Re: [talk-au] Local Chapter

2019-06-01 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
On Sat, 1 Jun 2019 at 20:08, John Bryant  wrote:

> Re: geographic extent, one of the definitions we've been using for other
> purposes (eg conference travel grants) is the UN geoscheme for Oceania:

Interesting bit I just noticed off that map / list ...

Sub-regions are A-NZ, Micro-, Mela- & Polynesia, none of which include
Hawaii, but Honolulu is listed as one of the largest cities?

I think we would definitely be stepping on toes if we tried to pinch
Hawaii! :-) (although I don't know how Guam, New Caledonia etc would work -
as mentioned, Oceania or US & France? I can see that there is a New
Caledonia mailing list, but no separate list for Hawaii or any of the other
Pacific nations.)

But I personally agree that we need to reach out and canvass any local
> communities that may exist, for their thoughts. We do have some reach via
> existing OSGeo community, mailing lists, travel grant program, and other
> networks.
> After putting in our best effort, if there are countries where there is no
> feedback, are we in a position to form a regional chapter including those
> countries, under the assumption that we aren't stepping on any toes?

I would think we'd be OK, as long as we can show that we've made the effort?

& if, some years down the track, "Palau" (picking a name at random) wanted
to form it's own chapter, I would think we would then offer them every
assistance possible :-)


Talk-au mailing list

[OSM-ja] 廃止された自治体のマッピング

2019-06-01 Thread tomoya muramoto





Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Organised editing activity - updating assets of OMV group

2019-06-01 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Note that in case of importing external datasets it is necessary to follow also 

("Importing is the process of uploading external data to OSM. " - 

31 May 2019, 08:33 by

> Dear OSM-community,
> we would like to inform you about our planned organised editing activities in 
> OSM. For that reason we have created the following Wiki page: >  
> Please inform us if any prerequisites are missing to start editing (of course 
> after a 2-weeks community talk time).
> Vera Galla

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Andreas Lattmann
Non si mappa per il rendering. 
Se non ha un nome (C'è anche chi gli ha dato il nome, ad esempio in un comune 
con un sindaco egocentrico l'ha nominato "L'acqua del sindaco" quindi è 
corretto metterlo nel name ma per il resto lo leverei. 

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Etiquetado locales anti acoso

2019-06-01 Thread Lanxana .
Buenas tardes,

tal como he avanzado en el grupo de Telegram, en unos días se hará el
mapeado de los locales de ocio nocturno de Barcelona adheridos al protocolo
"No callem" [1].

Este protocolo garantiza que cuando un agresor está asediando a otra
persona, el local activará una serie de medidas y acciones que protegerán a
las víctimas de esta actitud.

La cuestión es que aunque se podría hacer como valores externos a
OpenStreetMap, sea con Mapbox, Instamaps, Carto o cualquier otro servidor
de mapas, sería interesante tenerlos también dentro de la base de OSM. Para
poder añadirlos falta definir el etiquetado, que se ajuste tanto a este
caso concreto como a otras campañas que se están moviendo desde diferentes
comunidades feministas para identificar calles seguras, centros donde pedir
ayuda, rutas de bus con parada a demanda, etc.

Hacer la propuesta formal, documentarla, debatirla y todo el proceso sé que
pueden ser semanas, meses o años, y que últimamente se está imponiendo el
"uso esta etiqueta y ya luego la defiendo" como medida de presión para que
se apruebe. Así que la cuestión ahora sería definir qué etiqueta queremos

Lo bueno de unificar criterios es que dado el caso, se podrían cambiar
todos los elementos etiquetados "mal" con una única consulta.

Así pues, abro el debate y la recepción de propuestas de etiquetado...
estoy pensando en algo del estilo { = yes/no}



de virus.

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Federico Cortese
On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 2:03 PM Andreas Lattmann  wrote:
> Scusate, ma i distributori d'acqua potabile (naturale, naturale fredda e 
> frizzante) si mappa amenity=vending_machine vending=?  fee=yes o no per quei 
> distributori che forniscono l'acqua gratis.
> Sbaglio? Perdonatemi per questo stupido dubbio.

Io di solito uso la combinazione:



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Body záchrany Lesy ČR

2019-06-01 Thread Vit Semenec via talk-cz
Spratku, cítím to úplně stejně. Nechápu, proč body záchrany nejsou zřizovatelem 
naopak vnucovány všem společnostem, které mapy vytváří. Jestli je komerční či 
ne je přeci lhostejné. Má to pomáhat lidem v nesnázi a vše je již uhrazeno.

Některé věci jsou padlé na hlavu.

OSM mají nějaká pravidla, je otázka na kolik to koho otráví a jak bude 
pokračovat dál.

Kdo nezkusil něco do mapy přidat netuší, kolik práce to muselo dát, aby to bylo 
v tomto stavu.
Sám jsem postupně zjistil, že ne vše, co jsem udělal bylo v souladu s pravidly 
a něco jsem dělal pro render. (Je tak nějak logické, že co přidám, chci na mapě 
i vidět.) Něco časem opravím.

Díky všem za vaši práci pro ostatní a bacha co píšete, je snadné někoho od 
další činnosti pro OSM odradit.


 Původní zpráva 
Zapnuto 1. 6. 2019 14:05, Spratek napsal:

> Zdravím,
> mrzí mě, že tě moje příspěvky vytáčí , ale myslím, že to není důvod se tady 
> urážet.
> Ale byl to vlastně trochu i můj záměr.
> Co se týče bodu 2. tak to byl důvod proč jsem sem začal přispívat.
> Taky jsem nepsal, že jsem v tom udělal pořádek, jen se divím proč je v tom 
> takový bordel, když bod 2 a když tě to tolik vytáčí (to je spíš jen řečnická 
> otázka, vím jak OSM vznikají).
> A ani jsem nepsal, že si mapuji sám pro sebe,
> S tou trpělivostí, to máš zřejmě pravdu, ale to pramení, z toho jak jsem se k 
> těm bodům dostal.
> Já mám problém se smířit s tím, že všechno kolem nás řídí banda právníků a 
> předýchaný aparát státních úředníků.
> Viděl jsem, že les je plný bodů záchrany, ale v mapách nikde nejsou zanesený 
> (kromě nějakých fragmentů v komerčních
> Nevím kolik z vás si pamatuje číslo BZ když kolem něj projdete, já tedy ne 
> :o).
> Body byli zřízen státním podnikem, za peníze nás všech a měli by sloužit 
> všem, jinak zase Lesy ČR vyhodily několik desítek milionů z okna.
> Chci aby aspoň část takto vynaložených prostředků sloužila nám, kteří jsme si 
> to zaplatili.
> Proto jsem je oslovil s tím, že chci kompletní seznam všech bodů. Kupodivu 
> byli od začátku docela vztřícní i když to nakonec trvalo trochu dýl :o).
> A pokud by jejich zveřejnění mělo ztroskotat na tom, že neprošli bodem 2., 
> nebo že souhlas neobsahuje odvolávky na všechny licence, tak už nevím o co se 
> tu snažíme.
> Myslím, že není dobře, že obecně lidi už nepoužívají svůj vlastní rozum a 
> spoléhají se na právníky a paragrafy.
> Chci jen říct, že chaos v bodech záchrany už byl já jsem je akorát doplnil.
> Teď je možná čas v tom udělat pořádek, v tom jsem s vámi za jedno.
> Pokud se ujmeš bodu 2 budu rád, chtěl jsem mít akorát jistotu, že se to někam 
> hne.
> R.M.
>>Milý Spratku,
>>myslela jsem, že když po přečtení tvého mailu počkám, tak vychladnu. Nějak se 
>>mi to ale nedaří, takže - gratuluji, to zvolené jméno skutečně sedí. To cos 
>>napsal, je přístup mé čtyřleté neteře když má svůj den.
>>A teď fakticky k věci:
>>1. díky za ten souhlas.
>>2. pro nahrání je třeba dodržet to, co bylo zmiňováno původně:
>>   - projednat to tady, navrhnout jakým způsobem se ty body záchrany budou 
>> importovat
>>   - zároveň navrhnout, jak se to sloučí s existujícími v OSM - a ty původní 
>> neměnit,
>>   - počkat, až se k tomu ostatní vyjádří, případně změnit/doplnit
>>   - ze slušnosti oznámit záměr i na import list, i když se týká jen ČR
>>   - počkat znovu na to, jestli se nezdvihne protest, případně se s tím nějak 
>> popasovat
>>   - až po tomhle všem skutečně provést import (samostatným importním účtem)
>>A zpátky k těm tvým poznámkám:
>>   - žádný pořádek si v tom neudělal, protože to znamená dodržet ty body výše
>>   - OSM pro orientaci v terénu nás tady používá většina, a přesto si z toho 
>> nikdo nemůže dělat jen svoje pískoviště, kde bude ostatním rozšlapávat 
>> bábovičky
>>   - mapování "pro sebe" s tím, že ignoruješ ostatní, do OSM nepatří. Jestli 
>> to chceš hned, hoď si to jako své osobní body zájmu do své mapové aplikace. 
>> V ostatním se zkrátka musíš přizpůsobit a počkat.
>>Ad import:
>>   Dovoluji si odhadnout, že na ten import nemáš trpělivost. Platí-li 
>> předchozí věta, můžu tím vším projít sama, a ten import udělat. V žádném 
>> případě však nepočítej, že to bude zítra, protože ten bod 2. zmiňovaný výše 
>> znamená minimálně dva až tři týdny času, pokud je vše připraveno perfektně a 
>> nikde se nic nezdrží. Ale klidně to můžeš provést sám. Jen to zkrátka není 
>> jen o tom nahrání tak, jak jsi to provedl původně.
>> > Od: "Spratek" 
>> > Komu: "OpenStreetMap Czech Republic" 
>> > Datum: [29.05.2019 10](tel:2905201910):31
>> > Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] Body záchrany Lesy ČR
>> >
>> posílám odkaz na souhlas LČR
>> >emergency_access_point jsem neměl páru.
>> >No a přesně o 

Re: [Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Franco Erbetta
Il sab 1 giu 2019, 17:44 Francesco Ansanelli  ha

> A tal proposito, vorrei aggiungere che per quanto un amenity di questo
> tipo non dovrebbe avere un name.. Per certi casi ho scelto di usare
> comunque quel tag in modo che si possa ricercare ed esca fuori il nome
> anche sui render.
> Il sab 1 giu 2019, 17:37 Gianluca Boero  ha
> scritto:
>> Se ne sei a conoscenza anche il tag operator ed eventualmente gli orari
>> di erogazione. In genere l'acqua viene erogata 24H ma conosco un
>> distributore nei miei paraggi che dopo le 24 non eroga acqua
>> (regolamento comunale).
>> Il 01/06/19 16:51, Andreas Lattmann ha scritto:
>> > Grazie mille. 
>> >
>> >
>> > Il 1 giugno 2019 14:06:06 CEST, Francesco Ansanelli <
>>> ha scritto:
>> >> Ciao!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Spero sia d'aiuto!
>> >> Francesco
>> >>
>> >> Il sab 1 giu 2019, 14:03 Andreas Lattmann  ha
>> >> scritto:
>> >>
>> >>> Scusate, ma i distributori d'acqua potabile (naturale, naturale
>> >> fredda e
>> >>> frizzante) si mappa amenity=vending_machine vending=?  fee=yes o no
>> >> per
>> >>> quei distributori che forniscono l'acqua gratis.
>> >>> Sbaglio? Perdonatemi per questo stupido dubbio.
>> >>> Andreas
>> >>> --
>> >>> I❤️ Software Libero.
>> >>>
>> >>> ___
>> >>> Talk-it mailing list
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> > ___
>> > Talk-it mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Francesco Ansanelli
A tal proposito, vorrei aggiungere che per quanto un amenity di questo tipo
non dovrebbe avere un name.. Per certi casi ho scelto di usare comunque
quel tag in modo che si possa ricercare ed esca fuori il nome anche sui

Il sab 1 giu 2019, 17:37 Gianluca Boero  ha scritto:

> Se ne sei a conoscenza anche il tag operator ed eventualmente gli orari
> di erogazione. In genere l'acqua viene erogata 24H ma conosco un
> distributore nei miei paraggi che dopo le 24 non eroga acqua
> (regolamento comunale).
> Il 01/06/19 16:51, Andreas Lattmann ha scritto:
> > Grazie mille. 
> >
> >
> > Il 1 giugno 2019 14:06:06 CEST, Francesco Ansanelli 
> ha scritto:
> >> Ciao!
> >>
> >>
> >> Spero sia d'aiuto!
> >> Francesco
> >>
> >> Il sab 1 giu 2019, 14:03 Andreas Lattmann  ha
> >> scritto:
> >>
> >>> Scusate, ma i distributori d'acqua potabile (naturale, naturale
> >> fredda e
> >>> frizzante) si mappa amenity=vending_machine vending=?  fee=yes o no
> >> per
> >>> quei distributori che forniscono l'acqua gratis.
> >>> Sbaglio? Perdonatemi per questo stupido dubbio.
> >>> Andreas
> >>> --
> >>> I❤️ Software Libero.
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Talk-it mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> > ___
> > Talk-it mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Franco Erbetta
Il sab 1 giu 2019, 14:03 Andreas Lattmann  ha

> Scusate, ma i distributori d'acqua potabile (naturale, naturale fredda e
> frizzante) si mappa amenity=vending_machine vending=?  fee=yes o no per
> quei distributori che forniscono l'acqua gratis.
> Sbaglio? Perdonatemi per questo stupido dubbio.
> Andreas
> --
> I❤️ Software Libero.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Gianluca Boero
Se ne sei a conoscenza anche il tag operator ed eventualmente gli orari 
di erogazione. In genere l'acqua viene erogata 24H ma conosco un 
distributore nei miei paraggi che dopo le 24 non eroga acqua 
(regolamento comunale).

Il 01/06/19 16:51, Andreas Lattmann ha scritto:

Grazie mille. 

Il 1 giugno 2019 14:06:06 CEST, Francesco Ansanelli  ha 

Spero sia d'aiuto!

Il sab 1 giu 2019, 14:03 Andreas Lattmann  ha

Scusate, ma i distributori d'acqua potabile (naturale, naturale

fredda e

frizzante) si mappa amenity=vending_machine vending=?  fee=yes o no


quei distributori che forniscono l'acqua gratis.
Sbaglio? Perdonatemi per questo stupido dubbio.
I❤️ Software Libero.

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Réseau de transport : intégration OD

2019-06-01 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry


Le 01/06/2019 à 17:09, Leni a écrit :


Tu peux trouver la description des fichiers

Je ne suis pas chez moi, je ne peux pas te donner, pour l'instant, le 
nom du greffon, si quelqu'un d'autre...

*De:* deuzeffe>>
On 01/06/2019 13:15, Yves P. wrote:
J'ai regardé rapidement pour ma région.
De mémoire il y a un fichier CSV des arrêts.
Plein de fichiers délimités oui (extension .txt !!!) avec les routes,
les trips, les stops, les stop_time, etc. Pas réussi à trouver comment
se fait la jointure route-stop :(

Tu dois pour le charger
dans JOSM avec le bon greffon et en renommant éventuellement les

Il y a le bien nommé greffon "OpenData" :


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Réseau de transport : intégration OD

2019-06-01 Thread Leni

Tu peux trouver la description des fichiers

⁣Je ne suis pas chez moi, je ne peux pas te donner, pour l'instant, le nom du 
greffon, si quelqu'un d'autre...
Pour pouvoir récupérer le fichier des arrêts dans josm, il faut remplacer le 
nom des champs "stop_lat" par "lat" et "stop_lon" par "lon"
Je pense que le lien entre ligne et arrêt peut se faire avec stop_time, j'ai 
surtout utilisé stop,  mais je n'ai jamais su récupérer le tracé des lignes.


 Message original 
De: deuzeffe 
Envoyé: Sat Jun 01 16:30:37 GMT+02:00 2019
Sujet: Re: [OSM-talk-fr]  Réseau de transport : intégration OD

On 01/06/2019 13:15, Yves P. wrote:
> Bonjour,


> J'ai regardé rapidement pour ma région.
> De mémoire il y a un fichier CSV des arrêts.

Plein de fichiers délimités oui (extension .txt !!!) avec les routes,
les trips, les stops, les stop_time, etc. Pas réussi à trouver comment
se fait la jointure route-stop :(

> Tu dois pour le charger
> dans JOSM avec le bon greffon et en renommant éventuellement les colonnes.

Au hasard le greffon, c'est public_transport ?

deuzeffe, circonspecte.

> __
> Yves
> Le sam. 1 juin 2019 10:23, deuzeffe  > a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Ma région a mis en ligne en OD les fichiers GTFS de réseaux de bus
> départementaux
> (
> on remarquera que la licence n'est pas précisée :/)
> Précédemment, j'ai déjà commencé à en cartographier certains "à la
> main". Si la licence absente le permet, ces jeux de données me
> permettront de 1/ vérifier 2/compléter les éléments déjà existants et
> 3/intégrer les manquants (jusque là tout va bien).
> Sauf que (c'est là où ça se gâte), je ne sais comment trop manipuler ce
> type de fichier (appli. pour les ouvrir, jonction avec osm, etc.). J'ai
> un peu RTFMé (blog de Noëmie, liste transport, forum fr) mais
> probablement pas assez ou pas les bonnes sources. Donc, je cherche
> conseils pour débutante, à vot' bon cœur, merci !
> --
> deuzeffe, comme une poule devant un couteau.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Andreas Lattmann
Grazie mille. 

Il 1 giugno 2019 14:06:06 CEST, Francesco Ansanelli  ha 
>Spero sia d'aiuto!
>Il sab 1 giu 2019, 14:03 Andreas Lattmann  ha
>> Scusate, ma i distributori d'acqua potabile (naturale, naturale
>fredda e
>> frizzante) si mappa amenity=vending_machine vending=?  fee=yes o no
>> quei distributori che forniscono l'acqua gratis.
>> Sbaglio? Perdonatemi per questo stupido dubbio.
>> Andreas
>> --
>> I❤️ Software Libero.
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Réseau de transport : intégration OD

2019-06-01 Thread deuzeffe

On 01/06/2019 13:15, Yves P. wrote:



J'ai regardé rapidement pour ma région.
De mémoire il y a un fichier CSV des arrêts. 

Plein de fichiers délimités oui (extension .txt !!!) avec les routes, 
les trips, les stops, les stop_time, etc. Pas réussi à trouver comment 
se fait la jointure route-stop :(

Tu dois pour le charger 
dans JOSM avec le bon greffon et en renommant éventuellement les colonnes.

Au hasard le greffon, c'est public_transport ?

deuzeffe, circonspecte.


Le sam. 1 juin 2019 10:23, deuzeffe > a écrit :


Ma région a mis en ligne en OD les fichiers GTFS de réseaux de bus

on remarquera que la licence n'est pas précisée :/)

Précédemment, j'ai déjà commencé à en cartographier certains "à la
main". Si la licence absente le permet, ces jeux de données me
permettront de 1/ vérifier 2/compléter les éléments déjà existants et
3/intégrer les manquants (jusque là tout va bien).

Sauf que (c'est là où ça se gâte), je ne sais comment trop manipuler ce
type de fichier (appli. pour les ouvrir, jonction avec osm, etc.). J'ai
un peu RTFMé (blog de Noëmie, liste transport, forum fr) mais
probablement pas assez ou pas les bonnes sources. Donc, je cherche
conseils pour débutante, à vot' bon cœur, merci !

deuzeffe, comme une poule devant un couteau.

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Andy Townsend

On 01/06/2019 13:55, Michael Collinson wrote:

... I tried, then going out to "just verify" and found that I was 
hopelessly inaccurate. It defeats the point, to get a highly accurate 
localised network for folks who might depend on it.

I did something similar on the dev server a while back here:

(turn the data layer on to see it).  What surprised me was the things 
that I hadn't expected beforehand to be important (angles through gates 
being an obvious one) that actually were.

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Michael Collinson

On 2019-06-01 13:26, Andy Townsend wrote:

On 01/06/2019 11:11, Jez Nicholson wrote:
Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk which i'm not overly impressed 
withor am I being a Luddite?

I personally wouldn't map sidewalks in a dense UK city like that 
(though some people do, with the intention of micromapping all the 
dropped kerbs etc.).  It's perhaps worth mentioning that at least some 
of the sidewalk edits there are by someone who has tended to 
contribute well-meaning but not entirely accurate edits from afar - it 
took me lots of additional surveys of Sutton in Ashfield* to verify 
that many of their previous "roads" simply weren't.

At first glance quite a lot of joins seem to be missing, and some 
shops were located between the sidewalk and the road (which you've 
just fixed).  Maybe if you're going to add a certain level of detail, 
you can't just ignore everything else on the map, although it's pretty 
common to do updates in stages - when mapping rural areas I'll often 
do streams first (armchair), then roads and paths (survey) then extra 
detail such as field boundaries, gates, stiles etc. (a mix of both).

Best Regards,


* you could therefore perhaps describe it as "successful armchair 
mapping" :)

I certainly concur that sidewalk mapping is not for the armchair. I 
tried, then going out to "just verify" and found that I was hopelessly 
inaccurate. It defeats the point, to get a highly accurate localised 
network for folks who might depend on it.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Body záchrany Lesy ČR

2019-06-01 Thread Majka
Takže vyřešeno - takhle se to naimportovat nedá, ten souhlas jako by nebyl. 

1. června 2019 14:34:56 SELČ, Spratek  napsal:
>co se týče smlouvy, Lesy ČR obávají zneužití nějakým komerčním
>subjektem, proto tam je klausule o odvolání souhlasu.

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Body záchrany Lesy ČR

2019-06-01 Thread Spratek
co se týče smlouvy, Lesy ČR obávají zneužití nějakým komerčním subjektem, proto 
tam je klausule o odvolání souhlasu.
Pokud by se například stalo, že OSM pohltí nějaký nadnárodní konglomerát 
(stejně jako se to stalo v případě OpenOffice nebo Skype ).
Smlouva je psaná na mě, pokud potřebuje někdo mé iniciály kvůli lepšímu spánku, 
můžu je poskytnout.

Ano odvolání souhlasu může nastat, v tom případě se podá nová žádost, není 
přece možné, aby veřejnou službu financovanou z veřejných peněz odmítli 
zpřístupnit veřejnosti.
S tím bych se nesmířil, i kdyby banda právníku tvrdila opak.


> Od: "Tom Ka" 
> Komu: "OpenStreetMap Czech Republic" 
> Datum: 30.05.2019 09:39
> Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] Body záchrany Lesy ČR
>čt 30. 5. 2019 v 9:30 odesílatel
> napsal:
>> Ahoj Tome,
>> mohl bys prosím vysvětlit, jak by probíhala ta 2)? Data by byla dána do POI 
>> importeru a odtud by se dostala do OSM jak? Muselo by dojít k ověření v 
>> terénu? Nebo by stačilo sednout k počítači, otevřít JOSM a řešit pouze 
>> případné duplicity? Pokud to druhé jmenované, tak jsem pro, pokud by šlo 
>> pouze o vrstvu k ověření, tak je to dle mého docela nanic (protože ta data 
>> nejsme schopni nikdy sesbírat) a pak raději 1) (i když to je práce na další 
>> dva roky bez jistého výsledku).
>Pouze vrstva k overeni pripadne vygenerovani GPX jako pro rozcestniky,
>postovni schranky apod. Tj. cele to bude postaveno tak, ze ty data
>(resp. souhlas) muzou kdykoliv zmizet. Nic lepsiho podle mne na
>zaklade tohoto souhlasu udelat nemuzeme bez rizika, ze jednoho dne
>bude pozadavek smazat veskere body zachrany Lesu CR z OSM protoze
>odvolaji souhlas a my nejsme schopni prokazat, ze to mame i odjinud.
>> Jinak bych se chtěl Spratka (ehm, to nemusí být "vhodně" zvolený nick, ale 
>> příjmení) zastat: jestli skutečně dva roky doloval data z Lesů ČR, tak 
>> chápu, že o další byrokracii moc nestojí. Čímž neschvaluji jeho postup, 
>> pouze bych byl k němu vlídnější :-)
>Je to nick, a opravdu ne moc vhodne zvoleny. Jinak ten souhlas se
>odkazuje na smlouvu se zacernenou (lze bez problemu zrusit) osobou, co
>je ve smlouve nevime. Jsme zase u zacatku, kdyby prisel s umyslem co
>chce udelat hned, tak by ho nekdo nasmeroval co a jak a nedelal by
>zbytecnou praci.
>talk-cz mailing list

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView 360 - StreetView-like application for hikers

2019-06-01 Thread James
some don't stitch the image either as it requires too much processing,
which you have to do with hugin or a proprietary software
i.e. the Xiaomi Sphere 360

On Sat., Jun. 1, 2019, 8:29 a.m. Dave F via talk, 

> Hi
> I was thinking of purchasing a 360 camera & assumed all would have this
> feature built in. I was clearly mistaken.
> Can anyone recommend one which does?
> Cheers
> DaveF
> On 01/06/2019 04:58, Andrew Harvey wrote:
> A neat thing you can do is infill the base of the image where your
> hand/body/head are to make it less distracting. For example all my 360
> images on Mapillary do this 
> ->
> The script I use for this 
> is
> which
> uses gmic's inpaint 
> capabilities The script 
> takes a
> black/white mask, then patches that part of the image on a thumbnail sized
> image (to make it faster) then composites that into the final output.
> On Fri, 31 May 2019 at 21:49, Nick Whitelegg  
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Some of you are probably aware that way back in 2010 I started developing
> OpenTrailView , which aims to be a StreetView-like web application but
> focusing on off-road routes such as hiking trails, with crowd-sourced
> panoramas.
> Recently, due to the increasing availability of 360 cameras and the
> appearance of mature panorama APIs (e.g. Pannellum) and client-side routing
> APIs (GeoJSON Path Finder) I have restarted work on OpenTrailView and did
> an initial presentation at FOSDEM 2019 back in February.
> Since then I have done further work and OpenTrailView, while still
> incomplete, is in a state where I believe it's ready to start receiving
> contributions.
> It's available at
> You can get an idea of how it allows you to 'walk' along OSM ways by
> navigating in the default area (Southampton Common). There are also some
> panoramas available close to Fernhurst, West Sussex (lat 51.05, lon -0.72).
> There's a Nominatim search available if you switch to 'map' mode (see the
> map icon).
> If you signup and then login, you can contribute your own 360 panos.
> Obviously follow the usual privacy considerations (no faces, no car number
> plates) - panos will be moderated before they go live to ensure they do not
> have any privacy violations amongst other things.
> The key thing about this version is that it will use underlying OSM data
> to auto-connect panoramas. This was not done on any previous version.
> However, note that while the site will accept panos anywhere in the world,
> at present, the auto-connection facility will only work in *Europe* plus
> Turkey (I am using the Europe Geofabrik extract), as my server currently
> only stores European data. Nonetheless I have had a possible offer of
> helping with hosting costs so expansion to the entire world could well
> happen soon.
> The maps provided are rather basic, showing only highways, coastlines and
> a few selected POIs, this is due to server capacity constraints. If anyone
> is aware of a tile server I can use legitimately as a replacement, without
> violating the usage policy, please let me know.
> In similar style to OSM, panos will be copyright 'OTV360 contributors' and
> licensed under CC-by-SA. IANAL but this seems to be the most common
> practice.
> Do remember once again that this is an unfinished product but it is now in
> a state where I believe it is of interest to contributors.
> Gitlab:
> Thanks,
> Nick
> ___
> talk mailing 
> listtalk@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> talk mailing 
> listtalk@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView 360 - StreetView-like application for hikers

2019-06-01 Thread Dave F via talk


I was thinking of purchasing a 360 camera & assumed all would have this 
feature built in. I was clearly mistaken.

Can anyone recommend one which does?


On 01/06/2019 04:58, Andrew Harvey wrote:

A neat thing you can do is infill the base of the image where your
hand/body/head are to make it less distracting. For example all my 360
images on Mapillary do this ->

The script I use for this is
uses gmic's inpaint capabilities The script takes a
black/white mask, then patches that part of the image on a thumbnail sized
image (to make it faster) then composites that into the final output.

On Fri, 31 May 2019 at 21:49, Nick Whitelegg 


Some of you are probably aware that way back in 2010 I started developing
OpenTrailView , which aims to be a StreetView-like web application but
focusing on off-road routes such as hiking trails, with crowd-sourced

Recently, due to the increasing availability of 360 cameras and the
appearance of mature panorama APIs (e.g. Pannellum) and client-side routing
APIs (GeoJSON Path Finder) I have restarted work on OpenTrailView and did
an initial presentation at FOSDEM 2019 back in February.

Since then I have done further work and OpenTrailView, while still
incomplete, is in a state where I believe it's ready to start receiving

It's available at

You can get an idea of how it allows you to 'walk' along OSM ways by
navigating in the default area (Southampton Common). There are also some
panoramas available close to Fernhurst, West Sussex (lat 51.05, lon -0.72).
There's a Nominatim search available if you switch to 'map' mode (see the
map icon).

If you signup and then login, you can contribute your own 360 panos.
Obviously follow the usual privacy considerations (no faces, no car number
plates) - panos will be moderated before they go live to ensure they do not
have any privacy violations amongst other things.

The key thing about this version is that it will use underlying OSM data
to auto-connect panoramas. This was not done on any previous version.

However, note that while the site will accept panos anywhere in the world,
at present, the auto-connection facility will only work in *Europe* plus
Turkey (I am using the Europe Geofabrik extract), as my server currently
only stores European data. Nonetheless I have had a possible offer of
helping with hosting costs so expansion to the entire world could well
happen soon.

The maps provided are rather basic, showing only highways, coastlines and
a few selected POIs, this is due to server capacity constraints. If anyone
is aware of a tile server I can use legitimately as a replacement, without
violating the usage policy, please let me know.

In similar style to OSM, panos will be copyright 'OTV360 contributors' and
licensed under CC-by-SA. IANAL but this seems to be the most common

Do remember once again that this is an unfinished product but it is now in
a state where I believe it is of interest to contributors.




talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Colin Smale
On 2019-06-01 13:32, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote:

> You're talking about a different subject, which 'associatedstreets' won't 
> resolve.

Are you sure? Maybe you would restate concisely the problem as you see
it. The relation linked to in Jez' original post was
type=associatedStreet and he actually referred to a broader range of
objects, many of which don't have addresses as such. Why should an
explicit link between a building (or any other object) and the street it
is associated with be a bad thing, if computational geometry may lead to
an incorrect result? I would not like to think that the accuracy of the
location of these objects should be compromised so it yields the
"expected" results for a given set of circumstances. 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Neil Matthews
Not a fan -- for the more prosaic issue of what happens when you split
the street -- I don't think any of the editors will automatically
reassign the buildings.


On 01/06/2019 11:24, Andrew Hain wrote:
> It is documented at
>  , the
> terracer plugin used to create it a lot but now doesn’t by default.
> The Germans have been stripping it out of the database recently [
>  ] and I’d be
> relaxed if we did the same.
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Francesco Ansanelli
Spero sia d'aiuto!

Il sab 1 giu 2019, 14:03 Andreas Lattmann  ha

> Scusate, ma i distributori d'acqua potabile (naturale, naturale fredda e
> frizzante) si mappa amenity=vending_machine vending=?  fee=yes o no per
> quei distributori che forniscono l'acqua gratis.
> Sbaglio? Perdonatemi per questo stupido dubbio.
> Andreas
> --
> I❤️ Software Libero.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Body záchrany Lesy ČR

2019-06-01 Thread Spratek
mrzí mě, že tě moje příspěvky vytáčí , ale myslím, že to není důvod se tady 
Ale byl to vlastně trochu i můj záměr.
Co se týče bodu 2. tak to byl důvod proč jsem sem začal přispívat.
Taky jsem nepsal, že jsem v tom udělal pořádek, jen se divím proč je v tom 
takový bordel, když bod 2 a když tě to tolik vytáčí (to je spíš jen řečnická 
otázka, vím jak OSM vznikají).
A ani jsem nepsal, že si mapuji sám pro sebe, 

S tou trpělivostí, to máš zřejmě pravdu, ale to pramení, z toho jak jsem se k 
těm bodům dostal.
Já mám problém se smířit s tím, že všechno kolem nás řídí banda právníků a 
předýchaný aparát státních úředníků.
Viděl jsem, že les je plný bodů záchrany, ale v mapách nikde nejsou zanesený 
(kromě nějakých fragmentů v komerčních
Nevím kolik z vás si pamatuje číslo BZ když kolem něj projdete, já tedy ne :o).
Body byli zřízen státním podnikem, za peníze nás všech a měli by sloužit všem, 
jinak zase Lesy ČR vyhodily několik desítek milionů z okna.
Chci aby aspoň část takto vynaložených prostředků sloužila nám, kteří jsme si 
to zaplatili.
Proto jsem je oslovil s tím, že chci kompletní seznam všech bodů. Kupodivu byli 
od začátku docela vztřícní i když to nakonec trvalo trochu dýl :o).

A pokud by jejich zveřejnění mělo ztroskotat na tom, že neprošli bodem 2., nebo 
že souhlas neobsahuje odvolávky na všechny licence,  tak už nevím o co se tu 
Myslím, že není dobře, že obecně lidi už nepoužívají svůj vlastní rozum a 
spoléhají se na právníky a paragrafy.

Chci jen říct, že chaos v bodech záchrany už byl já jsem je akorát doplnil.
Teď je možná čas v tom udělat pořádek, v tom jsem s vámi za jedno. 

Pokud se ujmeš bodu 2 budu rád, chtěl jsem mít akorát jistotu, že se to někam 


>Milý Spratku,
>myslela jsem, že když po přečtení tvého mailu počkám, tak vychladnu. Nějak se 
>mi to ale nedaří, takže - gratuluji, to zvolené jméno skutečně sedí. To cos 
>napsal, je přístup mé čtyřleté neteře když má svůj den.
>A teď fakticky k věci:
>1. díky za ten souhlas. 
>2. pro nahrání je třeba dodržet to, co bylo zmiňováno původně:
>   - projednat to tady, navrhnout jakým způsobem se ty body záchrany budou 
>   - zároveň navrhnout, jak se to sloučí s existujícími v OSM - a ty původní 
>   - počkat, až se k tomu ostatní vyjádří, případně změnit/doplnit
>   - ze slušnosti oznámit záměr i na import list, i když se týká jen ČR
>   - počkat znovu na to, jestli se nezdvihne protest, případně se s tím nějak 
>   - až po tomhle všem skutečně provést import (samostatným importním účtem)
>A zpátky k těm tvým poznámkám:
>   - žádný pořádek si v tom neudělal, protože to znamená dodržet ty body výše
>   - OSM pro orientaci v terénu nás tady používá většina, a přesto si z toho 
>nikdo nemůže dělat jen svoje pískoviště, kde bude ostatním rozšlapávat 
>   - mapování "pro sebe" s tím, že ignoruješ ostatní, do OSM nepatří. Jestli 
>to chceš hned, hoď si to jako své osobní body zájmu do své mapové aplikace. V 
>ostatním se zkrátka musíš přizpůsobit a počkat.
>Ad import:
>   Dovoluji si odhadnout, že na ten import nemáš trpělivost. Platí-li 
>předchozí věta, můžu tím vším projít sama, a ten import udělat. V žádném 
>případě však nepočítej, že to bude zítra, protože ten bod 2. zmiňovaný výše 
>znamená minimálně dva až tři týdny času, pokud je vše připraveno perfektně a 
>nikde se nic nezdrží. Ale klidně to můžeš provést sám. Jen to zkrátka není jen 
>o tom nahrání tak, jak jsi to provedl původně.
> > Od: "Spratek" 
> > Komu: "OpenStreetMap Czech Republic" 
> > Datum: 29.05.2019 10:31
> > Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] Body záchrany Lesy ČR
> >
> posílám odkaz na souhlas LČR 
> >emergency_access_point jsem neměl páru.
> >No a přesně o tom je ta nutnost to nejprve prodiskutovat  Víc hlav víc ví.
> >Marián
> Možná víc hlav víc ví, ale neznamená to, že by se alespoň jediná hlava 
> pokusila v tom udělat pořádek.
> Proč jsou Body záchrany doposud ve třech variantách? Proč většina bodů nemá 
> správně nastavené kombinace klíčů.
> K čemu vám je, že víte jak to má být, když to nikdo neaplikuje? Proč nejsou 
> kombinace klíčů, které jsou pro vás nepostradatelné uvedeny na Wiki?
> Možná se někdo bude divit, ale já OSM používám k orientaci v terénu a 
> největším problémem OSM  je to, že tam informace chybí  a ne, že je někde 
> dabl a také to, že pro jednu věc se používá více tagů.
> Nehledě na to, pokud se budu válet v lese se zlomenou hnátou a budu muset 
> vzpomínat, které všechny klíče mají přiděleny Body záchrany, tak nevím jestli 
> bych se pomoci někdy dočkal.
> Ještě bych se chtěl zeptat, jaký bude další postup, ty body tam zpátky vrátí 
> někdo z vás?
> Díky 
> S pozdravem R.M.

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView 360 - StreetView-like application for hikers

2019-06-01 Thread Nick Whitelegg

Hello Martin,

Yes, that sounds a good idea.

So (and asking everyone) if I was to license the panos themselves under CC-SA,  
but their locations, and data derived from them, as ODBL - does that sound 



From: Martin Koppenhoefer 
Sent: 01 June 2019 08:25
To: Nick Whitelegg
Cc: Kathleen Lu; Milo van der Linden; OSM Talk
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView 360 - StreetView-like application for 

sent from a phone

On 31. May 2019, at 22:13, Nick Whitelegg>> wrote:

Hello Kathleen and Milo,


No-one besides myself has uploaded anything yet, so happy to change to ODbL. 
The panoramas are a different dataset to OSM however, now I think about it, it 
could well be they are a 'derived work' as the OSM map helps users to position 
them - so fine with the license change.

maybe you can make use of 2 licenses, cc-by-sa for the images/panoramas and 
odbl for data derived from these images? ODbL is a db license and isn’t very 
suitable for individual photographs?

Cheers, Martin
talk mailing list

[Talk-it] Distributore d'acqua

2019-06-01 Thread Andreas Lattmann
Scusate, ma i distributori d'acqua potabile (naturale, naturale fredda e 
frizzante) si mappa amenity=vending_machine vending=?  fee=yes o no per quei 
distributori che forniscono l'acqua gratis.
Sbaglio? Perdonatemi per questo stupido dubbio.
I❤️ Software Libero.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView 360 - StreetView-like application for hikers

2019-06-01 Thread Nick Whitelegg

Hello Andrew,

>A neat thing you can do is infill the base of the image where your 
>hand/body/head are to make it less distracting. For example all >my 360 images 
>on Mapillary do this ->

>The script I use for this is 
> which uses gmic's >inpaint capabilities 
> The script takes a 
>black/white mask, then patches that part >of the image on a thumbnail sized 
>image (to make it faster) then composites that into the final output.

Thanks for this, looks great. Yes - removing or hiding the photographer was 
definitely one of the main problems I've had so far. I hid myself crudely (by 
blanking out regions of the image manually) on photos in which my face was 
showing but didn't on the others.



From: Andrew Harvey 
Sent: 01 June 2019 04:58:35
To: Nick Whitelegg
Cc: osm-talk
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView 360 - StreetView-like application for 

A neat thing you can do is infill the base of the image where your 
hand/body/head are to make it less distracting. For example all my 360 images 
on Mapillary do this ->

The script I use for this is
 which uses gmic's inpaint capabilities The script takes a 
black/white mask, then patches that part of the image on a thumbnail sized 
image (to make it faster) then composites that into the final output.

On Fri, 31 May 2019 at 21:49, Nick Whitelegg>> wrote:


Some of you are probably aware that way back in 2010 I started developing 
OpenTrailView , which aims to be a StreetView-like web application but focusing 
on off-road routes such as hiking trails, with crowd-sourced panoramas.

Recently, due to the increasing availability of 360 cameras and the appearance 
of mature panorama APIs (e.g. Pannellum) and client-side routing APIs (GeoJSON 
Path Finder) I have restarted work on OpenTrailView and did an initial 
presentation at FOSDEM 2019 back in February.

Since then I have done further work and OpenTrailView, while still incomplete, 
is in a state where I believe it's ready to start receiving contributions.

It's available at

You can get an idea of how it allows you to 'walk' along OSM ways by navigating 
in the default area (Southampton Common). There are also some panoramas 
available close to Fernhurst, West Sussex (lat 51.05, lon -0.72). There's a 
Nominatim search available if you switch to 'map' mode (see the map icon).

If you signup and then login, you can contribute your own 360 panos. Obviously 
follow the usual privacy considerations (no faces, no car number plates) - 
panos will be moderated before they go live to ensure they do not have any 
privacy violations amongst other things.

The key thing about this version is that it will use underlying OSM data to 
auto-connect panoramas. This was not done on any previous version.

However, note that while the site will accept panos anywhere in the world, at 
present, the auto-connection facility will only work in *Europe* plus Turkey (I 
am using the Europe Geofabrik extract), as my server currently only stores 
European data. Nonetheless I have had a possible offer of helping with hosting 
costs so expansion to the entire world could well happen soon.

The maps provided are rather basic, showing only highways, coastlines and a few 
selected POIs, this is due to server capacity constraints. If anyone is aware 
of a tile server I can use legitimately as a replacement, without violating the 
usage policy, please let me know.

In similar style to OSM, panos will be copyright 'OTV360 contributors' and 
licensed under CC-by-SA. IANAL but this seems to be the most common practice.

Do remember once again that this is an unfinished product but it is now in a 
state where I believe it is of interest to contributors.




talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Michael Collinson
I too was very anti at first. Reykavik was the first time I saw it on a 
systematic basis, and I thought it made a map I did aesthetically 
dreadful. But a small tweak, rendering sidewalk-tagged footways as a 
very unobtrusive narrow line fixed that.

I now map them zealously for three reasons:

1) I think it is the only way we can, (and IMHO should), seriously 
support wheelchair routing.

2) It is really useful for creating "safe" routes, especially for 
children. As an example, a normal footway that "ends" at a busy main 
road. Does it really mean that you have to walk along the road itself or 
attempt to cross right there? Or, does it mean that in reality it ends 
at a nice pavement/sidewalk that takes you to a formal crossing further 
down? (And for serious routing it is also worth mapping and tagging 
footway=crossing as well).

3) Well, not so important but it really p***s me off wasting time OSM 
walking to a huge complex road interchange only to find that the only 
way across is on the other side and have back-track to some footbridge 
or other. Here is a work-in-progress example in Melbourne: There is 
actually only one way to get across safely north-south if on bicycle and 
possibly for foot also. Addition of the "sidewalk" network would be very 


On 2019-06-01 12:27, Dan S wrote:

I noticed a "sidewalk" here too in Brighton:

I'm ambivalent. Both of these examples are pavements that are fully
adjacent (continguous) to their roads, and by default I'd prefer not
to map them separately. I guess the long one that you refer to does
sometimes rise above the road, and even has steps down at at least one
point, so perhaps worth being a separate feature?


Op za 1 jun. 2019 om 11:12 schreef Jez Nicholson :

Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk which 
i'm not overly impressed withor am I being a Luddite?

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Dave F via Talk-GB

On 01/06/2019 12:00, Colin Smale wrote:

Relations are great to represent real-world relations that cannot be
inferred (reliably) from the other data in OSM. Often a geometrical
relation exists, such as a node inside a polygon, but not always.

OSM loves to allow things to be inferred from the data, but there is
usually a way of entering the attributes/relationships explicitly as
well, for the cases where the heuristics fall down.

The wiki says about relations: "Relations are used to model logical (and
usually local) or geographic relationships between objects. They are not
designed to hold loosely associated but widely spread items. It would be
inappropriate, for instance, to use a relation to group 'All footpaths
in East Anglia'.Why don't PT stop_areas fit with this?

As all items have co-ordinates, OSM is geospatially aware; and of course 
any objects with the same value tags are already 'collected together' & 

'stop_areas' - Bins are irrelevant to routing from A to B. Do any 
routers use them?


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Dave F via Talk-GB
You're talking about a different subject, which 'associatedstreets' 
won't resolve.


On 01/06/2019 12:06, Colin Smale wrote:

On 2019-06-01 12:34, Gareth L wrote:

I was about to say, relations of this manner seem duplicitous of simply having 
an address.

  Using only the street name to link objects is unreliable. A street can
be divided into multiple segments. Think of a residential side-road with
the same name as the road it branches from. A house on the corner may be
part of (i.e. front gate leads to) the main road, or may be part of the
side road. The location of the front door (entrance=main on building
outline?) is also unreliable. Only the route of the front path would
give you the answer.


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Andy Townsend

On 01/06/2019 11:11, Jez Nicholson wrote:
Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk which i'm not overly impressed 
withor am I being a Luddite?

I personally wouldn't map sidewalks in a dense UK city like that (though 
some people do, with the intention of micromapping all the dropped kerbs 
etc.).  It's perhaps worth mentioning that at least some of the sidewalk 
edits there are by someone who has tended to contribute well-meaning but 
not entirely accurate edits from afar - it took me lots of additional 
surveys of Sutton in Ashfield* to verify that many of their previous 
"roads" simply weren't.

At first glance quite a lot of joins seem to be missing, and some shops 
were located between the sidewalk and the road (which you've just 
fixed).  Maybe if you're going to add a certain level of detail, you 
can't just ignore everything else on the map, although it's pretty 
common to do updates in stages - when mapping rural areas I'll often do 
streams first (armchair), then roads and paths (survey) then extra 
detail such as field boundaries, gates, stiles etc. (a mix of both).

Best Regards,


* you could therefore perhaps describe it as "successful armchair 
mapping" :)

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Réseau de transport : intégration OD

2019-06-01 Thread Yves P.
J'ai regardé rapidement pour ma région.
De mémoire il y a un fichier CSV des arrêts. Tu dois pour le charger dans
JOSM avec le bon greffon et en renommant éventuellement les colonnes.


Le sam. 1 juin 2019 10:23, deuzeffe  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Ma région a mis en ligne en OD les fichiers GTFS de réseaux de bus
> départementaux
> (
> on remarquera que la licence n'est pas précisée :/)
> Précédemment, j'ai déjà commencé à en cartographier certains "à la
> main". Si la licence absente le permet, ces jeux de données me
> permettront de 1/ vérifier 2/compléter les éléments déjà existants et
> 3/intégrer les manquants (jusque là tout va bien).
> Sauf que (c'est là où ça se gâte), je ne sais comment trop manipuler ce
> type de fichier (appli. pour les ouvrir, jonction avec osm, etc.). J'ai
> un peu RTFMé (blog de Noëmie, liste transport, forum fr) mais
> probablement pas assez ou pas les bonnes sources. Donc, je cherche
> conseils pour débutante, à vot' bon cœur, merci !
> --
> deuzeffe, comme une poule devant un couteau.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Colin Smale
On 2019-06-01 12:34, Gareth L wrote:

> I was about to say, relations of this manner seem duplicitous of simply 
> having an address.

 Using only the street name to link objects is unreliable. A street can
be divided into multiple segments. Think of a residential side-road with
the same name as the road it branches from. A house on the corner may be
part of (i.e. front gate leads to) the main road, or may be part of the
side road. The location of the front door (entrance=main on building
outline?) is also unreliable. Only the route of the front path would
give you the answer. 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Colin Smale
On 2019-06-01 12:29, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote:

> Hi
> I've yet to hear a valid reasoning for this relation type. It's much more 
> beneficial to add addresses instead.
> There appears an increasing tendency to collect almost anything together into 
> a relation. See public-transport's 'stop_area' as another example This is not 
> why relations were conceived. It just adds duplication, confusion & errors.

Relations are great to represent real-world relations that cannot be
inferred (reliably) from the other data in OSM. Often a geometrical
relation exists, such as a node inside a polygon, but not always. 

OSM loves to allow things to be inferred from the data, but there is
usually a way of entering the attributes/relationships explicitly as
well, for the cases where the heuristics fall down. 

The wiki says about relations: "Relations are used to model logical (and
usually local) or geographic relationships between objects. They are not
designed to hold loosely associated but widely spread items. It would be
inappropriate, for instance, to use a relation to group 'All footpaths
in East Anglia'.Why don't PT stop_areas fit with this? 

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Gareth L
A surprising number of the new build housing estates around me have few 
pavements and are not very contiguous. There’s often even a space where they 
could lay the asphalt, but then it’s left as grass – before then getting 
sequestered as cars park over it.
I’d like to see more affirmative mapping of sidewalks. Starting with it being a 
suggested tag in the iD editor, and other editors.
Similar to how you can just toggle an option to add the lit, tunnel, bridge, 
etc. parameters for roads. Manually adding sidewalk:both/left/right=yes/no is 
Maps are so car centric, and walking directions are stuck with disclaimers 
along the lines of  ‘we don’t know how suitable this route is to walk, good 
I hope we can improve upon that.


From: Jez Nicholson
Sent: 01 June 2019 11:39
To: Talk-GB
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

Agree with both Gareth and Dan. It's all part of the discussion on how detailed 
the map goes, and possibly more relevant in countries with wider roads and 
obviously separate sidewalks. In the UK we always assume that a road has a 
pavement unless stated otherwise. I came slightly unstuck myself when walking 
from a guesthouse to an office in Exeter and having to drag a wheelie case 
along a grass verge :)

Happy for them to be added in special cases like raised pavements, but when 
they are exactly next to the road it doesn't really add much.

Like with the relation I was also whining about, i'm not going to go removing 
anything, but I did comment on the sidewalk changeset to take care.

On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 11:28 AM Dan S>> wrote:
I noticed a "sidewalk" here too in Brighton:

I'm ambivalent. Both of these examples are pavements that are fully
adjacent (continguous) to their roads, and by default I'd prefer not
to map them separately. I guess the long one that you refer to does
sometimes rise above the road, and even has steps down at at least one
point, so perhaps worth being a separate feature?


Op za 1 jun. 2019 om 11:12 schreef Jez Nicholson>>:
> Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk 
> which i'm not overly impressed withor am I being a Luddite?
> Regards,
>   Jez
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Jez Nicholson
Agree with both Gareth and Dan. It's all part of the discussion on how
detailed the map goes, and possibly more relevant in countries with wider
roads and obviously separate sidewalks. In the UK we always assume that a
road has a pavement unless stated otherwise. I came slightly unstuck myself
when walking from a guesthouse to an office in Exeter and having to drag a
wheelie case along a grass verge :)

Happy for them to be added in special cases like raised pavements, but when
they are exactly next to the road it doesn't really add much.

Like with the relation I was also whining about, i'm not going to go
removing anything, but I did comment on the sidewalk changeset to take care.

On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 11:28 AM Dan S  wrote:

> I noticed a "sidewalk" here too in Brighton:
> I'm ambivalent. Both of these examples are pavements that are fully
> adjacent (continguous) to their roads, and by default I'd prefer not
> to map them separately. I guess the long one that you refer to does
> sometimes rise above the road, and even has steps down at at least one
> point, so perhaps worth being a separate feature?
> Dan
> Op za 1 jun. 2019 om 11:12 schreef Jez Nicholson  >:
> >
> > Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk
> which i'm not overly impressed withor am I being a Luddite?
> >
> > Regards,
> >   Jez
> > ___
> > Talk-GB mailing list
> >
> >
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Gareth L
I was about to say, relations of this manner seem duplicitous of simply having 
an address.

Street objects.. like bins and benches might make a bit of sense. I don’t think 
I’ve ever seen a street address on a bench node. But I’m fairly sure a query 
could be crafted to detect the nearest way to get that information, should it 
be required.


From: Dave F via Talk-GB 
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2019 11:29:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] road relations


I've yet to hear a valid reasoning for this relation type. It's much more 
beneficial to add addresses instead.

There appears an increasing tendency to collect almost anything together into a 
relation. See public-transport's 'stop_area' as another example This is not why 
relations were conceived. It just adds duplication, confusion & errors.

Personally I would delete associatedStreet.


On 01/06/2019 11:10, Jez Nicholson wrote:

Has anyone else come across relations grouping road assets? i.e. the road
itself plus shops, buildings, street objects? e.g. Has this format become
accepted elsewhere in the world or is it experimental?


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Dave F via Talk-GB


I've yet to hear a valid reasoning for this relation type. It's much 
more beneficial to add addresses instead.

There appears an increasing tendency to collect almost anything together 
into a relation. See public-transport's 'stop_area' as another example 
This is not why relations were conceived. It just adds duplication, 
confusion & errors.

Personally I would delete associatedStreet.


On 01/06/2019 11:10, Jez Nicholson wrote:

Has anyone else come across relations grouping road assets? i.e. the road
itself plus shops, buildings, street objects? e.g. Has this format become
accepted elsewhere in the world or is it experimental?


Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Dan S
I noticed a "sidewalk" here too in Brighton:

I'm ambivalent. Both of these examples are pavements that are fully
adjacent (continguous) to their roads, and by default I'd prefer not
to map them separately. I guess the long one that you refer to does
sometimes rise above the road, and even has steps down at at least one
point, so perhaps worth being a separate feature?


Op za 1 jun. 2019 om 11:12 schreef Jez Nicholson :
> Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk 
> which i'm not overly impressed withor am I being a Luddite?
> Regards,
>   Jez
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Andrew Hain
It is documented at , the terracer 
plugin used to create it a lot but now doesn’t by default. The Germans have 
been stripping it out of the database recently [ ] and I’d be relaxed if 
we did the same.

associatedStreet-Relationen entfernen? / users: Germany / OpenStreetMap 
Die Relationen bei mir in der Gegend wurden teilweise seit Jahren nicht mehr 
aktualisiert oder überhaupt verändert. Die meisten Versionsänderungen sind 
vermutlich durch Teilungen der Straßenabschnitte entstanden und zudem auch 
größtenteils unvollständig.

Relation:associatedStreet - OpenStreetMap 
Using relations to associate addresses and streets. The addr:street =* tag 
provides a link between streets and belonging addr:housenumber =* based on 
geographic proximity. This link can be made explicit by using a type = 
associatedStreet relation.. Tags

From: Jez Nicholson 
Sent: 01 June 2019 11:10
To: Talk-GB
Subject: [Talk-GB] road relations

Has anyone else come across relations grouping road assets? i.e. the road 
itself plus shops, buildings, street objects? e.g. Has this format become accepted 
elsewhere in the world or is it experimental?

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Gareth L
Sidewalks (pavements) are difficult in the compressed and crowded layouts of 
our towns and cities. I would love them to be more uniformly mapped though. As 
they rarely are mapped, where they are, they stand out and look a bit out of 

What do you think it lacks? Would it be improved with the pavements on the 
intersecting streets shown also?


From: Jez Nicholson 
Sent: Saturday, June 1, 2019 11:11:28 AM
To: Talk-GB
Subject: [Talk-GB] sidewalks

Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk which 
i'm not overly impressed withor am I being a Luddite?

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Road junctions

2019-06-01 Thread Gareth L
Thank you all for your feedback on this. I’ll have a look at the options and 
hopefully get to tidy it up early next week.

From: Brian Prangle 
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2019 1:35:29 PM
To: Rob Nickerson; OSM Group WM
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Road junctions

Hi Rob

Replied in a similar vein to Gareth with a  reworked JOSM file for him to study 
and/or upload



On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 1:29 PM Rob Nickerson>> wrote:
I would put a lot less feeder roads in. How does it look if you only split the 
road when there is a physical object it needs to go around? For example don't 
split the left/right turn lanes when driving frm Technology Drive to Mill Road 
as there is no physical barrier between these lanes.

If you'd like, I can have a go at mapping it how I would do it so that you can 
compare...let me know?


On Tue, 28 May 2019 at 23:53, Gareth L>> wrote:
Hello all,

Is there a nice example of mapping road junctions? Particularly ones that are 
spread out?
Basically, I’ve had a punt at mapping the junction between technology drive and 
mill road in Rugby. It 
has all the turn restrictions correct, and I’d expect it to route beautifully, 
but... avoiding the mapping for the renderer pitfalls, it looks rather rough.
My objective here was actually to allow myself to map the pedestrian/cycle ways 
more clearly - especially the crossing islands - as the crossing doesn’t clear 
right across the junction, just across the lane. The issue is this large T 
junction is spread over a very large area of asphalt with filter lanes etc.

I guess my gripe is having a bunch of ways representing what is really a field 
of asphalt. I’d welcome some advice on this, even if it’s “oh gads, revert that 
to a simple T junction immediately”, although in that case I’d really like to 
know the right way to do it, if such a thing exists.

There’s substantial mapillary and google streetview imagery available of this 
location if you want some context.

Kind regards

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list
Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list
Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

[Talk-GB] sidewalks

2019-06-01 Thread Jez Nicholson
Brighton has also just gained a sidewalk which
i'm not overly impressed withor am I being a Luddite?

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] road relations

2019-06-01 Thread Jez Nicholson
Has anyone else come across relations grouping road assets? i.e. the road
itself plus shops, buildings, street objects? e.g. Has this format become
accepted elsewhere in the world or is it experimental?

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Local Chapter

2019-06-01 Thread John Bryant
Great questions...

Re: geographic extent, one of the definitions we've been using for other
purposes (eg conference travel grants) is the UN geoscheme for Oceania:

But I personally agree that we need to reach out and canvass any local
communities that may exist, for their thoughts. We do have some reach via
existing OSGeo community, mailing lists, travel grant program, and other

After putting in our best effort, if there are countries where there is no
feedback, are we in a position to form a regional chapter including those
countries, under the assumption that we aren't stepping on any toes?


On Sat., 1 Jun. 2019, 9:18 am Ewen Hill,  wrote:

> Andrew John, Ed et al,
>The proposal looks good however do we need to discuss the inclusion of
> Hawaii and perhaps Guam as they may be more appropriate under a US auspices
> or is it best to use the UN definition that excludes a number of these to
> be succinctly clear what is in and what is not.
> Ewen
> On Sat, 1 Jun 2019 at 15:37, Graeme Fitzpatrick 
> wrote:
>> On Mon, 27 May 2019 at 13:06, Edoardo Neerhut  wrote:
>>> Simon, you raise a good point! What do you all think is an effective way
>>> to get this input? Reach out to people we know are active mappers in
>>> Oceania and see if they would like their country to be represented?
>>> On Sat, 18 May 2019 at 21:18, Andrew Harvey 
>>> wrote:
 On Sat, 18 May 2019 at 19:12, Simon Poole  wrote:

> I think my immediate and largest concern if I was reviewing the
> application (which I am not) would be: Oceania isn't just about
> Australia.

 I would expect nothing less from the OSMF.

 Have OSM communities outside of AUS (and NZ) even been addressed? While
> not totally cast in stone, there is an assumption that territorial
> chapters are awarded exclusive rights for the territories in question
> and I'm fairly sure the application will blow up in a big way if this
> is
> not considered.

>> I agree that Simon has raised a very valid point, but, without wishing to
>> sound rude or condescending in any way, would the various small island
>> nations have the resources to set up their own Chapters?
>>> I agree. There has been bit of discussion within the OSGeo Oceania
 committee regarding this.

 My opinion is we should only include countries where the local OSM
 community actively voice they want it.

>> Are there even any OSM mappers in some of them?
>> Thanks
>> Graeme
>> ___
>> Talk-au mailing list
> --
> Warm Regards
> Ewen Hill
> Internet Development Australia
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] iD redaktoriaus problemos

2019-06-01 Thread Mindaugas
O kodėl negalima tiesiog fork'inti iD? Arba naudoti senesnę versiją be
"privalumų", jei OSM pats neturi resursų kurti produktą. Nors tai net sunku
forkinimu pavadinti, nes realiai yra keli JSON failai, kuriuose aprašomos
žymės ar siūlomi pataisymai. Tai realiai išmetus failą ,
pataisymai nebus siūlomi.

> O visiems kitiems tiesiog siūlau ignoruoti iD siūlomus esamų duomenų
Bet "patobilinimai" bus naudojami naujai kuriamiems objektams. Pvz. dabar
pasirinkus Basin surašoma natural=water+water=basin+intermittent=yes.
Spėju, kad anksčiau buvo landuse=basin.

Nors iš kitos pusės, tai man atrodo, kad problema yra lyderystėje,
susikalbėjime ir sutarime, kaip žymėti, kaip (ar) keisti žymėjimą ir pan.
Pamenu, kai pradėjau žymėti, tai landuse=basin atrodė labai keista. Negi
tai skirtinga žemėnauda. Jei landuse=residential viduje esančios sodybos
kieme išsikasė kūdrą, tai nemanau, kad pats žemės naudojimas pasidarė iš
esmės kitoks. Man water=basin skamba kaip tinkamas tagas, na žinoma, tai
nėra natural. Antraip daug kas bus landuse - parkavimo aikštelės,
šaligatviai, etc. Juk vieta, kur namas pastatytas, yra vieta skirta namui
statyti, bet tai netampa landuse=building.


On Sat, Jun 1, 2019 at 8:46 AM Tomas Straupis 

> Sveiki
>   Šiek tiek info apie redaktorių iD. T.y. naršyklėje veikiantį
> redaktorių, kurį naudojate, kai svetainėje
> spaudžiate „Keisti“ (jei nesate specialiai nurodę redaktoriaus JOSM).
>   Redaktorius iD pakeitė anksčiau naudotą naršyklinį redaktorių
> Potlatch, nes pastarasis buvo parašytas su nebenaudotina Flash
> technologija.
>   iD didžiąja dalimi kuria kompanijos MapBox darbuotojai. Ir nors
> pradžioje viskas visai neblogai atrodė, bet kuo toliau, tuo labiau
> MapBox kompanijos ir iD kūrėjų asmeninė nuomonė pradėjo permušinėti
> OpenStreetMap bendruomenės nuomonę. Paskutiniu metu MapBox darbuotojas
> ir iD kūrėjas Bryan apskritai pasakė, kad jam neįdomu, ką bendruomenė
> šneka, jis bendrauja su kitais „stakeholderiais“. Į iD vis daugiau
> pradėjo lįsti bendruomenės nepriimtų žymėjimo schemų, o paskutinį
> mėnesį į iD pridėtas dar ir „quality assurance“ mechanizmas, kuris
> gadina gerai pažymėtus objektus pasiūlant dažniausiai nieko
> nesuprantančiam naudotojui „pataisyti“ duomenis paspaudus mygtuką
> „taisyti“.
>   Deja naršyklinis redaktorius yra reikalingas, nes tai leidžia
> naujiems naudotojams labai greitai ir paprastai redaguoti OSM
> žemėlapį. OSMF „galvoja“, ką daryti, tai, kaip suprantu, variantai du:
> 1. prikalbins MapBox suvaldyti savo programuotojus (būtų puiku, bet
> kažkodėl abejoju tokia baigtimi), 2. suras vienokį ar kitokį pakaitalą
> iD redaktoriui.
>   Suprantu, kad JOSM yra javinė programa, taigi norint jį naudoti
> reikia diegti java, tada atsisiųsti JOSM, jį atnaujinti ir pan., kas
> windausuose nėra trivialu, tai persijungti į JOSM siūlysiu tik daug
> žymintiems (dauguma pagrindinių žymėtojų Lietuvoje ir taip jau žymi
> JOSM, nes įpratus jis yra ir patogesnis, stabilesnis ir turi daug
> daugiau galimybių).
>   O visiems kitiems tiesiog siūlau ignoruoti iD siūlomus esamų duomenų
> „patobulinimus“.
> --
> Tomas
> ___
> Talk-lt mailing list
Talk-lt mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Réseau de transport : intégration OD

2019-06-01 Thread deuzeffe


Ma région a mis en ligne en OD les fichiers GTFS de réseaux de bus 
on remarquera que la licence n'est pas précisée :/)

Précédemment, j'ai déjà commencé à en cartographier certains "à la 
main". Si la licence absente le permet, ces jeux de données me 
permettront de 1/ vérifier 2/compléter les éléments déjà existants et 
3/intégrer les manquants (jusque là tout va bien).

Sauf que (c'est là où ça se gâte), je ne sais comment trop manipuler ce 
type de fichier (appli. pour les ouvrir, jonction avec osm, etc.). J'ai 
un peu RTFMé (blog de Noëmie, liste transport, forum fr) mais 
probablement pas assez ou pas les bonnes sources. Donc, je cherche 
conseils pour débutante, à vot' bon cœur, merci !

deuzeffe, comme une poule devant un couteau.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenTrailView 360 - StreetView-like application for hikers

2019-06-01 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 31. May 2019, at 22:13, Nick Whitelegg  wrote:
> Hello Kathleen and Milo,
> Thanks!
> No-one besides myself has uploaded anything yet, so happy to change to ODbL. 
> The panoramas are a different dataset to OSM however, now I think about it, 
> it could well be they are a 'derived work' as the OSM map helps users to 
> position them - so fine with the license change.

maybe you can make use of 2 licenses, cc-by-sa for the images/panoramas and 
odbl for data derived from these images? ODbL is a db license and isn’t very 
suitable for individual photographs?

Cheers, Martin ___
talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Caltex on name-suggestion-index

2019-06-01 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
There is 

intended as readable index of data. Though it is containing only partial 
extract - 
for example match information seems currently missing, maybe it would be worth 
adding there.
I opened 
 for this idea.

At this moment I see no way to exclude entries known to be not existing in 
but it should be relatively easy to add this - would it be useful?
I opened 
 for this idea.

1 Jun 2019, 08:43 by :

> Is there a simple, easy to read (ie not Github code! :-)) list of these 
> preset names?
See above! JSON is often described as human-readable, it is more of
programmer-readable but it is not so terrible.

For full data info one can start at 

select first key and later its value.

For given entry, for example

it has some info:

> "amenity/fuel|Costco Gasoline"
name of the entry

> "countryCodes": ["au", "ca", "mx", "us"],
limited to this countries (Australia, Canada, Mexico, USA) 

> "matchNames": ["costco","costco gas","costco wholesale"],
this names are considered as substandard names for this object type,
may be used by validators, likely to be used by iD validator 

> "nomatch": ["amenity/pharmacy|Costco Pharmacy","shop/wholesale|Costco"],
lists entries with similat names but not actually duplicates (mostly internal 

> "tags"
Tags that OSM element is expected to have (added by Vespucci/iD on creating it,
iD validator maybe is also using this info)

There is also matchTags that may list ways how that specific entry 
is often mistagged - see for example

> Thanks
> Graeme
> On Wed, 29 May 2019 at 22:00, Mateusz Konieczny <> 
> > > wrote:
>> Can you link to an affected OSM object? It sounded like something caused by 
>> name-suggestion-index, but I see no matches in
>> that would cause this.
>> The same for
>> It also appears to not be caused by recent changes from looking at
>> and
>> ---
>> BTW, I made a small tool that list what name-suggestion-index considers as 
>> matches -
>> examples from Manhattan:
>> name=Adidas - proposed change from `shop=clothes` to `shop=sports` >> 
>> name=Dollar Tree - proposed change from `shop=convenience` to 
>> `shop=variety_store` >> 
>> name=Timberland - proposed change from `shop=shoes` to `shop=clothes` >> 
>> name=FedEx Office - proposed change from `amenity=post_office` to 
>> `shop=copyshop` >> 
>> Such list may be used both to look for some mistakes in a local area and for 
>> mistakes in name-suggestion-index.
>> If somebody would be interested I can generate it for any location (I need 
>> just location, 
>> how large area should be covered and how long list is requested)
>> 29 May 2019, 01:17 by >> >> :
>>> Thanks Alex and 

Re: [talk-au] Local Chapter

2019-06-01 Thread Ewen Hill
Andrew John, Ed et al,
   The proposal looks good however do we need to discuss the inclusion of
Hawaii and perhaps Guam as they may be more appropriate under a US auspices
or is it best to use the UN definition that excludes a number of these to
be succinctly clear what is in and what is not.


On Sat, 1 Jun 2019 at 15:37, Graeme Fitzpatrick 

> On Mon, 27 May 2019 at 13:06, Edoardo Neerhut  wrote:
>> Simon, you raise a good point! What do you all think is an effective way
>> to get this input? Reach out to people we know are active mappers in
>> Oceania and see if they would like their country to be represented?
>> On Sat, 18 May 2019 at 21:18, Andrew Harvey 
>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 18 May 2019 at 19:12, Simon Poole  wrote:
 I think my immediate and largest concern if I was reviewing the
 application (which I am not) would be: Oceania isn't just about

>>> I would expect nothing less from the OSMF.
>>> Have OSM communities outside of AUS (and NZ) even been addressed? While
 not totally cast in stone, there is an assumption that territorial
 chapters are awarded exclusive rights for the territories in question
 and I'm fairly sure the application will blow up in a big way if this is
 not considered.

> I agree that Simon has raised a very valid point, but, without wishing to
> sound rude or condescending in any way, would the various small island
> nations have the resources to set up their own Chapters?
>> I agree. There has been bit of discussion within the OSGeo Oceania
>>> committee regarding this.
>>> My opinion is we should only include countries where the local OSM
>>> community actively voice they want it.
> Are there even any OSM mappers in some of them?
> Thanks
> Graeme
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Warm Regards

Ewen Hill
Internet Development Australia
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Caltex on name-suggestion-index

2019-06-01 Thread Phil Wyatt
It’s pretty easy here

Cheers - Phil, 
On the road with his iPad 

> On 1 Jun 2019, at 4:43 pm, Graeme Fitzpatrick  wrote:
> Is there a simple, easy to read (ie not Github code! :-)) list of these 
> preset names?
> Thanks
> Graeme
>> On Wed, 29 May 2019 at 22:00, Mateusz Konieczny  
>> wrote:
>> Can you link to an affected OSM object? It sounded like something caused by 
>> name-suggestion-index, but I see no matches in
>> that would cause this.
>> The same for
>> It also appears to not be caused by recent changes from looking at
>> and
>> ---
>> BTW, I made a small tool that list what name-suggestion-index considers as 
>> matches -
>> examples from Manhattan:
>> name=Adidas - proposed change from `shop=clothes` to `shop=sports` 
>> name=Dollar Tree - proposed change from `shop=convenience` to 
>> `shop=variety_store`
>> name=Timberland - proposed change from `shop=shoes` to `shop=clothes` 
>> name=FedEx Office - proposed change from `amenity=post_office` to 
>> `shop=copyshop`
>> Such list may be used both to look for some mistakes in a local area and for 
>> mistakes in name-suggestion-index.
>> If somebody would be interested I can generate it for any location (I need 
>> just location, 
>> how large area should be covered and how long list is requested)
>> 29 May 2019, 01:17 by
>> Thanks Alex and Ian,
>> So it seems there are plenty of standard Caltex service stations in 
>> Australia - any advice on how to stop entries labelled "Caltex" from auto 
>> resolving to a "Woolworths Petrol" location when "update these tags" is used?
>> Just changed the "brand" on the second entry in my original post from 
>> "Caltex" to "Caltex Woolworths"?
>> I could play about of course, but I don't want to break things!
>> Regards,
>> Charles
>> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 3:42 PM Ian Sergeant  wrote:
>> Strictly speaking, I don't think that's true.  Some Caltex operated sites 
>> still branded as Woolworths Caltex, and offered the Woolworths facilities.  
>> You couldn't tell just by looking who owned what. 
>> Of course, now Woolworths has sold all its fuel outlets, and doesn't operate 
>> as a fuel retailer any longer.
>> I'd go by the name on the sign - as these are likely to change over the past 
>> few months as the Caltex owned stores all revert to form.
>> Ian.
>> On Tue, 28 May 2019 at 14:51, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir  
>> wrote:
>> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 1:55 PM Charles Gregory  wrote:
>> Are "Caltex" and "Caltex Woolworths" identical in some parts of Australia?
>> "What is the difference between [the 535] Woolworths Caltex and [the 680] 
>> Caltex locations? 
>> Woolworths Caltex is a Woolworths owned fuel location, that sells Caltex 
>> fuel. The shop at a Woolworths Caltex is a Woolworths store.  
>> The shop at a Caltex location can be a Star Mart, Star Shop or The Foodary."
>> The map on their website makes a distinction between the two when you click 
>> on it 
>> ___
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>> ___
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>> ___
>> Talk-au mailing list
> ___
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Vyhledávání v předdefinovaných (nalezených) trasách

2019-06-01 Thread <0174
"[...] highway=track jako akceptovatelnou cestu. Což v Africe je normální
silnice - akorát po ní nemůžeš jezdit tak rychle"
to by nemělo být, silnice by měly být tagované podle důležitosti, ne podle
stavu, viz např. "The road conditions in African countries do not always
correspond to their economic and social role. A road typology should be
based on the road importance and not on the surface or the visual
appearance of a road."
a zejména
(i když tam Namibie už nepatří).

Alespoň při tagování pro HOT se to neustále zdůrazňuje :)

Nakonec to samé platí v menším i u nás, ne každé vyjeté koleje v trávě jsou
highway=track, jak tu na mailing listu už kdysi proběhlo.


pá 31. 5. 2019 v 22:04 odesílatel Miroslav Suchý  napsal:

> Dne 31. 05. 19 v 11:08 Mikoláš Štrajt napsal(a):
> > Já osobně bych se při plánování delší cesty do divočejších částí světa
> > držel spíše papíru, tužky a mapy, vytváření SW je IMHO spíše ztráta
> > času, protože tvůj hlavní problém je spíše nedostatek kvalitních dat
> > kterými bys svůj SW nakrmil.
> +1
> Já byl v Africe (Namibii) loni a ačkoliv OSM byl jeden z
> nejpodrobnějších zdrojů (asi nejlepší byl Tracks4Africa), tak pořád těch
> dat je málo.
> Já měl plán velmi přibližný - "tady sem se asi dá dostat - uvidíme", ale
> den či dva nebyla žádná míra. Pokud se něco nedá projet, tak objíždka
> klidně zabere den.
> Co mě osobně spíše chybělo, že neexistuje routovací appka pro 4x4, která
> by brala v potaz highway=track jako akceptovatelnou cestu. Což v Africe
> je normální silnice - akorát po ní nemůžeš jezdit tak rychle.
> Mirek
> ___
> talk-cz mailing list
talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Caltex on name-suggestion-index

2019-06-01 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
Is there a simple, easy to read (ie not Github code! :-)) list of these
preset names?



On Wed, 29 May 2019 at 22:00, Mateusz Konieczny 

> Can you link to an affected OSM object? It sounded like something caused
> by
> name-suggestion-index, but I see no matches in
> that would cause this.
> The same for
> It also appears to not be caused by recent changes from looking at
> and
> ---
> BTW, I made a small tool that list what name-suggestion-index considers as
> matches -
> examples from Manhattan:
> name=Adidas - proposed change from `shop=clothes` to `shop=sports`
> name=Dollar Tree - proposed change from `shop=convenience` to
> `shop=variety_store`
> name=Timberland - proposed change from `shop=shoes` to `shop=clothes`
> name=FedEx Office - proposed change from `amenity=post_office` to
> `shop=copyshop`
> Such list may be used both to look for some mistakes in a local area and
> for
> mistakes in name-suggestion-index.
> If somebody would be interested I can generate it for any location (I need
> just location,
> how large area should be covered and how long list is requested)
> 29 May 2019, 01:17 by
> Thanks Alex and Ian,
> So it seems there are plenty of standard Caltex service stations in
> Australia - any advice on how to stop entries labelled "Caltex" from auto
> resolving to a "Woolworths Petrol" location when "update these tags" is
> used?
> Just changed the "brand" on the second entry in my original post from
> "Caltex" to "Caltex Woolworths"?
> I could play about of course, but I don't want to break things!
> Regards,
> Charles
> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 3:42 PM Ian Sergeant  wrote:
> Strictly speaking, I don't think that's true.  Some Caltex operated sites
> still branded as Woolworths Caltex, and offered the Woolworths facilities.
> You couldn't tell just by looking who owned what.
> Of course, now Woolworths has sold all its fuel outlets, and doesn't
> operate as a fuel retailer any longer.
> I'd go by the name on the sign - as these are likely to change over the
> past few months as the Caltex owned stores all revert to form.
> Ian.
> On Tue, 28 May 2019 at 14:51, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir 
> wrote:
> On Tue, May 28, 2019 at 1:55 PM Charles Gregory 
> wrote:
> Are "Caltex" and "Caltex Woolworths" identical in some parts of Australia?
> "What is the difference between [the 535] Woolworths Caltex and [the 680]
> Caltex locations?
> Woolworths Caltex is a Woolworths owned fuel location, that sells Caltex
> fuel. The shop at a Woolworths Caltex is a Woolworths store.
> The shop at a Caltex location can be a Star Mart, Star Shop or The
> Foodary."
> The map on their website makes a distinction between the two when you
> click on it
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
> ___
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Vyhledávání v předdefinovaných (nalezených) trasách

2019-06-01 Thread Michal Fabík

On 31/05/2019 22:03, Miroslav Suchý wrote:

Co mě osobně spíše chybělo, že neexistuje routovací appka pro 4x4, která
by brala v potaz highway=track jako akceptovatelnou cestu. Což v Africe
je normální silnice - akorát po ní nemůžeš jezdit tak rychle.
To je zvláštní, pokud si v OsmAndu zapomeneš nastavit "avoid unpaved" 
jako já, tak tě po takových cestách klidně povede.

Michal Fabík

talk-cz mailing list