Re: [talk-au] 4WD only tags

2012-11-06 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Bennett  wrote:
> So if there is a sign "4WD only", then we tag it 4wd_only=yes, even if
> it otherwise it might look like a 2WD road? (That is, the road
> authority's assessment trumps our own?)

The National Park's assessment has at least one important attribute:
It's a legal requirement. You can be fined if you drive a 2WD vehicle on
a track signposted "4WD only". It's not a suggestion or guideline.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Charleville gone

2012-07-20 Thread Sam Couter
Chris Barham  wrote:
> To think that if the importer had ticked a single check box it would have 
> saved
> the work.  Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Your attitude is ignorant and disrespectful.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Anything remapping an armchair mapper can help with in Australia?

2012-06-27 Thread Sam Couter
Ian Sergeant  wrote:
> group contributed facts.  My attempt here is to respect, within reason and as
> far as the tools allow, some people's desire to remove their data from a
> project heading in a different direction to their wishes.

Stop saying this! This is just not true. It seems like most of the people
on this list continue to miss the bloody point!

My contributions are still available under CC-BY-SA, just as they always
were. I haven't changed my mind, nor am I excluding any of my
contributions from OSM. It's not even possible for me to do so, since
CC-BY-SA is irrevocable.

OSM has made the choice to exclude my contributions. That's really
important, so I'll say it again:


If I could say it louder I would. Hopefully it'll evetually sink in.

OSM may include my contributions at any time simply by adhering to the
license they were contributed under, CC-BY-SA.
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Re: [talk-au] Plea to Australian decliners

2012-03-30 Thread Sam Couter
Grant Slater  wrote:
> OSM(F) is not some nefarious organisation...

Incompetence is often difficult to distinguish from malice.

> I'm like everyone else in
> the project it doing it for fun, interesting and for the making
> something great... I have a "real" day job that is not related to osm.

So am I, so do I, and that's exactly why you're way out of line for
blaming me for OSM rejecting the data I created in good faith. I created
it thinking it'd be useful for me and others. If you don't want it,
that's annoying but it's your right. If you want to blame me for your
rejection, you can shove it up your arse. I owe you nothing.

> Mr John Anonymous Smith... the community will be better without you.

Nice attitude. You wonder why we continue to be disappointed at your
behaviour and that of OSMF?

> Glad the license change is nearly over and we can get back to what we
> enjoy... Mapping and building the bloody best map (data) of the world.

It won't be as good as it can be if you continue to reject contributions,
drive people away from the project and fracture the community.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] [sharedmapau] Re: Mass revert now??

2012-01-13 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Bennett  wrote:
> Now, a) is a done deal. c) is scheduled, and will almost certainly
> take place. Therefore, the only people who can stop data destruction
> are the "decliners", who must share responsibility for allowing it to
> happen.

If you don't respect the people's decision to determine the licences
under which their work is made available, you can't expect anybody to
respect ODbL, or any other licence. It's fundamental to what OSM does,
it's the main point behind the whole licence change, and you really need
to understand this.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] [sharedmapau] Re: Mass revert now??

2012-01-10 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Bennett  wrote:
> That's the point. I'm not surprised, I'm not offended. I believe the
> disgruntled have made their point, and I definitely supported them
> while the debate was active. Now that it's over, and a done deal, I
> think it would be much better for them to now (begrudingly,
> reluctantly, ...) tick the damn box and move on.

As I said before, it's just not that simple.

> But to put in thousands of hours of
> work to create free map data that can be used by anyone, and then to
> finish up having contributed nothing strikes me as a spectacularly
> selfish act of self-immolation.

Is it selfish of Google or Nearmap to not allow use of their data under
the ODbL and CTs?
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] [sharedmapau] Re: Mass revert now??

2012-01-10 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Bennett  wrote:
> Yep, there's no question whatsoever that "I" (meaning OSMF) have
> behaved like a complete dick. Now, do we continue this game of "well,
> you behaved like a dick, so I'm going to behave like a dick", or do we
> take the higher moral ground of "well, you behaved like a dick, but I
> joined this project for the good of the greater community, and I'm not
> going to let my hurt feelings get in the way of that".

This is a false dichotomy. There is at least one more perspective: "you"
(meaning OSMF and OSM contributors) suck it up and deal with the
consequences of your actions. What's happening now was predicted way
back, and I know "I told you so" doesn't actually help anybody, but it
does mean it's unreasonable for you to act all surprised and offended
about what's going on. There's really no point in either side whinging
because I don't think anything is going to change.

> What's more important - the ideological dispute with OSMF, or building
> an awesome map database?

I don't think it's that simple. If it were I'd contribute corrections
and such to Google's maps.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] [sharedmapau] Re: Mass revert now??

2012-01-09 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Bennett  wrote:
> This is the OSM community here. We're on an OSM mailing list. From the
> perspective of this community, John Smith's contributions are not
> usable. Certainly, he's made a valuable contribution to other
> communities elsewhere - but not this one. The complaint was that this
> community was unappreciative of his contribution - to which the
> response is that there is no contribution to this community.

The community has rejected the contributions. They were made, in
good faith, under the licence that had been agreed to at the time.

> Let's extend it further. John Smith shows up at my birthday party
> driving a new Mercedes which is his present to me. Then in
> conversation I let slip that I'm a Family First supporter. He says "if
> you don't change your mind, you can't have the car".

Holy crap, you really don't understand what's happened here at all.

Really, you told him his car's not worth shit and you don't want it
unless he also joins Family First. Even though yesterday you said you'd
like it and he should get it for you at considerable personal effort.

Have we stretched this analogy past breaking yet?

> Refusing to accept the outcome (or rather, persisting vainly with the
> idea that maybe it will change), and refusing to accept the CTs
> amounts to blackmail at this point.

I think you've got the blackmail finger pointed in the wrong direction.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Back in editing - Tracks and 4wd areas

2012-01-05 Thread Sam Couter
Ross Scanlon  wrote:
> Ok so if your mapping every 10m and the first 10m is 2wd and then
> the next is 4wd the remainder of the track becomes 4wd_only.
> Read the wiki:
> It's quite specific as to what constitutes a 4wd.

But not what constitutes a 4WD-only track, or how to indicate the
difference between 4WD-only signposted and "I don't think a 2WD can
drive here", which as I've pointed out isn't accurate, or how to
indicate only modified vehicles with diff locks, upgraded suspension and
winches are suitable, or how much driver skill is required.

> And all your's below has been discussed before.

I've seen previous discussions but no evidence of any conclusions. The
wiki page you linked helps only to define what a 4WD vehicle is
(Landcruiser yes, Forester no, rally car no). It's not nearly as simple
as 4wd_only=yes/no.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Back in editing - Tracks and 4wd areas

2012-01-05 Thread Sam Couter
Ross Scanlon  wrote:
> To me this is really odd.  If the track is 30km long and there is
> 1km of 4wd only then is not this track all 4wd_only.  As without a
> 4wd you will not be able to go from one end to the other in a 2wd.

Only if the track has no other access. Said access may not yet be mapped
in OSM. 2WD can also be used to get from one end of the track to the 4WD
section, even if it can't be used to traverse the 4WD section.

> Also any track sign posted as 4wd only should be marked in it's
> entirety as 4wd_only=yes.

What's the difference between "NPWS sign states 4WD only" (You can be
fined real money for disobeying these signs), "You'd be crazy to drive
a Commodore down here" and "Holy shit, how'd that Commodore get here?!".

The tagging guidelines page isn't clear about this and people in general
have no idea about how far you can really drive a 2WD if you're
determined and skilled. Conversely, people in general have no idea how
easy it is to get stuck in a 4WD if you are not skilled.

Also, contrast tricked-out Toyota Landcruiser with Subaru Forester with
2WD rally car. These vehicles, ignoring driver skill, have vastly
differing off-road capabilities. The 2WD rally car will go places the
4WD Forester won't. Clearly the Forester isn't a serious 4WD like the
Landcruiser, but the rally car isn't 4WD at all. How to indicate that
the Forester isn't suitable for a particular track?

The 4wd_only tag lacks any of the expressiveness needed to solve the
problem and the tagging guidelines don't address it either.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Removing ABS data

2011-12-29 Thread Sam Couter
Sam Wilson  wrote:
> All good points, Nick.  Thanks.

Except for the childish "dark side" comments.

Nick, please accept that people have their reasons for declining the
CTs, just as you presumably have your reasons for accepting.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Residential Roads

2011-12-10 Thread Sam Couter
Peter Watson  wrote:
> I live on a "residential street" that has a 60km/h speed limit and 
> so
> this street is not tagged as a residential street.

Do you agree that it should be tagged residential despite the 60km/h
speed limit?

> It is used as at short cut for people in ajoining suburbs.

So should it be tertiary?

> I partly came to this view
> because rural roads were being wrongly tagged with 50km/h speed limits which
> they rarely are.

The 50km/h speed limit tag was done by a bot, it's often inaccurate and
should be disregarded and/or corrected in these cases. Don't let the
50km/h tag influence your considerations on whether to tag a road
residential or not.

> I have been looking around my suburb but there are no 50km/
> h signs either so can be tricky to know, especially if tracing.

In the ACT 50km/h is the default if there are no signs. NSW posts "50
km/h area" signs around the place to cover all roads within that area.
Not sure about other states that I rarely visit. In any case, you're
right that it's hard to know without some local presence.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Residential Roads

2011-12-10 Thread Sam Couter
Peter Watson  wrote:
> I have a fairly narrow view on what a residential road is in Aust. 1. Is in a
> built up area or suburb, 2. Has 50km/h or less speed limit. 3. Has house 
> blocks
> on at least one side. I find so many roads in the maps which are out of town,
> have acre blocks or farms on them and have been tagged by the maxspeed bot as
> 50km/h because they have been tagged residential. These roads often have
> speedlimits of 60 or higher. I think these should be tagged unclassified. What
> do other mappers think.

Many urban residential roads have speed limits of 60 or maybe 70km/h. I think
rural roads with moderately dense residential acre blocks and 80km/h speed
limits are still residential, unless they're also the main route to a
neighbouring town, in which case they're tertiary.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] [OpenStreetMap] intersections

2011-11-28 Thread Sam Couter  wrote:
> And how would you suggest the renderer be "fixed"? Are you saying
> that the renderer should automatically classify a township as "important
> and isolated"? That is another option but, to me, that sounds
> technically difficult and error-prone.

It would be pretty simple to devise an algorithm that considered things
such as towns and road names to be more important when sparse and less
important when dense.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Censorship

2011-11-04 Thread Sam Couter
Nick Hocking  wrote:
> I've got to disagree here. In my opinoion, Liz and John S (and a couple of
> others) have, for quite awhile now had a clear agenda of just trying to damage
> OSM as much as humanly possible.

Disagreement with what's currently being done or with what is proposed
is not the same as trying to destroy the project.

> On this basis, I believe that the best thing would be for there to be no posts
> from these people on these lists.

Stifling dissent so you only hear agreeable opinons might make you feel
good but it's counter-productive. The productive approach is to actually
address the issues and dissenting opinions. Yes it's more difficult that
way, but it's the only way to improve.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Censorship

2011-11-04 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:
> I disagree. Moderation is the only way to stop this channel being
> filled with diatribes and I'm glad that the moderator(s) are being
> reasonable enough to let the better emails through.

Steve, the only reason this list is moderated is because of the response
to the messages you sent a few months ago. You called people names,
pleaded ignorance on the issues that have been raised and still not
addressed even now and then pretended nothing was wrong except for the
conduct on this list. You then proceeded to point at anybody who disagreed
and called "troll!". It's a shame that so many in OSM are willing to follow
without calling you out on your atrocious behaviour.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] [sharedmapau] Re: ODbL permission granted

2011-10-31 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> The answer from AGIMO ( will actually be irrelevant. 

I was hoping that the original communications would make clear exactly
how relevant they are. At the moment we're all just guessing.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] ODbL permission granted

2011-10-31 Thread Sam Couter
Richard Weait  wrote:
> Dear Talk-au,
> The License Working Group have had further communication with
> to confirm their position on permitting data
> in OpenStreetMap. have reviewed the Australian section of
> the attribution page
> and responded as follows:
> > That is terrific – thank you
> >
> > Regards, Team
> We trust that you will find this to be sufficient confirmation that it
> is okay to include data from in OpenStreetMap with your
> CT/ODbL accounts.

There's clearly some communication failure going on here. This isn't
sufficient confirmation of anything except maybe that somebody at thinks something is terrific, probably something on the
attribution page. There's no mention of licence compatibility or special
permission grants, and a complete lack of the clear statements I'd
expect to see. All context has been removed, and the phrase "That is
terrific" can't stand alone.

Richard, is it possible to simply forward the communications you have
from to this list, or otherwise make them publically
available? That should put the matter to rest one way or another.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Missing streets in Sydney

2011-09-04 Thread Sam Couter
Sam Couter  wrote:
> Next trip will be in a week, but it will be my daughter's
> birthday and I don't know if I'll have time.

Update on Cowra mapping: I went to a birthday party, I flew a kite, I
built a fence, I fed some cows, I drove a semi-trailer, but I did not
collect street names or GPS traces. Yet again I tell myself "Next time".
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Missing streets in Sydney

2011-08-26 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> A lot of those streets were placed by a particular person whom I know
> traced from Google in particular places.
> I'll stop that accusation there.
> I haven't been able to put many names to streets in Cowra because I
> don't travel through there often.

I do, and I've been meaning to name all the streets. Of course I haven't
yet done so. Next trip will be in a week, but it will be my daughter's
birthday and I don't know if I'll have time.

> If the streets are traced from sources which shouldn't have been used,
> then of course they should be deleted as Nick suggests.

I am unaware of the sources used for mapping Cowra. If I collect all
the street names I'll also have GPS traces to match.
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Re: [talk-au] Bing

2011-07-11 Thread Sam Couter
Andrew Harvey  wrote:
> That is, if OSM were as rigorous as Debian we wouldn't allow this as
> it is in violation of point 8 of the DFSG

I'm glad somebody has mentioned Debian. You want to see information freedom
done right, a functioning do-ocracy and most importantly a transparent,
democratic decision-making process, you don't need to look any further
than Debian.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:
> I didn't, you are correct. I said I would however, if it was an email 
> assuming good faith and free of personal attacks. This is common is western 
> societies. Or at least polite societies :-)

Calling people trolls and puppets doesn't demonstrate an assumption of
good faith. In fact, it's the opposite.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:
> Perhaps we're talking at cross purposes because most of the community I'm
> familiar with, which is all of the EU and the US, consider government data a
> nice starting point but mappers on the ground as generally much better. Is the
> perception in Australia that you should just do whatever the government says
> you should do? Or that OSM should just be a host for government data?

Mappers on the ground are much better, but government data is *already
collected*. It also has stuff that's difficult or impossible to collect
on the ground (or water), like marine park and national park boundaries.
Also, Australia is incredibly remote. When the US talk about remote
locations and low populated areas, we've got 'em beat.

> So they're only a potential source, things have not been imported?

Some has, but it's not compatible with ODbL and will probably be
deleted. I don't think anything has been imported for a while because of
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:
> Well the eternal right thing applies to CC and most other licenses, so I

There's a difference between an irrevocable licence and an irrevocable,
all-encompassing rights grant. CC and most other open licences are the
former, OSM's CTs require the latter.

> suspect that you don't like who the licensee is, OSMF? That's the reason it's

Don't care who. The Free Software Foundation requires a copyright assignment
for contributions to GNU projects and I'm uncomfortable with that too,
even though I feel I can trust FSF way more than OSMF.

> shaped that the OSMF immediately license it back. From what I remember, our
> legal advice was there has to be a licensing party that things are assigned to
> in order to make it work.

The contributor can be the licencing party, there's no requirement for
OSM to take that role.

> As for future licensing, do you have a better idea?

Yes. Stick with CC-BY-SA and don't demand a rights grant.

> Why don't you start at the beginning and explain what, where and when this 
> data
> was imported? Did you ever bring it up with the LWG?

Australian government data, and this has been the main sticking point
in the licencing debate since the start. Are you seriously going to
claim ignorance on this?
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] What A Day

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
Andrew Laughton  wrote:
> I would say a single troll, who it must be admitted has had quite a reaction.

Are you referring to me or Steve? I assume it's one of us given our
message volume over the past couple of days. Name names! Quit being so
passive-aggressive, poor communication like that is what causes these
kinds of problems in the first place.

Despite my disagreements with Steve, I don't think either of us is
trolling, so either way you're wrong.

> It might be to distract mappers from discussing what they are doing.

Here's my bit, and I encourage others to discuss their intentions:

My contributions have never been all that significant, so it doesn't
really matter, but I'm not looking forward to seeing my past efforts
disappear and I'm undecided if I'm going to continue in the future.
FOSM doesn't yet seem to be a valid alternative either.

> I personally cannot seem to be able to get any joy from, at
> the moment I am just getting a "500 Internal Server Error" message.

Me too. Previous efforts were more successful (no error messages), but
I've never seen a map, just a blank grey box where a map probably goes.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
SteveC  wrote:
> No, John smith and friends are a separate issue, they troll many different 
> discussions.

Who are "and friends"? I only watch talk-au so if there's trolling going
on elsewhere I haven't seen it. What I have seen is you dismissing others
as being deliberately disruptive or as having hidden agendas, instead of
addressing what they actually say.

> Actually no, I've said im unaware of any reasons not to accept (given we 
> fixed near map, we fixed ordnance survey...) which is not the same as saying 
> there aren't any.

Many reasons have been given. I'll give you my two biggest right now:
Eternal, irrevocable rights grant and indeterminate future licencing.

For my own contributions using my own GPS traces and survey work, that's
one thing. I haven't yet decided if I'll create a new OSM account and
click "Accept", I've clicked "Decline" for my existing OSM account
because of the sources I've used in the past. But I can't agree to the
CTs when I'm using CC-BY or CC-BY-SA.

Nearmap isn't the problem and doesn't need fixing, ODbL is. Maybe it
can't be fixed any time soon, but denying that it's a problem doesn't help.

> > you have denied any problems with licence incompatibility.
> Where did I do that? I think I mention multiple times how many problems we 
> have had in many areas.

You seem to think that all the Australian CC-BY and CC-BY-SA data that has
been imported can either be kept, which seems unlawful to me, or deleted
without considering it any real loss.

> [Sam:]
> > I hate to sound like a third-grader, but you started the ad hominem.
> I did, where?

The first message I replied to. Accusing others of hidden agendas or riling
you up for no reason other than enjoyment.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
SteveC  wrote:
> I wouldn't say we chose it. We were told by legal that cc didn't work, so we 
> spent a lot of time evolving the odbl (originally started by cc folks) and 
> the CTs. It might look from that side of the planet that it was a hand of god 
> type decision, but that's not the case. It's been multiple years of work 
> around every possible solution.

I didn't mean that you and some secret cabal conspired in secret, I
meant that OSM-F chose it by whatever process. I also understand that
the process was quite long and involved. The end result of the licence
being chosen was the important part for my comment, not the process by
which it was chosen.

> Also, your frame of reference is with OSM up and running and having these 
> kinds of relationships. When I started OSM we had no data at all and nobody 
> wanted to give us data under any license, let alone cc. So those of us who 
> climbed the mountain to get those people to give us data see asking people to 
> switch (such as ordnance survey for example) as a far smaller problem.

I don't see it as a small problem. Australian government data is mostly
released under CC licences, which are widely compatible with most open uses.
They've hit the 99% mark, so there's not a lot of motivation to change
further. OSM-F has placed OSM in the remaining 1%.

> Im confused that I was discussing nearmap but you jumped to the government, 
> what am I missing?

The bit where you mentioned "large sclerotic government institutions". I
think we've just about covered Nearmap, and the government sources in
Australia are collectively the next biggest potential data source.

> In any case, as someone who built this project and has convinced many 
> organizations and government agencies to open up, I urge you to have a longer 
> timeframe outlook. These types of agencies tend to get with it in the end. 
> Even the ordnance survey has, for example.

You've mentioned Ordnance Survey many times. Are they the only success story?

Australian agencies have already gotten with it. We have data available under
various open licences. How are Australians supposed to go to the Australian
government agencies (individually, of course) and explain that while it's
exactly what we've been asking for for a long time, it's not good enough
because one specific project chose a licence based on concerns that they
needed to protect rights that don't exist in Australia or even in the
majority of the world?
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Re: [talk-au] missing messages

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
SteveC  wrote:
> As it happens however, my view that John smith and others are trolls is 
> widely held. And unless you have anything to discuss other than you believing 
> what I write to be bullshit I'm afraid you will go in the same bucket.

I didn't really expect anything different given our differing opinions.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
SteveC  wrote:
> Sam
> Underlaying your attacks is the notion that I dismiss people who disagree 
> with me, or that I can't understand different points of view. I find that 
> strange given my rational responses to several disagreements on this list and 
> outlaying where I feel misunderstandings have come from. I have also agreed 
> with the points of view of several people but still shared why I came to a 
> different conclusion while still understanding their perspective. Thus, it's 
> difficult to understand why you feel I'm being dismissive.

You blame misunderstandings on trolls instead of genuine disagreement,
you have stated multiple times there's no reason to decline the CT's,
you have denied any problems with licence incompatibility. These aren't
rational responses of someone who accepts that others have differring

> PS -  Your ad hominem attack, while not bad, isn't as piercing as the good 
> old days on the talk@ list. If you go back over that list I'm sure you can 
> find much stronger words than "brat" used. By using those old posts you 
> should be able to construct far more cutting and personal jibes. Perhaps 
> mention my mother, or the size of my genitalia. By doing so, I'm sure you 
> will achieve your goals.

I hate to sound like a third-grader, but you started the ad hominem. I
don't like to do it and I definitely wasn't going for piercing.

> PPS - I too was adolescent and used to attach PGP fingerprints to my e-mails. 
> It's sad we don't use more encryption.

8/10. I nearly bit.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:
> We've gone to insanely long lengths to make that the case, including getting
> clarifications from Ordnance Survey, Nearmap and many others. As far as I'm
> aware there are no remaining issues as to why you can't click 'accept'.

The solution to the problem of "We chose a licence and impose terms on
contributors that's incompatible with most sources of data" isn't to go
to each source of data individually to try to get them to relicence.
That's as ridiculous as choosing a GPL-incompatible software licence and
then whining that you can't legally incorporate all those wonderful GPL
licenced projects into yours.

> So while no doubt nearmap is a great resource and it's a shame they no longer
> want to be involved, it's clear that the majority do - even large sclerotic
> government institutions are being agile and helpful about this.

I don't think you understand the depths of recalcitrance when it comes
to the Australian government. Having data released under CC licences at
all was a huge leap, there's effectively zero chance of OSM being able
to licence the data under ODbL. The federal and state governments just
don't care.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:

[ rubbish about Australians being led astray by some guy]

> It's hard to fix that, however I am resourceful.

You're an immature brat who thinks shouting loudest and longest means
you win the argument. That's not resourcefulness.

It's impossible to carry on any kind of rational debate with someone who
can't comprehend that others may disagree with them.

> The first step is to meet your clownmails message-for-message so you don't
> automatically have the loudest voice. By pointing out the simple facts and
> having you talk past them and get to the real issues (you want to rile people
> like me up, make us fret and worry) it is now clear to a rational observer 
> what
> the intentions are.

Here's what this rational and until now unengaged observer sees: You are a
closed-minded person who assumes people who disagree with you are doing it
for the lulz rather than because they genuinely have a different opinion. I
don't know who 80n is or what he's done, so don't dismiss my opinion as just
another rube being led astray.

> I think your nightmare scenario is that I fly to Australia and sit in the pub
> and discuss the real reasons you're so upset.

Please do so. Your communication skills in this medium are atrocious,
maybe in person you're not such an arse.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] missing messages

2011-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:
> It's been pointed out that I'm not replying to hundreds of messages
> from John Smith, Anthony and friends.
> I don't see them as they're automatically deleted. I find life is
> better without having the trolls fill my inbox.

I really don't know how to respond to this level of immature bullshit.

> However, if I have missed any reasonable points in there then feel
> free to repost them, just don't put those guys email addresses in
> the to/from/cc fields...

And waste my electrons? You don't seem to think any point you disagree
with is reasonable or worth responding to. You simply dismiss anybody
who disagrees with you as a troll without consideration.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-07 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:
> Wow, you infer a lot from my four word sentence. Do you have any
> evidence to back any of it up?

You mean other than the message you affirmed pretty strongly?

Maybe it's a difference between Australian English and British English,
but I'd think those four words in the context that you uttered them carry
exactly the same meaning as the message you affirmed. Said message was
dismissive of project forks, the reasons for them, the people who start
them, and the importance of licences that people choose to make
contributions available under. It was specifically dismissive of "people
with agendas" which has become a commonly used passive-aggressive label
(especially on this list) for those who voice concerns.

So I don't think I inferred much at all, I think instead you were quite
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-06 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Coast  wrote:
> This is exactly right.

It's only exactly right if you don't have a problem with the new
licence, with the process by which it was implemented, with mass
deletion of data, with the proliferation of incompatible open licences,
with irrevocable and eternal rights grants, with future relicencing at
OSM-F's whim, etc.

Dismissing the objections of people who don't share your viewpoint as
some kind of hidden agenda or shitstirring for shitstirring's sake is
immature, childish and unproductive.

Failing to understand that others genuinely have different viewpoints
from you is a glaring failure for a man who's supposed to be a leader in
an open community.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] A modest proposal fo OSM mailing list reform

2011-05-20 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> On 21 May 2011 13:52, Nick Hocking  wrote:
> > Forums (IMO) are much superior to mailing lists for one simple reason
> > If the forum software is a threaded one then it is really easy to avoid
> > reading any drivel from the trolls. You just ignore the whole thread if the
> > troll starts it or just ignore any parts of an otherwise useful thread if it
> > becomes troll infested.

> While not a forum, you do realise you can do the same thing with a
> newsgroup interface?

Any decent mail client will offer the same feature.

Forums suck hardcore. They all have different feature sets, differently
disabled UIs, they encourage terrible posting styles, and worst of all I
have to go to them (and register separately at each one, log in each
time I visit, manage yet another user profile, remember a whole new set of
user identities for those I interact with, etc) if I want to read the

With mailing lists on the other hand, the content conveniently comes
direct to me, I get to choose what software has the interface I like, and
it is impossible for censors to delete stuff before I get to see it. All
that, and I still have a delete button for stuff I don't want to see.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] temp name change

2011-02-20 Thread Sam Couter
Steve Bennett  wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, am I the only normal person on this email list?

Depends what you mean by normal.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Things that would be nice if they rendered...

2010-06-10 Thread Sam Couter
Jim Croft  wrote:
> there is one near my place... will try and iPhone it this weekend...

Could you perhaps take a photo of it instead?

/camera snob
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Making a laptop Into a Big-Screen GPS (cont.)

2010-06-03 Thread Sam Couter
Eraina and Richard jenkins  wrote:
> 1.Where is there a tutorial/howto/whatever for Navit.  For me
> it comes up with a blank screen ... and no maps.  I did attempt to
> download some maps for SE Australia ... so, how do I proceed from this
> point??

Unfortunately, configuring navit isn't exactly user-friendly. It
requires editing an XML file. There's no easy clicky-clicky interface.

Also, acquiring and loading maps isn't user-friendly. You can download
navit maps from cloudmade, but you have to manually copy them into the
right location, referenced from the navit.xml file you edited earlier.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Making a Laptop GPS

2010-06-02 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> Navit does wonderfully on my eeepc 701 - the original tiny one
> with the modest sized database for all of australia on a SD card
> runs on Crunchbang Linux  which I find sleek enough for the processor

I run it on my Nokia n810, which has much more limited resources than
any laptop or netbook. It would be fine on any laptop.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] More General Observations

2010-05-11 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> In the 1980s we lived in NWQ, and travelled to Tassie on holidays.
> We got the impression that the road engineers were paid by the corner.

As a motorcyclist who was finally able to tour Tassie on two wheels
recently (been waiting ten years for the chance) I'd just like to say roads in
Tasmania are AWESOME.

The roads in South Gippsland on the way there and back... not so good
for motorbikes, especially around Sale.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Overland Track added

2010-03-02 Thread Sam Couter
John Henderson  wrote:
> Yes, the figure from a proper survey should have an accuracy of a few 
> centimetres.  One of my many jobs (back in the 70s) was a chainman 
> (surveyor's assistant).  With modern electronic gear, I believe there's 
> no such job any more.

My old man's a surveyor so I've played chainman plenty of times too.
These days it's less about the chain and more about carrying the prism
to the benchmark and to each spot. You don't expect the surveyor to do
the walking, do you?
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] answers to difficult questions

2010-03-02 Thread Sam Couter
David Murn  wrote:
> Ive been using a couple of different techniques for doing power towers,
> but one that Im looking at for more remote towers is simple survey
> triangulation as you suggest.  Youve got a GPS, all you need is a
> compass, pen/paper and a little bit of high-school maths.

You'll need a theodolite or sextant or similar if you want to be anywhere
near accurate. A few degrees of error isn't perceivable on a compass but
will create a large error in placement.
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Re: [talk-au] answers to difficult questions

2010-03-02 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> options as well, the only major nuclear accident was due to Russian
> [management]


Chernobyl was a pretty standard reactor design for its time. It exploded
because all of the safety systems were disabled for various tests. There
was nothing wrong with the engineering, just management.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Canberra - last white spot on the map

2010-02-10 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Also it's against the laws of physics to get e100, you need additivies
> to stop water in humidity bonding with pure ethanol

This happens with lower concentrations of ethanol, one reason why fuel
companies love it and motorists should refuse it.

> , and to stop
> people from trying to drink it instead of putting it in their cars,
> from memory the best you can do is e95...

Methylated spirits these days is nearly 100% ethanol. The main additive
is a bittering agent to discourage people from drinking it and maybe an
emetic agent just in case they do. Back in the days when it contained
methanol people still drank it which did even more damage.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Question about lanes

2010-01-22 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> another example of "let's change the wiki" and radically change meaning 
> missed 
> by me because i don't find the wiki useful

That page is still useless.

The second photo shows cars parked on both sides of the street facing
away from the camera, which suggests it's a one-way street. It's a poor

There's no indication of how to map asymmetrical roads, Liz's suggestion
of using 1/2 or 3/2 amuses me.

As a separate issue, how to map roads with differing numbers of lanes,
perhaps based on time? Pacific Highway at Turramurra is an example, I
think the Spit Bridge in Manly used to do the same thing. Sydney Harbour
Bridge also changes the number of lanes used in each direction based on
traffic flow.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Incorrect entry to BP service station

2010-01-12 Thread Sam Couter
Roy Wallace  wrote:
> So the routing software has to approximate the target node with some
> other node that *is* connected... and if the router does this
> approximation sub-optimally, this is a problem with the router, right?

How can it possibly know? This is garbage in, garbage out. When asked an
impossible question, the answer is gibberish. The router has no way of
knowing that the node is connected to two nearby ways rather than just
the nearest, which is the approximation I'd expect.

Service roads seem like the perfect solution: They're unabiguous and
exactly correct. Trying to drive or route to disconnected nodes is
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Mapping interchanges levels or turn restrictions

2010-01-12 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> KISS...
> In this case you have to assume the turn restictions are completely
> ignored, which if that is the case is there really any point in
> putting them in in the first place to tell stupid things how to do
> their jobs better when the programming should be improved?

I disagree with your assertion that turns through acute angles are
impossible, or even rare.

One example:,+nsw&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.681389,79.013672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Crows+Nest+New+South+Wales,+Australia&ll=-33.82794,151.2008&spn=0.005036,0.009645&z=17

Left turn from Falcon Street onto Pacifiy Highway.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Portrush Road, Adelaide

2009-12-24 Thread Sam Couter
John Henderson  wrote:
> One of the nice features I've found on my Garmin Nuvi is that I can turn 
> the GPS receiver off, place myself on any point on the map, and do a 
> simulated drive to any other place.  The simulation is very 
> realistically done with the route, vehicle and simulated speeds showing.

Navit can do the same thing using the demo vehicle. It follows the
current route at a constant speed. It's a little buggy and crashes
occasionally but it mostly works.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Roundabouts and routing

2009-12-17 Thread Sam Couter  wrote:
> "The first exit (west on Ginninderra Drive) isn't being counted as an exit
> because that exit point is also my entry point."
> Well, I would rather represent geometrical reality than play tricks for 
> routers.
> Take a comparative example:
> You can see that to get from S to W, W to N and N to E it's a graceful sweep
> left, more or less tangential to the roundabout.  Whereas from W to S, there's
> the left bend into the roundabout, a bit of right bend in the roundabout,
> before turning left again out of the roundabout.
> In the first case I have edited the entry, exit and roundabout as meeting at
> exactly one node.  IMHO this represents reality and if the router can't handle
> it then the router should be upgraded to suit (or its OSM-to-router-format
> script suitably upgraded).
> We shouldn't be "mapping for the router" to the extent it disagrees with
> reality, should we?

You can't represent a "graceful sweep" with two straight lines and one

It seems clear to me that even if you don't turn the steering wheel due
to the width of the road, the entry and exit points on that roundabout
are separate. If you were driving a hypothetical and impossible point
vehicle on a hypothetical impossible zero-width line road, you'd be
turning the wheel to go around the roundabout. And it just so happens
that what we are mapping is impossible zero-width line roads.

Also, if you're driving tangetially to the roundabout and the circle of
the roundabout has been simplified to straight lines, it's not hard to
arrange one of the straight lines from the circle to coincide with your
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Roundabouts and routing

2009-12-17 Thread Sam Couter
Ben Kelley  wrote:
> Heh. My sister-in-law lives near here. The directions on my eTrext Legend did
> confuse me a little at that intersection. I assumed the intersection hadn't
> been drawn quite right, but I never got around to going back and fixing it.

I fixed this one.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Sports Clubs

2009-12-14 Thread Sam Couter
James Livingston  wrote:
> I agree that they're not really the same as a "normal" pub, but I don't know 
> how'd you'd really describe the difference other than the "tenuous connection 
> to some club and officially members only" thing.

"Pub" is short for "public house" and is a hotel, a place where anyone
can get a meal, a drink and a room. Bars don't have rooms.

In the ACT, a club is the only place you can go to play a poker machine.

Clubs are not always sports-oriented, there are labour clubs, trademen's
clubs, fishermen's clubs, clubs centered around ethnic groups, etc.
Access restrictions to members, their guests and out-of-area visitors is
a significant difference compared to pubs. Clubs usually have dress codes
and other rules that pubs may not. They are heavily regulated by
State-based legislation and are obviously different (when you visit them)
from a pub or bar.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Australia BP service station dataset - suitable for bulk import?

2009-12-09 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> As if the govt doesn't get enough tax already, and they get tax on top
> of tax when the GST kicks in.

The government gets *less* money from E10. Fuel excise is reduced and
its production is subsidised.

> Anyway, this is getting off topic,

Yes, but a near-incoherant rant is good fun sometimes.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Australia BP service station dataset - suitable for bulk import?

2009-12-09 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> The problem with E10 for most cars is it doesn't recognise the extra
> oxygen atom

Australian electronic fuel injection systems have O2 sensors, this isn't
a problem. The reduced energy of E10 compared to the same volume of petrol
is a problem, is basic physics, and can't be changed.

> and making food production more expensive and so the world goes on
> starving.

People don't starve for a worldwide lack of food, they starve because the
excess of food is in the wrong place, ie, not their belly. This is caused
by world politics, corruption, local warlords, complete lack of central
government in some places, etc, and the application of more food in places
that already have enough won't fix any of that.

> Of course if they pumped the waste from coal fire power plants into
> green houses that have water tanks full of algea and then turn the
> algea into fuel you gat something like 40,000-80,000L of ethernol per
> acre, it gets rid of all the emissions in a safe manner and we don't
> need to import crude oil.
> But of course that would be too smart so we can't have that.

Ethanol producers have pulled a fast one on the public and hooked
government subsidies to create a very profitable and completely
unsustainable industry. They won't let that go. Your solution still isn't
carbon neutral either because you're burning coal, but that's a hell of a
lot better than burning coal *and* oil. Our only feasible truly carbon
neutral options are solar and nuclear. Solar's expensive and nuclear
scares the NIMBYs even though it releases less radioactive waste than
burning coal.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Australia BP service station dataset - suitable for bulk import?

2009-12-09 Thread Sam Couter
Ross Scanlon  wrote:
> Make sure if you are going to enter fuel information then you include all 
> types, (lpg, 91, 95, 98 octane, diesel, etc)

More: Automotive LPG is different tax-wise from barbecue LPG and
therefore sold and dispensed differently, sometimes you can refill your
own LPG bottle and sometimes you can only buy a full one or swap an empty
one for a full one. Alpine diesel is a different fuel from normal diesel
and usually only sold during the winter months in alpine areas. Ethanol is
for drinking and swindling motorists and governments out of some cash so
it should be noted for those of us who'd rather push the car than put E10
in it. Also some servos have pre-mixed two-stroke fuel, kerosene or
firewood available, just in case you drive a ride-on mower or a
wood-fired traction engine with satnav.

Or maybe that's going a little too far.
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Re: [talk-au] replacement bicylce mounted gps

2009-11-13 Thread Sam Couter  wrote:
> ability to use as gps source for navit when in motor vehicle

The good news is that Navit can use any NMEA source, which just about
any serial or USB connectable device will provide.
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Re: [talk-au] NearMap PhotoMap imagery for OSM

2009-11-13 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> That's one reason I don't live in Sydney any more, when ever there is
> a major event half the city gets shut down, thankfully I missed out on
> APEC I bet that was a major pain in the butt.

I went to a wedding in Sydney on the APEC weekend, and it was not nearly
as bad as I expected. I didn't get raped with a rubber glove, road
blocks weren't too extensive, and watching the military aircraft flying
around was interesting. We even drove under the Harbour Bridge at The Rocks
in the party buses that took us to the reception.
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Re: [talk-au] Help with a couple of things

2009-11-11 Thread Sam Couter
Ross Scanlon  wrote:
> a fence and medium strip dividing the two.

That's median, meaning in the middle. Not medium, which means average.

Pet peeve.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] When does a road become a track?

2009-10-21 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Most people aren't taught to drive or grow up on dirt roads, I only
> have a 2wd car and I'll drive it on roads some/most people wouldn't,
> so that's a bit too subjective...

Ditto for me. If it'll go I'll drive it, and occasionally when it won't.

> However commenting on what crazy people do on unsurfaced road is less
> subjective, you just assume the worst :)

They roads I'm willing to drive on, we probably come to the same answer
anyway. I am a crazy person who drives fast on rough roads.
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Re: [talk-au] ?WinCE program

2009-10-20 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> does anyone know if gosmore or navit or other program can be persuaded to 
> work 
> on one of these machines?

I don't know that much about WinCE, but I think software isn't portable
between platforms even on the same chip architecture (eg, ARM). You'd
need an SDK or appropriately configured cross-compiler, and those can
probably only be (easily) supplied by the device manufacturer.

You could just try this:

I don't know how you'd execute the program once you had it compiled.

If you can identify the hardware well enough you may be able to run
Linux on it, and after that you can compile anything that runs on Linux.
Pull the cover off and look for some markings on the main board and plug
them in to Google. Next, try the markings on the biggest chips on the
board. If you're lucky someone will have already done it and there will
be instructions.

You're probably not going to be able to get any of these things working
though. Most of the time messing with these dinky embedded systems takes
a good deal of knowledge and often an oscilliscope and/or soldering iron.
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] When does a road become a track?

2009-10-20 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> I think he meant highway=unclassified

Probably, but that's not going to be right all the time either.

> Not proximity of a boundary, is it within a boundary or not.

I still don't think that matters for tagging the road, only for tagging
land use.
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] When does a road become a track?

2009-10-20 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Well it comes back to my suggestion before about offroad rally cars
> being able to do 100km/hr...

That's not too bad as far as criteria go. Another one I like to think
about is "Would I drive the family Commodore here?". I don't really own a
Commodore, but it's a pretty average car that everyone is familiar with.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] When does a road become a track?

2009-10-20 Thread Sam Couter
swanilli  wrote:
> I have tired to find some official definitions to clarify this.
> Here is the Australian Standard definition of a road from AS 1348?2002 "Road
> and traffic engineering?Glossary of terms":
> road: Route trafficable by motor vehicles; in law, the public right-of-way
> between boundaries of adjoining property

Wikipedia says:

A road is an identifiable route, way or path between places.

That definition isn't any more useful or relevant than the one you found.

> Here is a pragmatic solution based on AS 1348 and OSM custom:
> highway=road if it is open to the public and located between property
> boundaries, regardless of surface.

highway=road means "A road of unknown classification. This is intended as
a temporary tag to mark a road until it has been properly surveyed."

> If it is within a property (including National Parks and State Forests):
>- unsealed: highway=track
>   - sealed: highway=service

How is the proximity of a property boundary relevant to the tagging of
the type of road? Tagging should be defined by things such as surface,
width, lane markings, what's at the end of the road, etc. As a map user,
it doesn't matter to me if the road is between adjoining properties, a
public right of way through the middle of private property, or a road
through a State Forest or National Park.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] When does a road become a track?

2009-10-20 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Actually I'd say tracks don't get graded, unclassified roads do. IMHO
> the only maintainence a tracks get is when a tree falls across the
> track and needs to be cut up by RFS or NPWS.

Many fire trails in National Parks and State Forests are graded
periodically especially after heavy rain, have erosion prevention berms
maintained, etc. They're definitely highway=track, usually at least
4wd_only=recommended and often 4wd_only=yes.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-15 Thread Sam Couter
Franc Carter  wrote:
> Hmm, I'm just in the early stages of browsing the code I got from svn in the
> last 6-8 weeks, my initial
> impression is that it does indeed return multiple match's for ways (up to
> 10). I'll need to wait until the
> weekend to confirm as only my carpc has an os release recent enough to
> actually compile it ;-(

It does return multiple matches, but only if the number of matching
attributes is the same. The attributes to match come from the big attrmap
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-15 Thread Sam Couter
Elizabeth Dodd  wrote:

Using the latest SVN version of osm2navit, these two and the one near
Robertson NSW seem to turn out right. They're routable roads anyway, I
don't know how admin boundaries affect Navit.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-15 Thread Sam Couter
Franc Carter  wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 9:55 PM, John Smith wrote:
> > I wonder if it's possible to duplicate the object to break it up into
> > 2 objects instead of one, and strip appropriate tags from the
> > respective objects.
> >
> Yep, that's the 'correct' solution that I am assuming, without having
> actually delved
> in to the code at the moment.

The solution outlined by cp15 (see Liz's earlier message) is to modify
attr_longest_match to return more than just one match when appropriate.

The hard part will be deciding how to determine when more matches should
be returned and what those matches should be. Returning too many matches
will greatly increase the size of the Navit map file, which is obviously
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] navit files

2009-10-13 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Pretty sure I had the same issue when I tried to report their routing
> engine was screwy too.

The idlers and lurkers will read the backlog when they return.
Conversations can go very slowly this way, but communication is

Bug tracker:

Forums (no idea how closely they're monitored):

There doesn't appear to be a mailing list.

> Alternatively there is plan B, there is a number of people on this
> list that can code, and even more on the dev list, I'm sure between us
> we can cook up a suitable patch. Is anyone familiar with the osm2navit
> code at all?

I've looked it over a few times and even modified it a little. It's 5500
lines of dense code with lots of global variables, nearly no comments
and a highly abstracted attribute-driven metaschema so I'll make no
claims of familiarity.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] new toy found by son

2009-10-01 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Or just use a phone with AGPS from the phone network, when I have 3G
> connectivity on the phone I usually get 2m accuracy and works inside
> buildings etc. Now we just need 3G connectivity Australia wide :D

I thought AGPS didn't help with accuracy, it just helps with faster
satellite aquisition by downloading ephemeris data instead of searching
blindly for visible satellites. It won't help with surveying a tunnel.
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Australian version of JOSM

2009-09-19 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> so we wouldn't have Baby Hatch as an amenity

WTF is a baby hatch?! Is it like a laundry chute, where babies go when
they're dirty and you're finished with them? I'd like one of them thanks.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] New POI mapping application

2009-09-06 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> At work we are going to release a new POI mapping application for beta
> testing tomorrow, initially it will only be for BlackBerry and
> Android. There is plans to release the same application for iPhones
> and Windows Mobile at some future stage.

Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Fwd: [OSM-talk] How to tag giant acorn?

2009-08-27 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Also the OP said something about Atom CPU? I've no idea how that compares to 
> intel chips.

Atom is Intel's poor attempt at a low-power CPU, intended for embedded
devices. They're sick of ARM kicking their arse in that market. It runs
the same x86 instruction set as modern Intel laptop/desktop chips.

Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Navteq mapping AU

2009-08-27 Thread Sam Couter
James Livingston  wrote:
> That reminds me of something I was wishing for a couple of months ago,  
> trying to find a rental place after moving to Brisbane - one of those  
> web sites that made better use of geodata. Some of the good ones will  
> shop you a map with a house icon for each property that is for rent/ 
> sale, but a lot don't do even that.
> What I really wanted was a site that would do the above, and also tell  
> me how long it would take to talk to the nearest public transport,  
> catch it, and walk to my work at the other end[0]. Plus where the  
> nearest shops were, if there were any parks or sports facilities  
> nearby and so on.

If you were a relocating Australian Defence Forces member, my employer
( would provide you with a service that does a
lot of this stuff. Unfortunately it relies on Sensis, but it mostly
works pretty well.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Fwd: [OSM-talk] How to tag giant acorn?

2009-08-27 Thread Sam Couter
Cosmic Charade  wrote:
> I use Ubuntu with xfce so a similar setup but it runs like a dog on
> mine for some reason maybe I installed the wrong version of Java
> or I need to run with some command line options?

My laptop is lower powered than yours and JOSM works okay. You need the
Sun JRE, it won't work with OpenJDK. The only command line options I use
are to set the HTTP proxy.
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au]

2009-08-21 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> I'd like to think things were that active in Australia map wise but I don't 
> think that's an accurate picture :)

I have around 800 messages in my mailbox from the past month from this
list. That puts us soundly in the 549 - 2648 range (where did those
numbers come from?). Depending on which green is which, that map may
actually be correct when it comes to mailing list posts.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] navit

2009-08-06 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> I just ran the new osm2navit over a data file a couple of days old and it 
> went from 40M to 50M as a result of the extra is_in data.

That one seems to work much better.
Sam Couter |
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] navit

2009-08-06 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Nothing special, just followed the directions on this wiki page:

As a result, most of the towns and suburbs in Australia can't be
searched for due to a lack of is_in tags. My patch for osm2navit
(attached) is a bit heavy-handed but trivial. If you've got a build
environment set up for navit, give it a go.
Sam Couter |
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C
Index: navit/osm2navit.c
--- navit/osm2navit.c	(revision 2448)
+++ navit/osm2navit.c	(working copy)
@@ -1424,7 +1424,9 @@
 		if (item_is_town(*item_bin) && attr_strings[attr_string_label]) {
 			char *tok,*buf=is_in_buffer;
 			if (!buf[0])
-strcpy(is_in_buffer, "Unknown");
+strncpy(buf, "Australia", BUFFER_SIZE);
+			else
+strncat(buf, ", Australia", BUFFER_SIZE - strlen(buf));
 			while ((tok=strtok(buf, ","))) {
 while (*tok==' ')

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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] mailing lists and replying to them.

2009-08-06 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Any point in asking to have this list default changed to reply to list or 
> would that be inviting a pointlessly endless argument with no outcome?

You'll get me posting this, as I do on every list that this discussion
comes up on:

I understand but will never accept the opposing position as I use a mail
client that does handle reply-to-list correctly and have no sympathy for
people who choose to use poor quality software when better alternatives
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] A possible way to promote OSM

2009-07-09 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> Your "problem" John, is that you are confusing educating people with 
> providing 
> them with a "School Certificate" or whatever

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
  -- Mark Twain

Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] A possible way to promote OSM

2009-07-09 Thread Sam Couter  wrote:
> If anybody's got ideas on how to incorporate it into a maths lesson I'm all 
> ears too.

My high school maths touched on surveying, which is all geometry and
trigonometry. Map your school, the nearby playing field or shops or
whatever and calculate boundary lengths or areas of various features.

For senior high school students, what about studying a bit of the maths
involved in GPS? Techniques used in triangulation and estimating error,
for example. You may want to include relativistic effects such as
frequency shifts and time corrections for your best students.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Street Abbv. patch for validator plugin

2009-07-08 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> Java flavoured, and I'm not talking about tasting coffee here :)

Java regexes are almost Perl-compatible regexes (PCRE).

> You are probably correct, it's taken me a number of years to get my head 
> round regex for the amount I dabble in at present, and I have no idea which 
> would be more efficient for the parser...

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know,
I'll use regular expressions."  Now they have two problems.
  -- Jamie Zawinski in comp.emacs.xemacs

The quote isn't quite true, but it's witty and something to keep in
mind: regexes are hard to write right and even harder to read.

I believe the \.? expression is more efficient than (|.), and I also
think it's easier to read.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Canberra Mapping Party Event Diary

2009-07-07 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> and the shame of having ridden my bike to the Waters Edge Restaurant and not 
> mapped it 
> :-(

I ride along that waterfront twice every weekday. Never mapped any of it,
or any other part of my ride. My (poor) excuse is that I don't have a
pushbike mount for my n810.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] How to make unamed streets stand out on JOSM?

2009-07-02 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> It's also used from within eclipse, which I already know how to use for 
> making apps for Android, but no idea about making libraries for JOSM...

I'd expect the output from the ant script would be the plugin JAR file,
which you can probably copy into ~/.josm/plugins and restart JOSM. It
shouldn't be any more difficult than that. It can probably be built with
ant outside Eclipse too if you want.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] How to make unamed streets stand out on JOSM?

2009-07-01 Thread Sam Couter  wrote:
> If you feel like learning how to compile Java code then this page gives some 
> instructions: 

Whoa, too complicated! And difficult to make work for anything less
trivial than "Hello World". Most people use Maven or Ant. Looks like the
validator plugin uses Ant.

The SVN repository is at:

I'd like to say it's as simple as just running 'ant', but it looks like
the validator build.xml assumes the location of a few jar files.

> Basically the command "javac" is the Java compiler. You run it against .java 
> files to build .class files. The .jar is just a tarball containing a whole 
> directory structure of source code and compiled code (.java's and .class's).

JAR files are really ZIP format, not tarballs. But that's an unimportant
detail, especially since you don't really want to be running jar or
javac manually in most cases.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Junctions (to name or not to name)

2009-06-27 Thread Sam Couter
Rick Peterson  wrote:
> Originally, I didn't name roundabout junctions, but when I validate my 
> work in JOSM, it identifies them as 'Unnamed Ways' in the warnings section.
> I've tried naming a few using the name of the primary road that connects 
> with the junction. The validation warnings disappear, however, the 
> rendered work looks messy as the streets AND roundabouts get named at 
> close zooms.

My oh so carefully considered (at least 30 seconds) opinion is that the
renderer is broken and shouldn't put names on junction=roundabout ways.
I think the roundabout ways should be tagged with the name of the
primary through road.

> I've had a look at the wiki information on junctions, however there 
> doesn't seem to be any information about whether to name or not to name 
> the junctions ( see 
> )
> Any advice or comments ?

Only to say that the same questions are raised by motorway_link and
primary_link, except they're even more important when listening to
routing directions. And those questions aren't answered in the Wiki
either, as far as I can tell.

A collection of unnamed links that confuse drivers when routing software
doesn't know where to direct them, and for free, one unnamed roundabout:

Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Running stats against GPX files ...

2009-06-23 Thread Sam Couter
John Smith  wrote:
> --- On Tue, 23/6/09, Graeme Wilson  wrote:
> > I also think that the GPX file is too verbose with all the
> > XML formatting, and reckon that it will fill up the servers
> > with too much unnecessary stuff. I have been told that for
> > copyright purposes, all the data etc that is uploaded is to
> > be kept forever. Lot of redundant stuff there.

It's true that XML is very verbose. However all that verbosity
compresses extremely well, so it's not really a significant problem.
Sam Couter |
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Someone needs some help.

2009-06-20 Thread Sam Couter
Ross Scanlon  wrote:
> Does anyone know of an easy way to change the names to mixed case and or 
> change the ST to Street etc.

If you're a programmer there's at least one Python API:

More software:

I haven't tried any of this software, no idea if it's any good.
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] gmap observation

2009-06-20 Thread Sam Couter
Ross Scanlon  wrote:
> Typical big business only spend money when you have to.  Why spend money when 
> you can get it for nothing.

It would be inefficient and negligent for a business to spend money when
the returns are not sufficient to justify it.
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Hi all ...

2009-06-20 Thread Sam Couter
Ross Scanlon  wrote:
> As I said if you have a really good reason to change a source=survey then
> do so but don't change it just because it's your trace and you think yours
> is the only correct one.  Leave it alone if your not sure.

If I can only see one trace (mine) because you didn't upload yours, all
available evidence points to my trace being the most accurate source of
information. If ten people did the same thing you can expect the way to
shift around ten times. If ten people instead upload their traces, the
way won't shift very far unless the first trace was very different to
the rest.

> Averaging the traces will not necessarily make the map more accurate.  If
> there are two that correspond closely and one that's 20m off then the
> resultant way will be incorrect.

I think you've shown yourself to be smart enough that you know this is a

The term "average" usually means the mean, which would cause the result
you describe. I don't think you fooled anyone into believing that would
happen, or even that you think that would happen. When using GPX traces
it makes most sense to use the mode or something approximating it, or an
intuitive weighted average. Any of these methods would discard the
outlier and result in more accurate maps on average (there's that word
again, meaning something different again).

You don't have to upload GPX tracks, or geotagged photos, or your
running commentary audio notes, or anything for that matter. But if you
don't then you're being less useful than you would otherwise be. You're
not being paid, so you're under no obiligation. You asked "Why should
I?" and a lot of good reasons have been given.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Rivers

2009-05-21 Thread Sam Couter
Andy Owen  wrote:
> I have a nokia n810 which I have used on foot to edit a map in the
> middle of the day. 

I have one of these too, with mounts for the car and motorcycle. I
haven't yet sorted out a mount for the pushbike, but given that all
urban and suburban areas around me are already mapped I may never need

> I used osm2go:

Thanks for this pointer. I've seen the program listed in the application
manager but never tried it until now. It's really good. I think I might
replace Maemo Mapper GPX tracks and lots of post-processing in JOSM with

> If you are a
> programmer, then you probably want one of these, otherwise, take my
> enthusiasm for it and halve it :)

I am a programmer, and I love my n810. I'd be a little reluctant to
recommend it to my Dad, for example, given the fiddling necessary to
really get the most out of the device. He, like most people, would also
want it to be a mobile phone. But for those that don't mind fiddling or
enjoy playing with gadgets, it's awesome and very capable.
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] ABS Import Wiki page

2009-02-19 Thread Sam Couter
Franc Carter  wrote:
> Hi,
> It looks like the vote is in favour of relations and there is the beginnings
> of consensus around other tags.
> So I have updated the wiki page at

Are you planning on doing anything with the existing place nodes?
Sam Couter |
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Re: [talk-au] Suburb boundaries - getting close

2009-02-17 Thread Sam Couter
BlueMM  wrote:
> I also like Jack's suggestion on name & old_name, plus the is_in tag.

+1 for the is_in tag from me, definitely with ", Australia" appended.

My reasons are pretty selfish - My choice of GPS software is Navit and
it requires the is_in tag to search for towns. I'd be happy enough to
try to modify the software to not require is_in but I haven't seen a
better solution.
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Major road cleanup

2008-12-31 Thread Sam Couter
Liz  wrote:
> I've thought about this a bit more, and its not the best idea to be using 
> roads as park or other area perimeters.

I agree. But... (there's always a but...)

> It sure would make it fast to put this stuff in initially, but any subsequent 
> alterations - say changes in the road itself - mean big alterations to be 
> made by the next mapper.

What about areas that really are defined by the road? I came across a
validation error for a parking area recently where the parking area
shared a way with the road that was one boundary of the parking area.
It's at the centre of the map here:

I think in this specific example the parking area is small enough that
it should just be a single node, but I can see larger areas existing
Sam Couter |
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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] What gives with roundabouts?

2008-12-17 Thread Sam Couter
Sean <> wrote:
> program or device will still display the way as a roundabout that the 
> user will still understand what it is even if the roundabout tag is removed.

The user may understand, but the device won't if there are no tags.

However I see below that I've been misunderstanding what you've been
saying, and you're not saying to get rid of the tags.

> As you said "It's relatively easy" to do then, 
> could you please supply the code or tell them how to do it.  I'm sure it 
> would be greatly appreciated.

When I say "relatively easy" I mean relative to the significant effort
required to build the entire conversion process. I don't mean "trivial".

> I'm not advocating the removal of any tags.  I'm advocating that all 
> roundabouts no matter on size be drawn as a way and be tagged as 
> "juction=roundabout".

Okay, this makes a lot of sense. Sorry but I missed this part of your
argument before. Tagging the roundabout in some way is very important to
preserve meaning, not just appearance.
Sam Couter |
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

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Re: [talk-au] Wild guess surveying

2008-12-16 Thread Sam Couter
80n <> wrote:
> A straight line between two places is better than no line.

A straight line is at least topograhically correct, which for road
navigation is incredibly useful.
Sam Couter |
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] What gives with roundabouts?

2008-12-15 Thread Sam Couter
Sean <> wrote:
> I never said I was mapping for a particular program or device.  Garmin 
> was just an example.  I'm mapping for all programs and devices.  As all 
> programs or devices can  render a loop way it just makes more since to 
> do it that way.

I don't know of any devices that consume OSM data without some kind of
conversion process. That conversion process is the only way to relate
OSM data to a particular device. So the representation of data in the
OSM database really doesn't matter to any end devices, only to the

It's relatively easy for a converter to take, for example, a node tagged
mini_roundabout and substitute a small circular way if that makes sense
for the destination device/format. It's very difficult (call it
impossible) to go back the other way for a device that does actually
understand what a roundabout is.

What you are advocating removes a tag that means something, whatever
that is defined to mean, and replaces it with something that means
nothing in the best case, and is confusing (to the device, hopefully not
the human operator, but then hopefully they're driving, not looking at
the device) in the worst case. It's nearly always best to keep as much
meaning as possible in source data.
Sam Couter |
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] place=?

2008-12-03 Thread Sam Couter
Ian Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Should we tag rural towns and localities as significant centres to
> accurately reflect their role in the surrounding area, even when they have
> a low population?
> + Yes, Some towns have very low population counts, but are very significant
> administrative and service centres to the surrounding communities.  They
> are a real towns, and not just localities.  We should reflect this reality
> on the map with the place= tag.

You're asking people to make a subjective judgement here. This will vary
greatly and cause arguments that can't really be settled.

> Population data shouldn't be entered at all.. It just extra information to
> get out of date, and it can be obtained elsewhere.  Lets focus on what OSM
> does best, mapping to reflect the reality on the ground.

Population count is reality, and it's objective and hard to argue with.

A compromise may be to note the population in the shire/county rather
than just within the town itself. This often reflects its importance in
the region. And of course the renderer may become smart enough to
consider smaller places more important when they're a long way from
other places.
Sam Couter |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Mapping bushwalks

2008-10-23 Thread Sam Couter
Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally I think its these sort of mapping which are going to the most 
> useful in OSM, ie 
> as street mapping via Tomtom and Garmin is cheap as..

Tomtom and Garmin are relatively cheap in some ways, but they're not
Free. I can't use either of them the way I want and there's essentially
no possibility of that ever changing. The value of OSM for me is the O.
Even if OSM never quite matches the big players for plain old street
mapping and routing, which is their primary market and my primary use
case, I'll still prefer OSM.

> but tracks like this are what makes this a useful project.
> ie unusual POI's or tracks not captured by commercial maps.

And I can see that people who aren't computer nerds like me and can't
just write their own software see the greatest value in the obscure, the
niche, the data that for a commercial venture is too difficult and too
low return to chase down.

What I like best is that OSM can be both of these things without
compromising on either.
Sam Couter |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Gosmore vs Radomir

2008-08-28 Thread Sam Couter
Peter Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PS I wish the reply-to for this list was the list not the person
> sending the email.

Bad idea:

You need to configure your mailer to know what mailing lists you're
subscribed to, and use list-reply instead of reply.
Sam Couter |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

Description: Digital signature
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] FW: should we migrate to osm forum

2008-06-12 Thread Sam Couter
Luke Woolley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
[ wall of text and other stuff deleted ]

Luke, you're doing a good job of demonstrating the main argument against
mailing lists: Poor mail clients. You need to choose a better one.
Sam Couter |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] should we migrate to osm forum

2008-06-10 Thread Sam Couter
Sjors Provoost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I also prefer mail, because it keeps all my communication in one spot
> and allows me to mute conversations, filter, etc.

Even more important, with email *I* get to choose the UI. With forum
software, somebody else makes that choice for me, and it's always bad.
Sam Couter |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

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