[SyncEvolution] Re: new SyncEvolution binaries, dropping features?

2020-07-24 Thread Graham Cobb
On 24/07/2020 20:38, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> [Most of the text below was written in December 2019, but than
> unintentionally sent to an internal mailing list - no surprise that I
> never got any response!]
> Hello!
> Over the Christmas holidays I worked on building a new SyncEvolution release. 
> My
> current goal is to build for Ubuntu Bionic (most
> recent LTS) and support those binaries on all more recent Debian and
> Ubuntu releases.
> If possible, I'd like to drop unused features if they require extra
> effort. This mostly depends if someone still needs them. Let me list
> some features that I'd like to remove. If you still need them, please
> respond here:
> * At the top of that list is ActiveSync support. activesyncd no longer
>   builds on Debian Stretch because it depends on libgnome-keyring, which
>   was removed. It probably can be ported to libsecret, but that's
>   extra work.

I no longer need ActiveSync myself (my employer banned it a while ago
and, more recently, I have retired anyway). I feel it is a shame to let
it die and could probably be persuaded to do some work on it if someone
actually wanted it and could provide me with access to systems to
develop and test. But if no one wants to use it, there is no point.

> * x86 (i.e. 32 bit) binaries - it doubles the testing effort.
> * RPMs - they never had proper dependencies and I am not sure whether
>   they ever worked at all.
> * Akonadi support and KDE in general.
>   I first encountered problem with Akonadi in Debian Stretch and reported
>   it here with a stand-alone reproducer:
>   https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=369203
>   But as pointed out in that issue, the API that SyncEvolution uses is no
>   longer supported and thus SyncEvolution would have to be ported to the
>   current API, whatever that is - I haven't investigated that.

I gave up on the KDE PIM tools (and associated data) some time ago so I
am no longer using this.

> * Port to Python 3 and stop supporting Python 2.
> Regarding the source code, I'd like merge all pending patches. This
> obviously includes all the changes that are required to build on more
> recent Linux distros, but also the C++ modernization that I started a
> while back.
> The result will be more than just a simple bug fix release, but also not
> something that has any new user-visible features. I'm not entirely happy
> with that, but I also don't want to be stuck completely in pure
> maintenance mode.
> I got testing on the newer Linux distros working with the updated code
> base already beginning of this year, but then got stuck because of a
> regression and lack of time to dig into that. Since then, the apt repo
> keys expired and I haven't renewed them because the binaries probably
> wouldn't work anyway.
> I suppose users would like to see binaries again, primarily because
> SyncEvolution fell out of Debian/Ubuntu?

Now that I am retired, I am not sure what my usage will be. My (new)
master for contacts and calendar is in Owncloud/Nextcloud (mainly using
Thunderbird as UI), however I haven't decided how I will keep various
other devices synced (particularly Sailfish, if I continue to use that).

I would find it convenient to have Debian binaries although I don't know
if I will need them long term.

I am disappointed, having worked on PIM sync for many years, that the
world seems to be willing to settle for very limited and mostly locked
up services from Microsoft, Apple or Android.
SyncEvolution mailing list -- syncevolution@syncevolution.org
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[SyncEvolution] Syncevolution in Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux running Debian

2019-02-28 Thread Graham Cobb
Just to note that I have managed to complete a simple proof-of-concept
syncevolution run under Windows 10 WSL with Debian.

All I did was a simple sync between a remote webdav server and local
files, but it works.

Apart from a small packaging problem (reported separately), the only
real issues are the fact that it is headless and X Windows is not
available. Two workrounds are needed for that:

1) Start dbus using:

 dbus-run-session -- bash

2) Start the gnome-keyring-daemon using:

 eval `echo password | gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock`

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Invalid signature for SyncEvolution 1.5.3 repo

2019-02-28 Thread Graham Cobb
On 28/02/2019 21:15, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> Long story short, it should work again. Remember that as users you still
> need to renew the signing key with:
> sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 43D03AD9

Thanks Patrick, that works now.

Now I have a different problem: using the 1.5.3 packages I can't get
syncevolution to recognise the webdav backends (caldav or carddav).

After some debugging, it seems there is a missing dependency on
libneon27-gnutls. Installing that allows the webdav backends to be
recognised (syncdav.so requires libneon-gnutls.so.27).

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Invalid signature for SyncEvolution 1.5.3 repo

2019-02-24 Thread Graham Cobb

I wanted to try out syncevolution with the Windows 10 Debian environment.

I tried following the instructions at
https://syncevolution.org/blogs/pohly/2018/syncevolution-153, including
using apt-key to import the signing key. That stage went fine, but I got
the following error from apt-get update:

Err:5 https://download.01.org/syncevolution/apt stable InRelease
  The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 9B911472715D06C6
Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: https://download.01.org/syncevolution/apt stable
InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG
9B911472715D06C6 SyncEvolution 
E: The repository 'https://download.01.org/syncevolution/apt stable
InRelease' is not signed.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] "Comparison was impossible" "

2017-04-28 Thread Graham Cobb
On 28/04/17 10:05, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-04-28 at 10:31 +0200, Vincent wrote:
>> Could you tell me more about synccompare?
> In the syncevolution.org packages, it is under /usr/bin/synccompare.
> It's a perl script that takes two database dumps and compares them,
> similar to a diff between text files.

I find it to be of variable usefulness. It is great when it works, but
in my experience it scales horribly. I have to have it completely
disabled on all my low-power systems (phones, etc) -- I have never had
it run to completion on my Jolla phone, even leaving it overnight, so I
just turn off comparison on those devices.

Even on higher power systems it sometimes gets very confused and mixes
up parts of different entries and ends up reporting all 2000 entries as
different! I have it mostly turned off except when testing to see if
changes are propagating as expected (or what changes are being lost as I
do some one-way syncs).

I think I always see "comparison was impossible" with refreshes. I
assumed that is because the databases are deleted or something (although
thinking about it further I am not sure that is a reasonable expectation).

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] [INFO] SoupTransport Failure

2017-01-14 Thread Graham Cobb
On 14/01/17 09:01, deloptes wrote:
> I think your config is not good, but I have not idea how a carddav/caldav
> setup should look like. sorry. I think you have to wait for someone more
> experienced to assist, or go through the syncevolution guide again.

Here is an example of my script for syncing between local files and
Owncloud (using carddav/caldav). Although this is not using Evolution,
it may help.

By the way, I don't claim this is the only way, or that it is optimal or
that every parameter is required -- my scripts have evolved over time!
But the script below does work.

Note: in that second command, that password= is empty (it is not that I
removed a password). I don't remember if the empty password is needed or

And, as deloptes says, if you are having problems and want to get more
logs, replace the loglevel=1 with loglevel=4 below, and run the sync
with SYNCEVOLUTION_DEBUG=1 (I also specify --daemon=no but that may be
bacause I sometimes need to use gdb on the plugin). Look for logs in

syncevolution --remove @Test_Files

syncevolution --configure password= syncUrl=local://@Test_OC
peerIsClient=1 loglevel=1 Test_OC@Test_Files

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=contacts loglevel=1
Test_OC@Test_Files contacts

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=business loglevel=1
Test_OC@Test_Files business

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=personal loglevel=1
Test_OC@Test_Files personal

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=calendar loglevel=1
Test_OC@Test_Files calendar

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=file
databaseformat=text/vcard @Test_Files contacts

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=file
databaseformat=text/vcard @Test_Files business

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=file
databaseformat=text/vcard @Test_Files personal

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=file
databaseformat=text/calendar @Test_Files calendar

syncevolution --remove @Test_OC

syncevolution --configure --template none username= printChanges=1
dumpData=1 loglevel=1 target-config@Test_OC

syncevolution --configure password= syncUrl=workround.gnome.keyring
loglevel=1 target-config@Test_OC

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=contacts loglevel=1
target-config@Test_OC contacts

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=business loglevel=1
target-config@Test_OC business

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=personal loglevel=1
target-config@Test_OC personal

syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=calendar loglevel=1
target-config@Test_OC calendar

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=carddav
@Test_OC contacts

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=carddav
@Test_OC business

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=carddav
@Test_OC personal

syncevolution --configure --template none backend=caldav
@Test_OC calendar

syncevolution Test_OC@Test_Files

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Sync with SailFish OS via Bluetooth

2016-11-18 Thread Graham Cobb
On 18/11/16 15:06, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> SyncEvolution can be used in such a mode - one just needs a central hub
> which supports the full semantic and attributes of everything that one
> wants to sync, and the description of what each peer supports has to be
> accurate. Unfortunately, in practice both conditions aren't completely
> met.

I don't think either condition is anywhere near being met.

What backend would you suggest can be used which "supports the full
semantic and attributes of everything that one wants to sync"? I am not
aware of one, but I have only tried a few.

The second condition is the most serious.  In my experience of my many
devices over the years, the question of support is the hardest.  The
combinations of design limitations, bugs and strange interactions
(attribute X can't be set if attribute Y is set) is really hard to
define.  Even in the case where I knew the code intimately (the GPE
implementation for Maemo) the description language could not express the
restrictions I knew about (let alone the unknown bugs!).

> The file backend is a bit limited in that it does not fully support
> iCalendar 2.0 semantic. It can store individual VEVENTs, but it doesn't
> know about relationships between items sharing the same UID. I'm not
> sure anymore what the implication was in practice - might only be
> relevant when dealing with peers which themselves do not support the
> semantic.

If I remember correctly, this restriction is an issue for recurrence
exception handling.  But I haven't looked into it recently.

> I suspect the reason for the spurious changes was more related to poor
> conversion between Outlook data formats and the master storage. As soon
> as a peer is expected to store data correctly and then doesn't, that
> undesired modification may get propagated back. 

There is certainly a serious issue with Outlook as some of the object
semantics are just different from the implied semantics in the vformats
and cannot be reliably converted.

But I also see problems with Owncloud & KDE. It particularly affects
non-standard attributes, which keep coming and going and never stabilise
even when no changes are happening on any device.

> That happens also in 1:1 syncs and is unrelated to multi-way syncing.

In my experience it is a much smaller problem in 1:1 cases: typically
things are either supported or not and the worst I see is that syncs may
keep trying to set data which is being ignored -- but no database
changes actually occur on either side if nothing has changed. In the
multi-way case, that turns into the data changing with attributes
toggling on and off or changing values as syncs with different devices
occur, even when no data has actually changed. I haven't looked into it
for some time but I seem to remember that it is partly due to the syncs
not being part of a single sync but appearing to be subsequent events,
making changes that then have to be propagated to other devices.

I am not blaming SyncEvolution -- I am just not convinced that multi-way
sync can ever be replaced by a series of two-way syncs.

Maybe when I retire I will have time to do more work on this.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Sync with SailFish OS via Bluetooth

2016-11-18 Thread Graham Cobb
On 18/11/16 13:03, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> With multi-way you mean a sync topology that has cycles? Yes, that's
> indeed not possible with SyncEvolution. I also don't see a way to do it
> as long as one is stuck with existing data formats.

Actually, I meant even without cycles.  It seems to me from my own
experiments that it is impossible (in the real world) to keep N > 2
devices in sync just using pairwise syncs (assuming changes on any
device, but disallowing conflicting changes).  The main problem is
different sets of supported attributes.

That was the problem OpenSync tried to solve (with its centralised
database and lists of supported attributes) but SyncEvolution ignores (a
very reasonable but large simplification).

I have tried to simulate this by using a files backend as a common point
to synchronise everything with, but I still see a lot of spurious
changes and corruptions being propagated around.

That means that, for the time being, I am forced to treat Outlook as my
master and only do one-way syncs from there to my other devices.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Sync with SailFish OS via Bluetooth

2016-11-16 Thread Graham Cobb
On 16/11/16 20:10, deloptes wrote:
> Hi Graham,
> they confirmed it is not working on SailFish - who knows when they will
> implement it and how it will be implemented ... given the comments
> above ...
> Perhaps we have to work closer with the Jolla team on it. Or ... get proper
> SyncEvolution backend for SailFish.

I am sure I used to have a version of SyncEvo on my Jolla, due to the
kindness of someone on the list who built it. I seem to remember it
worked sort of -- was it for calendar or contacts?  Anyway it stopped
working (did Jolla change the underlying data store or something?  I
can't remember). I haven't bothered recently and have never even looked
for it to try to install on my Jolla C.

> For the time being I read the only supported way is via Cal/CardDav ... and
> people reported to be using own service ... which s*cks ...

I do sync with my personal owncloud instance so I have calendar and
contacts in Cal/CardDav form.  I have not got around to trying the
Sailfish Cal/CardDav support to see if it works with owncloud but plan
to when I have time.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Sync with SailFish OS via Bluetooth

2016-11-16 Thread Graham Cobb
On 16/11/16 08:43, Tino Mettler wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 08:16:29 +0100, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> [...]
>> while Buteo was a "cleanly designed" framework which avoided doing
>> any of the hard work and delegated that to "plugins".  In other
>> words, it didn't actually solve the problems.
> OpenSync reloaded? :-)

Oooh, a bit of a low blow :-)

I certainly learnt a lot from spending quite a lot of effort trying to
make OpenSync work!  The main one (and the main reason I am here) is
that sync is **really** hard to do in the general case.

Syncevolution does a great job on two-way sync but it would be really
good to solve the multi-way problem one day :-) But that would require
some significant work by a team who are willing to look at and learn
from all the previous attempts. I sometimes wish Philippe Kahn had not
lost interest in sync.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-26 Thread Graham Cobb
On 26/10/16 17:10, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> I'll try that, thanks for the hint... yes, it helped.


> I'm now running into some new conversion issues for calendar data (time
> zone related). To be checked.

I can't say I am surprised. The time zone stuff is fairly fragile -- I
seem to remember putting in some hacks to try to make the best of a bad
job.  Make sure that the timezone of the syncevolution system is the
same as the timezone of the Outlook calendar that creates the events (I
seem to remember there are some cases where I had to make that
assumption, which is most likely true for most people).

I have not seen any problems with Exchange syncs, although I am getting
problems when I sync Exchange<->Files<->Owncloud. I think they are to do
with handling exceptions in repeated events (the failing items are to do
with repeating weekly meetings which I have been moving around in
Outlook).  But I am not sure if the real problem is creating bad files
from the Exchange events or syncing the files with Owncloud.

I have run out of time to look into it further before I go on holiday,
unfortunately.  But I really don't know if this is a regression -- my
regular syncs had stopped working for some time (due to changes in our
Exchange setup) and I (stupidly) didn't get them working again until
after I had installed the 1.5.2 code. My suspicion is that it isn't a
regression as there have been no changes in those areas (and the
repeating event support is even more flakey than timezone support :-( ).

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-26 Thread Graham Cobb
On 26/10/16 15:21, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> I am using the policy-key workaround, but haven't actually verified
> whether it is needed. 

I haven't done exhaustive testing, but I think it is needed if the
policy-key in gsettings would otherwise be reset (i.e. null). In other
words, if you are completely deleting the gsettings and recreating them
you need something non-null in the policy-key.  If you are not
recreating them then they will already have a non-null (and possibly
even correct) value.

Yes, that raises the question of why the code doesn't check the value of
policy-key when it is loaded and change a null value to something else
(say 0)!

>With the work-around, I am running into a problem
> (see
> https://nightly.syncevolution.org/2016-10-26-05-27_exchange_sanity_release-eas-jessie-amd64_prebuilt-jessie-amd64_trusty-amd64/prebuilt-jessie-amd64/21-exchange/
>  and 
> https://nightly.syncevolution.org/2016-10-26-05-27_exchange_sanity_release-eas-jessie-amd64_prebuilt-jessie-amd64_trusty-amd64/prebuilt-jessie-amd64/21-exchange/Client_Source_eas_contact_testImport.log.html):
>  basically any attempt to create some item on the Exchange server fails with 
> an error code 12 = 
> GDBus.Error:org.meego.activesyncd.SyncError.FolderHierarchyChanged: Sync 
> error: Mailbox folders are not synchronized, need FolderSync first
> Here's a snippet from the activesyncd.log:
> ...
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:> POST 
> /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync?Cmd=Sync=nigh...@ouvku.hostedoffice.ag=aaa99cb14effac6a8f447AAA=MeeGo
>  HTTP/1.1
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:> Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1477486033
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:> Soup-Debug: SoupSessionAsync 1 
> (0xf623b90), SoupMessage 10 (0x147a7170), SoupSocket 11 (0x147d23a0)
> ...
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:Received 12 bytes for request 0x14793f00
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:< Soup-Debug-Timestamp: 1477486034
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:< Soup-Debug: SoupMessage 10 
> (0x147a7170)
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:< Cache-Control: private
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:< Content-Type: 
> application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml
> ...
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:eas_connection - wbxml2xml++
> (process:111:0xf61d090): libeas-DEBUG:
> === dump start: xml_len [168] ===
>  "http://www.microsoft.com/;>
>   12
> === dump end ===
> That is with your "workround folder sync when server loses state" patch
> applied.
> Any idea how to proceed with this? Is the policy-key workaround perhaps
> not working as intended?

No, it is nothing to do with policy-key.  That gives different symptoms:
either OK status but 0-length response or some 4nn status (419? I can't

It looks like the problem is that a FolderSync is needed. You need to
use --print-databases.  See the "Problems" in the Wiki page.

All my patch in bug 61869 does is enable --print-databases to be used as
a manual workround for this problem. It doesn't attempt to solve it

If I remember correctly, one reason I didn't try to fix it automatically
is that I couldn't reproduce the problem! If you can reproduce the
problem reliably then maybe we can try to really fix it.

By the way, this raises a couple of interesting questions for your build
testing. The EAS support (in the backend and in activesyncd) keeps state
(in ~/.cache/activesync, in gsettings, and in the wallet). You might
want to think about whether your automated testing wants to make sure it
destroys all that state before running.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-23 Thread Graham Cobb
On 23/10/16 15:51, Graham Cobb wrote:
> I don't think that is a regression in this version (I guess the previous
> version has the same problem), although until I can work out exactly
> what is happening I can't be sure.  I will look into it a little further
> but I may not be able to fix it before I go on holiday.  It might even
> require proper protocol version handling (which we have avoided so far
> -- see an earlier thread about EAS versions some time ago).

The problem turned out to be PolicyKey related (I hate "provisioning").
This exchange server seems to handle the need for provisioning
differently and doesn't send the 449 status unless you send a bad PolicyKey.

The workround is to make sure that the policy-key is configured in the
account gsettings. Any non-null value will do, including 0. This
triggers provisioning, which will end up eventually with a valid PolicyKey.

I have updated the wiki page to include setting that.

There are a few things that it might be nice to do one day (i.e. will
never happen :-) )...

1) The whole gsettings stuff should be hidden from the users, with some
way to pass the necessary parameters from syncevolution.

2) I suspect that provisioning is now being triggered every time
activesyncd is restarted as loading the account details from gsettings
means activesyncd thinks the policy key has changed when it hasn't
really.  We rely on this to get it set correctly the first time, but we
ought to find a way to work out that it hasn't actually changed.

3) The creation of Office365 means that for users using that service,
all the required parameters (except password) can be defaulted sensibly
if we know the email address. Maybe we should allow the case of
specifying an account which has not been set up in gsettings to use the
account name as an email address and then use the Office365 defaults.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-23 Thread Graham Cobb
On 23/10/16 10:51, Graham Cobb wrote:
> I will try to find some time this week to copy libwbxml2.so.1 to my
> jessie system and do some functional testing of the release.

Hmm. Things are no longer working for me.  HOWEVER, since I last tried,
my employer has moved me to Office365!!! I strongly suspect that the
problem I am now seeing is really to do with that.

The user visible problem is that everything works (including listing
folders) but whenever data is accessed Exchange returns success but no
data (as if all the folders are empty).

I don't think that is a regression in this version (I guess the previous
version has the same problem), although until I can work out exactly
what is happening I can't be sure.  I will look into it a little further
but I may not be able to fix it before I go on holiday.  It might even
require proper protocol version handling (which we have avoided so far
-- see an earlier thread about EAS versions some time ago).

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-23 Thread Graham Cobb
On 21/10/16 19:46, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> These are all problems which should have been caught by the automated
> testing. I really need to sign up for some hosted Exchange service :-/

On that note, I am on holiday from Friday for 2 weeks. I am unlikely to
be able to do any testing while I am away.

I will try to find some time this week to copy libwbxml2.so.1 to my
jessie system and do some functional testing of the release.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-21 Thread Graham Cobb
On 16/10/16 20:33, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> I've update the "experimental" and "unstable" repo and published
> versions 1.5.1+20161014+SE+46a81a3+SYSYNC+7c9a4bf (SyncEvolution) and
> 0.92+20161014+SE+8918ba1 (activesyncd).

I have installed on my production (Debian Jessie) system. This installed
(as expected) activesyncd-jessie  0.92+20161014+SE+8918ba1-1.

However, this activesyncd seems to expect libwbxml2.so.1, which is not
available in jessie (or stretch).

I note that on my development system (running stretch) I have previously
built that version of libwbxml2 and installed it into /usr/local. I have
not yet tried copying it to my production system because I wanted to
check with you first.  It seems that your activesyncd packages cannot be
used on Debian systems?

To further complicate matters, it looks like the the previous
activesynd-stretch package actually included that library file.  Did you
change that deliberately?

> If you pull from "experimental", then please replace with "unstable":
> the idea is that only I update from "experimental" and that "unstable"
> will get the same update after some sanity checking. I didn't follow
> that when announcing the version above, so if you now follow 
> "experimental", then please replace by "unstable".

It seems that the versions you mention above are only present in
"experimental", not "unstable".  Is that what you intended?

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-07 Thread Graham Cobb
On 07/10/16 12:19, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> Sorry, forgot about that question: I granted your account additional
> roles, so you should be able to edit
> https://syncevolution.org/wiki/ms-exchange-and-kde-synchronization (and
> other pages) now.

Thanks. I have added the gsettings instructions now.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-07 Thread Graham Cobb
On 03/10/16 19:00, Graham Cobb wrote:
> If you can build packages with the fixes to the two bugs I found I will
> test them out (might not be until the end of the week, though).

I think the two bugs (98014 and 98026) are all that are needed to avoid
ActiveSync regrssion in 1.5.2.  But I would be keen to test a fixed
package, when you have it, on my production Debian Stable system (I have
been testing on my Debian Testing system).

> By the way, how should I go about updating my HOWTO on the Wiki (to add
> the gsettings commands) now that the Wiki is no longer writable?

Any thought on how I go about this?


SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-03 Thread Graham Cobb
On 03/10/16 13:39, Graham Cobb wrote:
> I notice that there are a number of other warnings in the activesyncd
> build.  I am not sure I will get a chance to review them until next weekend.

Actually there aren't that many.  I reviewed them quickly and they all
seem to be about deprecated Glib features.  They should be addressed at
some point but I don't think they are critical now.

> Meanwhile, over the next few days, I will try to at least make sure that
> I can run a few syncs with no other problems. I would like to convince
> myself that the synckey problems I was seeing over the weekend were
> testing artefacts rather than real problems.

I have done a couple of runs and things are working. I think I got
confused between refresh and one-way syncs when I was trying stuff at
the weekend (empty responses are to be expected with one-way syncs if
nothing has changed).

If you can build packages with the fixes to the two bugs I found I will
test them out (might not be until the end of the week, though).

By the way, how should I go about updating my HOWTO on the Wiki (to add
the gsettings commands) now that the Wiki is no longer writable?

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-03 Thread Graham Cobb
On 02/10/16 23:04, Graham Cobb wrote:
> On 02/10/16 14:39, Patrick Ohly wrote:
>> On Sun, 2016-10-02 at 14:21 +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
>>> activesyncd now works without crashing.  But it is being sent empty data
>>> by the server.  So some more work to do.
>> Please share your progress. I consider this a 1.5.2 release blocker.
> Still working on it.
> I am seeing a few different issues but having some difficulty working
> out how to reproduce them.
> The one I can most easily reproduce at the moment is a crash in
> activesyncd when receiving some specific calendar data. The crash is in
> icalproperty_set_value, called from
> eas_cal_info_translator_parse_response handling unmapped data fields
> (i.e. trying to create a X-MEEGO-ACTIVESYNCD- custom property).

I have found this. See bug 98026.

Sorry, I am travelling this week and am not set up to create a git
commit for it but the fix is straightforward.

I notice that there are a number of other warnings in the activesyncd
build.  I am not sure I will get a chance to review them until next weekend.

Meanwhile, over the next few days, I will try to at least make sure that
I can run a few syncs with no other problems. I would like to convince
myself that the synckey problems I was seeing over the weekend were
testing artefacts rather than real problems.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-02 Thread Graham Cobb
On 02/10/16 14:39, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> On Sun, 2016-10-02 at 14:21 +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
>> activesyncd now works without crashing.  But it is being sent empty data
>> by the server.  So some more work to do.
> Please share your progress. I consider this a 1.5.2 release blocker.

Still working on it.

I am seeing a few different issues but having some difficulty working
out how to reproduce them.

The one I can most easily reproduce at the moment is a crash in
activesyncd when receiving some specific calendar data. The crash is in
icalproperty_set_value, called from
eas_cal_info_translator_parse_response handling unmapped data fields
(i.e. trying to create a X-MEEGO-ACTIVESYNCD- custom property).

I have not yet had time to build debug versions of all the code to step
through this.  I will have another go tomorrow if I get a chance.

I have also seen a problem with sync keys: I have managed to get into a
mode where EAS is rejecting the sync key but we are not managing to
start again with a slow sync.  I need to reproduce this again.

The "empty data" problem I saw earlier may or may not be real.  Again I
need to try to reproduce it again.

I am beginning to suspect that these latter 2 problems may be affected
by the fact that my first tests were using "one-way-from-remote" syncs
(as I wanted to keep the first tests simple).  I am beginning to wonder
if that mode prevents recovering from cases where activesyncd and
Exchange end up out of sync with sync keys.  But this is just
speculation until I look into them further.  I am concentrating on the
icalproperty crash for now.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-02 Thread Graham Cobb
On 01/10/16 18:00, Graham Cobb wrote:
> I have just tried to run a quick check that sync with Exchange
> Activesync is working.  It isn't (activesyncd is exiting due to a
> "Trace/breakpoint trap").

OK, I have tracked that problem down.  It is a packaging problem with
the new GSettings schema files.  See bug #98014.

The account details now have to be setup using gsettings instead of
gconf.  I will need to update my instructions in the Wiki.

activesyncd now works without crashing.  But it is being sent empty data
by the server.  So some more work to do.
SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Release preparations for 1.5.2

2016-10-01 Thread Graham Cobb
On 29/09/16 13:45, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> Before I tag and release this as 1.5.2, it would be great to get some
> feedback that this release doesn't cause regressions. In particular,
> syncing with phones over Bluetooth needs some testing because there has
> been one change that I couldn't fully test myself (only seems to make a
> difference with some phones).

I have just tried to run a quick check that sync with Exchange
Activesync is working.  It isn't (activesyncd is exiting due to a
"Trace/breakpoint trap").

I will now need to work out what is going wrong.  That will take me a
bit longer as I will have to set up a proper test environment.  Just
thought I would send this note as a heads-up.

Meanwhile I would like to know what the dbus-launch changes mean for
running on headless systems (no X11).  I previously used a version of
dbus-session.sh from you.  I still seem to need it.  Is that the
expected behaviour?


SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] survey: providing SyncEvolution binaries

2016-09-08 Thread Graham Cobb
On 22/08/16 14:22, Patrick Ohly wrote:
> So let me ask: which distro do you need syncevolution.org binaries for?
> Why?

I meant to reply to this before. May not be needed now as you seem to
have decided to build for Jessie and Stretch anyway...

I find it useful to have precompiled binaries for Debian stable (my
production system) and Debian testing (my development system).

Of course, Tino provides packages but I have sometimes found it useful
to be able to use your latest build before they have appeared in the

I build my own versions when I am doing development.  But I still find
it convenient to have a "standard" version installed so I can compare
behaviour :-)  And just knowing that it is building for you is very
helpful when it isn't building for me!

So, I could certainly live without your builds -- Tino's packages would
normally meet my needs and I could always build if I needed to.  But I
do use your versions and appreciate having them available.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] TDEPIM sync questions

2016-02-06 Thread Graham Cobb
On 06/02/16 09:56, deloptes wrote:
> It does now exit, but staying there after
> Synchronization successfull
> Changes applied 
> Data modified 
> *** @/addressbook ***
> no changes

I assume you meant "It does NOT exit".  In my experience, the appearance
of syncevolution not exiting is often due to the "changes" perl script
which, in may case, can take a VERY long time.  I don't remember the
name of the script offhand but while it is "hung" you may want to see if
there is a process running perl on your system.

I recommend that while initially testing you set "printChanges=0" (if
you have a lot of data you may want to set dumpData=0 as well, except
when you really want to save the data). Turning off both those at least
means you are really just testing the sync code.

That may not be your problem at all, but it is worth checking.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Handling event changes from Exchange

2015-07-19 Thread Graham Cobb
On 16/07/15 23:06, Graham Cobb wrote:
 On 13/07/15 11:53, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 I also wonder whether the server can be told to avoid incremental
 updates in the first place.
 I will look into whether I can find out under what circumstances the
 Change is being sent and whether I can avoid it.  It only occurs with
 very a small number of events (currently 2 out of over 2000 in my
 calendar) but I am not sure if it is to do with the event or the type of
 change, etc.

It seems that there is no way to ask for the full event to be provided
by the server.  It always sends the Change message (unless you are
doing a slow sync and reading everything).  In most cases, that is not a
problem: the documentation says that the object will be provided pretty
much in full (fields not specified in the Change should be deleted),
EXCEPT for a short list of special cases (for example, for emails,
sending a change to the Read flag does not mean everything else should
be deleted).  Although the Attendee is NOT listed in the documentation
as one of those special cases, it seems it really is: if the only change
to the event is the attendee list, the whole event is NOT resent -- the
client is supposed to just note the update to the attendee and not
change anything else!

To make matter worse, the EAS protocol has no way (at least in the older
versions) to retrieve a particular event!  The ONLY way to get a
particular event using the EAS protocol is to use the slow-sync approach
to download ALL events!

So, my current thought is to add (yet another) hack: if a calendar event
Change is received that does not include a StartTime then the whole
update is ignored.  This means that (in this case) the attendee change
is ignored, but that is better than corrupting the whole event and
losing all the information about it.

The alternatives seem to be: never do syncs -- always download
everything so we always get the full content of every event (very
expensive, just to resolve an unusual corner case); or require a later
protocol version (which seems to allow fetching specific items) and add
more logic to re-fetch anything which appears to be an incremental
update.  Note: the latter is only based on my reading of the spec -- I
have not tested that it really works.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Handling event changes from Exchange

2015-07-16 Thread Graham Cobb
On 13/07/15 11:53, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 If not, does activesyncd have to go and refetch the entire
 updated object from Exchange?
 I think that would be the more realistic solution.

Thanks for the info.  I had assumed that merge/change handling was not
an option but thought I would check!

 I also wonder whether the server can be told to avoid incremental
 updates in the first place.

I will do more investigation.  I am not sure whether the behaviour is
new (e.g. a new version of Exchange): I have recently changed the way I
am using syncevolution across my different devices and only actually
noticed the problem because the corrupted events fail to sync with
Owncloud causing the sync operation to fail with an error (note: the EAS
sync where the corruption occurs does not fail or produce any
user-visible errors at all!).

I will look into whether I can find out under what circumstances the
Change is being sent and whether I can avoid it.  It only occurs with
very a small number of events (currently 2 out of over 2000 in my
calendar) but I am not sure if it is to do with the event or the type of
change, etc.

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Handling event changes from Exchange

2015-07-10 Thread Graham Cobb
I have just noticed that events are being corrupted when syncing from

The problem is that when an event changes, EAS can send a change
notification, with only the fields that have changed, not the whole new
event.  activesyncd then creates a partial (and invalid!) VEVENT with
only the changed fields.

Syncevolution then replaces the event with just the information from the
partial VEVENT, losing all the rest of the information.

To make it clearer, here is an extract from the EAS protocol message
sent when one attendee's status has to be updated for an existing event:

Attendees xmlns=Calendar:

activesyncd generates:

PRODID:-//Meego//ActiveSyncD 1.0//EN

And syncevolution ends up replacing the whole event with:

PRODID:-//Synthesis AG//NONSGML SyncML Engine V3.4.0.47//EN

The question is, what do I do about this?  Is there any way for
syncevolution to process updates and merge them with the existing
object?  If not, does activesyncd have to go and refetch the entire
updated object from Exchange?

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Valid VEVENT from activesyncd being converted to invalid VEVENT somewhere in syncevolution?

2015-06-19 Thread Graham Cobb
On 19/06/15 16:06, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 That DTSTART and DTEND then never gets parsed is a side effect of giving
 up the parsing.

Wouldn't it be better to completely abort the processing and reject the
object rather than generating a corrupted object when an error occurs?

 So the fix is to remove mandatory=1 and adapt the total counts in
 11calendar-profile.xml for SUMMARY. You can do that locally by copying
 the attached modified file to $HOME/.config/syncevolution-xml/datatypes 

That works, thanks (note to anyone else applying this: you may need to
create the directory).

This obviously isn't a big issue as no one else seems to have come
across it!  I saw it in 2 out of 2200 events in my calendar.

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Valid VEVENT from activesyncd being converted to invalid VEVENT somewhere in syncevolution?

2015-06-18 Thread Graham Cobb
I have been trying to track down a problem that occurs when syncing my
Exchange calendar with local files.  I am ending up with a few events
with missing DTSTART (which is invalid, of course).

It looks as though activesyncd is providing a valid VEVENT to
syncevolution: [I have removed ATTENDEE and PARTICIPANT lines and
modified my email address]

PRODID:-//Meego//ActiveSyncD 1.0//EN
TZID:(UTC) Dublin\, Edinburgh\, Lisbon\,
TZNAME:(UTC) Dublin\, Edinburgh\, Lisbon\,
TZNAME:(UTC) Dublin\, Edinburgh\, Lisbon\,
DTSTART;TZID=(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,:20141007T14
LOCATION:Online Meeting
DTEND;TZID=(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,:20141007T17
 property. Removing entire property:
ORGANIZER;CN=Graham Cobb:graham.c...@example.com

I believe that is a valid VEVENT, although note that it has neither a
SUMMARY: nor DESCRIPTION: line. [The UID has wrapped in the email but is
really formatted correctly]

When the event is saved as a file it has become:

PRODID:-//Synthesis AG//NONSGML SyncML Engine V3.4.0.47//EN
LOCATION:Online Meeting
ORGANIZER;CN=Graham Cobb:mailto:graham.c...@example.com

Note that there is no DTSTART! (And the DTSTAMP has been set to the
current time, and a fake SUMMARY has been created).  The missing DTSTART
makes the VEVENT invalid.

Looking through the logs, I found this section during the parsing of the

[...lots of timezone parsing...]
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=exoticparseMimeDir: VTIMEZONE with ID='(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh,
Lisbon,' parsed to internal time zone 'GMT'/span/li
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=exoticparseMimeDir: property DTSTART parsing delayed,
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=exoticparseMimeDir: property DTEND parsing delayed,
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=incomingparseMimeDir: property not parsed (unknown or not
storable): X-LIC-ERROR;X-LIC-ERRORTYPE=VA/span/li
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=incomingparseMimeDir: property not parsed (unknown or not
storable): X-MEEGO-ACTIVESYNCD-MeetingSta/span/li
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=incomingparseMimeDir: property not parsed (unknown or not
storable): X-MEEGO-ACTIVESYNCD-NativeBody/span/li
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=errorparseMimeDir: missing 1 of 1 mandatory properies/span/li
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=errorFailed parsing item/span/li
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=script- PARSETEXTWITHPROFILE() function result = span
class=value0/span (integer)/span/li
  lii[2015-06-18 23:06:36.192]/inbsp;span
class=exotic- Evaluated unstored expression/span/li

The two lines with class=error don't look good!

I think this is a syncevolution bug, not an activesyncd bug.  Do you
agree, or am I missing something?

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Packages for jessie?

2015-05-30 Thread Graham Cobb
Now that jessie is the new Debian Stable, is anyone planning to build
packages for jessie?  I am particularly keen on an activesync
configuration -- none of the activesyncd packages on
http://downloads.syncevolution.org seem to be installable.

I realise the answer may be that neither Patrick nor anyone else has
time/interest/inclination but before I build them myself, it would be
nice to know if there will be a standard version.  I try to use standard
packages on my internet server when possible and keep the home built
versions just for my personal machines (partly to avoid the sorts of
problems Daniel has just been having!).

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Calendar events one hour later than original

2015-04-14 Thread Graham Cobb
On 14/04/15 14:08, Daniel CLEMENT wrote:
 How could I force the use of this last path?

Like Patrick, I normally debug with shared libs disabled.  Unfortunately
library searching has now become very complicated (well beyond my
understanding, particularly with multiarch).  However, I have, in the
past, had success using:


(it needs to be put in front of the syncevolution command in the


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/lib \
LD_DEBUG=files \
/usr/local/bin/syncevolution --daemon=no 21 \
| grep libsynthesis


SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] First Monday of the month event problems

2014-11-11 Thread Graham Cobb
On 10/11/14 15:48, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 Yes, that's open. Unfortunately this is rather tricky to add. One would
 have to extend the internal representation inside libsynthesis
 (src/sysync/rrules.cpp) and also the conversion to/from iCalendar 2.0
 and vCalendar 1.0.

I have fixed the activesyncd handling but, of course, that just triggers
this problem.  Maybe, if it annoys me enough, I will have a look at it
some time.

 I'm not sure how common it is. There haven't been that many complaints
 about it, but that's hard to quantify.

I have two monthly meetings which use it.  So, I get the meetings shown
in every week and can only tell which one is real by looking at my
Outlook calendar.  I strongly suspect it is more common in business
environments (I guess casual users are probably more likely to set such
events by hand instead of using a rule).  So, the number of people
affected are probably a fairly small subset of syncevolution users.

Hopefully one of us will get sufficiently fed up to fix it one day :-)

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] First Monday of the month event problems

2014-11-10 Thread Graham Cobb
I have noticed (bug #86102) that activesyncd is creating the wrong RRULE
for recurrences of the form nth some-weekday.  Without having looked
at the code yet (just the logs) this looks like an activesyncd problem.

But it looks like (bug #70693) even if I fix that, that the event still
won't get synced correctly.  Is #70693 still unfixed?

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] SyncEvolution 1.5 released

2014-11-09 Thread Graham Cobb
Small issue with your (unsupported) packages...

syncevolution-activesync-saucy depends on activesyncd-saucy with no version.

It would be nice if the dependency could be versioned to the current
latest version (in this case, the new version
0.92+20141031+SE+52a7436-1).  That way, upgrading
syncevolution-activesync would automatically pull in the new activesyncd.


P.S. I saw your review comment but I have been unable to get to it this
week.  Sorry.  I plan to test the released 1.5 version first, and then
fix the activesyncd logging problem.
SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] All day events from Exchange

2014-10-29 Thread Graham Cobb
On 29/10/14 07:25, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 What you propose seems like the best (okay, least evil) approach. Is
 this something that you want to work on soonish? I'm thinking about
 tagging and releasing an updated of SyncEvolution (either or
 1.5) and could include an updated activesyncd.

I am away for a few days over this weekend.  If I can get the change
made today, and enough testing to convince myself it is no worse than
not making the change, I will send you a patch before Friday.

If not, or if it looks like it causes other problems, you might want to
leave it for the next release where it can get more testing.

In any case, I would like to see the British Summer Time timezone fix
get into this release.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] All day events from Exchange

2014-10-29 Thread Graham Cobb
On 29/10/14 10:22, Graham Cobb wrote:
 I am away for a few days over this weekend.  If I can get the change
 made today, and enough testing to convince myself it is no worse than
 not making the change, I will send you a patch before Friday.

Patch added to the bug report.  I have tested that it doesn't break
events which were being handled correctly.  And it certainly helps a lot
with events where the eventual display is in the same time zone as
Outlook was when the event was created -- they now appear at the correct
time instead of on the wrong day (although they don't appear as real all
day events, of course).

I believe it is worth including.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] All day events from Exchange

2014-10-28 Thread Graham Cobb
On 28/10/14 08:59, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-10-27 at 23:25 +, Graham Cobb wrote:
 On 20/10/14 13:02, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-10-20 at 10:17 +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
 I have just noticed, in my testing of, that all day events are
 not working properly.  I don't suppose this is new in this version -- I
 probably didn't notice it before.

 Right. That code hasn't changed in quite a while. The relevant code to
 look at are the _eas2ical_convert_datetime_property() and
 _eas2ical_convert_component() methods

 I haven't yet changed any code but I have looked at the code and the
 logs.  The situation is complicated slightly by the fact that we (in the
 UK) are now back on winter time, which is GMT (=UTC).  However, I can
 reproduce the problem by looking at all day events set up for next summer.

 In the activesyncd log I can see the event coming in from EAS with:

 StartTime xmlns=Calendar:20150728T23Z/StartTime
 AllDayEvent xmlns=Calendar:1/AllDayEvent

 The start time is midnight local time (on the day of the event,
 20150729, which is BST -- summer time).

 I also see, in the log...

 (process:16804:0xcb3c50): libeas-DEBUG:process timezone
 AFAAEAxP///w== = bias 0, standard bias 0, daylight bias -60,
 standard '(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,', daylight '(UTC) Du
 blin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,'

 I have not yet added debug logging to
 _eas2ical_convert_datetime_property but I assume this is not being
 correctly converted to midnight local time and hence is failing the
 sanity check in that function.  Of course, if that is the case, the
 sanity check is not the problem -- the local time is wrong and will
 still be 23:00 on the day before (but a log message to warn about the
 sanity check failure would be useful).

 Any idea why icaltime_convert_to_zone would not be converting the time
 to 00:00 BST?
 No, not without actually stepping through the code.
 Is the timezone info Exchange is providing wrong?  I am not certain
 exactly what the log process timezone message is showing, but it
 doesn't look right that daylight claims to be UTC.  But I am not sure
 whether that text is actually important.
 I think it's no used.
 One thing to check is what time zone is used internally. Is it the one
 sent by Exchange converted to VTIMEZONE or some system timezone
 corresponding to it? I don't remember whether we got around to
 implementing such a matching, or how complete it is.

Found it.  The bug is in _eas2ical_process_timezone.  This comment:

// if timezone id contains character UTC and Bias is 0, then don't add
it to the ICAL

This attempted optimisation is not safe, of course, if the daylight time
is not UTC.  In fact, the code already does the correct optimisation
higher up -- if **both** standard and daylight are UTC don't bother with
the timezone.

This only affects us in the UK (and Ireland and Portugal)!

I will generate a patch shortly and add it to the bug report.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] All day events from Exchange

2014-10-28 Thread Graham Cobb
I have submitted three patches to bug 85239.  One of them fixes the
actual problem I was seeing, the other two are related but separate (see
the comments in the bug report).

However, as I was testing these, the improved logging found many cases
where Exchange was providing the wrong timezone information.  Most
events had the correct timezone but some did not (some of those were
invitations received from other people, others were events I created on
another device using EAS, others I don't know).  In all those cases, the
event was actually timed to start/finish at midnight UK time, but some
other timezone (normally CET) was being provided.  So, when the events
were converted to (apparent) local time, their times were not midnight.

I don't see any good workround for this: as Exchange is lying about the
timezone it is hard to fix.  We could use the system timezone instead of
the timezone Exchange reports, but that is likely to be wrong in many cases.

At the moment, when the time check fails, the code just gives up and
uses the time sent by Exchange (which is in UTC).  When this gets turned
into just a date, it is likely to be the wrong day (depending on whether
the event is really ahead or behind UTC).

My thought is to force the event to not be treated as an all day event
if the time fails the midnight check.  Not perfect, of course (it loses
the information that it is an all day event), but it allows the user to
get a better idea of what has gone wrong and gives them a better chance
of recognising the correct day.  Of course, it is likely to really mess
up round-trip processing of the events -- they may get marked by
Exchange as no longer all-day when they get synced back.


SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] All day events from Exchange

2014-10-27 Thread Graham Cobb
On 20/10/14 13:02, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-10-20 at 10:17 +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
 I have just noticed, in my testing of, that all day events are
 not working properly.  I don't suppose this is new in this version -- I
 probably didn't notice it before.
 Right. That code hasn't changed in quite a while. The relevant code to
 look at are the _eas2ical_convert_datetime_property() and
 _eas2ical_convert_component() methods

I haven't yet changed any code but I have looked at the code and the
logs.  The situation is complicated slightly by the fact that we (in the
UK) are now back on winter time, which is GMT (=UTC).  However, I can
reproduce the problem by looking at all day events set up for next summer.

In the activesyncd log I can see the event coming in from EAS with:

StartTime xmlns=Calendar:20150728T23Z/StartTime
AllDayEvent xmlns=Calendar:1/AllDayEvent

The start time is midnight local time (on the day of the event,
20150729, which is BST -- summer time).

I also see, in the log...

(process:16804:0xcb3c50): libeas-DEBUG:process timezone
AFAAEAxP///w== = bias 0, standard bias 0, daylight bias -60,
standard '(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,', daylight '(UTC) Du
blin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,'

I have not yet added debug logging to
_eas2ical_convert_datetime_property but I assume this is not being
correctly converted to midnight local time and hence is failing the
sanity check in that function.  Of course, if that is the case, the
sanity check is not the problem -- the local time is wrong and will
still be 23:00 on the day before (but a log message to warn about the
sanity check failure would be useful).

Any idea why icaltime_convert_to_zone would not be converting the time
to 00:00 BST?

Is the timezone info Exchange is providing wrong?  I am not certain
exactly what the log process timezone message is showing, but it
doesn't look right that daylight claims to be UTC.  But I am not sure
whether that text is actually important.

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] All day events from Exchange

2014-10-20 Thread Graham Cobb
I know I have had trouble with all day events before, but it might have
been in my OpenSync days (or even my own OWASync!).

I have just noticed, in my testing of, that all day events are
not working properly.  I don't suppose this is new in this version -- I
probably didn't notice it before.

I have an all day event in Outlook, scheduled for this Thursday
(20141023). I did a one-way sync from Exchange (activesync) to files,
and the file ended up with the following:


To make matters worse, I then synced those files with Owncloud and
Owncloud now believes this is an all day event on the 22nd! (And so does
Thunderbird when I synced that against Owncloud).

I have not yet attempted to debug this (looking at what activesync
sends, etc) but wondered if anyone either has seen this before, or has a
view on what the correct VCALENDAR file should look like for this event.

I have a very vague recollection that in OWASync I had to special case
this and adjust the vcalendar info from OWA to handle all day events
(but it might have been some other issue).

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Configuring Activesync in SyncEvolution

2014-10-20 Thread Graham Cobb
On 19/10/14 20:04, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-10-18 at 15:36 +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
 The (new in this release, I think) checking for mixing shared/unshared
 properties is causing me some logical confusion.  
 That's the expected behavior, and hasn't changed in the release
 candidate. The new terminology did not change the implementation, just
 some names.

Ah, OK.  I thought you had tightened some checks to reduce user errors
by disallowing some combinations that had previously been accepted but
might not have had the effect the user expected.  I was probably
confused (I had been hacking my scripts along with the earlier
discussions around naming).

 In this case the problem is that @Exchange refers to a context, not a
 sync config, and only sync configs have a username property. You could
 use databaseUsername instead (however, I am not 100% sure whether the
 ActiveSync backend supports that - WebDAV does), if you don't mind
 repeating that for each source, ahem, datastore.

I now have a recollection that I had raised something similar to this
question before.  I think the answer then was also if you are more
comfortable, use databaseUsername.  I will look into whether activesync
supports that.

It would be nice, one day, to make configuration of Exchange, Google and
Owncloud servers look, as far as possible, the same.  They all need
similar information (server contact details, auth info and folder names)
but the configuration for activesync is done very differently.

 The only way I can get it to work is if I bring step 3 to be in front of
 step 2.  That works, but feels wrong (it also breaks my scripts in a
 hard to fix way, but that is my problem).
 Are you sure it used to work?

No.  I was probably confused about that.  The easiest fix to my scripts
seems to actually be to just configure the target-context before the

Thanks for the help.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] All day events from Exchange

2014-10-20 Thread Graham Cobb
On 20/10/14 13:02, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-10-20 at 10:17 +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
 I know I have had trouble with all day events before, but it might have
 been in my OpenSync days (or even my own OWASync!).

 I have just noticed, in my testing of, that all day events are
 not working properly.  I don't suppose this is new in this version -- I
 probably didn't notice it before.
 Right. That code hasn't changed in quite a while. The relevant code to
 look at are the _eas2ical_convert_datetime_property() and
 _eas2ical_convert_component() methods

Thanks.  I will try to look at it later.  Meanwhile, I have logged it as
bug 85239.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] SyncEvolution

2014-10-18 Thread Graham Cobb
On 15/09/14 16:19, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 This is the first release candidate for 1.5. No further changes are
 planned except for fixing yet-to-be-discovered bugs - so find them
 now! :-)

I am trying to update my various configs and check that everything works.

The first problem isn't really a bug because I know the Debian packaging
is not a supported feature.  But when I tried to upgrade using apt-get
install syncevolution-activesync, apt-get would have been happy to
install the new syncevolution-activesync without upgrading
syncevolution-activesync-saucy and syncevolution-bundle as well.  Adding
syncevolution-kde caused all four packages to be upgraded.

I think the dependency of syncevolution-activesync on
syncevolution-activesync-wheezy | syncevolution-activesync-saucy |
syncevolution-activesync-trusty should be versioned to require the same

I am also surprised that activesyncd-saucy hasn't been upgraded.  Is
that because it has not changed?


SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Configuring Activesync in SyncEvolution

2014-10-18 Thread Graham Cobb
On 15/09/14 16:19, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 This is the first release candidate for 1.5. No further changes are
 planned except for fixing yet-to-be-discovered bugs - so find them
 now! :-)

The (new in this release, I think) checking for mixing shared/unshared
properties is causing me some logical confusion.  Here is (the outline
of) how I used to configure my Exchange server config:

1) Remove the existing configurations

2) syncevolution --configure --template none backend=eas-contacts
database=Contacts username=my-account-name @Exchange contacts

3) syncevolution --configure --template none username=my-account-name
password= printChanges=1 loglevel=4 target-config@Exchange

4) syncevolution --configure sync=two-way uri=contacts loglevel=4
target-config@Exchange contacts

The second step now gives the error:

[ERROR] per-peer (unshared) properties not allowed: username

If I remove the username, it gives the error:

[ERROR] contacts: backend failed: fetching folder list:
GDBus.Error:org.meego.activesyncd.Error.AccountNotFound: Failed to find
account []

The only way I can get it to work is if I bring step 3 to be in front of
step 2.  That works, but feels wrong (it also breaks my scripts in a
hard to fix way, but that is my problem).  It feels like there should be
one of two cases:

i) The context (@Exchange) is associated with a particular account.  In
that case, the account id should be a property on the context, not on
some peer.

ii) The context (@Exchange) is generic for several activesync accounts
(different users), in which case the folder mappings cannot be checked
at the time they are set up.  Not very user friendly.

To me, option (i) seems more logical as well as much more user friendly.
But then the account can't be a per-peer property  (which peer do you use?).

This might be because we are misusing the username property to provide a
convenient way to specify the activesyncd account -- although I don't
really understand what is wrong with that.  I also don't understand how
other backends deal with similar problems.  Surely a Google server is
accessed using some credentials and they are either properties of the
context or the peer, with the same issues?

We could, of course, just stop using username and embed the account name
in the database name.  It would be a bit tedious to type (as account
names are usually actually email addresses, although they don't have to be).

There seem to be two problems here:

1) There is a change which will force people to change the way they
configure ActiveSync accounts. Can/should we do something to allow
existing configs and/or existing configuration scripts to work?

2) How do we actually want it to work in the future (maybe an issue for
the next release)?

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Will activesyncd work with Exchange 2007?

2014-07-13 Thread Graham Cobb
On 08/07/14 18:45, Yury Vidineev wrote:
 I'm trying to set up contacts sync with Exchange 2007 as described in this 
 manual: https://syncevolution.org/wiki/ms-exchange-and-kde-synchronization

I haven't tried with Exchange 2007.

Is there any way you can get me an account on an Exchange 2007 system to
test with?

Alternatively, you could turn on all the logging and I will see if I can
work out why it isn't working.  Ideally I would like you to run
activesyncd with:


Do not post the logs here, but mail them to me directly. However, note
that the logs will probably include your username and password.  I will
not use them but it is up to you if want to edit the logs to remove them
(and/or change your password after taking the log).

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Activesync to/from office365.com

2014-06-15 Thread Graham Cobb
On 15/06/14 11:08, Nina Steiger wrote:
 and restart activesyncd I may get the calendar of my colleague with 
 otherUsername. I will try that now. Of course I lwill loose the connection to 
 my own calendar I think.

I am not expecting that to work, unless you know the password for your

The problem is that there does not seem to be any way in the ActiveSync
protocol to supply the credentials of one user and access the folders of
another.  The credentials you supply are used to determine the list of
folders which are displayed, and it does not seem to include any shared
folders to which you have been given access.

But please let us know what happens!


SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Activesync to/from office365.com

2014-06-14 Thread Graham Cobb
On 14/06/14 22:18, Nina Steiger wrote: Is it possible to sync shared
calendars via actice sync?

I haven't tried myself, but I have just looked through the protocol
documentation and I can't find any way to do it unless Exchange is
willing to return the shared/public folders in the FolderSync for the
account.  It seems, from your test using --print-databases, that it does
not do so.

While it is possible to specify different account details when fetching
items, there is no way to specify any account details with either
FolderSync (for listing folders) or Sync (which would be used to find
the items to fetch).

There seem to be several articles I can find by searching the web which
claim that Exchange ActiveSync does not support shared/public folders,
but nothing both recent and definitive (e.g. from Microsoft).

 They have been accessible through davmail (an exchange caldav/carddav
 ) by otherusern...@mycompany.com with the credentials of my account
 myusern...@mycompany.com. (davmail stopped working for me at least at
home for
 some weired redirects to wrong authenticatiion servers after M$
changed their
 office365 version, that's why I am trying syncevolution)

I don't know how davmail does it.

By the way, the redirection problem is a known issue with Microsoft's
hosted services.  You may have some success with telling davmail to use
the redirected servers.  There is no easy way to find out what the
redirection should be but if you can find out, the redirections seem to
be stable and can be contacted directly (at least for activesync access).

There are other issues with using our activesync with Microsoft's
services.  See SyncEvolution bug reports 76515-76518.

 I do not understand how to configure syncevolution with
 myusern...@mycompany.com and use a different username for the calendar

There is no way to do it in the current code, and I can't see a way to
do it in the protocol either (although I may have missed it, of course).

 May anyone give me a hint which direction to investigate further?

Ask davmail how they do it?  If there is a way to do it, we can look
into adding it into activesyncd.


SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Getting the concepts clear (Was: Configuring a target)

2014-04-14 Thread Graham Cobb
On 14/04/14 08:36, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Mon, 2014-04-14 at 00:20 +0200, Ove Kåven wrote:
 But what if the server you want to talk to isn't a SyncML server, but a 
 WebDAV or ActiveSync server? How is that possible, if SyncEvolution must 
 talk to something that understands SyncML? But wait, SyncEvolution 
 itself understands SyncML, and can act as server! We can just have 
 SyncEvolution talk to itself! A big hack, but it solves the problem.
 Indeed. It came to be out of lack for alternatives (defining and
 implementing an entirely new sync protocol is no piece of cake), but it
 does the job pretty well (IMHO). I had to extend the sync engine
 occasionally (see PBAP and the new caching sync modes) and may have to
 do it again, but that was still less work than starting from scratch.

Thank you for your contribution, Ove.  Interestingly, I actually find
this way of thinking about local sync (that it is a hack to sort of
extend SyncML to other protocols) unhelpful.  As both you and Patrick
have mentioned that, I realise that this is how it came about, but I
tend to think it causes additional confusion as it makes non-SyncML
protocol access look like more of a special case (with its own rules to
be learnt) than is really the case with the (brilliant) way Patrick has
implemented it.  Of course, I may be unique in this and others may find
it very helpful -- just a data point.

I prefer to think of local sync as purely an optimisation on a sync
which happens between SyncML entities which happen to be on the same
system (and which can be completely replaced with a normal SyncML sync
if they are on different systems).

In the context of SyncEvolution I think of WebDAV and ActiveSync not as
sync protocols but primarily as database access protocols, and all the
database backends in SyncEvolution as being equal.  Of course, I come
from an OpenSync/MultiSync background so I tend to think of all the SE
backends as equivalent to OpenSync plugins (I even considered writing a
GPE backend for SE and would have if I had not decided I would be moving
to Jolla, and I also considered using activesyncd as the basis for
writing an OpenSync ActiveSync plugin instead of my OWA TCL script --
but OpenSync is dead).

Just one person's view, of course.


SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Getting the concepts clear (Was: Configuring a target)

2014-04-13 Thread Graham Cobb
On 13/04/14 19:45, Heyns Emiliano wrote:
 In addition to this we have 1a: Target-Configs. I think a target-config
 is really what binds two Sync Specifications together to form a full
 sync pair, but I've lost track how; the syncURL seems to play an
 important part here, but it has differing usage, sometimes it's used to
 hold a real syncURL (such as
 another time it's use to point to something inside the syncevolution
 config (such as local://@Context). It does feel a bit like a
 target-config is only a 'kind of' Sync Config/Peer because the required
 data could be shoe-horned into its data-structure, rather than there
 being real similarity in intended behavior of these two kinds -- I
 wouldn't mind to be corrected on this one.

If we put aside the special case of using target-config with things like
--print-items, then I think target-config makes some sense to me...

If you were syncing two different systems each running SE, using SyncML,
then on each server you would have to set up a peer to point to the
other side.  One of them would have the syncUrl to make the outbound
connection with, the other would have information to route the incoming
connection to a particular sync-config and context.  That makes sense to me.

If we then consider a local connection, I think of that as just an
optimisation of the connection.  It seems logical that you still need a
peer set up in each of the two contexts which are going to be connected
together.  One has the syncUrl (local://@context), the other doesn't
actually need anything really but still exists and has to have the name

That is why I would quite like to see the special name (target-config)
go away and the local  URL extended to specify any peer name you choose.
 But that is not how it works today.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Getting the concepts clear (Was: Configuring a target)

2014-04-13 Thread Graham Cobb
On 13/04/14 21:58, Heyns Emiliano wrote:
 So... as Patrick pointed out earlier and I might now begin to grasp...
 the target-config is the receiving end of the sync pair (Patrick said
 this verbatim... I think I now understand what he means).
 local://@context always points to target-config@context, 


 and as
 target-config@context has an property called 'uri' pointing to a data
 source in @context, we have a full specification of the second half of
 the pair.

Not quite.  If I understand correctly (Patrick?), the Xmn's for each
source within target-config@context have a uri property.  So the uri in
the sending end's Xmn get matched against one of the Xmn's in the
receiving end's target-config to select the source on the receiving side.

 syncevolution --configure syncUrl=local://@OtherContext peerIsClient=1

I normally set up Peer@Source with the local URL and the peerIsClient.
But there is no reason it wouldn't work the way round you describe.

 - side a: {source: @AhDamnIDontKnow.Source, peer:
 @AhDamnIDontKnow.Source}, connects to
 - side b: {source: @OtherContext.target-config.uri, Peer:

No... I think it means...
- side a (sending side): {context: @Peer, peer: Source@Peer}, connects to
- side b (receiving side): {context: @OtherContext, peer:

 After this, calling
 syncevolution --sync Source@Peer
 would sync exactly this one pair. Except I have no idea in which
 context. Frig, this is complicated.

No.  It syncs every Xmn from Source@Peer (which has sync not equal to
none) and tries to pair it with a relevant Xmn from
target-config@OtherContext.  So...

- side a (sending side): {context: @Peer, peer: Source, Xmn: each one in
turn (with sync!=none), URI: taken from each Xmn}, connects to
- side b (receiving side): {context: @OtherContext, peer: target-config,
Xmn: the one with the URI matching, source: the one corresponding to the

 If  I'm understanding this correctly (and that would be a first), this
 means that if I'm setting up a sync for my Google contacts and my Google
 Calendar, I'd need separate contexts for those, as I'd need a separate
 target-config for each, and each context can have only one of those.

You can have several sources in the context, because it is the Xmn's
which pair up and which have the important properties (like uri).  You
would only need separate contexts if you needed to specify different

 If I'd want to sync an exchange contacts folder with a local vcards
 folder with my google carddav folder, that's mean I'd have to set up
 ContactsFolder@Exchange and ContactsFolder@Google, and give them both
 the same target-config in for example @Local, which has an 'uri'
 property pointing to a file datasource with vcards, setting up a
 hub-and-spoke system. Please let this be correct. 

Almost, but not quite.  You would set up LocalFolders@Exchange and
LocalFolders@Google, and give them both the same target-config in
@Local.  The uri's would be set up in the Xmn's (for example
LocalFolders@Exchange contacts, LocalFolders@Google contacts and
target-config@Local contacts).  That would be the hub-and-spoke system.

 If I'd then want to do
 the same for my Calendar, I'd need a new context because @Local cannot
 have the target-config anymore to be paired up with

No. You could also set up LocalFolders@Exchange calendar,
LocalFolders@Google calendar and target-config@Local calendar, using
the same contexts and peers (but different Xmn's).

 What do you mean by saying 'target-config doesn't need anything'? At the
 very least I'd expect it would need 'uri' to be set to point to a fully
 self-contained data source, or a username/password if the datasource
 didn't have one.

The uri's are on the target-config Xmn's.  You are probably right about
the username/password.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] merging of winning and loosing items

2014-04-09 Thread Graham Cobb
I have been working on sync on and off for many years but I don't have
any obvious solutions to propose.  The array problem, in particular, is
essentially the issue that made me eventually give up on OpenSync (along
with the fact that everyone had drifted away from it).  Particularly
when you consider that some devices will systematically appear to have
changed the array on every sync due to their own limitations (number of
entries supported, limited type information retained, etc).

Conflict resolution/merging is a very hard problem, with no perfect
solutions.  It is really a separate issue which could do with much more
research and co-ordinated effort, as the heart of the sync problem.  I
wonder if this could be separated out into a self-contained module so
that different implementations could be tried (or even supported -- see

I do have a gut feel that the best solution, one day, will be to try to
merge changes, not merge databases.  For now that would mean calculating
differences, but in the future protocols might actually allow sending
transactions instead of databases.  I suspect that is the only real
solution to the array problem.  But that is obviously not a short-term

In the short term, the most critical thing is to allow the user to see
what is happening, and to fix it if necessary.

Ideally, that would involve a user interface that allowed the user to
see the proposed changes and authorise them (accept all changes, make no
changes, select which side wins particular conflicts, leave some
conflicts unresolved with different data on the two sides for now, log
all changes so the user can retrieve data they lost by mistake).  This
is how my wife's blackberry-Outlook sync seems to work.

If conflict resolution was a plugin, I could imagine one implementation
that had an interactive GUI to do all of the above, and another that was
designed for non-interactive operation.  The latter would support a
--dry-run option that allowed the user to find out what changes would
be made, as well as output/logging which showed what conflicts occurred
and how they were resolved and which kept records of all data deleted in
case the user needed to re-enter it later.

In the immediate case, I would suggest allowing some sort of dry-run
capability (frankly I have always been surprised this doesn't seem to
exist today) and some improved output/logging to let people know what is
happening with conflicts: I find SE seems to output either far too much
info or far too little -- for example, enabling print-changes causes all
the useful info about the sync itself to scroll off the screen (even
with quite large xterm/screen scrollback buffers), but without
print-changes there is no way to find out what has changed.  Having to
redirect output and then go through it carefully later in emacs is not
the solution.  Defaulting to limited output explaining what is going on,
with options to retrieve more details later (from log files or from the
databases themselves) would help a lot.

Sorry this doesn't help with your specific questions!

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Getting the concepts clear (Was: Configuring a target)

2014-04-09 Thread Graham Cobb
On 09/04/14 21:39, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 But it can apparently also hold a property named 'sync', and that's
 listed as a source property. I'm confused now about what happens when
 you set the 'sync' property. Is the target-config changed? Then 'sync'
 appears to be a sync property. Is the source config changed? Then
 what's the role of the sync config being passed on the command line?
 The wording seems to imply something happens to the target-config when
 setting the 'sync' property, but that conflicts with how you spoke
 about what sync and source configs can hold. 
 The sync property is a per-peer source property. It defines how a data
 source is used by a specific peer. Therefore it makes no sense to
 --configure sync=two-way @default addressbook, because there is no
 peer mentioned anywhere and this sync value cannot be stored. The
 addressbook source config referenced here only has the shared source
 properties, which do not include sync.

It is this concept which I have found hard to grasp.  I think part of my
problem is that there is no object on which to hang these per-peer
source properties.

I think a diagram (or even a UML description) would help.  In the
absence of a diagram, let me see if I have grasped this...

Imagine a context (call it @Ctx) which contains three sources (S1, S2,
S3) and two sync configs representing peers (P1@Ctx, P2@Ctx).  Then
there are a a bunch of objects as in this matrix:

   | S1 | S2 | S3 |
P1 | X11| X12| X13|P1 sync config properties
P2 | X21| X22| X23|P2 sync config properties
   |S1  |S2  |S3  |

Where Xnm presents the non-shared (=== per-peer) source properties
of Sm for sync config (===peer) Pn.

The property called sync is a non-shared source property, so it is a
property of each of the objects called Xnm in my matrix.

Is that right?

If so, I think the terminology description needs to be updated to define
these Xnm objects as first-class objects and give them a name.  After
all, they are the objects of which the non-shared source properties
are properties.  And then there are three types of properties:
properties of the three types of objects (Pn, Sm, Xnm).

 The sync property is primarily a source property, because in contrast
 to sync properties there are multiple values for it, one for each
 source. You can also think of it as the sync aspect of a data source,
 when describing the role of a source in a sync.

I don't see how that makes sync primarily a source property.  Doesn't
exactly the same logic make it primarily a sync property as there are
multiple values for it, one for each peer (isn't that what per-peer
means)?  The truth seems to be that it is a matrix property with values
that are per-source-peer-combination, and pretending they are some
special sort of source property just causes confusion.

[I have re-ordered Patrick's email here]
 Following that logic, the --configure sync=two-way memotoo@default
 addressbook operation becomes valid and sets the sync property of
 addressbook for syncing with memotoo.

OK, that makes sense.  This is setting a property of one of my Xnm objects.

So, what happens when I specify --configure sync=two-way
memotoo@default?  Is that an error (because sync is not a property of
my Pn objects)?  Just like --configure sync=two-way @default
addressbook is an error because sync is not a property of my Sm objects?

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] merging of winning and loosing items

2014-04-09 Thread Graham Cobb
On 09/04/14 15:51, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 To some extend that is already possible. Merging two conflicting items
 can be done entirely using the builtin scripting language and a custom

Ah.  Something else to look into one day.

 Performance and storage are important but I don't think they are what
 limits this today.  I think it is usability.  Particularly in terms of
 undoing individual changes (even of individual fields within a single
 I remember that Ove turned off dumpData for Maemo because it was slow.
 But perhaps my memory fails me here.

I certainly turn it off in my Jolla syncs, for exactly the reason Ove
mentions in his reply.

But I think that is more to do with the need to dump the whole database
than with the concept of recording changes.  Particularly if we could
find a way to record the changes out of the sync itself, rather than by
doing comparisons after the sync is complete.

 The involved backends would need to support reporting changes starting
 from some particular state multiple times. It's doable for EDS and
 WebDAV (but not currently implemented), whereas ActiveSync would rely on
 the server to support old anchors which (as far as I remember) not all
 servers do.

Good point.  I still want to think about a way to do dry runs but I
understand the issue here.  Maybe we don't need dry runs if we can make
user correction of incorrect conflict resolutions usable.

 Yes, but I was thinking of better ways to do the print-changes job, by
 driving it from the conflict resolution engine itself.
 Patches welcome, as they say. I personally don't have an idea how this
 could be implemented in a user-friendly way. The internal representation
 is fairly abstract; definitely not what the user wants to see.

This seems a more solvable problem than the dry-runs problem, without
completely rewriting the engine or requiring any impact on the sync
protocols themselves.  But, as you say, it requires someone to look into
the code and come up with a solution.  Maybe I will get to it one day :-(

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Getting the concepts clear (Was: Configuring a target)

2014-04-08 Thread Graham Cobb
On 08/04/14 19:05, Emiliano Heyns wrote:
 On 08/04/2014 18:21:35, Patrick Ohly patrick.o...@intel.com wrote:
  Ah no I understand that, but can a single command set up multiple data
 Yes. I think I mentioned the syntax already in this thread, but I don't
 remember when.

 --configure backend=eds-events @default calender
 --configure backend=eds-contacts @default addressbook

 can be combined into
 --configure calendar/eds-event \
 addressbook/backend=eds-contacts \
 @default addressbook calendar
 Okay... it's good to know that this can be done, and it answers my
 question, but it maps
 --configure backend=b1 @context s1
 --configure backend=b2 @context s2
 --configure s1/b1 s2/backend=b2 @context s2 s1
 for which I can't readily see a rule governing the transformation, so
 I'll take this as noted and stay away from it in my HOWTO.

I think there was a typo in Patrick's example.  I think he meant to write:

 can be combined into
 --configure calendar/backend=eds-event \
 addressbook/backend=eds-contacts \
 @default addressbook calendar

In other words, when setting source properties on the command line you
can name the property as source/property in order to set the same
property in different sources to different values.

This sort of thing is more useful where there are also some properties
which are not supposed to be different for different sources (otherwise
the single command doesn't save anything over two separate commands).
So a more common example might be combining

--configure backend=b1 database_user=u @context s1
--configure backend=b2 database_user=u @context s2


--configure s1/backend=b1 s2/backend=b2 database_user=u @context s1 s2

Personally I don't use it.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Configuring a target

2014-04-03 Thread Graham Cobb
On 03/04/14 14:50, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Wed, 2014-04-02 at 15:20 +0100, Graham Cobb wrote:
 On 02/04/14 13:16, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 configuration property
   Sync and source configs contain configuration properties. Each
   property is a name/value pair. Sync properties are used in sync configs,
   source properties in source configs. The names were chosen so that
   they are unique, i.e., no sync property has the same name as a source

   A property can be *unshared* (has separate values for each peer, therefore
   sometimes also called *per-peer*; for example the `uri` property which
   defines the remote database), *shared* (same value for all peers; for
   example the `database` property for selecting the local database) or
   *global* (exactly one value).

 I have found this confusing as well.  To the naive view, per-peer
 properties should be sync properties, shared properties should be source
 properties, and global properties should be context properties.
 So you would change the meaning of sync property from a property set
 in a sync config to a property set for a sync peer? That is indeed
 close to how the properties are used, but does not match how the
 implementation works. Changing the command line options would require
 changing the implementation.

Interesting.  Maybe this is close to the root of my problem, because I
don't understand how a property set in a sync config and a property
set for a sync peer are different.  I will need to think about this
when I have a bit more time.

 local sync
   Traditionally, a sync config specifies SyncML as the synchronization
   protocol. The peer must support SyncML for this to work. When the
   peer acts as SyncML server, conflict resolution happens on the
   peer, outside of the control of SyncEvolution.

 Is there some reason conflict resolution gets mentioned here?  Does it
 really have anything to do with local sync?

   In a so called `local sync`_, SyncEvolution connects two of its own
   backends and runs all of the synchronization logic itself on the host.

 Again, why mention synchronization?  Is there something important you
 are trying to convey?
 The key point is that it is SyncEvolution doing the synchronization,
 putting it under control of the user. If there is a remote server
 involved, for example an Exchange server, then we don't allow it to do
 conflict resolution for us.

I understand that that is true, but I still don't understand why you
feel the need to mention it. It seems to be complicating the local sync
concept needlessly.

My suggestion for the local sync definition:

'Traditionally, a sync config specifies SyncML as the synchonization
protocol.  In some cases, the desired SyncML peer is actually another
context on the same SyncEvolution system (for example, the user may wish
to synchronize Evolution data with a file-based database on the same
system).  If the peers are on the same system, then SyncEvolution can
work more reliably and efficiently by using its own, internal,
mechanisms instead of actually using SyncML.  This is called a local

I believe that provides a full and useful definition of local sync.
However, I think that in the original you might also have been trying to
bring out the concept of how non-SyncML peers need to be handled.  My
suggestion is to take that out of the local sync discussion altogether
and find somewhere else to put it.  Not sure where, but maybe the text
could look something like...

'SyncEvolution always uses SyncML to communicate with peers.  No other
protocols are supported directly for synchronisation (except the
internal local sync optimisation used when the SyncML peer is on the
same system).  All other protocols (such as ActiveSync, CalDAV/CardDAV,
Google, etc) are handled indirectly. In these cases, a SyncEvolution
backend is used to allow these servers to be treated as database
sources and to be made available over SyncML.  SyncEvolution can then
manage synchronisation between any combination of these servers and
traditional SyncML devices.'

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to consider my comments.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Configuring a target

2014-04-02 Thread Graham Cobb
On 02/04/14 13:16, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 FWIW, here's the terminology section from the README. It's meant to
 introduce concepts from scratch, i.e. nothing should depend on anything
 not defined yet.

I appreciate the effort that has gone into this: I have read it many
times, and I even had it to hand while writing my earlier reply to
Emile.  But I have to say that it has never helped me as much as I would
like :-)

I realise this is my failing, but I have always found it very hard to
understand what is going on with these.  I am getting better as I do
more, but I have been using SE for quite a while now and still am lost
with configuration half the time.

What we really need, I think, are more tutorial materials, not just
definition materials.  Maybe, one day, we will find a technical writer
with some spare time who can make a contribution.

One thing which may have been not ideal, with hindsight, is to have
everything configured with one single command (--configure) which gives
no hint to the class of the object being configured (let alone the scope
of the attribute being set: shared/unshared).  Leaving it up to the user
to understand the niceties of command line object naming to work out
what sort of thing is being configured is a task that requires a high
level of experience and is frustrating for a newbie.

Is it worth considering introducing new --configure commands such as
--configure-context, --configure-source, --configure-peer (and
deprecating --configure)?  The new commands would work exactly the same
way as the current --configure except they would check that the thing
you were configuring actually was of the expected type?

I also find the (well-intentioned) defaulting causes me more confusion
-- templates, default context, target-config are powerful tools but are
of much more use for the expert, I feel, than the beginner.  I try to
avoid them. I would very much welcome being able to specify a context in
the local: URL and discard all my use of target-config.

A couple of specific points:

   Synchronization always happens between a pair of databases and thus
   has two sides. One database or side of a sync is remote (the one
   of the peer) or local (SyncEvolution). For the sake of consistency (and
   lack of better terms), these terms are used even if the peer is another
   instance of SyncEvolution and/or all data resides on the same storage.

It would be helpful (if they are true!) to add a couple of points:

In all cases, the local database is the one named in the sync command
line, the remote database is the one referenced in the syncUrl property.

Note that local/remote is independent of client/server.

 sync config
   A sync configuration defines how to access a peer: the protocol
   which is to be used, how to find the peer, credentials, etc. Peers
   might support more than one protocol, in which case multiple
   sync configs have to be created.

Maybe delete the last sentence: not sure it adds any very important
information.  Surely the more usual reason for creating multiple sync
configs is that you have multiple devices to sync?

 source config
   Each data source corresponds to a local database. A source config
   defines how to access that database, like a sync config does for
   peers. This information about a local database is independent
   of the peers that the database might be synchronized with.
   Sync configs use these shared source configs and add additional,
   per-peer settings to each of them that define how that local
   database maps to a remote database in the peer. By default a source
   config is inactive inside a sync config and thus ignored. It must be
   activated by setting the unshared `sync` property to something other
   than `none` (aka `disabled`).

This paragraph is very confusing.  In what sense is a source config
inside a sync config?  Maybe the second and third sentences could be
replaced with something like:

The sync config ignores source configs in the same context unless the
sync property for the source is set to something other than none
(aka disabled).

 configuration property
   Sync and source configs contain configuration properties. Each
   property is a name/value pair. Sync properties are used in sync configs,
   source properties in source configs. The names were chosen so that
   they are unique, i.e., no sync property has the same name as a source
   A property can be *unshared* (has separate values for each peer, therefore
   sometimes also called *per-peer*; for example the `uri` property which
   defines the remote database), *shared* (same value for all peers; for
   example the `database` property for selecting the local database) or
   *global* (exactly one value).

I have found this confusing as well.  To the naive view, per-peer
properties should be sync properties, shared properties should be source
properties, and global properties should be context properties.

   Sync and source 

Re: [SyncEvolution] Configuring a target

2014-03-21 Thread Graham Cobb
On 21/03/14 14:26, Emiliano Heyns wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 2:59 PM, Patrick Ohly patrick.o...@intel.com
 mailto:patrick.o...@intel.com wrote:
 On Fri, 2014-03-21 at 14:32 +0100, Emiliano Heyns wrote:
  I'm looking to setup server-to-server sync between Exchange and a
  Caldav/Carddav server (Google probably, but memotoo for now).
 You really do like to try new things, don't you? ;-)
 Guilty as charged. But I have a real use-case for this: my employer uses
 Exchange, so I have all my work appointments there. I want my family to
 be able to see both my personal and my work calendar. I can't give them
 access to my Exchange account, but a sync between exchange and google
 would allow them to see when I'm busy. One-way and two way sync would
 both work. I could of course do this with an outlook plugin, but that
 requires me to have outlook open almost always.


I wrote that HowTo and I apologize for the lack of clarity.  My
understanding of the terminology is still pretty poor so I won't try to
answer our actual questions.  But a couple of things you might find
useful from my experience...

I have a similar sort of problem -- my employer uses Exchange and I want
to have my appointments and my contacts available in other contexts and
on other devices.  I chose not to try to do an actual server-to-server
sync but have set up an environment where I sync Exchange with a local
database and then sync that with various targets.  In the example in the
HowTo, the local database is KDE but I have since replaced that with a
file backend.  So, I sync Exchange with a set of files on my Linux system.

I then sync that set of files with an Owncloud server (caldav/carddav).
 And I sync the Owncloud server with my phone (and other systems/devices
sync either with the files or with the Owncloud server).

Because I sync several folders (I have multiple contacts folders, for
example) and because I hack on the ActiveSync support, I have a script
which handles all the setup and the running of activesyncd and
syncevolution for me.  I will send you that script off-list (I need to
remove some of my information, like my company's server address, before
I can send it).  You may find some stuff in there to help you.

 I see that the last parameter of the config command (contacts in the
 howto) is supposed to be a 'source', but I can't tell between the howto
 and the manpage what source it is supposed to refer to.

I find it easiest to think of the source as the folder -- it is the
place which stores the information about syncing one particular folder
(such as the Exchange folder name).  The source name can be chosen as
you like -- but if you use a template, that template will automatically
set up some sources with particular names (personally I do not use
templates).  But bear in mind that the source name is the default for
the uri field, which is the name used with the remote end in some
protocols (I *think* it is only important for SyncML).

It will be interesting to hear how you get on (how about writing up
another HowTo once you get it working?).

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Activesync backend use of username property

2014-02-21 Thread Graham Cobb
Now that I am beginning to understand the use of the context and the
difference between source and sync configs better, I tried issuing the
following command:

syncevolution --configure --template none \
username=my.em...@example.com backend=eas-events \
database=Calendar @Exchange calendar

I think that ought to have worked, because I am configuring a source
(which could be shared by several peers later).

However, it fails:

[ERROR] error code from SyncEvolution fatal error (local, status 10500):
per-peer (unshared) properties not allowed: username

Of course, the reason is because we are abusing the username, which is a
sync property, to do the job of a source property (to specify the
account for activesyncd).  Should we change the eas backend to use (for
example) databaseUser to specify the account?

Or am I still confused (quite likely)?  I must admit that I still don't
understand how the special peer target-config works!


PS.  I am at MWC next week, so I may have trouble responding to email.
SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Activesync backend use of username property

2014-02-21 Thread Graham Cobb
On 21/02/14 17:37, Graham Cobb wrote:
 Of course, the reason is because we are abusing the username, which is a
 sync property, to do the job of a source property (to specify the
 account for activesyncd).  Should we change the eas backend to use (for
 example) databaseUser to specify the account?
 Or am I still confused (quite likely)?  

Further investigation has led me to discover that the carddav/caldav
backends work the same way.  They use username and password (and also
cannot be set when just configuring the source).

So, I am obviously confused.  It seems that in both the webdav and
activesync cases, we are specifying a folder (which must be in a
particular user's account) in the source, but we are not specifying the
access control for that account in the source.  Wouldn't it be more
logical to either:

1) Keep database as is, and use databaseUser/databasePassword for the
access control, or

2) Modify the database to only specify the folder name and put the
username, password and url in the peer?

The first case makes webdav and activesync feel like local backends.
The second makes them feel like SyncML peers.  The current situation
doesn't feel like either, to me.

I also note that the current behaviour prevents running a SyncML client
or server with either webdav or activesync as the backend database
underneath.  But presumably that is not a design goal (only file, kde or
evolution are allowed?).

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Compiling syncevolution on Debian jessie

2014-02-09 Thread Graham Cobb
On 04/02/14 10:16, Tino Mettler wrote:
 Sorry for asking over and over again, what is your plan for the
 activesyncd package?  AFAICS, it is a requirement for EAS client
 support in syncevolution and I think it would be nice to have this in

I haven't packaged activesyncd.  All I have done is submitted a few
patches to Patrick.  Of course, I also build it myself to test those
patches, but I don't build packages.

I note that Patrick does include activesyncd in his
http://downloads.syncevolution.org/apt repository.  I don't know who
maintains that packaging (I am guessing it is Patrick).

I would also be very happy if activesyncd could become part of Debian.
I have not looked into that.  I am familiar with the debian packaging
tools (from using it in other projects) but not with the debian
processes at all.

 A new libsynthesis package is in Jessie for a few days. I also finished
 a syncevolution package. You can find the source at

Thanks for the info, but I am not going to be able to try it out for a
few weeks (Mobile World Congress owns my life at the moment!).

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] SyncEvolution and SSO on SailfishOS (and Ubuntu)

2014-01-24 Thread Graham Cobb
On 06/01/14 15:43, Ove Kåven wrote:
 OK, it took me all weekend and then some, but I think I've got a
 somewhat functional rpm now. I uploaded what I've got so far to:

Just to let you know...

I have installed this and tested it as a SyncML-over-http client (with
SyncEvolution also acting as the SyncML server at the other end),
syncing calendar, contacts and tasks (although task DB is empty).

It is working well, with only a few strangenesses, most of which don't
look like they are anything to do with your port:

1) I currently use it from the command line, logged in over ssh.  It
starts running but very quickly stops doing anything.  I think this is
something to do with Jolla battery saving as it continues if I touch the
screen of the phone.  I have to keep interacting with the screen every
few seconds to keep it running.

2) The diff function (printChanges) doesn't work.  It almost never
completes (before the other end times out -- several minutes).  I
suspect this is something to do with the logic of the diff script itself
as I have seen strangenesses with it on the desktop side as well (for
example it has managed to report two halves of one changed entry as two
separate changes).  It probably isn't helped by me having 1500 calendar
entries.  I have had to turn off printChanges.

3) I had one calendar entry which synced but then caused an error
whenever syncevolution tried to read it from the calendar.  --export got
an error whenever it read it (and so did sync, of course).  I couldn't
even delete it using --delete-items.  I eventually deleted it from the
calendar GUI (but I had to delete it twice -- the first time it
reappeared!).  The bad entry was a recurring entry with a specific
recurrence.  Not sure where the problem lies -- I haven't tried to
reproduce it yet.

I notice that tasks will also sync (or at least, appear to -- I don't
have any in the DB on my server at the moment).  Do you know if there is
any Jolla app which uses the task DB?

Thanks very much for making the rpm's available.  It helps with my goal
of making this my main phone by the time I get to MWC.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Compiling syncevolution on Debian jessie

2014-01-19 Thread Graham Cobb
On 18/01/14 19:09, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Sat, 2014-01-18 at 09:40 +, Graham Cobb wrote:
 What version of synthesis is required to build the latest syncevolution?
 Usually the one that was bundled with the release. When compiling from
 source, use the libsynthesis from

Thanks.  As I am building from the git source I used that version of

One small problem: the syncevolution build finishes by creating the
README, which requires executing the version of syncevolution that has
just been built.  In my case, that doesn't work.

I built libsynthesis, installed it in /usr/local and then told
syncevolution configure to look there (using
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/:/usr/lib/pkgconfig/).  I did
NOT put /usr/local into LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  That is mainly because my
syncevoution testing involves using a script which sets up several
important environment variables, including LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and, in
fact, I do my testing on a different machine).  Anyway, the compilation
all worked but the syncevolution that is built cannot be run.  Which is
fine by me, but not fine for this final stage of the build.

It would be nice if one of several things was possible:

1) The README building script worked out how to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
(pkg-config worked out where the library was, after all).

2) I could tell configure to statically link libsynthesis.

3) I could tell configure that the built image won't run and the README
step was dropped.

4) The perl script which creates the README handled syncevolution not
running and put some default text in instead.

The workround was, of course:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib make

but it would be nice if it could be handled automatically.


SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] SyncEvolution and SSO on SailfishOS (and Ubuntu)

2014-01-17 Thread Graham Cobb
On 17/01/14 12:58, Ove Kåven wrote:
 On 01/04/2014 01:24 PM, Graham Cobb wrote:
 However, I really hadn't started looking at it yet as I have had no time
 over Christmas.  I would be very happy to join with your effort.
 Hi again. If you want to help, maybe you would like to help creating the
 Sailfish GUI? I can handle SyncEvolution proper myself, but writing the
 GUI takes time...

Sorry, I am not in a position to volunteer to do that, at the moment.  I
am really not a GUI guy.  And I am not going to have the time to look
into it for the time being (at least until after MWC).

Until then I will restrict myself to testing.  I have been testing other
things on my Jolla phone recently but I plan to install your rpm this
weekend and give it a try.

Sorry I can't be more help at the moment.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] SyncEvolution and SSO on SailfishOS (and Ubuntu)

2014-01-04 Thread Graham Cobb
On 04/01/14 08:56, Ove Kåven wrote:
 I just got my Jolla phone a few days ago, and now I'm investigating
 porting SyncEvolution to it.

Unfortunately I can't answer any of your questions but I was also about
to start looking at porting SyncEvolution to my new Jolla phone!

Is your goal to run a full SyncEvolution on the phone, so it can
synchronize directly with anything SyncEvolution supports?

I was planning a more modest goal to use SyncEvolution to effectively
act as a client for a remote SyncEvolution server, which would handle
the complexities of synchronizing with everything else.

I was also going to look into any other ways to get a SyncML client on
the phone.

However, I really hadn't started looking at it yet as I have had no time
over Christmas.  I would be very happy to join with your effort.

 If I have to, I could try to change the gSSO implementation so that it
 can deal with the Ubuntu implementation, but I don't run Ubuntu myself,
 so I'd only actually test it on Sailfish...

Unfortunately neither do I.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Ubuntu Saucy + libical0 vs. libical1 + KDE

2013-12-09 Thread Graham Cobb
On 10/11/13 10:50, Patrick Ohly wrote:
 Ubuntu essentially just copies the packaging done by Tino Keitel, who
 recently said that he is willing to enable KDE support if he can get
 help testing that. See

I am happy to help test in a Debian Jessie environment, if that helps.
I use KDE with kontact for PIM, and do not use Evolution.

If this is built from Patrick's latest versions, I could even test with
ActiveSync -- particularly if you felt like packaging activesyncd as
well :-)

Unfortunately, I cannot help with Ubuntu.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Activesync server losing state

2013-03-05 Thread Graham Cobb
On Tuesday 05 March 2013 10:09:08 Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Mon, 2013-03-04 at 22:46 +, Graham Cobb wrote:
  I have found a problem with activesyncd with Exchange.  In my case, the
  Exchange server has lost state (no idea why, but I noticed that my
  Android phone has thrown away all my mail and resynchronised it all so I
  guess it saw it too).
  1) The easiest option seems to be to change the get_folder code to never
  do real folder syncs.  Whenever the client asks for a folder list with
  retrieval from the server, just throw away the cache so the server will
  send all the folders (instead of updates, as happens today).  This seems
  a bit extreme but it seems the easiest option, and folder lists seem
  unlikely to be much longer than a few contacts or events.  It means that
  user intervention is necessary to fix the actual problem but the user
  can be told that when they see the need FolderSync first error they
  need to use --print-databases to force the FolderSync.

 Even if it is an uncommon problem, expecting users to perform some
 manual operation to resolve it is not going to work well.
 For folder sync the situation is different. There is an automatic
 response which does not involve data loss, so that's what should happen
 without involving the user. Of course, implementing it is a different

I understand your concern.  Unfortunately, I am not up for creating the full 
solution at the moment.

I have submitted my hack as patches in bug 61869 
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61869.  It works for me.  Unless 
someone volunteers to do the full solution, I would encourage you to consider 
including this.  It does, at least, allow a knowledgeable user to resolve the 
problem, using --print-databases, which they cannot do without this.

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Future of PIM syncing? (was Re: Syncml + webdav backend)

2013-03-04 Thread Graham Cobb
On Monday 04 March 2013 08:43:01 Patrick Ohly wrote:
  It is great to be able to (from a users perspective: finally)
  synchronize SyncML phones with pim-data from the linux desktop in a
  stable an quick way.
 One could also say too late, because new phones are less and less
 likely to support SyncML. But it's good to hear that you got some value
 out of it :-)

Interesting comment, Patrick.  What is your view of how PIM syncing is 
evolving with new phones?  Certainly they are supporting a more and more 
functional ActiveSync for the enterprise market but what about personal users?

Will it all become specific apps for specific cloud services? For example, the 
Dropbox apps for phones, PCs, etc will sync your contacts/calendar on that 
device to Dropbox? Facebook, Evernote, etc will have similar apps?  And so 
will mobile phone operators?  That is starting to happen already.

I suppose we will then need to wait for the Facebook generation to become old 
and cynical before they will push for open interfaces so that they can easily 
switch service providers.

In the meantime, would it be feasible to create SyncML apps for Andorid, 
iPhone, etc to continue to support open syncing?

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] URLs in database names and ActiveSync database names

2013-02-05 Thread Graham Cobb
On Tuesday 05 February 2013 07:44:00 Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Mon, 2013-02-04 at 22:49 +, Graham Cobb wrote:
  Or, do I make it much more simple: if the string matches a CollectionId
  use that, else if the string matches a folder path name use that, else
  return an error (actually, I would probably force a FolderSync and try
  again before returning an error).  And if you give your folders names
  which are the same as CollectionIds of other folders, more fool you (you
  can always use the CollectionId).
 That's the way how the other backends work. This has not caused problems
 in the past, so perhaps its good enough. It would also be consistent
 across backends.

Thanks for the advice.  That is what I will do, with one very small twist: it 
will be possible to specify a folder path with a leading /, which will be 
ignored (except to indicate this is a path, not a collection Id).  This means 
that if you have created folders 1, 2 and 3 you can specify them by folder 
name if you want (/1, /2, /3). getDatabases will continue to display the names 
without a leading / and most people only use top level folders and will never 
use a / but it is there if someone wants to use it.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Questions about implementing getDatabases in activesync backend

2013-02-04 Thread Graham Cobb
On Monday 04 February 2013 11:13:02 Woodhouse, David wrote:
 In the general case, you don't need to bump the soname for adding a new
 function; it doesn't *break* backward-compatibility. You just need to
 bump the *minor* number (which doesn't appear in the soname). And list
 it with the appropriate version in the symbol version list.

Thanks - I am always making this mistake in terminology.  Must try harder :-)  
I am an old VAX/VMS system programmer and the equivalent VMS construct  
contained both the major and minor numbers in a single entity (GSMATCH).  I 
always forget that the soname doesn't include the minor number.

But then VMS didn't even have true dynamic linking -- I don't miss the 
delights of transfer vectors!
SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] URLs in database names and ActiveSync database names

2013-02-04 Thread Graham Cobb
I notice that KDE database names are of the form akonadi:?collection=6 and I 
seem to have an Evolution database called local:system.  Are these URLs 
meaningful outside syncevolution in any way (for example, do they mean 
something to the Gnome or KDE infrastructure)?

I am thinking about how to specify folder names in the ActiveSync backend.  At 
the moment, any database name is used it as a CollectionId in the protocol.  I 
was thinking of a format to allow specifying either a CollectionId or a folder 
name.  My current thinking is:

- The empty string selects the default database of the correct type (current 
behaviour, and most common usage)

- A string of the form activesync:?collection=XXX... would be interpreted as a 

- Any other string starting activesync:? would be an error (reserved for 
future use)

- A string of the form activesync:XXX... would be interpreted as a folder path 

- Undocument, deprecate, but still support, the current usage.  Any string not 
containing a : is just passed on and will be interpreted as a CollectionId.

- Strings with a : but not starting activesync: would be an error (to catch 
someone mistakenly specifying a database name used for another backend).

However, all this is assuming the protocol in the URL format has no meaning 
except to the backend so I can define the meaning.

Or, do I make it much more simple: if the string matches a CollectionId use 
that, else if the string matches a folder path name use that, else return an 
error (actually, I would probably force a FolderSync and try again before 
returning an error).  And if you give your folders names which are the same as 
CollectionIds of other folders, more fool you (you can always use the 

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Questions about implementing getDatabases in activesync backend

2013-02-03 Thread Graham Cobb
On Saturday 02 February 2013 22:04:16 Graham Cobb wrote:
 I will probably post the patch for the ActiveSync backend getDatabases
 code, using this new function, tomorrow.

I have posted the patch in https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60235. 
Note that I posted the wrong patch first, please use the updated patch. Of 
course it is dependent on the patch in bug 60204.

I am no C++ programmer so you may want to review the patch before applying.  
It seems to work fine in my testing but you might want to check I haven't 
introduced memory leaks or similar issues.  Note I have only tested against a 
MS Exchange 2010 server (all I have access to).

By the way, I decided that getDatabases would force a FolderSync, even though 
activesyncd keeps a folder cache.  FolderSyncs are not particularly expensive 
if nothing has changed (the server just says nothing has changed, it doesn't 
resend the whole list).  I anticipate that getDatabases is a fairly rare event 
(compared with syncs, for example) and is most likely to be requested exactly 
when something has changed.  It also, conveniently, provides a way for the 
user to force a FolderSync if they need to (I still haven't been able to 
reproduce the problem of the server insisting on a FolderSync).

I considered not doing the FolderSync if the folder list is already in memory 
but I decided that this doesn't help the most common use case (separate 
syncevolution --print-databases username= backend= commands for each 
backend) and could be a problem if syncevolution was running as a long-lived 
server process.  Adding timers seemed unnecessarily complicated.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Questions about implementing getDatabases in activesync backend

2013-02-02 Thread Graham Cobb
On Friday 01 February 2013 10:24:15 Patrick Ohly wrote:
 On Thu, 2013-01-31 at 23:32 +, Graham Cobb wrote:
  eas_mail_handler_get_folder_list works (if I manually copy the parts of
  the header file that are needed).  But I would prefer to use an API
  exported by libeassync as I don't see listing folders as mail-specific. 
  That would mean adding a new function exported by libeassync and bumping
  the soname. Actually, I don't see that the library currently uses
  sonames -- is that right?  It would mean, in any case, that the new
  syncevolution backend would require the new version of the libeasclient
  library to build.  Any problem with that?
 No, fine with me. For the syncevolution.org binaries I am compiling and
 bundling activesyncd.

I have created a libeassync version of the function, and moved the main logic 
into eas-folder so it is shared for both versions of the function.  The patch 
is attached to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60204.

I will probably post the patch for the ActiveSync backend getDatabases code, 
using this new function, tomorrow.
SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Questions about implementing getDatabases in activesync backend

2013-01-31 Thread Graham Cobb
I am working on adding --print-databases support in the activesync backend.  
In fact I have it working but it has raised a few questions:

1) Activesync needs an account before it can connect to a server and get the 
folder list.  I think that WebDav has the same issue.  And, in fact, I stole 
the solution from the WebDav code: insist that the source has a username 

The effect of this is that using just syncevolution --print-databases 
doesn't show anything, even if you do have an account configured.  In fact, 
you have to name a target-config configuration, and exactly one source, to 
get the listing.  You can't even set up any configuration of the default 
context which will allow syncevolution --print-databases to work.

Is this expected and desired behaviour?

2) This leads to another question.  Other getDatabases implementations only 
list databases of the same type as the particular source.  However, 
particularly as you can't specify several sources at the same time in the 
--print-databases command, I am inclined to list all the folders (of all 
types) whatever source is specified.

Would that be regarded as a problem (it also makes the code easier :-))?

3) libeasclient exposes an API to list the databases.  Unfortunately it is 
exposed by the libeasmail code (eas_mail_handler_get_folder_list).  libeasmail 
is not used anywhere else in the activesync backend and, in fact, doesn't even 
seem to be usable (the libeasmail.h header file depends on several internal 
header files which are not installed)! Is any application actually using 

eas_mail_handler_get_folder_list works (if I manually copy the parts of the 
header file that are needed).  But I would prefer to use an API exported by 
libeassync as I don't see listing folders as mail-specific.  That would mean 
adding a new function exported by libeassync and bumping the soname.  
Actually, I don't see that the library currently uses sonames -- is that 
right?  It would mean, in any case, that the new syncevolution backend would 
require the new version of the libeasclient library to build.  Any problem 
with that?

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Update on Exchange - KDE sync

2013-01-29 Thread Graham Cobb
I can now, reasonably reliably, synchronise between my company exchange 
account and KDE for calendar and contacts.  The only code change I have made 
is the activesyncd patch in https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59265

It works mostly, although sometimes the server insists on a FolderSync.  I am 
currently working on trying to reproduce that reliably so I can implement a 
fix in activesyncd to do the FolderSync if the server complains.  At the 
moment I haven't worked out what causes the error.  Note that if the error 
occurs, I can force a folder sync using:

dbus-send --print-reply \
 --dest=org.meego.activesyncd /EasCommon \
 org.meego.activesyncd.EasCommon.get_folders \
 string:'u...@company.com' boolean:true

I haven't yet added code to handle folder names so folders have to be set up 
using folder IDs (determined by looking in activesyncd's cache).  I was going 
to add a Wiki page showing the configuration commands I use, but before doing 
that I thought I would post them here for comment.  Is anything here wrong or 

# Activesynd setup

gconftool --type string -s \
 /apps/activesyncd/accounts/u...@work.com/username workdomain\username

gconftool --type string --set \
 /apps/activesyncd/accounts/u...@work.com/serverUri \

# Contacts folder
syncevolution --configure --template none keyring=KDE backend=kde-contacts \
 database=akonadi:?collection=17 @KDE-test contacts

syncevolution --configure syncURL= username=u...@work.com \
 backend=eas-contacts database=2 dumpData=0 printChanges=0 \
 target-config@work-test contacts

syncevolution --configure --template none peerIsClient=1 \
 syncURL=local://@work-test username= sync=two-way \
 work-test@KDE-test contacts

# Personal contacts folder
syncevolution --configure --template none keyring=KDE backend=kde-contacts \
 database=akonadi:?collection=21 @KDE-test personal

syncevolution --configure syncURL= username=u...@work.com \
 backend=eas-contacts database=25 dumpData=0 printChanges=0 \
 target-config@work-test personal

syncevolution --configure --template none peerIsClient=1 \
 syncURL=local://@work-test username= sync=two-way \ 
 work-test@KDE-test personal

# Calendar folder
syncevolution --configure --template none keyring=KDE backend=kde-calendar \
 database=akonadi:?collection=19 @KDE-test calendar

syncevolution --configure syncURL= username=u...@work.com \
 backend=eas-events database=1 dumpData=0 printChanges=0 \
 target-config@work-test calendar

syncevolution --configure --template none peerIsClient=1 \
 syncURL=local://@work-test username= sync=two-way \
 work-test@KDE-test calendar

# Sync all three folders
syncevolution work-test@KDE-test
SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Activesyncd: todos and memos

2013-01-25 Thread Graham Cobb
Is there any particular reason (apart from just lack of time so far) why 
activesyncd does not handle todos or memos?  I note that syncevolution has 
backends called eas-todos and eas-memos, but activesyncd only has code to 
handle mails, events and contacts.

I agree that events and contacts are much higher priority but I am just 
wondering whether there is any reason todos or memos cause any particular 

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Naming a folder when using ActiveSync

2013-01-20 Thread Graham Cobb
Thanks for the guidance, Patrick.

On Sunday 20 January 2013 13:36:39 Patrick Ohly wrote:
 I think both activesyncd and libeasclient should continue to just accept
 the folder ID, because it is unambiguous. The folder name is not.

Ah.  I had assumed that the Folder ID was transient and could change (for 
example, as a result of other folders being created/removed).

However, reading the description of FolderSync carefully (e.g. 
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg650851%28v=exchg.80%29.aspx) does 
suggest that the Folder ID does not change.  For example, that page says:

The ServerId element is used to identify folders that have been updated...

So ServerId identifies the object, rather than being an attribute of the 
object which is being reported.

That said, what should the user experience for SyncEvolution be if they set up 
a sync with a Folder called (say) Friends, which they later renamed on the 
server as School Friends and created a new folder called Friends?  
Probably not worth worrying about -- just allowing them to specify a folder by 
name instead of Id would be an improvement!

 The place to implement some more user-friendly behavior is in the
 SyncEvolution backend. Have a look at EvolutionSyncSource::findSource()
 and how that backend implements getDatabases(). Note that findSource()
 could (should?) be improved to detect ambiguities, for example a name
 matching two different sources, and then throwing an error. Currently it
 just picks the first one it finds.

I will look at it.

 In the ActiveSync backend getDatabases() is just a stub. It should use
 the get_folders method. I don't remember why we didn't do that -
 perhaps because the setup code in Evolution was doing the entire

I will look at that as well.
SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] Naming a folder when using ActiveSync

2013-01-19 Thread Graham Cobb
I am trying to sync with a particular, named Exchange contacts folder.  I can 
sync with the default contacts folder but I can't find any way to specify a 

I have tried setting the database attribute in the target-config.  This gets 
passed to activesyncd who inserts the name in the CollectionId. 
Unfortunately Exchange doesn't like that -- it wants the collection ID number, 
not the folder name.

I have not yet tried using the collection ID number of the folder in the 
database attribute.  But even if that works, it would be much easier if 
activesyncd would translate the folder name into the ID using a FolderSync.

Before I look at adding code to do that, can you confirm that the approach of 
setting the database attribute is the correct way to specify the folder?

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] Naming a folder when using ActiveSync

2013-01-19 Thread Graham Cobb
On Saturday 19 January 2013 19:17:19 Graham Cobb wrote:
 Before I look at adding code to do that, can you confirm that the approach
 of setting the database attribute is the correct way to specify the

Hmm.  I have looked at the activesyncd code and have noted:

1) It maintains a cache of the folder hierarchy

2) It exposes a DBUS method (get_folders) to allow a client to retrieve the 
folder hierarchy

So, what is the desired behaviour here?  Should activesyncd be interpreting 
the folder_id argument of the sync_folder_items method as a folder name 
(and translating it internally into a numeric id)?  Or should the caller 
(libeasclient?) be translating folder names into IDs?

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] ActiveSync: need FolderSync

2013-01-11 Thread Graham Cobb
I solved my first problem: MIcosoft was returning a 403 error to the Sync 
command because there was no X-MS-PolicyKey.  When I changed to code to always 
add X-MS-PolicyKey: 0 if there was no policy_key already set, the server was 
happy (it triggered provisioning, of course, so a non-zero policy key was used 
for later commands).  I thought that a missing X-MS-PolicyKey should be the 
sme as X-MS-PolicyKey: 0 but that does not seem to be the case, at least with 
this server.

That then leads me on to the next problem...  The initial Sync command 
activesyncd sends is being rejected with an error:

 Mailbox folders are not synchronized, need FolderSync first

Am I supposed to configure folder information in syncevolution manually?  Or 
should activesyncd be doing a FolderSync?

This http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-
us/library/exchange/jj572420%28v=exchg.140%29.aspx Microsoft article seems to 
suggest that a full sync should start by synchronising folders.
SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] ActiveSync: need FolderSync

2013-01-11 Thread Graham Cobb
On Friday 11 January 2013 19:33:59 Patrick Ohly wrote:
 activesyncd should do the FolderSync automatically and then pick the
 default folder for address book and calendar if no specific folder was

The problem was my configuration (I was getting very confused between the two 
contexts involved).  I can now sync contacts with Exchange!  The only code 
change necessary, in the end, was to send X-MS-PolicyKey: 0 in the first 

Thanks for the help.  Your pointer to the folder code helped me work out what 
was going wrong.

SyncEvolution mailing list

Re: [SyncEvolution] ActiveSync debugging server?

2013-01-10 Thread Graham Cobb
On Wednesday 09 January 2013 22:43:43 Graham Cobb wrote:
 Alternatively, anyone implemented an ActiveSync proxy so I can proxy the
 server and log the messages?

I found an answer: mitmproxy.  It works well (although it would be even better 
if it knew how to decode wbxml).

I even found the problem, I think.  It seems that the Username in the command 
parameters should just be the username without the domain, but the 
domain\username format has to be used for the authorisation.  I will try that 
out when I get a chance.  If it works, I'll send a patch.

SyncEvolution mailing list

[SyncEvolution] ActiveSync debugging server?

2013-01-09 Thread Graham Cobb
I am trying to work out why activesyncd is not working with a particular 
Microsoft server, although other clients work.

The problem is a 403 rejection on the first command (with no attempt at 
provisioning).  I would like to see what the working clients put in their 
messages to compare.  Unfortunately, the server uses SSL so I can't just 
capture the traffic with wireshark.

Does anyone have a simple ActiveSync server simulator or tester?  I would like 
to configure a working client to talk to a simulator and see if I can hack up 
enough of a dialog to see how the clients handle the initial exchange.  I 
already know that they start the dialogue with an OPTIONS message, and expect 
a reply.

If not, I will craft something myself but I thought I would check if anyone 
has already done anything like this.

Alternatively, anyone implemented an ActiveSync proxy so I can proxy the 
server and log the messages?

SyncEvolution mailing list