Re: CSnatural blood thinners . Check these out. It works---

2013-03-07 Thread ZZekelink
It really works- put my INR to 4.9 ---Don't really  need Big pharma's 
coumadin or warfarin.--- Lois
W_hat Is Red Clover Tea?_ 
Most observers seem to agree that red clover tea  acts as a blood thinner. 
This effect results from a commonly occurring  anticoagulant called 
coumarin. Coumarin ...
_How do  people use red clover as an herbal remedy? - Curiosity_ 
The plant can also be used to make tea, providing a  beneficial addition to 
your diet. ... Red clover can be used as a  blood thinner because it 
contains coumarin,  ...

Re: CSDetox bath--

2013-03-06 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 3/6/2013 10:11:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I use epsom salt baths for detox and  relaxation, not for taking in mag. L

I use 1 cup epsom salt  1 cup Baking soda   as my detox bath... Lois
_How to  Take a Detox Bath: 10 steps - wikiHow_ 
( - _Similarto How to Take a Detox  Bath: 
10 steps - wikiHow _ 
A bath of Epsom salt and baking soda  bath is detoxing in and of itself, 
but other items can be added for further  effects. Dry brush your skin before 
the bath for ...  
_Baking Soda and Epsom Salt Bath for Detoxification |  Suite101_ 
Apr 22, 2010 ... Epsom salt and baking  soda are both traditional remedies, 
which have been used for generations to  improve well-being. Taking a bath 
with  ...

Re: CS Try here for the article. { Jim}

2013-02-22 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 2/22/2013 12:14:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I can't  find the article documenting the allegation that WebMD was paid by 

Can anyone direct me? 


_How to Post a Positive  Review of Colloidal Silver on the Web 
Site…_ (  Lois

Re: CSWe know they're doing it. We also know the truth !

2013-02-21 Thread ZZekelink
Sorry, I didn't mean to be a scumbag but I did go to  WebMD  found CS to 
be mean mouthed  one of the 5 No, No's   not to be used... I've used it 
for over 5 years now almost every day   haven't had a twinge of blue skin... 
I have several friends using it   they aren't smurffs either.. I would 
never buy one of the barwick's  generators --but have checked on some of his 
reports  they have been  true... Lois

From: bob  Larson
 Subject: RE: CS We know  they're doing it. We also know the truth !

  steve barwick wants a usory fortune for hisw simplistic CS generator  
 his 12ga .999 silver wire.
 this guy is predatory  by my definition, and part of the CS blight around
 the net that  brings about or encourages bad attitudes re CS  pharma
 doesn't  need more scumbags to point at.

Re: CSRecommendations for CS generator. / Go Puppy Go !!

2013-02-20 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 2/20/2013 12:02:38 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

We would  like to buy a quality CS generator for home use. By quality, we
mean a unit  that produces quality CS as well as a quality unit that we can
expect to  work well for many years to come with minimal  maintenance.

II love my silver Puppy. I used the 4 nine volt  batteries for a couple 
years  they worked fine but nothing like the ease of  the Puppy... Ode is 
great with any questions you may have---  Lois

CS Where to get best grapeseed extract + PT

2013-02-17 Thread ZZekelink
Haven't used GS yet but after reading this  --Researchers  from the 
University of Colorado Cancer Center reports that _grape seed extract  
  in targeting and 
destroying  advanced cancer cells.
Thought it would be worth  using it 
 Also-- PT, you asked where my son has his Acupuncture  practiceIt is 
in a little town --Lakeville--- at the North end of one of the  finger 
lakes---South of Rochester NY...

Re: CSWant a zapper-- Please check out

2013-02-09 Thread ZZekelink
the Electricgermkiller site for instructions on how to  build--Testimonials 
on use  safety  Lois --- It is a yahoo group   well worth your 
time._germkiller  sign in_ (
In a message dated 2/8/2013 7:19:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Thanks.  I have the Clark zapper, which I bought off ebay a  few years 
back, which is 30kHz only.

I found the following plans for a  15Hz zapper, I may have to give it a go.


Re: CSWant a zapper-- Please check out

2013-02-09 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 2/9/2013 12:34:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

It is a great group but as I understand it, what I saw there is a  godzilla 
which is not technically a zapper as it does not use a frequency but  
rather the electrical current from a  battery.

Yes,  others -- You can add the meters to control  Current etc. Wish I was 
an electrical wiza but I'm sure not.. :-)  but  frequency is current-- Lois
_Alternating Alterna vs Direct  vs Dir -  - KWDif and Comparison  an_ 
What's the What's the between  Alternating  betwee and Direct  and Di? ?
KWFr: The : The KW of alternating  of alt is  50Hz or 60Hz depending 
upon the  is 

Re: CS PT, elect. device used in acupuncture

2013-02-09 Thread ZZekelink
PT, my son does acupuncture  he uses an  electrical stimulator at times. 
Did you use this when You practiced ??? I never  did ask him what it was 
for..  Lois 

Re: CS cured my abscessed with a double A battery. Reply thanks to Nenah

2013-01-24 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 1/24/2013 3:26:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

[and to  Lois] I would NOT use a TENS device on my head, nor directly along 
my  spine.

Hi Nenah, the only electricity I have used is the  little double A battery 
on my abscess. I have suggested the Godzilla to several  people for them 
selves  their pets.I always tell them to check the  germkiller site before 
they use it to make sure they are doing it safely...I  catch my charge in the 
sun when the weather is warm enough { Not like the -3  degrees this morning 
with a day's high of 8 }   I do Earthing.  
I have Robert Becker's books   Cross Currents   The Body Electric 
but haven't done any serious reading  of them... A dentist suggested The 
Body Electric  when I asked him why my  fillings got hot when I came near the 
incinerator in school  In Buffalo  when I was in the area of the 
incinerators there.  Lois

Re: CS abscessed tooth with a double A battery Reply thanks to Tony too

2013-01-24 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 1/24/2013 1:49:33 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I would  NOT use a TENS device on my head, nor directly along my spine. On 
the other  hand 
I am quite happy using low voltage (3 to 12v) on my self, as long as  it is 
current controlled, or 
very low voltage (1.5v) if  uncontrolled.  

Hi Tony, I'm not sure what a  TENS  device is. I  have never read up on 
one but now the curiosity bump is itching I will have  to.   I only used the 
little double a battery with the wire I  soldered on each end. I used it  as 
near to the abscess as I could get it inside  outside of my cheek...I  
never felt any current passing through my jaw  have never felt anything  from 
one when I have touched both ends with wet fingers... A 9 volt is different  
I got sparked only once on my tongue when I touched it to see if it was a 
live  one. I learned  NOT  to do that again very quickly. :-).  Lois

Re: CS How I cured my abscessed tooth with a double A battery

2013-01-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 1/23/2013 2:51:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I never did go to the dentist  never to this day  have had any more 
problems with the tooth... Lois

I wonder  if a TENS device could be used in the same manner.  Higher 
voltage,  pulsed.

They even come with conductive pads.  

Very pure  distilled water is an insulator.  


Thank you for  the info.  I am interested in follow up.  It stopped it.  
Now,  can the nerve recover full functioning?  

May I have your  permission to copy and paste your mail complete and 
unaltered except to remove  anything you desire?


Re: CS How I cured my abscessed tooth with a double A battery

2013-01-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 1/23/2013 9:30:47 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

People have been talking about  using electrical current directly in the 
mouth using wires or pads to carry  the current.

I only used a double A battery. The current was so low  I didn't feel 
anything but it did the job...Some folks use the 6 volt lantern  battery to 
the Godzilla  it works great for many infections..  Lois

CS How I cured my abscessed tooth with a double A battery

2013-01-22 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 1/20/2013 6:35:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Anyone know if DMSO and homemade silver could help an  abscessed tooth and 
prevent a root canal? If so what would be the protocol  please.
Thanks,  Sandy  
{ It's  a yahoo  group  _germkillersignin_ 
=webpub=groupssec=groupslk=1)   Hi Sandy,  I cured a really bad 
abscess with a double A battery. Had  them before  had to take mega doses 
of antibiotics before I started  learning about alternatives. 
This is what I did.---  {{I used it  let Bg know on the  
electricgermkiller sit.--It was put in the archive with my instructions. he  
asked for 
pictures of how I built it but I never took any  sent them..I  should but it 
so easy-}}I took about 6-8 inches of lamp  wire---pulled it in 
halfcleaned the rubber / plastic  on each end of  both wires--{ about 3/4 
inches } 
  I soldered one end of one wire to  the pos. post on the battery  one end 
of the other wire on the negative  end On the other bare ends I wrapped 
a small piece of cotton cloth. { I used  a needle  thread to keep it in 
place |   I soaked the cloth end  of each wire in distilled water-Put the 
cloth end of one wire in my mouth as  close to the abscess as I could get it 
 the other wire outside on the big  bump on my jaw..I held them in 
place for 5 mins. then switched positions  ---inside wire out * outside wire in 
{thus changing the polarity }held it for 5 mins. . 
   I did this in the evening before bed time..rinsed my  mouth with 
hydrogen peroxide / distilled water  then CS /EIS...I did the same thing 
next morning  again in the eveningThe next  morning when I got up the 
swelling was almost gone  no more problems  since...This was several months 
agoNO- you can't feel a thing as far as  electric current passing through 
the jaw... I even used it to cure my Grandson's  cold sore  an infected 
big toe Good  luck--Lois  

CS How to prevent treat the flu.-CS tops the list for prevention

2013-01-15 Thread ZZekelink
Here's some  powerful, lifesaving information on how to beat the flu, even 
during a  pandemic:
This is from ( _www.NaturalNews.com_ (  ) news  
letter I just got.. Good old chicken soup is also mentioned.. Lois 

Re: CSOil of Oregano and colds/the sugar cure!

2013-01-02 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 1/2/2013 6:16:50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Here  is a four hour cold cure using  sugar

Sugar feeds cancer so try any one or more of the many  cures out there. If 
you are prone to cancer stay away from sugar...Raw Honey is  your best bet. 
   Good old CS / EIS by the  swigin a nebulizer will do what almost 
any cure will doLois   

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma// Polio

2012-12-31 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/31/2012 4:56:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

My Father had polio and I don't know if he was vaccinated before or  not.  
My concern is if there was any post polio effect that could have  been 
passed down to his offspring?  
Does anyone have any information  on this?

Hi Pt, I don't know in all cases but I had a friend  who had polio  she 
had the effects--limping--turned in foot, facial  differences etc.  None of 
her 4 kids showed any effects  still don't.  Lois

Re: CSDill pickle juice 4 colds Try a Hot Toddy BS Ep Salts bath

2012-12-29 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

PS  cant bath—we only have a shower here!

If you can't do the bath, put the mix in a tub  soak your  feet  as much 
of your legs as you can.. Just like with Earthing, The feet  are a doorway...
  Here's a good one I got a long time ago from a news  letter I get . The 
writer said they haven't had a cold in 30 yrs using  it-Consume two 
tablespoons of cold Dill Pickle Juice each morning when you  get up-{ The 
protocol }  :-)
  The news letter writer did a search on it  found  that people also use 
dill pickle juice for upset stomach   hangovers...  { Just found it 
interesting.. I haven't had a cold for near 5  + yrs since I found out about 
CS. I 
take a big swig every time I go out where  there might be someone ill. }  Lois

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for 
us when  we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days, 
which have  been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.  

Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart  Your Cancer  
by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I  didn't know a 
lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5  yearsIf 
you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured   lots 

: CSOT I feel so indebted to the moderators owners of the lists

2012-12-29 Thread ZZekelink
It is so sad that so many people will listen only to  Drs.  follow them 
like sheeple... 
  I am just so thankful for people like  Mike, This list,  The 
Electricgermkiller group, The DMSO group,  flaxseedoil2 group, iodine group, 
silverpets-- on   on..
   I do hope they know they save lives   all of us are Blessed to have 
them there !!!

Re: CSOil of Oregano and colds Try a Hot Toddy BS Ep Salts bath

2012-12-28 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/26/2012 4:22:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Just  to say that I was told that oil of oregano would ‘stop a cold in its 
tracks’  but this is not true.  I have just started a cold and used this 
almost  immediately and the cold is getting steadily worse.  I am also using CS 
 with DMSO but still have the cold.  Just a snippet to say that natural  
remedies are not always successful either.  Dee 
Dee , give this a try-That night Dan broke a massive sweat   the cold 
{ a bad one } is gone...

 When My kids were young  had a bad  cold. ( before I found out about 
colloidal silver} I would mix a little  whiskey with honey  water  give 
them a teaspoon or table spoon full  before they went to bed. During the night 
they would have a big sweat   in the morning be much better.  My Grand 
mother told me to use  it as she did with my Mom  uncle...I'm 75  now   this  
was near 40 yrs ago as my kids are grown..{{ Gram's use was over 100 yrs  
ago.. likely more as her Mom most likely used it...}}  
My son has a bad cold so I did a search  found  the whiskey honey use on 
line as an old remedy. { we didn't use the  lemon }   The wonderful Hot  
Toddy  Mix piping hot water to a cup, 1/2 shot of whiskey, and 1  tea spoon 
lemon juice, 1 tea spoon honey, mix well. The Alcohol has an  
anti-inflammatory effect on mucous membranes. Also said to reduce fever, and  
relieve muscle 
Squeeze the juice from one lemon into a glass and add one large spoon  of 
honey. { raw honey is the best } Add one large spoon of Scotch  whisky. 
Fill the 
glass with boiling water and stir to mix. Let cool  and drink. 
Have one glass a day for three days.  !!  Lois
{ Oh  we use the after bath water to do a load of  laundry } --  :-)

Re: CSOil of Oregano and colds/ Hot Toddy BS Ep Salts bath

2012-12-28 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/26/2012 4:22:04 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Just  to say that I was told that oil of oregano would ‘stop a cold in its 
tracks’  but this is not true.  I have just started a cold and used this 
almost  immediately and the cold is getting steadily worse.  I am also using CS 
 with DMSO but still have the cold.  Just a snippet to say that natural  
remedies are not always successful either.  Dee 
Dee , give this a try-That night Dan broke a massive sweat   the cold 
{ a bad one } is gone...

 When My kids were young  had a bad  cold. ( before I found out about 
colloidal silver} I would mix a little  whiskey with honey  water  give 
them a teaspoon or table spoon full  before they went to bed. During the night 
they would have a big sweat   in the morning be much better.  My Grand 
mother told me to use  it as she did with my Mom  uncle...I'm 75  now   this  
was near 40 yrs ago as my kids are grown..{{ Gram's use was over 100 yrs  
ago.. likely more as her Mom most likely used it...}}  
My son has a bad cold so I did a search  found  the whiskey honey use on 
line as an old remedy. { we didn't use the  lemon }   The wonderful Hot  
Toddy  Mix piping hot water to a cup, 1/2 shot of whiskey, and 1  tea spoon 
lemon juice, 1 tea spoon honey, mix well. The Alcohol has an  
anti-inflammatory effect on mucous membranes. Also said to reduce fever, and  
relieve muscle 
Squeeze the juice from one lemon into a glass and add one large spoon  of 
honey. { raw honey is the best } Add one large spoon of Scotch  whisky. 
Fill the 
glass with boiling water and stir to mix. Let cool  and drink. 
Have one glass a day for three days.  !!  Lois
{ Oh  we use the after bath water to do a load of  laundry } -- :-)

_How to Take a Detox Bath: 10  steps - wikiHow_ 
(   --BS  Ep Salts Detox bath Take it 
after your  Toddy

CS How To Use Kerosene and Turpentine

2012-12-27 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/26/2012 6:59:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Three  rounds of lufenuron and a tablespoon of kerosene daily cleared up my 
entire  health. Now a days no more sinus, bronchial, or respiratory 
problems  atall.

I remember as a kid my Grandmother told Mom Each of us  kids should have a 
tsp. of Kerosene every Spring. I didn't know what for but we  got it with 
some honey  water.. Lois  
_  and Turpentine_ 

Re: CSthe wog ? I think I know

2012-12-27 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/27/2012 9:33:37 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Its  obviously just an expression that Neville uses to describe some  
malady.  I don't think anyone should start getting  offended.  I call such
things the dreaded lurgy or some such.   Horses for courses.  dee

Hang on --- I think it may be when Neville has reached his  boiling 
point--- chuckle, grin :-) I luv Neville- WOGWater-Oil-Gas  (valves, 
WOG is a do-not-exceed pressure,  Lois

Re: CSBacking Soda {What kind- where to get it some uses }

2012-12-26 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/26/2012 12:36:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

What's  a good brand of baking soda to buy?


Paul  Steel

Hi Paul, Good old Arm  Hammer is fine for internal   external use.Many 
folks use it in place of Tums for the tummy. ( They  just haven't found out 
about the Apple Cider cure for Gerd , acid reflux  etc, yet )   _Apple Cider 
Vinegar Cures / Earth  Clinic_ 
used in cooking---. It is Great ! when  
used with Epsom Salts as a  detox bath...( _How to Take a Detox Bath: 10  
steps - wikiHow_ (  Our  family 
used Arm  Hammer for years. You can get it just about  anywhere you can 
buy baking products.. { also great mixed with water to take  the corrosion off 
your battery terminals on your vehicles..}  :-)   Lois

_Apple  Cider Vinegar Cures / Earth Clinic_ 

Re: CSBacking Soda { What kind some uses}

2012-12-26 Thread ZZekelink
Hi Paul, Good old Arm  Hammer is fine for internal   external use.Many 
folks use it in place of Tums for the tummy. ( They just  haven't found out 
about the Apple Cider cure for Gerd , acid reflux etc, yet  )   _Apple Cider 
Vinegar Cures / Earth  Clinic_ 
used in cooking---. It is Great  ! when 
used with Epsom Salts as a  detox bath...( _How to Take a Detox Bath: 10  
steps - wikiHow_ (  Our family  
used Arm  Hammer for years. You can get it just about anywhere you can  
buy baking products.. { also great mixed with water to take the corrosion off  
your battery terminals on your vehicles..}  :-)   Lois_Apple  Cider 
Vinegar Cures / Earth Clinic_ 

Re: CS SNOW SNOW beautiful SNOW

2012-12-26 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/25/2012 9:11:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Where is here Lois?  We're in western Kentucky -- no snow yet, but  it's 
coming!!  Merry Christmas to all!!

Hi MA, We are here in Up State New York.  About an hour +  South East of 
Buffalo  an hour south West of Rochester. On the border of  Letchworth State 
Park, { The Grand Canyon of the East } 
   Have a storm warning for tonight !! some places  may get up to 24 
inches...I can't wait-- I may get to shovel the drive way  instead of sweeping 
like when the 6 Inches came, 22 degrees here  now...Lois

Re: CSNeed help-- Nebulizer we use.

2012-12-26 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/26/2012 12:19:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Where could one purchase a nebulizer?   Edith

Hi Edith, A fellow on the DMSO list recommended the Omron  compressor 
Nebulizer System. At the time I ordered You could buy one  get  one for half 
price.  My son has used it for a couple days now  it does  work great.. This 
is where we got it. The NE-C25  It cost- $  36.99
 _Nebulizers |  OMRON HEALTHCARE®_ 
(  Lois

Re: CSBacking Soda used to make baking powder--

2012-12-26 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/26/2012 3:30:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Baking  POWDER is made with Baking SODA and often has another
ingredient added to  it so it can also rise in the presence of heat,
and that ingredient may be  an aluminum compound.

Yes, you mix 1 part baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) and 2 parts cream  of
tartar and use that mix the same as baking  powder.---Lois

Re: you Mike.

2012-12-25 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/24/2012 9:48:16 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi folks,
I just wanted to check in and let you know I appreciate  your keeping the
list in shape, and wish you all a good holiday season.
Be  well!  Mike D.list owner

Mike our thanks to you for having this list !!!  You are a Treasure  a 
special person  a blessing in my  life. This list has helped so many 
many people   pets over the yrs I have been on it  have been able to share 
the info. I  have learned here.
  Blessings of Love  Light to you   Have the best Holiday  time... Lois

CS Just a quick Merry Christmas -

2012-12-25 Thread ZZekelink
Merry Christmas  -- Happy Holidays  to  everyone on the  List
After 75 yrs it just doesn't seem possible  to have people I feel are friends 
all over the world.. I remember friends were  neighbors or town folks  there 
was no television.Now-- WOW  !!   Blessings of Love  Light to all my  
Unseen Real  Friends   Lois LInk, Up State New York USA --Near the  Grand 
Canyon  of the East  :-)  :-)  

Re: CSCure for cancer and hiv by using Vaccine

2012-12-25 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/25/2012 2:29:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi everybody, 
I would like everybody to know about this research doctor who  invented a 
vaccine(s) that can cure diseases like HIV, cancer and  others. 
His name is SAM ChachouaOne of the youtube video is here 
(2hours)He really  explains the cause of cancer.J james

Hi James, I did a search on this fellow.---Very interesting !!  Thanks, Lois


2012-12-25 Thread ZZekelink
It's here !   a new 3 inch coating on our 6 inch  snow fall !!! The 
temp. is 29 degrees so the snow will stay !!! It is so  absolutely Beautiful 
here in our woods with the Snow on the white pines the Blue  Jays,-- 
Cardinals-- chick-a-dees -titmice-- Black  Gray squirrels  all  the others.. 
are so Blessed   Lois

Re: CSHow to use Silver and DMSO /Personal-- business etc.

2012-12-08 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/8/2012 1:47:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Why do  you keep sending your personal and business emails through this  


Dan, this list is not only extremely educational, it is a  caring list !!! 
Many people have been helped by using Tel's products  his  input on many 
conditions..Including one of my friends who's skin cancer  disappeared after 
using his black salve.  { She thanks you so much Tel.  }
  Please be one of the caring folks here --help if you  can -- be helped 
for you  your friends.. Be well  take care,  Lois
 By the way, How are you Mike ??  He is our Leader   extreamly caring

Re: CSHow to use Silver and DMSO for hip pain

2012-12-08 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/7/2012 12:49:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

For your hip pain also use is excellent for such things. You  
might even rub some magnesium oil on the hip and let it absorb for a bit then  
rub on some DMSO with a cotton ball. May husband has lower back pain and 
this  has helped him.

Sandy, if you do this it might be best to dilute the DMSO with  distilled 
water or colloidal Silver first. 99(% can sting if is used on the  skin 
without diluting it.. Start low  build up to what your skin can  stand...It 
is a great pain killer.. I know some folks on this list know how  to mix 
DMSO with other ingredients to make a rub..  Lois

Re: CSHow to use Silver and DMSO for hip pain

2012-12-08 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/8/2012 9:42:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

There is a DMSO product -- a roll-on gel -- that would be suited very  well 
to topical application.  Roll on = no rubbing, etc.

Re: CSHow to use Silver and DMSO for hip pain

2012-12-08 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/8/2012 9:42:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

There is a DMSO product -- a roll-on gel -- that would be suited very  well 
to topical application.  Roll on = no rubbing, etc.

This is where I get a lot of my DMSO products---_iHEALTH  TREE NETWORK, 
your total health  resources1_ 

Re: CSHow to use Silver and DMSO

2012-12-07 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/6/2012 9:59:20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
   Hi Sandy, 1.-yes DMSO is a good carrier. Check  this yahoo group-- 
_DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO  sign in_ 
(   and check for used copies of these  2 books--
DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton Walker
MSM  The Definitive Guide by Stanely Jacob MD and Jeremy Appleton, ND  ---  
They are a wealth of information..For digestive problems you might look  
into Diatomaceous Earth  
_Red Lake  Diatomaceous Earth w/ Calcium Bentonite2_ 
(   ( can be bought at 
Tractor Supply )  
and--_E A R T  H . C L I N I C - Folk Remedies and Holistic Cures 1_ 
  Can also  check on Calcium Bentonite Clay.--  _Clay  As a Natural Home 
Remedy (Yes, Really)_ 
 Hope these might help,Good luck, Lois
Hi,  Just bought a Silver-Gen and have been  using  the silver in my mouth 
and taking 2 oz two times a day. I have not  seen improvement.
I would like to know how others have used DMSO and Silver.  thinking that I 
might need the penetration to see sucess.
Also is there a  discussion group or web site that would  have good 
knowledge on DMSO and  CS.
I have post nasal drip and dry sore mouth. Also digestive  problems.
Also I would like any help for external use for hip pain.
Thanks  a lot. Sandy

Re: CSHow to use Silver and DMSO

2012-12-07 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/7/2012 8:26:41 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Sandy -- have you looked into the use of Apple Cider Vinegar and  Honey?  
The protocol should help with all of these issues.  The ACV  needs to be 
unpasterurized with the *mother*, and the honey should be raw  honey.  Mix one 
tablespoon of each with 4 ozs. of hot water and  drink.  Twice a day.  
I don't think that CS would help with any of those issues, even with DMSO  
added.  CS is more of an antibiotic in nature.

MA, Great idea the ACV  Honey, my son cured his acid  reflux using it. 
Only has to take it occasionally now that the stomach had  balanced..I wait for 
the { buy one get 2 free sales } at puritan pride   buy 15 bottles of the 
organic ACV. and get 30 free,  at a  time  I do think that the DMSO/CS 
might help with the post nasal  drip..I have a mixture of DMSO/CS in a small 
spray bottle that I use in my eyes   nose { also for the pets }   I find 
that if the old drip starts  --a day or two of spray, 2 times a day stops it.  
Maybe a different cause  for the drip though, don't know... Lois

Re: CSGiardia, etc

2012-12-02 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/2/2012 12:00:08 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Giardia and tapeworm cysts? Thank you for all the info  found in this forum.

Check out Diatomaceous  Earth.

Re: CSTape Worms //Tel, for cats too ????

2012-12-02 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/2/2012 4:06:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

CO Q10 kills tape worms

Hi Tel, is it OK for cats too ???  Lois

Re: goodbye letter

2012-11-28 Thread ZZekelink
No need to apologies Lola, I think all of us in the U.S.  {except big 
pharma  the politicians } feel the same way  !!!Lois
In a message dated 11/28/2012 12:39:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Sad doesn't begin to describe this situation.  It is an  outrage.  Raintree 
Nutrition  is a highly reputable company  delivering  pure, sustainable 
products.  This country has the boot  of the federal bureaucrats on it's neck 
and I am not sure we will survive  them. 'Their' goal is to keep us sick.  
If our government was a mental patient, the diagnosis would be 'split  
personality disorder'.
Our first lady touts fresh, wholesome foods,  approves of regulations 
determining school lunches while the FDA allows  GMO foods, aspertame, flouride 
and  pulls stunts like this,  also locking up farmers out in Calif who are 
trying to make available organic  products for the public.  Oh.. let's not 
forget NYC legislating the size  of soft drinks.  Whew.. don't know what came 
over me.. but excuse the  rant. lol...Lola H.

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Melly Bag _tita_mel@yahoo.com_ 
(   wrote:

Re: CSBioavailability of Curcumin by the pound--where ??

2012-11-26 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/25/2012 11:54:58 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Better to just buy by the  pound and encapsulate the whole thing 
yourselves.  We use most of our  herbs as tea.  


Hi Melly, Where do you buy yours by the pound ??  Lois

Re: CSMSM // Lasers / LEDS

2012-11-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/22/2012 7:17:42 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Brickey,  did you buy the lasers from China online?  if so what website? 
thanks,  Jessie 
From:  [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2012 11:04  AM
Subject: Re:  CSMSM

Hi  Sol
Low  level lasers/and LEDS can be used for detox, allergy elimination, pain 
 reduction/elimination, muscle ailments, blood irradiation, ATP increase, 
nerve  stimulation etc. The 635 Red is said to be a perfect match to human 
and animal  cells, I was allergic to eggs so I did the  following:

I  held a 660nm continuous LED array made by the 
LED man to each ear for 30 seconds  while holding a boiled egg. I checked 
my heart rate, ate two eggs  
and 39  minutes later my heart rate only increased by two beats. Before  
treating  my ears with the LEDs my heart rate would have increased by over 
12 beats. DR  Cowdon in Arizona is treating allergies with good success with 
lasers and  LEDS. I also had an allergic reaction every time I mowed the 
lawn. I took one  handful of grass clippings, laid them on my belly and did 
the 30 second LED  treatment. No allergic reaction to mowing the lawn. They 
say treating each ear  for 30 seconds triggers most accupuncture points.

They  say you can put an allergen in a glass, so you don't touch it, and 
shine the  laser or LED through the glass and the beam transmits it into your 
body  similar to DMSO. You can even do that with medicines, aspirin, etc. I 
bought  some 660nm red lasers from China for$2.50 each. I can use them to 
check my EIS  tyndal also.



Re: CSMSM // Lasering

2012-11-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/22/2012 5:48:35 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

The lasering of the ears hits all of the acupuncture points in the  body. 
Sandi Radomski lasers the ears for allergy elimination purposes. I have  
done many different allergy elimination protocols with holding a vial in my  
left hand and when I have used the ear method
This  will show how the elongated laser beam looks(She uses glass vials 
with  the laser beam)
Sounds like your teaching is right on. DR Gordon found that if I used the  
laser on my knee joint without removing my blue jeans the beam would carry  
blue jean parts into my body, not good. That is why I tend to just hold the  
items. Check out Sandis site and Andreas site. Brickey
Hi Brickey,
When I was trained in allergy treatment we were taught  to use glass baby 
food jars because they had fewer contaminants in the  glass.

Re: CSMSM / lasers/and LEDS

2012-11-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/22/2012 3:52:13 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi Brickey,
When I was trained in allergy treatment we were taught to  use glass baby 
food jars because they had fewer contaminants in the  glass.

Would you write more about the process of the protocol you  did?  Or do you 
have any write up on it or a website/book to refer me  to?


Sent:  Thu, November 22, 2012 2:04:30 PM
Subject: Re:  CSMSM

Hi Sol
Low level lasers/and LEDS can be used for detox, allergy  elimination, pain 
reduction/elimination, muscle ailments, blood irradiation,  ATP increase, 
nerve stimulation etc. The 635 Red is said to be a perfect match  to human 
and animal cells, I was allergic to eggs so I did the  following:
I held a 660nm continuous LED array made by the 
LED man to each  ear for 30 seconds while holding a boiled egg. I checked 
my heart rate, ate  two eggs 
and 39 minutes later my heart rate only increased by two beats.  Before 
treating my ears with the LEDs my heart rate would have increased  by over 
12 beats. DR Cowdon in Arizona is treating allergies with good success  with 
lasers and LEDS. I also had an allergic reaction every time I mowed the  
lawn. I took one handful of grass clippings, laid them on my belly and did the 
 30 second LED treatment. No allergic reaction to mowing the lawn. They say 
 treating each ear for 30 seconds triggers most accupuncture points.
They say you can put an allergen in a glass, so you don't touch it,  and 
shine the laser or LED through the glass and the beam transmits it into  your 
body similar to DMSO. You can even do that with medicines, aspirin, etc.  I 
bought some 660nm red lasers from China for$2.50 each. I can use them to  
check my EIS tyndal also.

Re: CSMSM/ Clay

2012-11-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/23/2012 11:52:15 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Dirt is  a catchall for anything pretty well underfoot that is not solid 
like rock or a  liquid.  I am sure you eat dirt all the time whether you 
realize it or  not.  Ever take kaopectate?  That has kaolin in it, which is a 
clay.  Bentonite are very fine particles of glass with volcanic source.  Many 
 foods and medicines contain a fine silica as a filler or to reduce 
clumping,  which is nothing more than fine particles of glass.  Common salt is  
dirt from the salt flats.  Calcium carbonate is ground up limestone,  which 
is added to some foods, used in medicines, and taken as a calcium  
supplement.  And of course baking soda is also a mined  dirt known  as 
before mining.  Dolomite which is often used for magnesium  for 
supplementation, and is of course in the calcium magnesium supplement with  the 
same name 
comes from sedimentary beds.  These are but a few examples  of various 
earths which are often eaten.


On  11/21/2012 6:25 PM, Gary Hilt wrote:  
Well thats not good  news about the MSM but i have to tell ya ingesting 
i just dont see  that happening :O) 

On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 5:09 PM, sol _solbun@sweetwaterhsa.com_ 
(  wrote:

Del wrote:

MSM is not a solution for IBS In fact, it may  aggravate it.

It certainly aggravated my IBS-D. There was  practically no dose no matter 
how small that didn't set off a big attack  of diarrhea. I persisted at one 
point, but never could raise it and it  never didn't cause diarrhea even 
after faithful daily use.

My  experience with kefir was the same.

The solution, based on my experience, is  three-fold:
1. Clay – get a high quality clay from this website: 
( .  Start with a 
teaspoon of clay in four ounces of 
filtered or purified  water twice a day, and increase to as much as a 
tablespoon in 8oz twice  a day. Stir the clay into the water and let it sit for 
an hour  before drinking.
2. Colon Care – Some people get constipated from  clay. Colon Care from 
Yerba Prima is very gentle, is excellent for the  colon in general, prevents 
constipation, and provides great fiber for  colon health. 
353523461sr=8-2keywords=colon+care_ (
3.  Live Kefir probiotic – make your own kefir and drink it every day, 
at  least 8 ounces a day. I drink mine in the evening and let it work while  
I am asleep. You can order kefir grains from Amazon, I did and they work  
very well. Use organic milk, raw milk if you can get it. We also tried  water 
kefir and Kombucha, but neither of those were near as effective as  the 

The  Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal  Silver.
Rules and Instructions: _http://www.silverlist.org_ 

( ?subject=unsubscribe

Off-Topic  discussions: mailto:_silver-off-topic-list@eskimo.com_ 
List  Owner: Mike Devour mailto:_mdevour@eskimo.com_ 

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from  the 
Lord Jesus Christ. 
Gary  Lennie


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Re: CSMSM / Eating Dirt :-) Gary

2012-11-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/21/2012 8:46:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi Gary, You don't have to eat it, Just drink it, :-) grin,  chuckle, Lois

Gary Hilt wrote: 

Well thats not good  news about the MSM but i have to tell ya ingesting 

i just dont see  that happening  :O) 

Re: CSMSM // Calcium Bentonite clay

2012-11-21 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/20/2012 2:24:31 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hey there Gary, Have you tried  Calcium Bentonite  clay ??? Loads of info. 
here--- I've used it a long time --Great for  detox-- make a salve to pull 
out slivers  heal bee stings ,bug bites ,burns   many more things --  Taken 
internally it is good for diarrhea   constipation both.. ( probably should 
say it is bad for them cause it doesn't  help them it rids the body of them 
in most cases.. } :-) (( I mix my clay with  Colloidal Silver instead of 
water ))Lois
_Earth  Clinic_ (http://www.ea
+sa=Search)another  site---  _Living Clay All Natural  Calcium 
Bentonite Clay_ (  
Hey yall: its me again! As you will soon know i  have many issues for my 
young 65 years.

i have had a history of IBS  and iother gut issues. i recently had a 
colonoscopy which
yielded absolutely no results and yeti  still have the problem of chronic 
So 2 weks ago i started taking  MSM 2x a day 1/4 tspn.
i was wondering what the  ingestion of water should be to the intake of 
i havnt experienced any  headaches but neither hae i seen any real results 
from the MSM.
ANy thoughts
Thanks   gary

Re: CSMSM / therapy Clay

2012-11-21 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/21/2012 1:51:38 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

MSM is not a solution for IBS.  In fact, it may aggravate it.
The solution, based on my experience, is three-fold:
1. Clay – get a high quality clay from this website: 
( .   Start with a 
teaspoon of clay in four ounces of 
filtered or purified water  twice a day, and increase to as much as a 
in 8oz twice a day.   Stir the clay into the water and let it sit for half 
an hour before  drinking.
2. Colon Care – Some people get constipated from clay.  Colon Care  from 
Yerba Prima is very gentle, is excellent for the colon in general,  prevents 
constipation, and provides great fiber for colon health. 
3. Live Kefir probiotic – make your own kefir and drink it every day, at  
least 8 ounces a day.  I drink mine in the evening and let it work while  I 
am asleep.  You can order kefir grains from Amazon, I did and they work  very 
well.  Use organic milk,  raw milk if you can get it.  We  also tried water 
kefir and Kombucha, but neither of those were near as  effective as the 
We have used the above with great success to deal with lifelong IBS  
problems.  Maybe it will work for you if you give it a chance.

From: _Gary Hilt_ (  
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2012 2:24 PM
To: _silver-list@eskimo.com_ (  
Subject: CSMSM


Hey yall:  
its me again! As you will soon  know i have many issues for my young 65 
i have had a history of IBS  and iother gut issues. i recently had a 
colonoscopy which
yielded absolutely no results  and yeti still have the problem of chronic 
So 2 weks ago i started taking  MSM 2x a day 1/4 tspn.
i was wondering what the  ingestion of water should be to the intake of 
i havnt experienced any  headaches but neither hae i seen any real results 
from the MSM.
ANy thoughts
Thanks   gary

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from  the 
Lord Jesus Christ. 
Gary  Lennie

Re: CSMSM Healing Clay Diatomaceous Earth

2012-11-21 Thread ZZekelink
I also use Red Lake Diatomaceous Earth w/ Calcium Bentonite  Clay . I take 
it internally  also give it to our pups...I get mine at  Tractor supply 
farm store... Lois

Re: CS Fwd: CSAspartame / MSM

2012-11-16 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/14/2012 10:14:57 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Really Gary, try the  capsule-under-the-tongue method. Aspartame is an 
excito-toxin that your liver  and nervous system doesn't need (and sooner or 
later, must be detoxed) and is  SO counterproductive to any healing protocol 
you're expending good energy  on.  

Be well,

On Nov 14, 2012, at 1:12 PM, Gary Hilt wrote:

Yea i know bu everything will kill ya lol The msm is  nastyyy without 

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Dave Darrin _davedarrin@gmail.com_ 
(  wrote:

Did I see you say you actually  intentionally drank crystal light ?
As far as I know crystal light is  sweetened with Aspartame which is 
probably the worse poison you could  imbibe. Check this out with Dr. Mercola.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 9:48 AM, Gary Hilt _sobertogod1ness@gmail.com_ 
(  wrote:

Hey Suzy  
Well i take the CS 2x a day and i take 1/4 tsp of MSM 2x a day with  some 
crystal light.
i did have an initial detox and felt funk for a few days but now  much 

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:10 PM, suzy _starlark@beyondthetrees.com_ 
(  wrote:

Hi Gary,
I'm so glad to hear  your IB is so much improved! How are you using MSM to 
heal your  irritable bowel? Is this in combination with CS?
thanks  kindly,
On 11/14/2012 8:50 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:

Truly good news Marshall!  
We are currently  taking about 2 oz 2 times a day. i have had an irritable 
bowel for  years ad now along with MSM its almost 100% better.
Have you had  any experience with using it as an enema?

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Marshall  _mdudley@king-cart.com_ 
(  wrote:

If properly made, most is  absorbed into the blood in the stomach.  If any 
makes it into  the colon, it is immobilized and thus pretty well  
ineffective.  That is of course good, since if it were  killing your flora in 
colon, that would be bad.  Only if  the contents are liquid does it still have 
significant power in  the colon, and in that case you need it.


On  11/14/2012 11:34 AM, Gary Hilt wrote:  
Since  i'm new here ill ask an age old question. Does silver get  destroyed 
in the gut?  
i use many  different delivery methods but the ingestion seems by far the  
i have plenty  but would like not to waste it.
Any accompanying  documentation would be greatly appreciated.
p.s. remember  i'm a newbie :O)

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our  Father, and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ. 
Gary  Lennie


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Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father,  and from the 
Lord Jesus Christ. 
Gary   Lennie

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Version:  2013.0.2793 / Virus Database: 2629/5893 - Release Date:  11/13/12

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and  from the 
Lord Jesus Christ. 
Gary   Lennie

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from  the 
Lord Jesus Christ. 
Gary   Lennie

Re: CSOT Aspartame

2012-11-16 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/14/2012 8:51:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Lots of people don't know that aspartame turns into  formaldehyde at or 
near body temperature.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  _dee@deetroy.org_ 
(   wrote:

You are right Dave – it is formaldehyde which has  no known safe levels!  


Did I see you say you actually intentionally  drank crystal light ?
As far as I know crystal light is sweetened with  Aspartame which is 
probably the worse poison you could imbibe. Check this  out with Dr. Mercola.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 9:48  AM, Gary Hilt _sobertogod1ness@gmail.com_ 
(  wrote:

Hey Suzy
Well i take the CS 2x a day and i take  1/4 tsp of MSM 2x a day with some 
crystal light.
i did have an initial  detox and felt funk for a few days but now much  

Re: CSMagnesium place to order ??

2012-11-14 Thread ZZekelink
I just checked puritans pride  their  Mag oil  is on back orderI have 
never used it. I always wait for their buy 1 get  2 free salesThis is 
the info from their site--Lois  White Egret  

Pure  Magnesium Oil  
8 fl oz Oil / Item #070885 
From the Manufacturer's Label: 
From Utah's ancient inland sea, the Great Salt Lake* 
A rapidly absorbed topical spray 
All Natural and Concentrated 
*The Great Salt Lake in Utah is a mineral-rich inland sea and is a remnant 
of  the ancient Lake Bonneville, the largest lake of the last Ice Age. Its 
waters  are 11 times more concentrated than seawater and contain over 72 
naturally  occurring ionic trace minerals. 
Manufactured by White Egret. 
  INGREDIENTS: Concentrated inland seawater from Utah's ancient  inland 
sea, the Great Salt Lake, which is naturally high in ionic  magnesium 
chloride. Contains no other added ingredients. Does not contain  oil. 6,000 mg 
magnesium chloride per 2 fl  oz.Directions: Apply to desired area.  Massage 
well into the skin for best absorption. Rinse well after 20 minutes and  
moisturize with White Egret's Vitamin D3 or Alpha Lipoic Acid lotion. 
Additional  Application Method: Add 1-2 oz of Pure Magnesium Oil to your daily 
soak and  soak feet for 20 minutes. During the first several applications of 
Pure  Magnesium Oil, it is normal for some individuals to feel a light 
tingling  sensation on the skin. Attention: As the product dries on your skin, 
you may  notice a mineral residue resembling salt. This is normal. Simply 
wipe off  residue with a damp washcloth or rinse off in the shower.  

Re: CSMagnesium / {where I got my epsom salts}

2012-11-14 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/13/2012 9:13:36 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Magnesium  chloride 

This is where I just got mine---It was $22.99 for 20 lbs   free shipping  
5% off first order,,,You could also get it in 5 or 10 lb  pkgs.   I 'm not 
connected with the company --just did a search to  find places that sold 
it.. Lois 
  _Many Epsom  Salts Products at The San Francisco Salt Company_ 

Re: CSMagnesium delivery

2012-11-13 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/13/2012 11:37:20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

As always im  seeking the wisdom of all the sages on here.  
im reading that the  best way to deliver magnesium to the body
is thru trans  dermal delivery. Does anyone know of a good mag. oil?
i keep seeing Ancient Minerals  but they are pricey.

From what I have read---The first 20 mins. of a BS /Epsom  salts bath is 
the detoxing time  the next 20 mins is when your body has the  intake of the 
mag.etc.   This is new to me so It is just what I have  read in my 
research... Seems maybe a good way to get the mag  in...Lois

Re: CSMuscle spasms / magnesium

2012-11-12 Thread ZZekelink
Just began taking detox bathes with Epsom Salts  Baking  Soda.--This is 
worth reading for your problem..It mentions one of them  .. good Luck--Lois
_Peaceful  Healing Journey - Articles_ 

Re: CS 20 mule team borax as a source for boron

2012-11-09 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/9/2012 8:32:11 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Refresh my memory please -- what is the borax for?

Hi MA, Borax is a laundry booster. It is a source of boron if  anyone wants 
to use it that way.I use it both ways.. For my  boron source I wet my 
index finger {the pointer :-)  }  up to the  first knuckle  cover it with 
borax.. { 20 mule team }eat  it... I like the sweet taste--some folks 
can't stand it...  Lois

Re: CSToenail Fungus/Melly

2012-11-02 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/2/2012 8:02:53 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Cracked  brittle nails do you  think this is always a fungal problem? I 
just thought it was hereditary?  My toe nails are totally crippled  awful- 
only moons anywhere on hands or  feet are on the thumbs, which are very 
vertically ridged so much so they often  split - again I assumed with was 
hereditary?  Biotin hasn't really helped  yet. Any suggestions?  (homeopathy 
helped either  with Causticum  Graphites) 
   I was hoping that  diatomaceous earth might help but I so rarely have 
cold drinks I haven't  really started taking it yet.  Jane

Hi Jane, when I got cancer, my fingernails were very soft   would break 
off easly-- I did a search  found that { I know sounds  crazy }--that wearing 
sandstone would strengthen fingernails.. I went out  in the field  found 
some sandstone  drilled a hole in a small piece   wore it as a necklace. { 
still do }...My nails are very strong It took  about a month for them to 
change.  Here are a few sites I found during my  search.-- Lois 
1-_Discovery  Health How Fingernails Work_ 
-2- _Slide show: 7 
fingernail  problems not to ignore - MayoClinic.com_ 
(  -3- _What  Causes Ridges 
in Fingernails and What 
You Can Do About Them - Yahoo! Voic_ 

Re: CSToenail Fungus/Melly

2012-11-02 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/2/2012 9:28:37 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi Lois,
Where does one find  sandstone?

Hi PT, You can find it all over in the fields here in upstate  NY. It is a 
very soft brown stone  can be scratched  drilled very  easily..   If you 
don't live where you can find it I'll send you a  piece.  I've made necklaces 
for several of my friends. It's real easy...  Lois

Re: CSToenail Fungus/Melly Sandstone? Sorry forgot to change subject line

2012-11-02 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 11/2/2012 9:35:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi Lois,
Where does one find  sandstone?

Hi PT, You can find it all over in the fields here in  upstate NY. It is a 
very soft brown stone  can be scratched   drilled very easily..   If you 
don't live where you can find it I'll  send you a piece.  I've made necklaces 
for several of my friends. It's  real easy... Lois


Re: CSBrooks' baking soda and DMSO formula

2012-10-30 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/30/2012 11:35:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Regarding the fungus formula--since the Baking Soda and DMSO   account for 
about half the
mixture, what is the other half supposed to be??  I fear that there  is 
something very
basic here that I am not understanding so will appreciate a personal  
reply.  The list displays on my computer in a manner that is very hard to  
navigate and I get discouraged and miss some things.  Thanks very  much.  pj

Hi pj, Mixture is done with Colloidal  Silver--- Lois   { following from 
Nearly all fungus-containing mediums respond quite  favorably to common 
bicarbonate of soda
One simple protocol we  found useful...and effective for topical address of 
a majority of the fungal  insults ...was a solution containing any of a 
range of DMSO strengths from 25%  to 50% (by volume), mixed with 25% (by 
volume) supersaturated sodium bicarbonate  (e.g. where limit of solution 
is reached  Identifiable by the  fact that un dissolved  sodium 
fraction will start to collect in the bottom  of your mixing  container). 
25% (by volume) 10 ppm colloidal silver  is a useful option.  This is a very 
forgiving compound and may be used on  experimental subjects with confidence 
(at least we have found it so) to be free  of contravening effects.
Just apply, generously,  to the affected areas every 2 to 4 hours for one 
24 hour period and once every 6  hours for the following 48 hour period 
yielded excellent results for a  majority of ALL skin surface insults we 
tested in our  research.

Re: CSpsoriasis/was O of O

2012-10-29 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/29/2012 1:19:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Does O of O help psoriasis?  
My adult son has very severe psoriasis all over his face, neck,  legs.  He 
does not want going to see doctor.  He said there was no  cure.   I tried 
MMS with DMSO spray.  temporary got rid of  thick skin and showing pink bare 
skin.  Now it went back to original ugly  psoriasis.  He also am suffering 
thick fungus toenails and callous too  painful to walk.  I suspect he has lots 
fungus/yeast issues.  I am  thinking making a paste of baking soda/dmso/cs. 
to give a try or may  be O of O paste?  Your feedback much appreciated.   

Helen, the beat thing I have found to help many people with  skin 
conditions is Brooks Mix---This is it---  
75% CS {EIS}--10% DMSO--15% glycerin. Put the DMSO in  last--The mixture 
will get warm but that's OK.. shake it a bit before each use..  It is great 
for many, many skin conditions, shingles, psoriasis, athletes foot,   on  
on..{{ Can uses Aloe Vera in place of glycerin  in some  cases it works 
better  is less expensive..Just make sure it is pure with no  added 
ingredients..}}   .Lois 

Re: CSstye in the eye Green tea bags

2012-10-28 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/27/2012 10:12:19 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I hope  someone has a good suggestion for a stye in the eye. I put cs in it 
a few  times and don't see anything happening. I am not sure of the 
strength of the  cs because the generator didn't seem to stay on very long. 
Anything else that  works?

Hi Pauls, I used to get them when I was a kid--{ My grandmother said it was 
 because I peed in the middle of the road --}  :-)Mom  always used 
green tea leaves wrapped in cloth as warm as I could stand it   it helped.{{ 
Didn't have tea bags. }}. Lois


2012-10-28 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/27/2012 9:56:55 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Will be praying hard that all lives be spared and properties safe  as 
Hurricane Sandy passes to say hello and remind us all we are not  really the 

Ditto from here in upstate NYLois

Re: CS Blessingd to everyone in the Frankenstorm's path

2012-10-28 Thread ZZekelink
Take care  be safe !! Lois

Re: CShelp with brands please ? Lyme disese generators.

2012-10-27 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/27/2012 1:12:31 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hello. I recently came across your site while doing research on Colloidal  
Silver for the treatment of Lyme Disease. My physician has started me on  
antibiotics but also wants me to use C. Silver as well. The multitude of  
brands, claims and strengths/potencies is overwhelming!
   Can you please help by providing some brands that are  effective, high 
quality and safe? This will be a huge help.
Thank You,  Phil Wylie

Hi Phil,  most of the members on this site make  their own CS. If you are 
going to fight Lyme  for many other fights or  protection It would be well 
worth your while  save you many $$ to get  a CS generator to make your own. 
There are several. { I started out using 4 9v  batteries  am now using a  
Silverpuppy } _silver puppy .com Ode's site_ (  
 { Ken  is a member of this group.. I'm sure others will send info. on 
other  generators.}
   This is from one of the mods. in the silverpets  group---Scott is very 
knowledgeable. Good luck, Lois 
I have a free Lyme Resource  Computer Cd. See my webpage below to 
it or have it mailed to you  at no charge!

Scott Adams
I bet you know someone who has  Chronic Lyme and doesn't realize it  yet!

Re: CSpossibility of shingles! / coconut oil + concerning Brooks Mix

2012-10-25 Thread ZZekelink

 Morning all,  just looked up a bit about Brooks Mix  use  of coconut oil 
--Here are a couple bits from my Brook's archive  --1.- One limitation of 
coconut oil is that it is, essentially, fat  soluble---not water soluble..
  2. Glycerin seems to evince  equally beneficial, topical effects
on the skin does Aloe  Vera.  Not a major thing, but
Aloe liquid is considerably less costly  than is glycerin and it adds an
anti-irritant component not found in  glycerin.
No claim to be a medical specialist but it sure works..  :-)   Lois
On Oct 24, 2012, at 5:01 PM, Zoe W wrote:

Lena,  I've been battling shingles since January this year. CS is now being 
 used effectively ,  someone gave me a recipe for Brooks Mixwhich is 
essentially,  CS,DMSO and glycerine.  s I substituted  Coconut oil for the 
glycerine and it works OK,  just have to  shake it up  since oil and water ( 
you know the drill).Later Brooke  spoke up and said he was now using Aloe 
gell  instead of the glycerine and it was much more  effective.


Re: CSpossibility of shingles! Brooks Mix

2012-10-24 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/23/2012 11:34:37 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Does anyone have any  experience with CS for either GB issues or shingles? 
Tonight, I also used CS  and MSM under the tongue to get it throughout my 
system more efficiently. I'm  also drinking a couple oz. of my regular  CS.

Hi Lena, I have a friend that had a really bad case of  shingles  I gave 
her some Brooks Mix  CS to try...It is now over 4  years with no 
reoccurrence.. She makes her own CS using 4 9v batteries --silver  wire  
water.. She used the Brooks Mix topically  took 2-3  table spoons of CS 3 
times a day... Now she just takes a swig from the bottle  2-3 times a week
  Brooks mix = 
75% CS {EIS}--10% DMSO--15% glycerin. Put the DMSO in  last--The mixture 
will get warm but that's OK.. shake it a bit before each use..  It is great 
for many, many skin conditions, shingles, psoriasis, athletes foot,   on  
on... { Brooks Bradley said you can use Aloe Vera instead of  glycerin  in 
some cases it works better but make sure it is pure with  nothing else  
added..}} Lois 

Re: CSWires// Canadian silver dollars

2012-10-21 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/21/2012 2:35:07 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Three  9's is OK.  Pure fine silver wire from aforesaid precious metal 
merchants  at either 99.98% or 99.99%, difference is not worth worrying about.  
That  extra .2% for 4x9's cost a little more.  I don't bother with that .2%, 
 3x9's work fine for me.  


Hi N. That is what I use too. I just mentioned the Canadian  coin for the 
person that lived in Canada.. It might be possible to find the  Maple Leaf 
coins easy there... The 3x9 works fine for me also... Lois  {  which reminds 
me I haven't had my sip from the bottle this morning yet.   :-)  }  

Re: CS Maple Leaf coins / 4 -9v batteries

2012-10-21 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/21/2012 2:21:02 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I also use 2 Maple Leaf silver coins .  pure.
I suspend them with plastic  clips,
and connect to 4 -9v sq. batteries in  series.

Smitty, was my first CS generatordo you use the 33K  resistor with 
yours ??? Lois

Re: CSWires// Canadian silver dollars

2012-10-20 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/19/2012 8:51:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Thanks,  I will have to investigate. I am in Canada so will have to see 
about prices  and who will ship here.  
Thanks though! : )

A few years back there was a discussion concerning  silver for 
generators... Someone suggested the Canadian silver dollar which was  four 
nines in 
purity  they said using two of them could last someone a  lifetime of CS 
making... Lois

Re: CSWires// Canadian silver dollars

2012-10-20 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/20/2012 12:36:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

You can  use silver wire or coins(as long as at least .999  pure)

I believe they said to put a small hole in the coin   suspend it into the 
DW with a bit of silver wire.  The silver dollars  are four nines pure not 
3.. Lois

Re: CSWires// Canadian silver dollars / Should be Maple Leaf coins

2012-10-20 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/20/2012 8:13:59 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I don't  think any silver dollar is more then 92.5% pure.  For 4 nines you 
need to  use silver bullion coins, like the maple  leaf.


Marshall, I'm sorry I labeled them Silver Dollars  It is the  four nines 
Maple leaf I am referring to. I thought they were called silver  dollars... 
So much for my knowledge of coins.--- Just knew to check for the four  
nines...Thanks for catching  it  letting folks  know... Lois

Re: CS Dark oxides in forming in CS

2012-10-12 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/11/2012 7:02:32 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

No.  Never  but then I have always used distilled  water.


- Original Message -
From:  Neville Munn
Date: Thursday, October 11,  2012 5:02 pm
Subject: RE: CSBeck blood purifier

 Dee, MA and Zoe, does anyone decant or filter at any  time...Yes/No?
 Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 17:14:02  +0100
 Subject: Re: CSBeck  blood purifier
 Same  here,  Ive used a silver puppy for years and its 
 always been  nice and clear.  On occasion I do have to clean 
 the silver rods,  but nothing serious.
  From: MaryAnn Helland
  Sent: Thursday, 11 October 2012, 10:05
  Subject:  Re: CSBeck blood purifier

 Ditto here.   My unit is a Colloid Master, which reverses 
 polarity on a set  schedule.  My EIS is always crystal 
 clear, with no residues, and  minimal discoloration of the electrodes.
 From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
 Sent: Thu, October 11, 2012 5:39:43  AM
 Subject: Re: CSBeck blood purifier
 I cannot  see this.  My Puppy has reverse polarity and I 
 don’t get any  dark oxides forming—quite the reverse in 
 fact.  dee

Re: CSDMSO Question ? Gout

2012-10-12 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/11/2012 6:42:31 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

You can purchase cherry juice concentrate at a health food store.  I  have 
done this for years.
Good luck.


 From: Jane MacRoss
Sent: Thu, October 11, 2012 7:58:57  AM
Subject: Re: CSDMSO  Question

By all means use the DMSO (I  seriously don't think there is much 
difference between the brands)  but  also try warm/hot water with fresh lemon 
in the morning - a litre  if possible  before food - and drink any cherry 
juice at all for the  gout. 

From: _Paul Steel_ (  

I  have some lower back pain and might have a little gout as well.

Was  think about spraying some 99.9% pure DMSO on both areas and then I saw 
this  70% DMSO Gel

Anyone  know if this would be as effected and safe to use  instead??

Re: CS Sediment in CS

2012-10-12 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/12/2012 8:31:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I've  had  some jars stored for a very long time and that is correct,  no  
sediment noticeable to the naked eye anyway. The one exception is when I was 
 using plastic water jugs to store the extra CS-  those would have a few  
(very few) black specks on the bottom.  Never noticed this in the  glass.



 From: Neville Munn
Sent: Thursday, 11 October 2012,  22:08
Subject: RE: CSBeck  blood purifier

Decant...Pouring off liquid leaving some liquid behind which may  have 
observable settlement or sediment in the bottom of the storage vessel.  

To all who replied...So, it would appear there is never any settlement  
observable in the bottom of the containers after being in storage for a while  
- interesting.

Thanks for that everyone.



 Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 23:31:15 +0100
Subject: Re: CSBeck blood purifier

What do you mean by decant?   I make it in quart canning jars  and pour out 
what I need , and cap what is left.

 From: Neville Munn
Sent: Thursday, 11 October 2012,  17:59
Subject: RE: CSBeck  blood purifier


Dee, MA and Zoe, does anyone decant or filter at any  time...Yes/No?  



 Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 17:14:02 +0100
Subject: Re: CSBeck blood purifier

Same here,  Ive used a silver puppy for years and its always  been nice and 
clear.  On occasion I do have to clean the silver rods, but  nothing 



 From: MaryAnn Helland
Sent: Thursday, 11 October 2012,  10:05
Subject: Re: CSBeck  blood purifier

Ditto here.  My unit is a Colloid Master, which reverses polarity on  a set 
schedule.  My EIS is always crystal clear, with no residues, and  minimal 
discoloration of the electrodes.


 From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Sent: Thu, October 11, 2012 5:39:43  AM
Subject: Re: CSBeck  blood purifier

I  cannot see this.  My Puppy has reverse polarity and I don’t get any dark 
 oxides forming—quite the reverse in fact.  dee


Re: CSTel Toffelmire ?? Tel's site link--

2012-09-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 9/23/2012 7:35:09 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi  Tel, can you give me your website please?  Many thanks.  dee 
Hi De, I'm up early as usual :-) --In case Tel doesn't  see this right 
away, here is the link to his site.. Hope all is well with you,  Lois--

_Black salve Tel's  site_ ( { in case 
the link doesn't work  the site is  --


2012-08-19 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 8/18/2012 4:07:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

A  friend has just developed the condition and I had never heard of it  
before.  Hoping someone out there knows  something.


Hi Dianne, I've never heard of it before either but if  I had it I would 
try Brooks Mix on a small area  see if it works.  ---
76% CS {EIS}--10% DMSO--15% glycerin. Put the DMSO in  last--The mixture 
will get warm but that's OK.. shake it a bit before each use..  It is great 
for many, many skin conditions, shingles, psoriasis, athletes foot,   on  
{ There is a  suggestion to use Aloe Vera in place of  glycerin..}

Re: CSPsoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread ZZekelink
Hi Paul, brooks mix  is an excellent cure for many  skin conditions in we 
humans  our pets. I have given it to many peopleit usually works in 
about 5-7  days... Here are the directions-- Lois
   75% colloidal Silver {EIS}--10% DMSO   15% glycerin . Add the DMSO 
Last. It will get warm but that is OK.   Shake it up before each application. 
Apply a thin coat topically.   

Hey all

Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for  psoriasis?

Thanks a lot!!!
Paul  Steel
h  508.520.6905
c  508.922.0519
The harder you work  the luckier you get!

Re: CS Brooks Mix for vilitgo

2012-08-11 Thread ZZekelink
76% CS {EIS}--10% DMSO--15% glycerin. Put the DMSO  in last--The mixture 
will get warm but that's OK.. shake it a bit before each  use.. It is great 
for many, many skin conditions, shingles, psoriasis,  athletes foot,  on  
Would this mixture help vilitgo?   Susan

Hi Susan, I'm not a medical expert but I do know that  the mix has helped 
many people  pets with skin conditionsIf I had a  problem like that I 
would try it on a small area  see if it  works
 you really had me on vilitgoI had to do a  search to find out what it 
is-- :-)   Never too old to learn for  sure,Lois
  {{ sorry it took so long to get back to you---  almost 700 e-mails to go 
through because I've not been on the cp in 2 days...  }}

CS:Re: (LL) An answer from Brooks Bradley /CS + / DMSO allantoin / urea

2012-08-11 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 8/8/2012 4:02:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Hi Zoe, Melly  all. I got the answer to the  questions you sent concerning 
Brooks Mix.. I am going to change my recipe from  glycerin to Aloe Vera 
now as an alternative.  Lois
Dear Lois,
We now utilize Liquid  Aloe Vera and/or preference to Glycerin,
as aloe vera yields  superior response to a majority of external 
skin related  insults.  (At least this has demonstrated to be the case in 
our  experimental research  prosecutions).
Do remember, we are a pure experimental   research   organization
pathogenic  challenges.
Be Well,  Brooks.
P.s.  One limitation of coconut oil is that it  is, essentially, fat 
soluble---not water the forms
which we  use.  We have had no experience with allantoin or an 
entrained  companion 
of DMSO.

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 1:27 PM, _ZZekelink@aol.com_ 
(  wrote:

Hi Brooks, sorry to bother you butI have lost your  reply to a person 
who wanted to use your Brooks Mix {{75% CS--10% DMSO   15% 
glycerin.The person was allergic to glycerin  wanted to  know what could 
be used in 
it's place
   The question has come up in it's topical  use on shingles...The inquiry 
is can coconut oil be used in place of  glycerin ??   I remember you 
answered the question of what could  be used but I can't find it in my Brooks 
  This is one other post  question that just  came up- 

Re: CS Vilitgo Vertigo .

2012-08-11 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 8/11/2012 10:05:49 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

The 'Brandt-Daroff exercises' you can get off the net has been a big help  
to me as far as vertigo goes...Kathy

 Vilitgo   Vertigo are two different  things I believe.. Am I right ?? Lois

Re: CS Vilitgo Vertigo .

2012-08-11 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 8/11/2012 4:15:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Yes.  Vitiligo  is a skin condition where the skin loses pigment and 
develops white  spots.  Vertigo is a vestibular (ear) condition that affects  

Thanks PT, That was what I found in my search. I thought maybe  the Brooks 
Mix might help stop the spared of the condition  but I doubt it  would bring 
back any color--Maybe who knows.  Lois

Re: CS Lisa, this is Brooks Mix

2012-08-07 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 8/6/2012 2:59:13 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

What is the Brooks Bradley Mix and what is it used for? I love everything  
that he's offered us :o) but seem to have missed this one...  Lisa

76% CS {EIS}--10% DMSO--15% glycerin. Put the DMSO in  last--The mixture 
will get warm but that's OK.. shake it a bit before each use..  It is great 
for many, many skin conditions, shingles, psoriasis, athletes foot,   on  

Re: CSShingles--- CS {EIS} Brooks Mix

2012-08-06 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 8/6/2012 8:45:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I developed a whopping case of shingles in early  January  and they still 
are creating a bit of a problem for  me

Hi Zoe, I have a friend that had the same problem.. It is  going on 4 yrs. 
now  she hasn't had a reoccurrence of shingles..She took a  couple 
tablespoons of CS {EIS} 3-4 times a day.  put Brooks Mix on  topically. I'm 
sure how long it took for them to go away, I'll ask her, but  they have never 
returned... She makes her own CS {EIS} now  takes it  occasionally .
  Oh, Brooks Mix is a wonderful mixture for many skin  
problems--Psoriases  shingles being only 2 of them...To make Brooks  Mix'  
75% CS {EIS} 
---10% DMSO  15% glycerin..Add the DMSO last- -It  will get the mixture warm 
but that's OK...Shake it a bit before you use it each  time...{ Used 
Thanks again to Brooks Bradley for  giving us the recipe for your mix 
 so many other helpful health related  goodies Lois

Re: CSShingles--- CS {EIS} Brooks Mix-- Coconut oil ????

2012-08-06 Thread ZZekelink
Zoe, just checked my  Brooks  archive   I couldn't find his comments on 
the fact that some people are allergic to  glycerin : I do think he 
mentioned coconut oil but don't remember for sure...  Hopefully some of the 
group members will remember  let us  know...Lois

Thanks  Lois,

I have the CS and the DMSO  but not glycerin.   I do have  some virgin 
coconut oil- do you think  that would work? or should I wait  til I can get 



CSCS--Does anyone know how to contact Brooks ??

2012-08-06 Thread ZZekelink
I know he is really busy but would love to contact  him on this matter, Lois
Hi All,
I am a user of the Brooks Bradley Mix and love it.  
I have a question, i am thinking of adding a bit of urea and  allantoin, 
does anyone know if this would be safe taking into account  that DMSO brings 
everything even up to the brain?  How much of each  should i put?
Many thanks for any advice you can give.


Re: CSCS--Does anyone know how to contact Brooks ??

2012-08-06 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 8/6/2012 1:57:47 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes: 

Thanks much, I just sent the questions to him,  Lois

Re: CS Flaxseed oil / CS / DMSO as eye drops

2012-07-31 Thread ZZekelink
Hi group, I remember posts from some time ago concerning eye  problems  
the use of flaxseed oil with additives for eye problems...does  anyone have 
the info.,I lost mine in cyber space somewhere,  Lois
  ( will also post to the DMSO  group..)

CSCS PT Just a report on my HCG test OT

2012-07-24 Thread ZZekelink
Hi PT, You have asked how I am doing Just got my  results back from 
Navarro clinic- Last three showed --No progression in the  cancer-- This 
test is -- +4, (52.2 int. units)   Last three were (53,0 IU )   Still 
some sign of cancer but is on it's  way out ! YE HAA  Lois

Re: CS Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade / A little more about lemons---

2012-06-27 Thread ZZekelink
So place your  lemon in your freezer, and then grate it on your meal every  
day.  It is a key to make your foods tastier and you  get to live healthier 
and longer! That's the lemon  secret!

The surprising benefits  of lemon!

Lemon (Citrus) is a miraculous product to kill cancer cells.  It is 10,000 
times stronger than chemotherapy.Why do we not  know about that? Because 
there are laboratories interested in making a synthetic  version that will 
bring them huge profits. You can now help a friend in  need by letting him/her 
know that lemon juice is beneficial in preventing the  disease. Its taste is 
pleasant and it does not produce the horrific effects of  chemotherapy. How 
many people will die while this closely guarded secret is  kept, so as not 
to jeopardize the beneficial multimillionaires  large corporations? As you 
know, the lemon tree is  known for its varieties of lemons and limes. You can 
eat the fruit in different  ways: you can eat the pulp, juice press, prepare 
drinks, sorbets, pastries,  etc... It is credited with many virtues, but 
the most interesting is the effect  it produces on cysts and tumors. This 
plant is a proven remedy against cancers  of all types. Some say it is very 
useful in all variants of cancer. It is  considered also as an anti microbial 
spectrum against bacterial infections and  fungi, effective against internal 
parasites and worms, it regulates blood  pressure which is too high and an 
antidepressant,combats stress and nervous  disorders.
The source of this information is fascinating: it comes from one  of the 
largest drug manufacturers in the world, says that after more than 20  
laboratory tests since 1970, the extracts revealed that: It destroys the  
cells in 12 cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, lung and  pancreas 
...The compounds of this tree showed 10,000 times better than the  product 
Adriamycin, a drug normally used chemotherapeutic in the world, slowing  the 
growth of cancer cells. And what is even more astonishing: this type of 
therapy with lemon extract only  destroys malignant cancer cells and it does 
affect  healthy cells.

Re: CS Anti-Inflammatory Lemonade / A little more about lemons---

2012-06-27 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 6/27/2012 10:07:50 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Would you share  where you found this material? 

Hi PT, I got the original e-mail from a friend. I have sent an  e-mail to 
her to see if I can find the original source..I did just do a search   found 
many, many uses I never knew about. I'll let you know when I find  out.. 

Re: Brickly Re: CSArthritis Best deal -when to buy--

2012-06-01 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 5/31/2012 9:56:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I buy  when they have a sale, buy 3 get 2 free,

Hi Brickey, Best time to buy is when they have their  buy 1 get 2  free   

Re: CSMay we talk about Shngles vaccine vs. CS?

2012-05-31 Thread ZZekelink
It occurs to me that intake of CS for other purposes may have  killed the
virus -- especially if we are 10-year some-time  users.
Anybody here actually gotten shingles? Thanks for any  information.
At almost 77, having had chickenpox, I am  interested in opinions and
information .  Vaccine is my lowest choice  anyway, and without Rx 
coverage, it's about
$200.  Judy Down  Maine

Hi Judy, I have not had shingles myself but a friend  got them  the Dr. 
prescriptions worked but only for a short time  they  came back with a 
vengeance...   I offered some CS to her as I had just  read that it helped 
{ I 
was fairly new to CS then  I was making it  with 4 nine volt batteries }  
She said she would try anything--- this is  now going on  3 yrs now  she 
has not had a reoccurrence .  She  took it orally  applied it to the 
shingles.. Also used the   Brooks  Mix   topically   {{ Brooks Mix is--75% 
CS---10% DMSO  15%  glycerinLois


Re: CSTel Tofflemire is back ,

2012-05-30 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 5/29/2012 8:01:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Welcome back Tel. Glad your  OK...Lois


Hello Silver seekers  Friends, I was really hacked a couple  of weeks ago 
or more, and My own website went down. I just got it up and  running this 

Also The Silver site was real shaky also? I have no idea why all  this 
happened but I have talked more on the phone (to: providers) than ever .  How 

Just wanted to say to my friends that my website,,,  
_www.quailwoodherbal.com_ (  is up again.  

Tel Tofflemire

Re: CSDiaper Rash

2012-05-30 Thread ZZekelink
Hi PT, I think the Brooks Mix could work but I would cut the  DMSO down to 
1 or 2 %  . Would wash the little behind with CS before I  put it on.. Lois

Re: CSDiaper Rash //bigger behind...

2012-05-30 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 5/30/2012 10:46:59 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Thanks, Lois.   Not a little behind… this is for an adult with diaper rash 
kind of  symptoms. 

Hi PT, I think in that case I might leave the amounts  at 75%--!0%-- 15%  
try just a small area butt--- {sorry, pun intended  } ---I think it would 
work as it has on so many problems I have  seen.Lois

Re: CSmigraines //magnet theaepy

2012-05-28 Thread ZZekelink
Please change or add to subject lines. Thanks  Los

Re: CSmigraines / magnesium

2012-05-28 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 5/27/2012 10:15:25 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I recently read an article about Mg deficiency and  migraines.  Have you 
had your nieces Magnesium levels  checked?  The best way for this is 
intracellular, but you could  start with serum.  Tho the body everything it can 
keep the blood  balanced, to the disadvantage of the cells.  It's done just 
like a  DNA swab under the tongue.  If you like I will look up the lab I  did 
this  with.


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