Re: [Rosegarden-user] Saving projects

2023-12-07 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 12/7/23 13:22, david wrote:
RCS sounds interesting. I used to work with enterprise content 
management (ECM) systems. Is it command line only or is there a GUI for it?

I've only ever used RCS from the commandline, but quick search yields:

although I can't immediately see how FileZilla relates, despite it being 
recommended by the page.

CVS is a higher-level layer built atop RCS, and there seem to be more 
GUI support for it:

Again, I haven't used any of the above systems and only found them 
because your question piqued my curiosity.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Saving projects

2023-12-07 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 12/7/23 10:14, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
Not a direct solution, but for some projects I (mis)use git. And I also 
use it for related Yoshimi sate files as I'm often tinkering with sound 
and then re-consider, but saving different file names is cumbersome.

Yes, git isn't theoretically made for binary files, but the file size 
orders of magnitude are relatively small and the commit metadata helps :-)
I use RCS, for two reasons. One, that more complex revision control 
systems like git offer little advantage when used for a single 
Rosegarden file as opposed to "projects" with multiple files. And two, 
because RCS stores only the differences between file versions rather 
than each complete version separately, as does git.

This is partly a conceptual preference for me. I have decades-old source 
files, with hundreds to over a thousand revisions, for which the RCS 
file is typically only twice the size of the current working version. 
And others, like log files which only get appended to, where they're 
only slightly larger due to the included metadata.

Of course this isn't an issue given the small size of Rosegarden files 
compared to modern storage capacities. Also git compresses its 
individual revisions, although that probably doesn't do much here 
because Rosegarden files are already compressed by default.

To partly address the issue, I added a "Save .rg files uncompressed" 
option in my rosegarden-fork. It defaults to false/off for user 
experience compatibility sake, and all versions of Rosegarden load 
either compressed or  uncompressed files transparently. It also doesn't 
help much with RCS because the order of elements in a Rosegarden file 
tends to be pseudo-randomized (add one note in the middle of a 
composition and a large portion of even the uncompressed .rg file changes).

But the larger idea behind all of this is a future feature I'd like to 
see in Rosegarden: The ability to "diff" two versions of a composition. 
Load two different files -- either two revision control versions, or any 
two arbitrary files -- and visually show the differences between them. 
Something like highlighting the parts/measures/notes that have changed, 
in the track/notation/matrix/etc editors.

Of course this is mostly applicable to sequencer/MIDI tracks, and 
wouldn't work for audio tracks that have been separately recorded.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Quantisation?

2023-05-18 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user
From having spent a lot of time in the Rosegarden source code, it 
always struck me that the intent was to optionally have two separate but 
simultaneous versions of each note:

1. A quantized version that fell exactly on a beat or sub-beat ("1", 
"2-and", "3-and-uh", "4-eee-and-uh", etc) and lasted a standard amount 
of time (quarter, eighth, sixteenth, thirty-second, sixty-fourth note, 
etc), and ...

2. A real "performance" version that that had "feel", "swing", rushing 
or dragging the beat, etc.

This would allow playback of the composition with the desired 
performance without having the notation cluttered with 
excessive/confusing 128th-note rests, dotted sixty-fourth notes, etc, or 
notes in the Matrix Editor that don't start and end exactly on grid lines.

It can be seen in the code in places like Event::setNotationDuration() 
and setNotationAbsoluteTime(), and when running official Rosegarden 
(it's a little easier in rosegarden-fork) in the Matrix Editor by 
double-clicking a note while in "Select and Edit(F2)" mode. The dialog 
that pops up has both "Event Properties: Absolute Time" and "Duration" 
and also "Notation Properties: Notation Time", and "Notation Duration".

But this feature doesn't seem to have ever been fully implemented.

I see no reason why quantization during recording vs doing it later in 
the Notation or Matrix Editors would be any different (and if it used 
the same quantization algorithms it wouldn't be) but, yes, when I 
started with Rosegarden I spent a lot of time trying to find a "quantize 
while recording" button before realizing that the intended workflow is 
to do it afterwards while editing the composition.

Unless the button *is* there somewhere and I just never found it. ;)

On 5/18/23 9:42 PM, Ted Felix wrote:

   Quantizing can be used for two main purposes:

1. To make sheet music that looks good.
2. To make your performance sound more "perfect".

   Rosegarden is supposed to be able to do either, but I've had trouble 
getting it to do #1 without also doing #2.

 > One comment the person did say was that it was better to use it as you
 > were playing, vs on recorded items, because the results were better for
 > some reason.

   That might be related to getting sheet music that looks good without 
touching the performance.


On 5/18/23 11:11 PM, Joe Hogan wrote:

Thanks Ted,

I will try it next time I am in front of my piano and computer.

I will better understand your comments then.

One comment the person did say was that it was better to use it as you
were playing, vs on recorded items, because the results were better for
some reason.

When reading over what you wrote, it seems as though you quantisize the
recorded notes.

I'll try this and see how things work for me.

I'll bring my comments back and see what you and others say.

Thanks again for holding a beginners hand.  I will get better:)


On 2023-05-18 22:52, Ted Felix wrote:

Rosegarden does have quantization.  In my experience it works best
from the Matrix (piano roll) editor where you can clearly see the

  Select a segment in the main window and press M to launch the matrix
editor.  Select some notes (or press Ctrl+A to select all).  Now
either press = or click on the "Q" toolbar button. This will launch
the quantize dialog.  From here, I would start with the "Grid
quantizer" as that's the only one I've been able to get to work.

  Experiment in here and don't be surprised if some of the fields seem
to do nothing.  The quantizers are a bit buggy.


On 5/18/23 10:38 PM, Jozseph Hogan wrote:


I am trying to learn how to use a track system for making music. 
This is

a new experience for me.

In addition to this, I am tryign to write dow my music so that the 

is not lost from my brain:)

I was in a forum and some one mentioned about using a feature called
quantisation in order to clean up th enotes a bit.

Is this a feature in Rosegarden?



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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Rosegarden fork [WAS]: Re: How do I set a scale in Rosegarden?

2023-03-25 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 3/25/23 12:00 PM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
I wasn't aware of a rosegarden fork. Unfortunately I wasn't able to 
build it on Manjaro (I tried the same procedure as for Rosegarden latest 

Thanks for the feedback (as disappointing as it is to hear). If you feel 
inspired to do so, could you file an issue at the GitHub page, with the 
build errors and your Qt/C++ versions if possible? I don't think I've 
used any Qt/C++ APIs beyond those in official Rosegarden but maybe 
something snuck in.

As mainly a *user* I tend to disagree with the 'speculation' in the 
README file [0] where it says:

'changes to Rosegarden's user interface and/or workflow (beyond the most 
trivial) are unlikely to be approved based on a belief that a large user 
base exists, the majority of whom would not accept such changes 
regardless of whether they represent improvements or not.'

I appreciate your opinion and wish I could agree ("re-agree"??) with 
you. But I stand by the facts I cited in my post and elsewhere. Take a 
look at what happened when Ted made a much-needed change to "dark mode" 
a while back and received a complaint from one user that (pure 
speculation again) re-cemented his commitment to a "no changes unless 
reconfigurable back to the previous way" Rosegarden UI/UX.

I think there's always interesting discussions on new features (e.g. see 
the ones about 'new' looping mode), and the concept of 'improvement' is 
often subjective ;-)

You're absolutely right about the subjectivity. But at some point you 
just have to bite the bullet and go for it.

- Visual distinction between vertical lines indicating measures, beats, 
and inter-beat grid timing.

This one would be useful when entering in 16ths (or even 8ths) e.g. 
drums or even synth arpeggios.

Exactly. Many more such examples, both documented and 
implicit/discoverable. I'd love to get your opinions if and when you're 
able to build the code.

As I'm not able to build the fork I wonder if any screenshots / 
screen-grabs exist.

Not currently, although they're one of many things I'd like to add.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] How do I set a scale in Rosegarden?

2023-03-25 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user
All of this, and much more -- key/scale-specific highlight/stripes, 
labeling and coloring notes by scale degree, display of notes' chord 
functions (root, 3rd, 5th, etc) -- is available in my fork of Rosegarden 

As far as feature requests go, I submitted #500 
( over a year 
ago but it received no responses or discussion. I implemented a version 
of it back in October, and apologize for not submitting it as a merge 
request at that time. But there had been no action on my merges for the 
six months prior to that, and I eventually gave up and instead released 
my independent fork of Rosegarden.

Ironically, this feature was one of the two things that originally got 
me involved in Rosegarden development. I misunderstood that the 
new-at-the-time "Highlight black notes" mode was locked to C major 
concert pitch instead of matching the current key signature as I 
intuitively assumed it would (like "Highlight triads"). I even 
advertised my ignorance in a February 2022 post to the rosegarden-devel 
list ( 
Ah, those long-ago days when I was blissfully naive about all things 
Rosegarden. ;)

Finally, if anyone wants to try the fork's code (or merge some of it 
into official Rosegarden) note that it currently only implements major 
and minor scales (in any desired key). It does not yet have the 
additional capabilities proposed in FR500, such as modes (dorian, 
lydian, etc) or arbitrary non-diatonic scales (whole tone, half-whole, 
etc). Also note that I'm on the verge of releasing a major update so you 
might want to wait for that.

As a further irony, Musecore did have these features (modes, scales) in 
its "piano roll editor" which in all other ways was vastly inferior to 
Rosegarden's "matrix" (it could only edit a single 
staff/instrument/part/"segment" at once, had a clumsy interface for 
manipulating notes, etc). But that was Musescore 3, and they completely 
removed the editor in Musescore 4! I guess some people are just haters 
on anything that's not standard music notation. ;)

Thanks for this opportunity to offer the open-source software I've 
contributed to those who might be interested in what it provides.

On 3/25/23 4:36 AM, Ted Felix wrote:
   Assuming you are in the matrix editor, the best you can do is 
highlight the I (or i) chord.  Go to View > Highlight > Highlight 
Triads.  That will darken the 1 3 and 5 degrees of the scale in the 
current key.

   If that's not good enough, feel free to open a feature request. 
Philip can probably implement this pretty quickly as he implemented the 
black keys mode.


On 3/23/23 1:55 AM, M. Yousaf wrote:
How do I set a scale in Rosegarden? In the web app Bandlab, you can 
select a scale and it will show you it on the keyboard. How would I do 
this in Rosegarden? I don't want to use Bandlab, as it isn't advanced 
enough, and doesn't have a music sheet option called Notation Editor 
in rosegarden.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Merging project (or MIDI) files.

2023-02-03 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

Adding my canonical, unsolicited $0.02 ...

Merge works. But what, IMO, is *really* needed is the ability to open 
multiple files (documents) simultaneously and cut/copy/paste tracks, 
segments, and selections between them.

I fully understand the amount of work that would be required to 
implement this.

Not a new idea -- see Feature Request #228, originally filed in 2005. 
The amount of work was also understood back then. ;)

On 2/3/23 11:58 AM, Will Godfrey wrote:

Well, well, well. That was rather 'interesting' :)

I just tried this again to be able to give you more information and it worked
perfectly! I must admit it's been a long time since I last tried, and the
original files are very old. 2006 old in fact!

Will is a happy bunny :))

On Fri, 3 Feb 2023 13:51:11 -0500
Ted Felix  wrote:

   File > Merge is supposed to do this.  What is it doing when you use
it?  Error messages?  Useless results?  Is audio involved?


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] An Enquiry

2023-01-26 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user
For anyone who like me spent 30 minutes failing to get this to work 
before discovering the secret, you have to click on the "resize" bar to 
the left of the desired panel and then drag. Mouse cursor changes when 
hovering over the correct spot. FWIW, I'm on a 1920x1080 monitor and 
normally run the main window around half to 75% full screen width, so I 
don't have enough room to place all the panels on one line. But it's a 
good trick to know anyway.

Piggybacking off this (as usual) with another related question: What's 
the point of having two copies of the marker and loop/measures rulers, 
one above and one below the tracks? (And similar in the notation and 
matrix editors.) Screen real estate is *always* limited -- doesn't 
matter if you have 8K or dual/triple 4K monitors or whatever.

I keep thinking about removing the 2nd/bottom set from my fork of the 
code but have been warned that trying to do anything as radical as that 
in the main branch in would result in me being lynched. (Yet it was OK 
in beta 23.06 to change the track area to "dark" in dark theme? An 
improvement IMO, but what about the hypothetical user who liked it the 
way it was?) Even the very few minor-but-incompatible UI changes in the 
fork were met with disapproval, but since that's the path I'm on maybe I 
should just continue down it. If anyone has a compelling rationale for 
the duplicated rulers (beyond "that's the way it's always been") I'm 
very interested in hearing about it so I can reconsider.

On 1/26/23 9:33 AM, Will Godfrey wrote:

Well that was curious. I'd tried that many times over with no success, but just
tried again and it worked perfectly! Thanks :)

On Thu, 26 Jan 2023 16:36:43 +
chuck elliot  wrote:

I think it is possible to do this for yourself by dragging and dropping
toolbars from one panel to the other.

A whole panel can be hidden by deselecting the toolbars that it contains...



On 26/01/2023 1:58 pm, Will Godfrey wrote:

Rosegarden has two panels of icons at the top, neither of which is very long
compared to my normal matrix width. Is it possible to to combine these as one
longer panel - thus giving at least another track's worth of vertical space?

With the 'endemic' availability of mostly wide screens this would make better
use of available space.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Guitar MIDI Controller to Notation

2023-01-24 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 1/21/23 08:54, mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user wrote:
Only vaguely related: Has there ever been any interest in adding a 
guitar tablature editor to Rosegarden? 

On 1/21/23 11:03 PM, david wrote:
I think adding it to RG while maintaining the ability to also 
display/edit it *as a score* would be really tough.

On 1/22/23 1:52 AM, mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user wrote:
I'm envisioning it as a new/separate tablature editor window, like the 
matrix and event editors vs notation.

On second thought, although I still like the tablature editor idea, a 
better design might be to integrate tablature directly into the notation 
editor. Each normal standard notation staff could have an optional 
tablature staff directly above (or below) it. Likewise, if the user was 
only interested in tablature, the standard staff could be disabled/hidden.

I've only played with Musescore very casually/briefly (and only version 
3, not the radically revamped new version 4 which doesn't run on my 
current system) and it has this capability. Sort of. Tablature staves 
can be created and positioned at will but they're completely 
disconnected from any standard notation staff -- notes entered in 
tablature don't appear in standard and vice-versa (the latter being the 
previously mentioned A.I. problem). Maybe there's a way to link them but 
if so it wasn't obvious to me.

In any case, there's no reason why Rosegarden couldn't have something 
like this, done correctly with live linking between the staves. Well, no 
reason except for the need to find someone with the ability to implement 
it and the willingness to volunteer a few hundred hours of software 
development effort to do so. ;)  And then even more to review, validate, 
test, integrate, and accept it into the Rosegarden codebase.

Any volunteers? ;)

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Guitar MIDI Controller to Notation

2023-01-22 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 1/21/23 1:57 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
   If you have time to make this change against master, I'd appreciate 
it.  Then I can merge it right away.  Thanks.

The attached patch against the latest master I have should apply cleanly 
unless there's been changes in the two files since then. Also feel free 
to remove my fork's extra copyright lines.

Hope this is what you were looking for. "Works for me" as the canonical 
saying goes. ;)

diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/EventFilterDialog.cpp b/src/gui/dialogs/EventFilterDialog.cpp
index 55fa9836c..4b545c5f5 100644
--- a/src/gui/dialogs/EventFilterDialog.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/dialogs/EventFilterDialog.cpp
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
-Copyright 2000-2022 the Rosegarden development team.
+Copyright 2000-2023 the Rosegarden development team.
+Modifications and additions Copyright (c) 2023 Mark R. Rubin aka "thanks4opensource" aka "thanks4opensrc"
 This file is Copyright 2003-2006
 D. Michael McIntyre 
@@ -285,28 +286,38 @@ EventFilterDialog::populateDurationCombos()
+m_pitchFromSpinBox   ->setValue(  0);
+m_pitchToSpinBox ->setValue(127);
+m_velocityFromSpinBox->setValue(  0);
+m_velocityToSpinBox  ->setValue(127);
+  ->count()
+- 1);
+m_noteDurationToComboBox  ->setCurrentIndex(0);
 RG_DEBUG << "EventFilterDialog::slotToggleAll()";
-m_pitchFromSpinBox ->setValue(0);
-m_pitchToSpinBox ->setValue(127);
-m_velocityFromSpinBox ->setValue(0);
-m_velocityToSpinBox ->setValue(127);
-m_noteDurationFromComboBox ->setCurrentIndex(11); // hard coded; should be variable
-m_noteDurationToComboBox ->setCurrentIndex(0);  // 0 = unlimited; 11 = 0
+m_notePitchIncludeComboBox   ->setCurrentIndex(0);
 RG_DEBUG << "EventFilterDialog::slotToggleNone()";
-m_pitchFromSpinBox ->setValue(0);
-m_pitchToSpinBox ->setValue(0);
-m_velocityFromSpinBox ->setValue(0);
-m_velocityToSpinBox ->setValue(0);
-m_noteDurationFromComboBox ->setCurrentIndex(11);
-m_noteDurationToComboBox ->setCurrentIndex(11);
+m_notePitchIncludeComboBox   ->setCurrentIndex(1);
diff --git a/src/gui/dialogs/EventFilterDialog.h b/src/gui/dialogs/EventFilterDialog.h
index 2f80c40e0..4eb93bef9 100644
--- a/src/gui/dialogs/EventFilterDialog.h
+++ b/src/gui/dialogs/EventFilterDialog.h
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 A MIDI and audio sequencer and musical notation editor.
-Copyright 2000-2022 the Rosegarden development team.
+Copyright 2000-2023 the Rosegarden development team.
+Modifications and additions Copyright (c) 2023 Mark R. Rubin aka "thanks4opensource" aka "thanks4opensrc"
 This file is Copyright 2003-2006
 D. Michael McIntyre 
@@ -132,6 +133,8 @@ protected slots:
+void resetValuesToAll();
 //-[ data members ]-
 QGridLayout* layout;
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Guitar MIDI Controller to Notation

2023-01-22 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 1/21/23 11:03 PM, david wrote:

On 1/21/23 08:54, mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user wrote:
Only vaguely related: Has there ever been any interest in adding a 
guitar tablature editor to Rosegarden? 

Tuxguitar lets 
you specify the player's ability level, which is kind of nice.

How does that work? You give it something like a numeric level, 
1==beginner, 5==expert, and it has A.I. that spits out open-position 
"cowboy chords" vs ones with nice voice leading all up and down the 
neck? Impressive if so.

I think adding it to RG while maintaining the ability to also 
display/edit it *as a score* would be really tough.

I'm envisioning it as a new/separate tablature editor window, like the 
matrix and event editors vs notation. One of Rosegarden's great 
strengths is its live updates across the editors (except the event 
editor which doesn't change until it regains focus -- maybe someone can 
fix that someday). So creating or moving a note to a fret number and 
string in the tablature editor would change it in notation/matrix/event 
because that's deterministic. Creating/moving/changing a note in 
notation/matrix/event would need some kind of A.I. to choose among the 
multiple correct fret/string choices, but at simplest that could be the 
closest correct-pitch position to any existing notes around the same 
time, or if moving instead of creating, the closest to the note's 
pre-move fret.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Guitar MIDI Controller to Notation

2023-01-21 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 1/21/23 4:09 AM, Ted Felix wrote:
   I've been working with Mike Knott on post-processing MIDI from a 
guitar controller into notation.  I've created a page on the wiki 
documenting the process:

From the wiki page:

> The Event Filter dialog's “Include All” button doesn't. It needs
> to set lowest duration to “shortest” and all the dropdowns
> to “include”.

I thought I'd fixed that in my branch's [b8d3cb], which in turn was 
merged into master as Merge Request #66. Is it still not working?

Wait ... I see. The commit fixed the bug which had lowest and highest 
reversed (among other things), but "Include all" doesn't reset the three 
"Include/Exclude" buttons to "Include". That should be an easy change.

Only vaguely related: Has there ever been any interest in adding a 
guitar tablature editor to Rosegarden? It wouldn't be a simple task as 
it would require A.I. and/or metadata saved in the .rg file to specify 
what string and fret to use for each note out of the multiple possible 
same-pitch choices (e.g. the same A is on fret 2 of the G string and 
fret 7 of the D string) so that chords and melodies are "fingerable". As 
I no longer (pathetically attempt to) play guitar I'm not likely to take 
it on as a project, but it would be a very nice addition to Rosegarden 
if someone else would contribute it.

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[Rosegarden-user] Playback loop discussions

2022-11-05 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user
As these discussions seem to have trifurcated across multiple 
rosegarden-user threads ("Latest Changes", "Loop Buttons on the 
Toolbars", and "Jump to loop feature") in addition to the original 
[#1605 Playback loop is hard to use with large 
compositions]( bug 
report, I'm posting this link to my latest comment there instead of 
replying in one/some/all of the threads:

(Skip to the bottom of "Page 4 of 4" if the direct link doesn't work.)

Please feel free to direct replies/feedback/flames there or in any of 
the existing list threads. Preferably not this one because that would 
mean I've just N+1 added to the confusion. ;)

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Posting etiquette (Was Re: SysEx banks? - Errata)

2022-09-07 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 9/7/22 9:28 AM, Andrew S wrote:

I used to religiously quote and post at the bottom (avoid top posting).  But then landed 
in a corporate environment where all of the (hundreds) of my coworkers had **absolutely 
no clue** about bottom posting, and had no notion of "top posting" and why 
that's a bad thing.

I've "tilted at the windmill" of top-posting for 30 years. It's 
hopeless. Even repeated lectures to my extremely intelligent and 
educated (but non-technical) friends has little effect because they've 
been so brainwashed by the horror that is Microsoft Outlook. They nod 
their heads in understanding, interleave for one or two emails, and then 
slip back into old habits.

Back in the Usenet newsgroup era, when bandwidth at the kilobyte level 
was actually significant, insufficiently trimmed replies would bring 
scathing castigation raining down upon the offending poster. At least 
until the combined blows of "Eternal September" and Canter/Siegel began 
the decades-long agonizing death of the newsgroup system. Before that 
the only thing to worry about was self referential computer nerd 
meta-humor like the alt.quote-me (the "self-archiving" newsgroup where 
all posts were encouraged to bottom-post all previous ones) and (the only allowed reply was, "Me too!") (the canonical 
response to the canonical Usenet question, "Where can I find some good 
porn FTP servers?") newsgroups. Ah, the good old days.

Maybe Rosegarden-user and -devel can be bastions of hope in this 
otherwise bleak netiquette landscape.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Advanced Looping (Bug #1605)

2022-06-20 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 6/20/22 5:44 AM, Ted Felix wrote:
   The idea is to discuss in the bug report, then once we're ready, drum 
up some interest on the user list.  There's a lot of noise regarding a 
feature request like this at first.  Better to keep it in the bug report.

That seems like a good policy. I'll post my responses there 
( -- need to fast-forward 
to page 3 as of this writing) with quotes from these latest 
rosegarden-user messages.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Documentation, tutorials, videos? [WAS]: Re: Do we want LV2 and jack-midi?

2022-06-11 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 6/11/22 9:39 AM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:
It seems today videos are very popular, but I wonder if they can really 
help people get started? Would a short written 'how to make sound with 
Rosegarden' be better (also it could be updated versus a video which 
might become obsolete)

Totally agree. I watch a lot of instructional videos and 90% of the time 
end up going "I just wasted 20 minutes extracting 15 seconds of useful 
information that could have been provided in a single paragraph of text."

On the other hand, millenials won't look at anything except video memes 
with flashy editing effects and snarky, post-ironic humor, so it depends 
on who you're trying to target. ;)

With the above it's actually pretty easy to start making noise with 
Rosegarden once the system is set-up ...

Totally agree ... once the system is set up. Rosegarden is an 
unfortunately typical *NIX application, one that I looked at casually a 
few times over the course of a year each time going "No sound is coming 
out. Probably broken and buggy. Forget it." before finally breaking down 
and putting in the effort to get it configured and working.

A simple popup at startup saying "No external sound source or internal 
plugin configured. Try  or go to http://... for 
help" would be a big improvement.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] New Crash Related to Velocity Ruler

2022-05-27 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 5/27/22 7:28 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
   There's one more thing to check if core dumps still aren't being 
created (/proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern).  See the wiki for details: 

There's something new to learn every day. :)

> On 5/27/22 9:57 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
>   I've had no trouble with them at all.  Just do a:
> gdb ./rosegarden ./core
>   Then "bt" for a backtrace.  Works like a charm every time for me. 
I > think gdb has improved immensely over the years.

Yes, of course (`gdb  `). If there's a 
corefile, that is. ;)

Yes, GDB has grown by leaps and bounds, e.g. the Python 
replacement/addition to its original/native scripting language. That 
said, I've found it lags behind GCC's compiled C++. I've regularly 
crashed it (crashing the debugger, never a good sign) trying to step 
though Qt MOC code, to the point where I've given up trying. If I come 
across that again (by accident or on purpose) and you're interested I'll 
send the steps to reproduce.

On 5/27/22 10:07 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
   Ok, I found my notes on getting core dumps working everywhere:

/etc/security/limits.conf is the right way to do this.  Add these lines:

*   hard    core    unlimited
*   soft    core    unlimited

Reboot required.

No, I'd already checked that:

$ ulimit -c

   Now you should have a core dump on every crash.  Unless there is 
already one present.  Then it will not write over it, unfortunately.

Let me try to return the favor. A little casual reading for pure 
enjoyment (more like self-inflicted torture) of `man core.5` led me to 
change from:

$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

which was inhibiting corefiles by piping them to a null filter, to:

$ cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern

which not only enables corefiles but gives each one an overly-detailed 
unique name (including executable filename, process ID, and universal 
time) so new ones do *not* overwrite old/existing ones.

On 5/27/22 9:57 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
>  The most irritating part is if I forget to delete the old one before 
> I do a new run.  It won't write over the old one.  Definitely

> been burned by that in the past.

Maybe try something like the above (could also be simplified) and see if 
you like it.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] New Crash Related to Velocity Ruler

2022-05-27 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 5/27/22 2:36 AM, Ted Felix wrote:

   Did you get a core dump?  Or was there an old one in the way?

Sorry, no. Something in my distro turns them off despite ulimit showing 
unlimited. I haven't used corefiles for many years because they were 
useless more often than not (corrupted stack traces) and instead rely on 
recreating and trapping on purpose in GDB. But it's a good idea. I'll 
try to enable them and if I hit this (or anything else) at random maybe 
there'll be some useful info to report.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] New Crash Related to Velocity Ruler

2022-05-27 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 5/26/22 7:40 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
   Ok, I think I've got this fixed now.  New fix pushed as [6d0a096c]. 
Please test latest git.  Specifically:

- Make sure the velocity ruler allows you to adjust the bars one after 
another when there are no notes selected in Matrix or Notation.

Thanks, Ted. This works as described, although ironically I was not 
getting the crashes with [329ab4698] either.

That said, my personal opinion is that the UI still isn't quite right, 
at least in the Matrix Editor. With nothing selected in the ME grid, 
individual notes can be selected in the velocity ruler and their 
velocities adjusted. But if one or more notes are selected in the grid, 
they can be adjusted (proportionally if more than one, a great feature) 
but selecting notes in the velocity ruler no longer works until all are 
once again deselected in the grid..

I'd like to see selection/adjusting working symmetrically in both grid 
and ruler: In either interface select and adjust a note, shift-select to 
add or subtract from the selection and then adjust the selected notes, 
click-drag-rectangle select a group of notes (this should be added to 
the velocity tool in addition to the select tool) and then adjust them, etc.

I realize this veers off into Feature Request territory and would 
certainly be after 2022.06 if at all. Time and energy permitting I might 
hack on it in the context of FR #504 and submit for consideration but 
thought it appropriate to mention here.

Update: I did get one crash with the new commit but can't recreate it. 
Had something to do with changing back and forth between selecting in 
the grid and in the ruler. I think I also deleted segments before it 
happened. Maybe it's my own strange Qt 5.9.7 build, but something to 
look out for.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Testing Appreciated for 22.06

2022-05-16 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 5/16/22 5:12 AM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:

On 16/05/22 13:41, Will Godfrey wrote:
There's one small irritation in the matrix editor. It's been there a 
while now

so it's my fault for not reporting it earlier.

I frequently have the velocity ruler open, to make tweaks to 
individual notes.
At one time, without selecting anything in the matrix you could run 
along the
ruler adjusting each note. These days you can't do that. It will pick 
up the
first one, but then locks on to that, and you have to keep going to 
the matrix

to select the next note, the back to the ruler to adjust it.

Yes, I also find this rather irritating (and also my bad not reporting 
it...). As a work-around I quickly do CTRL+A (select all) and then ESC 
(de-select all), and that sorts of 'resets' everything so you can pick 
any velocity in the ruler to tweak.

But yes the previous behaviour where selecting 1 single velocity 'block' 
related to a not in the velocity ruler would select just that note, like 
in the main matrix editor, was much better and provided way better UX, 
especially when tweaking velocities a lot.

Yes! This has been on my "back burner" list of things to fix: That with 
nothing selected you can select a note in the velocity ruler and adjust 
it, but once you do that you can't select another one there but instead 
have to go back to the main matrix grid to select a new one. Makes no 
sense, and it's good to know that its a bug (I didn't know it wasn't 
always that way) and not a mis-designed "feature".

Could one of you guys file a bug report on this so it's in the "official 
record"? If not, I'll do one, and if nobody beats me to it I'll code up 
the fix. I assume this will have to wait until after 22.06 because we're 
in feature freeze now. BTW, I've submitted several significant updates 
to the matrix editor, again waiting until after 22.06 for consideration. 
Hopefully they'll be accepted, and I'll look forward to your feedback. 
Hopefully there won't be too many bugs. ;)

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Matrix Editor Improvements (editing multiple segments)

2022-04-15 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 4/15/22 3:04 AM, Will Godfrey wrote:

As a compulsive matrix-er I'll give this a run :)

Thanks, Will. Matrix Editor FTW! ;)  I'm interested in any 
feedback/suggestions you'd care to provide.

There's quite a bit more in the pipeline, some of which can be seen at:


Bug #1623 Matrix Editor: MIDI output should play active segment's instrument
Feature #501 Unified Matrix/​Percussion Editor
Feature #503 Matrix Editor note colors
Feature #504 Matrix Editor: Change active segment, alternate tools, 
context-sensitive actions

Feature #500 Matrix Editor grid highlight modes

Again, I'd be interested in your comments -- and any bug reports :(  -- 
if and when these make it out into the world and you have the chance to 
test them. You could also take a pre-release look via the git branches on:

They're slightly out of date but I should be pushing a lot of new code 
to there in the next few days.

Something I've been meaning to as for some time is (in view->rulers) whether
some of the less used controller types such as reverb and chorus could be
replaced with arbitrary user definable types. I frequently MIDI-learn Yoshimi's
internal controls and this would make things a lot easier.

That's an interesting idea. You might want to write it up a an official 
Feature Request. I don't know if I'll be able to attempt implementing it 
as my interest in Rosegarden and the Matrix Editor is more geared 
towards music theory as compared to your very impressive music 
production on bandcamp. In particular, I'd like to do some work 
improving the Chord Name Ruler vs the more performance-oriented 
controllers you describe.

Off-topic, I haven't had much luck with Yoshimi, or rather its 
predecessor zynaddsubfx. You've done some amazing work with the former, 
so maybe I'll ask you for some tips about using either/both of them. ;)

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] New Keyboard Shortcut Editor

2022-02-22 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 2/21/22 8:31 AM, Ted Felix wrote:

   Philip has been working on a new GUI keyboard shortcut editor and it's
ready for some initial testing and feedback.  Grab the latest from git,
build, and go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts...

   There's a test plan on the wiki if that helps:

Definitely helpful.

Followed instructions there. All worked as described. Did some more 
minor testing, no problems found. The amount of work that went into 
implementing this must have been staggering. Much respect and 
appreciation to Philip for doing it.

A minor talking point: It seems logically possible to allow conflicts 
(same shortcut bound to multiple different actions) and disambiguate 
them based on which window or dialog currently has focus. For example, I 
wanted to set the Matrix Editor's "Previous Segment" and "Next Segment" 
to "," and "." respectively, but abandoned that plan due to the "." 
conflict with Notation's "Toggle Dot On" and "Toggle Dot Off". Maybe Qt 
doesn't support this, or it's difficult to use the functionality in 
client code.

Regardless, the Keyboard Shortcuts GUI is a big leap forward in 
Rosegarden's continuing development.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] External MIDI controller track/instrument in Matrix Editor

2022-02-17 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user

On 2/17/22 12:20 PM, Ted Felix wrote:

   This feels to me like a bug.

The more I played with it (and the more I've become familiar with RG's 
interface, at which I'm still a beginner) the more I thought so, too.

   In Step Recording mode, Matrix should take over the keyboard and 
route the note to the selected Segment's device/channel (Instrument). It 
shouldn't go through the usual main window routing.  Of course, this 
could get confusing when a user forgets to turn off Step Recording.  Or 
what if you have both a Notation and a Matrix editor open and both in 
Step Record?

I think it should take over regardless of whether Step Recording is on 
or off, and have a possibly radical suggestion about Notation vs Matrix 
conflicts. See below for both.

   How does Notation behave in step record?  Same problem?

Yes, same problem. I tested in both 21.12 and the current Git code.

I'm going to jump in with both feet here and give my unasked-for 
opinions, going way beyond the bug and into feature request territory 
related to it. Just for the sake of discussion -- I'll file a formal 
ticket if desired. BTW, in reference to our messages over in 
rosegarden-devel, this was one of two issues that prompted my desire to 
get into the codebase and see if there was anything I could do about them.

IMO, RG should have a single/global active 
segment/track/device/channel/intrument/etc. If the user selects a track 
or segment in the main interface, or a segment or staff in the notation 
editor, or a segment in the matrix editor, or does something in one of 
multiple open event list editors, I think any/all other open 
windows/editors should update to match.

If that track's (i.e. that segment's track's) Track Parameters Device, 
Channel, and Thru Routing are set appropriately, incoming Note On and 
Note Off messages should have their channel number changed to that of 
the track before being sent to the MIDI outputs. This should happen 
regardless of whether Step Recording is on or off. I think the normal 
workflow should be that RG settings control all MIDI output. But I admit 
I don't fully understand Thru Routing's Auto vs When Armed, or the 
use-case where someone would want incoming MIDI channels to be output 
unmodified. Or the incredible can of worms which would be incoming MIDI 
note channels controlling RG's active track/segment (global or otherwise).

I also don't fully understand segments vs tracks in regards to 
instruments, etc.  I think mostly in MIDI terms but understand that RG 
is more general than that. Speaking purely MIDI, all segments in an RG 
track use the same MIDI channel (as set in Track Parameters), right? But 
different segments within a track can be different MIDI instruments? 
I've tried to do this by setting Instrument Parameters to one 
instrument, adding notes to a segment, changing to a different 
instrument and adding notes to a different segment in the track, and it 
didn't work. But I did use the Event Editor to achieve the same result 
by inserting MIDI program change events -- it even works to have a 
program change in the middle of a segment. But (another can of worms) a 
track can have multiple segments overlapping in the same time period, 
one vertically on top of the other in the main interface. What happens 
if two segments have a program change at the exact same time, but to 
different MIDI program (instrument) numbers?

Apologies for getting mired in this swamp (exacerbated by my own 
misunderstandings about RG) but it all relates to the "global active 
" concept that I think the current bug logically leads to. 
Single active what? Track? Segment? Instrument (MIDI or more general)? 
BTW, regarding "all other open windows/editors should update to match", 
it's awesome that when moving a segment horizontally in time in the main 
interface the Notation and Matrix editors reflect the change, but it 
seems that the Event List editors don't. :(

Finally, getting back to simpler issues, I was stuck back on RG 17.12 
before this, and the improvements to the Matrix Editor (and everything 
else in general) are huge. The lower bar in the ME showing the current 
track and segment (and in the segment's color!!) is particularly useful.

That said, I find using the scrollwheel to change segments a bit clumsy, 
even with the hotkey bindings. It's still a linear search through them. 
I'd like to see a vertical column with abbreviated track/segment names 
to the left of the piano keyboard for instant click-access to any 
segment. Similar to the track names (with clefs) in the the Notation 
Editor, although I don't see why a scrollwheel for selecting tracks is 
needed there instead of clicking on them. Except that clicking in a 
staff accomplishes that anyway. Of course clicking a note to select a 
segment can't work in the ME because there's no way to know what segment 
a grayed-out note belongs to, and there can also be multiple identical 
notes from multiple segments on top 

[Rosegarden-user] External MIDI controller track/instrument in Matrix Editor

2022-02-14 Thread mark_at_yahoo via Rosegarden-user
When editing multiple tracks simultaneously in the Matrix Editor, is 
there any way to have an external MIDI controller's Note On and Note Off 
messages sent to the channel associated with the ME's active segment/track?

Rosegarden 20.06.1 (built from SourceForge git sources)
External MIDI controller (MIDI only, no synth, no audio, USB to computer)
ALSA (no jack): MIDI controller -> Rosegarden -> fluidsynth
No direct ALSA connection from MIDI controller -> fluidsynth

1) New Rosegarden project

in main interface ...

2) Set tracks 1,2,3 using "Track Parameters, Instrument" each to a 
different Program number by using "Instrument Parameters, Program". Each 
track will play a different MIDI instrument.

3) Create segments on tracks 1, 2, and 3

4) Select track 2 ("Click to select all segments on this track")

5) Pull down "Edit -> Select All Segments (CTRL+A)"

6) Click "Open in Matrix Editor (M)" icon

in Matrix editor ...

7) Using lower left "Rotate wheel to change the active segment", change 
to Track 3. Main interface still has Track 2 selected.

8) Draw tool is active by default (or click to activate).

9) Using mouse or computer QWERTY keyboard, create a note. Note is in 
Track 3 segment. Fluidsynth plays note with Track 3 instrument.

10) Click "Step Recording" icon to activate

11) Play note on external MIDI controller. Note is created at cursor 
position in Track 3 segment, but fluidsynth plays note with Track 2 
instrument because Track 2 still selected in main interface.

12) Click "Rewind to Beginning" icon, click "Play" icon. Fluidsynth 
plays all notes correctly with Track 2 instrument, regardless whether 
they were created using mouse, QWERTY, or external MIDI controller.

IMO this makes it difficult to use "Step Recording" to edit multiple 
tracks simultaneously in the Matrix Editor. The user either has to go 
back to the main interface to manually select the correct track each 
time the active segment is changed Matrix Editor, or accept the fact 
that the wrong instrument will play when using an external MIDI 
controller to enter notes. Editing multiple tracks is useful for 
visualizing the composition's harmony.

I've tried many combinations of the main interface's Track Parameters 
Recording Filters settings: Device (All, Midi input system device), 
Channel (All, 1-16) and Thru Routing (Auto, On, When Armed), and the 
Instrument Parameters settings: Channel (Fixed, Auto). Is there any way 
to have the Matrix Editor automatically set the correct instrument, or 
does this fall into the Feature Request category?

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