qtquick is added (not a fan of that).

 If A depends publicly on B and you do:
   QT += A

 Then B is also automatically imported.

In theory, yes. In practice, no.

This definitely breaks on Windows and possibly in other situations too.

For a practical example, you can't do:

QT = core declarative

It does seem to work fine on Linux but not on Windows. Since declarative 
depends on gui you must explicitly list it:

QT = core gui declarative

Lincoln Ramsay - Senior Software Engineer
Qt Development Frameworks, Nokia -
Qt5-feedback mailing list