Re: CS

2005-03-24 Thread Lagoon
We read that same report well over a year ago, when Clifton Mining, who owns
27% of American Biotec, (and the principals own both companies less what
clifton has out in pink sheet stock) was on a run as you can see in the url
below. Others besides myself bought in those heady days, and some who are
still in love with the stock are still holding. I sold and took my loss
before it dropped below 1.50

There was also a rumor going around at the time of  multi million dollar
orders from the US military.

At the current level, it is *maybe* a good speculation...


- Original Message - 
From: Jim Holmes
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2005 2:10 AM
Subject: RE: CS

 Some of these do not ring true to me, particularly the one on pelvic
 inflammatory disease.  That is a widely disseminated condition.  I do not
 see how a  couple of douches could reach the entire pelvic area.

 The whole report seems bogus to my intuitive BS sensors.

 Let's see the detailed hospital reports, Biotech.


 -Original Message-
 From: V []
 Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:04 PM
 Subject: CS

  Summary Report of the First African Human Trials of American Biotech
 Silver Biotics?

 The Hospitals
 The first series of 58 trials was accomplished at three (3) hospitals in
 Ghana, West Africa. The three hospitals were: the Air Force Station
 under the direction of Dr. Kwabiah, The Korie-Bu Teaching Hospital under
 direction of Dr. Sackey, and the Justab Clinic/Maternity under the
 of Dr. Abraham.

 Diversity Of Use
 Silver Biotics? was tried on a wide diversity of human problems, including
 malaria, upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections,
 sinusitis infections, vaginal yeast infections, eye, nose and ear
 infections, cuts and fungal skin infections and even for sexually
 transmitted diseases like gonorrhea etc. Silver Biotics? was used as both
 internal and external antibiotic alternative.

 The Product
 All treatments were performed using the American Biotech Labs? Silver
 Biotics? at a strength of 10 parts per million.

 Summary Data
 The data will summarize the type of human ailment the product was used to
 treat, the average time it took to see signs of recovery, average time
 treatment to obtain full recovery (as deemed by the doctors), and the
 average dosage used during the time of treatment.

 The Results

 Abdominal Pain  Diarrhea: One patient was diagnosed with this condition.
 The patient received 10 ml. (two teaspoons) of Silver Biotics? three times
 in one day. The patient was reported fully recovered in 1 day.

 Bronchitis: Two patients were diagnosed with this condition. The patients
 were given 5 ml (one teaspoon) of Silver Biotics? twice daily. Both
 showed signs of recovery within 1-2 days and both were reported fully
 recovered within 3 days.

 Candida Vaginal Yeast Infection: Five patients were diagnosed with this
 condition. The patients received 10 ml (two teaspoons) of Silver Biotics?
 twice daily as a vaginal douche. The patients showed signs of recovery in
 average of 3 days and were reported fully recovered in an average of 5.6

 Conjunctivitis (Eye Infection): Two patients were diagnosed with this
 condition. The patients received several drops of Silver Biotics? in the
 infected eye, twice daily. Both patients were reported fully recovered
 within 1 day.

 External Cuts  Infection: Six patients were diagnosed with this
 The conditions included: Staph skin infections, septic ulcers, and
 abscesses. The patients received 5 ml of Silver Biotics? twice daily. The
 patients showed signs of recovery within an average of 2.16 days and were
 reported fully recovered within an average of 3 days.

 External Otitis (Ear Infection): Six patients were diagnosed with this
 condition. The patients received two drops of Silver Biotics? in the
 infected ear three times daily. The patients showed signs of recovery
 an average of 1.66 days and were reported fully recovered within an
 of 3.5 days.

 Otitis Media (Middle Ear Infection): One patient was diagnosed with this
 condition. The patient received 2 drops of Silver Biotics? in the infected
 ear, three times daily. The patient showed signs of recovery in 2 days and
 was reported fully recovered in 4 days.

 Fungal Skin Infection: Two patients were diagnosed with fungal skin
 infections. The patients received 10 ml of Silver Biotics? three times
 daily. The patients showed signs of recovery in an average of 4.5 days and
 were reported fully recovered in 8 days.

 Gonorrhea: Two patients were diagnosed as having gonorrhea. The patients
 received 10ml (two teaspoons) of Silver Biotics? two times daily. The
 patients showed signs of recovery in an average of 3.5 days

Re: CSWhere to buy DMSO?

2005-03-17 Thread Lagoon
yes, Jeffers Equine 1 800 533 3377

  --,--- Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 10:16 AM
  Subject: CSWhere to buy DMSO?

  Can anyone suggest a source from which I can purchase DMSO?  Thanks.

  Christy Barton
  Columbia, Missouri 


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Re: CSwater debate

2005-03-17 Thread Lagoon
but ode, the dowser is the person...the  coathanger or whatever is just the 
tool the dowser uses

can everyone dowse?

most don't think so, but those who can often know they can do it but not why...

we have stumbled on another, perhaps out of the box and false, reason why some 
can and some can't..

my sister, who is a great dowser, has many full wells to her credit, and also 
has hemochromotosis,  (HH) , where there is too much concentration of iron in 
the blood and organs. it is a very common, and mostly undiagnosed, celtic 
disorder can the iron affect an ability to feel water running, and perhape 
the amount of iron in it, where the quality question comes into play?

it seems she is not the only one we know with this ability, and disease...

anyone care to comment on the possibility, or from knowledge?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Ode Coyote 
  Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:24 AM
  Subject: Re: CSwater debate

  It's not the rod but the dowser.
  Any rod is suitable, a pendulum, a couple of pieces of old coathanger...
  Reliable and accurate..also, the dowser.


  At 02:08 PM 3/16/2005 +0100, you wrote: 


I have read with much interest your debate uptil now. If I understand it 
well, the debate concerns the quality of tapwater versus distilled water.
Perhaps the following gives another view, namely: that none of these two is 
a healthy drinking water. This is at least the conclusion I had to draw a few 
months ago, after talking to several 'professionals' and some reading when we 
were drilling our own waterwell. 
That's why we changed to drinking only bottled mineral water.
But we still want to use the water from our well, only the problem is: How 
can you objectively state if the water is good enough to drink by using enough 
CS? Because the wellwaterquality varies also, as it comes out of the soil, 
where also for instance farmer's chemicals are dropped. 
To analyse watersamples every time is far too expensive, is our experience, 
and too limited. That's why I came to the conclusion that I should try a 
dowsing-rod: always ready, not expensive but most of all: very acurate as I 
have seen with other people, who use it. I am now in the process of trying to 
find a suitable one, so I have to start it up yet. But with the knowledge I 
have at this moment, I feel this could be a safe solution for stating the 
quality of a watersample, whether it comes from the tap, a well or from a 
Look forward to reactions!


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CSRon Paul on CODEX

2005-03-02 Thread Lagoon

gotta love the guy
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Re: CSCould CS help avoid a root canal?

2005-02-28 Thread Lagoon
i can report CS sucess on a tooth...

broke a lower molar in august and had it rebuilt, but heat and cool would hurt 
for months...

day before christmas had a great meal and used the tooth a little much i guess, 
and by next morning my mouth was totally swollen and my dentist  gave me a 
perscrpition on the phone for clyndamycin, a very powerful abxand to come 
in after christmas when the swelling was gone to have a root canal done, 

anyway there was a mixup in getting the perscription, and since i was just 
learning about CS at that time, i bought a bottle and started gargling with 
ittemp was hitting 103+ by morning i had finished about 12 ounces,  and 
the pain was gone..(did not take the abx). could also eat christmas dinner so 
that was nice...

three days later went into the dentist's office and he tapped on the tooth 
(five hits)with a small steel hammer to see if the infection was really gone, 
and i did not wince...he was impressed and cleaned my teeth and refused to take 
any money, for the lesson learned...

this happened a year ago now and the tooth is fine to this day, so i am 
convinced it really got to the root of it...

i used straight CS, but if i had the same problem today i would dilute it with 
DMSO to about 10% of total volume...

i do realize is is harder to keep it in the upper part of your mouth, but it's 
still doable

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 5:13 PM
  Subject: CSCould CS help avoid a root canal?

  I was told almost five months ago by my dentist that I need a root canal for 
one of my upper molars because of the infection around (or in) the roots of 
that tooth (as shown by X-ray).  I said No at the time, largely because of my 
concerns about the long-term toxicity of root-canaled teeth (according to some 
dental practitioners).  So, I was given a penicillin-like antibiotic which 
eliminated the pain, but the pain has been slowly and gradually returning 
during the last three months.  Given my dislike for antibiotics and my 
suspicion about the dangers of root canals, I'm looking for alternatives.

  I assume that CS would kill the noxious bacteria around the roots of my 
infected tooth if there was a way to deliver CS to the site of the infection 
(which undoubtedly likes below and inside gum tissue).  Could drinking a 
certain quantity of CS for a certain period of time be helpful?  Gargling with 
CS or spraying the infected tooth and surrounding tissue with CS would seem to 
be inadequate because it's not likely that CS could get into and under the skin 
at the point of infection.  Could I be wrong about that?

  Your thoughts about this will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

  Christy Barton
  Columbia, MO 


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Re: CStimes-a-changin'

2005-01-18 Thread Lagoon
it stands for End Of The World, as we know it...

he was probably referring to the effect of CODEX , but maybe he was talking 
about this too:

gotta start studing the shelf life of some of my stash of necessities...

 - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 2:39 PM
  Subject: Re: CStimes-a-changin'

  In a message dated 1/18/05 3:35:04 AM Central Standard Time, writes:


  And this is what?  MA 


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Re: CSThe origin of back pain

2005-01-04 Thread Lagoon
Wayne, with me, and i had back pain for many many years (blamed it on a car
accident when young) the key to my back pain was simple muscle training on
both the back and stomach muscles, done every day for over two years.

takes only 15 minutes every morning.

my sitting and standing posture is now much enhanced and all back pains are

i do a lot of things better now, including a smoothie with lots of CS in it
every day, among many other nutrients.

oh, losing 25 pounds helps a lot too.

now in my sixties, and wishing  i had smartened up long ago

- Original Message - 
From: Wayne Fugitt
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 8:52 AM
Subject: Re: CSThe origin of back pain

 Good Morning,

 The pain, the cause, and the cure, seems to have escaped the complete
 medical profession, and maybe even most alternative doctors.

   I'm wondering if anyone knows a good, effective way to get to the root
   of back pain.

  I have a number of friends and relatives, age ranges from 40, 50, 60,
 and older.

 Many of these people, I have known their whole life, others only 15 to 25

 I have observed their lifestyle, eating habits, and scratched my head
 relative to why they have back pains.

 Finally it became crystal clear.   Every one of them share one thing in

 Not one of them has every worked a day in their life,  in the Sun, with
 their shirt off.
 Some have worked in the sun off and on, yet they did not have the mind set
 and knowledge to remove their shirt.

 As a teen ager, I lived in the sun from daylight until dark.  I wore only
 pair of shorts. I even wore these to town and to the pool hall.  In later
 years, I never miss a chance to remove my shirt and get some
 sunlight.   Often at my shooting range, with temperatures in the 60's and
 50's I remove my shirt for as long as I can stand the low temperatues.

 At age 66, I have no aches, no pains, no joint problems, and lift anything
 as heave as I can, including one end of long cross ties.  Honestly, I have
 forgotten what pain and what headaches even feel like.

 My observations and ideas may be wrong.  If anyone has a better
 explanation, please tell us about it.

 We could say,  The mainstream LIES causes back pain.


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Re: CSJust getting into CS and Introduction

2004-12-31 Thread Lagoon
the silvergen is one of our recommended suppliers here.

the other is

both are excellent, the siverpuppy is cheaper and makes a little less at one 
  - Original Message - 
  From: William Swift 
  Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 5:53 PM
  Subject: CSJust getting into CS and Introduction

  Thank you for my admittance to the group.
  I have been studying alternative or holistic modalities since 1990...I have 
studied Traditional Chinese Medicine...
  Ayurvedic Medicine...Huna...Pranic Healing and I am now a Certified 
Hypnotherapist through the National Guild of Hypnotistsand still continue 
on my path of learning...
  CS and the other colloids of Gold, Zinc, etc...very much interest me and 
after doing some reading and internet browsing began to ingest Gold and using 
Silver for a sinus condition and I can begin to see a subtle change in myself 
which i am sure will become more noticeable as I keep going...
  I would like to know where a reliable source to buy a generator to make both 
Silver and Gold...The source I found to purchase the CS and Gold seemed quite 
expensive but i researched it and it sounded very crediblebut i am sure i 
could make both Gold and CS and not be paying so much after the upfront cost of 
the generator
  So I would appreciate any suggestions for purchase and any other knowledge 
would be welcomed

  Thank you 


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2004-12-15 Thread Lagoon
---Original Message---
Date: 12/15/04 17:17:59
Subject: Re: CS
Anyway, I wanted to ask a question.  I have been dabbling (not too
successfully) in some investing, and one of the things I looked at was
silver.  Most of the stuff I read said that silver was drastically
underpriced, that the world faces a net silver shortage, and that the price
of silver is going to go through the roof in the near future.  Of course,
the silver bulls are always saying that, but this time they seem more
convinced than ever.  Also, I read that Warren Buffet recently made maybe
the largest single silver buy in history, and that Bill Gates has also put a
lot of money into silver.  These guys only bet on sure things.  I also read
that the Govt has just about used up their silver reserves and may soon have
to go onto the open market to buy silver, which would almost have to cause
the price to skyrocket.
My question is not so much about the price of silver as the availability. 
Is silver likely to become scarce in the near future (and therefore much
more expensive)?  Should I stock up on silver electrodes now to ensure a
future supply?  Or to ensure not having to pay double or triple what I pay
 Del, the amount we use in our silver electrodes is of little concern in the
big picture, and even if silver went from 6.84 (today), back over 8.00 as it
was two weeks ago, or if it went all the way to the moon, say 50.00 an ounce
 well colloidal silver would still cost pennies a gallon to produce...
silver will always be available at some price and it will never be so high
as to make colloidal silver too expensive to make..
yes, it is a bull market in silver/gold now so it's a good idea to order
more electrodes, and extra ones if you buy a new unit..
it is an excellent investment, and as you mentioned, the big boys are buying
physical, while the paper markets entertain the gamblers...
attachment: 03b_2.jpg

Re: CSStaniless out.

2004-11-02 Thread Lagoon
Yes, iron overload is a very serious problem and it's disease,
hemochromotosis (HH), is undiagnosed in many many, people, especially those
with any Celtic background

my sister and nephew have regular phlebotomies to keep the iron under

undiagnosed hemochromotosis can cause death in many unpleasant ways, each
having their own names such as  diabetes, heart disease, cirrhosis and other
diseases of organs...

it is one of the most undiagnosed genetic problem we have..

---Original Message---
Date: 11/01/04 19:44:20
Subject: Re: CSStaniless out.
Anyone with hep. C must avoid iron. The virus replicates in iron in the
They should avoid all iron. They must switch to bottled water or
another alternative.
Adie 11/1/2004 6:38:32 PM 
Ken wrote:
  Iron is not generally a health problem. In most of it's forms, it's
 very bioavailable. The well water around here is sometimes brown
 iron and has caused no problems in all the hundreds of years of
 drinking it ...except for staining the laundry and sinks etc and
I suppose that's true, however we men have a particular problem with
stored iron from our diet, and any additional intake is likely to
aggravate the situation. Post-menopausal women will also start storing
more iron than they need.
Giving blood regularly will gradually lower blood ferritin levels,
which is an indirect measure of stored iron levels.
Be well,
Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:
Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour
attachment: 03b_2.jpg


2004-06-22 Thread Lagoon
MRSA is now such a worldwide problem, and the only effective antibiotic left 
that works against it is vancomycin, and even it is losing it's power...

any opinions or ideas how CS could be used to kill staph?

CS will kill MRSA won't it?  

Re: CS[List Owner] Comment...,

2004-06-09 Thread Lagoon

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 7:17 AM
Subject: Re: CS[List Owner] Comment...,

  However, characterizing those with unusual beliefs
 as loonies was not up to his usual high level of decorum.  Bill Missett

nonsense, he didn't characterize anyone as loonies. he wants to avoid
others thinking that.

 Mike doesn't want *good health seekers* to come here and find much more
about off subject topics that have nothing to do, even remotely, with

this is why Mike created the offtopic list.

and Bill, why did you call it the OT looney bin?

i think that was a massive insult, and if it were my list, you would be
censored for that, but Mike is too polite, and probably very hurt by your

 Original Message:
 Date: Tue, 08 Jun 2004 23:00:41 -0700
 Subject: Re: CS[List Owner] Comment...,

  Those who believe Tesla was
  screwed over and those who believe in chemtrails have now been relegated
  the OT looney bin?---Bill Missett
 If one looks at the Subjects in
 it's an impossible hodge-podge of non-CS posts, morphing Subject
 by those who just can't resist, tasteless jokes, drunken ramblings,
 the-sky-is-falling rants on just about everything
 Mike has displayed Job-like patience, established this list,
 PAYS out of his own pocket for BOTH websites---and this is his
 reward for a simple request?

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver List archive:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 OT Archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

 mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

Re: CSInterstitial Cystitis

2004-06-07 Thread Lagoon
DMSO is an approved treatment for interstital cystitis...a doctor can
perscribe for this purpose...

- Original Message - 
From: Ian Roe
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 2:11 AM
Subject: CSInterstitial Cystitis


 Are there any solutions out there for interstitial cystistis.  40 year old
 It is not responding to Colloidal Silver or to D-Mannose.  The infection
 in the tissue surrounding the bladder now, not the bladder wall.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver List archive:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 OT Archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSCurad-New Silver Line of Bandages

2004-05-29 Thread Lagoon
here's another entry into the silver bandage field...

- Original Message - 
From: Dwan Pete
To: Silver list
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2004 12:51 AM
Subject: CSCurad-New Silver Line of Bandages

 Hi all!
 Good mews.
 Curad, huge maker of bangages, has a new Silver Line
 that uses silver in the dressing.
 The link below, from the Heallix site (CS makers), has
 a story from the Healix newsletter where some
 (probably) big conventional medical people testify
 about silver's healing properties.
 The fact that a major company has added silver to its
 bandages is testimony in itself.
 Wonderful affirmation from conventional medicine and
 big business on the healing properties of silver.
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Friends.  Fun.  Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger. 
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Silver List archive:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 OT Archive:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAntibiotics linked to rising rates of allergies

2004-05-29 Thread Lagoon
 sorry, that was to be forwarded to another listthey were talking about
pesticide removal from halifax city use as the cause for all the new athsma

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2004-05-26 Thread Lagoon

Re: CS

2004-05-24 Thread Lagoon
the asap solution they talk about in this clifton article about malaria is just 

i would have them take a machine to make CS with them
  - Original Message - 
  From: Heather King (LCA) 
  Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:22 PM
  Subject: CS

  Hi All,


  Digging into the depths of your collective experience, will CS do anything at 
all in either the prevention of or the healing of malaria?

  My parents are heading to Africa for a 1-year mission through their church 
and in my Mom's words are going to be taking antibiotics every day to prevent 
malaria. I inherently mistrust blanket statements like that, but after lurking 
for years on this list I know that those particular blanket statements are 
begging to be examined...any light to be shed? Are there good reasons why my 
Mom's doctor would be prescribing antibiotics for daily use for malaria 
prevention? Should I question her further about this?  


  Thanks in advance...



  Heather King

  8/2230  425.706.2986

  Microsoft Information Resources




Re: CSMalaria questions

2004-05-24 Thread Lagoon
Re: CSMalaria questions
  - Original Message - 
  From: Christine Carleton 
  Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 6:34 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMalaria questions

  The CS machine is great in a first world country.
  However in a third world country one must consider such thing as
  1. electricity challenges - frequency of service
  i don't know about trem's machines, but the silverpuppy will work on almost 
any incoming voltage...

  the worries below might also cover expensive and scarce antibiotics:

  2. the instrument is not 'detained' at customs
  3. the machine is not 'broken'
  4. the machine does not 'disappear'
  5. superstition
  6. spoils of war...
  7. other political interests

 From: Lagoon writes:

...  i would have them take a machine to make CS with them

  - Original Message - 
  From: Heather King (LCA)  
  Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 1:22 PM
  Subject: CS

  Hi All, 

  Digging into the depths of your collective experience, will CS do 
anything at all in either the prevention of or the healing of malaria? 

  My parents are heading to Africa for a 1-year mission through their 
church and in my Mom's words are going to be taking antibiotics every day to 
prevent malaria. I inherently mistrust blanket statements like that, but after 
lurking for years on this list I know that those particular blanket statements 
are begging to be examined...any light to be shed? Are there good reasons why 
my Mom's doctor would be prescribing antibiotics for daily use for malaria 
prevention? Should I question her further about this?  

  Thanks in advance... 


Heather King 
8/2230  425.706.2986 
Microsoft Information Resources 