[rt-users] RTFM 2.2.1 upgrade issue

2007-10-31 Thread Roy McMorran

Hello all,
I'm attempting an upgrade of RT  RTFM on my test server.  The RT 
upgrade (from 3.4.4 to 3.6.5) went fine.  The upgrade of RTFM, not so 

I'm going from 2.0.4 to 2.2.1.  I've followed the instructions in the 
README, and all the upgrade scripts ran without any errors or warnings.  
However, after the upgrade process ( clearing Mason dirs  restarting 
httpd of course) I can't see the articles contents any more.  They are 
still there on the Overview page, just empty of content on the Article page.

No errors in the Apache logs. 
In rt.log only:
[Wed Oct 31 20:54:37 2007] [debug]: RT::FM::ArticleCollection Limit 
called :QUOTEVALUE 0 VALUE LastUpdated FIELD Created OPERATOR != 

not sure if it's relevant?

I'm still troubleshooting, but I wonder if anyone else might know where 
I went wrong?


PS: Solaris 10, Perl 5.8.8, Apache 2.2.6, mod_perl 2.0.3, MySQL 5.0.45

Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory



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Re: [rt-users] RTFM 2.2.1 upgrade issue

2007-11-01 Thread Roy McMorran

Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Nov 1, 2007, at 9:22 AM, Drew Barnes wrote:

I found that I had to upgrade to 2.1 and run the associated scripts
first, then upgrade again to 2.2.1.

Perhaps I'll try that.

You need to run migrate-2.0-to-2.1 and then do the various 
upgrades in etc/upgrade.  You should be able to do this from a 2.2.x 
That migrate script does not appear to be much different between 2.1.x 
to 2.2.1.  I ran the latter version and it seemed to finish without errors.

I also (subsequently) ran the 2.1.0, 2.1.30 and 2.2.0RC2 etc/upgrade 
scripts - schema/acl/content (that's a total of 9 times).  I believe 
this to be the process described in the README.  Still...

I'm updating the upgrade instructions to get ready for 2.2.2 so I'm 

in seeing what you need to do to get safely upgraded.
What I'm seeing is that (post-upgrade) none of the custom fields are 
selected for any class, hence no content.

I can enable the custom fields manually, but the formatting is hosed 
(what was entered as WikiTextSingleBody now shows up in Body).



Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory



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Re: [rt-users] RTFM 2.2.1 upgrade issue

2007-11-01 Thread Roy McMorran

Roy McMorran wrote:

Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Nov 1, 2007, at 9:22 AM, Drew Barnes wrote:

I found that I had to upgrade to 2.1 and run the associated scripts
first, then upgrade again to 2.2.1.

Perhaps I'll try that.
OK, I backed out and re-upgraded as far as 2.1.40 and had the same 
result.  No custom fields selected; no content visible.  Not much point 
in proceeding to 2.2.x.
What I'm seeing is that (post-upgrade) none of the custom fields are 
selected for any class, hence no content.

I can enable the custom fields manually, but the formatting is hosed 
(what was entered as WikiTextSingleBody now shows up in Body).

Ignore that bit about the formatting.  I had changed that earlier on 
this test server.


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory



If you sign up for a new RT support contract before December 31, we'll take
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Re: [rt-users] RTFM 2.2.1 upgrade issue

2007-11-02 Thread Roy McMorran

Roy McMorran wrote:

Kevin Falcone wrote:
I'm updating the upgrade instructions to get ready for 2.2.2 so I'm 

in seeing what you need to do to get safely upgraded.
What I'm seeing is that (post-upgrade) none of the custom fields are 
selected for any class, hence no content.
In the end I just manually re-enabled the correct custom fields for the 
18 classes I had.

Thanks for the input everyone.


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory



If you sign up for a new RT support contract before December 31, we'll take
up to 20 percent off the price. This sale won't last long, so get in touch today. 
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[rt-users] RT::Authen::ExternalAuth (?) issue

2009-05-06 Thread Roy McMorran
Hello all,

Running RT 3.8.2 with RT::Authen::ExternalAuth 0.08.  RT was just 
upgraded (from 3.6.6) and I have added LDAP authentication (users were 
all internal before).

I'm seeing a situation where from time to time the user will be 
(apparently) logged out and returned to the login screen.  When this 
happens I see the following in the rt.log:

[Wed May  6 13:31:14 2009] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth 
service: LDAP 
[Wed May  6 13:31:14 2009] [debug]: SSO Failed and no user to test with. 
[Wed May  6 13:31:14 2009] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth. 
Response: (0, No User) 
[Wed May  6 13:31:16 2009] [debug]: Attempting to use external auth 
service: LDAP 
[Wed May  6 13:31:16 2009] [debug]: SSO Failed and no user to test with. 
[Wed May  6 13:31:16 2009] [debug]: Autohandler called ExternalAuth. 
Response: (0, No User) 

Re-authenticating as the same user always succeeds.

 From RT_SiteConfig.pm:

Set($LogToSyslog, undef);
Set($LogToScreen, 'error');
Set($LogToFile  , 'debug');
Set($LogDir, '/usr/local/rt3/var/log');
Set($LogToFileNamed , rt.log);#log to rt.log

Set(@Plugins, qw(

# see /usr/local/rt3/local/plugins/RT-Authen-ExternalAuth/etc:
Set( $ExternalAuthPriority, ['LDAP'] );
Set( $ExternalInfoPriority, ['LDAP'] );
Set( $ExternalServiceUsesSSLorTLS, 0 );
'LDAP' = {
'type'= 'ldap',
'server'  = 'ldap.x.org',
'base'= 'ou=people,dc=x,dc=org',
'filter'  = '(objectClass=posixAccount)',
'd_filter'= '(businessCategory=Inactive)',
'attr_match_list' = [ 'Name', 'EmailAddress' ],
'attr_map' = {
'Name'   = 'uid',
'EmailAddress'   = 'mail',
'Organization'   = 'o',
'RealName'   = 'cn',
'ExternalAuthId' = 'uid',
'Gecos'  = 'cn',
'WorkPhone'  = 'telephoneNumber',
'Address1'   = 'streetAddress',
'City'   = 'l',
'State'  = 'st',
'Zip'= 'postalCode',
'Country'= 'co'


The LDAP server is SunOne DS 6.2, btw.

Any thoughts on what's going on here?  Thanks for your assistance.

Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory


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Re: [rt-users] RT::Authen::ExternalAuth (?) issue

2009-05-06 Thread Roy McMorran
Mike Peachey wrote:
 Do you find this happening when you go to access a ticket?

 I have always had a similar problem, but have never had a chance to sort
 it out as it's only really a niggle to me.

I've yet to establish a definitive pattern, but I seem to be able to get 
it to happen by doing a search on the Tickets page.  After I log back 
in I get the search results ;-)

Also going to Tickets and then back to Home will trigger it.
 Any of this sounding familiar?

There are similarities.

Rob Munsch wrote:

 SSO refers to single sign-on, doesn't it?  I think that's incidental 
 to what's happening.

Probably so.  I'm not (knowingly) using the SSO feature.

 The rest of it looks like rt forgot who your user was.  No user to 
 test with and 0, No User seems to support this.  Is this happening 
 after user is idle for a while?  Do they not have refresh every blah 
 set on the page?

It does look like that.  The idle time isn't the issue though, unless 
I've somehow inadvertently set an idle timeout of less than five 
seconds  ;-)

Thanks for the feedback so far.  I'm thinking of watching the LDAP 
traffic with Wireshark next.


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory


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Re: [rt-users] RT::Authen::ExternalAuth (?) issue

2009-05-06 Thread Roy McMorran
Mike Peachey wrote:
 Just one thing Roy, when you did your upgrade to 3.8.2 can you confirm
 for absolute certainty that you ran the 4.0-4.1 schema upgrade bit from
 UPGRADING.mysql ? 

Interesting.  I did follow the schema upgrade process, but I have 
subsequently had to re-import the RT data.  There are no drop tables 
in the dump, but still, I'd better take a closer look at that.


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory


Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
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Re: [rt-users] RT::Authen::ExternalAuth (?) issue

2009-05-06 Thread Roy McMorran
Roy McMorran wrote:
 Mike Peachey wrote:
 Just one thing Roy, when you did your upgrade to 3.8.2 can you confirm
 for absolute certainty that you ran the 4.0-4.1 schema upgrade bit from
 UPGRADING.mysql ? 

 Interesting.  I did follow the schema upgrade process, but I have 
 subsequently had to re-import the RT data.  There are no drop tables 
 in the dump, but still, I'd better take a closer look at that.


Mike, I think you hit the nail right on the head.  I had to re-run the 
schema upgrade (i.e. all the ALTER TABLE statements that updated the 
character sets).  Since then I haven't seen any spurious login requests.

Nothing at all to do with LDAP authentication then...that was a red 
herring.  Thanks for your help!


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory


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[rt-users] Delete articles via CLI?

2012-10-25 Thread Roy McMorran

Hi all,

Is there a way to delete articles (i.e. RTFM) via the command line? I 
couldn't find a way to do it with rt-shredder.  I'm at 4.0.7 (just 
upgraded from 3.8.8 + RTFM).


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

Final RT training for 2012 in Atlanta, GA - October 23  24

We're hiring! http://bestpractical.com/jobs

[rt-users] Modify ticket 'body' after extracting custom fields?

2013-01-30 Thread Roy McMorran


I'm receiving incoming tickets from a web form.  Certain required form 
fields (e.g. operating system, asset tag, etc.) are being extracted into 
custom fields, and that's working well.

I'd like to transform the ticket 'body' on creation (after the CFs are 
extracted) so that it only contains the free-form text from the 
'Description' field that was provided by the form.  Can anyone suggest 
how I might approach that?


Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

Re: [rt-users] Modify ticket 'body' after extracting custom fields?

2013-02-04 Thread Roy McMorran

On 2/4/13 6:54 AM, Christian Loos wrote:

Am 30.01.2013 17:31, schrieb Roy McMorran:


I'm receiving incoming tickets from a web form.  Certain required form
fields (e.g. operating system, asset tag, etc.) are being extracted into
custom fields, and that's working well.

I'd like to transform the ticket 'body' on creation (after the CFs are
extracted) so that it only contains the free-form text from the
'Description' field that was provided by the form.  Can anyone suggest
how I might approach that?


I use an different approach.
My web form create an mail and I create for every custom fields an mail
header. Within RT I parse the mail header and set the custom field values.
The ticket create message doesn't contain the custom field values but I
can always take a look at the mail headers by Show full header.

If you want to rewrite the ticket create message you have to take care
not to remove the wrong content.


Hi Chris, thanks for the reply.  I really like that approach, but 
unfortunately the form tool I am required to use does not have the 
capability to put information in the message headers.  Alas, still 

Thank you.

Re: [rt-users] Modify ticket 'body' after extracting custom fields?

2013-02-04 Thread Roy McMorran

On 2/4/13 2:52 PM, Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 11:31:05AM -0500, Roy McMorran wrote:

I'm receiving incoming tickets from a web form.  Certain required
form fields (e.g. operating system, asset tag, etc.) are being
extracted into custom fields, and that's working well.

I'd like to transform the ticket 'body' on creation (after the CFs
are extracted) so that it only contains the free-form text from the
'Description' field that was provided by the form.  Can anyone
suggest how I might approach that?

Do you want to transform the body for people who work the ticket to
have a cleaner view or to control the mail that is sent out on ticket
creation to the requestor?

Hi Kevin, thanks for the reply.  Well, ideally... both.  I don't think 
the requestor needs to see all the custom fields s/he just entered, but 
I think that could be done by just tweaking the autoreply template, 
yes?  But the main goal would be to transform the body that gets stuffed 
into the ticket; i.e. yes, the view that the people working the ticket 
will see.

E.g. Incoming email body:
Name: Cuthbert Rumbold
Email: c...@example.org
Phone number or extension: 125
Request Category: Network Connectivity/Internet Access
Summary of request or problem: Internet down
Detailed description of request or problem: No internet access on floor 2
Computer Platform: Mac - 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
Urgency: 2. Functionally impaired, need soon
Asset tag: OU812

No internet access on floor 2

(and all the other lines are captured to CFs using Extract Custom Field 
Values scrip)

Thank you,

Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

Re: [rt-users] Modify ticket 'body' after extracting custom fields?

2013-02-05 Thread Roy McMorran

On 2/5/13 10:57 AM, Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Mon, Feb 04, 2013 at 05:25:45PM -0500, Dan Madere wrote:

The way I handle this is, a scrip finds the email address and message body 
using regular
expressions. It then sets the requestor to the given email address and 
makes an additional
comment on the ticket with just the message body so it's easy to read and 
quote. We also
exclude these web form tickets from receiving an auto reply.

Roy - Dan's solution is one of the best to implement.
While it is technically possible to modify the body of an incoming
email from a MailPlugin, it isn't really advisable since you lose any
method of debugging what happened.  We often do what Dan suggested for


OK, noted, I shall give that a try.  Thanks everyone!

Roy McMorran
Systems Administrator
MDI Biological Laboratory

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