CSLung Cancer/Was Getting Sick d.linen

2002-06-17 Thread Val Q
d. linen recently sent this link for cancer products.  http://altcancer.com/ 
  My mother is diagnosed with lung cancer and is planning on having the 
surgery.  So far it is contained, but the doctor went on vacation and this 
won't be happening for a few weeks.  She is by no means in good health, and 
we are very concerned about the surgery.  However, we will not try to change 
her mind, nor is it our place.  However, I am trying to find something that 
will help her and surely hope to avoid radiation and/or chemo!

This site is very intriguing to me, and I have spent a lot of time there.  
d.linen, have you had or known anyone who has had any personal experience 
with these products?  Is anybody else on the list familiar with them?  I am 
especially thinking about the lung cancer bundle and maybe even the salve???

Thank you for any input,

Re: Getting Sick

From: d.linen (view other messages by this author)
Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 01:37:46


For prostate cancer:


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSUnidentified subject!

2002-06-17 Thread Val Q

Well, that is really interesting, Richard!  I'm smiling, thinking of you at 
your computer being very efficient and using your compressor at the same 
time.  :-)  Of course I personally wish you had had better luck with the 
Pulmo Mate.  Please let me know how your new one works; I'll be really 
curious.  Good luck with it!

Thanks for your input, Connie, about why the treatments by mouth are more 
effective than using a mask.  That does answer my questions and it makes 
sense.  I've really wondered about that.

Yes, Jack, it does appear as though I'll need to pull those directions out 
of the waste basket.  HA!!!  :-)

Thank you!

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSLung Cancer/Was Getting Sick d.linen

2002-06-17 Thread d.linen
I'm personally using Cansema capsules and the Cansema salve. I also have
the Tonic but have only used it topically and not internally. If I had a
cancer other than the skin cancer on my face, I'd do the products for
that cancer rather than do chemo or radiation. Chemo and radiation kills
one's immune system and that is NOT a good thing. 

I don't know that the salve would do much for a lung cancer. The thing
on my face was about the size of a credit card under my left eye and now
it's been reduced by about 75 percent. It's still along my eyelid which
I can't put the salve on due to its proximity to the eye. It's slow but
steady progress. 

I wish your mother the best.


Val Q wrote:
 d. linen recently sent this link for cancer products.  http://altcancer.com/
My mother is diagnosed with lung cancer and is planning on having the
 surgery.  So far it is contained, but the doctor went on vacation and this
 won't be happening for a few weeks.  She is by no means in good health, and
 we are very concerned about the surgery.  However, we will not try to change
 her mind, nor is it our place.  However, I am trying to find something that
 will help her and surely hope to avoid radiation and/or chemo!
 This site is very intriguing to me, and I have spent a lot of time there.
 d.linen, have you had or known anyone who has had any personal experience
 with these products?  Is anybody else on the list familiar with them?  I am
 especially thinking about the lung cancer bundle and maybe even the salve???
 Thank you for any input,
 Re: Getting Sick
 From: d.linen (view other messages by this author)
 Date: Sat, 15 Jun 2002 01:37:46
 For prostate cancer:
 MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSFw: crash landing

2002-06-17 Thread Ode Coyote
  I have endorsed nothing but a primary element in self empowerment and a
first step in eliminating perceptions of victimhood within ones personal
reality construct. There is no need for anyone to be victimized by their
own feelings. Attempting to control what 'cannot be controlled' [ie what
people say] is a total self defeating waste of emotional and physical
energy when the power is always at hand to do otherwise and do it effectively.
 Everyone chooses what they take seriously and everyone chooses differently.
I have not dismissed anyones feelings, only pointed out whos they were,
where they came from [inside] and what can be done with them.

 People need to learn to see themselves in their own light rather than
going around trying to change everyone elses. [something that 'can't' be done]
 People will say what they want to, but I always choose how I hear it. I
can only control my own ears...not your mouth.
 If people knew this simple fact, mob rule and emotional manipulation would
be a thing of the past, but alas, mnay folks don't even own themselves and
believe every lie that comes down the pike.
 No offense taken, no defense needed...leaves time and energy to do what
'can' be done to improve ones own lot and self image.  If it's a lie, and
you know the truth, the lie is irrelevant. See?
 People who know you, also know the truth.

[My Momma DOES wear combat boots and might have slept with the neighbors
daddy...who cares, she's still my Momma and nothing that can be said, true,
partly true or outright lie, will change that.]

   That's your choice, Ken.  Some of choose to forgo joke lists in favor
of other mailing lists.   Where it is not unusual to find some humor
humor that has the ability to offend so deeply does not belong in this

   I ignored the original post because the posting of it appeared to be
I cannot ignore your casual dismissal, Ken, of the feelings of a person who
offended by the original posting. Now I'm offended as well.

There's nowhere in my manual for adulthood that says I have to accept the
thinly disguised hatemongering presented by this 'joke' and endorsed by you.
Maybe you want to go out and tell that joke to the neighborhood kids - after
it's only a joke, right?

   It's really time in our evolution to stop accepting jokes that are not
jokes that
only perpetuate hatred, sexism, and crudeness.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCYP450 enzymes

2002-06-17 Thread Kevin Nolan
Hi again Catherine,
We have a walking, talking medical reference
library in our midst! Seriously, thanks for the info, which is a bit
overwhelming. The field is clearly still in it's infancy; motto seems to be:
avoid prescription drugs if at all possible. One good way of assisting that
is taking CS on a regular basis. I say that on the premise that regular
prophylactic use does not result in a 'lazy' immune system - a more or less
consensus conclusion reached after previous discussions here on that topic.
One interesting point you made is intriguing and a little scary - the
possibility of enzyme damage being passed on to one's offspring. This has a
Lamarckian flavour to it.

regards, Kevin Nolan

- Original Message -
From: Catherine Creel ccr...@maine.rr.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: CSCYP450 enzymes

..Currently, testing exists for three or four CYP450
 The enzymes that can be boosted are digestive enzymes.  P450
 enzymes can be given a temporary boost by inducing them,
 that is, using a substance known to be inductive of a particular
 P450 enzyme (there are about 100 known P450 enzymes with
 over 1000 genetic variations...it is suspected that there are over
 1000 P450 types of enzymes), but others exist (or not) at the
 levels they do because of genetic differences.  However, when
 you induce an enzyme, you are triggering a sort of crisis response
 in the body that results in a significant amount of oxidative damage.
 So, it's not a good idea to be inducing enzymes.  Enzymes are also
 damaged or destroyed by pharmaceutical drugs, and most apt to be
 destroyed by those drugs taken on a regular basis.  The so-called
 psychiatric drugs, including antidepressants, are famous for this.
 The destruction or damage of an enzyme gets recorded in your genes.
 Your children can then inherit this.

   Most adverse reactions to drugs (not side effects) are as a result
 of lacking the appropriate P450 enzyme(s) to metabolize a drug.

The first P450 enzyme to be recognized was 30 years ago.
 It is called 2D6.  Since then, little was done inthis arena until 1995.
 It is still the domain of researchers; many physicians have heard of
 them, but really don't understand anything about them.  The bottom
 line is that our current knowledge of the P450 system let's us know
 that prescribing any drug metabolized by this system is like throwing
 darts in the dark.  It is sheer luck if a drug is chosen that a person
 can metabolize.  This is one of the reasons medicine is not looking
 at this more closely.  The FDA has just begun encouraging (their word)
 pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide available P450 info when
 submitting new drugs for approval, but they are not making it mandatory.
 It has been estimated by several researchers that 20-50% of all iatragenic
 illnesses/deaths from drugs would be eliminated by testing for the P450
 enzymes we are currently able to test for.  This percentage would rise as
 we acquired the ability to test for other relevant P450 enzymes.

   LOL, I'll bet this was more than you wanted to know!


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Kevin Nolan
From this one could say that silver is perhaps a semi-essential
trace mineral - not vital to life but vital to optimal health? You are no
doubt correct in that much still remains unknown as to silver's roles in
human physiology, but I think till now at least it is only known to act in a
catalytic role, not as a normal component of any biochemical structures.

regards, Kevin Nolan

- Original Message -
From: Dean T. Miller dtmil...@midiowa.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Sunday, June 16, 2002 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

 On Sun, 16 Jun 2002 15:02:14 +1000, Kevin Nolan
 ken...@optusnet.com.au wrote:

 I was under the impression that silver does not constitute any part of
 body's many hormone, enzyme, protein etc components, and therefore is not
 really a trace mineral in the same sense that say copper or chromium is.
 other words a diet totally lacking in silver would not per se lead to
 serious illness or death. Can you provide some more info on this?

 Two or three weeks ago I was looking for info on silver for another
 (non-health related) purpose.  As I was looking, I ran across a site
 that listed the percentages or ppm of different elements in various
 things, including the human body.  My memory is fuzzy on the exact
 amount of silver listed for the human body, but it was above 1 ppm.
 Some animals had more, fish had less.  :)

 There is a WWW site called webelements or something like that has a
 really good periodic table with lots of details.  Unfortunately, their
 info on the biology of many elements is somewhat askew -- almost like
 their info was from the 1920's.

 Adding to that, there is anecdotal evidence provided by National
 Geographic and other publications that shows the lifespan of
 populations living in silver-bearing mountainous regions is much
 greater than areas where there is no silver in the natural
 surroundings.  Mountainous areas that have little silver don't seem to
 have populations that are any longer lived than other groups.

 BTW, both lead and aluminum are in the body in trace amounts and I've
 read that both have biologic activity.  I suspect we (science) haven't
 yet discovered what silver's role is in the body.

 -- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSAnother use

2002-06-17 Thread Medwith, Robert
I used CS when I was cleaning my boat this spring 
Any areas that had mold (which is common on boats) I sprayed it on and let
it dry after I cleaned .
This should stop mold


Re: CSSource for recipes?

2002-06-17 Thread LINDAELLIS
Okay, now that I'm started on making my own CS, is there a good place to go 
looking for recipes?  I want to make solutions to kill mold and bacteria on 
countertops and camping gear; how much to take daily as a prophylactic; what 
solution to use for nose drops; etc.

Linda Ellis 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Ode Coyote
Every bottle of CS I've seen at health food stores says in very fine print MSP [mild silver protein]
Some is 'electro-colloidal' and some is 'chemical precipitate' process with no labeling to differentiate them.
If you make your own, at least you know what it is and, more to the point, what it isn't, if not exactly how strong it is. [not that the PPM labeling is all that accurate all the time]

The final determining factor for PPM is absorption/elimination rate and body weight..not the PPM of the CS.  If it's strong, use less. Acceptable safe parameters are very broad with a pure Bredig sol.
If dealing with something serious, it's probably better to err on the high dose side.  Over a shortish period of time, it's more likely to drown than experience negative effects.
It's always a good idea to take time off, at least now and then.

At 10:15 PM 6/15/02 -0400, you wrote: 

I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I work at a health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5 ppm should be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that it shouldn't be taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds like many of you have been taking it for years and are taking over 5 ppm. Her husbands book is a medical book. She refused to buy our store products which range from 10 ppm to 45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when needed for sinus infections. My boyfriend however would like to take them regularly as he has asthma. What is safe to take and will it help his asthma? 
Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently had a fever over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS after 5 days of a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has come back slightly now and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could the CS make her thirsty? (I know she didn't drink much while she was sick so maybe she's making up for lost fluids. Thanks in advance.

Beth Brawn
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Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html>http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>mdev...@eskimo.com>

Re: CSSource for recipes?

2002-06-17 Thread Marshalee Hallett

 Okay, now that I'm started on making my own CS, is there a good place to
 looking for recipes?  I want to make solutions to kill mold and bacteria
 countertops and camping gear; how much to take daily as a prophylactic;
 solution to use for nose drops; etc.

 Linda Ellis

Dear Linda, Here`s mine!

Here`s how to make Colloidal Silver:

You`ll need 3 nine-volt batteries, the square ones.
  (the Lithiums last 4 times longer than the alkalines, if you can afford
  they are about 21 bucks at Radio Shack)
2  five inch pieces of pure silver wire, 14 gauge, .999 fine, (not sterling
  as it has other metals in it.)
2 alligator clips, (the kind with 2 clips on either end of a plastic-coated
  wire, also available at the Shack)
2 cups of distilled water in a glass measuring cup, (I always use glass to
  make CS in. I have a cup used solely for making my CS.)
A new green scrubber, just for this purpose.
An empty water bottle to store your finished CS in. A pop top plastic bottle
is just fine.

  Rinse the cup and storage bottle with distilled water to remove any dust
or soap residue.
 Take the batteries and snap them together, one upside down on top of the
other two.
This will leave two empty posts on the batteries.
Connect each silver wires to the two empty posts with the two alligator
Drop the wires into the water, with about 4 inches submerged, and about 1
inch apart.
(As they tend to float around, you can put a candycane bend in the top of
the wires
and hang that over the lip of the cup, with the connectors hooked to the
bend.) Don`t let the connectors get into the water.
  It is now working. You can`t get shocked by it.
Now leave it and time for 30 minutes. You may notice some bubbles coming off
one wire, and fine wisps of gold coming off the other, that is the Colloid
forming! The bubbles are hydrogen, from the water. There will be a buildup
of fuzz on one wire, that is silver oxide. It is harmless, but you can wipe
it off with a paper towel. Replace the wires, and time for another 30
This one hour activation gives a CS of about 18 PPM.  The longer it works,
higher the PPM.
  When finished, wipe off the wires with a paper towel, then with the green
scrubber until the wires are shiny again, and detach the batteries. Store it
all in a ziploc bag to keep it handy. The finished CS doesn`t need to be
refrigerated. If you keep the bottle out where you see it, you`ll remember
to take it.
 I take 3 big swallows a day for an active infection, sometimes even more.
(My swallow is about 1/3 of a cup.) The silver particles are fine enough to
be easily excreted, so taking more won`t hurt. If you hold the CS in your
mouth for a few minutes, it will clean your mouth nicely.
I take one swallow a day for a preventive. I use it topically too, and even
in the eyes. It is mild and doesn`t sting. Splash some in the pits for a
deodorant. It is bacteria that causes BO, and since CS kills the bacteria,
no BO!
CS doesn`t taste too bad either. Some folks notice a metallic tang, others
don`t. I put some on my skin and let it dry for a sunburn, and was tan the
next day. I use it for bug bites and stings too. Canker sores respond
I have used CS for my pet birds, and always put some in the water bowl for
my Pug dogs. CS is even good for cut flowers, they will last for weeks. It
is bacteria that actually kills fresh-cut flowers.
It can be sprayed on houseplants with fungus or rust.
A dollop in the milk jug keeps the milk fresh for a long time.
There are lots more uses for CS in the body and around the house,
any place bacteria live can benefit from CS.
 I have some wire available that I sell for 5 bucks just so folks don`t have
to get the minimum order, which turns out to be several feet of wire. If
someone does want that much, I send them the phone number of my supplier.
I`m not in CS to make money, just for the joy of helping folks get well
again, like I did

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSNew to Colloidal silver

2002-06-17 Thread Ode Coyote
  Get a CS generator or make one.  Your CS will cost about $1 a gallon or less.
Current controlled [low voltage direct current] generators make the strongest CS  20-30 PPM with still the small particle size. Some High voltage generators do well too, but can be dangerous to use and some may produce silver nitrates...and they're expensive.

It's very difficult to make small particle CS with a battery pack generator beyond around 5 PPM.  Constant stirring helps considerably with all LVDC generators.

3 of the best I've found are at.

These are current controlled LVDC generators with good reputations for product and service.
So far as I can tell wishgranted.com makes a good gen too.
There are probably others.  Look for specifications and an absence of fear based sales techniques. [nega hype]
If they don't tell you much, they probably ain't much and might not have any idea about how much they don't know about their own product.

All LVDC generators make both ionic solutions and colloidal suspensions.  At first, almost entirely ionic, then more colloidal as the PPM gets higher.

Color is some indication of particle size
No color is smallest particle
Yellow is still small enough.
Red, purple etc..toss it.


At 12:34 AM 6/17/02 EDT, you wrote: 

Hello all, 
I am very new to colloidal silver.  I have been researching it for the past few days and it seems the more I read, the less I know.  Every company says theirs is the best. 
Some sell 5ppm concentration and I found one who has a 500 ppm concentration. 

A site that sells a high ionic concentration says theirs is the best, but then I read that ionic silver does not get utilized inside of the body, and that it is best used externally for cuts etc...  Is this true? 

Virusesthere is a company who sells 2 versions...one is their standard version which sells for 15 dollars for an 8 ounces bottle.  They also have an advanced version with smaller particles which they say is necessary to wipe out certain viruses like Hepatitis C.  I have a friend with Hep. C. and would like to find a treatment for him.  Colloidal silver seems like a good way to go, but what kind to get is the BIG QUESTION.  Also, I read that SOME doctors are using CS to treat Hep. C, and that they are even injecting it into the bloodstream.  WHERE ARE THESE DOCTORS? 
We live in PA.Any doctors nearby? 

I have a dog who I think had an abscessed tooth.  Her gum seems to have a hole in it. I'm not sure if the tooth is bad or not, but before going to the vet, where he would most likely pull her tooth, I would like to try to cure it with CS. 
What would be the best way to go about this? 

Also, I found a site which sells their colloidal silver very cheap.  There is such a variance among what people charge for it, it's hard to know which way to go. 
We cannot afford to spend hundreds of dollars, so if the cheap stuff is just as effective as the expensive stuff, that would be wonderful.  But is it, and how can I know if what I'm getting is good? 
I don't know what the particle size is though, and if it would be effective for Hep. C. 
Maybe it is just good for general use. 
Also, it's 5ppm.   Is their a difference in how a low ppm works as opposed to a higher ppm?  And what about particle size? 

I'm looking forward to learning more about CS. 


-- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com 

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Marshall Dudley
Beth wrote:

 I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I work at a
 health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5 ppm
 should be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that
 it shouldn't be taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it
 sounds like many of you have been taking it for years and are taking
 over 5 ppm. Her husbands book is a medical book. She refused to buy
 our store products which range from 10 ppm to 45 ppm. All of which
 I've taken but only when needed for sinus infections. My boyfriend
 however would like to take them regularly as he has asthma. What is
 safe to take and will it help his asthma?

 Giving a limit on the ppm of cs without giving a limit on how much to
 take is nonsense.  That is, if you have 10 ppm and dilute it with an
 equal amount of distilled water, they you will have 5 ppm.  Now, when
 you get up above 20 ppm, I do tend to agree with that since the
 particles will start getting bigger, a simple dilution will not
 necessarily make it the same as CS produced at that ppm.

 CS may help asthma.  Killing any pathogens that are present, might
 help the body stabalize its immune system.

  Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently had a
 fever over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS
 after 5 days of a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has
 come back slightly now and then since. She is drinking a ton of water,
 Could the CS make her thirsty? (I know she didn't drink much while she
 was sick so maybe she's making up for lost fluids.

 I would not expect CS to may one thirsty.  However any toxins in the
 body can certainly cause that.  This can be anything from elevated
 sugar in the blood, to heavy metals released by eating garlic, or
 toxins released when pathogens die.


Re: CS Distilled water

2002-06-17 Thread Guenter Poelz

Hi Larry,
here in Germany, I never saw distilled, or de-ionized water labeled like
that (which doesn't mean that it couldn't exist). Might be, very cheap
brands made with dirty apparatus for use only in steam irons could be
labeled like that (as one is warned in trains not to drink their tap water).
Water made by reverse osmosis is not offered in the shops I visit.
Normally the mentioned warning labels should only be used with really
poisonous stuff.


larry tankersley schrieb:
Dear list... does anyone know if this is true. Did you know that
   every bottle of reverse osmosis, distilled, or de-ionized water sold in
   Europe contains a skull and crossbones on the label? Do you know that
   the European label states that these waters are only to be used for
   steam irons and batteries, and not to be given to pets? If Europeans
   won't drink these waters or feed them to their pets, then do you really
   think it's okay for you to drink them? ..
The statement comes from a site that is selling water treatment
   Gizze's. I've posted two folks I know,one in Prague and one in Germany
   and ask them to see if this is true there. If you know someone in 
   you could ask, or are in Europe and could post back to the list, I 

   be most interested to hear from you. Thanks
   larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 

   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
   To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
   Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
   List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS/sunburn

2002-06-17 Thread Marshall Dudley
Marshalee Hallett wrote:

  I am using it to help heal tissues on my face from
  an extremely bad 3rd degree sun burn I had in my teens.

 Dear Sylvia, Are you sure it was 3rd Degree?? That means the skin was
 totally destroyed with damage to underlying tissues. It requires skin

That is normally true.  However according to The Body Electric by Robert
Becker, if the burn is exposed to silver ions, then any tissue that is injured
will revert back to stem cells, allowing the skin to regenerate without scarring
and without a graph.  Even red blood cells can convert to skin, nerve, and hair
follacle cells.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSFw: crash landing

2002-06-17 Thread Ode Coyote
  I have endorsed nothing but a primary element in self empowerment and a
first step in eliminating perceptions of victimhood within ones personal
reality construct. There is no need for anyone to be victimized by their
own feelings. Attempting to control what 'cannot be controlled' [ie what
people say] is a total self defeating waste of emotional and physical
energy when the power is always at hand to do otherwise and do it effectively.
 Everyone chooses what they take seriously and everyone chooses differently.
I have not dismissed anyones feelings, only pointed out what feelings are,
whos they were, where they came from [inside] and what they can do
depending on how they're expressed.

 People need to learn to see themselves in their own light rather than
going around trying to change everyone elses. [something that 'can't' be done]
 People will say what they want to, but I always choose how I hear it
whether I aware that I'm choosing or not. I can only control my own
ears...not your mouth.
 If people knew this simple fact, mob rule and emotional manipulation would
be a thing of the past, but alas, mnay folks don't even own themselves and
believe every lie that comes down the pike.
 No offense taken, no defense needed...leaves time and energy to do what
'can' be done to improve ones own lot and self image...and by extension,
everyone elses.  If it's a lie, and you know the truth, the lie is
irrelevant. See?
 People who know you, also know the truth.

[My Momma DOES wear combat boots and might have slept with the neighbors
daddy...who cares, she's still my Momma and nothing that can be said, true,
partly true or outright lie, will change that.]

   That's your choice, Ken.  Some of choose to forgo joke lists in favor
of other mailing lists.   Where it is not unusual to find some humor
humor that has the ability to offend so deeply does not belong in this

   I ignored the original post because the posting of it appeared to be
I cannot ignore your casual dismissal, Ken, of the feelings of a person who
offended by the original posting. Now I'm offended as well.

There's nowhere in my manual for adulthood that says I have to accept the
thinly disguised hatemongering presented by this 'joke' and endorsed by you.
Maybe you want to go out and tell that joke to the neighborhood kids - after
it's only a joke, right?

   It's really time in our evolution to stop accepting jokes that are not
jokes that
only perpetuate hatred, sexism, and crudeness.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Beth
Thanks for all of the answers and info for my last questions. My boyfriend has 
decided to try the recipe from Marshalee (thanks for posting it), 

Where do you get the silver from?  

Also, I suspect I may have candida overgrowth. I know CS can kill Candida but 
does anyone have experience that it will work without going on the strict 
candida diet? If I start taking it regularly, while cutting my sugar intake 
down, etc... how will should this work? This also leads me to question the 
mother who lost weight from CS. There are conditions, I believe Candida for 
one, that may prevent weight loss. If the CS was killing off the candida and 
the body was getting back in balance, the weight might start coming off without 
the person knowing it was related to an underlying condition?!?!?!? What are 
your thoughts?

Beth Brawn
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new Cardiostrides! Just wear them and walk! Wear them shopping, cleaning, 
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  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread John Reeder
Question: Does the acronym 'ppm' refer to particle size or number of
particles in solution?

  -Original Message-
  From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:07 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

  Beth wrote:
I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I work at a
health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5 ppm
should be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that it
shouldn't be taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds
like many of you have been taking it for years and are taking over 5 ppm.
Her husbands book is a medical book. She refused to buy our store products
which range from 10 ppm to 45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when
needed for sinus infections. My boyfriend however would like to take them
regularly as he has asthma. What is safe to take and will it help his
Giving a limit on the ppm of cs without giving a limit on how much to
take is nonsense.  That is, if you have 10 ppm and dilute it with an equal
amount of distilled water, they you will have 5 ppm.  Now, when you get up
above 20 ppm, I do tend to agree with that since the particles will start
getting bigger, a simple dilution will not necessarily make it the same as
CS produced at that ppm.

CS may help asthma.  Killing any pathogens that are present, might help
the body stabalize its immune system.

 Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently had a
fever over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS after 5
days of a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has come back
slightly now and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could the CS
make her thirsty? (I know she didn't drink much while she was sick so maybe
she's making up for lost fluids.

I would not expect CS to may one thirsty.  However any toxins in the
body can certainly cause that.  This can be anything from elevated sugar in
the blood, to heavy metals released by eating garlic, or toxins released
when pathogens die.


Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Marshall Dudley
Neither, it stands for part per million.


John Reeder wrote:

  Question: Does the acronym 'ppm' refer to particle size or number of
 particles in solution?John

  -Original Message-
  From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:07 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

  Beth wrote:

  I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS.
  (I work at a health food store) She said her husbands book
  mentions that only 5 ppm should be taken and anything over
  that could be dangerous. Also, that it shouldn't be taken
  long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds like
  many of you have been taking it for years and are taking
  over 5 ppm. Her husbands book is a medical book. She
  refused to buy our store products which range from 10 ppm
  to 45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when needed
  for sinus infections. My boyfriend however would like to
  take them regularly as he has asthma. What is safe to take
  and will it help his asthma?
  Giving a limit on the ppm of cs without giving a limit on
  how much to take is nonsense.  That is, if you have 10 ppm
  and dilute it with an equal amount of distilled water,
  they you will have 5 ppm.  Now, when you get up above 20
  ppm, I do tend to agree with that since the particles will
  start getting bigger, a simple dilution will not
  necessarily make it the same as CS produced at that ppm.
  CS may help asthma.  Killing any pathogens that are
  present, might help the body stabalize its immune system.
   Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and
  recently had a fever over 104. I finally convinced my
  mother to put her on the CS after 5 days of a high fever.
  Her fever was gone the next am and has come back slightly
  now and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could
  the CS make her thirsty? (I know she didn't drink much
  while she was sick so maybe she's making up for lost
  I would not expect CS to may one thirsty.  However any
  toxins in the body can certainly cause that.  This can be
  anything from elevated sugar in the blood, to heavy metals
  released by eating garlic, or toxins released when
  pathogens die.

CSsilver uses

2002-06-17 Thread Rich Adams
OK...I know of the silver used in burn centers, and of the silverlon
bandages.  Can someone more familiar with this list some other commercial
apps where silver is used in repair/healing whatever?


Rich Adams

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Trem
Hi John,

Neither.  It's a measure of weight.  1 PPM = 1 mg. silver in 1 liter of water.  
Swallowing a 1 mg. chunk of silver isn't going to do much good.  What really 
counts is how many particles can that chunk can be divided into.  More 
particles equals more bang for the buck.  Clear CS has the smallest particles.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: John Reeder 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:04 AM
  Subject: RE: CSReal CS Questions

  Question: Does the acronym 'ppm' refer to particle size or number of 
particles in solution?

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:07 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

Beth wrote: 
  I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I work at a 
health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5 ppm should 
be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that it shouldn't be 
taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds like many of you 
have been taking it for years and are taking over 5 ppm. Her husbands book is a 
medical book. She refused to buy our store products which range from 10 ppm to 
45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when needed for sinus infections. My 
boyfriend however would like to take them regularly as he has asthma. What is 
safe to take and will it help his asthma? 
  Giving a limit on the ppm of cs without giving a limit on how much to 
take is nonsense.  That is, if you have 10 ppm and dilute it with an equal 
amount of distilled water, they you will have 5 ppm.  Now, when you get up 
above 20 ppm, I do tend to agree with that since the particles will start 
getting bigger, a simple dilution will not necessarily make it the same as CS 
produced at that ppm. 

  CS may help asthma.  Killing any pathogens that are present, might help 
the body stabalize its immune system. 

   Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently had a 
fever over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS after 5 days 
of a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has come back slightly now 
and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could the CS make her thirsty? 
(I know she didn't drink much while she was sick so maybe she's making up for 
lost fluids. 

  I would not expect CS to may one thirsty.  However any toxins in the body 
can certainly cause that.  This can be anything from elevated sugar in the 
blood, to heavy metals released by eating garlic, or toxins released when 
pathogens die. 


CSParticle Size Question

2002-06-17 Thread jrowland
 Can anyone verify the following:

  When applying current to silver in solution, metallic silver will always
  break off at the same size, 1.26 angstroms (.1 microns).
  This particle is so small that the next stop on the road to smallness is
  the atom itself.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSCS and Vitamin E Combined Effects comment

2002-06-17 Thread Brooks Bradley
Chuck's recent comment on vitamin E usage called to
mind some information which may be of value to the list members.
Back in the early 60's one of our colleagues was
involved in protocol investigations involving evaluating various
substances for benefit in addressing the reduction of tissue scarring
following extensive and/or major injury.  Quite serendipitously, he
encountered the benefits of applying vitamin E for very effective
scar-formation reduction (easily evaluated on victims presenting
multiple lacerations in common tissue fields).  Later, he discovered the
HIGHLY effective action of vitamin E (topically applied) in the
high-percentage prevention/suppression  of scar formation among serious
burn victims.  His work appeared instrumental in accelerating similar
protocol adaptions by the former Brooke Army Medical Group in San
Antonio, Texas..which became one of the pioneers in the utilization
of such treatment (including the successful spraying/misting of
high-percentage vitamin E directly upon the insult surfaces).  I was a
direct witness to one, particularly impressive, case involving the
female victim of an automobile accident resulting in massive burn
injury-effecting a near-miraculous favorable response to such a
protocol.  This pioneering effort occurred (inspired by the earlier work
of Dr. Evan Shute of  vitamin E research fame) in the early 1960's.
One, particular, element manifested early in these
investigations..the EARLIER the vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol
principally) protocol was introducedthe more pronounced the
beneficial effect in scar-tissue formation control.
Some 25 years later we found the incorporation of
electrically-generated colloidal silver to add a synergistic effect when
added to the vitamin E (water soluble vitamin E) solution.
Additionally, although anecdotal in nature,  effects of
accelerated healing readily evidenced, following the addition of  the
colloidal silver component.   While the vitamin E, alone, displayed
measureable pathogenic suppression..the addition of colloidal silver
displayed quite powerful increases in this activity...especially
welcomed for the increased bacteriostatic function exhibited.
Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  Just the simple application of liquid d-alpha vitamin E (from a
common vitamin gel-cap), applied to injuries/burns was determined to be
quite effective in scar-formation reductions--an alternative
medicine protocol quite widely implemented today.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CScolloidal color

2002-06-17 Thread Formedz
I just switched my subscription to this new e-mail so I will have all of my 
silver info in one place.
Does anyone have opinions on color?   Some companies say only the brown 
silver is good,and others say only the totally clear is good and to NEVER 
take the brown.

Also, ionic vs. colloidalI've been reading that ionic cannot be used 
internally because our digestive system destroys it before it can do any 
good, and that we need to take the colloidal instead.  Some companies list 
the breakdown of the silver and what percentage of it is colloidal and ionic.
Any thought on this?

Also, someone on this list mentioned knowing about doctors using it and even 
injecting it.  Where can I find these doctors?


Re: CSSource for recipes?

2002-06-17 Thread Chris Buckner
Dear Marshelee et al.,

I noticed your reply above and found the information you gave to be 
particularly helpful.  This is the first time that I've posted to this or any 
other list.  I should mention that my needs concern a family of three persons, 
one 110 LB. family dog, and two box turtles that share an unfiltered water bath 
that may well benefit from a regularly added CS dose. 

Should you or any other list member be so kind as to be willing take the time 
to answer, I would appreciate answers to some questions of my own. If you find 
it more convenient to do so, please just enter your comments into my text 

  a.. Is there any significant advantage to using the .999 silver wire over US 
Eagle or Canadian Maple Leaf bullion silver coins?  Do you know, offhand, what 
the gauge of the wire that you use is?
  b.. Assuming that the silver bullion is also a viable substitute for the 
simple generator that you've described, would there be any significant 
advantage between the two types of bullion coins just mentioned?
  c.. In your own experience, can you give a best guess of how many weeks or 
months the $5.00 supply of .999 silver wire you describe might typically last 
for the uses you've discussed.
  d.. Would the basic generator plans you mention (quite helpful, btw) be one 
that you would personally be satisfied with, or is there another home-made plan 
that you might also point us to? Would one that uses a small transformer, 
introduces air bubbles, or incorporates a timing relay or some other features 
that you may know of prove more satisfying or perhaps produce a superior 
quality CS more effectively?  I should mention that my needs are for a family 
of three persons, one 110 LB family dog, and two box turtles whose unfiltered 
water bath may well benefit from an added dose.
  e.. Do you recommend any other testing devices for quality control, or are 
these really an unnecessary expense for my limited production when produced 
within the more customary given parameters? 
  f.. I would appreciate your recommendation for the name of the supplier that 
you spoke of for the .999 silver wire.
  g.. Final question: Perhaps you or another list member might comment on 
whether I might consider my  reverse-osmosis water system (new and 
well-maintained) as an equally viable alternative to using distilled water for 
making CS?
I realize that I've asked many questions here.  I'll be pleased with whatever 
information you might readily lend without burdening yourself.  Your answer to 
the previous inquiry was already of significant help to me.  Please accept my 
sincere thanks in advance for your time and helpful advice.


- Original Message - 
From: Marshalee Hallett liah...@utah-inter.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 7:58 AM
Subject: Re: CSSource for recipes?

Re: CSCYP450 enzymes

2002-06-17 Thread Catherine Creel
Dear Kevin,

  You said:

The field is clearly still in it's infancy; motto seems to be:
avoid prescription drugs if at all possible. One good way of assisting that
is taking CS on a regular basis. I say that on the premise that regular
prophylactic use does not result in a 'lazy' immune system - a more or less
consensus conclusion reached after previous discussions here on that

  You're right - you've distilled it down to the bottom line.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSmosquito larvae

2002-06-17 Thread Marshall Dudley
Being summer with lots of areas where water accumulates where mosquito
larvae can hatch, I though I would try using CS and aspertame to see if
it would kill them.

Last night I added a couple of ounces of 5 ppm CS to a bowl of water
that had about 8 oz of water in it.  It had larvae in it already.

This morning I checked and the larvae were still alive.  I then added a
packet of Nutrasweet.

4 hours later, they are still alive.  I just dumped them out to dry.

Oh well, nice idea if it had worked.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS and Vitamin E Combined Effects comment

2002-06-17 Thread Jack Dayton

 Brooks Bradley. wrote:

 p.s.  Just the simple application of liquid d-alpha vitamin E (from a
 common vitamin gel-cap), applied to injuries/burns was determined to be
 quite effective in scar-formation reductions--an alternative
 medicine protocol quite widely implemented today.

Hi Brooks, we keep E capsules in the medicine cabinet alone with a pin
for piercing, - have for many years.

I think of E as an oily vitamin, although there is a dry form, but I have
never known about a 'water soluble vitamin E' - I have never seen any
mention of it.  Where can I find a source?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSParticle Size Question

2002-06-17 Thread Frank Key
Silver particles don't break off. They are formed in the ionic solution when
current passes through the ionic silver converting the ions back to silver
atoms. The atoms are drawn together by the van der waals' force to form

There is no such thing as a silver particle 1.26 angstroms in diameter. The
silver atom is 2.88 A units in diameter or 0.288 nm. For particle sizes see
: http://www.silver-colloids.com/Tables/Agradvolarea.PDF

Most particles formed by the electrolysis process are much larger, being in
the 10 to 90 nm range. Typically, 90% of the silver contributed by the
electrodes winds up as ionic silver and 10% is particles.

frank key

- Original Message -
From: jrowl...@nctimes.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:42 PM
Subject: CSParticle Size Question

  Can anyone verify the following:
   When applying current to silver in solution, metallic silver will
   break off at the same size, 1.26 angstroms (.1 microns).
   This particle is so small that the next stop on the road to smallness
   the atom itself.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CS[List Owner] Humor and offense...

2002-06-17 Thread Jack Dayton
Hi Ken, you said,in part,

 From: Ode Coyote coy...@alltel.net
 If one pays attention to feelings that result from any given imput, often a
 clue to sources of distress are revealed which then can be addressed from a
 more self empowered point of view. All feelings belong solely to the one
 who has them. They are not 'inflicted' by anyone else despite feelings to
 the contrary. Feelings are not facts but they can be used to justify
 actions, conscious and unconscious, which can become factual.

I have read the entire post three times, I've printed two copies, and will
e-mail it to both of my daughters and a few selected friends that I hope
will be  able to absorb and apply at least some of the concepts to their

Ayn Rand stated Feelings are not knowledge. , I'm not sure, but it could
have been in her book  The Virtue of Selfishness.

I would ask all listers who have seen it, to review it again,
read it carefully, there is much of value there for YOU.

Thanks Ken


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSmosquito larvae

2002-06-17 Thread John Reeder
Probably you ended up with very healthy larvae on a sugar high. Maybe
you didn't wait long enough or needed more ppm in the cs.


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 11:21 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CSmosquito larvae

Being summer with lots of areas where water accumulates where mosquito
larvae can hatch, I though I would try using CS and aspertame to see if
it would kill them.

Last night I added a couple of ounces of 5 ppm CS to a bowl of water
that had about 8 oz of water in it.  It had larvae in it already.

This morning I checked and the larvae were still alive.  I then added a
packet of Nutrasweet.

4 hours later, they are still alive.  I just dumped them out to dry.

Oh well, nice idea if it had worked.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CScolloidal color

2002-06-17 Thread Frank Key
If it is clear, it is ionic silver, not colloidal silver. Mesosilver is the
only brown colored silver colloid with nanometer sized particles.

As explained on the website:
Unlike most colloidal silver products, Mesosilver is a clear brown colored
liquid, looking like dark iced tea. It is the very high concentration of
mesosilver particles, not size or contamination, that gives Mesosilver its
distinctive coloration.
Previously, it was thought that such a brown color indicated the presence of
large silver particles, which is the case for colloidal silver produced by
methods other than the mesoprocess. The small size of the silver particles
is confirmed by the use of a state-of-the-art scientific instrument designed
specifically for measuring such small particles called a Photon Correlation
Spectrometer (PCS). The PCS used during the development of Mesosilver was
manufactured by Malvern Instruments, Ltd. of the United Kingdom, one of the
foremost producers of such equipment in the world. The particle size report
from the Malvern PCS confirms the claimed size of 1.4 nm for Mesosilver.

frank key

- Original Message -
From: form...@aol.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 1:35 PM
Subject: CScolloidal color

I just switched my subscription to this new e-mail so I will have all of my
silver info in one place.
Does anyone have opinions on color?   Some companies say only the brown
silver is good,and others say only the totally clear is good and to NEVER
take the brown.

Also, ionic vs. colloidalI've been reading that ionic cannot be used
internally because our digestive system destroys it before it can do any
good, and that we need to take the colloidal instead.  Some companies list
the breakdown of the silver and what percentage of it is colloidal and
Any thought on this?

Also, someone on this list mentioned knowing about doctors using it and even
injecting it.  Where can I find these doctors?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSParticle Size Question

2002-06-17 Thread Marshall Dudley
General Chemistry, ninth edition, Holtzclaw, Robinson and Odom, published by
D.C. Health and Company 1991, lists silver has having a diameter of 1.44
angstroms and a silver ion as 1.26 angstroms.  (The 6th edition also lists the
same thing.) I can find no references that show anything near 2.88 A for the


Frank Key wrote:

 Silver particles don't break off. They are formed in the ionic solution when
 current passes through the ionic silver converting the ions back to silver
 atoms. The atoms are drawn together by the van der waals' force to form

 There is no such thing as a silver particle 1.26 angstroms in diameter. The
 silver atom is 2.88 A units in diameter or 0.288 nm. For particle sizes see
 : http://www.silver-colloids.com/Tables/Agradvolarea.PDF

 Most particles formed by the electrolysis process are much larger, being in
 the 10 to 90 nm range. Typically, 90% of the silver contributed by the
 electrodes winds up as ionic silver and 10% is particles.

 frank key

 - Original Message -
 From: jrowl...@nctimes.net
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:42 PM
 Subject: CSParticle Size Question

   Can anyone verify the following:
When applying current to silver in solution, metallic silver will
break off at the same size, 1.26 angstroms (.1 microns).
This particle is so small that the next stop on the road to smallness
the atom itself.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSParticle Size Question

2002-06-17 Thread John Reeder
Thanks Frank, good information and now filed away for future reference.\


-Original Message-
From: Frank Key [mailto:fr...@strsoft.com]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 11:52 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSParticle Size Question

Silver particles don't break off. They are formed in the ionic solution when
current passes through the ionic silver converting the ions back to silver
atoms. The atoms are drawn together by the van der waals' force to form

There is no such thing as a silver particle 1.26 angstroms in diameter. The
silver atom is 2.88 A units in diameter or 0.288 nm. For particle sizes see
: http://www.silver-colloids.com/Tables/Agradvolarea.PDF

Most particles formed by the electrolysis process are much larger, being in
the 10 to 90 nm range. Typically, 90% of the silver contributed by the
electrodes winds up as ionic silver and 10% is particles.

frank key

- Original Message -
From: jrowl...@nctimes.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:42 PM
Subject: CSParticle Size Question

  Can anyone verify the following:
   When applying current to silver in solution, metallic silver will
   break off at the same size, 1.26 angstroms (.1 microns).
   This particle is so small that the next stop on the road to smallness
   the atom itself.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread John Reeder
Thanks Trem,

What physically happens as the cs is being made? I know that the ppm gets
higher and higher as the water turns color.
My question is, I guess, does the number of particles increase as the ppm
goes up or do the particles just get larger?
Seems like what we want is more of the small particles and not the larger
ones. ??? Does the stirring keep the particles

  -Original Message-
  From: Trem [mailto:t...@silvergen.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:36 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

  Hi John,

  Neither.  It's a measure of weight.  1 PPM = 1 mg. silver in 1 liter of
water.  Swallowing a 1 mg. chunk of silver isn't going to do much good.
What really counts is how many particles can that chunk can be divided into.
More particles equals more bang for the buck.  Clear CS has the smallest


- Original Message -
From: John Reeder
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:04 AM
Subject: RE: CSReal CS Questions

Question: Does the acronym 'ppm' refer to particle size or number of
particles in solution?

  -Original Message-
  From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:07 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

  Beth wrote:
I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I work at
a health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5 ppm
should be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that it
shouldn't be taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds
like many of you have been taking it for years and are taking over 5 ppm.
Her husbands book is a medical book. She refused to buy our store products
which range from 10 ppm to 45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when
needed for sinus infections. My boyfriend however would like to take them
regularly as he has asthma. What is safe to take and will it help his
Giving a limit on the ppm of cs without giving a limit on how much
to take is nonsense.  That is, if you have 10 ppm and dilute it with an
equal amount of distilled water, they you will have 5 ppm.  Now, when you
get up above 20 ppm, I do tend to agree with that since the particles will
start getting bigger, a simple dilution will not necessarily make it the
same as CS produced at that ppm.

CS may help asthma.  Killing any pathogens that are present, might
help the body stabalize its immune system.

 Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently had a
fever over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS after 5
days of a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has come back
slightly now and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could the CS
make her thirsty? (I know she didn't drink much while she was sick so maybe
she's making up for lost fluids.

I would not expect CS to may one thirsty.  However any toxins in the
body can certainly cause that.  This can be anything from elevated sugar in
the blood, to heavy metals released by eating garlic, or toxins released
when pathogens die.


Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Roy

Silver? There are many places on the internet to order it. I cannot think of 
any place right off the top of my head. I am sure many people have sites they 
could offer from which to order it.

The first place I bought my silver wire from was a jewelry store. You could 
just go to a local jewelry store and order (buy) some silver wire from them. It 
would probably cost a bit more than ordering it from somewhere else. Just make 
certain you get pure silver. I believe that I had to order a foot of silver 
wire when i got mine at the jewelry store.

  -Original Message-
  From: Beth b...@sysr.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com silver-list@eskimo.com
  Date: Monday, June 17, 2002 1:17 PM
  Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

  Thanks for all of the answers and info for my last questions. My boyfriend 
has decided to try the recipe from Marshalee (thanks for posting it), 

  Where do you get the silver from?  

  Also, I suspect I may have candida overgrowth. I know CS can kill Candida but 
does anyone have experience that it will work without going on the strict 
candida diet? If I start taking it regularly, while cutting my sugar intake 
down, etc... how will should this work? This also leads me to question the 
mother who lost weight from CS. There are conditions, I believe Candida for 
one, that may prevent weight loss. If the CS was killing off the candida and 
the body was getting back in balance, the weight might start coming off without 
the person knowing it was related to an underlying condition?!?!?!? What are 
your thoughts?

  Beth Brawn
  No time to exercise? Now you can make it a part of your everyday routine with 
new Cardiostrides! Just wear them and walk! Wear them shopping, cleaning, 
running errands, etc. They make fitness fun and simple! Learn more by going to 
the My Products link here:

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CScolloidal color

2002-06-17 Thread Arnold Beland

You said:

If it is clear, it is ionic silver, not colloidal silver. Mesosilver is the
only brown colored silver colloid with nanometer sized particles.

If this is true, perhaps you could tell me what is scattering my 650nm laser
beam when directed into my clear solution?

Arnold Beland

- Original Message -
From: Frank Key fr...@strsoft.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: CScolloidal color

 If it is clear, it is ionic silver, not colloidal silver. Mesosilver is
 only brown colored silver colloid with nanometer sized particles.

 As explained on the website:
 Unlike most colloidal silver products, Mesosilver is a clear brown
 liquid, looking like dark iced tea. It is the very high concentration of
 mesosilver particles, not size or contamination, that gives Mesosilver its
 distinctive coloration.
 Previously, it was thought that such a brown color indicated the presence
 large silver particles, which is the case for colloidal silver produced by
 methods other than the mesoprocess. The small size of the silver particles
 is confirmed by the use of a state-of-the-art scientific instrument
 specifically for measuring such small particles called a Photon
 Spectrometer (PCS). The PCS used during the development of Mesosilver was
 manufactured by Malvern Instruments, Ltd. of the United Kingdom, one of
 foremost producers of such equipment in the world. The particle size
 from the Malvern PCS confirms the claimed size of 1.4 nm for Mesosilver.

 frank key

 - Original Message -
 From: form...@aol.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 1:35 PM
 Subject: CScolloidal color

 I just switched my subscription to this new e-mail so I will have all of
 silver info in one place.
 Does anyone have opinions on color?   Some companies say only the brown
 silver is good,and others say only the totally clear is good and to NEVER
 take the brown.

 Also, ionic vs. colloidalI've been reading that ionic cannot be used
 internally because our digestive system destroys it before it can do any
 good, and that we need to take the colloidal instead.  Some companies list
 the breakdown of the silver and what percentage of it is colloidal and
 Any thought on this?

 Also, someone on this list mentioned knowing about doctors using it and
 injecting it.  Where can I find these doctors?


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Chip Hoyle

I have been using CS for nearly 2 years.  I originally began using it to
treat candida, and it helped to alleviate recurrent secondary
respiratory infections due poor immune function.  It may also help with
the candida directly.  If you haven't found the candida forum try it out
http://www.healthyawareness.com/Candida_General/.  Lots of people
participate and you can get some good info and help there.  The
consensus among most who have recovered form candida is that you must
follow the diet at least at first.  I was a bit more liberal with fruits
than most of the candida diets that I have seen.  If you can find a
doctor who treats candida it may save you some time.  There is a lot of
mis-information on the web and lot's of people willing to sell you
supplements that don't work.  The supplements that worked best for me
have been garlic, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, and oil
of oregano.  I'll be happy to help in any way I can.  Feel free to
contact me off list if you want to.

Chip Hoyle

Beth wrote:

 Thanks for all of the answers and info for my last questions. My
 boyfriend has decided to try the recipe from Marshalee (thanks for
 posting it), Where do you get the silver from? Also, I suspect I may
 have candida overgrowth. I know CS can kill Candida but does anyone
 have experience that it will work without going on the strict candida
 diet? If I start taking it regularly, while cutting my sugar intake
 down, etc... how will should this work? This also leads me to question
 the mother who lost weight from CS. There are conditions, I believe
 Candida for one, that may prevent weight loss. If the CS was killing
 off the candida and the body was getting back in balance, the weight
 might start coming off without the person knowing it was related to an
 underlying condition?!?!?!? What are your thoughts? Beth Brawn
 No time to exercise? Now you can make it a part of your everyday
 routine with new Cardiostrides! Just wear them and walk! Wear them
 shopping, cleaning, running errands, etc. They make fitness fun and
 simple! Learn more by going to the My Products link here:

  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
  colloidal silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

  Silver-list archive:

  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSSource for recipes? Clarification, please.

2002-06-17 Thread LINDAELLIS
In a message dated 6/17/02 10:04:41 AM Central Daylight Time, 
liah...@utah-inter.net writes:

 Here`s how to make Colloidal Silver:
 You`ll need 3 nine-volt batteries, the square ones.
   (the Lithiums last 4 times longer than the alkalines, if you can afford

Sorry, I must not have been clear.  I have a ZBB4 from SOTA to make the CS, 
what I'm looking for now is, once I have it, what do I do with it besides 
swallowing it?

If I want to use it topically, do I add it to a cream?  Dilute it with 
regular water and spray it, or spray it straight?

If I want to use it to disinfect countertops, do I use it full-strength?  If 
I dilute it, how much do I add to water?

If I want to use it to get mold and mildew off the canvas of our camping 
gear, what do I do?  Just spray it on straight, or mix it with a cleaning 
solution of some kind and scrub?

You say to add a dollop to milk to keep it fresh.  What's a dollop?  Does 
it matter?

If I want to use it to clean vegetables, do I just add some (how much) to the 
soak water?  If I'm already adding H2O2, am I being redundant in adding the 

THOSE are the kinds of recipes I was referring to

RE: CSSource for recipes?

2002-06-17 Thread John Reeder
Re: CSSource for recipes?Hello Jack,

Why the emphatic 'no'?

  -Original Message-
  From: Jack Dayton [mailto:jack...@harbornet.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 1:00 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSSource for recipes?

From: Chris Buckner cb4libe...@attbi.com

a.. Final question: Perhaps you or another list member might comment on
whether I might consider my  reverse-osmosis water system (new and
well-maintained) as an equally viable alternative to using distilled water
for making CS?
c.. Not only NO, but hell no!
d.. If there is a Walgreens in your area, buy  their DW
f.. Jack

Re: CSParticle Size Question

2002-06-17 Thread Frank Key
1.44 A is the atomic radius, the diameter is twice the radius.

frank key

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley mdud...@execonn.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: CSParticle Size Question

 General Chemistry, ninth edition, Holtzclaw, Robinson and Odom,
published by
 D.C. Health and Company 1991, lists silver has having a diameter of 1.44
 angstroms and a silver ion as 1.26 angstroms.  (The 6th edition also lists
 same thing.) I can find no references that show anything near 2.88 A for


 Frank Key wrote:

  Silver particles don't break off. They are formed in the ionic solution
  current passes through the ionic silver converting the ions back to
  atoms. The atoms are drawn together by the van der waals' force to form
  There is no such thing as a silver particle 1.26 angstroms in diameter.
  silver atom is 2.88 A units in diameter or 0.288 nm. For particle sizes
  : http://www.silver-colloids.com/Tables/Agradvolarea.PDF
  Most particles formed by the electrolysis process are much larger, being
  the 10 to 90 nm range. Typically, 90% of the silver contributed by the
  electrodes winds up as ionic silver and 10% is particles.
  frank key
  - Original Message -
  From: jrowl...@nctimes.net
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:42 PM
  Subject: CSParticle Size Question
Can anyone verify the following:
 When applying current to silver in solution, metallic silver will

 break off at the same size, 1.26 angstroms (.1 microns).

 This particle is so small that the next stop on the road to

 the atom itself.

   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
   Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
   To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSParticle Size Question

2002-06-17 Thread Marshall Dudley
Opps, you are right.  Looks like the other people made the same mistake.


Frank Key wrote:

 1.44 A is the atomic radius, the diameter is twice the radius.

 frank key

 - Original Message -
 From: Marshall Dudley mdud...@execonn.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 3:06 PM
 Subject: Re: CSParticle Size Question

  General Chemistry, ninth edition, Holtzclaw, Robinson and Odom,
 published by
  D.C. Health and Company 1991, lists silver has having a diameter of 1.44
  angstroms and a silver ion as 1.26 angstroms.  (The 6th edition also lists
  same thing.) I can find no references that show anything near 2.88 A for
  Frank Key wrote:
   Silver particles don't break off. They are formed in the ionic solution
   current passes through the ionic silver converting the ions back to
   atoms. The atoms are drawn together by the van der waals' force to form
   There is no such thing as a silver particle 1.26 angstroms in diameter.
   silver atom is 2.88 A units in diameter or 0.288 nm. For particle sizes
   : http://www.silver-colloids.com/Tables/Agradvolarea.PDF
   Most particles formed by the electrolysis process are much larger, being
   the 10 to 90 nm range. Typically, 90% of the silver contributed by the
   electrodes winds up as ionic silver and 10% is particles.
   frank key
   - Original Message -
   From: jrowl...@nctimes.net
   To: silver-list@eskimo.com
   Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:42 PM
   Subject: CSParticle Size Question
 Can anyone verify the following:

  When applying current to silver in solution, metallic silver will
  break off at the same size, 1.26 angstroms (.1 microns).
  This particle is so small that the next stop on the road to
  the atom itself.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSNew to Colloidal silver

2002-06-17 Thread Jack Dayton
Hi Summer, wow lots of questions,
I,m sorry you haven't had more responses to your
queries, but I suggest that a little more reading
will help you with many of them.  Go to:


You will find answers there, and he isn't trying
to sell you something.


Subject: CSNew to Colloidal silver

Hello all, 
I am very new to colloidal silver.  I have been researching it for the past
few days and it seems the more I read, the less I know.  Every company says
theirs is the best.
Some sell 5ppm concentration and I found one who has a 500 ppm

Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Marshalee Hallett

  Thanks for all of the answers and info for my last questions. My boyfriend 
has decided to try the recipe from Marshalee (thanks for posting it), 

  I`m always glad to help out!

  Where do you get the silver from?  
  Hauser and Miller Co. a jewelry supplier. I buy in bulk so people don`t have 
to, and resell it just above cost, to cover postage and my time. I`m not into 
making money off CS, I prefer to help people get well the way I was helped.

  Also, I suspect I may have candida overgrowth. I know CS can kill Candida but 
does anyone have experience that it will work without going on the strict 
candida diet? If I start taking it regularly, while cutting my sugar intake 
down, etc... how will should this work? This also leads me to question the 
mother who lost weight from CS. There are conditions, I believe Candida for 
one, that may prevent weight loss. If the CS was killing off the candida and 
the body was getting back in balance, the weight might start coming off without 
the person knowing it was related to an underlying condition?!?!?!? What are 
your thoughts?

  Beth Brawn

  I eat a lot of sugar, and sich I`ve been on CS the candida has never returned.

Re: CSSource for recipes?

2002-06-17 Thread Jack Dayton

From: John Reeder jree...@sbcglobal.net
Hello Jack,
Why the emphatic 'no'?

It was an attention getter - it worked. :-)
Well based on all of the information I have found here
and on the web ONLY steam distilled water is without
contaminants and therefore suitable for producing
silver particles.  I can probably go into the archives
and dig out the info, but it has been stated frequently
on the list.Are you putting me on? :-)


Re: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread Trem
Hi John,

The amount of particles increases as the PPM goes upthat is to a certain 
point and at that point particles begin to agglomerate.  At the same time you 
can see the color change go from clear to golden or yellow and colors continue 
to change as the mix gets stronger.   So for the best CS, with the most amount 
of particles in a given measure of water I would try to stay in the clear range 
and if someone felt they needed more particles then just take more of the water 
rather than trying to make it stronger.

Unless the particles are agglomerating, the ionic particles are the same size 
and only the clusters of atoms making colloidal particles are larger. 

Stirring definitely helps keep particles from colliding and as a consequence 
agglomerating.  Our CS is always crystal clear and I attributite to several 
things,  Constant current control, larger surface area electrodes and stirring 
all contribute to good CS

Hope this helps.


- Original Message - 
  From: John Reeder 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:07 PM
  Subject: RE: CSReal CS Questions

  Thanks Trem,

  What physically happens as the cs is being made? I know that the ppm gets 
higher and higher as the water turns color.
  My question is, I guess, does the number of particles increase as the ppm 
goes up or do the particles just get larger?
  Seems like what we want is more of the small particles and not the larger 
ones. ??? Does the stirring keep the particles 

-Original Message-
From: Trem [mailto:t...@silvergen.com]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:36 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

Hi John,

Neither.  It's a measure of weight.  1 PPM = 1 mg. silver in 1 liter of 
water.  Swallowing a 1 mg. chunk of silver isn't going to do much good.  What 
really counts is how many particles can that chunk can be divided into.  More 
particles equals more bang for the buck.  Clear CS has the smallest particles.  


  - Original Message - 
  From: John Reeder 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:04 AM
  Subject: RE: CSReal CS Questions

  Question: Does the acronym 'ppm' refer to particle size or number of 
particles in solution?

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:07 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

Beth wrote: 
  I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I work at 
a health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5 ppm should 
be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that it shouldn't be 
taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds like many of you 
have been taking it for years and are taking over 5 ppm. Her husbands book is a 
medical book. She refused to buy our store products which range from 10 ppm to 
45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when needed for sinus infections. My 
boyfriend however would like to take them regularly as he has asthma. What is 
safe to take and will it help his asthma? 
  Giving a limit on the ppm of cs without giving a limit on how much to 
take is nonsense.  That is, if you have 10 ppm and dilute it with an equal 
amount of distilled water, they you will have 5 ppm.  Now, when you get up 
above 20 ppm, I do tend to agree with that since the particles will start 
getting bigger, a simple dilution will not necessarily make it the same as CS 
produced at that ppm. 

  CS may help asthma.  Killing any pathogens that are present, might 
help the body stabalize its immune system. 

   Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently had a 
fever over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS after 5 days 
of a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has come back slightly now 
and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could the CS make her thirsty? 
(I know she didn't drink much while she was sick so maybe she's making up for 
lost fluids. 

  I would not expect CS to may one thirsty.  However any toxins in the 
body can certainly cause that.  This can be anything from elevated sugar in the 
blood, to heavy metals released by eating garlic, or toxins released when 
pathogens die. 


CSPlease unsubscribe

2002-06-17 Thread Dave Godin

  - Original Message - 
  From: silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com 
  To: silver-dig...@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:02 PM
  Subject: silver-digest Digest V102 #437

  Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
  Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
  Version: 6.0.371 / Virus Database: 206 - Release Date: 6/14/02

Re: CScolloidal color

2002-06-17 Thread Frank Key
There is about 10% of the total silver in particles which show up as a
Tyndall Effect when using a laser. The highest intensity of reflected light
is at the wavelength of the laser. So 632 nm size particles will reflect the
most light. 1-2 nm particles reflect a very small percentage of the light.
Most home systems make a strong TE because the particles are mostly in the
10 - 90 nm range.

The clear as water look is because the particles are so scarce they don't
really block much light. If most of the silver was particles, the color
would appear darker.

frank key

- Original Message -
From: Arnold Beland abel...@tampabay.rr.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 3:31 PM
Subject: Re: CScolloidal color


 You said:

 If it is clear, it is ionic silver, not colloidal silver. Mesosilver is
 only brown colored silver colloid with nanometer sized particles.

 If this is true, perhaps you could tell me what is scattering my 650nm
 beam when directed into my clear solution?

 Arnold Beland

 - Original Message -
 From: Frank Key fr...@strsoft.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 2:57 PM
 Subject: Re: CScolloidal color

  If it is clear, it is ionic silver, not colloidal silver. Mesosilver is
  only brown colored silver colloid with nanometer sized particles.
  As explained on the website:
  Unlike most colloidal silver products, Mesosilver is a clear brown
  liquid, looking like dark iced tea. It is the very high concentration of
  mesosilver particles, not size or contamination, that gives Mesosilver
  distinctive coloration.
  Previously, it was thought that such a brown color indicated the
  large silver particles, which is the case for colloidal silver produced
  methods other than the mesoprocess. The small size of the silver
  is confirmed by the use of a state-of-the-art scientific instrument
  specifically for measuring such small particles called a Photon
  Spectrometer (PCS). The PCS used during the development of Mesosilver
  manufactured by Malvern Instruments, Ltd. of the United Kingdom, one of
  foremost producers of such equipment in the world. The particle size
  from the Malvern PCS confirms the claimed size of 1.4 nm for
  frank key
  - Original Message -
  From: form...@aol.com
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 1:35 PM
  Subject: CScolloidal color
  I just switched my subscription to this new e-mail so I will have all of
  silver info in one place.
  Does anyone have opinions on color?   Some companies say only the brown
  silver is good,and others say only the totally clear is good and to
  take the brown.
  Also, ionic vs. colloidalI've been reading that ionic cannot be used
  internally because our digestive system destroys it before it can do any
  good, and that we need to take the colloidal instead.  Some companies
  the breakdown of the silver and what percentage of it is colloidal and
  Any thought on this?
  Also, someone on this list mentioned knowing about doctors using it and
  injecting it.  Where can I find these doctors?
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSCS and Vitamin E Combined Effects comment

2002-06-17 Thread Brooks Bradley
Dear Mr. Dayton,
Your observation is quite correct.natural vitamin E
is a fat-soluble vitamin.  I was remiss in not being somewhat more
specificto be more correct I should have stated  water dispersible form.
These are producedalmost exclusivelyin solubilizing powder form.
Actually, a majority of them are emulsion-based compositions produced in  a
powdered/tablet form.  While not yielding  a true solution,  they provide
quite adequate dispersion charactersfor the applications in which we
employed them.
My apologies for any misconceptions I may have engendered
on your part.
Sincerely,  Brooks bradley.

p.s.  Such powders are widely available from both supplement supply businesses
and from across the Internet.

Jack Dayton wrote:

  Brooks Bradley. wrote:

  p.s.  Just the simple application of liquid d-alpha vitamin E (from a
  common vitamin gel-cap), applied to injuries/burns was determined to be
  quite effective in scar-formation reductions--an alternative
  medicine protocol quite widely implemented today.

 Hi Brooks, we keep E capsules in the medicine cabinet alone with a pin
 for piercing, - have for many years.

 I think of E as an oily vitamin, although there is a dry form, but I have
 never known about a 'water soluble vitamin E' - I have never seen any
 mention of it.  Where can I find a source?


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSSource for recipes?

2002-06-17 Thread John Reeder
Re: CSSource for recipes?No, I am not putting you on. Just wondering. BTW,
is WalMart DW steam-distilled?

  -Original Message-
  From: Jack Dayton [mailto:jack...@harbornet.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 3:52 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSSource for recipes?

From: John Reeder jree...@sbcglobal.net
Hello Jack,

Why the emphatic 'no'?


  It was an attention getter - it worked. :-)
  Well based on all of the information I have found here
  and on the web ONLY steam distilled water is without
  contaminants and therefore suitable for producing
  silver particles.  I can probably go into the archives
  and dig out the info, but it has been stated frequently
  on the list.Are you putting me on? :-)


RE: CSReal CS Questions

2002-06-17 Thread John Reeder
Thanks Trem, good information. I just need to get the stirring started.

  -Original Message-
  From: Trem [mailto:t...@silvergen.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 4:24 PM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

  Hi John,

  The amount of particles increases as the PPM goes upthat is to a
certain point and at that point particles begin to agglomerate.  At the same
time you can see the color change go from clear to golden or yellow and
colors continue to change as the mix gets stronger.   So for the best CS,
with the most amount of particles in a given measure of water I would try to
stay in the clear range and if someone felt they needed more particles then
just take more of the water rather than trying to make it stronger.

  Unless the particles are agglomerating, the ionic particles are the same
size and only the clusters of atoms making colloidal particles are larger.

  Stirring definitely helps keep particles from colliding and as a
consequence agglomerating.  Our CS is always crystal clear and I attributite
to several things,  Constant current control, larger surface area electrodes
and stirring all contribute to good CS

  Hope this helps.


  - Original Message -
From: John Reeder
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 12:07 PM
Subject: RE: CSReal CS Questions

Thanks Trem,

What physically happens as the cs is being made? I know that the ppm
gets higher and higher as the water turns color.
My question is, I guess, does the number of particles increase as the
ppm goes up or do the particles just get larger?
Seems like what we want is more of the small particles and not the
larger ones. ??? Does the stirring keep the particles

  -Original Message-
  From: Trem [mailto:t...@silvergen.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:36 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

  Hi John,

  Neither.  It's a measure of weight.  1 PPM = 1 mg. silver in 1 liter
of water.  Swallowing a 1 mg. chunk of silver isn't going to do much good.
What really counts is how many particles can that chunk can be divided into.
More particles equals more bang for the buck.  Clear CS has the smallest


- Original Message -
From: John Reeder
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 9:04 AM
Subject: RE: CSReal CS Questions

Question: Does the acronym 'ppm' refer to particle size or number of
particles in solution?

  -Original Message-
  From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
  Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:07 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CSReal CS Questions

  Beth wrote:
I had a DR's wife approach me at work yesterday about CS. (I
work at a health food store) She said her husbands book mentions that only 5
ppm should be taken and anything over that could be dangerous. Also, that it
shouldn't be taken long term. Now, from reading the posts here it sounds
like many of you have been taking it for years and are taking over 5 ppm.
Her husbands book is a medical book. She refused to buy our store products
which range from 10 ppm to 45 ppm. All of which I've taken but only when
needed for sinus infections. My boyfriend however would like to take them
regularly as he has asthma. What is safe to take and will it help his
Giving a limit on the ppm of cs without giving a limit on how
much to take is nonsense.  That is, if you have 10 ppm and dilute it with an
equal amount of distilled water, they you will have 5 ppm.  Now, when you
get up above 20 ppm, I do tend to agree with that since the particles will
start getting bigger, a simple dilution will not necessarily make it the
same as CS produced at that ppm.

CS may help asthma.  Killing any pathogens that are present,
might help the body stabalize its immune system.

 Also, I have my grandmother taking it. She is 86 and recently
had a fever over 104. I finally convinced my mother to put her on the CS
after 5 days of a high fever. Her fever was gone the next am and has come
back slightly now and then since. She is drinking a ton of water, Could the
CS make her thirsty? (I know she didn't drink much while she was sick so
maybe she's making up for lost fluids.

I would not expect CS to may one thirsty.  However any toxins in
the body can certainly cause that.  This can be anything from elevated sugar
in the blood, to heavy metals released by eating garlic, or toxins released
when pathogens die.


Re: CSmosquito larvae

2002-06-17 Thread Brickeyk
My baby KOI take care of mosquito larvae real quick.  In fact I set out 
garbage cans filled with water to supply the KOIs with live food.  I seem to 
be one of the few that raises mosquito larvae.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSsilver uses

2002-06-17 Thread Rich Adams
Can ANYONE list some commercial uses of silver other then the bandages at
silverlon and other then the burn centers use it?  In regards to healing
that is...

Rich Adams

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSToxicity of ionic gold

2002-06-17 Thread Frank Key
Those interested in ionic gold products should be advised that such products
are usually gold chloride. WaterOZ Ionic Gold is an example.

Here is a link to a Material Safety Data Sheet for gold chloride.  .


Notice in section V, Health Hazard Data, the Emergency And First Aid
Procedures for
INGESTION:  Seek immediate medical attention.

frank key

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSUltrasonic nebulizer

2002-06-17 Thread Richard Sobe
Hello everyone,

I just received my ultrasonic nebulizer today and it works much better than the 
used compressor type I had and is completely quiet. It goes through 5ml of CS 
very quickly (4-5 min) although it leaves about 1/2 ml inside the med cup. I am 
extremely pleased with it. Hopefully it will get rid of this crud living in my 
lungs finally. I'll keep in touch with the results.

Richard Sobe

Re: CSUsing the lists well...

2002-06-17 Thread Gladys Williams

Thank you Mike.  

This is a clarification and the absolute last
thing I have to say on the matter:

Let me tell you why I love the Silver List.  It is .
a place I can express my views (or read others) 
without being called a health nut, or just a nut, etc.
This is a prejudice we have probably all faced 
because we don't just accept.  We challenge 
and search for truth.  In this place even people 
with opposing views in life can share a discourse
that might not happen face to face.

I commented because crash landing offended me
on several levels.  Some people understood, some
over analyzed, some objected to my taking offense. 

If you were walking your little girl to school and a 
man was urinating on a tree in front of your door. 
Offensive?  You go to church on Sunday morning 
and a Stripper is doing her act in the back pew.  

My point?  There is a time and place for every
thing-even racist views.  

I don't go to Hate Sites and demand they stop their
racist statements.  Since I don't want to be subjected
to their views I don't go to their site.  

I do come to the Silver List because I like what is
being said and I don't want that to change.  .  


P.S.  Calling ONLY Black or African American people 
colored is just as offensive as darkie or coon.  No 
one is colorless, WE are therefore ALL colored. 

P.P.S.  Thank you to all who prayed for my son, that
was also off-topic, but an emergency.  It all ended well
and he is OK.  Prayer works.  If anyone ever needs me
to return the favor--just e-mail me privately.  

On Sun, 16 Jun 2002 10:11:24 + M. G. Devour mdev...@eskimo.com
 Hi all,
 We have a list mission that is focused on Colloidal Silver. 
 has taught, however, that people always have questions (and 
 that overlap into other areas of health. Great good has come from 
 sharing of expertise and experience.
 That is why permissible topics for the list include *any* health
 related question (What can I do for blank?) and answers can 
 things related to CS, as well as those that don't.
 The difference is that health related threads not about CS should 
 within, say, ten posts or so, or migrate to private e-mail or 
 more appropriate forum.
 Hopefully that's enough opportunity to answer basic questions about
 another alternative, and/or identify important resources for the
 questioner to follow up on.
 CS related topics, of course, can be discussed until they're 
 (or we are!), provided folks observe the other rules on courtesy, 
 commercial promotion, prohibited topics, etc. Complete list rules 
 published at: http://www.silverlist.org
 I have provided a list that folks can use for discussions that need 
 be taken elsewhere, the silver-off-topic-list. See:
 Every Silver List member in good standing can post messages to the 
 Topic List. You can read the Off Topic List at the archives at:
 If you don't want to receive extra e-mail, then that's all you need 
 know. You can post any time you want to, and follow off-topic 
 by visiting the archives.
 If you want to get the Off Topic List in e-mail, as you do the 
 List, just follow the subscription instructions at the web page 
 The better we get at using the Off Topic List, the more focused we 
 be on the Silver List. Hopefully this will satisfy those who just 
 to let it out as well as those who need us to stay on track.
 Be well,
 Mike Devour
 silver-list owner
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal 
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: 
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: 
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSUltrasonic nebulizer

2002-06-17 Thread Rich Adams

May I ask what brand/model?

Rich Adams

- Original Message - 

Hello everyone,

I just received my ultrasonic nebulizer today 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSlooking to buy electrodes

2002-06-17 Thread Reid Harvey
CS Enthusiasts,
I'll be in the U.S in a few weeks, and hope to purchase electrodes while
there.  In particular I'm looking for strips, somewhere around 2 mm.
thick x 7 mm. wide x 25 cms. long, but something in that ballpark would
do, and I'll use these for high voltage generators, after Terry
Chamberlain's excellant design.  Can anyone tell me where I can find
similar electrodes?  Is there a web site?

Alternativley I'm considering buying U.S., standing liberty dollar
coins, of the type that read, 'one oz. fine silver,' which I believe to
be 999.  These should roll out to about the dimensions I indicated, and
I believe they're about $10 per coin.  Any thoughts from the list would
be appreciated.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSlooking to buy electrodes

2002-06-17 Thread Arnold Beland
. silver wire, 12 gauge, is available on Ebay every day, as well as
Canadian Silver Maple Leaf coins, which are also four nines in purity.
Best Regards,
Arnold Beland

- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey ceram...@bol-online.com
To: silver list silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 11:11 PM
Subject: CSlooking to buy electrodes

 CS Enthusiasts,
 I'll be in the U.S in a few weeks, and hope to purchase electrodes while
 there.  In particular I'm looking for strips, somewhere around 2 mm.
 thick x 7 mm. wide x 25 cms. long, but something in that ballpark would
 do, and I'll use these for high voltage generators, after Terry
 Chamberlain's excellant design.  Can anyone tell me where I can find
 similar electrodes?  Is there a web site?

 Alternativley I'm considering buying U.S., standing liberty dollar
 coins, of the type that read, 'one oz. fine silver,' which I believe to
 be 999.  These should roll out to about the dimensions I indicated, and
 I believe they're about $10 per coin.  Any thoughts from the list would
 be appreciated.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSUltrasonic nebulizer

2002-06-17 Thread Richard Sobe
Of course Rich,

It is a Mystique by Air Sep. 2 yr warranty, adjustable air flow and runs on a 
timer so it automatically shuts off after 10 mins of use.

- Original Message -
From: Rich Adams
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:56 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CSUltrasonic nebulizer

May I ask what brand/model?

Rich Adams

- Original Message -

Hello everyone,

I just received my ultrasonic nebulizer today

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSlooking to buy electrodes

2002-06-17 Thread CKing001
Sounds like a plan!
Personally, I'd go with the bullion coins as they are easy to get via 'net or in
almost any city that has a coin dealer.

Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life 

On Tue, 18 Jun 2002 09:11:22 +0600, Reid Harvey ceram...@bol-online.com wrote:

Alternativley I'm considering buying U.S., standing liberty dollar
coins, of the type that read, 'one oz. fine silver,' which I believe to
be 999.  These should roll out to about the dimensions I indicated, and
I believe they're about $10 per coin.  Any thoughts from the list would
be appreciated.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSlooking to buy electrodes

2002-06-17 Thread Acmeair
i did a quick google  search on the  u.s. standing liberty dollar. it of
issuance by the u.s. mint, which means that it is made of coin silver
which is about .92% pure. this is not acceptable for making colloidal
silver. 92% is the equivalent to . 920 pure. you need to purchase either the
canadian maple leaf 1 oz coin, at . fine silver, or the many silver
rounds from the many silver producers, and they are stamped as .999
fine. this means that they are from .9990 to .9998 pure, but not the .
that canada puts into their maple leaf.

most coin dealers will also carrry the pure silver wire, in either 14
guage, or maybe 12 guage pure. these are the desired wires. do not buy any
wire that is sterling wire, as that is also about .920  %. will make very
dangerous cs.  and, welcome to the united states of america.   jim

- Original Message -
From: Reid Harvey ceram...@bol-online.com
To: silver list silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2002 8:11 PM
Subject: CSlooking to buy electrodes

 CS Enthusiasts,
 I'll be in the U.S in a few weeks, and hope to purchase electrodes while
 there.  In particular I'm looking for strips, somewhere around 2 mm.
 thick x 7 mm. wide x 25 cms. long, but something in that ballpark would
 do, and I'll use these for high voltage generators, after Terry
 Chamberlain's excellant design.  Can anyone tell me where I can find
 similar electrodes?  Is there a web site?

 Alternativley I'm considering buying U.S., standing liberty dollar
 coins, of the type that read, 'one oz. fine silver,' which I believe to
 be 999.  These should roll out to about the dimensions I indicated, and
 I believe they're about $10 per coin.  Any thoughts from the list would
 be appreciated.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSsilver uses

2002-06-17 Thread d.linen
They used to put silver nitrate in the eyes of newborns to prevent

Rich Adams wrote:
 Can ANYONE list some commercial uses of silver other then the bandages at
 silverlon and other then the burn centers use it?  In regards to healing
 that is...
 Rich Adams
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com