Complex Form Validation

2003-11-18 Thread George Steimer
We are trying to perform some complex form validaion with the new Validator plugin.  
Here is what we are trying to do:

1 -- validate a form field based on other form fields
2 -- validate a form field based on div style settings

I know that I could solve the first problem with the old validation architecture, but 
is there a way to do that through the validator.xml?  I'm not sure about the second 
problem.  The code looks something like this

div id=myDiv style=display: none
//my form element here

So is it possible to only validate the form element above only if the enclosing div 
display is block?  I've looked, but couldn't find anything explaining how to go about 
this.  Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,


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Re: Complex Form Validation

2003-11-18 Thread George Steimer

Thanks for your response.  I'm doing something similar with javascript.  What would be 
better is if we could validate the form serverside with the validation framework...  I 
think we would have to write a custom validator that somehow would get the div parent 
of the form field and check that before checking the actual field.



 I have done something similar to this.  I haven't looked at browser
 compatability yet(we're currently using this with ie6), but the concept
 that I use is that I look at the parents of the form field, trying to find
 out if the element is hidden.  If I find that a parent that is hidden, then
 I take appropriate action.
 My javascript loop looks like this:
 var hiddenParent = false;
 for(parent=formField.parentElement; parent != null  hiddenParent ==
 false; parent = parent.parentElement) {
  if(parent.currentStyle.display == none) {
   hiddenParent = true;
 if(hiddenParent) {
  etc, etc
 Hope this helps a little.  If there are better ways to do this, I'd love to
 get the feedback :-)
   George Steimer 
   m   cc:   
Subject:  Complex Form Validation 
   11/18/2003 02:18   
   Please respond to  
   Struts Users  
   Mailing List  
 We are trying to perform some complex form validaion with the new Validator
 plugin.  Here is what we are trying to do:
 1 -- validate a form field based on other form fields
 2 -- validate a form field based on div style settings
 I know that I could solve the first problem with the old validation
 architecture, but is there a way to do that through the validator.xml?  I'm
 not sure about the second problem.  The code looks something like this
 div id=myDiv style=display: none
 //my form element here
 So is it possible to only validate the form element above only if the
 enclosing div display is block?  I've looked, but couldn't find anything
 explaining how to go about this.  Any ideas?
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: RE: Struts and frames: what about the request scope?

2003-10-30 Thread George Steimer
I had this same problem on the project I am working on.  Based on the functionality of 
the application, I could not put the form in session scope.  I got around this problem 
by having each frame call an action that recreated the form bean in request scope and 
then forwarded to the frame jsp.


 Its not found in the request scope of the frames because each frame has a
 DIFFERENT request. The browser will sent a seperate simultaneous request for
 each individual frame.
 If using session scope beware of potential concurrency issues as you will
 have multiple threads accessing the same form object. Probably wont be an
 issue if your just reading values for display though.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeroen Breedveld [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, 30 October 2003 18:49
 Subject: Struts and frames: what about the request scope?
 Hi all,
 I'm trying to use struts with frame but the problem I have is that forms
 disappear from the request scope when I forward to an jsp containing a
 frameset to other actions like this:
 !-- jsp containing form submitting to someAction --
 action path=/somePage forward=/WEB-INF/pages/some-page.jsp/
 action path=/someAction
   name=SomeForm scope=request
   forward name=success path=/
   forward name=failure path=/
 !-- jsp containing frameset --
 action path=/framesetPage
 The contains a frameset like this:
 frameset framespacing=0 rows=50,*,
   html:frame frameborder=1 frameName=top-frame
   html:frame frameborder=1 frameName=bottom-frame
 Now in the actions topFrame and bottomFrame the form SomeForm does not
 appear in the request scope. Why is this? Rightnow I solved it by
 putting SomeForm in the session scope is that the only solution? I don't
 think that is a clean one anyway.
 Thanks for any help and regards,
 X-Hive Corporation
 phone: +31 10 2818080
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Re: RE: Frames and IFrames in Struts

2003-10-28 Thread George Steimer
Thanks for your response.  So, given that I can't simply persist the form bean -- is 
there a way that I can pass the information to each frame?  We can't use a session 
bean because we need to have the ability to have multiple framesets up at the same 
time -- each with different information in the form bean. 

Thanks again,


 when the framed pages load, they do not have access to the form bean.
 The issue here is that for each frame the browser will send a seperate
 independent request to the server - its NOT the same request!
 You will therefore need to consider other ways of providing the frames with
 the information they need. Maybe use a session scoped form and forward
 through an action such that each frames jsp ends up with the same instance?
 (be aware that each frame is also processed by its own thread serverside so
 you may need to consider synchronization issues and suchlike).
 btw: Depending what it is you are doing maybe frames arent really what you
 want? For example if your just using them to get a 'templating' effect you
 might be better off using single pages and doing that templating using
 -Original Message-
 From: George Steimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, 28 October 2003 06:00
 Subject: Frames and IFrames in Stuts
 I am a relative newbie with struts and I am trying to utilize both frames
 and IFrames from within a struts web application.   The application we are
 building has a form that submits to a jsp page that conatains a frameset.  I
 am using the html:frame tag in the frameset, but when the framed pages load,
 they do not have access to the form bean.  For the forward attribute of the
 frame, I have tried using both an action and a global forward, but neither
 works.  Am I missing something?  All I need to to is get the framed pages to
 read from the form bean that was submitted to the frameset jsp.
 Here is the source of the frameset JSP (excluding taglib declarations):
 frameset name=testFrameset cols=50%,*
 html:frame frameName=frameLeft forward=testFrameLeft /
 html:frame frameName=frameRight forward=testFrameRight /
 Here is the global forwards section of the struts-config.xml:
 forward name=testFrameLeft path=/testFrameLeft.jsp /
 forward name=testFrameRight path=/testFrameRight.jsp /
 Also, the application we are building also utilizes iframes.  I've searched
 the javadocs and a couple books, but I can't find a similar mechanism with
 struts.  Is there a way to get request scoped parameters into the source of
 an Iframe?
 Any help is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Struts cannot support relative uri ?

2003-10-28 Thread George Steimer
Do you have a html:base/ tag within your html head element?

 Hi, all.  I am fajaven from matrix(
 in China.
 I wonder it seems like Struts cannot support relative
 In tomcat 5.0 , my webapp looks like:
 Two files are:
 Normally, in left.jsp, I use logo.jpg, like this:
 img src=images/logo.jpg/
 but if in left.jsp include struts tags, or it mapping
 from struts action, then relative uri will fail, and
 absolute uri is required:
 img src=/asales/pages/images/logo.jpg/
 You know, relative uri cannot be used is not
 convinient very much.
 How can I solve this question? 
 javen fang from matrix
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Frames and IFrames in Stuts

2003-10-27 Thread George Steimer

I am a relative newbie with struts and I am trying to utilize both frames and IFrames 
from within a struts web application.   The application we are building has a form 
that submits to a jsp page that conatains a frameset.  I am using the html:frame tag 
in the frameset, but when the framed pages load, they do not have access to the form 
bean.  For the forward attribute of the frame, I have tried using both an action and a 
global forward, but neither works.  Am I missing something?  All I need to to is get 
the framed pages to read from the form bean that was submitted to the frameset jsp.

Here is the source of the frameset JSP (excluding taglib declarations):

frameset name=testFrameset cols=50%,*
html:frame frameName=frameLeft forward=testFrameLeft /
html:frame frameName=frameRight forward=testFrameRight /

Here is the global forwards section of the struts-config.xml:
forward name=testFrameLeft path=/testFrameLeft.jsp /
forward name=testFrameRight path=/testFrameRight.jsp /

Also, the application we are building also utilizes iframes.  I've searched the 
javadocs and a couple books, but I can't find a similar mechanism with struts.  Is 
there a way to get request scoped parameters into the source of an Iframe?

Any help is greatly appreciated!



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