Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-17 Thread Perry Dane

Michael Masinter also argues that Belmont Abbey

may have difficulty demonstrating that the resolution of that claim 
in favor of plaintiffs substantially

burdens the free exercise of religion

because an

individual female employee makes the choice to purchase birth
control pills, and whether she does so with the proceeds of her
employer paid salary or her employer paid prescription drug benefits,
she is doing so with funds traceable to her employer, who does not
condition employment on refusing to use birth control or on refusing
to pay for birth control with funds that are proceeds of employment

This is essentially the old argument that "money is 
fungible."  But there are two problems here.  First, law and practice 
are full of instances in which this sort of argument doesn't 
govern.  Cf. much of establishment clause doctrine.  Or consider the 
fact that my school will not reimburse me out of state funds for 
buying alcohol at business meals, but has no problem if I use part of 
my salary to buy alcohol at such meals, and even (I am told) has no 
problem reimbursing me out of gift funds.

More to the point:  Belmont Abbey clearly thinks that there 
is a religiously significant difference between directly and 
indirectly paying for contraception.  And our doctrine of religious 
liberty strongly insists that we not second-guess such judgments, as 
long as they are sincere.   Michael's argument sort of reminds me of 
someone telling an observant Jew that it must be OK to turn on an 
electric light on the Sabbath because, after all, that's not 
"work."  Lots of religious beliefs and doctrines follow forms of 
logic, and make fine distinctions, that don't necessarily convince outsiders.


Perry Dane
Professor of Law

Rutgers University
School of Law  -- Camden
217 North Fifth Street
Camden, NJ 08102
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Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-17 Thread Perry Dane

Michael Masinter wrote:

Contraceptives prevent pregnancy, and only women get pregnant.
Denying contraceptive coverage to men does not expose men to
pregnancy, but denying coverage to women does expose women to

Let's tease out the issues here.  It's possible that denying 
coverage for contraceptives violates the PDA because of its 
consequences for the risk of unwanted pregnancy, a risk whose effect 
is uniquely borne by women.  If that's true, though, it shouldn't 
matter who is using the contraceptives, men or women.  Let's call 
this the "PDA argument."

But, as I understand it, the EEOC didn't make the PDA 
argument, at least as such.  Instead, it wrote that "By denying 
prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the college) is 
discriminating based on gender because only females take oral 
prescription contraceptives"?   Let's call this the "straightforward 
argument."  This was the argument to which I was responding.

The consequences of the two arguments are obviously very 
different.  For example, the straightforward argument would apply, 
but the PDA argument would not, if an employer denied coverage for 
some other type of treatment that was directed only at women, such 
as, say, post-menopausal hormone therapy.  Conversely, the PDA 
argument would apply, but the straightforward argument would not, if 
(counterfactually) there were equally-available prescription 
contraceptive pills for both men and women, and an employer denied 
coverage for both types of contraceptives.

I've already suggested why the straightforward argument 
doesn't impress me -- it penalizes Belmont Abbey for institutional 
decisions made by someone else, and it doesn't give an honest account 
of the best description of what Belmont Abbey is doing.  The PDA 
argument strikes me as stronger in principle, but I'm not sure 
(though this is far from the area of my expertise) that the text or 
policy of the PDA can support the weight of it.


Perry Dane
Professor of Law

Rutgers University
School of Law  -- Camden
217 North Fifth Street
Camden, NJ 08102
SSRN Author page: page:

Work:   (856) 225-6004
Fax:   (856) 969-7924
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Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-17 Thread Michael R. Masinter
There are many hurdles to a successful RFRA defense to otherwise  
unlawful sex discrimination (making the contested assumption that  
denial of coverage is sex discrimination).  Congress has already  
provided both the 702(a) exemption and the bona fide occupational  
qualification defense for employers; the two generally provide greater  
protection for religious employers than does RFRA.  Though RFRA  
applies to all government action, including government action under  
Title VII, most Title VII claims are brought by a charging party after  
receipt of a right to sue letter, not by EEOC.  The Seventh Circuit  
has held that RFRA does not apply to Title VII claims brought by  
private litigants.  Tomic v. Catholic Diocese of Peoria, 442 F.3d 1036  
(7th Cir. 2006).  A panel of the Second Circuit held otherwise in  
Hankins v. Lyght, 441 F.3d 96 (2d Cir. 2006), but a later Second  
Circuit panel questioned the soundness of that decision.  Rweyemamu v.  
Cote, 520 F.3d 198 (2d Cir. 2008).  Unless EEOC sues Belmont Abbey,  
RFRA may not apply for lack of government action.

Assuming RFRA applies, Belmont Abbey may have difficulty demonstrating  
that the resolution of that claim in favor of plaintiffs substantially  
burdens the free exercise of religion for reasons I already noted.   
The individual female employee makes the choice to purchase birth  
control pills, and whether she does so with the proceeds of her  
employer paid salary or her employer paid prescription drug benefits,  
she is doing so with funds traceable to her employer, who does not  
condition employment on refusing to use birth control or on refusing  
to pay for birth control with funds that are proceeds of employment,  
and who therefore may have trouble convincing a judge that a finding  
of sex discrimination is substantially burdens the free exercise of  
religion, and that Title VII's does not further the government's  
compelling interest in the eradication of workplace sex discrimination  
as defined by the PDA in the least restrictive manner.

That's not to say RFRA the scope of RFRA's application to Title VII is  
clear; perhaps RFRA does apply to private claims of discrimination, a  
finding of sex discrimination would substantially burden the free  
exercise of religion, and the government's compelling interest in  
eradicating workplace sex discrimination as defined to include  
pregnancy could be carried out in a less restrictive manner.  If so,  
and if denying coverage is sex discrimination, then I agree RFRA will  


Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 (fax)

Quoting "Vance R. Koven" :

I don't see what Belmont Abbey's status under one statute necessarily has to
do with its status under another, especially one as general as RFRA. What I
think you are obliquely saying is that Belmont Abbey is not a "person" under
RFRA, on the grounds that RFRA doesn't apply to institutional "persons"
unless some context--determinable with reference to some other law--suggests
that it might be. That's a fair enough argument, which I think others on
this list can address better than I can based on the RFRA case law, but in
any event it should be addressed on its own merits. I also take your point
about Belmont Abbey's other conduct being potentially inconsistent with its
position on its insurance benefit (though I don't think the notion that
paying its employees fungible money constitutes a concession to their
ability to obtain contraception carries much weight).

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Michael R. Masinter   

Belmont Abbey might have a better chance with its RFRA argument if it were
a religious institution entitled by section 702(a) of Title VII to practice
religious discrimination, and if as such an employer, it conditioned
employment on foregoing the use of birth control as an expression of
religious faith or obedience.  But as I understand what I have read of the
EEOC proceedings, Belmont Abbey does not limit employment to those whom it
defines as the faithful, does not require of its employees that they refrain
from using birth control, and may not even be entitled to claim the 702(a)
exemption authorizing religious discrimination.  It already pays employees
money with which they are free to purchase (or not purchase) birth control;
it offers them prescription drug coverage as an additional employee benefit,
which, like money, they are free to use to purchase (or not purchase) birth
control.  If Belmont Abbey is forbidden from practicing religious
discrimination, then it's hard to make the argument that under RFRA it is
entitled to practice sex discrimination.  I would think its best argument is
the question which has divided the few courts that have considered it, and
that is the ques

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-17 Thread Vance R. Koven
I don't see what Belmont Abbey's status under one statute necessarily has to
do with its status under another, especially one as general as RFRA. What I
think you are obliquely saying is that Belmont Abbey is not a "person" under
RFRA, on the grounds that RFRA doesn't apply to institutional "persons"
unless some context--determinable with reference to some other law--suggests
that it might be. That's a fair enough argument, which I think others on
this list can address better than I can based on the RFRA case law, but in
any event it should be addressed on its own merits. I also take your point
about Belmont Abbey's other conduct being potentially inconsistent with its
position on its insurance benefit (though I don't think the notion that
paying its employees fungible money constitutes a concession to their
ability to obtain contraception carries much weight).

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 6:08 PM, Michael R. Masinter wrote:

> Belmont Abbey might have a better chance with its RFRA argument if it were
> a religious institution entitled by section 702(a) of Title VII to practice
> religious discrimination, and if as such an employer, it conditioned
> employment on foregoing the use of birth control as an expression of
> religious faith or obedience.  But as I understand what I have read of the
> EEOC proceedings, Belmont Abbey does not limit employment to those whom it
> defines as the faithful, does not require of its employees that they refrain
> from using birth control, and may not even be entitled to claim the 702(a)
> exemption authorizing religious discrimination.  It already pays employees
> money with which they are free to purchase (or not purchase) birth control;
> it offers them prescription drug coverage as an additional employee benefit,
> which, like money, they are free to use to purchase (or not purchase) birth
> control.  If Belmont Abbey is forbidden from practicing religious
> discrimination, then it's hard to make the argument that under RFRA it is
> entitled to practice sex discrimination.  I would think its best argument is
> the question which has divided the few courts that have considered it, and
> that is the question of whether denying coverage for prescription birth
> control pills is sex discrimination.
> Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
> Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
> Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
> masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 (fax)
> Quoting "Vance R. Koven" :
>  So for purposes of the law-n-religion analysis, the issue is whether
>> Belmont
>> Abbey can claim, either under the constitution or RFRA (this being a
>> Federal
>> matter), that it is entitled to a religious exception. Sticking with RFRA
>> to
>> avoid the complexities of post-Smith analysis, the government would have
>> to
>> contend that the prevention of sex discrimination is a compelling interest
>> (which for sake of discussion I'm willing to concede). Belmont Abbey would
>> then have to respond that since PDA requires coverage for contraception
>> *irrespective* of actual sex discrimination as normally understood, the
>> failure to provide such coverage on a nondiscriminatory basis (that is,
>> because men are equally prevented from obtaining reproductive-health
>> benefits--putting aside whether it could "offset" the women-only benefit
>> denial with a *different* men-only denial--that would conflict with
>> Catholic
>> doctrine) makes the PDA proscription merely malum prohibitum and not malum
>> in se, which parries the "compelling interest" alleged? If that's so, then
>> the government could go back and attempt a standard sex-discrimination
>> analysis of the matter without the benefit of the PDA presumption.
>> Vance
>> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Michael R. Masinter  > >wrote:
>>  The PDA makes denial of health insurance benefits relating to pregnancy
>>> sex
>>> discrimination without regard to whether an employer denies men coverage
>>> for
>>> some other condition that affects only men.  Denying coverage for a
>>> prescription drug that prevents pregnancy, a risk to which only women are
>>> exposed, may therefore be sex discrimination under the PDA even if men
>>> are
>>> not denied coverage for vasectomies.  Whether the cost of prevention of
>>> pregnancy, as distinct from the health related cost of pregnancy, counts
>>> as
>>> one of the risks and burdens associated with pregnancy the PDA was
>>> intended
>>> to relieve women from bearing under employer provided health insurance
>>> and
>>> other employee benefit programs might better frame the question a court
>>> ultimately will have to answer.
>>> Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
>>> Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
>>> Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
>>> masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-16 Thread Michael R. Masinter
Belmont Abbey might have a better chance with its RFRA argument if it  
were a religious institution entitled by section 702(a) of Title VII  
to practice religious discrimination, and if as such an employer, it  
conditioned employment on foregoing the use of birth control as an  
expression of religious faith or obedience.  But as I understand what  
I have read of the EEOC proceedings, Belmont Abbey does not limit  
employment to those whom it defines as the faithful, does not require  
of its employees that they refrain from using birth control, and may  
not even be entitled to claim the 702(a) exemption authorizing  
religious discrimination.  It already pays employees money with which  
they are free to purchase (or not purchase) birth control; it offers  
them prescription drug coverage as an additional employee benefit,  
which, like money, they are free to use to purchase (or not purchase)  
birth control.  If Belmont Abbey is forbidden from practicing  
religious discrimination, then it's hard to make the argument that  
under RFRA it is entitled to practice sex discrimination.  I would  
think its best argument is the question which has divided the few  
courts that have considered it, and that is the question of whether  
denying coverage for prescription birth control pills is sex  

Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 (fax)

Quoting "Vance R. Koven" :

So for purposes of the law-n-religion analysis, the issue is whether Belmont
Abbey can claim, either under the constitution or RFRA (this being a Federal
matter), that it is entitled to a religious exception. Sticking with RFRA to
avoid the complexities of post-Smith analysis, the government would have to
contend that the prevention of sex discrimination is a compelling interest
(which for sake of discussion I'm willing to concede). Belmont Abbey would
then have to respond that since PDA requires coverage for contraception
*irrespective* of actual sex discrimination as normally understood, the
failure to provide such coverage on a nondiscriminatory basis (that is,
because men are equally prevented from obtaining reproductive-health
benefits--putting aside whether it could "offset" the women-only benefit
denial with a *different* men-only denial--that would conflict with Catholic
doctrine) makes the PDA proscription merely malum prohibitum and not malum
in se, which parries the "compelling interest" alleged? If that's so, then
the government could go back and attempt a standard sex-discrimination
analysis of the matter without the benefit of the PDA presumption.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Michael R. Masinter   

The PDA makes denial of health insurance benefits relating to pregnancy sex
discrimination without regard to whether an employer denies men coverage for
some other condition that affects only men.  Denying coverage for a
prescription drug that prevents pregnancy, a risk to which only women are
exposed, may therefore be sex discrimination under the PDA even if men are
not denied coverage for vasectomies.  Whether the cost of prevention of
pregnancy, as distinct from the health related cost of pregnancy, counts as
one of the risks and burdens associated with pregnancy the PDA was intended
to relieve women from bearing under employer provided health insurance and
other employee benefit programs might better frame the question a court
ultimately will have to answer.

Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 (fax)

Quoting "Vance R. Koven" :

 Whatever else may be right or wrong with Gilbert or the statute, Griswold

was a constitutional claim based on the flat prohibiting by legislation of
form of birth control for women, whereas the EEOC finding in Belmont Abbey
is a matter of what the college will fund as part of its private health
insurance. Presumably women are still free to obtain contraception on
own nickel.
Have we ascertained that the Belmont Abbey insurance policy, and the
college's internal policy, permitted men to obtain condoms and/or more
medically-oriented forms of birth control (e.g. vasectomies, spermicides)?
If so, then there's a live sex-discrimination issue. If not, then the EEOC
decision may be subject to question.


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Steven Jamar 

 I'm not sure how paul arrives at his characterization of my response to

inquiry of another in which I sketch a possible way a court could go

Nonetheless, it seems to me that even though Gilbert was overturned by
legislation, the legislation did not in fact reach the illogic of the

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-16 Thread Vance R. Koven
So for purposes of the law-n-religion analysis, the issue is whether Belmont
Abbey can claim, either under the constitution or RFRA (this being a Federal
matter), that it is entitled to a religious exception. Sticking with RFRA to
avoid the complexities of post-Smith analysis, the government would have to
contend that the prevention of sex discrimination is a compelling interest
(which for sake of discussion I'm willing to concede). Belmont Abbey would
then have to respond that since PDA requires coverage for contraception
*irrespective* of actual sex discrimination as normally understood, the
failure to provide such coverage on a nondiscriminatory basis (that is,
because men are equally prevented from obtaining reproductive-health
benefits--putting aside whether it could "offset" the women-only benefit
denial with a *different* men-only denial--that would conflict with Catholic
doctrine) makes the PDA proscription merely malum prohibitum and not malum
in se, which parries the "compelling interest" alleged? If that's so, then
the government could go back and attempt a standard sex-discrimination
analysis of the matter without the benefit of the PDA presumption.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Michael R. Masinter wrote:

> The PDA makes denial of health insurance benefits relating to pregnancy sex
> discrimination without regard to whether an employer denies men coverage for
> some other condition that affects only men.  Denying coverage for a
> prescription drug that prevents pregnancy, a risk to which only women are
> exposed, may therefore be sex discrimination under the PDA even if men are
> not denied coverage for vasectomies.  Whether the cost of prevention of
> pregnancy, as distinct from the health related cost of pregnancy, counts as
> one of the risks and burdens associated with pregnancy the PDA was intended
> to relieve women from bearing under employer provided health insurance and
> other employee benefit programs might better frame the question a court
> ultimately will have to answer.
> Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
> Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
> Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
> masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 (fax)
> Quoting "Vance R. Koven" :
>  Whatever else may be right or wrong with Gilbert or the statute, Griswold
>> was a constitutional claim based on the flat prohibiting by legislation of
>> a
>> form of birth control for women, whereas the EEOC finding in Belmont Abbey
>> is a matter of what the college will fund as part of its private health
>> insurance. Presumably women are still free to obtain contraception on
>> their
>> own nickel.
>> Have we ascertained that the Belmont Abbey insurance policy, and the
>> college's internal policy, permitted men to obtain condoms and/or more
>> medically-oriented forms of birth control (e.g. vasectomies, spermicides)?
>> If so, then there's a live sex-discrimination issue. If not, then the EEOC
>> decision may be subject to question.
>> Vance
>> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Steven Jamar 
>> wrote:
>>  I'm not sure how paul arrives at his characterization of my response to
>>> an
>>> inquiry of another in which I sketch a possible way a court could go
>>> wrong.
>>> Nonetheless, it seems to me that even though Gilbert was overturned by
>>> legislation, the legislation did not in fact reach the illogic of the
>>> court's reasoning, but rather the outcome of that reasoning.
>>> While I think that a court that would reason as I hypothesized one might
>>> would be wrong in doing so in light of the dialogue between the Court and
>>> Congress(see boumediene), I fear I have seen such toturing of laws often
>>> enough to not consider such error to beyond the realm of possibility.
>>> I guess I don't quite see how a statute based claim with EP overtones
>>> would
>>> impact a constitutional liberty-based privacy claim, though at times we
>>> do
>>> cross those sorts of boundaries.
>>> Stev
>>> Sent from Steve Jamar's iPhone
>>> On Aug 15, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Paul Finkelman 
>>> wrote:
>>>   ___

>>> To post, send message to
>>> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see
>>> Please note that messages sent to this large list cannot be viewed as
>>> private.  Anyone can subscribe to the list and read messages that are
>>> posted; people can read the Web archives; and list members can (rightly
>>> or
>>> wrongly) forward the messages to others.
>> --
>> Vance R. Koven
>> Boston, MA USA
> ___
> To post, send message to
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see
> http:

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Michael R. Masinter
If Belmont Abbey stops providing health care coverage to its  
employees, it will be because it chose to stop providing it, not  
because it was forced to do so.  If the administrators of the college  
believe that it is preferable to leave all employees uninsured to  
prevent the possibility that one of them might purchase birth control  
pills subsidized by a health insurance plan, then it really doesn't  
matter whether its motivation is rooted in religious doctrine or the  
belief that birth control disrupts evolution; either way the  
administrators make a deliberate choice.  That such a choice is one an  
employer can make and impose on its employees is part of what sets  
health care in the United States apart from most of the developed  
world.  I leave to a more appropriate thread the discussion of whether  
that's a bug or a feature.

Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 (fax)

Quoting Will Esser :

My understanding is that college administration discovered (after a  
change in insurance providers) that the new insurance policy covered  
abortion, sterilization, and contraception.  Since all three are  
contrary to Catholic teaching, the college administration  
immediately  requested its private health insurer to eliminate  
coverage for these items.  I'm told that North Carolina law has a  
specific state exemption which permits a religious employer to  
provide health insurance which does not cover these items, so as a  
matter of NC state law, the college was on firm ground.  In fact,  
but for the change in health insurance providers, I do not believe  
these items would have ever been covered to begin with. 

(And of course, there is no prohibition on private individuals  
paying for excluded services on their own; it's just a question of  
whether a religious employer should be required to pay for services  
or items which it believes are morally objectionable). 

At the end of the day, it really creates an interesting dynamic  
because there is no federal or state law which requires Belmont  
Abbey to offer priavte health insurance coverage.  If there is a  
holding that Belmont Abbey cannot offer health insurance coverage  
without covering abortion, sterilization and contraception, then  
Belmont Abbey will simply be forced to stop offering health  
insurance coverage for its employees (a result which would more  
adversely affect staff members, than the faculty who brought the  
challenge in the first place). 


Will Esser --- Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Charlotte, North Carolina

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light.
Plato (428-345 B.C.)

--- On Sat, 8/15/09, Michael R. Masinter  wrote:

From: Michael R. Masinter 
Subject: Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing   
Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 5:51 PM

The PDA makes denial of health insurance benefits relating to  
pregnancy sex discrimination without regard to whether an employer  
denies men coverage for some other condition that affects only men.   
Denying coverage for a prescription drug that prevents pregnancy, a  
risk to which only women are exposed, may therefore be sex  
discrimination under the PDA even if men are not denied coverage for  
vasectomies.  Whether the cost of prevention of pregnancy, as  
distinct from the health related cost of pregnancy, counts as one of  
the risks and burdens associated with pregnancy the PDA was intended  
to relieve women from bearing under employer provided health  
insurance and other employee benefit programs might better frame the  
question a court ultimately will have to answer.

Michael R. Masinter                      3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law                         Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University             954.262.6151 (voice)                        954.262.3835 (fax)

Quoting "Vance R. Koven" :

Whatever else may be right or wrong with Gilbert or the statute, Griswold
was a constitutional claim based on the flat prohibiting by legislation of a
form of birth control for women, whereas the EEOC finding in Belmont Abbey
is a matter of what the college will fund as part of its private health
insurance. Presumably women are still free to obtain contraception on their
own nickel.
Have we ascertained that the Belmont Abbey insurance policy, and the
college's internal policy, permitted men to obtain condoms and/or more
medically-oriented forms of birth control (e.g. vasectomies, spermicides)?
If so, then there's a live sex-discrimination issue. If not, 

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Will Esser
My understanding is that college administration discovered (after a change in 
insurance providers) that the new insurance policy covered abortion, 
sterilization, and contraception.  Since all three are contrary to Catholic 
teaching, the college administration immediately  requested its private health 
insurer to eliminate coverage for these items.  I'm told that North Carolina 
law has a specific state exemption which permits a religious employer to 
provide health insurance which does not cover these items, so as a matter of NC 
state law, the college was on firm ground.  In fact, but for the change in 
health insurance providers, I do not believe these items would have ever been 
covered to begin with.  
(And of course, there is no prohibition on private individuals paying for 
excluded services on their own; it's just a question of whether a religious 
employer should be required to pay for services or items which it believes are 
morally objectionable).  
At the end of the day, it really creates an interesting dynamic because there 
is no federal or state law which requires Belmont Abbey to offer priavte health 
insurance coverage.  If there is a holding that Belmont Abbey cannot offer 
health insurance coverage without covering abortion, sterilization and 
contraception, then Belmont Abbey will simply be forced to stop offering health 
insurance coverage for its employees (a result which would more adversely 
affect staff members, than the faculty who brought the challenge in the first 

Will Esser --- Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Charlotte, North Carolina

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light.
Plato (428-345 B.C.)

--- On Sat, 8/15/09, Michael R. Masinter  wrote:

From: Michael R. Masinter 
Subject: Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 5:51 PM

The PDA makes denial of health insurance benefits relating to pregnancy sex 
discrimination without regard to whether an employer denies men coverage for 
some other condition that affects only men.  Denying coverage for a 
prescription drug that prevents pregnancy, a risk to which only women are 
exposed, may therefore be sex discrimination under the PDA even if men are not 
denied coverage for vasectomies.  Whether the cost of prevention of pregnancy, 
as distinct from the health related cost of pregnancy, counts as one of the 
risks and burdens associated with pregnancy the PDA was intended to relieve 
women from bearing under employer provided health insurance and other employee 
benefit programs might better frame the question a court ultimately will have 
to answer.

Michael R. Masinter                      3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law                         Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University             954.262.6151 (voice)                        954.262.3835 (fax)

Quoting "Vance R. Koven" :

> Whatever else may be right or wrong with Gilbert or the statute, Griswold
> was a constitutional claim based on the flat prohibiting by legislation of a
> form of birth control for women, whereas the EEOC finding in Belmont Abbey
> is a matter of what the college will fund as part of its private health
> insurance. Presumably women are still free to obtain contraception on their
> own nickel.
> Have we ascertained that the Belmont Abbey insurance policy, and the
> college's internal policy, permitted men to obtain condoms and/or more
> medically-oriented forms of birth control (e.g. vasectomies, spermicides)?
> If so, then there's a live sex-discrimination issue. If not, then the EEOC
> decision may be subject to question.
> Vance
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Steven Jamar  wrote:
>> I'm not sure how paul arrives at his characterization of my response to an
>> inquiry of another in which I sketch a possible way a court could go wrong.
>> Nonetheless, it seems to me that even though Gilbert was overturned by
>> legislation, the legislation did not in fact reach the illogic of the
>> court's reasoning, but rather the outcome of that reasoning.
>> While I think that a court that would reason as I hypothesized one might
>> would be wrong in doing so in light of the dialogue between the Court and
>> Congress(see boumediene), I fear I have seen such toturing of laws often
>> enough to not consider such error to beyond the realm of possibility.
>> I guess I don't quite see how a statute based claim with EP overtones would
>> impact a constitutional liberty-based privacy claim, though at times we do
>> cross those sorts of boundaries.

FW: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Volokh, Eugene
   I don’t know what “dovetails with the pre-Griswold world” 
exactly means, but I do know that Steve’s analysis does not remotely “suggest 
that the court should reverse Griswold.”  Griswold, as others have pointed out 
but as is obvious in any event, was a constitutional decision about whether the 
government may ban birth control; whether Title VII should be read as barring 
certain private employer does not bear on whether the court should reverse its 
constitutional decision in Griswold.


[] On Behalf Of Paul Finkelman
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 1:42 PM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: RE: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance

If you remember in Conn. it was legal to buy condoms; but not legal for doctors 
to give women birth control pills or other devices.  Seems to me that Steve's 
analysis dovetails with the pre-Griswold world

Paul Finkelman
President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law
Albany Law School
80 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208

518-445-3386 (p)
518-445-3363 (f)

--- On Sat, 8/15/09, Volokh, Eugene  wrote:

From: Volokh, Eugene 
Subject: RE: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance
To: "'Law & Religion issues for Law Academics'" 
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 2:51 PM
    I'm pretty sure that Steve's argument has no such implications at all.

[] On Behalf Of Paul Finkelman
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:57 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance
Steve:  Your argument here would suggest that the court should reverse 
Griswold.  Moreover, oral contraception is used for other things besides birth 
control. And when used for birth control is more effective than condoms and 
does not require the cooperation of men.  Indeed, your solution essentially 
says that women should not control whether they get pregnant but rather it 
should be left of to the men.. 

Paul Finkelman
President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law
Albany Law School
80 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208

518-445-3386 (p)
518-445-3363 (f)

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Steven Jamar  wrote:

From: Steven Jamar 
Subject: Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance
To: "Law & Religion issues for Law Academics" 
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 7:43 AM
I haven't really kept up with decisions and actions in this area, but the 
Supreme Court held that refusal of pregnancy benefits was not sex 
discrimination and so it would seem that it would easily enough use the same 
(il)logic to rule that there was no sex discrimination here -- just 
run-of-the-mill coverage limitations.  Besides, women get the same coverage as 
men -- they can buy condoms too -- which, one would expect, would be within any 
deductible amount anyway. 

I'll be interested to see what those more versed in this area 
say based on current law.

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read the Web archives; and list members can (rightly or wrongly) forward the 
messages to others.

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Michael R. Masinter
The PDA makes denial of health insurance benefits relating to  
pregnancy sex discrimination without regard to whether an employer  
denies men coverage for some other condition that affects only men.   
Denying coverage for a prescription drug that prevents pregnancy, a  
risk to which only women are exposed, may therefore be sex  
discrimination under the PDA even if men are not denied coverage for  
vasectomies.  Whether the cost of prevention of pregnancy, as distinct  
from the health related cost of pregnancy, counts as one of the risks  
and burdens associated with pregnancy the PDA was intended to relieve  
women from bearing under employer provided health insurance and other  
employee benefit programs might better frame the question a court  
ultimately will have to answer.

Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 (fax)

Quoting "Vance R. Koven" :

Whatever else may be right or wrong with Gilbert or the statute, Griswold
was a constitutional claim based on the flat prohibiting by legislation of a
form of birth control for women, whereas the EEOC finding in Belmont Abbey
is a matter of what the college will fund as part of its private health
insurance. Presumably women are still free to obtain contraception on their
own nickel.
Have we ascertained that the Belmont Abbey insurance policy, and the
college's internal policy, permitted men to obtain condoms and/or more
medically-oriented forms of birth control (e.g. vasectomies, spermicides)?
If so, then there's a live sex-discrimination issue. If not, then the EEOC
decision may be subject to question.


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Steven Jamar  wrote:

I'm not sure how paul arrives at his characterization of my response to an
inquiry of another in which I sketch a possible way a court could go wrong.

Nonetheless, it seems to me that even though Gilbert was overturned by
legislation, the legislation did not in fact reach the illogic of the
court's reasoning, but rather the outcome of that reasoning.
While I think that a court that would reason as I hypothesized one might
would be wrong in doing so in light of the dialogue between the Court and
Congress(see boumediene), I fear I have seen such toturing of laws often
enough to not consider such error to beyond the realm of possibility.

I guess I don't quite see how a statute based claim with EP overtones would
impact a constitutional liberty-based privacy claim, though at times we do
cross those sorts of boundaries.


Sent from Steve Jamar's iPhone

On Aug 15, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Paul Finkelman 


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Please note that messages sent to this large list cannot be viewed as
private.  Anyone can subscribe to the list and read messages that are
posted; people can read the Web archives; and list members can (rightly or
wrongly) forward the messages to others.

Vance R. Koven
Boston, MA USA

To post, send message to
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Please note that messages sent to this large list cannot be viewed as private.  
Anyone can subscribe to the list and read messages that are posted; people can 
read the Web archives; and list members can (rightly or wrongly) forward the 
messages to others.

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Vance R. Koven
Whatever else may be right or wrong with Gilbert or the statute, Griswold
was a constitutional claim based on the flat prohibiting by legislation of a
form of birth control for women, whereas the EEOC finding in Belmont Abbey
is a matter of what the college will fund as part of its private health
insurance. Presumably women are still free to obtain contraception on their
own nickel.
Have we ascertained that the Belmont Abbey insurance policy, and the
college's internal policy, permitted men to obtain condoms and/or more
medically-oriented forms of birth control (e.g. vasectomies, spermicides)?
If so, then there's a live sex-discrimination issue. If not, then the EEOC
decision may be subject to question.


On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Steven Jamar  wrote:

> I'm not sure how paul arrives at his characterization of my response to an
> inquiry of another in which I sketch a possible way a court could go wrong.
> Nonetheless, it seems to me that even though Gilbert was overturned by
> legislation, the legislation did not in fact reach the illogic of the
> court's reasoning, but rather the outcome of that reasoning.
> While I think that a court that would reason as I hypothesized one might
> would be wrong in doing so in light of the dialogue between the Court and
> Congress(see boumediene), I fear I have seen such toturing of laws often
> enough to not consider such error to beyond the realm of possibility.
> I guess I don't quite see how a statute based claim with EP overtones would
> impact a constitutional liberty-based privacy claim, though at times we do
> cross those sorts of boundaries.
> Stev
> Sent from Steve Jamar's iPhone
> On Aug 15, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Paul Finkelman 
> wrote:
>>  ___
> To post, send message to
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see
> Please note that messages sent to this large list cannot be viewed as
> private.  Anyone can subscribe to the list and read messages that are
> posted; people can read the Web archives; and list members can (rightly or
> wrongly) forward the messages to others.

Vance R. Koven
Boston, MA USA
To post, send message to
To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see

Please note that messages sent to this large list cannot be viewed as private.  
Anyone can subscribe to the list and read messages that are posted; people can 
read the Web archives; and list members can (rightly or wrongly) forward the 
messages to others.

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Steven Jamar
I'm not sure how paul arrives at his characterization of my response  
to an inquiry of another in which I sketch a possible way a court  
could go wrong.

Nonetheless, it seems to me that even though Gilbert was overturned by  
legislation, the legislation did not in fact reach the illogic of the  
court's reasoning, but rather the outcome of that reasoning.
While I think that a court that would reason as I hypothesized one  
might would be wrong in doing so in light of the dialogue between the  
Court and Congress(see boumediene), I fear I have seen such toturing  
of laws often enough to not consider such error to beyond the realm of  

I guess I don't quite see how a statute based claim with EP overtones  
would impact a constitutional liberty-based privacy claim, though at  
times we do cross those sorts of boundaries.


Sent from Steve Jamar's iPhone

On Aug 15, 2009, at 1:57 PM, Paul Finkelman   

To post, send message to
To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see

Please note that messages sent to this large list cannot be viewed as private.  
Anyone can subscribe to the list and read messages that are posted; people can 
read the Web archives; and list members can (rightly or wrongly) forward the 
messages to others.

RE: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Paul Finkelman
If you remember in Conn. it was legal to buy condoms; but not legal for doctors 
to give women birth control pills or other devices.  Seems to me that Steve's 
analysis dovetails with the pre-Griswold world

Paul Finkelman

President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law

Albany Law School

80 New Scotland Avenue

Albany, NY  12208

518-445-3386 (p)

518-445-3363 (f)

--- On Sat, 8/15/09, Volokh, Eugene  wrote:

From: Volokh, Eugene 
Subject: RE: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance
To: "'Law & Religion issues for Law Academics'" 
Date: Saturday, August 15, 2009, 2:51 PM

    I'm pretty sure that Steve's argument 
has no such implications at all.

  [] On Behalf Of Paul 
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:57 AM
To: Law 
  & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: EEOC says 
  Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health 


  Steve:  Your argument here would suggest that the 
court should reverse Griswold.  Moreover, oral contraception is 
used for other things besides birth control. And when used for birth 
control is more effective than condoms and does not require the 
cooperation of men.  Indeed, your solution essentially says that 
women should not control whether they get pregnant but rather it should 
be left of to the men.. 

Paul Finkelman
William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law
Albany Law 
80 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208


On Thu, 8/13/09, Steven Jamar 

      Steven Jamar 
Subject: Re: EEOC says 
  Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage 
  Health Insurance
To: "Law & Religion issues for Law Academics" 
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 
  7:43 AM

  I haven't really kept up with decisions and 
  actions in this area, but the Supreme Court held that refusal of 
  pregnancy benefits was not sex discrimination and so it would seem 
  that it would easily enough use the same (il)logic to rule that there 
  was no sex discrimination here -- just run-of-the-mill coverage 
  limitations.  Besides, women get the same coverage as men -- they 
  can buy condoms too -- which, one would expect, would be within any 
  deductible amount anyway.

  I'll be interested to see what those more versed in this area 
  say based on current law.




  On Aug 13, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Will Esser wrote:



  I am interested in Listserv participants reactions to the 
  following story (which I have copied below from the following 
  site: )
  The U..S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 
  determined that Belmont Abbey College discriminated against 
  women and retaliated against faculty members who filed a 
  charge of employment discrimination, according to EEOC 
  An EEOC determination letter states that the college 
  discriminated based on gender by denying contraceptive 
  benefits in the college’s health coverage plan, according to 
  an EEOC determination..
  Contraception, abortion and voluntary sterilization came 
  off Belmont Abbey College’s faculty health care policy in 
  December 2007 after a faculty member discovered that 
  according to an e-mail Belmont Abbey College President Bill 
  Thierfelder sent to school staff, students, alumni and 
  of the college.
  “By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent 
  (the college) is discriminating based on gender because only 
  females take oral prescription contraceptives,” wrote Reuben 
  Daniels Jr., the EEOC Charlotte District Office Director in 
  the determination. “By denying coverage, men are not 
  only women.”
  The EEOC also determined t

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Michael R. Masinter
When Congress enacted the Pregnancy Discrimination Act to overrule  
General Electric Corp. v. Gilbert, the Court wrote: "When Congress  
amended Title VII in 1978, it unambiguously expressed its disapproval  
of both the holding and the reasoning of the Court in the Gilbert  
decision."  Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. v. E.E.O.C.,  
462 U.S. 669, 678 (1983).  So I don't think the Court's earlier  
reasoning on what is or is not sex discrimination is helpful. The  
ultimate question of whether the denial of coverage for prescription  
birth control drugs is discrimination because of sex prohibited by  
Title VII after enactment of the PDA is interesting, but whatever the  
answer is, it would seem unlikely to rest on the holding of GE v.  

Michael R. Masinter  3305 College Avenue
Professor of Law Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
Nova Southeastern University 954.262.6151 (voice)
masin...@nova.edu954.262.3835 (fax)

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Steven Jamar  wrote:

From: Steven Jamar 
Subject: Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing   
Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

To: "Law & Religion issues for Law Academics" 
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 7:43 AM

I haven't really kept up with decisions and actions in this area,  
but the Supreme Court held that refusal of pregnancy benefits was  
not sex discrimination and so it would seem that it would easily  
enough use the same (il)logic to rule that there was no sex  
discrimination here -- just run-of-the-mill coverage limitations.  
 Besides, women get the same coverage as men -- they can buy condoms  
too -- which, one would expect, would be within any deductible  
amount anyway.
I'll be interested to see what those more versed in this area  
say based on current law.


On Aug 13, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Will Esser wrote:
I am interested in Listserv participants reactions to the following  
story (which I have copied below from the following site: )    
 The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity  
Commission determined that Belmont Abbey College discriminated  
against women and retaliated against faculty members who filed a  
charge of employment discrimination, according to EEOC documents. An  
EEOC determination letter states that the college discriminated  
based on gender by denying contraceptive benefits in the college?s  
health coverage plan, according to an EEOC determination.  
Contraception, abortion and voluntary sterilization came off Belmont  
Abbey College?s faculty health care policy in December 2007 after a  
faculty member discovered that coverage, according to an e-mail  
Belmont Abbey College President Bill Thierfelder sent to school  
staff, students, alumni and friends of the
 college. ?By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent   
(the college) is discriminating based on gender because only females  
 take oral prescription contraceptives,? wrote Reuben Daniels Jr.,   
the EEOC Charlotte District Office Director in the determination.   
?By denying coverage, men are not affected, only women.? The EEOC   
also determined that the college retaliated against eight faculty   
members who filed charges with the EEOC by identifying them by name   
in a letter to faculty and staff. ?It is the Commission?s position   
that the identity of an individual who has filed a charge should be   
protected with confidentiality during the Commission?s   
investigation,? Daniels wrote. ?By disclosing Charging Party?s name,  
 a chilling effect was created on Respondent?s campus whereby other   
faculty and staff members would be reluctant to file a charge of   
employment discrimination for fear of disclosure.? The EEOC asked   
both the faculty
 and the college to work with it to reach a resolution. If the  
college declines to discuss the settlement or an acceptable  
settlement is not reached, the director would inform the two sides  
and advise them of the court enforcement alternatives available.  
_   There are a couple of things that I  
find fascinating about this story:   (a) First, although not  
explicitly mentioned in this particular story, the EEOC reversed its  
former finding that there was no discrimination by the college..   
(You can find mention of this reversal in other stories on the web  
including     I  
am not an employment expert, but it is my understanding that  
reversals of position by the EEOC are exceptionally rare  
(and presumably take place as a result of a "directive from on  
high").  Do any Listserv members have insight on this point?   (b)  
Although the college modified its health
 insurance coverage to exclude abortion, sterilization 

RE: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Volokh, Eugene
I'm pretty sure that Steve's argument has no such implications at all.


[] On Behalf Of Paul Finkelman
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 10:57 AM
To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics
Subject: Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance

Steve:  Your argument here would suggest that the court should reverse 
Griswold.  Moreover, oral contraception is used for other things besides birth 
control. And when used for birth control is more effective than condoms and 
does not require the cooperation of men.  Indeed, your solution essentially 
says that women should not control whether they get pregnant but rather it 
should be left of to the men..

Paul Finkelman
President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law
Albany Law School
80 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208

518-445-3386 (p)
518-445-3363 (f)

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Steven Jamar  wrote:

From: Steven Jamar 
Subject: Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance
To: "Law & Religion issues for Law Academics" 
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 7:43 AM

I haven't really kept up with decisions and actions in this area, but the 
Supreme Court held that refusal of pregnancy benefits was not sex 
discrimination and so it would seem that it would easily enough use the same 
(il)logic to rule that there was no sex discrimination here -- just 
run-of-the-mill coverage limitations.  Besides, women get the same coverage as 
men -- they can buy condoms too -- which, one would expect, would be within any 
deductible amount anyway.

I'll be interested to see what those more versed in this area say based on 
current law.


On Aug 13, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Will Esser wrote:

I am interested in Listserv participants reactions to the following story 
(which I have copied below from the following site:<>

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determined that Belmont Abbey 
College discriminated against women and retaliated against faculty members who 
filed a charge of employment discrimination, according to EEOC documents.
An EEOC determination letter states that the college discriminated based on 
gender by denying contraceptive benefits in the college's health coverage plan, 
according to an EEOC determination..
Contraception, abortion and voluntary sterilization came off Belmont Abbey 
College's faculty health care policy in December 2007 after a faculty member 
discovered that coverage, according to an e-mail Belmont Abbey College 
President Bill Thierfelder sent to school staff, students, alumni and friends 
of the college.
"By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the college) is 
discriminating based on gender because only females take oral prescription 
contraceptives," wrote Reuben Daniels Jr., the EEOC Charlotte District Office 
Director in the determination. "By denying coverage, men are not affected, only 
The EEOC also determined that the college retaliated against eight faculty 
members who filed charges with the EEOC by identifying them by name in a letter 
to faculty and staff.
"It is the Commission's position that the identity of an individual who has 
filed a charge should be protected with confidentiality during the Commission's 
investigation," Daniels wrote. "By disclosing Charging Party's name, a chilling 
effect was created on Respondent's campus whereby other faculty and staff 
members would be reluctant to file a charge of employment discrimination for 
fear of disclosure."
The EEOC asked both the faculty and the college to work with it to reach a 
resolution. If the college declines to discuss the settlement or an acceptable 
settlement is not reached, the director would inform the two sides and advise 
them of the court enforcement alternatives available.

There are a couple of things that I find fascinating about this story:

(a) First, although not explicitly mentioned in this particular story, the EEOC 
reversed its former finding that there was no discrimination by the college.  
(You can find mention of this reversal in other stories on the web including

I am not an employment expert, but it is my understanding that reversals of 
position by the EEOC are exceptionally rare (and presumably take place as a 
result of a "directive from on high").  Do any Listserv members have insight on 
this point?

(b) Although

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-15 Thread Paul Finkelman
Steve:  Your argument here would suggest that the court should reverse 
Griswold.  Moreover, oral contraception is used for other things besides birth 
control. And when used for birth control is more effective than condoms and 
does not require the cooperation of men.  Indeed, your solution essentially 
says that women should not control whether they get pregnant but rather it 
should be left of to the men. 

Paul Finkelman

President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law

Albany Law School

80 New Scotland Avenue

Albany, NY  12208

518-445-3386 (p)

518-445-3363 (f)

--- On Thu, 8/13/09, Steven Jamar  wrote:

From: Steven Jamar 
Subject: Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive 
Coverage from Health Insurance
To: "Law & Religion issues for Law Academics" 
Date: Thursday, August 13, 2009, 7:43 AM

I haven't really kept up with decisions and actions in this area, but the 
Supreme Court held that refusal of pregnancy benefits was not sex 
discrimination and so it would seem that it would easily enough use the same 
(il)logic to rule that there was no sex discrimination here -- just 
run-of-the-mill coverage limitations.  Besides, women get the same coverage as 
men -- they can buy condoms too -- which, one would expect, would be within any 
deductible amount anyway.
I'll be interested to see what those more versed in this area 
say based on current law.

On Aug 13, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Will Esser wrote:
I am interested in Listserv participants reactions to the following story 
(which I have copied below from the following site: )   
 The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 
determined that Belmont Abbey College discriminated against women and 
retaliated against faculty members who filed a charge of employment 
discrimination, according to EEOC documents. An EEOC determination letter 
states that the college discriminated based on gender by denying contraceptive 
benefits in the college’s health coverage plan, according to an EEOC 
determination. Contraception, abortion and voluntary sterilization came off 
Belmont Abbey College’s faculty health care policy in December 2007 after a 
faculty member discovered that coverage, according to an e-mail Belmont Abbey 
College President Bill Thierfelder sent to school staff, students, alumni and 
friends of the
 college. “By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the 
college) is discriminating based on gender because only females take oral 
prescription contraceptives,” wrote Reuben Daniels Jr., the EEOC Charlotte 
District Office Director in the determination. “By denying coverage, men are 
not affected, only women.” The EEOC also determined that the college retaliated 
against eight faculty members who filed charges with the EEOC by identifying 
them by name in a letter to faculty and staff. “It is the Commission’s position 
that the identity of an individual who has filed a charge should be protected 
with confidentiality during the Commission’s investigation,” Daniels wrote. “By 
disclosing Charging Party’s name, a chilling effect was created on Respondent’s 
campus whereby other faculty and staff members would be reluctant to file a 
charge of employment discrimination for fear of disclosure.” The EEOC asked 
both the faculty
 and the college to work with it to reach a resolution. If the college declines 
to discuss the settlement or an acceptable settlement is not reached, the 
director would inform the two sides and advise them of the court enforcement 
alternatives available. _   There are a couple of 
things that I find fascinating about this story:   (a) First, although not 
explicitly mentioned in this particular story, the EEOC reversed its former 
finding that there was no discrimination by the college..  (You can find 
mention of this reversal in other stories on the web including     I am not an 
employment expert, but it is my understanding that reversals of position by 
the EEOC are exceptionally rare (and presumably take place as a result of a 
"directive from on high").  Do any Listserv members have insight on this point? 
  (b) Although the college modified its health
 insurance coverage to exclude abortion, sterilization and contraception, the 
EEOC decision only focuses on contraception.  I wonder about the rationale 
involved here, particuarly vis-a-vis abortion.  The EEOC held that: "By denying 
prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the college) is discriminating 
based on gender because only females take oral prescription contraceptives."  
Using that rationale, why would the same not apply to abortion?  Was the EEOC 
simply shying away from abortion as a more hot button issue

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-13 Thread Christopher Lund
The Supreme Court in General Electric v. Gilbert held that the denial of 
pregnancy benefits was not sex discrimination under Title VII.  But Congress 
came back with the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which modified Title VII to 
reverse Gilbert's effect.  The article doesn't mention the PDA, but I'd guess 
that's what's at issue here.

The Eighth Circuit in 2007 held the opposite of the EEOC in the contraceptive 
context (479 F.3d 936) -- that is, it held that the PDA does not require 
companies to provide coverage of contraception.  But the Court along the way 
cites a number of district court decisions that go both ways.  So I guess it's 
up in the air.

I would also wonder about the degree of retaliation here -- I don't know if a 
letter identifying EEOC claimants is enough of a retaliatory action to create a 
federal claim under Burlington Northern.


Christopher C. Lund
Assistant Professor of Law
Mississippi College School of Law
151 E. Griffith St.
Jackson, MS  39201
(601) 925-7141 (office)
(601) 925-7113 (fax)
>>> 08/13/09 6:43 AM >>>
I haven't really kept up with decisions and actions in this area, but  
the Supreme Court held that refusal of pregnancy benefits was not sex  
discrimination and so it would seem that it would easily enough use  
the same (il)logic to rule that there was no sex discrimination here  
-- just run-of-the-mill coverage limitations.  Besides, women get the  
same coverage as men -- they can buy condoms too -- which, one would  
expect, would be within any deductible amount anyway.

I'll be interested to see what those more versed in this area say  
based on current law.


On Aug 13, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Will Esser wrote:

> I am interested in Listserv participants reactions to the following  
> story (which I have copied below from the following site: 
>  )
> The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determined that  
> Belmont Abbey College discriminated against women and retaliated  
> against faculty members who filed a charge of employment  
> discrimination, according to EEOC documents.
> An EEOC determination letter states that the college discriminated  
> based on gender by denying contraceptive benefits in the college’s  
> health coverage plan, according to an EEOC determination.
> Contraception, abortion and voluntary sterilization came off Belmont  
> Abbey College’s faculty health care policy in December 2007 after a  
> faculty member discovered that coverage, according to an e-mail  
> Belmont Abbey College President Bill Thierfelder sent to school  
> staff, students, alumni and friends of the college.
> “By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the  
> college) is discriminating based on gender because only females take  
> oral prescription contraceptives,” wrote Reuben Daniels Jr., the  
> EEOC Charlotte District Office Director in the determination. “By  
> denying coverage, men are not affected, only women.”
> The EEOC also determined that the college retaliated against eight  
> faculty members who filed charges with the EEOC by identifying them  
> by name in a letter to faculty and staff.
> “It is the Commission’s position that the identity of an individual  
> who has filed a charge should be protected with confidentiality  
> during the Commission’s investigation,” Daniels wrote. “By  
> disclosing Charging Party’s name, a chilling effect was created on  
> Respondent’s campus whereby other faculty and staff members would be  
> reluctant to file a charge of employment discrimination for fear of  
> disclosure.”
> The EEOC asked both the faculty and the college to work with it to  
> reach a resolution. If the college declines to discuss the  
> settlement or an acceptable settlement is not reached, the director  
> would inform the two sides and advise them of the court enforcement  
> alternatives available.
> _
> There are a couple of things that I find fascinating about this story:
> (a) First, although not explicitly mentioned in this particular  
> story, the EEOC reversed its former finding that there was no  
> discrimination by the college.  (You can find mention of this  
> reversal in other stories on the web including 
> I am not an employment expert, but it is my understanding that  
> reversals of position by the EEOC are exceptionally rare (and  
> presumably take place as a result of a "directive from on high").   
> Do any Listserv members have insight on this point?
> (b) Although the college modified its health insurance coverage to  
> exclude abortion, sterilization and contraception, the EEOC decision  
> only focuses on contraception.  I wonder about the rationale  

Re: EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-13 Thread Steven Jamar
I haven't really kept up with decisions and actions in this area, but  
the Supreme Court held that refusal of pregnancy benefits was not sex  
discrimination and so it would seem that it would easily enough use  
the same (il)logic to rule that there was no sex discrimination here  
-- just run-of-the-mill coverage limitations.  Besides, women get the  
same coverage as men -- they can buy condoms too -- which, one would  
expect, would be within any deductible amount anyway.

I'll be interested to see what those more versed in this area say  
based on current law.


On Aug 13, 2009, at 7:23 AM, Will Esser wrote:

I am interested in Listserv participants reactions to the following  
story (which I have copied below from the following site: 

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determined that  
Belmont Abbey College discriminated against women and retaliated  
against faculty members who filed a charge of employment  
discrimination, according to EEOC documents.
An EEOC determination letter states that the college discriminated  
based on gender by denying contraceptive benefits in the college’s  
health coverage plan, according to an EEOC determination.
Contraception, abortion and voluntary sterilization came off Belmont  
Abbey College’s faculty health care policy in December 2007 after a  
faculty member discovered that coverage, according to an e-mail  
Belmont Abbey College President Bill Thierfelder sent to school  
staff, students, alumni and friends of the college.
“By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the  
college) is discriminating based on gender because only females take  
oral prescription contraceptives,” wrote Reuben Daniels Jr., the  
EEOC Charlotte District Office Director in the determination. “By  
denying coverage, men are not affected, only women.”
The EEOC also determined that the college retaliated against eight  
faculty members who filed charges with the EEOC by identifying them  
by name in a letter to faculty and staff.
“It is the Commission’s position that the identity of an individual  
who has filed a charge should be protected with confidentiality  
during the Commission’s investigation,” Daniels wrote. “By  
disclosing Charging Party’s name, a chilling effect was created on  
Respondent’s campus whereby other faculty and staff members would be  
reluctant to file a charge of employment discrimination for fear of  
The EEOC asked both the faculty and the college to work with it to  
reach a resolution. If the college declines to discuss the  
settlement or an acceptable settlement is not reached, the director  
would inform the two sides and advise them of the court enforcement  
alternatives available.


There are a couple of things that I find fascinating about this story:

(a) First, although not explicitly mentioned in this particular  
story, the EEOC reversed its former finding that there was no  
discrimination by the college.  (You can find mention of this  
reversal in other stories on the web including

I am not an employment expert, but it is my understanding that  
reversals of position by the EEOC are exceptionally rare (and  
presumably take place as a result of a "directive from on high").   
Do any Listserv members have insight on this point?

(b) Although the college modified its health insurance coverage to  
exclude abortion, sterilization and contraception, the EEOC decision  
only focuses on contraception.  I wonder about the rationale  
involved here, particuarly vis-a-vis abortion.  The EEOC held that:  
"By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the  
college) is discriminating based on gender because only females take  
oral prescription contraceptives."  Using that rationale, why would  
the same not apply to abortion?  Was the EEOC simply shying away  
from abortion as a more hot button issue?

My guess is that we will be seeing more and more lawsuits in this  
area of the law.  This is particularly likely if employers are  
mandated to provide health insurance coverage under a new federal  
system which requires health insurance coverage for abortion /  
sterilization / contraception.

I look forward to your comments.


P.S. For full disclaimer, I am an alum of Belmont Abbey College,  
taught a pre-law course there as an adjunct faculty member a few  
years ago, and remain involved in alumni activities with the  
college.  I am not however, involved in the EEOC action in any way  
other than as an observer.

Will Esser --- Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Charlotte, North Carolina

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light.
Plato (428-345 B.C.)

EEOC says Catholic College Discriminated by Removing Contraceptive Coverage from Health Insurance

2009-08-13 Thread Will Esser
I am interested in Listserv participants reactions to the following story 
(which I have copied below from the following site: )

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determined that Belmont Abbey 
College discriminated against women and retaliated against faculty members who 
filed a charge of employment discrimination, according to EEOC documents.
An EEOC determination letter states that the college discriminated based on 
gender by denying contraceptive benefits in the college’s health coverage plan, 
according to an EEOC determination.
Contraception, abortion and voluntary sterilization came off Belmont Abbey 
College’s faculty health care policy in December 2007 after a faculty member 
discovered that coverage, according to an e-mail Belmont Abbey College 
President Bill Thierfelder sent to school staff, students, alumni and friends 
of the college.
“By denying prescription contraception drugs, Respondent (the college) is 
discriminating based on gender because only females take oral prescription 
contraceptives,” wrote Reuben Daniels Jr., the EEOC Charlotte District Office 
Director in the determination. “By denying coverage, men are not affected, only 
The EEOC also determined that the college retaliated against eight faculty 
members who filed charges with the EEOC by identifying them by name in a letter 
to faculty and staff.
“It is the Commission’s position that the identity of an individual who has 
filed a charge should be protected with confidentiality during the Commission’s 
investigation,” Daniels wrote. “By disclosing Charging Party’s name, a chilling 
effect was created on Respondent’s campus whereby other faculty and staff 
members would be reluctant to file a charge of employment discrimination for 
fear of disclosure.”
The EEOC asked both the faculty and the college to work with it to reach a 
resolution. If the college declines to discuss the settlement or an acceptable 
settlement is not reached, the director would inform the two sides and advise 
them of the court enforcement alternatives available.
There are a couple of things that I find fascinating about this story:
(a) First, although not explicitly mentioned in this particular story, the EEOC 
reversed its former finding that there was no discrimination by the college.  
(You can find mention of this reversal in other stories on the web including  
I am not an employment expert, but it is my understanding that reversals of 
position by the EEOC are exceptionally rare (and presumably take place as a 
result of a "directive from on high").  Do any Listserv members have insight on 
this point?
(b) Although the college modified its health insurance coverage to exclude 
abortion, sterilization and contraception, the EEOC decision only focuses on 
contraception.  I wonder about the rationale involved here, particuarly 
vis-a-vis abortion.  The EEOC held that: "By denying prescription contraception 
drugs, Respondent (the college) is discriminating based on gender because only 
females take oral prescription contraceptives."  Using that rationale, why 
would the same not apply to abortion?  Was the EEOC simply shying away from 
abortion as a more hot button issue?
My guess is that we will be seeing more and more lawsuits in this area of the 
law.  This is particularly likely if employers are mandated to provide health 
insurance coverage under a new federal system which requires health insurance 
coverage for abortion / sterilization / contraception.  
I look forward to your comments.
P.S. For full disclaimer, I am an alum of Belmont Abbey College, taught a 
pre-law course there as an adjunct faculty member a few years ago, and remain 
involved in alumni activities with the college.  I am not however, involved in 
the EEOC action in any way other than as an observer.

Will Esser --- Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Charlotte, North Carolina

We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark;
the real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light.
Plato (428-345 B.C.)
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