Re: [QUAD-L] Chest Plegm ?

2012-02-25 Thread hellodaveoc
a google search eventually shows a find near me link
i'm, getting me some.
_ ( 
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 2/25/2012 5:59:51 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

cold --  ezee

[QUAD-L] A power you guys might like...

2012-02-22 Thread hellodaveoc
some of you outdoors types might like this one.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

Re: [QUAD-L] posture

2012-02-14 Thread hellodaveoc
it sounds like you are using a fly swatter to hunt elephants.  Maybe a  
jeep or golf cart would perform better for you?
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 2/14/2012 5:14:57 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hello, my name is Monty and your situation sounds much like mine.  I'm also 
due for a chair this year through Medicaid but my medical difficulty  is 
not skin breakdown but scoliosisIn my back. The rehab specialist that I  have 
already spoken to is against the wall because I don't want anything to do  
with Invacare anymore. I currently have a Ranger X with gearless brushless  
motors which I have destroyed quite a few of them over the last four years.  
The electronics boxes have all been replaced 3 to 4 times each if not more. 
My  biggest problem is the amount of miles that I travel in one day and this 
past  summer I covered 20 miles in just over 10 hours. The tires are an 
absolute  joke because sometimes I go through three sets of tires a year. 
Medicaid  thousands of dollars in repairs and maintenance just to keep this 
on the  road and now with all the cutbacks it will be even harder for them 
the  approved an adequate chair for my needs. So what kind of recommendation 
do I  need from a doctor to justify an expensive chair for my quality of 
life? I  tried seeing a specialist for my back problem but that appointment 
fell  through. I live in the state of Indiana and any ideas would greatly be  
appreciated. Thanks c3/417 years post


 From: Patrick Kenneally
To: Dan; 
Sent:  Tuesday, February 7, 2012 6:05 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  posture

Hi  Dan,

No question it is getting tougher getting a high-end chair through  
Medicare but it can be done. I was accepted for a Permobile E-300 last month  
full tilt and recline due to a continuing breakdown of the right ishiam.  
Prior chairs were standard Invecares that broke down constantly. My journey  
involved establishing medical necessity through my MD, Plastic Surgeon and  
Wound Dr. then a PT evaluation with the vendor present. All accepted 
Medicare,  located in Reno, NV. My out of pocket costs were a little over four 
thousand,  my 20% co-pay. Shop around, there's got to be a vendor and good PT 
an eval  in Phoenix area I would think.

Good luck in your efforts,

pk -  C6-7 22 years now  


 From: Dan
Sent:  Tue, February 7, 2012 2:22:35 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  posture

It would be nice if it was that easy to access qualified  therapists. 11 
years ago when I got a new chair I had a team of excellent  therapists fit me 
to the chair. They made sure all the adaptations and  adjustments were made. 
However, things have drastically changed over the past  10 years. Medicare 
who is my primary payer has cut back tremendously on what  it will cover. 
I'm trying to buy a new chair which is exactly the same make  and model of my 
previous chair which Medicare covered. This time Medicare will  not pay for 
it as it is now considered a high end chair. A high-end chair is  one that 
is built well enough to use inside as well as outside without  breaking down. 
Not only do they not cover the chair, but my excellent staff  that fitted 
me to my last chair the longer accepts Medicare because they have  reduced 
their reimbursement to such an extent. So, what's a person to do?  Dan

At 04:23 PM 2/7/2012, said something that  elicited my 

Greetings Glen,
I would ask that you consider a seating and  positioning evaluation to 
correct the seat and position issues. Occupational  Therapist with 
in Positioning are used with Techs to achieve  the best position. Sometimes 
its the seat.  With others its the upper  AB supports. Poorly fitted 
equipment and accessories can cause damage to  your injury with rubbing and 
breakdown too.
Some posture can be  controlled but not cured, depending on various needs 
and  requirements.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 2/7/2012  12:05:30 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Hello all,

Does anyone use foam or other means to correct bad posture when  setting?

My posture when sitting is very very poor and I lean badly to the  right. 

I can start sitting fairly decent, but during the day my hip migrates  to 
the left

and my posture gets even worse.

Would like to hear any ideas.

Glenn Henry 

 You are not enclosed within your bodies; nor  confined to houses and 
fields. That which is you dwells above the mountain and  roves with the wind.

Kahlil  Gibran

[QUAD-L] You don’t need legs to drift. (video)

2012-02-13 Thread hellodaveoc
 After seeing last weeks video of the 60+ MPH Rascal Scooter, I  assumed 
this clip would be something similar. WRONG.
Jacob Walker is my hero. I’m serious. This is the coolest kid I’ve seen in 
a  long time. Not only is he much younger and less *ahem* mobile than I am, 
but he drifts like a  champ. Never mind the fact that this is all while he’
s on vacation in Cancun,  one handed, with a perma-grin. The last part may 
or may not be voluntary. 
The same way that nowadays you suck at skateboarding unless you can do a  
nollie laserflip, I may just start holding all wheelchair-bound people to 
this  level of awesomeness. Consider the bar raised Stephen Hawking. 

_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

Re: [QUAD-L] Bad jock rot

2012-02-01 Thread hellodaveoc
I had a rash problem on my trip and all we had handy was  PERPARATION-H.   
It worked great and my figuring is if it can live up  to it's advertising, a 
little rash should be easy.  the shark oil is kind  of nasty but the fix is 
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 2/1/2012 7:08:43 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi, Ron .. glad you made it through the hernia repair,  my past doc  used 
to prescribe different anti-fungal creams-- they worked ok for me--but  after 
he retired my current doc told us to buy BOUDREAUX BUTT  PASTE,   This 
stuff works great for me, at the 1st signs of redness  or irritation.. we put 
on for a few days or as needed. The last 2 or 3  years it is all we had to 
use for this.  You can buy it in some  department stores such as TARGET--- 
or buy it online.  Hope ya get better  !  Dan H.**


Sent: Wed, February 1, 2012 1:54:58  AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Bad jock  rot

hey guys,
i just got out of the hospital for a hernia  repair and noticed my 
groin area is all inflamed and peeling pretty  bad Whats the best cream for 
this? The ol hospital will screw you  up every time...
ron  c7

[QUAD-L] Anybody here like numbers?

2012-01-31 Thread hellodaveoc
I'm an ex-math teacher and retired programmer from a world where limited  
memory and core space were the tools available.   in a very simple  remote 
field instrument, there was a need to transmit the square root of a  number.  
the instruction set did not include such a function so the 'geek'  in charge 
implemented the Ben Franklin method of finding the square root. I  found 
it intriguing how much power one can contain in  half a dozen  lines of code.
I posted a demo.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

Re: [QUAD-L] Sleeplessness

2012-01-31 Thread hellodaveoc
I get my ambian (generic) at Walmart - 90 days for 6 bucks.  check it  out.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 1/31/2012 6:08:06 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I use to fall asleep easy but would wake up about 4, wide awake. I  
currently have a script for lunesta but it only has 1 more refill and not  
refilling fighting insurance. I sometimes use NyQuil or Benedryl. So  yes, 
without meds it takes forever to fall and stay asleep but I don't have  panic 

What do you guys do, just lie down and sleep like a baby???

-Original  Message-
From: Quadius
To: quad-list
Sent: Mon, Jan 30, 2012 8:49 pm
Subject:  Re: [QUAD-L] Sleeplessness

I sometimes have a  terrible time falling asleep, but I have improved 

I usually  just watched TV until I start to get fatigued, then I switch 
over to a program  I have recorded or just put it on military history.  I 
usually record  long history programs.  I love listening to the history and 
lying  back with my eyes closed.  I eventually drift off.  When I remember,  
I set the timer so my TV will shut off automatically after a certain amount 
of  time.

Unfortunately I usually only sleep a couple of hours and then  have to 
repeat the process.

When I do resort to Benadryl, it usually  only gives me three or four hours 

On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 6:10 PM, _hellodaveoc@aol.com_ 
(   wrote:

Do any of you have any problems sleeping at night?   if I  don't drug 
myself, I lie awake for hours on end and often have 'panic  attacks' in the 
middle.  They are terrible forcing me to sit up and  turn the fan on.  When 
below 70, that's too cool for me - but if  it is much warmer, the pa's are 
worse and more frequent.  I use a  plethora of otc drugs and root extracts in 
alternating sequence.  My  body seems to quickly figure each one out and 
render it useless so I have to  switch around.
What do you guys do, just lie down and sleep like a baby???

Time draweth wrinkles in a fair face, but  addeth fresh colors to a fast 
friend, which neither heat, nor cold, nor  misery, nor place, nor destiny, can 
alter or diminish   ( 
John Lyly  quotes 

Re: [QUAD-L] new to the list - 2

2012-01-28 Thread hellodaveoc
welcome to the list, Pete.  there are very many smart people here who  in 
your same situation.  I'm sure if you have any specific questions, you  will 
get many useful answers.  I took German language in h.s. and in  college 
where we had a real teacher from Germany who loved talking about  Germany.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 1/28/2012 5:53:51 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

hello - my name is pete + 1 am quadriplegic (c1/2 + vent dependent) since 
2007 - i am living in  germany.
i  am interested  in exchanging  informations +  thoughts with people in a 
similar situation like me. if you are interested, i am in the 
yahoo-messenger too ( ecpecp72 ) feel free to contact me  --   pete

Re: [QUAD-L] Broken bones

2012-01-22 Thread hellodaveoc
he is pushing furniture around isn't he?   when there is no pain  sensation 
- one can hurt himself very easily and very severely.  I cooked  my legs 
operating a charcoal grill once - a friend mentioned I should probably  back 
up a bit.   he was too late as I had 1st degree burns by  then.   be careful 
with such things.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 1/22/2012 11:07:40 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

My son  John is a C5-6 for going on 18 yrs, he will be 39 next week.  Right 
now  he has a broken leg and his knee cap is very swollen.  Went to ER but  
there is not much for them to say but after a MRI of both legs it showed 
there  have been several fractures on both legs.  Is this something others 
find  too  ?

Re: [QUAD-L] fractures on each side of my foot and information about Botox in...

2012-01-22 Thread hellodaveoc
MIRAPEX kills my spasms   I LOVE IT.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 1/22/2012 3:19:29 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi Dana,   

Bob Vogel (again)--On two of my femur fractures I had severe spasticity  of 
the quadricep muscles that was not allowing them to heal.
In each instance my PMR doc shot the muscles with the max dose of  botox 
to quiet the muscles--it worked well, quieted the muscles
and allowed the bones to heal.  In my survey of one I would do the  botox 
to quiet the spasticity--only problem is it only lasts about 4  months--
I got used to having nice quiet legs that would let me sleep at  night...

Bob V

On Jan 22, 2012, at 1:46 PM, _DAANOO@aol.com_ (  

A number of weeks ago my foot and ankle was somewhat discolored and  
swollen. I believe my foot and a half fallen off the footplate because of  the 
contracture and spasticity. I went to ER and found out by right foot was  
fractured on each side. The hospital gave me a task. I went to a Foot  
surgeon that I had gone to a few weeks earlier about getting  tendon in 
both feet because of contractors. He took off the cast as he felt  it would 
cause more damage. He wanted to surgery right away, despite the  fractures. I 
went to another orthopedic opinion, and she wanted to have me  get Botox. Has 
anyone else had experience with using Botox for spasticity.  It was 
approved but I have not made an appointment. I wanted to get your  input. This 
suggested one or two treatment of Botox, before surgery. It  could cause some 
relaxation, but there is no guarantee. There is bone  deterioration. A second 
doctor did not want to do anything until after the  bones had healed.

A previous sore on my foot opened when a scab came off as. I had  been goin
g to the women's Center for over a month. Now I'm getting treated  for that 
I have one more opinion on March 6 as it took that long to get into  this 
particular orthopedic surgeon.
Any suggestion.
Thank you,
Dana (C 4- 5, 37 years post, passenger  in a motor vehicle accident, 
osteoporosis and I get daily forteo injections  and I was just given a re-clasp 
treatment a couple months ago, because  my dexa scan results had  decreased)

Re: [QUAD-L] new to list

2012-01-21 Thread hellodaveoc
Welcome Pat.  I live in Glendale AZ since 1974.  I'm a c3  incomplete since 
'67 from a trampoline.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 1/21/2012 4:21:19 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Welcome, Pat!
There are several other Arizonans on this list.
I'm Don, and I live in Tempe, AZ.
C5-6 just short of 30 years.
Feel free to contact me anytime.


From: Pat Patrick
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2012 3:44  PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] new to  list

My name  is Pat, I live in Az.I am a c1c2 quad, vent dependent just short 
of 15 years.  Pat 

Re: [QUAD-L] Drowning

2012-01-20 Thread hellodaveoc
I heard this - it's very sad indeed.   I have, and take care of a  pool in 
my power chair and I am very careful now after backing one of my six  wheels 
over the edge backing up too far.  I never wear a belt tying me in  partly 
because of drowning fear AND I have tipped over frontwards coming down my  
van ramp when the door stop yanked my hand off the joystick thus slamming the 
 brakes on while I was going front wards downhill...   luckily, my son  was 
there to pick me up off the hot driveway in a Phoenix summer.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 1/20/2012 7:05:13 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I heard  a quad died this week from drowning after falling into a pool in 
his  chair.
That would just suck being seat-belted in your chair.
I know  there is a group in AZ that takes quads sailing and they have a 
rule of no  seat belts on when near the  water.

Re: [QUAD-L] southenamy

2012-01-15 Thread hellodaveoc
you've been hacked.
change your password.

In a message dated 1/15/2012 3:56:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

--- On Sun, 1/15/12, wrote:

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  southenamy
Date: Sunday, January 15,  2012, 1:15 PM

I read that and wasn't impressed.  Sorry
In a message dated 1/15/2012 3:00:34 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Dear  Editor,

Sun, 15 Jan 2012  22:00:20
So he walked on again. (c) Vernessa  vorkriegspreise

Re: [QUAD-L] Caregiver newsletter

2012-01-12 Thread hellodaveoc
here's my attempt.  notify if errors.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 1/12/2012 10:02:50 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Thanks, Dave!   

Here it is!  If  you can send it to the list in pieces, that would be 
great!  And I will  gladly email it to anyone who asks.  I don't have a handy 
page to  post it on.


 From:  [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 12:00  PM
To: Berres, Susan J *HS;
Subject:  Re: [QUAD-L] Caregiver newsletter

maybe facebook , drop it on a web page somewhere or even email it to us  
personally - our 'from' addresses show on the list.  I could disasemble  it 
and send it to the list in pieces if you like.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 1/12/2012 9:35:28 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I'm sending this again just in  case my last message didn't go through at 
all with the pdf file  attached:
Months ago, I asked  all of you for help with a newsletter that I write for 
people who were once  patients at our children's rehab hospital.  We were 
writing a special  issue on caregivers and attendants. Many of you were kind 
enough to respond  with your experiences and thoughts, which we were pleased 
to  incorporate into the final version. 
I have the newsletter  ready and would love to share it with the list.  
I'll try attaching it  as a pdf file, but I suspect that might not go through 
that way.  If it  does not, I'd be grateful if someone would tell me how to 
make it accessible  to all of you.
I'd also appreciate  any comments you have on the newsletter!
Many, many thanks for  all of your help!
Sue Berres,  OTR/L
Kluge Children's  Rehabilitation Center
Charlottesville, VA  22902

[QUAD-L] where I grew up

2012-01-01 Thread hellodaveoc
I'm so glad I live in the south
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

[QUAD-L] hopefully we'll never see numbers this big again

2011-12-31 Thread hellodaveoc
it might all get fixed on 12-20-2012
_ ( 
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

Re: [QUAD-L] intermittent catheterization

2011-12-27 Thread hellodaveoc
when I was using condom caths, I had the non-adhesive rubber strap (from a  
leg bag - with a new punched hole just tight enough) to hold the non-glued  
standard condom from slipping over the head and thus making it impossible  
to 'slip' off.  one morning it was filled to the size of a basket ball  
because of a twist.  upon untwisting, it emptied just fine.  secret is  - have 
the rubber strap just tight enough to not slip over the head.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 12/27/2011 11:10:50 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim, writes:

just my  opinion but I would consider retrying the condom catheters. The 
new ones have  extra adhesive and along with skin prep, they should hold no 
matter what. I  used one for years and never had one pull off.


At 12:54  PM 12/27/2011, said something that elicited my  

Hi everyone,

I haven't  been on this list in years, but it helped me once before and I 
figured  several of you might have some ideas I haven't thought of.

I'm an  incomplete quad and for over a decade I've had intermittent caths 
done every  few hours.  I can sometimes do the cath myself but it takes about 
half  an hour and if I do it more than a couple of times a day my hands get 
tired  and clumsy.  So I've tried to have someone around that can help at  
intervals of 5 hours or so and that has worked okay.  I'm currently  
considering taking a job all the way across the country and I'm concerned I  
have anyone to help cath me at work.  I use a closed system and  currently 
when I do a cath myself(which requires some shelf space that will  be hard to 
find in an office bathroom stall) I sit the bag with urine in the  bathroom 
to be dumped by someone later, but of course this will not be an  option 
while I'm at work.

Do any of you self cath and if so how do  you handle the logistics when 
you're not at home? Is there a better  option?

I have pretty good sensation(I can even tell when I need to  go) and if I 
have an indwelling in for more than a day I get very  sore.  Also my 
urologist is very much against me using any type of  indwelling for more than a 
short period of time.  I do get UTI's from  time to time(mostly due to not 
drinking enough) as well as frequently get  stones(mostly kidney, but 
occasionally bladder stones).  I tried condom  caths when I was first injured 
but I 
tend to only go whenever my bladder is  completely full and at that point it is 
too much too fast for the condom to  handle.

I've considered having an indwelling put in and taken out  everyday for 
work, but they can be difficult to put in and I would also need  help taking it 
out I believe.  Another option is that I believe the  company has a medical 
center somewhere on the campus and they could probably  assist with the 
intermittent cathing, but I'm not sure how close that will  be to the building 
I'll be working in and sometimes I really need to go  lol(however unless I 
have a UTI I can kind of stick to a  schedule).

Sorry for the verbosity of the email, but I hope that  given the details 
above some of you might have some sage  advice.

Thanks for your time.

C2  incomplete

Mankind must put an end to  war, or war will put an end to mankind...War 
will exist until that distant day  when the conscientious objector enjoys the 
same reputation and prestige that  the warrior does today.
- John F. Kennedy

[QUAD-L] HTML stuff

2011-12-26 Thread hellodaveoc
has anyone here ever fiddled with HTML and VB Scripting??
my curiosity led me to generate the following demos.
this stuff isn't for sissies.
Time draweth  wrinkles in a fair face, but addeth fresh colors to a fast 
friend, which neither  heat, nor cold, nor misery, nor place, nor destiny, can 
alter or diminish  ( 
John Lyly  quotes 


_daveoconnell.com_ ( 


Re: [QUAD-L] HTML stuff - oops, link included

2011-12-26 Thread hellodaveoc
---_ (   
has anyone here ever fiddled with HTML and VB Scripting??
my curiosity led me to generate the following demos.
this stuff isn't for sissies.


Re: [QUAD-L] A.D. after lyin laying down

2011-12-24 Thread hellodaveoc
I drug up at night - I hate the panics.
_daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a message dated 12/24/2011 1:35:33 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Last night  this afternoon I got an ad headache after my caregiver  laid 
me down. Never had this experience before. The foley is not kinked or  
blocked. As anyone gone through this? This one baffles me. I'm also not  
fwd to tonite!

[QUAD-L] rocket fetcher

2011-12-23 Thread hellodaveoc
look who can get my rocket out from the back  room without hitting 


[QUAD-L] Sleeplessness

2011-12-22 Thread hellodaveoc
Do any of you have any problems sleeping at night?   if I don't  drug 
myself, I lie awake for hours on end and often have 'panic attacks' in the  
middle.  They are terrible forcing me to sit up and turn the fan on.   When 
below 70, that's too cool for me - but if it is much warmer, the pa's  are 
worse and more frequent.  I use a plethora of otc drugs and root  extracts in 
alternating sequence.  My body seems to quickly figure each one  out and 
render it useless so I have to switch around.
What do you guys do, just lie down and sleep like a baby???

Time draweth  wrinkles in a fair face, but addeth fresh colors to a fast 
friend, which neither  heat, nor cold, nor misery, nor place, nor destiny, can 
alter or diminish  (  
John Lyly  quotes 


2011-12-15 Thread hellodaveoc
I've opened beers with pliers, opened a jar of mayo once with a hammer -  
had to scoop it carefully - bashed open a plastic medicine vial.whatever 
it takes, that's what you do.
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  
George Dennison Prentice

In a message dated 12/15/2011 6:59:54 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I use my teeth for caps  lids.  Cooking  without burns takes practice, I 
have 14 yrs experience and still get burnt  every now  then, just as an 
able-body does. Google daily living aids,  numerous places.
Eric W Rudd
_c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 
From:  _Rene  Bullard_ (  
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2011 7:35  PM

C 6-7 20 MO.

Re: [QUAD-L] Kindle vs Nook

2011-12-10 Thread hellodaveoc
my wife absolutely loves the 80$ kindle I got her for Christmas.  She  
seldom puts it down - reports are it needs charging once every two months.   It 
has access to out local library and with a Phoenix card, it can access that  
from home as well.   I'll have her drop a note to you if you  like.
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  
George Dennison Prentice

In a message dated 12/10/2011 3:53:09 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

What's  you guys opinion on Kindle Fire vs Nook Color?

I was thinking about the  b/w Kindle Touch, the battery life is sooo much 
longer. But after looking at  them, it just feels less quality. I like the 
smaller, lighter, size of it. I  doubt I'd use it for tv or movies or even 
much web surfing. The family has a  Nook Color and it's nice, but needs plugged 
in every day. I'd like to get some  ereader, maybe just a cheaper noname 
brand is fine if all I ever do is use it  for reading. I just am not sure if 
I'd use the cool features.

What say  you?


Re: [QUAD-L] phones

2011-12-02 Thread hellodaveoc
mine's a Uniden with 4 satellites.
I love it.

What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  
George Dennison Prentice

In a message dated 12/1/2011 11:31:33 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi all,

What brand in home speakerphones that have the hand set do  you use?
It would be nice to have full-duplex? All the ones I have tried have not  
been satisfactory. Others cannot hear me well.
Thank you,

In a message dated 12/1/2011 4:26:44 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I use wireless phones - one  master and 3 satellites scattered around the 
house and am usually parked by  one of them.   the hand sets are about the 
size of half a banana  and all have speaker phone buttons so I don't have to 
hold them up to my ear  - very handy.  when out of my house, I have my cell 
phone in my shirt  pocket.  that phone is about half the size of my home 
phone sets.   these battery operated chairs can fail at any instant and often 
I'm in a  place I don't want to be stuck for any length of time without  


Eric W Rudd
_c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 
From:  _Candle_ (  
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011  7:29 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] phones

(I am trying to make sure that I put the right address in the  post. If you 
get a message from  me that seems like I should have  sent it to the group 
instead, just let me know.)
My question is about phones. Other than having a phone in  every room 
(which we do other than the bathroom) I still have trouble  getting to the 
when someone calls. We have an answering machine  which gives me even a 
little more time, but I still get people hanging  up thinking that I am asleep 
after having a bad night. What do some of  the rest of you do?
I saw a commercial where they did a parody of a commercial  selling neck 
baskets and how that idea was bad. My thought was  wonderful idea! I sew 
and had made a neck purse that was large enough  to hold a small mp3 player. 
Now, I am honestly thinking of making a  bigger one to hold the house phone 
as well as my cell phone. Who knows.  I might just make a bag that holds 
everything that I might need to carry  in our home. 

Scars remind  of us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we 
are going.  
~David  Rossi of Criminal Minds

Re: [QUAD-L] phones

2011-12-01 Thread hellodaveoc
I use wireless phones - one master  and 3 satellites scattered around the 
house and am usually parked by one of  them.   the hand sets are about the 
size of half a banana and all have  speaker phone buttons so I don't have to 
hold them up to my ear - very  handy.  when out of my house, I have my cell 
phone in my shirt  pocket.  that phone is about half the size of my home 
phone sets.   these battery operated chairs can fail at any instant and often 
I'm in a place I  don't want to be stuck for any length of time without  


Eric W Rudd
_c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 
From:  _Candle_ (  
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2011 7:29  PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] phones

(I am trying to make sure that I put the right address in the  post. If you 
get a message from  me that seems like I should have sent  it to the group 
instead, just let me know.)
My question is about phones. Other than having a phone in every  room 
(which we do other than the bathroom) I still have trouble getting to  the 
when someone calls. We have an answering machine which gives me  even a 
little more time, but I still get people hanging up thinking that I  am asleep 
after having a bad night. What do some of the rest of you  do?
I saw a commercial where they did a parody of a commercial  selling neck 
baskets and how that idea was bad. My thought was wonderful  idea! I sew 
and had made a neck purse that was large enough to hold a small  mp3 player. 
Now, I am honestly thinking of making a bigger one to hold the  house phone 
as well as my cell phone. Who knows. I might just make a bag  that holds 
everything that I might need to carry in our home. 

Scars remind of  us where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we 
are going.  
~David Rossi  of Criminal Minds

Re: [QUAD-L] Toe Nails

2011-11-29 Thread hellodaveoc
My leg would have kicked him right off his chair without and  Novocain.
My body knows when it is in pain no matter what I  think.
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  
George Dennison Prentice

In a message dated 11/29/2011 1:27:17 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Yes, Dan--I never had any problems with my toe nails until after I became  
paralyzed--a podiatrist removed one big toenail and about a year later did a 
 partial removal of the other-- very easy and painless done in his office 
due  to getting ingrown toenail...this solved my problems with that many 
years  ago.( he did numb the toes just in case, when he did it but  said it 
probably was'nt needed due to the fact I probably would not feel or  react 
to him removing them )Dan H.


 From: Dan
Sent:  Tue, November 29, 2011 11:09:39 AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Toe  Nails

Have any of you had your toenails permanently  removed?


Most people don't mind criticism as long as it's  about someone
else. -- Suzan L.  Wiener

Re: [QUAD-L] Intimacy

2011-11-29 Thread hellodaveoc
I just read a book by a Navy Seal (Team 6) and the guy said you will never  
see a Seal in captivity or being bartered by a foreign nation - Seals will 
die  before giving up.  I thought, Damn, these guys might make 'good'  
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  
George Dennison Prentice

In a message dated 11/29/2011 12:56:25 P.M. US Mountain Standard Tim, writes:

Don, your Never give up! Reminds me of the movie Galaxy Quest  where 
the commander always says Never give up, never surrender. Both make me  want 
to be a stronger person.

Scars remind of us  where we’ve been, they don’t have to dictate where we 
are going.  
~David Rossi  of Criminal Minds


From: Don Price
To: Bobbie Humphreys; Quadius 
Cc: quad-list 
Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2011 1:21  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  Intimacy


Thanks for all the great, and very personal, postings about  intimacy.  I 
learn so much from all of you and appreciate the glimpse  into your lives.
Thanks for the reminder that intimacy means so much more than just  sex.  
Intimacy can be a touch, a look, a few words or just a  loving understanding 
between two people.  For those of you who've  found it; congratulations.  
For those of you still looking; don't give  up.  Never give up!
Tempe, AZ

[QUAD-L] germaphobes

2011-11-29 Thread hellodaveoc
Does anyone here live with a germaphobe - or are you one?   My  son, whom I 
love to death, is living with us for a few years now and washes his  hands 
incessantly.  After he touches me, a paper, the dog, a dirty  dish.. he 
washes his hands.  When he cooks, he spends nearly half his  time (ok maybe 
a third) washing his hands.  I know that cleanliness is next  to godliness, 
but sometimes he makes me feel like a rolling germ-bomb.   He's a great kid, 
and I know this is better than the opposite but..  is  it just me?
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  
George Dennison  Prentice

Re: FW: [QUAD-L] Intimacy

2011-11-26 Thread hellodaveoc
My wife of 38 years now sleeps in a separate room. Between snoring, windows 
 open, TV on all night, we decided we'd both be happier in our own space.   
Yes, the intimacy part of our union is pretty much in the past, but when we 
had  it, it was good.   Now it's more of a struggle just to survive over  
gravity, UTI's and food overdoses.  The grand kids still brighten our days  
and some Scotch and sleeping pills are handy tools after dinner.  I also  
taught school for about 4 years - I enjoyed the kids a lot - they are so  
inquisitive.  :)
Dave O'Connell  

In a message dated 11/24/2011 3:50:37 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I have been married since 1990, have two kids, and retired last  year after 
31 years of teaching high school English. I am c5 from a diving  accident 
in 1971 at age 19. Until about 6 or 7 years ago my sex drive was  relatively 
normal (for a quad). Since then   
it seems like my libido has just died. I mean desire, virility, ability  -- 
the whole package has just gone down the drain. Needless to say it is very  
depressing and has just been a disaster for my beloved wife. She is more my 
 nurse than my wife. I don't know if it is my medicine, my age,
my decreasing vitality, or my mental state. I love my wife dearly, and  the 
whole situation has just about thrown me down a black hole. Anyone else  
had this experience?


 Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 16:57:59 -0500
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Intimacy

great story  Dave!  I wish I had one like it but alas no such luck.  The 
closest  I ever came to a relationship was the occasional hand job and a few 
girls that  were not ashamed to show their naked bodies.  From talking to my 
quad  friends, that's about all we ever got.  To me this is very sad but we  
were never in the right place at the right time.

I once hired a  stripper and I was amazed at her comfort level with me.  
Strangely, I was  not aroused by her performance but rather had an admiration 
of her genuine  sincerity.  The fact that she was so comfortable being alone 
with me gave  me a feeling of being -- finally -- an adult.  An adult male 
something I  really didn't have until that point.  After she left, I felt  
liberated.  I know it might sound strange but from that point on I had a  
great deal more confidence and self assurance.Maybe someday before I die I  
will have an experience akin to yours Dave.

At 01:26 PM 11/24/2011, said something that elicited 
my response:

I was injured at  19 - c3 incomplete, and have nearly normal touch 
sensations - hot and cold  not so much.   I was in a rehab ward with 6 other 
all under  21 - 1 of whom had a sister in nursing school who would visit 
often.   we told her to bring 6 friends next time and she did.  they made our 6 
month rehab much more bearable.  Also. my p.t. was a 28 year old  
female who was very nice to all of us guys.  1 time she took me and 1  other 
(para) and his date to the drive in.  Afterwards, she suggested  we all spend 
the night at her trailer.  Rick took the couch and she  dragged me down the 
hall and into her bed. (I was much lighter then.)   We spent the night 
determining just what worked and how well it did.   by morning she said, I'm 
taking you back - you're killing me.  it was  wonderful to know all was not 
'broken'.  Since then - 1967 - I got  married to a h.s. sweetheart, had 3 kids 
the old fashioned way, taught  school, and had a 25 year career with 
Honeywell as a programmer.  now  my job is in India and I fool around on the PC 
day trying to remember  which happy hour is on which day, and getting a 
bigger quad belly every  year.   
I wish everyone here a very blessed Thanks Giving and  happy holidays with 
good friends and  family.
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  
( George 
Dennison  Prentice
_Daveoconnell.com_ ( 


In a  message dated 11/21/2011 1:28:38 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I raised the sex question  because when we discussed turning and 
positioning in bed the thought  occurred to me that everyone does things 
and we can learn so  much from each other.  I assume the same holds true for 
intimacy, and  I know we're always open to information and suggestions.   :)

My interest in the  subject is part personal curiousity and part 
professional interest as I do  quite a bit of mentoring in my job.

I have a million questions,  but the first, and most basic, are:  how has 
SCI affected your  intimate relationships?  Do you have a sex life?  Do you 
[and  your partner] find it 

Re: [QUAD-L] Intimacy

2011-11-26 Thread hellodaveoc
I share your comfort with strippers, they are very sweet, friendly,  
curious,  and gropely - until the green is gone.   my take is  that it is 
always a 
very good value for the money.  The young nurses were a  different breed.  
I would definitely encourage any young man with  an CSI  to locate a young 
nurse before he gives up. on intimacy.   On the contrary, I find there are 
many women out there who show an 'interest' in  quads - at least this one.  it 
is always comforting when I come across  one.  Fear not, they are out there.
Dave O'Connell  

In a message dated 11/24/2011 2:58:11 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

great story Dave!  I wish I had one like it but alas no  such luck.  The 
closest I ever came to a relationship was the occasional  hand job and a few 
girls that were not ashamed to show their naked  bodies.  From talking to my 
quad friends, that's about all we ever  got.  To me this is very sad but we 
were never in the right place at the  right time.

I once hired a stripper and I was amazed at her comfort  level with me.  
Strangely, I was not aroused by her performance but  rather had an admiration 
of her genuine sincerity.  The fact that she was  so comfortable being alone 
with me gave me a feeling of being -- finally -- an  adult.  An adult male 
something I really didn't have until that  point.  After she left, I felt 
liberated.  I know it might sound  strange but from that point on I had a 
great deal more confidence and self  assurance.Maybe someday before I die I 
have an experience akin to yours  Dave.

At 01:26 PM 11/24/2011, said something  that elicited 
my response:

I was  injured at 19 - c3 incomplete, and have nearly normal touch 
sensations - hot  and cold not so much.   I was in a rehab ward with 6 other 
all under 21 - 1 of whom had a sister in nursing school who would visit  
often.  we told her to bring 6 friends next time and she did.   they made our 6 
month rehab much more bearable.  Also. my p.t. was  a 28 year old 
female who was very nice to all of us guys.  1 time she  took me and 1 other 
(para) and his date to the drive in.  Afterwards,  she suggested we all spend 
the night at her trailer.  Rick took the  couch and she dragged me down the 
hall and into her bed. (I was much lighter  then.)  We spent the night 
determining just what worked and how well it  did.  by morning she said, I'm 
taking you back - you're killing  me.  it was wonderful to know all was not 
'broken'.  Since then -  1967 - I got married to a h.s. sweetheart, had 3 kids 
the old fashioned way,  taught school, and had a 25 year career with 
Honeywell as a  programmer.  now my job is in India and I fool around on the PC 
day  trying to remember which happy hour is on which day, and getting a 
bigger  quad belly every year.   
I wish everyone here a very blessed  Thanks Giving and happy holidays with 
good friends and  family.
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.   

George Dennison  Prentice
_Daveoconnell.com_ ( 


In a  message dated 11/21/2011 1:28:38 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I raised the sex question  because when we discussed turning and 
positioning in bed the thought  occurred to me that everyone does things 
and we can learn so  much from each other.  I assume the same holds true for 
intimacy, and  I know we're always open to information and suggestions.  :)

My interest in the subject is part personal curiousity and part  
professional interest as I do quite a bit of mentoring in my job.

I have a million questions, but the first, and most basic, are:   how has 
SCI affected your intimate relationships?  Do you have a sex  life?  Do you 
[and your partner] find it fulfilling?  How does  your current lovelife 
compare with before your injury?

[Keep in mind that your replies may be searchable through Google in  the 
future, so don't write anything you'd be embarrassed to have  searched.]

I will answer my own questions to get the ball rolling:  

I was injured at age 18 and had not been sexually active before my  injury. 
 I realized quickly after my injury [c5-6 complete] that I  could get a 
physiogenic erection [from touch] but not a psychogenic  erection [from 
thought.]  I had very reduced sensation in that area  but the sensation I have 
very nice.  It took me many years  post-injury to trust someone enough to get 
to the point of intimacy, but  during college one of my female caregivers 
slipped into bed with me one  night, removed my catheter and changed my life. 
 I never guessed that  with my reduced sensation I could climax, but I did. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Intimacy

2011-11-24 Thread hellodaveoc
I was injured at 19 - c3 incomplete, and have nearly normal touch  sensatio
ns - hot and cold not so much.   I was in a rehab ward with 6  other sci's 
all under 21 - 1 of whom had a sister in nursing school who would  visit 
often.  we told her to bring 6 friends next time and she did.   they made our 6 
month rehab much more bearable.  Also. my p.t. was a 28  year old female 
who was very nice to all of us guys.  1 time she took me  and 1 other 
(para) and his date to the drive in.  Afterwards, she suggested  we all spend 
night at her trailer.  Rick took the couch and she dragged  me down the 
hall and into her bed. (I was much lighter then.)  We spent the  night 
determining just what worked and how well it did.  by morning she  said, I'm 
you back - you're killing me.  it was wonderful to know  all was not 
'broken'.  Since then - 1967 - I got married to a h.s.  sweetheart, had 3 kids 
the old fashioned way, taught school, and had a 25 year  career with Honeywell 
as a programmer.  now my job is in India and I fool  around on the PC all 
day trying to remember which happy hour is on which day,  and getting a 
bigger quad belly every year.   
I wish everyone here a very blessed Thanks Giving and happy holidays with  
good friends and family.
What some  call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't 
much better  than tedious disease.  

George Dennison Prentice
_Daveoconnell.com_ (  


In a message dated 11/21/2011 1:28:38 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I raised  the sex question because when we discussed turning and 
positioning in bed the  thought occurred to me that everyone does things 
and we can learn  so much from each other.  I assume the same holds true for 
intimacy, and  I know we're always open to information and suggestions.  :)
 My  interest in the subject is part personal curiousity and part 
professional  interest as I do quite a bit of mentoring in my job.
I have a  million questions, but the first, and most basic, are:  how has 
SCI  affected your intimate relationships?  Do you have a sex life?  Do  you 
[and your partner] find it fulfilling?  How does your current  lovelife 
compare with before your injury?
[Keep  in mind that your replies may be searchable through Google in the 
future, so  don't write anything you'd be embarrassed to have searched.]
I will  answer my own questions to get the ball rolling:  
I was  injured at age 18 and had not been sexually active before my injury. 
 I  realized quickly after my injury [c5-6 complete] that I could get a  
physiogenic erection [from touch] but not a psychogenic erection [from  
thought.]  I had very reduced sensation in that area but the sensation I  have 
very nice.  It took me many years post-injury to trust someone  enough to 
get to the point of intimacy, but during college one of my female  caregivers 
slipped into bed with me one night, removed my catheter and changed  my 
life.  I never guessed that with my reduced sensation I could climax,  but I 
did.  Not only that, but even with her doing all the 'work' I  found that I 
could please my partner.  From that moment on I felt I had  regained a certain 
manliness that I thought was gone forever.
I can't compare sex before and after SCI, but over  the years I can say 
I've had very fulfilling intimate relationships.   


Re: [QUAD-L] panic attacks.

2011-11-18 Thread hellodaveoc
I have a fan and nyquil by my bed and a hospital bed so hopefully just  
sitting up and getting a good  well, you know,  will take care  of me 
next time.
I am still  determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be; for I have  also learned from experience that the greater part of our 
happiness or misery  depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our 
_- Martha Washington  

In a message dated 11/18/2011 3:17:16 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Thanks Dave,
That might want to explain why several quads I know insist on having a  fan 
blowing in their faces at night.  Perhaps we just discovered another  
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/18/2011 4:14:20 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I have had numerous panic attacks as well.   the room is too  small, all at 
night. I can't breathe, can't get out  I hope I  don't get trapped 
in one.   I have to get up and go outside or sit  in front of a fan on high 
for about an hour.  then I use nyquil and  ambien to pass out until am.   
what a terrible experience.
completeness is the most differentiating between quads.  I'm a  c3/4 
incomplete and realize from this list just how lucky I am.  I  could live alone 
but have no desire to do so.

_ ( _In a message dated 11/18/2011 2:41:14 P.M. US 
Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I went through a spell four or five years ago with those very  same 
symptoms. It felt like the ceiling and all four walls were closing in  on me. I 
eventually found myself with full fledged panic attacks. It was  horrible. I 
actually did sleep in my tilt chair for a few nights. This  went on for nearly 
a year. The doc and I finally found a combination of  drugs that calmed me 
down. I completely understand how he feels. Larry  Willis
Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:


_ ( _quad-list@eskimo.com_ 
(  ( _
From: _ ( _wheelchair@aol.com_ 
(  ( _
Date: November 18, 2011  3:55:22 PM EST
To: _ ( _ntpgrnmtn@aol.com_ 
( _, _ ( 
(  ( _
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  sleep?

_ ( 

Greetings Nancy,
I'm surprised that your son doesn't realize that his condition is  quite 
normal, once he gets into bed and lacking the strength to position  himself.  
Kind of like a fish out of water.   The answer  or resolves are not simple 
but must be tried n errored.  Quads are  so different.  Not only by the level 
of injury, but also the  effects and results differ greatly on those 
injured at the same  level.  Some may have biceps and no triceps. Others have 
triceps  and no biceps.  And then there are those with triceps on one arm  and 
biceps on the other. Transfers and positioning are taught by OT in  Rehab 
Hospitals and sometimes at home. Sometimes it happens and other  times it was 
never meant to be.
Is your son presently working with a Occupational Therapist, at  home?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/18/2011 1:39:13 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

_ntpgrnmtn@aol.com_ ( _  writes:_ 
My son is having a really hard time with the fact that once he is  out of 
his chair in bed that he can't get up. Mind you he has an  automatic 
adjustable bed. Wants to try sleeping in his chair. Needless  to say...I will 
let that happen if I have any sayhas anyone  else had this overwhelming 
feeling. Can most of you sit up, reposition  yourselves or transfer out of bed 

Peace be with you

Nancy  P


Re: [QUAD-L] Top Ten Enemies of the Quad

2011-11-16 Thread hellodaveoc
GRAVITY.  A little is ok, but this is ridiculous.  1/10g might be  nice.
UTI bugs - pseudo-whatevers.
I am still  determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be; for I have  also learned from experience that the greater part of our 
happiness or misery  depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our 
_- Martha Washington  

In a message dated 11/16/2011 10:47:35 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim, writes:

Was thinking of this on my way in to work  today.  It's meant to be partly 
serious and partly humorous.  I'm  sure I missed a few; see what you think.
Top Ten Enemies of the Quad:
10.  Equipment failure [wheelchairs, elevators,  etc.]
9.  Nursing homes  [warehousing]
8.  Ignorance [ourselves and others]
7.  Extreme cold or heat
6.  Depression
5.  Curbs [or stairs]
4.  Drug  Alcohol abuse
3.  Respiratory infections
2.  UTIs
and the number one enemy of quads...
1.  Pressure  sores

_ ( 

Re: Fw: [QUAD-L] Top Ten Enemies of the Quad

2011-11-16 Thread hellodaveoc
cold - what's that?
I am still  determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be; for I have  also learned from experience that the greater part of our 
happiness or misery  depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our 
- Martha Washington  

In a message dated 11/16/2011 2:37:02 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Someone missed a .. cold enema.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/16/2011 3:27:27 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

A great list, guys.  As a topper I would add: The combined  effect of all 
the above. When it comes to quadism, the total misery is far  greater than 
the sum of the pains.

- Forwarded Message -
Sent:  Wednesday, November 16, 2011 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Top Ten Enemies  of the Quad

GRAVITY.  A little is ok, but this is ridiculous.  1/10g  might be nice.
UTI bugs - pseudo-whatevers.
I am still determined to be  cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be; for I have also learned  from experience that the greater part of our 
happiness or misery depends  upon our disposi_tions, and not upon our 

_ ( _- Martha Washington  

In a message dated 11/16/2011 10:47:35 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim, writes:

Was thinking of this on my way in to work today.  It's meant to  be partly 
serious and partly humorous.  I'm sure I missed a few; see  what you think.
Top Ten Enemies of the Quad:
10.  Equipment failure [wheelchairs, elevators, etc.]
9.  Nursing homes  [warehousing]
8.  Ignorance [ourselves and others]
7.  Extreme cold or heat
6.  Depression
5.  Curbs [or stairs]
4.  Drug  Alcohol abuse
3.  Respiratory infections
2.  UTIs
and the number one enemy of quads...
1.  Pressure sores

_ (  ( 

Re: Fw: [QUAD-L] Top Ten Enemies of the Quad

2011-11-16 Thread hellodaveoc
funny -  I'm a 3c quad - cold makes a colon spasm more than  warm.
more effective but no feeling of cold.
I am still  determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be; for I have  also learned from experience that the greater part of our 
happiness or misery  depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our 
_- Martha Washington  

In a message dated 11/16/2011 3:29:39 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Unless you have experienced a cold enema in the hospital... you wouldn't  
know (smiling)  To those who have... need I say more.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/16/2011 4:03:58 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

cold - what's that?
I am  still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be;  for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our 
 happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our  

_ ( - Martha Washington  

In a message dated 11/16/2011 2:37:02 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Someone missed a .. cold enema.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/16/2011 3:27:27 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

A great list, guys.  As a topper I would add: The  combined effect of all 
the above. When it comes to quadism, the total  misery is far greater than 
the sum of the pains.

- Forwarded Message -
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011  1:58 PM
Subject: Re:  [QUAD-L] Top Ten Enemies of the Quad

GRAVITY.  A little is ok, but this is ridiculous.  1/10g  might be nice.
UTI bugs - pseudo-whatevers.
I am still determined  to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be; for I have  also learned from experience that the greater part of our 
happiness or  misery depends upon our disposi_tions, and not upon our 

_ ( _- Martha  Washington  

In a message dated 11/16/2011 10:47:35 A.M. US Mountain Standard  Tim, writes:

Was thinking of this on my way in to work today.  It's meant  to be partly 
serious and partly humorous.  I'm sure I missed a  few; see what you think.
Top Ten Enemies of the Quad:
10.  Equipment failure [wheelchairs, elevators, etc.]
9.  Nursing homes  [warehousing]
8.  Ignorance [ourselves and others]
7.  Extreme cold or heat
6.  Depression
5.  Curbs [or stairs]
4.  Drug  Alcohol abuse
3.  Respiratory infections
2.  UTIs
and the number one enemy of quads...
1.  Pressure sores

_ (  ( 

Re: [QUAD-L] rash

2011-11-16 Thread hellodaveoc
All we had on vacation was hemorrhoid(sp) cream - worked great.
I am still  determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be; for I have  also learned from experience that the greater part of our 
happiness or misery  depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our 
_- Martha Washington  

In a message dated 11/16/2011 6:35:21 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

lol love it
Ron the solutions for being a quad arent rocket science. haha
Eric W Rudd

_ ( _c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 

_quad-list@eskimo.com_ (   
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 7:31  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] rash

Sitting in your chair with your legs together is one factor  in the 
equation, the other factors are underwear tightness, type of  pants and the 
not squashed betwwen legs. I think that if I had a  severe rash I would try 
different antifungal creams and lay in  the bed with my legs somewhat 
apartmaybe get a lil fan and  blow it betweem there for a bit each day. The 
advice I was even  given as a quad was from my rehab doc, he told me Ron 
the  solutions for being a quad arent rocket  science.   haha
ron c7

--- On Wed, 11/16/11, wrote:

Subject: Re:  [QUAD-L] rash
Date:  Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 6:44 PM

Thank  you for your reply.I make sure my beautiful aids wash me in my groin 
 area and I sleep in my birthday suit.I am a big guy(weight).Do you  think 
sitting in wheelchair with legs together can be an  issue?

Thank you!


Sent: Wednesday, November 16,  2011 7:28:48 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] rash

Im not sure of the best cream, but you need some sort  of anti fungal. The 
best treatment in the future is  preventionin the shower you have to 
wash between your  legs and let the water run awhile through your legs. 
Always  pull you balls up and underwear out to get air down there.  Before you 
sleep pull underwear down a bit and pull boys out  from between legs.
ron c7 

--- On Wed, 11/16/11,  wrote:

Subject:  [QUAD-L] rash
Date:  Wednesday, November 16, 2011, 6:20 PM

Hi  All,  

C5/6 quad here! Life is great! Anyway,I have a severe  red rash in groin 
area.Anyone have any ideas how to treat  it,powders,etc...I have been using 
Desitin and a cream  called Triple Paste to no avail.Will have to see a doctor 

Thank  you!

Re: [QUAD-L] It's my Birthday

2011-11-16 Thread hellodaveoc
keep going girl - congrats.
I am still  determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I 
may be; for I have  also learned from experience that the greater part of our 
happiness or misery  depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our 
_- Martha Washington  

In a message dated 11/16/2011 3:30:52 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Congrats Bobbie!  
I hope you received... just enough.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 11/16/2011 4:26:28 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Everybody,
Yesterday I was 56 in my chair 38 and with  the love of my life 29 years!

Sent from my  iPad

_ ( 

Re: [QUAD-L] Alcohol block

2011-11-09 Thread hellodaveoc
don't spasms require nerve axons to operate?  the explanation given to  me 
was the sensory signal travel up to the break and jump across to the motor  
nerves.  I also have hyper active reflexes - you don't want to be whacking  
me in the knee if you are in front of me.   I told the nurse to get  the 
blood sample from my foot - now THAT was funny.  I nearly kicked her  over.
How many  times is it appropriate to say What? before  you just nod and 
smile  because you still didn't hear or  understand a word they said?  

In a message dated 11/9/2011 6:35:02 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

The  possibility of ruining the chances of a cure has crossed my mind.
But, have  recently learned that following a spinal cord injury, all
the axons below  the level of injury are dead and gone within a few
months.  If a cure  came along, the spinal cord would have to
regenerate not only through the  injury site, but all the way to the
bottom, something I just don't see  happening.  If my injury was acute
I wouldn't consider it, but  chronic...

I've heard a lot of people had it done back in the 80s, but  it's not
very common anymore?

On 11/8/11, wrote:

 I had an a/b in  1967 and knowing what I know now, I would do the same 

 Although pain was not in issue, spasms were.  My  legs were drawn up in  a
 fetal position
 and all attempts  to keep my legs straight had failed.

 After the alcohol block I  lost all feeling b_elow the block, but my legs
 relaxed and I do not  have any problems with spasms. That is a gift.

 One issue, once  you have had an alcohol block, your spine is dead.  If  a
  cure were found there would be no reversing.  On the other hand, if  a  
 did come up, would it benefit you or has your body  deteriorated so much
 through the years.

 Pain and  spasms take their toll, pain can lead to depression and take   
 your ability to concentrate.


 Glenn  Henry

_ ( 


2011-10-14 Thread hellodaveoc

I just  got home from a 3 ½ week road trip with my wife and 35 yr old son.  
We drove from phoenix AZ to Whitehall  Michigan to Cleveland, to Knoxville 
to St. Louis and then back home.  My son had to lift me out of my manual  
char each time and then just tip me back in from the van to the chair.  I had 
to be pulled up 7 stairs in  Knoxville – which I did only once, and legs 
lifted into beds each night.  It was a very long time on the road of  about 
4500 miles with not nearly enough time visiting friends at the stops.   Our 
longest day was 500 miles and we had  7 of those – the others were about 350.  
The next time, I will use a ramp van – I just didn't trust mine for such  a 
long road trip.  We took the  wife’s 2000 Olds Silhouette van very much like 
my dodge.   The car ran great getting 25 mpg  and I didn't make any big 
messes anywhere – under achievement was more of a  problem in my southern 
hemisphere – but all was ok in the big picture.  I worried lots about many 
things, most  of which didn't happen or happened and I lived through them.   I 
will enjoy hearing of the other trips  mentioned by others here. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Web Page Builder

2011-10-02 Thread hellodaveoc
Early Netscape has a pretty good GUI interface as does MS Word and MS Front 
In a message dated 10/2/2011 1:05:47 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Anyone  know a good web page builder program?
I looked at one called Cute, but it  looks like you can't name your sub 
pages, it just adds letters and  numbers.
I need it to be pretty easy.
Thanks,  Greg

Re: [QUAD-L] Music therapy?

2011-10-01 Thread hellodaveoc
music therapy is more of a WHERE to me.   even heavy metal sounds  good in 
the right atmosphere!   
azdave  (currently in KY. )
In a message dated 10/1/2011 1:49:51 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Bobbie,

Music IS therapy to me, but what exactly is music  therapy?

Steve - C4, 23 years

-Original  Message-
From: Bobbie Humphreys [] 
Sent:  Friday, September 30, 2011 9:52 AM
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Music therapy?

Hi All,
Has anybody  ever gone through music therapy?  Bobbie

Sent from  my iPad

Re: [QUAD-L] First Posting

2011-10-01 Thread hellodaveoc
loud and clear, Philip.
In a message dated 10/1/2011 1:46:42 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi  All

I'm a long time 'lurker' on the list.

I'll see if I've got  the correct address before introducing myself.


Philip D  Wells
280 Paora Road
RD 37
New Zealand  4381

Re: [QUAD-L] Hi From New Zealand

2011-10-01 Thread hellodaveoc
I'm finding the ol' number 2 is giving me the biggest challenge in  
a good helper is a must.
In a message dated 10/1/2011 2:23:51 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Fellow List Members

I've been on this list for quite a long period now  but don't often post.

My name is Philip Wells, I'm a C5 complete Quad,  aged 47.

My injury was in 1979 from a rugby game when I suffered a  double 
of C4,5  6.

I live in a rural province of  New Zealand called Taranaki, on my parents
dairy farm.

I worked for  20 after my accident as an Analyst/Programmer for a small
software  development firm in a nearby town.

Nowdays my health is not really up  to full time work so im in semi

To give you an idea of  the bits and pieces that enable me to live as
independantly as I can,  here's my 'stuff'.

I've got a Quickie 626 SE powerchair, which I love  for all sorts of 

I have a 1996 Chevrolet G20 van with a 4  lowered floor and a Ricon rear
mounted hoist.

I sit on a Roho  quattro cushion, which I find really good, not having spent
a day on bed  rest for many years.

My interests are art, sport, music, the politic's  of disability, motor 
horse racing.

Life has taken an exciting  twist recently as my parents are shouting my
whole family (8 adults, 6  kids) to Disneyland in California for a week.

Can't wait, and im  hopefuil of picking up a few hints from you all to make
my trip a little  easier.

But without getting too carried away, hi to you  all.



Re: [QUAD-L] new wheelchair man

2011-09-03 Thread hellodaveoc
my Dodge Caravan has a slightly smaller access opening (30x53 instead of  
36x56) , I'm slightly narrower at 60 instead of 64, but I'm longer at 87 
instead  of 81.5.   All other measurements are within an inch of the  MV-1.   I 
have never bought a NEW van but I think they start around  40-45k.   I don't 
understand all the fuss.

In a message dated 9/2/2011 5:48:47 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Let me clarify that.  The Florida investment group did not purchase  the AM 
General Factory in South Bend, IN.  They did contract with AM  General to 
build these units for them, using Ford motors.  Even though  Vehicle 
Production Group has been around for more then 5 years and changing  their 
It wasn't until the summer of last year that they got enough  small orders 
to schedule production in Oct or Nov of 2010.  You can  google to see the 
MV-1 yourself and judge.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 9/1/2011 11:17:03 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

You  got it right here wheelchair.  One of the things I failed to mention  
was that the gentleman told me they had purchased an old Humvee plant.   So 
that sounds like what he was talking about, but he said it was being  
marketed to the disabled for a price around $42,000.

Maybe I can do  more research.

On Thu_, Sep 1, 2011 at 9:32 PM, 

_ ( _wheelchair@aol.com_ 
( __ ( 

That could also be a Florida Group that has been around more then 5  years 
and trying to break into the commercial Taxi and Transport  Industry.  The 
company's name escape me now but I will have more info  tomorrow. I know 
production began last October at the Old Humvie Factory  in South Bend.  No 
costs have been provided on the vehicle, but it is  not being marketed as a 
consumer vehicle.  The Taxi Industry doesn't  like this new design because 
repair parts and components must be purchased  directly from the manufacturer 
which controls the price.  Taxi  companies like to purchase their parts and 
components from the open  markets.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 9/1/2011 6:28:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

_quadius@gmail.com_ ( _  writes:_ 
While I was having a discussion with a wheelchair technician  today he 
mentioned a new vehicle which he saw as a mobility show last  month.  He was 
really enthusiastic about the vehicle because it has  been completely 
engineered for people in wheelchairs.  According to  him, it is an American 
that is building the vehicles solely for  the disabled community.

I would provide you with more  information, but I cannot figure out what 
the company is or get a look  at the van.  He could not room of the name, but 
thought I could  find it on the Internet.

If anybody finds out, please let us all  know.  Two things he did mention 
were that the vehicle has normal  clearance and all of the conversion 
companies don't like the  vehicle.  I'm not an engineer, but I suspect they 
it or  when this thing gets on the market that it's going to cut in to 
their  profits significantly.  According to this gentleman the van is  cheaper 
than the modified  vans.

Re: [QUAD-L] FDA OKs Botox For Urinary Trouble

2011-08-24 Thread hellodaveoc
(RTTNews) - Allergan Inc. (AGN: _News _ 
( ), said Wednesday the FDA 
has approved Botox for the 
treatment of urinary  incontinence due to bladder muscle over-activity 
associated with a neurologic  condition. The approval marks the seventh medical 
of Botox in the United  States market. 
Allergan said urinary incontinence (bladder leakage) due to detrusor 
(bladder  muscle) over-activity in patients with MS or SCI is a chronic 
affecting approximately 340,000 people in the United States.  

People living with MS develop lesions on the spinal cord, while  people who 
sustain a spinal cord injury have irreversible nerve damage,  resulting in 
the inability of the spinal cord and bladder to communicate  effectively.  
As a result, the bladder muscle involuntarily contracts, increasing the  
pressure in the bladder and decreasing the volume of urine the bladder can 
hold,  which causes the individual to leak urine frequently and  unexpectedly.
I keep some  people's phone numbers in my phone just so I  know not to 
answer when they  call.  

In a message dated 8/24/2011 2:02:11 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Anybody know how it helps?
Derrick W

FDA  OKs Botox For Urinary Trouble
Allergan Inc.'s (AGN) Botox  drug received Food and Drug Administration 
approval to treat urinary  incontinence in patients with neurologic conditions 
such as spinal-cord injury  and multiple sclerosis. 
The wrinkle-fighting drug has  FDA approval for cosmetic use and for 
treating various medical issues.  Allergan last year won approval to sell the 
as a treatment for chronic  migraine headaches. 
The company recently received  a positive opinion from Irish regulators 
regarding the use of Botox for  incontinence related to neurologic issues, 
which the company has said it  considers important to winning approval in 14 

_ ( 

Re: [QUAD-L] Kneeling system

2011-07-30 Thread hellodaveoc
My '01 Caravan kneeler was just fine until a rear shock lost all it's fluid 
 in the driveway.  Now it clunks going over bumps but is ok  otherwise.   I 
never use the kneeler - figured it would break and be  unavailable if I 
needed it.  I never have.
The key to  everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not smashing  it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ (  

In a message dated 7/30/2011 11:28:11 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

In a message dated 7/27/2011 5:34:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I have  a question for those who have vans with ramps and a kneeling system.
When  I bought my van used it had a kneeling system with an air bag. The 
guy said  if the van ever felt really extra bumpy, there is a lever in the 
back under  a panel. To switch it on/off. Or something like that.
Anyone know what  this might be for?
Mine is on the dash for the kneeling system (on/off) I keep it on all the  
time. Braun entervan. 

Re: [QUAD-L] How hot is it by you?

2011-07-22 Thread hellodaveoc
I have 111 here in Glendale AZ - just w of Phoenix - with 7%  humidity.   
When you spit, it doesn't hit the ground.
The key to  everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not smashing  it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ (  

In a message dated 7/22/2011 2:49:48 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

It is 98 in the shade here in old Kaintuck. Heat index 114. Ow, wow,  ouch, 
wouch, burn!

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
From:  Bobbie Humphreys _bobbie299@aol.com_ ( 
Date:  July 22, 2011 2:43:23 AM EDT
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject:  [QUAD-L] How hot is it by you?

I living in Mid-Northern New Jersey and at 2:00 it is 95 degrees  in the 
shade.  Bobbie

Sent  from my  iPad


Re: [QUAD-L] How hot is it by you?

2011-07-22 Thread hellodaveoc
no, no, no...  shake the crusty stuff out in the am and with a little  
right guard, you're ok for another day.
The key to  everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not smashing  it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ (  

In a message dated 7/22/2011 5:36:53 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Love it!  I also hear you don't have to change your underwear each  day 
like we do up North (smiling)
Best Wishes
In a message dated 7/22/2011 5:32:59 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I have 111 here in Glendale AZ - just w of Phoenix - with 7%  humidity.   
When you spit, it doesn't hit the ground.
The key  to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not  smashing it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ (  

In a message dated 7/22/2011 2:49:48 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

It is 98 in the shade here in old Kaintuck. Heat index 114. Ow,  wow, ouch, 
wouch, burn!

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

Resent-From: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
From:  Bobbie Humphreys _bobbie299@aol.com_ ( 
Date:  July 22, 2011 2:43:23 AM EDT
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject:  [QUAD-L] How hot is it by you?

I living in Mid-Northern New Jersey and at 2:00 it is 95  degrees in the 
shade.  Bobbie

Sent  from my  iPad


Re: [QUAD-L] How hot is it by you?

2011-07-22 Thread hellodaveoc
flight charts go to 120f - sorry, after that, take a cab
The key to  everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not smashing  it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ (  

In a message dated 7/22/2011 4:17:44 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

A friend  of mine was flying from NY, to San Francisco via Southwest--had a 
connection  in Phoenix, in July.  It was 120 degrees (how do you make the 
degree  symbol with word on a Mac?)--  
so hot that the air was too thin (hot air expands and is thinner--heat  
made the air density the same as if it was 12,000 feet)  bottom line--a  737 
couldn't take off in that heat.  All flights were grounded
until the next day when it was a chilly 110 degrees...

Bob V

On Jul 22, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Steve Oldaker wrote:

A  friend of mine used to live in Scottsdale, Arizona. I asked him how the  
weather was one time during the summer. He said the projected high that day 
 was 115°, but it was a dry heat so it only felt like 110°. J
Steve  - C4, 23 years
From: _hellodaveoc@aol.com_ (  
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 6:33  PM
To: _lwillis82153@msn.com_ ( ; 
_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] How hot is it by  you?

I have 111 here in  Glendale AZ - just w of Phoenix - with 7%  humidity.  

When you spit, it doesn't  hit the ground.




The  key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not  smashing it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ ( 

In a  message dated 7/22/2011 2:49:48 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 
_lwillis82153@msn.com_ (  writes:


It  is 98 in the shade here in old Kaintuck. Heat index 114. Ow, wow, ouch, 
 wouch, burn!


Sent  from my iPad


Begin  forwarded message:

Resent-From: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
From: Bobbie Humphreys _bobbie299@aol.com_ ( 
Date: July 22, 2011 2:43:23 AM  EDT
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject: [QUAD-L] How hot is it by  you?

I  living in Mid-Northern New Jersey and at 2:00 it is 95 degrees in the  
shade.  Bobbie

Sent  from my iPad



Re: [QUAD-L] How hot is it by you?

2011-07-22 Thread hellodaveoc
yes, and 123 only feels like 115...?
The key to  everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not smashing  it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ (  

In a message dated 7/22/2011 4:08:18 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

A  friend of mine used to live in Scottsdale, Arizona. I asked him how the  
weather was one time during the summer. He said the projected high that day 
 was 115°, but it was a dry heat so it only felt like 110°. J 
Steve  - C4, 23 years 
From: [] 
Sent: Friday, July  22, 2011 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] How hot is it by  you?

I  have 111 here in Glendale AZ - just w of Phoenix - with 7%  humidity.   
When you spit, it doesn't  hit the ground.


The  key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not  smashing it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ (   

In a  message dated 7/22/2011 2:49:48 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:


It  is 98 in the shade here in old Kaintuck. Heat index 114. Ow, wow, ouch, 
 wouch, burn!

Sent  from my iPad

Begin  forwarded message:

Resent-From:  _quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
From:  Bobbie Humphreys _bobbie299@aol.com_ ( 
Date:  July 22, 2011 2:43:23 AM EDT
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 
Subject:  [QUAD-L] How hot is it by  you?

I  living in Mid-Northern New Jersey and at 2:00 it is 95 degrees in the  
shade.  Bobbie

Sent from  my iPad


Re: [QUAD-L] Has Silas's Computer Been Hit By A Worm

2011-07-20 Thread hellodaveoc
change your password.
The key to  everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the 
egg, not smashing  it. 
_Daveoconnell.com_ (  

In a message dated 7/20/2011 10:54:51 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Don’t  open any email from me, trying to figure it out!   
From: Eric W Rudd  [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2011 1:51  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Has  Silas's Computer Been Hit By A Worm


Eric  W Rudd
_c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( 

-  Original Message - 
From: _wheelchair@aol.com_ (   
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (   
Sent:  Wednesday, July 20, 2011 12:46 PM
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Has Silas's Computer Been Hit By A Worm



In  a message dated 7/20/2011 12:41:53 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_silas-14@live.com_ (   writes:


Re: [QUAD-L] July 10

2011-07-11 Thread hellodaveoc
congrats on the long trip.  
azdave c3-44 yrs.
I hate when I  just miss a call by the last ring (Hello?  Hello?), but when 
I immediately  call back,  it rings nine times and goes to voice mail.   
What  did you do after I didn't answer? Drop the  phone and run  away?


In a message dated 7/10/2011 9:24:43 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Gee, I was working in Photoshop and I notice the date of my picture  
modifications,, July 10.
45 years ago, it was 95 degrees and I went to a pool. The rest is  history.
45 years, Way Cool man!

_ ( 

Re: [QUAD-L] sweet-n-sour

2011-06-28 Thread hellodaveoc
Yes, we will be traveling in a minivan.  Should be interesting with 3  
adults, 3 dogs and a w/c.My son helped me modify my tippy  chair so I could 
move with the back slightly reclined.  The factory setting  was set tilted 
too straight up for me so we tipped the controller.  It  evidently has a 
gravity activated limiter so we tipped the limiter.  I  tried tipping it while 
parked pointed up my front ramp and found I couldn't tip  back forward enough 
to move off the ramp.  I'm glad my son was there to  lift the back of the 
chair off the ground so I could reengage the drive  controls.  It's always 
good to experiment with a friend - this includes  trips on 'new' paths around 
your neighborhood.
In a message dated 6/28/2011 3:21:14 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hey Dave, 
You had an old w/c van that went to the dump? Looks like someone would have 
 bought the lift. Are you gonna make your cross country trip in your mini 
van?  That should be soon, right? Good luck on your travels  a safe trip. 


Sent: Saturday, June 25, 2011 7:57:55  AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] sweet-n-sour

Now isn't that amazing Dave.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 6/24/2011 10:31:27 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I can't believe how silent this group got after my 'lucky me'  post.  the 
follow up is the bargain chair I got was used by a cigarette  posing as a 
quad leaving a total ash tray for a chair. (my friend said,  'shut up' and be 
glad the mechanics are good - it still sits on my patio -  airing out).   the 
van deal never saw any real cash and has gone  away - easy come, easy go, 
evidently no one needs a w/c van here in  Feenix.
the picture is of an indoor / outdoor thermometer I stuck in my home  a/c 
vent - I've seldom seen the vent temp above the room temp except when  the 
unit 1st starts up.  at least we never have snow.:-)

[QUAD-L] Bargains on C.L.

2011-06-20 Thread hellodaveoc
I found some excellent bargains today on Craigslist.   My year  old (to me) 
TDX5 died a while back and it will be a month before I can even get  it in 
to a dealer to diagnose the problem.I found  a 1 year old Quantum 600 
tippy rocket on Craigslist for $500 here in town -  less than the cost of 1 
new motor for the old one, AND 3 four inch, quad  chamber air cushions for 
$100 total.   The rockets sell retail  for over $20,000  (yes twenty G's) and 
the cushions retail for $1,500  each.   All in all, a good day.On top of 
that, I  sold the big blue van for $4,000.  I feel that after 44 years - the 
karmic  gods are finally smiling a little - or looked away for a few 
minutes at  least.   I wish you all a bit of my good luck - maybe I should buy 
lotto ticket?

[QUAD-L] buying drugs straight out

2011-06-16 Thread hellodaveoc
I'm on SSDI for 3 years now and have just activated my Medicare coverage -  
what a confusing mess.  I have been looking at supplemental coverage and  
standard Medicare coverage and am slowly understanding my needs.  The  real 
cost of drugs is an important thing to know, I found the biggest help  with 
prices at  _ 
( website was an eye opener for me 
since most of my drugs are 
cheaper for me  to buy outright than to get under insurance co-pays.  For the 
price of 10  Levaquin, I can buy 1,671 Amoxicillin - sure I need 4 a day so 10 
Levaquin days  = 417 Amoxicillin days.   

Re: [QUAD-L] table top hand bike

2011-06-07 Thread hellodaveoc
It probably buys a few Cadillacs and steaks as well, not to mention people  
NEED dme AND ins will pay - an expensive combo.
In a message dated 6/7/2011 1:19:43 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I remember both Steven Petrofsky and his wife when she walked down the  
aisle to marry.  Back then Petrofsky was still known in the Rehab  Community 
and among his peers as Frankenstein, because of a protocol he called  FES.  As 
you and I have read, there are other products much cheaper and  that is the 
way the industry goes.  I personally can't justify the price,  but I don't 
know the engineering, design, manufacturing and retail costs of  that 
product.  I am sure profits go back into further research. I  hope.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 6/7/2011 2:15:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

We are  talking about hand cycles here, not something like computerized 
functional  electronic stim bikes, or the likes.  I don't buy the research and  
engineering costs argument in this case.  There is nothing 'new' about  
this technology, if you even want to call it that.  It is chain driven  with 
magnetic resistance. Some may have fancy digital displays or whatever,  but 
1,500.00?  These people should have their necks broken  

I ran my own rehab  research center for several  years with Steven 
Petrofsky that included all of the latest FES  and adapted equipment.  These 
are inflated not necessarily  to hurt the disabled consumer, rather to bilk 
the insurance and medicare for  max dollars.
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 2:46 PM, _wheelchair@aol.com_ 
(   wrote:

Research and Technology, cost money. Engineering and manufacturing  such 
device comes with so many risks.  Consider that if it was that  easy, there 
would be so many copy cats of the product for much cheaper. So  much is not 
designed for the disAbled, but rather modified so that one can  use it 
differently from others.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 6/7/2011 1:10:18 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
_rcq@sockets.com_ (  writes:

I  bought a Magneciser for about $150 that I like very much.


My only complaint is that one strap broke after about a  year.

p.s. It is sad how so-o-o-o many companies seek to profit  off the disabled 
and infirm.

At 12:15 PM 6/7/2011, Todd  Daugherty wrote:

I am looking around for a hand cycle that will  fit on a table and they are 
all over $800?  wtf is the matter  with these people?   

Re: [QUAD-L] E100-open or short in controller or motor

2011-06-07 Thread hellodaveoc
Thanks W, I was thinking we should plug a computer in to it soon and see  
what the software will tell us besides which motor we unplugged.There 
aren't many moving parts we can fiddle with.  The simpler, the better  in my 
book - most of all I value dependability.
In a message dated 6/7/2011 10:11:06 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Keep in mind that Quantum Wheelchairs are hand build in PA.  Unlike  the 
Jet and Jazzy Series which are mass produced in China, the Quantum Series  are 
different.  The software for the Quantum is unique and can fault very  
You can also try this.  Send an email directly to Mark Smith-  Product 
Manager at Pride:  _MSmith@pridemobility.com_ ( 
with the  serial number of your chair and the closest provider that 
authorized to  service the Quantum Series.  Not all Pride Dealers are Quantum  
Certified.  Motor tests are easy, but the controller may require updated  
programming.   E100, is a software error.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 6/7/2011 12:06:07 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

cute - I bought it from craigs list - he said call a dealer where a  
motor costs more than the chair did.
In a message dated 6/6/2011 8:36:02 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Most of the error codes under 200 are software codes.  Sometime,  just 
turning the unit off will reset the controller.  If it continues  to happen, 
contact your provider.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 6/6/2011 9:32:44 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Does anyone here have a hint about what this  error is on a TDX5 Quantum?  
I was just sitting there - honest.  then the error code read E100 - open or 
short in controller or motor -  I'm thinking that covers a lot of 
territory so we're taking it apart  piece be piece. Bummer!

[QUAD-L] E100-open or short in controller or motor

2011-06-06 Thread hellodaveoc
Does anyone here have a hint about what this error  is on a TDX5 Quantum?  
I was just sitting there - honest. then the error  code read E100 - open or 
short in controller or motor - I'm thinking that  covers a lot of 
territory so we're taking it apart piece be piece.  Bummer!

[QUAD-L] I love Google Earth

2011-06-02 Thread hellodaveoc
look at the maps of earthquakes around Japan.
this should NOT have been such a big surprise.

[QUAD-L] If you don't like the mandate, earn less money

2011-06-02 Thread hellodaveoc
President Obama's solicitor general, defending the national health care law 
 on Wednesday, told a federal appeals court that Americans who didn't like 
the  individual mandate could always avoid it by choosing to earn less money.
If we’re going to play that game, I think that  game can be played here as 
well, Sutton interjected, “That wasn’t in a single  speech given in 
Congress about this...the idea that the solution if you don’t  like it is make 
little less money.” 

Read  more at the Washington Examiner: 


Re: [QUAD-L] Hi Hitler

2011-05-27 Thread hellodaveoc
you guys try this - tell me what happens.
In a message dated 5/27/2011 10:15:54 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

HOSNI AL-KHATIB has sent you a link to a blog: 

Hi  Hitler 

Post: Hi Hitler 

Powered by Blogger  

[QUAD-L] 44 behind me

2011-05-25 Thread hellodaveoc
I am ssooo glad I don't have a crystal ball.   My son said about  Marine 
boot camp, it wasn't all THAT bad, but I wouldn't want to do it  again.  My 
best friend dug me out about a year post, and carried me UP to  a party on 
the 2nd floor and then back DOWN again afterwards.  I grew up  with him and 
then he moved from Michigan to Arizona a few years after I  did.   I can't 
hardly describe how much 'easier' this whole thing has  been with the help of 
a wild best friend from childhood.  This list has  been about my second best 
friend as you all have taught me a bunch of humility  AND appreciation for 
just how easy I have had it.   I am a fairly high  functioning  incomplete 
c3 who traveled by way of manual chair and brute  force (everything being 
relative of course) and an attitude of 'git outta my  way' since 1967, and find 
it very frustrating to see how things are getting more  difficult as time 
passes.  I have been pretty independent and the slide is  pretty depressing.  
 I'm going to try a cross country trip by van this  summer with my wife and 
son, and I have low confidence of it being a complete  success.  Showers, 
BP programs, accessibility - all these things just seem  overwhelming now.  I 
imagine I'll make it back here safely, but the  anticipation is making for 
many sleepless nights.  I would like to express  my gratitude to all of you 
real quads and I hope to share some funny stories and  pictures of my trip.  
I'm on Facebook and will be attempting communications  with my laptop from 
remote connections.  You guys and gals are the  BEST.
AZDAVE  (My trip is 9-19 to 10-7.  This just seemed like a  poignant day to 

Re: [QUAD-L] 44 behind me

2011-05-25 Thread hellodaveoc
ya know DD,  the plan is to visit Lexington after Michigan and if I  
remember  Cle is nearly on the way..!!  That would certainly  add 
incentive for me.
In a message dated 5/25/2011 7:32:55 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:


  Dave this is really cool! I'm sure  you'll be fine. Don't worry, have 
fun! You'll have your family with you. I  think I'd rather travel by van than 
air. Thank you for your kind words and  right back atcha. Have fun! And if 
your not too tired, go south alittle  after Michigan. I'd love to meet you   

On May 25, 2011, at 19:56, _hellodaveoc@aol.com_ 
(   wrote:

I am ssooo glad I don't have a crystal ball.   My son said  about Marine 
boot camp, it wasn't all THAT bad, but I wouldn't want to do  it again.  My 
best friend dug me out about a year post, and carried  me UP to a party on 
the 2nd floor and then back DOWN again  afterwards.  I grew up with him and 
then he moved from Michigan to  Arizona a few years after I did.   I can't 
hardly describe how  much 'easier' this whole thing has been with the help of 
a wild best  friend from childhood.  This list has been about my second best 
 friend as you all have taught me a bunch of humility AND appreciation for  
just how easy I have had it.   I am a fairly high  functioning  incomplete 
c3 who traveled by way of manual chair and  brute force (everything being 
relative of course) and an attitude of 'git  outta my way' since 1967, and 
find it very frustrating to see how things  are getting more difficult as time 
passes.  I have been pretty  independent and the slide is pretty depressing. 
  I'm going to  try a cross country trip by van this summer with my wife 
and son, and I  have low confidence of it being a complete success.  Showers, 
BP  programs, accessibility - all these things just seem overwhelming  now.  
I imagine I'll make it back here safely, but the anticipation  is making 
for many sleepless nights.  I would like to express my  gratitude to all of 
you real quads and I hope to share some funny stories  and pictures of my 
trip.  I'm on Facebook and will be attempting  communications with my laptop 
from remote connections.  You guys and  gals are the BEST.
AZDAVE  (My trip is 9-19 to 10-7.  This just seemed like a  poignant day to 


[QUAD-L] 2011 trip

2011-05-25 Thread hellodaveoc
the big picture

Re: [QUAD-L] Dog pony show Yes!

2011-05-21 Thread hellodaveoc
Well Glen,  2011 - 1966 = 45 years.   I will be looking at  44 years post 
on 5-24.  
I agree with 'git up and do' while waiting for a 'cure'.   Time  waits for 
no man.
azdave  trampoline inc 1967
In a message dated 5/21/2011 11:27:47 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I saw the report on NBC about the exciting news of a quadriplegic walking  
After one year, 6 hours of therapy per day, 8 therapists, the  subject
could take some steps.
My injury occurred in 1966.  My first ray of hope was within 1 year  when 
an RN told me that
a team of doctors rebuilt a spine and the subject was expected to walk  
Ten years later, it was reported that all the vets from the Vietnam war  
w/sci could look forward to a cure soon as all this money spent on the war was 
 to be spent on sci research.
Twenty years ago, reports of stem cell research of aborted babies  promised 
a cure.
Ditto:  late 1980's the same promise made  involving your own stem cells.
1995, Christopher Reeves hype gave us so much hope.
2011, The more things change the more they stay the same.
Without a promise of positive results these doctors would not get the $$$  
drive Beamers.
Instead of making Christopher Reeves our hero, how about Charles  
Krauthammer,  Mike  Ferriter, Eric Ingram Jamie Dunross, Earl LeVan, Mike King  
so many others.  I would say the success  rate for those that don't sit on 
their butt, waiting for a cure, but have an  attitude of so what, get over 
it and get on with life, are much higher than  Reeves. 
July will be 44 years post sci.  I put myself through home  correspondence 
school, (for those of you in Rio Linda that means reading and  schooling by 
mail,) started and operated an electronics business
for 30+ years, involved in our local community, historical society,  church 
and pet therapy to disabled.
When discharged in 1968, 2 1/2 years in hell named  the Elizabethtown 
Crippled Children Hospital (how politically incorrect),  the same facility 
I first heard of hope, the head nurse took my father  aside and said  take 
him home, buy him a television and wait for him to  die.  Although March 
2011 was almost my last, God has been gracious  enough to allow me this time 
on earth and I guess that he isn't finished with  me yet.
Take what time you have on this earth, don't sit around waiting for a  
positive outcome, make a positive influence on someone's life. 
Now get out there and get over it.  If research gives us a cure,  go for 
it, just don't sit around and wait for it

Glenn Henry
Pennsylvania, USA

Re: [QUAD-L] Problem with bowel routine?

2011-05-21 Thread hellodaveoc
that's where your ascending colon is - where the very liquid, small  
intestine dumps into the large one who's job it is to remove  moisture.   I 
pains there a lot too and have thought often of  having it surgically 
removed, but Drs are very reluctant to remove troublesome  but healthy parts - 
spastic nerves.   I asked a doc to cut  some unused nerves in my lower legs 
and he acted like I asked him to kill  his mother.  
The gravity fight in my belly seems to reside a bit when I lie down and  
rubbing it helps too.  Otherwise - welcome to quadsville.
In a message dated 5/21/2011 2:05:41 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Guys,
I have an embarassing question to ask our quad community. I have been  a 
quad for 8 years and this problem only started a few months ago. I have  
always used magic bullet supp. and it work great. Lately, it takes over 5  
to finish my routine which only took 1 hr before and I always have pain  on 
the lower right side of my belly. In the past, the dr said I had proctitis  
(IBS) but it didn't affect me. It feels that you're always constipated  and 
it takes forever for the bowel to go down even througth I eat very healthy  
and lots of fiber. I'm wondering if there is someone in the quad list  that 
had a similar problem ? 
Thanks in advance,

[QUAD-L] Stair-climbing wheelchair comes to a halt

2011-05-06 Thread hellodaveoc

Sad, but forseeable.

Re: [QUAD-L] Anybody have a Quantum power chair?

2011-05-05 Thread hellodaveoc
i'll take a quickie anytime!   :)
In a message dated 5/5/2011 5:23:25 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I let the chair tech talk me into a Quantum, he said that I was the only  
person that asked for another Quickie. Ha! 
- Original Message -
From: Lori Michaelson
Sent: Thursday,  May 5, 2011 5:31:02 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Anybody have a Quantum power  chair?

I have heard of many people loving their Quickie wheelchairs but I have  
looked at them online and either they also now have 6 wheels or I didn't like  
the design or something.  
I also like the 'captains chair' style of seating and I do not know of that 
 is available with Quickie chairs. I will have to go back online and look 
at  them again because I can't remember right now. 
How come you changed chairs? 
Lori :-)

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 3:23 PM, _lindakrn@comcast.net_ 
(  wrote:

I have had my chair since Dec., so I really haven't had a lot of outdoor  
time with the chair. I had a Quickie before  loved it. 


- Original Message -
From: Lori Michaelson _lorilivingon@gmail.com_ 
To: _lindakrn@comcast.net_ ( 
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2011  5:08:11 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Anybody have a Quantum power  chair?

I thought semi recently that a Quantum chair would be for me  but those 
extra two wheels that are not conducive to my lifestyle or  surroundings. I 
even tried out their latest chair (Q 6 Edge) that advertises  more or better 
suspension (because that's what I need) but those two extra  wheels clinched 
I am having wound problems caused by shearing and two  extra wheels going 
over anything from sidewalk cracks to small thresholds  and much more is 
another reason I am not going to go with a  Quantum. 
How long have you had yours? 
Linda Linda, Did you do me a  statement by Texas  
On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 11:29 AM, _lindakrn@comcast.net_ 
(  wrote:

Hey Bobbie, 
Yes I have a Quantum R-4000,  it works pretty good. I  have a chin drive 
that is around my neck with a bib, it is really  tiresome. Other than that it 
zooms for me. 

- Original Message -
From: Bobbie  Humphreys _bobbie299@aol.com_ ( 
To: _Quad-list@eskimo.com_ (   
_quad-list@eskimo.com_ ( 

Sent: Monday, May 2, 2011 8:13:08 AM
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Anybody have a Quantum power chair?

Hi  All,
Dose anybody have a Quantum power chair? I'm  considering getting one, but 
I want to know if when you stop and stop dose  the chair make a clicking 
sound? What do you like/love about it and what  do you not like/love about it?
Thanks in advance,  Bobbie

Sent from my iPad

Age - 46
C4/5 complete quad, 31 years post
Tucson,  AZ

Age - 46
C4/5 complete quad, 31 years  post
Tucson, AZ

Re: [QUAD-L] Meds and blood pressure

2011-04-21 Thread hellodaveoc
wow - a disabled person getting paid to watch other disableds who help take 
 of her - that's pretty cool.   reminds me of my blind roommate pushing  me 
across Woodward ave in Detroit while I'm yelling left, right, the other  
right, more rightas we try to beat the light.   very cool.
In a message dated 4/19/2011 10:57:01 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I  had the same problem for quite awhile, but I have found that if I eat 
salads  or veggies, a small portion, 20 minutes before dinner and then I do 
not have  the BP drops nearly as much.  My blood pressure is usually 90/60, 
but  sometimes the nurse at the doctor’s office will say if he wants your 
blood  pressure he will have to take it himself and J.   Luckily I only go to 
the Dr. once or twice a year. 
I  don’t know if I have gotten used to my body and how it usually feels (or 
 usually not feels) but I am not experiencing much more pain and discomfort 
in  recent years and in various ways have improved over the first 10 years 
of  being a quad.  I’m sure that a great deal of my well being is due to my  
being very busy all the time.  With five grandchildren 300 feet away that  
range from 12 months to 14 years and all of their activities, im very seldom 
 bored to death.  J 
I  also have the two disabled men that live with me that needs supervision 
when  they are home although they are great as my helpers they need to be 
monitored  and guided.  And then there is the garden which keeps me outside 
from  April through October and on the computer planning, dreaming, and 
exploring  new avenues for the garden for the next year.  I feel very fortunate 
 have so many activities and at 72 been healthy enough to do  it. 
When  I do have a depressed day I know I feel much worse than usual and I 
can only  imagine if I were totally housebound how difficult it would  be. 
April  in Reno is a changeable time of year, Saturday it was 73°and today 
it is  45°.  I look at the temperature in the greenhouse, which is 85 right 
now,  and wished that I had someone to let me in.  We are building a new 
green  house (a real one this time not the hoophouse) out of recycled windows 
and  doors, I will be able to go into by myself.  I think I know where I will  
spend a lot of time in winter basking in the sun while it is 30°  outside!  
I can have someone set up my reading stand and will be as happy  as a bug 
in a rug. 
Have  a great day everyone, each day is a blessing to be savored as none of 
us know  how long we have to enjoy life. 
From: William Willis  [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 9:48  AM
Subject: FW: [QUAD-L] Meds and  blood pressure

Very  same problem here. Then I get very weak and my neck and shoulders 
hurt. Also,  my bp spikes every morning while I'm getting ready for the day. My 
head  throbs, breath gets shallow, and I get very weak. No doubt it is AD. 
It takes  about an hour of sitting up for me to level out. Larry  Willis 

Date: Mon, 18 Apr  2011 17:58:39 -0700
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  Meds and blood pressure
I take the same as you Lucinda and have the same  drops after I eat. My 
pressure jumps all over the  place.
Tim c5-c6

--- On Tue, 4/5/11, LJT wrote:

From: LJT
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Meds and blood  pressure
Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2011,  8:27 PM 
my normal blood pressure right now  is around 90/50. I don't know about the 
rest of you, but my  blood pressure tends to drop tremendously after I eat. 
I take a  couple meds before eating to try and combat that from happening.  
One of them is Midodrine and the other is fludrocortisone.  Sometimes they 
work, sometimes they don't. I've been told that  if you take too 
many/combine opiates that can drop your blood  pressure and your breathing can 
out to a dangerous  level.  
C-4,5  complete
July 31,  '05
Mpls.,  MN

--- On Tue, 4/5/11,  wrote: 

Subject: [QUAD-L]  Meds and blood pressure
Date:  Tuesday, April 5, 2011, 11:13 AM 
I  have several questions about medications and blood  pressure.

Many  of the articles that I read on the Internet suggests that quads  have 
a low blood pressure.  What is your experience with  blood pressure?  Many 
of the articles suggest that if your  blood pressure is slightly above 
normal, EX: 170/100, it's time  to think about calling an ambulance.

My  doctor has put me on Baclofen.  I know that some of you are  on this 
medication, what do you use it for, any side effects,  does it do anything 
with your blood  pressure?

Does  anyone take baclofen and ditropan?




Re: [QUAD-L] Kidney stone's RX lemonade water

2011-04-20 Thread hellodaveoc
do you think a 5 inch shorter urethra makes it that much  easier??
In a message dated 4/20/2011 7:10:52 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi  All,
I saw my urologist after getting an ultrasound and  an X - Ray of my kidney 
where he said I have stone's. He said just drink  lemonade and water to 
break up the stone's and come back to see me in 3  month's. Now granted the 
stone's must be small and being a female I will be  able to pass them easily.
Has anybody ever heard of  getting rid of kidney stone's this way? 

Sent from my iPad

Re: [QUAD-L] Nice free cards with no passwords required

2011-04-20 Thread hellodaveoc
playing cards, ? credit cards ? bingo cards?   baseball  cards?
In a message dated 4/19/2011 10:57:23 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi  All,
I've been looking for some free cards, nice ones,  where I DON'T have to 
sign up or generate yet ANOTHER stupid password. HELP  Bobbie

Sent from my iPad

Re: [QUAD-L] Kidney stone's RX lemonade water

2011-04-20 Thread hellodaveoc
ok, 3 in rare cases...  :(
In a message dated 4/20/2011 8:53:40 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Eric W Rudd
_c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 
From:  _hellodaveoc@aol.com_ (  
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 10:51  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Kidney stone's RX  lemonade  water

do you think a 5 inch shorter urethra makes it that much  easier??
In a message dated 4/20/2011 7:10:52 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 
_bobbie299@aol.com_ (  writes:

Hi  All,
I saw my urologist after getting an ultrasound  and an X - Ray of my kidney 
where he said I have stone's. He said just  drink lemonade and water to 
break up the stone's and come back to see me  in 3 month's. Now granted the 
stone's must be small and being a female I  will be able to pass them easily.
Has anybody ever  heard of getting rid of kidney stone's this way?   

Sent from my  iPad

Re: [QUAD-L] body temperature

2011-04-03 Thread hellodaveoc
at my fav fri nite oasis,  i got over heated then sat at home in front  of 
my cooler for about 2 hours before i was back to ok temp.  it may be  time 
to find a new oasis since they usually do this all summer.   in  winter time, 
i frequently go to bed cold and wake up hot - i believe it's a  circulation 
thing.   i take zolpidem to help me sleep through the  uncomfortable return 
to 'normal' in the am.
In a message dated 4/2/2011 9:36:29 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Good idea if you want to mess up your makeup. Ha ha I I often use a cold  
rag on my forehead or on my shoulders and it really works. I usually go to  
sleep freezing and wake up hot. Do any of you experienced that? It was 70° in 
 Kansas today. :-)
In a message dated 4/2/2011 5:15:49 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Yes, your body can't not adjust the temperature like any normal  person.  
Yes, it's hard to believe that we are special people, not just  normal people!
A quad's body will try and assume room temperature, even though we are  
still alive and breathing.  I found that wearing a turtleneck in  wintertime 
makes a big difference.  I also will wear thermal underwear,  top only, when 
it is very cold.
In the summertime when working outdoors I have set up a misting station  
and when I overheat I sit under a fine mist which cools me quickly.
Stay cool,

Glenn Henry

Re: [QUAD-L] health

2011-03-28 Thread hellodaveoc
iTV is completely computer driven.
it's a little box between your mac and the cable.
In a message dated 3/27/2011 8:27:27 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Not directly but with an infra red accessory it can be done.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 3/27/2011 5:44:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I have  a question for you guys is it possible to control the TV and VCR 
the  computer

Re: [QUAD-L] Unidentified subject!

2011-03-28 Thread hellodaveoc
_r.pracht@sbcglobal.net_ ( 
your mail has been compromised -
 better change your password.
In a message dated 3/28/2011 10:44:26 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Re: [QUAD-L] Weather

2011-03-22 Thread hellodaveoc
did you ever think of wearing a sweater or long shirt?   did  you ever ask 
your living mates to provide you a warm spot to hang out?  did  you ever 
turn the vents so they don't blow on you?
In a message dated 3/20/2011 4:36:33 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Now that  our weather is warming up here in AZ, I'm getting colder.
As our heat goes  up, the more everyone else here gets warm and wants the 
A/C turned on. So now  I need 15 minute heat timeouts to go outside and warm 
up. Even if the A/C is  not too low, it is still the same cold air blowing 
out, just not as  long.  That cold air on my arms is freezing even if it's 
set at 80. I  often need long sleeve shirts when it's warm. It's worse the 
hotter it gets.  Summers of 110 get real bad. The A/C is on so much it gets too 
cold inside,  then too hot to sit outside.  

Re: [QUAD-L] Help needed

2011-02-16 Thread hellodaveoc
i tried - can't do it.   too many irrelevant questions.
In a message dated 2/14/2011 8:44:04 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hello  everyone and happy Valentine's day!  I am writing because I need  
participants for a study I am doing for my doctorate in psychology.  Not  sure 
if any of you meet the qualifications or if you have looked at my survey  
but your help would be appreciated.  For those that have looked at it or  
completed the survey thank you.  I have posted the qualifications and the  link 
for the survey below.  Thanks again!  


The focus is on how couples in which the male has a  spinal cord injury 
cope and how the coping style affects various aspects of  life.  This study is 
done online and can be completed at your  convenience.  To qualify you must 
meet the following qualifications 1)  you are a male with a spinal cord 
injury; 2) you are over the age of 18; 3)  you have been injured at least 2 
years and 4) you have been married for at  least 6 months.  The questionnaire 
needs to be completed separately by  you and your spouse.  Upon completion of 
the questionnaire both you and  your spouse will be entered for a chance to 
win a 200 dollar Visa gift  card.  If interested in helping please click on 
this link to take the  survey: 
(   =

Re: [QUAD-L] Chrysler van recall

2011-02-14 Thread hellodaveoc
I had to glue the chain looking wire harness down in my '02 Caravan because 
 it came loose and was jamming the door.   Plastic parts.
In a message dated 2/14/2011 11:32:09 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:


No  need to reply to this email.   Hello,

The  selected thread posts follow:  Mon Feb 14 2011 | 10:15 AM  
rollbob: Re: Chrysler safety recall code K14; on 08',09'  w/p do   Make:  
Model Year: 2009  
Manufacturer: CHRYSLER GROUP LLC Mfr's Report Date:  JUN 01, 2010 
NHTSA CAMPAIGN ID Number: 10V235000  N/A
NHTSA Action Number: N/A 

This  email sent to you because your profile and/or board  configuration 
allows it.
You may change your preferences at  any time.  

Re: [QUAD-L] Condom cath

2011-02-11 Thread hellodaveoc
I used a plain condom and tightened the strap until it couldn't 'pop' off - 
 the end IS larger than the middle.  the gravity thing is a must for this  
type to work at all - I tucked the bottom into my sock so no bottom strap 
was  needed.  there are a few different empty valves, I still use Bard  
'flip-flow'.  ---  _ 
bad pictures - ask and I'll find a better one.
In a message dated 2/11/2011 12:41:23 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I use  the pop-on condoms with just regular leg bag 

Since  I live alone with no assistance, i cant use the straps to attach the 
bag to my  shin area like im supposed to, and emptying it in that position 
is a  pita.  As a result, everything kind of resides in the front area of my 
 pants.  Since there is no gravity working, the condom will just fill up  
and blow off, instead of going through the tube into the bag.  If I am in  a 
bathroom, its easy to just pull the bag out and let gravity do its thing but 
 if i'm stuck somewhere else, there's no pint in wearing this thing because 
it  just doesn't work.  

Is there any alternatives or a different  product that would work?

Todd  D

Re: [QUAD-L] optima red top battery

2011-01-22 Thread hellodaveoc
my friend used to charge his car battery regularly during light usage  
times.  simple wires permanently hooked to the battery and stuck out the  
could be fitted with a stereo wire plug set from Radio Shack and fastened  
to your 110 volt trickle charger.  In cold weather settings, this could  
help a lot.
In a message dated 1/20/2011 9:23:30 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I have a 2000 gmc Safari van that I have owned and driven for  7 years. 
Every year I have to replace the battery when it gets  cold out. Last year I 
decided to try an Optima , at  about the one year mark the van wouldnt start. 
I purchased a solar  charger from Harbor sticks on the dash 
board and  plugs into cigarette lighter. Things have been going better now, 
 always starts up and the little charger was only 20 bucks. As far  as 
Optima batteries being better , I think the proofs in the 
didnt perform any better than the walmart  battery. A guy my dad works with at 
boeing told me to buy a  desulfanator and wire it into the battery .this 
will bust up  the sulfer bubbles and allow the battery to last many 
years..I  had my dad install one and Im waiting to see the results of that. 
believe the problems with batteries and wheelchair vans stem  from 2 main 
reasons..the first is that most arent driven  daily...and the second is 
most people are running the  lifts and accessories with engine off. Always 
try to get engine  running first if possible b4 running the power 
Ron  c7  

[QUAD-L] excellent entertainment

2011-01-20 Thread hellodaveoc
very good card tricks

[QUAD-L] speech recognition win-7 sux

2011-01-20 Thread hellodaveoc
Dour quads,
Since I started taking vitamin C and cranberry,  I have been getting  lots 
of UTIs.  My urine has also been very cloudy and full of  sediment.  Since I 
stopped taking vitamin C and cranberry pills, my  urine has been clearer 
than week Tea.  I suggest that you stop taking  vitamin C and cranberry pills 
for a week to see if this helps.
No.  Period.  I am trying speech recognition and find that it is  more 
painful than falling out of my chair on my face.  All you were using  speech 
recognition have my sympathy.
Eight Z D a VE
You're killing me

Re: [QUAD-L] Re: recommends Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening ...

2011-01-19 Thread hellodaveoc
beware  - some of these are come-ons for monthly shipments of  expensive 
products to you.
In a message dated 1/19/2011 9:23:54 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi fellow quads,

Just thought I would send this article that some  of you may be interested 
in. Low cost ways to whiten your teeth. I don't know  if it works but it's 
worth a try. Ha ha

In a message dated 1/18/2011 2:14:01 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:  has shared an article with you.
Hollywood beauty secrets remedies to the  rescue


This  message was sent via AOL by Please note that AOL does 
not  verify email addresses. 

[QUAD-L] Anyone need some motivation??

2011-01-16 Thread hellodaveoc

Re: [QUAD-L] Moving soon to my first apartment

2011-01-16 Thread hellodaveoc
goodwill and a sawsall.   i'm sure a friend could help - offer  beer for 
In a message dated 1/16/2011 4:11:36 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Not sure of companys but most recliners/chairs  etc. should be able to get 
the arm off  covered.  You could find an  upholsterer, or crafty seamstress 
who could do this.
Eric W Rudd
_c5sci97@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 
From:  _shellbell5705@aim.com_ (  
To: _quad-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2011 4:49  PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Moving soon to my  first apartment

Hi to alll~
Interested to know if there are any co. who offer furniture for quads  and 
the like~
I would love to be able to find a recliner that I can transfer  into.  It 
would have to have only 1 arm
so that I could get beside it and transfer over~
Any body have any ideas?

[QUAD-L] AD - once is enough

2011-01-13 Thread hellodaveoc
I had a plugged Foley a week ago - in about 12 hours I was talking to God - 
 making arrangements for my departure/arrival.  I called my visiting nurse  
who does monthly changes for me and she heard the stress in my voice.  She  
was here in about the longest 45 minutes I have ever spent - well with 
maybe 1  exception of when they inserted my traction in '67.   She swapped out  
my tube and I felt instant relief from the pounding head and gut crushing  
pressure.  AD is certainly nothing to mess with.   My sympathies  to any who 
have to deal with AD on a regular basis.

Re: [QUAD-L] AD - once is enough

2011-01-13 Thread hellodaveoc
you remember birth?
In a message dated 1/13/2011 2:07:53 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I well second that. my foley got pinched in my waistband  one morning and 
was unaware of it till I was in a meeting for work 4  hours later, my dr.s 
office was  across the street, by the time I  got there and got the nurse to 
undo my pants, I filled 2 18 oz. legbags  in a matter of seconds.  My head 
hurt for  3 days  afterwords.   Not sure which is worse the head pain from 
A.D.,  the installation of the halo or birth. 

--- On Thu, 1/13/11, wrote:

Subject: [QUAD-L]  AD - once is enough
Date: Thursday,  January 13, 2011, 12:42 PM

I had a plugged Foley a week ago - in about 12 hours I was  talking to God 
- making arrangements for my departure/arrival.  I  called my visiting nurse 
who does monthly changes for me and she heard  the stress in my voice.  She 
was here in about the longest 45  minutes I have ever spent - well with 
maybe 1 exception of when they  inserted my traction in '67.   She swapped out 
my tube and I  felt instant relief from the pounding head and gut crushing  
pressure.  AD is certainly nothing to mess with.   My  sympathies to any who 
have to deal with AD on a regular basis.

Re: [QUAD-L] AD - once is enough

2011-01-13 Thread hellodaveoc
I knew something was not right when I got out of bed - nothing in night  
bad, stiff legs, minor discomfort.  I WAS going to irrigate it, but thought  
it was gas and would go away.  when being out in 50 degree rain felt good,  I 
knew I was in trouble.   My son was here but - you know.. so I  called 
the nurse around noon.  I was just about to go outside and just cut  the 
Foley off so I could pass water naturally but she said she'd hurry - bumped  me 
up ahead of everyone on her schedule.  I gotta do something nice back,  any 
In a message dated 1/13/2011 3:46:22 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I know  exactly what you're talking about Dave, the same thing  
happened to me about a year ago and my mom had to learn very
quick how to change my catheter, since the nurse who used to 
change it for me couldn't come right away, but it felt horrible, I
thought I was going to die too. I'll never let that happen again.

Anisette Whitehead
_www.lwgripgloves.com_ ( 


Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 15:42:20 -0500
Subject: [QUAD-L] AD - once is enough

I had a plugged Foley a week ago - in about 12 hours I was talking to God  
- making arrangements for my departure/arrival.  I called my visiting  nurse 
who does monthly changes for me and she heard the stress in my  voice.  She 
was here in about the longest 45 minutes I have ever spent -  well with 
maybe 1 exception of when they inserted my traction in  '67.   She swapped out 
my tube and I felt instant relief from the  pounding head and gut crushing 
pressure.  AD is certainly nothing to mess  with.   My sympathies to any who 
have to deal with AD on a regular  basis.


Re: [QUAD-L] Unidentified subject!

2011-01-11 Thread hellodaveoc
my regular schedule is once every 4 days - I use a 2 qt water enema  and it 
takes about 45 minutes for everything to evacuate.  I seldom have  
accidents since starting this routine 10 years ago.  I never like 'rushing'  to 
Jon in emergency mode.
azdave   c3-4 incomplete 1967
In a message dated 1/11/2011 3:55:32 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I was brought to the hospital for pneumonia. A few days after entering,  my 
bowels became blocked (my bowels were not moving at all) after coming I was 
 given Miralax along with several large glass of prune juice with no of  
magnesia 1 tablespoon. A few days later it finally started working. I've been  
taking bran cereal and now I'm taking 10 baby prrunes will along with senna 
 and stool softener's. If I ever don't go I use Miralax  prune juice with  
milk of magnesia. I also use enemas, which they say not to use in rehab. 
It's  important to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, whole-grain breads and 
 fruits. I also think it helps to not gain weight
Prunes are easier for me to eat than drink prune juice. The hospital is  
amazed at the number of senna I use, but it works for me. I started out with a 
 small amount and I've had to increase. I rarely have accidents.
In a message dated 1/11/2011 4:32:49 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I had this problem  too.
Sometimes the poop just goes  backup, especially using a 2nd magic bullet 
or enemeez. So, I only use 1 ,  if it does not come out, I wait 24 hrs and 
take milk/magnesia. this usually  makes it come out.
Like what others say, I changed my  diet and started taking mirlax.
I go now every other morning, 1  hour instead of 2, and no more digi-stem. 
It took awhile to get cleaned  out (a few months) after starting  tweaking 
my  diet.
I take 4 senokote the night before.  This helps push it down.
good luckI was very  depressed with my bp. I dread it.but, 
thank god it is much better  now.
Derrick W in PA 

- Original Message - 
From:  _greg_ (   
To: _quad-l...@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 7:51  PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Unidentified  subject!

I'm  having such problems with my “bowel routine”
   It use to take 45 minutes using the Enemeez, but they started to  not 
work as well. Now I'm using the Magic Bullets, but they too are now  not 
working as well. Not only is it taking 2 plus hours, I'm sweating  buckets. Not 
to be too graphic, but I start to go ok then things slow  down. I can't do 
this myself, but my helper says she can feel stuff there,  it just will not 
drop down. Then after numerous tries it might come down  or it might go back 
up. I've tried using a second one and it works  sometimes. The biggest 
problem is… hours after I get in my chair it  sometimes then comes down and 
I've tried changing my diet, taking  different softener type things. It's not 
that it gets too firm it just is  slow.
   Anyone have this issue that found something that can help things  move 

Re: [QUAD-L] Baby

2011-01-03 Thread hellodaveoc
as a c3 incomplete, I'm here to tell you it is very possible - I spawned 3  
and she had about 7 additional early exits.  sometimes the body just knows  
what to do.
In a message dated 1/3/2011 10:17:20 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I was injured c-6 incomplete in 1989 and had my son in 2003.  By  this 
point I had learned how to ejaculate so we didn't require anything  special, 
she became pregnant after two weeks so I would say in my example  motilty 
must not have been affected much. 

On Jan 3, 2011, at  11:39 AM, _wheelch...@aol.com_ 
(  wrote:

I would be more concerned with her being able to produce eggs.  (smiling)   
 Actually, we can't tell if both, one or neither  of you are fertile and 
can produce without a medical examination.   Removing sperm n viable eggs are 
as easy as doing it with animal  medicine.  It is a medical procedure for 
both of you.  Do you have  a URO that you can consult regarding this.  It is 
considered quite  normal here.
And may you be the proud father of many generations!
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/3/2011 10:08:38 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
_msal...@gmail.com_ (  writes:

Hello friends:-)

Happy new year to you all. I had this  query and I am sure, many of you 
have the answers. it's mainly to male  members but female members are welcome 
to give any opinion.

I was  never bothered about this in my 18 years of quad life. Never thought 
it  will ever happen to me, but it happened all of a sudden (I was not  
prepared for this).

I am now 48 and a lady of 30-35 years agreed to  spend her life with me. 
She only wishes that, if she had a child from  me.

Now I am thinking, after all these years is it possible to give  birth of 
any child ? Do I have any sperm left ? I cannot do voluntary  intercourse as 
I am quad. Do doctors have any way to get the sperm from me  and inject it 
to my mate ?

Please, please share your experiences  soonest. I shall be very pleased.
So long...  Bye...




2011-01-03 Thread hellodaveoc
Use Full Screen by  clicking the four little arrows.

Watch a man with  a small pair of wings strapped to his back, mounted with 
small jet  turbine engines, fly in formation with two Stearman biplanes.   
Then, watch as 'Jetman' performs a big barrel roll and observe what  he uses 
for lateral 'roll''s his hands!!  Click  below.

_TVKim-  Watching: Kim's Picks- Jetman flies in  formation_ 

Re: [QUAD-L] Cold to the Bone

2011-01-02 Thread hellodaveoc
I get that in the evenings too or when I hold a cold glass.   Acetaminophen 
seems to help as does hot water.  has anyone ever tried  cannabis at these 
times ?  that sure kills my spasms dead.
In a message dated 1/2/2011 9:20:29 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Greg, 
The  sensation you describe, that tingling, burning cold, emersed in 
icewater  feeling, is exactly how my arms, hands, legs, feet, and rear end feel 
24/7,  and it's much worse in my left hand and left foot. There is absolutely 
no  relief whatever I do and like you, it is much worse during the colder 
winter  months. I have tried pain meds, anti-seizure meds, anti-depression 
meds, meds  for neuropathy (Lyrica and Neurontin), biofeedback, electrical 
stimulation,  acupuncture, hypnosis, and nerve blocks, all in vain. I dearly 
hope that you  and anyone else experiencing these sensations finds the relief 
that has eluded  me. 
Steve  - C4, 22 years 
From: greg  [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 11:05  AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Cold to the  Bone

I just don't know  how you north and east guys can do it, living in such 
cold  places.
Down in the Phx  area we only get a few drops into freezing temps and it 
has been  miserable.
I had my house at  78, plus a space heater blasting me, while drinking hot 
drinks all day, and I  just could not get warm.
(Though I think  it's better not to use the space heater because once I 
move away from the  blowing hot air, I get even colder.)
Once I get cold I  tighten up into 1 clinched muscle and whenever I stretch 
out my fingers it  causes excess tingling up my forearms.
It's that tingling  that is a burning, cold, ice-water, feeling. Northing I 
can do to get it to go  away until I sleep for the night.
I always have that  tingling, but after stretching it get crazy bad.
If I relax and  lift my shirts a bit, I can feel the heat coming off my 
body, but I still am  shaking.
I know by evening  time my shoulders are sore and that can make me feel 
cold too, so when it's  cold out it multiplies things.
Not being able to  sit and relax my muscles in the sun is a big part of the 
problem, I usually  spend hours outside.
Good luck to you  all who are freezing too!


Re: [QUAD-L] Cold to the Bone

2011-01-02 Thread hellodaveoc
I left one of those in a phoenix garage a few summers and found a bag of  
maggots when I picked up.   yuck.
In a message dated 1/2/2011 11:54:12 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I ordered a few  Thermalon products off of amazon that you heat in the 
microwave and put over  the shoulders. it seems to help somewhat but you have 
be careful to not  burn the skin.  
-Original  Message-
From: greg  [] 
Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 10:05  AM
Subject:  [QUAD-L] Cold to the Bone 
I just don't know how you north  and east guys can do it, living in such 
cold places.
Down in the Phx area we only get  a few drops into freezing temps and it 
has been  miserable.
I had my house at 78, plus a  space heater blasting me, while drinking hot 
drinks all day, and I just could  not get warm.
(Though I think it's better not  to use the space heater because once I 
move away from the blowing hot air, I  get even colder.)
Once I get cold I tighten up into  1 clinched muscle and whenever I stretch 
out my fingers it causes excess  tingling up my forearms.
It's that tingling that is a  burning, cold, ice-water, feeling. Northing I 
can do to get it to go away  until I sleep for the night.
I always have that tingling, but  after stretching it get crazy bad.
If I relax and lift my shirts a  bit, I can feel the heat coming off my 
body, but I still am  shaking.
I know by evening time my  shoulders are sore and that can make me feel 
cold too, so when it's cold out  it multiplies things.
Not being able to sit and relax  my muscles in the sun is a big part of the 
problem, I usually spend hours  outside.
Good luck to you all who are  freezing too!


Re: [QUAD-L] Free domino games

2010-12-29 Thread hellodaveoc
two of my favorites
In a message dated 12/29/2010 7:16:05 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

In a message dated 12/29/2010 7:19:58 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Can  anyone tell me of any good free games or game sites for playing  
or other free games online?
There are many. I use to play cards and dominoes on

Re: [QUAD-L] grit in urine

2010-12-20 Thread hellodaveoc
a six pack usually clears that up for me.
In a message dated 12/20/2010 11:01:12 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim, writes:

Maybe someone can help. I have grit in my urine, which  I'm told are small 
bladder stone, I don't want them to become large  stones, has anyone had 
luck getting rid of this grit. We irrigate  morning and night, have used acetic 
acid and still the grit remains. I  have used a foley since my accident in 
97, my uro said this is not  uncommon with long term foley users, but didn't 
have an answer as how to  get rid of the grit accept to irrigate.  

Re: [QUAD-L] Trans-Aid Personal Lift with Manual Crank Handle Question

2010-12-17 Thread hellodaveoc
Looks like the going price is $850
I'd probably charge a hundred or two - (a nice dinner out) plus  shipping.
I'd also dissemble it - he needs a part to replace the one he broke, not  
the nuts and bolts.  Most any auto repair shop could probably weld his  
broken part in minutes.\
Try UPS, and DHL - they are both good.
In a message dated 12/17/2010 10:24:43 A.M. US Mountain Standard Tim, writes:

Have you  explained to this frantic quad the cost of shipping the lift 
fully assembled  and that price would have to be passed on to the price of the 

On  a personal note, if it was me I would just charge him the shipping cost 
 period. But that's just me. I would rather help out a fellow quad than 
make a  buck.


At 10:09 AM 12/17/2010, Eric W Rudd said  something that elicited my 

not at all

Eric W  Rudd
_c5sc...@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 


_wheelch...@aol.com_ (  

To: _c5sc...@gmail.com_ (  ; 
_quad-l...@eskimo.com_ (  

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 9:05 AM

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Trans-Aid Personal Lift with Manual Crank  Handle 

Yes, I've done that too.  Generators are shipped in  square boxes, on 

Trans-Aid Lift is ackward at best with a handbar attached to the boom  for 
pushing the lift on wheels.

As soon as one mentioned priceless and non-replaceable the  trucking 
group gets hairy and protective.  And this is what makes the  process so 
complicated. Are you familiar with the TransAid Lift,  assembled?

Best Wishes

In a message dated 12/17/2010 9:00:37 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

I understand about 3-4 yrs ago i bought a home standby  generator.  it came 
by freight.  it was the only thing on the  truck.  i'm sure if you call the 
shippers and tell them your  concerns they'll ease your mind.  google 
freight shippers, i can't  think of any of the top of my head.

Eric W Rudd

_c5sc...@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 


_wheelch...@aol.com_ (  

To: _c5sc...@gmail.com_ (  ; 
_quad-l...@eskimo.com_ (  

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 8:52 AM

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Trans-Aid Personal Lift with Manual  Crank Handle 

Packaging is critical. The undressed size of the package is 59 X  36 X 15 @ 
75 pounds.  Once packaged for safe transport it exceeds  UPS standard and 
must go by truck, on a pallet.  Buyer won't  allow the lift to be 
disassembled for shipping to reduce the size in  fear of losing parts.  Did I 
the buyer is Quad Frantic,  (smiling)

Best Wishes

In a message dated 12/17/2010 8:45:49 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Ask them what they'd give you for it.  The shipping company  might provide 
insurance but I've never a had problem with damaged  goods, they usually 
have all kinds of straps, bars, blankets.

Eric W Rudd

_c5sc...@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 


_wheelch...@aol.com_ (  

To: _c5sc...@gmail.com_ (  ; 
_quad-l...@eskimo.com_ (  

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 8:31 AM

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Trans-Aid Personal Lift with Manual  Crank Handle 

Thanks Eric.  I agree.  I don't want to take  advantage of a person and 
this is one of a kind.  If it  arrives broken or damaged, I've wasted a lot of 
money for nothing.  So what do I charge?

Thanks and Best Wishes

In a message dated 12/17/2010 8:28:25 A.M. Central Standard  Time, 
_c5sc...@gmail.com_ (  writes:

Sounds as if the sky's the limit.  Ask what they'd be  willing to pay.  And 
keep in mind yuo've had no need for 10  years.

Eric W Rudd

_c5sc...@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 


_wheelch...@aol.com_ (  

To: _quad-l...@eskimo.com_ (   

Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 7:53 AM

Subject: [QUAD-L] Trans-Aid Personal Lift with Manual  Crank Handle Question


It is now time to ask of you a question that has recently  confronted me.  
Years ago, I purchased a Trans-Aid  Personal Lift with Manual Crank handle. 
I suspect because of  recent that many or most may not know what I am 
talking about  because, Trans-Aid was not popular compared to the Hoyer Lift  
the private and public sector.  The Trans-Aid Lift was  chromed, with a C 
base, an almost vertical boom with an  extending arm that was lowered or raised 
as you cranked the  handle.  Attached to the arm was a 4 point 

Re: [QUAD-L] please visit my blog:

2010-12-10 Thread hellodaveoc
where is it?
In a message dated 12/10/2010 5:31:03 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

I would certainly appreciate your inputs, comments, and  suggestions. 
Dave  Krehbiel

Re: [QUAD-L] burn hand

2010-12-08 Thread hellodaveoc
I use a fat bottomed, plastic,  insulated cup and boil my drinks by  the 
cup in the microwave.
In a message dated 12/8/2010 6:23:43 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

The impossible only takes a little longer.  How about letting common  sense 
prevail ?  Use the same safety advice makers of explosive devices  
consider.  And from my own precious Mother who lies in peace, Never Tip  A 
Boiling pot.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/7/2010 9:09:36 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

any pointers pouring hot h2o from  teapot?
Eric W Rudd
_c5sc...@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 
From:  _diannal...@aol.com_ (  
To: _hellodav...@aol.com_ (  ; 
_quad-l...@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 9:04  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] burn hand

In a message dated 12/7/2010 9:43:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
_hellodav...@aol.com_ (  writes:

thank goodness for dead pain nerve endings, huh?  

 Amen! Been there, done that with hot coffee. 

In a message dated 12/7/2010 7:04:53 P.M. US Mountain Standard  Time, 
_c5sc...@gmail.com_ (  writes:

OMG...wait...u did what?zipped  what...


Re: [QUAD-L] burn hand

2010-12-07 Thread hellodaveoc
thank goodness for dead pain nerve endings, huh?
In a message dated 12/7/2010 7:04:53 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, writes:

OMG...wait...u did what?   zipped  what...
Eric W Rudd
_c5sc...@gmail.com_ ( 

- Original Message - 
From:  _Todd Daugherty_ (  
To: _greg_ (  
Cc: _quadriplegic_ (  
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 4:13  PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] burn hand

I poured a hot saucepan of chicken noodle soup on my crotch  this year and 
had someone zip my frank and beans up in the zipper.   Happy 2010!

Todd D

On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 4:54 PM, greg _g...@eskimo.com_ 
(  wrote:

I've been lucky  and haven't burned myself in months, but did nit twice 
this  week.
Dime size  blister on my pad of thumb from drinking hot apple cider. My 
thumb slipped  over the steam hole on the mug.
Yesterday eating  pizza I burned a quarter size blister on the side of my 
hand under my  little finger.
I've done that  so many times now at least I know what to keep my eye out 
for with  infections. I have a prescription antibiotic cream on standby for 
just  such things.

  1   2   3   >