Re: CS>Forum - some hard truths. Some hard opinions.

2015-02-20 Thread Dee
Well said Malcolm.  I have no problem with this group at all - I get all the 
emails every day and if something interests me then I'll join in. If I have a 
problem, I'll ask - and usually someone can help.  What more does anyone want? 

Sent from my iPad

> On 19 Feb 2015, at 21:35, Malcolm  wrote:
> I have to respond; being another "dwindling member" with all-too-much
> flexibility and presently no access to internet of any sort beyond a
> land-line.  E-mail is hardly (you'll pardon me, I trust) a "deep rut"
> either, and has proven itself quite user-friendly.  
> Rather it is the highly commercial ISP's which have mis-used the medium
> to extract whatever sale-able gains they can from it, and if you imagine
> they are not eager to do the same or worse to the consumer in forums or
> other sorts of lists you are deluded.
> Further, the "collective wisdom" on this list remains  accessible in the
> archives, which have survived in spite of the machinations of the above
> mentioned Large, Profit Driven ISP's (oh, and don't forget Comcast.)  It
> is the community of dwindling members that have preserved their own
> copies of the archives and re-published them for us all; catch Yahooey
> doing that?!
> Uncle Ben is a fine man, and brilliant; however his mind operates at a
> much greater speed than, say, 9,999 out of ten thousand.  This hardly
> qualifies as user-friendly for anyone but another Uncle-Ben, and often
> not for them either. I think you could figure this out - by observation
> if by no other means.
> Have mercy and a little caution D&D; your "hard truths" are hard
> opinions, your examples less than exemplary, your disdain for
> contrasting thought, evident and contrary.  Your positive suggestions
> seem quite worthwhile, and if you spend more of your efforts on
> illustrating their benefits I'd be grateful.
> Malcolm
>> On Thu, 2015-02-19 at 23:57 +1030, Debra & David wrote:
>>> On 19/02/2015 12:38 AM, M.G. Devour wrote:
>>> ... whatever platform you choose, I would strongly recommend that
>>> email notifications remain an optional feature. The ideal system will
>>> provide multiple communication methods, in order to reach/satisfy the
>>> largest potential audience.
>> The largest potential audience is best reached by a having a user
>> friendly forum. Not by having a forum that is stuck in a deep rut due
>> to the inflexibility of a few dwindling members. The growth of
>> vBulletin forums for even the most esoteric subjects should be a
>> lesson here.
>> (Mike, did you see Uncle Bens comment about why he posted once, then
>> gave up?).
>>> The list serves those who are comfortable with it just fine. I get that.
>>> It is not, however, doing fully what it was intended to do, which is
>>> bring the collective wisdom of our community to new people as well as
>>> foster technical discussions and development.
>> Sadly the 'collective wisdom' of this community is significantly less than 
>> it was 10 years ago. So much knowledge has passed through this forum, never 
>> to be seen again, that it is truly tragic. A couple of days ago I posted a 
>> message claiming I had discovered how to make crystal clear 200 ppm CS that 
>> was 50% ionic and 50% colloidal with particles smaller than Mesosilver. 10 
>> years ago this would have brought a storm of questions, skepticism and 
>> ridicule. Today it passed without comment by anyone except Jason.  Earlier 
>> in the week Floyd couldn't even get an answer to some pretty simple 
>> questions about his basic system. (My answer never appeared). More time has 
>> been spent discussing why he didnt get an answer than actually answering 
>> him. 
>> Anyway Mike, good luck with the search for a new format but I think you are 
>> barking up the wrong tree. Despite not having an email digest vBulletin is a 
>> proven success and has all the features you really need (including 
>> pictures!). You already have a license so why not give it a try as a 
>> parallel forum? If you do, my first post on it will be instructions on how 
>> to make that 'Super CS' I mentioned above.
>> David
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives: 
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum - some hard truths.

2015-02-19 Thread Gail Naranjo
I must have missed your post about making the 200ppm CS yesterday.  I probably 
just didn't see it as I seldom read each and ever post especially when things 
get busy.   But my question is, why?  What does one do with such a high ppm CS? 
 Is it better, as in more efficient, than the CS we usually make?
"Collective wisdom" :)  Wisdom is different than knowledge.  Wisdom is knowing 
what to do with the knowledge you have.   For me, I have to keep things simple. 
 People with cfs, Lyme, fibro all experience brain fog.  Some days are better 
than others, but as the saying goes, "of all the things I miss, I miss my mind 
the most."  And I so admire when I see a good brain working, but I doubt if I 
will ever be able to keep up.  Still it's a pleasure to watch.
There once was a woman (I think she was on this list) that made the comment she 
didn't understand all the technical stuff about CS, the different ppm or much 
of anything, but all she knew was the sovereign silver (I think that was the 
brand but not sure) worked better for her and gave her back her life.  I can't 
remember what she was treating tho.  I think it was Lyme.  We were talking 
about the different prices.   I understood completely about not understanding. 
  For me the extent of my expertise is a good quality distilled water, 
silver, current; cook till done, drink.  And that works for me.
There are archives for the list, but I don't know if they go back 10 years.  
People could search them and perhaps find more information if so inclined.  
I've noticed some posts don't make it to the archives tho.  Some posts don't 
make it through email to me either.  Speaking of Uncle Ben, his posts, for some 
reason, never came through to my email.  I only saw them in the archives.  The 
problem with the archive, tho, is you can't reply from there.   The posts not 
showing up, people not getting a response, or, for some, the lack of wisdom 
seems to be the greatest complaints.  I never understood why some posts go 
through and why others don't either, but if going to another forum will help, 
great.  I don't understand why it use to work and now it's not either.
Anyway, if this goes through, I hope you will answer my question about the 200 
ppm CS.

 On Thursday, February 19, 2015 6:35 AM, Debra & David 

   On 19/02/2015 12:38 AM, M.G. Devour wrote:
 ... whatever platform you choose, I would strongly recommend that
email notifications remain an optional feature. The ideal system will
provide multiple communication methods, in order to reach/satisfy the
largest potential audience. 
 The largest potential audience is best reached by a having a user friendly 
forum. Not by having a forum that is stuck in a deep rut due to the 
inflexibility of a few dwindling members. The growth of vBulletin forums for 
even the most esoteric subjects should be a lesson here.
 (Mike, did you see Uncle Bens comment about why he posted once, then gave up?).
 The list serves those who are comfortable with it just fine. I get that.
It is not, however, doing fully what it was intended to do, which is
bring the collective wisdom of our community to new people as well as
foster technical discussions and development. 
 Sadly the 'collective wisdom' of this community is significantly less than it 
was 10 years ago. So much knowledge has passed through this forum, never to be 
seen again, that it is truly tragic. A couple of days ago I posted a message 
claiming I had discovered how to make crystal clear 200 ppm CS that was 50% 
ionic and 50% colloidal with particles smaller than Mesosilver. 10 years ago 
this would have brought a storm of questions, skepticism and ridicule. Today it 
passed without comment by anyone except Jason.  Earlier in the week Floyd 
couldn't even get an answer to some pretty simple questions about his basic 
system. (My answer never appeared). More time has been spent discussing why he 
didnt get an answer than actually answering him. 

Anyway Mike, good luck with the search for a new format but I think you are 
barking up the wrong tree. Despite not having an email digest vBulletin is a 
proven success and has all the features you really need (including pictures!). 
You already have a license so why not give it a try as a parallel forum? If you 
do, my first post on it will be instructions on how to make that 'Super CS' I 
mentioned above.




Re: CS>Forum Discussion - 18 Feb

2015-02-18 Thread Sandra George
I would like to thank, whom ever it was, for this discussion on a format change 
- it has brought out, how many of us, whether old or new to this link, just how 
much we all in our different ways appreciate Mike and what he has done for all 
of us over the years.
This is a place for sharing about Colloidal Silver in all it’s aspects and 
processes over the years.I myself have only been here for twelve years 
going into my thirteenth so I am a middle child - in reality I am the eldest 
What I have gleaned from all those who contribute in any and all ways has been 
wonderful, there are times when I
wonder if the link has disappeared because I do not get postings, and then all 
of a sudden things light up again.   I am
sure if it were truly possible to check exactly why this happens we would get 
multiple reasons, such is the downside of
this technology.
Without the new ones who join,  we oldies can become stagnant and this link 
would have died many years ago, once a subject has been understood, at whatever 
level each one of us chooses for ourselves, then where else is there to go ?
Making colloidal silver is an art and comprises many different aspects of the 
art itself, so there are bound to be many
different opinions on the process - the “ego" trips us all up into becoming 
complicated which then can produce heated
arguments as we have all witnessed from time to time.
Personally I appreciate all who post and all who share no matter what and how, 
so I thank you all for being here
contributing in your own very special way to this forum.
Thanks Mike for being a true captain 
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread mborgert

Thank You
On Tue, 2/17/15, Jason  wrote:

 Subject: Re: CS>Forum
 Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015, 9:02 AM
 Hi Mary:
 There is really no need to do
 anything but rinse whatever scrub pad you 
 are using with distilled water.
 Kind Regards,
 2/17/2015 6:53 AM,
 > Jason I
 have always wondered about cleaning the electrodes I
 > that you could clean with paper
 towels but I wondered about residue.
 > So
 how do you go about cleaning them with steel wool??? Do you
 > off part of the steel wool and
 discard or just use the whole piece?
 How do you clean the steel wool?
 Mary On Mon,
 > Jason 
 The Silver
 List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour <>

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

making better CS, was Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread sol

Jason wrote:

Hi Sol:

On 2/17/2015 6:24 AM, sol wrote:

I may have to start cleaning my electrodes, but so far as I'm aware my
CS product works just fine. But I do confess maybe I would not be aware
if it were less effective than it could be. I use my CS a lot for
various purposes, but no longer use it in my body much because I have
"blue moons" and at one point began developing some grey under my eyes
and around my chin. (this was apparently due to spraying CS over a vit C
face product).

You make my point for me.  One "sparklie" in the solution represents 
what should be hundreds to thousands (who knows?) of of properly sized 
silver particles.  If you have hundreds of sparklies in a bad brew, 
you are upping your silver metal burden unnecessarily.  If you take 
silver on a daily basis, this is going to add up.
Well it certainly did add up. That explains a whole lot. I am really 
happy to have this information. Did you know this 10 years ago, or is 
this more recent? Just curious.

I know that people like to believe that particulate silver cannot 
cause argyria, but this is blatantly not true.

I certainly learned that.

I even directly challenged Frank Key on this issue with historic 
records; silver smiths getting argyria from inhalation of silver 
particles, but as usual, he just deflected, and nobody else seemed 
that interested.
I am deeply interested. Should have been paying much more attention to 
your posts, but with my difficulties, needing to minimize my time 
sitting at the computer for the past several years, a lot of information 
I didn't even know I needed slipped by me.

The whole point being that you can brew silver the right way, with the 
right controls, and get a superior product, and this can be done 
without that much extra trouble.

For my brews, I even get upset at the quality of distilled water 
available.  I like my distilled water to be nuetral pH with a 
conductivity measurement of 0.3 uS.
No argument there, I have had to use distilled water of 0.3 uS or less 
since I started making CS. I haven't been testing the distilled water 
for a couple years. Just went with the fact that I get water clear CS.  
But pH has been more difficult. Need to get some test strips for that. And

I measure the water directly from the bottle, I measure it once I put 
it in the brewing vessel, and I measure it afterwards.

I will start doing those tests again.

With EIS, you want LESS silver, and a quality brew, over a MORE silver 
low quality brew.  If you want MORE silver, then it's better to try to 
use a product like silver citrate.

(Except, of course, those experimenting with higher PPM isolated 
silver products for the sake of experimentation).

I do make high PPM silver stronger on the colloidal side for external 
uses for use with clay, for example, by using heated distilled water.

Do you mean his regular U shape electrodes, or something different? (I
may have skipped over some posts about this).

Yes...  Ken's U shape electrodes for the Silver Puppy.

Thanks Jason. This whole thread has rekindled my interest in the details 
of CS making and how (and why_ to get a better CS. It is good to see a 
technical discussion again! Reminds me of the old days.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread Jason

Hi Sol:

On 2/17/2015 6:24 AM, sol wrote:

I may have to start cleaning my electrodes, but so far as I'm aware my
CS product works just fine. But I do confess maybe I would not be aware
if it were less effective than it could be. I use my CS a lot for
various purposes, but no longer use it in my body much because I have
"blue moons" and at one point began developing some grey under my eyes
and around my chin. (this was apparently due to spraying CS over a vit C
face product).

You make my point for me.  One "sparklie" in the solution represents 
what should be hundreds to thousands (who knows?) of of properly sized 
silver particles.  If you have hundreds of sparklies in a bad brew, you 
are upping your silver metal burden unnecessarily.  If you take silver 
on a daily basis, this is going to add up.

I know that people like to believe that particulate silver cannot cause 
argyria, but this is blatantly not true.

I even directly challenged Frank Key on this issue with historic 
records; silver smiths getting argyria from inhalation of silver 
particles, but as usual, he just deflected, and nobody else seemed that 

The whole point being that you can brew silver the right way, with the 
right controls, and get a superior product, and this can be done without 
that much extra trouble.

For my brews, I even get upset at the quality of distilled water 
available.  I like my distilled water to be nuetral pH with a 
conductivity measurement of 0.3 uS.

I measure the water directly from the bottle, I measure it once I put it 
in the brewing vessel, and I measure it afterwards.

With EIS, you want LESS silver, and a quality brew, over a MORE silver 
low quality brew.  If you want MORE silver, then it's better to try to 
use a product like silver citrate.

(Except, of course, those experimenting with higher PPM isolated silver 
products for the sake of experimentation).

I do make high PPM silver stronger on the colloidal side for external 
uses for use with clay, for example, by using heated distilled water.

Do you mean his regular U shape electrodes, or something different? (I
may have skipped over some posts about this).

Yes...  Ken's U shape electrodes for the Silver Puppy.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread Jason

Hi Mary:

There is really no need to do anything but rinse whatever scrub pad you 
are using with distilled water.

Kind Regards,


On 2/17/2015 6:53 AM, wrote:

Jason I have always wondered about cleaning the electrodes I thought
that you could clean with paper towels but I wondered about residue.
So how do you go about cleaning them with steel wool??? Do you pull
off part of the steel wool and discard or just use the whole piece?
How do you clean the steel wool?
Mary On Mon, 2/16/15,
Jason  wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread mborgert

I have always wondered about cleaning the electrodes I thought that you could 
clean with paper towels but I wondered about residue.
So how do you go about cleaning them with steel wool??? Do you pull off part of 
the steel wool and discard or just use the whole piece? 
How do you clean the steel wool?
On Mon, 2/16/15, Jason  wrote:

 Subject: Re: CS>Forum
 Date: Monday, February 16, 2015, 6:30 PM
 Hi Gail:
 Back in 2002, I did some neat experiments using home-made
 laser arrays 
 and video photography.
 I did comparisons between very clean electrodes (steel wool
 is fine) and 
 electrodes that had been used four or five times without
 By using red lasers in a dark room shown through the glass
 container, aimed between the two electrodes, and filming the
 then speeding it up about six times and watching the brew
 process in 
 fast motion, you can really see the effect on the particle
 You start to get lots and lots of "sparklies" with the "bad"
 some heavy enough that you can watch them fall downwards,
 dropping out 
 of suspension, and some larger than I'd like that are still
 small enough 
 to stay in suspension.
 It has to do with normal electrode wear, and oxidation as
 well.  I 
 always clean my electrodes well right before brewing, and
 have done so 
 since that time.
 PS:  I thought you might be very interested in THIS
 On 2/16/2015 10:00 AM,
 > Hi Jason,
 > I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so
 popular most must have gone to it.  Personally I think
 some things should be more private then what Facebook
 is.   Seems like, from what I hear,there's
 nothing private.
 > Well I see my post went through so How do u clean
 ur electrodes and test to know its a better
 quality?   I clean mine with a simple steel
 pad.  Don't know if the quality is any better as I've
 always cleaned them.
 > Gail
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
 Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions: <>
 List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-17 Thread sol
On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason > wrote:

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status
quo means stagnation.

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by
Brooks Bradley.

Stagnation has happened on every single list I've ever been on, 
regardless of the format or list host. I doubt format affects it.

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a
trickle of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates
some amazing crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have
gone largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the
importance of cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a
great product.

I may have to start cleaning my electrodes, but so far as I'm aware my 
CS product works just fine. But I do confess maybe I would not be aware 
if it were less effective than it could be. I use my CS a lot for 
various purposes, but no longer use it in my body much because I have 
"blue moons" and at one point began developing some grey under my eyes 
and around my chin. (this was apparently due to spraying CS over a vit C 
face product).

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about
how I personally tested this theory or how they can test to see
the difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they
have no need to clean the electrodes.

I'm one of those. But maybe I should change that idea. However, for use 
to clean a cutting board, wipe a counter, spray on the outside of 
bottles of soda before they go into the fridge, I'm not sure the extra 
trouble is worth it. How to know? and I will ask because I'd like to 
know how you test the difference in quality in vivo?

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode

Do you mean his regular U shape electrodes, or something different? (I 
may have skipped over some posts about this).


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread david moskovits
Just because people dont respond doesn't mean they didnt get  the  ideas you 
are posting, and learning new things. I still dont have a silver generator but 
Im learning a lot from the posts. Keep them coming we all care even if we are 

> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 18:36:32 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Forum
> Hi Dan:
> It's not that it is a big deal (or desireable even) it's about the 
> creativity and exploration.
> The idea of a slow burn is a favorite amongst some of the old timers (no 
> longer part of the list, I believe)... brewing silver according to moon 
> cycles, and other more "ancient" patient practices.
> What was noticed was that via this slow burn, the silver ions or 
> particles deeply penetrated the glass container forming complex crystals 
> in the glass itselfway to deep into the glass to even sand away.
> I would greatly like to see a TEM of what the silver particles look like 
> via this process, but I no longer have access to this equipment.
> We know that the FAST burn method (HVAC) creates larger, very jagged 
> crystalline silver particles via the work of Ole Bob Berger.
> I'm wondering if the slow burn process creates much more refined and 
> non-chaotically organized colloidal crystalline particles.
> ~Jason
> On 2/16/2015 10:56 AM, Dan Nave wrote:
> > Jason,
> >
> > Time for your yearly post on cleaning electrodes.  Frankly, I seem to
> > have missed it...
> >
> > I would also be interested in hearing about the "crystallization
> > effects" of the slow brew process.
> >
> > Dan
> >
> > On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason  > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Gail/David:
> >
> > Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.
> >
> > The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
> > when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
> > few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
> > freaks that thrive in such a setting.
> >
> > I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very
> > dynamic exchanges of ideas.
> >
> > I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo
> > means stagnation.
> >
> > I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
> > silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
> > before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks
> > Bradley.
> >
> > I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
> > discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle
> > of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
> > crystallization effects.
> >
> > Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
> > largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of
> > cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.
> >
> > I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
> > personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the
> > difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
> > need to clean the electrodes.
> >
> > I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
> > electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.
> >
> > ...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent,
> > and I think it only works so well because he uses both polarity
> > reversal and water-pump driven water circulation.
> >
> > ~Jason
> >
> >
> > On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM,
> > <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi David,
> >
> > Do u think a new forum will really help?
> >
> > Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
> > many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People
> > must
> > be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost
> > interest
> > as I'm busy with other things.
> >
> > This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
> > would go on as usual.

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi Dan:

It's not that it is a big deal (or desireable even) it's about the 
creativity and exploration.

The idea of a slow burn is a favorite amongst some of the old timers (no 
longer part of the list, I believe)... brewing silver according to moon 
cycles, and other more "ancient" patient practices.

What was noticed was that via this slow burn, the silver ions or 
particles deeply penetrated the glass container forming complex crystals 
in the glass itselfway to deep into the glass to even sand away.

I would greatly like to see a TEM of what the silver particles look like 
via this process, but I no longer have access to this equipment.

We know that the FAST burn method (HVAC) creates larger, very jagged 
crystalline silver particles via the work of Ole Bob Berger.

I'm wondering if the slow burn process creates much more refined and 
non-chaotically organized colloidal crystalline particles.


On 2/16/2015 10:56 AM, Dan Nave wrote:


Time for your yearly post on cleaning electrodes.  Frankly, I seem to
have missed it...

I would also be interested in hearing about the "crystallization
effects" of the slow brew process.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason>> wrote:

Hi Gail/David:

Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.

The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
freaks that thrive in such a setting.

I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very
dynamic exchanges of ideas.

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo
means stagnation.

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last
before that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle
of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of
cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the
difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
need to clean the electrodes.

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.

...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent,
and I think it only works so well because he uses both polarity
reversal and water-pump driven water circulation.


On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM,

Hi David,

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People
be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost
as I'm busy with other things.

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
would go on as usual.

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to
say and
some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: >
List Owner: Mike Devour >

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi Gail:

Back in 2002, I did some neat experiments using home-made laser arrays 
and video photography.

I did comparisons between very clean electrodes (steel wool is fine) and 
electrodes that had been used four or five times without cleaning.

By using red lasers in a dark room shown through the glass production 
container, aimed between the two electrodes, and filming the process, 
then speeding it up about six times and watching the brew process in 
fast motion, you can really see the effect on the particle sizing.

You start to get lots and lots of "sparklies" with the "bad" electrodes, 
some heavy enough that you can watch them fall downwards, dropping out 
of suspension, and some larger than I'd like that are still small enough 
to stay in suspension.

It has to do with normal electrode wear, and oxidation as well.  I 
always clean my electrodes well right before brewing, and have done so 
since that time.

PS:  I thought you might be very interested in THIS article:


On 2/16/2015 10:00 AM, wrote:

Hi Jason,

I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so popular most must have gone to it.  
Personally I think some things should be more private then what Facebook is.   
Seems like, from what I hear,there's nothing private.

Well I see my post went through so How do u clean ur electrodes and test to 
know its a better quality?   I clean mine with a simple steel pad.  Don't know 
if the quality is any better as I've always cleaned them.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Neville
@ Ron...Select something round of the desired diameter and just bend the wire 
around it to form a loop, that's all I did, and then soldered each end into 
banana plugs, which in turn fit into the banana sockets on my generator, 
simples .  In my case I used a 1 1/2" diameter piece of pipe I had laying 

> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 18:01:17 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Forum
> Hi Ron:
> You'll have to ask Ode about the looped electrodes:
> ...with this configuration, you have no jagged edges of silver in the water.
> ~Jason
> On 2/16/2015 10:17 AM, Ron wrote:
> > Yes. And how do you loop electrodes and Trem's electrode configuration?
> > All sounds interesting.
> > Hard to believe that 3 people on this list think it unnecessary to clean
> > electrodes and didn't get a lot of static for it.
> > Ron
> >
> > On 2/16/2015 10:00 AM, wrote:
> >> Hi Jason,
> >>
> >> I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so popular most must have
> >> gone to it.  Personally I think some things should be more private
> >> then what Facebook is.   Seems like, from what I hear,there's nothing
> >> private.
> >>
> >> Well I see my post went through so How do u clean ur electrodes
> >> and test to know its a better quality?   I clean mine with a simple
> >> steel pad.  Don't know if the quality is any better as I've always
> >> cleaned them.
> >>
> >> Gail
> >>
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >>
> >>> On Feb 16, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Jason  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Gail/David:
> >>>
> >>> Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.
> >>>
> >>> The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
> >>> when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
> >>> few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
> >>> freaks that thrive in such a setting.
> >>>
> >>> I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very
> >>> dynamic exchanges of ideas.
> >>>
> >>> I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo
> >>> means stagnation.
> >>>
> >>> I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
> >>> silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before
> >>> that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.
> >>>
> >>> I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
> >>> discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle
> >>> of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
> >>> crystallization effects.
> >>>
> >>> Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
> >>> largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of
> >>> cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.
> >>>
> >>> I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
> >>> personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the
> >>> difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
> >>> need to clean the electrodes.
> >>>
> >>> I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
> >>> electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.
> >>>
> >>> ...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and
> >>> I think it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal
> >>> and water-pump driven water circulation.
> >>>
> >>> ~Jason
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
> >>>> Hi David,
> >>>>
> >>>> Do u think a new forum will really help?
> >>>>
> >>>> Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
> >>>> many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
> >>>> be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
> >>>> as I'm b

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi Ron:

You'll have to ask Ode about the looped electrodes:

...with this configuration, you have no jagged edges of silver in the water.


On 2/16/2015 10:17 AM, Ron wrote:

Yes. And how do you loop electrodes and Trem's electrode configuration?
All sounds interesting.
Hard to believe that 3 people on this list think it unnecessary to clean
electrodes and didn't get a lot of static for it.

On 2/16/2015 10:00 AM, wrote:

Hi Jason,

I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so popular most must have
gone to it.  Personally I think some things should be more private
then what Facebook is.   Seems like, from what I hear,there's nothing

Well I see my post went through so How do u clean ur electrodes
and test to know its a better quality?   I clean mine with a simple
steel pad.  Don't know if the quality is any better as I've always
cleaned them.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Jason  wrote:

Hi Gail/David:

Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.

The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
freaks that thrive in such a setting.

I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very
dynamic exchanges of ideas.

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo
means stagnation.

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before
that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle
of a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of
cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the
difference in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no
need to clean the electrodes.

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.

...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and
I think it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal
and water-pump driven water circulation.


On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
Hi David,

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
as I'm busy with other things.

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
would go on as usual.

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Theresa
And WHY do I want crystals?

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 16, 2015, at 12:56 PM, Dan Nave  wrote:
> Jason,
> Time for your yearly post on cleaning electrodes.  Frankly, I seem to have 
> missed it...
> I would also be interested in hearing about the "crystallization effects" of 
> the slow brew process.
> Dan
>> On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason  wrote:
>> Hi Gail/David:
>> Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.
>> The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
>> when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
>> few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control freaks 
>> that thrive in such a setting.
>> I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very dynamic 
>> exchanges of ideas.
>> I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo means 
>> stagnation.
>> I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the 
>> silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before that 
>> was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.
>> I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great discussion 
>> about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle of a current 
>> solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing crystallization 
>> effects.
>> Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone largely 
>> ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of cleaning the 
>> silver electrodes if you really want a great product.
>> I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I 
>> personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the difference in 
>> quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no need to clean the 
>> electrodes.
>> I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped electrodes 
>> make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.
>> ...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and I 
>> think it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal and 
>> water-pump driven water circulation.
>> ~Jason
>>> On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> Do u think a new forum will really help?
>>> Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
>>> many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
>>> be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
>>> as I'm busy with other things.
>>> This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
>>> would go on as usual.
>>> Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
>>> knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.
>>> I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
>>> some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
>>> Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.
>>> Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.
>>> Gail
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>>  Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Dan Nave

Time for your yearly post on cleaning electrodes.  Frankly, I seem to have
missed it...

I would also be interested in hearing about the "crystallization effects"
of the slow brew process.


On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Jason  wrote:

> Hi Gail/David:
> Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.
> The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
> when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
> few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control
> freaks that thrive in such a setting.
> I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very dynamic
> exchanges of ideas.
> I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo means
> stagnation.
> I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the
> silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before that
> was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.
> I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great
> discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle of a
> current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing
> crystallization effects.
> Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone
> largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of cleaning
> the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.
> I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I
> personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the difference in
> quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no need to clean the
> electrodes.
> I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped
> electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.
> ...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and I
> think it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal and
> water-pump driven water circulation.
> ~Jason
> On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Do u think a new forum will really help?
>> Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
>> many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
>> be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
>> as I'm busy with other things.
>> This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
>> would go on as usual.
>> Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
>> knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.
>> I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
>> some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
>> Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.
>> Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.
>> Gail
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread V
Face book has had defections since its new anything but private policy
began Jan 1 of this year. Hoping more will defect and this is a really good
article explaining why it is a stellar idea to do that. I deleted all my
pictures and then deleted my account in early Dec. My family and friends
are still on there though and that does disappoint me greatly!

On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 10:25 AM,  wrote:

> Hi David,
> Do u think a new forum will really help?
> Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so many
> groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must be off
> doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest as I'm busy
> with other things.
> This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it would go
> on as usual.
> Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who knows
> maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.
> I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and some
> of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.   Hopefully
> things will straighten out quickly.
> Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.
> Gail
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Feb 15, 2015, at 8:10 PM, Debra & David  wrote:
> >
> > Mike.
> >
> > A few points...
> >
> > 1. Technology is going to kill off this list sooner or later. (Probably
> sooner). Its becoming increasingly difficult to even view it these days.
> 'Thunderbird' on some new PC's won't even display the digest  without
> clicking each individual post. And responding is getting harder all the
> time as has been mentioned about a thousand times.
> >
> > 2. As a list for the dissemination of info about silver its starting to
> fail because no thread nowadays proceeds beyond the most basic level.
> Threads or questions get broken or jumbled up so fast they soon become
> incoherent.  It seems that most threads on this list are now not about
> silver at all, and the ones that are are so basic that few members have
> much enthusiasm for answering them.
> >
> > 3. Your most experienced and knowledgeable members are posting less and
> less. (And potentially valuable new members dissappear as fast as they
> appear. How long did Uncle Ben last?)
> >
> > 4. A new forum will be a big success if you support it and eventually
> shut this one down.
> >
> > David
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> > Rules and Instructions:
> >
> > Unsubscribe:
> > 
> > Archives:
> >
> > Off-Topic discussions: 
> > List Owner: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Ron

Yes. And how do you loop electrodes and Trem's electrode configuration?
All sounds interesting.
Hard to believe that 3 people on this list think it unnecessary to clean 
electrodes and didn't get a lot of static for it.


On 2/16/2015 10:00 AM, wrote:

Hi Jason,

I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so popular most must have gone to it.  
Personally I think some things should be more private then what Facebook is.   
Seems like, from what I hear,there's nothing private.

Well I see my post went through so How do u clean ur electrodes and test to 
know its a better quality?   I clean mine with a simple steel pad.  Don't know 
if the quality is any better as I've always cleaned them.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Jason  wrote:

Hi Gail/David:

Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.

The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control freaks 
that thrive in such a setting.

I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very dynamic 
exchanges of ideas.

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo means 

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the silverlist... 
oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before that was probably a 
rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great discussion 
about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle of a current 
solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone largely 
ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of cleaning the silver 
electrodes if you really want a great product.

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I personally 
tested this theory or how they can test to see the difference in quality.  Just 
three people or so saying they have no need to clean the electrodes.

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped electrodes 
make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.

...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and I think 
it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal and water-pump 
driven water circulation.


On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
Hi David,

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
as I'm busy with other things.

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
would go on as usual.

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Joe Huard
Consider encrypted email if you want total privacy. However, I don't 
know how to do that on a group.
I have also read that people are being prosecuted for using encryption 
in some countries. So they are owned by the state, which is owned by the 
powers that be. Those who want no competition and will wipe any new 
innovation out if it conflicts with their bottom line.

On 2015-02-16 1:00 PM, wrote:

Hi Jason,

I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so popular most must have gone to it.  
Personally I think some things should be more private then what Facebook is.   
Seems like, from what I hear,there's nothing private.

Well I see my post went through so How do u clean ur electrodes and test to 
know its a better quality?   I clean mine with a simple steel pad.  Don't know 
if the quality is any better as I've always cleaned them.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 16, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Jason  wrote:

Hi Gail/David:

Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.

The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control freaks 
that thrive in such a setting.

I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very dynamic 
exchanges of ideas.

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo means 

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the silverlist... 
oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before that was probably a 
rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great discussion 
about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle of a current 
solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone largely 
ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of cleaning the silver 
electrodes if you really want a great product.

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I personally 
tested this theory or how they can test to see the difference in quality.  Just 
three people or so saying they have no need to clean the electrodes.

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped electrodes 
make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.

...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and I think 
it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal and water-pump 
driven water circulation.


On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
Hi David,

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
as I'm busy with other things.

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
would go on as usual.

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread wanda85929
Hi Jason,

I don't do Facebook.  I just thought its so popular most must have gone to it.  
Personally I think some things should be more private then what Facebook is.   
Seems like, from what I hear,there's nothing private. 

Well I see my post went through so How do u clean ur electrodes and test to 
know its a better quality?   I clean mine with a simple steel pad.  Don't know 
if the quality is any better as I've always cleaned them.   


Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 16, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Jason  wrote:
> Hi Gail/David:
> Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.
> The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
> when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
> few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control freaks 
> that thrive in such a setting.
> I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very dynamic 
> exchanges of ideas.
> I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo means 
> stagnation.
> I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the silverlist... 
> oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before that was probably a 
> rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.
> I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great discussion 
> about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle of a current 
> solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing crystallization 
> effects.
> Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone largely 
> ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of cleaning the silver 
> electrodes if you really want a great product.
> I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I 
> personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the difference in 
> quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no need to clean the 
> electrodes.
> I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped electrodes 
> make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.
> ...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and I think 
> it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal and water-pump 
> driven water circulation.
> ~Jason
>> On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Do u think a new forum will really help?
>> Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
>> many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
>> be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
>> as I'm busy with other things.
>> This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
>> would go on as usual.
>> Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
>> knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.
>> I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
>> some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
>> Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.
>> Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.
>> Gail
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Reece Maxey
It got to me Gail.

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 16, 2015, at 10:25 AM, wrote:
> Hi David, 
> Do u think a new forum will really help?
> Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so many 
> groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must be off doing 
> other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest as I'm busy with 
> other things. 
> This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it would go on 
> as usual.  
> Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who knows 
> maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up. 
> I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and some of 
> the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.   Hopefully things 
> will straighten out quickly.   
> Now let's see if this goes through fwiw. 
> Gail
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Feb 15, 2015, at 8:10 PM, Debra & David  wrote:
>> Mike.
>> A few points...
>> 1. Technology is going to kill off this list sooner or later. (Probably 
>> sooner). Its becoming increasingly difficult to even view it these days. 
>> 'Thunderbird' on some new PC's won't even display the digest  without 
>> clicking each individual post. And responding is getting harder all the time 
>> as has been mentioned about a thousand times.
>> 2. As a list for the dissemination of info about silver its starting to fail 
>> because no thread nowadays proceeds beyond the most basic level.  Threads or 
>> questions get broken or jumbled up so fast they soon become incoherent.  It 
>> seems that most threads on this list are now not about silver at all, and 
>> the ones that are are so basic that few members have much enthusiasm for 
>> answering them.
>> 3. Your most experienced and knowledgeable members are posting less and 
>> less. (And potentially valuable new members dissappear as fast as they 
>> appear. How long did Uncle Ben last?)
>> 4. A new forum will be a big success if you support it and eventually shut 
>> this one down.
>> David
>> --
>> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>> Rules and Instructions:
>> Unsubscribe:
>> Archives:
>> Off-Topic discussions: 
>> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Jason

Hi Gail/David:

Facebook is the worst of the worst for their groups setup and activity.

The lack of accurate information on those groups is astounding, and even
when someone posts something of real value, it is lost in obscurity a
few minutes later... not to mention the instant bullying and control 
freaks that thrive in such a setting.

I'm very active in some other lists because there is a lot of very 
dynamic exchanges of ideas.

I'm all for getting away from the status quo, because the status quo 
means stagnation.

I can't remember that last time I heard an original idea on the 
silverlist... oh wait, I can!  It was from David, and the last before 
that was probably a rehash on some ideas pioneered by Brooks Bradley.

I was on the phone with Peter Lindeman last year, and had a great 
discussion about brewing silver for a few weeks using only a trickle of 
a current solar-generated. This slow process creates some amazing 
crystallization effects.

Also, posts that have gotten through in the past few years have gone 
largely ignored.  I do a yearly test here about the importance of 
cleaning the silver electrodes if you really want a great product.

I always get the same response.  Not even anyone curious about how I 
personally tested this theory or how they can test to see the difference 
in quality.  Just three people or so saying they have no need to clean 
the electrodes.

I really like the last innovation I'd seen from Ken; those looped 
electrodes make a big difference in cutting down electrode degradation.

...also, Trem's electrode configuration on the SG-7 is excellent, and I 
think it only works so well because he uses both polarity reversal and 
water-pump driven water circulation.


On 2/16/2015 8:25 AM, wrote:

Hi David,

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so
many groups r dying out when they use to be so active.People must
be off doing other things with their life.  I know I've lost interest
as I'm busy with other things.

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it
would go on as usual.

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who
knows maybe his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up.

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and
some of the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.
Hopefully things will straighten out quickly.

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread wanda85929
Hi David, 

Do u think a new forum will really help?

Personally I think many have gone to Facebook.   I'm amazed how so many groups 
r dying out when they use to be so active.People must be off doing other 
things with their life.  I know I've lost interest as I'm busy with other 

This list is kind of like old faithful to me.  I just assumed it would go on as 

Uncle Ben would have certainly added some spice to the group.   Who knows maybe 
his posts aren't getting through either so he gave up. 

I don't post often either as I really just don't have much to say and some of 
the few posts I've tried to post didn't show up either.   Hopefully things will 
straighten out quickly.   

Now let's see if this goes through fwiw. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 15, 2015, at 8:10 PM, Debra & David  wrote:
> Mike.
> A few points...
> 1. Technology is going to kill off this list sooner or later. (Probably 
> sooner). Its becoming increasingly difficult to even view it these days. 
> 'Thunderbird' on some new PC's won't even display the digest  without 
> clicking each individual post. And responding is getting harder all the time 
> as has been mentioned about a thousand times.
> 2. As a list for the dissemination of info about silver its starting to fail 
> because no thread nowadays proceeds beyond the most basic level.  Threads or 
> questions get broken or jumbled up so fast they soon become incoherent.  It 
> seems that most threads on this list are now not about silver at all, and the 
> ones that are are so basic that few members have much enthusiasm for 
> answering them.
> 3. Your most experienced and knowledgeable members are posting less and less. 
> (And potentially valuable new members dissappear as fast as they appear. How 
> long did Uncle Ben last?)
> 4. A new forum will be a big success if you support it and eventually shut 
> this one down.
> David
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-16 Thread Tony Moody
Hallo David,

Just some friendly, hopefully helpful thoughts about trying to solve your 
agonies. I do hope 
that this is not seen as interference. 

If you or your emailer, Thunderbird, cannot handle "digest" then why not 
subscribe to the 
Silver List "list"  delivery version? The very clear, simple and easy to follow 
instructions are at 
the Silver List Home Page ;

If you insist on getting the digest then you could get Undigestify from

I did use digest years ago when on dial-up but with adsl it is much more 
convenient to get 
individual emails, much easier to answer and to delete or file .

 I run a small email list and send a copy of each email ( twice per day digest) 
to a Yahoo 
Group for those members who want to play on the web by themselves. You could 
get yourself webmail or start your own forum for yourself. 

Your comments about Subject continuity are valid but one has to be a 
list-hitler to make that 
happen properly; A frustrating and futile occupation along with 'trim your 
posts' and 'top 
posting'. ;-))

People are posting less because there is so much competition from other 
interest groups on 
the web. I just recently un-subbed from 5 lists because there was just not 
enough time in the 
day to pay attention to all of them.  


On 16 Feb 2015 at 13:40, Debra & David wrote about :
Subject : CS>Forum

> Mike.
> A few points...
> 1. Technology is going to kill off this list sooner or later. (Probably
> sooner). Its becoming increasingly difficult to even view it these days.
> 'Thunderbird' on some new PC's won't even display the digest  without
> clicking each individual post. And responding is getting harder all the
> time as has been mentioned about a thousand times.
> 2. As a list for the dissemination of info about silver its starting to
> fail because no thread nowadays proceeds beyond the most basic level. 
> Threads or questions get broken or jumbled up so fast they soon become
> incoherent.  It seems that most threads on this list are now not about
> silver at all, and the ones that are are so basic that few members have
> much enthusiasm for answering them.
> 3. Your most experienced and knowledgeable members are posting less and
> less. (And potentially valuable new members dissappear as fast as they
> appear. How long did Uncle Ben last?)
> 4. A new forum will be a big success if you support it and eventually shut
> this one down.
> David

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread V
I agree with you N. I was anything but a conspiracy theorist for a long
time but once you head down the rabbit hole far enough and wide enough,
there is plenty to convince me.

On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 4:40 PM, Neville  wrote:

> Funny you should mention second email address John.  I was locked out of
> THIS List until I provided a SECOND email address, and/or my mobile phone
> number, under the guise of it being for MY added security - WHAT THE...?
> And by some flukey coincidence THAT is when some posters messages started
> disappearing?  I would get a reply to someone in my 'Inbox' never having
> received the original posters message, and at other times messages ended up
> in my 'Junk' box, again - WHAT THE...?  I've been a member here for a
> little while now and *never* have I had any of that occurring before.
> Even with YouTube, I'm into Locksport and some subscribers to my channel
> have been "unsubbed" on occasion?  And some end up being blocked as
> suspected "spam"?  Even though these people have been subbed to my channel
> for a couple of years?
> Conspiracy theory?.Everyone involved with the public domain is being
> "steered" somewhere, and it's got zilch to do with an individuals
> security.  Although with all the terrorist activity today they would argue
> it IS for your and my security - Yeah, right!
> Mike summed it up perfectly for me..."Security by obscurity", but that's
> becoming more impossible as each day passes.  Somewhere, someone can
> monitor EVERYONE'S business.  Nothing new perhaps, but I wonder just how
> many people understand the full consequences of that 'secret' access?
> As it is with todays bureaucracy tripping over their own paperwork, so it
> is with computer spies tripping over their own computer programming to gain
> access to your and my privacy.  Little "glitches" appear from time to time
> as they are fiddling about with their binary codes or whatever in their
> programs.
> Like when Microsoft changed from 'XP' {I think} to Vista, I could not beg,
> buy or borrow the old XP program anywhere?  H...I wonder why that was?
>  *Every* store I approached could not possibly have sold the last one they
> had the day before I asked for it?  It completely vanished off the face of
> the earth when I asked each store to instal 'XP' and not Vista.  Could it
> be because that old program didn't have an inbuilt facility enabling
> "someone?" to access your computer at the push of a button.  Well that's my
> opinion anyway.  Everything today is "linked" to a Big Brother data base
> somewhere.
> See, the worlds hysteria and paranoia is even starting to get to me .
> I certainly won't be sorry when my 'use by' date comes around.
> Apologies for this being just a tad Off Topic, but I don't think the
> idiosyncrasies have got anything to do with this email platform.
> N.
> > Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 13:19:21 -0500
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS> Forum
> >
> > On 02/15/2015 12:56 PM, Ron wrote:
> > > A dratted inconvenience. All of my replies go into my Sent
> > > folder so I have to check Archives each time.
> >
> > You could subscribe with a second email address, that would
> > get your replies, if they went out, successfully. That
> > would be less trouble than checking the archives.
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> >
> > John Popelish

RE: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Neville
Funny you should mention second email address John.  I was locked out of THIS 
List until I provided a SECOND email address, and/or my mobile phone number, 
under the guise of it being for MY added security - WHAT THE...?  And by some 
flukey coincidence THAT is when some posters messages started disappearing?  I 
would get a reply to someone in my 'Inbox' never having received the original 
posters message, and at other times messages ended up in my 'Junk' box, again - 
WHAT THE...?  I've been a member here for a little while now and *never* have I 
had any of that occurring before.
Even with YouTube, I'm into Locksport and some subscribers to my channel have 
been "unsubbed" on occasion?  And some end up being blocked as suspected 
"spam"?  Even though these people have been subbed to my channel for a couple 
of years?

Conspiracy theory?.Everyone involved with the public domain is being 
"steered" somewhere, and it's got zilch to do with an individuals security.  
Although with all the terrorist activity today they would argue it IS for your 
and my security - Yeah, right!
Mike summed it up perfectly for me..."Security by obscurity", but that's 
becoming more impossible as each day passes.  Somewhere, someone can monitor 
EVERYONE'S business.  Nothing new perhaps, but I wonder just how many people 
understand the full consequences of that 'secret' access?
As it is with todays bureaucracy tripping over their own paperwork, so it is 
with computer spies tripping over their own computer programming to gain access 
to your and my privacy.  Little "glitches" appear from time to time as they are 
fiddling about with their binary codes or whatever in their programs.
Like when Microsoft changed from 'XP' {I think} to Vista, I could not beg, buy 
or borrow the old XP program anywhere?  H...I wonder why that was?  *Every* 
store I approached could not possibly have sold the last one they had the day 
before I asked for it?  It completely vanished off the face of the earth when I 
asked each store to instal 'XP' and not Vista.  Could it be because that old 
program didn't have an inbuilt facility enabling "someone?" to access your 
computer at the push of a button.  Well that's my opinion anyway.  Everything 
today is "linked" to a Big Brother data base somewhere.
See, the worlds hysteria and paranoia is even starting to get to me .  I 
certainly won't be sorry when my 'use by' date comes around.
Apologies for this being just a tad Off Topic, but I don't think the 
idiosyncrasies have got anything to do with this email platform.

> Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2015 13:19:21 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS> Forum
> On 02/15/2015 12:56 PM, Ron wrote:
> > A dratted inconvenience. All of my replies go into my Sent
> > folder so I have to check Archives each time.
> You could subscribe with a second email address, that would 
> get your replies, if they went out, successfully.  That 
> would be less trouble than checking the archives.
> -- 
> Regards,
> John Popelish


Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Ron

It is not working well for many and a fix would be nice.
But I agree that it is not worth the change.

On 2/15/2015 12:40 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:

I whole-heartedly agree with Debbie's sentiments!
Be well,
On Feb 15, 2015, at 3:36 PM, Debbie Phelps wrote:

Remember the old adage: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." It works 
well for me like it is, and like many here said,..."it ain't broke."

Of course, I'm adverse to change, but I'll do whatever is decided.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: CS>Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Lena Guyot
I whole-heartedly agree with Debbie's sentiments!
Be well,
On Feb 15, 2015, at 3:36 PM, Debbie Phelps wrote:

> Remember the old adage: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." It works well for 
> me like it is, and like many here said,..."it ain't broke."
> Of course, I'm adverse to change, but I'll do whatever is decided.
> Debbie

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Kenneth Taylor
It's true, from what my introductory email said, however the reality  is, the 
few times I have sent messages, I get no such 'original', except that which is 
kept in my sent folder. 

Karen is Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Jason
...actually, this list is set up so that the sender of the message to 
the list also gets a copy of the email sent; at least, it works that way 
sometimes.  :o)


On 2/15/2015 10:22 AM, Ron wrote:

Interesting idea but don't let's do this all at once. Ha.

On 2/15/2015 10:19 AM, John Popelish wrote:

On 02/15/2015 12:56 PM, Ron wrote:

A dratted inconvenience. All of my replies go into my Sent
folder so I have to check Archives each time.

You could subscribe with a second email address, that would get your
replies, if they went out, successfully.  That would be less trouble
than checking the archives.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Ron

Interesting idea but don't let's do this all at once. Ha.

On 2/15/2015 10:19 AM, John Popelish wrote:

On 02/15/2015 12:56 PM, Ron wrote:

A dratted inconvenience. All of my replies go into my Sent
folder so I have to check Archives each time.

You could subscribe with a second email address, that would get your 
replies, if they went out, successfully.  That would be less trouble 
than checking the archives.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread John Popelish

On 02/15/2015 12:56 PM, Ron wrote:

A dratted inconvenience. All of my replies go into my Sent
folder so I have to check Archives each time.

You could subscribe with a second email address, that would 
get your replies, if they went out, successfully.  That 
would be less trouble than checking the archives.


John Popelish

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Joe Huard
I have to go in the opposite direction on that claim. In all of the 
groups I am on, my posts and replies appear on the list and get sent to 
all on the list including me. That way, you can view the entire thread 
in one folder without having to check your Sent folder.
That's how it usually works when working correctly. I also experience 
posts and replies that do not end up in the archives, even on other 
lists. Nothing is perfect.

On 2015-02-15 12:40 PM, John Popelish wrote:

On 02/15/2015 12:14 PM, Ron wrote:

I see my reply is in the archives right enough but did not
show in my inbox.

I don't think the server is programmed to send a copy of your own 
reply back to you, unless you get the digest.

It is assumed that you already have a copy of your reply, in your Sent 
folder, so you would have no use for a second copy.  At least that has 
been the convention on every other list mail server I have used.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Ron
A dratted inconvenience. All of my replies go into my Sent folder so I 
have to check Archives each time.

On 2/15/2015 9:40 AM, John Popelish wrote:

On 02/15/2015 12:14 PM, Ron wrote:

I see my reply is in the archives right enough but did not
show in my inbox.

I don't think the server is programmed to send a copy of your own 
reply back to you, unless you get the digest.

It is assumed that you already have a copy of your reply, in your Sent 
folder, so you would have no use for a second copy.  At least that has 
been the convention on every other list mail server I have used.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread John Popelish

On 02/15/2015 12:14 PM, Ron wrote:

I see my reply is in the archives right enough but did not
show in my inbox.

I don't think the server is programmed to send a copy of 
your own reply back to you, unless you get the digest.

It is assumed that you already have a copy of your reply, in 
your Sent folder, so you would have no use for a second 
copy.  At least that has been the convention on every other 
list mail server I have used.


John Popelish

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Dan Nave
I think the lost posts are a problem associated with, not email
lists in general.

On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Jason  wrote:

> Hi Mike:
> I like both formats.
> For the most part, I've stopped posting to the silver list because about
> 70% of my emails don't make it.  Furthermore, they don't actually bounce,
> so the only way I know that they don't make it is by checking the archives.
> Since they don't actually bounce, this indicates that the eskimo server
> software is no longer very reliable.
> You can run your own email list server, complete with your own public
> archives, from your own domain if you ever desire to do so.  One reliable
> open source platform is Mailman GNU.  It is written in Python.
> There are different types of people that use mail lists and forums. Forums
> are a more affective tool because there is a built in accountability.
> Someone can post a thread with an opinion, and someone else can post
> conflicting information.  Both perspectives are always very visible,
> allowing visitors to draw their own conclusions based on the information
> presented.  Thread topics can be hashed over until beat dead, and then the
> thread locked and pinned with a fair representation of each unique
> perspective.
> Once a specific issue has been locked and pinned, you can always reference
> it with a simple html link, saving time... so you can run an email list and
> a forum, and they can work well together.
> I had to shut down one forum because spammers couldn't post their spam,
> but they started to flood my server with registrations.  I believe
> VBulletin does a better job with all of this than the free software I was
> using.
> Most spammers are deterred when first posts require moderation, and when
> one must be a member with a post history before allowing html outbound
> links.
> ~Jason
> On 2/15/2015 7:55 AM, Rowena wrote:
>> I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones to
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> maillist.html
> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Ron
I see my reply is in the archives right enough but did not show in my 


On 2/15/2015 9:09 AM, Walter Anderson wrote:

That's an interesting point; I think replies are the ones that haven't worked 
for me--though in my case the service is I'll have to try pasting 
into a new email next time reply doesn't work. That said, seems replies are 
working fine for me yesterday and today :)

-Original Message-
From: Ron []
Sent: Sun, Feb. 15, 2015 09:09
Subject: Re: CS> Forum

In my case it is "reply" that disappears. If I copy and paste into a new email 
it always goes.
I have thought that it was because I use Thunderbird email client that feeds 
thru Gmail since Gmail does seem to be unfriendly here as Mike has noted in the 

Since I do not reply a lot it is not to much to cope with all considered.
This is a "reply". I may have to redo it the hard way.


On 2/15/2015 8:56 AM, Walter Anderson wrote:

FYI that's the same problem I've encountered with email--no bounce,
the emails just don't make it to the list. - Walter

-Original Message-
From: Jason []
Sent: Sun, Feb. 15, 2015 08:29
Subject: Re: CS> Forum

Hi Mike:

I like both formats.

For the most part, I've stopped posting to the silver list because about 70% of 
my emails don't make it.  Furthermore, they don't actually bounce, so the only 
way I know that they don't make it is by checking the archives.

Since they don't actually bounce, this indicates that the eskimo server 
software is no longer very reliable.

You can run your own email list server, complete with your own public archives, 
from your own domain if you ever desire to do so.  One reliable open source 
platform is Mailman GNU.  It is written in Python.

There are different types of people that use mail lists and forums.
Forums are a more affective tool because there is a built in accountability.  
Someone can post a thread with an opinion, and someone else can post 
conflicting information.  Both perspectives are always very visible, allowing 
visitors to draw their own conclusions based on the information presented.  
Thread topics can be hashed over until beat dead, and then the thread locked 
and pinned with a fair representation of each unique perspective.

Once a specific issue has been locked and pinned, you can always reference it 
with a simple html link, saving time... so you can run an email list and a 
forum, and they can work well together.

I had to shut down one forum because spammers couldn't post their spam, but 
they started to flood my server with registrations.  I believe VBulletin does a 
better job with all of this than the free software I was using.

Most spammers are deterred when first posts require moderation, and when one 
must be a member with a post history before allowing html outbound links.


On 2/15/2015 7:55 AM, Rowena wrote:

I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Walter Anderson
That's an interesting point; I think replies are the ones that haven't worked 
for me--though in my case the service is I'll have to try pasting 
into a new email next time reply doesn't work. That said, seems replies are 
working fine for me yesterday and today :)

-Original Message-
From: Ron [] 
Sent: Sun, Feb. 15, 2015 09:09
Subject: Re: CS> Forum

In my case it is "reply" that disappears. If I copy and paste into a new email 
it always goes.
I have thought that it was because I use Thunderbird email client that feeds 
thru Gmail since Gmail does seem to be unfriendly here as Mike has noted in the 

Since I do not reply a lot it is not to much to cope with all considered.
This is a "reply". I may have to redo it the hard way.


On 2/15/2015 8:56 AM, Walter Anderson wrote:
> FYI that's the same problem I've encountered with email--no bounce, 
> the emails just don't make it to the list. - Walter
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason []
> Sent: Sun, Feb. 15, 2015 08:29
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS> Forum
> Hi Mike:
> I like both formats.
> For the most part, I've stopped posting to the silver list because about 70% 
> of my emails don't make it.  Furthermore, they don't actually bounce, so the 
> only way I know that they don't make it is by checking the archives.
> Since they don't actually bounce, this indicates that the eskimo server 
> software is no longer very reliable.
> You can run your own email list server, complete with your own public 
> archives, from your own domain if you ever desire to do so.  One reliable 
> open source platform is Mailman GNU.  It is written in Python.
> There are different types of people that use mail lists and forums.
> Forums are a more affective tool because there is a built in accountability.  
> Someone can post a thread with an opinion, and someone else can post 
> conflicting information.  Both perspectives are always very visible, allowing 
> visitors to draw their own conclusions based on the information presented.  
> Thread topics can be hashed over until beat dead, and then the thread locked 
> and pinned with a fair representation of each unique perspective.
> Once a specific issue has been locked and pinned, you can always reference it 
> with a simple html link, saving time... so you can run an email list and a 
> forum, and they can work well together.
> I had to shut down one forum because spammers couldn't post their spam, but 
> they started to flood my server with registrations.  I believe VBulletin does 
> a better job with all of this than the free software I was using.
> Most spammers are deterred when first posts require moderation, and when one 
> must be a member with a post history before allowing html outbound links.
> ~Jason
> On 2/15/2015 7:55 AM, Rowena wrote:
>> I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones 
>> to
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Ron
In my case it is "reply" that disappears. If I copy and paste into a new 
email it always goes.
I have thought that it was because I use Thunderbird email client that 
feeds thru Gmail since Gmail does seem to be unfriendly here as Mike has 
noted in the past.

Since I do not reply a lot it is not to much to cope with all considered.
This is a "reply". I may have to redo it the hard way.


On 2/15/2015 8:56 AM, Walter Anderson wrote:

FYI that's the same problem I've encountered with email--no bounce, the emails 
just don't make it to the list. - Walter

-Original Message-
From: Jason []
Sent: Sun, Feb. 15, 2015 08:29
Subject: Re: CS> Forum

Hi Mike:

I like both formats.

For the most part, I've stopped posting to the silver list because about 70% of 
my emails don't make it.  Furthermore, they don't actually bounce, so the only 
way I know that they don't make it is by checking the archives.

Since they don't actually bounce, this indicates that the eskimo server 
software is no longer very reliable.

You can run your own email list server, complete with your own public archives, 
from your own domain if you ever desire to do so.  One reliable open source 
platform is Mailman GNU.  It is written in Python.

There are different types of people that use mail lists and forums.
Forums are a more affective tool because there is a built in accountability.  
Someone can post a thread with an opinion, and someone else can post 
conflicting information.  Both perspectives are always very visible, allowing 
visitors to draw their own conclusions based on the information presented.  
Thread topics can be hashed over until beat dead, and then the thread locked 
and pinned with a fair representation of each unique perspective.

Once a specific issue has been locked and pinned, you can always reference it 
with a simple html link, saving time... so you can run an email list and a 
forum, and they can work well together.

I had to shut down one forum because spammers couldn't post their spam, but 
they started to flood my server with registrations.  I believe VBulletin does a 
better job with all of this than the free software I was using.

Most spammers are deterred when first posts require moderation, and when one 
must be a member with a post history before allowing html outbound links.


On 2/15/2015 7:55 AM, Rowena wrote:

I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

RE: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Walter Anderson
FYI that's the same problem I've encountered with email--no bounce, the emails 
just don't make it to the list. - Walter

-Original Message-
From: Jason [] 
Sent: Sun, Feb. 15, 2015 08:29
Subject: Re: CS> Forum

Hi Mike:

I like both formats.

For the most part, I've stopped posting to the silver list because about 70% of 
my emails don't make it.  Furthermore, they don't actually bounce, so the only 
way I know that they don't make it is by checking the archives.

Since they don't actually bounce, this indicates that the eskimo server 
software is no longer very reliable.

You can run your own email list server, complete with your own public archives, 
from your own domain if you ever desire to do so.  One reliable open source 
platform is Mailman GNU.  It is written in Python.

There are different types of people that use mail lists and forums. 
Forums are a more affective tool because there is a built in accountability.  
Someone can post a thread with an opinion, and someone else can post 
conflicting information.  Both perspectives are always very visible, allowing 
visitors to draw their own conclusions based on the information presented.  
Thread topics can be hashed over until beat dead, and then the thread locked 
and pinned with a fair representation of each unique perspective.

Once a specific issue has been locked and pinned, you can always reference it 
with a simple html link, saving time... so you can run an email list and a 
forum, and they can work well together.

I had to shut down one forum because spammers couldn't post their spam, but 
they started to flood my server with registrations.  I believe VBulletin does a 
better job with all of this than the free software I was using.

Most spammers are deterred when first posts require moderation, and when one 
must be a member with a post history before allowing html outbound links.


On 2/15/2015 7:55 AM, Rowena wrote:
> I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones 
> to

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Jason

Hi Mike:

I like both formats.

For the most part, I've stopped posting to the silver list because about 
70% of my emails don't make it.  Furthermore, they don't actually 
bounce, so the only way I know that they don't make it is by checking 
the archives.

Since they don't actually bounce, this indicates that the eskimo server 
software is no longer very reliable.

You can run your own email list server, complete with your own public 
archives, from your own domain if you ever desire to do so.  One 
reliable open source platform is Mailman GNU.  It is written in Python.

There are different types of people that use mail lists and forums. 
Forums are a more affective tool because there is a built in 
accountability.  Someone can post a thread with an opinion, and someone 
else can post conflicting information.  Both perspectives are always 
very visible, allowing visitors to draw their own conclusions based on 
the information presented.  Thread topics can be hashed over until beat 
dead, and then the thread locked and pinned with a fair representation 
of each unique perspective.

Once a specific issue has been locked and pinned, you can always 
reference it with a simple html link, saving time... so you can run an 
email list and a forum, and they can work well together.

I had to shut down one forum because spammers couldn't post their spam, 
but they started to flood my server with registrations.  I believe 
VBulletin does a better job with all of this than the free software I 
was using.

Most spammers are deterred when first posts require moderation, and when 
one must be a member with a post history before allowing html outbound 


On 2/15/2015 7:55 AM, Rowena wrote:

I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones to

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Bernadette Burch
I would write my own email about leaving the website as is, but Rowena's words 
were spoken exactly as the words would have come from me.  I have learned so 
much from everyone associated with this site.  Thank you all. 


Sent from my iPad

On Feb 15, 2015, at 10:55 AM, Rowena  wrote:

I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones to a 
separate folder for safekeeping, or copy to a document. They arrive in one's 
mailbox automatically.  I just wouldn't go to a forum.  Quite apart from 
passwords. This has been the best.  Though I don't post much, I could never 
bear to unsubscribe. The silverlist was where I first heard of many things I 
take for granted now. Still, I'd want it to be done the way that causes the 
least inconvenience and effort for you, Mike.  Many thanks for everything over 
the years.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:



Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Rowena
I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones to 
a separate folder for safekeeping, or copy to a document. They arrive in 
one's mailbox automatically.  I just wouldn't go to a forum.  Quite 
apart from passwords. This has been the best.  Though I don't post much, 
I could never bear to unsubscribe. The silverlist was where I first 
heard of many things I take for granted now. Still, I'd want it to be 
done the way that causes the least inconvenience and effort for you, 
Mike.  Many thanks for everything over the years.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Tam
I agree with Harold. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 15, 2015, at 6:53 AM, Sandra George  wrote:
> I also agree with Harold - thanks Mike
> Sandee🐬
> Attitude is Everything
> Colloidal Silver Products
> Eye Drops & Topical Gel
>> On Feb 14, 2015, at 8:02 PM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
>> I agree with Harold :)
>> On Saturday, February 14, 2015 5:38 PM, Dianne France 
>>  wrote:
>> I concur Harold's statement.  Status Quo.
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: CS> Forum
>> Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 13:39:37 -0800
>> For Mike ;et al;
>> Mike ,don’t don’t change a thing.I’m more than satisfied and happy with the 
>> Status Quo.I don’t post much,but I look forward to getting my bundle.I feel 
>> like I belong to a large and precious family.There is no way to really say 
>> how much I have learned here over the years,and hardly  a day goes by 
>> without me learning something new’'.
>> Thanks again Mike for all you have done for us.
>> Harold

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-15 Thread Sandra George
I also agree with Harold - thanks Mike

Attitude is Everything
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

> On Feb 14, 2015, at 8:02 PM, Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> I agree with Harold :)
> On Saturday, February 14, 2015 5:38 PM, Dianne France 
>  wrote:
> I concur Harold's statement.  Status Quo.
> From:
> To:
> Subject: CS> Forum
> Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 13:39:37 -0800
> For Mike ;et al;
> Mike ,don’t don’t change a thing.I’m more than satisfied and happy with the 
> Status Quo.I don’t post much,but I look forward to getting my bundle.I feel 
> like I belong to a large and precious family.There is no way to really say 
> how much I have learned here over the years,and hardly  a day goes by without 
> me learning something new’'.
> Thanks again Mike for all you have done for us.
> Harold

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-14 Thread Deborah Gerard
I agree with Harold :) 

 On Saturday, February 14, 2015 5:38 PM, Dianne France 

 #yiv7924955517 #yiv7924955517 --.yiv7924955517hmmessage 
I concur Harold's statement.  Status Quo.
Subject: CS> Forum
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 13:39:37 -0800

For Mike ;et al;Mike ,don’t don’t change a thing.I’m more than satisfied and 
happy with the Status Quo.I don’t post much,but I look forward to getting my 
bundle.I feel like I belong to a large and precious family.There is no way to 
really say how much I have learned here over the years,and hardly  a day goes 
by without me learning something new’'.Thanks again Mike for all you have done 
for us. Harold 


RE: CS> Forum

2015-02-14 Thread Dianne France
I concur Harold's statement.  Status Quo.
Subject: CS> Forum
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2015 13:39:37 -0800

For Mike ;et al;
Mike ,don’t don’t change a thing.I’m more than satisfied and happy with the 
Status Quo.I don’t post much,but I look forward to getting my bundle.I feel 
I belong to a large and precious family.There is no way to really say how much 
have learned here over the years,and hardly  a day goes by without me 
learning something new’'.
Thanks again Mike for all you have done for us.

Re: CS> Forum

2015-02-14 Thread PT Ferrance
Hi Mike,
I'm also happy with the list the way it is.
I appreciate all you do to keep it going... even though I may not know what you 
do! :-)
Happy St. Valentine's Day to all.


 From: Harold 
Sent: Saturday, February 14, 2015 4:39 PM
Subject: CS> Forum

For Mike ;et al;
Mike ,don’t don’t change a thing.I’m more than satisfied and happy with the 
Status Quo.I don’t post much,but I look forward to getting my bundle.I feel 
I belong to a large and precious family.There is no way to really say how much 
have learned here over the years,and hardly  a day goes by without me 
learning something new’'.
Thanks again Mike for all you have done for us.

Re: CS>Forum Post

2005-02-22 Thread Thomas Turk

Hi Tel,
Thanks for interesting info
I did put exclamation marks after that figure as I thought that that number may be exaggerated.. 
I use a machine and make my own, adding air from a fish tank bubbler, then filteri0ng thru a 5 layers natural coffee filter, then repeating the cycle once get max ppm. Maybe I get 40 to 50ppm. HH other products seem pretty good, CMO essiac etc.  Guess they need one (or more) BS product to make money
I used to buy the HerbalH CS but their prices were a bit crazy. Somebody does a 2000ppm, I wonder if that is also BS?
My own experience is CS is not such a big deal by itself, ie colds you also need C A and D Vitamins. and immune boosters such as b glucans,
I always have septrim (bactrim) in the home/for travel to back up CS for food poisoning or severe bronchitis.
Thomas T  Vienna Austrua: 
>I tested some of ( ) 500 ppm CS and it was n't even close
>I do not remember but I think it was in 20 ppm range?
>I called and reported my test to the lady on the other end of the line and
>she got mad at me and told me to P-ss off, and hung up on me?  The end.
>Tel Tofflemire
>Dewey, AZ.

  Use MSN Tool Bar to chat with friends and family.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum Post

2005-02-22 Thread Tel Tofflemire
 Tomas Turk:
I tested some of ( ) 500 ppm CS and it was n't even close
I do not remember but I think it was in 20 ppm range?
I called and reported my test to the lady on the other end of the line and
she got mad at me and told me to P-ss off, and hung up on me?  The end.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.
---Original Message---
From: Thomas Turk
Date: 02/22/05 07:32:33
Subject: CS>Forum Post
The thread
 CS Need help.
Re cancer, unless the chemo has destroyed the white blood cell producing
bone marrow, alternatives will work. All 24 chemos must necassarily do that,
and their side affects are thus documented, as are designed to destroy ALL
rapidly growing cells, cancer AND bone marrow..
 4 herb tea Essiac, known since 1922, plus the full protocol of M.McCain Phd
 ND This includes also specific herbals for anti parasites, montana yew tip,
(the NON TOXIC form of tamoxifin, used to TREAT breats cancer etc.
Interestingly as this is a CS site, she does use CS, for bacterial work in
the protocol,.at 500ppm!! go to for re education.
Another cure is from drclark(.com) Phd ND, also working with parasites, then
 getting mercury removed from the teeth, detoxing. dyes, aflotoxins, heavy
metals etc.  All of these ARE the  ACTUAL causes of all cancers as they
compromise the cell. Cancer inc wont tell you this, otherwise the trillion
dollar industry gets stuffed. Clark also uses an electrical zapper, much the
same effect as MCains CS... Of particular interest in Clarks work is that
the patient, after having all amalgams and loose teeth (bacteria) removed,
and started on the antiparasite course, is fed eggs, butter and cream to
RAISE the cholesterol level so that the compromised (cancerous) cells can
get back to normal. Beware of low fat diets
How do I know they are cures? I have cured terminals with 5 days to live,
after radiation had failed.

FREE Pocket Business English, ACT NOW! 

Re: CS>Forum Post

2005-02-22 Thread Marmar845
Thank you Thomas T.  I will forward that information. MA

Re: CS>Forum URL

2002-07-29 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Am I overlooking a search function?   If there is no such function, is
it possible to add that in future?   For example, if I wanted to do a
quick search for CS plus DMSO,  how would I go about that?  

Thanks in advance. 

"M. G. Devour" wrote:
> Hi Hank,
> > Hi. Lost the url to the online forum, I can't get there. Will someone send
> > it to me? I answered a question from someone and never received it in my
> > mail, Want to check if it went to the forum.
> You want to visit the archives, at...
> Also, make sure you are properly subscribed... you should be getting
> messages or digests. More instructions are available at the web site.
> All that, and my e-mail address are in the footer at the bottom of
> every message from the list:
> > Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> >
> > Silver-list archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> Hope that helps, Hank!
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum URL

2002-07-29 Thread Hank Adams
Thank you Mike. Sorry about not thinking to go down to the ads at the
bottom. I got there ok now and won't lose it again.
Yours Hank.

> Hi Hank,
>> Hi. Lost the url to the online forum, I can't get there. Will someone
>> send it to me? I answered a question from someone and never received
>> it in my mail, Want to check if it went to the forum.
> You want to visit the archives, at...
> Also, make sure you are properly subscribed... you should be getting
> messages or digests. More instructions are available at the web site.
> All that, and my e-mail address are in the footer at the bottom of
> every message from the list:

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum URL

2002-07-29 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Hank,

> Hi. Lost the url to the online forum, I can't get there. Will someone send
> it to me? I answered a question from someone and never received it in my
> mail, Want to check if it went to the forum. 

You want to visit the archives, at...

Also, make sure you are properly subscribed... you should be getting
messages or digests. More instructions are available at the web site.

All that, and my e-mail address are in the footer at the bottom of 
every message from the list:

> Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Hope that helps, Hank!

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

To post, address your message to:

Silver-list archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum Thanks

2001-10-27 Thread Sandy Albrecht
I am interested, Damian.

- Original Message -
From: "damian" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 1:34 PM
Subject: CS>Forum Thanks

> Ok all. Thank you for your support on the new idea forum and site. Im in
> middle of putting a starter together to get the ball rolling. I'm recently
> transitioned to linux and have unfortunatly chossen a not so good mail
> client. I have lost most of the email address's of those who wish to be a
> part of the group. Could all those wishing to join please send me an
> and if you want a small bio of what you like and such. Dont have to, just
> thought it might help targeting the audience. Its probably best not to
> to much more on the silver forum as its not for that topic.
> The site should be up and going by sunday. Seen my current personal
> is on mind machines I thought it might be a good place to start. I've
> created part 1 and are working on part 2 of the topic. There will be about
> - 10 parts each consisting of an improvement on the technology. Im not
> totally sure on the legistics of how it will all fit together but i know
> everyones enthusiasm it will work out fine. The initial steps are based on
> getting the apparatus to have the most effect on the human mind. The near
> last step will be making it so that if all goes well you'll become a super
> human. No joke either. Of course could drive you insane or maybe an
> implosion. Actually arnt to shore what it will do to be honest. I'm not
> to elaborate though as i dont want people jumping the gun, after all it is
> group effort.
> I think thats it. Thanks again for the support. I've got some pretty
> stuff coming up which I know will blow your mind. One im really excited
> is a device to talk to higher entities. It will work just like a phone. No
> joke either.
> Take care all
> damian
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum Thanks

2001-10-27 Thread Sandy Albrecht
I am interested, Damian.
Sandy (
- Original Message -
From: "damian" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 1:34 PM
Subject: CS>Forum Thanks

> Ok all. Thank you for your support on the new idea forum and site. Im in
> middle of putting a starter together to get the ball rolling. I'm recently
> transitioned to linux and have unfortunatly chossen a not so good mail
> client. I have lost most of the email address's of those who wish to be a
> part of the group. Could all those wishing to join please send me an
> and if you want a small bio of what you like and such. Dont have to, just
> thought it might help targeting the audience. Its probably best not to
> to much more on the silver forum as its not for that topic.
> The site should be up and going by sunday. Seen my current personal
> is on mind machines I thought it might be a good place to start. I've
> created part 1 and are working on part 2 of the topic. There will be about
> - 10 parts each consisting of an improvement on the technology. Im not
> totally sure on the legistics of how it will all fit together but i know
> everyones enthusiasm it will work out fine. The initial steps are based on
> getting the apparatus to have the most effect on the human mind. The near
> last step will be making it so that if all goes well you'll become a super
> human. No joke either. Of course could drive you insane or maybe an
> implosion. Actually arnt to shore what it will do to be honest. I'm not
> to elaborate though as i dont want people jumping the gun, after all it is
> group effort.
> I think thats it. Thanks again for the support. I've got some pretty
> stuff coming up which I know will blow your mind. One im really excited
> is a device to talk to higher entities. It will work just like a phone. No
> joke either.
> Take care all
> damian
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum changes.

1999-08-04 Thread Skylake
Dear Mike,

One of the reasons I don't sign off of the silver list (in order to have time 
to make CS) is because of the fascinating and helpful range of topics 
discussed.  So I don't think the list is "broke."

However, if you do decide to make another list of some kind, I would agree 
with Ivan about the format.  The candida forum is another example of a 
website where one can pick and choose one's threads by topic.  It is handy, 
easy to use, and has archives which are incredibly helpful for everyone, new 
and old to the forum.

Best wishes,

<< Where one does not receive mail at all, but logs on to a web site
 to see the latest blatherings.
 I like the how they are arranged into threads and sub-threads,
 which makes them easy to navigate. Perhaps with this arrangement
 we could accommodate a wide range of topics. >>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Forum changes.

1999-08-03 Thread Scharbach
ooh, I like the list and digest, recieving it in my mailbox MUCH better.
It seems like once  you get going on one of those message boards, it 
just takes forever.   I avoid them when ever I can.Much prefer this
format. . . . . . . . . 


>Mike and all,
>If we/you are thinking of changing forums, might I suggest a
>format something along the lines of :
>Where one does not receive mail at all, but logs on to a web site
>to see the latest blatherings.
>I like the how they are arranged into threads and sub-threads,
>which makes them easy to navigate. Perhaps with this arrangement
>we could accommodate a wide range of topics.
>The 'Audioasylum' is a moderated free for all. The 'ozone forums'
>used to require a password to be able to post a message, but had
>no restrictions on people being able to view the messages. Of
>course one could require a password to view the forum at all.
>I personally like the 'Audioasylum' listing arrangement, but
>would require a password to post to the list.
>Regards - Ivan
>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
>  -or-
>with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>To post, address your message to:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour