RE: CS>Fwd: CS>Agryia

2007-02-06 Thread bob Larson
...will not silver ions that make their way into the blood turn into silver
chloride quickly or immediately due to plentiful supply of Cl in the blood
at all times?

> -Original Message-
> From: Marshall Dudley []
> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 1:30 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: CS>Agryia
> Gina Gomes wrote:
> > I'm waiting for someone to explain to me what causes Agryia and what
> > are the known ways to reverse it.
> As most people know, silver is used as the photo-sensitive ingredient in
> almost all photographic processes. Silver compounds, when exposed to
> light, will often result in the silver being reduced to atomic or
> metallic silver. Then in the presence of a developer, any silver
> compounds that contact the silver particles will also undergo a
> reduction reaction, enlarging the silver particle.
> While this process is essential to photography, it is undesirable in the
> skin of a person. It is thought by many that the reason that the royalty
> long ago were called blue bloods is because the silver from the goblets
> and wares would react with acids in their drinks and foods, then
> precipitate out in their skin giving them a bluish color. It is known
> that consumption of silver compounds, such as silver nitrate, followed
> by exposure to sunlight can result in a graying or bluing of the skin, a
> medical condition called argyria (2). As it turns out, a number of
> chemicals that can appear in the blood make quite effective developers.
> Caffeine and tannin are just two of them (3).
> Fortunately, colloidal silver, when made by the electrolytic process in
> pure distilled water without any salts being added, produces no silver
> salts. Thus, silver plating out of colloidal silver is not possible; the
> silver particles are already reduced to pure silver, and are mutually
> repulsed, because of their positive charges.
>  Silver salts do and can cause argyria, that is not in
> dispute.  The physics is well known and is experienced by everyone as
> the standard photographic process.  Silver
> salts when exposed to light gain an electron producing a silver atom.
> Then the silver atom (known as the latent
> image in film), will grow when exposed to additional silver salts and a
> developer in an alkaline solution (known as
> development in photography). When the silver particles grow
> sufficiently, they will begin absorbing light and causing
> a darkening of the area, whether in a photographic print, or the skin of
> an animal.  It is impossible to make a
> photograph using silver particles to start with, that is the end result
> (and if you leave a dark photo which is dark
> because it has particles in the emulsion in the light over time it will
> tend to fade, not darken).  Likewise it is
> impossible to cause argyria using colloidal silver which IS silver
> particles already.  Silver compounds and silver
> colloid have nothing in common as far as argyria is concerned, and
> despite what many claim colloidal silver does not
> only not cause argyria, it can be an effective prophylactic against
> argyria. That is if colloidal silver is taken with silver
> salts there will be a reduced likelihood of argyria from the salts. The
> following reference (5) uses IES to
> mean Electrolytically Isolated Silver, which is a combination of both
> colloidal silver and ionic silver that
> What happens when you take silver compounds.
> A silver compound will typically become silver chloride as soon as it hits
> the stomach.  The silver chloride
> is sparingly soluble, about .8 ppm.  The dissolved silver
> chloride will move
> into the blood stream and once there will be exposed
> to chemicals that will induce the silver to plate out on any other silver
> particles present.  However initially there will be no other
> silver particles present, so the silver chloride circulates in the blood
> until exposed to light in the skin, where they are photo
> reduced to silver atoms. This is the photographic process that occurs when
> you take a picture (with a film camera).  Once the silver atoms
> are produced
> in the skin, then the rest of the silver chloride will begin reducing onto
> those particles making them grow very fast, and resulting in many of them
> getting stuck in the skin.  Since the particles are so small, they will
> appear as black or blue, giving the skin a bluish cast.  This is called
> argyria, and can result from taking silver compounds without any colloidal
> component.
> >
> > If it were 't for my e-mail friend who told me to do research before
> > taking  colloidal silver, I would not have known there was such a thing.
> Everyone here is aware that silver salts can cause argyria. We are
> normally only concerned with it when newcomers come in and are taking
> are making silver salts.
> >
> > As long as someone does not explain this, then I am being kept in the
> > dark and then when my skin turns grey who do I b

Re: CS>Fwd: CS>Agryia

2007-02-06 Thread Ode Coyote

  Rain is natures distilled water.
If it's collected on a clean surface after it has rained for a while 
[cleaned up the air], it can be pretty darned pure.

I collect it off a tin roof for my ultrasonic humidifier. The last batch 
was 5 gallons of snow melt collected in a drum with a cup of wood ash 
accidently spilled into it...not letting the roof rinse off first. [How do 
you rinse with snow? ]

Even that was only 25 uS.


At 07:14 AM 2/5/2007 +0005, you wrote:

The rainwater is probably pretty "soft" (not a lot of minerals), but
I'd guess that you're risk is low because of the conservative amounts
you are taking. Your experience qualifies as an example of "silver as
trace nutrient" more often than "silver as medicinal."

How do you make it, Tony? What's your generator setup?

Be well,

Mike D.

> Hi All,
> I do not use distilled water for making EIS. I have making and using EIS
> for about 10 years. I don't use a lot of it, just take some in my
> drinking water and extra when I have a cold coming on or if I have eaten
> something which has upset me or have had a tick or insect bite. But I
> make it with rain water off the roof and from well water for the past 4
> years. And before that made it for about 6 years from Cape Town city
> chlorinated water.  No sign of blue skin or fingernails anywhere on me.
> I have about a cup per week most times and am in the sun quite a lot.
> All best,
> Tony
> On 4 Feb 2007 at 8:25, Gina Gomes wrote about :
> Subject : Re: CS>Fwd: CS>Agryia
> >
> > Hello Everyone
> >
> > I am totally new to colloidal silver. Can someone explain to me what
> > causes Argyria? Is it really due to not using distilled water?
> >
> > Why would anyone want to take anything other than food and water and
> > oxygen indefintely?
> >
> > Are there things that can be done to reverse it if it does happen?
> >
> > Thank you very much.
> >
> >
> >
> > Deborah Gerard  wrote:
> > Hey that is a huge group over there (5) people...grandkids,
> > parents, cats, and myself have
> > not had any problemsdeb
> >
> > wrote:
> > Oops, sorry for some reason this didn't go to the list and it
> > went to bronco himself.
> > This is to correct the problem. I am just another person this
> > list caused to get
> > Argyria due to their beliefs of CS. I can't give any details on
> > my problem because at
> > this time there is an attorney working on my case and many
> > others who have had
> > Argyria happen. But this is not Rosemary, this is a case that
> > has occurred in the last
> > several years and not years ago before they knew what they were
> > doing as many try
> > to say.
> >
> > ArgyriaVictim
> >
> > From:
> > Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2007 19:47:02 EST
> > Subject: Re: CS>Agryia
> > To:
> >
> > In a message dated 2/3/2007 5:31:35 P.M. Central Standard Time,
> > writes: Rosemary, how interesting to hear
> > from you again. Still got the
> > anger
> > problem, eh? Hope you and yours are well, please do stop by
> > again
> > sometime.
> >
> > NOT.
> >
> >
> > Sorry to disappoint you but this is not Rosemary. Thank you!
> > Once again you
> > have been proven wrong. Rosemary would have signed Rosemary.
> >
> >
> >
> > ArgyriaVictim
> >
> >
> >
> > Any questions? Get answers on any topic at Yahoo! Answers. Try
> > it now.
> >
> >
> >
> > Bored stiff? Loosen up...
> > Download and play hundreds of games for free on Yahoo! Games.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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Re: CS>

2007-02-06 Thread Ode Coyote

  LOL  27,000 professionals mis-spelled it with me??


At 09:42 AM 2/5/2007 -0600, you wrote:


I was following you until I got to the part about the Google search.

You need to search on "Argyria" not "Agryia."



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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS and T4 Cells

2007-02-06 Thread Ode Coyote

At 03:46 PM 2/5/2007 +, you wrote:

Dear Ode,

I am very glad to hear this, about CS and HIV... The truth is that right 
now I am under a treatment with ozon, in a clinique in Germany, and I am 
expecting the results from blood test onThursday,and  I am expecting the 
results to be very 'optimistic', if I compare my condition when I arrived 
here and how I am and feel today. Any way, in the way I see it, I am not 
that much worring about the virus right now, but mostly about how to raise 
my T4 cells that there were just 4 in count two weeks ago. I do know that 
the treatment with ozon will give a 'boost' to my T4, but I feel that I 
should do some additional things in order to raise them more.
For sure among the things I will do, I will continue to drink CS, as I did 
for the 2 last year..

I want to thank Duncan a Dee for their response to my question, their 
informations  are really valuable to me...


(..and sorry for my english, I try to do my best when I write in this 
language.. :)

There's nothing wrong with your mastery of English.  It's a whole lot 
better than most Americans who mis-speak it from childhood in ways far less 
understandable.  [If it can even be called "English".   LOL ]

Haey ewe!  Donchu talk 'Meracan ???  Ewe ain't frum round heyre eayre yeh ??

I gwinea gota momma haou n fine ouHoodebabydaddy?


From: Ode Coyote 
Subject: Re: CS>CS and T4 Cells
Date: Mon, 05 Feb 2007 09:42:43 -0500

  A friend of mine who has both Hep C and HIV used EIS for a few months 
at 1 pint per day /12 PPM orally.

It did nothing for the Hep C [works for some, but not manyapparently ]
 BUT   The HIV went undetectable.
 The ability to heal fast was enhanced dramatically. [a welder/ metal 
sculptor, burns and cuts are very common]  and general healthy "feeling" 
significantly better than in years.

 Another friend with AIDS is trying it out now.  No report yet.


At 03:52 PM 2/4/2007 -0600, you wrote:

Dim  wrote:

 > I want to make this question, if cs may help someone to raise a low T4
 > cell count (the cells that HIV destroys..), or if there is any other
 > supplement/herb that may help.

Dim, according to the study below, CS helps to keep HIV from bonding
with normal cells, and I remember reading on the Net a few accounts of
CS either greatly reducing the viral load of AIDS or even being
considered a cure.  As far as I know, CS (or EIS, which is the kind we
make for ourselves at home) should work for any virus.


Study Shows Silver Nanoparticles Attach to HIV-1 virus

In the first-ever study of metal nanoparticles' interaction with HIV-1,
silver nanoparticles of sizes 1-10nm attached to HIV-1 and prevented the
virus from bonding to host cells. The study, published in the Journal of
Nanotechnology, was a joint project between the University of Texas,
Austin and Mexico Univeristy, Nuevo Leon.


I hope this helps.


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Re: CS>Need more cat help

2007-02-06 Thread GoToHoll
In a message dated 2/5/2007 11:41:34 PM Central Standard Time, 

so he  was probably very ill when he arrived here.  I did a Google on  
>Feline Leukemia, and learned that jaundice (and anorexia) are symptoms  
>of this disease.  Now I'm worried about my own cats, since  Leukemia 
>in cats is extremely contagious and fatal.  I've changed  their water bowl 
>to Colloidal Silver only, and I'm wondering if there  is anything else 
>I can do to head off an impending disaster.   Thanks in advance for any help

Feline leukemia virus in cats is NOT extremely contagious as many  think.  It 
is contained in the saliva of infected cats and is transmitted  through the 
bite of an infected cat, which is why fighting tomcats are most at  risk of 
being infected and infecting other cats.  It is possible for an  infected cat 
spread it by grooming other cats, and an infected mother  cat may pass it on 
to her kittens.  Healthy cats that are over one  year of age are immune to 
feline leukemia. As with a lot of viruses, this one is  opportunistic, and an 
immature or weak immune system allows the infection  to take hold, making 
kittens and (unhealthy) cats the high risk  population.  
Vaccinated cats will test positive for as much as a year post-vaccination.  
Knowing this, many shelters no longer test incoming cats that appear healthy  
because they had been euthanizing healthy, vaccinated (false positive)  cats.  
They will test cats that have signs or symptoms of illness.
As for your own cats, continue to make their drinking water cs and if any  
newcomers show up and don't seem the picture of health, have them tested and/or 
put to sleep. 
Spaying and neutering also greatly decrease the likelihood of infection  from 
bites because the cats aren't fighting.  Since we're on the  subject of 
feline leukemia, I won't go into the other reasons for spay &  neuter :-)
Laura H., TX 

CS>CS>Need more cat help

2007-02-06 Thread marmar845

> From: Heidrun Beer 

> I know only of the vaccination. We had a cat disaster that was
> very tragic especially for one of my daughters (although it was
> her who imported the sick cat). After that, we decided to take
> in only vaccinated cats and have new ones vaccinated every year.
> We call them our "gold plated cats", guess why :-)

 Hello Heidrun -- thanks for your reply.  Yeah -- I can guess why -- lol.  
Vaccination really isn't an option here.  These are barn cats, and stranger 
cats come and go -- sometimes without our even knowing about it.  They come in 
the barn and eat food and drink water -- and then my own cats go ahead and use 
the same bowls.  It's a difficult thing with barn cats -- one has to decide how 
much money to invest in them.  It never fails that as soon as I spend the money 
to have our cats spayed or neutered, that's just about the time that they'll 
meet a car on the road, or a coyote at night.  I always take a sick or injured 
cat to the vet, but prevention vaccinations are something that we just don't 
do.  If only I could win the lottery, eh?  Sorry to hear that you had a cat 
disaster, and I appreciate your response to my post.   MA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>CS>Need more cat help

2007-02-06 Thread marmar845
Hi Laura.  Thanks for your very detailed response.  You've given me quite a bit 
of relief!!  I do want to respond to a couple of things that you said.
> Feline leukemia virus in cats is NOT extremely contagious as many  think.  It 
> is contained in the saliva of infected cats and is transmitted  through the 
> bite of an infected cat, which is why fighting tomcats are most at  risk of 
> being infected and infecting other cats.  It is possible for an  infected cat 
> to 
> spread it by grooming other cats,  

 This is such good news.  This cat was way too sick to fight with anyone -- 
and he wasn't here long enough to develop affections that would encourage 
grooming.  But if it's contained in the saliva of an infected cat, wouldn't 
that transmit through a water bowl?

>Healthy cats that are over one  year of age are immune to 
> feline leukemia.

 Wonderful.  All of my cats are both healthy and over one year of age.
> Vaccinated cats will test positive for as much as a year post-vaccination.  
> Knowing this, many shelters no longer test incoming cats that appear healthy  
> because they had been euthanizing healthy, vaccinated (false positive)  cats. 

 Oh -- that's just sad.
> As for your own cats, continue to make their drinking water cs and if any  
> newcomers show up and don't seem the picture of health, have them tested 
> and/or  
> put to sleep. 

 Ah -- well now, that's the hard part.  Very often, you can't even get 
ahold of a newcomer cat -- they're very frightened and wary. So you couldn't 
get them to a vet if you wanted to.   And then there's the matter of expense.  
This is a farm.  Uninvited cats come and go all the time.  One could spend a 
fortune on other people's cats -- trying to protect your own.  It's just not 
practical.  That's why I was asking if there's something more than CS that I 
can do for my own cats.  Actually, the practical thing to do with stray cats is 
kill them (shoot them) -- but we hate to do that unless they're fighting with 
and injuring our own cats.  Usually, they'll just hang around for a few days 
and eat and sleep -- and then move on, or they'll decide this is home.  At 
which time we integrate them into our own cat group.  
> Spaying and neutering also greatly decrease the likelihood of infection  from 
> bites because the cats aren't fighting.  Since we're on the  subject of 
> feline leukemia, I won't go into the other reasons for spay &  neuter :-)

 And it's not necessary for you to do so.  All of our cats are spayed and 
neutered.  And if a cat decides to live here, as soon as they're tame enough to 
handle, he or she gets a trip to the vet!  ;-)
Thanks for all of the information!!  MA

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>

2007-02-06 Thread Ode Coyote

 It also appears they are using an air bubbler for stirring vs the 
previous "patented" paddle.
 Well now, how many people have been doing that for a decade? [And how 
many decided it wasn't the best of ideas?]

 It's pretty obvious that ABL has patents because they have lawyers on 
payroll who can't spend ALL their time twisting phrases.
 It's highly unlikely that any of those patents will ever see a court room 
as every other paragraph is just not true and the ones that are true, 
aren't unique.

 Patents aren't proof of anything.

 ABL?Bullshitters..that make good, essentially the same as home made, EIS.

 [or has that changed? ]

Check this out:
If you "run" an EIS generator in dilute H2O2, you DO get metallic silver 
and virtually no ionic content. [3 uS max]
 The problem is, the particles join together to make great big shiny 
mirror like crystal snow flakes suitable for a metal flake paint job.

 Very pretty:
 Then months later, the peroxide turns them into a silver oxide of some 
sort, the water goes deep yellow/brown, black balls of oxides form on the 
bottom and conductivity still doesn't go past 13.

 That process could possibly be tweeked to do something interesting... 
what and why?  Gee, I dunno.

 I only did it once and that was enough.


At 08:33 PM 2/5/2007 -0200, you wrote:

Hi Ode.
I also found this in their patent.

< 6. The composition according to claim 1 further comprising hydrogen 

Hydrogen peroxide, a know disinfecting agent, has been found to have a 
synergistic interaction with the inventive silver composition. Hydrogen 
peroxide is available in concentration of 30% wght/v (% weight per volume 
or weight percent) or higher. Although the higher concentrations are 
usable, the preferred concentrations are in the range of 1 to 5% wght/v.

A preferred embodiment of the present invention is directed to 
compositions comprising 5 to 40 ppm silver, said silver being primarily 
elemental silver, 1 to 3 wght % hydrogen peroxide, and water. A preferred 
embodiment of the present invention is the use, and method of use, of 
compositions comprising 10 to 40 ppm silver and 1 to 3 wght % hydrogen 
peroxide in water as antimicrobial agents. >

Hm, i wonder where they came up with that idea. Although I have in the 
past added hydrogen peroxide to my CS I dont do it anymore. To many 
different reactions that I dont understand. If the CS is clear thats good 
enough for me.
I was impressed with using HVAC to produce CS using a CO2 blanket but it 
took as long or longer to produce than LVDC CS. It would take about 2 
hours per pint using 2 electrodes and I would have to watch it like a hawk.
 Makes me wonder if they arent using some sort of blanket and adding the 
hydrogen peroxide later. Might have to try that process out to see what 

Sam L.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: ***SPAM*** *****SPAM***** CS>CS>Need more cat help

2007-02-06 Thread Heidrun Beer
On Tue, 6 Feb 2007 10:12:55 -0500,  wrote in

> Hello Heidrun -- thanks for your reply.  Yeah -- I can guess why -- lol.  
>Vaccination really isn't an option here.  These are barn cats, and stranger 
>cats come and go -- sometimes without our even knowing about it.  They come in 
>the barn and eat food and drink water -- and then my own cats go ahead and use 
>the same bowls.  It's a difficult thing with barn cats -- one has to decide 
>how much money to invest in them.  It never fails that as soon as I spend the 
>money to have our cats spayed or neutered, that's just about the time that 
>they'll meet a car on the road, or a coyote at night.  

Yeah, that's the dilemma!

I have information different from the other post which states
that the rate of infection is not high.

As cats lick each other (part of their social pattern) and 
can transmit the virus when they use the same bowl, my information
is that the infection is frequent and nearly cannot be avoided.

My gut reaction would be to allow natural selection to take
out the weaker individuals and allow the others to procreate
to some degree (we are in a farm environment - in a city this is 
not such a good idea). But where deep personal relations have 
developed, as they have in our family, this is not such an 
easy solution.

Good luck with your cat population!

Heidrun Beer

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>CS>Need more cat help

2007-02-06 Thread bob Larson
you could probably buy the vaccines cheap and inject them yourself.  might
have to become a "cattery" on paper somehow. there may be other ways.

> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:13 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>CS>Need more cat help
> > From: Heidrun Beer 
> > I know only of the vaccination. We had a cat disaster that was
> > very tragic especially for one of my daughters (although it was
> > her who imported the sick cat). After that, we decided to take
> > in only vaccinated cats and have new ones vaccinated every year.
> >
> > We call them our "gold plated cats", guess why :-)
>  Hello Heidrun -- thanks for your reply.  Yeah -- I can guess
> why -- lol.  Vaccination really isn't an option here.  These are
> barn cats, and stranger cats come and go -- sometimes without our
> even knowing about it.  They come in the barn and eat food and
> drink water -- and then my own cats go ahead and use the same
> bowls.  It's a difficult thing with barn cats -- one has to
> decide how much money to invest in them.  It never fails that as
> soon as I spend the money to have our cats spayed or neutered,
> that's just about the time that they'll meet a car on the road,
> or a coyote at night.  I always take a sick or injured cat to the
> vet, but prevention vaccinations are something that we just don't
> do.  If only I could win the lottery, eh?  Sorry to hear that you
> had a cat disaster, and I appreciate your response to my post.   MA
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-02-06 Thread bob Larson
Marshall-thanks, but doesn't exactly answer the question in my mind which i
probably didn't express well since there's actually lots of them and they're
not formed up clearly either...

the silver ions that get into the blood without becoming AgCl in the
stomach, say if absorbed sublingually or in the lungs, are immediately
confronted with an abundance of Cl ions to react with...will they not
immediately do so and thus form AgCl salts unless they happen to react with
something else first?

of the silver chloride in the gut that passes into the bloodis that only
the part that dissolves (the ~0.8ppm)? or will undissolved salts also get
through to the blood?  i believe i've read elsewhere that the salts that
form in the gut will mostly pass straight out the pipe?
when the AgCl dissolves, it becomes free ions again, which will again
readily form the salt, so in a pure water soln there's an equilibrium with
that small portion being dissolved free ions?
so the same would occur in blood, however the blood has lots of other things
for it to contact and react with about a zillion things that can and do
happen, correct?

i guess what i'm puzzling over is the ongoing debate over just what is it
that is actually killing pathogens, metallic particles or ions or both.  and
also struggling to understand the processes going on so as to better
understand how to most effectively use CS internally while avoiding eventual

thanks much, every little bit of further understanding i grasp helps.

> -Original Message-
> From: Marshall Dudley []
> Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:25 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: CS>Agryia
> bob Larson wrote:
> > ...will not silver ions that make their way into the blood turn
> into silver
> > chloride quickly or immediately due to plentiful supply of Cl
> in the blood
> > at all times?
> >
> >
> Silver ions react with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach and produce
> silver chloride.  Silver chloride is sparingly soluble, and most of it
> will precipitate out, about .8 ppm will dissolve.  The silver chloride
> will pass into the blood, then if it contacts silver particles reduce to
> silver metal, causing the particles to grow slightly.  In the end
> virtually all of the EIS becomes colloidal in the blood due to this
> process which is the same a the photographic development process.
> Marshall
> >> -Original Message-
> >> From: Marshall Dudley []
> >> Sent: Monday, February 05, 2007 1:30 PM
> >> To:
> >> Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: CS>Agryia
> >>
> >>
> >> Gina Gomes wrote:
> >>
> >>> I'm waiting for someone to explain to me what causes Agryia and what
> >>> are the known ways to reverse it.
> >>>
> >> As most people know, silver is used as the photo-sensitive
> ingredient in
> >> almost all photographic processes. Silver compounds, when exposed to
> >> light, will often result in the silver being reduced to atomic or
> >> metallic silver. Then in the presence of a developer, any silver
> >> compounds that contact the silver particles will also undergo a
> >> reduction reaction, enlarging the silver particle.
> >>
> >> While this process is essential to photography, it is
> undesirable in the
> >> skin of a person. It is thought by many that the reason that
> the royalty
> >> long ago were called blue bloods is because the silver from the goblets
> >> and wares would react with acids in their drinks and foods, then
> >> precipitate out in their skin giving them a bluish color. It is known
> >> that consumption of silver compounds, such as silver nitrate, followed
> >> by exposure to sunlight can result in a graying or bluing of
> the skin, a
> >> medical condition called argyria (2). As it turns out, a number of
> >> chemicals that can appear in the blood make quite effective developers.
> >> Caffeine and tannin are just two of them (3).
> >>
> >> Fortunately, colloidal silver, when made by the electrolytic process in
> >> pure distilled water without any salts being added, produces no silver
> >> salts. Thus, silver plating out of colloidal silver is not
> possible; the
> >> silver particles are already reduced to pure silver, and are mutually
> >> repulsed, because of their positive charges.
> >>
> >>
> >>  Silver salts do and can cause argyria, that is not in
> >> dispute.  The physics is well known and is experienced by everyone as
> >> the standard photographic process.  Silver
> >> salts when exposed to light gain an electron producing a silver atom.
> >> Then the silver atom (known as the latent
> >> image in film), will grow when exposed to additional silver salts and a
> >> developer in an alkaline solution (known as
> >> development in photography). When the silver particles grow
> >> sufficiently, they will begin absorbing light and causing
> >> a darkening of the area, whether in a photographic print, or
> the skin of
> >> an animal.  It is impossi

Re: CS>Fwd: CS>Agryia

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Siepak
Marshall, a couple of days ago, part of one post you made stated:

4. 2 tsp. of MSM per day. Sulfur (MSM) binds with silver and can help to
pull it from the body.

So should I take my CS at a different time than my MSM? I take MSM 2000 3x a
day with meals usually, quite often swishing with CS while I get the
supplements together, run water, feed the cats, etc. Then follow the CS with
Supplements, including the MSM. I guess the MSM binds the CS immediately (?)
so I don't get the benefit from either?

Thanks for all your knowledge-sharing in the past!


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS, Salt/C & Acne

2007-02-06 Thread Mark Siepak
Hi, Silver-Listers,

I recently moved, changed computers and software, and have lost most of my
archived posts from the list.

If it's not too off topic, could you post the Salt/C protocol again, my son
is 11 and just starting to get acne, think he may have a bad time with it as
my wife's side of the family had very severe acne growing thru puberty.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS>Need more cat help

2007-02-06 Thread GoToHoll
In a message dated 2/6/2007 9:29:35 AM Central Standard Time, writes:

Ah --  well now, that's the hard part.  Very often, you can't even get ahold 
of  a newcomer cat -- they're very frightened and wary. So you couldn't get 
them  to a vet if you wanted to.   And then there's the matter of  expense.  
This is a farm.  Uninvited cats come and go all the  time.  One could spend a 
fortune on other people's cats -- trying to  protect your own.  It's just not 
practical.  That's why I was asking  if there's something more than CS that I 
do for my own cats.   Actually, the practical thing to do with stray cats 

 Another thing that would discourage stray cats from hanging  around  is not 
to leave any cat food out for more than 1/2 hour at a time.  Your own cats 
would quickly figure out that they need to be there at feeding  time or else 
a meal. Cats that don't belong in the group will be run off in  short order 
when there's not a constant food supply.
Laura H., TX

Re: CS>

2007-02-06 Thread Sam L.

Hi Ode.
Im not bashing ABL, I beleive what they are doing is a good thing, just
trying to understand their process. Their patents just dont add up. If I was
in their position I would want patents on what I was doing. They wont hold
up in court dollar for dollar but they have more dollars than me. The
bubbler their using might be a CO2 bubbler, tried that also and it worked.
Killed two birds with one stone. I know the history behind them and how they
have come to this point. My main beef with them is they claim of their
product being 97% metallic silver when Frank Keys states it 96% ionic. I
dont know if they have changed their process or not. I can make a gallon of
CS without the CO2 blanket in less than one hour, it might very well be a
good disinfectant but I wouldnt want to drink it.

Sam L.

On 2/6/07, Ode Coyote  wrote:

  It also appears they are using an air bubbler for stirring vs the
previous "patented" paddle.
  Well now, how many people have been doing that for a decade? [And how
many decided it wasn't the best of ideas?]

  It's pretty obvious that ABL has patents because they have lawyers on
payroll who can't spend ALL their time twisting phrases.
  It's highly unlikely that any of those patents will ever see a court
as every other paragraph is just not true and the ones that are true,
aren't unique.

  Patents aren't proof of anything.

  ABL?Bullshitters..that make good, essentially the same as home made,

  [or has that changed? ]

Check this out:
If you "run" an EIS generator in dilute H2O2, you DO get metallic silver
and virtually no ionic content. [3 uS max]
  The problem is, the particles join together to make great big shiny
mirror like crystal snow flakes suitable for a metal flake paint job.
  Very pretty:
  Then months later, the peroxide turns them into a silver oxide of some
sort, the water goes deep yellow/brown, black balls of oxides form on the
bottom and conductivity still doesn't go past 13.

  That process could possibly be tweeked to do something interesting...
what and why?  Gee, I dunno.
  I only did it once and that was enough.


At 08:33 PM 2/5/2007 -0200, you wrote:

>Hi Ode.
>I also found this in their patent.
>< 6. The composition according to claim 1 further comprising hydrogen
>Hydrogen peroxide, a know disinfecting agent, has been found to have a
>synergistic interaction with the inventive silver composition. Hydrogen
>peroxide is available in concentration of 30% wght/v (% weight per volume
>or weight percent) or higher. Although the higher concentrations are
>usable, the preferred concentrations are in the range of 1 to 5% wght/v.
>A preferred embodiment of the present invention is directed to
>compositions comprising 5 to 40 ppm silver, said silver being primarily
>elemental silver, 1 to 3 wght % hydrogen peroxide, and water. A preferred
>embodiment of the present invention is the use, and method of use, of
>compositions comprising 10 to 40 ppm silver and 1 to 3 wght % hydrogen
>peroxide in water as antimicrobial agents. >
>Hm, i wonder where they came up with that idea. Although I have in
>past added hydrogen peroxide to my CS I dont do it anymore. To many
>different reactions that I dont understand. If the CS is clear thats good
>enough for me.
>I was impressed with using HVAC to produce CS using a CO2 blanket but it
>took as long or longer to produce than LVDC CS. It would take about 2
>hours per pint using 2 electrodes and I would have to watch it like a
>  Makes me wonder if they arent using some sort of blanket and adding the
> hydrogen peroxide later. Might have to try that process out to see what
> happens.
>Sam L.
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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Frank Keys

2007-02-06 Thread Ronald (& Susan)

Who is Frank Keys?

Sam L. wrote:

Hi Ode.
Im not bashing ABL, I believe what they are doing is a good thing, 
just trying to understand their process. Their patents just don't add 
up. If I was in their position I would want patents on what I was 
doing. They wont hold up in court dollar for dollar but they have more 
dollars than me. The bubbler their using might be a CO2 bubbler, tried 
that also and it worked. Killed two birds with one stone. I know the 
history behind them and how they have come to this point. My main beef 
with them is they claim of their product being 97% metallic silver 
when Frank Keys states it 96% ionic. I don't know if they have changed 
their process or not. I can make a gallon of CS without the CO2 
blanket in less than one hour, it might very well be a good 
disinfectant but I wouldn't want to drink it.

Sam L.

On 2/6/07, Ode Coyote > wrote:

  It also appears they are using an air bubbler for stirring vs the
previous "patented" paddle.
  Well now, how many people have been doing that for a decade?
[And how
many decided it wasn't the best of ideas?]

  It's pretty obvious that ABL has patents because they have
lawyers on
payroll who can't spend ALL their time twisting phrases.
  It's highly unlikely that any of those patents will ever see a
court room
as every other paragraph is just not true and the ones that are true,
aren't unique.

  Patents aren't proof of anything.

  ABL?Bullshitters..that make good, essentially the same as
home made, EIS.

  [or has that changed? ]

Check this out:
If you "run" an EIS generator in dilute H2O2, you DO get metallic
and virtually no ionic content. [3 uS max]
  The problem is, the particles join together to make great big shiny
mirror like crystal snow flakes suitable for a metal flake paint job.
  Very pretty:
  Then months later, the peroxide turns them into a silver oxide
of some
sort, the water goes deep yellow/brown, black balls of oxides form
on the
bottom and conductivity still doesn't go past 13.

  That process could possibly be tweeked to do something
what and why?  Gee, I dunno.
  I only did it once and that was enough.


At 08:33 PM 2/5/2007 -0200, you wrote:

>Hi Ode.
>I also found this in their patent.
>< 6. The composition according to claim 1 further comprising hydrogen
>Hydrogen peroxide, a know disinfecting agent, has been found to
have a
>synergistic interaction with the inventive silver composition.
>peroxide is available in concentration of 30% wght/v (% weight
per volume
>or weight percent) or higher. Although the higher concentrations are
>usable, the preferred concentrations are in the range of 1 to 5%
>A preferred embodiment of the present invention is directed to
>compositions comprising 5 to 40 ppm silver, said silver being
>elemental silver, 1 to 3 wght % hydrogen peroxide, and water. A
>embodiment of the present invention is the use, and method of
use, of
>compositions comprising 10 to 40 ppm silver and 1 to 3 wght %
>peroxide in water as antimicrobial agents. >
>Hm, i wonder where they came up with that idea. Although I
have in the
>past added hydrogen peroxide to my CS I dont do it anymore. To many
>different reactions that I dont understand. If the CS is clear
thats good
>enough for me.
>I was impressed with using HVAC to produce CS using a CO2 blanket
but it
>took as long or longer to produce than LVDC CS. It would take about 2
>hours per pint using 2 electrodes and I would have to watch it
like a hawk.
>  Makes me wonder if they arent using some sort of blanket and
adding the
> hydrogen peroxide later. Might have to try that process out to
see what
> happens.
>Sam L.

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS> Frank Keys

2007-02-06 Thread Sam L.

Frank Keys has two websites and is also a member here.
He also sells a CS thats mostly *silver particles, brown in color. His
website has allot of info but he does seem to be bias to selling his own
product. He also test different CS products for free I believe. See link

Sam L.

On 2/6/07, Ronald (& Susan)  wrote:

Who is Frank Keys?

Re: CS> Frank Keys

2007-02-06 Thread Ronald (& Susan)
Thanks- I found several of of Frank's sites.
The sites are biased towards the meso silver as they should be I'm sure. 
Although I can't understand why some of the tests would show bias.
It is interesting in the list at
That ASAP 22ppm has the largest particle surface size and I also notice 
a stark difference in two ABL products which are identical in 
composition but have different lablels for marketing purposes.
The ASAP 10 ppm and the Silver Biotics (10ppm) are identical products 
but seem to have tested with an extreme difference in results.  I wonder 
why or what happened during the testing.

I was out on ABL's website looking for their remarks and it seems the 
two sites directly speak against each other - (without naming each other 
of course).

Just a lot to take in  We all keep learning and I'm grateful for all 

Thanks again

Sam L. wrote:

Frank Keys has two websites and is also a member here.
He also sells a CS thats mostly silver particles, brown in color. His 
website has allot of info but he does seem to be bias to selling his 
own product. He also test different CS products for free I believe. 
See link

Sam L.

On 2/6/07, Ronald (& Susan) > wrote:

Who is Frank Keys?

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-02-06 Thread Terry Chamberlin
Marshall said,
> Sulfur (MSM) binds with silver and can help to pull
it from the body. <

Can you give some references for this idea? I've never
heard it before.


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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>ArgVictim

2007-02-06 Thread dgulenchin

My brother inlaw has similar "powers"(for lack of a better word) as you 
and I find this very interesting. Do you know of any sites with more 
info about this? He does not have a computer right now so I would like 
to find some info for him - I tried google(reverse polarity) with no 
results.Is this why some people are good at water dowsing? I know of a 
few other people who can dowse as also my brother inlaw can, but they 
also don't stop watches. I cannot get it to work no matter what I use to 
try dowsing with.


JES AM & PM wrote:

Terry: (and list)
I only subscribe to this list and "read up" on the technical issues 
about once every 2 -3 years.  I'm just too busy, but I do enjoy coming 
back (thanks Mike for being around this long).

As a true "blue blood" I am more suspectible than most to becoming a  
"gray anatomy" victim and it has never stopped me.  When I first 
started with you guys back in 1998, I drank a whole quart of CS in one 
day not knowing any better - while at work (I had to hold onto the 
walls all day - had a huge HERX reaction  !!) and to think I was only 
drunk on CS.  Boy did I learn to only suck down 2 oz or so a day.
In other words, I make my CS with very archaic means (just 3 
batteries in a series) - and unlike the techies on here; I have never 
tested mine - never will, I just take it and believe.  The only two 
ailments I don't rely on CS for are staph and strep - you just don't 
mess with those.  But when I've had severe bladder infections and 
drunk it all day long or weeks - when my kitty cats almost died and 
the only thing I had was CS and the vet said they would die... I used 
CS .
IMHO - the "gray victims" are govt plants to discourage us from using 
these natural methods to save our lives and not make money off of our 
hides !!  (Of course with our dollars - they can buy their wives nicer 
hides (fur coats)... sorry had to go there !!
I finally had to quit telling doctors in Atlanta that I was a 
"wholistic person" - they wouldn't see me - they literally refused me 
medical treatment - years ago. some still do. Now their nurses ask me 
questions !!  My my - when they have contraindications from all those 
drugs - it's amazing how their perspective changes.
P.S.  And they are worried about how they look with all those "freaks" 
walking around with pink, purple hair and dog collars around their 
neck for jewelry (and enough tattoos to redo the Louvre) - please just 
bite me (or don't unless you have had your CS shot today)
Now - however, there are people like me that have reactions to other 
herbs - i.e. valerian root - in my case, I am highly allergic to it 
and a few others.  I have reverse polarity and a lot of us do.  My 
husband has reverse polarity so bad that he makes watches run 
backwards.  Mine only last about 6 months tops,  AND cell phone 
batteries will only make it 2 hours with either one of us... then we 
have to re-charge them.

Jeannine the Baroness
p.s.s.   wish me well as I approach the parliament to be officially 
recognized now that my mother has passed on last year.

On 2/5/07, Terry Chamberlin>> wrote:

The problem I have with ArgyriaVictim's complaint is
the complete absence of supporting evidence. She has
been asked to provide details of her condition, what
was the product that she says produced this condition
or did she make it herself and how.

I can truly understand her anger if she looks like a
walking corpse from using a substance she was given to
understand was safe. And, unfortunately, it is human
nature to throw the baby out with the bathwater and
denounce all silver-containing products. Were I to
experience the same thing from using my CS, I would be
very dismayed, since I absolutely trust its safety and
have freely recommended it to everyone around me (and
sell it in 80+ Health Food stores across the country).

Attempting to put myself in Victim's shoes, I would
want to determine why it happened (did I drink too
much? Did I make it wrong? Is my metabolism eccentric
in some way?) and is it truly possible to reverse the

Not everyone is like me, but I would want to see if it
had happened to others, and what were the details
concerning their condition? Should I now warn everyone
away from CS? Warn them to ingest it in moderation?
Recommend they take certain supplements along with
their CS? (Which I already do.)

In reality, I have already tried to research the
existence of such victims, but have been unable to
find any who mirror my own parameters, folks who drink
only crystal clear "ionic" CS.

For that matter, neither has the FDA.

Were 1/10th of the "numerous" cases claimed by Victim
true, the FDA would have launched a major campaign to
erase it from existence.

ArgyriaVictim claims to know of numerous cases, b

CS>Need Opinion on this product

2007-02-06 Thread Tara Harris
Has anyone heard of Dr Richard Harris  .  I am new 
to CS. I am not sure if EIS—new terminology describing CS—Electrically Isolated 
Silver is ok or not. He describes his CS like this "using Only Steam-Distilled, 
Ozonated Water; .. pure Silver by low current (dc) for the proper time, 
testing while making; upon completion of generating my EIS, I add 4 cc 3% 
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) to a gallon". Just wanted to see if anyone had any 
opinion about this product before I purchase it. Thanks for any info, Tara


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