Re: [biofuels-biz] Genetic Engineering

2002-06-06 Thread henning

Thank you, Keith, for your very ood arguments


Reinhard Henning

Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 Hello Chuck
 Strictly from the standpoint of efficiency, growing a plant that produced an
 acceptable yield of fuel for diesel engines without processing any further
 than extraction and filtering is nearly ideal.
 We do need people hanging around with a healthy dose of skepticism, but
 running away from the future because some aspects of that future appear to
 carry risks is worse than plunging blindly forward without heed of the
 That's NOT what we're doing. I am not against genetic engineering - I 
 am against genetic engineering in the hands of the current players, 
 who have a VERY bad record at such things, with virtually nothing to 
 redeem it. Genetic engineering in itself is a most promising 
 technology. My fear is not only that great damage will be caused by 
 the current highly irresponsible initiatives but that the future of 
 the technology might thus be ruined. My fears are being amply 
 realised day by day, I'm very sorry to say.
 A large portion of the world sees it just the same way. These are not 
 over-emotional fears based on scare-mongering, as some try to paint 
 them, they're very often well-informed views, despite much corporate 
 spin which attempts to confuse the issue, often successfully. Many of 
 the nay-sayers are themselves scientists, many of whom have changed 
 sides from pro to con. More and more scientists are doing that.
  Genetic engineering  has been going on since that monk,
 whats-his-name, was messing around with peas in his garden, even before
 That is not true. His name was Mendel. Plant breeding is quite 
 different to genetic engineering. The two have almost nothing in 
 common. Read the definition Ed just posted. Neither Mendel, nor the 
 hundreds of generations of careful farmer breeders before him and 
 since who have given us our range of food crops - all very different 
 from their wild originals - have not practised genetic engineering.
 We have been cross-breeding, hybridizing, and culling herds and crops
 for desirable traits since before recorded history.  Its just that now we've
 advanced to the stage that we can do it with tremendous efficiency at the
 direct genetic level.
 You're quite wrong, on both counts. For the first, see above. For the 
 second, there's very little efficiency involved. Check out your facts 
 first. It's not an efficient process, it's highly random. Claims that 
 the results are known and reliable have in all cases so far proven 
 wrong. The effects - the GMO crops themselves - have not performed as 
 claimed, and have behaved as it was promised they would not. Not 
 efficient, bad science, bad technology.
 Monitor the progress, give those who are concerned a
 public forum, and let normal human progress take its course.
 This is not normal human progress, this is corporate irresponsibility.
 As a student of western civilization, I can tell you that, historically,
 cultures that turn their backs, or try to stop social, or scientific
 progress, marginalize themselves, ceding the forefront to other cultures
 that are willing to embrace the future.
 Stopping scientific progress is one thing, giving an unrestricted 
 green light to unproven technology that is at best half-baked quite 
 I am not flaming anyone here, I respect the cynic and the critic, we need
 you to balance the science-as-a-god crowd on the other end of the spectrum.
 But, please, accept the possibility that your opinions are just that;
 opinions.  It is possible for someone equally well informed to disagree with
 you without being evil.
 These are not opinions. If you want solid references I'll give them 
 to you. I wonder, though, if you can do the same. From my view of the 
 subject, I doubt it.
 I'm sorry this got so, long, I just didn't want to see another tangential
 flame war fire up.  I hope I haven't caused one.
 We can have a discussion, we can have an argument, we can even get 
 heated about it, no problem, it only becomes a flame war when it goes 
 beyond that into a personal slanging match, which I trust won't 
 Oh, we're talking to the local economic development people about building a
 BD plant right here, using WVO as feedstock.
 Good for you!
 Best wishes
 Chuck R.
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Re: [biofuels-biz] Genetic Engineering

2002-06-06 Thread henning

Hallo Thor Skov,

I think I know a plant that is nearly in the way you whish:

It is Jatropha curcas, a shrub, with little demand of water and good soil, 
which grows in tropical and subtropical countries. It does not stand frost.

This shrub (a botanical relative of the castor plant) produces seeds, that 
contain more than 30 % of a non edible oil. Theproduction rate is about 1.500 
litres of oil per ha.

This oil, after extraction and sedimentation, can be used directly as a 
substitute of diesel in precombustion chamber diesel engines (like Mercedes 
personel cars).

More information on the Jatropha website:

Best regards

Reinhard Henning

Thor Skov [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 I agree that it would be marvelous to grow a plant
 that could produce a diesel-ready fuel that could be
 had without processing beyond extraction.  But, there
 is no such thing as running away from the future,
 since at any given time there are an infinite number
 of possible futures.
 Historically, adaptation of technologies, especially
 in the choice of competing technologies, has been
 strongly influenced by the relative power of the
 beneficiaries of those technologies.
 And genetic engineering, as  the term is currently
 used, has NOT been going since Mendel's time.  Genetic
 engineering can mix the genes of  organisms from
 different classes, phyla, even kingdoms, and breaks
 all the natural boundaries and checks and balances of
 cross-breeding closely related species.
 Furthermore, it is myth that genetic engineering is
 marvelously efficient.  On the contrary, it takes
 thousands of attempts to get the desired expression of
 the desired traits without undesireable (and
 immediately apparent) characteristics (the not
 immediately apparent characteristics can stay long
 hidden).  That is why it is so expensive.  It's the
 same type of argument that people make when they say
 that mechanized, input-intensive monoculture farming
 is more efficient than biointensive multi-cropping
 on a small scale.
 This is NOT a flame.  Simply an attempt to clear up a
 common misconception.
 Thor Skov
 --- Chuck Ranum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Strictly from the standpoint of efficiency, growing
  a plant that produced an
  acceptable yield of fuel for diesel engines without
  processing any further
  than extraction and filtering is nearly ideal.
  We do need people hanging around with a healthy dose
  of skepticism, but
  running away from the future because some aspects of
  that future appear to
  carry risks is worse than plunging blindly forward
  without heed of the
  consequences.  Genetic engineering  has been going
  on since that monk,
  whats-his-name, was messing around with peas in his
  garden, even before
  that.  We have been cross-breeding, hybridizing, and
  culling herds and crops
  for desirable traits since before recorded history. 
  Its just that now we've
  advanced to the stage that we can do it with
  tremendous efficiency at the
  direct genetic level.  Monitor the progress, give
  those who are concerned a
  public forum, and let normal human progress take its
  As a student of western civilization, I can tell you
  that, historically,
  cultures that turn their backs, or try to stop
  social, or scientific
  progress, marginalize themselves, ceding the
  forefront to other cultures
  that are willing to embrace the future.
  I am not flaming anyone here, I respect the cynic
  and the critic, we need
  you to balance the science-as-a-god crowd on the
  other end of the spectrum.
  But, please, accept the possibility that your
  opinions are just that;
  opinions.  It is possible for someone equally well
  informed to disagree with
  you without being evil.
  I'm sorry this got so, long, I just didn't want to
  see another tangential
  flame war fire up.  I hope I haven't caused one.
  Oh, we're talking to the local economic development
  people about building a
  BD plant right here, using WVO as feedstock.
  Chuck R.
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Re: [biofuels-biz] Genetic Engineering

2002-06-06 Thread Eric Ruttan

Hallo Thor Skov,

I think I know a plant that is nearly in the way you whish:


This oil, after extraction and sedimentation, can be used directly as a 
substitute of diesel in precombustion chamber diesel engines (like Mercedes 
personel cars).


Most Modern Diesels do not have a precombustion chamber.  The TDI Diesels 
have a small well in the pistion, but its not anything like a 
precombustion chamber.

Can this oil be used in modern Diesels?

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Re: [biofuels-biz] Genetic Engineering

2002-06-06 Thread Keith Addison

So far, this is what we've had from GMOs, as far as biofuels are concerned:
GM Bacteria could destroy all life on earth - Report

Klebsiella planticola--The Gene-Altered Monster That Almost Got Away

The Deadly Genetically Engineered Bacteria that Almost Got Away: A 
Cautionary Talle

Web Note: In the early 1990s a European genetic engineering company 
was preparing to field test and then commercialize on a major scale a 
genetically engineered soil bacteria called Klebsiella planticola. 
The bacteria had been tested--as it turns out in a careless and very 
unscientific mannner--by scientists working for the biotech industry 
and was believed to be safe for the environment. Fortunately a team 
of independent scientists, headed by Dr. Elaine Ingham of Oregon 
State University, decided to run their own tests on the gene-altered 
Klebsiella planticola. What they discovered was not only startling, 
but terrifying-- the biotech industry had created a biological 
monster--a genetically engineered microorganism that would kill all 
terrestrial plants. After Ingham's expose, of course the gene-altered 
Klebsiella planticola was never commercialized. But as Ingham points 
out, the lack of pre-market safety testing of other genetically 
altered organisms virtually guarantees that future biological 
monsters will be released into the environment. Moreover it's not 
only genetic engineering that poses a mortal threat to our soil 
ecology, the soil food web, as Ingham calls it. Chemical-intensive 
agriculture is slowly but surely poisoning our soil and our drinking 
water as well.

The purpose of the thing was to convert cellulose plant residue to 
alcohol. Unfortunately it converted living plants to alcohol as well.

This is a good example - there's certainly a need for better 
cellulose-to-alcohol technology, and biotech should be able to 
provide excellent solutions. But instead we get this really bad 
science - sloppy, careless, arrogant, and VERY STUPID.

Regarding what I said about corporate spin, have a look at this to 
see what happened to Dr Ingham:
New Scientist | GM Foods | The accused
The accused - Is the biotech industry trying to silence one of its 
outspoken critics?

SUPPORTERS of the biotech industry have accused an American scientist 
of misconduct after she testified to the New Zealand government that 
a genetically modified bacterium could wreak havoc if released... 
They're trying to cause trouble with my university and get me 
fired, Ingham told New Scientist.

The New Scientist is not sensationalist and Ingham's not being 
paranoid - remember what happened to Arpad Pusztai.

SEEDS OF DISSENT: Anti-GM scientists are facing widespread assaults on
their credibility - who is behind the attacks?,4273,4412987,00.html
 From the Guardian .
The fake persuaders
Corporations are inventing people to rubbish their opponents on the internet,2763,723926,00.html
Guardian Unlimited
Corporate Phantoms - The Web of Deceit Over GM Food

We should trustingly put the future of our food supplies and our 
environment into the hands of these scumbags? And if we have our 
doubts then we're Luddites, standing in the way of science? LOL!

Somebody who's currently eating humble pie over just this issue is 
one Tony Blair, and quite right too. It's most delightful to see all 
the spin and lies blowing up in their faces. There are still a few 
honest journalists around.,2763,726540,00.html
Guardian Unlimited
Green lobby forces Blair into rethink over GM

So, amid all this excrement, when are we likely to get a real GMO to 
convert cellulose for us, without killing everything? Fat chance of 
any real science emerging from this disgusting mess.



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Re: [biofuels-biz] Genetic Engineering

2002-06-06 Thread Keith Addison

Thank you, Keith, for your very ood arguments


Reinhard Henning

Thankyou, Reinhard - Thor's was better though, IMHO.



Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
  Hello Chuck

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Re: [biofuels-biz] Genetic Engineering

2002-06-06 Thread Keith Addison

Hello Reinhard, Thor and all

Jatropha's great, but it's not the only one. I guess which is best 
depends on the circumstances (as with all things!). Here are some 

Copaifera langsdorfii Desf.
Diesel tree

That the oleoresin called copaiba could be obtained by incising the
trunk was first reported in England in 1625, in a work published by
Purchas, ...a single tree is said to yield about 40 litres.
(Grieve, 1931, reprinted 1974). Quoting nobel-laureate Calvin, Maugh
says (1979), Natives ... drill a 5 centimeter hole into the 1-meter
thick trunk and put a bung into it. Every 6 months or so, they remove
the bung and collect 15 to 20 liters of the hydrocarbon. Since there
are few Rabbit diesels in the jungle, the natives use the hydrocarbon
as an emollient and for other nonenergy-related purposes. But tests
have shown, he says, that the liquid can be placed directly in the
fuel tank of a diesel-powered car. (Maugh, 1976). The copal is used
in lacquers, massage preparations, medicines, and paints. Wood and
resin can be used for fuel. The wood is used in carpentry (Burkart,


Honge oil
Pongamia Pinnata

Pongamia pinnata

Pittosporum resiniferum
Petroleum nut (English) Hanga (Philippine)
Called petroleum nut because of the fancied resemblance of the odor 
of the fruit's oil to that of petroleum, the fruits, even green ones, 
burn brilliantly when ignited. Hence they are used like torch nuts or 
candlenuts for illumination in the bush. Dihydroterpene (C10H18) is 
used in perfumes and medicines. Heptane (C7H16) is a component of 
gasoline, and has been suggested as a possible component of paint and 
varnish (Anonymous, 1981c).

Etc etc etc



Hallo Thor Skov,

I think I know a plant that is nearly in the way you whish:

It is Jatropha curcas, a shrub, with little demand of water and good 
soil, which grows in tropical and subtropical countries. It does not 
stand frost.

This shrub (a botanical relative of the castor plant) produces 
seeds, that contain more than 30 % of a non edible oil. 
Theproduction rate is about 1.500 litres of oil per ha.

This oil, after extraction and sedimentation, can be used directly 
as a substitute of diesel in precombustion chamber diesel engines 
(like Mercedes personel cars).

More information on the Jatropha website:

Best regards

Reinhard Henning

Thor Skov [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
  I agree that it would be marvelous to grow a plant
  that could produce a diesel-ready fuel that could be
  had without processing beyond extraction.  But, there
  is no such thing as running away from the future,
  since at any given time there are an infinite number
  of possible futures.

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Re: [biofuels-biz] Definition of diesel

2002-06-06 Thread Shaen Rooney

Have you tried the sections of the CFR that deal with Department of Energy 
or Department of Transportation?

timothyennuinet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
06/05/2002 11:41 PM
Please respond to biofuels-biz

cc: (bcc: Shaen Rooney/APCP/DEQ/MODNR)
Subject:[biofuels-biz] Definition of diesel

It seems that yellowdiesel has had a smack down from the EPA (as many
of us know) for the 'unlisenced' production of fuel. I looked at yd's
asite, then went to the EPA site and got out the relevant text of CFR
(Code of Federal Regulations) that refer to diesel fuel. Here are two
pieces that were of interest to myself:

40 CFR 80.1(x) Diesel fuel means any fuel sold in any state or
Territory of the United States and suitable for use in diesel motor
vehicles, diesel motor vehicle engines or diesel nonroad engines, and
which is commonly or commercially known or sold as diesel fuel.

(y) Motor vehicle diesel fuel means diesel fuel, or any distillate
product, that is used, intended for use, or made available for use, as
a fuel in diesel motor vehicles or diesel motor vehicle engines.

There is also a requirements piece that refers to sulfur ppm, cetane
number, aromatic content and dye content. All standard tests, and
which do not cost a million bucks to do.

So, I'm confused. Either the EPA is flexing its muscles in territory
in which it has no business doing so (I could find ZERO mention of the
phrase 'biodiesel' in the CFR database), or, failing that, if the
definitions and requirements which apply to petro diesel were also to
be applied to bio diesel, then it would be easy to meet those
requirements, in which case they would also be unlawfully flexing
their enforcement powers, and in fact would be lieing.

Now.. is there another section of the CFR that specifically deals with
biodiesel? 'Alternative fuel' (Couldn't find a doc stating that
either)? Which section did they cite? I'd personally like to know, and
to reference them myself, to see if they even have a leg to stand on.

See, if it isn't in the CFR, they can't do it, nor can they demand it.
Unless I'm missing something here. Please let me know if I am off
base, or am on target.


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Re: [biofuels-biz] Definition of diesel

2002-06-06 Thread Tilapia

Here is a summary nof the situation with the EPA as prepared by Dr. Shine 
Tyson of the national renewable Energy lab, and editied by me.

Tom Leue

I finally reached Joe Sopata at EPA and we discussed the registration issue.

It appears that you were correct that because biodiesel isn't a petroleum

fuel, the exemption doesn't apply.  But that may not be entirely true.  Read

through what I've written below.  Some of this you already know but I wrote

it out so I could understand it too.  I'm not a lawyer so if you plan to

pursue the angles I've identified below, please consult legal assistance!

According to Joe, all fuels and fuel additives need to go through the basic

registration process (40CFR79.1).  

Only fuels that are designated a motor fuel for on-road use need to go

through Tier I  II (40CFR79.3) .  If you strictly sell your fuel to

off-road users (e.g., dyed; off-road including: heating oil, power

generators, farm equip, construction equip, marine vessels, barges, boats,

irrigation pumps, etc.) Tier I  II won't apply because the fuel is not

designated.  You still need to register and meet all information requests

by EPA.

Given the interest in biodiesel for heating oil blends in New England,

off-road sales could be a realistic avenue for avoiding Tier I  II Health

Effects requirements.  Double check this with the EPA before proceeding!!

For on-road fuels, Joe went on to say the small business exemptions depend

on which family/category the fuel/additive fall into.  If the product

(e.g., fuel with additives) was considered baseline or non-baseline, then

the manufacturer (interpreted in the broadest sense) with total annual sales

of less than $50 mil were not required to meet Tier I or Tier II although

the EPA could demand a full registration with literature review

(40CFR79.58(d)2).  If the product was considered atypical, then

manufacturers with total annual sales of less than $10 mil were not required

to meet Tier II (Tier I still applied) (40CFR79.58(d)3).  

Joe seemed to think that if a blend (B5, B10, B15, B20) could meet the

definitions of either the baseline or nonbaseline, a small business would be

exempt from both Tier I and II, and if the fuel was considered atypical,

only exempt from Tier II (note the different sales standards above).  This

is where things get tricky.   

According to 40CFR79.56(e)1(ii), The Diesel Family includes fuels composed

of more than 50% diesel fuel (including formulations of No. 1 and No. 2) by

volume and their associated fuel additives.  The base fuel for this family

is specified in 40CFR79.55(c),  

Diesel Base Fuel is defined (40CFR79.55(c)).  Diesel Base Fuel shall be a #2

diesel having the defined fuel properties (which appear to reflect ASTM D

975 although ASTM is not mentioned) with variations in fuel properties

specifically limited.  It also lists permissible additive types which

include corrosion inhibitors, demulsifiers, anti-oxidants, metal

deactivators, anti-static, and flow improvers.  Lubricity is not listed as a

permissible additive and deposit control are specifically excluded.

Additives shall be limited to compounds that contain only carbon, hydrogen,

oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur and no other elements.

There are three diesel categories in the Diesel Family: Baseline Diesel,

Non-Baseline Diesel, and Atypical [diesel].  

Baseline Diesel is comprised on diesel fuels and associated additives which

satisfy ALL of the following criteria:  shall contain no elements other than

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen (1%), nitrogen and sulfur (no more than the legal

limit for highway diesel).  Baseline Diesel must possess the characteristics

of ASTM D 975-93.  Baseline Diesel must be derived from conventional

petroleum sources only.  (40CFR79.56(e)3(ii)A) 

NonBaseline Diesel must meet all the criteria of baseline diesel except:

oxygen can be 1% or higher (no specified limit) and it can include diesel

fuel and additives which may be derived from synthetic crudes, such as those

prepared from coal, shale, tar sands, heavy oil deposits, and other

non-conventional petroleum sources. (40CFR70.56(e)3(ii)B).

Atypical Diesel comprises diesel and additives which contain one or more

elements other than carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur.

(40CFR79.56(e)3(ii)C)  No mention of source.

If I read the options above correctly, then I don't think that biodiesel

(either as a fuel or an additive) meets Baseline or Non-Baseline because its

made from non-petroleum sources.  So even if a blend of biodiesel and diesel

fuels could meet ASTM D 975, it doesn't meet the petroleum (et al) source

requirements.  Therefore, the small business exclusion for baseline and

non-baseline diesel does not apply to either biodiesel or fuels that contain

small amounts of biodiesel.

If you claimed that trace amounts of Na, K, or P are present in biodiesel

(which they typically do), then biodiesel could be considered 

Re: [biofuels-biz] Genetic Engineering

2002-06-06 Thread henning

The oil can be used in modern Diesels also. You have to do some modificaton. 

I put some addresses of persons and firms in the internet, who do such 
modifications in Germany.

Best regards

Reinhard Henning

Eric Ruttan [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 Hallo Thor Skov,
 I think I know a plant that is nearly in the way you whish:
 This oil, after extraction and sedimentation, can be used directly as a 
 substitute of diesel in precombustion chamber diesel engines (like Mercedes 
 personel cars).
 Most Modern Diesels do not have a precombustion chamber.  The TDI Diesels 
 have a small well in the pistion, but its not anything like a 
 precombustion chamber.
 Can this oil be used in modern Diesels?
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Re: [biofuel] Organic Farming and Ethanol Energy Ratios

2002-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eat Wild
The Clearinghouse for Information about Pasture-Based Farming

ok thx.

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[biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread Neil and Adele Craven

SunflowerI am new to this list and am about to do my first series of test
batches of fuel.  I was going to do a few 10ltr batches to check the
titration results etc.

Now for my Question.

What is the issue if the ignition is not retarded 2-3 deg?  As I live in
Australia and cover many outback Klms where fuel production would not be
possible (Thankfully I have 265ltrs on board capacity) I would need to keep
the car suitable to run on dinodiesel.

Your help gratefully accepted.


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[biofuel] The Reality Principle: The consequences of oil shortages

2002-06-06 Thread Keith Addison
The Ecologist - ARCHIVE
The Reality Principle: The consequences of oil shortages 

Date Published: 22/10/2001
Author: David Fleming

In the heat of the coming oil shock Green ideals will be forged into 
hard economic truths, as energy crisis devastates the global market.

It's a pity no one in authority listened. The case was made, not 
least in these pages, for reshaping the market economy intelligently, 
before the ecosystem took its brutal revenge. Arguments were made for 
the speedy development of renewable energy, organic agriculture, 
competent local economies, closed systems and effective means of 
restraining predatory multinational business. Solutions were invented 
and refined.

But the opportunity has now passed. The turning-point at which the 
initiative shifts from the market economy to the ecosystem will be 
the moment when the world experiences a peak, followed by a downturn, 
in the supply of oil.

This will occur when the five large OPEC producers in the Middle East 
- Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE - are no longer able 
and willing to pump their oil fast enough to meet the growth in world 
demand. All the other oil suppliers throughout the world (including 
the UK's North Sea) are in decline, or too small for any remaining 
growth in their output to make a difference; global growth in oil 
supply now depends entirely on the 'Middle East Five', and when they 
can no longer meet demand, there will be an oil shock. The speed at 
which it arrives could be startling.

This will mark the beginning of the end of the oil-based market 
economy, and it is for this moment that we should by now have 
prepared an infrastructure of renewables, backed by conservation 
systems to reduce energy demand to less than one third of what we use 
at present. However, this infrastructure takes a minimum of 25 years 
to build, and since it has been barely started, the oil famine which 
can be expected to develop in the next ten years will be catastrophic.

The consequences in the short term cannot be predicted in detail 
because, when systems break down, they do so chaotically. But some 
leading symptoms can be foreseen. There will be incremental economic 
damage, affecting Third World countries first of all, before becoming 
more general. This is because the multinational institutions have 
taken pains to make 'developing' economies dependent on oil, and so 
when the price of oil rises beyond their means, their economies will 
start to disintegrate. Agriculture will be disabled by disruptions in 
the supply of oil for fertiliser, machinery, irrigation pumps and 
transport. Tourism will be paralysed by high fuel costs and by a 
collapse in consumers' income. Political unrest will develop as 
economic institutions and distribution systems for food and fuel show 
the strain and begin to break down.

It is now too late to prevent this from happening. Moreover, it is 
likely that governments, international organisations and 
transnational corporations will refuse to recognise that there is a 
problem until they are actually buried in it. Even then, they will 
insist that more oil exploration or more faith in free market forces 
will solve it. They will claim that a few wicked hooligans or 
'extremists' are stirring up public unrest. Then they will panic. But 
what about the critics who have been warning about this for so long? 
What should they do?

Endgames demand new tactics. During this period of transition, it 
will be necessary to shift the grounds of the ecology-argument 
decisively forward from ethics to practice. Let me explain. Ethical 
arguments are relevant in cases where a course of action is possible 
but undesirable and avoidable. It is possible to produce large 
quantities of cash crops by means of heavy applications of fertiliser 
and pesticide, by expropriating subsistence farmers and depleting the 
soil and drawing on irreplaceable reserves of groundwater - but, of 
course, there are environmental-humanitarian-ethical arguments 
against it. In the future, by contrast, such a policy will no longer 
be possible: there will not be the energy to produce the fertiliser, 
to drive the machines, the irrigation and the transport, nor the 
rich-country incomes to buy the product. There is no doubt that such 
industrial agriculture is bad, but we will be wasting our time 
pointing that out. If it is impossible, the ethical argument becomes 
scarcely relevant.

With oil famine, ethical options become the only way forward. 
Industrial agriculture? Fantasy. The only option for the future is 
low-energy organic cultivation, bringing redundant farmers and 
abandoned fields back into production. Globalisation? This is no more 
than a short-lived side effect of cheap oil. In the future, local 
development is the only practical solution. Nuclear energy? Moonshine.

To fill the energy gap left by oil and - shortly - by gas, would 

Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 06:27:31PM +1000, Neil and Adele Craven wrote:
 Now for my Question.
 What is the issue if the ignition is not retarded 2-3 deg?  As I live in
 Australia and cover many outback Klms where fuel production would not be
 possible (Thankfully I have 265ltrs on board capacity) I would need to keep
 the car suitable to run on dinodiesel.

   Why would you want to retard the ignition? This is the first I've ever heard
of anyone doing this with biodiesel. 

Harmon Seaver   

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Re: [biofuel] The Reality Principle

2002-06-06 Thread Ken Provost

This does not mean that ethical judgement will become obsolete, but
that ethics and practice will converge. The task of building an
energy-efficient localised economy at least 25 years too late may
well be futile - but there is one good outcome. This time, having
explored all alternatives, human society will be forced to do the
right thing.

It's always nice to wake up to a naively optimistic email message,
but let's get REAL here -- humans can ALWAYS find a way to do
the WRONG thing, especially if they feel FORCED!  :-)

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[biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Tee

EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

DATE: June 5, 2002

BACKGROUND: The Wall Street Journal (1) reported recently that long-haul 
truck sales have skyrocketed primarily as trucking firms buy new rigs 
before new anti-pollution rules for diesel engines take effect October 1, 
2002. The added cost of the new less polluting engines is estimated to be 
between $3000 and $5000. In addition, the engines are reported to be less 
fuel efficient, more costly to maintain and possibly more prone to 
breakdowns while in use.

TEN SECOND RESPONSE: Here's another example of how over-reaching regulation 
can backfire and have just the opposite effect it intended.

THIRTY SECOND RESPONSE: By trying to impose mandatory changes in diesel 
engines as of October, EPA pushed the trucking industry to buy trucks 
before the new rule goes into effect, thus thwarting its intentions. These 
trucks will stay on the roads for several years before being replaced. 
Whereas if the market were allowed to work unfettered, consumer demand for 
cleaner diesel engines would have accomplished the same thing.

DISCUSSION: Manufacturers of the diesel engines have reportedly told EPA 
that they may not be able to produce reliable new engines as required as of 
October 1, 2002. However, EPA has not yet granted an extension of the 
timetable and is recommending fines of up to $15,000 per engine sold after 
Oct. 1 that don't meet the new standard. The new standard set in 1998 would 
reduce the nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions from diesel engines by about 
one-third by 2008, according to EPA. NOX emissions are thought to be one of 
the major contributors to smog.

by Gretchen Randall, Director
John P. McGovern, MD Center for Environmental and Regulatory Affairs
The National Center for Public Policy Research

Contact the author at: 773-857-5086 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The National Center for Public Policy Research, Chicago office
3712 North Broadway - PMB 279
Chicago, IL 60613


1 Truck Firms Go on Buying Binge to Circumvent a New EPA Rule, Jeffrey 
Ball, The Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2002, downloaded from,,SB1022539501352661400-search,00.html?collection=wsjie/30dayvql-string=%28truck+firms+go+on+buying+binge%29%3Cin%3E%28article%2Dbody%29,
subscription required.

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Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 11:25:31AM -0500, Tee wrote:
 EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks
 DATE: June 5, 2002
 BACKGROUND: The Wall Street Journal (1) reported recently that long-haul 
 truck sales have skyrocketed primarily as trucking firms buy new rigs 
 before new anti-pollution rules for diesel engines take effect October 1, 
 2002. The added cost of the new less polluting engines is estimated to be 
 between $3000 and $5000. In addition, the engines are reported to be less 
 fuel efficient, more costly to maintain and possibly more prone to 
 breakdowns while in use.
 TEN SECOND RESPONSE: Here's another example of how over-reaching regulation 
 can backfire and have just the opposite effect it intended.

  Yah, well, we need to look at this in context -- such as the EPA's attempt to
stonewall superclean fuel producers like the biodiesel producer they shut down
for no real reason.

 THIRTY SECOND RESPONSE: By trying to impose mandatory changes in diesel 
 engines as of October, EPA pushed the trucking industry to buy trucks 
 before the new rule goes into effect, thus thwarting its intentions. These 
 trucks will stay on the roads for several years before being replaced. 
 Whereas if the market were allowed to work unfettered, consumer demand for 
 cleaner diesel engines would have accomplished the same thing.

  No, it certainly would not. Where have you been? Are you aware that most
automakers (foreign, that is) who sell really neat hi-tech diesel engines refuse
to import them to North America because of our very crappy diesel fuel? 

 DISCUSSION: Manufacturers of the diesel engines have reportedly told EPA 
 that they may not be able to produce reliable new engines as required as of 
 October 1, 2002. However, EPA has not yet granted an extension of the 
 timetable and is recommending fines of up to $15,000 per engine sold after 
 Oct. 1 that don't meet the new standard. The new standard set in 1998 would 
 reduce the nitrogen oxide (NOX) emissions from diesel engines by about 
 one-third by 2008, according to EPA. NOX emissions are thought to be one of 
 the major contributors to smog.

   Gawd, what planet are you from? Manufacturers of the diesel engines like
Mercedes, BMW, Peugot, VW, etc. already produce far better engines than the EPA
is asking for -- whats wrong with Cummins, Detroit, Catepillar? Oh, sorry, I
forgot, they're all in brain dead Amerika. 
   As are you. Get a clue!

Harmon Seaver   

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[biofuel] Equipment Information

2002-06-06 Thread marcohgcardoso

I am knew in thsi list.

I would like to produce sunflower oil and I don't know what kind of 
equipment i should use. Could you help me?

And, do you usually burn it with glicerin or take it out? What about 
motor problems after 200 hours for waste acumulation inside motor?


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[biofuel] Equipment Information

2002-06-06 Thread marcohgcardoso

I am knew in thsi list.

I would like to produce sunflower oil and I don't know what kind of 
equipment i should use. Could you help me?

And, do you usually burn it with glicerin or take it out? What about 
motor problems after 200 hours for waste acumulation inside motor?


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Re: [biofuel] Equipment Information

2002-06-06 Thread henning

Questions concerning the conversion of car engines to run with plant oil you 
will find under

To extract sunflower oil you can use manual presses or mechanical expellers. 
Examples of both you find at:



Best regards

Reinhard Henning

marcohgcardoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 I am knew in thsi list.
 I would like to produce sunflower oil and I don't know what kind of 
 equipment i should use. Could you help me?
 And, do you usually burn it with glicerin or take it out? What about 
 motor problems after 200 hours for waste acumulation inside motor?
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bagani GbR, Reinhard Henning, Rothkreuz 11, D-88138 Weissensberg, Germany
Tel: ++49 8389 984129, Fax: 984128, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

  H, been far longer than the ten second responce -- or the 30 minute. So,
cat got your tongue?

Harmon Seaver   

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Re: [biofuel] Equipment Information

2002-06-06 Thread Neoteric Biofuels Inc.

How much seed do you want to press per hour? Where are you located?


Edward Beggs, BES, MSc

on 6/6/02 10:08 AM, marcohgcardoso at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am knew in thsi list.
 I would like to produce sunflower oil and I don't know what kind of
 equipment i should use. Could you help me?
 And, do you usually burn it with glicerin or take it out? What about
 motor problems after 200 hours for waste acumulation inside motor?
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Re: [biofuel] The Reality Principle

2002-06-06 Thread Keith Addison

 This does not mean that ethical judgement will become obsolete, but
 that ethics and practice will converge. The task of building an
 energy-efficient localised economy at least 25 years too late may
 well be futile - but there is one good outcome. This time, having
 explored all alternatives, human society will be forced to do the
 right thing.

It's always nice to wake up to a naively optimistic email message,
but let's get REAL here -- humans can ALWAYS find a way to do
the WRONG thing, especially if they feel FORCED!  :-)

A very industrialised post-modern view, Ken - ie, naively 
pessimistic. :-) Your REAL hasn't applied to most humans who've 
lived, and still doesn't to most now alive, who're neither 
industrialised nor post-modern, for the most part. Maybe they'll 
succeed in skipping this little blip in history altogether, eh? Along 
with its pessimisms. Though not, indeed, many of its side-effects, as 
the article says, whether it paints the right scenario or not, even 
if maybe not quite the side-effects he predicts. I don't think he 
figures in nearly enough of the factors at play, but he could be 
right, could be wrong. Right about some things.



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Re: [biofuel] Equipment Information

2002-06-06 Thread Keith Addison

I am knew in thsi list.

I would like to produce sunflower oil and I don't know what kind of
equipment i should use. Could you help me?

And, do you usually burn it with glicerin or take it out? What about
motor problems after 200 hours for waste acumulation inside motor?


Straight vegetable oil as diesel fuel
Biofuels supplies and suppliers: Oilseed presses


Keith Addison

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Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Tee

No I don't waste my time.
Give your ego a rest. Your not that impressive.

At 01:25 PM 6/6/02 -0500, you wrote:

   H, been far longer than the ten second responce -- or the 30 
 minute. So,
cat got your tongue?

Harmon Seaver

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Re: [biofuel] The Reality Principle

2002-06-06 Thread Ken Provost

Keith writes:

A very industrialised post-modern view, Ken - ie, naively
pessimistic. :-) Your REAL hasn't applied to most humans
who've lived, and still doesn't to most now alive, who're
neither industrialised nor post-modern, for the most part.
Maybe they'll succeed in skipping this little blip in history
altogether, eh? Along with its pessimisms.

If by people who're neither industrialised nor post-modern
you're thinking of the Yanomamo, you MAY be right, but I
think it's just the absence of a written history that allows us
to romanticize them and attribute great ethical standards to
them. The Native Americans, commonly praised for their
ecological sensitivity, could also be very brutal, and were
probably spared from decimating their environment only
by their low and sparse populations.

And if you mean anyone more modern, like say, in developing
African nations, or in central or southern Asia, well.
enough said.

Mind you, I'm not saying people are all wretched, just that
they've never had a reputation for choosing the reasonable,
prudent, or RIGHT course, and I wouldn't expect them to
start now.

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Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 04:58:35PM -0500, Tee wrote:
 Sad what this list has come too. Name calling and put downs the tools of 
 small minded people.

   Who was it started name calling and putdowns? Ego, etc., eh?
And what, exactly, is the name calling you're upset about? 

 The article is being reported by many sources and if you feel it needs to 
 be debunked.
 Then by all means have at it.

   Gee, I thought that's exactely what I did -- where's your answer? So far all
we've seen from you in response is ad hominem attacks -- c'mon address the
   How long have you been working for the gov't? 
Geez, we don't have all day here -- even you burrowcrats can answer a straight
question, eh? 
   So why is it we don't have clean diesels in the US when they are available
all over the rest of the world? Sorry dearie, but you just happened to hit a
real pet peeve of mine, seriously -- I'm extremely pissed off by the fact that I
can't buy any of those nice, clean, hi-tech diesel engines that VW and Mercedes
are selling everywhere else. And why is that? Because scumbag politicians and
scumbag propagandist like yourself are lying to the Amerikan public, isn't that
   Let's answer the questions, okay? Why is it that Cummins can't build an
engine as good as VW or Mercedes? Is it simply that the scumbag criminals in the
gov't haven't paid them enough welfare money? And the wefare suckers in the
trucking industry -- didn't they get enough payoffs yet? How about you -- how
much do they pay you to delude the public? 

 At 03:02 PM 6/6/02 -0500, you wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 02:59:52PM -0500, Tee wrote:
   No I don't waste my time.
   Give your ego a rest. Your not that impressive.
 Oh, 'tis not my ego that's the problem here, dearest. But simply that 
 all waiting with bated breath to hear the answer. Official propagandists for
 the USA or (who is it you work for again, deary?) should be able to answer
 questions, don't you think? C'mon now, you *do* have something better than
 I don't waste my time or give yur ego a rest, eh? A real answer?
   At 01:25 PM 6/6/02 -0500, you wrote:
  H, been far longer than the ten second responce -- or the 30
minute. So,
   cat got your tongue?
   Harmon Seaver
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Harmon Seaver   

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[biofuel] wise use?

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

   Anybody every investigate these people? Is this one of the Wise Use 

Gretchen Randall, Director
John P. McGovern, MD Center for Environmental and Regulatory Affairs
The National Center for Public Policy Research

Contact the author at: 773-857-5086 or [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
The National Center for Public Policy Research, Chicago office
3712 North Broadway - PMB 279
Chicago, IL 60613

Harmon Seaver   

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Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 08:07:32AM +1000, Neil and Adele Craven wrote:
 my mistake injection timing, which on a Diesel is similar to the ignition 
 timing on a petrol.  

   yes, right - still the same question -- why would you want to do this? 

Why would you want to retard the ignition? This is the first I've ever 
 of anyone doing this with biodiesel. 
 Harmon Seaver  
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Harmon Seaver   

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Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Tee

Sad what this list has come too. Name calling and put downs the tools of 
small minded people.

The article is being reported by many sources and if you feel it needs to 
be debunked.
Then by all means have at it.

At 03:02 PM 6/6/02 -0500, you wrote:

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 02:59:52PM -0500, Tee wrote:
  No I don't waste my time.
  Give your ego a rest. Your not that impressive.

Oh, 'tis not my ego that's the problem here, dearest. But simply that 
all waiting with bated breath to hear the answer. Official propagandists for
the USA or (who is it you work for again, deary?) should be able to answer
questions, don't you think? C'mon now, you *do* have something better than
I don't waste my time or give yur ego a rest, eh? A real answer?

  At 01:25 PM 6/6/02 -0500, you wrote:
 H, been far longer than the ten second responce -- or the 30
   minute. So,
  cat got your tongue?
  Harmon Seaver
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Harmon Seaver

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Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 08:30:59AM +1000, Neil and Adele Craven wrote:
 Also, retard the injection timing by 2-3 degrees -- this overcomes the effect 
 of biodiesel's higher cetane number. The engine loses a little of the extra 
 power you get with biodiesel, but it runs quieter and the fuel burns cooler, 
 reducing NOx emissions. (See also NOx emissions and biodiesel.)

   I think you don't understand what octance (cetane) ratings are all about. If
anything, with a higher octane (or cetane, as the case may be) you would benefit
from *advancing* the timing, not retarding it. At any rate, where did you get
this idea of changing the timing for biodiesel anyway? There's absolutely no
basis for it that I'm aware of, in any of the documentation. 

   - Original Message - 
   From: Harmon Seaver 
   Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:25 AM
   Subject: Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding
   On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 08:07:32AM +1000, Neil and Adele Craven wrote:
my mistake injection timing, which on a Diesel is similar to the ignition 
 timing on a petrol.  

  yes, right - still the same question -- why would you want to do this? 

   Why would you want to retard the ignition? This is the first I've ever 
of anyone doing this with biodiesel. 

Harmon Seaver  

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Harmon Seaver   

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Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread Neil and Adele Craven

my mistake injection timing, which on a Diesel is similar to the ignition 
timing on a petrol.  


   Why would you want to retard the ignition? This is the first I've ever heard
of anyone doing this with biodiesel. 

Harmon Seaver  

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Re: [biofuel] The Reality Principle

2002-06-06 Thread Keith Addison

Ken writes:

Keith writes:

 A very industrialised post-modern view, Ken - ie, naively
 pessimistic. :-) Your REAL hasn't applied to most humans
 who've lived, and still doesn't to most now alive, who're
 neither industrialised nor post-modern, for the most part.
 Maybe they'll succeed in skipping this little blip in history
 altogether, eh? Along with its pessimisms.

If by people who're neither industrialised nor post-modern
you're thinking of the Yanomamo, you MAY be right, but I
think it's just the absence of a written history that allows us
to romanticize them and attribute great ethical standards to
them. The Native Americans, commonly praised for their
ecological sensitivity, could also be very brutal, and were
probably spared from decimating their environment only
by their low and sparse populations.

No, I didn't particularly mean any of those. I'm not attributing 
great ethical standards to anyone really, I wasn't saying the 
opposite of what you said, just disagreeing with what you said, 
different thing. By the way, it's pretty well established now that an 
oral history can be much more accurate and reliable than a written 
one. And it seems those populations weren't low and sparse, according 
to this, and other stuff I've encountered, though I don't know very 
much about it:

And if you mean anyone more modern, like say, in developing
African nations, or in central or southern Asia, well.
enough said.

No, not at all enough said. Who of those people do you have a view 
of? Their urban elites? Or via their urban elites? Just a twisted 
mirror, obscuring the reality you want us to get real about. But no, 
not only them. No use trying to narrow it down, you have to broaden 
it out. Take away the cities and what's left? Most people. And 
indeed, many people in the cities too.

Mind you, I'm not saying people are all wretched, just that
they've never had a reputation for choosing the reasonable,
prudent, or RIGHT course, and I wouldn't expect them to
start now.

Clearly you don't. I disagree, only I wouldn't see it as starting. 
But then you belong to an industrialised society, and I don't. 
History is perhaps largely a series of interruptions, maybe not very 
relevant. Traditional societies continued nonetheless as they may, as 
they still do, and will do. Have you eaten a cabbage recently? Or 
broccoli, cauliflower, brussels spouts, kohlrabi? All developed from 
the same wild original, not very appetising. Eaten bread? Potatoes? 
Beans? An apple? Beef? The fact that you weren't left with a poor 
choice of their original ancestors, if you could even find them, is 
due to patient work by entire societies through scores or hundreds of 
generations. Keeping the best seed each year is an incredibly 
far-sighted thing to do. What kind of food would you be eating today 
if humans habitually chose the unreasonable, imprudent, wrong course? 
If pessimism were wise? Would you even be here at all? The fact that 
we inherited a viable environment for Industrial Man to ruin, or try 
to, is due to the same thing, no accident, not by default. Sure, 
there were failures - see Lowdermilk, for instance:

Famous book - but Lowdermilk was primed to see failure, he went 
looking for it. F.H. King wasn't so primed:

And neither am I.

Progress, eh? Very relative thing. MM said this here the other day:

I'm thankful to live in a civilization making its growing pain efforts
to become modern, and that to some extent food in general is
dramatically easier for me to work for and acquire than for some of my

In fact, as with all of us, he spends more time earning money to pay 
for his food than a hunter-gatherer spends hunting and gathering it, 
and guess who has the healthier diet? The healthier life? If you 
think pre-industrial traditional people died at an early age riddled 
with disease, well, sorry, that's wrong too:
The Darwin of nutrition - Weston A. Price

I think what you say might apply to industrialised society, parts of 
it, maybe, not the rule at all. And what exactly does that amount to? 
Extraction, brief utilisation, and waste, plus widespread damage and 
destruction. As against which you'll set what? Do without it? Sure, 
any time - me and most people. And you?

But, to get back to the original post, there's no need - it's 
perfectly possible to have it both ways, the two things can easily 
co-exist, quite sustainably, and indeed thrive together. As indeed 
they will have to. And will do. But it's the cities that will have to 
do the changing. Isn't that why we're all making biodiesel?



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Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Shukrainternationals

On the lighter side of the issue though:
Once, by mistake, I placed a statement (below) on this site (while trying to 
send it to a friend of mine privately): It said, you know, Tom, this site is 
crowed with urchins, so, don't worry.
Now, I feel was not wrong after all!!  :).
Now, again, this on the lighter side of life please  :) - It means 'smile'.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tee 
  Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 5:58 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

  Sad what this list has come too. Name calling and put downs the tools of 
  small minded people.

  The article is being reported by many sources and if you feel it needs to 
  be debunked.
  Then by all means have at it.

  At 03:02 PM 6/6/02 -0500, you wrote:

  On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 02:59:52PM -0500, Tee wrote:
No I don't waste my time.
Give your ego a rest. Your not that impressive.
  Oh, 'tis not my ego that's the problem here, dearest. But simply that 
  all waiting with bated breath to hear the answer. Official propagandists for
  the USA or (who is it you work for again, deary?) should be able to answer
  questions, don't you think? C'mon now, you *do* have something better than
  I don't waste my time or give yur ego a rest, eh? A real answer?
At 01:25 PM 6/6/02 -0500, you wrote:
   H, been far longer than the ten second responce -- or the 30
 minute. So,
cat got your tongue?

Harmon Seaver

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Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread Neil and Adele Craven

Also, retard the injection timing by 2-3 degrees -- this overcomes the effect 
of biodiesel's higher cetane number. The engine loses a little of the extra 
power you get with biodiesel, but it runs quieter and the fuel burns cooler, 
reducing NOx emissions. (See also NOx emissions and biodiesel.)

  - Original Message - 
  From: Harmon Seaver 
  Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:25 AM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

  On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 08:07:32AM +1000, Neil and Adele Craven wrote:
   my mistake injection timing, which on a Diesel is similar to the ignition 
timing on a petrol.  

 yes, right - still the same question -- why would you want to do this? 

  Why would you want to retard the ignition? This is the first I've ever 
   of anyone doing this with biodiesel. 
   Harmon Seaver  
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  Harmon Seaver  

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Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

   While we're at it, how about a discussion of the sucking trucking industry
anyway? Just another one of the big suckers at the public teat, truckers. We
always hear a lot of bad press for Amtrack here in the US from the right wing
and free market types, but no mention from those same people about all the
bigtime public welfare suckers like truckers and farmers. Where would the
truckers be without public highways, their tracks? 
   What we really need in this country is to mandate that absolutely no road
construction or repair be done anywhere from this point forward unless it's paid
for totally 100% by fuel tax. No general funds whatsoever going into

Harmon Seaver   

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[biofuel] re: Reality

2002-06-06 Thread Ken Provost

Well, as they say, ‡ chacun son gout. I think we're talking
a difference of temperament here, rather than a real difference
of opinion. I have great respect for anyone who can remain
optimistic these days, and I definitely appreciate this egroup,
both for the great info as well as a place to rant occasionally.

Rest assured, it's possible to still be motivated to do the right
thing EVEN when you have doubts it will do any good, so even
pessimists like me can still make biodiesel and talk it up  :-)

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Re: [biofuel] re: Reality

2002-06-06 Thread Neoteric Biofuels Inc.

We don't need everyone to do the right thing. Just some.

ÊÊTo paraphrase anthropologist Margaret Mead, never underestimate the power
of a small group of individuals to change the world. In fact, it is the only
thing that ever has.

on 6/6/02 5:57 PM, Ken Provost at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, as they say, ‡ chacun son gout. I think we're talking
 a difference of temperament here, rather than a real difference
 of opinion. I have great respect for anyone who can remain
 optimistic these days, and I definitely appreciate this egroup,
 both for the great info as well as a place to rant occasionally.
 Rest assured, it's possible to still be motivated to do the right
 thing EVEN when you have doubts it will do any good, so even
 pessimists like me can still make biodiesel and talk it up  :-)
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Re: [biofuel] EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread Martin Klingensmith

This goes along the same lines as who should pay for airport security?
Me? No. I don't fly. Adding $5 to every ticket won't hurt one thing.

--- Harmon Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What we really need in this country is to mandate that absolutely no road
 construction or repair be done anywhere from this point forward unless it's
 for totally 100% by fuel tax. No general funds whatsoever going into

-Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread Harmon Seaver

   That's the first I've heard of anyone proposing to retard timing to lower NOx
-- is anyone actually doing this? A catalytic converter would do the job with no
loss of power or milage, and no increase in particulates. Of course, you
couldn't run our high sulfur dinodiesel thru it then, but certainly you'd have
problems running dinodiesel anyway if you retarded the injection timing, more
smoke, less power, poor milage, etc. 
   Bad idea all the way around. 

Harmon Seaver   

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Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread MH

 Harmon Seaver wrote: 
I think you don't understand what octance (cetane) ratings are all about. 
 anything, with a higher octane (or cetane, as the case may be) you would 
 from *advancing* the timing, not retarding it. At any rate, where did you get
 this idea of changing the timing for biodiesel anyway? There's absolutely no
 basis for it that I'm aware of, in any of the documentation.

 EUROPE: 43 - 57, average 50
 U.S. lower, minimum 40, average 43
 Higher cetane correlates with:
 improved combustion
 improved cold starting
 reduced noise, white smoke, HC, CO and particulate
 emissions particularly during early warm-up phase 

 One approach often used to mitigate the NOx increase associated with biodiesel
 is to change the timing of the engine. Retarding the timing of these engines
 tends to reduce NOx emissions at the expense of increasing PM10.
 Urban Bus Operation

 Fueling with biodiesel/diesel fuel blends effectively reduced particulate 
 unburned hydrocarbons, and carbon monoxide while increasing oxides of nitrogen 
 The optimum blend of biodiesel and diesel fuel, based on the trade-off of PM 
decrease and 
 NOx increase, was a 20/80 biodiesel/diesel fuel blend. 
 Increased NOx emissions can be reduced by retarding engine timing while 
 maintaining emission reductions associated with fueling a diesel engine with a 
 biodiesel/diesel fuel blend. The retarded timing lengthened the ignition delay 
 This reduced the peak pressure and temperature that enhance the formation of 
NOx emissions. 

 Emissions of NOX
 from biodiesel vehicles can be reduced substantially by adjusting the timing 
of injection. 
 The Austrian study quoted above shows that, in buses, NOX emissions were 
reduced by 23%
 relative to fossil diesel by advancing injection timing.

Speed of sound and bulk modulus appear to cause ignition timing to advance
 by an average of one degree. This tendency contributes to some but not all of 
 increase in NOx emissions commonly seen in biodiesel engine stand emission 
This information could also be used to support efforts to retard engine 
 although research on timing retardation with biodiesel and biodiesel blends 
 other emissions increasing when this occurs. A B100 engineövehicle system may
 eliminate or reduce the amount of NOx produced by biodiesel fuels, although a
 significant amount of engine mapping and research on fuel spray patterns, 
droplet size,
 droplet density, and other systems would be needed to accomplish this. Some of 
 research is underway in other projects.
 Measurement of Biodiesel Speed of Sound and Its Impact on Ignition Timing

 Looking at Flash Point of Petro-Diesel  Biodiesel
 60-80 C,  100-170  C
 Biodiesel - Clean Green Diesel Fuel
 2 page PDF
 I would think advancing timing would increase biodiesel combustion.

 Searching Google brought forth far to many reports.


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Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

2002-06-06 Thread studio53
If you look at page 2, there are no autoignition temp numbers for biodiesel.
Bad news for those who are trying to develop a home heating oil system. I
wonder if you could start a furnace on regular diesel and then switch over
to bio like in a car?

Jesse Parris  |  studio53  |  graphics / web design  |  stamford, ct  |
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 10:50 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding

Harmon Seaver wrote:
I think you don't understand what octance (cetane) ratings are all
about. If
 anything, with a higher octane (or cetane, as the case may be) you would
 from *advancing* the timing, not retarding it. At any rate, where did you
 this idea of changing the timing for biodiesel anyway? There's absolutely
 basis for it that I'm aware of, in any of the documentation.

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Re: [biofuel] ignition retarding cetane

2002-06-06 Thread MH

MH wrote:

  EUROPE: 43 - 57, average 50
  U.S. lower, minimum 40, average 43
  Higher cetane correlates with:
  improved combustion
  improved cold starting
  reduced noise, white smoke, HC, CO and particulate
  emissions particularly during early warm-up phase

 Looking at the Cetane numbers above
 leaves me with the impression US BIG OIL
 is doing there best to increase sales
 unless theirs other reasons for this
 maybe a environment approach...

  Looking at Flash Point of Petro-Diesel  Biodiesel
  60-80 C,  100-170  C
  Biodiesel - Clean Green Diesel Fuel
  2 page PDF

 When looking at the Flash Point what do you think ??
 Retard or Advance the Timing with Biodiesel and why.


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[biofuel] Re: EPA Ruling Backfires, Spurs Sales of Diesel Trucks

2002-06-06 Thread motie_d

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Harmon Seaver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Gee, I thought that's exactely what I did -- where's your 
answer? So far all
 we've seen from you in response is ad hominem attacks -- c'mon 
address the
How long have you been working for the gov't? 
 Geez, we don't have all day here -- even you burrowcrats can answer 
a straight
 question, eh? 
So why is it we don't have clean diesels in the US when they are 
 all over the rest of the world? Sorry dearie, but you just happened 
to hit a
 real pet peeve of mine, seriously -- I'm extremely pissed off by 
the fact that I
 can't buy any of those nice, clean, hi-tech diesel engines that VW 
and Mercedes
 are selling everywhere else. And why is that? Because scumbag 
politicians and
 scumbag propagandist like yourself are lying to the Amerikan 
public, isn't that
Let's answer the questions, okay? Why is it that Cummins can't 
build an
 engine as good as VW or Mercedes? Is it simply that the scumbag 
criminals in the
 gov't haven't paid them enough welfare money? And the wefare 
suckers in the
 trucking industry -- didn't they get enough payoffs yet? How about 
you -- how
 much do they pay you to delude the public? 

 I'm hesitant to jump into the middle of a hot debate, but IMHO the 
reason Cummins doesn't (not can't) build better Diesel engines, is 
the same reason Mercedes VW etc. won't/don't sell them here. Very 
poor fuel!
 Pearls before swine in reverse.

 A provocative thought...Who is really more technically advanced? The 
engine builders that can only use highly refined European fuels, or 
the ones who can run on the junk fuel we have in the US? Are we maybe 
comparing Apples and Oranges?
 Would it be a fair comparison to run a European engine on our junk 
fuel, and an American engine on European fuel? Which manufacturers 
will willingly provide warranty service for their engine if such a 
test were to be scheduled?


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