Re: [squid-users] latest 3.1.19 doesnt compile in Centos5.7

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 15/02/2012 8:51 p.m., Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:

/usr/bin/libtool: line 805: libtool: No such file or directory
libtool: ignoring unknown tag CXX
libtool: link: cannot find the library `../libltdl/' or
unhandled argument `../libltdl/'

does anyone knows if i have to backport a pacage from centos6? Maybe.

It look slike it could be automake or libtool or libltdl issues.

3.1+ require fairly recent versions of libtool (2.x or so) and its ltdl 
(7 or such) partner library.

CXX is the C++ compiler variable. So it might also be automake issues.


Re: [squid-users] Use squid to switch to Tor network

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 15/02/2012 7:54 p.m., Yucong Sun (叶雨飞) wrote:

Tor (without the browser part) basically provides a socks proxy ,
Vidalia translate socks proxy to http proxy, and the browser use that
http proxy to work.

So, to get your squid use it too, just launch tor and vidalia as
usual, have squid configure a cache_peer parent to that proxy
(localhost:), also never_direct allow all , and you will be
going through tor any minute.

The key to all of this is that the traffic goes from point A inside your 
network where the clients can reach to some point B outside from which 
the domains can be reached.

You could do this with any sort of relay or tunnel service. Squid only 
handles HTTP, so the clients other traffic will stay broken. The type of 
service you are looking for is usually seen with two Squid operating 
with a VPN or TLS tunnel between them, using cache_peer to pass traffic 
over it (works just as well as a routed packet path too if you add NAT).

SOCKS proxy is a good idea, as would be a VPN-like tunnel with yoru 
routing sending packets to some outside server acting as a relay router.


On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 10:33 PM, Nguyen Hai Nam wrote:

Hi Squid guys,

We're using Squid 3.2 on Solaris 11 system smoothly, but few days ago our
ISP has had troubles with external Internet routing so we can't reach many
websites. I discovered that if I use Tor's browser I can open that websites
normally (yes, it's slow btw), at least we can open the website. So I think
we should cooperate between Squid and Tor to bring the Internet back for

I'm not familiar with Tor switching network except using Tor's browser, so
it's great to hear your opion and if you guys know the already
configurations, I highly appreciate it.

Thank you,

Re: [squid-users] Prefetch patch test

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries
Before we start. Please do not hijack other topics discussions. It ruins 
the groups archive threading and threaded mailer tools many of us use to 
track the group mail. Thank you.

On 15/02/2012 5:24 p.m., anita.sivakumar wrote:


Has anyone used and tested the squid prefetch patch available in the squid 
For me it apparently gave a segmentation fault when I tried to prefetch. It 
works normally for other requests though.

I assume you means the prefetch project patch from That was last updated for one of the 3.0 
PRE-releases (5 or 6 by the looks of it).

It was not accepted into mainline for some reason unknown to me.

Apart from ESI support, all body content filtering and adaptations have 
been pushed off to ICAP and eCAP processors. The whole devel.* site is 
now outdated, all projects there are in the deprecated bin. If you would 
like to revive one please get in touch with squid-dev about joining 
development and be prepared for a fair bit of hacking to get it ported 
to current 3.HEAD in BZR.

There are other tools (such as "squid-prefetch") which can do prefetch 
for any version of Squid without patching which you may want to 
investigate first.

Although be aware the in most instances pre-fetching at the proxy level 
has usually been found to be a large waste of bandwidth and cache 
resources, with little benefits (or none) to offset the costs. Modern 
browsers do a different kind of pre-fetch themseves which has a far more 
efficient algorithm for calculating what resources to fetch early. Squid 
and other proxies do not have access to enough of the users information 
to do it efficiently.


Re: [squid-users] Working Squid Configuration, but needs some fat reduction

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 15/02/2012 2:26 a.m., ALAA MURAD wrote:

Dear All,

First thanks for this great great open source project, I would really
appropriated if someone could look at my configuration and ensure that
my configuration is correct and clean.


We are doing a simple reverse proxy in our SSL :443 website. So far so
good, but sometimes I notice different kind of errors in the log file.

I'm running M$ Windows Server  and Squid 2.7, my proxy is
and connecting to the web server as back to back at

I want :
* Reverse Proxy to keep working
* Redirector to keep working
* I don't want to server port 80 or any other ports only SSL
connection in this server.
* I don't want to cache anything

Again my squid is working but I feel that the configuration need some
tweaking (and fat reduction!).

Thanks in advance .

Here is my configurations :

https_port 443 cert=C:/Interceptor/cert/mycompany.cert
cache_peer parent 443 0 no-query originserver ssl
sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER name=mycompanysite
acl mycompanyserver dstdomain
redirector_access allow mycompanyserver

http_port 443 and 80 using "" forces 
(re-writes!) the URI domain value to be ''. This affects 
*all* traffic arriving at that port regardless of the actually requested 
domain from the client.

This means that the ACL above will match *everything* arriving on those 
ports. You may as well remove the access control entirely (replace with 
"all" when used). Squid defaults to passing everrything to the 
redirector (if any) and the cache_peer_access below is also redundant . 
The recent releases are optimized for fast handling when a particular 
*_access is left at its default (unset) value.

redirect_children 20
redirect_rewrites_host_header on
redirect_program C:/java/bin/java.exe
-jar C:/Interceptor/redirector/Redirector.jar

 * What does this redirector do?
 * What does it output when there is no change to be made to the URI? 
(affects performance if non-empty result is sent back)
 * Can it handle concurrency or by updated to do so? (concurrency 
raises both speed and traffic handling capacity for these helpers)

In general Redirectors/rewriters usually add problems. This is something 
to consider carefully whether it is needed. Depending on what this does 
it coulc be quite beneficial taking time to work out ACL tests for 
redirect_access that bypass it (deny) whenever possible.

cache_peer_access mycompanysite allow mycompanyserver
http_access allow mycompanyserver
http_port 80 accel
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query originserver login=PASS

What traffic is this peer supposed to be getting? just a backup server?

The way your cache_peer are ordered means the port 443 one is preferred, 
and cache_peer_access permits all reverse-proxy traffic to use it. So 
the only reason this would be used is if the first one was overloaded or 
 This *is* a good setup to have the secure peer being preferred and 
insecure peer being a second-rate backup peer. Just pointing it out for 
anyone unaware of the behaviour.

#acl apache rep_header Server ^Apache
#broken_vary_encoding allow apache
cache_dir ufs c:/squid/var/spool 1 16 256
cache_mem 256 MB
maximum_object_size_in_memory 32 KB
logformat common %>a %ui %un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %Hs %a %ui %un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %Hs %h" "%{User-Agent}>h" %Ss:%Sh
access_log c:/squid/var/logs/access.log squid
cache_log c:/squid/var/logs/cache.log
cache_store_log c:/squid/var/logs/store.log

This cache_store_log is usually not useful (it is a debug storage log). 
You can configure it as "none" to save a lot of CPU and disk cycles.

refresh_pattern ^ftp:   144020% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:14400%  1440

  refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?)   0   0%  0

refresh_pattern .   0   20% 4320
acl all src
acl mydomain dstdomain
acl myweb src
acl manager proto cache_object
acl localhost src

"myweb" and "localhost" are defined as the same thing. Consider using 
"localhost" ACL and dropping "myweb".

NP: "/" and "/32" can be dropped off IPv4 addresses for 
simplicity. It makes no diffference to Squid, and can help you and 
co-workers understanding of the ACL.

acl to_localhost dst

Add "" to the to_localhost definition.

acl SSL_ports port 443  # https
acl SSL_ports port 563  # snews
acl SSL_ports port 873  # rsync
acl Safe_ports port 80  # http
acl Safe_ports port 81  # http
acl Safe_ports port 21  # ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
acl Safe_ports port 70  # gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
acl Saf

[squid-users] Squid block list

2012-02-15 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Hello All,

I need a suggestion as i am new to squid-world and i don't wanna waist
my time on R&D rather for the perfect solution which is scalable and
reliable. so as every Squid administrator want to restrict the
unwanted website access during working hours so i am here to ask the
same thing however i know how to implement squid and how to use
squid.conf and how to block the destination and i also know that there
are websites that are providing databases for squid to use as block
list and also consistently updating the databases. so i want such a
tool or supporting tool which can at least update the data files on
weekly bases however i will manage the implementation of rules on my
own. so kindly suggest me.

Thank you.


[squid-users] cache peering between two squid 2.7 + zph + mikrotik

2012-02-15 Thread Saiful Alam

We are running two squid servers (squid 2.7 stable 9) and want to have cache 
peering between each other. Both have static real IP addresses and sits in the 
same LAN. Bandwidth management for users are done by Mikrotik 3.30 which has a 
WAN IP of the same subnet and also sits in the same LAN as the squid servers. 
Users are connected from Mikrotik LAN interface running PPPoE servers. We are 
re-directing HTTP requests from users to the squid server using DNAT to the 
squid's real IP + port 3128. Also note that we are also using the ZPH facility 
of Squid to mark cache hit packets in Mikrotik, and allowing unlimited 
bandwidth for hit objects.

 Proxy1 squid.conf :-
 acl localnet src
 acl gateway02 src XXX.XXX.38.248/32
 http_access allow gateway02
 icp_access allow gateway02
 miss_access deny gateway02

 tcp_outgoing_tos 0x30 localnet
 zph_mode tos
 zph_local 0x30
 zph_sibling 0x31
 zph_parent 0
 zph_option 136

 cache_peer XXX.XXX.38.248 sibling 3128 3130 proxy-only

 and similarly we have Proxy2 squid.conf :-

 acl localnet src

 acl gateway01 src XXX.XXX.38.245/32

 http_access allow gateway01

 icp_access allow gateway01

 miss_access deny gateway01

 tcp_outgoing_tos 0x30 localnet

 zph_mode tos

 zph_local 0x30

 zph_sibling 0x31

 zph_parent 0

 zph_option 136

 cache_peer XXX.XXX.38.245 sibling 3128 3130 proxy-only

 Mikrotik Setting :-
 /ip firewall mangle add action=mark-packet chain=prerouting disabled=no 
dscp=12 new-packet-mark=proxy-hit passthrough=no comment="Cache Hit Packets"

 /queue tree add burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s disabled=no 
limit-at=0 max-limit=0 name=pmark packet-mark=proxy-hit parent=global-out 
priority=8 queue=default

 Proxy1 is a new machine, and doesn't have any cache objects in it, because it 
hasn't been in the service yet. Proxy2 is a old machine, and have a substantial 
large cache inside it. When I use proxy2 to browse and download, I get the 
proxy2 objects fast because the zph_local is working and mikrotik can also mark 
the hit packets properly. 

 Again I clear my browser cache, and tried to browse using proxy1, browsed the 
same websites are already in cache by proxy2, and I get SIBLING_HIT. Here's the 

 1327761343.689   2663 TCP_MISS/200 6299190 GET 
- SIBLING_HIT/XXX.XXX.38.248 udio/mpeg

But, its downloading very slowly, and downloading at the speed where I have set 
the RX/TX limit for that particular package. That means ZPH is not working. To 
investigate more, I tried to take tcpdump report from proxy1. Using tcpdump 
-vni eth1 | grep 'tos 0x31' i got zero results. Its not marking anything with 

AGain I used tcpdump -vni eth1 | grep 'tos 0x30' while browsing those websites 
which are actually cached by proxy2, but accessed by proxy1. I get results like 

 20:43:25.324668 IP (tos 0x30, ttl 64, id 27401, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
TCP (6), length 40)
 20:43:25.324814 IP (tos 0x30, ttl 64, id 7570, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP 
(6), length 40)
 20:43:25.324834 IP (tos 0x30, ttl 64, id 51042, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
TCP (6), length 40)
 20:43:25.325749 IP (tos 0x30, ttl 64, id 17589, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
TCP (6), length 290)
 20:43:25.325845 IP (tos 0x30, ttl 64, id 47388, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
TCP (6), length 290)
 20:43:25.325928 IP (tos 0x30, ttl 64, id 46825, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
TCP (6), length 290)
 20:43:25.326010 IP (tos 0x30, ttl 64, id 27402, offset 0, flags [DF], proto 
TCP (6), length 290)

Proxy1 configuration file says that local hits should be 0x30  and sibling 
hits should be 0x31, so why is proxy1 marking 0x30 for those packets which are 
actually SIBLING_HITS and not local hits. Even though its marking 0x30 for 
SIBLING_HIT .. Mikrotik still can't identify the proxy-hit packets, and 
therefore the download is slow.

I may have confused you with lots of information, but the main fact is, I am 
unable to get the ZPH working with the SIBLING_HIT. 

Some Additional information : Few months before I used Squid 3.1 in both proxy 
servers and ZPH did work SIBLING_HIT. But its not working working in Squid 2.7

Please advise.

Thanks & Regards,

[squid-users] Authorisation fails sometimes

2012-02-15 Thread Günter Merz


I'm using squid_kerb_ldap (via external_acl_type) to authenticate via kerberos 
and authorize access via ldap groups.

This seems to work. Partly anyway. My problem  is:

Most of the traffic is authorized as shown in the access.log file which shows 
GETs and CONNECTs using the respective kerberos id (user@DOMAIN) but some GETs 
and CONNECTs lack that kerberos id (-) and consequently fail (TCP_DENIED).

I tested if an earlier ACL might prevent those transfers from being allowed by 
inserting an ACL right before the external_acl_type to allow all transfers from 
the host I was using. This didn't show any TCP_DENIEDs.

I also wondered if the browser could be at fault (not requesting each GET with 
the respective kerberos id) so I changed from Firefox to Chromium. The 
behaviour was identical.

Can anyone think of a reason for this behaviour or another way to debug for the 

Re: [squid-users] Squid block list

2012-02-15 Thread Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz
Le 15 février 2012 07:51, Muhammad Yousuf Khan  a écrit :
> Hello All,
> I need a suggestion as i am new to squid-world and i don't wanna waist
> my time on R&D rather for the perfect solution which is scalable and
> reliable. so as every Squid administrator want to restrict the
> unwanted website access during working hours so i am here to ask the
> same thing however i know how to implement squid and how to use
> squid.conf and how to block the destination and i also know that there
> are websites that are providing databases for squid to use as block
> list and also consistently updating the databases. so i want such a
> tool or supporting tool which can at least update the data files on
> weekly bases however i will manage the implementation of rules on my
> own. so kindly suggest me.
> Thank you.

I recommend you c-icap with dansguardian list. Better, faster.

Re: [squid-users] HTTP 407 responses

2012-02-15 Thread Mr J Potter
Hi Amos,

Thanks for your help on this...

I've had to change tack on this in light of what you have said and
have now got NTLM authentication working.

- any form of http authentication is going to kick up a login box -
there is no way round this, right?

With , NTLM I am now getting the NTLM login 3 times before it lets me
in (apparently this is normal)

Can you recommend the best/least bad approach to go for here? I;m
setting up a guest wireless system, and I just want a way to get (non
domain) devices to get a chance to login to get an internet
connection, but all the ways I've found have major flaws.

- LDAP basic authentication works fine but is insecure
- LDAP digest requires a new type of password hash to be set up in my
directory services
- NTLM requires 3 login attempts

Or do I move away from http authentication entirely?

thanks in advance,


On 13 February 2012 22:25, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
> On 14.02.2012 04:15, Mr J Potter wrote:
>> Hi team,
>> I'm trying to set up an authenticating squid proxy with a nice login box
>> rather than the one the browser pops up with a HTTP 407 request... Does
>> anyone know how to do this? The main reasons for this are (1) to make it
>> look nice (2) so that I don't have to tell people to put in DOMAIN\user
>> into the box, (3) put some instructions as to what is going on and (4) to
>> add a limited guest login option.
> (1) is not supported by any of the web specifications at this point. Someone
> in the IETF had a nice proposal to allow headers to be set from  tag
> fields in HTML. I'm not sure where that went, at the time I saw it was still
> looking for support to get to the Draft stage.
> (2) is a feature of the AD or Samba PDC backend. They can be set to require
> the DOMAIN part or add a default value if missing.
> (3) permitting the server to determine what gets displayed on the login area
> opens it to phishing vulnerabilities. For most of the auth schemes the realm
> parameter is used by browsers after some heavy input validation as part of
> the title or descriptive text of the login popup. If you set it to a sane
> value the popup is self-explanatory to all users.
>> This is where I am so far...
>> - I've got NTLM authentication working
>> - I've got a nice login page in ERR_CACHE_ACCESS_DENIED
>> - I've still got to write the bit to authenticate people, but I'm not too
>> worried about that.
>> Highlights from my squid.conf file looks like this:
>> auth_param ntlm program /usr/bin/ntlm_auth
>> --helper-protocol=squid-2.5-ntlmssp
>> auth_param ntlm children 45
>> acl authdUsers proxy_auth REQUIRED
>> http_access deny !authdUsers   ### Kicks up a 407 request
>> http_access deny all
>> The second last line is the tricky one - I can see why the line
>> http_access allow authdUsers
>> would trigger a 407 request, but I'd hoped the deny ! option would get
>> around this.
> Nope. Both lines REQUIRE auth challenge before they can be tested. The deny
> line ending in an auth ACL also produces auth challenge when it matches. The
> browser takes it from there.
> The modern browsers all protect themselves against attackers by discarding
> the response body (your page) on 407/403 status and using a safe popup they
> own and can trust for secure user interaction.
> What you can do instead of altering the form and popup is present a session
> with splash page (your instructions) ahead of the login popup like so:
>  external_acl_type session ...
>  acl doneSplash external session
>  # URI to display splash page with your instructions (no login form allowed
> though)
>  acl splash url_regex ^
>  # link ACL to splash page
>  deny_info 307: doneSplash
>  # let splash page go through no limits.
>  http_access allow splash
>  # bounce to splash page if not logged in yet AND this is a new session
>  http_access deny !authedUsers !doneSplash
>  # do login
>  http_access allow authedUsers
> The page Splash gets passed the original URI in r=%s, which it can use to
> present a "continue"/ "accept" link after reading.
> Amos

Re: [squid-users] HTTP 407 responses

2012-02-15 Thread Alex Crow

On 15/02/12 15:33, Mr J Potter wrote:

Hi Amos,

Thanks for your help on this...

I've had to change tack on this in light of what you have said and
have now got NTLM authentication working.

- any form of http authentication is going to kick up a login box -
there is no way round this, right?

With , NTLM I am now getting the NTLM login 3 times before it lets me
in (apparently this is normal)

Can you recommend the best/least bad approach to go for here? I;m
setting up a guest wireless system, and I just want a way to get (non
domain) devices to get a chance to login to get an internet
connection, but all the ways I've found have major flaws.

- LDAP basic authentication works fine but is insecure
- LDAP digest requires a new type of password hash to be set up in my
directory services
- NTLM requires 3 login attempts

Or do I move away from http authentication entirely?

thanks in advance,



If you are getting login prompts like this (especially 3 times) it's 
likely your NTLM auth is not working.

In normal use with NTLM on domain member hosts, you should never see 
them, not even when opening the browser for the first time. The browser 
should pass through authentication from the logged on Windows session.

I would check the permissions on the winbindd_privileged folder (usually 
in /var/run/samba or /var/cache/samba) and make sure your squid user can 
write to it. Some distros actually change the permissions on that folder 
after winbind has started in the init script.

You might also want to check winbind is working by issuing "wbinfo -u" 
and "wbinfo -g"  - you should get a list of domain users and groups.


[squid-users] Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread berry guru
I installed Webmin to configure Squid3 and was wondering how do I go
about initializing the squid cache directory.

Under the Squid Proxy Server it states "Your Squid cache directory
/var/spool/squid3 has not been initialized.  This must be done before
Squid can be run."  I entered both a username I typically use and
root, but they both return the error "Cannot write to directory

I'm thinking this is an issue with permissions to that directory.  I'm
not exactly sure on how to edit those permissions.  Am I correct in
that assumption?

Re: [squid-users] HTTP 407 responses

2012-02-15 Thread Luis Enrique Sanchez Arce

With firefox you need to set the following variable to avoid the password 3 

In the navigation bar put about:config and change de value

network.auth.force-generic-ntlm = true


On 15/02/12 15:33, Mr J Potter wrote:
> Hi Amos,
> Thanks for your help on this...
> I've had to change tack on this in light of what you have said and
> have now got NTLM authentication working.
> - any form of http authentication is going to kick up a login box -
> there is no way round this, right?
> With , NTLM I am now getting the NTLM login 3 times before it lets me
> in (apparently this is normal)
> Can you recommend the best/least bad approach to go for here? I;m
> setting up a guest wireless system, and I just want a way to get (non
> domain) devices to get a chance to login to get an internet
> connection, but all the ways I've found have major flaws.
> - LDAP basic authentication works fine but is insecure
> - LDAP digest requires a new type of password hash to be set up in my
> directory services
> - NTLM requires 3 login attempts
> Or do I move away from http authentication entirely?
> thanks in advance,
> Jim
> UK


If you are getting login prompts like this (especially 3 times) it's 
likely your NTLM auth is not working.

In normal use with NTLM on domain member hosts, you should never see 
them, not even when opening the browser for the first time. The browser 
should pass through authentication from the logged on Windows session.

I would check the permissions on the winbindd_privileged folder (usually 
in /var/run/samba or /var/cache/samba) and make sure your squid user can 
write to it. Some distros actually change the permissions on that folder 
after winbind has started in the init script.

You might also want to check winbind is working by issuing "wbinfo -u" 
and "wbinfo -g"  - you should get a list of domain users and groups.




[squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread berry guru
I thought I had it, I found something in Chp5 of the Squid Definitive
book talking about initializing cache directories.  I ran the squid -z
command and got back the following details after is took:

aclParseAccessLine: squid.conf line 846: http_access permit all
aclParseAccessLine: expecting 'allow' or 'deny', got 'permit'.
Create Swap Directories

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:50 AM, berry guru  wrote:
> I installed Webmin to configure Squid3 and was wondering how do I go
> about initializing the squid cache directory.
> Under the Squid Proxy Server it states "Your Squid cache directory
> /var/spool/squid3 has not been initialized.  This must be done before
> Squid can be run."  I entered both a username I typically use and
> root, but they both return the error "Cannot write to directory
> /etc/squid3"
> I'm thinking this is an issue with permissions to that directory.  I'm
> not exactly sure on how to edit those permissions.  Am I correct in
> that assumption?

Re: [squid-users] Squid block list

2012-02-15 Thread Marcus Kool

ufdbGuard is a free URL filter for Squid which has the
time-related ACL feature to block sites only during business hours.
The Reference Manual of ufdbGuard explains the technical details.

If you have a small set of sites that you want to block, you
can make your own URL table and use ufdbGuard for free.

If you want to use a commercial URL database, you can
go to


Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

Hello All,

I need a suggestion as i am new to squid-world and i don't wanna waist
my time on R&D rather for the perfect solution which is scalable and
reliable. so as every Squid administrator want to restrict the
unwanted website access during working hours so i am here to ask the
same thing however i know how to implement squid and how to use
squid.conf and how to block the destination and i also know that there
are websites that are providing databases for squid to use as block
list and also consistently updating the databases. so i want such a
tool or supporting tool which can at least update the data files on
weekly bases however i will manage the implementation of rules on my
own. so kindly suggest me.

Thank you.


Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread Sebastian Muniz

On 2/15/2012 3:07 PM, berry guru wrote:

I thought I had it, I found something in Chp5 of the Squid Definitive
book talking about initializing cache directories.  I ran the squid -z
command and got back the following details after is took:

aclParseAccessLine: squid.conf line 846: http_access permit all
aclParseAccessLine: expecting 'allow' or 'deny', got 'permit'.
Create Swap Directories

Hello Berry,
If you have manually modified the squid.conf file I would suggest to 
reset to defaults and start again.
My experience with webmin is that you use it OR (exclusive OR) you do it 
manually. Manually modifying conf files tends to confuse webmin.

In this case the error is correct, you are missing allow or deny in the line


Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread berry guru
I was afraid you were going to say that Sebastian, but at the same
time it makes sense.  I'm going to restore my squid.conf from a backup
and see where I stand.  Thanks for the direction.


On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Sebastian Muniz
> On 2/15/2012 3:07 PM, berry guru wrote:
>> I thought I had it, I found something in Chp5 of the Squid Definitive
>> book talking about initializing cache directories.  I ran the squid -z
>> command and got back the following details after is took:
>> aclParseAccessLine: squid.conf line 846: http_access permit all
>> aclParseAccessLine: expecting 'allow' or 'deny', got 'permit'.
>> Create Swap Directories
> Hello Berry,
> If you have manually modified the squid.conf file I would suggest to reset
> to defaults and start again.
> My experience with webmin is that you use it OR (exclusive OR) you do it
> manually. Manually modifying conf files tends to confuse webmin.
> In this case the error is correct, you are missing allow or deny in the line
> Check
> Regards.
> Sebastian

[squid-users] Re: Squid block list

2012-02-15 Thread sichent

On 2/15/2012 2:51 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

list and also consistently updating the databases. so i want such a
tool or supporting tool which can at least update the data files on
weekly bases however i will manage the implementation of rules on my
own. so kindly suggest me.

full blown though for your needs...

best regards,

[squid-users] Squid 2.7.STABLE9 suddenly fails to run

2012-02-15 Thread SB Tech

I'm still having the problem described below.  If there's no further
help forthcoming, or if this issue is just one of those things that
defies explanation, I'll just go ahead and perform a restore of the
whole installation from a recent backup.  I'd rather not, but if I'm
getting no help it's all I have left.

Thank you.


On 12 February 2012 00:34, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
> On 12/02/2012 10:53 a.m., SB Tech wrote:
>>> the "squid[1551]: storeDirOpenTmpSwapLog: Failed to open swap log"
>>> error still exists, and is fatal.  This is the unprivileged user
>>> spawned by the root process that is run at boot.
>>> The low-privileged effective user is the default, "proxy".  Here's an
>>> accurate representation of my cache/logs file stucture:
>>> /media/sdcard   root:root 777
>>> ../squidproxy:proxy 770
>>> ../../00 through 0F proxy:proxy 750
>>> ../../swap.stateproxy:proxy 640
>>> ../../logs  proxy:proxy 775
>>> ../../../*.log  proxy:proxy 640
>>> Interestingly, swap.state is back even though I deleted it during
>>> troubleshooting, so Squid can clearly r/w here just fine.
>>> For completeness, my cache_dir is set as follows:
>>> cache_dir ufs /media/sdcard/squid 800 16 256
>>> Logs:
>>> access_log  none
>>> cache_log /media/sdcard/squid/logs/cache.log
>>> cache_store_log /media/sdcard/squid/logs/store.log
>>> I really can't see anything wrong with my permissions. What am I missing?
>>> Thanks.
>> I note it's actually looking for "TmpSwapLog" - is there somewhere
>> else I should be looking for this permissions issue (if that's what
>> this is) than the swap.state file?
> Its a temporary of teh swap.satte called swap.state.clean or swap.state.tmp
> and should be in the same directory as your swap.state.
> Try setting /media/sdcard/squid to 777 for one run and seeing if something
> strange has happened with its permissions. If swap.state owner or group
> changes those are what needs to be given access.
> Amos


Thanks for following up on this.  I took your advice, but afterwards I
simply received the same error.

I performed a "ls -la" on ../squid, and I don't see any evidence of a
swap.state.clean or .tmp - all I have are the cache folders, my logs
folder and swap.state.  Where could this be, as it seems to be where
the problem lies?

Re: [squid-users] HTTP 407 responses

2012-02-15 Thread Mr J Potter
Hi Alex,

I've got it working fine on domain members. I should have explained
better - I'm setting up a guest wireless network in a school, so all
devices that attach will be personal, non domain, and as a rule I
won't get the chance to configure them before they connect.

The devices that I want to connect will be mostly student laptops,
smartphones and visitors' devices.

The plan is to set up proxy DHCP autoconfig and/or transparent port
forwarding trick to point people towards the proxy (https is likely
not to like this I know), but I want a way of getting people to say
who they are and give them internet access accordingly. I;m using
squid/squidguard to great effect for the domain machines, and I'd like
to use the same set of rules for folks connecting their own devices.

How has anyone else done this? the options I've found are basic,
digest or NTLM all of which have major issues in terms of security,
configuration or usability respectively.


> Jim,
> If you are getting login prompts like this (especially 3 times) it's likely
> your NTLM auth is not working.
> In normal use with NTLM on domain member hosts, you should never see them,
> not even when opening the browser for the first time. The browser should
> pass through authentication from the logged on Windows session.
> I would check the permissions on the winbindd_privileged folder (usually in
> /var/run/samba or /var/cache/samba) and make sure your squid user can write
> to it. Some distros actually change the permissions on that folder after
> winbind has started in the init script.
> You might also want to check winbind is working by issuing "wbinfo -u" and
> "wbinfo -g"  - you should get a list of domain users and groups.
> Alex

Re: [squid-users] Squid block list

2012-02-15 Thread Mr J Potter
I've been using squidguard for years. Its great - you can block/allow
by user, workstation, time or url, and rewrite urls (for instance I
can force all google image searches to be safe, and block certain
search terms).

I looked at dansguardian too but squidguard won my vote at the time
(about 5 years ago). I don't know about any others.

and there's what looks like an OK front end for it too (squidguard
manager) or a webmin module but I've never used them in anger.


On 15 February 2012 13:51, Muhammad Yousuf Khan  wrote:
> Hello All,
> I need a suggestion as i am new to squid-world and i don't wanna waist
> my time on R&D rather for the perfect solution which is scalable and
> reliable. so as every Squid administrator want to restrict the
> unwanted website access during working hours so i am here to ask the
> same thing however i know how to implement squid and how to use
> squid.conf and how to block the destination and i also know that there
> are websites that are providing databases for squid to use as block
> list and also consistently updating the databases. so i want such a
> tool or supporting tool which can at least update the data files on
> weekly bases however i will manage the implementation of rules on my
> own. so kindly suggest me.
> Thank you.

Re: [squid-users] HTTP 407 responses

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 16.02.2012 04:33, Mr J Potter wrote:

Hi Amos,

Thanks for your help on this...

I've had to change tack on this in light of what you have said and
have now got NTLM authentication working.

- any form of http authentication is going to kick up a login box -
there is no way round this, right?

No. That is entirely up to the browser. Squid always sends the 407, but 
whether that goes through a SSO process or popup is up to the browser.

With , NTLM I am now getting the NTLM login 3 times before it lets me
in (apparently this is normal)

Several 407 *messages* is normal yes. Popups? not so much. You should 
only ever see one of those (or not even one).

Can you recommend the best/least bad approach to go for here? I;m
setting up a guest wireless system, and I just want a way to get (non
domain) devices to get a chance to login to get an internet
connection, but all the ways I've found have major flaws.

- LDAP basic authentication works fine but is insecure
- LDAP digest requires a new type of password hash to be set up in my
directory services
- NTLM requires 3 login attempts

Or do I move away from http authentication entirely?

You have missed Kerberos. This is an upgrade from NTLM with less of the 
handshake messages and somewhat better security encryption. Most systems 
support it, but YMMV on a general access system.


Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread berry guru
I reverted back to the default squid configuration and I'm still
getting the same error.  I restarted Squid, but still no go.

Supposedly the squid -z should of done it for me.

Any thoughts?

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:25 AM, berry guru  wrote:
> I was afraid you were going to say that Sebastian, but at the same
> time it makes sense.  I'm going to restore my squid.conf from a backup
> and see where I stand.  Thanks for the direction.
> Cheers,
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 10:58 AM, Sebastian Muniz
>  wrote:
>> On 2/15/2012 3:07 PM, berry guru wrote:
>>> I thought I had it, I found something in Chp5 of the Squid Definitive
>>> book talking about initializing cache directories.  I ran the squid -z
>>> command and got back the following details after is took:
>>> aclParseAccessLine: squid.conf line 846: http_access permit all
>>> aclParseAccessLine: expecting 'allow' or 'deny', got 'permit'.
>>> Create Swap Directories
>> Hello Berry,
>> If you have manually modified the squid.conf file I would suggest to reset
>> to defaults and start again.
>> My experience with webmin is that you use it OR (exclusive OR) you do it
>> manually. Manually modifying conf files tends to confuse webmin.
>> In this case the error is correct, you are missing allow or deny in the line
>> Check
>> Regards.
>> Sebastian

Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 16.02.2012 11:05, berry guru wrote:

I reverted back to the default squid configuration and I'm still
getting the same error.  I restarted Squid, but still no go.

Supposedly the squid -z should of done it for me.

Any thoughts?

Run "squid -k parse". That will show you any other issues in the 

Also, you said you installed "squid3". On Debian and child systems that 
is a different package and binary. You need to run "squid3 -z" etc in 
that case.


Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread berry guru
My mistake, I should have specified that I'm ran it with squid3.

The "squid -k parse" gave me some good info

WARNING: Cannot write log file: /var/log/squid3/cache.log
/var/log/squid3/cache.log: Permission denied
messages will be sent to 'stderr'.

So it looks like I need to change permissions to that directory, and
give it the appropriate write permissions.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
> On 16.02.2012 11:05, berry guru wrote:
>> I reverted back to the default squid configuration and I'm still
>> getting the same error.  I restarted Squid, but still no go.
>> Supposedly the squid -z should of done it for me.
>> Any thoughts?
> Run "squid -k parse". That will show you any other issues in the config.
> Also, you said you installed "squid3". On Debian and child systems that is a
> different package and binary. You need to run "squid3 -z" etc in that case.
> Amos

Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread berry guru
If I were to run chmod ugo+rwx *file* where file would be cache.log am
I going to break something.  Is this the appropriate approach?

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:23 PM, berry guru  wrote:
> My mistake, I should have specified that I'm ran it with squid3.
> The "squid -k parse" gave me some good info
> WARNING: Cannot write log file: /var/log/squid3/cache.log
> /var/log/squid3/cache.log: Permission denied
> messages will be sent to 'stderr'.
> So it looks like I need to change permissions to that directory, and
> give it the appropriate write permissions.
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:14 PM, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
>> On 16.02.2012 11:05, berry guru wrote:
>>> I reverted back to the default squid configuration and I'm still
>>> getting the same error.  I restarted Squid, but still no go.
>>> Supposedly the squid -z should of done it for me.
>>> Any thoughts?
>> Run "squid -k parse". That will show you any other issues in the config.
>> Also, you said you installed "squid3". On Debian and child systems that is a
>> different package and binary. You need to run "squid3 -z" etc in that case.
>> Amos

Re: [squid-users] HTTP 407 responses

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 16.02.2012 06:55, Luis Enrique Sanchez Arce wrote:

With firefox you need to set the following variable to avoid the
password 3 times.

In the navigation bar put about:config and change de value

network.auth.force-generic-ntlm = true

Question is what does "generic NTLM" mean?
  NTLM being the collective brand name (yes brand name) for a 
collection of security encryptions which includes things as far as 
Windows 3.1 CRC "encryption". Little better than clear text in terms of 

 network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-proxies - should be set to true, and 
probably also resolves most Firefox popups when using a proxy without 
needing to force generic NTLM.


Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 16.02.2012 11:31, berry guru wrote:
If I were to run chmod ugo+rwx *file* where file would be cache.log 

I going to break something.  Is this the appropriate approach?

It is incomplete. When the log gets rotated things die again.

The Squid details are in a folder called .../squid3/ so that you can 
assign that folder the appropriate read/write and owner/group 
permissions and leave its parent /var/log with root-only or similar 

PS. I should have said re-run -k parse when you think you have resolved 
the issues. Sometimes a major problem causes early abortand later 
problems remain hidden.


Re: [squid-users] Authorisation fails sometimes

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 16.02.2012 03:12, Günter Merz wrote:


I'm using squid_kerb_ldap (via external_acl_type) to authenticate via
kerberos and authorize access via ldap groups.

This seems to work. Partly anyway. My problem  is:

Most of the traffic is authorized as shown in the access.log file
which shows GETs and CONNECTs using the respective kerberos id
(user@DOMAIN) but some GETs and CONNECTs lack that kerberos id (-) 

consequently fail (TCP_DENIED).

I tested if an earlier ACL might prevent those transfers from being
allowed by inserting an ACL right before the external_acl_type to
allow all transfers from the host I was using. This didn't show any

Um, of course not. "allow all" will never deny anything. Absolutely 
anything is permitted.

I also wondered if the browser could be at fault (not requesting each
GET with the respective kerberos id) so I changed from Firefox to
Chromium. The behaviour was identical.

Can anyone think of a reason for this behaviour or another way to
debug for the cause?

Beyond seeing "TCP_DENIED" when the credentials are missing, What makes 
you think there is a fault?

4xx status messages is simply the mechanism HTTP uses for the proxy to 
inform the client software about things it needs to do. In this case 
adding the credentials to its request. It can (and should) retry 
immediately with credentials and get accepted. At best all 4xx status 
are minor problems easily corrected in the background by the client.

 5xx status are the major errors, only the server admin can fix those.

You also omitted details about what software versions you are dealing 
with. It's hard to diagnose a bug fixed in say 2005 without knowing your 
software came out in 2002. Likewise to ignore bugs fixed already in your 


Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread berry guru
Do logs get rotated because they reach a certain size or threshold?  I
found something that is kind of confusing me, the owner of cache.log
is the user 'proxy' which I never created, so this must be a default
user from squid.

I ran ls -l /var/log/squid3/cache.log and found that -rw-r- 1
proxy proxy 38762 2012-02-15 14:03 /var/log/squid3/cache.log

So it looks like the permissions need to be assigned to the user
proxy, but I don't have that info.  I'm pretty sure this will fix the
Webmin info, but my I'm wondering how users are giving permissions to
Webmin for the cache.log directory.

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Amos Jeffries  wrote:
> On 16.02.2012 11:31, berry guru wrote:
>> If I were to run chmod ugo+rwx *file* where file would be cache.log am
>> I going to break something.  Is this the appropriate approach?
> It is incomplete. When the log gets rotated things die again.
> The Squid details are in a folder called .../squid3/ so that you can assign
> that folder the appropriate read/write and owner/group permissions and leave
> its parent /var/log with root-only or similar access.
> PS. I should have said re-run -k parse when you think you have resolved the
> issues. Sometimes a major problem causes early abortand later problems
> remain hidden.
> Amos

Re: [squid-users] Re: Squid Cache Directory - Webmin

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 16.02.2012 12:54, berry guru wrote:

Do logs get rotated because they reach a certain size or threshold?

No. Just when "squid -k rotate" is run.
Most distros integrate their packages with the OS logrotate system.

found something that is kind of confusing me, the owner of cache.log
is the user 'proxy' which I never created, so this must be a default
user from squid.

Yes it is.

I ran ls -l /var/log/squid3/cache.log and found that -rw-r- 1
proxy proxy 38762 2012-02-15 14:03 /var/log/squid3/cache.log

So it looks like the permissions need to be assigned to the user
proxy, but I don't have that info.  I'm pretty sure this will fix the
Webmin info, but my I'm wondering how users are giving permissions to
Webmin for the cache.log directory.

Er, yes. Sorry I don't know webmin to help on that particular. Maybe 
someone else here can say.


Re: [squid-users] Squid 2.7.STABLE9 suddenly fails to run

2012-02-15 Thread Amos Jeffries

On 16.02.2012 09:19, SB Tech wrote:


I'm still having the problem described below.  If there's no further
help forthcoming, or if this issue is just one of those things that
defies explanation, I'll just go ahead and perform a restore of the
whole installation from a recent backup.  I'd rather not, but if I'm
getting no help it's all I have left.

It does seem to be one of those problems. There is no reason why the 
777 experiment should have failed at all.

You could check for free disk space and available inodes (if the FS 
uses inodes).


RE: [squid-users] Prefetch patch test

2012-02-15 Thread anita.sivakumar
Sorry Amos. But where else do I post this ? I thought I can mail it to this 
mail id But if there is some other place, please 
let me know.

- Anita

-Original Message-
From: Amos Jeffries []
Sent: 15 February 2012 18:17
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Prefetch patch test

Before we start. Please do not hijack other topics discussions. It ruins
the groups archive threading and threaded mailer tools many of us use to
track the group mail. Thank you.

On 15/02/2012 5:24 p.m., anita.sivakumar wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone used and tested the squid prefetch patch available in the squid 
> website?
> For me it apparently gave a segmentation fault when I tried to prefetch. It 
> works normally for other requests though.

I assume you means the prefetch project patch from That was last updated for one of the 3.0
PRE-releases (5 or 6 by the looks of it).
It was not accepted into mainline for some reason unknown to me.

Apart from ESI support, all body content filtering and adaptations have
been pushed off to ICAP and eCAP processors. The whole devel.* site is
now outdated, all projects there are in the deprecated bin. If you would
like to revive one please get in touch with squid-dev about joining
development and be prepared for a fair bit of hacking to get it ported
to current 3.HEAD in BZR.

There are other tools (such as "squid-prefetch") which can do prefetch
for any version of Squid without patching which you may want to
investigate first.

Although be aware the in most instances pre-fetching at the proxy level
has usually been found to be a large waste of bandwidth and cache
resources, with little benefits (or none) to offset the costs. Modern
browsers do a different kind of pre-fetch themseves which has a far more
efficient algorithm for calculating what resources to fetch early. Squid
and other proxies do not have access to enough of the users information
to do it efficiently.


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[squid-users] cachemgr.cfi General Runtime Information shows negative memory values

2012-02-15 Thread Sebastian Muniz

Hello all.
I am trying to understand how Squid allocates resources.
It is weir for me that the General Runtime Information shows negative 

You can check it here:
It is a bug or a problem in my installation?
