[spectre] Hack.it.art Experimental Video

2006-03-12 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

hack.it.art - Hacktivism in the Context of Art and Media in Italy
January 15th-February 27th 2005
Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin, Germany

experimental video

video by: Florian Cramer

where: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin
when: January 14th, 2005

Free Download:

[Xvid, 34 MB, very good quality, plays on Linux; on Windows and Mac if
the Xvid-Codec is installed, or if people use free media players like

[Quicktime/MPEG-4, 34 MB, good quality; plays back on Windows and Mac
with Quicktime Player, or on Linux with recent versions of

Hack.it.art has been an exhibition and event about hacktivism in Italy: 
an alternative and independent way of producing information, art and 
networking culture. The exhibition has shown this widespread phenomenon 
and presented to the German public the multitude of Italian media and 
net activism.

This is an experimental video of the opening, made by Florian Cramer.

[Info hack.it.art 2005: 


  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli
//_/\__  web site: http://www.ecn.org/aha
  /  \ http://www.strano.net/bazzichelli
 /\  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] [ann] CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies Festival Berlin

2006-10-01 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival
14-22 october 2006, Berlin, Germany

[Registration closes Tuesday 13 october!]

The CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival is an independent 
pornography competition. It is a three day marathon in which 
participants are invited to realize a short film in the city of Berlin.

The short-movies must be completely shot in Berlin after the opening 
party. This is the D.I.Y game!

CUM2CUT is open to queer, homo, hetero, lesbo and transsexual 
independent video- and filmmakers, pornographers, performers, 
screenwriters, directors, queer cultural activists and artists, free 
thinkers, excited minds and all the people that like to mix technology 
and bodies.

If you want to participate to the CUM2CUT Festival, please send an email 

Registration closes Tuesday 13 october.

Enjoy the pleasure of sharing pornography all over the city!
Your film will be shown at the PornFilmFestival Berlin.


Programme 14-22 october 2006, Berlin

Opening party: 14.10. 19.00h
Schwuz, Mehringdamm 61.

Shooting Videos: 15.10.
Grosse Freiheit 114, Boxhagener str. 114
AHA, Mehringdamm 61.

Porn Giving Day, 16.10. from 20.00h
Barbie Deinhoff, Schlesischestr. 16

Short Movies Screening, 21.10. from 20.00h
Kant Kino 2, Kantstr. 54

Jury: Ela Troyano and Tessa Hughes Freeland, N.Y./USA | Katrien Jacobs, 
Hong Kong/Japan | Girlswholikeporno, Barcelona/Spain | Betty/Sexyshock, 
Bologna/Italy |Sebsatian Luetgert, Berlin/Germany | Pier Mario Simula, 

Short Movies Awards, 22.10 from 20.00h
Award Ceremony
Kant Kino 1, Kantstr. 54

Final Prom, 22.10 from 22.00h
indie pr0n party
Festsaal Kreuzberg, Skalitzerstr. 130, Kreuzberg.

Performance Team Plastique, Australia and Mitsu Salmon.
Dj Ipek (+ Belly Dance), Berlin; Dj Bürger P, Berlin, Dj Tina 
Pornflakes, Italy, Dj Ria Stern, Berlin, and many others!

Vjs sets by Mizz Pravda, erotic pictures, etc.


Registration: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The CUM2CUT Festival has developed in collaboration with the 
PornFilmFestival Berlin.



  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli
//_/\__  web site: http://www.ecn.org/aha
  /  \ http://www.networkingart.eu
 /\  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] [book] Networking | The Net as an Artwork

2006-11-29 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Online and on paper:

NETWORKING, The Net as an Artwork

Written by Tatiana Bazzichelli
With the preface of Derrick De Kerckhove and the epilogue of the 
videoartist Simonetta Fadda.

Download the book from:

The book represents a first tentative reconstruction of the history of 
artistic networking in Italy, through an analysis of the realities which 
during the past twenty years have given way to a creative, shared and 
aware use of technologies, from video to computers, contributing to the 
formation of Italian hacker communities.

Networking means to create nets of relations, by sharing experiences and 
ideas in order to communicate and experiment artistically and where the 
publisher and the reader, the artist and the public, act on the same level.

In Italy, thanks to the alternative use of Internet, during the past 
twenty years of experimentation a vast national network of people who 
share political, cultural and artistic views has been formed. Active in 
underground environments, these projects use diverse media (computers, 
video, television, radio and magazines) and deal with technological 
experimentation, or hacktivism, depending on the terminology used in 
Italy, where the political component is a central theme.
The Italian network proposes a form of critical information, diffused 
through independent and collective projects where the idea of freedom of 
expression is also a central theme.

The book describes the evolution of the italian hacktiviam and net 
culture from the Eighties till today. At the same time, it builds a 
reflection on the new role of the artist and author who become 
networker, operating in collective nets, reconnecting to neoavant-garde 
artistic practices of the 1960's (first and foremost Fluxus), but also 
Mail art, Neoism and Luther Blissett.

A path which began in BBS, alternative web platforms diffused in Italy 
half way through the 1980's even before Internet even existed, and then 
moved on to Hackmeetings, to Telestreet, to Netporn and networking art 
of different artists such as 0100101110101101.ORG, [epidemiC], Jaromil, 
Giacomo Verde, Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici, Correnti Magnetiche, 
Candida TV, Tommaso Tozzi, Federico Bucalossi, Massimo Contrasto, 
Mariano Equizzi, Pigreca, Molleindustria, Guerriglia Marketing, 
Sexyshock, Phag Off and many others.

Language: Italian | Pages: 336 | Price: 21 euro | Publisher: Costa e 
Nolan, Milan (Italy).

To order the book on paper, write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli
//_/\__  web site: http://www.ecn.org/aha
  /  \ http://www.networkingart.eu
 /\  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] HACKmit! Exhibition | Media and Art to Live | Berlin

2007-04-21 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

HACKmit! Exhibition
Medien und Kunst zum Leben (Media and Art to Live)

1st May - 26th August 2007, MACHmit! Museum, Berlin, Germany
Opening: 1st May, 11.00am, Free entrance

A project curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli
at MACHmit! Museum fuer Kinder (http://www.machmitmuseum.de)

with: Minimal TV (Giacomo Verde, Federico Bucalossi, Vania Pucci), 
Freaknet Medialab (Gabriele Zaverio, Aldo Cesar Fagà), Pigreca (Flavia 
Alman and Sabine Reiff), Simonetta Fadda, Sebastian Luetgert, Vittore 
Baroni(*), Bjoern Balcke, Anna Laudani and Giuliana Del Zanna.

(*)in networking with: Martha Aitchison (UK), buZ blurr (USA), Gregory 
T. Byrd (USA), Bruno Capatti (IT), David Dellafiora (Australia), Mike 
Dickau (USA), Jas W Felter (Canada), John Held Jr. (USA), Jo.Anne Hill 
(UK), Susanna Lakner (D), Michael Leigh (UK), Graciela Gutièrrez Marx 
(Argentina), Emilio Morandi (IT), Angela and Peter Netmail (D), Clemente 
Padin (Uruguay), Franco Piri Focardi (IT), Claudio Romeo (IT), Karla 
Sachse (D), Gianni Simone (Japan), The Sticker Dude (USA), Giovanni and
Renata Strada (IT), Lucien Suel (France), Rod Summers / VEC (The 
Netherlands), Annina Van Sebroeck and Luc Fierens (Belgium), Reid Wood 
(USA), Special Guest: Anna Banana.

The HACKmit Exhibition is supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Berlin).


The HACK MIT! event at MACHmit! Museum fuer Kinder 
(www.machmitmuseum.de) is an exhibition and event about art and new 
media, with a particular focus on the concept of hacking.

The idea is to bring children closed to the new technologies, like 
computers, videos, televisions, and at the same time associate those 
technologies to the more traditional art field, from the classical 
avant-gardes (such as Surrealism, Dadaism, Futurism) to the present. 
Italian artists and German ones are brought together to realise a 
project where children can playfully learn to use media. The aim is to 
provide an approach of using technology in a creative way.

Central concept is the do-it-yourself creation and hacker ethic.
Hackers give life to an alternative and independent way of producing 
information, cultural consciousness and communication. They share the 
good of knowledge and fight for free communication and access for all, 
aiming to create and spread knowledge for the public domain.

This way of thinking is very closed to the approach children have to 
objects and society in general: they learn playing and de-constructing 
the reality, applying new meanings and unpredictable results to it. 
Today, many children learn very early how to use computer and 
technologies, but many of them have no possibility to learn how to use 
them in a critical and non-commercial way, and understand how media can 
be easily linked to art and creativity. With this exhibition, they can 
experience how art can be easy to do, and how technology can be 
consciously used.

Much research are focused on the bad effect of media in children's 
perception of reality and the construction of cultural and social 
paradigms. But if children learn how to use media self-consciously, 
technology can be an important tool for creating, learning and realising 
art. Media are considered in their creative possibilities, presented in 
a historical perspective and highlighted in their diversity from the 
past to present. Art thus becomes common experience, a field of 
experimentation with media, offering an opportunity of individual 
participation in the process of artistic creation.

The history of contemporary art has gradually destroyed the concept of 
art as a property. It has empowered the spectator as a no longer a 
passive consumer, but active participant of the artwork. The role of the 
artist as an all-powerful creator has also been gradually broken up as 
well, by artistic happenings which require the participation of the 
audience (from Fluxus to Mail Art) so that a process takes place which 
is controlled by the creative spontaneity of the people, showing that it 
is possible to make one's own art and create self-made media.

The idea is to illustrate how art and technology have increasingly 
converged and how it is possible today, through a self-governed use of 
media and languages, to practice a hacking art and work in truly 
collaborative fashion.
Art makes sense if people can act inside, the artwork becomes a stream 
of collective patchwork, contaminations, copying, alteration of language 
codes and icons.

Several workshops will bring together the diverse Italian cultures of 
hacking and media art with its German counterparts.
Children can view interactive models of media and art and can 
participate in video and computer laboratories. They can create

[spectre] CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short Movies Festival - II Edition

2007-07-26 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short Movies Festival
II Edition...CUM2CUT is back!!!

20-28 October 2007: Cum2Cut² Festival

20-24 October 2007: Porn Competition in Berlin, Germany
October 2007: Pr0n Competition on the Net (date to define)

Registration is already open on: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The CUM2CUT² Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival comes again! It is an
independent pornography competition, a four day marathon in which
participants are invited to release a short film, which will be shown
during the Berlin Porn Film Festival.

Unlike mainstream porn, the event CUM2CUT² focuses on the activities of
the international, independent and countercultural queer movement and
presents a platform where artists, filmmakers, djs, actors, hackers,
excited minds and everyone interested can collaborate.

In this context, queer means to express sexuality beyond the boundaries
of identity and to cross the limits of fixed genders and stereotypes. At
the same time, the idea of being queer is closely connected with D.I.Y.:
CUM2CUT² wants to encourage everyone to express themselves using their
bodies and media from an independent point of view, thereby creating new
experimental queer languages.

This year CUM2CUT² is raised to another level, it is not only a Porn
Competition, but also a Pr0n one!

Porn Competition: pornography comes to the centre stage!

In the Porn competition, a four day long marathon, people are involved
to spread all over the city of Berlin, their own idea of phorngraphy and
to promote and enjoy the pleasure of sharing pornography. People who
would like to mix up bodies and sexuality are invited to cum to the
opening party (20 October) where a category-lottery will take place: 
draw your own porn genre!

Pr0n Competition: technology becomes pornography|

Aim of the pr0n competition is to find strategies, short-ways, tricks,
pranks to 'dress-up' the techology into a porn tool. Technology is the
protagonist of this competition! People have to deal with pornography
using media and creating digital codes and any others video project.
Whoever would like to participate in remote, now have a chance to
eroticise the network, mixing codes and technology.

An expert jury formed by people involved in porn/queer subculture and
experimental cinema will select winners respectively for the Porn and
Pr0n Competitions. The winners will receive a prize (stay tuned...!)

In order to open not only the boundaries of sexuality but also those of
artistic expression, the videos produced must be licensed under the
Creative Commons.


If you want to participate to the CUM2CUT² Festival send a email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (registration is already open!).

For news and updates about CUM2CUT² Festival look on the website:


  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//_/\__  web site: http://www.networkingart.eu
  /  \ http://www.ecn.org/aha
 /\  mailing-list: https://www.ecn.org/wws/arc/aha

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Last Call Pr0n Competition @ CUM2CUT Festival

2007-10-19 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival

Pr0n* Competition: technology becomes pornography|
*hack slang for porn

CUM2CUT Indie-Porn-Short-Movies-Festival comes again! It is an 
independent pornography competition, a four day marathon in which 
participants are invited to release a short film, which will be shown 
during the Porn Film Festival Berlin (http://www.pornfilmfestivalberlin.de).

This year CUM2CUT is raised to a double level, it is not only a Porn 
Competition (in Berlin  see http://www.cum2cut.net), but also a Pr0n 
one (on the net)! As usual all the short movies must be pornographic.

Aim of the pr0n competition is to create and share strategies, 
short-ways, tricks, pranks to 'dress-up' the techology into a porn tool. 
Technology is the protagonist of this competition! People have to deal 
with pornography using media or creating digital codes or any other 
video projects.

There is no limits to the possible uses/derivations of technology. The 
real limits to cross are only the sexual stereotypes.
By emulating the hacker way of combining and recombining hard- and 
software into a more critical and all-encompassing technology, you can 
subvert rigid sexual paradigms and create new porn InterZones for 
yourselve and your community.

Contrary to the Porn Competition, here people don't have to perform with 
real bodies, but have to deal with their technical skills. Therefore it 
is not necessary participants come in Berlin to shoot their movies, but 
they can upload them in remote on the CUM2CUT server.

As the Porn Competition, the Pr0n marathon is 4 days long. You can 
choose to participate from 20 September to 20 October, registering 
yourself on the Pr0n form. After your registration, the Pr0n marathon 
starts! There are just a few rules to follow when making the short 
movie. You will receive them with you registration.

A mail-reminder will inform you on your time left. Within 4 days of 
competition, you have to upload your video on our server.

All of the films will be shown at the end of the Berlin Porn Film 
Festival at Kant Kino on 26 October. The Award Ceremony will be on 28 
October at the same place (see Programme).

An expert jury formed by people involved in porn/queer/hacker subculture 
and experimental cinema will select two winners. The winners will 
receive a prize: not money, but something really special from the Cazzo 
Production Team and the Berlin porn scene!

At the conclusion of the Berlin Porn Film Festival and of the CUM2CUT 
Movies Competition there will be a great night-party at LUX club, on 27 
October 2007 from 23.00h (see Programme). You are welcome to come!

Register your team now! ;-)

Registration closes on 20 October 2007.
Competition closes on 24 October 2007.

Upload here your short movie! (not later than 24 October)

  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//_/\__  web site: http://www.networkingart.eu
  /  \ http://www.ecn.org/aha
 /\  mailing-list: https://www.ecn.org/wws/arc/aha

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] [Video] Orgasmatic Implosion @ Peenemünde

2008-02-13 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Orgasmatic Implosion

Orgasmatic Implosion it's a video realized during the Peenemünde [x] 
workshop and shown in Transmediale 2008.

video by: Tatiana Bazzichelli, Federico Bucalossi, Gaia Novati.
see on: http://www.nothuman.net/orgasmatic/
(also available on: http://plot.bek.no/~x/orgasmatic )

[HTI Peenemünde/HKW Berlin 25/26/27/28/30 January 2008]
Peenemünde [x] presented an intense, conspiratorial two day long 
working group/workshop within a key, historical location actively 
examining that fiction which presents a dark heart of technology (as 
evidenced by electromagnetic practice), and a vivid relation to 


Orgasmatic Implosion, a video by:

Tatiana Bazzichelli [it/de]
Tatiana Bazzichelli is a communication sociologist and an expert in 
hacktivism, art and net culture. Since the 90s she organizes events and 
conventions. She is the founder of 'Activism-Hacking-Artivism', a 
networked project based in Berlin, honorary mention in the Digital 
Communities category of the Prix Ars Electronica 2007. In 2006 she 
published the book Networking. The net as Artwork, a reconstruction of 
the history of artistic networking in Italy.

http://www.tatianabazzichelli.online.de - http://www.networkingart.eu
http://www.ecn.org/aha - http://www.cum2cut.net

Federico Bucalossi [it]
Federico Bucalossi is an Italian artist with over 10 years experience in 
the field of multimedia art. He has a background as a multimedia artist, 
multimedia director, video art director, web designer, trainer and 
consultant. He is member of the groups: Strano Network 
(computer-internet Art), Yellowcake (Electronic performances for the 
label KK records, Belgium), Quinta Parete (Art Minimal TV).


Gaia Novati [it/de]
Gaia Novati is involved since many years in the Italian queer 
countercultural movement. Co-founder of Sexyshock, communication 
laboratory on gender theme and first sex-shop managed by women in Italy, 
she is one of the organizers of Cum2Cut, Indie-Porn-Short-Movies 
Festival in Berlin (2006-2008).


  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli  www.tatianabazzichelli.online.de
//_/\__  projects: http://www.networkingart.eu
  /  \ http://www.ecn.org/aha
 /\  mailing-list: http://www.ecn.org/mailman/listinfo/aha

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Correct contacts for Hack.Fem.East - Call for Submissions

2008-02-21 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Hallo everybody,

sorry for the cross-posting, but in the last Hack.Fem.East call there 
was a technical problem in the emails for contacts.

These are the correct ones:


Tatiana Bazzichelli [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you and all the best,

Tatiana Bazzichelli

Women and technology in networks. Exhibition, workshops, conference.
A project curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and Gaia Novati.

The exhibition project in Berlin, HACK.Fem.EAST, seeks to present
experimental and artistic practices of artists and activists working in
digital networks in Eastern Europe.

The focus of the exhibition is on presenting a use of media located
somewhere between hacking, art and activism which is driven forward by
an international counterculture and avant-garde: the main protagonists
are women or projects in which women play an important role.

The aim of the project is to provide and to develop a network platform.
This will be achieved through five elements: the exhibition, the
workshops (Free Space), a conference, a publication in newspaper format,
and a website bringing the aspects of the project together.

Existing networks from 11 countries are at the heart of the project and
form the basis of the exhibition. A total of 11 networks will be invited
to the various rooms of the Kunstraumes Kreuzberg/Bethanien to introduce
their work, their strategies and their aims in the form of
installations, documentations and presentations. The result is a
network of networks, visualized in the form of video screenings,
installations, computer presentations and documents.

The activists will be offering a weekly workshop (Free Space) throughout
the duration of the exhibition. The workshops will be based on the
respective presentations in the exhibition as well as on and aims and
activities that have been developed further in the context of the project.

A conference held at the outset of the project is intended to bring the
lines and networks together and discuss on women perspective in the
Eastern cultural scenario. Its aim is to provide a forum for a form of
politics based on radical invention - media and internet art projects,
performances, network platforms, software development, artistic coding,
organisation of media festivals, etc. As part of the publicity for the
exhibition, a Berlin daily newspaper (taz) will be publishing a
so-called NGO-supplement in an edition of 30.000 copies to coincide with
the opening. It will include articles that provide an introduction to
the subject and give details regarding the programme.

An integral component of the project is of course the website, with an
up-to-date and open presentation of the project's processes and
developments, summarizing them and putting them up for discussion.

Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien website: http://www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de


  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli  www.tatianabazzichelli.online.de
//_/\__  projects: http://www.networkingart.eu
  /  \ http://www.ecn.org/aha
 /\  mailing-list: http://www.ecn.org/mailman/listinfo/aha

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] HACK.Fem.EAST - Women, Technology and Networks in Eastern Europe

2008-05-02 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Frauen, Technologie und Netzwerke in Osteuropa
Women, Technology and Networks in Eastern Europe

Exhibition, performances, meetings
10 May - 22 June 2008
Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien Berlin, Germany
Opening: 9 May, from 19.00

A project of Tatiana Bazzichelli and Gaia Novati sponsored by 
Hauptstadtkulturfonds and with the support of Institutes für 

The exhibition project HACK.Fem.EAST seeks to present experimental and 
artistic practices of artists and activists working in digital networks 
in Eastern Europe. Main topics are media, art and hacking. Main 
protagonists are women or projects in which women play an important role.
Aim of the project is to provide and to develop a network platform. This 
is achieved through five elements: the exhibition, the opening event, 
two days of conferences, a publication in newspaper format and a website.

Central idea is to involve women artists to develop independetely their 
concept in each of the 14 rooms of the Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien 
and be part of the network formed by the all groups and 
arstists/activists participating. Existing networks from 11 Eastern 
countries are at the heart of the project and form the basis of the 
exhibition. A total of 11 networks are invited to the various rooms of 
the Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien to introduce their work, their 
strategies and their aims in the form of video and computer 
installations, documentations and presentations.

The result is a network of networks.

A two day long conference on 10 and 11 May held at the outset of the 
project intends to bring the lines and networks together and discuss on 
women perspective in the Eastern cultural scenario. Its aim is to 
provide a forum for a form of politics based on radical invention - 
media and Internet art projects, performances, network platforms, 
software development, artistic coding, organisation of media festivals, etc.

More information on the exhibition are published on the NGO-supplement 
of taz, the Berlin daily newspaper, in an edition of 30.000 copies to 
coincide with the exhibition opening (9 May 2008). Another integral 
component of the project is the website http://www.hackfemeast.org, with 
an up-to-date and open presentation of the project's processes and 
developments, summarizing them and putting them up for discussion.

*Exhibition: 10 May - 22 June 2008*


Gaby Bila-Gunther (RO/DE) in Network with: Darina Alster (CZ), Pavla 
Jonssonova (CZ), Albana Kozeli  (AL), Elsa Martini (AL), Ioana Morpurgo 
(RO), Eva Parcher (SI), Katerina Rudcenkova (CZ), Lucia Udvardyova (CZ), 
Petra Vargova (CZ); Dunja Kukovec (SI) and Katja Kobolt (SI) in Network 
with: Helena Božič (SI), Anetta Mona Chisa (RO/CZ), Polonca Lovšin (SI), 
Kitch (SI), Lala Raščić (HR), Tina Smrekar (SI), Son:DA  (SI), Zora 
Stančič (SI), Starke (BA), Lucia Tkacova (SK), Kanak Attak (DE), FAQ 
Network (Balkans); Andreea Carnu (RO) and Joanne Richardson (RO/DE) in 
Network with: DMedia (RO), Ladyfest RO, Indymedia RO; Alla Georgieva 
(UA/BG), Marina Grižnić (SI), Ana Hoffner (RS/DE), Janez Janša (SI), 
Anna Krenz (PL/DE), Erika Katalina Pasztor (HU), Nada Prlja (BA/UK), 
Boryana Rossa (BG), Selena Savić (RS/NL), Zvonka Simčič (SI), Mare 
Tralla (EE/UK), Miss Information und ihre Telekommunisten (NET).

*Performance, Screening and Talk*

_Friday May 9 from 19.00 Opening_

19.00 - Welcome of Sigrid Klebba, City Mayor for Education and Culture 
of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg

19.00 - Dobrodošli / Willkommen / Welcome Performance by Leila Cmajcanin 
(BA). Presented by Humour Works.

Down to Earth Performance by Jana Prepeluh (SI). Presented by Humour Works.

20.00 - Karasssuite by Ana Filip (RO/SK) and Barbara Huber (AT/SK).

21.00 - From Tea Lady into a Sexfly (Electro/spokenword Performance) 
Gaby Bila-Gunther (RO/DE)

22.00 - Dj Spoma (HR/DE).
23.00 - Lil Bustard and Freak (Performance and Dj Set)
Hairstyling in electro tech house rythm (PL)

_Saturday, 10 May 2008_

14.30 - Introduction

15.00 - Linking Balkan, Lecture Performance - Ana Hoffner ex-Prvulovic 

15.30 - Panel on Hacktivism and Art in the Eastern Countries.
Erika Katalina Pasztor (HU). Boryana Rossa, (BG)
Moderated by Diana McCarty (MX/D)

17.30 - SS-XXX | Die Frau Helga - The Borghild Project Reconstruction - 
Janez Janša (SI).
Production: Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana. 

KONTEJNER | bureau of contemporary art praxis, Zagreb.

18.30 - Screening of Precarious Lives. Film from DMedia (RO), 64 min,, 
2008. Presentation with Andreea Carnu  (RO) and Joanne Richardson (RO/DE).

_Sunday, 11 May 2008_

11.00 - Introduction

11.15 - Under Construction
Presentation with Silvina Der-Meguerditchian (AR/DE), Eléonore de 
Montesquiou (FR/EE/DE), Olga Juergenson (EE/UK).


[spectre] Opening night of HACK.Fem.EAST

2008-05-07 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Opening night of  HACK.Fem.EAST
Friday, 9. May 2008 at Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Berlin
HACK.Fem.EAST - 10 May - 22 June 2008
Women, Technology and Networks in Eastern Europe
http://www.hackfemeast.org (website daily updated!)

Friday, 9. May 2008 – Opening
19.00 - Welcome: Sigrid Klebba, City Mayor for Education and Culture of 

19.30 - Dobrodošli / Welcome / Willkommen (Performance),
Leila Čmajčanin (BA). Humour Works
19.30 - Down to Earth  (Performance) Jana Prepeluh (SI), Humour Works
20.00 - Karasssuite  (Performance) Ana Filip (RO/SK) und Barbara Huber 
21.00 - From Tea Lady Into a Sexfly (Electro / Spoken Word Performance), 
Lady Gaby (RO/DE)

22.00 - DJ Spoma (HR/DE)
23.00 - Lil Bustard  Freak (Performance  DJ Set), Hairstyling in 
electro tech house rythm (PL)

Performance: LEILA CMAJCANIN (BA): Dobrodošli / Welcome / Willkommen (2006)
Do you have someone to guarantee for you at the exhibition? Maybe you 
are dangerously young or you might want to stay at the Kunstraum 
Kreuzberg forever? Broke? Better be well prepared for the exhibition! 
After many days of waiting in front of different EU Embassies to finally 
be able to answer brutally private and from rather objective point of 
view irrelevant questions – Sarajevo based artist Leila Cmajcanin in her 
collaborative and highly interactive performance Welcome shares with us 
emotions outlived and seen by herself at visa procedures.

www.fondacijacure.org, www.scca.ba

JANA PREPELUH (Sl): Down to Earth (2007)
Based on her own experience as an artist without formal education, Jana 
Prepeluh researches – via a shoe cleaning street action Down To Earth – 
the attitude to non-material or manual work by overworked alienated 
individuals in a society where work is still associated with social 
status. By investigating different reactions – looking up to, or down 
upon – the artist unintentionally brings out prejudices constructing the 
subject's moral full of myth and fake assumptions.


Karasssuite: Performance with Ana Filip (RO/SK), Barbara Huber (AT/SK)
The karasssuite is a multidisciplinary project that allows for a variety 
of artists from different backgrounds to collaborate on a complex media 
piece based on quotes from 'Cat's Craddle' by Kurt Vonnegut (1963). The 
pieces from the artists are being uploaded on the database and that is 
the starting point for the performance - the database is used in a real 
time situation as a source of material for the performance itself. 
Menschen haben Krizen is a collective name for all the artists 
participating in the project. This time Menschen haben Krizen are a! 
visual chaosdroid (RO/SK),

b# (AT/SK) and joining in from Taipei Ana Threat (AT/CN).

Lady Gaby (RO/DE): 'From a tea lady into a sexfly'
An interactive spoken word performance that will start with a 'private 
and intimate performance' in the public toilet inside Kunstraum 
Kreuzberg /Bethanien House and travel into the Main Hall. Through spoken 
word, electro beats and interactive actions, Lady Gaby will claim and 
change her role from a tea lady, into a powerful 'SEXFLY', using 
technological means that has liberated women such as vacuum cleaner, 
typewriters, dildoes, tape recorders, slide projectors, and CD players.


Dj Set: Balkan beat, gypsy, klezmer, sevdah
DJane Spoma (HR/DE) is one of the first promoters of alternative Balkan 
parties in Munich. Long before Europe was infected with Balkan beat 
fever and even before Let 3 convinced us that there is something about 
the pathos of genuine pop-folk singers à la Saban Saulic, Toma 
Zdravković and - after all - also Hanka Paldum, DJane Spoma had punched 
true underground arrows into the ears of the Balkan diaspora and fans 
of former Yugoslavia.


Lili Bustard and Freak (Performance and Dj Set)
Hairstyling in electro tech house rythm
Lil Bustard aka Gog M (PL) (NoiseBand/me.ne.le/LuzZtro Club - Warsaw) - 
the music preferences of Gosia Machnikowska - alias Goga M - were formed 
during endless nights spent in (not only) Warsaw clubs. Fascinated by 
all possible  subtypes of techno - she decided to stand the decks 
herself in the  middle of 2004. In 2005 she fall in love with  electro. 
She start laying electro-house and eventually exploring  the harder 
types of the genre. The music she plays today can be  summarized as 
electro-tech-porno-house. Together with Ania Orzechowska they are 
making a party called Hersprey were Ania is styling hair of some 
people and Lil is DJing in the same time.


Interviews, talks and discussions on air – on space at Kunstraum 
Kreuzberg /Bethainen. www.hackfemeast.org. Moderated: Valie Djordjević 
(DE), Diana McCarty (USA/DE), Helena Bozic (SI), Katja Kobolt (SI), 
Dunja Kukovec (SI)

Networkers: Tatiana Bazzichelli and Gaia Novati

[spectre] HACK.Fem.EAST Blog daily updated

2008-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli


on the HACK.Fem.EAST website, daily updated blog with photos, audio, 
materials and interventions about the HACK.Fem.EAST exhibition (9 May - 
22 June, Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, Berlin).

Have a look!


Tatiana Bazzichelli

  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli  www.tatianabazzichelli.online.de
//_/\__  projects: http://www.networkingart.eu
  /  \ http://www.ecn.org/aha
 /\  mailing-list: http://www.ecn.org/mailman/listinfo/aha

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] HACK.Fem.EAST Walking-Aperitivo

2008-05-28 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

HACK.Fem.EAST Walking-Aperitivo @ New Life Berlin Festival

The exhibition project HACK.Fem.EAST seeks to present experimental and 
artistic practices of artists and activists working in digital networks 
in Eastern Europe. Main topics are media, art and hacking. In the 14 
rooms of the Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien (Berlin, Kreuzberg) 12 
networkks of women introduce their work, their strategies and their aims 
in the form of media and Internet art projects, performances, network 
platforms, software development, artistic coding, etc. The result is a 
network of networks.

On 9 June (from 20.00) the networkers of HACK.Fem.EAST, Tatiana 
Bazzichelli and Gaia Novati, will present the exhibition to the 
participants of the New Life Berlin Festival (dk/de), with a 
psychogeographic guide held at the outset of the project 
With Creative Cocktails and Walking Aperitivo. Introduction: Katerina 
Valdivia Bruch.

Registration at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Where: Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien Berlin, Mariannenplatz 2, 
Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany.

Starting time: 20.00h. Ending: 23.00h
More info: http://www.hackfemeast.org - http://www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de


  8/|\   -
 /c_/   Tatiana Bazzichelli  www.tatianabazzichelli.online.de
//_/\__  projects: http://www.networkingart.eu
  /  \ http://www.ecn.org/aha
 /\  mailing-list: http://www.ecn.org/mailman/listinfo/aha

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] AHACamping Meeting in Venice

2008-09-17 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

The National AHA Community meeting at the S.A.L.E. in Venice

The national ahaCamping meeting will take place on the 3rd, 4th and 5th 
of October 2008 at the S.A.L.E in Venice (The Salt Warehouses, Dorsoduro 
187-188). The AHA mailing list, hosted by the Italian independent server 
Isole Nella Rete (Islands in the Net), is the core of the networking 
project AHA:Activism-Hacking-Artivism http://www.ecn.org/aha, which 
was founded in 2001 by Tatiana Bazzichelli aka T_Bazz and was awarded in 
2007 at the ARS Electronica Festival in Linz with an Honorary Mention.

The ahaCamp was created from the need of approximately 600 subscribers 
of [EMAIL PROTECTED] to meet each other for the first time face to face, to 
discuss the themes of artistic, political and technological activism, in 
a situation that is very different to that which existed when the list 
was initially created. Themes such as the analysis of Web 2.0 (in 
economical, social and technological terms), the relationships between 
artistic activities and digital technologies, and the linguistic and 
relational deconstruction of communication practices are just a few of 
the core themes of the meeting. The meeting aims to create nets, to 
enable the sharing of projects and to build new interventions for the 
future in artistic and technological fields. The ahaCamp therefore 
exists as a space whereby to discuss and share knowledge, with the 
objective of learning and sharing practices and knowledge in a free 
environment without censorship.

By adopting the same strategies of Hackmeetings 
(http://www.hackmeeting.org), the ahaCamp is organised and managed 
directly by the participants, who can suggest seminars or projects that 
they intend to share on the list as well as on the free and open wiki 
created especially for the occasion: (http://isole.ecn.org/aha/camper/): 
a nomadic space that offers further possibilities other than the list in 
order to share projects, ideas, files, videos, documents, music, etc..

AHA:Activism-Hacking-Artivism is an artistic networking project founded 
in 2001 by Tatiana Bazzichelli aka T_Bazz. AHA is a networking operation 
created by diverse subjects and activated by contamination/integration 
of a multitude of media and events, where the common denominator is 
hacktivism and artistic and political activism. AHA: 
Activism-Hacking-Artivism focuses on the activist collectives in Italy 
and abroad that use media in an independent fashion, through 
exhibitions, events, and meetings organised by T_Bazz along with other 
curators that change accordingly.

The fundamental key aspect of the AHA project is the community that 
develops in the mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED], created on the 30th of 
December 2002. The mailing list is moderated by T_Bazz (Tatiana 
Bazzichelli), Eo_Call (Eleonora Calvelli) and Lo|Bo, and today counts 
almost 600 subscribers and is a sister of the international mailing list 
Nettime. The AHA: Activism-Hacking-Artivism project was awarded in 
September 2007 at the ARS Electronica Festival in Linz (AU) receiving an 
Honorary Mention in the Digital Communities category of the Prix Ars 

For information on AHACamping:

For information on the project: AHA: Activism-Hacking-Artivism

To subscribe to the mailing-list AHA:

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Networking. The Net as Artwork (English Version)

2008-12-08 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Dear all,

I would like to announce that my book Networking. The Net as Artwork 
is finally ready in English language. It is promoted by the DARC, 
Digital Aesthetics Research Center of Aarhus University.


You can download it from this link:

A reconstruction of the history of artistic networking in Italy and of 
the Italian hacker communitiy from the 1980s to date.
Preface by Derrick De Kerckhove. Epilogue by Simonetta Fadda. 
Translation: Helen Pringle and Maria Anna Calamia, revised by Grace 
Wright. Layout and front cover by Jonas Frankki.
Cover image: Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici by Antonio Glessi-Andrea 
Zingoni, published in Frigidaire issue 42, May 1984, Primo Carnera 

Networking means to create nets of relations, where the publisher and 
the reader, the artist and the audience, act on the same level. The book 
represents a first tentative reconstruction of the history of artistic 
networking in Italy, through an analysis of media and art projects which 
during the past twenty years have given way to a creative, shared and 
aware use of technologies, from video to computers, contributing to the 
creation of Italian hacker communities.
The Italian network proposes a form of critical information, diffused 
through independent and collective projects where the idea of freedom of 
expression is a central theme. In Italy, thanks to the alternative use 
of Internet, during the past twenty years a vast national network of 
people who share political, cultural and artistic views has been formed.

The book describes the evolution of the italian hacktivism and net 
culture from the Eighties till today. At the same time, it builds a 
reflection on the new role of the artist and author who become 
networker, operating in collective nets, reconnecting to Neoavant-garde 
practices of the 1960s (first and foremost Fluxus), but also Mail art, 
Neoism and Luther Blissett.
A path which began in BBS, alternative web platforms diffused in Italy 
through the 1980s even before Internet even existed, and then moved on 
to Hackmeetings, to Telestreet and networking art of different artists 
such as 0100101110101101.ORG, [epidemiC], Jaromil, Giacomo Verde, 
Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici, Correnti Magnetiche, Candida TV, Tommaso 
Tozzi, Federico Bucalossi, Massimo Contrasto, Mariano Equizzi, Pigreca, 
Molleindustria, Guerriglia Marketing, Sexyshock, Phag Off and many others.

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Rome, IT, 1974), is a communication sociologist and 
an expert in network culture, hacktivism and net art. She is a Ph.D. 
Scholar at Aarhus University.

Italian edition 2006, costlan editori s.r.l., Milan.
English edition 2008, Digital Aesthetics Research Center, Aarhus 
University, and the author.
The book is published under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 
1.3, November 2008. You can download the Networking book from this link: 
http://darc.imv.au.dk/wp-content/files/networking_bazzichelli.pdf (PDF, 
3.10 Mb).

Language: English | Pages: 336.
More info at: www.networkingart.eu

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Sousveillance. The Art of Inverse Surveillance

2009-01-14 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

The Art of Inverse Surveillance

Conference, public interventions and concert
February 8th - 9th, 2009, Aarhus University

The event is presented by: Digital Urban Living  Digital Aesthetics 
Research Center.

Curated by: Tatiana Bazzichelli and Lars Bo Løfgreen
Supported by Videnssamfundet and the Italian Culture Institute of 

In partnership with Skive Art Museum, ARoS and Studenterhus

// Concept //
With the growing spread of pervasive digital technologies the public 
urban space has become open for new forms of both observation and 

Moving away from cameras and directional microphones, face- and voice 
recognition, the pervasive technologies offer not only the ability to 
gather and organise huge amounts of dissimilar data, but as well on 
grounds of these to predict probable patterns of behaviour. Commercial 
mobile variants of Google Maps, YouTube or Facebook are by far the only 
ones to make use of these possibilities. Urban games, locative art, 
flashmob art, pervasive games etc. all represent new forms of 
observational and aesthetic experiments with how we through technology 
perceive and make use of the urban space itself.

Sousveillance, original French, as well as inverse surveillance are 
terms coined by Steve Mann (Toronto, Canada) to describe the recording 
of an activity from the perspective of a participant. Surveillance 
denotes the act of watching from above, whereas sousveillance denotes 
bringing the practice of observation down to human level (ordinary 
people doing the watching, rather than higher authorities or 
architectures doing the watching).

The conference will be held in conjunction with two digital art 
exhibitions in the city of Århus (one at ARoS and another at Skive Art 
Museum) and aims to create a platform for sharing and discussing the 
topic of surveillance, privacy and control of information, analyzing 
different creative, artistic and political strategies to produce fluid 
zones of interventions, both in the urban space and on the net. Main 
focus is on networking practices and urban actions that contribute to 
criticize the concept of surveillance, propriety of data and 
information, showing new activists and visionary strategies to move 
society toward more inclusive modes of production and sharing knowledge.

// Program //



  * Dmytri Kleiner (CA/DE)
  * Mare Tralla (UK/EE)
  * Leipziger Kamera (DE) + Space Hijackers (UK)

Meeting point:
Auditiorium 3, Building 1252, Aarhus University

The interventions run simultaneously from 11.30 to 17.00.

At Auditorium 3, Aarhus University

Tatiana Bazzichelli and Lars Bo Løfgreen (Aarhus University)

1:ST PANEL   David Rokeby (CA) and Jakob Jakobsen (DK)
Moderator: Christian Ulrik Andersen (Aarhus University)


2:ND PANEL   Shining (IT), Dmytri Kleiner (Canada/DE)
Moderator: Tatiana Bazzichelli (Aarhus University)



Mare Tralla (EE/UK) and Leipziger Kamera (DE)/ Space Hijackers (UK)
Moderator: Lars Bo Løfgreen (Aarhus University)


Alexei Shulgin (RU) and Manu Luksch (UK)
Moderator: Søren Pold (Aarhus University)




by Tatiana Bazzichelli, Lars Bo Løfgreen



More info:

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Sousveillance - Outdoor Interventions

2009-02-06 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Sunday, February 8, 11.30-17.00, Aarhus City

Within: Sousveillance. The Art of Inverse Surveillance
Conference, public interventions and concert
February 8th - 9th, 2009, Aarhus University

by Dmytri Klenier and the Telekommunisten (CA/DE)
deadSwap is a social experiment exploring the possibilities of creating 
an entirely off-line fire-sharing and communications platform where 
people pass a USB memory stick from one to another. The co-ordination of 
the passing-on of the stick is done through an anonymous SMS gateway, 
meaning that the system does not require Internet availability, and also 
that with certain precautions can be a very private system that is quite 
difficult to monitor. The system was developed for Sousveillance and the 
first version of the system will be launched during the event, creating 
the world's first deadSwap network in Aarhus.
The deadSwap workshop by Dmytri Kleiner (CA) starts at 12.30 at the 
Department of Information and Media Studies, Helsingforsgade 14, 8200 
Århus N, Wiener Building, meeting room.


*In:Visible Aarhus*
by Leipziger Kamera (DE) and Space Hijackers (UK)
A geographic and psychogeographic game exploring surveillance and the 
surveyed. Do we exist outside what others can see – a cropped view of 
As we progress towards a world of human watchtowers and digital spies, 
are we but fugitives from a camera's eyes?
Observing you observing us observing you as you watch us watching you 
watching us. Beware of inverse radio CCTV broadcasts. Spot the 
eco-friendly anti-surveillance head gear. Learn everything you never 
wanted to know about everybody. Practice your evil chuckles.


*Self-surveillance / Protected*
By Mare Tralla (EE/UK)
In Aarhus Mare Tralla combines two of her public interventions 
'Self-surveillance' and 'Protected'. In a tradition of feminist 
performace art in Self-surveillance Tralla ironically takes the act of 
surveillance and protection of her own body into her own hands. The 
artist equips herself with portable self-surveillance system, embedded 
into her clothing which is made visible by warning sign in her T-shirt 
and ironic large flowers housing the cameras. The system observes both 
the outside environment and her body, tracking and recording the 
movement and changes of space and body as the artist simply walks 
through different environments. The resulting 'video evidence' is a 
poetic animation of space and body but totally useless as surveillance 
evidence. In Protected Tralla continues the almost invisible actions 
as a series of live easel painting performances, 'tracking the 
movements' of CCTV cameras throughout city spaces. The artist will evoke 
this 16th century tradition, which set easel painters free from the 
constraints of painting on walls or fixed, architectural schemes and 
increased the social and intellectual status of the individual artist. 
By painting the motives of CCTV cameras she draws attention to the 
hidden, invisible or un-noticeable, in contemporary urban environment. 
The actions often take place in public locations, where photographing 
CCTV systems is not officially allowed thus also testing the rules and 
regulations which 'protect' the 'protectors'. The simple action of 
painting in public is very visible and often provokes reactions from 
passers-by, who engage with the artist to discuss the issues around 
surveillance in their lives.


Additional info:

Digital Aesthetics Research Centre Aarhus

The Art of Inverse Surveillance

Conference, public interventions and concert
February 8th - 9th, 2009, Aarhus University

The event is presented by: Digital Urban Living  Digital Aesthetics 
Research Center.

Curated by: Tatiana Bazzichelli and Lars Bo Løfgreen

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] reSource for transmedial culture: Statement of interest

2011-10-28 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
 targets to be 
exploited by the market. However, this is not only a local phenomenon: 
At this present time, while financial markets are deeply influencing the 
development of cultural production and, more generally, our daily life 
flexibility, direct participation and common engagement are becoming 
pervasive business logics. The progressive involvement of users in the 
production process generates new possibilities of interaction among 
peers, but also of hierarchical control.

Analysing the topology and the effects of artistic and hacktivist 
practices in decentralised social networks implies a reflection on power 
structures, business methodologies as well as on the relationship 
between art and economy. The social media and social networking 
phenomenon brings about contradictions and ambiguities. The subject of 
social networking is constantly transforming, and requires both a 
theoretical and empirical involvement of researchers and artists, 
theoreticians and practitioners before it can be fully understood. It 
becomes necessary to rethink concepts such as innovation and disruption, 
co-optation and opposition, as a mutual feedback loop, and a two-way 

## reSource - A shared knowledge laboratory

The reSource for transmedial culture aims to work towards the creation 
of a shared knowledge laboratory within transmediale, and a project for 
local and trans-local distributed networks by organising events, 
workshops and talks involving artists, hackers, activists, researchers 
and cultural producers active in the city of Berlin and abroad. The aim 
of the reSource is to involve communities that not only engage directly 
with network technologies, but that are also critically reflecting on 
decentralised and distributed strategies of networking and 
anti-hegemonic practices, from hackers and activists to feminist, queer, 
transgender and porn communities.

Within this framework, the reSource statement of interest poses the 
following objectives:
- To rethink the concepts of (social) networking, collaborative 
practices, innovation and participation, through the creation of a 
platform of distributed networks involving grassroots communities of 
hackers, artists, performers, activists, curators and cultural producers;
- To apply the concept of disruptive innovation to the art field so as 
to open up a critical perspective on the “network economy”, working in 
collaboration with local and translocal communities in Berlin and 
abroad, trying to understand how the market works after de-assembling 
its strategies and mechanisms of production;
- To generate disruptive modalities of art production after the 
emergence of social media, reflecting on distributive decentralised and 
socially engaged contexts of participation and innovation;
- To analyse the concept of transmedial culture, investigating creative 
approaches across digital and analogue media, reflecting on the 
intersections between cultural production, networking and disruptive art 
- To reflect on the strategies of networked art and hacktivism, by 
developing an empirical methodology based on mutual exchanges between 
the members of the (post-) media art scene, cultural producers and 
researchers in the field of the humanities.

The analyses of these subjects necessarily imply sharing methodologies 
whereby artists, hackers, activists and researchers join together to 
form practice-oriented contexts of reflection and give feedback to both 
theory and practice through an interdisciplinary, distributed and 
polyphonic approach. Artistic and hacker practices are thought therefore 
both as a resource for producing cultural innovation, but also as a 
strategic challenge to generate media criticism – and a meta reflection 
on artistic production in the framework of digital culture and network 

This statement of interest must be imagined as an initial input and a 
starting point for further collaboration on the analysis and the 
production of disruptive hacker and artistic practices in the framework 
of (social) networking, but also as an input to generate a collective 
investigation into the practice of networking as an art strategy – and 
an applied research method.


Tatiana Bazzichelli: tb...@transmediale.de
reSource concept and programme developer

Daniela Silvestrin: d...@transmediale.de
reSource programme assistant

More info: http://www.transmediale.de/beyond/tm-resource

Tatiana Bazzichelli // reSource concept and programme developer
in/compatible // transmediale 2012, 31 Jan - 5 Feb 2012 // 

join the conversation on the transmediale IRC channel
// server: irc.freenode.net | channel: #transmediale | port: 6667

transmediale | festival for art and digital culture berlin
Klosterstr. 68 10179 Berlin, Germany | fon +49 30 24749 761 | fax +49 30 
24749 763

Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Volker Heller | Geschäftsführer Moritz van Dülmen

[spectre] in/compatible Research – Workshop/Conference

2011-11-03 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

in/compatible Research – Workshop/Conference
November 16–18, 2011
Vilém Flusser Archive, Berlin University of the Arts (UdK)

International PhD workshop and conference, organised by the Digital 
Aesthetics Research Centre/Centre for Digital Urban Living (Aarhus 
University), in collaboration with the reSource for transmedial culture 
(transmediale festival, Berlin) and Vilém Flusser Archive, Universität 
der Künste, Berlin.

In the context of developing a platform for knowledge exchange, and 
research across the arts and sciences, transmediale and the Digital 
Aesthetics Research Centre/Centre for Digital Urban Living (Aarhus 
University) have established a partnership to foster new forms of 
collaborative peer-review and knowledge dissemination. Departing from 
the theme of the upcoming transmediale festival in 2012: in/compatible, 
a PhD workshop and conference is taking place on November 16–18, at the 
Vilém Flusser Archive, Universität der Künste, Berlin.

This event addresses the theme of the transmediale festival in a number 
of ways: in/compatible interfaces, in/compatible methods, and 
in/compatible markets, focusing on the unresolved tensions in-between 
different technologies, their cultures of production and use, as well as 
the tensions between different approaches to contemporary media culture. 
The PhD workshop and the conference will lead to a collaborative 
peer-reviewed publication presented as part of the programme of the 
festival in 2012.

The actual workshop is restricted to the PhD students selected from our 
Open Call last summer. However, the conference programme will be open to 
the public. Please note that seating is limited and the language for the 
three-day conference will be English.

Conference Participants: Christian Ulrik Andersen (dk), Tatiana 
Bazzichelli (it/de), Claudia  Becker (de), Morten Breinbjerg (dk), Geoff 
Cox (uk/dk), Kristoffer Gansing (se/de), Andrew Murphie (au), Jussi 
Parikka (fi), Søren Pold  (dk), Cornelia Sollfrank (de).

Keynotes: Tiziana Terranova (it), Siegfried Zielinski (de).

Artistic Interventions: Alberto de Campo (de), Dmytri Kleiner (ca/de)  
the Telekommunisten Network.

PhD Workshop Participants: Cesar Baio (br/de), Zach Blas (usa), Jacob 
Gaboury (usa), Baruch  Gottlieb (ca/de), Ioana Jucan (ro/usa), Tero 
Karppi (fi), Thomas Bjoernsten Kristensen (dk), Magnus Lawrie (uk), 
Aymeric Mansoux (fr/nl), Rosa Menkman (nl), Gabriel Menotti Gonring 
(br/uk), Anne Popiel (usa/de), Morten Riis (dk), Lasse Scherffig (de), 
Matthias Tarasiewicz (at), Marie Thompson (uk), Nina Wenhart (at), 
Carolin Wiedemann (de).

Conference Programme:

Day 1 - Wednesday 16 Nov
in/compatible interfaces and methods
18.00–18.10 Tatiana Bazzichelli  Christian Ulrik Andersen – introduction
18.10–19.00 Keynote: Siegfried Zielinski, moderated by Kristoffer Gansing

What methods allow for the investigation of neglected histories and 
technologies? How to use the tensions between various approaches 

19.15¬–20.30  short presentations by Cornelia Sollfrank, Morten 
Breinbjerg, Jussi Parikka, Søren Pold/Christian Ulrik Andersen and 
moderated discussion by Claudia Becker.

Day 2 - Thursday 17 Nov
in/compatible methods and markets
18.30–18.40 introduction
18.40–19.30 Keynote: Tiziana Terranova, moderated by Geoff Cox

Knowledge production relates to different economical frameworks, but how 
to avoid the deadening forces of marketisation? Can this be 
reconceptualised outside the confines of financial capitalism?

19.45–20.45  short presentations by Andrew Murphie, Tatiana Bazzichelli, 
Søren Pold/Christian Ulrik Andersen, and moderated discussion by Geoff Cox.

20.45–21.00 transmediale statement - Kristoffer Gansing
21.15–late: open interventions and VJ performances by the workshop 
participants + bar

Day 3 - Friday 18 Nov
plenary session
15.00–17.00 What next? A common reflection on in/compatible research 
practices hosted by the reSource for transmedial culture and moderated 
by Tatiana Bazzichelli, with the participants of the programme and the 
public audience.

Ongoing artistic experiments:
::R15N:: (beta-test) by Dmytri Kleiner  the Telekommunisten Network
Varia Zoosystematica Profundorum - Experimental studies in deep sea 
communication by Alberto de Campo

More info:

Tatiana Bazzichelli // reSource concept and programme developer
in/compatible // transmediale 2012, 31 Jan - 5 Feb 2012 // 

join the conversation on the transmediale IRC channel
// server: irc.freenode.net | channel: #transmediale | port: 6667

transmediale | festival for art and digital culture berlin
Klosterstr. 68 10179 Berlin, Germany | fon +49 30 24749 761 | fax +49 30 
24749 763

Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Volker Heller | Geschäftsführer Moritz van Dülmen

[spectre] Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social Networking

2011-12-01 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Ph.d-Defence Tatiana Bazzichelli:

Networked Disruption. Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the 
Business of Social Networking

5. December 2011, 14:00 to 17:00
Det lille Auditorium, Incuba Science Park, Åbogade 15, Aarhus 
University, Denmark

Networked Disruption
Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social 

In connection with the submission of her PhD dissertation Networked 
Disruption. Rethinking oppositions in art, hacktivism and the business 
of social networking to the Faculty of Arts at Aarhus University for 
the award of a PhD degree in Information and Media Studies, Tatiana 
Bazzichelli will publicly defend her research in an open forum, 14-17 on 
Monday December 5, 2011, in Det lille Auditorium, Incuba Science Park,

Åbogade 15, Aarhus University, Denmark.

The objective of this research is to rethink the meaning of oppositional 
practices in art, hacktivism and the business of social networking. By 
identifying the emerging contradictions within the current economical 
and political framework of Web 2.0, hacker and artistic practices are 
analysed through business instead of in opposition to it. Shedding light 
on the mutual interferences between networking participation and
disruptive business innovation, this research explores the current 
transformation in political and technological criticism. After the 
emergence of Web 2.0, the critical framework of art and hacktivism has 
shifted from developing strategies of opposition to embarking on the art 
of disruption. Disruption becomes a two-way strategy in networking 
contexts, a practice to generate criticism, and a methodology to create

business innovation.

Connecting together disruptive practices of networked art and hacking in 
California and in Europe, the author proposes a constellation of social 
networking projects that challenge the notion of power and hegemony, 
such as mail art, Neoism, The Church of the SubGenius, Luther Blissett, 
Anonymous, Anna Adamolo, Les Liens Invisibles, the Telekommunisten 
collective, The San Francisco Suicide Club, The Cacophony Society, the

early Burning Man Festival, the NoiseBridge hackerspace, and many others.

Examining committee:
Senior Lecturer Olga Goriunova, Dept. of Applied Social Sciences, London
Metropolitan University, United Kingdom;
Professor Franco Berardi, Accademia di Belle Arti, Carrara, Italy;
Associate Professor Geoff Cox, Dept. of Information and Media Studies,
Aarhus University (chairman).

After the PhD degree there will be a reception in room 229, Nygaard
Building, Finlandsgade 21, 8200 Aarhus N.

Related programme:

Tuesday December 6: Sensibility and Semiocapital Lecture by Franco 
Berardi Bifo

(Respondent: Olga Goriunova).
Peter Bøgh Andersen Auditoriet, Nygaard, Aarhus University (12:00-14.00).
More info: http://darc.imv.au.dk/?p=2639

Tatiana Bazzichelli // reSource concept and programme developer
in/compatible // transmediale 2012, 31 Jan - 5 Feb 2012 // 

join the conversation on the transmediale IRC channel
// server: irc.freenode.net | channel: #transmediale | port: 6667

transmediale | festival for art and digital culture berlin
Klosterstr. 68 10179 Berlin, Germany | fon +49 30 24749 761 | fax +49 30 
24749 763

Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Volker Heller | Geschäftsführer Moritz van Dülmen

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] reSource event 001: Trial Crack

2012-05-08 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

reSource event 001: Trial Crack
11-12 May, 2012
General Public, Schoenhauser Allee 167, 10435 Berlin (U2 Senefelder Platz)

The reSource transmedial culture berlin comes back after the 
transmediale festival with a two day programme under the name of Trial 
Crack, scheduled on May 11-12. The reSource is the new year-round 
initiative of transmediale festival, in partnership with CTM/DISK, 
Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien and the Post-Media Lab (Leuphana 
University of Lueneburg). The reSource is a project of networking, a 
work in progress based on the inter-connection of genres  practices, 
which aims to create occasions of sharing and reflections by bringing 
together communities and individuals who work critically with art, 
technology, politics and identity. The reSource programme is curated by 
Tatiana Bazzichelli (transmediale festival, 

May 11, 2012

## May 11, 15:00-19:00 @ General Public
The first day of Trial Crack proposes a collective discussion on 
networking methodologies of curating and distributed logic of artistic 
production with cultural producers based in Berlin. What is the 
responsibility and the role of cultural institutions engaging with art 
and digital technologies, towards a critical articulation of culture 
production? We aim to discuss and share our current reflections and 
share with the rest of participants ideas on how to build a stronger 
connection between local - and translocal - agents in the fields of 
critical media, art and hacktivism in the city. The discussion is 
introduced by: Tatiana Bazzichelli and Kristoffer Gansing 
(transmediale), Stéphane Bauer (Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien), Oliver 
Baurhenn, Jan Rohlf, Remco Schuurbiers (CTM/Disk), Clemens Apprich and 
Oliver Lerone Schultz (Post-Media Lab, Leuphana University of Lüneburg), 
who will open up the discussion to the audience. Confirmed participants 
are: Reboot.fm, Weise 7, C-Base, Supermarkt, ArtLaboratoryBerlin, 
Artconnect Berlin, Citizen Kino, Leap Gallery, Liebig12, Skulpturen 
Park, Visual Berlin, Florian Wüst (Haben und Brauchen), Krystian 
Woznicki (Berliner Gazette), Panke, Ausland, AV Node Festival, Gegen, 
Daz, Free Museum, Share Festival, Coded Cultures, re:publica, a.o.

Please rsvp via email to confirm your attendance: resou...@transmediale.de.

## Partner event: May 11, 19:00 until late @ LIEBIG12
After the open discussion the programme continues with audio-visual 
performances at Liebig12 (Liebigstraße 12, 10247 Berlin; U5 Frankfurter 
Tor). Sound and video installation and rime collage by Holger Bleck 
(Zeitungspoet) and Allegra Solitude. Performance by Ivana Spinelli and 
sound layering by Simon Olivie. Performative jamming guests: Ayia 
Dumplings Catering + Steffen Ullmann on the mix. More info: 

May 12, 2012

## May 12, 13:00-19:00 @ General Public
In Berlin, hacker, activist and artistic practices are very much 
realised outside the realm of artistic institutions. Some of those 
practices are contributing to transform the economy and the cultural 
asset of the city, but they are also becoming easy targets to be 
exploited by the market. Starting from the assumption that the 
increasing commercialisation of the contexts of sharing and 
participation is currently transforming the meaning of art and cultural 
production in Berlin, on May 12 from 13:00 to 19:00, artists, hackers, 
and gender-situated communities are involved in three different but 
conceptually linked discussions: Sustainable Disruption (13:00-14:50); 
Post Privacy (15:30-17:00) and Queer Shifts (17:30-19:00). There is 
limited space at the venue. Please arrive on time to secure seating.

## Sustainable Disruption, 13.00-14.50 @ General Public:
This discussion follows the thread initiated by the reSource market 
thematic programme at transmediale 2K+12 
(www.transmediale.de/content/resource-markets), which reflected on the 
status of capitalism in a time of crisis, proposing both critical, 
playful and sustainable alternatives by intervening directly within 
economical and political systems.
In Part 1 (13.00-13.50): Rasa Smite (LV) and Philip Horst (DE) reflect 
on strategies of sustainability and art production at the interface of 
urban research and renewable networks, highlighting artistic 
investigations on migration and integration, economics and ecology.
In Part 2 (14.00-14.50): Alexander Müller (DE) and Georgios Papadopoulos 
(GR) reflect on network strategies of creating disruption among 
political and economical systems. The scope is to open up a critical 
perspective, intervening directly on symbols of economic value, national 
identity and political power.

Moderated by Clemens Apprich and Oliver Lerone Schultz.

## Post Privacy, 15.30-17.00 @ General Public:
This discussion follows the thread initiated by the reSource network 
thematic programme at transmediale 2K+12 
(http://www.transmediale.de/content/resource-networks), which reflected

[spectre] reSource 002: Out of Place, Out of Time

2012-08-01 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

reSource 002: Out of Place, Out of Time

22.08. - 24.08.2012
Opening: 22.08.2012, 15:00
Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, Berlin

reSource 002: 'Out of Place, Out of Time' is the second event of the 
reSource transmedial culture berlin, the new year-round initiative of 
transmediale festival, a project of networking based on the 
inter-connection of genres  practices, curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli 
and developed in cooperation with the reSource partners (CTM/Disk, 
Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien and the Post-Media Lab/Leuphana 
University of Lüneburg).

reSource 002: 'Out of Place, Out of Time' presents open discussions, 
panels, workshops and performances, shedding light on the practices of 
artists, activists and hackers rethinking critical interventions in the 
field of art and technology. The three-day event gives both attention to 
analogue processes of networking (networks out of time) and the idea of 
shifting of cultural paradigms via network technologies (networks out of 

reSource 002: 'Out of Place, Out of Time' aims to reflect on modalities 
of artistic production in the framework of digital culture and network 
economy, while generating a collective insight into the themes of the 
upcoming transmediale and CTM festivals. BWPWAP - Back When Pluto Was a 
Planet is the thematic framework of transmediale 2013 (29.01.-03.02.), 
which explores the simultaneous displacement and invention that takes 
place in cultural processes mediated by technology. Alongside, The 
Golden Age, the theme of the next CTM festival (28.01.-03.02.), draws 
attention to the increasing abundance of material in the digital era, 
just waiting to be sourced and reprocessed by generating pastiche, 
paradox, fusion and morphing.

Inspired by these themes, and following the conceptual thread initiated 
by the previous reSource initiatives, reSource 002: 'Out of Place, Out 
of Time' reflects on the issues of re-contextualisation, recombination, 
montage, displacement, reinvention of socio-cultural paradigms, 
appropriation, and transformation of an eclectic range of resources 
through network practices. Such topics are addressed to artistic and 
activist communities within (and beyond) digital cultural production, 
with the aim to develop a distributed network of activities in the city 
of Berlin, as a platform for sharing and visibility for the local and 
translocal communities working in the field of networking hacktivism and 

## Programme Overview

## Wednesday 22 August:
15:00-19:00: Open discussion with cultural producers based in Berlin
19:00-late: Composting the City | Composting the Net Launch  
presentation with Shu Lea Cheang (tw/fr)

## Thursday 23 August:
10:00-16:00: Workshop 36 15 Circuit Bending [Minitel Hacking]
Benjamin Gaulon (fr/ie) and Karl Klomp (nl) for selected participants.
Registration: http://www.transmediale.de/node/22282


17:00-17:45: Public presentation 36 15 Circuit Bending [Minitel Hacking] 
with Benjamin Gaulon (fr/ie) and Karl Klomp (nl)

18:00-19:00: Thematic Introduction of the next transmediale and CTM 
With: Kristoffer Gansing (transmediale festival) and Jan Rohlf, Oliver 
Baurhenn (CTM/Disk).

19:15-21:00: Imaginary Networks Panel Discussion
With: Dmytri Kleiner (ca/de)  the Telekommunisten; Simon Worthington 
(uk/de), Lutz Wohlrab (de). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (it/de)

## Friday 24 August:
10:00-15:00: Mobile Device Forensics Workshop by Johannes P Osterhoff 
(de) for selected participants.

Registration: http://www.transmediale.de/node/22282


15:30-16:15: iPhone Live Public Presentation
with Johannes P Osterhoff (de)

16:30-18:30: Networks Out of Hands? Round-table
With: Christopher Kullenberg/Stephan Urbach from Telecomix (se/de); Rena 
Tangens from FoeBuD (de); Lonneke van der Velden/Daniel Reusche via 
Unlike Us (nl/de); Alejo Duque from labSurlabl (co/ch).

Moderated by Oliver Lerone Schultz (de).

Dinner Break

20:00-22:30: Book Presentation: Gr-exit: A Speculative Archaeology for 
the Greek Economy by Georgios Papadopoulos (Vilém Flusser Residency 
20:00: Performative Lecture with Georgios Papadopolous (gr/de)  Carsten 
Lisecki (de) / Performance by Margarita Tsomou (gr/de)

21:30: Book Launch  drinks

Location: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Admission: free (excl. 10€ Admission fee for the workshop 36 15 Circuit 

All parts of the programme will be in English.

More information at:



Tatiana Bazzichelli: reSource curator and programme developer
Georgia Nicolau: reSource programme assistant
Twitter: @transmediale (#tmresource)

Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin, Tel.: 
(030) 90298-1455. Fax -1453

bethan...@kunstraumkreuzberg.de, www.kunstraumkreuzberg.de
Opening hours: daily 12.00 - 19.00

[spectre] Researching BWPWAP: The Reinvention of Research as Participatory Practice

2012-08-06 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
 of transmediale based 
on continuous network knowledge development and community involvement 
around the festival throughout the year. The event itself will be an 
interdisciplinary conference and workshop where PhD students and other 
participants can engage with members of the three participating 
institutions and invited international guests. One aspect of the 
conference will be a writing workshop wherein new digital writing 
practices and forms of collaborative writing will be explored. Ahead of 
the conference, invited participants will be asked to take part in an 
online discussion and collaboration process as an experiment in the peer 
production of knowledge. After the conference, participants will be 
involved in the production of a peer-reviewed research newspaper – 
itself an experiment in new forms of scholarly publication, and to be 
presented and distributed at transmediale 2013.

The event follows on from similar events organised in 2012 and 2011 at 
Universität der Künste (Berlin), and Aarhus University, respectively. 
For the publication resulting from the last events, visit the following.




We invite proposals that take diverse perspectives to open up some of 
the paradoxes of contemporary thinking and anachronisms of practices 
that employ communications technologies. In the selection of 
participants, we are looking to assemble a diversity of research 
traditions and disciplines represented, including 'practice-based 
research'. The aim is to develop participants' individual research 
projects as well as foster networking. PhD students can be awarded 5 
ECTS for their participation. Although the workshop is primarily aimed 
at international PhD researchers, it is also open to researchers who are 
pursuing research without institutional support.

We are seeking proposals consisting of a biography (500 characters), a 
statement on current research/description of PhD project (1000 
characters), and an abstract for a short presentation (1500 characters). 
The deadline for submissions is 31 August 2012.

Here you can submit your proposals.


More info:
Partners: Hybrid Publishing Lab, Segmented Media Offerings and 
Post-Media Lab as part of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg Digital 
Media Incubator

Tatiana Bazzichelli // curator and programme developer
reSource transmedial culture berlin // http://www.transmediale.de/resource
BWPWAP - transmediale 2013
29.01 – 03.02, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin // 


transmediale | festival for art and digital culture berlin
Klosterstr. 68 10179 Berlin, Germany | fon +49 30 24749 761 | fax +49 30 
24749 763

Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Volker Heller | Geschäftsführer Moritz van Dülmen

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Researching BWPWAP: International Research Conference and PhD Workshop

2012-11-18 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

##Researching BWPWAP
International Research Conference and PhD Workshop
Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany
22-24 November 2012 - Centre for Digital Cultures, Lüneburg

Organised by:
Digital Aesthetics/Participatory IT Research Centre, Aarhus University
Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
reSource transmedial culture berlin/transmediale festival

The international research conference and PhD workshop takes next 
transmediale’s thematic framework as a broad starting point, and is a 
chance for researchers to share ideas and development processes across 
and beyond the time/space of academic research paradigms. The challenge 
is to salvage what there is to be salvaged from network culture and 
digital media for research, and vice versa.

The conference and workshop, which precedes transmediale, asks how 
BWPWAP can be interpreted in the context of research culture that has 
been significantly destabilised by network culture and digital media. If 
Pluto didn't exactly fall prey to an epistemological break or a 
scientific revolution, but rather to a mundane administrative procedure 
– a redefinition of what constitutes a planet and the invention of the 
category dwarf planet – then what does this say about contemporary 
research culture? Is research today occupied more with mundane acts of 
recategorisation, and – after Bologna – with what Lyotard already called 
performativity? Or does it still engage the kind of marvel and wonder 
that so many ascribe to Pluto and that BWPWAP captures as a cultural 
term? If BWPWAP captures a time when transmedial culture was researched 
outside academia, how does network culture and digital media then 
contribute to and transform research culture, forcing it out of its 
closet and, if not into the solar system, then at least beyond the academy?

Around 20 international PhD students have been selected after submitting 
their research abstracts via a public call. Students and researchers 
will meet at the Luphana University to present their activities and 
reflect on further networked research practices, which will culminate 
into the publication of a P2P reviewed newspaper presented in the 
framework of transmediale 2013.

The event follows on from similar events organised in 2012 and 2011 at 
Universität der Künste (Berlin), and Aarhus University, respectively. 
For the publication resulting from the last events, visit the following.


Mikkel Bech Hansen, Marcello Lussana, Sheila Ribeiro, Gabriel Vanegas, 
Matthias Tarasiewicz, Andrew Newman, Florian Schmidt, Renée Ridgway, 
Anne Sophie Witzke
Helen Pritchard, Micha Cardenas, Ruxandra Bularca, Clemens Apprich, 
Giorgos Papadoulos, Francesco Macarone Palmieri, Vanni Brusadin, Andrew 
Prior, Magda Tyzlik Carver, Nora O' Murchú, Stevphen Shukaitis, Joanna 
Figiel, Anke Haarmann, Silvana Carotenuto, Michael Goddard, Oliver 
Schultz, Tatiana Bazzichelli, Kristoffer Gansing, Christian Ulrik 
Andersen, Geoff Cox, Armin Beverungen, Morten Breinbjerg, Yara Guasque, 
Søren Pold, Josie Berry-Slater, Matthias Fuchs, Mercedes Bunz.

##Papers available on:

N.B: Workshop is closed to participants selected via a public call.

Read more: http://www.researching-bwpwap.net/

Tatiana Bazzichelli // programme curator
reSource transmedial culture berlin // http://www.transmediale.de/resource
BWPWAP - transmediale 2013
29.01 – 03.02, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin // 


transmediale | festival for art and digital culture berlin
Klosterstr. 68 10179 Berlin, Germany | fon +49 30 24749 761 | fax +49 30 
24749 763

Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Volker Heller | Geschäftsführer Moritz van Dülmen

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] reSource 004: Networked Disruption

2013-03-25 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

reSource 004: Networked Disruption

Tuesday, 26 March 2013, 20:00 - late
c-base (Rungestraße 20, 10179 Berlin, S/U Jannowitzbrücke)

reSource 004: Networked Disruption reflects on how the current 
techno-economic paradigm of Web 2.0 has challenged notions of art and 
hacktivism. Named after the just-published book by Tatiana Bazzichelli 
Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the 
Business of Social Networking (DARC Press, 2013), the event discusses 
new strategies of political and social criticism, by reflecting on 
mutual interferences between art, hacktivism and business disruption.

Hackers, activists, artists, practitioners and theoreticians are invited 
to reflect with us on the current development of artistic and hacker 
practices in the context of social networking. How can hackers and 
artists be critical in the business context of social media? Is the 
business of social media co-opting DIY culture? Is criticism only 
possible through opposition? These are some of the questions we will 
share with the public during the panel.

By proposing the concept of disruptive business as an art practice, 
reSource 004: Networked Disruption becomes an opportunity to imagine new 
possible routes of social and political action. The event presents a 
constellation of social networking projects that challenge the notion of 
power and hegemony, from the earlier development of network culture to 

We will reflect on the meaning of disruption today by connecting 
practices of networked art and hacking in California and Europe, such as 
mail art, Neoism, The Church of the SubGenius, Luther Blissett, 
Anonymous, Anna Adamolo, Les Liens Invisibles, the Telekommunisten 
collective, The San Francisco Suicide Club, The Cacophony Society, the 
early Burning Man Festival, the NoiseBridge hackerspace, and many others.

Networked Disruption is presented by Tatiana Bazzichelli (it/de), in 
conversation with Michael Dieter (au/nl), Alexander Müller/Hedonist 
International (de), and the public of c-base. Moderated by Kristoffer 
Gansing (se/de).

After the book presentation and discussion, the dj/vj/xj Podinski 
(XLterrestrials + CiTiZEN KiNO) will mix a culture jammer's 
smorgasbord of counterculture beats and hijacked eyecandy from the 90s 
and up to various post-9/11 situations. Expect un-soothing audio-visual 

More info here:



Download the book here:


Tatiana Bazzichelli // programme curator
reSource transmedial culture berlin // http://www.transmediale.de/resource
BWPWAP - transmediale 2013
29.01 – 03.02, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin // 


transmediale | festival for art and digital culture berlin
Klosterstr. 68 10179 Berlin, Germany | fon +49 30 24749 761 | fax +49 30 
24749 763

Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender Volker Heller | Geschäftsführer Moritz van Dülmen

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] ReSource 005: The Medium of Treason - The Bradley Manning Case

2013-04-29 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

ReSource 005: The Medium of Treason
The Bradley Manning Case: Agency or Misconduct in a Digital Society?

An intervention @ Urban Spree Gallery (S/U Warschauer Straße, Revaler 
Straße 99, 10245 Berlin), 5 May 2013, starts at 17, free entry.

with: Birgitta Jónsdóttir (Iceland), Andy Müller Maguhn (Germany), John 
Goetz (USA).

Moderated by Diani Barreto (USA), introduced by Tatiana Bazzichelli (IT/DE).

On April 5, 2010, the Internet leak website WikiLeaks, published a video 
titled Collateral Murder, where a United States Apache helicopter fired 
on civilians in New Baghdad in 2007. The video shows American military 
personnel shooting and killing 11 individuals whose cameras were 
ostensibly mistaken for weapons. Two children were also gravely wounded 
on the scene. Two of those people killed were war correspondents for 
Reuters, the 22-year-old Reuters’ photojournalist Namir Noor-Eldeen and 
his driver, 40-year-old Saeed Chmagh.

After demands by Reuters, the incident was investigated and the U.S. 
military concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance 
with the law of armed conflict and its own Rules of Engagement. 
Birgitta Jónsdóttir, MP in Iceland, co-produced the video in 2010 with 
encrypted footage that had been leaked to WikiLeaks by an unnamed 
source, now revealed as Pfc. Bradley Manning.

In May 2010, the 22-year-old American Army intelligence analyst Bradley 
Manning was arrested after telling Adrian Lamo, a hacker in the US, that 
he had leaked the airstrike video, along with a video of another 
airstrike and around 260.000 diplomatic cables, to WikiLeaks.

Manning has been held in detention by the US military ever since. He has 
already pleaded guilty on 10 counts that could subject him to 20 years 
under multiple violations of the Espionage Act of 1917 and of aiding 
the enemy”.

In this highly polarizing case, lawyers, civil rights organizations and 
journalists are insisting that Bradley Manning had disclosed the 
information under the aegis of his 1st Amendment Rights, which protects 
Freedom of Speech. In light of the charges he faces, any leak of 
classified information to any media organization could potentially be 
interpreted as an act of treason.

This event will afford the distinguished guests the opportunity to 
re-visit the making of the Collateral Murder video three years on, to 
discuss the United States v. Bradley Manning trial on June 3rd, 2013, 
which has been hailed the most important National Security trial in the 
history of the US (NYT Pentagon Papers counsel James C. Goodale) and 
how it has engendered a pattern of intimidation to threaten and silence 
whistleblowers, cyberactivists, journalists and news organizations such 
as Wikileaks, and the implications concerning the future of political 
agency, free speech, freedom of information and the sanctity of the Press.

In this context, the speakers will also discuss the reprisals and 
political ethics in the cases of information disclosure and judicial 
overreach brought against hackers such as Jeremy Hammond, Barrett Brown, 
and the tragic surmise of Aaron Swartz.

The speakers will furthermore evaluate the groundwork of new initiatives 
for civil society platforms intended to monitor, lobby and support 
legislation that strengthen freedom of information as well as providing 
protections for sources and whistleblowers in the rapidly accelerating 
complexities of the information age.

This event is organised by the reSource transmedial culture berlin of 
the transmediale festival in partnership with re:publica.
The event is co-curated with Diani Barreto, and it is one of events that 
will kick off this year's re:publica13.

With the kind support of the www.freebradleymanning.net initiative Berlin

Birgitta Jónsdóttir MP, Iceland.
Andy Müller Maguhn (Germany), Board Member of the Wau Holland Stiftung
John Goetz (USA), NDR's investigative editor at ARD-Hauptstadtstudio and 
member of the investigative team of the Süddeutsche Zeitung.

Moderated by Diani Barreto (USA), Media activist.
Introduced by Tatiana Bazzichelli (IT/DE), curator reSource transmedial 
culture berlin/transmediale.

Location: Urban Spree Gallery (S/U Warschauer Straße, Revaler Straße 99, 
10245 Berlin), 5 May 2013, starts at 17.00, free entry.

reSource 005 will be thematically followed by another event within the 
re:publica programme organised in the framework of the cooperation 
between re:publica and the reSource transmedial culture of transmediale: 
Iceland could have been innovative - Participatory democracy. With 
Birgitta Jónsdóttir, 6 May, 13:30 - 14:00, at Station  (U Gleisdreieck, 
Luckenwalder Straße 4-6, 10963 Berlin).


reSource transmedial culture berlin:

transmediale festival:

[spectre] reSource 006: Overflow - 12-14 September 2013

2013-09-04 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

reSource 006: Overflow - 12-14 September 2013
Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, Berlin
Concert at Mindpirates e.V.

## Discussions, workshops  performances
In the current development of digital culture we are experiencing a 
condition of overflow, where more information is being transmitted than 
machines can process, and humans can handle. The urgent pressure of 
issues such as ownership and privacy related to data overflow makes us 
wonder if producing more data means generating more control. The way 
complex data is going to be distributed and shared requires urgent 
analysis. Increasing information brings additional waste, which 
interferes with our physical resources. But this condition of overflow 
also represents the growing desire to be part of an extended 
connectivity that generates more opportunities of networking, 
communication and grassroots participation. How do we find conscious 
ways of activity/activism, both in the digital and the physical, without 
just becoming part of a system of abundant accumulation? This event 
highlights various strategies for rethinking our digital and physical 
spaces, and imagining a more sustainable and conscious online/offline 
presence by bringing together artists, activists and cultural producers 
active in Berlin and beyond. Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.


## Programme

## Thu, 12 September

# Open Debate: reSource Chats - Networking Berlin's transmedial culture

# Screening and presentation of the video: Art Account Deutsche Bank 

By Carsten Lisecki
A glimpse on the adverse economic environment, where the artists have to 
survive. On 5 April 2013, on the occasion of the opening of the Deutsche 
Bank Kunsthalle in Berlin, artists were invited to bring an artwork to 
be exhibited in the new DB Gallery in Unter den Linden. Hundreds of 
artists queued for hours in the cold to have the “opportunity” to show 
their works. The video highlights the conditions of artistic production 
that lead to such desperate and politically uncomfortable choices, 
reflecting on the precarious role of the artist and the difficulty of 
acting collectively.

# Conversations with independent cultural producers and curators.
With: Christian de Lutz / Art Laboratory Berlin, Dr. Podinski / CiTiZEN 
KiNO, Ela Kagel / Supermarkt, John McKiernan, Kai Kreuzmüller and Daniel 
Franke / LEAP, Francesco Warbear Macarone Palmieri / Gegen, Erika 
Siekstelyte / Panke e.V., Allega Solitude / Liebig12. Moderated by 
Tatiana Bazzichelli.
This debate wants to highlight strengths and weaknesses of the condition 
of being trans-genre in the cultural landscape of Berlin, the hybrid 
character of activities that are mixing media, practices and languages, 
which often result in lack of political and cultural recognition and of 
sustainable funds.
The discussion is based on the reSource Chats project, a creative 
montage of interviews with various culture producers and local spaces in 
Berlin curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.

# Presentation: Mapping the reSource network
By John Wild, Ph.D. Programme in Media and Arts Technology, Queen Mary 
University of London.
From May to September 2013 John Wild worked in collaboration with the 
reSource transmedial culture berlin, to map the reSource network of 
independent technology-based art and hacker spaces in the city. This 
presentation gives an overview of the project's outcomes: a functional 
Android Mobile Phone application with the aim of increasing the 
visibility of the independent art/hack spaces in Berlin, and sonic 
abstractions of the network.

# Agents Recruiting for deadSwap // Numbers Station.
By the Telekommunisten network.
Activists. Whistleblowers. Spies. Covert action requires clandestine 
networks. Data hidden in public space. Seemingly random numbers spoken 
on the radio. What does it mean? There must be a system! How do you join 
the network? Can you be counted on? Are you committed? Do you have what 
it takes to join the network? Telekommunisten will be recruiting agents 
for deadSwap during reSource 006. deadSwap: a game of cloak and data. 
The edge of intelligence...

# Launch of the transmediale Magazine
Introduced by Kristoffer Gansing.
DJ-Set by Lukas Grundmann. Buffet  Drinks
transmediale/magazine is a new format of transmediale, a magazine on art 
and digital culture which marks the continued presence of transmediale 
in the city and internationally beyond the festival itself. A highlight 
in the first issue is a montage of our ongoing “reSource chats” series 
of conversations that have focused on the changing conditions of 
cultural practices in the city. The magazine also features a new visual 
identity for transmediale and introduces afterglow as the theme of the 
2014 festival.

## Fri, 13 September

# Workshop Leakage Current By Jamie Allen  David Gauthier (restricted 
to 12 participants)
Part of Critical Infrastructure: reSource/transmediale

[spectre] Disrupting Business at Art Meets Radical Openness Festival, Linz

2014-05-21 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

if you would make it to Austria next week, I am curating a Disrupting
Business Conference Track at the Art Meets Radical Openness Festival in
Linz (28 May - 1 June, 2014).

The festival, under the theme Autonomy (im)possible?, is dedicated to
art, hacktivism and open culture and organised by Us(c)hi Reiter -
servus.at, with the contributions of external curators: among myself,
Heath Bunting, and Margaritha Köhl, and the involvement of many other
people (read more here: http://www.radical-openness.org/2014/team).

Below is a summary about the Disrupting Business Conference Track.

## Disrupting Business at Art Meets Radical Openness Festival

The increasing commercialisation of sharing and networking contexts is
transforming the meaning of art and that of business. Business is
progressively adopting hacker and artistic strategies of disruption in
the field of social media and information technology. In the business
culture, disruption not only means rupture, but innovation and the
re-design of behavioural tendencies, acting in ways that the market does
not expect. The Wikipedia Encyclopaedia shows the example of 'new-market
disruption' caused by the GNU/ Linux Operating System, which initially
was inferior in performance to other server operating systems like Unix
and Windows NT, but by being less expensive and collectively improved,
in 2010 Linux was installed in 87.8% of the worlds 500 fastest
supercomputers. As pointed out by Tatiana Bazzichelli in her book
'Networked Disruption' (2013) and in 'Disrupting Business' (co-edited
with Geoff Cox, 2013), to investigate the progressive commercialisation
of sharing and networking platforms, it is necessary to understand
business culture from within. What is the challenge facing artists and
activists working on a critical dimension of networking? The notion of
disruptive business becomes a means for describing immanent practices of
hackers, artists, networkers and entrepreneurs, working consciously on
artistic, political and technological practices. Disruption becomes a
means for a new form of criticism.

Saturday May 31, 19:00-19:40
## Disrupting Business: Towards a Critique of Art  Activism
by Tatiana Bazzichelli

At the core of this presentation is Tatiana Bazzichelli's research on
business disruption as artistic and activist practice. Her hypothesis,
described in the book 'Networked Disruption' (2013) is that mutual
interferences between art, hacktivism and the business of social
networking have changed the meaning and contexts of political and
technological criticism. Hackers and artists have been active agents in
business innovation, while at the same time also undermining business.
Artists and hackers use disruptive techniques of networking within the
framework of social media, opening up a critical perspective towards
business to generate unpredictable feedback and unexpected reactions;
business enterprises apply disruption as a form of innovation to create
new markets and network values, which are often just as unpredictable.
Bazzichelli proposes the concept of the Art of Disrupting Business as a
form of artistic practice within the current economical and political
framework. The notion of disrupting business becomes a means for
reflecting on practices of hackers, artists, networkers and
entrepreneurs, highlighting empirical and theoretical interconnections
and contradictions, as multiple layers of intervention.

Saturday May 31, 20:30 - 22:30
## Openness and Liberty as Business Disruption
Panel with Marc Garrett /Furtherfield, Karlessi /Ippolita collective,
Nathaniel Tkacz /MoneyLab. Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.

This panel traces the shift in the meaning of openness and liberty
in relation to forms of business disruption. Since some years a
certain vocabulary of freedom and peer collaboration has been adopted by
the rhetoric of IT business and social networking. Do-It-Yourself,
sharing knowledge, hackability, and similar concepts first witnessed in
the underground interventionist realm of hacker culture and networked
art are today the core business for many enterprises. Many hackers and
activists have pointed out that the rhetoric behind Web 2.0 has been via
a progressive appropriation – and often, disambiguation – of hacker and
cyber utopias of the 1980s-1990s. In this panel activists and critical
thinkers reflect on the subject of co-optation of radical values by
business models, shedding light on the constant paradox of being
functional to the system while trying to disrupt it. Are openness and
liberty forms of business disruption by empowering flexible mechanisms
of revenues and the technical genealogy of anarcho-capitalism?

# Insider Liberties: A Technical Genealogy of Cryptography by Karlessi.
From cypherpunks to WikiLeaks and beyond. We will trace

[spectre] DRONES - Eyes From A Distance, April 17-18 Berlin

2015-03-30 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
DRONES - Eyes From A Distance
# On Drone-Systems and their Strategies

Location:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Schedule: 17th of April 2015 (17.30-21.30), 18th of April 2015 (16.00-20.30)
Admission: 5 Euro
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/drones

Opening event of the Disruption Network Lab. Directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli, in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Brandon Bryant (former drone operator and US Air Force veteran, founder
of the Project Red Hand, US); John Goetz (investigative journalist, DE);
Ebaa Rezeq (blogger, Palestine-Gaza); Asmaa Al-Ghul (Palestinian
feminist journalist, Palestine-Gaza, video contribute); Chantal Meloni
(criminal law researcher, IT/DE); Laura Lucchini (journalist, IT/DE);
Tonje Hessen Schei (filmmaker, director of the film DRONE, NO); Jack
Serle (data journalist, Bureau of Investigative Journalism, UK); Dave
Young (artist, musician and researcher, IE); Marc Garrett (activist and
curator, UK).
With the support of the Free Chelsea Manning Initiative Berlin.

This two-days event will present keynotes, panel presentations, round
tables, and a film screening. By bringing into a dialogue a former drone
operator, investigative journalists, criminal law researchers,
filmmakers, activists, artists and critical thinkers, we want to reflect
on the power of drones in surveillance contexts, on the progressive
automatism of conflicts, the invisibility of military operation
applications, and their consequences on the civil society. Furthermore,
we want to analyze the scary fascination of the unknown that surrounds
drone-systems, discussing on the application of drone technology and
surveillance tools as input for political, social and artistic criticism.

The first modern battlefield unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the Israeli
Tadiran Mastiff, flew in 1973, but only recently drones started to be
used as a pervasive weapon for military purposes, adopted within the
United States by the military, and the CIA after 9/11, and primarily
applied in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. Alongside, drones
are used as technological tools by DIYers, as sources of areal
documentation by journalists and filmmakers, as delivery systems by
corporations, getting accessible for widespread usage by civil society.

What are the politics and the regime of power beyond drone-systems?
Which are the consequences both on militant networks and civil society
of an increasing automatism of conflicts? Can we track down the hidden
strategies that move target-killings? Can we understand better drone
technology? This event combines reflections on the political and
technological infrastructure of drone-systems, the use of them in
massive and weaponised military programmes, and the artistic and
activist response to this.

More Information: Disruption Network Lab / http://www.disruptionlab.org

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director) tbazz (at) disruptionlab.org
Daniela Silvestrin (Project Manager) daniela (at) disruptionlab.org
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin
In cooperation with: Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien
Media partner: Furtherfield.org
Tatiana Bazzichelli // programme curator
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Networked Disruption: The Exhibition - Opening March 11, Ljubljana

2015-03-04 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Networked Disruption: Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and Business
Group exhibition and side programme

Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli
Produced by Aksioma - Institute for Contemporary Art, Ljubljana - in
collaboration with several partners: www.aksioma.org/networked.disruption

Exhibition @ Škuc Gallery, Stari trg 21, Ljubljana, Slovenia / March 11
– April 3, 2015. Opening March 11, 8pm
With: Anna Adamolo, Anonymous, Billboard Liberation Front, Burning Man
Festival, Cacophony Society, Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša,
Julian Oliver, Laura Poitras, Les Liens Invisibles, Luther Blissett,
Mail Art, Neoism, Peng! Collective, Suicide Club, Telekommunisten,
Trevor Paglen.

Seminar @ Kino Šiška, Trg prekomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia
/March 11 – 12, 2015: http://www.aksioma.org/press/networked.disruption.zip
With: Annie Machon (UK), Bani Brusadin (ES), Baruch Gottlieb (CA/DE),
Dmytri Kleiner (CA/DE), Florian Cramer (DE/NL), Ida Hiršenfelder (SI),
Janez Janša (SI), John Law (US), Loretta Borrelli (IT), Luther Blissett
(IT), Tatiana Bazzichelli (IT/DE), Vittore Baroni (IT), Vuk Ćosić (SI).

In the business world, disruption means to introduce into the market an
innovation that the market does not expect. This innovation comes from
within the market itself. Transferred into the field of art and
activism, disruption means to generate practices and interventions that
are unexpected, and play within the systems under scrutiny.
Art, hacktivism and business are often intertwined, generating a
feedback loop of revolutions and co-optations that is functional to the
development of capitalism. Capitalism needs our revolutions because they
generate new lifestyles, products and practices that create new markets
and consumer desires. Similarly, systems of power need our resistance
and opposition because they serve to increase security and forms of
control. We need to find new strategies that go beyond the mere act of
opposition and that are harder to appropriate.

Networked Disruption is an exhibition and a series of events produced by
Aksioma and Drugo more in collaboration with several partners and
curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli. The exhibition, hosted by Škuc Gallery
in Ljubljana and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka, is
centred on the concept of Networked Disruption, as an opportunity to
show new possible routes of social and political action in the line of
disruption. It is based on Bazzichelli's book Networked Disruption:
Rethinking Oppositions in Art, Hacktivism and the Business of Social
Networking/(DARC Press, The Digital Aesthetics Research Centre of Aarhus
University, 2013).

The exhibition shows a diverse constellation of networking projects that
aims to actualise – and to question – the notion of networking: Anna
Adamolo, Anonymous, Billboard Liberation Front, Burning Man Festival,
Cacophony Society, Janez Janša, Janez Janša and Janez Janša, Julian
Oliver, Laura Poitras, Les Liens Invisibles, Luther Blissett, Mail Art,
Neoism, Peng! Collective, Suicide Club, Telekommunisten, and Trevor Paglen.

In this exhibition we adopt the concept of disruption from business and
we propose works that emerge from within political, economical,
technological and art systems. They play with their power logic
generating virality, anonymity, semantic confusion, multiple truths, and
disruption. Diverse points of view are combined, among the groups and
within the groups themselves. By keeping such connections open without
reaching a curatorial synthesis, we invite visitors to create their own
path in the line of disruption.

The artworks and collective projects are conceptually and visually
interlinked in the exhibition spaces, which constitutes a network of
networks. By applying the strategy of working from within”, some
sections of the show are conceptualised in collaboration with people
deeply involved in the networks under scrutiny: Vittore Baroni (Mail
Art), Florian Cramer (Neoism), Gabriella Coleman (Anonymous), John Law
(Suicide Club and Cacophony Society), Andrea Natella (The Luther
Blissett Project) and members of the Anna Adamolo network. This choice
reflects the perspective that a new methodology of curating a research
should open a metaphorical (and physical) space to encourage and provoke
feedback loops among theory and practice, and among subjects and objects
of analysis.

In the exhibition and seminar, we involve actors who directly engage
with hacktivism, art, civil liberties and social networking exposing
contradictions of capitalistic logics and power systems. Such
interventions hijack the logic of business itself, appropriating and
détourning it by operating disruption. The challenge is to collectively
rethink oppositional hacktivist and artistic strategies within the
framework of (social) networking, information economy and increasingly
invasive corporations and government agencies.

Project's webpage:

Seminar full programme

[spectre] Reminder: DRONES - Eyes From A Distance, April 17-18 Berlin

2015-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
DRONES - Eyes From A Distance
# On Drone-Systems and their Strategies

Location:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Schedule: 17th of April 2015 (17.30-21.30), 18th of April 2015 (16.00-20.30)
Admission: 5 Euro
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/drones

Opening event of the Disruption Network Lab. Directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli, in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Brandon Bryant (former drone operator and US Air Force veteran, founder
of the Project Red Hand, US); John Goetz (investigative journalist, DE);
Ebaa Rezeq (blogger, Palestine-Gaza); Asmaa Al-Ghul (Palestinian
feminist journalist, Palestine-Gaza, video contribute); Chantal Meloni
(criminal law researcher, IT/DE); Laura Lucchini (journalist, IT/DE);
Tonje Hessen Schei (filmmaker, director of the film DRONE, NO); Jack
Serle (data journalist, Bureau of Investigative Journalism, UK); Dave
Young (artist, musician and researcher, IE); Marc Garrett (activist and
curator, UK).
With the support of the Free Chelsea Manning Initiative Berlin.

This two-days event will present keynotes, panel presentations, round
tables, and a film screening. By bringing into a dialogue a former drone
operator, investigative journalists, criminal law researchers,
filmmakers, activists, artists and critical thinkers, we want to reflect
on the power of drones in surveillance contexts, on the progressive
automatism of conflicts, the invisibility of military operation
applications, and their consequences on the civil society. Furthermore,
we want to analyze the scary fascination of the unknown that surrounds
drone-systems, discussing on the application of drone technology and
surveillance tools as input for political, social and artistic criticism.

The first modern battlefield unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the Israeli
Tadiran Mastiff, flew in 1973, but only recently drones started to be
used as a pervasive weapon for military purposes, adopted within the
United States by the military, and the CIA after 9/11, and primarily
applied in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. Alongside, drones
are used as technological tools by DIYers, as sources of areal
documentation by journalists and filmmakers, as delivery systems by
corporations, getting accessible for widespread usage by civil society.

What are the politics and the regime of power beyond drone-systems?
Which are the consequences both on militant networks and civil society
of an increasing automatism of conflicts? Can we track down the hidden
strategies that move target-killings? Can we understand better drone
technology? This event combines reflections on the political and
technological infrastructure of drone-systems, the use of them in
massive and weaponised military programmes, and the artistic and
activist response to this.

More Information: Disruption Network Lab / http://www.disruptionlab.org

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director) tbazz (at) disruptionlab.org
Daniela Silvestrin (Project Manager) daniela (at) disruptionlab.org
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin
In cooperation with: Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien
Media partner: Furtherfield.org
Tatiana Bazzichelli // programme curator
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] CYBORG: Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings

2015-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
# Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings

Location:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Date: 29th of May 2015 (17.00-21.30), 30th of May 2015 (16.00-21.30).
Admission: 5 Euro per day.
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/cyborg
In English language.

Second event of the Disruption Network Lab, curated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli and Daniela Silvestrin, in cooperation with Kunstraum
Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Speakers: Francesca Da Rimini (artist and cyberfeminist, AU); Virginia
Barratt (performer and cyberfeminist, AU); Jack Halberstam (theorist on
gaga feminism and queer failure, USA); Franco Bifo Berardi
(sociologist and philosopher, IT, video contribution); Helena Velena
(trans/gender hacktivist, and technologist, IT); Massimo Canevacci
(cultural anthropologist, IT/BR); Stefan Greiner (co-founder of Cyborg
e.V.); Francesco Warbear Macarone Palmieri (socio-anthropologist,
cultural producer, DJ, IT/DE); Janez Janša (artist and curator, SI);
Agnese Trocchi (artist and hacktivist, IT); Magdalena Freudenschuss
(gender theory researcher, DE); Christopher Coenen (researcher, DE);
Mariano Equizzi (filmmaker, IT/BG); Paolo Bigazzi Alderigi (sound
designer, IT); Giacomo Verde (artist and activist, IT, video contribution)

This two day event presents keynote speeches, panels and live cinema
reflecting on the relationships between identity, sexuality, technology
and politics.
Hackers, cyberfeminists, (trans)gender activists, artists and
transhumanists meet to expose power structures embedded in society and
our everyday life.

The event is built around the international book launch of The Cyborg:
A Study of the Artificial Man, written by political Sci-Fi theorist
Antonio Caronia (Genoa, 1944 – Milan, 2013), published by Meson Press /
Hybrid Publishing Lab, Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Starting from
the book of Caronia and going beyond it, the analysis culminates
discussing the most recent frontiers of biotechnology and transhumanism.

Antonio Caronia was a political activist during the 1977 revolution in
Italy, turning after that to the study of mass culture and communication
theory, and about the relationship between science, technology,
identity, and cultural imagination. The Cyborg is crucial to the
understanding of the development of digital culture from the 1980s until
today, not only in Italy, but internationally. Adopting Science Fiction
and the critical reflection on technology and the body as a methodology
of cultural criticism, the challenge is to generate new activist, artist
and hacker interventions.

What does Cyborg mean today?  Which new configurations are possible to
provoke critical awareness and agency through sexuality, the body and
technology? Do we still need to speak about a body or should we go
beyond physical boundaries to reflect critically on power structures in
a time of economic crisis and increasing technological surveillance?

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (www.disruptionlab.org)

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tb...@disruptionlab.org
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) dani...@disruptionlab.org
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) k...@disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Supported by the Italian Culture Institute of Berlin. In collaboration
with the Hybrid Publishing Lab, CDC/Leuphana University of Lüneburg,
Meson Press, Vierte Welt Kollaborationen, and Aksioma - Institute of
Contemporary Art Ljubljana.
Media partners: Furtherfield.org; ExBerliner.com.

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

Tatiana Bazzichelli // programme curator
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] CYBORG: Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings

2015-05-18 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
# Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings

Location:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Date: 29th of May 2015 (17.00-21.30), 30th of May 2015 (16.00-21.30).
Admission: 5 Euro per day.
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/cyborg
In English language.

Second event of the Disruption Network Lab, curated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli and Daniela Silvestrin, in cooperation with Kunstraum
Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Speakers: Francesca Da Rimini (artist and cyberfeminist, AU); Virginia
Barratt (performer and cyberfeminist, AU); Jack Halberstam (theorist on
gaga feminism and queer failure, USA); Franco Bifo Berardi
(sociologist and philosopher, IT, video contribution); Helena Velena
(trans/gender hacktivist, and technologist, IT); Massimo Canevacci
(cultural anthropologist, IT/BR); Stefan Greiner (co-founder of Cyborg
e.V.); Francesco Warbear Macarone Palmieri (socio-anthropologist,
cultural producer, DJ, IT/DE); Janez Janša (artist and curator, SI);
Agnese Trocchi (artist and hacktivist, IT); Magdalena Freudenschuss
(gender theory researcher, DE); Christopher Coenen (researcher, DE);
Mariano Equizzi (filmmaker, IT/BG); Paolo Bigazzi Alderigi (sound
designer, IT); Giacomo Verde (artist and activist, IT, video contribution)

This two day event presents keynote speeches, panels and live cinema
reflecting on the relationships between identity, sexuality, technology
and politics. Hackers, cyberfeminists, (trans)gender activists, artists and
transhumanists meet to expose power structures embedded in society and
our everyday life.

The event is built around the international book launch of The Cyborg:
A Study of the Artificial Man, written by political Sci-Fi theorist
Antonio Caronia (Genoa, 1944 – Milan, 2013), published by Meson Press /
Hybrid Publishing Lab, Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Starting from
the book of Caronia and going beyond it, the analysis culminates
discussing the most recent frontiers of biotechnology and transhumanism.

Antonio Caronia was a political activist during the 1977 revolution in
Italy, turning after that to the study of mass culture and communication
theory, and about the relationship between science, technology,
identity, and cultural imagination. The Cyborg is crucial to the
understanding of the development of digital culture from the 1980s until
today, not only in Italy, but internationally. Adopting Science Fiction
and the critical reflection on technology and the body as a methodology
of cultural criticism, the challenge is to generate new activist, artist
and hacker interventions.

What does Cyborg mean today?  Which new configurations are possible to
provoke critical awareness and agency through sexuality, the body and
technology? Do we still need to speak about a body or should we go
beyond physical boundaries to reflect critically on power structures in
a time of economic crisis and increasing technological surveillance?

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (www.disruptionlab.org)

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tb...@disruptionlab.org
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) dani...@disruptionlab.org
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) k...@disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Supported by the Italian Culture Institute of Berlin. In collaboration
with the Hybrid Publishing Lab, CDC/Leuphana University of Lüneburg,
Meson Press, Vierte Welt Kollaborationen, and Aksioma - Institute of
Contemporary Art Ljubljana.
Media partners: Furtherfield.org; ExBerliner.com.

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Launch of Code Red anti-surveillance initiative, April 20, c-base

2015-04-16 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to attend the Berlin launch of a new,
international anti-surveillance initiative, Code Red, led by Simon
Davies – father of the international privacy activist movement, and
Annie Machon, former MI5 intelligence officer turned whistleblower.


Date: 20th April
Time: 20:00
Place: C-base, Rungestr. 20, 10179 Berlin

What happens when the forces of government surveillance are confronted
by the combined power of the world's most renowned technologists,
whistleblowers and privacy activists? Answer: meltdown!

On Monday 20th April, C-Base will host the launch of this very
initiative. Code Red involves such figures as Tor's Jacob Appelbaum,
former NSA technical director William Binney, crypto pioneer Whitfield
Diffie, security guru Bruce Schneier along with a spectrum of
influential activists from US presidential candidates to hard-core
privacy campaigners in fifteen countries.

Led by Simon Davies – father of the international privacy activist
movement, and Annie Machon – former MI5 intelligence officer turned
whistleblower, Code Red aims to raise the heat on resistance to the
surveillance state. It will be a strategic think-tank, clearing house
and network hub for technologists and activists across the world. In
this event, Davies and Machon will outline their plans and set out Code
Red's program for the coming year.

All the best,

Tatiana Bazzichelli // programme curator
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] A GAME OF YOU: Into the Social Media Vortex

2015-07-06 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
# Into the Social Media Vortex

Locations:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
Partner Events: Spektrum, Bürknerstraße 12, 12047, Berlin.
Schedule: 8th of August 2015 (17.00-23.00, + open end bar), 9th of
August 2015 (20.30-22.30 + open end bar).

Admission: 5 Euro (Sat), 2 Euro (Sun). Performance events are donation
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/a-game-of-you
In English language.

Third event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli, in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Gabriel S Moses (sequential artist and graphic novelist, IL/DE); Zoe
Quinn (video game developer and artist, author of Depression Quest,
and founder of the Crash Override Network, USA); Matthias Fritsch
(artist, author of videomeme Kneecam No.1 aka Technoviking, DE); Pedro
Lopes (artist  hardware t(h)inker, PT/DE); Oliver Lerone Schultz
(researcher, DE).

#GamerGate, Technovikings  Smart Media as a Psychedelic Webcomic -
survival in the wild torrents of our digital lives. Event inspired by
the work of sequential artist and graphic novelist Gabriel S Moses.

This two-day event brings a multi-angled perspective in which from one
side artists, graphic novelists, game developers, and researchers
question and play the narrative embedded into games, social media
platforms, and their usage; from the other side, they reflect on the
consequences of spreading our identity into the vortex of social media
imaginary, to the point that social media starts hunting us back, as we
become the game.
With the emergence of social media platforms we have been gaining new
abilities to play with the narrative, to affect both our imagined
recollections and our tangible physical environments. But is this a
means for better individual control or a plunge into an overwhelming

The cases of #gamergate and Technoviking demonstrate that borders
between games, smart media and our private life are often very
questionable. #gamergate has shown to an extreme degree that sexisms and
online hate can become really tangible, and that advocacy against
online-harassment is deeply needed. The story of Technoviking instead
has shown how Internet phenomena and memes can become a crucial question
of intellectual property and personal rights. So, is online life now all
a game or just a story?

Some would say language is now fully collapsing into the real.
Everything is at hand, everything is virtual; there’s an app for that;
all our most fundamental daily actions are quantified into generic
automation series, told apart by upgrades and business schemes. Herein
lies an invitation to ponder on and evaluate the current cognitive,
social and even political significance of these overarching online
multisensory 'game-stories' and to reconsider: what's their moral and
what's at stake? Or is this the kind of psychedelic trip Super Mario has
when he eats the wrong mushroom?

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (http://www.disruptionlab.org)
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tbazz (at)
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) daniela (at)
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin

In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien
and in collaboration with Spektrum art |science |community
With a site-specific Cube intervention by Topics Books

Media partners:
taz. die tageszeitung; ExBerliner.com; Furtherfield.org

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Reminder: CYBORG: Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings

2015-05-26 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
# Hacktivists, Freaks and Hybrid Uprisings

Location:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Date: 29th of May 2015 (17.00-21.30), 30th of May 2015 (16.00-21.30).
Admission: 5 Euro per day.
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/cyborg
In English language.

Second event of the Disruption Network Lab, curated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli and Daniela Silvestrin, in cooperation with Kunstraum
Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Speakers: Francesca Da Rimini (artist and cyberfeminist, AU); Virginia
Barratt (performer and cyberfeminist, AU); Jack Halberstam (theorist on
gaga feminism and queer failure, USA); Franco Bifo Berardi
(sociologist and philosopher, IT, video contribution); Helena Velena
(trans/gender hacktivist, and technologist, IT); Massimo Canevacci
(cultural anthropologist, IT/BR); Stefan Greiner (co-founder of Cyborg
e.V.); Francesco Warbear Macarone Palmieri (socio-anthropologist,
cultural producer, DJ, IT/DE); Janez Janša (artist and curator, SI);
Agnese Trocchi (artist and hacktivist, IT); Magdalena Freudenschuss
(gender theory researcher, DE); Christopher Coenen (researcher, DE);
Mariano Equizzi (filmmaker, IT/BG); Paolo Bigazzi Alderigi (sound
designer, IT); Giacomo Verde (artist and activist, IT, video contribution)

This two day event presents keynote speeches, panels and live cinema
reflecting on the relationships between identity, sexuality, technology
and politics. Hackers, cyberfeminists, (trans)gender activists, artists and
transhumanists meet to expose power structures embedded in society and
our everyday life.

The event is built around the international book launch of The Cyborg:
A Treatise on the Artificial Man, written by political Sci-Fi theorist
Antonio Caronia (Genoa, 1944 – Milan, 2013), published by Meson Press /
Hybrid Publishing Lab, Leuphana University of Lüneburg. Starting from
the book of Caronia and going beyond it, the analysis culminates
discussing the most recent frontiers of biotechnology and transhumanism.

Antonio Caronia was a political activist during the 1977 revolution in
Italy, turning after that to the study of mass culture and communication
theory, and about the relationship between science, technology,
identity, and cultural imagination. The Cyborg is crucial to the
understanding of the development of digital culture from the 1980s until
today, not only in Italy, but internationally. Adopting Science Fiction
and the critical reflection on technology and the body as a methodology
of cultural criticism, the challenge is to generate new activist, artist
and hacker interventions.

What does Cyborg mean today?  Which new configurations are possible to
provoke critical awareness and agency through sexuality, the body and
technology? Do we still need to speak about a body or should we go
beyond physical boundaries to reflect critically on power structures in
a time of economic crisis and increasing technological surveillance?

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (www.disruptionlab.org)

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tbazz (at)
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) daniela (at)
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.

Supported by the Italian Culture Institute of Berlin. In collaboration
with the Hybrid Publishing Lab, CDC/Leuphana University of Lüneburg,
Meson Press, Vierte Welt Kollaborationen, and Aksioma - Institute of
Contemporary Art Ljubljana.
Media partners: Furtherfield.org; ExBerliner.com.

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] [Reminder] 8-9 August: A GAME OF YOU: Into the Social Media Vortex

2015-08-06 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Into the Social Media Vortex

Locations:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
Partner Events: Spektrum, Bürknerstraße 12, 12047, Berlin.
Schedule: 8th of August 2015 (17.00-23.00, + open end bar), 9th of
August 2015 (20.30-22.30 + open end bar).

Admission: 5 Euro (Sat), 2 Euro (Sun). Performance events are donation
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/a-game-of-you
In English language.

Third event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli, in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Gabriel S Moses (sequential artist and graphic novelist, IL/DE); Chris
Köver (co-founder of Missy Magazine, journalist and feminist activist,
DE); Matthias Fritsch (artist, author of videomeme Kneecam No.1 aka
Technoviking, DE); Pedro Lopes (artist  hardware t(h)inker, PT/DE);
Oliver Lerone Schultz (researcher, DE).

#GamerGate, Technovikings  Smart Media as a Psychedelic Webcomic -
survival in the wild torrents of our digital lives. Event inspired by
the work of sequential artist and graphic novelist Gabriel S Moses.

This two-day event brings a multi-angled perspective in which from one
side artists, graphic novelists, game developers, and researchers
question and play the narrative embedded into games, social media
platforms, and their usage; from the other side, they reflect on the
consequences of spreading our identity into the vortex of social media
imaginary, to the point that social media starts hunting us back, as we
become the game.
With the emergence of social media platforms we have been gaining new
abilities to play with the narrative, to affect both our imagined
recollections and our tangible physical environments. But is this a
means for better individual control or a plunge into an overwhelming

The cases of #gamergate and Technoviking demonstrate that borders
between games, smart media and our private life are often very
questionable. #gamergate has shown to an extreme degree that sexisms and
online hate can become really tangible, and that advocacy against
online-harassment is deeply needed. The story of Technoviking instead
has shown how Internet phenomena and memes can become a crucial question
of intellectual property and personal rights. So, is online life now all
a game or just a story?

Some would say language is now fully collapsing into the real.
Everything is at hand, everything is virtual; there’s an app for that;
all our most fundamental daily actions are quantified into generic
automation series, told apart by upgrades and business schemes. Herein
lies an invitation to ponder on and evaluate the current cognitive,
social and even political significance of these overarching online
multisensory 'game-stories' and to reconsider: what's their moral and
what's at stake? Or is this the kind of psychedelic trip Super Mario has
when he eats the wrong mushroom?

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (http://www.disruptionlab.org)
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tbazz (at)
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) daniela (at)
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin

In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien
and in collaboration with Spektrum art |science |community
With a site-specific Cube intervention by Topics Books

Media partners:
taz. die tageszeitung; ExBerliner.com; Furtherfield.org

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] September 11-12: SAMIZDATA: Tactics and Strategies for Resistance

2015-08-28 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
SAMIZDATA: Tactics and Strategies for Resistance
Conference by Disruption Network Lab

Locations:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
Schedule: Conference: 11th September (17.30-19.30), 12th September 2015
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/samizdata/
Admission: 5 Euro. In English language.

Fourth event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien. In
collaboration with: SAMIZDATA: Evidence of Conspiracy, Jacob Appelbaum's
first solo show in Germany, at NOME curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli

Speakers: Jacob Appelbaum (journalist, artist, and researcher, USA/DE);
Laura Poitras (journalist and filmmaker, USA); Jørgen Johansen
(researcher and activist, Resistance Study Network, NO); Theresa Züger
(researcher, DE); Jaromil (hacktivist, Dyne.org, IT/NL); Sophie Toupin
(researcher and feminist techno/activist, CA); Valie Djordjevic (net
activist, iRights.info, DE).

By analysing tactics and strategies of resistance connected with the
Snowden Affair in physical and digital life, this conference event
brings together hackers, artists and critical thinkers, who apply and
work on the concept of social justice from different angles. The goal is
not to bring clear instructions, but to imagine possible alternatives
into the development of shared forms of post-digital resistance.

The conference programme involves journalists, artists, researchers and
activists who analyse whistleblowing from a critical perspective
bringing an insider critique of contemporary politics and state
surveillance networks. Furthermore, it reflects on the long-term
sustainability of whistleblowing practices, and the importance of
establishing networks of trust, to protect possible sources and
guarantee the rights of speaking out beyond fears, paranoia and the
politics of war.

This two-day event is in collaboration with SAMIZDATA: Evidence of
Conspiracy, Jacob Appelbaum's first solo show in Germany at NOME
(http://nomeproject.com). A series of colored infrared photos are shown
as Cibachrome prints: a critique of the progressive loss of liberty,
using analogue surveillance film to portrait people who are uncovering
surveillance itself. Opening: 10th September, 18:00.

Additional programme: Cryptoparty at SPEKTRUM: 12th September (18:00 +
open end bar, http://spektrumberlin.de/events/detail/cryptoparty.html).

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (www.disruptionlab.org)
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tbazz (at)
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) daniela (at)
Kim Voss (Production  Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Supported by the Office of Québec in Berlin (Vertretung der Regierung
von Québec).
In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.
In collaboration with NOME Gallery, and SPEKTRUM art |science |community.
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Reminder: September 11-12: SAMIZDATA: Tactics and Strategies for Resistance

2015-09-07 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
SAMIZDATA: Tactics and Strategies for Resistance
Conference by Disruption Network Lab

Locations:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
Schedule: Conference: 11th September (17.30-19.30), 12th September 2015
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/samizdata/
Admission: 5 Euro. In English language.

Fourth event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli in cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien. In
collaboration with: SAMIZDATA: Evidence of Conspiracy, Jacob Appelbaum's
first solo show in Germany, at NOME curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli

Speakers: Jacob Appelbaum (journalist, artist, and researcher, USA/DE);
Laura Poitras (journalist and filmmaker, USA); Jørgen Johansen
(researcher and activist, Resistance Study Network, NO); Theresa Züger
(researcher, DE); Jaromil (hacktivist, Dyne.org, IT/NL); Sophie Toupin
(researcher and feminist techno/activist, CA); Valie Djordjevic (net
activist, iRights.info, DE).

By analysing tactics and strategies of resistance connected with the
"Snowden Affair" in physical and digital life, this conference event
brings together hackers, artists and critical thinkers, who apply and
work on the concept of social justice from different angles. The goal is
not to bring clear instructions, but to imagine possible alternatives
into the development of shared forms of post-digital resistance.

The conference programme involves journalists, artists, researchers and
activists who analyse whistleblowing from a critical perspective
bringing an insider critique of contemporary politics and state
surveillance networks. Furthermore, it reflects on the long-term
sustainability of whistleblowing practices, and the importance of
establishing networks of trust, to protect possible sources and
guarantee the rights of speaking out beyond fears, paranoia and the
politics of war.

This two-day event is in collaboration with SAMIZDATA: Evidence of
Conspiracy, Jacob Appelbaum's first solo show in Germany at NOME
(http://nomeproject.com). A series of colored infrared photos are shown
as Cibachrome prints: a critique of the progressive loss of liberty,
using analogue surveillance film to portrait people who are uncovering
surveillance itself. Opening: 10th September, 18:00.

Additional programme: Cryptoparty at SPEKTRUM: 12th September (18:00 +
open end bar, http://spektrumberlin.de/events/detail/cryptoparty.html).

More Information: Disruption Network Lab (www.disruptionlab.org)
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator) tbazz (at)
Daniela Silvestrin (Curator and Project Manager) daniela (at)
Kim Voss (Production & Social Media) kim (at) disruptionlab.org

A project funded by Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin.
Supported by the Office of Québec in Berlin (Vertretung der Regierung
von Québec).
In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.
In collaboration with NOME Gallery, and SPEKTRUM art |science |community.
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
http://networkingart.eu // http://disruptiv.biz
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] DEEP CABLES: Uncovering the Wiring of the World, June 17-18, Berlin

2016-06-08 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
DEEP CABLES: Uncovering the Wiring of the World

A conference event by Disruption Network Lab.
Art & Evidence Conference Series 2016.

Location:  Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
Schedule: June 17th (17.00-21.00); June 18th (16.30-20.30), 2016. In
English language.
Admission: 5 Euro.
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/deep-cables
Eighth event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli. In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.

Henrik Moltke (investigative journalist, DK/USA), Trevor Paglen (artist
and geographer, USA), Andrew Blum (writer & journalist, USA), Moritz
Metz (radio journalist, DE), Marc Helmus (network operator and engineer,
DE), Anne Roth (net activist, senior advisor for the German
Parliamentary Inquiry on Mass Surveillance for the group Die Linke, DE),
 Anna Biselli (journalist, Netzpolitik.org, DE), Ingrid Burrington
(artist and researcher, USA), Helga Tawil-Souri (associate professor
Middle East and Islamic Studies NYU, Palestine/USA), Gabriele "Asbesto"
Zaverio (sysadmin, co-founder, MusIF, FreakNet MediaLab, IT), Bernd Fix
(computer security expert, Wau Holland Stiftung, DE), Jacob Lillemose
(postdoctoral researcher and curator, Copenhagen Center for Disaster
Research, DK).

The first event of the "Art & Evidence" series by Disruption Network Lab
2016 investigates the cultural, political, geographic and technological
dimensions of the Internet, tracing fiber-optic land and undersea
network cables. At the root of the Internet infrastructure lays a very
material dimension, that influences how the Internet functions, how it
is organised and controlled, and its geopolitical configuration.

Recently disclosed N.S.A. (National Security Agency) documents
demonstrated that telecommunication companies, such as AT, have been
particularly important to N.S.A. allowing the access to billions of
emails across domestic networks. Large amounts of the world's Internet
communications travel across American cables, and a broad range of
classified activities work by installing surveillance equipment on
Internet hubs. The materiality of the wired network is crucial to
understand how surveillance works physically, and more in general, how
the whole Internet infrastructure is conceived.

In this event, researchers, engineers, investigative journalists,
hackers, writers, artists and activists, are brought together to unveil
who runs the Internet and in which way its infrastructure influences our
political, cultural and everyday life. Starting from this very concrete
subject, the physicality of the network cables, the event culminates
with the discussion about digital-divide and breaks of connectivity in
strategic landing sites, where the discrepancy between poor access to
bandwidth and high presence of cable infrastructure is caused by
military, political, and economical reasons.

Funded by: Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin, Senatskanzlei,
Kulturelle Angelegenheiten / City Tax.
In partnership with: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien.
In collaboration with: NOME, Wau Holland Stiftung, Copenhagen Center for
Disaster Research, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and
Society (HIIG), and SPEKTRUM.

More Information:
Disruption Network Lab: http://www.disruptionlab.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/disruptionlab
Twitter: @disruptberlin

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director and Curator)
Claudia Dorfmueller (Administration and Project Manager)
Kim Voss (Project Manager and Communication) kim(at)disruptionlab.org
Tabea Hamperl (Press Manager) tabea(at)disruptionlab.org

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] IGNORANCE: The Power of Non-Knowledge, Sept 30-Oct 1, Berlin

2016-09-27 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
IGNORANCE: The Power of Non-Knowledge
Art & Evidence Conference Series 2016

Location: Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Schedule: September 30 (16.00-21.15); October 1 (17.00-20.45), 2016. In
English language.
Admission: 5 Euro / day.
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/ignorance

The 9th event of the Disruption Network Lab, directed by Tatiana
Bazzichelli, co-curated by Daniela Silvestrin.
Funded by: Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin, Senatskanzlei,
Kulturelle Angelegenheiten / City Tax.
In partnership with: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien. In collaboration
with the Resistance Studies Network and the Resistance Study Initiative,
University of Massachusetts Amherst, and SPEKTRUM.
Media partners: ExBerliner, Der Freitag, Furtherfield.

Speakers: Matthias Gross (sociologist and science studies scholar, DE),
Joanna Kempner (Sociologist, US), Jamie Allen (artist and researcher,
CA/CH), Teresa Dillon (artist and researcher, IE/DE/UK), Karen Douglas
(social psychologist, UK), Martin F. Robbins (researcher and science
writer, UK), Hannah Jane Parkinson (digital culture journalist and
writer, UK), Ippolita group (hacktivists, philosophers, and writers,
IT), Vladan Joler (SHARE Foundation director, chair of the New Media
Department, University of Novi Sad, RS), Jan Willem Wieland (Assistent
professor, Department of Philosophy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam).
Screening of "Merchants of Doubt" (2014, 1h36min, OV), documentary
directed by Robert Kenner, based on the book "Merchants of Doubt" by
historians of science Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway.

The second event of the "Art & Evidence" series by Disruption Network
Lab 2016 investigates the political, social and ethical dimensions of
ignorance, manifested as different forms of what has been termed
"nonknowledge". It will shed light on how, why and when knowledge does
not come to be, disappears or is suppressed, the possible advantages and
disadvantages related to the creation or maintenance of ignorance and
doubt, and how the underlying strategies and dynamics can be unveiled
and unmade.

Especially in the context of the current political scenario that we are
witnessing, the study and closer look at strategies behind the
deliberate creation and spreading of ignorance has gained more
importance than ever if we want to understand the reasons for the
growing success of populist campaigns. At the same time, the creation of
doubts, suppression or selected publication of facts, and nourishing of
controversies is building a
constant background to the debates related to the discussions about
climate change, carcinogenic products, conduct and publication of
scientific research results and the role and influence of the media in it.

A program of keynote lectures, panel discussions and a film screening
will present artists, scientists, researchers and journalists who will
discuss mechanisms and reasons behind knowledge that does not come to be
or is suppressed. Discussions will center around the political,
strategic, technological, and social uses of creating ignorance in
social and everyday life through the manipulation and suppression of
facts, the creation of doubt and
uncertainty, biased reporting of the media, or even forbidden knowledge
that is too controversial, sensitive or taboo to be studied.

More information:
FB: www.facebook.com/disruptionlab
Twitter: @disruptberlin

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] TRUTH-TELLERS: Disruption Network Lab in November

2016-11-07 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we are happy to invite you to our conference "TRUTH-TELLERS:The Impact
of Speaking Out" on November 25-26, 2016 in Berlin.

TRUTH-TELLERS, the 10th event of the Disruption Network Lab, aims to
reflect on the impact of speaking out, leaking, and whistleblowing from
a technological, cultural and artistic perspective. If speaking out is a
mean to expose wrongdoing, misconducts, and inform about unknown facts
that must be revealed, an in-depth analysis of the consequences of this
act is needed. Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.

Invited speakers are Grace North (Jeremy Hammond Campaign Manager, USA),
Mustafa Al-Bassam (former member of LulzSec, UK), Gabriella Coleman
(Wolfe Chair in Scientific and Technological Literacy at McGill
University, CA), Andy Müller-Maguhn (Courage Advisory board member, Wau
Holland Stiftung board member, DE), Simona Levi (founder of Xnet, ES),
Giovanni Pellerano (CTO of GlobaLeaks, privacy and transparency activist
at the Hermes Center, IT), Annegret Falter (director of the
Whistleblower-Netzwerk e.V, DE), Theresa Züger (researcher on civil
disobedience, DE), Hans Bernhard / Ubermorgen (artist, AT), Carmen
Weisskopf and Domagoj Smoljo / !Mediengruppe Bitnik (artists, CH/DE),
Jack Werner (investigative journalist, SE), Tatiana Bazzichelli
(director of the Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE), Dries Depoorter
(artist, BE, video contribution).

November 25, 2016 - 17:00-21:00
November 26, 2016 - 16:30-20:30

Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.

More information: http://www.disruptionlab.org/truth-tellers/

LIE-ABLE ART. An artist talk by Gabriel S Moses (sequential artist and
graphic novelist, IL/DE). November 9, 2016 - from 20.00 (open end) at
SPEKTRUM, Bürknerstraße 12, Berlin. http://spektrumberlin.de/


Event funded by: Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin, Senatskanzlei,
Kulturelle Angelegenheiten / City Tax.
In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien.
In collaboration with: SPEKTRUM art_technology_community, Wau Holland
Stiftung, XNet, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and
Society. With the participation of the Free Chelsea Manning Initiative
Media partners: Exberliner, Furtherfield.

We hope you can join us for the Pre-Lab and the conference!

Best wishes,

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Reminder: TRUTH-TELLERS: The Impact of Speaking Out, Nov 25-26

2016-11-21 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I am writing to remind you about the 10th conference of the Disruption
Network Lab, scheduled on November 25+26 in Berlin that will be
investigating the consequences of leaking and whistleblowing from a
political, cultural and technological perspective.

This two-day event will present keynotes and panels to reflect on the
impact of speaking out. It will bring together computer scientists,
activists, privacy advocates, investigative journalists and researchers
who have been working actively on the topic of truth-telling, running
leak platforms and working for exposing misconducts and wrong doing, as
well as artists that have been creatively working with the concept of
truth, by questioning it in the online and offline realm through their
artistic practices.


## Friday November 25 · 2016
17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
Grace North (Director of the Jeremy Hammond Defense Committee, and
Jeremy Hammond Campaign Manager, USA). Moderated by Andy Müller-Maguhn
(Courage Advisory board member, Wau Holland Stiftung board member, DE).

19:00-21:00 – PANEL
Simona Levi (activist, founder of Xnet, ES), Katharina Meyer (curator
and researcher, member of the Whistleblower-Netzwerk e.V, DE), Giovanni
Pellerano (CTO of GlobaLeaks, privacy and transparency activist at the
Hermes Center, IT). Moderated by Theresa Züger (researcher on civil
disobedience, DE).

## Saturday November 26 · 2016
16:30-18:00 – KEYNOTE
Mustafa Al-Bassam (alias Tflow, former core member, LulzSec, UK).
Moderated by Gabriella Coleman (Wolfe Chair in Scientific and
Technological Literacy at McGill University, Quebec, CA).

18:20-18:30 – SHORT
Seattle Crime Cams: Video contribute by Dries Depoorter (digital artist,

18:30-20:30 – PANEL
Jack Werner (investigative journalist, SE), Hans Bernhard / UBERMORGEN
(artist, CH/USA/AT), Carmen Weisskopf and Domagoj Smoljo / !Mediengruppe
Bitnik (artists, CH/DE). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Director of
the Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997
Berlin (5 Euro per day).

More information:


Event funded by: Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin, Senatskanzlei,
Kulturelle Angelegenheiten / City Tax.
In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien.
In collaboration with: SPEKTRUM art_technology_community, Wau Holland
Stiftung, XNet, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and
Society. With the participation of the Free Chelsea Manning Initiative
Media partners: Exberliner, Furtherfield.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Blowing the Whistle, Questioning Evidence: Call No.1 for Web Residencies 2017

2017-03-01 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to post here the announcement of the call for web
residencies "Blowing the Whistle, Questioning Evidence" I recently
curated for Akademie Schloss Solitude and ZKM. I think the topics will
interest this list.
Deadline is March 10, 2017. Please forward it to other potential
interested people.

Below you will read more. I hope in many interesting proposals!

All the best,



Call No.1 for Web Residencies 2017
by Solitude & ZKM
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli

*Blowing the Whistle, Questioning Evidence*

The submission period for the first joint call for Web Residencies by
Akademie Schloss Solitude http://www.akademie-solitude.de/en/ & ZKM
Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe http://zkm.de/ in 2017 has started!
The call is curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli, artistic director of the
Disruption Network Berlin http://www.disruptionlab.org/, with a topic on
art & whistleblowing.

"What is the role of art in the framework of whistleblowing and leaking?
If we expand the concept of art to whistleblowing, leaking and the act
of producing awareness of power mechanisms, which kind of tactics and
strategies for resistance can we imagine within the technological
paradigm and beyond it? How would it be possible to expand forms of
agency that are not just technologically determined, but consider
technology as a material or political reinvention?"

Read the full text of the call and submit your content here
https://schloss-post.com/call-web-residencies-solitude-zkm/. Deadline is
March 10, 2017.
Find all information on the new collaboration by Solitude & ZKM in this
press release

The Web Residencies
https://schloss-post.com/category-list/web-residents/ program was
initiated by Akademie Schloss Solitude in 2016 to support young talents
from the international digital scene as well as artists of all
disciplines who deal with web-based practices to present the process and
results of their work online. For each call three to four people or
teams will be selected by the curator for a four-week Web Residency,
which is rewarded with 500 USD.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Clara Herrmann

Referentin, Digital Solitude-Programm /
Coordinator, digital solitude program
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] PRISONERS OF DISSENT: Locked Up For Exposing Crimes - May 12 Berlin

2017-04-27 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we would like to inform you about our 11th conference "Prisoners of
Dissent: Locked Up For Exposing Crimes", which will take place on May
12, 2017 in Berlin at Grüner Salon of Volksbühne.

The next event of the Disruption Network Lab will celebrate the upcoming
freedom of Chelsea Manning and launch the new book by CIA anti-torture
whistleblower John Kiriakou: "Doing Time Like a Spy: How the CIA Taught
Me to Survive and Thrive in Prison", to be released May 3, 2017
(published by Rare Bird Books).

Invited speakers are John Kiriakou (CIA anti-torture whistleblower,
USA); Annie Machon (former MI5 intelligence officer, UK/BE);
Falter (Chair Whistleblower Netzwerk e.V., DE); Magnus Ag (Senior
Programm Officer, Freemuse, DK/DE); Silvanos Mudzvova (Artist Protection
Fund Fellow in residency at The University of Manchester, ZWE/UK).

During the event, whistleblowers and truth-tellers persecuted for
blowing the whistle, critical thinkers and activists meet to discuss
countermeasures to detention and repression. More info are here:

The event is funded by the Reva & David Logan Foundation, Rosa Luxemburg
Stiftung and the Open Society Initiative for Europe, part of Open
Society Foundations. In cooperation with the Whistleblower Netzwerk e.V.
and the Chelsea Manning Initiative Berlin. In collaboration with: Wau
Holland Stiftung, The Artist Protection Fund (APF), Alexander von
Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) and the Resistance
Study Initiative, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.
Media partners: ExBerliner; Furtherfield. The event is in English.

I hope to see many of you there! This time it is possible to buy tickets
in advance at the Grüner Salon's website (seats are limited):

All the best,


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Reminder: TERROR FEEDS: Inside the Fear Machine (November 24 - 25, 2017)

2017-11-22 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we look forward to meeting you at our upcoming conference this weekend
at Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin. We have still some places
available for the
workshop on November 26 at Supermarkt, please register if you are
interested (no special technical skills are required, please read below).

All the best,


TERROR FEEDS: Inside the Fear Machine (November 24 - 25, 2017)
Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Schedule: November 24 (17:00-21:00); November 25 (16:00-21:30)

The conference TERROR FEEDS will analyse ISIS and its media strategy,
the meaning of cyber jihad, and why people enroll as foreign fighters.
The programme is co-curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and investigative
journalist Mauro

(see more details at: http://www.disruptionlab.org/terror-feeds)

# Friday November 24 · 2017

17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
RISE OF THE CALIPHATE: How ISIS Became a Global Threat
Sue Turton (Reporter and Journalist, Former Al Jazeera Correspondent,
UK), Charlie Winter (Senior Research Fellow ICSR Centre, Associate
Fellow ICCT The Hague, PhD Fellow King’s College London, UK). Moderated
by Mauro Mondello (Investigative Journalist, IT/DE).

19:00-21:00 – PANEL
CYBER JIHAD: ISIS Media Strategies and Countermeasures
Dlshad Othman (Activist and IT Security Engineer, SY/US), Aymenn
Al-Tamimi (Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum, SY/UK),
Donatella Della Ratta (Writer and Arab Media Specialist, John Cabot
University, IT). Moderated by Frederike Kaltheuner (Programme Lead and
Policy Officer, Privacy International, DE/UK).

# Saturday November 25 · 2017

16:00-17:30 – PANEL
RADICALISED: The Franchise of Terror
Saud Al-Zaid (Scholar of Islamic Studies, Berlin Graduate School of
Muslim Cultures, DE), Pieter Van Ostaeyen (Historian & Arabist, PhD
candidate KU Leuven, BE). Moderated by Dave Keating (Journalist, US/BE).

18:00-19:30 – KEYNOTE
PREVENTION & PREJUDICE: Counter-Radicalisation and Human Rights Challenges
Michèle Hassen (Radicalisation Awareness Network RAN Education, Working
Group Leader, EU/FR). Moderated by John Goetz (Investigative Journalist,

20:00-21:30 – KEYNOTE
FRACTURED LANDS: Confronting the Islamic State
Abdalaziz Alhamza /Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently -RBSS
(Co-founder, Media Activist, SY/DE); Aaron Y. Zelin (Founder of
Jihadology.net and JihadPod, Richard Borow Fellow at the Washington
Institute, US). Moderated by Donatella Della Ratta (Writer and Arab
Media Specialist, John Cabot University, IT).


# WORKSHOP at Supermarkt Berlin
Sunday November 26 · 2017
FACING TERRORIST THREATS: Cyber Security and Digital Self-Defense
14:00-17:00 - Ticket: 12 Euro, max 20 people, register at
Dlshad Othman (Activist and IT Security Engineer, SY/US), Aymenn
Al-Tamimi (Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum, SY/UK).

We look forward to seeing you.
Best regards,

Tatiana Bazzichelli, Artistic Director

Before and after each event you can follow us online at:
Website: www.disruptionlab.org
Twitter: twitter.com/disruptberlin (#dnl)
Facebook: facebook.com/disruptionlab

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] TERROR FEEDS: Inside the Fear Machine (November 24 - 25, 2017)

2017-11-02 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
TERROR FEEDS: Inside the Fear Machine (November 24 - 25, 2017)

Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Schedule: November 24 (17:00-21:00); November 25 (16:00-21:30)
Admission: 5 Euro / day. The conference will be held in English.
Details: http://www.disruptionlab.org/terror-feeds

An analysis of ISIS and its media strategy, the meaning of cyber jihad,
and why people enroll as foreign fighters.

ISIS has captivated a global network of supporters that articulates,
intensifies and disseminates its violent extremist messages worldwide.
The conference highlights the change ISIS* represents in how terrorism
is conducted and analyses how electronic jihad and strategic messaging
affect the worldwide public opinion, both in the western countries and
in the Arab world, representing a new icon of "global jihad".

On the other hand, activists and human right defenders risk their life
while reporting stories to reveal misconducts by ISIS and document the
horrors caused by the terror regime. The goal is to understand and to
discuss how ISIS unleashed cyber jihad, as well as the strategies
activists and human right advocates use to oppose this form of terror,
Internet censorship and surveillance.

(*the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or Daesh by its Arabic language

## Conference programme
(see more details at: www.disruptionlab.org/terror-feeds)

# Friday November 24 · 2017

17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
Sue Turton (Reporter and Journalist, Former Al Jazeera Correspondent,
UK), Charlie Winter (Senior Research Fellow ICSR Centre, Associate
Fellow ICCT The Hague, PhD Fellow King’s College London, UK). Moderated
by Mauro Mondello (Investigative Journalist, IT/DE).

19:00-21:00 – PANEL
Dlshad Othman (Activist and IT Security Engineer, SY/US), Aymenn
Al-Tamimi (Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum, SY/UK),
Donatella Della Ratta (Writer and Arab Media Specialist, John Cabot
University, IT). Moderated by Frederike Kaltheuner (Programme Lead and
Policy Officer, Privacy International, DE/UK).

# Saturday November 25 · 2017

16:00-17:30 – PANEL
Saud Al-Zaid (Scholar of Islamic Studies, Berlin Graduate School of
Muslim Cultures, DE), Pieter Van Ostaeyen (Historian & Arabist, PhD
candidate KU Leuven, BE). Moderated by Dave Keating (Journalist, US/BE).

18:00-19:30 – KEYNOTE
Amrit Singh (Head of the Accountability, Liberty, and Transparency
Cluster of the Open Society Justice Initiative, US), Michèle Hassen
(Radicalisation Awareness Network RAN Education, Working Group Leader,
EU/FR). Moderated by John Goetz (Investigative Journalist, US/DE).

20:00-21:30 – KEYNOTE
Abdalaziz Alhamza /Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently -RBSS
(Co-founder, Media Activist, SY/DE); Aaron Y. Zelin (Founder of
Jihadology.net and JihadPod, Richard Borow Fellow at the Washington
Institute, US). Moderated by Donatella Della Ratta (Writer and Arab
Media Specialist, John Cabot University, IT).

## Pre-Lab & Workshop programme

Friday November 10 · 2017 - 19:30-22:00 (& bar afterwards)
Introduction by Mauro Mondello (co-curator of the "Terror Feeds"
conference and investigative journalist). Presentation of the project
"Topography of Memory: Counter Destruction in the State of Terror & The
'MemoTopo' " by Nassim Mehran (Architect, Researcher and Lecturer at
Humboldt University of Berlin, IRN/DE) and others.

# WORKSHOP at Supermarkt Berlin
Sunday November 26 · 2017
15:00-17:00 - Ticket: 12 Euro, max 20 people, register at

Dlshad Othman (Activist and IT Security Engineer, SY/US), Aymenn
Al-Tamimi (Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum, SY/UK).

12th event of the Disruption Network Lab series by the Disruption
Network Lab e.V.. Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and investigative
journalist Mauro Mondello. In cooperation with Kunstraum Kreuzberg
/Bethanien, SPEKTRUM and Supermarkt Berlin. Funded by the Reva & David
Logan Foundation, the Mozilla Foundation, the Bertha Foundation and the
Checkpoint Charlie Foundation. Supported by the Radicalisation Awareness
Network (RAN). In collaboration with the Alexander von Humboldt
Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG). Media Partners: ExBerliner,

Before and after each event you can follow us online at:

Website: www.disruptionlab.org
Twitter: twitter.com/disruptberlin (#dnl)
Facebook: facebook.com/disruptionlab

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] HATE NEWS: Manipulators, Trolls & Influencers - May 25-26 - Berlin

2018-05-07 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I hope to see many of you at our next Disruption Network Lab conference.

All the best,

Berlin - MAY 25-26 - 2018:
HATE NEWS: Manipulators, Trolls & Influencers

Misinformation Ecosystems Series - Part I - 2018
Investigating online opinion manipulation, strategic hate speech and
misinformation – and their impact on civil rights.
The 13th conference of the Disruption Network Lab

Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Partner Event at SPEKTRUM, Bürknerstr. 12, 12047, Berlin.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.
Info: http://www.disruptionlab.org/hate-news/
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/368901680184340/


Friday May 25 - 2018

16:30 - Doors open
17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
Nanjala Nyabola (Kenyan Political Analyst, Writer, and Humanitarian
Advocate, KE).
Moderated by Jo Havemann (Communication Scientist, r0g_agency for Open
Culture and Critical Transformation, DE)

19:00-21:00 – PANEL
David Carroll (Associate Professor of Media Design, Parsons School of
Design, USA)
Bernd Fix (Hacker and Computer Security Expert, Wau Holland Stiftung, DE)
Marloes de Valk (Software Artist and Writer, NL)
Moderated by Theresa Züger (Project Lead, Media Policy Lab, Media
Authority Berlin-Brandenburg, DE)


Saturday May 26 - 2018

15:30 - Doors open
16:00-17:30 – KEYNOTE
Andrea Noel (Mexico-based Journalist, Covering the Drug war, Politics &
Gender-Based Violence, USA/MX)
Renata Avila (Human Rights & Tech Lawyer, Senior Digital Rights Advisor
for the World Wide Web Foundation, GT)

The Cleaners (DE, 2018). Moritz Riesewieck and Hans Block (Filmmakers, DE)

19:00-21:00 – PANEL
Caroline Sinders (Machine Learning Designer/User Researcher, Artist,
Digital Anthropologist, USA)
Øyvind Strømmen (Author and Journalist, Expert on Extreme Movements,
Hate Speech and Hate Crimes, NO)
Cathleen Berger (Policy Expert & Lead, Mozilla's Strategic Engagement
with Global Internet Fora, DE)
Moderated by Margarita Tsomou (Author, Dramaturge and Curator, GR/DE)


Sunday May 27 - 2018
20:00-22:00 + Open End Bar - PARTNER EVENT @ SPEKTRUM

Hate, Digital Cleaning and Control on Social Media
Introduced by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Founding Artistic Director,
Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE)
A look at the shadowy underworld of the Internet where questionable
content is removed. Who is controlling what we write and what we read on
social media?


Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa (Senate Department for
Culture and Europa, Berlin), Reva & David Logan Foundation, Checkpoint
Charlie Foundation. In partnership with: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

In cooperation with: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, SPEKTRUM. In
collaboration with: Wau Holland Stiftung, r0g_agency for Open Culture
and Critical Transformation, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for
Internet and Society (HIIG). Media Partners: ExBerliner, Furtherfield.

Entrance Studio 1: 5€/day (Conference) · Spektrum: Donation.
In English language.

More info:
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/368901680184340/
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Reminder: HATE NEWS: Manipulators, Trolls & Influencers - May 25-26 - Berlin

2018-05-22 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I am writing to remind you about our next conference event, HATE NEWS:
Manipulators, Trolls & Influencers, which is taking place on May 25-26 -
2018 in Berlin at Kunstquartier Bethanien. The conference is
investigating online opinion manipulation, strategic hate speech and
misinformation – and their impact on civil rights. We will also have a
Partner Event at Spektrum Berlin on May 27, where we will discuss about
Hate, Digital Cleaning and Control on Social Media.

All the best!



The 13th conference of the Disruption Network Lab

HATE NEWS: Manipulators, Trolls & Influencers
Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Partner Event at SPEKTRUM, Bürknerstr. 12, 12047, Berlin.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.
Info: http://www.disruptionlab.org/hate-news/
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/368901680184340/


Friday May 25 - 2018

16:30 - Doors open
17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
BETWEEN HATE AND HOPE: Lessons from Kenya on Hate Speech and Political
Manipulation on the Internet.
Nanjala Nyabola (Kenyan Political Analyst, Writer, and Humanitarian
Advocate, KE).
Moderated by Jo Havemann (r0g_agency for Open Culture and Critical
Transformation, DE)

19:00-21:00 – PANEL
TARGETED, PROFILED & INFLUENCED: On Cambridge Analytica and Beyond.
David Carroll (Associate Professor of Media Design, Parsons School of
Design, USA)
Bernd Fix (Hacker and Computer Security Expert, Wau Holland Stiftung, DE)
Marloes de Valk (Software Artist and Writer, NL)
Moderated by Theresa Züger (Project Lead, Media Policy Lab, Media
Authority Berlin-Brandenburg, DE)


Saturday May 26 - 2018

15:30 - Doors open
16:00-17:30 – KEYNOTE
UNCOVERING CORRUPTION: On Strategic Harassment, Mexican Trolls and
Election Manipulation.
Andrea Noel (Mexico-based Journalist, Covering the Drug war, Politics &
Gender-Based Violence, USA/MX)
Renata Avila (Human Rights & Tech Lawyer, GT)

The Cleaners (DE, 2018). Moritz Riesewieck and Hans Block (Filmmakers, DE)

19:00-21:00 – PANEL
and Digital Rights.
Caroline Sinders (Machine Learning Designer/User Researcher, Artist,
Digital Anthropologist, USA)
Øyvind Strømmen (Author and Journalist, Expert on Extreme Movements,
Hate Speech and Hate Crimes, NO)
Cathleen Berger (Policy Expert & Lead, Mozilla's Strategic Engagement
with Global Internet Fora, DE)
Moderated by Margarita Tsomou (Author, Dramaturge and Curator, GR/DE)


Sunday May 27 - 2018
20:00-22:00 + Open End Bar - PARTNER EVENT @ SPEKTRUM

Hate, Digital Cleaning and Control on Social Media
Introduced by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Founding Artistic Director,
Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE)
A look at the shadowy underworld of the Internet where questionable
content is removed. Who is controlling what we write and what we read on
social media?


Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa (Senate Department for
Culture and Europa, Berlin), Reva & David Logan Foundation, Checkpoint
Charlie Foundation. In partnership with: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

In cooperation with: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, SPEKTRUM. In
collaboration with: Wau Holland Stiftung, r0g_agency for Open Culture
and Critical Transformation, Alexander von Humboldt Institute for
Internet and Society (HIIG). Media Partners: ExBerliner, Furtherfield.

Entrance Studio 1: 5€/day (Conference) · Spektrum: Donation.
In English language.

More info:
FB Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/368901680184340/

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] INFILTRATION: Challenging Supremacism - September 7-8-9, Berlin

2018-07-30 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to our next conference event, scheduled on
September 7-8-9, 2018 in Berlin. The conference will have the title
INFILTRATION: Challenging Supremacism, as part of our thematic series
"Misinformation Ecosystems".

We aim to reflect on the practice of political, investigative and
activist infiltration as a form of better understanding aims, lifestyles
and methods of right-wing extremist groups. What is the reason for
people to join extremist groups? How can we analyse their dynamics from
the inside? What are the reasons of fascination among young generations
of right-wing propaganda and supremacist outrage?

Below you find the detailed programme.
EARLY BIRD TICKETS are available only one more day!
2 DAY TICKET for 8 Euro until July 31.
Get them at: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/infiltration/


The 14th conference of the Disruption Network Lab
Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Partner Event at SPEKTRUM, Bürknerstr. 12, 12047, Berlin.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.

Friday September 7 · 2018
17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
Daryl Davis (R and Blues Musician, Author, Actor, USA)
Moderated by Anna Müller (Mobile Counselling Team against Right-wing
Extremism /MBR – Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus in Berlin, DE)

19:00 - 21:00 – PANEL
Mattias Gardell (Nathan Söderblom Chair of Comparative Religion at
Uppsala University, SE)
Richard Gebhardt (Political Scientist and Journalist, DE)
Janez Janša, Janez Janša & Janez Janša (Artists, Ljubljana, SI)
Moderated by Christina Lee (Head of Ambassador Program, Hostwriter, DE)


Saturday September 8 · 2018

Florian Cramer (Reader in 21st Century Visual Culture at Willem de
Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, NL)
Stewart Home (Artist, Filmmaker, Writer, and Activist, UK)
Q with Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab,

18:30 - 20:30 – PANEL
Julia Ebner (Terrorism and Extremism Researcher and Author, AT/UK)
Patrik Hermansson (Anti-racist Activist, “Hope Not Hate" Researcher, SE/UK)
Christopher Schiano (Journalist at Unicorn Riot, Decentralized,
Non-profit Media Organization of Artists and Journalists, USA)
Moderated by Rebecca Pates (Political Anthropologist, University of
Leipzig, DE)


Sunday September 9 · 2018 · at SPEKTRUM
19:30 - 22:00 – FILM SCREENING & open bar until late

Spektrum, Bürknerstr. 12, 12047, Berlin
Film Screening: Accidental Courtesy: Daryl Davis, Race & America.
2016, Biography/Historical Documentary, 1h 36m.
with Daryl Davis (R and Blues Musician, Author, Actor, USA). Director:
Matthew Ornstein. Producers: Matthew Ornstein, Noah Ornstein.
The film screening is introduced by a piano performance by Daryl Davis
+ following Q with Daryl Davis.


Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa (Senate Department for
Culture and Europa, Berlin), Reva & David Logan Foundation, Checkpoint
Charlie Foundation. In partnership with: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

In cooperation with: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, SPEKTRUM. In
collaboration with: Mobile Counselling Team against Right-wing Extremism
– Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus in Berlin/MBR, Alexander von
Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), Hostwriter. Media
Partners: taz.die tageszeitung, ExBerliner, Furtherfield.
In English language.

More info at: https://www.disruptionlab.org/infiltration

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Reminder: INFILTRATION: Challenging Supremacism - September 7-8-9, Berlin

2018-08-29 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

Disruption Network Lab would like to inform you about our 14th
conference "INFILTRATION: Challenging Supremacism" which will take place
at Kunstquartier Bethanien (September 7-8, 2018, Berlin), a journey
inside right-wing extremism and supremacist ideology to provoke direct
change: https://www.disruptionlab.org/infiltration/

This two-day conference presents keynotes and panels that will focus on
the practice of political, investigative and activist infiltration as a
form of better understanding aims, lifestyles and methods of right-wing
extremist groups.

Below is the detailed programme.

All the best,

Tatiana and the Disruption Network Lab Team

Berlin · September 7-8 · 2018:
INFILTRATION: Challenging Supremacism
Misinformation Ecosystems Series - Part II - 2018

Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Partner Event at SPEKTRUM, Bürknerstr. 12, 12047, Berlin.
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli.
In English language.

Friday September 7 · 2018

17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
KLAN-DESTINE RELATIONSHIPS: How & Why A Black Man Befriended White

Daryl Davis (R and Blues Musician, Author, Actor, USA)
Moderated by Anna Müller (Mobile Counselling Team against Right-wing
Extremism /MBR – Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus in Berlin, DE)

19:00 - 21:00 – PANEL
ACROSS & WITHIN RIGHT-WING EXTREMISM: Investigations and Interference

Mattias Gardell (Nathan Söderblom Chair of Comparative Religion at
Uppsala University, SE)
Richard Gebhardt (Political Scientist and Journalist, DE)
Janez Janša, Janez Janša & Janez Janša (Artists, Ljubljana, SI)
Moderated by Christina Lee (Head of Ambassador Program, Hostwriter, USA/DE)

Saturday September 8 · 2018


TRANSGRESSIONS THEN AND NOW: Does The ‘Alt-Right’ Reenact Counter-Culture?
Florian Cramer (Reader in 21st Century Visual Culture at Willem de
Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, NL)
Stewart Home (Artist, Filmmaker, Writer, and Activist, UK)
Q with Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab,

18:30 - 20:30 – PANEL
INFILTRATION: Mapping The International Far Right

Julia Ebner (Terrorism and Extremism Researcher and Author, AT/UK)
Patrik Hermansson (Anti-racist Activist, “Hope Not Hate" Researcher, SE/UK)
Christopher Schiano (Journalist at Unicorn Riot, Decentralized,
Non-profit Media Organization of Artists and Journalists, USA) &
Heartsucker (SecureDrop Maintainer, DiscordLeaks Developer, USA/DE)
Moderated by Rebecca Pates (Political Anthropologist, University of
Leipzig, DE)

Sunday September 9 · 2018 · at SPEKTRUM
19:30 - 22:00 – FILM SCREENING & open bar until late

ACCIDENTAL COURTESY: Daryl Davis, Race & America
USA, 2016, Biography/Historical Documentary, 1h 36m.
with Daryl Davis (R and Blues Musician, Author, Actor, USA).
Director: Matthew Ornstein. Cast: Daryl Davis. Producers: Matthew
Ornstein, Noah Ornstein.

Intro piano performance and following Q with Daryl Davis (R and
Blues Musician, Author, Actor, USA)
Location: Spektrum, Bürknerstr. 12, 12047, Berlin

Funded by: Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa (Senate Department for
Culture and Europa, Berlin), Reva & David Logan Foundation, Checkpoint
Charlie Foundation. In partnership with: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

In cooperation with: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, SPEKTRUM. In
collaboration with: Mobile Counselling Team against Right-wing Extremism
– Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus in Berlin/MBR, Alexander von
Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG), Hostwriter.
Media Partners: taz.die tageszeitung, ExBerliner, Furtherfield.

Before and after each event you can follow us online at:
Website: www.disruptionlab.org
Twitter: twitter.com/disruptberlin (#dnl14)
Facebook: facebook.com/disruptionlab
More info at: https://www.disruptionlab.org/infiltration

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] DARK HAVENS, Confronting Hidden Money & Power - April 5-7 Berlin

2019-04-02 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I am writing to invite you to our next conference, DARK HAVENS:
Confronting Hidden Money & Power, on April 5-6 at Studio 1,
Kunstquartier Bethanien.

This time we are focusing on the discourse of anti-corruption, tax
havens, offshore companies and whistleblowing. The programme is in
partnership with Transparency International and we will have with us
many investigative journalists, truth-tellers and a French
whistleblower. We will also show the German Premiere of the film "The
Panama Papers" by Alex Winter, produced by Laura Poitras. On Sunday
April 7, we will have the psycho-geography offshore tour by RYBN.org in
collaboration with Supermarkt.

We are also planning a new Activation community event following the
conference: "Diving Deeper into Data", which will take place on April 17
at STATE Studio. You find the programme of the community events here:

Below you can read the programme of the conference in detail.
We hope to see you there, this is our 15th conference! :)

All the best and thank you for supporting,

Tatiana & the Disruption Network Lab Team


"DARK HAVENS: Confronting Hidden Money & Power"

#DNL15 DARK HAVENS brings together people from around the world who have
been part of global investigations and leaks, have blown the whistle on
corporations, been put on trial, and who have taken severe personal
risks to confront hidden money and power.

Location: Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Schedule: April 5 (16:00-21:15) incl. German Premiere of the documentary
'The Panama Papers'.
April 6 (15:30-20:30).
April 7 (12:30-18:30) Offshore Tour Operator – workshop & walk by RYBN.ORG.
Language:   English.
Tickets: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/darkhavens/
Details: https://www.disruptionlab.org/dark-havens


# Friday April 5 · 2019

16:00 - 17:30 – PANEL
HIDDEN TREASURES: How the Global Shadow Economy Drives Inequality.

Nicholas Shaxson (Journalist, author of Treasure Islands, and Finance
Curse, UK/DE), Maira Martini (Senior Policy Advisor, Transparency
International, BR/DE). Moderated by Simon Shuster (Reporter for TIME,

17:45 - 19:15 – PANEL - LEAKING MASSIVE DATASETS: Security, Openness,
and Collective Mobilisation.

Ryan Gallagher (Investigative Reporter & Editor, The Intercept, UK).
Friedrich Lindenberg (Data Team Lead, OCCRP, Organized Crime and
Corruption Reporting Project, DE). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli
(Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

Directed by Alex Winter, (USA, 2018, 94 min)

# Saturday April 6  ·  2019


RYBN.ORG (Extra-disciplinary Artistic Research Platform, FR).
Moderated by Ela Kagel (Digital Strategist and Founder of SUPERMARKT
Berlin, DE).

16:30 - 18:00 – KEYNOTE - PANAMA PAPERS: How the Rich and the Powerful
Hide Their Money
Frederik Obermaier (Investigative Journalist, Süddeutsche Zeitung, DE).
Moderated by Max Heywood (Transparency International Global Outreach and
Advocacy Coordinator, UK/DE).

18:30 - 20:30 – PANEL - SILENCED BY POWER: Anti-corruption Journalists
and Whistleblowers Facing Violence and Persecution

Pelin Ünker (Freelance Journalist, Member of ICIJ.org, TR), Stéphanie
Gibaud (UBS Whistleblower, FR), Khadija Ismayilova (Investigative
journalist and Radio Host, AZ - on video),
Moderated by Michael Hornsby (Communications Officer, Transparency
International, UK/DE).

# Sunday April 7 · 2019

12:30 - 18:30 – WORKSHOP @ Supermarkt

RYBN.ORG (Extra-disciplinary Artistic Research Platform, FR)
Maximum 20 Participants - SOLD OUT

15th conference of the Disruption Network Lab. Curated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli. In cooperation with Transparency International.

Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Capital Cultural Fund of Berlin), Reva
and David Logan Foundation (grant provided by NEO Philanthropy),
Checkpoint Charlie Foundation. Supported [in part] by a grant from the
Open Society Initiative for Europe within the Open Society Foundations.
In partnership with: Friedrich Ebert Foundation.

Partner Venues: Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, Supermarkt Berlin, and
STATE Studio. In collaboration with: Alexander von Humboldt Institute
for Internet and Society (HIIG) and Whistleblower Netzwerk.
Communication Partners: Sinnwerkstatt and Furtherfield.
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] AI TRAPS: Automating Discrimination, June 14-15 - Berlin

2019-06-04 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

Disruption Network Lab would like to invite you to our 16th conference,
AI TRAPS: Automating Discrimination, on June 14-15. AI TRAPS is a close
look at how AI & algorithms reinforce prejudices and biases of its human
creators and societies, and how to fight discrimination.

You can find more info below and on:

Hope to see many of you there!



# Friday, June 14 - 2019

16:00: Intro
16:15-17:30 - PANEL
THE TRACKED & THE INVISIBLE: From Biometric Surveillance to Diversity in
Data Science

Adam Harvey (Artist and Researcher, US/DE), Sophie Searcy (Senior Data
Scientist at Metis, US). Moderated by Adriana Groh (Head of Program
Management, Prototype Fund, DE).

17:45-19:00 - PANEL
AI FOR THE PEOPLE: AI Bias, Ethics & The Common Good

Maya Indira Ganesh (Research coordinator, AI & Media Philosophy KIM
Research Group, Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design; PhD candidate,
Leuphana University, Lüneburg, IN/DE), Slava Jankin (Professor of Data
Science and Public Policy at the Hertie School of Governance, UK/DE).
Moderated by Nicole Shephard (Researcher on Gender, Technology and
Politics of Data, UK/DE).

19:15-20:45 - KEYNOTE
WHAT IS A FEMINIST AI? Possible Feminisms, Possible Internets

Charlotte Webb (Co-founder, Feminist Internet & Even Consultancy, UK).
Moderated by Lieke Ploeger (Community Director, Disruption Network Lab,

# Saturday, June 15 - 2019

15:30-16:30 - INVESTIGATION

Crofton Black (Researcher, Journalist & Writer, The Bureau of
Investigative Journalism, UK). Moderated by Daniel Eriksson (Head of
Technology, Transparency International, SE/DE).

16:45-18:15 - KEYNOTE
the United States

Mutale Nkonde (Tech Policy Advisor and Fellow at Data & Society Research
Institute, US). Moderated by Rhianna Ilube (Writer, Curator and Host at
The Advocacy Academy, UK/DE)

18:30-20:30 - PANEL
ON THE POLITICS OF AI: Fighting Injustice & Automatic Supremacism

Os Keyes (Ada Lovelace Fellow, Human-Centred Design & Engineering,
University of Washington, US), Dia Kayyali (Leader of the Tech &
Advocacy program at WITNESS, SY/US/DE), Dan McQuillan (Lecturer in
Creative & Social Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London, UK).
Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Founding Director, Disruption Network
Lab, IT/DE).


A Comic Essay on Artificial Intelligence by Julia Schneider and Lena
Kadriye Ziyal.

Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997,
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli. In cooperation with: Transparency

In collaboration with: Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and
Society (HIIG), r0g agency. Communication Partners: Sinnwerkstatt,
Furtherfield. Media partners: taz, die tageszeitung, Exberliner.

Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Capital Cultural Fund of Berlin), Reva
and David Logan Foundation (grant provided by NEO Philanthropy),
Checkpoint Charlie Foundation. Supported [in part] by a grant from the
Open Society Initiative for Europe within the Open Society Foundations.
In partnership with: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] CITIZENS OF EVIDENCE: Independent Investigations for Change

2019-08-30 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to the 17th conference of the Disruption
Network Lab, which will happen soon in Berlin:

CITIZENS OF EVIDENCE: Independent Investigations for Change
September 20-21, 2019, Kunstquartier Bethanien.

The conference is exploring the investigative impact of grassroots
communities and citizens to expose injustice, corruption and power

I hope to see many of your there. Below you find our schedule, and more
details are here:

All the best,


# Friday, September 20 - 2019

16:40-18:10 – KEYNOTE
'NO TAV' Movement
Wu Ming 1 (Author & Writer, Wu Ming Foundation, IT).
Moderated by Alexandra Weltz-Rombach (Author & Filmmaker, DE).

18:30-20:30 – PANEL
EXPOSING ABUSES: Citizens Recording Human Rights Violations from the US
to The Gambia.
Melissa Segura (Investigative Reporter, BuzzFeed News, US), Samuel
Sinyangwe (Data Scientist & Policy Analyst, Campaign Zero & Police
Scorecard, US), Gareth Benest (Participatory Video Facilitator, UK).
Moderated by Michael Hornsby (Communication Officer, Transparency
International, UK/DE).

# Saturday, September 21 - 2019

15:30-17:00 – KEYNOTE
Matthew Caruana Galizia (Investigative Journalist & Software Engineer,
MLT).  Moderated by Crina Boros (Investigative Reporter, UK).

17:15-19:15 – PANEL
Natalie Sedletska (Investigative Reporter & TV Host, UA), Brennan Novak
& M C McGrath (Transparency Toolkit, US/DE), Emmanuel Freudenthal
(Freelance Investigative Journalist, Dictator Alert, FR/KY). Moderated
by Shannon Cunningham (Freelance Investigative Journalist, US/DE).

19:30-20:30 – INVESTIGATION
FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE: Horizontal Verification and the Socialised
Production of Evidence
Robert Trafford / Forensic Architecture (Researcher, Open Source
Investigations, UK). Moderated by Laurie Treffers (Freelance Journalist
& Conflict Researcher, Airwars, NL).

# Sunday, September 22 - 2019

12:00-18:00 – WORKSHOP @ Supermarkt & Tempelhofer Feld
Emmanuel Freudenthal (Freelance Investigative Journalist, Dictator
Alert, FR/KY). Sector035 (InfoSec, Geolocation & OSINT, NL). Online
tickets 30€. The number of participants is limited to 20. Booking is

Tickets are available here:


Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Partner Venues: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Supermarkt Berlin, STATE
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli. In cooperation with: Transparency

Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Capital Cultural Fund of Berlin), Reva
and David Logan Foundation (grant provided by NEO Philanthropy),
Checkpoint Charlie Foundation. Supported [in part] by a grant from the
Open Society Initiative for Europe within the Open Society Foundations.
In partnership with: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

In collaboration with: School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe,
Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG).
Communication Partners: Sinnwerkstatt, Furtherfield. Media partners:
taz, die tageszeitung, Exberliner. In English language.

More info: https://www.disruptionlab.org/citizens-of-evidence
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Reminder: CITIZENS OF EVIDENCE: Independent Investigations for Change, Sept 20+21

2019-09-17 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to remind you to the 17th conference of the Disruption
Network Lab, which will happen this weekend in Berlin:

CITIZENS OF EVIDENCE: Independent Investigations for Change
September 20-21, 2019, Kunstquartier Bethanien.

The conference is exploring the investigative impact of grassroots
communities and citizens to expose injustice, corruption and power

More details are here and below:

All the best, and hope to see you there!


# Friday, September 20 - 2019

16:40-18:10 – KEYNOTE
'NO TAV' Movement
Wu Ming 1 (Author & Writer, Wu Ming Foundation, IT).
Moderated by Alexandra Weltz-Rombach (Author & Filmmaker, DE).

18:30-20:30 – PANEL
EXPOSING ABUSES: Citizens Recording Human Rights Violations from the US
to The Gambia.
Melissa Segura (Investigative Reporter, BuzzFeed News, US), Samuel
Sinyangwe (Data Scientist & Policy Analyst, Campaign Zero & Police
Scorecard, US), Gareth Benest (Participatory Video Facilitator, UK).
Moderated by Michael Hornsby (Communication Officer, Transparency
International, UK/DE).

# Saturday, September 21 - 2019

15:30-17:00 – KEYNOTE
Matthew Caruana Galizia (Investigative Journalist & Software Engineer,
MLT).  Moderated by Crina Boros (Investigative Reporter, UK).

17:15-19:15 – PANEL
Natalie Sedletska (Investigative Reporter & TV Host, UA), Brennan Novak
& M C McGrath (Transparency Toolkit, US/DE), Emmanuel Freudenthal
(Freelance Investigative Journalist, Dictator Alert, FR/KY). Moderated
by Shannon Cunningham (Freelance Investigative Journalist, US/DE).

19:30-20:30 – INVESTIGATION
FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE: Horizontal Verification and the Socialised
Production of Evidence
Robert Trafford / Forensic Architecture (Researcher, Open Source
Investigations, UK). Moderated by Laurie Treffers (Freelance Journalist
& Conflict Researcher, Airwars, NL).

# Sunday, September 22 - 2019

12:00-18:00 – WORKSHOP @ Supermarkt & Tempelhofer Feld
Emmanuel Freudenthal (Freelance Investigative Journalist, Dictator
Alert, FR/KY). Sector035 (InfoSec, Geolocation & OSINT, NL). Online
tickets 30€. The number of participants is limited to 20. Booking is

Tickets are available here:


Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin.
Partner Venues: Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien, Supermarkt Berlin, STATE
Curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli. In cooperation with: Transparency

Funded by: Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Capital Cultural Fund of Berlin), Reva
and David Logan Foundation (grant provided by NEO Philanthropy),
Checkpoint Charlie Foundation. Supported [in part] by a grant from the
Open Society Initiative for Europe within the Open Society Foundations.
In partnership with: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

In collaboration with: School of Machines, Making & Make-Believe,
Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG).
Communication Partners: Sinnwerkstatt, Furtherfield. Media partners:
taz, die tageszeitung, Exberliner. In English language.

More info: https://www.disruptionlab.org/citizens-of-evidence
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Disrupt the System, Not the Climate - today in Berlin

2019-12-06 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we would like to invite you to our closing event of the year!

DISRUPT THE SYSTEM NOT THE CLIMATE: Surveillance, Climate Change &
Global Conflict, which will happen today from 7.30pm at ACUD MACHT NEU,
Veteranenstr 21 (U8 Rosenthaler Platz, Berlin).

The event wraps up our 2019 conference series "The Art of Exposing
Injustice", as well as the first year of the Activation community programme.

Following our previous conferences on exposing pervasive forms of
control and investigating ways to produce technological and political
awareness, the programme involves the Berlin-based Digitale Freiheit
collective and Australian journalist and OSINT researcher Michael
Cruickshank. The talks will address respectively counter-surveillance
techniques and the right to privacy as well as how climate change is
intertwined with political conflicts.

After the talks, the privacy-electropunk band "Systemabsturz" will
perform live! We will have a bar open until midnight.

The programme of the evening is curated by Lieke Ploeger and myself. We
look forward to seeing you at our 2019 final conference and party!

More info here:

Tatiana, Lieke, and the Disruption Network Lab Team

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] EVICTED BY GREED: Global Finance, Housing & Resistance - March 27-28

2020-02-27 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we would like to invite you to our upcoming conference "EVICTED BY
GREED: GLOBAL FINANCE, HOUSING & RESISTANCE" taking place on March 27-28
2020 at Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin.

"Uncovering how ghostly shell companies and real estate speculation
evict real people from their homes – and what to do about it."

EVICTED BY GREED explores the nexus of financial flows hidden in tax
havens, real estate speculation and overheated rental markets. While
connecting diverse perspectives from investigative journalists,
activists, experts, and researchers, the event examines countermeasures
adopted by civil society. EVICTED BY GREED is building on the leaks of
the Panama and the Paradise Papers, embedding the related investigations
in the context of the global housing crisis.

- International conference · 27.3 (3:30pm-9:15pm) — 28.3.
(3:00pm-8:30pm) · Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2,
10997 Berlin
-  Film screening: PUSH – Für das Grundgerecht auf Wohnen · 27.3.
(7:45pm) · Studio 1
- Workshop: Subvertising for the right to housing · 26.3.
(4:30pm-7:00pm) · Supermarkt Berlin (still places available!)
- Visiting the Invisible: A Berlin City Tour to Anonymous and Aggressive
Real Estate Investors · 29.3. (12:30pm-3.30pm)

Leilani Farha (UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, PS/CA),
Christoph Trautvetter (Public Policy Expert, Netzwerk
Steuergerechtigkeit / Wem gehört Berlin?, DE), Manuel Gabarre de Sus
(Lawyer and Activist, Observatory Against Economical Crime, ES), Eka
Rostomashvili (Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator at Transparency
International, GE/DE), Justus von Daniels (CORRECTIV / Wem gehört
Berlin?, DE),  Sam Leon (Data Investigations Lead at Global Witness,
UK), Karina Shedrofsky (Dubai’s Golden Sands investigation, Head of
OCCRP’s research team, BIH), Rima Sghaier (Outreach & Research Fellow,
Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights, TUN/IT), Steal
This Poster (Subvertising Collective IT/UK), Marco Clausen
(Prinzessinnengarten, DE), Yonatan Miller (Tech Workers Coalition /
Berlin vs. Amazon, US/DE), Helge Peters (Geographer, Deutsche Wohnen &
Co Enteignen, DE), Volkan Sayman (Sociologist, Deutsche Wohnen & Co
Enteignen, DE), Ela Kagel (Digital Strategist and Founder of SUPERMARKT
Berlin, DE), Iva Čukić (Co-founder and Coordinator of the Collective
Ministry of Space/Ministarstvo prostora in Belgrade, SRB), Kunstblock &
Beyond (Open Association of Art and Culture Producers in Berlin, DE).

Schedule & more info on our website:

Hope to see many of you there!

All the best,

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] EVICTED BY GREED: Changes of dates, 29-30 May 2020

2020-03-12 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
EVICTED BY GREED: Changes of dates, 29-30 May 2020

Berlin's Senator for Culture and Europe Klaus Lederer informed the city
of Berlin that cultural events in public facilities with 500 visitors or
more can no longer take place—this measure was taken to contain the
further spread of the corona virus (COVID-19).

We would like to deal with the situation at hand in a responsible manner
and postponed our conference EVICTED BY GREED (originally scheduled to
take place on March 27-28) to May 29-30.2020.

The next community meetup will take place on May 6 at ACUD Macht Neu.
The workshop "Subvertising for the right to housing" is scheduled on May 28.

The only part of the programme that will take place on March 29 is the
outdoor city tour "Visiting the Invisible: A Berlin City Tour to
Anonymous and Aggressive Real Estate Investors" with Christoph
Trautvetter (fully booked, with limited number of participants). Due to
the high interest, the same tour will happen also on May 31 (online
registration is required).

We hope for your understanding and that you will be able to come to our
conference in May and support with your presence the loss that we will
all have.

All tickets that have been bought for the March conference and
subvertising workshop will be valid for the new dates in May. In case
you would like to cancel your participation in May, you can request a
ticket refund through our online ticket system. To get a refund, please
click the link to your order in the email you received from our ticket
system. In case of problems or questions, you can contact us through
info(at)disruptionlab.org. The registration for the city tour on March
29 are unchanged. If you want to cancel, do so through the ticketing
system. If you want to change to the May tour, please write us at

More information will follow on our website, newsletter and social media
channels: http://disruptionlab.org

More information about the conference:

We will keep fighting together against real estate speculation and
eviction. We wish all the best to you in these difficult times,

Tatiana Bazzichelli and the Disruption Network Lab Team
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] DISRUPTIVE FRIDAYS: edition #2, Today at 5pm Berlin time

2020-04-10 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

Hope you enjoyed our first Disruptive Fridays edition last week! In case
you missed it, you can still watch the video at

Today we continue with the second edition of Disruption Network Lab’s
new programme stream - DISRUPTIVE FRIDAYS (live every Friday at 5pm
Berlin time), this time with a conversation between Michael Ang (artist
and engineer), Andreas Kopp (creative technologist, maker, post-it
artist and teacher) and Lieke Ploeger (Disruption Network Lab).

We will speak about critical making in times of corona: how can we use
digital fabrication techniques such as 3D printing and laser cutting in
the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic? Michael Ang & Andreas Kopp
participated in the recent #wirvsvirus
<https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/wirvsvirus>hackathon organised by the
German government
to find digital community actions against the corona virus and its
effects. Together with Nicholas de Coster they developed a design for an
open source/DIY protective face shield, which is currently being printed
and distributed to help medical professionals stay safe from infection

Follow us live on Friday April 10th at 5pm on our website


Michael Ang (Artist and engineer, CA/DE).
Michael Ang is an artist and engineer who creates light objects,
interactive installations, and technological tools that expand the
possibilities of human expression and connection. Applying a hacker’s
aesthetic, he often repurposes existing technology to create
human-centered experiences in public space and the open field.
Countering the trend for technology to dissociate us from ourselves and
surroundings, Michael’s works connect us to each other and the
experience of the present moment. He is the co-inventor of the
Infl3ctor, the projection system for Digital Calligraffiti. He holds a
Master’s Degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) at
New York University, USA and a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering
from the University of Waterloo, Canada. https://www.michaelang.com/

Andreas Kopp (Creative technologist, maker, post-it artist and teacher,
DE) Andreas Kopp loves to make things and learn new techniques of
making, designing and coding. He is the founder of Erfindergarten
<https://www.facebook.com/erfindergarten/>, an open workshop for digital
production, Fab Lab, youth club and DIY community and workshop space in
Munich, where he gives kids the best start into making and inventing
things by learning them 21st century skill and inspire them to start
learning and inventing themselves. He is also the artist/artisan behind
postitartcreators. Kopp has been commissioned to create portraits and
installations for exhibitions, events, shop-windows, shopping centers
and commercials all over the world. He often works with Post-it® Notes
but has also done works with cups or origami paper and loves to make his
works interactive. https://www.postitartcreators.com/

Lieke Ploeger (Community director, Disruption Network Lab, NL/DE)
Lieke Ploeger is the community director and administration officer of
the Disruption Network Lab. She is the co-founder of the independent
project space SPEKTRUMberlin
<https://www.facebook.com/spektrumberlin/>art science community, where
she worked as community builder from 2014 to 2018. Her core interest
lies in building and developing both online and offline communities of
interest, with a focus on sharing knowledge and expertise in an open
way. She previously worked for the Open Knowledge Foundation and for the
National Library of the Netherlands. She has a double master of arts
from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands and has been involved in
various European research projects in the areas of open cultural data,
open access and open science.

Hope to see you online!


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] PIRATE CARE - Disruptive Fridays #3 – 17 April - 17:00 Berlin

2020-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we would like to invite you to join our Disruptive Fridays #3: PIRATE
CARE, on 17 April 2020, 17:00 Berlin time!
The video & chat will be live at: disruptionlab.org/fridays

The third edition of Disruption Network Lab’s new programme stream -
DISRUPTIVE FRIDAYS (live every Friday at 5pm Berlin time) features a
conversation between Valeria Graziano (Researcher, pirate.care) and
Elena Veljanovska (Disruption Network Lab).

We will speak about self-organized care initiatives in times of Corona.
pirate.care researches, gathers & nourishes initiatives which are taking
risks by operating in the narrow grey zones left open between different
care knowledges, institutions and laws. pirate.care is inviting all to
participate in an exploration of the mutual implications of care and
technology that dare questioning the ideology of private property, work
and metrics. Flatten the curve, grow the care: What are we learning from
Covid-19 is their curriculum that evolved with the Covid crisis. With
Valeria Graziano we will speak about using piracy as a political tool
for care and focus on the solidarity initiatives in Italy that are
serving as active caretakers since the outbreak of the crisis. We will
also talk about societal reorganization and what is the effect of the
crisis on women’s health and on vulnerable groups.

Follow us live on Friday April 17th at 5pm on our website
(disruptionlab.org), Twitter (@disruptberlin) or Facebook.


Valeria Graziano (Researcher, pirate.care, IT/UK)

Valeria Graziano is a research fellow at the Centre for Postdigital
Cultures, Coventry University (UK). Her work focuses on organisational
practices and tecnopolitical tools that foster the refusal of work, a
creativere distribution of social reproduction and the politicization of
pleasure. Together with Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak, she is a
convenor of Pirate Care (https://pirate.care), a research project
focusing on forms of political activism at the intersection of “care”
and “piracy”, which are trying to intervene in the current crisis of
care in all its multiple and interconnected dimensions. The Pirate Care
Syllabus is a tool for supporting and activating collective processes of
learning from these practices (https://syllabus.pirate.care).

Elena Veljanovska (Senior project manager, Disruption Network Lab, MK/DE)
Elena Veljanovska is a senior project manager at the Disruption Network
Lab. From 2012 to 2019 she was the executive director and programme
curator at Kontrapunkt Skopje, where among other projects, with Iskra
Geshoska she co-developed the Festival for Critical Culture - CRIC
(founded in 2016). In 2006 she co-founded Line I+M Platform for New
Media Art and Technology, where she was the artistic director until
2010. Veljanovska has worked as a curator and cultural manager with
numerous organisations and artists.

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] VIRUS TRACKING & SURVEILLANCE - Disruptive Fridays #4 - April 24, 5pm Berlin

2020-04-21 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

DISRUPTIVE FRIDAYS #4 - https://www.disruptionlab.org/fridays
April 24 2020 - 5pm Berlin time

With: Lauri Love (Computer Scientist, UK), Joana Moll (Artist and
Researcher, ES), Julian Finn (Hacker and Media Artist, DE), Tatiana
Bazzichelli (Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

A live conversation on the implication of citizen tracking during the
COVID-19 Pandemic.

During "Virus Tracking & Surveillance" we'll discuss about the
implications of tracking and data retention on everyday life, as well as
the necessity to implement technology for collective care while
respecting privacy and surveillance concerns.

Is tracking in public space becoming necessary to monitor individual
health conditions, or do we need to protect our citizen rights to keep
such data fully anonymous? In the last few weeks the necessity of
developing Corona tracking apps has become part of a very crucial
debate, but it is even more crucial to guarantee data protection.

As reported by Heise Online, one of more apps will be available in
Germany from mid-April onwards, on the basis of the PEPP-PT (Pan
European Privacy Protecting Proximity Tracing) project. This will enable
users to use Bluetooth technology to determine whether they have been in
contact with a Corona-infected person who also uses the system. But
there are already some concerns related to IT security problems,
connected to the use of Bluetooth technology, or about the possibility
to provide such system without accessing the location information on the
mobile phone. For example, Digitalcourage points out that under Android,
the use of the Bluetooth interface is only permitted if the use of local
services is enabled at the same time.

On the other side, the more physical control we have over tracking
devices the more information these devices can extract. While tracking
devices unfold as everyday objects, able to be run and operated by the
average citizen, the information that they collect becomes increasingly
undecipherable by the very same user that operates such device. Since
the appearance of the Panopticon in the 18th century, tracking devices
have gradually come closer to our bodies, yet COVID-19 crisis pushes
social control one step further. It requires to control biological
processes, and it requires to implement it fast.

Lauri Love (Computer Scientist, UK)

Lauri Love is a computer scientist from Stradishall in the UK who has a
long history of involvement in political activism. He played a prominent
role in the student and Occupy movements in Glasgow during 2011-12.
Lauri faced potential extradition to the United States for his alleged
involvement in #OpLastResort, the series of online protests that
followed the persecution and untimely death of Aaron Swartz. Love is
increasingly being recognised as an expert on hacking, surveillance and
privacy issues in the UK and has made a principled stand against the
country’s forced decryption laws.

Joana Moll (Artist and Researcher, ES)

Joana Moll is an artist and researcher from Barcelona. Her main research
topics include Internet materiality, surveillance, social profiling and
interfaces. She has lectured, performed and exhibited her work in
different museums, art centers, universities, festivals and publications
around the world. Furthermore she is the co-founder of the Critical
Interface Politics Research Group at HANGAR [Barcelona] and co-founder
of The Institute for the Advancement of Popular Automatisms. She is
currently a visiting lecturer at Universität Potsdam (DE), Escola
Elisava (ES) and Escola Superior d'Art de Vic (ES).

Julian Finn (Hacker and Media Artist, DE)

Julian Finn is a hacker and media artist. He has been part of the German
hacker scene for almost two decades. Founder of Mautinoa, a company
building digital banking solutions for developing countries and
humanitarian crises, he has been working in the field of disaster relief
and humanitarian aid for a few years. His specialty is in working with
and creating products for non-classical user groups, cognitive impaired,
and other vulnerable people.

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] DISRUPTIVE FRIDAYS: live every Friday at 5pm Berlin time

2020-03-31 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

this Friday April 3, Disruption Network Lab is launching a new programme

DISRUPTIVE FRIDAYS, live every Friday at 5pm Berlin time. The first
conversation will involve Marc Garrett (Furtherfield), Cassie Thornton
(Feminist Economics Department), Ela Kagel (Supermarkt Berlin) and
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Disruption Network Lab).

We will share ideas for creative solutions and resistance to the
isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. What are our strategies to
keep working with art and culture when our contexts of sharing are so
limited? What can we learn from this situation to generate new forms of
collective care?

When we named our organisation "Disruption Network Lab" we would never
have imagined that disruption would turn out the way we are experiencing
it. In the course of the past years we have invited people that disrupt
and challenge closed systems from within. In a moment in which we are
all experiencing a deep closure, Disruptive Fridays becomes an
opportunity to foster even more critical thinking. During these
conversations we will address topics related to art, hacktivism,
whistleblowing, social justice and collective care in times of Corona.

Follow us live on Friday April 3rd at 5pm on our website
(www.disruptionlab.org), Twitter (@disruptberlin) or Facebook.


Ela Kagel  (Digital Strategist and Founder of SUPERMARKT Berlin, DE).
Ela Kagel specialises in the intersection of society, technology and
economy. Since the 1990s she has produced media art exhibitions,
designed spaces for cultural exchange and helped establish digital
platforms, networks and communities. From 2009 to 2011 she was program
curator for the transmediale festival in Berlin. Central to Ela’s
practice is supporting bottom-up initiatives deeply rooted in particular
communities of practice. In 2010 Ela co-founded SUPERMARKT, an
independent hub for digital culture and collaborative economy. Since
2018, Ela is also board member of RChain Europe, a technology
cooperative based in Berlin.

Marc Garrett (Co-director & Co-founder, Furtherfield, London, UK).
Marc Garrett is codirector and cofounder, together with Ruth Catlow, of
the arts online collective Furtherfield, with two physical venues, a
gallery, and a commons lab, all situated in Finsbury Park, London. He
curated the major exhibition "Monsters of the Machine: Frankenstein in
the 21st Century", at Laboral, Spain in 2017. In 2017 he copublished
"Artists Re:thinking the Blockchain" with Ruth Catlow, Nathan Jones, and
Sam Skinner. He is in the process of completing his PhD at the
University of London, Birkbeck College.

Cassie Thornton (Artist, Feminist Economics Department, UK)
Cassie Thornton is an artist working under the title of the Feminist
Economics Department (the FED), in collusion with Strike Debt. Her work
investigates and reveals the impact of governmental and economic systems
on public affect, behavior, and unconscious, with a focus on debt and
security. Cassie Thornton received a MFA from California College of the
Arts and a BFA from University of Wisconsin-Madison. She recently
launched The Hologram, an artwork about collective health care

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Founder and Director, Disruption Network Lab)
Tatiana Bazzichelli is founder and artistic director of the Disruption
Network Lab, an organisation in Berlin working on information
technology, network culture, hacktivism and whistleblowing. In 2011-2014
she was programme curator at transmediale festival, where she developed
the year-round initiative reSource transmedial culture berlin and
curated several conference events, workshops and installations. She has
been appointed jury member for the Hauptstadtkulturfonds (Capital
Cultural Fund) by the German Federal Government and Berlin for the
funding years 2019-2020.
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Lockdown or Crackdown? - Disruptive Fridays #5 - May 1 - 5pm Berlin

2020-04-30 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli

Live at 5pm Berlin time on May 1.
With Stellan Vinthagen (Professor of Sociology, Scholar-Activist, US/SE)
and Mauro Mondello (Investigative Journalist, IT/DE). Moderated by Jonas
Frankki (Disruption Network Lab, SE/DE).

On this May Day 2020 the streets worldwide will largely be vacant. How
can citizens fight for their rights during the pandemic?

Both Vinthagen and Mondello have long experience on the ground and in
the field, Vinthagen as a researcher and non-violent activist, Mondello
as an investigative journalist covering the Middle East. During the
ongoing COVID19 Pandemic, Mauro Mondello is covering the developments in
Hungary and Poland, where civil liberties are under threat from leaders
who are using the crisis to further extend their powers. Stellan
Vinthagen has spent decades combining non-violent activism and civil
disobediance with sociological research, to further the understanding
and develop theories on how non-violent resistance movements function.

We will discuss what is happening at the moment in countries like Poland
and Hungary, and discuss what effective activism and resistance might
look like during lockdown.



Stellan Vinthagen (Professor of Sociology, Scholar-Activist, US/SE)

Stellan Vinthagen is inaugural endowed chair in the study of nonviolent
direct action and civil resistance and professor of sociology at the
University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is also a council member of War
Resisters’ International, academic adviser to the International Center
on Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC), co-founder of the Resistance Studies
Network (www.resistancestudies.org) and editor of the Journal of
Resistance Studies. Since 1980, he has been an educator, organiser and
activist and has participated in more than thirty nonviolent civil
disobedience actions, for which he has served in total more than one
year in prison.

Mauro Mondello (Investigative Journalist, IT/DE)

Mauro Mondello is a freelance journalist, writer, and documentary
filmmaker based in Berlin. He works as a correspondent for la
Repubblica, Avvenire, Radio Rai, Panorama, Rivista Studio, East, Zeit
Magazine among others. In 2011 he followed the Arab Revolutions in
Syria, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia and Egypt. His documentaries include
Stateless (2012), in collaboration with videomaker Nunzio Gringeri, a
study of Tunisia's Shousha refugee camp and Lampedusa in Berlin (2015),
about the stories of the refugees’ protest camp in Berlin at
Oranienplatz. He is the founder and editor in chief of Yanez Magazine.

Jonas Frankki (Disruption Network Lab, SE/DE)

Since 2014 Jonas Frankki designs and animates the visual identity of the
Disruption Network Lab and each conference, and additionally researches
speakers, networks and topics for future events. Jonas was born in
Sweden, studied Marketing, International Relations, Political Science
and Cultural Management in Gothenburg. Since 2012 he is also an Art
Director at sinnwerkstatt, a Berlin media agency for sustainability. He
is a member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V..

Follow us and take part in the online chat:
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Whistleblowing During COVID-19 - Disruptive Fridays #7 - May 15

2020-05-12 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

Disruptive Fridays #7 - Whistleblowing During COVID-19 focuses on the
role of whistleblowers during COVID-19 and discusses the importance of
exposing the truth during the pandemic.

Starting Friday May 15, 5pm CEST
On streaming: https://www.disruptionlab.org/fridays

With: Renata Avila (Executive Director of Ciudadanía Inteligente, GTM),
Joseph Farrell (WikiLeaks Ambassador, UK), Annegret Falter (Chair of the
Whistleblower Netzwerk e.V., DE), Rima Sghaier (Outreach & Research
Fellow, Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights,
TUN/IT), Tatiana Bazzichelli (Founder & Director, Disruption Network
Lab, e. V., IT/DE).

Some weeks ago a coalition of public authorities and institutions have
signed a letter to protect those who report or expose the harms, abuses
and wrongdoing that arise during the COVID-19 crisis.

"The COVID-19 pandemic brings into stark relief the importance of
accountability and the need for regular and reliable information from
our public institutions and our leaders. The people of every affected
country need to know the truth about the spread of the disease both
locally and internationally in order to respond effectively and help
protect their communities. Fairness, transparency and cooperation are
vital and never more so than during a pandemic."

The role of whistleblowers is crucial in times of crisis to expose
wrongdoing and misconducts in private and public institutions, health
systems, working environments, commercial and delivery markets, and to
denounce abuses of personal privacy, both on the digital sphere and the
everyday life. The work of whistleblowers is central to denounce power
violations and to protect the most vulnerable sectors of our society,
but also whistleblowers are people at risk. They are subjects of
repression and opposition before and after blowing the whistle, and
often confined in isolation, imprisoned or persecuted while their civil
rights are suspended.

In a moment in which governments are entitle to use extraordinary powers
without proper public oversight and transparency, we need to protect
whistleblowers and discuss forms of collective participation to
guarantee global safety and accountability, as well as to defend the
human rights and freedoms of all people.

Read more here about whistleblowers around the world that got silenced
or suffered persecution during COVID-19.


Renata Avila (Executive Director of Ciudadanía Inteligente, GTM)

Renata Avila, International Human Rights Lawyer, Technology Expert.
Co-convener of the Progressive International, a global initiative
launching in May 2020 with a mission to unite, organise, and mobilise
progressive forces around the world. She has been a part of the legal
and advocacy team of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks for over a decade. She
writes regularly for El Diario (Spain) and Open Democracy.

Joseph Farrell (WikiLeaks Ambassador, UK)
Joseph A. Farrell is a WikiLeaks ambassador and a Centre for
Investigative Journalism board member. He has been a section editor for
many important WikiLeaks' publications including the Iraq and Afghan War
Logs and Cablegate to name but a few. He was a member of the Civil
Society Coalition at the WIPO diplomatic conference on a treaty for
copyright exceptions for persons with disabilities in Marrakesh,
Morocco. Farrell regularly appears on TV networks analysing the week's
news headlines.

Annegret Falter (Chair of the Whistleblower Netzwerk e.V., DE).
Dipl.-Pol. Annegret Falter is the chairperson of Whistleblower-Netzwerk
e.V. in Berlin. 1999-2014 she was a member of the jury bestowing the
German Whistleblower Award donated by the Association of German
Scientists (VDW) and by IALANA. Among the winners are Chelsea Manning,
2011 and Edward Snowden, 2013. Falter has written and edited numerous
publications about whistleblower cases and issues of the political and
social importance of whistleblowing. She analyses whistleblowing in the
context of the public interest, of freedom of expression, of democratic
discourse and political participation.

Rima Sghaier (Outreach & Research Fellow, Hermes Center for Transparency
and Digital Human Rights, TUN/IT)
Rima Sghaier is an international citizen born in Tunisia and currently
based in Milan, where she leads outreach and localisation efforts at the
Hermes Center, managing and contributing to projects to support NGOs,
media, and investigative journalists to create secure whistleblowing
platforms. She is the program manager of Digital Whistleblowing Fund, a
small-grant project by the Hermes Center and Renewable Freedom
Foundation that enables investigative journalism groups and human rights
grassroots organisations to apply to receive financial, operational and
strategic support in sta

[spectre] Harm Reduction and Queer Care - Disruptive Fridays #6 - May 8

2020-05-07 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Disruptive Fridays #6 - May 8, 2020
Harm Reduction and Queer Care

Starting Friday 5pm Berlin time.

The sixth edition of Disruptive Fridays features a conversation with
Pedro Marum (XenoEntities Network, Mina, Suspension, PT/DE), Mariana
Nobre V. (Performer, choreographer, queer rave instigator, Emotional CPR
- eCPR, Rabbit Hole and Lecken collectives, PT/DE), Mariana Cunha
(Kosmicare, PT) and Rafi (Artist, Organizer, TS Raver, DE), moderated by
Nada Bakr (Disruption Network Lab EG/DE).

During this conversation we will discuss harm reduction within
queerfeminist self-organized communities that welcome queers, trans, POC
and neurodivergent people to discuss, test and learn about psychoactive
substances. For long they have operated with structures that not only
provide moments of revelry but also much-needed care and acceptance for
many, who often find in these communities their peers, their kin, forms
of coping and resistance. In the current times of pandemic and isolation
they are debating how to continue this work.

As the clubs and parties close, where does all this energy go now? What
happens to all the bottled-up anxieties and loneliness? What happens to
the people that struggle with addiction and, instead of understanding,
find prejudice and discrimination? Who looks after those whose needs
have always been overlooked or oppressed? What happens now that
governments have (yet again) failed to protect, and these communities
have become de-fragmented and even more precarious under isolation? How
can we foster collective digital support, debates, talks and guidelines
about harm reduction and emotional support in self-isolation times?

With Pedro Marum, Mariana Cunha, Mariana Nobre V. and Rafi we will speak
about their ongoing projects and about “RAVELENGTH”, an upcoming project
in which they collaborate to generate accessible tools for harm
reduction, relief and empowerment within the queerfeminist electronic
music scene and raver communities. By organizing online discussions,
workshops and support groups in collaboration with artists, healthcare
professionals and local community organizers, they call for a culture of
solidarity across and beyond European borders.


Pedro Marum (XenoEntities Network, Mina, Suspension, PT/DE)
Marum is one of the instigators of the collective party mina (Lisbon),
co-founder of the label and artist platform suspension, and founder
member of XenoEntities Network. mina and suspension have started a
collaboration with harm reduction NGO Kosmicare, organising talks and
exchange groups with the queer community, raising awareness and
providing access to tools and knowledge on harm reduction. In response
to the pandemic crisis, together with other collectives they initiated

Mariana Nobre V. (Performer, choreographer, queer rave instigator,
Emotional CPR (eCPR), Rabbit Hole and Lecken collectives, PT/DE)
Emotional CPR is a practice based on values of mutual support and
interpersonal communication for addressing personal and community
moments of crisis and distress. Having its origins on a public health
education program developed in the field of mental health, eCPR is now
being integrated with somatic practices and informed by queer principles
of consent, inclusion, collective action, access and solidarity. This
work is being developed by a team of eCPR practitioners and artists with
extensive experience in queer activism, movement research, queer
nightlife production and harm reduction.

Mariana Cunha (Kosmicare, PT)
Mariana works with Kosmicare, an NGO that envisions a world where drugs
are used with liberty and wisdom. She studied pharmacological and
neurosciences and has been working in harm reduction since 2017.
Currently, she runs a permanent drug checking laboratory in Lisbon. Her
interests include psychopharmacology, raves, science fiction and
everything in between.

Rafi (Artist, Organizer, TS Raver, DE)
Rafi is an organiser and artist based in Berlin. He organises with TS
Raver, a queer nightlife project that positions peer led harm reduction
teams as anchors for critical care.

Nada Bakr (Disruption Network Lab, EG/DE)
Nada Bakr is a curator, researcher and cultural manager based in Berlin.
She holds a Master of Arts (MA) in Media Arts Cultures from Aalborg
University. She works on different projects in Berlin and Cairo related
to visual arts, digital culture, art and activism, digital rights and
media art. Her work in the field of media art is developed through
research and practice on the intersection between art and technology.
Nada is the Managing Director and co-curator of Cairotronica - Cairo
Electronic and New Media Art festival, where she curates and manages the
biennial festival program. She works as project manager for the
conference and community programme and is a member of the Disruption
Network Lab e. V..
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz

[spectre] Global Surveillance in the Data Society - Disruptive Fridays #12, Sept 11 5PM CEST

2020-09-09 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we are back with our Disruptive Fridays and we are looking forward to
seeing you online at our upcoming event this Friday, September 11:

Disruptive Fridays #12:
Global Surveillance in the Data Society
September 11, 5PM CEST

With Sonia Kennebeck (Film Director, MY/DE/US), Assia Boundaoui
(Journalist, Filmmaker, Artists, DZA/US), Jer Thorp (Artist, Writer and
Teacher, CA/US). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director,
Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE), Mauro Mondello (Investigative
Journalist, Filmmaker, IT).

On September 11, Disruption Network Lab is organising Disruptive Fridays
12#: Global Surveillance in the Data Society, a preview of the
conference DATA CITIES: Smart Technologies, Tracking & Human Rights -
which Tatiana Bazzichelli is curating together with investigative
journalist Mauro Mondello (September 25-27, Kunstquartier Bethanien,

The conversation will reflect on the discourse of surveillance and human
rights during the coronavirus crisis, and will reconnect it to another
event that reshaped our society: 9/11.
We decided to host it on 9/11 as a symbolic date, which signed
unprecedented measures on the level of security and surveillance,
compromising our privacy and freedom, and changing the way we perceived
our society. To unfold the discussion we invited three speakers that
have been dealing with the issues of data, tracking and human rights
since long time.

Sonia Kennebeck will introduce her last film UNITED STATES VS. REALITY
WINNER, currently in post-production. The film is the story of
25-year-old NSA contractor Reality Winner who disclosed a document about
Russian election interference to the media and became the number one
leak target of the Trump administration. In the framework of the
discussion on post-9/11 surveillance and whistleblowing, she will trace
a line that connects her three films: National Bird (the story of three
whistleblowers who blow the whistle on the US drone war), Enemies of the
State (about the case of hacker Matt DeHart), and United States vs.
Reality Winner.

Assia Boundaoui will present her work combining community storytelling,
visual arts, and artificial intelligence. Her work, The Inverse
Surveillance Project, is an AI program analysing hundreds of thousands
of documents collated by the FBI on people of colour over the past 100
years, revealing historic patterns on tactics it used during operations.
An Algerian-American journalist and filmmaker based in Chicago, she
directed the film The Feeling of Being Watched, a documentary
investigating a decade of FBI surveillance in Boundaoui's
Muslim-American community, which had its world premiere at the 2018
Tribeca Film Festival.

Jer Thorp, a data artist that designed (with Jake Barton) an algorithm
and a software tool to aid in the placement of the names on the 9/11
Memorial in Manhattan, will discuss his data artistic practice. His 9/11
Memorial Project allowed to arrange the names of those killed in the
9/11 attacks, respecting their familial, personal and business
relationships with each other. He also collaborated with Mark Hansen,
Ben Rubin, and Local Projects to create an interactive timeline of the
attacks. Author of many data-inspired artworks, his forthcoming book
Living in Data will be published in 2021.

We will discuss the issue of surveillance and human rights, reflecting
on the transformation of our lives when security measures have been
extensively implemented in the US and worldwide. Tatiana Bazzichelli and
Mauro Mondello will moderate the talk.


Sonia Kennebeck, Film Director, MY/DE/US

Sonia Kennebeck is an independent documentary filmmaker and
investigative journalist with more than 15 years of directing and
producing experience. She has directed eight television documentaries
and more than 50 investigative reports. National Bird, her first
feature-length film, premiered at the Berlin Film Festival 2016 and was
also selected for Tribeca, Sheffield, and IDFA. In March 2017, National
Bird received the prestigious Ridenhour Documentary Film Prize that is
awarded to one documentary a year “that defends the public interest,
advances or promotes social justice, or illuminates a more just vision
of society.” Kennebeck received a master’s degree in international
affairs from American University in Washington, D.C. She was born in
Malacca, Malaysia, and lives in New York.

Assia Boundaoui, Journalist, Filmmaker, Artists, DZA/US

Assia Boundaoui is an Algerian-American journalist and filmmaker based
in Chicago. She has reported for the BBC, NPR, PRI, Al Jazeera, VICE,
and CNN. Her debut short film about hijabi hair salons for the HBO LENNY
documentary series premiered at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival. Her
feature length debut THE FEELING OF BEING WATCHED, a documentary
investigating a decade of FBI surveillance in Assia's Muslim-American
community, had its world premiere at the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival.

Re: [spectre] Global Surveillance in the Data Society - Disruptive Fridays #12, Sept 11 5PM CEST

2020-09-09 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all again,

since some people asked, the link to follow our streaming episodes is
always at:

We will be live on Friday 5PM CEST and you can follow us directly on our

Hope to see you there!


On 09.09.20 14:32, Tatiana Bazzichelli wrote:
> Dear all,
> we are back with our Disruptive Fridays and we are looking forward to
> seeing you online at our upcoming event this Friday, September 11:
> Disruptive Fridays #12:
> Global Surveillance in the Data Society
> September 11, 5PM CEST
> With Sonia Kennebeck (Film Director, MY/DE/US), Assia Boundaoui
> (Journalist, Filmmaker, Artists, DZA/US), Jer Thorp (Artist, Writer and
> Teacher, CA/US). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director,
> Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE), Mauro Mondello (Investigative
> Journalist, Filmmaker, IT).
> On September 11, Disruption Network Lab is organising Disruptive Fridays
> 12#: Global Surveillance in the Data Society, a preview of the
> conference DATA CITIES: Smart Technologies, Tracking & Human Rights -
> which Tatiana Bazzichelli is curating together with investigative
> journalist Mauro Mondello (September 25-27, Kunstquartier Bethanien,
> Berlin).
> The conversation will reflect on the discourse of surveillance and human
> rights during the coronavirus crisis, and will reconnect it to another
> event that reshaped our society: 9/11.
> We decided to host it on 9/11 as a symbolic date, which signed
> unprecedented measures on the level of security and surveillance,
> compromising our privacy and freedom, and changing the way we perceived
> our society. To unfold the discussion we invited three speakers that
> have been dealing with the issues of data, tracking and human rights
> since long time.
> Sonia Kennebeck will introduce her last film UNITED STATES VS. REALITY
> WINNER, currently in post-production. The film is the story of
> 25-year-old NSA contractor Reality Winner who disclosed a document about
> Russian election interference to the media and became the number one
> leak target of the Trump administration. In the framework of the
> discussion on post-9/11 surveillance and whistleblowing, she will trace
> a line that connects her three films: National Bird (the story of three
> whistleblowers who blow the whistle on the US drone war), Enemies of the
> State (about the case of hacker Matt DeHart), and United States vs.
> Reality Winner.
> Assia Boundaoui will present her work combining community storytelling,
> visual arts, and artificial intelligence. Her work, The Inverse
> Surveillance Project, is an AI program analysing hundreds of thousands
> of documents collated by the FBI on people of colour over the past 100
> years, revealing historic patterns on tactics it used during operations.
> An Algerian-American journalist and filmmaker based in Chicago, she
> directed the film The Feeling of Being Watched, a documentary
> investigating a decade of FBI surveillance in Boundaoui's
> Muslim-American community, which had its world premiere at the 2018
> Tribeca Film Festival.
> Jer Thorp, a data artist that designed (with Jake Barton) an algorithm
> and a software tool to aid in the placement of the names on the 9/11
> Memorial in Manhattan, will discuss his data artistic practice. His 9/11
> Memorial Project allowed to arrange the names of those killed in the
> 9/11 attacks, respecting their familial, personal and business
> relationships with each other. He also collaborated with Mark Hansen,
> Ben Rubin, and Local Projects to create an interactive timeline of the
> attacks. Author of many data-inspired artworks, his forthcoming book
> Living in Data will be published in 2021.
> We will discuss the issue of surveillance and human rights, reflecting
> on the transformation of our lives when security measures have been
> extensively implemented in the US and worldwide. Tatiana Bazzichelli and
> Mauro Mondello will moderate the talk.
> Sonia Kennebeck, Film Director, MY/DE/US
> Sonia Kennebeck is an independent documentary filmmaker and
> investigative journalist with more than 15 years of directing and
> producing experience. She has directed eight television documentaries
> and more than 50 investigative reports. National Bird, her first
> feature-length film, premiered at the Berlin Film Festival 2016 and was
> also selected for Tribeca, Sheffield, and IDFA. In March 2017, National
> Bird received the prestigious Ridenhour Documentary Film Prize that is
> awarded to one documentary a year “that defends the public interest,
> advances or promotes social justice, or illuminates a more just vision
> of society.” Kennebeck received a m

[spectre] DATA CITIES: Smart Technologies, Tracking & Human Rights

2020-09-15 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to the 20th conference of the Disruption
Network Lab.

Investigating future smart cities and how tracking & surveillance impact
us all. https://www.disruptionlab.org/data-cities

We will be back at Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2,
10997 Berlin from September 25 to 27, but also on streaming (live on our

You can find some info below, please make sure to get a ticket online to
reserve a seat. https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/


Thursday, September 24 - 2020
19:00-22:00 – Film screening + Q: iHUMAN
iHUMAN - Film Documentary - Event in partnership with the Human Rights
Film Festival Berlin, at BUFA Studios, followed by a film talk with
Tonje Hessen Schei (Film Director, Producer and Screenwriter, NO):


# Friday, September 25 - 2020
16:00 - Doors open
16:40—18:00 - KEYNOTE: Reclaiming Data Cities: Fighting for the Future
We Really Want
Denis "Jaromil" Roio (Digital Social Innovation Expert, Software Artisan
& Ethical Hacker, IT) & Julia Kloiber (Managing Director at Superrr Lab
and Partner at Ashoka Germany, DE). Moderated by Daniel Irrgang
(Research Fellow, Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society, DE).

18:45—20:45 · PANEL: Making Cities Smart for Us: Subverting Tracking &
Eva Blum-Dumontet (Senior Researcher on Privacy and Social and Economics
Rights, UK), River Honer (Web Developer at Expedition Grundeinkommen,
Anti-Capitalist Tech Activist, Member of Anti Eviction Map Project,
US/DE), Andreas Zingerle (Media Artist, Department of Linguistic,
Literary and Aesthetic Studies, University of Bergen, AT/NO), Linda
Kronman (PhD Candidate, Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic
Studies, University of Bergen, FI/NO). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli
(Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

# Saturday, September 26 - 2020
16:00 —  Doors open
16:30—18:00 - KEYNOTE: Worlds Less Travelled: Mega-Cities, AI & Critical
Liam Young (Film Director, Architect and Designer, AU/US), Tonje Hessen
Schei (Film Director, Producer, and Screenwriter, NO). Respondent: Anna
Ramskogler-Witt (Artistic Director, Human Rights Film Festival Berlin,
DE).  Moderated by Mauro Mondello (Investigative Journalist, IT) & Lucia
Conti (Communication Expert at UNIDO, Editor in Chief at Il Mitte, IT/DE).

18:45—20:45 - PANEL: Citizens for Digital Sovereignity: Shaping
Inclusive & Resilient Cities
Elizabeth Calderón Lüning (Associate Researcher, Weizenbaum Institute
for the Networked Society, Research Group Inequality & Digital
Sovereignty. DE), Rafael Heiber (Co-founder & CEO, Common Action Forum,
BR/DE), Alexandre Monnin (Head of the "Strategy and Design for the
Anthropocene", Master of Science at ESC Clermont Business School, FR),
Moderated by Fieke Jansen (PhD Candidate at the Data Justice Lab, NL/UK).

# Sunday, September 27 - 2020
14:15 - DOORS OPEN

14:45—15:15 - ARTIST TALK - Google Maps Hacks
Simon Weckert (Artist & Designer, DE)

15:15—17:45 - WORKSHOPS
Limited seats: sign-up is required for a specific workshop. Get your
ticket here: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/data-cities/

Workshop 1: Smash your filter bubble!
with Leonardo Sanna (PhD Fellow, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia,
IT) and Salvatore Romano (Graduate student in Social Psychology,
University of Padova, IT) of the tracking.exposed project.

Workshop 2: Visualizing Control – A Critical Mapping Workshop
with River Honer (Web Developer at Expedition Grundeinkommen,
Anti-Capitalist Tech Activist, Member of Anti Eviction Map Project,

Workshop 3: Reusing things in the smart city
with: Felipe Schmidt Fonseca (Activist, Free/Open Advocate and
Researcher, OpenDoTT project, BR/DE).

Workshop 4: Citizen manifesto on data cities
with Fieke Jansen (PhD Candidate at the Data Justice Lab, NL/UK).


More info:

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Online-conference EVICTED BY GREED: GLOBAL FINANCE, HOUSING & RESISTANCE, May 29-31

2020-05-25 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to our upcoming conference "EVICTED BY GREED:
GLOBAL FINANCE, HOUSING & RESISTANCE" taking place on May 29-31 on

EVICTED BY GREED explores the nexus of financial flows hidden in tax
havens, real estate speculation and overheated rental markets. While
connecting diverse perspectives from investigative journalists,
activists, experts, and researchers, the event examines countermeasures
adopted by civil society. EVICTED BY GREED is building on the leaks of
the Panama and the Paradise Papers, embedding the related investigations
in the context of the global housing crisis. In cooperation with
Transparency International.


# Friday, May 29, 2020

16:00—17:30 · KEYNOTE · Anonymous & Aggressive Investors: Who owns
Berlin & Barcelona?

Christoph Trautvetter (Public Policy Expert, Netzwerk
Steuergerechtigkeit / Wem gehört die Stadt (RLS), DE). Manuel Gabarre de
Sus (Lawyer and Activist, Observatory Against Economical Crime. ES).
Moderated by Eka Rostomashvili (Advocacy and Campaigns Coordinator at
Transparency International, GE/DE).

18:00—19:30 · PANEL · Foggy Properties & Golden Sands: Money Laundering
in London & Dubai

Sam Leon (Data Investigations Lead at Global Witness, UK). Karina
Shedrofsky (Dubai’s Golden Sands investigation, Head of OCCRP’s research
team, BIH). Moderated by Rima Sghaier (Outreach & Research Fellow,
Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights, TUN/IT).

20:15—21:00 · LIVE CONVERSATION · PUSH - The Film

With Fredrik Gertten (Filmmaker, Producer & Journalist, SE) and Leilani
Farha (Global Director, The Shift & Former UN Special Rapporteur on the
Right to Housing, PS/CA). Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Programme
Director, Disruption Network Lab e. V., IT/DE) – Excerpts & live

The film screening of "PUSH - The Film" is planned on July 30, 2020,
from 20:00, at ACUD Macht Neu in Berlin (outdoor yard).

# Saturday, May 30 · 2020

15:40—16:30 · TALK · Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co!
Volkan Sayman (Sociologist, Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen, DE).
Moderated by Ela Kagel (Supermarkt Berlin, DE).

17:00—18:30 · KEYNOTE · The Human Rights Solution: Tackling the housing

Leilani Farha (Global Director, The Shift & Former UN Special Rapporteur
on the Right to Housing, PS/CA). In conversation with Justus von Daniels
(CORRECTIV / Wem gehört Berlin, DE).

19:10—19:30 · SHORT FILM PRÈMIERE · “StealThisPoster: Artivism & the
Struggle of Lucha Y Siesta” by StealThisPoster (Subvertising collective,

19:30-21:10 · PANEL · Resisting Speculation: Ecological Commons,
Subvertising & Fighting Tech Domination

Marco Clausen (Co-founder Prinzessinnengarten, DE), Yonatan Miller (Tech
Workers Coalition, Berlin vs. Amazon, US/DE), StealThisPoster
(subvertising collective IT/UK), Moderated by Iva Čukić (Co-founder &
Coordinator, Ministry of Space, SRB).
Video contribute by Penny Travlou (University of Edinburgh, AARG! &
Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research, GR).

# Sunday, May 31 · 2020

17:00—18:30 · Virtual Tour "Visiting the Invisible"
A Berlin City Tour to Anonymous and Aggressive Real Estate Investors
Christoph Trautvetter (Public Policy Expert, Netzwerk
Steuergerechtigkeit / Wem gehört die Stadt -RLS, DE).

The tour draws on the findings of the project "Wem gehört die Stadt" of
the Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung, including recent and forthcoming studies on
the ownership structure of Berlin with data collected from various groups.


More information on our website:

Details of the events:

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Reminder: EVICTED BY GREED: Global Finance, Housing & Resistance - May 30-31

2020-05-30 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to remind you that our conference EVICTED BY GREED: GLOBAL
FINANCE, HOUSING & RESISTANCE" it is going on until tomorrow on
streaming from our channel:

I paste down the programme of today and tomorrow. Come to visit us from
15:40 and ask questions on the chat.
We look forward to seeing you there!




# Saturday, May 30 · 2020

15:40—16:30 · TALK · Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co!
Volkan Sayman (Sociologist, Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen, DE).
Moderated by Ela Kagel (Supermarkt Berlin, DE).

17:00—18:30 · KEYNOTE · The Human Rights Solution: Tackling the housing

Leilani Farha (Global Director, The Shift & Former UN Special Rapporteur
on the Right to Housing, PS/CA). In conversation with Justus von Daniels
(CORRECTIV / Wem gehört Berlin, DE).

19:10—19:30 · SHORT FILM PRÈMIERE · “StealThisPoster: Artivism & the
Struggle of Lucha Y Siesta” by StealThisPoster (Subvertising collective,

19:30-21:10 · PANEL · Resisting Speculation: Ecological Commons,
Subvertising & Fighting Tech Domination

Marco Clausen (Co-founder Prinzessinnengarten, DE), Yonatan Miller (Tech
Workers Coalition, Berlin vs. Amazon, US/DE), StealThisPoster
(subvertising collective IT/UK), Moderated by Iva Čukić (Co-founder &
Coordinator, Ministry of Space, SRB).
Video contribute by Penny Travlou (University of Edinburgh, AARG! &
Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research, GR).

# Sunday, May 31 · 2020

17:00—18:30 · Virtual Tour "Visiting the Invisible"
A Berlin City Tour to Anonymous and Aggressive Real Estate Investors
Christoph Trautvetter (Public Policy Expert, Netzwerk
Steuergerechtigkeit / Wem gehört die Stadt -RLS, DE).

The tour draws on the findings of the project "Wem gehört die Stadt" of
the Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung, including recent and forthcoming studies on
the ownership structure of Berlin with data collected from various groups.


More information on our website:

Details of the events:
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Crossing Borders: Sub-Saharan communities of care & resistance · June 19, 5PM CEST

2020-06-18 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Crossing Borders: Sub-Saharan communities of care & resistance · June
19, 5PM CEST

Disruptive Fridays #9 - Streaming on: https://www.disruptionlab.org/fridays

Global. That is the definition and the reality of a pandemic. Yet, most
attention and resources are confined by human made borders. Hosted in
collaboration with Bridge Figures, Disruptive Fridays #9 connects with
creative and activist communities in Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa to
learn and share about responses relevant to local and global communities.

With: Sharlotte Kigezo (Psychologist, KY/UG), Peter Nkanga (Journalist &
campaigner, NG), Jedi Ramalapa (Broadcast journalist, ZA), Moderated by
Magnus Ag (Bridge Figures, DK) and Lieke Ploeger (Disruption Network
Lab, NL/DE).

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, an overwhelming amount of news and data
has been flooding us. The media coverage seems to focus on the national
and hyperlocal situation – while we are dealing with a global pandemic.
In this conversation we focus on the response of Sub-Saharan Africa to
the coronavirus outbreak, and hear from some of the people that work on
creating a conversation around COVID-19 – one that can contribute to a
more global understanding of what we are all facing.


# Speakers:

Jedi Ramalapa is a South African broadcast journalist. She is the
current Editor-In-Chief of a non-profit podcasting organisation, Sound
Africa; which aims to produce original narrative (audio) journalism
which upends the stereotypes and cliches about Africa and Africans. She
also hosts Sound Africa's newest weekly podcast series  Covid-In-Africa,
looking at the African response to COVID-19 and how it’s affecting
people on the ground. She will address the impact of the pandemic on
human rights.

Peter Nkanga is an independent multilingual investigative journalist
based in Abuja, Nigeria . He is the former West Africa Representative of
the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and specializes in human
rights and advocacy reporting. A fierce advocate for press freedom,
Peter Nkanga has been at the forefront of the campaign for the rights of
journalists in Nigeria and across sub-Saharan Africa. In 2019, he was
awarded the “Jamal Khashoggi Award for Courageous Journalism” for his
work. He will share more on how the virus outbreak has affected public
procurement, the process of governments and state-owned corporations
deciding which goods, services and works to spend public funds on.

Sharlotte Ainebyoona Kigezo is a psychologist, mental health advocate
and spoken word artist  based between Kenya and Uganda.  She is
passionate about mental health and community-based programs that build
for a strong mental and physical foundation for the society. Sharlotte
has been instrumental in facilitating trauma healing programs for
refugee communities and art therapy programs for the creative and arts
community. This being on the basis of mental health and factors that act
as triggers to mental health like experiencing traumatic events (civil
or cross-border wars, sexual assault, cyber bullying). She will discuss
how we can best address mental health issues in these times, following
her recent work with both refugee and artist communities on mental
health awareness and forms of online therapy.

Magnus Ag is a human rights advocate, journalist, and researcher. He is
the founder & director of Bridge Figures – a human rights organization
that scales the potential of artists, activists, journalists & other
agents of social change to build bridges and break walls in a
data-driven world. Based between Hong Kong and Berlin, he previously
worked with Copenhagen-based Freemuse — which defends the right to
artistic freedom worldwide — and in New York as the Assistant Advocacy
Director for the Committee to Protect Journalists. Magnus serves on
Columbia University’s Committee on Global Thought’s advisory committee
for the project The Politics of Visual Art in a Changing World, is an
advisor to Avant-Garde Lawyers, and a proud member of PEN Hong Kong.

Lieke Ploeger is the community director and administration officer of
the Disruption Network Lab. She is the co-founder of the independent
project space SPEKTRUM art science community, where she worked as
community builder from 2014 to 2018. Her core interest lies in building
and developing both online and offline communities of interest, with a
focus on sharing knowledge and expertise in an open way. She previously
worked for the Open Knowledge Foundation and for the National Library of
the Netherlands. She has a double master of arts from the University of
Utrecht, the Netherlands and has been involved in various European
research projects in the areas of open cultural data, open access and
open science.
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp

[spectre] Empowerment vs Power - Disruptive Fridays - Today at 5pm CEST

2020-06-12 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

we are back with our Disruptive Fridays and I would like to invite you
to join us today Friday June 12, at 5pm CEST for our online debate. The
speakers all have specific experiences from the fight for justice &
equality, against racism, poverty, marginalization, homelessness,
criminalization and police brutality. What can we learn from their
struggles & achievements, to inform our own fights around the world?

Together with us will be Mutale Nkonde (Expert in Tech & Race, CEO of AI
For The People, Fellow Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at
Harvard), Melissa Segura (Investigative Reporter, BuzzFeed News, US) and
Marshall Trammell (Music Research Strategist, based in Oakland).

More info and online streaming are here:

I hope to see you there!



Mutale Nkonde (Expert in Tech & Race, CEO of AI For The People, Fellow,
Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University, US)
Twitter: @mutalenkonde

Mutale Nkonde is a Fellow at the Berkman Klein Center of Internet and
Society at Harvard University where she is conducting an ethnographic
study on how congressional staffers learn about the impact of technology
on society. Nkonde works at the intersection of race, technology and
policy and has been working as a Senior Tech Policy Advisory and Fellow
at Data & Society Research Institute in New York City since 2016. Nkonde
was part of the team that helped introduce the Algorithmic
Accountability Act into the House of Representatives in April 2019, She
is considering how facial recognition technologies and other
surveillance technologies harm black and minoritized communities.

Melissa Segura (Investigative Reporter, BuzzFeed News, US)
Twitter: @MelissaDSegura

Melissa Segura is an investigative reporter with BuzzFeed News and an
Emerson fellow at the think tank New America. Her reporting focuses on
the intersection of justice, class and race. In 2017 she authored a
landmark investigation detailing how a group of predominantly working
class, Latina women from Chicago uncovered evidence suggesting a police
detective framed at least 51 of their sons, brothers, or husbands. Her
series, “Broken Justice in Chicago,” has led to the exoneration of 10
men who had each spent decades behind bars. In 2018, the series earned
her the George Polk Award in Journalism for local reporting and
recognition as a finalist for Harvard's Goldsmith Award. She is at work
on a book building on her Chicago story that examines the cracks in the
criminal justice system and the hidden role that women play in
correcting injustices. Before BuzzFeed News, Segura was a staff writer
for Sports Illustrated. She received her B.A. in Spanish studies and
communication from Santa Clara University.

Marshall Trammell (Music Research Strategist, US)
Marshall Trammell is a self-styled, Music Research Strategist and Common
Knowledge Platform fellow at ProArts Commons based in Oakland,
California. Deploying interculturally-situated technologies from the
Underground Railroad, Trammell has created "Conduction (cc)", a Creative
 Commons and Critical Creative Music conduction system from  reimagining
 fugitivity, "accompliceship" and self-determination from the era of
chattel slavery the World. ProArts is committed to supporting the 22
unhoused artists arrested in front of City Hall for protest against
gentrification and the displacement of Black and traditional working
class residents.

Jonas Frankki (Disruption Network Lab, SE/DE)
Since 2014 Jonas Frankki designs and animates the visual identity of the
Disruption Network Lab and each conference, and additionally researches
speakers, networks and topics for future events. Jonas was born in
Sweden, studied Marketing, International Relations, Political Science
and Cultural Management in Gothenburg. Since 2012 he is also an Art
Director at sinnwerkstatt, a Berlin media agency for sustainability. He
is a member of the Disruption Network Lab e. V..
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
PGP: disruptionlab.org/pgp
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] BORDERS OF FEAR: Migration, Security & Control - Nov 27-29

2020-11-26 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

despite the difficult times we keep our work going and I would like to
invite you to attend the next conference of the Disruption Network Lab
this weekend.

BORDERS OF FEAR: Migration, Security & Control
November 27-29, 2020

We will be live from Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin while
the audience will be able to follow us online, for free. There isn't any
need of registration (you can just connect to our website, and we will
be there!). There will be a chat where you can ask questions to the

During the conference, journalists, activists, advocates, lawyers,
researchers and critical thinkers unveil the persecution, control, and
cultural violence around borders & migration.

Here is the live stream schedule:

# Friday, November 27  · 2020

16:00—16:10 · OPENING

16:10—16:30 · SHORT FILM: Best of Luck with the Wall + TALK

Short Film by Josh Begley (Artist & Filmmaker, First Look Media / The
Intercept / Field of Vision, US) & Talk by Renata Avila (Lawyer, Author
& Advocate, GTM).

16:30—18:00 · PANEL: Migration, Failing Policies & Human Rights Violations

Sally Hayden (Freelance Investigative Journalist and Photographer, IE),
Philipp Schönberger (Coordinator, Refugee Law Clinic Berlin on Samos,
ihaverights.eu, DE), Franziska Schmidt (Coordinator, Refugee Law Clinic
Berlin on Samos, ihaverights.eu, DE). Moderated by Roberto Perez-Rocha
(Director for the International Anti-Corruption Conference Series at
Transparency International, MEX/DE).

18:45—20:15 ·  PANEL: Illegal Pushbacks and Border Violence

Hanaa Hakiki (Legal Advisor, ECCHR Migration Program, DE), Nicole Vögele
(Filmmaker and Reporter, CH), Dimitra Andritsou (Forensic Architecture
Borders Programme, GR/DE). Moderated by Likhita Banerji (Human Rights &
Technology Researcher, Amnesty International, IN/DE).

# Saturday, November 28 · 2020

16:00—16:10 · INTRO

16:10—16:30 · INVESTIGATION: Technological Testing Grounds

Petra Molnar (Lawyer & Researcher, Refugee Law Lab, European Digital
Rights EDRi, CA/GR)

16:30—17:30 · CONVERSATION: The Journey of Refugees from Africa to Europe

Yoseph Zemichael Afeworki (Student, ERI/ETH/LUX), Ambre Schulz (Project
Manager, Passerell, LUX). Moderated by Sally Hayden (Freelance
Investigative Journalist and Photographer, IE)

18:15—19:45 · PANEL: Politics & Technologies of Fear

Gaia Giuliani (Permanent Researcher, Centro de Estudos Socias /CES,
University of Coimbra, IT/PT), Claudia Aradau (Professor of
International Politics, Department of War Studies, King’s College
London, UK), Joana Varon (Founder at Coding Rights, Tech and Human
Rights Fellow at Harvard Carr Center, BR). Moderated by Walid El-Houri
(Researcher, Journalist & Filmmaker, Lead Editor at openDemocracy, LBN/DE).

# Sunday, November 29 · 2020

16:00—17:30 · COMMUNITY PANEL: Creating Safe Passages

Thomas Kalunge (Strategy advisor/Agile Project Manager, Migrant Media
Network / r0g_agency, KE/DE), Regina Catrambone (Co-founder and Director
of MOAS - Migrant Offshore Aid Station, IT/MLT), Mattea Weihe (Cultural
Mediator, Sea-Watch e.V., DE). Moderated by Michael Ruf (Writer &
Director, Mittelmeer-Monologe, DE).

The full programme and further information are here:

I look forward to seeing you online!

All the best,


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] HATE NEWS vs. FREE SPEECH: Live Conference on December 12

2020-12-07 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I hope you are doing well at the end of this strange year!

We are happy to invite you to our 22nd international Disruption Network
Lab conference: "Hate News vs Free Speech: Polarization and Pluralism in
Georgian Media", taking place online as a livestream event on 12
December. The conference brings together journalists, activists and
media experts from Georgia and Germany to discuss strategies to fight
misinformation, hate speech and social network manipulation and to
strengthen freedom of speech. We would be glad to see you online for
this event - a chat will be active to ask questions during the panels.

This conference is part of the 2020 collaborative project “HATE NEWS vs.
FREE SPEECH: Polarization and Pluralism in Georgian Media”, in which
Disruption Network Lab and the Georgian non-profit organization Regional
Democratic Hub – Caucasus collaborate on programme exchange between
Germany and Georgia.

12. December 2020 - 11.30-18.00 CET. Live from Studio 1, Kunstquartier
Bethanien, Berlin, and Tblisi, Georgia.

11:30 ·  INTRO
Full details & chat for live questions:

13. December 2020, 11.00-14.00 CET at STATE Studio, Berlin, and Tblisi,

— Signup required · On location at State Studio —
Full details:

The project is undertaken with the financial support of the German
Federal Foreign Office as part of the Expanding Cooperation with Civil
Society in the Eastern Partnership Countries and Russia (Eastern
Partnership Programme).

Feel free to forward the information to other people!

All the best,


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] BEHIND THE MASK: Whistleblowing During the Pandemic (18-20 March)

2021-03-16 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like invite you to attend our 23rd Disruption Network Lab
conference: BEHIND THE MASK: Whistleblowing During the Pandemic, taking
place online as a livestream event from 18-20 March 2021, during which
whistleblowers, human rights advocates, journalists, activists, artists,
lawyers and researchers will speak on their work of denouncing abuses
and wrongdoing during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

In addition, our Activation programme extends the Behind the Mask
conference with a two community workshops on 20 and 27 March.

Below you can find our conference schedule, and more details are
available here: https://www.disruptionlab.org/behind-the-mask

We would be glad to see you (online) for this event! Our chat will be
active to ask questions to the speakers and interact with us.

All the best,




# Thursday, March 18 · 2021

15:00–15:10: OPENING
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Programme Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE)
& Lieke Ploeger (Community Director, Disruption Network Lab, NL/DE).

15:10–15:30 · CORONATION Film Interview
Conversation with Ai Weiwei (Artist & Activist, CN) and Jess Search
(Chief Executive of Doc Society, UK). Introduced by Roberto Perez-Rocha
(Director for the International Anti-Corruption Conference Series at
Transparency International, MEX/DE).

15:30–17:00 · PANEL
DEFENDING THE TRUTH IN THE PANDEMIC: Is Whistleblowing the Magic Wand?
Thuli Madonsela (Professor, Stellenbosch University, Former Public
Protector of South Africa, ZA), María de los Ángeles Estrada (Executive
Director of the Transparency and Anti-corruption Initiative, MX),
Stefano Fusco (Co-founder, Noi Denunceremo / We Denounce - Truth and
Justice Committee for Covid-19 Victims, IT). Moderated by Roberto
Perez-Rocha (Director for the International Anti-Corruption Conference
Series at Transparency International, MEX/DE).

18:30–20:00 · KEYNOTE
WHISTLEBLOWING & COVID19: Telling the Truth at the Center of Crisis
Erika Cheung (Theranos Whistleblower, Co-founder and executive director
of Ethics in Entrepreneurship, US). Eileen Chubb (Care Industry
Whistleblower, Compassion In Care Founder, Co-Founded The Whistler, UK).
Moderated by Delphine Halgand (Lead Rapporteur, Infodemics Report &
Director of The Signals Network, FR/US).

# Friday, March 19, 2021

15:00–16:30 · PANEL
DIGGING DEEPER INTO HEALTHCARE: The Vaccine Rollout, Pandemic Journalism
& Corruption
Sarah Steingrüber (Independent Global Health Expert, Global Health Lead
for Curbing Corruption, DE), Serena Tinari (Investigative Journalist, Co
founder, Re-Check, IT/CH), Alexander Nanau (Film Director, Colectiv
Documentary, DE/RO), Moderated by Jonathan Cushing (Head of Global
Health Programme, Transparency International, UK).

18:30–20:00 · PANEL
VOICES OF CARE: Exposing Dangers to Public Health
Delphine Halgand (Lead Rapporteur, Infodemics Report & Director of The
Signals Network, FR/US), Yvonne Dellmark (Chair, Karolinska University
Hospital's Medical Association, Vice Chairman of the Swedish Medical
Association, Physician at Karolinska University Hospital, SE), Helen
O’Connor (Former NHS Nurse, GMB NHS Union Organiser, UK). Moderated by
Cassie Thornton (Artist & Activist, Collective Healthcare Researcher,

# Saturday, March 20, 2021

11:00–13:00 · PANEL
JULIAN ASSANGE: Repression, Isolation & Lockdown 
Suelette Dreyfus (Technology Researcher, Journalist & Writer, AU),
Jennifer Robinson (Human Rights Lawyer and Barrister at Doughty Street
Chambers in London, AU/UK), Stefania Maurizi (Investigative Journalist,
IT), Felicity Ruby (PhD Candidate at Sydney University, Researcher on
Surveillance and Democracy, AU). Moderated by Anna Myers (Executive
Director, Whistleblowing International Network, UK).



# Saturday, March 20 · 2021

15:00 – 17:00 · ONLINE WORKSHOP
With: Serena Tinari (Investigative Journalist, Co founder, Re-Check, IT/CH)

# Saturday, March 27 · 2021

11:00 – 13:00 · ONLINE WORKSHOP
PIRATE CARE: Politicising Care, Piracy and Biopolitics
With: Valeria Graziano, Maddalena Fragnito, Laura Benítez Valero

Register to the workshops here:


More information: https://www.disruptionlab.org/behind-the-mask

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Founder & Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0


Re: [spectre] THE Q IN QONSPIRACY: QAnon as a Paradigm for Future Social-media-driven Conspiracism

2021-03-16 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I answer to Heath's question writing to the whole list because it might
interest other people, too. If you would like to listen to the
conversation of last Friday, THE Q IN QONSPIRACY, with Wu Ming 1,
Florian Cramer and myself, you can find the video here:


More info about the event (scroll down):

All the best, and enjoy!


On 12.03.21 18:30, heath bunting wrote:
> is there a recording of this ?
> On Thu, 11 Mar 2021, Tatiana Bazzichelli wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> I would like to invite you to take part in a conversation with Wu Ming
>> 1, Florian Cramer and myself tomorrow afternoon (March 12), as part of
>> our Disruptive Fridays series, at 5PM CET. We can get questions from the
>> audience via chat.
>> Read more here (and go to the chat):
>> https://www.disruptionlab.org/fridays
>> Since 2020 we have been experiencing two pandemics at once: Covid-19 and
>> conspiracy fantasies about Covid-19. The pandemic emergency accelerated
>> a process that had been going on for years: the rise of a new kind of
>> hyper-charged, social-media-driven conspiracism. In this respect, QAnon
>> is a paradigmatic case.
>> What is QAnon, or what was it? A political movement, a game, a cult, a
>> terrorist threat? All that and more.
>> In this conversation QAnon is discussed as a template for contemporary
>> social-media-driven conspiracy fantasies that work simultaneously as
>> games and a new kind of cults. By focusing on the mutation of conspiracy
>> myths from countercultural phenomena to contemporary meme and influencer
>> culture, Florian Cramer and Wu Ming 1 will focus on three conspiracy
>> narratives: "The Great Replacement" (from Renaud Camus to
>> Charlottesville), QAnon (from Pizzagate to the Capitol storming) and
>> "The Great Reset" (as a set of pandemic-inspired variations on the old
>> New World Order trope).
>> The conversation is centered around Wu Ming 1's forthcoming book "La Q
>> di Qomplotto" [The Q in qonspiracy], to be published end of March in
>> Italian by Edizioni Alegre, which describes how conspiracy fantasies
>> help legitimise systems of control (find here the index in English
>> https://edizionialegre.it/notizie/the-q-in-conspiracy/).
>> Join us tomorrow here at 5PM CET:
>> https://www.disruptionlab.org/fridays
>> Get reminders from here (Facebook video):
>> https://www.facebook.com/disruptionlab/posts/2664839330428196
>> This is a pre-event of our upcoming conference (March 18-20):
>> Whistleblowers, human rights advocates, journalists, activists, artists,
>> lawyers and researchers denouncing abuses and wrongdoing in the course
>> of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.
>> https://www.disruptionlab.org/behind-the-mask
>> All the best, and see you there!
>> Tatiana
>> -- 
>> Tatiana Bazzichelli // Founder & Artistic Director
>> Disruption Network Lab
>> http://disruptionlab.org
>> Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
>> Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
>> -- 
>> Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
>> Disruption Network Lab
>> http://disruptionlab.org
>> Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
>> Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
>> __
>> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
>> Info, archive and help:
>> http://post.in-mind.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] THE Q IN QONSPIRACY: QAnon as a Paradigm for Future Social-media-driven Conspiracism

2021-03-11 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to take part in a conversation with Wu Ming
1, Florian Cramer and myself tomorrow afternoon (March 12), as part of
our Disruptive Fridays series, at 5PM CET. We can get questions from the
audience via chat.
Read more here (and go to the chat): https://www.disruptionlab.org/fridays

Since 2020 we have been experiencing two pandemics at once: Covid-19 and
conspiracy fantasies about Covid-19. The pandemic emergency accelerated
a process that had been going on for years: the rise of a new kind of
hyper-charged, social-media-driven conspiracism. In this respect, QAnon
is a paradigmatic case.

What is QAnon, or what was it? A political movement, a game, a cult, a
terrorist threat? All that and more.

In this conversation QAnon is discussed as a template for contemporary
social-media-driven conspiracy fantasies that work simultaneously as
games and a new kind of cults. By focusing on the mutation of conspiracy
myths from countercultural phenomena to contemporary meme and influencer
culture, Florian Cramer and Wu Ming 1 will focus on three conspiracy
narratives: "The Great Replacement" (from Renaud Camus to
Charlottesville), QAnon (from Pizzagate to the Capitol storming) and
"The Great Reset" (as a set of pandemic-inspired variations on the old
New World Order trope).

The conversation is centered around Wu Ming 1's forthcoming book "La Q
di Qomplotto" [The Q in qonspiracy], to be published end of March in
Italian by Edizioni Alegre, which describes how conspiracy fantasies
help legitimise systems of control (find here the index in English

Join us tomorrow here at 5PM CET:

Get reminders from here (Facebook video):

This is a pre-event of our upcoming conference (March 18-20):
Whistleblowers, human rights advocates, journalists, activists, artists,
lawyers and researchers denouncing abuses and wrongdoing in the course
of the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.

All the best, and see you there!

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Founder & Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Amazon Unmasked: Workers' Rights During the Pandemic - Feb 17 - 7PM

2021-02-15 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

Here a short invitation from the Disruption Network Lab in Berlin.
Our first community meetup of 2021 is happening this Wednesday, Feb 17
(7 PM – 8:30 PM, online), focusing on a very important topic. Amazon
Unmasked: Workers' Rights During the Pandemic.

Christian Smalls, an Amazon warehouse worker in Staten Island, (New
York), who was fired for saying that the company is not doing enough to
protect workers from exposure, will be in dialogue with Yonatan Miller
from Berlin vs. Amazon.
The meetup will lead to our upcoming conference Behind the Mask:
Whistleblowing During the Pandemic (Free Online Live-Stream) on March 18-20.

Free admission BUT the number of participants is limited to 30 so
booking is essential!!
Reserve a spot: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/amazonunmasked

All the best,

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] POWERS OF TRUTH: China, Tech, Art and Resistance (October 1-3, Berlin & Online)

2021-09-15 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to inform you that the full programme of our conference
POWERS OF TRUTH: China, Tech, Art and Resistance is online. You are
welcome to attend in person at Kunstquartier Bethanien - Berlin, or
online, on streaming on October 1-2, 2021 (+ workshops on September 22
and October 3).

What power structures and technologies are framing the dominant
narratives about China? Who is benefiting and who is resisting?

POWERS OF TRUTH: China, Tech, Art and Resistance
The 24th conference of the Disruption Network Lab
Curated by Magnus Ag & Tatiana Bazzichelli. Community events curated by
Lieke Ploeger.

# Friday, October 1 · 2021

16:00—16:10 CEST · OPENING

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Programme Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE),
Magnus Ag (Journalist, Human Rights Advocate, Founder of Bridge Figures,
DK/NO) & Lieke Ploeger (Community Director, Disruption Network Lab, NL/DE).

16:10–17:30 · KEYNOTE: Deconstructing the Communist Party of China’s
Human Rights Narrative

Sharon Hom (Executive Director, Human Rights in China, HK/US). Moderated
by Magnus Ag (Journalist, Human Rights Advocate, Founder of Bridge
Figures, DK/NO).

18:30–20:15 · PANEL: Reporting on Xinjiang: Firsthand Accounts & Big
Data to Investigate the Truth

Arslan Hidayat (Uyghur Rights Activist, AU), Megha Rajagopalan
(Award-winning International Correspondent for BuzzFeed News, UK), Maya
Wang (Senior China researcher in the Asia division, Human Rights Watch).
Moderated by Stijn Deklerck (Amnesty International Netherland, BE/NL).

# Saturday, October 2 · 2021

14:00–15:30 CEST · PANEL: Art & Resistance from the Mainland to the Diaspora

Badiucao (Cartoonist and Activist, CH/AU, on video), Popo Fan
(Filmmaker, Writer and Activist, CN/DE), Mai Corlin (Postdoctoral
Fellow, University of Copenhagen, DK). Moderated by Melissa Chan
(Journalist, US).

16:15–17:45 · PANEL: Voices, Tactics & Technologies to Challenge
Dominant Narratives

Glacier Chung Ching Kwong (Hong Kong Political and Digital Rights
Activist, PhD Student in Law, University of Hamburg, HK/DE), Filip
Noubel (Managing Editor at Global Voices, CZ), Ray Wong (Hong Kong
Activist, Founder of Hong Kong Indigenous, HK/DE). Moderated by Katharin
Tai (Journalist, Academic and Policy Analyst, DE).

18:30–20:00 · KEYNOTE: Surveilling a Surveillance State: An Ethical Dilemma

Simone Pieranni (Journalist, IT), Jack Poulson (Executive Director, Tech
Inquiry, US).
Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Programme Director, Disruption Network
Lab, IT/DE).
20:00 ·  CLOSING

More info & full programme:



# Wednesday, 22 September · 2021

18:00-20:00 CEST, Online workshop | Language: English
BYOW Workshop: Build Your Own Words to Resist Algorithmic Censorship

With: Xiaowei R. Wang (Artist, Writer, Organizer & Coder, US) and
Qianqian Ye (Artist, CN/US)
Register: https://www.disruptionlab.org/event/byow

# Sunday, October 3 · 2021

11:00—13:00 CEST · WORKSHOP
Digital Self-defense 101 - You need protection whether or not you have
something to hide

With: Glacier Chung Ching Kwong (Hong Kong Political and Digital Rights
Activist, PhD Student in Law, University of Hamburg, HK/DE). Read more &
register: https://www.disruptionlab.org/event/digital101

14:30—17:00 · WORKSHOP
Using Satellite Imagery to Investigate Xinjiang's Detention Camps

With: Alison Killing (Architect and Journalist, UK/NL) and Megha
Rajagopalan (Award-winning International Correspondent for BuzzFeed
News, UK). Read more & register:
Tatiana Bazzichelli // Founder & Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] Whistleblowing for Change: Book Launch and Conference - Nov 26-28

2021-11-17 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear Spectre list,

this year at Disruption Network Lab we worked on a book project in the
context of whistleblowing. The anthology has the title "Whistleblowing
for Change", including texts written by 30 participants of our
Disruption Network Lab conferences 2015-2020.

The date of publishing is November 27 and for that occasion we are
organising a conference with some of the authors. The conference starts
on November 26 with the German premiere of the film "United States vs.
Reality Winner", a 2021 American documentary film, directed and produced
by Sonia Kennebeck.

The book investigates whistleblowing as a developing political practice
that has the ability to provoke social change. The chapters features
contributions from Billie Winner-Davis, Daniel Hale, Brandon Bryant,
Barrett Brown, John Kiriakou, Laura Poitras, Simona Levi, Lisa Ling,
Lauri Love, Annie Machon, Cian Westmoreland, and others.

It is published by transcript Verlag. The PDF of the book is already
online and the hard copy and EPUB will be available next week:

I hope to see many of you at our event & please spread the news of the book:

Here you find the detailed programme:
and below the conference schedule.

All the best, and thank you,



# Friday, November 26 · 2021 - Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin
(streaming, tickets & programme:

18:00—18:10 · OPENING
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Founder & Artistic Director, Disruption Network
Lab, IT/DE),  & Lieke Ploeger (Community Director, Disruption Network
Lab, NL/DE).

18:10—19:45 · GERMAN PREMIERE: United States vs. Reality Winner
 1h 33m, in English with English subtitles
A 2021 American documentary film, directed and produced by Sonia
Kennebeck. The film is the story of 25-year-old NSA contractor Reality
Winner who disclosed a document about Russian election interference to
the media and became the number one leak target of the Trump administration.

20:00—22:00 · PANEL/Q: United States vs. Reality Winner: Q
United States vs. Reality Winner: Q with Sonia Kennebeck (Film
Director, MY/DE/US), Billie Winner-Davis (Former Social Worker, mother
of Reality and Brittany Winner, US), John Kiriakou (Former CIA Officer &
Anti-torture Whistleblower, US). Moderated by Anna Myers (Executive
Director, Whistleblowing International Network, UK).

# Saturday, November 27 · 2021

Tatiana Bazzichelli (Programme Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE),
Elena Veljanovska (Senior Project Manager, Disruption Network Lab, MK/DE).

16:40–18:40 · PANEL: Crowd-Sourced Civic Action: Subverting Vigilance,
Empowering Whistleblowers
Barrett Brown (Writer & Activist, Founder of Project PM, US – on video),
Naomi Colvin (Programme Director at Blueprint for Free Speech, UK),
Lauri Love (Computer Scientist, UK), Mustafa Al-Bassam (alias Tflow,
Computer Security Researcher, Former Core Member LulzSec, UK). Moderated
by Delphine Halgand-Mishra (Director of The Signals Network, FR/US).

19:00–21:00 · PANEL: Challenging Discrimination & Polarisation:
Whistleblowing in the Post-Truth Era
Daryl Davis (R and Blues Musician, Author, Actor, US), Annie Machon
(Former MI5 Intelligence Officer, UK/BE), Robert Trafford / Forensic
Architecture (Researcher, Open Source Investigations, UK/DE). Moderated
by Peter Matjašič (Senior Program Officer at the Open Society Initiative
for Europe – OSIFE, ES).


# Sunday, November 28 · 2021

11:00–13:00 · WORKSHOP
Building Secure Whistleblowing Platforms with GlobaLeaks Free Software
With: Rima Sghaier (Senior Community Operations Manager and MENA
Regional Lead for Team CommUNITY, TUN/IT). Read more & register

14:30–17:00 · WORKSHOP
To play or to be played? De-gamification workshop
With: Agnese Trocchi (Digital Communications Manager, Educator, IT) and
Jacopo Anderlini (Researcher, Systems/Operations Engineer, IT/DE). Read
more & register

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Founder & Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] THE KILL CLOUD: Networked Warefare, Drones & AI - March 25-27

2022-03-17 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to inform you about our upcoming conference THE KILL CLOUD:
Networked Warfare, Drones & AI at Kunstquartier Bethanien, 25 – 27 March
2022, in Berlin and on streaming.
Details: https://www.disruptionlab.org/the-kill-cloud

The dramatic situation in Ukraine and the power takeover of the Taliban
in Afghanistan demonstrate that war and global humanitarian crises are
burning issues at the top of our political and media agendas. But in the
meantime, a data driven, global military infrastructure is developing –
mostly unnoticed by people and ignored by the media. What is the
future of war? Which political and technological strategies are already
in use? What can whistleblowing and other acts of civil disobedience
achieve in this power game?

The conference "The Kill Cloud" debates these questions and brings
together, apart from the most well-known whistleblowers in the US drone
war, military experts, AI researchers, investigative journalists, human
rights lawyers and representatives of NGO such as Transparency
International, Airwars, and Kabul Luftbrucke (air bridge). Some light
will also be shed on the presence and role of the Ramstein US Military
Base in Germany.

The conference offers deep insight into the highly problematic ethical
issues on the use of AI and satellite technology to enable targeted
killing via drones and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as an
investigation into how atrocities such as the collateral bombing of
civilians without soldiers can happen. Furthermore, human rights
violations, surveillance and data protection breaches, transparency
issues, and the implication of private companies in modern war conflicts
will be discussed.

Schedule (below).
More info about speakers and programme:

I hope to see you there in person or online!



# Friday, March 25, 2022

17:30—17:40 · INTRODUCTION
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE)

17:40–19:00 · KEYNOTE: The Kill Cloud: Real World Implications of
Network Centric Warfare
Lisa Ling (Whistleblower, Former Technical Sergeant, US Air Force Drone
Surveillance Programme, US), Cian Westmoreland (Whistleblower, Former US
Air Force Drone Technician, US). Moderated by Daniel Eriksson (CEO of
Transparency International, SE/DE).

19:30–21:00 PANEL: The Future of War: Drone Surveillance, Killer Robots
& Lethal AI Weapons
Laura Nolan (Member, ICRAC - International Committee for Robot Arms
Control, IE), Jack Poulson (Executive Director, Tech Inquiry, US),
Taniel Yusef (Women's International League for Peace & Freedom, UK).
Moderated by Theresa Züger (Research Group Lead: Public Interest AI, AI
& Society Lab, DE).

# Saturday March 26, 2022

16:00–16:30 · INSIGHT: The Art of War, the Moral Law & the Art of
Brandon Bryant (Whistleblower, Former US Air Force Drone Operator, US),
Introduced by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network
Lab, IT/DE).

16:45–18:15 · PANEL: Beyond Human Control: The impact of the Drone War
on Civilians
Chantal Meloni (Criminal Lawyer, ECCHR & Professor, University of Milan,
IT/DE), Khalil Dewan (Head of Investigations, Stoke White
Investigations, UK), Emran Feroz (Journalist and Author, AF/AT/DE).
Moderated by John Goetz (Investigative Journalist, NDR, US/DE) .

18:45–20:20 · FILM SCREENING: National Bird (not streamed)
Documentary, 2016, US/DE ‧ 1h 32m, English language, directed by Sonia

20:30–21:30 · National Bird Q (not streamed)
With Lisa Ling (Whistleblower, Former Technical Sergeant, Drone
Surveillance Programme, US), Emily Tripp (Research Manager, Airwars,
UK), Abdul Saboor Arghandiwal (Fixer and Translator, AF), Najibullah
(Afghan Representative of Global Exchange, National Bird Afghanistan
Production Coordinator, AF). Moderated by Theresa Breuer (Journalist &
Co-initiator of Kabul Luftbrücke, DE).

# Sunday March 27, 2022

12:00–14:00 · WORKSHOP · Collateral Damage: Monitoring Civilian Harm
Through Geolocation
With: Emily Tripp (Research Manager, Airwars, UK) & Clive Vella
(Geolocation Specialist, Airwars, UK).

15:30–17:30 · WORKSHOP · To Play or be Played: Uncovering Gamification
With: Agnese Trocchi (Digital Communications Manager, Disruption Network
Lab, Educator, IT) and Jacopo Anderlini (Researcher, Systems/Operations
Engineer, IT/DE)

TICKETS: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/the-kill-cloud/

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Reminder: THE KILL CLOUD: Networked Warfare, Drones & AI - March 25-27

2022-03-24 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to remind you about our upcoming conference THE KILL CLOUD:
Networked Warfare, Drones & AI at Kunstquartier Bethanien, 25 – 27
March, in Berlin. We would love to see you in person, but it will also
be possible to follow us online. A chat will be active on our website to
ask questions to our speakers from remote.

Challenging AI powered global military programmes & targeted killings
through civic action and whistleblowing.
Details: https://www.disruptionlab.org/the-kill-cloud

Keynote speakers are drone whistleblowers and intelligence analysts Cian
Westmoreland and Lisa Ling, co-authors of "The Kill Cloud: Real World
Implications of Network Centric Warfare", a revealing book chapter of
our anthology Whistleblowing for Change (transcript Verlag, November
2021), which gives the title to this conference.

Free digital version of the book:

Former sensor operator Brandon Bryant, the first whistleblower that
analysed and exposed drone-systems and their strategies, will also be
present, together with AI researchers and experts, lawyers, journalists
and human rights advocates from Afghanistan, Germany and internationally.

The aim is to provide some understanding into ethical problems with the
use of AI and satellite technology to enable targeted killing via drones
and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as give an insight into how
atrocities such as the collateral bombing of civilians without soldiers
can happen.

Diffusion of responsibility and desensitisation of conflicts are
characterising the network of modern warfare, which is based on a
complex interconnection of technologies and systems of hierarchy.

We believe that it is crucial to keep such debate alive internationally
and in Germany in particular, considering the presence of the U.S. air
force base in Ramstein.

The schedule of the events is here:

Full programme:

Tickets: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/the-kill-cloud/

I hope to see you in person or online.

All the best,


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] TRANSITIONING: Art, Politics & Technologies of Gender Change - 17-19 June

2022-06-02 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to inform you about the upcoming conference of the
Disruption Network Lab, TRANSITIONING: Art, Politics & Technologies of
Gender Change, that will take place at the Kunstquartier Bethanien
(Berlin) on June 17-19, 2022.

The event aims to address the complexities of gender transition for both
young people and those who have long fought for this right, and to
present the implications of this practice in the realms of art, culture,
society and human rights. The programme series includes a conference,
film screenings, two community meet-ups and a community workshop.

The series explores designs of identity and sexuality both in the online
environment and in everyday life. It brings into dialogue artists,
activists, performers, transgender rights advocates, medical experts,
and the grassroots of international and Berlin's LGBTQI+ community.

Below you find the schedule and here you can read the details of the
full programme:


## Friday, June 17 · 2022 (Berlin & Streaming)

16:30 · Doors Open
17:00—17:10 · Introduction
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE)

17:10–18:15 · PANEL  ·  Diane Torr: Performing Gender, Beyond Gender
Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat (Artist & Art Therapist, FR/DE), in conversation
with Stephen Bottoms (Professor of Contemporary Theatre and Performance,
University of Manchester, UK).

18:30–20:00 · KEYNOTE  · Insurgent Hearts
Drew Pham/Dahlia Damoiselle (U.S. Military Veteran, Educator, Sex
Worker, US). Moderated by Jay Bernard (Writer & Activist, UK/DE).

20:15–21:15 · PERFORMANCE  · King-ing the Drag – Drag-ing the King
21:15–21:45 · Q with Bridge Markland (Performance Artist, DE).
Moderated by Nancy Lund (Drag Performer, UK/DE).

## Saturday, June 18 · 2022 (Berlin & Streaming)

16:00 · Doors Open
16:30–17:30 · INSIGHT · Trans Community in Ukraine: During the War and
Anastasiia Yeva Domani (Executive Director Cohort NGO, UA). Translated
and moderated by Filip Noubel (Managing Editor at Global Voices, UA/CZ/DE).

17:45–19:15 · KEYNOTE · Science Won’t Save Us: What Will?
Os Keyes (Researcher, Writer & Activist, University of Washington, US),
Mallory Moore (Activist & Researcher, UK). Moderated by Adrian de Silva
(Research Scientist, University of Luxembourg, LU).

19:30–21:30 · PANEL · Hacking Biocodes:  Social Revolt, Virtual Worlds &
Viral Love Biohack
Helena Velena (Hacktivist, Artist & Technologist, IT), Shu Lea Cheang
(Artist & Filmmaker, TW/US/FR), Jira Duguid (Artist & Member of Fantasia
Malware, AU/DE). Moderated by Margherita Pevere (Artist & Researcher,

## Sunday, June 19 · 2022 · Not Streamed

11:30-13:30 · WORKSHOP · The Empire Strikes Back: A Workshop on the
ICD-11 and Trans* Self-Definition.
With Sonia Anastasia Steinmann (Community Organizer, MA Gender Studies,
Humboldt University, US/DE/GR).

14:30–16:30 · WORKSHOP · Mapping and Monitoring Anti-Trans Movements.
With Os Keyes (Researcher, Writer & Activist, University of Washington,
US), Mallory Moore (Activist & Researcher, UK).

18:00–19:45 · FILM SCREENING · Sex n Drag n Rock n Role ·  Free · Not
A Selection of Films in Homage to Diane Torr (Performer, Director & Drag
King Pioneer, UK). Introduced by Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat (Artist & Art
Therapist, FR/DE).

19:45–20:30 · Q · Free · Not Streamed
Bartholomew Sammut (Founder, XPOSED Queer Film Festival Berlin, DE),
Stephen Bottoms (Professor of Contemporary Theatre and Performance,
University of Manchester, UK), Helen Varley Jamieson (Artist, Producer &
Performer, NZ/DE), Laura Meritt (Sex Activist & Researcher, DE).
Moderated by Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat (Artist & Art Therapist).

More info:

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Reminder: TRANSITIONING: Art, Politics & Technologies of Gender Change, June 17–19

2022-06-15 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

On June 17–19, the LGBTQI+ conference TRANSITIONING: Art, Politics &
Technologies of Gender Change will take place at Kunstquartier Bethanien

The 27th conference of the Berlin Disruption Network Lab is dedicated to
the dimensions of gender transitioning from the perspectives of
politics, medicine, technology, culture and art. Over three days,
experts, activists and artists from Europe, Asia and the USA will
network with the Berlin community in panels, keynotes, workshops, film
screenings and meetups.

The Disruption Network Lab's programme TRANSITIONING: Politics &
Technologies of Gender Change aims to address the complexities of gender
transition for both young people and those who have long fought for this
right, and to present the implications of this practice in the realms of
art, culture, society and human rights. The programme series includes a
conference, film screenings, a community meet-up and two community

The conference includes a performative talk on legacies of violence in
times of conflict by Drew Pham, a queer, transgender writer of
Vietnamese heritage and U.S. military veteran, who reckons with the
consequences of American wars in Afghanistan and Vietnam; Ukrainian
transgender activist Anastasiia Yeva Domani will discuss the current
worsening of medical care for trans people in Ukraine as well as the
human rights situation and especially the problem of trans women leaving
the country; gender, tech and (counter)power researcher Os Keyes, who
will speak about the politics of scientific research into trans
healthcare; Berlin performer Bridge Markland who will cross gender
boundaries exploring the artistic potential of transitioning through
role-play and transformation - and many others.

The programme will be opened and followed by film screenings of the work
of artist Diane Torr (1948-2017), a central force in the drag king scene
in the USA, Europe, Istanbul and New Delhi.


Full Programme:


I hope to see many of you there!

All the best,


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] MADNESS: Fighting for Justice in Mental Health - Nov. 25-27, Berlin

2022-11-18 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to share some information about our next conference and
invite you to join it in person in Berlin or on streaming (as usual, we
will have a chat to get questions from the remote audience and it would
be great to see you there!).

MADNESS: Fighting for Justice in Mental Health - Nov. 25-27, 2002
Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin & on streaming

What does it mean to have a just mental health care system and who has
access to it? Who decides who is labelled as mad?

The international conference MADNESS: Fighting for Justice in Mental
Health investigates systems of mental health care and support, focusing
on prevailing discourses and practices, biases and inequality. It is
exploring the possibilities of a mental health system which puts human
rights and justice in the centre of its practice. The conference
introduces the perspectives of scientists, human rights and social
justice activists, artists, doctors and practitioners as well as those
closely affected – the people living with mental illness, through
keynotes, panels, performance, film screening, workshops and meetups.

28th conference of the Disruption Network Lab. Concept by Tatiana
Bazzichelli & Elena Veljanovska. Curated by Elena Veljanovska. Workshops
curated by Nada Bakr.
Tickets: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/madness/

## Schedule

# Friday, November 25 · 2022

16:30 · Doors Open
17:00 – 17:15 · OPENING & INTRODUCTION
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE),
Elena Veljanovska (Curator, Disruption Network Lab, MK/DE).

17:15 – 18:30 · KEYNOTE · Madness and Systemic Oppression
Jasna Russo (Independent Researcher & Consultant, DE), Colin King
(Teacher, Lecturer, Researcher, UK). Moderated by Elena Veljanovska
(Curator, Disruption Network Lab, MK/DE).

19:00 – 20:30 · PANEL  · Decolonising Psychiatry: Mental Health in
Conflict Zones
Lamia Moghnieh (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Copenhagen,
LB/DK), Reima Maglajlić (Reader in Social Work, University of Sussex,
UK), Donato Zupin (Psychiatrist, Department of Mental Health - WHO CC,
Trieste, IT). Moderated by Aouefa Amoussouvi (Researcher, The Institute
for Endotic Research (TIER), FR/DE).

# Saturday November 26 · 2022

16:00 · Doors Open
16:30 – 17:00 · PERFORMANCE · Sentire
Marcello Lussana (Sound Designer, Researcher, IT/DE) and Olga Kozmanidze
(Artist, DE/IT).

17:15 – 18:45 · KEYNOTE  · State Violence and Mental Health
Wilda L. White (Founder, MadFreedom, Inc., US), China Mills (Healing
Justice Ldn, UK). Moderated by Julian Schwarz (Psychiatrist, DE).

19:15 – 19:40 · SCREENING · Faces of an Exhibition
Documentary by Nina Wesemann (Filmmaker, DE) and Simon Reichel
(Filmmaker, DE).

20:00 – 21:30 · PANEL · Art and Survivor Empowerment
Marcello Lussana (Sound Designer, Researcher, IT/DE), Anika Krbetschek
(Artist, DE), Dolly Sen (Artist and Activist, UK). Moderated by Lily
Martin (Researcher, Pop-up Institut, Alanus University of Arts and
Social Sciences, DE).

21:30 – 21:45 · CLOSING
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE),
Elena Veljanovska (Curator, Disruption Network Lab, MK/DE).

More info about the programme:

## Sunday November 27 · 2022

# Workshop Programme

12:00 – 14:30 · WORKSHOP · Embodiment of Exclusion
Olga Kozmanidze (Artist, DE/IT) & Marcello Lussana (Sound Designer,
Researcher IT/DE).

15:30 – 17:30 · WORKSHOP · Trauma-Informed Design: Understanding Digital
Mental Health and Healing
Hera Hussain (Founder, Chayn PK/UK).

More info about the workshops:

### Tickets:


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] ALGORITHMS OF VIOLENCE: Border Management, Migration & Enforced Discrimination

2022-12-01 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to follow our online panel on Friday December
2, at 5PM CET.

ALGORITHMS OF VIOLENCE: Border Management, Migration & Enforced

With Petra Molnar (Associate Director, Refugee Law Lab / Co-creator,
Migration and Technology Monitor, CA/US), Martina Tazzioli (Reader in
Politics & Technology, Goldsmiths College, University of London, IT/UK),
Yasmine Boudiaf (Researcher & Technologist, DZ/UK). Moderated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli (Artistic Director & Founder, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

Live: https://www.disruptionlab.org/fridays

Surveillance and monitoring technologies including cameras, drones,
biometrics, and motion sensors have been implemented to increase the use
of AI-controlled surveillance and data collection systems in different
domains, from migration management, asylum seeking, to borders control.
The second Disruptive Fridays of the SMART PRISONS series, leading to
the Disruption Network Lab's conference on tracking, monitoring and
control in the context of prison and detention systems (March 24-26,
2023), focuses on the topics of technological violence and enforced
discrimination towards migrants and minoritised groups. We are
witnessing a degeneration of the use of AI in sensitive contexts in
Europe and globally. Who gets to ask questions about proposed
innovations and why are perspectives from the ground up relegated to the

More info & Registration:


Petra Molnar is a lawyer and anthropologist specialising in technology,
migration, and human rights. She is the Associate Director of the
Refugee Law Lab at York University and runs the Migration and Technology
Monitor (https://www.migrationtechmonitor.com), a multilingual archive
of work interrogating technological experiments on people crossing
borders. Petra is currently working on her first book, Artificial
Borders: AI, Surveillance, and Border Tech Experiments, and is a
2022-2023 Fellow at the Berkman Klein Centre for Internet & Society at
Harvard University.

Martina Tazzioli is Reader in Politics & Technology at Goldsmiths
College, University of London. She is the author of The Making of
Migration. The biopolitics of mobility at Europe’s borders (2019),
Spaces of Governmentality: Autonomous Migration and the Arab Uprisings
(2015) and co-author of Tunisia as a Revolutionised Space of Migration
(2016). Her forthcoming book, "Border abolitionism: migration
containment and the genealogies of struggles" (Manchester University
Press) will come out in 2023. She is co-editor in chief of Politics
Journal and on the editorial board of Political Geography- Open Research
and of Radical Philosophy.

Yasmine Boudiaf is a researcher and creative technologist focusing on
data, epistemology and the absurd. She was named one of 100 Brilliant
Women in AI Ethics™ 2022. She produces art and research projects and
consults on project design, strategy and public engagement. She is a
fellow at the Ada Lovelace Institute and the Royal Society of Arts and
is engaged in research and teaching at universities in the UK and Sweden.

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] OPENING PRISONS: Art as Investigation & Deconstruction of Carceral Spaces - Fri Nov 4

2022-11-03 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to attend our upcoming online panel this
Friday at 5PM CET, as part of our Disruptive Fridays series:

Opening Prisons: Art as Investigation & Deconstruction of Carceral Spaces

With Sean Vegezzi (Visual Artist and Researcher, US) and Fiamma
Montezemolo (Artist and Anthropologist, IT/US). Moderated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli (Founder & Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE)

Live & online chat - Friday Nov 4, 2022:
FREE Registration: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/df31/

This Disruptive Fridays launches a series of events heading to the SMART
PRISONS: Tracking, Monitoring & Control conference, that will take place
on March 24-26 at Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin. At the core is the
investigation of recent developments in the creation of prisons and
detention centres, with attention both on technical and ethical
implications of tracking, monitoring and control.

New York based artist and researcher Sean Vegezzi introduces his
investigative artistic project on an obscured part of New York City's
carceral infrastructure – as an artistic production commissioned by
Disruption Network Lab, whose results will be presented at our
conference during a keynote speech. The focus of his investigation is
the Vernon C. Bain Center (VCBC), an 800-bed, 191-meter floating
detention facility moored in the East River within the Hunts Point
section of the South Bronx. VCBC functions as an auxiliary of the Rikers
Island jail complex and is the primary facility for the criminal court
intake in the Bronx. Worldwide, it is the only floating structure that
was ever purpose-built as a detention facility. Vegezzi's work with
Disruption Network Lab in 2022-2023 will present the history of this
structure through a curated selection of archival materials gathered
thus far, and a commissioned video installation that will bring the
"ship" into more expansive public view from its current state of
"offshore obscurity" (Mike Ricketts, 2015).
Sean Vegezzi's talk for Disruptive Fridays starts with an extract of the
film Edgelands: VCBC, made in collaboration with Laura Poitras and
grassroots organization Take Back the Bronx / TBBX (IG, TW).

Fiamma Montezemolo works at the intersection between contemporary art
and anthropology, creating site-specific, interdisciplinary, and
cross-genre interventions that build on her long-term exposure to
borderlands and border zones. In this talk, she will focus on specific
issues related to the border as a sign of confinement and the
possibility of overthrowing its constraining connotation through certain
acts of imagination. Montezemolo will present Project Perucatti, in
which, working with architect and designer José Parral, she transformed
the historical Santo Stefano prison on the island of Santo Stefano from
an architectural center of power (the panopticon) into a volume
populated with poetic still images. She will also discuss Exit Only, in
which 'Exit Only’ is the Guantanamo Bay Museum of Art and History’s exit
ticket. The piece meditates on the deferred temporality of a facility
whose promise to be closed never arrives, except for those in possession
of the ‘Exit Only’ ticket. As more visitors deliberately choose to enter
in possession of this yearly ticket and with it to access and create an
art critical space, the emergency measures of wartime are gradually

Funded by Allianz Kulturstiftung, as part of the project “SMART PRISONS:
Tracking, Monitoring & Control” (July 2022-June 2023).

More information on topics and speakers:

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] SMART PRISONS: Tracking, Monitoring & Control. March 24–26, 2023

2023-03-09 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear all,

I would like to invite you to come to our upcoming conference in
Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin (or on streaming).

SMART PRISONS: Tracking, Monitoring & Control

March 24–26 · 2023. 29th conference of the Disruption Network Lab.

The conference SMART PRISONS: Tracking, Monitoring & Control traces back
the creation of "algorithms of security" through the past twenty years,
reflecting on the effects of technological violence and surveillance
directed at migrants, activists, and dissidents in Europe and worldwide.

Alongside ethical questions around the abuse of privacy, these
technological implementations need to be analysed to hold governments
and corporations accountable and socially responsible. Deploying
automatised technologies may increase problems of bias, discrimination,
and wrongful punishments, and raise psychological pressures to conform,
furthering a culture hostile to dissent.

SMART PRISONS looks at how specific targets, whether prisoners, migrants
at borders, or dissidents, have been progressively marginalised, trapped
inside prison facilities, detention centres, or within systems of
automatised control, being labeled as threats or suspects, due to
intersectional biases or critical political activity.

## Schedule
# Friday March 24, 2023

17:00 – 17:15 · OPENING & INTRODUCTION
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

17:15 – 18:45 · KEYNOTE: Investigating the Vernon C. Bain Center:
Constellations of Offshore Detention
Sean Vegezzi (Artist and Researcher, US). Respondent: Adnan Softić
(Artist, BA/DE).

19:10 – 19:30 · VIDEO ESSAY · Traces
By Fiamma Montezemolo, Critical Times, 2012

19:30 ­– 21:30 · PANEL: Are Algorithms and Borders the New Jailers?
Srishti Jaswal (Journalist, IN), Sanjana Varghese (Investigator at
Airwars, Journalist, UK), Petra Molnar (Associate Director, Refugee Law
Lab / Co-creator, Migration and Technology Monitor, CA/US), Fiamma
Montezemolo (Artist and Anthropologist, IT/US). Moderated by Sonja
Peteranderl (Journalist, DE).

## Saturday March 25

16:30 ­– 18:30 · PANEL: Revisiting the Genoa G8 2001: Another World is
Possible, and it Needs Another Kind of Computing
Carlo A. Bachschmidt (Film Director, IT), MF (Social Worker, IT/DE), Dan
McQuillan (Lecturer in Creative and Social Computing, UK). Moderated by
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

19:00 ­– 20:15 · PANEL: Targeted by Surveillance: Julian Assange,
WikiLeaks & Networked Repression
Stella Assange (Julian Assange's wife, Lawyer, UK), Kevin Gosztola
(Journalist, Dissenter Newsletter Editor, US). Introduced and moderated
by Stefania Maurizi (Investigative Journalist, IT).

20:15 ­– 22:00 · SCREENING · Ithaka
Documentary (2022) ‧ 1h 46m. Director: Ben Lawrence, Producers: Gabriel
Barber Shipton, Adrian Devant, Music composed by: Brian Eno,
Cinematography: Niels Ladefoged, Editor: Karen Johnson. With John
Shipton, Stella Assange, Vivienne Westwood, Ai Weiwei, John Pilger.

## Sunday March 26

# 11:30 – 13:30 · WORKSHOP · ISIS Prison Break: Deploying Open Source
and Visual Methods for Investigations
With: Imogen Piper (Motion Graphic Reporter, formerly Airwars, now
Washington Post, UK) and Sanjana Varghese (Investigator at Airwars,
Journalist, UK).

# 14:30 ­– 17:30 · WORKSHOP · G8 Genoa 2001: A Grassroots Media
Forensics Toolbox
With: Carlo Bachschmidt (Film Director, IT) and Manolo Luppichini
(Filmmaker & Author, IT).

More info: https://www.disruptionlab.org/smart-prisons
Tickets: https://pretix.eu/disruptionlab/smart-prisons/

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] Launch: Disruption Network Institute

2023-09-12 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli via SPECTRE
Dear spectre list,

yesterday, on the symbolic date of September 11, Disruption Network Lab
launched a research programme: Disruption Network Institute.
Investigating the Kill Cloud.

In parallel to our programme of conferences and events, this new hub for
investigations and empirical research will focus on how artificial
intelligence impacts new technologies of war, automated weapons, and
networked warfare.
On the brand new https://disruption.institute you will find research
abstracts and more.

An essential novel aspect of the Institute's approach is the direct
involvement of whistleblowers and other affected experts. With this
approach, the Institute not only feeds into an important ongoing debate
regarding the future of warfare, public participation therein, as well
as the protection of civilians – it also directly mobilises the
knowledge of people with first-hand experience of these systems from within.

Four research fellows joined the Institute to start working with us:
Lisa Ling (Whistleblower, Technologist, former Technical Sergeant, US
Air Force Drone Surveillance Program), Jack Poulson (Executive Director,
Tech Inquiry), Naomi Colvin (Whistleblower Advocate and
UK/Ireland/Belgium Programme Director at Blueprint for Free Speech), and
Joana Moll (Artist and Researcher).

Our advisory board includes Thomas Drake (Whistleblower, former Senior
Executive at the National Security Agency), Jesselyn Radack (Head of the
Whistleblower and Source Protection Program at ExposeFacts), Alexa
Koenig (Co-Faculty Director and Adjunct Professor, University of
California, Berkeley School of Law), Khalil Dewan (Head of Legal
Investigations at Stoke White), and many more.

Cooperation partners are Human Rights Center, University of California
Berkeley; Proto-Centre for Radical Matter: Art. Philosophy. Wild
Science. at the Royal College of Art, London; Airwars at University of
Goldsmiths, London.

Any feedback is welcome!
You can help spreading the word or reach out if you want to know more.
institute  disruptionlab.org

All the best,

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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[spectre] ARTIVISM: The Art of Subverting Power - June 23-25, 2023

2023-06-12 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli via SPECTRE
Dear Spectre list,

we are celebrating our 30th conference on June 23–25: ARTIVISM: The Art
of Subverting Power (Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin-Kreuzberg).

From June 23-25, 2023, ARTIVISM: The Art of Subverting Power analyses
how art and activism can be combined to shift media attention onto
important social issues, targeting unethical corporations and corrupt
governments working against the public good. The programme presents
distributed techniques and methods of provoking social and political
justice using digital technologies for social awareness and political
criticism. Invited speakers range from artists, political activists and
developers to human rights advocates and truth-tellers.
A programme of panels, workshops, and artistic productions curated by
Tatiana Bazzichelli. You can participate online by using our chat for
questions at https://www.disruptionlab.org/artivism

# Schedule

## Friday June 23, 2023

16:30 · Doors open
17:00 – 17:15 · OPENING & INTRODUCTION
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

17:15 – 18:45 · KEYNOTE · Inverted Gaze: Watching the Watchers in a
Well-Watched World
Manu Luksch (Artist, Filmmaker, Researcher, AT/UK). Lauri Love (Computer
Scientist, UK). Moderator: Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director,
Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE).

19:30 ­– 21:30 · PANEL · Fighting Technologies & Systems of Domination
Derek Curry & Jennifer Gradecki (Artists, US), Yasmine Boudiaf (Artist,
DZ/UK), Tobaron Waxman (Artist & Curator, CA/US/PL). Moderated by
Magdalena Tyzlik-Carver (Associate Professor of Digital Communication
and Culture, Aarhus University, PL/UK/DK).

## Saturday June 24, 2023

15:00 · Doors open
15:30 – 16:10 · VIDEO · Giacomo Verde: The Little Diary of Ailments
Il piccolo diario dei malanni · Video performance in homage to Giacomo
Verde, 36 min, IT, 2019.

16:15 – 17:00 · PANEL · Hacktivism, R(Ǝ)O Dada & Resistance
Discussion with Superazione Collective & Dada Boom Collective (Murat
Önol, Virginia Orrico, Alessandro Giannetti, IT), Guido Segni (Artist &
Hacktivist, IT).

17:30 ­– 19:00 · KEYNOTE PANEL  · Unmasking Power as Art: Sharing
Tactics & Practice
Mike Bonanno & Jeff Walburn / The Yes Men (Artists & Activists, US),
Cornelia Sollfrank (Artist, DE). Moderated by Klara Hobza (Visual
Artist, CZ/DE).

19:30 ­– 21:30 · PANEL · Breaking Evil: Artistic Actions for Justice
Steal This Poster (Subvertising Collective IT/UK), Michelle Tylicki
(Artist & Actvist, PL/US/UK), WeiterSo! Collective (Activist Art
Collective, DE). Moderated by Natalia Ivanova Mount (Curator & Activist,

## Sunday June 25

11:30 – 14:00 · WORKSHOP 1: Investigative Tactics To Dismantle
Supremacist Cuteness
Noura Tafeche (Artist & Scholar, IT)

14:30 – 17:00 · WORKSHOP 2: It Doesn’t Work Anyway: Measuring the Impact
of Political Art Actions
WeiterSo! Collective (Activist Art Collective, DE)

15:00 ­– 17:00 · WORKSHOP 3: Listening Structures: A Collective Process
for Big Tech’s Interrogation
Yasmine Boudiaf (Artist, DZ/UK)

## Full programme is online.

I hope you will be following us on streaming or come to visit us at
Studio 1 - Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin!

As always, the workshops fill up quickly, so register soon if you are

All the best,


Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] ORGANISED CRIME: A Global Business, November 24-26, Berlin

2023-11-16 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli via SPECTRE
Dear Spectre list,

I would like to invite you to our next conference "ORGANISED CRIME: A
Global Business", at Kunstquartier Bethanien (Berlin and streaming),
November 24-26, 2023. As usual you can participate using our online chat
to ask questions to our speakers.

Investigating global systems of organised crime and corruption, and the
connections between crime, politics and business.

ORGANISED CRIME: A Global Business discusses the complexities of
organised crime and corruption at a global scale. From the local to the
global, the conference shows how corruption and organised crime are
closely intertwined.

Corruption is not an issue circumscribed to a specific form of
government, but it involves a global network of countries as well as
different structures of economies and parliamentary systems. Global
corruption is a distinct and convoluted phenomenon that intervenes and
prominently influences both politics and the private sector, making it
more difficult for the system to legislate effectively and to
efficiently combat it.

To effectively inform the public and enhance literacy, we need the
perspectives of knowledgeable journalists, whistleblowers, researchers,
artists and activists from regions where corruption is considered
particularly visible and detrimental to democratic development. These
perspectives are also needed to counter stereotypes and to promote a
critical, balanced understanding on the mechanisms of globalised
politics, trade and crime.

A programme of panels, workshops, and performance curated by Tatiana
Bazzichelli and Mauro Mondello.


November 24, 2023
17:15 – 18:45 · KEYNOTE · Corruption Unveiled: Austria's Troublesome
Path from Strache to Kurz · Julian Hessenthaler who triggered the "Ibiza
affair," delves into the issues of power and abuse of power in the state
of Austria with Frederik Obermaier, one of the journalists to whom he
leaked the video.

November 25, 2023
19:15 ­– 20:45 · KEYNOTE · Undercover: Combating Organised Crime in
Africa · Ghanan investigative journalist Anas Aremeyaw Anas shows how he
uses undercover methods and sting operations to expose criminal rings
and corruption.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

November 24, 2023
19:30 ­– 21:30 · PANEL · Narconomics: Transnational Drug Trafficking &

November 25, 2023
16:10 ­– 18:15 · PANEL · Politics, Money & Rifles: Exposing Global
Mafias, Authoritarian Power & Corruption

18:30 ­– 19:00 · Find Your Tongue: Performance by Pleurad Xhafa on the
case of the Albanian whistleblower Dritan Zagani.

November 26, 2023
11:00 ­– 13:00 · Think Like a Criminal: Workshop with the Organized
Crime & Corruption Reporting Project

14:30 ­– 16:30 · How to Spot Corruption in the International Arms Trade:
Workshop with Corruption Tracker & Shadow World Investigations.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Julian Hessenthaler (Private Investigator, AT), Anas Aremeyaw Anas
(Investigative Journalist, GH), Frederik Obermaier (Investigative
Journalist, DE), Stephanie Busari (Journalist and Editor for CNN, NG),
Stevan Dojčinović (Investigative Reporter and Editor, Organized Crime
and Corruption Reporting Project, SRB), Floriana Bulfon (Investigative
Journalist, IT), Shehryar Fazli (Author and Senior Policy Advisor,
Asia-Pacific, OSF, PK/UK), Vincenzo Musacchio (Criminologist, IT),
Dritan Zagani (Whistleblower, Former anti-Drug Police Officer, AL),
Denisse Rodriguez Olivari (Researcher, PE/IT), Pleurad Xhafa (Artist and
Activist, AL), Andrea Dip (Investigative Journalist and Researcher,
BR/DE), Anton Radniankou (Chair of the Board, Center for New Ideas,
BY/PL), Verena Zoppei (Advisor Anti-corruption and Integrity, IT/DE),
Julia Auf dem Brinke (Co-Founder, Corruption Tracker, DE), Ruth Rohde
(Co-Founder & Programme Manager, Corruption Tracker, DE/UK), Rhona
Michie (Director of Projects and Planning at Shadow World
Investigations, UK).
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

More info & schedule:
Tickets: https://tickets.disruptionlab.org/organised-crime/

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:

[spectre] BEYOND CONTROL: Resisting Digital Oppression & Authoritarianism - April 20-21, Berlin

2024-04-12 Diskussionsfäden Tatiana Bazzichelli via SPECTRE
Dear Spectre List,

I would like to invite you to take part in person or online at our 32nd
conference "BEYOND CONTROL: Resisting Digital Oppression &
Authoritarianism", at Kunstquartier Bethanien (Berlin and streaming),
April 20-21, 2024.
Tickets: https://tickets.disruptionlab.org

Challenging wartime systems of misinformation, communication monopolies
& anti-democratic propaganda machines.

The conference challenges systematic strategies of repression to advance
political goals, discussing misinformation and information warfare in
the context of right-wing propaganda. The talks expose the monopoly of
communication channels that can shape and distort reality, conceal
abuses and maintain power, and present strategies to circumvent
restricted access to technology and information during wars and conflicts.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Saturday April 20, 2024

16:30 – 16:40 CET · OPENING
Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network Lab, IT/DE)

16:40–18:10 CET · KEYNOTE · Unveiling the Depths of Online Racism: Jihad
Van Puymbroeck's Story to Justice
Jihad Van Puymbroeck (Activist & Communication Strategist, BE).
Moderated by Nyima Jadama (Activist & Moderator, GM/DE).

Jihad Van Puymbroeck, a Muslim woman of Moroccan and Belgian descent,
has been active in anti-racist civil society for more than ten years.
Van Puymbroeck is one of the civil parties in the lawsuit against Schild
& Vrienden, a Flemish far-right youth movement that attacked her online.
She won her case after a long agony and will tell her story and expose
the depths of online racism.

18:40 –20:40 CET · PANEL · Gaza, Ukraine & Azerbaijan: Challenging
Network Authoritarianism
Manolo Luppichini (Filmmaker & Author, IT), Arzu Geybulla (Journalist &
Editor, AzNet Watch, Global Voices, AZ/TR), Tetyana Lokot (Associate
Professor in Digital Media and Society, Dublin City University, UA/IE).
Moderated by Tatiana Bazzichelli (Artistic Director, Disruption Network
Lab, IT/DE).

Join us to hear three different stories from Gaza, Ukraine, and
Azerbaijan, documenting the monopoly of communication channels during
wartime. How can we circumvent restricted access to digital
infrastructure in war?

Sunday  April 21, 2024

11:00–13:00 CET · WORKSHOP #1  · Community Girlblogging to Save The Internet
Irma Mastenbroek (Mathematician & AI Researcher, NL/DE)

In times of digital cultural crisis, girls can steer the internet away
from its neoliberal path of self-destruction. Mathematician and AI
researcher Irma Mastenbroek will explore how collaborative coding of
HTML+CSS web pages can help us gain independence from Big Tech and
rebuild community.

14:30–16:30 CET · WORKSHOP #2 · WikiLeaks: Can We Set the Records
Straight and Open the Space to Free Assange?
Raja Stutz & Claudia Daseking (Assange Support Berlin, DE)

Raja Stutz and Claudia Daseking from Assange Support Berlin will discuss
misinformation around the case of Julian Assange and share strategies for
reclaiming public opinion about WikiLeaks' contribution to press freedom
and our right to know.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

More info & schedule:
GET TICKETS: https://tickets.disruptionlab.org

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Disruption Network Lab
E-mail for personal messages: tbazz(at)disruptionlab.org
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
Fingerprint: A87C 3637 03ED 1D1C E6FE E828 1F55 2B2F F5A5 C9A0
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help: