Re: [rt-users] Sending E-Mail From Within Custom Scrips

2016-12-16 Thread Thomas Oddsund
Hello Tim,

As no one has responded, I'll chime in with my non-canonical(?) way that only 
requires MIME::Entity.

Create a script that fires on whatever condition you wish. In the preparation 
code, build a MIME::Entity object, and then $mime_object->send. That sends a 
mail from RT, but doesn't create any transaction. So an easy solution would be 
something like this in the prep-area:

my $body = MIME::Entity->build(Type => "multipart/mixed",
>From => $fromAddress,
Subject => $subject,
To   => $toAddress,
Data => ["Hello\n",
  "Close the ticket.\n"
  "Best regards,\n"
  "IT Crowd."]);


Docs are found here;

Best regards,
Thomas Oddsund

Fra: rt-users <> på vegne av Tim 
Gustafson <>
Sendt: 14. desember 2016 23:17
Emne: [rt-users] Sending E-Mail From Within Custom Scrips

Our university has an "official" ticketing system, and one of our
support groups wants to use RT instead.

To make this happen, we're configuring the "official" ticketing system
to send e-mail to an RT queue.  We've written a custom "on create"
scrip in that queue that modifies the ticket when it comes in to set
the "Requester" correctly (e-mail from the other system comes from a
fixed address, not from the client's address; we parse the contents of
the e-mail to ascertain the client's e-mail address directly).  We'd
like our custom scrip to also send an e-mail to the other system to
close that ticket.

What's the canonical way to send e-mail from RT to an external address
without adding correspondence to the RT ticket itself?  I found some
documentation about how to add a transaction to the ticket from within
the scrip, which generates an e-mail, but that's not really what I
want to do here.  I'd rather send a basic plain-text e-mail from
within the scrip.

Is that possible?


Tim Gustafson
Baskin Engineering, Room 313A
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

Re: [rt-users] Searching for tickets with empty CF in RT 4.2.8

2016-12-16 Thread Thomas Oddsund

Thanks for your response Matt. Unfortunately, that doesn't help, as I have 
another search for that(new tickets doesn't have any value in the CF, and the 
CF is set manually once the ticket is taken).

Best regards,
Thomas Oddsund

Fra: Matt Zagrabelny <>
Sendt: 9. desember 2016 15:23
Til: Thomas Oddsund
Emne: Re: [rt-users] Searching for tickets with empty CF in RT 4.2.8

Hi Thomas,

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:53 AM, Thomas Oddsund
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some saved searches on my dashboard. Three of them are based on a 
> Custom Field; one show tickets where the CF is set to X, one where CF is set 
> to Y, and one is supposed to show tickets tagged with something other then X 
> or Y.
> To make the third search, I created the following search;
> Queue = 'foo'
> AND CF.{bar} != 'X'
> AND CF.[bar] != 'Y'
> AND (
>   Status = 'new'
>  OR Status = 'open'
>  OR Status = 'stalled' )
> However, tickets marked with either X or Y are still appearing in the result. 
> The same result was returned if i changed != to "NOT LIKE", and if I removed 
> either the X or Y part.
> Is this a bug, is there something wrong with our RT instance or is there 
> something I've overlooked?

I'm not sure about answering this question, but you can search for
tickets with empty CF values using the Advanced editing option of a

'CF.{bar}' is null

RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

[rt-users] Searching for tickets with empty CF in RT 4.2.8

2016-12-09 Thread Thomas Oddsund

I have some saved searches on my dashboard. Three of them are based on a Custom 
Field; one show tickets where the CF is set to X, one where CF is set to Y, and 
one is supposed to show tickets tagged with something other then X or Y.
To make the third search, I created the following search;
Queue = 'foo' 
AND CF.{bar} != 'X'
AND CF.[bar] != 'Y'
  Status = 'new'
 OR Status = 'open'
 OR Status = 'stalled' )

However, tickets marked with either X or Y are still appearing in the result. 
The same result was returned if i changed != to "NOT LIKE", and if I removed 
either the X or Y part.

Is this a bug, is there something wrong with our RT instance or is there 
something I've overlooked?
The operator 'IS' works fine, but it would be nice if I didn't have to change a 
query each time I updated a Custom Field..

Best regards,
Thomas Oddsund
University of Oslo
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Los Angeles - January 9-11 2017

Re: [rt-users] Deleting one attachment

2016-10-25 Thread Thomas Oddsund

Sorry for not seeing this sooner, but I'll leave this for people wondering 
about the same in the future.

We have sucessfully deleted single attachments from a ticket using rt-shredder. 
Issue the command like this;

rt-shredder --plugin 'Objects=Attachment,?'

We use RT 4.2.8.

Med vennlig hilsen,
Thomas Oddsund

Fra: rt-users <> på vegne av Ram 
Sendt: 25. oktober 2016 01:45
Til: rt-users
Emne: Re: [rt-users] Deleting one attachment

> A user at work added an attachment that violates corporate policy to a
> ticket; the ticket itself is valid and must be kept. I need to delete the
> attachment. A quick look at the rt-shredder tool does not make it apparent
> to me how to do this with rt-shredder. I can readily do it editing the db in
> mysql but I'd rather use rt-shredder if it will do the job.
> any help?

I'll be going with a direct DB edit which I'm documenting here for the next 
person. Since I just want to suppress the file and do not want to hide the fact 
that it existed. Here is what I did, be very careful! If you don't know SQL or 
you don't understand every step below then find someone else to help you - this 
is the WRONG PATH for you:

1 Get the attachment id of the attachment to remove (as of RT 4.4.1  it's the 
*second* number in the URL that displays the attachment).

2 Add a comment to the ticket indicating that you are deleting the offending 
attachment for policy violation (or whatever you motive).

3 Run this command to improve your odds of not messing up and deleting the 
wrong transaction:
> select id, Transactionid, MessageId, Subject, Filename, ContentType, 
> ContentEncoding, Headers, Creator, Created from Attachments where id= 

4 If that looks right to you then run this SQL against A TEST COPY OF YOUR DB 
to ensure you are killing the right attachment
> update Attachments set Content = NULL where id = ATTACHMENT_ID_FROM_STEP_1 
> limit 1;

5 Go look at the ticket in RT and ensure that you did indeed eliminate the 
offending attachment.

6 Repeat steps 3,4,5 in your production environment.

7 Do not call me if you shot yourself in the foot. No warranty expressed or 

If this isn't perfectly clear, hire Best Practical ( 
 to do it for you.


RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

[rt-users] Downloading attachments via REST

2016-10-12 Thread Thomas Oddsund

I am currently in the process of writing a script for simple transferring of 
tickets from one instance to another. Both instances run 4.2.8, and I'm using 
Python for the script. Unfortunately, I have met a problem when it comes to 

The script uses the requests-library, and rt_get is just a wrapper around the 
session.get() function.

Text files seem fine, but other files(i.e. pdf) aren't stored correctly.

>From what I've gathered, even though the Content-Transfer-Encoding says 
>base64, this is not the case, as base64.decoding outputs a 98 byte file. It's 
>not correct to output it as utf-8 encoded either, because that gives a file of 
>475957 bytes. The original file is 236633 bytes. Also, decoding/encoding the 
>string buffer as Latin-1 throws an error.

Have anyone done this before?
Is the problem that the pdf file has some other encoding then UTF-8/Latin-1? 
Will this be different from all files?
Are there any ways to just treat the content-response as bits and bytes, and 
write them directly to a file?

A simple example of the code can be seen below, and all kinds of decode/encode 
attempts have been resultless.
#!/usr/bin/env python2

from __future__ import print_function
import requests
import getpass
import re
import base64
from rtrequestlib import rt_get, rt_post

# Fix Python 2.x.
input = raw_input
except NameError:

fromSess = requests.Session()
fromBase = ";

username = input("Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass()

payload = {"user": username, "pass": password}

loginS = rt_post(fromSess, fromBase, "", payload)

attHead = rt_get(fromSess, fromBase, 
"ticket/2305592/attachments/26780830/content") # PDF attachment to a ticket

# Remove REST-response and last three newlines
pdfFile = attHead.text[17:-3]

with open("test1.pdf", "wb") as f:

# only 98 bytes
with open("test64.pdf", "wb") as f:

with open("test2.pdf", "wb") as f:
f.write(pdfFile.encode("iso-8859-1")) # THROWS UnicodeEncodeError

Med vennlig hilsen,
Thomas Oddsund
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

Re: [rt-users] Conversation grouping by ticket in Outlook / Thread-Index & Thread-Topic

2016-09-02 Thread Thomas Oddsund

You can set headers in mail, just add them at the top of your template used for 
sending, so something like this:

--- Start of template ---

thread-topic: [ #{$Ticket->id}] {$Ticket->Subject}

thread-index: *However you choose to set it*


--- End of template ---

Also, keep whatever other headers you have. The easiest would be to just add 
them at the top of the template and keep the existing lines.

How you set the thread-index variable however, that I can't help you with.

Med vennlig hilsen,
Thomas Oddsund

Fra: rt-users <> på vegne av L B 
Sendt: 31. august 2016 15:10
Til: rt-users
Emne: [rt-users] Conversation grouping by ticket in Outlook / Thread-Index & 


Can RT send the Thread-Index & Thread-Topic fields as email headers? They are 
used for grouping conversations in Outlook and avoid seeing each emails of a 
same ticket in single conversations.

I saw here some email dumps with these fields:


Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
thread-topic: [<> #1234] Bitte um Rückruf am 
thread-index: AclI3xNq4KwWEYT8QX+ziU8EtI/A4g==
MIME-Version: 1.0 (iPhone Mail 5F136)


but I couldn't find anything in RT Core or plugins/extensions to do this.

Am I missing something?

RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017

Re: [rt-users] Change ticket queue without SeeQueue

2016-08-23 Thread Thomas Oddsund

In our RT-instance the group "Everyone" has the following three rights on 
almost all queues: CreateTicket, ReplyToTicket, SeeQueue.

Some experimenting points to the following:
CreateTicket is the only one needed to move a ticket from queue A to queue B. 
The only problem being that queue B won't show up in the list of queues, and 
for the user it will appear as though they moved a ticket from queue A to blank.
SeeQueue only grants access to see that there is indeed a queue called B.

So, if users in queue A knows the name of queue B, and can write it correctly 
in the queue-field in a ticket, you only need to grant everyone "CreateTicket". 
If they need to see the name of queue B as well, grant everyone "SeeQueue" as 
well. The right "ShowTicket" seems to be where the magic is, in terms of users 
being able to view a specific ticket or any ticket in a queue.

Best regards,
Thomas Oddsund
University of Oslo

Fra: rt-users <> på vegne av Nicholas 
Adams <>
Sendt: 18. august 2016 18:44
Til: pathiaki2 via rt-users
Emne: [rt-users] Change ticket queue without SeeQueue


Working on some permissions I am attempting to allow a user to move a ticket 
from their queue to another queue.

They have full general rights on queue A and I would like as few rights as 
possible on queue B.  To make this possible I had to enable SeeQueue on queue B 
for the group the user is in.

Is there a way to not allow the user to view the queue but still allow the user 
to move the New unowned ticket from queue A to queue B?


RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Los Angeles - September 12-14, 2016
RT 4.4 and RTIR training sessions, and a new workshop day!
* Boston - October 24-26
* Los Angeles - Q1 2017