[Romania-News] The Spirit of Romania

2007-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Nu fabulospirit, doar spirit.  O calatorie virtuala:
http://www.spirit.ro/cpg/index.php http://www.spirit.ro/cpg/index.php

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] A call to mainstream the rights of children

2007-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Articolul de mai jos vorbeste despre eforturile UE in directia stabilirii
unei strategii comune in domeniul drepturilor copilului.  De notat ca
modelul romanesc de protectie a copilului este evidentiat in articol:
...even in EU Member States Bulgaria and Romania, children are twice as
likely as adults to be victims of poverty.
Halal model... :-(

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)


New Europe - The European Weekly
A call to mainstream the rights of children
21 April 2007 - Issue : 726
European lawmakers said April 17 that EU policy-makers must acknowledge
children as individuals, heed their concerns, and protect their rights. This
was the main conclusion of a public hearing held at the European Parliament
to help shape an EU strategy on the rights of the child. Violence in all its
forms, including bullying, child abuse, and sexual abuse, is what worries
children most, said the experts, parliament's news service reported. The
meeting was co-organised by the Civil Liberties' Committee and seven other
committees to help prepare Parliament's response to the Commission
communication Towards an EU strategy on the rights of the child.
Representatives of EU institutions, international organisations and NGOs
shared their views with MEPs.

The need to mainstream consideration of children's needs in EU policies was
stressed by Civil Liberties Committee Chairman Jean-Marie Cavada of France.
It is important to take stock of the children's rights situation in the
European Union, to take account of children's rights systematically in our
policies, in our strategies and in our programmes, he said. Cavada welcomed
the Commission communication as a first step in the right direction, but
noted that, unfortunately, There is no specific legal basis that allows the
European Union to act directly in this field. Civil Liberties Committee
rapporteur Roberta Angelilli of Italy said she hoped that the strategy being
developed would not merely be a strategy against, but instead would be a
positive strategy, which will affirm the fundamental positive rights of
children and young people.

Children may now systematically be considered as a self-standing concern
in European Union budgets, policies, laws and programmes, said Marta Santos
Pais, Director of the UNICEF Innocenti Research Centre. Santos Pais reminded
the audience that in spite of the progress made, the lives of millions of
children continue to be marked by poverty, adding that even in EU Member
States Bulgaria and Romania, children are twice as likely as adults to be
victims of poverty. The EU needs a global strategy to tackle all problems
related to children, acknowledged Commission Vice-President Franco Frattini,
who announced that the first European Forum on children's rights,
co-organised by the Commission and the Council Presidency, will be held on 4
June in Berlin.

Their main concern is violence, in all its manifestations: bullying, child
abuse, and sexual abuse, said Clare Feinstein of the international NGO Save
The Children, reporting on replies to an online consultation of 7-17
year-olds, that used a child-friendly version of the Commission paper.

Other concerns included discrimination and social exclusion, the effects of
alcohol and drugs and child poverty. Young people are aware that they can
help adults to understand issues important to children and had even asked
to be directly involved in decision making, said Feinstein, suggesting
that this could be done through a child rights specialist unit set up to
assist EU lawmakers on permanent basis.

Young people have far too little influence on the decision making process.
We are still lacking understanding their problems, the Culture Committee's
shadow rapporteur, Lissy Groner of Germany said.

Maja Eriksson, a member of the former Network of Experts on Fundamental
rights, said that very few victims of child pornography and sexual abuse are
given access to justice. She also pointed out that corporal punishment in
the family is not prohibited by law in some Member States, such as Spain and

Copyright C The Media Company S.A. 2006

[Romania-News] Scrisoare deschisa a unui judecator la Curtea Constitutionala

2007-04-22 Fir de Conversatie Vali
puteam sustine acel aviz? Este imposibil ca avizul sa exprime propria mea
convingere juridica, libera si sincera?

- Cunoasteti, nu am nici o indoiala, rolul Curtii Constitutionale in
constitutionalizarea vietii publice, altfel spus, in functionarea statului
de drept. Declaratiile dumneavoastra discrediteaza cu totul nemeritat
institutia. Pentru ca istoria nu s-a terminat, veti mai ajunge la guvernare,
este foarte posibil ca dumneavoastra personal sa fiti ales intr-o zi
Presedinte al Romaniei: aveti nevoie, are tara nevoie de o Curte
Constitutionala astfel discreditata?

Si, in final, o declaratie. In lunga mea activitate de magistrat am aplicat
legea fara partinire, indiferent de regimurile politice in care mi-a fost
dat sa exist, nesantajat vreodata si neinfluentat. Este posibil sa fi gresit
uneori dar au fost, daca si cand au fost, greselile mele, nu ale altora.

Cu stima,

Nicolae Cochinescu,
judecator la Curtea Constitutionala
 http://www.juressa.net/ C 2004-2007 Juressa.NET

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Bringing EU closer to citizens or only to politicians?

2007-04-23 Fir de Conversatie Vali
d=5616Itemid=121 task=viewid=5616Itemid=121
Elections for the European Parliament: Bringing EU closer to citizens or
only to politicians?
Written by Todor Arpad
Monday, 23 April 2007
On 13 May 2007 Romania will elect its members for the European Parliament -
One of the most important political opportunities related to Romania's
accession to European Union is the task of organising the elections for
choosing Romania's future European Parliament representatives. 

This would not only allow Romania to have legitimate representatives in the
European Parliament, but the electoral campaign could also be a great
possibility to trigger some important debates about the meaning, obligations
and possibilities of Romanians as European citizens.

Nevertheless, a serious debate on the topic is also dependent on the type of
electoral system employed. In this stance, and as a part of its effort to
foster the reform of the Romanian electoral laws, Asociatia Pro Democratia
(APD) has proposed a system of organising elections with constituencies
represented by the eight development regions and with the possibility for
preferential vote. This proposal was backed by the argument that most of the
large European countries hold elections at the regional level, and that such
a system would increase the quality of the debate, allowing the electorate
to have a better view on both the candidates and the problems they would
confront as members of the European Parliament.

Instead, the Romanian political class has again opted for the procedure that
would imply the least effort to obtain the citizens' vote. Although
initially there were signs that some of the proposals forwarded by APD would
be implemented, in the end, most of the parliamentary parties opted for the
most effortless option available, a national constituency with a blocked
list of candidates.

Thus, instead of bringing EU closer to citizens, the first elections for the
European Parliament will focus on several opinion leaders that will
concentrate on the internal political debate.
Todor Arpad
Asociatia Pro Democratia, Romania
Copyright 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] EU, Russia discuss Transdniester solution

2007-04-23 Fir de Conversatie Vali
to Moldova, Kalman Mizsei, on April 21 met with Russian officials in Moscow
about Transdniester, amid speculation that Moldova is set to reach a
controversial settlement with the breakaway region. The Moldovan news agency
Basa, citing the Russian Foreign Ministry, said Mizsei discussed the
possibility of a resumption of talks in the old 5+2 format, under which EU
and U.S.

observers were allowed to attend five-party talks between officials from
Moldova, Transdniester, and mediators from Russia, Ukraine, and the OSCE.
Talks were suspended in February when Transdniestrian representatives
refused to return, after a yearlong gap, to the negotiating table. Mizsei
arrived in Moscow after earlier talks on Transdniester with Russian Deputy
Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin and officials in Ukraine. The fresh flurry
of diplomatic activity follows a report by the Jamestown Foundation on April
13 that Moldova's government is preparing to sign a document that will
recognize Transdniester, guarantee the coexistence of a separate
administration and assembly for the region, dissolve the Moldovan parliament
and hold new elections with seats for representatives from Transdniester,
guarantee Transdniester the position of deputy in each ministry, guarantee
Moldova's permanent neutrality, and tacitly accept the continuing
existence of Tiraspol's army and security services. In previous bilateral
talks, Chisinau reportedly offered neutrality, substantial autonomy for
Transdniester, and the legalization of Russian assets in Transdniester's
economy, but refused to accept a federal state, a distinct role for Tiraspol
in government, or the continued presence of Russian troops in Transdniester.
Russia has failed to meet promises made in 1993 and 1999 to withdraw its
troops. When he was elected in April 2001, President Vladimir Voronin was
seen as a pro-Russian politician, but, since scotching a Russian plan, the
Kozak Memorandum, for Transdniester in November 2003, he has followed a
pro-Western course.

The emergence of details of the plan, albeit unconfirmed, has prompted a
reemergence of the old image of Voronin, with the Jurnal de Chisinau
writing on April 20 that  Voronin is a stray Russian mole in Chisinau who,
after he had been removed from Putin's lap for not signing the Kozak
Memorandum, is desperately trying again to be in the good graces of the
Kremlin. AG

Copyright (c) 2007 RFE/RL, Inc.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Cine conduce Romania in acte si cine din umbra

2007-04-23 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Un articol foarte interesant.  Merita citite si comentariile de pe site.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

Cine conduce Romania in acte si cine din umbra

De vineri seara, cel mai important om din Romania este, in acte, Nicolae
Vacaroiu, urmat de colegul sau de partid, Doru Ioan Taracila. Pe urmatoarele
doua locuri sunt liberalii Bogdan Olteanu si Calin Popescu Tariceanu. Cei
patru nu sunt insa lasati de capul lor. Istoria ultimilor ani si modul in
care s-au desfasurat lucrurile in 2007 arata ca in spatele lor sunt alte
patru personaje, a caror importanta este cel putin la fel de mare. Ion
Iliescu, Viorel Hrebenciuc, Dan Voiculescu si Dinu Patriciu tin, de fapt, in
mana, fraiele tarii. Fara ambitii politice fatise, dar cu o forta de
influenta imensa, pe masura averilor, alti doi magnati vegheaza ca oamenii
politici sa nu se abata de la traiectoria din ultimii 18 ani: Sorin Ovidiu
Vantu si Ion Tiriac.


Nicolae Vacaroiu
Actualul pesedinte interimar al Romaniei a fost primul premier de dupa '89
care a reusit sa reziste patru ani in functie, in perioada 1992-1996.
In perioada comunista a fost angajat al Comitetului de Stat al Planificarii,
institutie pe care a si condus-o din 1987.

Imediat dupa revolutie, a devenit adjunct in cadrul Ministerului Economiei
Nationale, iar 1991 il prinde in functia de secretar de stat in cadrul
Ministerului de Finante. A fost cercetat in dosarul Jimbolia privind
incalcarea embargolui la petrol impus de ONU Iugoslaviei. Dosarul a fost
ulterior inchis, Vacaroiu beneficiind la acea data de imunitate

A condus Banca de Investitii si Dezvoltare, banca falimentata ce a
constituit subiectul unui dosar in care a fost cercetat si Sorin Ovidiu
Vantu. A fost si vicepresedinte al BCR in anii 1996-1997.

Este senator din 1996, iar din anul 2000 conduce Senatul Romaniei.

Doru Ioan Taracila
Noul sef al Senatului este unul dintre cei mai vechi adepti ai presedintelui
Ion Iliescu. Familia sa are o avere estimata de revista Capital la 16-18
milioane de dolari, iar influenta sa este bine cunoscuta in judetul
Calarasi, al carui reprezentant este in Senat.

Este decanul Baroului Calarasi, detine 30.000 de hectare de teren arabil si,
potrivit declaratiei de interese, are actiuni si parti sociale la sase firme
despre care presa a relatat ca au beneficiat de contracte banoase cu statul
si au o cifra totala de afaceri de peste 50 de milioane de dolari.

A intrat intr-un con de umbra in 2004, din cauza rezultatelor slabe obtinute
pe plan local la alegeri. A fost acuzat ca, pe perioada guvernarii PSD, a
controlat impartirea pe criterii de prietenie a banilor alocati judetului

Este senator din 1990 si a fost ministru de interne in perioada 1994-1996,
in guvernul Vacaroiu.

Bogdan Olteanu
Tanarul presedinte al Camerei Deputatilor este membru PNL din 1991. Tatal
sau a fost director general la Tehnofina SA din Bucuresti, iar bunica,
Ghizela Vass, a fost o cunoscuta activista din perioada comunista. Inscrisa
in PCR din 1933, Vass a devenit in 1945 membru al CC al PCR, fiind
pensionata in 1982.

Olteanu a crescut intr-o casa aflata pe renumita strada Zambaccian, pe care
familia sa a trebuit sa o paraseasca abia ini 2004, dupa ce fostii
proprietari au redobandit-o.

Nasul sau de cununie este Calin Popescu Tariceanu, in subordinea caruia a
avut si prima slujba in guvern, fiindu-i consilier in 1997, cand acesta era
ministru al Industriilor.

A fost presedinte al organizatiei de tineret a PNL in perioada 1998-2000, a
fost ales deputat de Bucuresti in 2004 si numit ministru delegat pentru
relatia cu Parlamentul. A devenit presedinte al Camerei Deputatilor in 2006
si cu voturile PRM, dupa ce Adrian Nastase a demisionat din functie.

Calin Popescu Tariceanu 
Primul ministru si-a inceput cariera de dupa 1989 infiintand primul post de
radio privat din Romania, Radio Contact. Se numara printre primii membri ai
PNL, dar a parasit partidul in vara lui 1990, impreuna cu Horia Rusu, Dinu
Patriciu si Raymond Luca, formand Partidul National Liberal - Aripa Tanara.

Mama sa a fost casatorita cu Dan Amedeo Lazarescu, vechi liberal, care a
recunoscut ca a colaborat cu Securitatea.

A revenit in PNL in 1993, prin absorbtia PL'93, si a fost ministru al
Indutriei si Comertului in perioada 1996-1997. Este la al patrulea mandat de
deputat si a fost numit prim ministru prin prisma faptului ca devenit
presedinte al PNL dupa retragerea lui Theodor Stolojan.

In vara lui 2005 a declarat ca demisioneaza, dar s-a razgandit, declansand
conflictul politic cu presedintele Traian Basescu. A scos PD de la guvernare
in martie 2007 si a militat in interiorul partidului pentru sustinerea
suspendarii sefului

[Romania-News] Video: Gala premiilor UNITER

2007-04-24 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Un clip video aici:

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Premiiler UNITER pe 2006, decernate la Sibiu

2007-04-24 Fir de Conversatie Vali

NewsIn: Premiiler UNITER pe 2006, decernate la Sibiu

Marti 24 aprilie 2007, 06:01

La Sibiu, a avut loc, luni seara, Gala Premiilor Uniunii Teatrale din
Romania. Ajunsa la a XV-a editie, Gala UNITER a stabilit superlativele
teatrului romanesc pe anul trecut.

Spectacolul Elizaveta Bam de la Teatrul Bulandra din Bucuresti a castigat
Premiul pentru cea mai buna piesa a anului 2006.

Radu Afrim a castigat premiul pentru cel mai bun regizor, pentru piesa
joi.megaJoy de Katalin Thuroczy de la Teatrul Odeon, iar Rodica Mandache a
fost premiata pentru rolul secundar Adel din acelasi spectacol.

Alte doua premii importante au fost adjudecate de piesa Purificare de
Sarah Kane, de la Teatrul National din Cluj-Napoca, pentru cea mai buna
actrita in rol principal, Andreea Bibiri, si Premiul pentru debut,
distinctie acordata actorului Cristian Grosu, pentru rolul Graham.

Cel mai bun actor in 2006 a fost Marius Stanescu premiat pentru rolul
Hamlet, iar Valeria Seciu a primit Premiul pentru intreaga activitate. 
Sursa: NewsIn

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Biserica Antiohia in pericol

2007-04-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Subject: Cerere urgenta de rugaciune!!! -- Prayer Alert! 
Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 4:14 AM 

- English version follows! 

Cerere urgenta de rugaciune!!!

Biserica Antiohia din Bucuresti, de pe Str. Episcop Radu, Nr. 53-55, Sector
2, se afla in pericol iminent de a pierde proprietatea (terenul). Primarul
general al Bucurestiului a trimis o citatie bisericii conform careia
proprietatea trebuie predata detinatorului magazinului DIVERTA pana la
sfarsitul saptmanii viitoare. Acesta a castigat procesul la primarie prin
minciuni, afirmand ca nu exista nici o cladire pe proprietatea pretinsa.

In ultimii saptesprezece ani am construit doua cladiri pe aceasta
proprietate - o cladire cu doua etaje pentru biserica si o alta cladire cu
cinci etaje pentru Institutul Teologic Timotheus. Amandoua cladirile au fost
construite avand toate actele legale si aprobarile aferente inclusiv
aprobarile originale obtinute de la Primaria Capitalei.

Acesta este un abuz groaznic si de neconceput pe care il face Primaria
Capitalei si ii rugam pe toti crestinii sa ni se alature in protejarea
lucrarii lui Dumnezeu din Bucuresti. Puteti sa faceti acest lucru prin

1. RUGATI-VA ca Primarul sa se rasgandeasca si sa opreasca acest abuz.

2. SPUNETI tuturor prietenilor dvs. despre acest razboi spiritual si
rugati-i sa se roage impreuna cu noi ca Dumnezeu sa ne ajute in demersurile
noastre de a opri acest abuz inainte ca slujirile crestine de pe
proprietatea aceasta sa fie distruse.

3. Daca sunteti in zona aceasta, VENITI Vineri, 4 mai 2007, la ora 11:00
dimineata sa cream impreuna un scut uman impotriva celor care doresc sa ne
ia proprietatea. Vineri ei planuiesc sa vina si sa aplice sigilii pe usile
proprietatii noastre.

Va multumim pentru ca faceti parte din slujirea crestina in felul acesta!

Elisei Rusu

  Biserica  Insitutul Biblic



 english ---

Prayer Alert!

The Antioch Church in Bucharest, 53-55 Episcop Radu in Sector 2 is in
eminent danger of losing its property. The General Mayor of Bucharest has
sent a ruling to the church that the property must be turned over to the
owner of DIVERTA by the end of the week. The owner won the trial at the
Mayor's office by lying, stating that there are no buildings on the

In the last seventeen years, we have built two buildings on the property -
one a two story building for the church and the other a five story building
for the Timotheus Bible Institute. Both buildings were built with all the
legal approvals including the original approvals from the Mayor's office.

This is an unspeakable and outrageous abuse by the General Mayor of
Bucharest, and we ask all Christians to join us in protecting God's work in
Bucharest. You can do this by taking the following actions:

1. PRAY that the Mayor will change his mind and stop this abuse.

2. TELL all your friends about this spiritual warfare and ask them to pray
with us that the Lord will help us stop this abuse before the ministries on
the property will be disrupted. 

3. If you are in the area, COME on Friday, May 4, 2007 at 11:00 AM and
create with us a human shield against the people who will come to take the
property from us. On Friday they plan to come and seal the doors to the

Thank you for being part of our ministry in this way, as well.

Elisei Rusu

The Church  Thimotheus
Bible Institute


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Germany: no decision made on Eastern European workers

2007-05-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Germany says no decision made on Eastern European workers
Monday 30 April 2007 12:55
The German government has not taken a decision on opening the country's
labour market to workers from the Eastern European countries that joined the
European Union in 2004, a Labour Ministry spokeswoman said Monday.
The spokeswoman denied a report in Der Spiegel news magazine that a decision
had been taken to extend a bar on workers from countries such as Poland, the
Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary from 2009 to 2011.

The next decision on the issue was due only in 2009 and would depend on the
state of the German labour market at the time, she said.

Germany has long been a magnet for workers from Eastern Europe, particularly
in sectors such as agriculture and construction. Many are reported to work

Britain, Ireland and Sweden were the only countries to open their doors
immediately in May 2004 to the Eastern Europeans. Some other older EU have
eased restrictions since.

Workers from Bulgaria and Romania, which joined at the beginning of this
year, are also barred from working in most of the older member states. dpa
rpm mga
C JURNALO Limited 2007

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Guvernul organizeaza defectuos referendumul pentru romanii din strainatate

2007-05-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali
PLD acuza Guvernul ca organizeaza defectuos referendumul pentru romanii din

Conducerea Partidului Liberal democrat se declara nemultumita de modalitatea
in care decurg pregatirile pentru organizarea referendumului din 19 mai,
pentru romanii din stranatate. Gheorghe Flutur vicepresedintele PLD si seful
de campanie al partidului sustine ca a primit mai multe sesizari de
cetatenii romani din Italia Spania si Olanda.

Romanii din stranatate suna disperati la ambasade si nu li se spune unde se
organizeaza sectiile de votare, ceea ce e nedrept si e nedemocratic a
afirmat Gheorghe Flutur. Liderul PLD a calificat atitudinea gvernului drept
una nedreapta si anti democratica.

Chiar si asa PLD spera sa ca mai mult de 60% din voturile exprimate sa fie
in favoarea lui Traian Basescu

Gheorghe Flutur a fost - pesemne - intr-o dispozitie mai euforica la Cluj,
intrucat a tinut sa faca si urmatoarea declaratie: Razboiul dintre daci si
romani l-a castigat Traian. Si cand spun ca istoria se repeta, spun ca acum
suspenDACII din aceasta coalitie se bat cu romanii si va castiga tot

 http://www.hotnews.ro/arhiva_avt/3842.mp3 Declaratie Flutur (suspendaci
vs. Traian, mp3)
 http://www.hotnews.ro/ HotNews.ro, Codrin Taut, 30 apr 2007
2. comentariu
balan sevastiana (1 mai 2007 0:21)
dorim sa votam dar nici acum nu stim unde pentru ca in CANADA nu stie nimeni
nimic, iar cei ce nu stiu engleza [ca doar santem in vizita],,nici nu au cum
sa afle daca in ziarul comunitatii romanilor din Canada ,nu este nimic
anuntat. nu== NU vom mai spune nimanui cu cine vom vota fiindca unii se
supara de adevar, si credem ca deaceia nu santem informati unde sa votam bs
3. Brno
Gogu Paleogogu (1 mai 2007 0:21)
sa se infiinteze o sectie de votare si in brno, sint cel putin 500 romani
4. Consulate of Romania Los Angeles
Lucian (1 mai 2007 0:30)
pe site ul consulatului roman din Los Angeles
(http://www.consulateromania.net/), sunt deja postate sectiile de votare din
statele arondate acestui consulat.
Oricum, pot spune ca dupa alegerile din 2004, acest consulat chiar este in
slujba romanilor din aceasta zona. Dupa schimbarea consulului general de la
Los Angeles, acest consulat chiar a devenit in slujba romanilor din
diaspora. Nu stiu din ce partid o fi facand parte D-l Catalin Ghenea (consul
general), dar oricine ar fi intrebat despre serviciile consulatului, poate
aduce doar cuvinte de lauda. Deci cel putin romanii din acest colt de lume,
putem spune ca avem parte de un tratament adecvat si constitutional chiar
daca majoritatea celor de aici suntem pro-Basescu.
5. referendum
miriv (1 mai 2007 5:09)
Vrem sa se organizeze si IN S.U.A. sectiI de votare. Vrem libertatea de a ne
exprima votul!
6. In Canada
Lorenzo (1 mai 2007 5:43)
Vom vota la Montreal, Toronto si Ottawa. In Moncton se afla Consulat
Onorific, nu stiu daca se voteaza acolo.
Pentru detalii contactati la urmatoarele numere de telefon:
The Embassy of Romania in Canada
655 Rideau Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6A3. 
Phone 1: (613) 789-3709
Phone 2: (613) 789-5345
Phone 3: (613) 789-4038
Fax: (613) 789-4365 

Honorary Consulate of Romania in Moncton
309 Jean-Darois Street
Dieppe, New Brunswick, E1A 6B2 
Phone : (506) 859-0304
Fax: (506) 857-4234 
Ne puteti contacta de asemenea prin internet:
Web: http://romanianconsulate.ca
Oficialitati romane in Moncton:
Mr. Mircea Roman, (m) Consul Onorific 

General Consulate of Romania in Toronto
111 Peter Street, Suite 530
Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1 
Phone 1: (416) 585-5802
Phone 2: (416) 585-9177
Fax: (416) 585-4798. 
Ne puteti contacta de asemenea prin internet:
Web: www.romaniacanada.com
Oficialitati romane in Toronto:
Dl. Nicanor Dumitru Teculescu, (m) Consul General 

General Consulate of Romania in Montreal
 St. Urbain Street, Suite M01-04
Montreal, Quebec, H2Z 1Y6 
Phone 1: (514) 876-1792
Phone 2: (514) 876-1793
Fax: (514) 876-1797 
Ne puteti contacta de asemenea prin internet:
Web: www.roembassy.org
Officialitati romane in Montreal:
Dr. Magda Michaela Botez, Consul General 


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)


[Romania-News] Post-communist EU countries hire lobbyists to get rid of US visas

2007-05-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Cinci mii de dolari pe luna pare extrem de putin, aproape neserios de putin.
Dar un search pe Google ne arata ca Dutko Worldwide e destul de mare, cu un
venit total din lobbying de 21,4 milioane de dolari numai in 2006.  Conform
Center for Responsive Politics, printre clienti se numara grupuri si
companii renumite (precum Abbott Laboratories, Amazon.com, ATT, FedEx,
GlaxoSmithKline, Motorola, Roche, Schering, Sharp Electronics, Target,
Wal-Mart), scoli si universitati (Harvard Univ, Montana State Univ, New York
Univ, University of California, Univ of Maryland), autoritati de stat si
locale (the cities of New Orleans, LA and Fort Lauderdale, FL, Los Angeles
County, state of North Dakota, state of Utah), organizatii internationale
(United Nations ILO) etc.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

Post-communist EU countries hire lobbyists to get rid of US visas
Monday 30 April 2007 11:42
Seven formerly-communist members of European Union hired a lobbying firm to
help them push legislation through the US Congress that would waive visas
for their citizens, Czech Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zuzana Opletalova
confirmed Monday.
The issue of visas for our countries is not a priority for US lawmakers,
Opletalova said. The firm should be a prolonged arm of our embassies whose
strength would not have been sufficient. 

In a tender, first reported Monday by the Hospodarske noviny daily, the
countries chose Dutko Worldwide, a lobbying firm whose Prague branch was
formerly headed by former Czech ambassador to the US and current Deputy
Prime Minister for European Affairs, Alexandr Vondra.

That did not play any role, Opletalova said. What played a role were the
contacts the firm has in the US Congress.

Each country - the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania,
Latvia and Romania - is to pay 5,000 dollars a month for Dutko services as
long as is necessary, Opletalova said.

While the Bush administration has supported the Eastern Europan visa-lifting
drive, any change lies in the hands of the Democratic Congress.

The US House of Representatives is to decide within weeks on an amendment
that would most likely allow some Eastern Europeans visa- free travel, but
would also toughen the security rules for the 27 countries whose citizens do
not need visas to enter the US.

The US Senate already passed the amendment.

Old EU member states, except for Greece, are among the 27 states included in
the so-called visa-waiver programme. Some of them, including Germany, have
lobbied against the legislation because of the proposed tougher security

Their effort has been seen as a threat by the Czechs, who, alongside with
other formerly communist members of the European Union, have been lobbying
the Congress to lift the visas.

The Czech and US officials have been careful not to describe the effort to
waive visas for America's Eastern European allies as a bargain for the
deployment of the US missile shield facilities in Central Europe.

But their hopeful messages on the issue have frequently appeared in the
Czech press and are seen as a part of the US radar debate.

Recently, a high-level US Homeland Security Department official told
Hospodarske noviny that the administration plans to push visa- free travel
for Eastern Europeans through the legislature by the end of the year. dpa kz
C JURNALO Limited 2007

[Romania-News] PARASCHIVESCU: Romaneaua

2007-05-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Marius Tuca i-a spus acestei tari Romaneaua, iar Andrei Oisteanu a vorbit
despre tara Mesterului Manele.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Romanii din Spania vor mai multe sectii de votare

2007-05-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Asociatiile romanilor din Spania incearca sa obtina o suplimentare a
numarului de sectii de votare

Romanii din Spania vor putea sa voteze la referendumul privind suspendarea
presedintelui Traian Basescu doar la misiunile diplomatice din trei mai
orase. Asociatiile romanilor din Spania au incercat pana acum fara succes sa
obtina o suplimentare a numarului de sectii de votare. 

Reporter: O parte din liderii asociatiilor romanesti din Spania sunt
nemultumiti de faptul ca romanii de aici nu vor putea vota decat in
misiunile diplomatice din Madrid, Barcelona si Sevilla, ceea ce presupune
deplasarea pe distante foarte mari. Ei spun ca nici macar la Consulatul de
la Valencia nu vor putea sa voteze, deoarece este un consulat onorific si
acuza autoritatile de la Bucuresti ca nu sunt interesate ca romanii din
afara granitelor sa voteze in numar mare. 

Pe de alta parte, Ambasada Romaniei la Madrid a cerut aprobare pentru
organizarea de sectii de votare in localitatile unde exista comunitati
numeroase de romani. Initial, aceasta propunere a fost inaintata in vederea
alegerilor pentru Parlamentul European, insa acestea au fost amanate. 

Organizarea de sectii de votare suplimentare presupune o modificare a Legii
alegerilor parlamentare din 2004, care limiteaza exprimarea votului doar in
misiunile diplomatice. Intr-o declaratie acordata postului RRA, presedintele
Federatiei Asociatiilor din Levante si Catalonia, Daniel Ionita, a precizat
ca, impreuna cu alti lideri de asociatii intentioneaza sa trimita o
scrisoare catre Parlamentul de la Bucuresti, Curtea Constitutionala si catre
Parlamentul European pentru a cere sprijin in vederea organizarii mai multor
sectii de votare in Spania pentru referendumul din 19 mai. 


01-05-2007 18:51

(C) Rador

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Romanians in New York prepare pro-Basescu demonstrations

2007-05-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali
From our New York correspondent
Romanians in New York prepare pro-Basescu demonstrations

Romanian-American citizens are expected to attend a demonstration in support
of Romania's suspended President Traian Basescu before Romania's Consulate
in the US city in the following days. Several web pages used as discussion
forums by the Romanian community in New York suggest the demonstration is
expected to bring together dozens of protesters.

Demonstration organizers say they expect Romanians living in New York, New
Jersey and Connecticut at the first such manifestation from a series that
will continue until May 19, when a referendum will take place in Romania on
the dismissal of popular President Traian Basescu.

Basescu was suspended by the Parliament in April over charges that he broke
the letter of the Constitution on several accounts, despite a Constitutional
Court consultative decision that he did not do so.

The Romanian community in the United States will have the opportunity to
attend the May 19 referendum at 20 locations across the US, including
Washington, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Detroit and Las Vegas.

Some half a million Romanians live in the United States according to
official data. Unofficial data place the number at about a million.

 http://www.hotnews.ro/ HotNews.ro, Adrian Novac, New York, May 1, 2007

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Corruption 'a norm' in Romania

2007-05-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Corruption 'a norm' in Romania
Publié: mercredi 2 mai 2007

rruption-romania/article-137945 Transparency International's leader on
corruption in Romania, Brussels' efforts seem to have had little effect upon
the corrupt environment in Romania. The population take corruption for
granted - a norm. After living five years in Afghanistan, I had the
impression that I had lived through the epitome of corruption. But, that was
before coming to Romania.

From personal experience I have learned, for example, when one requires
hospital treatment it is necessary to have deep pockets. Doctors will not
look at you if you do not offer a few bank notes in advance. And, if
overnight stays are necessary, the nursing staff will do nothing without
another few notes. The mother of a friend of mine died in a hospital where
no treatment was offered for her excessively high blood pressure and severe
nose-bleeds, other than to stuffing her nose with old cloth to avoid
contaminating the bed!

Justice is another area of serious corruption. I have personal experience of
this as, when I went to see lawyers concerning a penal action that I wished
to take out against a Romanian citizen for fraud, I was staggered when
informed that a certain amount of money had to be set aside for bribing the
authorities to do their job correctly. In this case, some $4,000.

In brief, nothing can be done at any level in Romania without deep pockets
and a generous distribution of cash. Corruption is rife at all levels of
society and the higher it is within the society the more corrupt it becomes!
Is this what Europe wants from allowing Romania into its club?

Bucharest, Romania

© EurActiv.com

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] 37th edition of Sibiu Jazz Festival starts tomorrow

2007-05-03 Fir de Conversatie Vali
03-504416 categorie=cultureid=20070503-504416

37th edition of Sibiu Jazz Festival starts tomorrow


The famous artists Dean Bowman, Didier Lockwood or Dee Dee Bridgewater will
perform in the Great Square.


published in issue 3924 page 12 at 2007-05-04


Sibiu - Starting from Saturday May 5th and lasting seven days, the 37th
edition of the Sibiu Jazz Festival will welcome guests to the 2007 European
Capital of Culture. The event will display solid line-ups which include
emblematic names on the jazz musical stage.

The concerts, as well as the Sibiu Jazz Festival contest, will take place in
the multifunctional pavilion and in the city's Great Square.

Performing in the festival will be world-renowned artists, each with musical
careers spanning several decades, such as Didier Lockwood, Dee Dee
Bridgewater (photo) and Herbie Kopf.

Didier Lockwood is one of France's most beloved musicians, holder of the
Knight of Arts and Letters distinction. In a more than 30-year-long
eventful career, the artist released 30 albums, both in Europe and the US.

American singer Dee Dee Bridgewater, who will perform in the J'ai Deux
Amours concert, made her debut in New York, in 1970. J'ai Deux Amours is
a personal project, including exclusively French compositions.

For more than 30 years, the name Herbie Kopf describes not only a first-rate
bass singer, but also a prolific composer, with a long list of
collaborations. Dean Bowman is one of the most important American
contemporary singers. He recorded compositions ranging from rock to jazz and
classical music. With studies in traditional Afro-American music and gospel
music, Bowman perfected his repertoire in his latest album, which includes
jazz, rock and Negro spirituals.

Another American guest of the Sibiu Jazz Festival is Chico Freeman, a
multi-instrumentalist, composer and producer who is constantly discovering
new ways of embracing the heritage and tradition of jazz music. He will be
accompanied by his Afro-Cuban band, Guataca, made up of young professionals.

Also attending the festival will be the Vienna Art Orchestra - the most
esteemed international jazz orchestra in Europe. Since its international
debut in 1981, the orchestra has attended various events in over 50
countries, including the US and Japan, as well as Asia or Africa. Well over
one hundred of these performances took place as part of international jazz

Among other bands giving concerts in the Sibiu Jazz Festival will be Archie
Shepp's Born Free Band (USA), Marius Popp String Project (Romania), Enrico
Rava Quintet (Italia), Largo feat. Gast Waltzing (Luxemburg) and Zbigniew
Namyslowski Quintet (Poland).


by George Grigoriu mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Transylvanian Politics

2007-05-06 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Basescu's case is not terminal, but it depends on how you're looking at it.
After all, they've now suspended the president and by law the people have to
decide whether to approve the suspension in a referendum on May 19th.  As
long as the majority of the widely popular president's electorate votes for
him, he can go back to serving out his duties.  Parliament though may have
other plans.  Perhaps, Parliament is still smarting at his success from
entering the EU, fighting corruption, or releasing those secret police
papers forcing some of their buddies to resign--whatever their real
motives-- they've decided to change the law so that they no longer need the
public's majority to agree with them and can suspend him again no matter the
outcome.  It's a real cliffhanger.

Here's the rub - The EU doesn't exactly like having a newly admitted country
go through political turmoil.  It's bad for business.  If a majority of
voters don't vote for Basescu, or if Parliament decides to suspend him
again, they may pull troops out of Iraq.  As for Maria Stroescu, her story
is the saddest part of all this.  She just wanted a shot at happiness-like
millions of other Romanians do--all the while 300 members of Parliament have
thrown a country of 22 million into turmoil and this is what makes it more
than an Eastern European B movie, it's what makes it a tragedy.


A. E. Santi speaks three languages, yet, prefers to swear in a fourth and
knows how to say thank you in over 10 others. After finishing his BA in
English, he hitched a ride to Romania on the Peace Corps train. While
serving as a volunteer, he took care of street children, raised money for
Outward Bound, taught English in a local school and learned how to make
tortillas from scratch.


He earned his MFA in Creative Writing from George Mason University in
fiction.   He is the recipient of plenty of accolades in his career so far,
including a prestigious international translation grant. His work has been
published in the Hartford Courant, The Ithaca Journal, Cubista Magazine and
The Plum Ruby Review, to name a few. His short story collection is entitled
The Time We Had and he is hard at work on a novel.


He is the founder of Our Stories, and the editor of the website. He has
masthead credits for over a dozen newspapers, newsletters and other
publications. Before he founded Our Stories he served on the boards of
Phoebe and So to Speak.

Copyright C OpEdNews, 2002-2007

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Circuitul (care este)

2007-05-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
De pe fluxul Z-News:
Marian Vanghelie: Tribunele de la Parlament sunt ilegale, intai le demolez
si apoi vedem cine are dreptate.
09 mai 2007 ora 18:52:33

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] MEGAconcert ROCK - 19 mai - INTRAREA LIBERA

2007-05-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Romania to turn Ukrainian Bastroe canal issue into European affair

2007-05-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Romania to turn Ukrainian Bastroe canal issue into European affair: FM

 http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/romania.html Romania will not let
the Bastroe canal issue be a bilateral one between Bucharest and Kiev, but
will turn it into a European affair, Romanian Foreign Minister Adrian
Cioroianu said at a press conference on Monday. 

He stressed that the Danube Delta is under the protection of international
laws assumed by all European states. 

Cioroianu said that Romania did its best to solve the issue on diplomatic
channels, but found no understanding from the Ukrainian side. 

We cannot make them understand that the finalization of the project will
irreversibly affect an unique geographic area. They tell us that the canal
has an economic importance and we are offered some economic gains. We must
resort to European methods, said the Romanian chief diplomat. 

 http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/ukraine.html Ukraine officially
announced that the canal will be opened to navigation next week, marking
thus the end of works. 

The Bastroe Canal is a project proposed by Ukraine in the Danube Delta. The
Kiev authorities officially inaugurated the project in 2004, with the intent
to provide a deep-water route from the Danube to the Black Sea under
Ukrainian control, in order to reduce their ship transit costs. 

International ecologists have raised significant concerns about damage to
the Danube Delta ecosystem.

Copyright by People's Daily Online

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] An absolute shower

2007-05-09 Fir de Conversatie Vali
An absolute shower
By Vivid writer:
Paul-Andre Baran
Posted: 01/05/2007

[...] Take the case of Bucharest - with an already apathetic mayor and local
council, not much has been accomplished during the past three years. The
historic centre is still a shambolic disgrace, with the first form of
anything like an infrastructure improvement project only just getting
underway. Though hotly contested by residents and experts alike, most who
challenge the city's claim that the Basarab overpass will reduce gridlock,
work on the overpass began in the last week of March. Mayor Videanu has
ignored the resounding public outcry for zoning laws that better protect
historic buildings and provide for a minimum level of constraint in real
estate development. Even in Piata Universitatea, the ill effects of
uncontrolled business has reared itself in the form of unaesthetic neon clad
casinos blinding passersby, even those wearing a pair of fake Gucci
sunglasses. Presently, the Democratic Party hold 20 of the 54 city council
seats and with the coalition split this inevitably means that it will be
increasingly difficult to effect progress on the streets of Bucharest. What
about the roughly 8,000 households needed to shelter those families who will
be evicted this year due to property restitutions? Since Mr Videanu entered
office, there are more than 300,000 cars in Bucharest. So where are the road
improvements, and the long-awaited car parks? The answer is there aren't
any, and Mr Videanu is squarely to blame. [...]

C  http://www.seahorse-design.com/ Seahorse Design 2006


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Sleeping Rough in the Queen's Gardens

2007-05-10 Fir de Conversatie Vali
 joined the EU, their citizens enjoy freedom of movement. By
restricting their work eligibility, EU member states aim to dissuade them
from coming for work. Instead, they keep them from working legally.

In London, where I live and work, a huge gap is seen between the rhetoric of
immigration and the market reality. When we needed an electrician, we chose
between a British contractor and a self-employed Polish one. The former
would have charged us £65 per hour and up to £85 per hour in the evening.
The latter offered to do the job for £50 in the first hour and £15 for every
subsequent hour. The choice is obvious. The Polish guy fixed the lights.

It's capitalism at work, and it reveals questions that those who oppose the
free movement of labour inside the EU should dare to ask. One question is
why the Polish guy is cheaper than the British one, but another is what
stops the British one from competing.

Protectionists can create “havens” for producers at consumers' expense, with
consumers paying for producers' freedom from competition, but market
pressures do not cease. To wish they might is a fool's errand.

And yet this is what some opponents of labour migration preach. Frequently
they have used the argument that a surge in foreign workers will bring a
surge in crime. Not necessarily, British officials acknowledge. But it
certainly shall if work is criminalised, if only because Britons will want
their children minded, gardens tended and plumbing fixed – and cheaply.

What the EU's labour migration debate really reveals is its own
dysfunctional attitude regarding its stated goal and crowning achievement,
the single market. So far only goods can travel freely in the EU. People
can, too, with no questions asked, but not if they work on the way.

In the journal Economic Affairs, W. S. Siebert, professor of labour
economics at the Birmingham University Business School pins the blame on the
EU's French-style civil code, which boosts working conditions, wages and
collective bargaining power while cutting economic opportunity for outsider

Indeed the labour migration debate is just one element in a much broader
picture. The EU must face the inconvenient truth that its commitment to an
outdated social model weakens its bid for economic power, globally.
Globalisation is shaking its dear dreams about “social happiness” in a
prosperous society.

In such charged atmosphere, we must hope that the relative poverty of new EU
citizens will not be used to feed the fear of open borders. A genuine and
open dialogue, beyond fear and beyond prejudices, would serve us better.

Adina Postelnicu is a Romanian freelance journalist based in London. Balkan
Insight is BIRN's online publication.

Copyright BIRN 2007 

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] White night at museums on Friday night

2007-05-11 Fir de Conversatie Vali
10-504449 categorie=cultureid=20070510-504449

White night at museums on Friday night


published in issue 3929 page 16 at 2007-05-11


Romanian museums will stay open on Friday night, allowing visitors free
access, told a press conference on Tuesday Mircea Angelescu, Director of the
National Cultural Patrimony Directorate, within the Ministry of Culture and
Religious Affairs.

Normally, all museums in Romania will be open tonight and entrance will be
free of charge, declared Angelescu.

According to him, the Museums white night is connected to Europe Day,
celebrated on Wednesday. In Cluj, the County Council was very responsive
and granted free entrance on May 9 too (.) We are trying to use culture as
propaganda for the concept of Europe, he added. The International Council
of Museums (ICOM) chose the theme The museums and the universal patrimony
for the International Day of the Museums 2007, which will be celebrated on
Friday, May 18, in the museums from the whole world. The 23,000 individual
and institutional members of ICOM, residents in 145 countries, are
encouraged to participate actively, through various events, namely music,
dance, theater, the opening of the storehouses, and also, the free access to
the museums, sometimes even at night.


by Nine oClock mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] King Mihai I wants new Constitution for Romania

2007-05-11 Fir de Conversatie Vali
510-507747 categorie=politicsid=20070510-507747

King Mihai I wants new Constitution for Romania


published in issue 3929 page 4 at 2007-05-11


King Mihai received yesterday the award Hanno R. Ellenbogen Citizenship, on
the day of the anniversary of 80 years since he was sworn in as Sovereign of
Romania. During monarchy, May 10 was the national day of Romania.

Romania needs to carve an European Constitution that would give a clear,
unequivocal and complementary role to the institutions of the state, said
yesterday His Majesty King Mihai, in a political message read at the
anniversary of the Royalty Day. All that pushes aside from this will have
the only effect to weaken the country and to attract more and more
contestations. Through this historical will, it is possible to carry out the
economic and social reconstruction of the country, added His Majesty at the
ceremony from Elizabeta Palace when he was handed over the award.

Hanno R. Ellenbogen Citizenship Award is granted every year to a public
personality that contributed to understanding and international cooperation.
Among the laureates of this award are Vaclav Havel, Lord Robertson,
Madeleine Albright, maestro Vladimir Ashkenazy, and the director Milos


by Nine oClock mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Ceausescu's Disneyland

2007-05-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
 dream town. The demolition
should be understood as an essential part of his project. It could even be
said that the destruction of buildings, the erasure of historical memory was
more important than the construction of the new centre. The 'wound'
Ceausescu made in the 'living flesh of the city', as Romanian's tend to
characterize the project, has a special symbolic meaning.

It could be said that Ceausescu's intention was to erase history, but in
this effort he produced the trauma that now invokes the memory of the lost
past. Thus people today recall the 'happy' past, the social security of
socialism, in order to escape the memory of the trauma. This trauma includes
not only Ceausescu's violence and destruction, it also touches on the
passivity that allowed this annihilation to happen. Here again we encounter
the 'crime' of people being too afraid to oppose the regime and the
unconscious feeling of guilt that accompanies this non-action.

Ceausescu's creationism tried to undo the old signifying chain in order to
establish a totally new symbolic organization. By razing the historical
monuments, Ceausescu aimed to wipe out Romanian national identity, the
fantasy structure of the nation that is forged around historic old buildings
and churches, and then to establish his own version of this identity.

How does the present Romanian regime perceive the palace? In a brochure
written for visitors, the palace is first described as 'a 'giant' built
during the 'golden age' of the dictatorial regime and born in the mind of a
man for whom the nation of 'reasonable sizes' did not exist'. The palace is
presented as the second-largest building in the world (after the Pentagon),
but the most prominent because it is the most disputed. This controversy
almost resulted in its annihilation, but: 'Realizing its enormous value, in
fact a Romanian inheritance in danger to be destroyed and robbed, people
began to look the building with less hostility and named it the 'People's
House'.' The rest of the text reads like Ceausescu's promotion material,
with its descriptions of the glory of the palace and what the people
sacrificed for its completion. Thus, we are reminded that this is 'not a
palace from Aladdin's stories, but a real one, showing the true wealth of
Romania: stone, marble and wood from the Romanian mountains and forests. ...
Today, the monumental building stands for the most precious symbol of
democracy in Romania, that is the Parliament, serving the high and noble aim
we have all aspired for: equal and complete representation of the Romanian

By presenting the palace as a national symbol, the current political elite
has specifically incorporated this traumatic palace into its political
discourse. The symbolic power of the building, supposedly made only from
Romanian materials, is strenghtened by the fact that it was produced through
the enormous hardships of the Romanian people. However, it is essential to
appreciate how the palace has become an actual realization of Ceausescu's
original intention. As a parliament, the People's House is made to stand for
the 'complete representation of the Romanian people.' This all-encompasing
construction could be understood as a final stage of Ceausescu's vision,
which tried to give form to an ideal total society. Thus, when today's
regime claims that it completely represents the people, Ceausescu's dream of
totality is, in some way, realized. However, Ceausescu is not the only
megalomaniac who tried to change reality to fit his ideal. Surprisingly,
many past and present architects tried to do the same, but were limited in
their endeavour by lack of power and resources. Even in the most admired
American contemporary architectural inventions - the shopping malls and
Disneyland - one can find points of comparison with Ceausescu's project.
[... http://www.archis.org/plain/object.php?object=932year=num= ]

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] O rana deschisa in inima Bucurestiului

2007-05-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Casa Popoului: something that looks and feels like an open wound in the
heart of Bucharest [...] a flaccid expression of communist absolute power,
an empty interdiction directed towards the city, isolated from the life
outside and folded upon itself in a megalomaniac entanglement of decoration,
abuse and meaningless glorification. [...] It certainly belongs to a
universal architectural freak show as one of the twisted wonders of late
modernism. [...] The actualization of terminal megalomania, the product of a
troubled mind which cannot decide whether to follow an inferiority complex
or a superiority impulse. [...] Not just an edifice but also a colossal
accretion of historical inadequacies and local paradoxes, of complexes,
maladjustments and discontinuities, as well as a symptom of what is awfully
wrong with past and contemporary politics. [...] a nightmarish Lego [...]
imperial isolation [...] obscene violence [...] an entire area ravaged by
communist urbanism.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)


Under destruction #1
The noise of Politics – Christoph Büchel and Gianni Motti
by Mihnea Mircan

The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Bucharest, October – November 2004
Published in Vector Magazine, Iasi, 2005

[...] Between 2000 and 2004, the Romanian government had launched a policy
of cultural initiatives, viewed by some as incoherent, detached from
cultural necessity and designed solely for electoral benefit. Among those
large-scale projects, creating a museum of contemporary art attracted a
considerable amount of public attention. The inauguration of the museum
answered a question discussed – sporadically yet always with a sense of
historical urgency – by successive cultural administrators. Should Romania
have a museum of contemporary art?, they repeatedly wondered, while the
usual arguments of historical delay and disconnectedness from the
international scene were deployed. If the necessity of such an institution
elicited consensus, various impediments arose along the way, primarily
concerning location. The question of whether to build a space or convert an
existing one proved a sturdy obstacle for years. The latter-day cultural
benefactors decided that the museum should be located in the Palace of the
Parliament, in an uncompleted wing that was scheduled to turn into a white
cube roughly around the time of parliamentary and presidential elections.
Needless to say that this offer did not include an alternative option.

The initiative of the museum was thus not only conditioned but also
contaminated by the political context. The museum was entrusted with two
major tasks at the same time: to produce a viable program of contemporary
art and to turn the Palace of Parliament into a plausible location for such
an endeavour. I shall refer from here onwards to the building by its former
name, more cynical but also more adequate in describing something that looks
and feels like an open wound in the heart of Bucharest: the House of the
The House of the People must rank high in some top 20 of difficult buildings
to look at, come to historical terms with and digest culturally. It is a
flaccid expression of communist absolute power, an empty interdiction
directed towards the city, isolated from the life outside and folded upon
itself in a megalomaniac entanglement of decoration, abuse and meaningless
glorification. It, and the adjoining Civic Centre, gridlocked a sizeable
portion of the city. I must confess I haven’t checked whether it still is
the second largest building in the world, yet it certainly belongs to a
universal architectural freak show as one of the twisted wonders of late
modernism. The House treats the theme of political power in a style which is
equally indebted to Baroque, Classicism and commedia dell'arte, looking like
the background for some gigantic farce with scantily defined characters. In
post-revolutionary years, it was the object of a significant perceptual
shift: immediately after ‘89, the House was shortly opened to the public and
Romanians enacted a strange political pilgrimage through its opulent marble
halls. The healing potential of the act found its counterpart in the fact
that many from the visiting crowds left very positive remarks in the guest
book, expressing their admiration for the achievement. The uprooting of
tradition effected by communist propaganda and architecture was thus
welcoming back its offspring, a generation ready to concur to the loss of
measure and ideas of national superiority. Then the House was closed to the
public and taken into possession by the new powers, not in the least worried
about ancestry. The displacement seemed unproblematic: taking over the
symbol of power was a natural and rightful

[Romania-News] I do not want to see Romania giving up its commitments

2007-05-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
510-507748 categorie=politicsid=20070510-507748

I do not want to see Romania giving up its commitments


warns Daniel Fried, Assistant to the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice


published in issue 3929 page 5 at 2007-05-11


Bucharest - Daniel Fried (photo), Assistant to the US Secretary of State
Condoleezza Rice, was in Romania. He transmitted to the leaders from
Bucharest to settle the political crisis, to not forget its commitments in
Iraq and to give up the variant of involving Moscow in the political games
from Romania, reads Evenimentul zilei referring to an extensive interview
given by the American official to the newspaper after his meetings with the
impeached President Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and the
leader of the Opposition Mircea Geoana.

Fried sees the atmosphere from Romania as very confuse and tense. US want a
strong and active Romania, that would look towards the horizon instead of
using up its energies. Secretary of State Rice estimates that we must be
confident in the democracy from Romania. This is another aspect of the
message that I have brought, stated Daniel Fried in the quoted interview.
He cautions that further to the extension of the crisis it is not
necessarily the Romanian-American relations that will have to suffer, but
the interest of Romania.

Daniel Fried says in that the domestic political crisis should not be
attributed to the Russians, the Romanians did it by themselves. We discussed
about the Russians (with the Romanian officials - editor's note) and we
believe that the Romanians and the Americans should not consider them
opponents. We want a powerful, not a weak Russia, but powerful in the terms
of the 21st century. Concerning the energy dependence of Romania, Daniel
Fried says that Bucharest alone must decide over its own energy policy - one
more reason for which it is necessary to have a stable and capable

The US Assistant Secretary of State shows that the Government must assure a
favourable climate for investments, it is necessary to have a functional
Government. We also want to see Romania as an active presence in the world.
You are NATO members, and NATO is active in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, he
said. In his view, issues such as the pull out of the Romanian troops from
Iraq should not be discussed in the middle of a political crisis. Hopefully,
you will not make major and long term decisions in the domain of national
security, is the message of Daniel Fried who adds: I do not want to see
Romania giving up the its commitments, the same as you would not like to see
America renouncing its commitments, including those of defending Romania.

Concerning the US bases from Romania, Daniel Fried is very satisfied: It
works very well, our people are delighted and there are no complaints. The
Assistant Secretary of State shows that US want to discuss with Romania
about the anti-missile shield, how it can be part of this system, and even
to approach the issue in Russia-NATO Council. We must be transparent with
the Russians and offer them a partnership, declares Fried, who denies
categorically, on another hand, that the bases from Romania could be used
for an attack against Iran.

VISA Waiver programme

The Foreign Affairs Minister Adrian Cioroianu discussed with Fried on
Wednesday about the interest of Romania to be included in the Visa Waiver
programme, informs MAE, quoted by Mediafax. Several issues of interest of
the bilateral relations, and at regional level, were approached during the
discussions, the interest to attract American investments to the Romanian
economy was expressed, reads a MAE press release.

The two also discussed about the interest of Romania to be included in the
Visa Waiver programme and to continue the collaboration in the global
campaign against terrorism. Cioroianu stressed the determination of the
Romanian party to assure the success of the next NATO summit, due in
Bucharest, in April 2008.

The Visa Waiver programme, run by the US authorities, allows the citizens
from certain countries to travel to the US for tourism or business purposes,
for a period of maximum 90 days, without a visa.


by Nine oClock mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] RIP, by Order of Vladimir Putin

2007-05-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
E vorba de o statuie ecvestra gigantica pe care o vede oricine calatoreste
cu masina pe E-85 inspre Focsani.  Statuia se afla cocotata pe un deal la
intrarea in comuna Dumbraveni (nu Dubroven, cum zice stirea agentiei
ITAR-TASS).  Nu e urata, dar tot timpul m-am intrebat ce cauta statuia unui
general rus acolo.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)



Monument to Suvorov profaned in Romania

08.05.2007, 13.48

BUCHAREST, May 8 (Itar-Tass) - Some unidentified vandals have profaned the
monument to the great Russian military commander Alexander Suvorov in the
Dubroven Commune, which is near Romanian city of Focsani (north-eastern
Romania). They scribbled with red paint on its pedestal: Besarabia is
Romanian land. 

Vice-Mayor of the Dubroven Commune Valentin Talvar told Itar-Tass that there
were no such outrageous cases since 1959, when the Suvorov monument was
unveiled. The Romanian Ministry of Culture and Cults, whose duty is to take
care of the monument, is taking steps to repair the damages. 

General-En-Chef Alexander Suvorov, who commanded a 7,000-strong
Russo-Austrian corps, defeated and put to flight a Turkish army of 100,000
officers and men, commanded by Vizier Yusuf Pasha, during the 1787-1791
Russo-Turkish war. The general was decorated with the highest award of the
Russian Empire, the St.George Order (First Class), and given the honourable
title of Count Remniksky for his victories at Focsani and on the banks of
the Remnik River. The Emperor of Austria had bestowed on him the title of
Count of the Holy Roman Empire. 

The initial monument to Suvorov and to the Russian soldiers, who had
liberated Romania from the Turkish yoke, was built at Dubroven in 1913, but
it had to be dismantled and evacuated to Russia during the First World War.
Its exact copy was installed on the same place in 1959. It is worth noting
that the commune itself was called Suvorov for a very long period of time.




TRANSITIONS ONLINE: Russia: Rest in Peace, by Order of Vladimir Putin
10 May 2007

A recent report says Moscow is hoping that a new corps of grave guards at
its embassies will thwart attempts to tamper with Soviet war memorials.

[The Estonian government's decision to move a memorial to Soviet war dead
from the Tallinn city center to a military cemetery sparked rioting in the
Estonian capital in late April and confrontations at the Estonian Embassy in
Moscow in early May.

Since then, some Russian media have looked nervously at other non-Russian
cities that have Soviet war memorials. One recent TV report has President
Vladimir Putin authorizing new teams of workers for certain embassies to
safeguard Soviet war graves.-TOL]

Text of report by Russian Centre TV on 7 May

[Presenter] It emerged on Monday [7 May] that a draft decree to protect
Soviet war graves abroad has been prepared in the [Russian] president's
administration. According to the decree, a [Russian] representative office
will be opened in a number a countries with the aim of preserving [Soviet]
soldiers' graves and memorials. There are 14 such countries, one of which is
Poland, which today confirmed its intention to pass a law to remove
monuments dating from the socialist era.

[Correspondent] The Polish government is hasty in its denials. Draft
legislation has already been issued from the Ministry of Culture to the
[Polish] Sejm allowing the demolition of monuments dating from the socialist
era. But what is meant here is not Soviet war memorials, but stone
sculptures of Communist dictators. Today on one of Poland's radio stations,
the Culture Minister announced on air: We do not wish to dismantle
memorials which were erected in memory of the Red Army and thereby show
disrespect to Russian soldiers. In other words the Poles are indirectly
condemning the Estonian example. But the facts prevent us from believing
Warsaw's good intentions: in Krakow the memorial to Marshal Konev
disappeared a long time ago. It was dismantled, and now all that is left of
it is the pedestal. New perceptions arose as the times changed: Konev was
then declared an occupant, and there is no guarantee that the Poles will not
follow in the footsteps of the Estonians in rewriting history.

[Passage omitted: earlier reported statement from Russian Foreign Minister
Sergey Lavrov.]

[Correspondent] Events over the past 20 years seem to indicate that some
Europeans have a short memory. The city authorities of the Bulgarian town

[Romania-News] 19 mai - ce indica deocamdata sondajele online

2007-05-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Sunteti de acord cu demiterea presedintelui Romaniei, Traian Basescu?
Total voturi: 711
Nu: 63,6%
Da: 36,4%

Ce parere ai despre Presedintele Romaniei?
Total voturi: 429

Vei vota pentru intoarcerea lui Basescu la Cotroceni?
DA 359 (84%)
NU 70 (16%)

Se va intoarce Basescu la Cotroceni?
DA 386 (90%)
NU 43 (10%)

Crezi ca Basescu va reusi sa elimine coruptia din Romania?
DA 227 (53%)
NU 202 (47%)

A facut bine Basescu ca nu a demisionat?
DA 355 (83%)
NU 72 (17%)

Ce parere ai despre Parlamentul Romaniei?
Total voturi: 269

A facut bine Parlamentul ca l-a suspendat pe Basescu?
DA 35 (13%)
NU 234 (87%)

Crezi ca Parlamentul il va re-suspenda pe Basescu in cazul in care va fi
confirmat prin referendum?
DA 111 (41%)
NU 158 (59%)

Crezi ca Parlamentul este controlat de grupuri de interese economice?
DA 243 (90%)
NU 26 (10%)

Sustii alegeri anticipate pentru schimbarea Parlamentului?
DA 239 (89%)
NU 30 (11%)

Ce parere ai despre Guvernul Romaniei?
Total voturi: 207

Crezi ca Guvernul Romaniei a avut succes in lupta impotriva coruptiei?
DA 33 (16%)
NU 174 (84%)

Crezi ca Guvernul Romaniei a avut succes in cresterea nivelului de trai al
DA 66 (32%)
NU 141 (68%)

Crezi ca Guvernul Romaniei este controlat de grupuri de interese economice?
DA 186 (90%)
NU 21 (10%)

Crezi ca Guvernul Romaniei este competent sa rezolve problemele tarii?
DA 34 (16%)
NU 172 (83%)

Cine crezi ca este autorul integrarii in UE?
Total voturi: 216

Cine crezi ca o sa fie recunoscut in cartile de istorie a Romaniei drept
autorul integrarii Romaniei in Europa?
Traian Basescu 183 (85%)
Calin Popescu Tariceanu 22 (10%)
Adrian Nastase 8 (4%)
Ion Iliescu 3 (1%)

 http://www.22mai.ro/xix/ http://www.22mai.ro/xix/
Vei vota in 19 mai 2007?
Total voturi: 41
DA 32 (78%)
NU 9 (22%)

Esti de acord cu demiterea lui Traian Basescu?
Total voturi: 45
DA 14 (31%)
NU 31 (69%)
Doresti demiterea parlamentului Romaniei pentru scandalul ultimilor luni?
Total voturi: 32
DA 29 (91%)
NU 3 (9%)

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Palma unui ambasador

2007-05-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
=1sid=178783 screen=stirenewsletter=1sid=178783

Palma unui ambasador

Bucurestiul e cea mai poluata capitala europeana. E deja sufocat. Ne
asteapta o vara torida, iar primenirea aerului e ca si inexistenta, datorita
autoritatilor - edililor, in primul rand - care de 17 ani incoace au asistat
neputincioase si chiar au determinat reducerea criminala a spatiilor verzi.
Padurile apropiate, inclusiv Baneasa, parcurile, livezile, scuarurile au
fost hacuite, facand loc vilelor si plombelor dintre blocuri. De la 11 mp
spatii verzi/locuitor, in 1989, abia daca mai sunt vreo 3 mp. Primarii
perindati prin bd. Elisabeta n-au pus piciorul in prag, chiar si invocand
utilitatea publica si despagubind corect proprietarii in cazul
revendicarilor. Dimpotriva. Nu face exceptie nici actualul edil-sef Adriean
Videanu, ocupat mai mult cu politica decat cu administrarea orasului. Pentru
o tichie de margaritar - cursa automobilistica din jurul Parlamentului - nu
numai ca s-a dat peste cap tot traficul rutier, dar s-a ajuns si la taierea
pomilor dintr-o zona si asa asfixiata.

Apropo, prin Serbia o asemenea cursa a fost blocata pentru ca deranja...
caii de la un hipodrom. Cu putin timp in urma, alti pomi, abia crescuti,
fusesera smulsi din parcul Izvor, spre a face loc altui moft, o demonstratie
militara cu parasute si TAB-uri. Coincidenta sau nu, dar, cam in acelasi
timp, ambasadorul Marii Britanii a vizitat, impreuna cu sotia, Gradina
Botanica. Au plantat acolo niste pomi, aluzie inmanusata diplomatic pentru
un primar in stare sa priceapa. Nu de mult, Jonathan Scheele, fostul sef al
Delegatiei Comisiei UE, ii atragea atentia aceluiasi edil ca Bucurestiul e
departe de a arata ca o capitala europeana. Mai mult nici nu putea sa faca.
Doar nu era sa ia drujba din mana primarului.

Articol semnat de Petru Calapodescu

(C) Libertatea 

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Corruption sparks protests in Romania

2007-05-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Corruption sparks protests in Romania

30,000 Romanians have rallied in support of President Traian Basescu, a week
before a referendum on whether he should be impeached.

The crowd in Craiova dressed in orange, symbolising the Orange Revolution
which brought Basescu to power in December 2004.

Basescu's suspension in April on charges of abuse of power has sparked
concern in the European Union about the future of justice reforms and the
fight against corruption in the country.

Many Romanians believe his return to power may be the only way to curb
widespread corruption.

A counter-demonstration was organised by the opposition Social Democratic
Party in Pitesti.

The SDP was one of a number of parties that accused Basescu of corruption
and involvement in secret police activity.

The protest attracted 5,000 people to the city of Pitesti. They want to see
Basescu impeached.

This looks unlikely however as polls show support for the President at
around 65 per cent.

(C) EuroNews

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] New wave directors drive Romanian film renaissance

2007-05-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali
 by monstersandcritics.com.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Romanian politics mired in abuse

2007-05-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Romanian politics mired in abuse
By Petru Clej 
BBC Romanian Service

Insults are flying as never before in an electoral campaign in Romania. 

Oligarch!, drunkard!, throw them overboard! - these are just a few of
the phrases relentlessly assaulting the public ear, day in, day out. 

The campaign for the 19 May referendum on whether to dismiss President
Traian Basescu has reached a frenzy, each side outbidding the other in
aggressive language. 

Opinion polls, few and far between and not very reliable, point to a
comfortable victory for the president, by a margin of two to one. 

If mass rallies are any indication, then Mr Basescu wins hands down. On
Sunday, about 50,000 people turned out in the north-eastern city of Iasi. 

The president's supporters outnumbered his foes by about three to one. In
other cities - Craiova and Bucharest - it was the same story at the weekend.

Campaign abroad 

Nor is the campaign limited to Romania. Rallies have been held in support of
Mr Basescu by Romanian diaspora in Paris, London, Madrid, Montreal, Chisinau
and other cities. 

By far the largest rally was held in Castellon, a Spanish town by the
Mediterranean, where 10,000 Romanians turned out for Mr Basescu. 

Romanians make up about a quarter of Castellon's population of 150,000,
which prompted the Romanian foreign ministry to open a polling station in
the town. 

About 800,000 Romanians live and work in Spain and interest in the
referendum is strong. 

Mr Basescu was suspended by parliament on 19 April for grave infringements
of the constitution, although the constitutional court, which was called
upon to issue a non-binding opinion, said there had been no major

The MPs' vote, 322 in favour of suspension and 108 against, seems to defy
the popular mood. 

Anti-presidential politicians accuse the president of totalitarian
tendencies and subverting the government and parliament. 

In fact, for Mr Basescu's supporters 322 has become like the number of
the devil. 

The youth wing of the Democratic Party (PD), which supports Mr Basescu, has
installed 322 spikes in a Bucharest park. They recall a medieval method of
executing political foes devised by Vlad the Impaler, a Romanian
15th-Century prince, who remains prominent in the popular psyche. 

Violent language 

This symbolic execution drew the ire of the European Socialists - no doubt
alerted by the anti-Basescu Social Democratic Party (PSD), which labelled it
an attack on parliament. 

Mr Basescu has in turn received support from the European People's Party
(EPP), the largest in the European Parliament, of which the PD is a member. 

Mr Basescu has called on the public to throw the 322 overboard!, labelled
the leaders of the anti-presidential coalition oligarchs - without
producing much evidence - and hinted that Russia might have been involved in
his suspension, allegedly for his pro-Western foreign policy. 

The PSD leader, Mircea Geoana, called Mr Basescu a drunkard and head of
the mafia. 

Most of the media have abandoned any pretence of impartiality, often
amplifying the violence of the message. 

The general tone of the debate prompted King Michael, the former head of
state until 1947, to show his exasperation and warn that the current crisis
could endanger Romania's position abroad. 

Indeed, since EU accession on 1 January, Romanian politicians have spent
much time bickering. 

The European Union has shown increasing impatience, but for the moment this
does not seem to register in Romania. 

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2007/05/14 17:19:51 GMT


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Voteaza pe 19 mai!

2007-05-15 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] IHT: Basescu, confident of victory in impeachment referendum

2007-05-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali
AP Interview: Romania's president vows to press ahead with political and
justice reforms
The Associated Press
Published: May 16, 2007

BUCHAREST, Romania: Romania's suspended president said Wednesday he was
confident of victory in an impeachment referendum this week and vowed to
continue reforms to stop political corruption.

Romanians will choose in the referendum between my option, to build a
modern state, and the lawmakers' option, to leave things as they are,
Traian Basescu said in an interview with the Associated Press at his
campaign's headquarters in downtown Bucharest.

Polls show over 70 percent of Romanians intend to back Basescu, a former
commercial ship captain and Bucharest mayor who is known for his outspoken
style. The referendum is to be held on Saturday.

Parliament, which is dominated by parties opposing the president, suspended
him last month on allegations that he violated the constitution by usurping
the role of the prime minister and criticizing the courts. The
Constitutional Court had ruled that the president did not break the law, but
its ruling was nonbinding and allowed parliament to make its own decision.

It was a political decision - I'd say it was a sort of coup, he said,
adding that the lawmakers abused their power by suspending him. The
president can't be held responsible by parliament, he can only be
responsible in front of the Romanian people, which elected him, Basescu

He said five political parties, ideologically opposed to each other, united
to suspend him because they wanted to stop anti-corruption measures, and
political reform.

Basescu has been at odds with lawmakers, whom he accused of drafting laws
for special interests, and with Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu, a
former ally with whom he clashed after accusing him of tolerating corruption
in the Cabinet.

His first confrontation with parliament came last year, when he presented a
report by a panel of experts condemning the crimes of the former Communist
regime. It declared the regime as illegal and illegitimate as it was
imposed on Romania by Soviet tanks and it ended with the fall of (former
communist dictator Nicolae) Ceausescu when Romanian tanks were on the
streets, Basescu said.

He added that some leading lawmakers, including former president Ion Iliescu
and nationalist leader Corneliu Vadim Tudor, were named in the report as
having been part of the Communist regime.

Basescu also irked lawmakers last year by ordering the secret services to
declassify over 1.5 million files belonging to the Communist-era secret
police, the Securitate, an action which led to several politicians being
exposed as former collaborators.

The president, who himself faced allegations of collaboration but whose own
Securitate file was not found, said however that the main reason for his
conflict with lawmakers was his determination to shield prosecutors and
judges from traditional interference from politicians.

He said magistrates have now tasted what independence feels like, leading to
investigations against eight lawmakers and three Cabinet ministers.

Iliescu, who was president during most of its transition from communism, is
also investigated for his role in organizing a violent march by miners onto
the capital in 1990, where they beat anti-communist protesters, leaving at
least six people dead and 500 injured.

The fact that it became impossible to influence the justice system was the
major link which united the five parties against me, said Basescu, who
added that he refused to negotiate with them.

It would have meant to negotiate the hopes of the Romanian people, he

After Basescu's suspension, the European Union and foreign ambassadors have
put pressure on authorities to not replace chief prosecutors, he said. New
Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu who replaced the reformist Monica Macovei
came under strong criticism from magistrates when he tried to sack a
prosecutor in charge of several high-profile investigations.

I am now convinced by the magistrates' reaction that the anti-corruption
fight will continue without sparing anyone, Basescu said. Especially after
my return.

Copyright C 2007 the International Herald Tribune

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Mineriada, un act civic

2007-05-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali

 http://www.evz.ro/article.php?artid=305102 Mineriada, un act civic

Invitat la emisiunea Tu decizi de la Realitatea TV, Ion Iliescu a facut o
afirmatie soc: in 1990, minerii au savarsit un act civic.
http://www.evz.ro/article.php?artid=305102 [Citeste]

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Gabriel Resources project in doubt

2007-05-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Gabriel Resources project in doubt as political changes in Romania could
help or hurt 

Political reshuffling in any country can have an impact on a wide range of
industries, but recent changes in Romania could hamper the work of one
Canadian-based miner there.

Gabriel Resources Ltd. (
http://stockgroup.canada.com/sn_overview.asp?symbol=T.GBU GBU/TSX), which
has been waiting for environmental approval for its 80% owned Rosia Montana
gold project, appears to have suffered a set back as Romania’s newly
appointed cabinet now has a fresh Minister of Environment and Sunstainable

Attila Korodi has criticized Gabriel’s Rosia Montana project in the past,
according to Dundee Securities analyst Paul Burchell, who added that the new
minister reportedly called it a “priority to investors, but not to Romania.”

The project also faces opposition from non-governmental organizations and
other environmental groups. 

While the country is not expected to go to the polls until 2008, Mr.
Burchell thinks the growing turmoil could lead to an earlier election call.
This could result in a delay for Gabriel’s attempt to get project permits
and politicians could even take on the issue of mining in their campaigns,
he added.

However, an election could lead to a new cabinet and accompanying
environment minister, which could be just what Gabriel needs, Mr. Burchell
said in a note to clients.

He has lowered his rating on Gabriel shares to “market underperform” from
“neutral” and his price target moves down 80¢ to $4.

Jonathan Ratner

© 2007 CanWest Interactive

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] The Economist: Michael of Romania

2007-05-17 Fir de Conversatie Vali
The Economist

Michael of Romania

May 17th 2007
From Economist.com

Romantic, royal and retiring

UNTIL the collapse of communism, being an exiled monarch was merely
thankless. Since then it has been cruelly disappointing. In Albania,
Georgia, Hungary, Montenegro, Russia and Serbia the monarchist cause has at
best crashed and burned-or more often failed to ignite at all, leaving royal
pretenders (or pretend royals) stranded on the eurotrash heap of history. In
Bulgaria, Simeon Saxcoburggotski (or ex-King Simeon II) was briefly a
popular prime minister. But now he languishes in an uncomfortable coalition
with the ex-communists, heirs to the party that exiled him and murdered his

The classiest act, however, is Michael of Romania: dignified, modest and
sharpwitted; ambitious for his country, but not for himself. He is one of
only three surviving heads of state from 1945 (the others are ex-King
Simeon, who was only seven when the war ended, and Mohammed Zahir Shah, once
King of Afghanistan and now, aged 92, back home as Father of the Nation).
Michael makes no claims to his throne; in return, Romania's current rulers
treat him with the courtesies due to a former head of state.

Bursting with questions, your columnist hurried to a London hotel for a few
moments of monarchical nostalgia. But what does one call a king without a
country? For a representative of a republican newspaper, Your Majesty
seemed too deferential. Sire was clearly over the top. Sir seemed too
downbeat. Mr Hohenzollern [the royal family's surname] would be insulting.

In a language such as German, where spoken as well as written salutations
matter, the problem would have been insuperable. But English is flexible:
you proved just fine.

The real problem, though, was not addressing Michael correctly, but
understanding him. A speech impediment turns his idiomatic American into a
diffident mumble. His wife Anne, by contrast, speaks with crystalline
precision. An exiled Greek princess, she honed her English as a sales
assistant at Macy's in New York.

 AFP http://www.economist.com/images/columns/2007w20/KingMichael.jpg  

The first question-and one that still rages in discussions in Romania-is
about the Soviet takeover. In August 1944 the then king staged a coup
against the pro-Nazi Antonescu regime and switched sides to the Allies,
signing a speedy armistice with the Soviet Union. After two years of uneasy
coexistence, he was forced to abdicate. Looking back, was there any card he
could have played differently? No, is the firm answer. It wasn't just the
Soviet Union. America and Britain forced us to include communists in the
coup against Antonescu. At the time there were only a few hundred in the
whole of Romania. As in other eastern European countries, the Red Army's
presence made communists sprout like mushrooms. Soon it was too late. Only
Ernest Bevin [British foreign secretary after 1945] was honest, says
Michael, flatly. He said 'Britain is not in a position to help'. In short:
when something happens like it did with us, suddenly nobody knows you no

So palace coups gave way to earning a living: initially by market-gardening
in England, with some chickens on the side-Rhode Island Reds and Sussex,
notes his wife, enthusiastically. Most royals don't get the chance to keep

Unlike Baltic and Ukrainian exile leaders, Michael wisely shunned cold-war
attempts to stoke armed resistance in his captive homeland. In the 1950s
the Americans wanted to use me to train a whole bunch of people and
parachute them in. I said 'no-what's the point?'. That is a sad theme for
eastern Europe, and perhaps an ominously contemporary one: almost as bad as
having the Kremlin as your implacable enemy is having the West,
absent-minded and unreliable, as your friend.

Copyright http://www.economist.com/help/copy_general.cfm  C The Economist
http://www.economist.com/help/DisplayHelp.cfm?folder=663377 Newspaper
Limited 2007

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)


[Romania-News] EUObserver: Romania, banana republic standards

2007-05-18 Fir de Conversatie Vali

[Comment] Without the law there would be no European Union

18.05.2007 - 09:22 CET | By Peter Sain ley Berry
EUOBSERVER / COMMENT - Go to any introductory lecture on the European Union
and you will hear phrases such as 'unique experiment,' 'international
co-operation,' 'rule of law.' [...]
Member states even agreed to give 'European' law precedence over their own;
there wouldn't be any point in having common laws if nations could pick and
choose which they obeyed. [...]
More serious is the case of Romania, which joined the Union only a few
months ago on the solemn undertaking that widespread and irreversible
reforms to root out crime and corruption were well on their way. Various
pledges were made and accepted in good faith and the country, with Bulgaria,
was admitted at the earliest opportunity in 2007.

Once inside the Union, the Romanian Parliament has turned its back on
reform, dismissed its anti-corruption prosecutors, thrown out its respected
and efficient Justice Minister - Monica Macovei - and voted massively to
impeach its pro-EU President.

The country seems set to return to its old ways, even postponing its
elections for the 35 seats in the European Parliament in case this should
prove troublesome.

Banana republic standards
Many people argued that Romania and Bulgaria should not have acceded in 2007
but instead should have been forced to wait a year until the process of
reform was complete.

I argued this case myself. I could never understand why it was necessary to
admit as full members countries described recently by The Times as 'weakened
by systemic corruption, organised crime, fragile judiciaries and
oligarchic control of press and broadcast media.'

The Commission, I seem to remember, argued that if the two countries were
not admitted in 2007 then the pace of reform would slow. Well, it has slowed
now and we have within the bosom of the European Union a country whose
respect for the very principle of law is in some doubt.

All is not lost of course. The suspended President - Traian Basescu - may
well win his forthcoming impeachment referendum, though the authorities are
not making life easy for him. If he does he has promised to take action to
weaken the party bosses.

For its part the European Commission cannot simply wring its hands and hope
that all will come right. Romania has broken the pledges it made. That
cannot be without consequence and while there is no doubt that we all want
to see Romania, growing and prospering as part of the European family, this
has to be as a state with European rather than banana republic standards. 

The wider point is that we are in no position to deplore Romania's fall from
grace if other member states also show themselves willing to renege on
agreements and understandings when it suits them.

Law can only work by consent. Respecting agreements, however uncomfortable,
makes us all stronger. Ultimately we are our own policemen. It is not only
Romania that must learn this.

If we don't European Government will be reduced to the impotent position of
Saint-Exupéry's King, who regaled on an impressive throne but without any
other accoutrements of power, is reduced to ordering Le Petit Prince,
sometimes to obey him and sometimes not to do so. Not exactly a recipe for
success and progress.

The author is editor of EuropaWorld
© 2007 EUobserver

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Ei, ce sa-i faci? Asa e Romania...

2007-05-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Ce spune un olandez despre romani

Olandezul May Schmets (60 de ani), stabilit la Ortisoara (jud. Timis) de 13
ani a deschis la el acasa un fel de birou unde oamenii vin sa ceara sfaturi
pentru diverse probleme.

May Schmets: Am spus intotdeauna ca la mine acasa e la fel ca in Olanda,
mancarea e la fel, ma uit la televizor la fel, ma duc la wc la fel, dar
toate astea la mine in casa. Daca ies in strada, acolo este diferit. Eu am
fost in toate tarile din Europa si nu am auzit niciunde spunandu-se, daca nu
merge ceva, Ce sa faci, asa e Franta sau Asa e Spania. Numai in Romania
oamenii zic: Asa e Romania. Ma si enervez. Ce e Romania? O bucata de
pamant? Tu esti Romania, tu faci Romania sa fie asa. Eu am mare respect
pentru romani ca au facut Revolutia, dar nu am respect pentru ca nu au
terminat-o. Trebuie sa aiba curaj, sa schimbe lucrurile. E normal,
gandim-discutam-facem, dar aici este gandim-discutam, gandim-discutam, dar
nu mai facem.
 http://www.juressa.net/ C 2004-2007 Juressa.NET

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Circuit FIA GT3... fabulospiritual

2007-05-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Circuitul stradal, pardon, maidanez:
No comment.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Tupeu de presedinte

2007-05-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Pe vremuri a fost mai, animalule!.  Mai de curand am auzit mai,
gaozarule!.  Acum s-a trecut la o etapa net superioara: Mai, tiganca
Agentia de Monitorizare a Presei (AMP) condamna gestul incalificabil al
presedintelui Traian Basescu de a confisca telefonul mobil al unei

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Imaginati-va ca Bush ar fi numit un ziarist stinky nigger...

2007-05-21 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Reactii in presa:
Cristian Tudor Popescu, presedintele Clubului Roman de Presa: Traian Basescu
a comis mai multe delicte penale, de la agresiunea unei femei, in vreme ce
aceasta incerca sa-si castige painea onest, la talharie, sechestrarea
telefonului, pana la cel de discriminare. Basescu a comis un delict care pe
vremuri se numea ura de rasa si care acum se cheama discriminare rasiala,
prin exprimarea tiganca imputita.


Christopher Condon, Financial Times: In an incident that underlined critics'
claims that Mr Basescu's explosive temperament makes him a divisive figure,
the populist politician seized a mobile telephone being used by a reporter
to record an interview with him as he was shopping with his wife. Mr Basescu
then left apparently unaware that the phone was still recording his
conversation with his wife. After the phone was returned to the reporter's
television station, the recording revealed that Mr Basescu had called the
journalist a stinking Gypsy.


Robert Turcescu, director editorial Cotidianul: Imaginati-va ca actorul ar
fi fost George Bush si vorbea despre un jurnalist ca negru imputit, cred
ca lucrurile ar fi stat altfel.


Catalin Tolontan, redactor-sef Gazeta sporturilor: In mod normal, ar fi
trebuit sa mearga in redactia Antenei 1 si sa-si ceara scuze personal. Nu
i-a luat telefonul prin purtatorul de cuvant!


Marius Vulpe, Adevarul: Evolutie prezidentiala: de la mai, animalule la
gaozarul asta.  Evolutia vocabularului basescian a fost marcata de
recentele consideratii de natura rasiala si sexuala la adresa jurnalistei
postului Antena 1.


International Herald Tribune: Basescu was approached by the journalist,
Andreea Pana, in a Bucharest supermarket on Saturday, when Romanians were
voting on whether to impeach him for alleged constitutional abuses. Basescu
overwhelmingly won the vote. Pana tried to ask him about the ballot and
filmed him with a cell phone. Irritated, Basescu snatched the phone from
her, but it continued to record a conversation between Basescu and his wife,
Maria, in which the president called Pana a stinky Gypsy.


Vlad Petreanu, redactor-sef Antena 1: E un gest incalificabil. Cred ca
presedintele nu intelege care este fisa postului. Nu intelege ca e un model
pentru oricine din aceasta tara.


Bogdan Teodorescu, analist si specialist in imagine si marketing politic:
Chiar daca la Bucuresti declaratiile lui Basescu ar putea sa nu aiba un
efect prea mare, introducerea conotatiei etnice risca un scandal european.
Aprecierile sale nu sunt potrivite pentru un sef de stat intr-o Europa
grijulie cu minoritatile.


The Associated Press: On Monday, about 20 Gypsy and press freedom activists
protested at the president's office, some wearing T-shirts reading Stinky
Gypsy. They left a bar of soap and a CD with Gypsy music. Not only does
the president have a duty not to discriminate ... but he is obliged by the
constitution to have a proactive role in fighting all forms of
discrimination, the protesters said in a letter.


Grigore Cartianu, redactor-sef adjunct Evenimentul Zilei: E rau, e imoral,
e revoltator faptul ca Traian Basescu si-a permis sa numeasca un cetatean al
Romaniei tiganca imputita! Derapajele de limbaj, gen un gaozar sau mai,
pasarica, au ajuns prea departe. E bine ca Traian Basescu a rugat-o ieri pe
reporterita Antenei 1, in mod public, sa accepte scuzele sale sincere.
Scuzele ar trebui adresate insa intregii natiuni, pentru ca orice roman,
tigan, maghiar, neamt, tatar sau lipovean are motive sa se simta jignit cand
presedintele tarii sale foloseste expresii degradante pentru rasa umana.


Ion Cristoiu: Norocul ziaristei ca se afla intr-un loc public. Daca ar fi
fost intr-alta parte, Traian Basescu i-ar fi dat un cap in gura! Ca asa ar
fi facut o dovedeste dialogul avut in masina cu nevasta-sa, devenit deja
celebru prin expresia, demna de un marinar beat intr-un cartier rau famat al
lumii portuare: tiganca imputita. Despre oameni precum Traian Basescu se
spune ca n-au cei sapte ani de acasa. Dupa cele intamplate sambata, se pare
ca nu-i are nici pe cei de la domiciliul conjugal!



Daca stiam, cu siguranta nu mai votam NU...  Si in orice caz, la urmatoarele
alegeri, Basescu nu mai pupa votul meu.


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] International theatre capital moves to Sibiu

2007-05-24 Fir de Conversatie Vali
25-504495 categorie=cultureid=20070525-504495

International theatre capital moves to Sibiu


Seventy-five countries participate in this year's edition of the world's
third largest theatre festival.


published in issue 3939 page 12 at 2007-05-25


BUCHAREST - The 14th edition of the International Theatre Festival of Sibiu
is starting this week-end, having been officially opened in the Grand
Square, last night, with the 'Seagull' directed by Andrei Serban. Today, the
plays included in the programme are 'Theatre Creator' (The Act Theatre),
'Installations de Feu', Compagnie Carabosse, 'Rhythm in Motion' (a
combination of live music, dance, video and theatrical art), directed by
Zahi Patish and 'Purification' (The Cluj National Theatre), directed by
Andrei Serban. The 'Installations de Feu', project of the Compagnie
Carabosse, is an itinerary that surrounds the city centre, re-draws the old
medieval boundaries of the city and enhances specific old architectural
elements as well as inhabited neighbourhoods, where every dilapidated wall
tells the story of the people living behind it. The itinerary of fire is
going to be doubled by the musical itinerary that combines the repertoire of
the company with the one of the musical bands of Sibiu that are
representative for the city's musical culture, of an original artistic
magnitude, written for the Sibiu City and together with the Sibiu City.
Saturday is reserved for 'The Goat or Who Sylvia Is' (winner of the Tony
Award in 2001), directed by Alexandru Dabija and 'Time for Love, Time for
Death' directed by Radu Alexandru Nica. On Sunday, the festival proposition
is 'Faber Fest' (The Faber Theatre), 'Healed Hearts' directed by Radu Afrim
and 'Un Tango Mas' (The Odeon Theatre).

Organisers say that the festival is being organised within the 'Sibiu -
European Capital of Culture 2007' Programme, bringing together
representatives of 75 countries for this edition.

The 14th edition is a special one both because of the very large number of
companies that have announced participation and because of the much wider
space allocated to theatre.

Hamlet descends on stage in Sibiu

An interesting event appears to be the many representative European actors
on the project 'To be or not to be. Europe, Shakespeare and its actors'.
Seven actors, seven Hamlets: Ion Caramitru (Romania), Willam Nadylam
(France), Piotr Adamczyck (Poland), Teresa Afolter (Germany), Danilo Nigreli
(Italy), Reni Pittaki (Greece) and Richard McCabe (Great Britain). Every
actor will utter in his own language two monologues. The first monologue
will be the famous 'To be or not to be' from the play 'Hamlet' by William
Shakespeare. The second one will be a text from the culture of the invited

Ion Caramitru was the longest-standing Romanian Hamlet in an exceptional
mounting by Alexandru Tocilescu at the Bulandra Theatre. The actor always
remembers with pleasure his Hamletian adventure: The opening was in
November 1985. Romania was under full dictatorship, the television was
broadcasting two hours every day, there was no night-time street lighting,
the air temperature was 15 Celsius degrees below zero and the spectators
would come to the theatre dressed up like for a journey to Siberia. We
played it seven years.more than 200 times.


by George Grigoriu mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] TI report: Corruption at new highs last year

2007-05-24 Fir de Conversatie Vali
525-507843 categorie=politicsid=20070525-507843

TI report: Corruption at new highs last year


Corruption has spread significantly in the past year, in the context of
fierce political battles which also involved institutions in charge of
fighting the phenomenon.


published in issue 3939 page 2 at 2007-05-25


BUCHAREST - We can put it like this: in the last year, the patient with
cancer lay on the operating table and around him, surgeons fought over
methods and procedures of plastic surgery, the Executive Director of
Transparency International Romania, Victor Alistar said yesterday at the
launch of the institution's Global Report on Corruption. The chapter on
Romania focuses on events that took place between April 2006 and March this
year but also on law changes of other anti-corruption methods implemented in
this period, Mediafax reported.

The document shows that the level of corruption has increased in the past
year, in the context of a troubled political stage. Given the fact that
anti-corruption institutions were involved in the political fight and that
decision-makers left aside the implementation of extant laws, corruption in
Romania remained at the same levels and even spread to new directions, the
author of the report on Romania, Iuliana Cospanaru, added.

The TI report was not designed to set up a ranking of most corrupt countries
or of most corrupt fields of activities, but rather to set a diagnostic of
the corruption in Romania. The representatives of the organisation analysed
several surveys and press materials and reached the conclusion that
Romanians basically perceive corruption the same as in previous years. The
most vulnerable areas remain public administration and the legal system, the
report says. IT also criticised the National Anti-corruption Department for
failing to obtain relevant court sentences in high-level corruption cases.

There are two variants here: either the files are not investigated properly
or the courts deliberately give extremely light sentences for high-level
corruption, compared to the verdicts generally made for cases of forgery,
for instance, said Alistar.

Less corruption in the police force

TI however underlines that some progress has been made in the monitored
period. We were surprised to find that in the police there is a lower
degree of corruption than before, said the TI director. The report also
welcomed the recent passage of the law for the creation of the National
Integrity Agency (ANI) by Parliament, although this did not happen in the
monitored period. We are now waiting for the law to be enforced. We can
say, as in previous years, that, leaving aside the legislative aberrations
the Romanian Parliament commits, the legislation includes several provisions
which could actually improve the situation, but they are not applied, said

The report urges Romanian authorities to unite criminal legislation. We
have three criminal codes at the moment: the one in force, the one that was
adopted but which was not yet enforced and the one proposed by the Justice
Ministry, said Alistar. He added that authorities should settle on one
variant and that this new criminal code should be accompanied by a criminal
procedure code in order to have a clear judiciary practice in this sector.

Moreover, Alistar insisted on the adoption of a law that would establish the
concept of ethics adviser and on the correct implementation of existing
procedures. If we apply the laws we have now correctly and
non-discriminatively and if we avoid dragging state institutions into
political battles which should not have anything to do with these
institutions' activity, we would see that things would improve significantly
and quickly, he said.

The TI Global Report on Corruption 2007 is the sixth analysis of the kind
that the organisation has put together and especially focuses on corruption
among magistrates and in courts of justice. The document tries to put the
finger on the phenomenon of corruption within the legal system and to
analyse the political, economic and social pressures put on the system. The
document also includes analyses of corruption cases in the legal system and
their effects, along with evaluations of general efforts to combat the
phenomenon and recommendations for a more efficient anti-corruption fight.

Previously, TI reports focused on corruption in the health care system
(2006), post-war reconstruction efforts (2005), politics (2004) and access
to information (2003). The first report of the organisation, in 2001, was a
global analysis of corruption everywhere in the world.


by Alecs Iancu mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love

[Romania-News] Canada va recunoaste studiile imigrantilor

2007-05-26 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Canada va recunoaste studiile imigrantilor
25 Mai 2007

Autoritatile canadiene au anuntat crearea unui birou destinat recunoasterii
diplomelor imigrantilor, informeaza Reuters. 

Prea multi nou-veniti nu reusesc sa obtina un loc de munca in domeniul in
care sunt pregatiti. Este o risipa enorma pentru ei si pentru tara, a
declarat ministrul imigratiei Diane Finley, la lansarea Biroului de
orientare pentru certificatele de competenta ale strainilor.

Noua institutie, subordonata guvernului federal, are drept scop sa
faciliteze accesul la informatii pertinente in ceea ce priveste piata muncii
si se adreseaza nou-venitilor in Canada si viitorilor imigranti. Principala
modalitate de comunicare va fi internetul.

Canada, competenta de a evalua si echivala diplomele imigrantilor revine in
general autoritatilor regionale si nu celor federale, ceea ce complica
uneori situatia imigrantilor proaspat sositi in tara si care nu inteleg
procedurile administrative.

Prin crearea acestui birou, guvernul federal va juca un rol de asistenta pe
langa administratiile din cele zece provincii, potrivit Ministerului

Imigrantii cu pregatire superioara contribuie la mentinerea unei economii
puternice in Canada, potrivit serviciilor guvernamentale.

Canada a cunoscut o crestere demografica de 5,4 procente  din 2001 pana in
2006, cea mai mare din tarile G8, insa aceasta se datoreaza in mare parte

Canada va primi anul viitor intre 240.000 si 265.000 de noi imigranti, in
crestere fata de previziunile pentru anul curent.

(C) Evenimentul Zilei

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Cannes: California Dreamin’ awarded the Un Certain Reg ard prize

2007-05-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali

At the closing ceremonies, California Dreamin’ by Romanian director Cristian
Nemescu, who was recently killed in an automobile accident, was awarded the
Un Certain Regard prize by the Jury presided by filmmaker Pascale Ferran. As
the first feature-length film made by 27-year-old Nemescu, California
Dreamin' is also in the running for a Caméra d'Or. The story was inspired by
an event which actually did occur during the Kosovo war. In 1999, in a small
rural Romanian village, the railway station master, who was also the village
rascal, stopped a NATO train carrying a load of military equipment. The
freight, guarded by American soldiers, was crossing Romania without having
officially cleared customs: the Romanian government had simply granted
permission verbally. With the arrival of the Americans, the village became
the place where anything was possible.

The young cineaste first attracted notice last year at Critics' Week, which
presented his 45-minute masterpiece Marilena de la P7, the portrait of a
teenage boy in love with a prostitute. Pascale Ferran, awarding the prize to
California Dreamin' tonight, praised it as far and above, the most lively
and liberated film proposal we've seen in our ten days here. The jury had
initially decided not to judge the film, because it had not been completed,
due to Nemescu's death. But the jurors reconsidered their decision after
watching the film Friday night. Our rock-solid theory collapsed, Pascale
Ferran commented. 

Two other prizes were awarded by the Un Certain Regard Jury. The Special
Jury Prize went to Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi for Actresses, and The Band's
Visit by Israeli director Eran Kolirin, having won the jurors' hearts,
received the Prix Coup de Cœur.

Copyright Festival de Cannes 2007

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Ciocarlia: Circus of sound

2007-05-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali
, several of whom will join them on stage. 

Firstly, there's Esma Redzepova, the Queen of the Gypsies. She's a unique
voice from Macedonia, says Ivancea, who also plays clarinet. And we'll be
bringing Jony Iliev, the young star from Bulgaria. Then there's Kaloome,
from Perpignan. Maybe they're the least famous, but you can't get the whole
Gypsy community together and leave the Catalans out. The show will also
feature the Hungarian diva Mitsou, and the more strident young Romanian
singer Florentina Sandu. 

Seeing Redzepova and her dazzling five-piece ensemble tearing through their
fiendish Macedonian time signatures - unheard of in Romania - on another
stage at Balkan Trafik underlined what a challenge this Gypsy summit will
be. The Roma language they all share (with small variations in dialect) has
helped to conquer their musical differences. It worked a treat in Brussels,
and the London gig promises to be a blast. 

Fanfare Ciocarlia and guests, Barbican, London EC1 (www. barbican.org.uk
020-7638 8891), May 30

C Copyright 2007 Times Newspapers Ltd

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)


[Romania-News] The d'Or is still open

2007-05-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali

The d'Or is still open

Quentin Tarantino failed to impress with his schlocky horror, the Coen
brothers and Gus Van Sant fielded their best chances of a gong in years and
France and Romania produced strong contenders for the Palme d'Or. As the
60th Cannes festival draws to a close, who will walk away with the big prize

Jason Solomons
Sunday May 27, 2007
 http://www.observer.co.uk/ The Observer
[...] Romania's Cristi Mungiu - as I mentioned here last week - was behind a
grippingly grim drama about a student's illegal abortion (4 Months, 3 Weeks
and 2 Days). It remains the best thing in the official competition, the only
film to combine intellectual, film-making rigour with human tragedy, social
observation and the sort of thrilling storytelling found in the best horror
movies. [...]
Guardian Unlimited C Guardian News and Media Limited 2007

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] An Alliance Dilemma?

2007-05-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali

'An Alliance Dilemma? Understanding Romanian Foreign Policy in the Context
of Transatlantic Divergences', by Mircea Micu

18.30 - 20.30, The Romanian Cultural Centre, 8th floor, 54-62 Regent Street,
London W1B 5RE; Tel. 020 7439 4052, ext 102; e-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Entry is free but booking is essential.

Rejoining the transatlantic family after almost 50 years on the dark side of
the Iron Curtain did not bring Romania the desired peace of mind. As certain
American and European international polices became excruciatingly divergent,
Romania (like many other former communist countries in the region) was
caught in the middle and pressured to take one side or another.

This paper tries to answer key questions such as 'What prompted Romania to
align sometimes with the US and other times with the EU when these two major
allies defended antagonistic positions?' 'Did Romania take a course of
action out of fear of losing the support of the stronger ally or fear of
being confronted with retaliatory measures?' or 'Did Romania cunningly
calculate the costs and benefits before each decision in order to maximise
the benefits?' or 'Were Romania's policy decisions the projection of an
ongoing process of societal transformation or the manifestation of evolving
identities and interests?'.

To answer these questions, the author employs the explanatory power of three
dominant international theories (realism, liberalism and constructivism) on
four case studies in which American and European stances clashed and Romania
was under great pressure to support one side or another (the War on Iraq,
the International Criminal Court, Kyoto Protocol and international child
adoptions). - Mircea Micu

Mircea Micu is currently reading for a postgraduate diploma in diplomatic
studies at the University of Oxford.

David Webster, Director of the Anglo-Romanian Economic and Political Forum,
will chair the discussions.

Organised by The Ratiu Foundation UK
More details on  http://www.ratiufamilyfoundation.com/

Romanian Cultural Centre London: http://www.romanianculturalcentre.org.uk

Copyright C2006-2007 Romanian Cultural Centre London

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Sunt alesul lui Dumnezeu

2007-05-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali
De parca nu erau suficienti Vadim, Jiji... acum si Basescu se crede trimisul
Domnului pe pamant.  E un semnal destul de serios, prea mult populism
strica, iar derapajele presedintelui incep sa aiba o tenta... psihiatrica.
Poate ar trebui sa-i explice cineva ca pe 19 mai a fost exprimata vointa
poporului, punct.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)



27 Mai 2007
Basescu: Sunt alesul lui Dumnezeu

Aflat la Sibiu, cu ocazia participarii la slujba de Rusalii, in Catedrala
Mitropolitana,  Presedintele Traian Basescu a spus ca la referendumul din
19 mai, poporul roman a exprimat vointa lui Dumnezeu.

Va multumesc mult ca mi-ati dat prilejul sa revin in Catedrala din Sibiu.
Am promis si am venit cu bucurie. Bucuria este mai mare pentru ca va datorez
foarte mult, a spus presedintele.

Basescu a facut referire in discursul sau la referendumul din 19 mai.

Foarte putini inteleg in viata noastra de zi cu zi ca, dincolo de vointa
noastra, este vointa lui Dumnezeu. Poporul roman a exprimat vointa lui
Dumnezeu pe 19 mai, a precizat seful statului.

Basescu a precizat ca spera ca dupa acest moment politicienii au inteles
si ca vom incepe sa traim bine.

Va garantez ca ce s-a intamplat pe 19 mai a demonstrat ca viata mea nu mai
este a mea, ci a dumneavoastra si trebuie sa va servesc atata timp cat sunt
pe pamant, a mai spus Basescu.

Presedintele a primit o medalie comemorativa si un certificat de onoare din
partea Mitropolitului Ardealului, Inalt Prea Sfintia Sa Laurentiu Streza.

(C) Evenimentul Zilei

[Romania-News] Romanian entry wins Cannes top prize!!!

2007-05-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Romanian entry wins Cannes top prize

Sun May 27, 2007 7:35PM BST

CANNES, France (Reuters) - A hard-hitting Romanian film set towards the end
of the communist era won the Cannes Film Festival's top honour on Sunday.

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, directed by Cristian Mungiu, was the
critics' favourite to win the Palme d'Or. The story centres around a young
student who undergoes a risky illegal abortion and the terrible price she
and her friend must pay.

C Reuters 2007

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Top Cannes award for Romanian film

2007-05-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Top Cannes award for harrowing Romanian abortion film

May 28, 2007 - 4:27AM

A devastating Romanian film on back-alley abortion and daily despair in the
communist era Sunday won the Cannes film festival's top award, the Palme

4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days by director Cristian Mungiu was handed the
coveted prize at a glittering red-carpet ceremony marking the 60th
anniversary of the world's paramount filmfest.

It looks a little bit to me like (a) fairytale, a softly spoken Mungui
said, adding that the triumph showed you don't necessarily need big budgets
and big stars to make stories.

The film, titled after the age of the aborted foetus in the movie, stunned
hardened festival veterans and was a favourite for the prize among the 22
films in the competition.

Film industry bible Variety called the film a revelation.

Pitch perfect and brilliantly acted, '4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days' is a
stunning achievement, helmed with a purity and honesty that captures not
just the illegal abortion story at its core but the constant, unremarked
negotiations necessary for survival in the final days of the Soviet bloc,
reviewer Jay Weissberg wrote.

A low-budget movie produced with less than 600,000 euros (808,000 US
dollars), it is 39-year-old Mungiu's second feature and also highlights the
role of friendship in daily survival in communist Nicolae Ceaucescu's

In the movie Gabita (Laura Vasiliu), a timid student in a small town, is
desperate to terminate her mid-term pregnancy at a time when abortion is
illegal but almost anything could be bought on the black market.

Mungiu offers a shocking image of the aborted foetus, but it is the
abortionist's graphic description of the process and his chilling
exploitation of the women's dilemma that make for particularly excruciating

Mungiu said he aimed to capture the bleak environs of late 1980s Romania.

Because of the pressure of the regime, women and families were so much
concerned about not being caught for making an illegal abortion that they
didn't give one minute of thought about the moral issue, he told reporters.

It was either you or them getting you for what you did.

He put the foetus on screen to serve as a reminder to audiences. It makes a
point -- people should be aware of the consequences of their decisions, he

C 2007
http://news.brisbanetimes.com.au/action/displayCopyright?source=AFP AFP

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Bucharest denies Marty's report on secret detention centres

2007-06-10 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Bucharest denies PACE rapporteur's report on secret detention centres


BUCHAREST, Romania -- Bucharest on Friday (June 8th) rejected a new report
by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe's rapporteur, Dick
Marty, that suggests Romania hosted secret CIA detention centres from 2003
to 2005. The document, presented earlier the same day, said such centres
were also set up in Poland, under a secret deal among NATO allies reached in
October 2001.

Denying Marty's claims, the Romanian Foreign Ministry said the report failed
to marshal enough evidence to support the accusations. Former President Ion
Iliescu, named in the report as having facilitated the plan to set up
detention centres, has also issued a denial, as has the ex-head of the
Mihail Kogalniceanu Airport in Constanta, Mircea Dionisie. Poland also says
the allegations are false. (CoE website, Mediafax, Rompres, Antena 3 TV -

(C) SETimes

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] RE: Declaratie scrisa in PE re Catedrala Sfantul Iosif

2007-06-16 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Merita vazute si urmatoarele:
ucaresten.pdf: Scrisoarea din 12 martie 2007 adresata Presedintelui PE
Hans-Gert Pöttering de catre ing. Emanuel Necula, a carui firma de
consultanta a asigurat, in perioada 2004-2005, serviciile de proiectare si
management pentru pregatirea documentatiei de licitatie in cazul Cathedral
Plaza.  Este interesant de vazut cum, un an mai tarziu, proiectul si
planurile au fost modificate fara stirea si acordul autorului, iar
constructia a fost demarata pe aceasta baza.  Si, culmea, planurile
modificate folosite pentru demararea constructiei au pastrat numele ing.
Necula, incalcand grav Legea drepturilor de autor si restul reglementarilor
in materie.
ralNOWEN.pdf: Apelul Arhiepiscopiei Romano-Catolice, continand informatii si
DRAL.pdf: O fotografie foarte sugestiva a pericolului care ameninta
Catedrala Sf. Iosif.
* http://www.euro-fam.org/actions/virtuel/A.php?LG=EN
 XMLcode=2007-05-29-2212: In partea dreapta a paginii exista sugestii
pentru lobby in favoarea Catedralei (model de scrisoare catre Presedintele
Consiliului Angela Merkel, Presedintele Romaniei Traian Basescu, Ambasadorul
Romaniei la UE Lazar Comanescu, parlamentari europeni -- cu datele de
contact necesare).

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix) 

[Romania-News] New Center in Romania to Aid Missing and Exploited Children

2007-06-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali
 for Missing  Exploited Children

CONTACT: NCMEC Communications Department, +1-703-837-6111,

Web site:  http://www.icmec.org/ http://www.icmec.org/

C 2007 earthtimes.org

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Moldova elections

2007-06-19 Fir de Conversatie Vali
MOLDOVAN COMMUNISTS TOP LOCAL POLLS... Reports from Moldova suggest that,
with some votes still uncounted, the second round of local elections on June
17 confirmed a drift away from the Communist Party.

After run-offs in 474 of the 898 mayoral elections, it appears a total of
328 Communists will serve as mayor, down from the 368 elected in 2003 (see
RFE/RL Newsline, June 5, 2007). The largest opposition party, the Our
Moldova alliance, added 94 to the 61 mandates it won outright in the first
poll, but this still leaves it short of the 191 mayoral seats it won in
2003. The move toward smaller parties was also apparent in the single most
important individual battle, in the capital, Chisinau. There, Dorin
Chirtoaca, a 28-year-old human-rights activist and member of the Liberal
Party, turned a four-point deficit from the first round into 23-point
victory, raising his first-round share of the vote from 24.3 percent to over
61 percent. His Communist rival, Veaceslav Iordan, finished with 38.8
percent, just 11 percentage points more than he garnered in the first round.
The Communist Party has failed to win in Chisinau in seven local elections
since 1991. Simultaneously held elections reduced the number of Communists
in Chisinau's 51-seat City Council from 25 to 16. The turnout in Chisinau
was 35 percent, roughly the same as the 37 percent achieved in the first
round but significantly less than the 60 percent or more reported in some
other areas. AG

...WHILE MONITORS STRIKE DOWNBEAT NOTE. The Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) described the conduct of the second round of
polling as slightly better than the first, but added that serious
shortcomings remained, according to a June 18 OSCE statement. The OSCE said
its monitors found that key problems identified during the pre-electoral
period persisted, particularly media bias and intimidation of candidates
and that the Moldovan authorities failed to take remedial action prior to
the second round. Election monitors found that the standard of the
administration of the elections varied considerably from polling station to
polling station. The June 17 polls included reruns of elections in nine
areas where the results of the first round were declared invalid or null.
The Council of Europe, which contributed to the international monitoring
effort, said in a statement that, as in the first round, it heard
allegations of pressure on, and intimidation of, candidates and voters. It
criticized the Central Election Committee (CEC) for delaying publication of
the first-round results, for releasing incomplete data, and for failing to
take adequate steps to clarify inaccuracies and to iron out inconsistent
practices. It also found that the state media continued to provide the
ruling Communist Party with undue coverage, and criticized negative
campaigning in Chisinau. The council concluded, though, that the actual vote
was slightly more positive than the first round.

The biggest problems were in Corjova, a local community on the border
separating Moldova from the breakaway region of Transdniester, where
Transdniestrian militia prevented villagers from voting. AG

Copyright (c) 2007 RFE/RL, Inc.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] If we don't do something about it, no-one will

2007-06-25 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Pyjamas pile up for Romania

Dozens of pairs of pyjamas have been donated to sick and poverty-stricken
youngsters in hospital in Romania.

Shoppers in Bolton donated the nightwear, or went especially to buy some,
when the Rotaract Club of Bolton held a special event.

Volunteers dressed in their pyjamas to tell passers-by in the Crompton Place
shopping centre about the plight of the children.

Louise Tansey, Bolton Rotaract president, said: We couldn't believe the
response. So many people stopped to ask questions and then many of them
bought pyjamas to donate to us. These children are extremely poorly. Many
live in poverty and don't have their own nightwear. So when they go into
hospital they have nothing to sleep in.

If we don't do something about that, then no-one will.

The pyjamas will be sent to the Santa Maria Children's Hospital in Iasi, one
of the biggest cities in Romania.

Rotaract is a branch of the Rotary Club for younger members, aged 18 to 30.

8:25pm Sunday 24th June 2007

By Staff Reporter
 http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/misc/copytext.php C Copyright 2001-2007
http://www.newsquest.co.uk/ Newsquest Media Group 

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] EC: No Safeguarding Clause For Romania

2007-06-25 Fir de Conversatie Vali
European Commission Does Not Recommend Safeguarding Clause For Romania
BUCHAREST, Jun 25   

9) The European Commission said Romania made progresses in the justice
reform and did not recommend the enforcement of the safeguarding clause,
according to the country report, quoted by radio station RFI Romania. 

The document notes the progresses made by the High Council of the
Magistrates, or CSM, but also the worries concerning the efficiency of the
National Integrity Agency, or ANI, a body intended to act as an important
enforcement mechanism for anti-corruption laws. 

The EC Commission is concerned about the independence of ANI, which should
function as of October. 

Among the worries voiced in the report there is the absence of a unique
practice in property restitution field, although there is a credible pledge
of the authorities on assimilating the observations made by the magistrates
in the new variants of procedure codes. 

The Romanian authorities are also expected to put more effort into human
resources policy. The Commission said the personnel policy is currently
complicated by the existence of certain legal guarantees on the judges and
prosecutor's security of tenure. The current practice to fill vacant
positions by rapid admission procedures at the same time with a high annual
competition raises question marks about the quality of the new employees in
the legal system, the document said. 

RFI quotes the report variant which the European Commission is expected to
release Wednesday. As established by the Verification and Cooperation
Mechanism, the EC will draft a report every six months. The Commission will
update the report at the start of 2008.
C Mediafax 2004

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Un nou Auschwitz

2007-06-25 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Scriptic, reforma in domeniul psihiatriei a inceput, dar, se pare, ca totul
s-a limitat la infiintarea unui Comitet Intersectorial de Coordonare in
Sanatate Mintala.
Suntem specialisti, nu ne intrece nimeni la infiintat de comitete si
comitii!  Daca vor sa treaca o problema pe planul doi, sa o mute din lumina
reflectoarelor astfel incat, incet-incet problema respectiva sa fie uitata
iar locul ei in spotlight sa fie luat de alta, daca vor sa ingroape o
problema, autoritatile romane inventeaza o comisie, un comitet
intersectorial (wow!) care sa analizeze si sa rezolve... bla-bla... In
timpul asta, centrele cica de recuperare si reabilitare se naruiesc de
tot, pacientii se imbolnavesc si mor, prin urmare problemele dispar, sunt
ingropate... in cimitir.
Singura solutie ar fi anchete desfasurate de CRJ, MDRI, HRW etc. si
declansarea unui nou scandal international avand Romania in prim plan, un
scandal care sa atraga atentia presei straine si criticile organizatiilor si
organismelor recunoscute pe plan mondial.  Un scandal in care sa-i vedem din
nou pe guvernanti negand evidenta si infierand cu manie proletara practicile
agenturilor straine care, probabil, urmaresc anumite interese obscure...
Un scandal care poate ar mai misca ceva, ar obliga autoritatile sa gaseasca
niste fonduri, sa le cumpere amaratilor ceva mancare si medicamente si sa
demareze niste lucrari de reabilitare macar asa, de ochii soacrei...

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)




Spital-lagar de exterminare, la Bolintin Vale

25 IUNIE 2007


Centrul de neuropsihiatrie nu are medic de garda, nu are mancare, nu are
medicamente. Bolnavii au facut TBC.


Peste 100 de pacienti de la Centrul de Recuperare si Reabilitare
Neuropsihiatrica din Bolintin Vale, judetul Giurgiu, sunt tinuti ca in
lagar. Cele cateva asistente care lucreaza in centru sustin ca nu mai au
bani pentru mancare, nu mai sunt medicamente, conditiile igienice lasa de
dorit, iar unii pacienti s-au imbolnavit de tuberculoza. Alti pacienti sunt
plini de paduchi si raie. Cei bolnavi de TBC au fost trimisi pe jos la o
alta unitate medicala unde trebuia sa li se faca radiografiile pulmonare,
pentru ca centrul nu are nici o masina.


Asistentele se plang ca unii pacienti sunt foarte violenti, iar unele
angajate au fost batute de cei asistati. Centrul nu are personal de paza,
iar angajatele au buzunarele de la halate pline de tigari pentru a scapa de
bataie. De asemenea, centrul nu are medic de garda. De psiholog sau de alt
personal calificat care sa se ocupe de reabilitarea acestor pacienti nici nu
poate fi vorba. Angajatii de la centru mai spun ca unitatea nu are bani si
ca mai aduc de acasa mancare sau sare si chiar medicamente pentru pacienti.


Rufele sunt spalate cu mana in apa rece, pentru ca masina de spalat nu mai
functioneaza. Centrul este un adevarat focar de infectie, deoarece toaletele
n-au mai fost vidanjate de mult timp. Centrul ar trebui finantat de la
bugetul de stat si din fondurile Consiliului Judetean Giurgiu. Ionel Dinu,
vicepresedintele Consiliului Judetean Giurgiu, a declarat ca judetul este


Drama pacientilor de la centrul din Bolintin Vale, din pacate, nu este
singulara. Cu mici exceptii, bolnavii cu tulburari mintale care ajung in
astfel de centre sau spitale sunt intr-o situatie grava. Ca for tutelar,
aceste unitati tin de Autoritatea pentru Persoane cu Handicap, aflata in
subordinea Ministerului Muncii.


La finantarea acestor unitati trebuie sa contribuie si autoritatile locale.
Cum astfel de centre sunt in locuri izolate, in comunitati sarace, unde cu
greu se gaseste cate un medic psihiatru, printre asistati fiind pacienti din
toate colturile tarii, autoritatile locale sustin ca nu au fonduri, iar
diferentele de bani ar trebui alocate de la bugetul de stat.


In 2004, situatia pacientilor de la Spitalul Poiana Mare din Dolj a ajuns in
atentia presei internationale, dupa ce 18 bolnavi au murit de foame si de
frig. Dupa imensul scandal, Ministerul Sanatatii a alocat unele fonduri
pentru reabilitarea spitalului. In noiembrie 2005, ministrul Sanatatii,
Eugen Nicolaescu, a anuntat inchiderea spitalului, dar dupa protestele
angajatilor, cei mai multi fiind din comuna (unitatea fiind singura sursa de
venit pentru multe familii), ministrul s-a razgandit. Scriptic, reforma in
domeniul psihiatriei a inceput, dar, se pare, ca totul s-a limitat la
infiintarea unui Comitet Intersectorial de Coordonare in Sanatate Mintala.


C Gandul

[Romania-News] IHT: Romanian lawmakers pull out of Council of Europe over CIA secret prison allegations

2007-06-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali
International Herald Tribune
Romanian lawmakers pull out of Council of Europe over CIA secret prison
The Associated Press
Thursday, June 28, 2007 

STRASBOURG, France: Romanian lawmakers, critical of a Swiss investigator's
report that said Bucharest hosted CIA secret prisons, pulled out of the
Council of Europe's parliamentary assembly Thursday until he visits Romania
to prove his claims.

Swiss Sen. Dick Marty, leading an inquiry on behalf of the human rights
watchdog, said in a report earlier this month that the CIA ran secret
prisons in Poland and Romania - with the knowledge of several local
politicians - to interrogate key terror suspects after the Sept. 11 attacks.

The report was approved Wednesday by the parliamentary assembly, a body
comprising lawmakers from the human rights watchdog's 47 member states,
which meets four times a year to debate human rights issues and social and
political trends in Europe.

Romanian and Polish parliamentarians sharply criticized Marty in a debate
Wednesday, saying he failed to provide a single piece of hard evidence to
back up his report, which was based largely on information he had gathered
from unnamed CIA operatives.

The Romanian parliament's delegation has decided to take no further part in
the assembly's activities until (Dick Marty) personally visits Romania to
verify the so-called information and proof forming the basis for the
accusation that the country was involved in hosting secret detention
centers, the 10-member delegation said in a statement.

The lawmakers said they were shocked by Marty's refusal to accept repeated
invitations to visit Romania and carry out field visits at the site where
media reports said the jail was located.

Marty traveled to Bucharest in 2005, at the beginning of his investigation,
but turned down recent invitations by the Romanian authorities, saying he
did not want to be manipulated by them. His assistant has visited Romania
twice, said Mihaela Draghici, an official with the Romanian delegation to
the parliamentary assembly.

Marty was asked by the Council of Europe to investigate CIA activities on
the continent after media reports of secret prisons violating Europe's human
rights standards emerged two years ago.

The Romanian pullout is a symbolic gesture, as the parliamentary assembly
has no executive powers.

We have cooperated with Mr. Marty's team, he received all the information
he had asked for. His assistant was able to see anyone he wanted in Romania,
there were no restrictions, said Draghici, adding it was the first time a
delegation has withdrawn from the assembly.

Copyright C 2007 The International Herald Tribune |  http://www.iht.com/

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] EU Warns Bulgaria and Romania on Corruption

2007-06-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali

SPIEGEL ONLINE - June 27, 2007, 06:26 PM

EU Warns Bulgaria and Romania on Corruption

The European Commission has told Bulgaria and Romania they are not doing
enough to tackle judicial reform and corruption. But the European Union's
newest member states have avoided sanctions from Brussels -- for now.

The European Commission has warned new member states Bulgaria and Romania
that they are not making enough progress in tackling corruption and
organized crime. But it stopped short of imposing sanctions because, the
Commission stated, both countries are making a genuine effort to reform. 

Announcing its six-month progress reports on Wednesday, the European
Commission warned the two countries against complacency, despite some real
progress that has been made in the areas of justice and fighting crime.

High level corruption is still a point of weakness, both governments are
aware of this, European Union Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini told a
news conference in Brussels, after the Commission adopted the progress
reports. The EU is continuing to monitor the two Balkan states and will
report on their progress every six months on a range of issues including
judicial reform, corruption and organized crime. 

But Frattini said he wasn't interested in a blame game when it came to the
problem and wanted to emphasize substantial efforts made in adopting
reforms. And he said it was too early to say whether Brussels would be
imposing sanctions in the future.

Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said Wednesday that the reports
were a reality check, and said they showed that progress is being made
but that the focus now needs to move from adoption of laws to
implementation. The two countries joined the European Union on Jan. 1,

Romania was told it would have to do better in its efforts to tackle
corruption in the upper echelons of politics. Bucharest was told to make its
judicial system more transparent and efficient, but was praised for creating
a National Integrity Agency.

Bulgaria was advised to develop a system to address its organized crime
problem. And it was told it needs to guarantee the independence of the
judiciary. There is a need to step up efforts in the pursuit of judicial
reform and the fight against corruption and organized crime, the report

The problem of contract killings in Bulgaria was singled out, in particular
most recent killings of local politicians since January. To date no
prosecution and conviction has taken place.

But the two newest and poorest EU states managed to avoid sanctions.
According to Frattini, it was too soon to punish them only six months since
joining the bloc. But he warned that the so-called safeguard clauses could
still be imposed in June 2008. These would suspend the two Black Sea
neighbors from the EU justice and interior policies until they met EU
standards. And they could also risk missing out on some economic aid from



Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Un exemplu trist de largire UE esuata (Der Spiegel)

2007-06-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali

SPIEGEL ONLINE - June 28, 2007, 04:12 PM

'A Sad Example of Botched EU Enlargement'

Romania and Bulgaria have been warned by the European Commission to do more
to tackle corruption and organized crime. Some German commentators wonder if
they were let into the EU too early -- and if it's not too late to kick them
out again.

The European Union gave Romania and Bulgaria a sharp rap on the knuckles on
Wednesday, saying the two countries had not done enough to tackle corruption
and organized crime since joining the EU in January 2007. 

Announcing the European Commission's
http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,491087,00.html progress
reports on the two countries, EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini warned
them against complacency but stopped short of slapping them with sanctions.
He said he wasn't interested in a blame game or in punishing the countries
this early into their EU membership. And he praised the two Balkan states
for making a genuine effort to tackle the issues of judicial reform and
high-level corruption.

But the commission is giving them just one more year to clean up their act,
or else so-called safeguard clauses could be imposed in June 2008. These
would suspend one or both of the countries from EU justice and interior
policies until they met EU standards, and they could even risk forgoing
economic aid from Brussels.

German commentators explore the pros and cons of encouraging reform by
holding out the carrot of EU membership. [...]

The center-left Süddeutsche Zeitung writes:

Nothing has sped up the reform process in Central and Eastern Europe as
much as the prospect of EU membership. There is a magic power in the EU
enlargement, which is extinguished immediately upon entry, whereupon the
governments' reforming zeal slackens. The entire union then has to deal with
the consequences ... like in the current case of Bulgaria and Romania.

Up to now the rule has been: once an EU member, always an EU member. It
would be better if one could show countries the door, if they didn't stick
to all the rules. Then the magic power exerted by EU membership could work
even after accession.

The Financial Times Deutschland writes:

(It is) a sad example of how the botched EU enlargement policy has helped
populists and demagogues ... Romania and Bulgaria have enormous problems
guaranteeing their own citizens the minimum prerequisite for membership of
the European Union: the rule of law.

It was wrong to guarantee both states entry into the EU by 2008 at the
latest ... it gave them hardly any incentive to speed up reforms in justice
and interior policies.

The mistakes ... threaten to mess up one of the greatest success stories
the EU ever had: enlargement itself. 

Possible future EU members, like Croatia, Serbia, and Turkey, will pay the
price for the sloppiness of the past.

In many parts of Europe there is an alarming tendency to shake two
foundations of the European tower: openness and tolerance ... This has less
to do with the fear of globalization, social insecurity or illegal
immigration and more to do with an enlargement lacking in credibility.

-- Siobhán Dowling, 3:15 p.m. CET


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Cuvinte frumoase despre Nadia

2007-06-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali
[...] Recent Manila visitor Nadia Comaneci said she is actively involved in
promoting gymnastics through an Oklahoma academy she owns with husband Bart
Conner but is not into training specific prospects to become future stars. 

I'm looking forward to see who emerges as the star in Beijing, said
Comaneci. There are no stars in gymnastics today. There is a lack of

Comaneci said of all the important people she has met, Pope John Paul II was
the standout. She had a private audience with the Pope in 1999 at the
Vatican. I remember being told what to do, to kneel on one knee, to kiss
his ring, she recalled. It was very memorable. He was giving a blessing
for the coming millennium.

As for her one-year-old son Dylan, Comaneci said her dream is for him to be
happy and healthy. Bart and I take him to the gym, let him crawl on the
mat, she said. When I say 'salto,' he tilts his head backward and does a
flip on his own. He'll be what he wants to be. If he wants to be a gymnast,
we can help him because Bart and I are both gymnasts. But if he wants to be
a piano player, we'll do our best to support him.

Comaneci said her Manila trip was too short and she'd like to return for a
longer visit. 

Thirty years ago, the Philippines seemed like so far away but now, the
world has become very small, she said. I'll be back for sure. It's my
first time in the Philippines but it won't be my last. One thing about the
Philippines is I love the sampaguita.

Comaneci said as an ambassador of goodwill for the Special Olympics, she is
immersed in activities that take her all over the world. It's her mission in
life to inspire, encourage and motivate.

Conner once described Comaneci as very passionate, very proud and very
strong. He failed to add that she is also very generous in sharing her time
and her heart with people of all ages, races, religions and abilities. [...]
(C) ABS-CBN Interactive 2004

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Dracula's Castle in Transylvania Now Offered by Baytree Capital

2007-06-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali
pe sid=aXiil.GWSICIrefer=europe#
Dracula's Castle in Transylvania Now Offered by Baytree Capital

By Sharon L. Crenson

June 28 (Bloomberg) -- The Romanian castle that inspired Bram Stoker's
``Dracula'' has a new sales agent: Wall Street's Baytree Capital Associates

Descendents of Romanian royalty have been trying to sell the 13th century
property since December, first offering it to the local municipality of
Brasov, 125 miles north of Bucharest, then to foreign investors. In January,
family attorney Corin Trandafir said bids topped $78 million. No sale

Empty land surrounding the hilltop fortress is ripe for hotel development,
though the family will insist the castle remain intact as part of any sales
contract, Baytree Chairman Michael Gardner said in an interview. 

The property is absolutely beautiful,'' Gardner said. As long as the
castle itself is maintained and the history is kept intact, I don't think
anyone will have any problem'' with development. 

The castle was built in 1212 by Teutonic knights and used two centuries
later by Romania's Vlad the Impaler, who inspired the Dracula legend of a
blood-sucking vampire. The fortress is now a museum. 

The current owners are Dominic von Habsburg, an industrial designer living
in New York, and his sisters Elisabeth Sandhofer and Maria-Magdalena
Holzhausen, who live in Austria. 

The Romanian government a year ago dropped plans to build a Count Dracula
theme park near Bucharest, saying the Romanian company expected to build it
didn't secure the investment it promised. 

To contact the reporter on this story: Sharon L. Crenson in New York at

Last Updated: June 28, 2007 16:56 EDT

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Primarul Videanu vede verdele in roz

2007-06-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali


De ce a devenit Capitala polul caldurii din Romania


Primarul Videanu vede verdele in roz
30 IUNIE 2007


Intors de la Paris la inceputul acestui an, primarul general a socat
comunitatea care l-a ales cu declaratia potrivit careia Bucurestiul sta
mult mai bine la capitolul spatii verzi decat Parisul.


Bucurestiul se pierde incet si sigur in desertul de beton. Cu toate astea,
autoritatile nu renunta la limbajul dublu si nici nu trec la fapte clare de
protejare a spatiilor verzi. Dar, deocamdata, acestea se ocupa doar cu
betonarea lor.

Este ca si cum ti-ai vopsi pielea, explica Nicolae Radulescu-Dobrogea,
presedintele Fundatiei de me-diu Eco-Civica. Copacii preiau ume-zeala si
apele subterane, le transforma in vapori care stationeaza in jurul acestuia
si creeaza un microclimat. Apoi, un copac mare are capacitatea de a prelua
aproape 20 kg de praf, iar trei arbori asigura oxigenul necesar pentru o
persoana, mai spune Radulescu-Dobrogea.


Intors de la Paris la inceputul acestui an, primarul general a socat
comunitatea care l-a ales, cu declaratia potrivit careia Bucurestiul sta
mult mai bine la capitolul spatii verzi decat Parisul. Diminuarea
suprafetelor de spatii verzi, de la circa 12 mp/locuitor, in anul 1990, la
circa 9,08 mp/locuitor in prezent, este o constatare pe care se intemeia
strategia pe anii 2005-2008 a primarului Videanu.


Dar suntem in 2007 si centura verde a orasului, promisa in campania
electorala, a fost uitata aproape defi-nitiv. Aproape, intrucat Videanu a
anuntat ca va planta in aceasta toamna 200.000 de platani, copaci care
traiesc 1.000 de ani.


Pana la un optim de 6 milioane de arbori mai este. 600.000 de copaci
lipsesc numai de pe aliniamentul stradal. Iar betoanele, bitumurile care
inlocuiesc copacii nu fac decat sa ecraneze scoarta pamantului si sa incinga
aerul, mai spune presedintele Fundatiei Eco-Civica, Radulescu-Dobrogea.


Videanu nu spune prea multe despre cantitatea de praf din Bucuresti, care
este de peste zece ori mai mare decat in celelalte capitale europene, iar
situatia este determinata, printre altele, de disparitia a aproximativ 60 la
suta din spatiile verzi.


Cantitatea de praf este de 260-280 de tone pe kilometru patrat, lucru
nemaiintalnit in Europa, dupa cum spune Florin Vasiliu, vicepresedintele
Asociatiei Exper-tilor de Mediu. El sustine ca spatiile verzi reprezinta o
bariera importanta im-po-triva prafului. Acestea purifica aerul si
diminueaza poluarea fonica. Totodata, ele ajuta la atenuarea diferentelor de
temperatura intre anotimpuri si intre zi si noapte.


C Gandul


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Funeral March Organized Against Austrian Investment In Romania

2007-06-30 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Funeral March Organized Against Austrian Investment In Romania


Over one thousand people took part in a protest action organized in Romanian
city Sebes, displeased with the beginning of activity in a formaldehyde
factory, an investment that Austrian company Kronospan intends to inaugurate
in Summer.

The protest was organized in front of the Sebes city hall, where locals
brought a hearse with a coffin and a marching band that played requiems,
symbolizing the danger represented by the production of formaldehyde, for
Sebes inhabitants. Protestors wore signs and banners with texts such as We
do not want pollution in Sebes, We want clean air and Let us work
together to save Sebes.

C Mediafax 2004

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Lui Gabriel i se pregateste ceva

2007-07-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali


Duminica, 1 Iulie 2007


Rosia Montana, sub lupa


Presedintele Camerei Deputatilor, Bogdan Olteanu, a declarat, sambata, ca o
comisie parlamentara va investiga contractele incheiate de stat cu compania
canadiana Gold Corporation pentru dezvoltarea proiectului privind
exploatarea zacamantului auro-argintifer de la Rosia Montana. 


C Adevarul


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Rosia Montana: desecretizarea contractelor

2007-07-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Este de preferat ca, in cazul in care acest proiect nu va fi derulat, sa se
plateasca despagubiri, in loc sa fie distrus mediul.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

http://www.ziua.net/display.php?id=223231data=2007-07-02 data=2007-07-02
ZIUA - EVENIMENT - luni, 2 iulie 2007

Buni de plata

Bogdan Olteanu, presedintele Camerei Deputatilor, nu exclude ca statul roman
sa plateasca daune, daca proiectul de investitie de la Rosia Montana nu va
fi finalizat

Bogdan Olteanu, aflat in vizita la Rosia Montana, a cerut desecretizarea
contractelor incheiate intre statul roman si compania Gold Corporation
pentru exploatarea zacamintelor de aur si argint. Mai mult decat atat,
Olteanu crede ca statul ar putea sa plateasca despagubiri, in cazul in care
proiectul Gold Corporation nu se va finaliza. Controversat inca de la
inceput si agreat de Radu Berceanu si Traian Basescu, proiectul Rosia
Montana pune acum Romania intr-o situatie extrem de delicata. Dupa ce
societatea civila si organizatiile internationale pentru protectia mediului
au tras semnale de alarma ani la rand, in privinta efectelor folosirii
cianurilor, guvernele au lasat lucrurile sa curga. 

Un alt lucru nefiresc, asupra caruia au atras atentia mai multi politicieni,
este caracterul secret al contractului dintre stat si firma Gold
Corporation. Senatorul Peter Ekstein sustine ca, in aceste conditii, nu se
stie daca exista o clauza care obliga statul roman sa plateasca daune
canadienilor in cazul in care investitia nu va fi realizata. 

O comisie din cadrul Parlamentului va investiga contractele incheiate de
stat cu Gold Corporation pentru dezvoltarea proiectului. Este de preferat
ca, in cazul in care acest proiect nu va fi derulat, sa se plateasca
despagubiri, in loc sa fie distrus mediul, a afirmat Bogdan Olteanu, care a
facut o vizita la Rosia Montana, cu ocazia inaugurarii unui Centru zonal de
informare. Olteanu a cerut si desecretizarea acestor contracte. Le vom face
publice. Din pacate, foarte multe dintre ele nu sunt publice in acest moment
(...) Nu stiu care sunt conditiile in care au fost acordate licentele,
pentru ca ele sunt acordate cu opt-noua ani in urma. Nu stiu care sunt
relatiile contractuale dintre Gold Corporation si autoritatile publice
romanesti. Am cerut Comisiei de administratie si protectie a mediului din
Camera Deputatilor sa lanseze o investigatie pe aceasta tema. Vom avea,
probabil in toamna, toate informatiile, a mai completat Olteanu. 

Ministrul Mediului nu vede despagubiri 

Attila Korodi, ministrul Mediului: Daca ar fi sa luam in considerare un
lucru de genul acesta (n.r. - despagubiri pentru intreruperea unui proiect),
atunci sute de companii ar cere despagubiri la fiecare modificare de lege.
Am plati o gramada de bani. Nu cred ca Romania va plati despagubiri. Daca
procedura de autorizare nu se incheie pana cand noua prevedere intra in
vigoare, atunci interdictia de utilizare a cianurilor se aplica si in cazul
Rosia Montana. Asa este procedura si in UE, a completat ministrul Mediului.

Epopeea Rosia Montana 

Proiectul minier din Apuseni a determinat vii reactii inca de la anuntarea
lui. Evolutia lui a fost marcata de schimbarea conducerii companiei Rosia
Montana Gold Corporation (RMGC), dar si de adoptarea unei legislatii
specifice minelor ce utilizeaza cianuri in exploatare. 

Niciodata statul roman nu a interzis, explicit, utilizarea de cianuri in
extragerea aurului si argintului. Accidentul ecologic de la Baia Mare, din
anul 2000, a determinat Uniunea Europeana sa elaboreze o legislatie care sa
permita un control cat mai strict asupra exploatatiilor ce utilizeaza astfel
de procedee. Atunci, peste 100.000 mc de ape cu cianuri au ajuns in Dunare
din cauza fisurarii unui iaz de decantare de la o mina aurifera de la Baia
Mare, exploatarea fiind realizata de o companie australiana care, imediat
dupa accident, si-a declarat falimentul. 

In perioada 2000-2004, proiectul a stagnat, premierul de atunci, Adrian
Nastase, declarandu-se impotriva initiativei, dar nu a facut nimic legal
pentru oprirea proiectului si, implicit, stoparea costurilor determinate de
continuarea demersurilor de autorizare. In teritoriu, institutiile statului
au continuat sa raspunda solicitatilor RMGC, emitandu-se chiar si un plan
urbanistic zonal, in baza caruia sa se poata face exploatatia. Mai mult,
localinicii au inceput sa-si vanda casele, fapt ce a determinat cresterea
spectaculoasa a preturilor apartamentelor in toata zona, de la Cluj la
Timisoara. Ca revers al medaliei, se activeaza organizatiile
neguvernamentale ce militeaza impotriva proiectului, iar Academia Romana
devine cel mai credibil adversar al proiectului. 

Odata cu schimbarea regimului si venirea la putere a sustinatorilor

[Romania-News] La Multi Ani, Canada!

2007-07-01 Fir de Conversatie Vali
, the number of people from developing countries who have
access to potable water has grown from 64 per cent to 75 per cent etc.

Or to quote just some of the achievements CIDA alone has had: a project to
supply potable water to over 60,000 people in Honduras, distributing
vitamins and thus saving the lives of over 300,000 children under five years
of age; sending school books to over 3.5 million children in Mozambique,
granting loans to over 300,000 poor people in rural and urban areas in
Afghanistan (starting from 2003) for the development of the private sector
by the Kabul government, CIDA being the most important donor in this

Thus, Canada is not only a huge country, with a very developed communication
system in order to neutralize the huge distances, but also a generous
country, which understands international inter-dependency in an age of
globalization and actively contributes to efforts to combat poverty,
disease, underdevelopment, ignorance - real threats for the entire human


by Mihai Hareshan mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Rosia Montana. Vrajba vine de la Bucuresti

2007-07-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali
 nu suntem lasati sa traim si
noi bine.

Intra in vorba si Gheorghe Cozma, un alt localnic: Principesa Margaresta e
gresit informata!

Alteta sa. Doar a sa.

Eradicarea saraciei nu poate fi facuta cu pretul distrugerii mediului si
dislocarii oamenilor din casele lor. Nu putem pierde pentru totdeauna ceea
ce este unic si de neinlocuit. In timpul dictaturii comuniste, Romania a
pierdut imense parti de mostenire, a spus principesa Margareta in fata

Ea a promis ca va face lobby pentru Romania in Europa si, mai mult, a propus
infiintarea unuii grup de studiu impartial format din Comisia Regala si a
unuia format din arhitecti, arheologi, istorici, sociologi, reprezentanti ai
Uniunii Europene si locuitori, care sa cerceteze modalitatile prin care se
poate dezvolta zona Rosia Montana.

Cei 150 de oameni in tricouri galbene, pro-Gabriel, au huiduit-o si au
trimis-o acasa, dar Alteta si-a dus discursul pana la capat si dupa
ceremonia de inaugurare a centrului a zambit amabil taranilor rosieni care
erau cu ea. Putini. Alteta a plecat repede acasa.

Olteanu a primit huiduieli

Nici cu Bogdan Olteanu localnicii n-au fost prietenosi. In loc de paine si
sare minerii l-au huiduit si trimis acasa. Chiar daca presedintele
deputatilor le vorbea taranilor mineri de progres si dezvoltare prin
agricultura si agrotursim, motii strigau ca nu-s olteni si ca vor minerit.

Am venit sa gandim impreuna ce vrem pentru viitor. Traim intr-o tara, nu
intr-o comuna, si prin urmare, o tara intreaga trebuie sa ia aceasta
decizie, le-a raspuns presedintele Camerei. Minerii nu l-au ascultat si
l-au huiduit mai departe. Un reprezentant al companiei Gabriel Resources
l-au invitat pe Bogdan Olteanu la o discutie cu protestatarii, insa el a

Weber si minerii

Nici Renate Weber, reprezentanta Fundatiei Soros, n-a fost primita frumos.
Motii au strigat pe parcursul discursului ei pro-ecologist ca vor minerit,
au fluierat si huidut. Rosienii in galben strugau din toti plamanii ca vor
minerit, iar pe ea acasa. Strigau si slogane impotriva maghiarilor, pe care
ii considerea responsabili cu blocarea proiectului canadian.

A mai vorbit in fata rosienilor si presedintele Academiei Romane, Ionel
Haiduc, care i-a avertizat pe localnicii care scandau ca peste 17 ani, dupa
ce proiectul Gabriel Resources va fi incheiat, copiii lor vor ramane si fara
locuri de munca si fara zona turistica pentru ca nimeni nu va veni sa faca
turism intr-o zona poluata si distrusa. Rosienii nu au vrut sa-l asculte.

Plecati acasa!, i-au spus. Si Weber si Olteanu si Principesa a plecat.

Au ramas Motii

Duminica dimineata, vreo douzeci de suflete se rugau la Birserica Catolica
din comuna, care va fi stramutata atunci cand Gabriel va incepe exploatarea
muntilor de aur. Altii stateau cuminti in casele lor si ascultau liturghia
la radio in timp ce trebaluiau prin curte si casa.

Doua fete frumoase stateau in poarta si se uitau la strainii din Bucuresti
care iau imagini si inregistrari audio cu linistea comunei.

Patru barbati, la crasma lui Nelu, si alti doi in curte, la o masa.
Duminica, Rosia mirosea a pamant umed a fructe de padure si foc de lemn.
Suflarea minereasca asteapta sa caute aurul din munti sau sa vina cineva sa
investeasca intr-un hotel si sa aduca bani in comuna. 

 http://www.hotnews.ro/ HotNews.ro, Liana Anghelescu, 02 iul 2007 

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Petitie on-line pt Piata OBOR

2007-07-03 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Tariceanu - primul care a aprobat bomba ecologica Rosia Montana

2007-07-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Popescu Tariceanu. La distanta de cativa ani, acum presedinte al Partidului
National Liberal si prim-ministru, Calin Popescu-Tariceanu continua sa
creada ca ceea ce s-ar putea petrece la Rosia Montana ar fi de folos
statului roman. El declara la Budapesta, ca proiectul minier de la Rosia
Montana nu prezinta riscuri exagerate pentru mediul inconjurator.
Declaratiile de sustinere a proiectului propus de catre Gabriel Resources
lansate de unii politicieni romani sunt ciudate, in conditiile in care
reprezentantii companiei sustin ca nu doresc implicarea politicului.


C Curentul


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Primarul lui Constanda

2007-07-05 Fir de Conversatie Vali


Chiliman: Videanu s-a transformat in primarul lui Constanda in problema

BUCURESTI / 16:22, 5.07.2007

[ de Alexandru
or=Alexandru+Ichimemail=alexi%40mediafax.ro Ichim ]


Primarul sectorului 1, Andrei Chiliman, a afirmat, joi, intr-o conferinta de
presa organizata in fata parcului Bordei, ca Adriean Videanu a devenit
primarul general al omului de afaceri Costica Constanda in detrimentul
interesului cetatenilor Capitalei.


Domnul Adriean Videanu se manifesta ca primarul lui Constanda si nu ca
primar general al Capitalei. Graba cu care se incearca incheierea afacerii
Bordei ne conduce cu gandul la un singur lucru: Videanu vrea sa ingroape un
dosar dubios, prin care se fura bucurestenilor Parcul Bordei, a afirmat
primarul Andrei Chiliman.


Edilul de sector a criticat si trocul mediat de primarul general Videanu,
privind daunele de peste 17 milioane de euro pe care CGMB le-ar plati omului
de afaceri Costel Constanda.


Adriean Videanu propune sa faca troc cu interesele cetatenilor. Adica, iar
aici il citez pe domnia sa, Constanda este dispus sa renunte la daunele
materiale daca i se aproba construirea de blocuri cu zece nivele in acest
parc. Practic, intalnirea mediata de primarul general este un santaj, prin
care consilierii municipali ar aproba PUZ-ul in schimbul scutirii de la
plata daunelor. Este o actiune premeditata care-i va inlesni lui Constanda
distrugerea parcului Bordei, a mai spus Chiliman.


Stirea a fost publicata pe terminalul MEDIAFAX in data 5.07.2007 la ora


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)

[Romania-News] Verde de Paris

2007-07-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali


Anul XI, Serie noua, Nr 134(3807), vineri, 6 iulie 2007

Verde de Paris


Tocmai cand clasa politica a intrat in vacanta parlamentara, scena politica
a intrat in dezbateri cu adevarat serioase: resursele financiare pentru
cresterea durabila a pensiilor si distrugerea spatiului verde in Capitala -
in urma careia micul Paris a devenit verde de Paris otravind si scurtand
viata bucurestenilor cu patru ani. Asta pana mai ieri cand zona verde era
doar injumatatita. Acum insa Capitala a intrat in desertificare prin
distrugerea sistematica a parcurilor, taierea copacilor si cresterea zilnica
a poluarii.


Probabil insa ca nici dezbaterea despre finantarea pensiilor si nici cea
despre desertificarea Capitalei nu capatau amploare daca nu intrau in
razboiul politic actual. Daca presedintele Basescu nu era interesat sa
amendeze superficialitatea premierului Tariceanu probabil ca pozitia sa in
privinta legii pensiilor ar fi ramas neexprimata. Tot astfel daca
afaceristul Costica Costanda nu punea mana pe o zona din Parcul Bordei pe
vremea dlui Basescu si nu castiga dreptul de a defrisa si construi in el pe
vremea dlui Videanu, probabil ca nici scandalul verde nu era. In fond,
acelasi Costica Costanda a mai facut rost de cateva terenuri in Primaverii
(in Guvernarea Nastase) unde a mai ras un parculet si a construit niste vile
pe care le-a vandut pe bani grei (inclusiv Guvernului Nastase) fara ca
cineva sa se enerveze.


Cum a ajuns pleonasticul Costica Costanda sa detina terenuri in Satul
Francez (in schimbul carora a primit Parcul Bordei), si terenuri in
Primaverii? Simplu: cumparand drepturile litigioase ale proprietarilor si
mostenitorilor resemnati dupa ani si ani de alergatura in zadar. Sigur, nu
orice Costica are acces la reteta: trebuie sa aiba o structura la
radacina. Pe scurt, baietii destepti din terenuri sunt acei intermediari -
minune care dupa ce cumpara drepturile litigioase isi utilizeaza reteaua din
Justitie, Administratie, Guvern, etc, castiga rapid proprietatile si incep
defrisarile, constructiile si vanzarile astronomice. Asa a ajuns Costanda
din Bordei sa strice linistea Palatului Cotroceni.


Ma rog, nu-i prima data in istorie cand intre bordeie si palate se isca o
lupta de clasa politica. Necazul e ca victimele sunt bucurestenii - siliti
sa vada cum orasului lor i se extirpa zilnic plamanii, i se astupa caile
respiratorii si i se ingroasa arterele de circulatie - dupa ce dl Videanu a
spart zeci de bulevarde deodata in loc sa le fi facut pe rand, ca orice om
sanatos. Dl Basescu care si-ar dori un prim ministru PD - poate chiar pe
dl Adriean Videanu? - ar putea sa-i puna pofta-n cui semnalandu-i cacofonia
din Capitala: Adrieane, nici nu stii ca cine incepi sa fii.


Tia Serbanescu mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


C Curentul


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] A uitat ca a semnat ca primarul

2007-07-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Basescu e campion absolut la demersuri populiste.  Afacerea Bordei ocupa
titlurile in ultima vreme, deci este un prilej numai bun pentru un nou pas
populist - pozitionarea de partea bucurestenilor suparati ca li se distrug
si ultimele zone verzi si se betoneaza desertificarea capitalei.
Basescu se face, insa, ca a uitat cine e la originea scandalului Bordei.  O
privire pe actele de mai jos i-ar improspata memoria si i-ar arata cum a
semnat ca primarul pe vremea cand administra Bucurestiul:
* Dispozitia (primarului general Traian Basescu) nr. 1324 din 05.09.2003:
* Dispozitia (primarului general Traian Basescu) nr. 1325 din 05.09.2003:

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]


Desi pacatul originar in cazul Costanda ii apartine,

Presedintele Basescu ii da cu Bordeiul in cap primarului Videanu
07 IULIE 2007


Batalia pentru Parcul Bordei si zecile de milioane de euro din jurul
investitiei controversatului om de afaceri Costel Costanda au ajuns la cel
mai inalt nivel. Ieri, presedintele Traian Basescu a lansat tocmai de la
Uricani un atac-surpriza la adresa primarului general al Capitalei, Adriean
Videanu. Seful statului si-a exprimat, vineri, curiozitatea fata de modul in
care institutiile statului se raporteaza la banii publici si la cei privati,
sustinand ca acestea manifesta o grija speciala pentru sectorul privat.


De curand, in Bucuresti, a fost un om de afaceri, deci vorbim de bani
privati, ce si-a permis sa ceara despagubiri pentru ca nu a aprobat
Consiliul General sa incalce Planul de Urbanism General al Bucurestiului. In
acest caz, instanta i-a dat despagubiri de 17 milioane de dolari, bani pe
care-i foloseste ca santaj acum pentru consiliu, a declarat presedintele.
Referirea pare sa fie destul de clara: personaje pozitive in povestirea
sefului statului sunt consilierii Capitalei, iar rolul negativ ii apartine
fostului sau coleg de partid Adriean Videanu, cel care-l sustine pana in
panzele albe pe betonatorul Parcului Bordei, Costel Costanda.


Sarja lui Traian Basescu pare mai degraba o repozitionare de ultim moment,
avand  in vedere ca toata povestea Parcului Bordei il are la origine pe
primarul Traian Basescu, cel care si-a pus primul semnatura in beneficiul
lui Costanda. Acum, actualul primar Videanu pare sa fi ramas singurul
aparator al distrugatorului de parcuri, pentru asta liderul PD neprecupetind
nici un efort. Ieri, de plida, el a refuzat sa le prezinte consilierilor
municipali - care il somau sa recunoasca ilegalitatea improprietaririi -
documentele de proprietate asupra Parcului Bordei, desi sustine ca ele s-ar
afla in posesia sa.


C Gandul

[Romania-News] Au apărut actele în cazul Bordei!

2007-07-08 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Potrivit unui document de vanzare-cumparare, Primaria Capitalei a
achizitionat in 1933 terenul de pe malul Lacului Floreasca in scop de
utilitate publica.  Documentul este prezentat in facsimil la
wsletter=1 screen=indexid=318551newsletter=1
Documentele primarului Videanu il baga la abuz pe fostul primar Basescu:

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] When will the charade that is Romanian politics ever end?

2007-07-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
 consumed altogether a great deal of
our resources. Those involved in Romanian politics have done little more
than to vitiate every element of society they come into contact with, making
any semblance of institutional progress virtually impossible.

(C) Vivid

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] Alison Mutler book launch

2007-07-12 Fir de Conversatie Vali
launch gallery=Alison%20Mutler%20book%20launch

Alison Mutler book launch

Alison Mutler, one of Romania's most respected journalists and head of the
Associated Press bureau in Bucharest, launches her 'Plecata la Revolutie'
(eng: 'Gone to a Revolution') at the I-O espresso bar in Piata Revolutiei.
Pictures: Associated Press.

(C) Vivid

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] Fabulo-spiritism

2007-07-13 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Dumnezeu a scapat de judecata
11 Iulie 2007
Georgeta Petrovici mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Dosarul in care Dumnezeu a fost dat in judecata de un detinut din
penitenciarul timisorean a fost clasat de procurorii de la Parchetul de pe
langa Judecatoria Timisoara, deoarece nu a fost gasita adresa invinuitului. 

Pavel Mircea, condamnat la 20 de ani de puscarie pentru omor, l-a chemat, in
octombrie 2005, in instanta pe Dumnezeu deoarece, contrar contractului
facut in timpul botezului, nu a fost aparat de rele.

Solicit deschiderea actiunii penale impotriva numitului Dumnezeu,
domiciliat in cer (...), pentru comiterea infractiunilor prevazute de art.
215 (inselaciune - n.r.), 221 (tainuire - n.r.), 246 (abuz in serviciu
contra intereselor persoanelor - n.r.), 256 (primire de foloase necuvenite -
n.r.) si 257 (trafic de influenta - n.r.). In fapt, prin botezarea mea la
biserica s-a facut un contract cu paratul pentru a-l indeparta pe diavol de
mine si a ma feri de necazuri. Pana acum, paratul nu si-a onorat contractul.
Dimpotriva, a pretins si primit de la mine in cursul vietii diferite bunuri
si rugaciuni, in schimbul iertarii pacatelor, se arata in plangerea

Dupa ce plangerea a fost inregistrata la Parchet, la mijlocul lui octombrie
2005, solutia pusa de anchetatori a fost aceea de neincepere a urmaririi
penale, sub motivatia ca Dumnezeu nu este o persoana reala si nu are

Din datele de la penitenciar, Pavel Mircea, care si-a executat numai
jumatate din pedeapsa, sufera de mai mult timp de afectiuni psihice,
necesitand chiar internarea in clinici de specialitate.

(C) Evenimentul Zilei

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] Romania asked to cancel easy citizenship for Moldovans

2007-07-14 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Romania asked to cancel easy citizenship for Moldovans 

14 July 2007 - Issue : 738

A European Union official called on Romania to cancel a long-held policy of
offering Moldovans easy access to Romanian citizenship, the Infotag news
agency reported July 11.

Kalman Mizsei, the director of the EU representative office to Moldova, said
Brussels already has requested that Bucharest reverse the programme, as it
violates the EU charter.

Since the break-up of the Soviet Union Romania has allowed Moldovans to
become Romanian citizens with few more requirements than filling out a form
renouncing Moldovan citizenship. Romania became a full-fledged EU member on
January 1 2007.

Tens of thousands of Moldovans could, if the law remains unchanged, now
attempt to become Romanian citizens so as to move freely about the EU,
Mizsei argued. Chisinau does not want that masses of Moldovan citizens
should demand Romanian citizenship so as to become EU citizens, he said.
Brussels expects that Romania will reconsider this aspect of its law on

Mizsei's remarks are the most direct public criticism by an EU official of
Romania's relatively open immigration policy, since Romania joined the
customs alliance. Brussels is extremely worried about this, he said.

Most of Moldova was a Romanian province prior to World War II, and the
dominant language in Moldova is Romanian. The return of Moldova to Romanian
control is a long-standing demand of Romanian nationalist groups and some
right-wing politicians.

Successive Romanian governments in the post-Soviet years have asserted
Romania should act as a big brother to Moldova, providing economic and
cultural assistance.

A practical example of the policy came early this year when Moldova, hit by
substantial hikes in the price of energy imported from Russia in the middle
of winter, obtained some of its electricity from Romania.

Though its economy has been on the mend in recent years, Moldova remains
Europe's poorest nation. Up to one-third of all working-age Moldovans, some
1.2 million men and women, are employed somewhere in Europe in low-paying
jobs, according to Moldova media estimates.

Copyright C The Media Company S.A. 2006

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] EU to Give Romania $27B in Aid

2007-07-15 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Associated Press
EU to Give Romania $27B in Aid
Associated Press 07.12.07, 12:25 PM ET 

Romania will receive more than 19 billion euros ($27 billion) in development
funds from the European Union during 2007-2013, according to an agreement
signed Thursday.

The funds are part of the EU's aid to member countries, and Romania became
eligible after joining the EU in January.

This money will be used to reduce social and economic discrepancies between
the regions of the country, Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu said
after a signing ceremony. Now we must draft the projects to spend this
money and to make sure these funds are spent efficiently and correctly.

EU Regional Policy Commissioner Danuta Hubner said the first funds would
arrive within days, adding that the Commission would cooperate with the
government to prevent irregularities in spending EU funds.

The big challenge is to implement the projects and a great effort is needed
to make this operation a success, she said.

Copyright 2007 Associated Press

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] O companie miniera canadiana de mica dimensiune, limitata financiar si neexperimentata

2007-07-23 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Deocamdata, Gabriel a luat o pauza.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
 http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o alternativa moderata
(un pic) la [ngolist]



Anul XI, Serie noua, Nr 145(3818), luni, 23 iulie 2007

Rosia Montana Gold Corporation a ramas fara obiectul muncii


Tribunalul Cluj a admis la sfarsitul saptamanii trecute o cerere de
suspendare a certificatului de urbanism eliberat de Consiliul Judetean Alba
companiei Rosia Montana Gold Corporation pentru continuarea procedurii de
evaluare a impactului asupra mediului.


Cererea a fost formulata de catre Centrul Independent pentru Dezvoltarea
Resurselor de Mediu, care a demonstrat urgenta masurii suspendarii datorita
daunelor ireversibile pe care le-ar provoca efectele acestui act
administrativ. Suspendarea este valabila pana la solutionarea irevocabila a
cauzei in contencios administrativ introdusa de CIDRM impotriva Consiliului
Judetean Alba. RMGC a intervenit ca si parte in acest caz.


Rosia Montana Gold Corporation este detinuta in proportie de 80% de catre
Gabriel Resources, o companie miniera canadiana de mica dimensiune, limitata
financiar si neexperimentata, care intentioneaza sa stramute localnicii din
Rosia Montana pentru a realiza cea mai mare mina de aur de suprafata din
Europa. Restul de 20% din actiuni sunt detinute de Minvest, o companie
miniera de stat. Inca de la inceputul sau, acest aranjament a fost asaltat
de scandaluri, probleme operationale si opozitie vehementa pe plan local,
national si international. Compania miniera americana Newmont detine 20% din
actiunile Gabriel Resources. In aprilie 2006, Ministerul Mediului a anuntat
imposibilitatea continuarii procedurii EIM pentru Proiectul Rosia Montana
datorita faptului ca certificatul de urbanism nr. 68/2004 a fost suspendat
pe data de 15 iunie 2005 de catre Tribunalul Alba la cererea ONG-ului
Alburnus Maior. Ca urmare a anuntului ministerului, RMGC a formulat o cerere
catre Consiliul Judetean Alba pentru emiterea unui nou certificat de
urbanism, care i-a si fost emis.


 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Cornelia Popescu


C Curentul

[Romania-News] Reprezentant roman in forumul mondial al UNESCO

2007-07-23 Fir de Conversatie Vali


Reprezentant al unei asociatii romanesti in forumul mondial al UNESCO

23 iulie 2007


In perioada 11-13 iulie, a avut loc la Atena Congresul Federatiei Mondiale a
Asociatiilor, Centrelor si Cluburilor UNESCO, la care au participat 68 de
tari, din totalul celor 85 de membri.


In cadrul acestui forum mondial, reprezentanta Romaniei, doamna Daniela
Popescu, a fost aleasa in consiliul de conducere al Federatiei. Decizia vine
ca urmare a activitatii sustinute a doamnei Popescu in structurile UNESCO,
in dubla sa calitate de secretar-general al Federatiei Europene a
Asociatiilor, Cluburilor si Centrelor UNESCO si de presedinte executiv al
asociatiei ELITE ART Club UNESCO. Este de mentionat, de asemenea, ca doamna
Daniela Popescu a fost singura femeie aleasa in consiliul de conducere al

Principalele teme de discutie din cadrul forumului au vizat dezvoltarea
durabila, cooperarea cu alti parteneri ai societatii civile si definitivarea
de noi strategii concertate ale entitatilor UNESCO, pentru ca aceastea sa
poata face fata cu succes contextului global in continua schimbare. In acest
sens, pe parcursul desfasurarii congresului au avut loc mese rotunde
dedicate fiecarei regiuni in parte.


Federatia Mondiala a Asociatiilor, Cluburilor si Centrelor UNESCO, al carei
presedinte este domnul Georges Christophides din Cipru, are astazi
privilegiul de a conta pe actiunea a aproximativ 3700 de cluburi din peste
85 de state.


Cluburile UNESCO aduc laolalta cetateni de toate varstele si din toate
paturile sociale, in serviciul idealurilor organizatiei. Create sub egida
Comisiilor Nationale pentru UNESCO, ele desfasoara o paleta variata de
activitati, urmarind sa isi afirme, prin fiecare dintre acestea,
angajamentul fata de principiile ce deriva din principiile Organizatiei
Natiunilor Unite pentru Educatie, Stiinta si Cultura.


C 2007 GaleriaDeArta.com


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
Aboneaza-te la  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o
alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] A comic Rashomon for the post-Soviet era

2007-07-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali

'Bucharest' airs a bleakly funny take on revolution

By Ty Burr, Globe Staff  |  July 27, 2007

A dingy, mordantly comic Rashomon for the post-Soviet era, 12:08 East of
Bucharest is another sign that Romanian cinema is on the move.
Writer-director Corneliu Porumboiu's tale of small-town truth and
reconciliation -- or nervous avoidance of same -- is told with the slowpoke
realism of last year's The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, but like that film it
finds political echoes in the smallest of everyday occurrences. That its
characters don't is reason for hollow laughter.

The film starts off so aimlessly that one critic at the screening I attended
impatiently stormed off 30 minutes in. His loss; the payoff here is messy
but sublime. In the tiny burg of Vaslui, a local TV station owner and on-air
personality, Jderescu (Teo Corban), scrambles to find guests for his evening
talk show. It's Dec. 22, 2005 -- the 16th anniversary of the protests that
toppled dictator Nicolae Ceausescu -- and the topic is Was there or was
there not a revolution in our town?

Either no one's an expert on the subject or no one wants to be. The best
Jderescu can come up with is the alcoholic, debt-ridden high school teacher
Manescu (Ion Sapdaru, bleakly hilarious) and a cranky old windbag named
Piscoci (Mircea Andreescu), who's more concerned with finding a Santa Claus
costume that fits his portly frame. It's the Christmas season, but no one's
feeling particularly jolly.

The Romania on display in the first half of 12:08 is a broken-down machine
-- the opening shots are of rusty streetlights flickering off in the dawn --
but the general response is ennui rather than despair. The three men start
their day in separate states of moral exhaustion. Manescu borrows from Peter
to pay Paul and regrets his drunken tirade the night before. Jderescu pleads
with his mistress (Cristina Ciofu) not to ditch him on New Year's Eve.
Piscoci battles the school kids who light firecrackers outside his door.

Revolution? What revolution? Manescu's students know their facts about the
French Revolution but come up blank otherwise. Jderescu insists there's no
present without the past, but the mistress scoffs that nobody cares. The
title refers to the precise moment on Dec. 22, 1989, when the battle turned
in favor of the protesters, and in theory it's a time stamp that holds a
similar relevance for modern Romania as July 4, 1776, does for Americans:
the watershed between tyranny and freedom.

For Jderescu, the question becomes: Where were you at 12:08? Out in the
streets or hiding at home? Were you part of the revolution or merely caught
up in the tidal wave? The unspoken follow-up is that if you didn't take
part, do you deserve the resulting freedoms? Are you even ready for them?

It's a prickly point that extends far beyond the borders of Romania, even if
Porumboiu aims most of his darts at his countrymen. The TV show, when it
finally staggers on the air, is a deadpan farce of good intentions, the
host's bland expression slowly crumbling under the Eastern European
equivalent of Murphy's Law. The kid running the camera wants to get arty.
The guests keep swearing. The phone-in callers are ready to sue.

One of the guests insists he was protesting in the town square before 12:08,
a true son of the uprising. As his memory is picked apart bit by bit,
though, the truth becomes increasingly, amusingly unknowable. Do heroes
really exist, or are there only events? Perhaps all of Romania watched the
revolution on TV; perhaps it never happened. Perhaps that's why everyone in
Vaslui looks so perplexed.

This is the comedy of the prostrate, yet 12:08 isn't without hope.
Porumboiu knows that every dank laugh opens the window a little wider and
lets in the air of self-awareness. For all its pessimism, the movie prompts
a viewer to search his or her own memories for actions rather than
reactions, and to mull over the differences between the two. It's a dark
little ride, but at the end the lights hesitantly flicker back on.

Ty Burr can be reached at  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] For
more on movies, go to boston.com/ae/movies/blog.

C  http://www.boston.com/help/bostoncom_info/copyright Copyright 2007 The
New York Times Company

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
Aboneaza-te la  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o
alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] Premiera la CEDO

2007-07-27 Fir de Conversatie Vali


In vreme ce clientul ei primeste doar 8.000 de euro despagubiri

Monica Macovei a castigat 13.366 euro dintr-un proces contra Romaniei la
de Robert


Este primul caz in care o persoana de etnie roma este despagubita
international pentru rele tratamente din partea politiei romane. Macovei a
fost primul aparator al lui Belmondo Cobzaru, batut in urma cu 10 ani in
sediul politiei din Mangalia.


Dumitru Cobzaru, cetatean roman de etnie roma, a castigat, ieri, procesul
intentat statului la Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului (CEDO), pentru ca
nu i s-a facut dreptate in tara, dupa ce a fost batut de politisti, in urma
cu 10 ani. Pe 4 iulie 1997, dl. Cobzaru s-a ales cu un traumatism
craniocerebral, care a necesitat doua saptamani de ingrijiri medicale, dupa
o vizita la Politia Mangalia. Marturia verisoarei sale, care l-a insotit la
politie si a vazut echimozele pe care le avea dupa ce a iesit de acolo, nu a
fost luata in considerare de procurorii catre care Cobzaru a facut plangere.

In rezolutia de neincepere a urmaririi penale, Parchetul militar Constanta a
scris ca atat reclamantul, cat si tatal sau sunt cunoscuti de mult timp ca
elemente antisociale, fiind predispusi la acte de violenta si de sustrageri
si se afla mereu in conflict cu coetnicii lor din municipiul Mangalia. Nici
atacarea rezolutiei nu a dat roade, prim-procurorul Parchetului militar
Constanta concluzionand ca nu exista probe care sa-i incrimineze pe


CEDO a stabilit ca politistii s-au facut vinovati de aplicarea de tratamente
inumane reclamantului, iar autoritatile nationale nu au anchetat cazul
impartial si aprofundat, incalcandu-se astfel articolele 3 si 13 ale
Conventiei europeane a drepturilor omului. De asemenea, CEDO a constatat ca
reclamantul a fost victima a discriminarii, incalcandu-se astfel articolul
14 al Conventiei.


Pentru aceste motive, Curtea de la Strasbourg obliga statul roman ca, in
termen de 3 luni, sa-i achite lui Dumitru Cobzaru 8.000 de euro despagubiri
morale, plus 14.271 de euro cheltuieli de judecata. Grosul acestei sume
(13.366 euro) ii revine d-nei Monica Macovei, primul avocat al d-lui
Cobzaru. Domnia sa nu a putut fi contactata.Din restul cheltuielilor de
judecata, 605 euro vor primi Centrul european pentru drepturile romilor, iar
300 de euro Comitetul Helsinki.


Intr-un comunicat, APADOR-CH semnaleaza ca este primul caz in care Curtea
europeana detaliaza obligatiile autoritatilor statului atunci cand
investigheaza acuzatii de tratamente inumane impotriva unor membri ai etniei
rome, in contextul discriminarii recunoscute a acesteia. In plus, este
pentru prima data cand Curtea europeana se pronunta asupra incalcarii
dreptului la recurs efectiv in situatia in care plangerea unei persoane
privind abuzuri este solutionata prin neinceperea urmaririi penale.


C Gandul


Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] Strasbourg Court Sanctions Romania

2007-07-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Strasbourg Court Sanctions Romania for Failure to Remedy Police
Ill-Treatment of Romani Man
Bucurest, 27.7.2007, 16:04, (ERRC) 

The European Court of Human Rights today delivered its judgment in the case
of Cobzaru v. Romania concerning the beating of a Romani man by police
officers while in custody in Mangalia, Romania, and the ensuing official
investigation. The Court held that Romania is responsible for breaches of
the prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment (Article 3), the right to
an effective remedy (Article 13) and the prohibition of discrimination
(Article 14). The applicant was represented by Monica Macovei, a
Bucharest-based lawyer, the Romanian Helsinki Committee, and the European
Roma Rights Centre. 

On 4 July 1997 after a domestic incident involving his partner and her
relatives, the applicant went to the local police station asking for help.
However, instead of offering help, two police officers brutally ill-treated
him, and eventually released him after two hours. As a result of the
beating, the applicant suffered from craniocerebral trauma and numerous
bruises and haematoma all over his body. The official investigation into the
assault ended with a decision of non-indictment, and was marked by numerous
derogatory remarks on the part of the authorities in relation to the
applicant's and the witnesses' Roma ethnicity.

In relation to the applicant's claims under Article 3, the Court noted the
numerous shortcomings of the official investigation, and concluded that the
Government did not satisfactorily establish that the applicant's injuries
were caused otherwise than by the treatment inflicted on him while he was
under police control, thus warranting a finding of both the substantive and
the procedural aspects of Article 3.

The Court also established a violation of Article 13 of the Convention,
since no effective investigation into the allegations brought by the
applicant was carried out, and moreover, since the negative result of the
criminal proceedings prevented the applicant from availing of any other
domestic remedy.

The ruling on the applicant's Article 14 claim brings welcome clarification
to the Court's case-law on the prohibition of discrimination. Firstly, the
Court held that there was no evidence that the beating was motivated by
racial hatred, and therefore did not find a substantive violation of Article
14. Secondly however, with regard to the procedural aspect of Article 14,
the Court noted that even in the absence of prima facie plausible
information to prove that the assault on the applicant was
racially-motivated, the authorities were under an obligation to investigate
a possible racist motive to the attack given the number and notoriety of
such incidents in post communist Romania, and the general policies adopted
by the Romanian government to combat discrimination against the Roma.
Thirdly, the Court held that during the official investigation, a number of
derogatory remarks were made in relation to the applicant's Roma origin,
which disclosed the general discriminatory attitudes of the authorities,
which in itself constituted discrimination contrary to Article 14.

The ERRC and APADOR consider that the judgment in the Cobzaru case is
important for two reasons. Firstly, it highlights Romania's failure to
provide effective protection to its Roma minority from harm meted out by
police officers, as well as the widespread anti-Roma discrimination in the
country. Secondly, Cobzaru further crystallizes the Court's case-law in the
field of discrimination, principally by attaching significance to the
general context of anti-Roma discrimination in Romania, and thus going
beyond the particulars of the applicant's situation.

Read the full text of the judgments here:

Copyright C ROMEA 2003

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] Cele sapte minuni ale Romaniei

2007-07-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Care sunt cele sapte minuni ale Romaniei?  O initiativa necesara si, poate,
mai utila decat costisitoarele campanii cu Romania, mereu surprinzatoare,
Romania fabulospirituala sau ultima prostie gogonata cu Dracula si Sink
your teeth... (ar fi interesant de aflat daca se vor recupera vreodata cei
1,5 milioane Euro aruncati pe apa sambetei si prin anumite buzunare

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
Aboneaza-te la  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o
alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist]
27 Iulie 2007
Cele sapte minuni ale Romaniei

Avem brand de tara?  Avem nevoie de asa ceva? Evenimentul zilei va propune
o incursiune in valorile Romaniei la capatul careia sa aflam care ne sunt
simbolurile cele mai puternice, cele mai definitorii.

Cu sau fara brand de tara oficial, francezii, de exemplu, au Turnul Eiffel.
Americanii, Statuia Libertatii. Chinezii, Marele Zid. Rusii, Kremlinul.
Personalitatea unei tari poate fi exprimata inclusiv printr-o puternica

Cat priveste Romania? Fiecare dintre noi a fost incantat, macar o data, de
un lucru pe care l-a vazut in Romania. Fiecare dintre noi, vorbitorii de
limba romana, are un loc al lui in aceasta tara, in care se simte mai
altfel. Un loc despre care vorbeste cu mandrie, un loc cu care se faleste.

Un demers necesar

Evenimentul zilei porneste astazi un demers necesar. Vom incerca, impreuna
cu dumneavoastra, cititorii nostri, sa identificam cele sapte minunui ale

Asa cum, in antichitate, grecii alcatuiau liste cu cele mai importante, cele
mai frumoase locuri din lumea cunoscuta atunci de ei, asa cum, recent, 100
de milioane de oameni au ales cele sapte minuni ale lumii cunoscute acum, ne
propunem sa aflam care sunt cele sapte minuni ale Romaniei.

Oricat de critici am fi cu tara noastra si cu problemele ei, oricat de
severi, trebuie sa recunoastem ca ne impresioneaza foarte multe locuri,
foarte multe lucruri facute de-a lungul timpului de cei care au trait aici.
Exista locuri importante, de forta, definitorii. Cum le identificam?

Care ne sunt simbolurile?

Oricine a fost in Bucovina a ramas fermecat de albastrul de Voronet. Nu poti
sa nu privesti spre Ateneul Roman cand treci pe Calea Victoriei din
Bucuresti. Sunt obligatorii vizitele la Castelul Peles, in centrul Sibiului,
in dulcele targ al Iasiului, la Sighisoara, la Brasov. Probabil nu e roman
sa nu-si fi facut o fotografie langa Cazinoul Constanta.

Tot astfel cum aceia care au avut norocul sa ajunga la strania Biserica
Densus, la cetatile dacice din Muntii Orastiei sau la monumentul de la
Adamclisi au ramas cu ceva mai mult decat cu o amintire placuta: cu un
crampei, macar, de mandrie nationala.

Unde ne-am duce in primul rand ca sa ne simtim mandri ca suntem romani? Unde
ne-am duce oaspetii ca sa-i impresionam, ca sa ne laudam? Care sunt
simbolurile noastre nationale? De ce ne simtim legati sufleteste de o
biserica, de un castel? Si inca o data: care sunt cele mai importante pentru
noi insine, care pentru noi, ca romani, ca tara?

Sondaj national

Cum am ajuns la lista celor 25 de posibile minuni ale Romaniei? Am inceput
aceasta campanie in luna ianuarie 2007. Reporterii EVZ din toata tara au
chestionat peste 1.000 de persoane. Oameni tineri (elevi de liceu, studenti)
si persoane active si varstnici.

Functionari, medici, arhitecti, profesori, muncitori, ospatari, pensionari,
ziaristi, manageri, patroni de SRL-uri, vanzatoare in supermarketuri
s.a.m.d. S-au vehiculat peste 150 de posibile minuni ale Romaniei. Peste 150
de monumente mai mult sau mai putin cunoscute, dar remarcabile, facute de
mana omului.

Am alcatuit, pe baza acestor voturi, clasamente pentru fiecare judet. Am
calculat apoi un clasament national. Primele 25 de minuni din acest
clasament, alese in functie de numarul de voturi obtinute, vor intra in
finala campaniei noastre. Vi le prezentam intr-un tabel alaturat, in ordine
alfabetica. Lista ramane insa deschisa si poate fi completata daca
propunerile vor fi sustinute, cu argumente, de un numar suficient de

De acum, EVZ ii invita pe cititorii sai sa participe la acest demers pe care
il consideram mai mult decat jurnalistic. Va invitam sa votati, sa ne
spuneti parerea dumneavoastra despre minunile Romaniei. Va invitam sa ne
redescoperim, sa aflam, impreuna, ce e mai bun in noi, sa gasim acele repere


Cum vom alege cele sapte minuni?

Cititorii EVZ vor putea vota, de-a lungul intregii campanii, pentru una
dintre propunerile de pe lista sau vor putea face propriile propuneri, pe
site-ul www.evz.ro. Lista celor 25 de posibile minuni ale Romaniei,
publicata in aceasta pagina, este deschisa.

Ea poate fi completata si cu alte propuneri, daca acestea vor fi

[Romania-News] O stire buna

2007-07-28 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Bill Gates vrea sa investeasca in bibliotecile romanesti

2007-07-27 de Alexandru
http://www.moneyline.ro/autor_48/alexandru_mihaileanu.html Mihaileanu
Fundatia sefului Microsoft ar putea include Romania pe harta unuia dintre
programele pe care le desfasoara. Global Libraries, un proiect ce vizeaza
informatizarea librariilor din intreaga lume, ar putea fi extins si in tara

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation poarta, in prezent, o serie de negocieri
cu Ministerul Culturii si Cultelor. Potrivit oficialilor romani, discutiile
privind informatizarea bibliotecilor romanesti sunt foarte avansate si
exista posibilitatea ca un acord sa fie semnat pana la finele anului.

Potrivit lui Virgil Nitulescu, secretar general al Ministerului Culturii si
Cultelor, primele discutii au fost purtate in perioada 17-20 noiembrie 2006.
Janet Sawaya, ofiter de proiect, si Martha Choe, director de program,
reprezentanti ai fundatiei sefului Microsoft
http://www.moneyline.ro/detalii/microsoft.html , au fost prezenti in
Romania in perioada respectiva, pentru a discuta cu directori din
bibliotecile publice si reprezentantii MCC despre includerea Romaniei in
programul de informatizare a bibliotecilor publice comunitare.

Momentan, reprezentantii americani nu au dorit sa faca publice niciun fel de
detalii referitoare la negocieri. In schimb, oficialii romani sunt aproape
siguri ca discutiile vor avea un final favorabil.

Fundatia a analizat caracteristicile pentru bibliotecile din Romania si din
alte tari din estul Europei si cred ca Romania va fi tara preferata, a
declarat Nitulescu pentru Mediafax.

Potrivit secretarului general al MCC, nu exista nicio sansa ca negocierile
sa se termine mai devreme de sfarsitul anului. Pot sa spun ca cea mai
recenta intalnire cu reprezentantii fundatiei a avut loc acum vreo zece
zile. In luna august nu se va intampla nimic, probabil ca urmatoarea runda
de discutii se va desfasura prin septembrie. Speram sa semnam un acord pana
la finele anului, pentru ca proiectul sa devina operational din 2008, a
declarat, pentru Business Standard, Virgil Nitulescu.

C 2007 Grupul Realitatea Catavencu www.gruprc.ro

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist]

[Romania-News] Romania hotbed of IT good and evil

2007-07-29 Fir de Conversatie Vali
. And I was glued (to
it), said Mr. Faur, 23.

C Copyright 2007 CTVglobemedia Publishing Inc.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] Moldova: new law on religion

2007-08-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali
27 passed a new law on religion, incorporating amendments demanded by
President Vladimir Voronin, Moldovan and Russian media reported. Voronin had
specifically called for a clause that the state recognizes the special
significance and primary role of the Orthodox Christian religion and the
Orthodox Church in the life, history, and culture of the people of Moldova.

At Voronin's demand, parliament struck out a provision stipulating that
property rights on buildings of worship belong to the religious communities
that founded them. The absence of a provision enshrining the Orthodox
Church's special status had roused the anger of Orthodox leaders, but some
parliamentarians opposed Voronin's intervention, arguing it would anger the
Council of Europe, the continent's leading rights watchdog.

When parliament passed the unamended bill in its second reading, religious
minorities were critical of the suddenness with which the long-delayed bill
was pushed through its final phases, of a ban on abusive proselytism, and
of the bar on religious communities with fewer than 100 members gaining
legal status. The clauses regarding proselytization and small groups remain
in the amended bill.

The bill was first sent to parliament in October 2004. The European Court of
Human Rights (ECHR) has twice fined Moldova for denying religious
communities legal status, and one of Moldova's Orthodox churches -- the
Bessarabian Orthodox Church -- only gained registration after an ECHR ruling
in 2001.

The newly stipulated special status for the Orthodox Church does not
distinguish between the various Orthodox communities. However, Voronin, a
Communist, made his allegiance clear at a gathering of bishops earlier this
month, at which, according to a July 19 report by the news agency Interfax,
he likened the Communist Party to the Moldovan Orthodox Church, which falls
under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the opposition to
the Bessarabian Orthodox Church, which answers to the Romanian Orthodox
Church. Voronin also called Jesus Christ the first communist. AG

Copyright (c) 2007 RFE/RL, Inc.

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] Paradis (ne)fiscal

2007-08-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Saptamana Financiara
Nr. 122, LUNI 6 AUGUST 2007

Paradis (ne)fiscal

Despre Delta Dunarii s-a vorbit si s-a scris în ultimii ani aproape cât
despre nazdravaniile presedintelui, ambitiile premierului, relatia
fratricida dintre politicienii democrati si cei liberali. Ca sunt multe
interese în Delta - ca peste tot, as spune -, ca afaceristi de toate
culorile politice au „mirosit” valoarea inestimabila a acestui mic paradis
românesc. Apoi, tot felul de asociatii si organizatii neguvernamentale, mai
mult sau mai putin bine intentionate, au facut zgomot pe tema prezervarii
bogatiei naturale a Deltei Dunarii - pentru a obtine fonduri, de la
comunitatea economica internationala, ca sa-si faca un nume, luptând pentru
o cauza nationala, sau pur si simplu pentru ca sunt iubitori de natura.
Aceasta ultima categorie, din pacate, este din ce în ce mai redusa.

Am întrebat un proprietar de agentie turistica de ce preturile la pensiunile
si hotelurile din Delta Dunarii sunt mult mai ridicate decât pe litoral.
Raspunsul a fost cinic: pentru ca nu se do-reste încurajarea turismului de
masa în Delta, care ar putea vandaliza natura, si-asa încercata. Mi-am spus
atunci ca, probabil, omul stie ce stie si ca e posibil ca aceste efecte -
ale unei politici restrictive pentru marele public mitocan, dupa cum mi-l
descria afaceristul citat - sa dea si roade.

Nu mai fusesem de mult în Delta, deci nu mai eram la curent cu modul în care
edenul românesc este protejat de huni si tatari: i-am numit asa pe
constructorii haotici si turistii prost crescuti. Acum însa sunt în masura
sa spun câteva lucruri despre adevaratele rezultate ale strategiei de a nu
permite oricui sa ajunga în Delta, ci numai celor cu bani, prin urmare
civilizati. Ei bine, nu este asa. În afara de zonele care fac, într-adevar,
cinste atât localnicilor, cât si oamenilor de afaceri care au investit
acolo, în rest, Delta e ca orice locsor din tara noastra draga.

Urme ale „civilizatiei” noastre sunt la tot pasul: sticle de bere, de suc,
cutii de conserve, tot felul de resturi de la gratare si pescuit amator -
sportiv nu cred, pentru ca cine vine sa pescuiasca din pasiune în Delta
sigur face si curat pe unde a trecut.

Dar asta n-ar fi nimic: furia defrisarilor a ajuns si pe-acolo, a taierilor
de vegetatie, de asemenea. Se simte peste tot dorinta de a exploata la sânge
orice coltisor de delta, care se afla în apropierea utilitatilor, stiut
fiind faptul ca te costa o avere sa tragi apa, electricitate si gaze în
camp, daramite în Delta.

Te-ai astepta ca, daca tot colcaie Delta de afaceristi dornici sa se
rasplateasca, la sfârsit de saptamâna, cu un peisaj de basm, macar sa fi pus
mâna de la mâna si sa faca drumuri practicabile peste tot pe unde turistul
român sau strain si-ar putea bucura privirea. Nu este asa, sunt înca
nepermis de multe drumuri doar pietruite, ori foarte înguste, pe care se
circula foarte greu sau deloc. Sunt, înca, foarte multe pensiuni la care se
ajunge greu sau aproape imposibil, pentru ca sunt în panta si nimeni nu s-a
obosit, nici macar proprietarul lacasului, sa aiba grija si de drum.

Lasa, merge si asa! Asta este, de fapt, politica noastra, ridicata la rang
de strategie nationala. Si, astfel, Delta Dunarii, în loc sa fie un izvor de
frumusete si de bani pentru toata lumea - autoritati locale, investitori,
localnici -, este doar un izvor de bani pentru o mâna de oameni de afaceri
care nu iubesc Delta, ci doar o exploateaza. Cu exceptiile de rigoare,
fireste, despre care am vorbit si ceva mai sus, dar care sunt putini si,
probabil, dezarmati.
Gabriela Vranceanu Firea
Copyright Saptamana Financiara 2005

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
Aboneaza-te la  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o
alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist]
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[Romania-News] Bucurestiul kitsch

2007-08-07 Fir de Conversatie Vali

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
Aboneaza-te la  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o
alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist]
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[Romania-News] Recensamantul populatiei si al locuintelor din Romania - 2011

2007-08-20 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Recensamantul populatiei si al locuintelor din Romania - 2011

In Monitorul Oficial nr. 566/17 august 2007, a fost publicata Ordonanta
Guvernului nr. 36/2007 privind efectuarea recensamantului populatiei si al
locuintelor din Romania in anul 2011.

In luna martie 2011 se va efectua recensamantul populatiei si al
locuintelor, in vederea cunoasterii cat mai exacte a numarului si
distributiei teritoriale a populatiei, a structurilor sale social-culturale
si economice, precum si a fondului locativ si a conditiilor de locuit ale

La recensamant se inregistreaza cetatenii romani cu domiciliul in tara,
indiferent daca la momentul de referinta al recensamantului se afla pe
teritoriul tarii sau in strainatate, precum si persoanele de alta cetatenie
care au domiciliul/resedinta in Romania.

De asemenea, la recensamant se inregistreaza cladirile de locuit, precum si
locuintele situate in orice cladire, indiferent de forma de proprietate, de
pe teritoriul Romaniei.

Din punct de vedere tehnico-metodologic, organizarea si efectuarea
recensamantului se realizeaza de catre Institutul National de Statistica,
sub coordonarea si controlul Comisiei centrale pentru recensamantul
populatiei si al locuintelor.

La recensamant sunt inregistrate si utilizate codul numeric personal, etnia,
religia si limba materna prin libera declaratie a persoanelor intervievate,
in conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 677/2001 pentru protectia
persoanelor cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal si libera
circulatie a acestor date, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare.

Pentru STIRI.JURIDICE,  http://www.sova.ro/ SOVA  ASOCIATII
 http://www.juressa.net/ C 2004-2007 Juressa.NET

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
Aboneaza-te la  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ngo_list ngo_list: o
alternativa moderata (un pic) la [ngolist]
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[Romania-News] Va rugam sa nu ne uitati!

2007-08-22 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Interesanta atitudinea presedintelui fata de romanii din diaspora: Veniti
catre casa daca tot va intrebati ce facem cu dumneavoastra! si Ia veniti
acasa (si) lucrati aici!
Probabil ca presedintele nu a stiut cum se spune in portugheza Mai,
gaozarule! sau tiganca imputita...

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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Presedintele - ostil ziaristilor, de oriunde ar veni
23 AUGUST 2007


Presedintele Traian Basescu face alergie la ziaristii romani, chiar si la
aceia care lucreaza in strainatate. Asa s-a intamplat marti seara, la Scoala
de vara Comunitati romanesti si identitate europeana. Basescu s-a enervat
pe o jurnalista din Portugalia, pe motiv ca aceasta ar fi folosit un ton
neadecvat atunci cand i s-a adresat.


In timpul dialogului dintre tinerii din diaspora si seful statului, Maria
Iancu, presedintele Asociatiei Fratia din Setubal, Portugalia, i-a cerut
sefului statului ca romanii de peste hotare sa nu fie uitati de autoritatile
de la Bucuresti.


Va rugam sa nu ne uitati! Suntem multi care traim afara, aproape 12
milioane. Ce faceti, fratilor, cu noi?!, i s-a adresat doamna
presedintelui, precizand apoi ca este jurnalist in Setubal. Iritat de
intrebare, Basescu i-a raspuns in stilul pe care l-a adoptat de mult in
relatiile cu jurnalistii: Doamna, vedeti ca nu am venit aici ca om politic!
E un tip de dialog... Ia veniti acasa, va spun eu mai suav! Veniti catre
casa daca tot va intrebati ce facem cu dumneavoastra! E deranjant tonul! Nu
vreti sa lasati copiii sa vorbeasca? Lasati copiii sa vorbeasca! Multumesc,
a spus Traian Basescu, solicitand apoi sa i se puna alta intrebare.


Totusi, nu s-a putut desprinde de incident. Aratand catre jurnalistii romani
prezenti la evenimentul de la Palatul Mogosoaia, presedintele a mai spus:
Ia uitati cati ziaristi sunt acolo! Credeti ca mai trebuia sa vina unul din
Portugalia?! Avem destule ziare, asa ca lucrati aici!. (L.R.)


C Gandul

[Romania-News] Nine o'Clock despre propunerea RWW Group re. adoptie

2007-08-25 Fir de Conversatie Vali
824-7275 categorie=homenewsid=20070824-7275
published in issue 4004 page 4 at 2007-08-24
NGO of Romanians abroad request modification of Adoption Act

RWW Group, a non-governmental organisation which promotes the interests of
Romanians abroad, requested in an open letter sent Wednesday to Premier
Tariceanu and relevant institutions to draw up an Adoption Programme for
Romanian citizens living in other states. RWW Group lobbies for the current
legislative framework, as defined by Law No. 273/2004 on adoptions to be
broadened so as to encourage Romanians living abroad to adopt children from
Romania through the domestic adoption mechanism. 

The document tackles several aspects in the current legislation which hinder
the adoption of a Romanian child by Romanian citizens with residence rights
abroad, such as the requirement for Romanian citizens living abroad to
repatriate and settle in Romania in view of the adoption, the lengthy and
complex administrative mechanisms in the domestic adoption process, the RWW
Group letter reads. 

by  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Nine oClock

(C) 2000-2005 Nine o'Clock

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for two Romanian journalists

2007-09-02 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Carter Center Includes Romania in Rosalynn Carter Fellowships for Mental
Health Journalism Program

ATLANTA (August 20, 2007) - The Carter Center Mental Health Program has
awarded two Romanian journalists with the eleventh annual Rosalynn Carter
Fellowships for Mental Health Journalism. This will be the first year that
journalists from the Eastern European country will participate in the
program. The journalists will join a class of six other fellows from the
United States and two from southern Africa. The journalism fellowships are
part of an international effort by the Carter Center Mental Health Program
to reduce stigma and discrimination against people with mental illnesses by
decreasing incorrect and stereotypical information in the media. 

   Informed journalists can have a significant impact on public
understanding of mental health issues, as they shape debate and trends with
the words and pictures they convey, Mrs. Rosalynn Carter said. They
influence their peers and stimulate discussion among the general public, and
an informed public can reduce stigma and discrimination.

   The new fellows will convene in Atlanta at The Carter Center on Sept.
17-19, 2007, to meet with Mrs. Carter, the Mental Health Task Force, other
Rosalynn Carter fellows and the Journalism Fellowship Advisory Board. The
projects of the inaugural class of Romanian fellows will be to work
collaboratively to develop a curriculum and relevant teaching materials for
courses aimed at promoting more responsible mental health journalism.

   Since the beginning of the Center's journalism fellowship program, more
than 100 newspaper and magazine articles have been written, five books
published, four television documentaries produced, and hundreds of minutes
of radio time aired. Fellows' projects have garnered awards from Mental
Health America (formerly the National Mental Health Association), the
American Psychological Association, Amnesty International, and the
Association of Healthcare Journalists, as well as Emmy Award nominations and
two nominations for the Pulitzer Prize in Journalism. To view projects
completed under the auspices of the Fellowship Program, visit the online
archive at  http://www.cartercenter.org www.cartercenter.org
(C) The Wekly

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] Iar am ajuns in paginile ziarelor... :(

2007-09-11 Fir de Conversatie Vali
International Herald Tribune
Discrimination body to probe remarks Romanian President made about Armenians
The Associated Press
Published: September 11, 2007

ion.php# BUCHAREST, Romania: Romania's anti-discrimination organization
said Tuesday it would investigate remarks made by President Traian Basescu
to determine whether can be considered defamatory to the Armenian community.

Basescu who underwent surgery at the weekend on his thyroid gland on Sunday
thanked doctors at a Bucharest hospital, especially the surgeon saying: At
last I see a kind Armenian, a competent Armenian.

His remarks were apparently directed at a political rival, Economy Minister
Varujan Vosganian, who is an ethnic Armenian and a member of the governing
Liberal Party. Vosganian accused Basescu of being blinded by petty political
squabbles and called him a risk for democracy.

Romania's politicians from all parties have been embroiled in bitter
political disputes for years, especially with the popular president, after
no party managed to secure a majority in 2004 parliamentary elections.

Basescu's office said Tuesday that his remarks had intended to highlight the
professionalism of the surgeon who operated on him. The head of state
expresses his appreciation and recognition for the extraordinary
contribution that the Armenian community has for years in the cultural and
scientific life of Romania, said Basescu's spokesman Valeriu Turcan in a

Romania has a few thousand ethnic Armenians who emigrated to Romania 1,000
years ago and are well integrated into society.

In May, Basescu was criticized after he called a reporter a stinky Gypsy.
The National Council for the Fight Against Discrimination can rule whether
Basescu's remarks amounted to incitement to ethnic hatred or discrimination.

Copyright C 2007 the International Herald Tribune

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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[Romania-News] In sfarsit, un armean bun, competent!

2007-09-11 Fir de Conversatie Vali
Prin afirmatia pe care a facut-o cu ocazia externarii din Spitalul Militar
Central, presedintele Traian Basescu a dorit sa evidentieze profesionalismul
medicului Mircea Ghemigian.
Recunosc ca ma depaseste logica Presedintiei.  In sfarsit, un armean bun,
competent!  Eu de aici inteleg ca toti armenii sunt rai si incompetenti si
iata, in sfarsit, exista si... o exceptie care, nu-i asa, intareste

Noble blood is an accident of fortune; noble actions are the chief mark of
greatness. (Carlo Goldoni)
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know
peace. (Jimi Hendrix)
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In sfarsit vad si eu un armean bun - CNCD
12 Septembrie 2007
Pentru afirmatia facuta de presedintele Traian Basescu la iesirea din
Spitalul Militar Central, in timp ce-i stringea mina doctorului Mircea
Ghemegian (In sfarsit vad si eu un armean bun, un armean competent.) care
a facut parte din echipa de medici care l-a operat de tiroida, presedintele
Basescu va fi invitat din nou la Consiliul National pentru Combaterea
Discriminarii, ca urmare a unei sesizari facute de un jurnalist.

Monica Vasile, membru CNCD: Cazul Basescu - comunitatea armeana va urma
procedura obisnuita pentru toate celelalte cercetari in legatura cu posibile
fapte de discriminare. Urmeaza sa decidem cind vom invita partile la
audieri. Aceasta sesizare nu seamana cu nici una care a fost vreodata pe
masa CNCD, noi nemaifiind confruntati cu o asemenea afirmatie si nu pot
spune daca este una ofensatoare sau nu.

Varujan Pambuccian, deputatul minoritatii armene: Suntem la portile
Orientului, unde totul este mai lejer.

Scriitorul Stefan Agopian: Daca in cauza ar fi fost un ministru al
Finantelor evreu si-ar mai fi permis dl. Basescu astfel de afirmatii? Daca
ar fi mers la scoala, in loc sa-si piarda timpul la Anvers, unde l-a trimis
Securitatea, ar fi putut afla ca mai multi armeni nascuti in Romania au
contribuit la dezvoltarea culturii romane. Si ma refer numai la un Vasile
Conta - singurul filosof roman cu sistem, la Spiru Haret - care a pus bazele
invatamintului modern in Romania, si nu in ultimul rand la Garabet
Ibraileanu, cunoscutul istoric literar si romancier.

Consilierul de stat Valeriu Turcan, purtatorul de cuvant al Presedintiei:
Seful statului isi exprima aprecierea si recunostinta pentru contributia
extraordinara pe care comunitatea armeana a avut-o, de-a lungul timpului, la
cultura si viata stiintifica din Romania. Prin afirmatia pe care a facut-o
cu ocazia externarii din Spitalul Militar Central, presedintele Traian
Basescu a dorit sa evidentieze profesionalismul medicului Mircea Ghemigian.
C 2004-2007  http://www.juressa.net/ Juressa.NET

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