Re: [Sugar-devel] State of Sugar?

2020-10-30 Thread Christoph Derndorfer-Medosch
Hi Charlie,

have you looked at Patreon ( I've supported two
or three open source developers via it over the years and am finding it a
low-friction way to do that via exactly the kind of monthly
subscriptions/donations that you mention.


On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 9:25 PM C. Cossé  wrote:

> Hello all,
> I would like to mention that there are probably other people, besides
> myself, who would love to develop their ideas for education software, if
> only there were some way to get paid.  I used to make free education
> software back when I had kids and could afford the time.  I personally
> still have a list of un-implemented ideas for education software which I'd
> love to work on, but the factor that makes it possible is missing, ie
> money.  It wouldn't necessarily be too difficult to modify the Sugar (and
> Sugarizer) eco-systems to promote compensation of developers.  For example:
> someone likes a project and wants to encourage further development by
> "putting $500 on it".  Or, since that might not happen very often, then
> convert into a "subscription" system in which subscription fees are used to
> compensate developers, perhaps allowing the subscriber choose which
> projects to support.  If there are people who want to develop and other
> people who want to support such work, then it could be successful.
> Just sayin' :)
> -Charlie Cosse
> On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 3:47 AM Christoph Derndorfer-Medosch <
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> a quick thought experiment from another old-timer and long-term lurker
>> here:
>> James, I think one might also turn your assessment on its head:
>> "The *low number of contributors* to Sugar Labs, Sugar, Sugarizer,
>> and Music Blocks is *due to the focus that we have, and it's unclear*. The
>> relatively *small amount of continued contributions* alone will *not
>> have any real effect on that*.
>> Sugar Labs contributors *will arrive and thrive* if there is a *clear
>> Sugar Labs focus*."
>> Just my 2 euro cents,
>> Christoph
>> On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 8:53 AM James Cameron  wrote:
>>> I disagree that the focus has shifted or that it should be shifted
>>> back to what it was.  The state of Sugar Labs, Sugar, Sugarizer, and
>>> Music Blocks is due to the contributors we have, and they are too few.
>>> No amount of refocusing will have any real effect on that.
>>> Sugar Labs will thrive if there are contributors.
>>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 11:40:58PM +0100, Bastien wrote:
>>> > Thanks James.
>>> >
>>> > So Sugar is maintained by a handful of people but it is not actively
>>> > developed anymore.  Sugar Labs puts some efforts in maintaining it but
>>> > does not really know who is still using it.  Sugar Labs also hosts the
>>> > Sugarizer project, which is well alive and reaching children at least
>>> > in France.
>>> >
>>> > I hope this does sound approximatively correct.
>>> >
>>> > Sugar Labs was all about provoking a change in the way we experience
>>> > education (learning and teaching) through the development of Sugar, as
>>> > a flagship for such a change.  This flagship was designed around a few
>>> > core principles and powerful ideas that are still alive and relevant
>>> > today: namely focus, reflection and collaboration.
>>> >
>>> > I think we all agree these core principles will survive the software.
>>> >
>>> > What if Sugar Labs focus was not to promote Sugar (which is dying) but
>>> > to help build a network of contributors around these core principles?
>>> >
>>> > What if we insist on the "Labs" more than on the "Sugar"?
>>> >
>>> > The Free Software Foundation is saying over and over that children
>>> > should use free software.  But building free educational software is
>>> > something very few people are interested in doing seriously, and the
>>> > ones willing to do it by following the aforementioned core principles
>>> > may not want to rely on Sugar or Sugarizer.
>>> >
>>> > How to help these people?
>>> >
>>> > You know my love for this project and my commitment to helping OLPC
>>> > back in the times, Sugar Labs community and Sugarizer today.  But I
>>> > don't feel the pulse of the Sugar community anymore, and I think t

Re: [Sugar-devel] State of Sugar?

2020-10-30 Thread Christoph Derndorfer-Medosch
Hi all,

a quick thought experiment from another old-timer and long-term lurker here:

James, I think one might also turn your assessment on its head:

"The *low number of contributors* to Sugar Labs, Sugar, Sugarizer,
and Music Blocks is *due to the focus that we have, and it's unclear*. The
relatively *small amount of continued contributions* alone will *not have
any real effect on that*.

Sugar Labs contributors *will arrive and thrive* if there is a *clear Sugar
Labs focus*."

Just my 2 euro cents,

On Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 8:53 AM James Cameron  wrote:

> I disagree that the focus has shifted or that it should be shifted
> back to what it was.  The state of Sugar Labs, Sugar, Sugarizer, and
> Music Blocks is due to the contributors we have, and they are too few.
> No amount of refocusing will have any real effect on that.
> Sugar Labs will thrive if there are contributors.
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2020 at 11:40:58PM +0100, Bastien wrote:
> > Thanks James.
> >
> > So Sugar is maintained by a handful of people but it is not actively
> > developed anymore.  Sugar Labs puts some efforts in maintaining it but
> > does not really know who is still using it.  Sugar Labs also hosts the
> > Sugarizer project, which is well alive and reaching children at least
> > in France.
> >
> > I hope this does sound approximatively correct.
> >
> > Sugar Labs was all about provoking a change in the way we experience
> > education (learning and teaching) through the development of Sugar, as
> > a flagship for such a change.  This flagship was designed around a few
> > core principles and powerful ideas that are still alive and relevant
> > today: namely focus, reflection and collaboration.
> >
> > I think we all agree these core principles will survive the software.
> >
> > What if Sugar Labs focus was not to promote Sugar (which is dying) but
> > to help build a network of contributors around these core principles?
> >
> > What if we insist on the "Labs" more than on the "Sugar"?
> >
> > The Free Software Foundation is saying over and over that children
> > should use free software.  But building free educational software is
> > something very few people are interested in doing seriously, and the
> > ones willing to do it by following the aforementioned core principles
> > may not want to rely on Sugar or Sugarizer.
> >
> > How to help these people?
> >
> > You know my love for this project and my commitment to helping OLPC
> > back in the times, Sugar Labs community and Sugarizer today.  But I
> > don't feel the pulse of the Sugar community anymore, and I think that
> > may be because the focus is back on the software, rather than on the
> > core principles and the people themselves.
> >
> > Stated otherwise: if Alan K., Seymour P., Cynthia S. and Walter were
> > back again in the same room to discuss the future of education, what
> > would they propose?  Could Sugar Labs host these new ideas?
> >
> > --
> >  Bastien
> > ___
> > Sugar-devel mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> James Cameron
> ___
> Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) / co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Sugar-news] Sugar DIgest 2015-05-26

2015-05-26 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, May 26, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Walter Bender

 1. It is with great sadness that write these words: Marco Presenti Gritti,
 the principal Sugar developer from Red Hat from 2006 to 2008 and one of the
 founders of Sugar Labs, passed away this past weekend after a long illness.
 Marco was a brilliant engineer whose work still reverberates throughout the
 Sugar stack and a warm, personable colleague, father, and husband. We will
 miss you Marco.

Thank you for sharing this sad news which I - and I assume many others here
- would have missed otherwise.

Reading it made me go back through my e-mail and photo archives and I found
this shot from FUDCon Brno in September 2008:

[image: Inline image 1]

I'll always remember mpg like that: A brilliant and cheerful software
engineer amidst like-minded and equally friendly and dedicated software
geniuses who built the foundations of Sugar.

And +1 to Gonzalo's suggestions of dedicating 0.106 to Marco and his young

If anyone has his physical address please let me know as I'd love send my
condolences to his two Danielas in this time of sadness and mourning.


 == Sugar Digest ==

 2. For those of you who are interested, we hold our GSoC group meetings on
 Fridays, 11:00 EST (Boston), 14:00 UTC on #sugar-meeting.

 === Tech Talk ===

 3. Peter Robinson, Sam Parkinson, Sean Daly, and Iain Brown Douglas have
 done a great job of revamping the Sugar on a Stick spin site for Fedora.
 Please see [1].

 === Sugar Labs ===

 4. Please visit our planet [2].




 Walter Bender
 Sugar Labs

 Community-news mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] bye !

2015-03-07 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hola Flavio,

recien lei tu mensaje de hace dos semanas.

Muchas gracias por todo que has hecho con los chico en python_joven y en
las comunidad como ceibalJAM dentro y afuera del Uruguay. Estoy convencido
que en particular tus muchos años de trabajo con los jovenes estudiantes y
programadores tenía resultados muy sustentables cuyos efectos estaran
dentro de los chicos para todo su futuro.

Gracias y saludos desde Viena,

2015-02-26 1:56 GMT+01:00 Flavio Danesse

 Hola a todos.
 Pensé mucho sobre si correspondía enviar un mail a la comunidad sobre este
 tema o no, ya que probablemente no sea relevante para la mayoría, pero,
 como se que hay gente que ha seguido de cerca la participación de
 python_joven y sus integrantes durante estos últimos seis años, me ha
 parecido importante, al menos informar sobre el estado actual de nuestra
 mini comunidad.
 Como informé no hace mucho, teníamos diversos proyectos planteados para
 desarrollar este año lectivo que inicia la semana próxima, pero por
 diversos motivos, mi participación dependía del compromiso al que
 estuvieran dispuestos los chicos del grupo, de modo que planteado el tema,
 resultó que la mayoría de ellos no estuvieron dispuestos a asumir
 responsabilidades concretas.
 Por este motivo, he decidido descontinuar python_joven y tomarme un
 descanso en todas las actividades comunitarias en las que he participado
 desde 2008.
 Haciendo el balance de esta experiencia, debo decir que ha sido
 maravilloso para mi. Es una experiencia muy gratificante ver la evolución
 que han tenido estos chicos durante estos años y la que seguramente tendrán
 en el futuro, espero que mi influencia en ellos haya sido positiva, fuerte
 y duradera.
 Lo negativo de la experiencia, sin lugar a dudas ha sido el no poder
 consolidar el grupo como una comunidad comprometida consigo misma y en
 objetivos claros y concretos.
 Obviamente, el fracaso ha sido mio y no culpo a nadie por ello y conviene
 que aclare someramente este punto.
 Para mi, enseñar a programar es tan relevante como enseñar cualquier otra
 Si quien aprende se apasiona con ello y es feliz dedicando su vida a
 trabajar en un área determinada, entonces el conocimiento por él adquirido,
 le ha sido verdaderamente relevante.
 Pero ocurre que pienso que lo verdaderamente importante en la formación de
 un adolescente es su personalidad, con todo lo que ello implica.
 Como todos sabrán, entre los 12 y 23 años aproximadamente se forma nuestra
 personalidad, es decir, se construye la persona que seremos el resto de
 nuestra vida.
 Si verdaderamente se quiere cambiar el mundo, no se necesitan más
 computadoras ni más programadores, lo que se necesitan son personas
 Y en ese marco, las personas que cambien el mundo, deben tener
 personalidades capaces de aportarle a éste, nuevas cosas.
 Este siempre fue el foco de python_joven. Con ello he sido intransigente
 porque el conocimiento es poder y por lo tanto, es muy importante a quien
 se le entrega.
 Los jóvenes que han participado de esta aventura, aun forman su
 personalidad y lo harán durante varios años y espero haber influido
 positivamente en ellos en este aspecto pero sobre todo haberles aportado el
 concepto de responsabilidad social sobre el poder que adquieren junto al
 conocimiento, porque hoy es un juego para ellos, sin embargo, mañana serán
 capaces de cambiar la vida de otras personas con él.
 Sin lugar a dudas cometí varios errores, sin embargo no han hecho más que
 reforzar mis convicciones, de modo que es el momento de tomar distancia.
 Por si acaso alguien no comprendió bien, no es que esté desconforme con
 los chicos.
 Es que seis años juntos no fue suficiente para dar origen a un colectivo
 capaz de reconocerse a si mismo como tal y por lo tanto, no tiene razón de
 Bueno, como sea, python_joven ya no existe, en definitiva era eso lo que
 iba a informar, lo otro podría ser tema de un largo debate para algunos.
 Un saludo a todos y que tengan un feliz comienzo lectivo.

 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Google' Jump Start Awards

2014-06-04 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Thought this might be interesting to some projects here and potentially
even SL itself to apply:

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Running Fedora 20 with Sugar on a Chromebook?

2014-04-12 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hola Sebastian,

thanks a lot for sharing your experiences, much appreciated.

Did you have to jump through any special hoops to make sugar-build run?


On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 8:27 AM, Sebastian Silva

 I have the C720. It's a beauty and really fast.

 It runs sugar-build on top of Manjaro GNU/Linux (Arch based) quite nicely.

 The only issue I guess is at boot time the chromebook will warn you that
 OS verification has been disabled, press something to enable it.

 If you don't choose to re enable OS verification, it then makes you wait
 30 secs, unless you know to press Ctrl-L.

 Legend says it's possible to flash a new coreboot bios on it but I can't
 affort the risk to brick it.

 In retrospect, I might have chosen to get the C720P that doubles the
 storage and memory and comes with a touchscreen.


 El vie, 11 de abr 2014 a las 10:00 AM, Christoph Derndorfer escribió:

 Hi all,

 because the question came up over drinks last night and now again at lunch
 here in Paris I was wondering whether anyone here has tried installing
 Fedora 20 with Sugar on a Chromebook?

 I've done some research and you can find some good information about
 installing Arch Linux on a Chromebook as well as some partial information
 plus scripts for getting Fedora to run on an Acer's Intel-based D720 ( Apparently the
 results are quite good.

 Anyway, curious to see whether anyone has any experiences beyond what's
 currently documented on


 Christoph Derndorfer

 volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
 editor, OLPC News []
 co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []


 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Running Fedora 20 with Sugar on a Chromebook?

2014-04-11 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

because the question came up over drinks last night and now again at lunch
here in Paris I was wondering whether anyone here has tried installing
Fedora 20 with Sugar on a Chromebook?

I've done some research and you can find some good information about
installing Arch Linux on a Chromebook as well as some partial information
plus scripts for getting Fedora to run on an Acer's Intel-based D720 ( Apparently the
results are quite good.

Anyway, curious to see whether anyone has any experiences beyond what's
currently documented on


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Running Fedora 20 with Sugar on a Chromebook?

2014-04-11 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hey tch,

cool, please let us know how it goes.

I checked ebay today and was close to buying a used Chromebook but a closer
look at my bank account convinced me otherwise...


On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 10:54 PM, Martin Abente wrote:

 Hola Christoph,

 Thanks for sharing your research, I am interested in this topic.

 I got a chromebook but I never seen these articles you showed. I will try
 one of these and let you know how it goes.


 On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 11:00 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Hi all,

 because the question came up over drinks last night and now again at
 lunch here in Paris I was wondering whether anyone here has tried
 installing Fedora 20 with Sugar on a Chromebook?

 I've done some research and you can find some good information about
 installing Arch Linux on a Chromebook as well as some partial information
 plus scripts for getting Fedora to run on an Acer's Intel-based D720 ( Apparently the
 results are quite good.

 Anyway, curious to see whether anyone has any experiences beyond what's
 currently documented on


 Christoph Derndorfer

 volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
 editor, OLPC News []
 co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []


 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Recommendations for running Sugar on standard hardware (non-XOs)?

2014-04-09 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Tom, Sam, Martin, Ian, David,

thanks a lot for all your input, I'll point the German guy to these
resources and ask him to report back his findings.


On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 2:26 AM, David Beveridge wrote:

 I have a stick here based on Fedora 20.  To get to root I pressed F3
 to get to the list menu and clicked on Terminal.
 Once terminal is running I type su - to be come root and liveinst
 to start ananconda
 $ su -
 # liveinst

 On Wed, Apr 9, 2014 at 2:39 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  Hi David,
  thanks for the link.
  Given that this page was last updated back in 2012 I'm wondering whether
  anyone knows if the instructions are still up-to-date and working?
  On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 8:19 AM, David Beveridge
  I would try this method..,
  On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
   Hey everyone,
   a guy I know wants to set up a couple of older laptops with Sugar in a
   of learning lab in Germany and asked me what the best route for
   was. Since I haven't dabbled in that area in quite a while I'm not
   the best recommendations are these days:
   * using the SoaS version from late December?
   * installing Fedora 20 and running Sugar on top of that?
   * something entirely different?
   Any comments, suggestions, links, etc. would be much appreciated.
   Christoph Derndorfer
   volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
   editor, OLPC News []
   co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []
   SoaS mailing list
  SoaS mailing list
  Christoph Derndorfer
  volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
  editor, OLPC News []
  co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []
  SoaS mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Recommendations for running Sugar on standard hardware (non-XOs)?

2014-04-08 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi David,

thanks for the link.

Given that this page was last updated back in 2012 I'm wondering whether
anyone knows if the instructions are still up-to-date and working?


On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 8:19 AM, David Beveridge wrote:

 I would try this method..,

 On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  Hey everyone,
  a guy I know wants to set up a couple of older laptops with Sugar in a
  of learning lab in Germany and asked me what the best route for doing
  was. Since I haven't dabbled in that area in quite a while I'm not sure
  the best recommendations are these days:
  * using the SoaS version from late December?
  * installing Fedora 20 and running Sugar on top of that?
  * something entirely different?
  Any comments, suggestions, links, etc. would be much appreciated.
  Christoph Derndorfer
  volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
  editor, OLPC News []
  co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []
  SoaS mailing list
 SoaS mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Recommendations for running Sugar on standard hardware (non-XOs)?

2014-04-07 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hey everyone,

a guy I know wants to set up a couple of older laptops with Sugar in a sort
of learning lab in Germany and asked me what the best route for doing
that was. Since I haven't dabbled in that area in quite a while I'm not
sure what the best recommendations are these days:

* using the SoaS version from late December?
* installing Fedora 20 and running Sugar on top of that?
* something entirely different?

Any comments, suggestions, links, etc. would be much appreciated.


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
co-founder, TechnikBasteln® []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Sugar 0.99.1 (unstable)

2013-07-31 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Exciting stuff!

Danke, thanks for a job well done. :-)


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 8:04 PM, Martin Abente wrote:

 Thanks Daniel! Well done!!

 On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Walter Bender walter.ben...@gmail.comwrote:

 This release represents a significant achievement, both in terms of
 quantity of new features, but also in terms of quality of process.
 Thanks Daniel for leading the effort.


 On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Daniel Narvaez
  this is the first feature frozen release. We landed all the features
 that we
  initially planned and a few more. Thanks to everyone involved!
  * Multi selection in the journal
  * Service providers selection in the modem configuration
  * Previews in the object chooser
  * Multiple home views
  * Microformat activity updater
  * Automatic activity updates
  Daniel Narvaez
  Sugar-devel mailing list

 Walter Bender
 Sugar Labs
 IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Yet another project to port Sugar to Android ?

2013-07-02 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi Andrews,

thanks a lot for the explanations, much appreciated! :-)


On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 12:18 AM, Andrew McMillan and...@morphoss.comwrote:

 On Sun, 2013-06-30 at 16:28 +0200, wrote:
  Hi all,
  In a recent blog post on the OLPC association web site [1], I read
  that there is a new (at least for me) project to port Sugar to
  Specifically, the post mentioned that the work is done by Morphoss
  [2], a New Zealand company and that it allow to use Sugar on the XO

 As is so often the case, the people who make the announcements do so
 without any pre-release testing on technical people :-)

 I've been responsible for the development of the XO Learning UI to date
 and it is our intention to include a Sugar service of some kind with
 that as soon as practicable.

 We plan to follow the Sugar on HTML design as closely as we can, with
 Simon  Manuel continuing to be involved in the work.

  I wonder if anyone on this list know this work and in which way it
  could be linked with the current work on HTML5 Sugar Framework?

 I expect our development at OLPC to implement that framework.

  Of course it’s clear for me that it’s better to work together on the
  same project instead of working on two different projects to do the
  same thing !


 Personally I still need to properly understand at what stage the
 specification is, and how much work will it take to get it over the
 line.  I understand there is already an implementation for GTK in
 progress, and I hope we can get an Android implementation done alongside
 that as soon as possible.

 I hope this helps clarify things for everyone.

 Andrew McMillan.

 andrew (AT) morphoss (DOT) com +64 (2) 7233 2426
  Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery.
   -- Jack Paar


 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Yet another project to port Sugar to Android ?

2013-07-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
I'm confused. To the best of my knowledge Sugar doesn't run on Android
(yet?) and the focus of the HTML 5 work was to enable Activities written in
HTML 5 to run on Sugar (and not to port Sugar to run on an HTML platform
such as a browser). So we really only have Sugar on Linux.

Or am I missing something?


On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Samuel Greenfeld greenf...@laptop.orgwrote:

 Although I cannot comment officially, my understanding is that these
 really are not that separate.

 What you have at the moment are a few things called Sugar:

- Sugar on Linux
- Sugar on Android (sometimes including the Dreams UI for the XO
Learning environment)
- Sugar on HTML5 (an overlay that fits over both)

 Historically Sugar on Android was considered equivalent to Sugar on
 HTML5, with different groups preferring different terms.   This may still
 be the case.

 Sugar Labs as an organization probably should officially decide what
 should be called part of Sugar, and what they do not wish to be included in
 its definition.

 On Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 10:28 AM, wrote:

 Hi all,

 ** **

 In a recent blog post on the OLPC association web site [1], I read that
 there is a new (at least for me) project to port Sugar to Android.

 Specifically, the post mentioned that the work is done by Morphoss [2], a
 New Zealand company and that it allow to use Sugar on the XO tablet.

 ** **

 I wonder if anyone on this list know this work and in which way it could
 be linked with the current work on HTML5 Sugar Framework?

 ** **

 Of course it’s clear for me that it’s better to work together on the same
 project instead of working on two different projects to do the same thing !

 ** **

 Tell me what you think.

 ** **


 ** **



 Sugar-devel mailing list

 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] XSCE Update

2013-06-28 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Thanks for the update, keep up the great work!


On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 3:53 PM, David Farning

 Time for the second installment to the XSCE Update.

 - Deployments-

 1. Bhagmalpur, India - . The update
 to XSCE is complete in Bhagmalpur. It will be interesting to see what
 Sameer concluded based on the statistics generation system. -- Thanks
 Sameer and Anish

 2. Haiti - . Haiti was the first
 'real world test' for XSCE started a couple of months ago. Many of the
 ideas for XSCE come from George's and Adam's experiences maintaining
 the deployment. -- Thanks George and Adam

 3. OLPC Australia - . Much of the planning
 for XSCE comes from the experience of Jerry, the lead developer of
 OLPC AU. Jerry lives in Canada while maintaining a 5000 unit
 deployment which is is the process of expanding to 50,000 XO4s. --
 Thanks Jerry

 4. Solomon Islands - .
 Working with David has been a great help to the project. For the past
 couple of weeks, David has been asking a series of questions about
 testing and deploying XSCE in the Solomon Islands. Many of the
 questions involve working in a low bandwidth environment. We hope we
 learn from his questions and can create something which meets his
 needs. -- Thanks David

 5. Dominican Republic - . Last week
 Ruben, from OLPC-A, joined the #schoolserver mailing list to ask some
 questions about deploying XSCE in the Dominican Republic. I hope this
 is a sign of growing cooperation between OLPC-A and XSCE. -- Thanks

 -Development -

 Santiago started using our new gIt workflow as documented at .

 We hope the recent modularization and the new workflow will make it
 easier for deployment to upstream their hard work with needing to
 understand the entire system. If you are interested in tracking
 progress please see
 .  -- Thanks Santi, Tim, George

 - What does the SchoolServer Serve? :) -

 For a general overview of the School Server please see .

 More specifically, a number of existing projects are working with XSCE
 to provide their content. XSCE's plug in design allow these projects
 to easily prepare their project for inclusion in XSCE

 1. Internet in a Box - . It looks like
 IIAB will ship as an add on with 0.4 in Sept. -- Thanks Braddock

 2. Pathagar. - . Pathagar is
 a simple book server for making custom libraries available to
 deployments. Pathagar is interesting because it allow curators to use
 widely available, cross platform tools such as  to maintain those libraries. -- Thanks Seth

 As always, please help us met your deployment or project's needs.

 David Farning
 Activity Central:
 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] ETA for final 13.1.0 release?

2013-01-21 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hey Daniel and all,

I was wondering whether you have an ETA for the final 13.1.0 release?

The reason why I'm asking is that I'm heading to Zambia on Saturday evening
to give a repair and maintenance workshop at the Lubuto Library Project
which Mike has been supporting for a while. Since I'd like to get all their
XOs up to 13.1.0 in preparation of Mike's education workshop later in
February and local Internet connectivity will likely be limited it would be
great if I could bring along the images for XO-1/1.5/1.75 on a USB drive.


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Stepping down as Sugar maintainer

2013-01-07 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi Sascha,

thanks a lot for all your contributions and the extensive feedback (both in
patch reviews and during discussions on the list or during events) which
you have provided to this community in the past few years.

Good luck in all your ongoing and future projects!


On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 2:16 AM, Gary Martin garycmar...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Hi Sascha,

 On 6 Jan 2013, at 20:19, Sascha Silbe wrote:

  Hello everyone,
  I am stepping down as maintainer for Sugar and some related
  services. This is mostly due to lack of time, but even if I had more of
  that to spare for Sugar, the way I work is sufficiently different from
  that of the most active contributors that I'd do more harm than good.
  For some time now, my business didn't have any Sugar-related contract,
  so as an entrepreneur I can't afford investing time, effort or money
  into Sugar. My spare time is pretty limited these days and I tend to
  spend what's left of it on reflecting, relaxing and some minor non-Sugar
  projects, so even as a volunteer I can't spend much on Sugar.
  However, I will continue using an XO as my primary laptop, so I may
  contribute to some of the lower-level parts of the stack (powerd,
  kernel, etc.) from time to time. I'll also continue working on some data
  store stuff (gdatastore, datastore-fuse, etc.), but strictly outside of
  Sugar as I wouldn't be able to hold your pace.
  It's been exciting times working with you and I've learned a lot. But
  now it's time to move on and let younger folks take over. That seems to
  have worked fine the past few months; hopefully it'll work out in the
  long run as well. This side of the ocean, my current customers have come
  to appreciate the way I work. And taking Sundays off for relaxing and
  reflecting, I'm much more at ease. So everyone is better off now.
  So long and thanks for all the fish,

 Just wanted to say many thanks for all your efforts ant contributions over
 the years, and especially for your thorough and detailed patch reviews! I
 know I picked up many hints and insights reading through them along the way.

 Best of success for your future projects and please do keep in contact
 from time to time!

 Best Regards,

  Sugar-devel mailing list
 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] NPR story on OLPC in Peru

2012-10-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 2:21 AM, Sameer Verma wrote:

 On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
  On 10/13/12, Walter Bender wrote:
  I think you are grossly underestimating the connectivity problem in
  Yes maybe, but I understand most educational systems dont have enough
  budget to acquire connectivity so getting connectivity from other
  sources like public buildings, libraries, will allow other resource to
  come through without needing to be funded by the educational budget.
  Now if we are talking about, the whole town not having ways on
  connecting, then the next option would be looking for alternative
  sources, in Mexico they used Satelite modems.
  But other mediums like DSL modems attached to a wifi router will be
  able to get some basic Internet for HTML/images, IRC, etc. The big
  question is about the level of connectivity for copper phone lines.

 It seems that a fair number of offline requirements will be served by
 the XS school server, but I don't see that show up in any of the
 conversations. Does any location in Peru use any version of the XS?

I'm not aware of any schools having school servers, at least they didn't
have them when I was there in 2010. The next best thing were USB drives
with some collections of offline materials compiled by DIGETE but as far as
I can tell only a certain percentage of teachers ever received theirs.



  Walter Bender
  Sugar Labs
  Devel mailing list
  Alexandro Colorado
  PPMC Apache OpenOffice
  Devel mailing list
 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] NPR story on OLPC in Peru

2012-10-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Walter Bender walter.ben...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Dr. Gerald Ardito
  I wanted to share that we have faced the same criticisms in our school
  regarding the XOs. For the last four years, the teachers and students
  complained that the devices do not connect well or reliably to our
  Obviously, in our case, we have a wireless network and essentially
  continuous access to the internet. But, what I have had to fight
 against is
  that this is the most basic use of any computing device.
  The only way I have been able to stem this tide is to come up with
  projects and programs that made use of the XOs as standalone or mesh
  networked devices. For example, we have done a lot with Memorize and
  and Scratch (and beginning to work with TurtleBlocks). I have found that
  once the students and teachers are involved with these activities, the
  internet stuff goes away.
  But the bigger point that is missed in the story, and the broader
  conversation, is that the XOs and Sugar tap into non-traditional
 methods of
  teaching and learning. When this invisible line is crossed, real magic
  happens. It is the conversations which illuminate this invisible line
  is tough.
  please don't forget that very few of the teachers in Peru have the
  affordances available to you when you worked against that tide and helped
  your pupils reach that invisible line. You have received countless years
  professional training, have ready access to the world's and the
  accumulated knowledge about using XOs and Sugar (thanks to the Internet),
  deal with student bodies who generally don't go hungry, have a pyhsic and
  social infrastructure that's available at very few Peruvian schools, etc.
  In short, I believe in the importance of crossing that invisible line
 and I
  have been lucky enough to see some glimpses of that happening in the past
  few years. However a significant number of pupils and teachers in Peru
  miles and miles away from that line and will need other ways of support
  even get them close to it.
  I also think it's odd to see how the role of the Internet and the
  connectivity it enables between people is apparently deemphasized in this
  conversation. I remember a time where Connectivity was one of the 5
  principles of OLPC, and for good reasons I dare say. Due to the
  of the Mesh network (and similarly so the newer ad-hoc networking
  and the lack of infrastructure components such as access points most
  and teachers in Peru barely have access to local connectivity and all the
  affordances (incl. Sugar's collaboration features) and value it provides.

 No one is discounting the dire state of connectivity in Peru and as
 CJL pointed out, there are people activitly trying to do something
 about it, not just talk about it.

Point taken.

  Also I believe that people here will simply have to get used to bad news
  (whether fully justified or not) coming out of Peru. The project there
  has potential but unless a lot of additional resources and brain power
  invested into its overall value proposition and usefulness will always
  remain questionable at best.

 I think you are projecting your own agenda on this discussion.

And you're not? ;-)

 no one is burying their head in the sand re short-comings, but at
 least some of us believe that lack of Internet access does not mean
 lack of opportunity to learn.

I'm not saying that a lack of Internet access equals a lack of learning
opportunities (and I agree with your fundamental criticism of the NPR
article there). At the same time there's no doubt that what is already an
*extremely* challenging thing to do under the best of circumstances
(getting across that line) is made even harder without Internet
connectivity or offline substitutes such as school servers.



  Just my two cents.
  On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 8:29 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 2:21 AM, Sameer Verma wrote:
  On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Alexandro Colorado
   On 10/13/12, Walter Bender wrote:
   I think you are grossly underestimating the connectivity problem in
   Yes maybe, but I understand most educational systems dont have
   budget to acquire connectivity so getting connectivity from other
   sources like public buildings, libraries, will allow other resource
   come through without needing to be funded by the educational budget.
   Now if we are talking about, the whole town not having ways

Re: [Sugar-devel] NPR story on OLPC in Peru

2012-10-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 5:45 PM, Walter Bender walter.ben...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Walter Bender
  On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 11:07 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
   On Sun, Oct 14, 2012 at 2:42 PM, Dr. Gerald Ardito
   I wanted to share that we have faced the same criticisms in our
   regarding the XOs. For the last four years, the teachers and students
   complained that the devices do not connect well or reliably to our
   Obviously, in our case, we have a wireless network and essentially
   continuous access to the internet. But, what I have had to fight
   against is
   that this is the most basic use of any computing device.
   The only way I have been able to stem this tide is to come up with
   projects and programs that made use of the XOs as standalone or mesh
   networked devices. For example, we have done a lot with Memorize and
   and Scratch (and beginning to work with TurtleBlocks). I have found
   once the students and teachers are involved with these activities,
   internet stuff goes away.
   But the bigger point that is missed in the story, and the broader
   conversation, is that the XOs and Sugar tap into non-traditional
   methods of
   teaching and learning. When this invisible line is crossed, real
   happens. It is the conversations which illuminate this invisible line
   is tough.
   please don't forget that very few of the teachers in Peru have the
   affordances available to you when you worked against that tide and
   your pupils reach that invisible line. You have received countless
   professional training, have ready access to the world's and the
   accumulated knowledge about using XOs and Sugar (thanks to the
   deal with student bodies who generally don't go hungry, have a pyhsic
   social infrastructure that's available at very few Peruvian schools,
   In short, I believe in the importance of crossing that invisible line
   and I
   have been lucky enough to see some glimpses of that happening in the
   few years. However a significant number of pupils and teachers in Peru
   miles and miles away from that line and will need other ways of
   even get them close to it.
   I also think it's odd to see how the role of the Internet and the
   connectivity it enables between people is apparently deemphasized in
   conversation. I remember a time where Connectivity was one of the 5
   principles of OLPC, and for good reasons I dare say. Due to the
   of the Mesh network (and similarly so the newer ad-hoc networking
   and the lack of infrastructure components such as access points most
   and teachers in Peru barely have access to local connectivity and all
   affordances (incl. Sugar's collaboration features) and value it
  No one is discounting the dire state of connectivity in Peru and as
  CJL pointed out, there are people activitly trying to do something
  about it, not just talk about it.
  Point taken.
   Also I believe that people here will simply have to get used to bad
   (whether fully justified or not) coming out of Peru. The project there
   has potential but unless a lot of additional resources and brain power
   invested into its overall value proposition and usefulness will always
   remain questionable at best.
  I think you are projecting your own agenda on this discussion.
  And you're not? ;-)

 Actually, not. I am stating my opinion, not putting words in the
 mouths of others. There is a difference.

If that's how your perceived my previous message then I apologize, that was
not my intention.

  no one is burying their head in the sand re short-comings, but at
  least some of us believe that lack of Internet access does not mean
  lack of opportunity to learn.
  I'm not saying that a lack of Internet access equals a lack of learning
  opportunities (and I agree with your fundamental criticism of the NPR
  article there). At the same time there's no doubt that what is already an
  *extremely* challenging thing to do under the best of circumstances
  across that line) is made even harder without Internet connectivity or
  offline substitutes such as school servers.

 Agreed. But perhaps for different reasons. I think the value of the
 Internet to the project is much more about building a community of
 practice and support than accessing learning materials. The Amazonas
 page in Facebook is a case in point.

To me the experiences, good practices, lesson plans, etc. documented by

Re: [Sugar-devel] [SoaS] ANNOUNCE: Sugar on a Stick 7 (Quandong)

2012-06-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi Peter,

thanks a lot for the heads-up and your continued great work!

I can't wait to give Quandong a spin later today.


On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 2:41 PM, Peter Robinson wrote:

 I'd like to announce Sugar on a Stick 7 (Quandong)

 There's been a lot of work go into this release from a lot of
 communities from Fedora and all the Fedora 17 features that give us
 new and exciting hardware support to the Sugar Labs community and all
 the new features that come with the Sugar 0.96 release on which SoaS
 v7 is based.

 Thanks go to all the people that have contributed to this release
 including Kalpa and Thomas who helped directly with SoaS, the Sugar
 development team and other Sugar developers. A lot of work has been
 done to ensure we can get working core Activities like Read and Browse
 and what should a good working base for deployments to test and add

 Some of the key new features of this release include:
 - Based on Fedora 17 and it's new features [1]
 - Massively improved x86 Mac support [2]
 - Sugar 0.96 with initial support for GTK3 Activities and many other
 improvements [3]
 - Return of Browse, now based on WebKit
 - The long awaited return of Read and inclusion of GetBooks
 - Enhanced hardware support with the 3.3 kernel
 - An increase in default Activities by nearly 50%

 Almost all of the previous Activities have seen updated releases
 including but not limited to:
 - Abacus 35 (GTK3)
 - Record 95
 - Physics 9
 - TurtleArt 138

 Newly added Activities include:
 - Browse 137 (GTK3)
 - Countries 33
 - Finance 7
 - GetBooks 11
 - Help 14 (GTK3)
 - Infoslicer 14
 - Labyrinth 12
 - Paint 43
 - Portfolio 21
 - Read 99 (GTK3)

 There are many more Activities available through the usual Fedora

 The release name, Quandong, continues the tradition of naming releases
 by types of fruit. The Quandong [4] or Native Peach is a native
 Australian bushfood.

 You can download the release from the following link.

 It can also be installed as part of a standard Fedora 17 install and
 is shipped as part of the official Fedora installer DVD and the Fedora
 Multi Spin Live DVD. It can also be installed from the GUI package
 tool within a running Fedora install or by command line sudo yum
 install @sugar-desktop.

 SoaS mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] MP4 playback on XO-1.75?

2012-04-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 5:27 AM, Tom Parker wrote:

 On 02/04/12 10:34, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 To make a long story short: Is there a way to watch MP4 videos on an
 XO-1.75 at this point in time? :-)

 The Marvel SOC has hardware accelerated decoding and encoding to the point
 it can play high definition video. See**
 11686 for enabling this hardware.
 The Raspberry PI and the cubox both have similar hardware. Look to those
 projects for hints about where to get the software codecs compiled for ARM.
 My feeling is the processor will struggle decoding even moderate resolution
 h.264 without the hardware acceleration.

 A friend is looking at getting the hardware acceleration stuff working on
 the XO, it is apparently complicated because the kernel for which Marvel
 released their drivers is quite different to that in 11.3.1. I'll catch up
 with him tomorrow and see what progress he has made on the 12.1.0 kernel.


thanks a lot for your reply and all the information.

Please do keep me/us in the loop about the findings you and your friend
make as I'm sure many other people here are also interested in this work.


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] MP4 playback on XO-1.75?

2012-04-02 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 5:59 AM, Kevin Mark wrote:

 On Mon, Apr 02, 2012 at 12:34:26AM +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  Hi all,
  I just tried playing back the downloaded version of the recent
 littleBits TED
  talk (
  ayah_bdeir_building_blocks_that_blink_beep_and_teach.html ) on an
 XO-1.75 but
  couldn't get it to work regardless of what I tried. In the past I always
  the mplayer version that came with Flavio's JAMedia Activity to watch
 videos on
  XOs but that doesn't seem to work. Under Gnome the Movie Player asks for
  additional codecs but upon trying to install them there's a long error
  which I think is trying to tell me that the necessary codecs aren't
  for the ARM architecture.
  To make a long story short: Is there a way to watch MP4 videos on an
 XO-1.75 at
  this point in time? :-)

 I dont have an 175 but I'd hazard a guess at first transcoding to ogg
 there are IIRC online media converting sites.

Hi Kevin,

yeah, I had thought of going that route but it would be quite a hassle
compared to simply being able to play back the video... :-/


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] MP4 playback on XO-1.75?

2012-04-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I just tried playing back the downloaded version of the recent littleBits
TED talk (
on an XO-1.75 but couldn't get it to work regardless of what I tried. In
the past I always used the mplayer version that came with Flavio's JAMedia
Activity to watch videos on XOs but that doesn't seem to work. Under Gnome
the Movie Player asks for additional codecs but upon trying to install them
there's a long error message which I think is trying to tell me that the
necessary codecs aren't available for the ARM architecture.

To make a long story short: Is there a way to watch MP4 videos on an
XO-1.75 at this point in time? :-)


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Paste doesn't seem to work in Browse's address bar

2012-03-21 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

unless I'm doing something very wrong it seems like paste (as in
copy-paste) doesn't work in Browse's address bar.

I'm running Browse 129.1 on an XO-1.75 with os30 and what I'm trying to do
is simply to paste a URL into the address bar.

Quickly going through trac it seems like similar issues have been reported
in combination with Browse (e.g.,, but
since these are very old issues I'm not sure how relevant they're to what
I'm seeing.

Any thoughts?


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [SoaS] Record with camera and microphone input on VirtualBox / VMWare

2012-03-02 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
(forwarding this message on Mark's behalf)

Thanks to everyone for your help and suggestions, and to Christoph for
posting the initial request for help. The idea here is to establish two
levels /Protocols of screencast ability for the making of video tutorials:

1) A Mac/PC based system using SoaS that would allow us to produce
professional level videos with all the bells and whistles.
2) An XO based workflow using Sugar's own Screencast activity

The concept would be to produce a few, high quality exemplars that could be
easily reproduced by folks anywhere with a Mac/PC, and to inspire local
XO-based tutorials that can be produced by kids and for kids. There are
already some great exemplars of that at where elementary school
kids have made their own Scratch tutorials in ogg.

Like many of you, my test with VB got the green light on the cam, but a
black screen, but on VB the audio worked.
On Parallels, we got the still cam working, but no video and no audio.
I haven't tried VMware yet.

VB would be best cause it is free, and I think the various suggestions that
we try an external USB mic and cam, adding them as devices, might be the
answer. My one complicating factor might be...could the Rode Podcaster USB
mic we use to narrate the tutorials also be used simultaneously in Record
to bring in the audio. We are going to test the USB devices with USB
passthrough idea this weekend, and I will start testing Sugar's Screencast
more rigorously. I have had success on a 1.5 at low and medium quality, but
the high quality versions have been choking for me. I want to see what
quality I can get, and how long the screencast can be, optimally.

Thanks for all your help. We are just trying to pioneer a system that will
be duplicable and scaleable...and affordable. If we figure it out, that
will be the first screencast we make!


Mark Roy Battley
1-647-219-5669 Canada
(+254) 724 497 894 Kenya

On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 8:53 PM, Thomas C Gilliard wrote:

 On 03/01/2012 11:22 AM, Gary Martin wrote:

 On 1 Mar 2012, at 15:31, Peter  wrote:

  On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 2:38 PM, Caryl

 Hi SoaS folks... plus Greg!

 If you do find a way to do this it would be wonderful. But, it will
 have to
 be easy to explain to parents, teachers, and kids. They are our target
 audience (right?). I'll forward a copy of this to Greg Dreshler up at
 He was one of my booth volunteers from SCaLE 10X and is very
 about how to use Parallels. Maybe he will have some ideas too.

 If you guys can figure this out and show me how, I will write the
 documentation to make it easy for our target audience to do.

 I think USB devices with USB passthrough might be the easiest to do on
 all various different virt platforms. I believe all of them support
 USB passthrough and on the SoaS side we shouldn't need anything
 special in particular as it should just see a new USB device.

 Just tested on VirtualBox 4.1.8 for OSX on a  MacBookPro i7 in GNOME 3.3.5
 with cheese
 Defined the USB camera for pass though: Apple Inc.Facetime HD Camera
 (Built in) (0516)
 I got a green light on camera but no image.

  Yes, when I last tested on my Mac (last late year) the camera device was
 passed through to the VM, but back then Fedora did not recognise the
 hardware correctly, the Mac hw camera led would light up when in 'use' but
 otherwise just a black image. Sorry I haven't tested a more recent build.


 Sugar-devel mailing list

 SoaS mailing list**listinfo/soas

 SoaS mailing list**listinfo/soas

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Record with camera and microphone input on VirtualBox / VMWare

2012-03-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I was talking to Mark (in CC) yesterday and he has been working with SoaS
in VirtualBox and Parallels and VMware, trying to get all the features of
the Record Activity working in conjunction with the host computer's
microphone and camera inputs. He wants to be able to use SoaS on a Mac to
record screencasts of Activities such as FotoToon and Memorize being used
in combination with Record (both audio and camera)

I now spent some time trying to get this to work on VirtualBox but didn't
find a solution.

Is there some reason why this might not work at all or are we simply
missing something here?

Any help, links, suggestions, etc. would be much appreciated.


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Backup / Restore Activities: some impressions

2012-02-20 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi Sascha,

I had previously mentioned looking at the combination of your Backup (v5)
and Restore (v4) Activities in order to facilitate the upgrades of the XOs
at the Austrian pilot project. While time constraints unfortunately kept me
from going ahead with the OS upgrades of all the children's XOs I did spend
quite a lot of time experimenting with the two Activities and using them to
pull Journal backups of the XOs for usage analysis, doing upgrades between
builds 767 and 883, etc.

In general the only real problem I ran into was on a machine whose name
contained a ß which resulted in a slightly confusing error message
telling me that the backup couldn't be created.

One other issue which I found is that the Restore Activity seems to copy
over the Journal backup from external media such as a USB drive to the
internal flash memory before actually going ahead with the restore. This
led to situations where I wasn't able to restore a 205MB backup on a
machine which had 350MB of free disk space (after installing build 883)
because I would have needed at least 410MB of free space.

One possible enhancement that I can think of is adding a list of the
installed Activities into a separate text file within the backup (which I
now did manually). Aside from being useful for analysis purposes (which
Activities did the users install independently vs. what the teacher had
recommended, etc.) it would also help speed up the restore process by
documenting which Activities the users had previously installed (and will
likely need to be able to run the prior Journal entries).

Otherwise the Activities seemed to work really well in the scenarios I
tested such as going from builds 767 to 883 and carrying over several
hundred Journal entries.

Thanks for the great work! :-)


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Localization] Looking for a Spanish speaking colleague

2012-01-24 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hola a todos,

Peter (en copia) esta buscando para gente que le puede ayudar en añadir
español a sus actividades. :-)


similarly I'm CC'ing the olpc-sur and olpc-Uruguay lists as people there
might also be able to help you. :-)


Am 24.01.2012 13:24 schrieb Chris Leonard


 I am passing your request on to the L10n list as well as that is where
 the translators (and, of course, other cool people) hang out.

 I am always happy to hear that developers are thinking of i18n issues.

 Sugar Labs translation Team Coordinator

 On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Peter Hewitt wrote:
  I'm looking for a Spanish speaker to work with me on my activities -
  someone on this list can introduce me to someone who has the time and
  interest to assist.
  Here's a link to all my activities:
  To give you some idea of what I hope to do - here's a list:
  * Finish Countries ES - this will require checking the Capital Cities,
  checking the button labels, editing my Spanish Sugar Labs notes,
playing the
  game enough to make sure it all works as expected. Here's a picture:
  * Check new Spanish versions of my word games - Letters and Across 
  * Most of my activities don't use any text so are truly international
  would like to produce Spanish versions of my Sugar Labs notes.
  * Maybe investigate producing Spanish versions of my tutorials -
  the Web Tute that I'm working on at the moment - this is a very exciting
  project because it involves making one XO into a Web Server which can be
  browsed by other XOs.
  Note that there are 39 activities so far and I don't plan to slow down
  Thanks ... Peter
  Sugar-devel mailing list
 Localization mailing list
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Getting Journal entries off an XO at the end of a project?

2012-01-18 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Sascha Silbe si...@activitycentral.comwrote:

 Excerpts from Christoph Derndorfer's message of 2012-01-13 19:56:51 +0100:

  (a) Have the pupils copy relevant files they want to keep to USB drives
  the Journal or the Sugar commander Activity

  (b) Ask them to favorite things they want to keep in the Journal and then
  run a script that copies all of these entries to a USB drive or possibly
  even a network share

 Given that you're still running Sugar 0.82, one of these is probably the
 best option (in addition to doing a full backup, as explained in my
 previous mail).

 Whether the data file is usable outside of Sugar (i.e. in a standard
 format) depends on each activity.

 Writing a script that dumps all data files of starred entries is pretty
 straightforward if you borrow some functions from jarabe.journal.model
 (= GPLv2+). You _will_ loose the metadata (description, tags, etc.) in
 any case: Even when using the UI to write the files, the metadata isn't
 in a format recognised by any other system.

 The script would look something like this:

 === snip ===
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # License: GPL version 3
 import os
 import shutil

 from sugar import mime
 from sugar.datastore import datastore

 [copy get_file_name() and get_unique_file_name() from

 mount_point = '/media/CHERRY_TREE'
 for entry in datastore.find({'keep': '1'})[0]:
title = entry.metadata.get('title') or 'Untitled'
mime_type = entry.metadata.get('mime_type')
target_name = get_unique_file_name(mount_point,
   get_file_name(title, mime_type))
target_path = os.path.join(mount_point, target_name)
shutil.copyfile(entry.file_path, target_path)

 === snip ===

 Untested on Sugar 0.82. Backup/Restore access the data store directly
 via D-Bus rather than through sugar.datastore.datastore, so I don't know
 if the API changed in subtle ways; a quick check confirmed that all of
 the functions imported (not copied) above were available in Sugar

Thanks for the additional information and explanations, this is very
helpful indeed! :-)


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Getting Journal entries off an XO at the end of a project?

2012-01-17 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Sascha Silbe si...@activitycentral.comwrote:

 Excerpts from Christoph Derndorfer's message of 2012-01-13 20:29:34 +0100:

 [Backup activity]
   Make a backup of the Journal entries...
   The process is make an .tar.gz of all entries and save in a folder
 into an
   usb: /backup/SN## (SN#... is the serial of the XO)

 Slight correction: JEBs ([1], the same format the XS uses) are zip
 files, not tar.gz files. The file name includes the user name (as used
 in Sugar), so it should be easy to figure out who each backup belongs

That point about the file name including the user name is good to know. :-)

   PD: in ourt Uruguayan image.. Dextrosa.. The backup/restore are
   that appears in the Journal..
   I think that is the same script that this activities had..

 Nop, the format used by the Dextrose backup / restore feature is
 completely different. It tars up the on-disk data structures of
 sugar-datastore and dumps them to the same place, removing a special
 file to trigger reindexing. This happens to work for current versions of
 sugar-datastore, but is a bad idea in general. It wouldn't have worked
 with sugar-datastore  0.84 and doesn't work with gdatastore [2].

  thanks for your suggestion. I had looked into the Backup Activity but
  according to the description on ASLO it only works with the data store
  Sugar 0.84 onwards and these machines are still running on build 767
  shipped with Sugar 0.82 (though I hope to *finally* upgrade them to
  next month).

 I found and fixed the source of your confusion. Seems I forgot to update
 the description after adding support for 0.82; sorry for that.

 While I have been rigorous in testing Backup and Restore with all
 combinations of a range of Sugar versions from 0.82 to 0.89 (0.90), the
 oldest OLPC OS build I have running is 801, so I'd recommend testing
 Backup with OLPC OS build 767 first before relying on it. If you do test
 it on 767, please let me know the results so I can mention them on

This is excellent information.

I'll definitely keep you posted with my findings once I have some time to
test things in late January / early April. :-)

 Doing a full backup is a good idea regardless of any cherry-picking
 you do. It allows you to go back and extract additional objects that you
 (or the kids) forgot during the first run.

Yeah, good point!




Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Getting Journal entries off an XO at the end of a project?

2012-01-16 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hey Martin,

thanks a lot for the information and apologies for the slow reply.

Back in June 2009 David Van Assche and me set up a server but IIRC we ended
up installing ejabberd on Ubuntu since we can into some driver issue with
the XS at the time. (/me is full of regrets right about now...)

As such it looks like this isn't an option for us. Either way I think that
a set of instructions for that route would be interesting for a lot of
people, also in relation to some of the efforts related to usage / Journal
analysis and whatnot happening in various projects.

Also, does anyone know how Uruguay and Peru handle pupils finishing primary
school and wanting to have access to their data?


On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 12:55 AM, Martin Langhoff

 If there is an XS, and they register, then their work will be backed up
 automagically, and accessible through Moodle.

 If they lose access to the laptop (ie: laptop's given to someone else),
 that can be handled with a simple procedure on Moodle -- something an admin
 can do.

 If that's an option, I can write up the Moodle procedure in detail.



 { Martin Langhoff - one laptop per child }
 On Jan 13, 2012 1:56 PM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just spoke to the teacher of our small Austrian pilot project and we
 realized that we'll have to find a way to get Journal entries off the
 pupils' XOs as they'll finish primary school in late June.

 They won't have access to the XOs beyond that date and while SoaS is
 always a possibility I doubt that many of them will continue using Sugar
 afterwards. As such I'm wondering how we can - or can enable the pupils
 themselves - to save their work and memories in a way that allows them to
 use them from a standard Windows, Linux, or OS X computer in the future.

 I assume other projects have run into similar situations in the past so I
 wanted to see what solutions have been used here?

 Off the top of my head I came up with:

 (a) Have the pupils copy relevant files they want to keep to USB drives
 via the Journal or the Sugar commander Activity
 (b) Ask them to favorite things they want to keep in the Journal and then
 run a script that copies all of these entries to a USB drive or possibly
 even a network share

 Has anyone tried these approaches or am I thinking too complicated here?
 e.g. would it also be possible to simply backup all the Journal to USB
 drives or a network share and then give each pupil a copy of their backup?
 Would they be able to extract files into standard formats?

 Any pointers, help, comments, etc. here would be much appreciated.


 Christoph Derndorfer

 volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
 editor, OLPC News []
 contributor, TechnikBasteln []


 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Getting Journal entries off an XO at the end of a project?

2012-01-13 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I just spoke to the teacher of our small Austrian pilot project and we
realized that we'll have to find a way to get Journal entries off the
pupils' XOs as they'll finish primary school in late June.

They won't have access to the XOs beyond that date and while SoaS is always
a possibility I doubt that many of them will continue using Sugar
afterwards. As such I'm wondering how we can - or can enable the pupils
themselves - to save their work and memories in a way that allows them to
use them from a standard Windows, Linux, or OS X computer in the future.

I assume other projects have run into similar situations in the past so I
wanted to see what solutions have been used here?

Off the top of my head I came up with:

(a) Have the pupils copy relevant files they want to keep to USB drives via
the Journal or the Sugar commander Activity
(b) Ask them to favorite things they want to keep in the Journal and then
run a script that copies all of these entries to a USB drive or possibly
even a network share

Has anyone tried these approaches or am I thinking too complicated here?
e.g. would it also be possible to simply backup all the Journal to USB
drives or a network share and then give each pupil a copy of their backup?
Would they be able to extract files into standard formats?

Any pointers, help, comments, etc. here would be much appreciated.


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Getting Journal entries off an XO at the end of a project?

2012-01-13 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 8:21 PM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn wrote:

  would it also be possible to simply backup all the Journal to USB
 drives or a network share and then give each pupil a copy of their backup?
 Would they be able to extract files into standard formats?


 This activity:

 Make a backup of the Journal entries...

 The process is make an .tar.gz of all entries and save in a folder into an
 usb: /backup/SN## (SN#... is the serial of the XO)

 With this, you can make some backups in the same pendrive...

 The twin activity: Restore:

 Decompress the .tar.gz into the journal again...

 If you decompress the .tar.gz the files are in the format of the journal..
 With luck, you find the file
 that you search and change the extension and you get the file..



 PD: in ourt Uruguayan image.. Dextrosa.. The backup/restore are functions
 that appears in the Journal..
 I think that is the same script that this activities had..

Hi Alan,

thanks for your suggestion. I had looked into the Backup Activity but
according to the description on ASLO it only works with the data store from
Sugar 0.84 onwards and these machines are still running on build 767 which
shipped with Sugar 0.82 (though I hope to *finally* upgrade them to 11.3.0
next month).

Plus the With luck, you find the file that you search and change the
extension and you get the file.. portion of your mail makes me think that
this isn't something that the pupils can do themselves. And manually going
through ~25 Journal backups myself sounds like very little fun to me... :-/


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] scratch on aslo

2011-12-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi SJ,

IIRC correctly there is some issue with license incompatibility and
therefore Scratch was removed from ASLO. I think this was discussed on the
lists at some point during the summer but I'm on my mobile phone so
unfortunately wasn't able to quickly pull up the corresponding thread.


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:04 AM, Samuel Klein wrote:

 Scratch doesn't seem to be on ASLO.  On the other hand, when I sign in and
 try to upload it, I am told the file is already in the system.   Can
 someone link me to it?

 It is ***really hard*** to find the link to upload an activity.  Can this
 be added in a few more places?  If you don't think to hover over nav
 elements I don't think there is any other way to discover it.

 It is unclear how to submit someone else's activity for inclusion.  There
 are some popular activities not in aslo, particularly spanish-language ones
 (cf.; this would be a nice feature, even if the resulting
 work gets an unverified copyright stamp.


 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] scratch on aslo

2011-12-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Okay, these seem to be two of the core messages which explain the


On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:16 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Hi SJ,

 IIRC correctly there is some issue with license incompatibility and
 therefore Scratch was removed from ASLO. I think this was discussed on the
 lists at some point during the summer but I'm on my mobile phone so
 unfortunately wasn't able to quickly pull up the corresponding thread.


 On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:04 AM, Samuel Klein wrote:

 Scratch doesn't seem to be on ASLO.  On the other hand, when I sign in
 and try to upload it, I am told the file is already in the system.   Can
 someone link me to it?

 It is ***really hard*** to find the link to upload an activity.  Can this
 be added in a few more places?  If you don't think to hover over nav
 elements I don't think there is any other way to discover it.

 It is unclear how to submit someone else's activity for inclusion.  There
 are some popular activities not in aslo, particularly spanish-language ones
 (cf.; this would be a nice feature, even if the resulting
 work gets an unverified copyright stamp.


 Sugar-devel mailing list

 Christoph Derndorfer

 volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
 editor, OLPC News []
 contributor, TechnikBasteln []


Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Promoting Pablo Flores to CEO of Activity Central

2011-12-06 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Congrats Pablo!! :-)


On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Pablo Flores wrote:

 Thanks for the announcement. As David says, I will have the big challenge
 of directing AC, a company which has at the core of its business providing
 services for deployments using the Sugar learning platform.

 I've been involved in the olpc/sugar ecosystem since 2007 (for more info
 about me, please see my 
 profile follow me 
 in google+). Much of my work was as a volunteer, having a
 strong focus on promoting the community work. One year ago I was hired by
 AC to work in the company's community outreach area, where I could work in
 promoting events like eduJAM, Sugar Day Junín, Mexico City Sugar workshop
 and Sugar Camp Lima. Sugar is based on the great work that the whole
 community systematically does for it, to which I hope AC can contribute
 even more in this new stage.

 AC provides deployments with technical solutions tailored to their
 particular needs, promoting at the same time the community growth by
 supporting local labs, hiring outstanding programmers, upstreaming code and
 sharing knowledge. In my vision, these professional services are required
 to keep the ecosystem healthy and it's our biggest challenge doing this

 I won’t be much online in the last weeks of December as I'll take some
 days off before assuming the new position, but I’m very open to receiving
 by email or in #sugar IRC your doubts, suggestions, criticisms or ideas, as
 I want to keep the contact fluid.

 Stay in touch!

 Pablo Flores

 On Tue, Dec 6, 2011 at 3:19 PM, David Farning wrote:

 I am proud to announce that we are promoting Pablo Flores as the new
 CEO of Activity Central.

 Pablo has a strong background in all things OLPC and Sugar from his
 time at Plan Ceibal, leadership in Ceibal Jam, and most recently
 as community architect for Activity Central.

 Pablo and the rest of the Activity Central team will continue the core
 AC mission of providing service and support for deployments.

 I will continue my work in the Sugar/OLPC ecosystem by focusing on the
 junction point between deployment technical teams and education teams.
 My research so far has lead me to the notion of learning objects.
 While poorly defined in the education literature, the vocabulary around
 learning objects seems to lends itself to the intersection of technical
 personal and education personal in early childhood education.

 Sugar-devel mailing list

 IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

Christoph Derndorfer

volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []
editor, OLPC News []
contributor, TechnikBasteln []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [FEATURES] Display Device

2011-11-21 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Simon Schampijer si...@schampijer.dewrote:


 I would like to propose the following Feature to enhance the Sugar
 learning environment:

 Add a frame device to control the display. The idea is to add their an
 option to change the brightness and to take a screenshot. Both actions are
 only available via the keyboard as of today. [1]



Hey Simon,

I really like the idea of adding the brightness controls to the frame,
especially since that makes it consistent with the volume controls.

I'm less convinced about the value of adding the screenshot capability to
the frame device. Functionality-wise it is of course related to the display
but IMHO it still doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the frame device

Also I think that today the screenshot functionality is mainly used as a
defacto replacement for the lacking print capabilities. Reading through
Walter's latest Sugar-Digest it seems like the move to GTK3 will enable
much better export / printing capabilities in Activities. As such I feel
that adding the screenshot capability to the frame now is more of a short
term fix which introduces an inconsistency whereas it should be possible to
have a significantly better overall solution soon (e.g. for Sugar 0.98?).


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [FEATURES] Display Device

2011-11-21 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:54 PM, Simon Schampijer si...@schampijer.dewrote:

 El 21/11/11 13:17, Christoph Derndorfer escribió:

 On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Simon**


 I would like to propose the following Feature to enhance the Sugar
 learning environment:

 Add a frame device to control the display. The idea is to add their an
 option to change the brightness and to take a screenshot. Both actions
 only available via the keyboard as of today. [1]



 Hey Simon,

 I really like the idea of adding the brightness controls to the frame,
 especially since that makes it consistent with the volume controls.

 I'm less convinced about the value of adding the screenshot capability to
 the frame device. Functionality-wise it is of course related to the
 but IMHO it still doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the frame device

 Also I think that today the screenshot functionality is mainly used as a
 defacto replacement for the lacking print capabilities. Reading through
 Walter's latest Sugar-Digest it seems like the move to GTK3 will enable
 much better export / printing capabilities in Activities. As such I feel
 that adding the screenshot capability to the frame now is more of a short
 term fix which introduces an inconsistency whereas it should be possible
 have a significantly better overall solution soon (e.g. for Sugar 0.98?).


 Hmm, I disagree here. The screenshot functionality is an important tool,
 used by teachers. I don't think it is only used as an replacement for

Which other uses have you seen?

 Currently it is only accessible by a shortcut, not available in the UI.
 That it's why the goal is to preset it here. I could not come up with a
 better place to expose such a functionality, suggestions welcome.

How about using one of the unmapped buttons on the XO's keyboard? e.g. the
bulletin board button looks similar enough to the copy of a display (with
some creativity that is;-)



Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] FEATURE: Journal data tagged private or public

2011-11-21 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 3:35 PM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:

 I want propose the following feature:
 Modes private / public: A problem raised by some teachers, is that
 Journals of his students (and on school servers) are filled with music or
 games. With this proposal, Sugar would offer you to work in public when
 working at school or doing homework, or, if you are using Sugar for
 personal interests, then put your work in private category. This tag
 would be recorded in the Journal, and could also be changed in the detail
 view. This mode also works as a filter, so at school all the games and
 songs are not listed in the Journal. Furthermore, the school server would
 backup only those items recorded as public. This solves server space
 problems and helps preserve the privacy of students.

 More information:

Do you imagine this feature could be tied in with Walter's suggestion for
having multiple home views ( e.g. An
Activity launched from the school desktop being automatically tagged as
public. Or do you think that would leave too many cases which aren't
fully and therefore confusingly covered?


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release ClassRoomBroadcast-1

2011-11-20 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:16 AM, Sugar Labs Activities wrote:

 Activity Homepage:

 Sugar Platform:
 0.82 - 0.96

 Download Now:

 Release notes:
 -New clasroomBroadcast activity based on vnclauncher
 it broadcast a sugar screen for teachers use (for example).
 *Needs X11VNC to start

 Sugar Labs Activities

Hi Rafael,

out of curiosity: What is the advantage of using this activity over
VNCLauncher (


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [FEATURE] Transfer to many

2011-11-15 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 2:50 PM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:23 AM, Simon Schampijer si...@schampijer.dewrote:

 El 15/11/11 14:06, Gonzalo Odiard escribió:

  One problem with transfer to many, is, when the users do not have a
 server, and use the ad-hoc networks,
 usually they group the kids in 3 groups and the teacher will need send to
 all in one group, check all have received,
 go to the next group send to all, etc.

 Hmm, what is the issue they are facing. Do you mean the Ad-hoc network is
 not capable of sending that many files at once?

 Yes, and then the use will be more difficult to the teacher, than sharing
 a file and enable the kids to download it.

Just out of curiosity: Do we have any data or half-decent estimates on what
rough percentage of current Sugar users are working in ad-hoc mode vs.
infrastructure mode?

That could help inform this decision, especially in terms of whether we
might need one or two different ways to do this (e.g. trying to send the
files sequentially vs. in parallel while in ad-hoc mode might be an option).



 Or is it the representation of the file transfers in the sugar UI? For
 the latter the idea is to adjust the file transfer notification being only
 one item in the activity tray containing all the notifications.


 Sugar-devel mailing list

 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] A dismiss all functionality for notifications?

2011-11-10 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Am 10.11.2011 17:33 schrieb Gary Martin

 Hi Christoph,

 On 9 Nov 2011, at 23:25, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Hi all,

 while playing around with 11.3.0 today I spent some time sending
Memorize files back and forth between two XOs. This quickly led to the
frame being filled with icons of these transfers so now I'm wondering
whether it might be useful to consider adding a dismiss all functionality

 Interesting you should raise this. While at Paris Sugar Camp, Simon and I
worked on some UI sketches to present all transfer notifications in a
single frame icon and palette so that they can be easily managed all in one

Great, this sounds pretty much like what I had in mind.

The target case was that of a teacher trying to transfer material to
multiple children in a class (the groups feature also needs improvement to
allow single shot transfer to multiple destinations).

Nice. In terms of enabling a very basic level of collaboration, or rather
easy artifact sharing, such a functionality is certainly one of the keys
pieces which is currently missing.

 I'll try to tidy up and get the sketches on the wiki for review.

Looking forward to the sketches!




 Christoph Derndorfer

 editor, OLPC News []
 volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []


Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] A dismiss all functionality for notifications?

2011-11-09 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

while playing around with 11.3.0 today I spent some time sending Memorize
files back and forth between two XOs. This quickly led to the frame being
filled with icons of these transfers so now I'm wondering whether it might
be useful to consider adding a dismiss all functionality somewhere?


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Potential volunteer offering technical writing

2011-10-30 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 1:45 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan

 On 30 September 2011 19:51, Tabitha Roder wrote:
  If we had a volunteer (English Native language) professional technical
  writer, what writing would be of most use to OLPC or Sugar that we can
  her in the direction of? She currently works with developers to write end
  user documentation.
  Tabitha - NZ volunteers

 I think the most important thing is to identify and focus on the
 target audience - is the documentation meant for technical users, end
 users, teachers, children...?

That's indeed the key question which we also spent some time discussing in
San Francisco. The current Help activity + corresponding FlossManuals was
mainly written with Give 1, Get 1 users in mind so there's definitely quite
some rework that needs to be done if we're looking to cater to other

 We (OLPC Australia) would be happy to suggest ways in which the
 documentation can be improved, using our experience from working
 directly with teachers and communities. Our online course
 ( - you can log in as a guest) might
 provide some inspiration.

Thanks, I'll take a look:-)

 Our Education Manager has some advice, based on her experiences with
 reading the publicly-available documentation:

 -  Make sure the Sugar and XO Floss manuals are up-to-date,
 easily readable and have all the necessary information.

 -  Externally available documentation: It’s imperative that
 minimal knowledge is assumed, which I think is the hardest part. Pages
 need to have less information rather than more, good user interfaces,
 lots of useful images, clear headings and language that is simple and
 precise. My concern with a lot of the external documentation is that
 it is sometimes overwhelming, difficult to navigate (both between
 pages and within them) and written for a technical audience rather
 than a basic user. Trying to target both a technical audience and a
 basic user in the same documentation means you are more likely to lose
 the basic user. Perhaps some of this documentation needs to be
 separate out. The main issue I see with the Wiki is that it’s
 difficult to navigate and find information from the menus. This isn’t,
 per say, the role of a technical writer, but tidying up navigation in
 the Wiki would make it more accessible.

 -  Someone to simply document the activities available
 (purpose of the activity, how to use it, any tips that are not easily
 discoverable, and what you can DO with it- exemplars of use)

That point is also on our agenda:

 -  There are lesson ideas and examples of practice all over
 the place. It would be amazing to synthesise this as much as possible,
 so they are not so difficult and time consuming to find, and to put
 them in a uniform format. I’m not sure what the best way to approach
 this is, but from an educational perspective, knowing not just HOW to
 use the XOs but WHAT to do with them is far more important. Making
 these ideas easily accessible, in my mind, is quite important.

Also something that was discussed various times in San Francisco (and
previously Paris). It definitely sounds like at least Australia, the
Philippines, Jamaica, Madagascar - Nosy Komba, and Austria have some common
needs here which I think we should expand on in a seperate thread. :-)


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Potential volunteer offering technical writing

2011-10-19 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

not sure what the exact time difference is between San Francisco and NZ but
maybe we could set up a Skype call between Rachel, you, and us in SF to
coordinate our documentation efforts?

Am 19.10.2011 22:49 schrieb Gonzalo Odiard

 We need help writing, and translating in FLOSS.
 I can help updating the activity.


 On Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Tabitha Roder

 On 4 October 2011 16:18, Martin Langhoff martin.langh...@gmail.comwrote:

 And the FLOSS Manuals feed into the Help Activity, so work there pays
 of many times over...

 So how do we feed the FLOSS manual into the Help activity? Rachel is keen
 to help, but keen to see her work on the XO.

 Is the FLOSS - help activity process documented anywhere? I don't think
 we are able to help with improving the i10n process or the activity build
 process, but we can help with the (english) words themselves.

 Devel mailing list

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Re: [Sugar-devel] Potential volunteer offering technical writing

2011-10-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 7:20 AM, Chris Leonard cjlhomeaddr...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 1:12 AM, Chris Leonard
  On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:19 PM, Martin Langhoff wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 6:25 PM, Chris Leonard
  In any refresh of the XO manual (Help Activity),  I would very much
  appreciate if some structural choices could be made to facilitate the
  internationalization of the text
  Agreed on the general goal. My understanding is that the Help activity
  is assembled from content from several manuals about sugar and
  activities, created and edited at FLOSS Manuals.
  I suspect that FLOSS Manuals has a means to maintain translated
  versions, not sure how well it works, but several existing manuals
  offer alternative language versions.
  Maybe the FLOSS manuals platforms is terminally borked in this regard,
  I honestly hope not. Because Pootle is not suited for this style of
  documentation -- we sure want something wiki-ish that handles
  paragraphs, tables, embedded images...

 (earlier message sent prematurely)

 I need to spend a little bit of time on FLOSSManuals,  I'd heard
 something about hem incorporating booki

 but I have not investigated it extensively since then to see how much
 of an improvement it is with regards to L10n.

 L10n of long-form content is an area where I think there are some
 excellent bits and pieces, but I'm not convinced that there is a
 really nice end-to-end solution yet.  I think very highly of
 FLOSSManuals as a book publishing platform, but was less than
 impressed with it's L10n workflow.  I am happy that several of the
 Sugar OLPC boks have been translated, but these have been time-focused
 efforts requiring a lot of coordination and not amenable to the slower
 accumulation of collaborative work that characterizes Poolte L10n

 I like also wikislicing as a content collection method and Wikimedia's
 WikiBook effort has some superb features with respect to content
 collection and publishing.  To the extent that orthologous articles
 exist across wikis it can also address L10n, essentially by slicing
 pre-localized content.

 Unfortunately, while the PDF output from WikiBooks is quite
 beautifully formatted, it's size is large and PDFs are not that easy
 to edit after the fact.

 The ,odt output option from WikiBooks is easier to edit, but I think
 it has real deficiencies in formatting, and IMHO, is frankly ugly.

 However, both of these formats produce rather large files compared to
 simple HTML and an HTML output option is not currently available.

 My reasoning on requesting availability of a plain text version is
 that facilitates bringing the strings to the localizer, instead of
 forcing you to bring the localizer to the strings (and a new tool).
 Admittedly, this has its; own flaws and requires more substantial
 post-processing to get a nicely formatted product.

 The ideal all-singing, all-dancing long-form L10n tool with content
 management system features and e-publishing features may be out there,
 but I haven't seen it yet.  I do welcome others to join in the
 exploration of the various options and techniques for cobbling
 together a workflow that optimally meets our needs, but most of all, I
 encourage thinking about i18n / L10n in all aspects of our work.


thanks a lot for reminding us about the importance of localization:-)

Samy from France was kind enough to collect some links and information for
translation tools in another thread (Open translation tools) and I hope to
have some time to look at them in some detail before I head to San

Maybe what we should try to do is try to compile some sort of good practice
guide for translation of documentation (as opposed to software itself) for
these types of events...


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Open translation tools (was: Potential volunteer offering technical writing)

2011-10-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 12:19 PM, samy boutayeb wrote:

 Following the discussions Potential volunteer offering technical
 writing about the choice of an adequate translation tool suitable for a
 a project like a manual, please see:

 Open Translation Tools

 Among the tools mentioned in this review, my best candidates would be a
 combination of:

 1/ OmegaT ( ), which manages a fair list of
 document formats and can benefit from a translation memory (which helps
 reuse old texts from previous translations), and a glossary, both useful
 fonctions in a collaborative project. The documents are parsed and
 segmented properly, providing a simple list of text strings, which may
 be translated either internally or with an online tool.

 2/ Pottle, as a well known web based online tool compatible with a
 collaborative project management.

 3/ Additionally, the Okapi framework ( ) may
 provide useful resources such as file filter, allowing to manage a fair
 list of file formats.

 See: for a
 full list of supported formats

Hi Samy,

thanks a lot for compiling this list of recommendations.

I briefly looked at OmegaT and Okapi: the first one looks quite interesting
but I'm less sure what to do with the latter. So if you have a moment could
you briefly lay out the workflow in which these different tools would be
used within the context of a 1-day or multi-day translation sprint with a
handful of participants?


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar Digest 2011-08-22

2011-08-30 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 5:59 PM, Bert Freudenberg b...@freudenbergs.dewrote:

 On 22.08.2011, at 17:50, Walter Bender wrote:

  == Sugar Digest ==
  1. The OLPC XO 1.75 machines (beta units) are starting to be
  distributed to developers. This machine is ARM based, which means that
  it will have superior battery life once all of the fine-tuning is
  complete. It also means that it uses some different components, e.g.,
  audio circuitry, so there is some driver work to be done. But so far,
  so good.
  One of the nice things about the 1.75 is that the OLPC engineering
  team threw in a few additional sensors. Saadia Husain Baloch got the
  accelerometer working and I immediately wrote a Turtle Art plug-in
  (included with v114). Saadia wrote a fun 'etch-a-sketch' program in
  Turtle Art that works by shaking the machine.
  Not to be outdone, I added an enhancement to the Portfolio activity
  while I was on a short flight last week. If you hit the left side of
  the XO, it will advance to the next slide. If you hit the right side
  of the XO, it will return to the previous slide. The person sitting
  next to me on the plane told me, That's the strangest thing I have
  ever seen anyone do with a computer.
  The bottom line is the more sensors the better: we want to give young
  learners more opportunities to observe and interactive with the
  physical world.

 The accelerometer is fun to use indeed. I just made an Etoys project that
 lets you steer a ball by tilting the XO-1.75. Find a description and video

 - Bert -

Very awesome stuff indeed!! :-)


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Updated program for the SugarCamp in Paris

2011-08-26 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Bastien wrote:

 Dear all,

 The SugarCamp looks more and more promising -- check out the
 updated schedule here:

 We will have two _modest_ prices for best Sugar code and best
 Sugar documentation achievements after the sunday codecamp.

 Another good news: we found a space for the CodeSprint on monday
 12th: we will be hosted at LaCantine, in the heart of Paris.  So
 the week-end will be both for code/doc and global OLPC and Sugar
 outreach, and the monday will be for coding only...

 Christoph Guéret, developing SemanticXO to interface Sugar and
 database like DBPedia¹ will be here.  Developers of OOo4Kids²
 and Kiwix³ might join IRC discussions over the week-end.

 Looking forward to seeing you in Paris!


Hi Bastien,

thanks a lot for the update and all the preparation work by you and the
other OLPC France folks.

I'd also like to draw people's attention to and particularly the section
about Off-schedule hacking sessions. I think similarly to the code sprint
at eduJAM! ( it makes
sense to use w.s.o to prepare and subsequently document what's going on in
Paris. Especially for the coding and design related efforts figuring out
some sort of priority among the tasks might also be useful.


Christoph Derndorfer

editor, OLPC News []
volunteer, OLPC (Austria) []

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Anyone up for a post Sugar Camp Hack Day?

2011-08-12 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:07 AM, Bastien wrote:

 Dear all,

 thanks Christoph for this great idea.

It was Sascha's idea, I'm just the messanger;-)

 Daniel Drake writes:

  I think this is a great idea. I'm looking into the possibility of
  attending, but that weekend is a bit complicated with some university
  and moving commitments (Monday OTOH would be fine). I'd like to push
  PyGI/GTK3 porting as the main activity of such a hack day...

 That'd fits the purpose of the SugarCamp perfectly and if it
 can drag and drap Daniel here in Paris, even better :)

 We *do* have several spaces available, for small (~10) and
 larger (~30) groups of people who want to work closely together.

 I cannot promise anything for a space on monday, but I will
 try to find a location -- stay tuned.

  Please keep me informed on accommodation as well.

 What would be a reasonable average budget for attendees ?

 I think I can find something for ~60€ per night per person
 for 10-15 persons.  If at least 10 persons confirm this is
 within their budget before sunday eve, I can try to find a

 Otherwise, I suggest agreeing on finding locations not far
 from Gare du Nord:

 Let me know how I can help further, best,

Also see my reply on the other thread. Personally I think that most of us
are on a relatively tight budget so €60 / person / night seems like quite a

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Anyone up for a post Sugar Camp Hack Day? (was: Registration for the Sugar Camp in Paris (sept) are now open)

2011-08-11 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Daniel Drake wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:07 PM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  Hi all,
  speaking to Sascha earlier today he mentioned the idea of having a small
  post Sugar Camp Hack Day or something.
  I had already bought my flights for September 9 (Friday) to 14
  anyway so I'll definitely be in town. I assume many others of the
  participants (;jsessionid=57C0354E37E6A4A314890B401B6EEF56.web02?page=571393
  are buying their tickets these days as well so it would be good to get a
  head count of who would be up for such an event:-)

 I think this is a great idea. I'm looking into the possibility of
 attending, but that weekend is a bit complicated with some university
 and moving commitments (Monday OTOH would be fine). I'd like to push
 PyGI/GTK3 porting as the main activity of such a hack day...

 Please keep me informed on accommodation as well.

Just a quick reminder: Is anyone else up for such a post-camp hack day?


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Sugar-news] [IAEP] Sugar Digest 2011-08-07

2011-08-08 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Sun, Aug 7, 2011 at 10:04 PM, Walter Bender walter.ben...@gmail.comwrote:

 == Sugar Digest ==
 2. Following up on a thread begun in mid July
 [] the
 Sugar oversight board passed a motion to empower Sugar Labs to award
 certificates to developers to acknowledge and celebrate their
 contributions to the Sugar Learning Platform. Several certificates
 will be made available, based upon the area of contribution. The
 certification mechanism is decentralized: the specific criteria for
 certification will be determined by the Sugar Labs team coordinators;
 in general, it will involve a repeated effort on behalf of the team's
 goals at a high level of quality.

 As an example, the Activity team may issue a Sugar Activity Developer
 certificate to an individual who develops at least one Sugar activity
 that is subsequently posted on the Sugar activity portal and be of
 sufficient quality to be approved for public release. The activity
 must also include internationalization, including the submission of a
 POT file to the Translation Team, and documentation, including the
 creation of a page in the wiki under the Activity category. As will
 the Contributor certificates, sign off will be made by the associated
 team coordinators, in this case the Activity team.

Excellent news! :-)

In this context it might also be worth keeping an eye on the Mozilla Open
Badge Infrastructure (OBI) project which released its alpha version last
week ( At least from the
description on the site it sounds like a useful infrastructure effort which
Sugar Labs might be able to build on somewhere down the road.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Anyone up for a post Sugar Camp Hack Day? (was: Registration for the Sugar Camp in Paris (sept) are now open)

2011-08-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

speaking to Sascha earlier today he mentioned the idea of having a small
post Sugar Camp Hack Day or something.

I had already bought my flights for September 9 (Friday) to 14 (Wednesday)
anyway so I'll definitely be in town. I assume many others of the registered
participants (;jsessionid=57C0354E37E6A4A314890B401B6EEF56.web02?page=571393)
are buying their tickets these days as well so it would be good to get a
head count of who would be up for such an event:-)

On another related question:

Have people figured out where they're staying while in Paris? As Sean's
urban camping site won't be available this time around I assume many of us
will stay at hostels. As the last Sugar Camp and also eduJAM! demonstrated
staying in one place tends to make things a lot easier, more productive, and
more fun so we should maybe try to do that again:-)

Please let me know what you think.


On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Bastien wrote:

 Dear all,

 registrations for the 2nd SugarCamp in Paris are now open:

 Please join us in make Sugar a better learning experience!

 This event is organized by OLPC France, and takes place in
 Paris -- from 9th Sept. (eve) to 11th. Sept. (eve).

 Thanks to the sponsor of OLPC Foundation, and depending on
 the number of attendees, we will be able to partially refund
 travels tickets from regional trips.  Please contact us for
 any questions and details.

 The general purpose of the event is to enhance Sugar as a
 free learning platform, already used by ~1M kids around the
 world, but we suggest to focus an a specific problem: how to
 make Sugar *documentation* better with respect to accessibility
 and readability?

 Let's take this challenge.  And let's enjoy a relaxed time
 with many members of the OLPC/Sugar community!

 OLPC France:
  Sugar Labs:

 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Sugar 0.94 - Schedule proposal

2011-07-29 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Simon Schampijer si...@schampijer.dewrote:


 based on our previous 6 months development cycle I have drafted a 0.94
 release schedule [1]. As always it is aligned with the GNOME, Fedora and
 Ubuntu cycle.

 As we are a bit late in planning and officially announcing the schedule
 this will be a short cycle. If your Feature will miss the boat, no worries
 there will be a next cycle [2].

 I think it is good to stick to our schedule model nerveless because it does
 align with the other projects and it will help to strengthen our focus and
 land a few smaller Features and hopefully a lot of bug fixes.

 This cycle we will not switch to GNOME 3 and the dynamic gtk bindings yet.
 Hopefully we can advance on that matter for 0.96.

 Comments, thoughts welcome, if there are no major objections with that
 proposal - let's start officially the 0.94 hacking!


Speaking of releases I just noticed that Sugar's Wikipedia entry ( had still listed
the 0.90 release as the latest version. I've now updated it to 0.92 and used
a release date of February 23, hope that's indeed the right date:-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Article on Why files need to die

2011-07-15 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I just saw this article over on O'Reilly Radar and a lot of what the author
says also applies to the Journal: Why files need to die: Files are an
anachronism in the digital age. It's time for something better. (

So while it's still early days I definitely feel that the Journal is
generally moving into the right direction, especially with all the new
features and whatnot discussed during the eduJAM! summit:-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Article on Why files need to die

2011-07-15 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Alexandro Colorado j...@openoffice.orgwrote:

 On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 4:03 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just saw this article over on O'Reilly Radar and a lot of what the
 author says also applies to the Journal: Why files need to die: Files are
 an anachronism in the digital age. It's time for something better. (

 So while it's still early days I definitely feel that the Journal is
 generally moving into the right direction, especially with all the new
 features and whatnot discussed during the eduJAM! summit:-)

 I am not purely convinced on eliminating the files paradigm, maybe the
 folders would be a different conversation. But files are well... pretty
 obiquos. Since you seem very interesting in having this paradigm of a
 journal. I wonder if you got inspired out of Zeitgeist project in gnome (I
 think they rename it now to something more normal like gnome-journal or

Not sure that there's necessarily a direct connection between Sugar's
Journal and Gnome's Zeitgeist but if there were then I'd probably argue that
it went from Sugar to Gnome rather than the other way 'round;-)

 I would like to hear your validation of the journal and why is it a good
 idea, and how deep will this change goes beyond the UI and apps to a
 commandline environment.

See the aforementioned article, it really contains most of the reasons why I
personally think that something like the Journal is a good idea. It seems to
be that a stream-like interface combined with a database based backend is a
good combination for today's computing context.

On an even a broader scale back in Uruguay in early May Bert Freudenberg
pointed out that mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS and now
increasingly even desktop operating systems (e.g. OS X Lion) are moving into
a direction where you're not really interacting with files anymore.




 Christoph Derndorfer
 co-editor, olpcnews

 Sugar-devel mailing list

 *Alexandro Colorado*
 ** Español

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Article on Why files need to die

2011-07-15 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Alexandro Colorado 

 On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 4:03 AM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just saw this article over on O'Reilly Radar and a lot of what the
 author says also applies to the Journal: Why files need to die: Files are
 an anachronism in the digital age. It's time for something better. (

 So while it's still early days I definitely feel that the Journal is
 generally moving into the right direction, especially with all the new
 features and whatnot discussed during the eduJAM! summit:-)

 I am not purely convinced on eliminating the files paradigm, maybe the
 folders would be a different conversation. But files are well... pretty
 obiquos. Since you seem very interesting in having this paradigm of a
 journal. I wonder if you got inspired out of Zeitgeist project in gnome (I
 think they rename it now to something more normal like gnome-journal or

 Not sure that there's necessarily a direct connection between Sugar's
 Journal and Gnome's Zeitgeist but if there were then I'd probably argue that
 it went from Sugar to Gnome rather than the other way 'round;-)

 I would like to hear your validation of the journal and why is it a good
 idea, and how deep will this change goes beyond the UI and apps to a
 commandline environment.

 See the aforementioned article, it really contains most of the reasons why
 I personally think that something like the Journal is a good idea. It seems
 to be that a stream-like interface combined with a database based backend is
 a good combination for today's computing context.

 On an even a broader scale back in Uruguay in early May Bert Freudenberg
 pointed out that mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS and now
 increasingly even desktop operating systems (e.g. OS X Lion) are moving into
 a direction where you're not really interacting with files anymore.

Please also see this article ( which Tomeu Vizoso (one
of the early Sugar developers) just shared on Google+, well worth a read!


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [support-gang] [ANNOUNCE] Sugar Labs Licensing Referendum (non-binding) results

2011-07-11 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:43 PM, Luke Faraone wrote:

 On 07/10/2011 10:23 PM, Gary Martin wrote:
  I was surprised as I had no recollection at all of the original email
  (subscribed to way too many Sugar related lists), but after some
  digging found it had been clobbered as junk email, so not sure who
  else this may have hit, but thought it worth mentioning.

 Odd. Did you at least get the mail from Selectricity?

FWIW: I just went through the spam folder on my university e-mail account ( where I've previously received the
Selectricity messages but can't find anything message about this election.

I did however get Luke's announcement on June 14 but hadn't read it until


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] New activity. ReSiStance.

2011-06-13 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 3:00 PM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Chus Picos wrote:


 I'm a Software Engineering student at the Universidade da Coruña (Galicia
 - Spain). I have just done my final year proyect. I have developed an
 activity for Sugar. It is an RSS reader. You can download it from:

 I want to know your opinion, suggestions...

 Regards and thank you very much.

 Hi Chus,

 interesting stuff, I'll definitely give this activity a shot later today.

Hi again,

I just tried running the activity on the latest development build (11.2.0
os22 - on an XO-1.5HS machine and
the activity failed to start.

I'm copying the log below, hope it helps you figure out what the issue could


--- LOG ---

** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (HippoCanvasBox)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/sugar-activity, line 21, in module
  File /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sugar/activity/, line 121,
in main
module = __import__(module_name)
  File /home/olpc/Activities/ReSiStance.activity/,
line 33, in module
from src.ReSiStance.settings import Settings
/home/olpc/Activities/ReSiStance.activity/src/ReSiStance/, line
26, in module
from configobj import ConfigObj
ImportError: No module named configobj
1307952847.033687 DEBUG root: _cleanup_temp_files
Exited with status 1, pid 3921 data (None, open file 'fdopen', mode 'w'
at 0xb332b78, '07c289065be801b61442e679e7aeb473be3da17e')

--- /LOG ---

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse 122: Tabs MIA, suggestion to incl. search in address bar

2011-06-12 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

thanks a lot for the link, I just installed Browse 122.2 and will test it a
little bit tonight.

On a related note:

Since Browse 121 (on 11.2.0 os22) I'm seeing an odd issue whereby upon
starting the activity it's not possible to click into the two search fields
on the home page (Google search, OLPC search).

Once I do go to another page - regardless of whether it's a content bundle
or another URL - and then use the back button to get to the home page it

This looks like an instance of, right?


On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:

 Probably in os23 we will have tabs enabled again, but I don't know if will
 be enabled in the production image.
 I have fixed a few problems, but is a big change for this stage of our
 release cycle.
 You can test it downloading 122.2 from
 This activity have the inline PDF viewer too, but is a ugly hack, and is
 not ready to upstream.


 On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just installed 11.2.0 os22 on my XO-1.5 and was surprised that Browse
 (os22 came with 121, I manually installed 122) seems to have dropped the
 support for tabs. Is that somehow related to Sebastian's patch from late May
 as there is a corresponding comment in his patch (Not enabling the multiple
 tabs feature due to a bug in cairo/mozilla)?

 Oh, and I had originally wanted to suggest the addition of a feature to
 allow links to be opened in a new tab, something that wasn't possible in the
 last OS / Browse combo I had running (unfortunately I can't remember which
 one that was).

 Last but not least I was wondering whether it would be possible to allow
 search from within the address bar as both Chrome and Firefox support these


 Christoph Derndorfer
 co-editor, olpcnews

 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Browse 122: Tabs MIA, suggestion to incl. search in address bar

2011-06-12 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Gonzalo Odiard wrote:

 Probably in os23 we will have tabs enabled again, but I don't know if will
 be enabled in the production image.
 I have fixed a few problems, but is a big change for this stage of our
 release cycle.
 You can test it downloading 122.2 from
 This activity have the inline PDF viewer too, but is a ugly hack, and is
 not ready to upstream.

I just tested it with a couple of PDFs from and other Web
sites and it worked very well indeed. Kudos on the great work!

The one suggestion I have on the UI front is to hide whatever toolbar Browse
is showing when a PDF is opened because in combination with the Read toolbar
it takes up a good 25% of the screen real estate.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Browse 122: Tabs MIA, suggestion to incl. search in address bar

2011-06-11 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I just installed 11.2.0 os22 on my XO-1.5 and was surprised that Browse
(os22 came with 121, I manually installed 122) seems to have dropped the
support for tabs. Is that somehow related to Sebastian's patch from late May
as there is a corresponding comment in his patch (Not enabling the multiple
tabs feature due to a bug in cairo/mozilla)?

Oh, and I had originally wanted to suggest the addition of a feature to
allow links to be opened in a new tab, something that wasn't possible in the
last OS / Browse combo I had running (unfortunately I can't remember which
one that was).

Last but not least I was wondering whether it would be possible to allow
search from within the address bar as both Chrome and Firefox support these


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [PATCH Browse 0/2] Add support for Export as PDF

2011-06-04 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Sascha Silbe si...@activitycentral.comwrote:

Hi Sascha,

thanks a lot for your work on this front!

Requests for print functionality in Sugar have been voiced repeatedly,
 including during EduJam 2011. Adding support to Browse for exporting the
 currently loaded document as PDF is a major step in that direction since
 Browse can render (and thus export as PDF) a variety of file formats,
 including HTML, bitmap graphics (PNG, JPEG) and SVG.

 The Portable Document Format (PDF) is designed to preserve the layout of
 document and thus is poorly suited for applications like offline reading
 web pages (there is no re-flowing to suit the dimensions of the screen).
 these tasks there are better solutions like wwwoffle [1], Webified [2] or
 creating a derivative of the Help activity [3].

FWIW I don't think that PDF is ill-suited for offline reading. In fact
reading PDFs of Web sites has consistently been one of my main uses for my
XOs, particularly when I'm traveling and therefore offline. Yes, other
solutions might be better here but at least for me PDF gets the job done
well enough.

 Direct print support has been deliberately omitted. Anything that gets
 exported from the learners system should be recorded and preserved in the
 Journal. Exporting PDFs from individual activities to the Journal and
 implementing print support in a single, specially designed activity that
 operates on the PDFs not only ensures that all exports are recorded in
 the exact form they left the computer, but also relieves activity authors
 from the need to provide print support in their activity. The user won't
 confused by multiple different ways to configure printing from within the
 various activities.

I am somewhat confused about what you're saying here but maybe I'm just
misunderstanding something:

(1) Are you suggesting that rather than being able to print directly from an
activity users will have to export whatever they want to print to PDF, then
launch a separate activity or go into the Journal to start the appropriate
function and then print from there? If so this frankly speaking sounds like
a lot of overhead to me.
(2) Assuming my assumption above is correct: Doesn't that mean that the
text, image, whatever artifact a user wants to print will be stored twice in
the Journal, once as the original (modifiable) object and once as the static
(3) You say that this approach relieves activity authors from the need to
provide print support in their activity, yet it seems to me that they will
be required to add an export to PDF for printing purposes feature, right?
It seems that any such functionality (regardless whether it's direct
printing or going through a PDF) would have to be somewhat customizable to
activities anyway. In Write for example it can be assumed that print means
the whole text yet for example what does printing in Tam Tam look like? A
screenshot of the current composition, an export of the actual tunes having
been configured,...?


 Because PDF is a standard interchange format, this also enables more (and
 better!) ways of sharing documents (while preserving their exact form) than

 Sascha Silbe (2):
  Generalise GetSourceListener to SaveListener
  Add support for exporting (printing) to PDF|   92
 +++- |   10 ++
  2 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)


 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Thoughts on Windows 8 UI / touchscreen UIs which could also apply to Sugar on tablets

2011-06-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I stumbled across this article called Why Windows 8 Is Fundamentally Flawed
as a Response to the iPad ( I think
some of the things that are being said there could also apply to Sugar
running on tablets and actually ties in very well with some of the related
discussions I had with C. Scott and Bert in Uruguay.

To me the key phrase in the article can be found in the last paragraph where
it says:

Apple’s radical notion is that touchscreen personal computers should make
severely different tradeoffs than traditional computers — and that you can’t
design one system that does it all.

Definitely some good food for thought in my opinion...


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] multi-selection in journal

2011-06-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 5:09 AM, Kevin Mark wrote:

 On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 07:45:09PM +1000, James Cameron wrote:
  On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 12:38:04AM -0400, Martin Abente wrote:
   Anyway, I would like to hear everyone's feedback on the current design!
  I like it.
 It looked nice. I was thinking about a 'move' option?

What do you mean by move option?

On a related note:

It could be interesting to also add the possibility to do batch editing of
Journal entries, e.g. for adding tags.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] multi-selection in journal

2011-06-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 11:33 AM, Kevin Mark wrote:

 On Wed, Jun 01, 2011 at 11:07:17AM +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 5:09 AM, Kevin Mark
  On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 07:45:09PM +1000, James Cameron wrote:
   On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 12:38:04AM -0400, Martin Abente wrote:
Anyway, I would like to hear everyone's feedback on the current
   I like it.
  It looked nice. I was thinking about a 'move' option?
  What do you mean by move option?
 I mean there is copy (to a usb stick)
 and delete (from jounal)
 move is a combination of 'copy' followed by 'delete'.
 To remove a bunch of journal entries off of the XO journal and on to an
 external device

Ahh, thanks, I clearly don't have enough caffeine in me yet, should really
have been able to figure this out myself;-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] multi-selection in journal [Sugar-devel Digest, Vol 31, Issue 103]

2011-06-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 12:58 AM, James Cameron wrote:

 A journal undo function would be welcome, however.  Oh, I've just
 deleted everything.  Undo, undo!.

Very good point!

I particularly like how Gmail handles this. I can discard the draft of this
message, click undo, and voila I'm back where I was before. In my mind
this could be a model for similar functionality in the Journal.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Sur] Manual de Uso de la XO/Sugar en Peru,

2011-06-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
2011/6/2 Rafael Ortiz


 Esta muy completo!.

Si, es impresionate en cuanto al contenido y la presentación! :-)

For the English speakers out there:

This is new Peruvian Sugar and XO manuals and it's very impressive both in
terms of content and presentation! :-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] [DESIGN] multi-selection in journal

2011-05-31 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 11:45 AM, James Cameron wrote:

 On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 12:38:04AM -0400, Martin Abente wrote:
  Anyway, I would like to hear everyone's feedback on the current design!

 I like it.



Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Server-devel] [IAEP] copy files to/from server

2011-05-23 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 2:24 PM, Martin Langhoff

 On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 1:41 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
  Interesting. Does WebDAV work as a normal mount, like CIFS or NFS?

 From the PoV of the user, yes, it looks like a mountpoint.
 Technically, you can mount it at the linux kernel level, at the gnome
 IO libraries level, or from Sugar, with a pure python implmentation.

  What would be the best way to get this working on Sugar?

 You don't have a lot of time it seems. I'd implement it on top of
 gnome VFS of in pure Python. In both cases, I'd make it look like
 another disk from the Journal (as an initial implementation at least).

 I'd say talk with Martin Abente, he's looking into this problem space.

Could we maybe split this thread and keep technical discussions focused on
XS-devel and Sugar-devel lists? I think this could also also help in getting
some non-technical and/or end-user feedback and suggestion from people on
IAEP who aren't into all the technical details (something which I think tch
was also interested in).


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] I'd like to put Make Your Own Sugar Activities! on the Kindle store

2011-05-09 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 11:39 AM, James Simmons wrote:

 Right now the FLOSS Manual Make Your Own Sugar Activities! is
 available on the FM website, as a bound and printed book from Lulu, as
 a free PDF download from Lulu, and in PDF, EPUB, and MOBI formats on
 the Internet Archive.  I'd like to add the Kindle Store to this list.
 I would price it at 99 cents, and in the Introduction I would add some
 text explaining where the book could be downloaded for free, so if
 someone got a free preview from the Kindle store he would not be
 required to pay the 99 cents unless he wished to.  The profits from
 these purchases, if there are any, would go to me.  If Oprah chooses
 the book as one of her Favorite Things I might be persuaded to share
 the windfall with Sugar Labs and/or FLOSS Manuals.  Don't count on
 this happening.

 The Amazon Kindle uses the MOBI format, and it will be a fair amount
 of work for me to convert the EPUB I can get from Booki to what Amazon
 requires.  Among other things I need to create a cover image and a
 Table Of Contents with links, plus I need to clean up the page
 formatting.  I will not change the licensing of the book or use DRM,
 but I WILL put my name on the cover image and other places as
 appropriate.  I will use a new cover image because the picture used on
 the bound and printed book was given to me by the artist with the
 understanding that I wouldn't be making any money on the book.

 Right now if you look One Laptop Per Child on the Kindle Store you
 get three items returned.  If what I propose to do works well it might
 be a good idea to get other FLOSS Manuals, especially OLPC and
 Sugar-related titles, on there as well.

Great idea!

And I definitely hope Oprah discovers and subsequently tells the world about


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Question about 4G shared w/ XOs via normal laptop

2011-05-06 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I just got an e-mail from someone who is trying to get a somewhat
nonstandard configuration working for some work he's doing with XO laptops
in Afghanistan.

Essentially, he's trying to share a 4G USB modem internet connection on a
regular (non XO) laptop through the laptop's wireless interface in ad-hoc
mode to one or more XO laptops.

He's having some issues with ad-hoc mode networking on the XOs and was
wondering whether there was any specific steps or things he needed to be
aware of. Or are there any guides available when it comes to this kind of
setup (I couldn't find anything in a quick search).


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] EduJAM day 3 Tour of Uruguay

2011-05-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Am 03.05.2011 17:54, schrieb David Farning:
 The theme for day was using the XO to help kids learn. Because this is not
 my area of expertise I will defer summarizing the day and take a moment to
 explain the rational for a technical focused summit for an education
 There are two aspect to the OLPC ecosystem, technological and educational.
 Technologically we face three general classes of problems: hardware,
 software, and connectivity. When these three aspects of the project work,
 teachers and students have an outstanding tool. When one or more of these
 aspects is not working teachers and students have a suboptimal tool.
 Once the tool is created and understood, educators can train teachers to
 take advantage of the tool, create content which builds on the affordances
 of the tool, and create curriculum which enable teachers to build on their
 understanding and available content to create lessons which align with the
 needs of their class, school, and country.
 The vision for EduJAM Montevideo 2011 is to bring people working on the
 technical aspects together to learn from each other and understand the needs
 of educators though a series of presentations and conversations.  The goal
 of this process is:
 1. Better understand educators needs.
 2. Learn how we as developers and engineers can make a product which is more
 effective for educators. 3. Learn and communicate with our fellow developers
 and engineers to learn to work more effectively.
 Ideally, another organization will sponsor a complementary event which
 focuses on how educators can leverage the tool to enhance learning. These
 complementary events can form the nucleus for a dialog which drive the
 project forward.

My impressions from the activities yesterday and today can be found at and I've also uploaded some of the
photos I took today to


Christoph Derndorfer
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] Awesome day 0 for eduJAM.

2011-05-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Am 01.05.2011 08:20, schrieb Bert Freudenberg:
 On 01.05.2011, at 07:22, David Farning wrote:
 Yesterday was have picture perfect start to eduJAM!

 The day was planned by the Ceibal-volunteer associations as part of their
 annual (sometime biannual) meeting. For lack of a better word, my Spanish is
 still rather fuzzy, I will use the term Ceibal-volunteer associations to
 describe Ceibal-Jam, Rap-Ceibal, and Flordeceibo.

 Many of us in Sugar Labs are familiar with Ceibal-Jam, the software-arm of
 the project, from the public work at . Particularly
 interesting is their work on Sugar activities at .

 Rap-Ceibal is the volunteer support organization. There public work is at . They are doing really interesting work
 creating regional centers. Basic service and support happens in the schools,
 while more complicated or specialized service and support happen in the
 regional centers.  It is a great model.

 Thirdly, Flordeceibo, is the education arm that builds on the technical work
 of Ceibal-Jam, Rap-Ceibal, and other organization to enable a efficient and
 effective education for student in Uruguay.

 The morning started with the groups giving status reports of current
 projects and roadmaps for next year. It was a great example of people
 saying, 'we see a problem and we are trying to fix it.'

 The afternoon was a series of videoconferences with distant schools. Groups
 from various school shared their experiences and concern. This was followed
 by an open discussion on how to meet their needs.

 Midafternoon we broke up and shared a meal, ( The proper translation for the
 dish was 'delicious heart attack on a plate' ) with others planning on
 attending the Tour of Uruguay.

 Overall two thumbs up to everyone involved. As special shout out to Antel, a
 Uruguayan telecommunications firm, for providing the facilities -- which
 included an video conferencing system that would make any hacker want to get
 in there and take in apart to figure out how it works :) The moderator,
 Latise (sp?) did an outstanding job of keeping the program running smoothly
 and on schedule. Which can be harder than it appeared when you have a room
 full of smart, curious, and passionate people.

 Second that. It was very refreshing to see all these different volunteer 
 groups doing great stuff, even if my missing Spanish skills did not allow me 
 to understand much ;)
 Also, when we left the building, we were greeted by an awesome drum-and-dance 

Caryl also set up a blog at where a
couple of us are documenting the experiences and impressions we make at
the tour and summit.


Christoph Derndorfer
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] Some quick comments on the Journal in 11.2.0 build 16 and Dextrose 508

2011-04-30 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Bernie Innocenti ber...@sugarlabs.orgwrote:

 On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 16:47 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  I used my 12h plane ride to Montevideo to play around with 11.2.0
  build 16 and Dextrose 508 on my two XO-1.5 machines. I thought I'd
  brielfy comment on some observation I made in the Journal:
  * When copying large files (in my case a 700MB video) over from a USB
  drive to the Journal there's no indication of the progress of the
  copy-process. For small files I do remember seeing the gray-screen
  with some sort of progress-bar but for this one it really looked as
  though the system was simply frozen all throughout the copy process
  (which also seemed to take ages compared to doing it on my regular
  laptop). [11.2.0 / Dextrose]

 This is indeed a big usability problem.

My thoughts exactly.

  * 11.2.0 (not sure about previous versions) also shows the available
  Journal space after hovering over the Journal icon when a USB drive is
  connected. This is really handy when trying to decide whether to copy
  over large files from external media so I think it would be great if
  Dextrose also integrated it (which it currently doesn't seem to do).

 You mean on the journal icon on the device toolbar, in the bottom-left
 corner? This shouldn't be too hard to back-port from Sugar 0.92.

Yes, that's what I meant.

  * Last but not least: allowing the selection of multiple Journal
  entries. IIRC this does appear on the to-do list for Dextrose 3 but I
  was wondering whether there's a chance it can also make it into
  11.2.0? Maybe it's much harder than I imagine but could this be an
  item to tackle during the Sugar Camp in Montevideo?

 This will indeed take a lot of rework. Perhaps it could be started (and
 maybe finished) in a sprint session at the Sugar Camp.
  Overall I was very impressed by these latest software versions and
  can't wait to test them more over the coming days and weeks:-)
 Thanks for taking the time to test *and* report back!



Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Some quick comments on the Journal in 11.2.0 build 16 and Dextrose 508

2011-04-29 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

I used my 12h plane ride to Montevideo to play around with 11.2.0 build 16
and Dextrose 508 on my two XO-1.5 machines. I thought I'd brielfy comment on
some observation I made in the Journal:

* When copying large files (in my case a 700MB video) over from a USB drive
to the Journal there's no indication of the progress of the copy-process.
For small files I do remember seeing the gray-screen with some sort of
progress-bar but for this one it really looked as though the system was
simply frozen all throughout the copy process (which also seemed to take
ages compared to doing it on my regular laptop). [11.2.0 / Dextrose]
* 11.2.0 (not sure about previous versions) also shows the available Journal
space after hovering over the Journal icon when a USB drive is connected.
This is really handy when trying to decide whether to copy over large files
from external media so I think it would be great if Dextrose also integrated
it (which it currently doesn't seem to do).
* Last but not least: allowing the selection of multiple Journal
entries. IIRC this does appear on the to-do list for Dextrose 3 but I was
wondering whether there's a chance it can also make it into 11.2.0? Maybe
it's much harder than I imagine but could this be an item to tackle during
the Sugar Camp in Montevideo?

Overall I was very impressed by these latest software versions and can't
wait to test them more over the coming days and weeks:-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Permission denied error in ReckonPrimer Activity

2011-04-27 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
 exstore.ExStore at 0xb612559c
self._dis = display.Display instance at 0xb613436c
self._co = coach.Coach instance at 0xb613428c
 23 #self._co.create_exercises() #TODO.WN091101 replace by
storing Exerc.s
 24 self._calcs = None #pop !

/home/olpc/Activities/ReckonPrimer.activity/ in
__init__(self=exstore.ExStore instance at 0xb613438c,
display=display.Display instance at 0xb613436c, coach=coach.Coach
instance at 0xb613428c)
405 # comment to save changes (order of the items) till the next
-- 406 self._root.set_data_in_pickle(self._root)
self._root.set_data_in_pickle = bound method
Collection.set_data_in_pickle of collection.Collection instance at
self._root = collection.Collection instance at 0xb613ad8c
408 #Provisorium für impl. treeView-Kollektion

/home/olpc/Activities/ReckonPrimer.activity/ in
set_data_in_pickle(self=collection.Collection instance at 0xb613ad8c,
root=collection.Collection instance at 0xb613ad8c)
148  Sets data in pickle file 
149 path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), data/
-- 150 f = open(path, wb)
f = undefined
global open = undefined
path =
151 pickle.dump(root, f)
152 f.close()

IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Permission denied error in ReckonPrimer Activity

2011-04-27 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 1:36 AM, Walter Bender walter.ben...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Wed, Apr 27, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm running into an odd issue with the ReckonPrimer Activity some
  students have developed for our pilot project.
  Starting the activity works fine on just about every software version
  tried but unfortunately fails on build 767 which is the one being used in
  the school at the moment (yes, I'm well aware that's quite outdated hence
  why I'm looking forward to 11.2.0 and its German support;-).
  In the log it says IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
  '/home/olpc/Activities/ReckonPrimer.activity/data/' (for
  complete log please see the end of this e-mail) whereby the offending
  function is in (.xo file available
  def set_data_in_pickle(self, root):
   Sets data in pickle file 
  path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), data/
  f = open(path, wb)
  pickle.dump(root, f)
  I really don't understand why this causes issues in 767 but none of the
  other (newer) software versions and I'd appreciate any pointers, thoughts
  advice here. :-)

 '/home/olpc/Activities/ReckonPrimer.activity/data/' is
 not writeable with Rainbow enabled. You should be using
 activity.get_activity_root() instead of os.getcwd().


thanks so much for the quick reply, now everything seems to work the way
it's supposed to! :-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] ANNOUNCE: Moving Sugar to GPLv3+

2011-04-25 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 7:14 AM, Bernie Innocenti ber...@sugarlabs.orgwrote:

 [cc += christoph]

 On Fri, 2011-04-22 at 21:25 -0400, Paul Fox wrote:
  i think i've missed the point of all this.  bernie's original mail
  points to the FSF rationale for GPL3 as the reason for moving sugar to
  GPL3, but somehow i think there must be more to it.  i.e., what
  exactly are the arguments in favor of _sugar_ changing licenses?
  i have no stake in this decision at all -- i'm just wondering about
  the why.

 Sorry Paul, I had missed your reply to the list. You and Christoph asked
 similar questions and I'd like to answer both of them comprehensively,
 but tonight I'm too tired to write more than just a short summary :-)

 To me, the reasons already given in the GPLv3 quick guide (*) are
 relevant to most free software, and therefore also to Sugar. Even if
 some of the reasons for updating the license are of legal nature and
 we're not lawyers, it doesn't mean there's no tangible advantage for the
 project. A license is a legal document, after all, so if we're looking
 for technical advantages, we're simply looking in the wrong place.

 Christoph also asked what strategic advantages the GPLv3 would bring in
 the surrounding ecosystem: Sugar is a member project of the Software
 Freedom Conservancy, and has a strong bound with the Free Software
 Foundation in the form of donated hosting and infrastructure for the
 past 3 years. In this regard, it makes sense for us to be using the
 latest published version of their license. If we managed to make Sugar
 endorsed by the GNU project, or even make it to the high-priority free
 software list, this could result in extra visibility and funding for
 development. Currently, Sugar official releases don't even make it to
 the LWN announcements page, unlike tiny and obscure GNU packages such as
 m4 and gettext.

 The main point being debated in this thread is the so-called anti-TiVo
 clause. For people like me, it's a necessary fix to make the GPL
 continue to work as intended in this era of locked-down devices and laws
 prohibiting modifications such as the DMCA. For Martin (and Scott?) the
 anti-TiVo clause is overly restrictive and the manifestation of a
 radical political agenda.

 Since this is the core point of disagreement within the community, the
 act of accepting or rejecting the GPLv3 assumes for us the deeper
 meaning of refusing or endorsing TiVo-ization and DRM in conjunction
 with Sugar.



thanks a lot for your response, much appreciated.

Having said that I'd be lying if I claimed to understand all the details
now. Both sides of the argument seem to make some good points though without
having any experience in the area nor training in the deeper legal issues I
personally think it's hard if not impossible to make a call here.

So what I'm more focused on at this point is the process for this decision.
You started this thread by writing The oversight board is considering a
motion to upgrade the license of Sugar from GPLv2 or later to GPLv3 or
later. which sounds like SLOBs will be taking an executive decision on
this matter, or am I misunderstanding something here?

If that is indeed the case then I'd love to hear what other board members
think because apart from you and Sebastian nobody has commented on this
topic yet.

Secondly you wrote Before proceeding to a vote, we'd like to request
feedback from the community. In particular, we'd like to know how this
change might affect you as a Sugar end-user, distributor, contributor or
maintainer. It can be argued that contributors and maintainers have so far
spoken up in this thread but users and distributors haven't. I'm not quite
sure why this is the case but it's probably safe to assume that David has
somewhat of a point when he says that licensing isn't necessarily on the
critical path of tasks for users and deployments (which says nothing about
whether licensing should or shouldn't be a critical task for Sugar Labs
itself IMHO). Additionally I would suggest that reaching out to the relevant
people and organisations privately, pointing them to this thread, and
encouraging them to post their opinion might get some replies as not
everybody follows sugar-devel and IAEP religiously.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [IAEP] ANNOUNCE: Moving Sugar to GPLv3+

2011-04-22 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Martin Langhoff

 On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 12:54 PM, C. Scott Ananian
  Yes, you seem to be confused Bernie.  You can redistribute under a
  license however you like, usually without explicitly stating it.  But
  if you alter the source files or replace COPYING, you are *changing
  the license*.  That is a different act.

 You are right but in practice in this case there isn't much difference.

 Anybody, following GPLv2, can just redistribute it under GPLv3, and
 you *could* track each file as to GPLv2, v3, or mixed. But that would
 be a lot of bureaucracy that wouldn't help anyone -- anybody
 interested in GPLv2 sources should just go to the last commit or
 release under v2.

  A more passive-aggressive means to your end might be to announce that
  SugarLabs will only accept new contributions which are licensed
  GPLv3+.  That will effect the redistribution change you want, while
  still (a) pissing off parts of the community, and (b) not illegally
  altering the license on code you do not own.

 Honestly, option b is rather annoying if relevant authors/owners of
 the copyright aren't in agreement. But it has notthing illegal.

 The copyright lines are advisory only, and nonbinding. Of course,
 courts look unfavourably upon knowing infringers that remove (as upon
 anyone found hiding evidence) them but they aren't sacred in the
 normal course of things.

Before this thread ends up something that only copyright lawyers really
understand I'd like to take a step back and ask what the SLOB's rationale
behind the proposed motion to move from GPLv2 to GPLv3 is? In other words:
What specific advantages does GPLv3 offer for Sugar, its community and the
individuals, groups, and organizations/deployments using it?


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [DESIGN] Static snapshot of the Sugar HIG

2011-04-18 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 4:45 AM, Gary Martin garycmar...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Hi all,

 I've finally uploaded a static snapshot of the Sugar HIG. The goal was to
 pull all the official HIG information from the wiki into a single, fixed
 document, so we can keep it intact for future reference while we start to
 rework the live wiki version with all the new design work and material
 generated over the last year or two! No attempt was made to pull in new
 Sugar material or designs, it is simply a historical reference point.

 I can provide an EPub version as well if needed, but I'd say pdf has wider
 client support at the moment (shout if there is some good reason to upload
 an EPub version that I've missed). The file is ~1.7MB, but could be good if
 you like reading from bleached, pulped trees (I've tried to give it a
 reasonable layout and pagination), or if you need to read it in digital
 format, offline, under your favourite living tree:

 I should note that it took some time digging around the wiki version to
 pull all the information together, a number of the sections have graphics
 that fail to show when included in a page via all the nested tempting on the
 wiki, the version has also dropped the whole section on
 Activity Toolbars ( has the section included OK). So you might
 want to take a skim through this static snapshot and see if you've missed
 out on any interesting items ;-) I'll try and poke the wiki version into
 better shape, but it might be a while before I get to it (ping me if you
 want me to point more clearly at the broken bits).

Thanks a lot, I think this will come in handy to introduce people to some of
the key concepts behind Sugar! :-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Reasonable number of users sharing an activity instance?

2011-04-06 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 8:22 AM, Sridhar Dhanapalan

 Sugar doesn't seem to place any limits, so conceivably there could be
 100 kids trying to access the same instance. I tried a game of
 Memorise on XOs in a class last week, and I saw errors such as
 children being able to connect to the session but not actually
 participate (which basically halted the game when it came to that
 child's turn).

 This can be frustrating for the children and the teacher. If we could
 manage their expectations, they would be much more receptive.

 Games in other media (board games, console games, etc.) cite a hard
 limit on the number of players (e.g. 2-4 players). Might it be
 useful for us to do that in Sugar? This could be implemented as a mere
 recommendation or a hard restriction in the code.

Hi Sridhar,

I seem to remember some discussions about an activity or its metadata
specifying for how many users its made for (e.g. two users for certain
activities and games). Additional users would then be able to observe the
collaborative mode in some sort of view only mode. Unfortunately I now
can't seem to find the appropriate e-mail threads on the lists...


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Server-devel] Reasonable number of users sharing an activity instance?

2011-04-06 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

Am 06.04.2011 um 12:28 schrieb James Cameron

On Wed, Apr 06, 2011 at 11:35:49AM +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

I seem to remember some discussions about an activity or its metadata
specifying for how many users its made for (e.g. two users for  

activities and games). Additional users would then be able to observe
the collaborative mode in some sort of view only mode.  

I now can't seem to find the appropriate e-mail threads on the

Perhaps you recall this meme:

class MyActivity(Activity):
   def __init__(self, handle):
   Activity.__init__(self, handle)
   self.max_participants = 1

However, I cannot see any code in sugar-toolkit that uses the
max_participants property for anything other than deciding whether to
show the share-with widget.

Hi James,

yes, thanks, that field and the lack of code actually doing much with  
it was definitely a part of those discussions I'm thinking about.

Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Dropbox on the XO

2011-04-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

thanks a lot for the replies.

So I just heard back from the local project coordinator and the main
motivation behind using Dropbox is syncing up files between the teacher's XO
and the pupils' XOs. One of the things we've been trying to do for awhile is
finding a simple way to get pupils' work of the XOs and into other systems
as well as enabling them to print out the things they write, pictures they
draw, photos they take, etc.

If there was a simple way to do this then we'd make 25 pupils and 2 teachers
very happy:-)

James suggested Sugar Commander to copy the files from the dropbox folder
into the Journal, having never used I'm wondering whether it's also possible
to do it the other way 'round (Journal - Dropbox folder)? (since that would
be the main initial use-case)

As per Rudolf's comment I'm now thinking that enabling an easy-sync between
the XOs and other computers they children have access to (e.g. at home)
might also be an area that's worthwhile investigating.

And while I agree that sugar already has many sharing features I don't
think they're nearly powerful and flexible enough (which reminds of seeing
the expression on Richard Smith's face when I showed him this photo from
Peru -
 - which was simply priceless;-).


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:55 AM, James Cameron wrote:

 On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 10:06:45AM -0400, Rodolfo D. Arce S. wrote:
  Dropbox is designed based on syncing in multiple machines, if a child
  has only one machine, then i don't think it to be necessary.

 I'd like to work on the assumption that Sugar is for a child who has at
 least one machine, not at most one machine.

 if n = 0, our software will not run;
 if n = 1, our software will run;
 if n  1, our software will still run.

 James Cameron
 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Dropbox on the XO

2011-04-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:31 PM, James Cameron wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 01:02:46PM +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  James suggested Sugar Commander to copy the files from the dropbox
  folder into the Journal, ...

 Not me, probably Other James.

Yes, sorry, it was James Simmons and I only realized now that his message
didn't go to the list...

  And while I agree that sugar already has many sharing features I
  don't think they're nearly powerful and flexible enough (which reminds
  of seeing the expression on Richard Smith's face when I showed him
  this photo from Peru -
  - which was simply priceless;-).

 Very sad.

Not sure why people think it's sad. To me it really is ingenious and I loved
how these pupils worked around the software limitations to achieve what they

  Have you actually used the feature that sends a journal entry
 from one laptop to another over wireless?  'Cause if you haven't used
 it, then perhaps you should retract your opinion until you've had a go
 at it.  There's no point whinging about software written years ago.

Sorry if I touched a soft spot here! ;-)

On a more serious note I saw that my previous e-mail should read teacher's
normal laptop rather than teacher's XO since the main idea is still to
make it easy to print children's works.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Dropbox on the XO

2011-04-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Gary Martin garycmar...@googlemail.comwrote:

 Hi Christopher,

Hi Gary,

 On 1 Apr 2011, at 13:01, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:31 PM, James Cameron wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 01:02:46PM +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  James suggested Sugar Commander to copy the files from the dropbox
  folder into the Journal, ...

 Not me, probably Other James.

 Yes, sorry, it was James Simmons and I only realized now that his message
 didn't go to the list...

   And while I agree that sugar already has many sharing features I
  don't think they're nearly powerful and flexible enough (which reminds
  of seeing the expression on Richard Smith's face when I showed him
  this photo from Peru -
  - which was simply priceless;-).

 Very sad.

 Not sure why people think it's sad. To me it really is ingenious and I
 loved how these pupils worked around the software limitations to achieve
 what they wanted.

  Have you actually used the feature that sends a journal entry
 from one laptop to another over wireless?  'Cause if you haven't used
 it, then perhaps you should retract your opinion until you've had a go
 at it.  There's no point whinging about software written years ago.

 Sorry if I touched a soft spot here! ;-)

 On a more serious note I saw that my previous e-mail should read teacher's
 normal laptop rather than teacher's XO since the main idea is still to
 make it easy to print children's works.

 I'd be happy to see a 3rd party make a nice Dropbox activity (perhaps
 Dropbox would consider sponsoring a dev seeing as they are a commercial
 service), pretty sure it is based on WebDAV so should be some standard open
 source projects about to build a nice focused Sugar Activity UI around.

Good idea. Maybe someone really should approach Dropbox. Without getting to
off-topic this is something that I've been thinking about for awhile. In the
mobile space most people try to support iOS, Android, WebOS, etc. and it
would be great if we could convince service providers to do something
similar for the Sugar ecosystem.

 I wanted to raise the bandwidth issue — I do use Dropbox from time to time
 to share files between my iPad and PowerBook, but I find it painful having
 to upload and download to the Internet over broadband for more than trivial
 file sizes, imagine the frustration for one class full of children trying to
 all sync remotely with a Dropbox account. The solution really needs to use
 the local network e.g. as achievable via being connected to the class
 wireless access point, salute (not a remote network jabber server or perhaps
 a local XS would be OK), and using the Journal 'send to -- friend' feature.

This is indeed a good point though for some reason I had thought that
Dropbox is as smart as Skype and does direct file-transfer when it detects
that the computers are on the same LAN... Will have to investigate this

 FWIW, I've had text chat working between XOs and iChat on a Mac, think I've
 seen reports of Pidgen working in Gnome as well, but not recently tried
 testing to see if file transfer works (it didn't used to, but a fair bit of
 has changed since then). That could be the area most worth some more
 effort and testing.

Excellent point, this is an option I hadn't even considered yet!

P.S. Every time I see your name on the mailing-lists I'm reminded of the
fact that we still haven't implemented the medal/awards system we discussed
at Sean's apartment during Sugar Camp Paris almost two years ago... :-/

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Dropbox on the XO

2011-04-01 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi Sebastian,
hi James,

thanks a lot for your message.

I'd definitely love to look at your work when it's done as it really does
sounds like a possible solution for the scenario we're looking at.

Oh, and I can't wait to see the footage:-)


On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 6:31 PM, Sebastian Silva

  Hi Christoph,
 We're having a similar use case in Peru at the moment. Artists from are recording with the children of the Shippibo and Aymara
 native communities a documentary using XOs and Record. They needed a way to
 copy the footage as well as other content into a central server. So I have
 started working with them on using and adapting

 We've run into some constraints like:

 - Having to share one file by one.
 (I've made a patch to share all favorites at once)
 With a populated journal this crashes, still debugging.

 - The server script - we'd like it to provide feedback of successful
 operations and also to extract uploaded files into a regular directory
 (instead of .xoj journal files). For use with a regular linux desktop for
 editing video and material.

 - All children should have permission to upload to server

 - When testing on localhost the server errors (but doesnt seem to fail)

 When I'm finished writing these patches maybe the activity will be closer
 to useful for your scenario as well.
 Let me know if you'd like me to ping you for testing it.

 I'm copying Justin who is the author.

 BTW they'll be streaming live today at 7pm EST
 or directly


 El 01/04/11 07:01, Christoph Derndorfer escribió:

 On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 1:31 PM, James Cameron wrote:

 On Fri, Apr 01, 2011 at 01:02:46PM +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  James suggested Sugar Commander to copy the files from the dropbox
   folder into the Journal, ...

 Not me, probably Other James.

  Yes, sorry, it was James Simmons and I only realized now that his message
 didn't go to the list...

   And while I agree that sugar already has many sharing features I
  don't think they're nearly powerful and flexible enough (which reminds
  of seeing the expression on Richard Smith's face when I showed him
  this photo from Peru -
  - which was simply priceless;-).

  Very sad.

  Not sure why people think it's sad. To me it really is ingenious and I
 loved how these pupils worked around the software limitations to achieve
 what they wanted.

  Have you actually used the feature that sends a journal entry
 from one laptop to another over wireless?  'Cause if you haven't used
 it, then perhaps you should retract your opinion until you've had a go
 at it.  There's no point whinging about software written years ago.

  Sorry if I touched a soft spot here! ;-)

  On a more serious note I saw that my previous e-mail should read
 teacher's normal laptop rather than teacher's XO since the main idea is
 still to make it easy to print children's works.


 Christoph Derndorfer
 co-editor, olpcnews

 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Dropbox on the XO

2011-03-31 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

and again another question from the Austrian pilot project:

Has anyone tried using Dropbox on an XO? I see that Fedora x86 packages are
available on and hence I assume
that there shouldn't be any problems with GNOME, right? The question now is
whether there's an easy way to potential have synced files also show up in
the Journal?

Thanks in advance,

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] Sugar UI Dictator

2010-11-24 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 7:37 AM, Michael Stone wrote:

 Maybe it would be help to identify a single dictator and lieutenants

 Lieutenants are a good idea regardless.

On the topic of lieutenants I'd also like to add that it might make sense to
try and get people working in deployments to participate in that role.
Walter, Bernie, Daniel, and a few others seem to be in a good position to
know who one might ask here.

Personally I also feel that the decision process regarding the design of new
features and Sugar in general could be reworked to try and limit actual
decisions to the beginning of the 6-month release cycle. Having a specific
time-frame of let's say 2 to 4 weeks in which the core design-issues will be
discussed and decided upon could also make it easier to attract people to
fulfill the role of the friendly dictator or board. At the moment it seems
like there's not enough synchronization between the various design-related
efforts which then leads to many seperate ad-hoc decisions which aren't good
for the overall consistency of the platform.

Regarding the HIG I'd be happy to participate in some sort of sprint to
update it, maybe something to plan for the time between Christmas and New

Anyway, thanks to Bernie for getting this discussion started and for
everyone's great input, I definitely think that things are moving into the
right direction.


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] ready for translating 0.90 ?

2010-09-20 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Simon Schampijer si...@schampijer.dewrote:


 is the translating interface ready for the making the 0.90 translations?

 German translation show 100% complete for Glucose [1], but the last
 commit is from March.

 Do I miss something? Other experiences?

As mentioned on the Where can I add / correct Dextrose translations thread
I'm also not aware of how/where I can add new and update incorrect
translations for Dextrose... :-/



Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] Question about upgrading from 802 to Dextrose

2010-09-15 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:58 PM, Bernie Innocenti ber...@codewiz.orgwrote:

 On Tue, 2010-09-14 at 01:52 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

  If I remember correctly I had set up XS 0.5 at the school, how would I
  find out whether the backups were made and if so how do I restore them
  to the XOs after I install Dextrose on them?
 Log into the schoolserver and check what's in /library/users. If you see
 directories named after the serial numbers of laptops, you know that
 backups have been running.

Will do, thanks.

 The laptops need to register themselves with the schoolserver before
 they can do backups. Before Dextrose, registration was kind of tricky
 due to several bugs in Sugar.

Okay, I'll keep my fingers crossed that I actually registered the XOs with
the schoolserver when I set everything up 1 1/2 years ago... ;-)


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] Question about upgrading from 802 to Dextrose

2010-09-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Tomeu Vizoso wrote:

 On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 01:52, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Bernie Innocenti
 Forwarded Message 
From: Bernie Innocenti
To: Christoph Derndorfer
Cc:, Sugar Devel,
Subject: Re: [Dextrose] Question about upgrading from 802 to
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:01:04 +0200
On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 18:45 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
 as previously mentioned to Bernie I'm thinking about using the
 international spin of Dextrose on the 25 XO-1s that we're using in
 Austrian pilot project.

 IIRC correctly those XO-1s are currently running 802 and now I was
 wondering whether there was a way to upgrade them to Dextrose
 erasing the Journal (e.g. something like olpc-update but using
 Dextrose rather OLPC's 10.1.2).
For the first upgrade in Paraguay, we used two very simple shell
to backup the journal to a tarball on a usb stick.
The procedure was somewhat cumbersome:
1) plug in usb stick
2) open terminal
3) /media/USBSTICK/backup_script
4) wait
5) cleanly unmount usb stick
6) reboot
7) flash
8) boot into sugar
9) open terminal
10) /media/USBSTICK/restore_script
  Thanks a lot for these instructions.
Of course, we did this only for specific laptops where the user
to preserve information. Many users were perfectly  with erasing
journal completely. Some kids asked to save only one or two files.
If you have a schoolserver, then you should already have daily
even with 802. You're just missing a restore function.
  Interesting, I wasn't aware of that.
  If I remember correctly I had set up XS 0.5 at the school, how would I
  out whether the backups were made and if so how do I restore them to the
  after I install Dextrose on them?

 There's quite a bit of info here:

The closest documentation for what I want to do is but
I'm not sure I fully understand it. Basically I need to find out the backup
dir for each laptop via an HTTP GET, then rsync on tht dir 3 times and then
rebuild the metadata, right?

Almost sounds like Bernie's 10 step tarball approach is actually easier
here... :-/


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] Question about upgrading from 802 to Dextrose

2010-09-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

so is this a step I would need to do after following Bernie's 10 point
procedure to backup the Journal onto a USB flash drive?


On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Esteban Arias

 Christoph! you can migrate datastore 0.82 to 0.88.

 You need to remove the datastore content for 0.88.
 And copy the directory /home/olpc/.sugar/datastore/store for 0.82 to this
 path on 0.88
 then restart.

 2010/9/13 Martin Abente

 We have not tried that yet, but dextrose provides a backup/restore to usb
 stick option that you might find useful.

 On Mon, 13 Sep 2010 18:45:22 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
  Hi all,
  as previously mentioned to Bernie I'm thinking about using the
  spin of Dextrose on the 25 XO-1s that we're using in our Austrian pilot
  IIRC correctly those XO-1s are currently running 802 and now I was
  whether there was a way to upgrade them to Dextrose without erasing the
  Journal (e.g. something like olpc-update but using Dextrose rather
 Dextrose mailing list

 Esteban Arias
 Investigación y Desarrollo - Plan Ceibal
 Avda. Italia 6201
 Montevideo - Uruguay.
 Tel.: 2601.57.73 Interno 2228
 E-mail :

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Question about upgrading from 802 to Dextrose

2010-09-14 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Sascha Silbe wrote:

 Excerpts from Christoph Derndorfer's message of Mon Sep 13 18:45:22 +0200

  IIRC correctly those XO-1s are currently running 802 and now I was
  whether there was a way to upgrade them to Dextrose without erasing the
  Journal (e.g. something like olpc-update but using Dextrose rather OLPC's

 If you have a USB stick or SD card, you could run Backup [1] and
 Restore [2] prior to resp. after the reflash.



Excellent stuff! I hadn't been aware of these Activities...

Thanks a lot,

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Question about upgrading from 802 to Dextrose

2010-09-13 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi all,

as previously mentioned to Bernie I'm thinking about using the international
spin of Dextrose on the 25 XO-1s that we're using in our Austrian pilot

IIRC correctly those XO-1s are currently running 802 and now I was wondering
whether there was a way to upgrade them to Dextrose without erasing the
Journal (e.g. something like olpc-update but using Dextrose rather OLPC's


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] [Dextrose] Question about upgrading from 802 to Dextrose

2010-09-13 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 12:13 AM, Bernie Innocenti ber...@codewiz.orgwrote:

    Forwarded Message 
   From: Bernie Innocenti
   To: Christoph Derndorfer
   Cc:, Sugar Devel,
   Subject: Re: [Dextrose] Question about upgrading from 802 to
   Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2010 23:01:04 +0200
   On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 18:45 +0200, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:
as previously mentioned to Bernie I'm thinking about using the
international spin of Dextrose on the 25 XO-1s that we're using in
Austrian pilot project.
IIRC correctly those XO-1s are currently running 802 and now I was
wondering whether there was a way to upgrade them to Dextrose without
erasing the Journal (e.g. something like olpc-update but using
Dextrose rather OLPC's 10.1.2).
   For the first upgrade in Paraguay, we used two very simple shell
   to backup the journal to a tarball on a usb stick.
   The procedure was somewhat cumbersome:
   1) plug in usb stick
   2) open terminal
   3) /media/USBSTICK/backup_script
   4) wait
   5) cleanly unmount usb stick
   6) reboot
   7) flash
   8) boot into sugar
   9) open terminal
   10) /media/USBSTICK/restore_script

Thanks a lot for these instructions.

   Of course, we did this only for specific laptops where the user wanted
   to preserve information. Many users were perfectly  with erasing their
   journal completely. Some kids asked to save only one or two files.
   If you have a schoolserver, then you should already have daily backups
   even with 802. You're just missing a restore function.

Interesting, I wasn't aware of that.

If I remember correctly I had set up XS 0.5 at the school, how would I find
out whether the backups were made and if so how do I restore them to the XOs
after I install Dextrose on them?

Thanks again for all your help,

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

[Sugar-devel] Enhancing Sugar to support multiple users

2010-09-05 Thread Christoph Derndorfer

I just created a new ticket ( to get
some discussions started on what changes need to be made to Sugar to work
well in an environment where multiple users will work on the same machine
(which is how Peru's next 300,000 XOs will be used:

Obviously this touches upon a lot of areas from simple naming of the
machine, over the Journal, backups and probably a whole host of other issues
that I haven't though of yet.

(Additionally it also ties in to the ongoing reorganise home menu


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] GSoC question

2010-09-04 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Lucian Branescu

 On 25 August 2010 19:44, samir menon wrote:

 So I have hearing a lot about Google Summer of Code on the mailing list
 (specifically,, Dinko Galetic's project!) What happens when they finish
 their project? Do the projects (read: Dinko's project) get submitted as a
 patch for the respective activity (read: Pippy)? Or is the project just for
 their personal learning experience? I checked Dinko's email, but the
 attached files didn't seem to be written in python...Are theyhosted
 somewhere else?

 Any clarification would be very much appreciated,

 It is up to the individual maintainers whether or not they merge the work
 done by students over GSoC.

Is there any page on the wiki where I can find out what was achieved by this
year's GSoC projects?

Looking at and its sub-pages I
also have a hard time figuring out which projects were actually worked on...


Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

Re: [Sugar-devel] Corrected instructions re Spellchecker in Write-63

2010-09-03 Thread Christoph Derndorfer
Hi there,

sorry for the delay in getting back to you but I finally had time to follow
the steps you mentioned and it works great!

The only thing I haven't figured out is what the dlgSpell mapping does
since I can't really see a difference in the UI...

Last but not least I was wondering whether there was a way to use languages
other than English for the spellchecker? When I switch Sugar's language to
Spanish on build 852 the spellchecker seems to be deactivated from what I
can tell.


On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 12:13 AM, wrote:

 I fixed a copy and paste error in my previous email.

 To reveal the spelling checker popup menu open a terminal session and
 use vi to edit /home/olpc/Activities/Write.activity/keybindings.xml

 change the line
 unbind-mappings handler=contextMisspellTest /


 !--unbind-mappings handler=contextMisspellTest /--

 and if you want to reveal the Spelling dialog access on the menu

 unbind-mappings handler=dlgSpell /


 !--unbind-mappings handler=dlgSpell /--

 linux - the best things in life are free

 On Aug 28, 2010, at 8:38 PM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:

 Since this topic came again up while talking to someone who is working on a
 smaller deployment in Central America I was wondering whether anybody here
 knows whether the lack of being able to use the spellchecker is indeed a bug
 or intended to be like this?


 On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Christoph Derndorfer wrote:


 while writing an article on the XO-1.5 (build 851, Write-63) I realized
 that wrongly spelled words were being underlined with red yet there was no
 way to access the traditional suggestions menu with a right-click or
 something. I also didn't find any functionality on the tabs that make use of
 the spellchecker.

 Am I missing something here or does Write include a spellchecker that's
 really not quite as powerful and useful as it could be?


 Christoph Derndorfer
 co-editor, olpcnews

 Christoph Derndorfer
 co-editor, olpcnews
 Sugar-devel mailing list

Christoph Derndorfer
co-editor, olpcnews
Sugar-devel mailing list

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