Re: CSNew Subscriber

2002-05-27 Thread Ode Coyote
  Hey!  THANK YOU!

At 11:36 AM 5/26/02 -0600, you wrote: 

Thanks Ken,

I found the download at:>
So all I have to do is hook up a wire to my sound card mic jack and I'm good to go. 

- Original Message -
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: CS>New Subscriber

I've seen where a digital oscilliscope was being developed that uses your
PC as a processor and display.  All you need is a little black box , a
program and some probes.
Lost the link somewhere.

At 07:01 PM 5/25/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Richard,
>On Sat, 25 May 2002 17:50:28 -0600, Richard Sobe
>> wrote:
>>As for the zapper, I built one myself from the schematics that are shown
online but I can't find an electronics repair shop in town that will test
it for me on their oscilliscope! I'm going to have to check the community
college to see if they can do it. It's amazing that there isn't anyone with
a scope that check this circuit out for me.
>If the circuit you use is the standard 555 timer circuit, powered by a
>9-volt battery, then the rise time of the square wave pulse will be
>fast enough.  A cheap voltmeter, set on the AC range, should read
>about 4 to 5 volts.  If you use a 12 volt power source then the AC
>reading should be around 7 volts.  These readings will tell you that
>the circuit is producing pulses.  (I have several 'scopes and have
>verified these readings.)
>If you wanted, Radio Shack had a pen-style handheld scope for about
>$75 that will show the waveform (on a really small LCD).  
>>So does anyone think there is a snowflakes chance in hades that the feds
could be lobbied into do some real research on CS to make it FDA approved
and get some standardization on this stuff or is it better off being left
alone for the few who find it to be able to use it and make it themselves?
>No money in it for the Feds or for anyone who researches it.  Showing
>that CS works better than many current drugs would be the death (maybe
>literally) of anyone who attempts to publicly push this research and
>-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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2002-05-27 Thread Ode Coyote
 One of the hardest things for an ego to admit is that it doesn't always
help. It's a good tool for some things, but a screwdriver doesn't hammer
nails very well.
 One of the hardest things to learn is that the person is not his ego.
 Neurolingusitic [de] programming says, My ego may be bruised, but I'm just
 I say, if you're ever going to 'get over it', why not do it now?  If
you're never going to 'get over it', you'll waste a lot of time and energy
that the victimizer doesn't even know about, so, just who gets hurt forever?
 If something worthwhile and productive can be done, do it...then go on.
[Or, never worry about something that can't be done.]
 Hate, worry, anger etc are not necessary to take action if any action CAN
be taken.  What is not necessary is a waste...especially when something
else more pleasurable is being delayed...especially when using those
emotions to justify an action and taking that action makes the situation
even worse.
 What can I 'do' to make this situation better?  Nothing?  OK, forget it.
[My ego might not like it, but I am not my ego. My ego only reacts
according to programming. I can actually think.]

 The guy that cut me off is going on to his own wreck. I don't have to take
that journey with him.
Atempting to make someone more angry than I am doesn't really make me feel
'good', it only makes me feel 'better than him'. [and then, only if I
succeed]  If I have EVER cut someone off...I am not better than him. I have
NO way of knowing WHY he did it. It may be because I just don't count to
him...but my anger makes him count to me and I wind up carrying him around.
Who gets hurt there? [me]
 Even more counterproductive is to attempt to make someone who's not even
involved feel worse than I.
 When you stop to think about it, feeling better than someone else does not
feel good at all.
In fact, the best thing to do when feeling angry and insulted is to go
out of your way to help someone [anyone] else feel better about themselves.
 That's a useful projection that produces a useful reflection. It's
something cool to do AND helps you.
  The ego is a liar. It lies to you and points a finger anywhere but to
where the root of the problem is so it can't be solved.
 The ego is also a tool. I can help you set and achieve goals by giving you
reasons and justifications for a sense of worthiness. [If you feel you even
need reasons and justifications to do productive things. 'Just cause'..I

 Suppression is not control. Control comes from understanding what emotions
are, where they come from and what they do. Once an understanding is
achieved, emotional control becomes automatic and any upset serves as a
trigger for more understanding. Choices made from a basis of understanding
are usually helpful and productive.
 It also makes one unprogrammable. Others find it really hard to manipulate
 And I find it really hard to not respect someone who can't be programmed.
 That's what strength of character really is.

At 03:45 PM 5/26/02 -0700, you wrote:

Ken, I agree fully, one of the hardest things I encountered in
the area of mind control was that I could control an angry
response to what ever would normally elicit one.
Although I had been getting excellent results with conscious
control in many areas of my mind and body for about 10 years
at that time, the idea that when some   dumb #%##***  just cut
me off. that I NEED NOT respond in anger, had never occurred to me.

It took a lot of urging by a brilliant woman, (a friend and more),
to convince me that I had CHOSEN TO RESPOND that way.
I took me almost a year to manage not to suppress, but substitute,
of all things, humor as a response.  Try it, it can be done!
If you can find the control, you'll sure as hell live a lot longer.
We CHOOSE  how we will respond to so many events, that conscious
control is really worth trying to achieve

 From: Ode Coyote
 Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 08:28:52 -0400
 Resent-Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 05:48:47 -0700
 The modern assessment of depression is that it's a result of an
imbalance of
 brain chemicals. 
 This is true enough, but, it's the thought processes and associated
 that tell the body to produce those chemicals.
 People run out of reasons to be happy and active.
 The cure [for most people] is to come to the realization that all
reasons are
 'made up' by their own minds.
 The only difference between a reason and an excuse is that someone else can
 accept the excuse and call it a reason. 

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CSRe: CS Supercharger (Digest #386)

2002-05-27 Thread jrowland
 Using a 1 oz. silver ingot as the anode (+), 12 gauge silver wire for
 the cathode and 3X9 volt battery set-up provides an instant visible
 stream of silver particles, so that I'm done in 10 minutes with strong
 Tyndall effect.
 Could this be right?

 Doesn't sound right... there must be some time lapse before the water

 resistance is low enough to pass any appreciable current,

 even with the larger surface area of the ingot...1 by 2 x

Yes, that is what's so strange; the silver particles fairly leap off the
ingot anode in a visible
cloud immediately at the start, to the point within a minute full
Tyndall throughout the 16 oz. of DW is in effect.  No starter of any
kind is used.  Have a multimeter, but not sure how to measure the final

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CSAC vs. DC Generator

2002-05-27 Thread Paul Ladendorf
I've seen different opinions on which is the best way
to make CS...AC or DC. Anyone have any thoughts or
know of a good website that addresses this issue?

Thanks in advance,

Paul Ladendorf

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Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Re: CSNew Subscriber

2002-05-27 Thread Richard Sobe

Did that download work for you? I ended up downloading the oscilloscope from a 
couple of different sites before I found one that unzipped properly and then 
one that would actually run. I don't know if I posted the link to the one that 
worked good or not.


Hey!  THANK YOU!  
At 11:36 AM 5/26/02 -0600, you wrote:  
excerptThanks Ken,
I found the download at:
 So all I have to do is hook up a wire to my sound card mic jack and I'm
good to go.

CSDistilled water/+minerals

2002-05-27 Thread Harold MacDonald
I forgot to say that I do not use this treated water to make CS,but for all my 
other potable water uses,ie tea,coffee,cooking,drinking,etc. The tap water 
where I live is highly acidic,ie 6.0 and distilling it brings it up to a 
neutral PH,then adding the Concentrace mineral brings it up to an Alkiline PH 
of 7.4 to 7.6.This I feel is very important as our tap waters and food 
now-adays are deficient  in minerals and nutrients.

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Re: CSNew Subscriber

2002-05-27 Thread Marshall Dudley
Richard Sobe wrote:

 Hello, My name is Richard Sobe. I recently became interested in
 Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold while searching the internet for a
 lower priced Clark Zapper. I have had a viral/fungal cold since mid
 February, been to the D.O. four times, spent $100 on visits over a
 five week period, took three different kinds of antibiotics and still
 wasn't cured.

 Antibiotics kill neither viruses nor fungi.  CS will kill both and
 olive leaf extract will kill viruses though.

 This somewhat aggravated me to the point of searching for a better
 solution to my health problem. The third time I returned to the doctor
 I had reiterated that I had been in contact with an extremely large
 concentration of Black Mold so he gave me an antibiotic designed
 specifically for that but after taking the course of meds, I still
 wasn't completely cured. Being how I do not have insurance he was kind
 enough to give me the medicines out of the sample stock but it didn't
 matter because they didn't work. Don't get me wrong here, part of what
 was ailing me was gone, but the chronic lung problem wasn't. This
 concerned me to the point of thinking what I got can't be cured (I
 recall reading that somewhere on the web) completely to where the
 patient suffering from a Black Mold infection would have to be on a
 lifelong prescription to antibiotics.

 I would try nebulizing with CS.  Should very very good at getting it
 out of your lungs and sinuses.

 Well with my current situation of being an unemployed single parent of
 two, that solution was unacceptable. Early on in my sickness I found
 some information about Dr. Hulda Clark's kidney and liver cleanse so I
 downloaded it and printed it. I gave it to my chiropractor to ask her
 opinion of if it was safe to use those herbs and she said it would be
 fine. I got a copy of Dr. Clark's Cure for all Diseases from my
 library and started reading about how to make a Zapper. After
 searching on the web for Zappers and finding many different models and
 prices I found some of the companies selling Zappers sold Colloidal
 Silver. I did research on the C.S., looking for positive and negative
 things about it. The worst thing I found about ingesting silver was a
 woman who was quite bluish/gray in appearance. She had used some nose
 drops back in the 50's for some years while a young child and by the
 time she was 14, she had argyria. From what I have found this is
 caused by silver salts and not from pure colloidal silver. So here I
 am asking all of you:

* how long you have been taking C.S.

4 years.

* if you have changed colors

Of course not, no one has ever changed colors from pure CS.  It is not
possible for several reasons.

* if you know of anyone who has changed colors

See above.

* what it takes to o.d. on C.S. to be able to turn colors (so I
  don't, of course)

You would kill yourself with the water first through either drowning or
electrolyte imbalance, the water is more toxic than the silver at 5 to
10 ppm.

* how long it takes for this to happen to someone

For what to happen? Drowning can occur in less than a minute.
Electrolyte imbalance can occur minutes after drinking several gallons
of water.

* if it is true that the ionic silver when mixed with chloride
  becomes silver chloride (silver salt)

Yes it does.

* is the C.S. I am making with my 27V battery setup is safe

I have not seen your setup.  If made with pure silver wire, and pure
distilled water in a non conductive container it should be safe.

* what is the safest/affordable way to make C.S. for my own
  personal use

The safest and most affordable are not the same.  The safest is to use
distilled water and pure silver wire.  The most affordable would be to
use tap water, but the safety would be questionable.

* does anyone use a Zapper and if so, how has it worked for you

I and my children have used it on occasion.  Since it has always been
when trying to get rid of the flu or something, it was used along with
CS and often olive leaf and ozonated water.  Since the ailment would
always go away quickly, it is impossible to know which parts of the
protocol had how much effect.

* what is the stock market going to do in the next six months (just
  kidding, I had to let all of you know I do have a sense of humor

Even to down.  Dollar is dropping against all foreign currencies now
after a 10 years of strength, and that will put more pressure on stock


 and anything else that can ease my mind that I am not poisoning myself
 and I won't look like a smurf in 5 years from the repeated use of this

Stay away from silver compounds, like silver nitrate, and MSP.  They are
the known agents for argyria.

 I have started using the C.S. that I bought out of a health food store
 on Monday, May 20th 2002 and I built my own Zapper on the 21st and
 started using it 

CSConcentrace Minerals source

2002-05-27 Thread Harold MacDonald
The ConcenTrace Minerals are produced by;
Mineral Resources International,
P.O. Box 190 - Roy, Utah,84067
I'm in Canada and I get it from importer Terry Chamberlin;
Metabolic Solutions Institute
RR1 314 Carleton Rd.,
Lawrencetown,NS,B0S 1M0
902 584 3810 voice
413-826-7641 fax

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2002-05-27 Thread Marshall Dudley
It appears that the medical community if finally coming around to the views
I have had for the last 20 years that one does indeed create their own
reality through thoughts and wishes.  It is interesting to see how long it
often takes the experts to confirm the views of the crackpots earlier years.


larry tankersley wrote:

  Speaking of the power of the mine..see below.
  Placebo's Evil Twin -- The Nocebo Effect
 E-mail to a friend
 By Brian Reid

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Re: CS Distilled Water

2002-05-27 Thread Marshall Dudley
Actually it isn't quite as pure as distilled water.  It can contain dust,
pollen and other materials.  It will usually have a higher content of carbon
dioxide than distilled water, and in industrial areas, it will contain
sulfuric and sulfurous acids, in such large quantities it is often called
acid rain.


Ode Coyote wrote:

  Rain water is distilled water.

 At 01:56 PM 5/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
 Dear List... I get tired of hearing folks repeating what may be nothing
 more than 'urban myths' regarding such things as mineral leaching caused
 by DW,or drinking water with a meal inhibits your ability to digest

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Re: CSRe: CS Supercharger (Digest #386)

2002-05-27 Thread Joseph Fritz

At 08:47 AM 5/27/02 -0700, you wrote:

 Using a 1 oz. silver ingot as the anode (+), 12 gauge silver wire for
 the cathode and 3X9 volt battery set-up provides an instant visible
 stream of silver particles, so that I'm done in 10 minutes with strong
 Tyndall effect.
 Could this be right?

 Doesn't sound right... there must be some time lapse before the water

 resistance is low enough to pass any appreciable current,

 even with the larger surface area of the ingot...1 by 2 x

Yes, that is what's so strange; the silver particles fairly leap off the
ingot anode in a visible
cloud immediately at the start, to the point within a minute full
Tyndall throughout the 16 oz. of DW is in effect.  No starter of any
kind is used.  Have a multimeter, but not sure how to measure the final

Bad dw? Did you monitor current? with a starter my current isn't above 1ma. 
What is yours at?

Joseph Fritz

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Re: CSAC vs. DC Generator

2002-05-27 Thread Marshall Dudley
They all make CS of acceptable (in fact good) quality.  DC has the advantage
of being safe, and not requiring a lot of expensive equipment. AC has the
advantage of sometimes producing a product with better stability, and of
making CS at a much higher rate than DC at the expense of more cost, and
dangerous voltages.


Paul Ladendorf wrote:

 I've seen different opinions on which is the best way
 to make CS...AC or DC. Anyone have any thoughts or
 know of a good website that addresses this issue?

 Thanks in advance,

 Paul Ladendorf

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup

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Re: CSDistilled water/+minerals

2002-05-27 Thread harsha godavari
  you might consider rversing the process. Make your CS first
with distilled water and then add whatever minerals you want to.

Harsha Godavari

Harold MacDonald wrote:

 I forgot to say that I do not use this treated water to make CS,but
 for all my other potable water uses,ie
 tea,coffee,cooking,drinking,etc. The tap water where I live is highly
 acidic,ie 6.0 and distilling it brings it up to a neutral PH,then
 adding the Concentrace mineral brings it up to an Alkiline PH of 7.4
 to 7.6.This I feel is very important as our tap waters and food
 now-adays are deficient  in minerals and nutrients.Harold
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Re: CSRe: CS Supercharger (Digest #386)

2002-05-27 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Mon, 27 May 2002 08:47:38 -0700, wrote:

Yes, that is what's so strange; the silver particles fairly leap off the
ingot anode in a visible
cloud immediately at the start, to the point within a minute full
Tyndall throughout the 16 oz. of DW is in effect.  No starter of any
kind is used.  Have a multimeter, but not sure how to measure the final

Use the multimeter to measure the current.  To do that you connect one
lead from the batteries to the silver, as you do now.  Connect one
lead from the multimeter to the batteries and connect the other lead
from the multimeter to the wire that goes to the other silver piece.
Set the multimeter to measure DC current (mA or A setting with a
non-dashed line, usually).

The initial current should be practically zero.  Maximum current for
making good CS when using 3 batteries is about 2 to 3 mA.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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Re: CSRe: CS Supercharger (Digest #386)

2002-05-27 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Mon, 27 May 2002 16:43:38 -0500, Dean T. Miller wrote:

The initial current should be practically zero.  Maximum current for
making good CS when using 3 batteries is about 2 to 3 mA.

I should amend that statement.  :)

The current should be roughly 1 to 2 mA *per square inch* of silver in
contact with the water.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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Re: CSRe: CS Supercharger (Digest #386)

2002-05-27 Thread Trem
Hi Dean and list,

Shouldn't that be 2-3 ma./sq. inch for the anode only?  Or do you use ALL
the surface area to figure the parameter?


- Original Message -
From: Dean T. Miller
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: CS Supercharger (Digest #386)

 On Mon, 27 May 2002 16:43:38 -0500, Dean T. Miller wrote:

 The initial current should be practically zero.  Maximum current for
 making good CS when using 3 batteries is about 2 to 3 mA.

 I should amend that statement.  :)

 The current should be roughly 1 to 2 mA *per square inch* of silver in
 contact with the water.

 -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: CS Supercharger (Digest #386)

2002-05-27 Thread Jack Dayton
Hi  Trem I've been waiting for you, but I would like hear what
you think about the speed of production with a 1 oz ingot in place
of the stock anode on an SG6, or any other generator.


 From: Trem

 Hi Dean and list,
 Shouldn't that be 2-3 ma./sq. inch for the anode only?  Or do you use ALL
 the surface area to figure the parameter?

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Re: CSBill to Boost Industry Fees That Fund FDA-Even more off topic

2002-05-27 Thread Gary Green

On Saturday, May 25, 2002, at 03:10 AM, Ed Kasper wrote:

Ed Kasper L.Ac., Acupuncturist  Medicinal Herbalist

This whole Happy this or that thing got it's start with the book the 
Happy Hooker by Xaveria Hollander.  She was my email buddy a few years 
back when she was first dipping her toes in the internet waters.  I'm 
sure you will all be happy to know she is alive, doing well, a bit over 
weight but having lots of fun with young men.  Bless her heart.

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CSRe: Supercharged CS (Digest #387)

2002-05-27 Thread jrowland
 Yes, that is what's so strange; the silver particles fairly leap off the
 ingot anode (1/2X1/4X1-1/2) in a visible
 cloud immediately at the start, to the point within a minute full
 Tyndall throughout the 16 oz. of DW is in effect.  No starter of any
 kind is used.  Have a multimeter, but not sure how to measure the final

 Bad dw? Did you monitor current? with a starter my current isn't above 1ma.
 What is yours at?

Well, if I understand how to measure from the archives; the digital
multimeter reads 8.8 ma at the start.  [Chuck described leaving one
battery wire as normally configured, then clipping the other wire from
the battery to one of the multimeter leads, then clip the other
multimeter lead to the second silver wire.]
Checking the DW label, it is Smart  Final brand and just says
Distilled Water; method of production not mentioned.  If the water is
a problem, what accounts for the rapid silver particle production?

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Re: CSAC vs. DC Generator

2002-05-27 Thread Gary Green

On Tuesday, May 28, 2002, at 04:20 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

DC has the advantage
of being safe, and not requiring a lot of expensive equipment. AC has 

advantage of sometimes producing a product with better stability, and of
making CS at a much higher rate than DC at the expense of more cost, and
dangerous voltages.

Okay but how about high volt AC vs high volt DC?

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