[OSM-talk-fr] State of the Map France : J - 30 !

2016-04-19 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

Bonjour à tous,

Le State of the Map France 2016 à Clermont-Ferrand, c'est dans tout 
juste 1 mois désormais !

L'évènement est en train de se caler, on espère vous offrir 3 jours de 
grande intensité. Côté richesse et diversité des présentations vous avez 
un avant-goût (partiel !) par ici :


Dans les très grandes lignes, voici le découpage des 3 jours :
- vendredi matin : séance plénière avec 4 interventions
- vendredi après-midi et samedi toute la journée : partages 
d'expériences, exposés, ateliers dans et hors les murs
- dimanche : journée "open", dont le programme se construira au gré des 
envies, besoins et suggestions

Pour un déroulement optimal, il est impératif que chacun, intervenant ou 
simple participant, s'inscrive dès que possible, via :
(vous noterez le montant symbolique de l'inscription (10€), qui inclut 
les déjeuners des 3 jours).

Rappel des quelques liens pour organiser votre venue :
si vous souhaitez organiser votre hébergement sur place : 

si vous avez besoin de covoiturage : 

Pour prendre contact avec la petite équipe d'organisation, pour toute 
question, n'hésitez pas, glissez un mail à :

sotm [at] openstreetmap [point] fr

Merci et à très bientôt,

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Dichiarazione apertura dati

2016-04-19 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Buongiorno a tutti!

Se un'azienda vuole rendere disponibili i propri dati, che siano dataset o
semplicemente permettere l'uso di quanto pubblicato sul proprio sito, come
può fare? Le lettera del 2009 della regione Veneto [1] é un modello ancora
valido? A chi la indirizza, ancora al Cortesi?

[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/images/0/04/Autorizzazione_veneto.jpg

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] www.openwandelkaart.nl/

2016-04-19 Thread gys.de.jongh
helemaal rechts bovenaan zit een piepklein plustekentje. Als je daar op klikt 
opent een context menu. Als je daar als BaseLayer NL(Mapnik) kiest zie je een 
kaart achtergrond.


-Original Message-
From: Ronald Stroethoff [mailto:stroe...@zonnet.nl] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2016 21:39
To: talk-nl@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [OSM-talk-nl] www.openwandelkaart.nl/

Kan iemand even kijken naar http://www.openwandelkaart.nl/ Het lijkt erop dat 
de achtergrond niet meer wordt geladen.


Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Marián Kyral
tak jsem ten popup trochu poladil:

A měl bych dotaz. Našel jsem dva rozcestníky. Ani jeden nemá v OSM ref, ale 
jednomu dle tebe chybí foto i ref a druhému jen foto. Jak je to možné? Není 
tam nějaká chyba?


node/433391933(http://osmap.cz/node/433391933) - chybí foto i ref (výše)
node/685273941(http://osmap.cz/node/685273941) - prý chybí jen foto. Ale v 
OSM není ani ref. (níže)


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Tom Ka 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 19. 4. 2016 8:01:53
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

"Trochu jsem o tom premyslel, nechal bych ty ikony ted trochu ulezet.
Pokud pak bude vice kategorii chyb, tak by se mi asi nejvic libilo mit
jednu ikonu a kategorii odlisovat jen barvou - pak uz to nebude jen o
chybejici fotce, takze to muze byt treba ten ruzne barevny vykricnik
apod. To ma ale cas.


Dne 19. dubna 2016 7:46 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Tom Ka 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 18. 4. 2016 14:23:45
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz
> Dne 18. dubna 2016 10:39 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
>>> Tak jsem to přetáhnul. Moc se mi nelíbily ty vykřičníky - přišlo mi to
>>> takové matoucí. Naštěstí mne můza políbila a napadlo mne udělat ikonku
>>> chybných rozcestníků černobíle. Taky jsem u chybějící fotky vyměnil
>>> vykřičník za foťák. Snad to nevadí ;-)
>> jo, pocital jsem s tim, ze se ikony doladi. O fotaku jsem taky
>> premyslel ale obe jsou potreba realne nafotit, takze to mi prislo
>> trochu zavadejici.
>> Takže pokaždé chybí foto?
> v obou pripadech chybi pouzitelne foto.
> OK. v tom případě by to mohla být ikona s foťákem a pak ikona s foťákem a
> vykřičníkem.
>>> Taky jsem zkusil trochu upravit ten popup, ale furt je to taková úzká
>>> nudle a nevím co s tím. Bože, jak já nesnáším css. Nikdy to nedělá co
>>> chci já :-(
>> ty popisky jsou porad taky zavadejici - missing = neni foto a neni
>> ref, noref = je nejake foto ale neni ref (realne vetsinou proto, ze je
>> foto spatne nebo neceho jineho nez rozcestniku apod, takze se ref neda
>> vycist a je potreba nafotit znovu).
>> Tak může se to změnit na "chybí foto anebo ref". V tom případě by se ty
>> dva
>> typy vůbec nemusely rozlišovat. A mohla by být jen jedna ikona.
> pripadu kdy je tam ta blba fotka je par (cca 40), ale prijde mi vhodne
> to rozlisovat, protoze je asi dobre se pred cestou do toho mista na to
> pripravit, podivat se kdyz tam ta fotka je, proc nejde pouzit a co
> presne tedy mam nafotit. Ostatnich je mnohem vic (tisice).
> OK. sice jich je jen 40, ale jsou. Co takhle nějaká ikona "pokrčeného
> rozcestníku?" :-D
>> Ono obecně by toho v té bublině mohlo být více. Každý problém na extra
>> řádku. Takže bych po klilknutí na bublinu viděl, co všechno chybí.
> casem az toho bude k nafoceni mene ma podle mne smysl resit dalsi
> problemy a tridy chyb, ted je to cele cileno na to mit zdroj informaci
> kde je nejaky rozcestnik, ktery potrebuju vyfotit.
> OK
>> Jo a mimichodem - co takhle přejmenovat tu vrstvu na "Nekompletní
>> rozcestníky"?
> klidne, ale i kompletni muze byt chybny. Pokud to bude obecne vrstva
> vystupu z OsmHiCheck, tak to bude hlasit nejake problemy a chyby,
> nekompletnost je jen jedna z nich.
> OK.
> Marián
> Bye
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] track e waterway assieme??

2016-04-19 Thread Luca Delucchi
2016-04-19 23:31 GMT+02:00 Andrea Albani :
> E se invece tracci due way indipendenti (una per la track e l'altra per la
> waterway) con in comune solo i nodi del tratto che percorrono assieme?
> D'altronde torrentello e sterrata sono due entità distinte che solo
> incidentalmente passano per gli stessi nodi.

Mi piace un sacco come soluzione, riduce il numero di punti ma si
creano due entità diverse, potrebbe essere la soluzione migliore anche
per altri casi simili tipo i landuse



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] track e waterway assieme??

2016-04-19 Thread Andrea Albani
E se invece tracci due way indipendenti (una per la track e l'altra per la
waterway) con in comune solo i nodi del tratto che percorrono assieme?

D'altronde torrentello e sterrata sono due entità distinte che solo
incidentalmente passano per gli stessi nodi.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] track e waterway assieme??

2016-04-19 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 19/04/2016 22:54, demon.box ha scritto:
> proprio stassera mi sono imbattuto in un torrentello (anche questo) che si
> riempie giusto quando piove ma ha un suo nome ben preciso.
> la cosa particolare è che ad un certo punto non ha più un suo letto ma si
> immette e scorre esattamente sulla sterrata (track) per 200m dopodichè con
> una traversina che ne raccoglie il suo contenuto ricomincia a scorrere con
> una sua sede a lato della sterrata.
> ora, come lo taggo? metto waterway=stream sulla highway=track?

Se è addirittura cosa voluta, direi di sì, insieme ad intermittent=yes.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cat] Vull millorar Castellterçol però no sé per on començar

2016-04-19 Thread yo paseopor

El primer que et diré és BENVINGUT a la comunitat catalana de mapes
col·laboratius OpenstreetMap.Aquí ningú és més que un altre i tots estem
amb el mateix objectiu: millorar el mapa. I aquí és on entres TU en joc.
T'explicaré el meu parer.

-Pots modificar dades , i més si ets del territori i tens coneixement, ens
"refiem" de tu (i d'entrada, de tothom), de fet, no pateixis, que a la
vegada algú revisarà el que fas i també s'hi podrà queixar o parlar amb tu
si hi ha disparitat de criteri. Hi ha importacions...que no són correctes,
i importacions correctes que poden tenir dades mal escrites, o
desactualitzades...així que no hi ha cap altra veritat absoluta que el que
veus a la realitat. Ara bé, entenc el teu respecte i la teva forma de
procedir (tot i que jo sóc més de en coses tan flagrants i clares com

-De criteris...hi ha com culs: tothom té el seu.Això no vol dir que la
comunitat no segueixi una mínima uniformitat (trobaràs les diverses
descripcions a la wiki d'osm http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Main_Page)
però donat que les casuístiques d'un lloc poden ser variades (cada
ajuntament té les seves ordenances i la seva manera de reinterpretar certes
lleis) el que més et pot ajudar és el donar el màxim d'informació sobre el
lloc.Mirant les places en concret veig algunes incongruències (ex: si hi ha
per una banda area=yes i highway=pedestrian, no té sentit un
area:residential=yes, doncs no és més que una etiqueta més moderna que
combina les altres dues, però amb una configuració diferent.).Però també
s'ha d'atendre a l'ús real del lloc: ex: a Vilanova i la Geltrú, una
ordenança socialista d'abans de la crisi va fer que el centre de la ciutat
quedés restringit a la majoria del trànsit, al fer-ho via càmeres, es van
eliminar les pilones...però va arribar la crisi i per tant les càmeres mai
van entrar en funcionament, així que ara tens un centre peatonal...però que
a la gran majoria de carrers s'hi pot passar sense restriccions, la qual
cosa fa que no sigui ni tan restringit ni tan peatonal, així que el mapa ha
de reflectir la realitat.Pots tenir places peatonals però que permeten
l'aparcament (pq a més en època de la bombolla les van anivellar totes al
mateix nivell i es van eliminar voreres, etc.,pq la població és petita i
donat que passen 4 potser no cal restringir oficialment el trànsit). Per
tant estudia cada cas i aplica el que consideris. Una plaça acostuma a ser
area=yes però també és cert que en el cas de la Plaça Vella hi ha un portal
segons Cadastre que està al carrer que porta entre places...i que segueix
sent Plaça Vella.En funció de si vols separar les voreres de la plaça (si
les té), si vols dibuixar, arbres, papereres,parterres...pots anar fent
servir totes les etiquetes disponibles. Quanta més informació més correcta
serà la plaça, ja sabràs on comença i on acaba la plaça, si has de fer una
barrera, o un mur de contenció...o el que consideris.

-El tema edificis ja és més complicat , amb punts i ratlles a OSM pots
construir de tot, però parlem de 3 dimensions i de moltes dades, endavant.
Hi ha mètodes que t'ho poden facilitar, però no exempts d'errors com les
importacions del Cadastre. Són metodologies que a més tenen les seves
rutines i procediments així que és anar-los seguint i de fet trobaràs gent
que t'ajudarà a seguir-los. Jo personalment et recomano una altra via,
donat que falta molta informació comença per lo bàsic: 1 node que marqui la
propietat de l'edifici, ja sigui un portal, amb adreça, etc. i si és una
botiga les seves propietats, (prioritat sempre pels edificis públics
Però ja que hi som comencem pel principi: Tots els carrers de Castellterçol
tenen nom? (segons http://qa.poole.ch/ NO) .Per tant interpreto que tampoc
estaran tots els sentits dels carrers (OSM és molt més que un mapa...però
també pot ser utilitzat com un mapa, així que els sentits dels carrers han
de ser correctes).Hi són tots els noms de tots els espais naturals del
municipi? (rius,cims,etc.)...

-Això que t'expresso és per on va la comunitat catalana ara: hem començat
una revisió extensa i intensa de tots els municipis de Catalunya: cap via
no estarà sense nom al nostre país, i els resultats es comencen a veure en
zones com l'Alt Empordà , Barcelona o el Penedès.
-Eines que pots fer servir? Jo acostumo a treballar via JOSM amb els mapes
de l'IGN i de l'ICGC (cadastre,PNOA / topo 1:5000, 1:1000 on funciona,
ortofoto 1:2500, mapes municipals, GIS de les diputacions...)
Et recomano els presets OSMrookie i traffic_signs que t'ajudaran i
suggeriran les propietats i valors necessaris.

Res més i sorry per la tabarra, espero que t'hagi servit d'alguna cosa ;)
Salut i mapes

PD: Ja que t'has decidit a escriure...has pensat en entrar al grup de
Telegram català/espanyol ?

2016-04-19 18:28 GMT+02:00 Carlos Cámara :

> Bona tarda,
> Escric perquè en aquests moments OSM té poques dades sobre Castellterçol i
> m'agradaria contribuir a 

[Talk-it] track e waterway assieme??

2016-04-19 Thread demon.box
proprio stassera mi sono imbattuto in un torrentello (anche questo) che si
riempie giusto quando piove ma ha un suo nome ben preciso.
la cosa particolare è che ad un certo punto non ha più un suo letto ma si
immette e scorre esattamente sulla sterrata (track) per 200m dopodichè con
una traversina che ne raccoglie il suo contenuto ricomincia a scorrere con
una sua sede a lato della sterrata.
ora, come lo taggo? metto waterway=stream sulla highway=track?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] 'penalty' for snapping

2016-04-19 Thread Bjorn Madsen
Use a wrigglefactor:

Say a persons needs to deviate from straight line with a factor of:

   - x 1.2 on flat land
   - x 4.0 in mountains and swamps

and calculate with a walking speed of:

   - 4.3 km/h road
   - 3.5 km/h in fields
   - 2.3 km/h in closed forests
   - 1.2 km/h in jungle
   - 0.025km/h if landmines

Use dxdy to calculate the distance from nearest waypoint to the destination.

Doing this last step in a separate function will have very little overhead

On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 8:39 PM, Steven M. Ottens  wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am working on a tool that will calculate the travel time from villages
> to for instance the nearest hospital for rural accessibility analysis. So
> far I have build a tool which will calculate this for 215.000 villages in a
> few minutes, thanks to the help of Daniel P. However I realized that not
> all villages are on a road, actually quite a few are at least an hour walk
> from the nearest drivable road see:
> http://stvno.github.io/img/OSRM-snapping.png
> The villages are typically connected to the roads by informal trails,
> which I do not have as a road network. So I was wondering if it would be
> possible to add a basic penalty to the distance of the point to the nearest
> road.
> I am aware that the nearest service will provide me with the distance:
> https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/wiki/New-Server-api#service-nearest
> but before I am going to calculate the extra traveltime for each village, I
> was wondering if it is possible to integrate this with an osrm.table
> request. I am aware this opens quite a can of worms: if there is a penalty
> to snapping, it might be worth it to snap to a road which is further away,
> but in the end quicker to get to the destination. But for the moment I'm
> happy with just the added traveltime for nearest road snapping.
> Any suggestions on how to handle this?
> Steven
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list
> OSRM-talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/osrm-talk

Bjorn Madsen, Ph.D., MIET
Director, Global Operations

Multi-Agent Technology Ltd.
Bessemer Drive,

Mobile: +44 779 20 307 20
Main Office: +44 1438 310 035
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Miroslav Suchý 
Komu: talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
Datum: 19. 4. 2016 22:22:56
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

"Dne 19.4.2016 v 19:50 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> Ha. Jak se to správně zastavuje? Jsem teď spustil "vagrant provision",
> něco to udělalo a zase se to rozběhlo!

vagrant halt frontend
- spravne zastaveni, jakoby jenom vypne masinu, takze pristi "up" je

Tak  halt jsem udělal. Ale up sice byl "rychlý", ale httpd nenaběhl. Až po 
spuštění provision.

[22:26:39 marian@nbmkyral api (master)]$ vagrant halt frontend
==> frontend: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
[22:26:53 marian@nbmkyral api (master)]$ vagrant up frontend
Bringing machine 'frontend' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> frontend: Checking if box 'fedora/23-cloud-base' is up to date...
==> frontend: Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
==> frontend: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> frontend: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    frontend: Adapter 1: nat
    frontend: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> frontend: Forwarding ports...
    frontend: 80 (guest) => 5000 (host) (adapter 1)
    frontend: 22 (guest) =>  (host) (adapter 1)
==> frontend: Booting VM...
==> frontend: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    frontend: SSH address:
    frontend: SSH username: vagrant
    frontend: SSH auth method: private key
==> frontend: Machine booted and ready!
==> frontend: Checking for guest additions in VM...
    frontend: No guest additions were detected on the base box for this VM! 
    frontend: additions are required for forwarded ports, shared folders, 
host only
    frontend: networking, and more. If SSH fails on this machine, please 
    frontend: the guest additions and repackage the box to continue.
    frontend: This is not an error message; everything may continue to work 
    frontend: in which case you may ignore this message.
==> frontend: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> frontend: Rsyncing folder: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/api/ => /vagrant
==> frontend:   - Exclude: [".vagrant/", ".git/"]
==> frontend: Machine already provisioned. Run `vagrant provision` or use 
the `--provision`
==> frontend: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always 
will still run.
==> frontend: Running provisioner: shell...
    frontend: Running: inline script
==> frontend: Running provisioner: shell...
    frontend: Running: inline script
==> frontend: Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start  httpd.service
==> frontend: Job for httpd.service failed because the control process 
exited with error code. See "systemctl status httpd.service" and "journalctl
-xe" for details.
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.

[22:28:34 marian@nbmkyral api (master)]$ vagrant provision frontend
==> frontend: Running provisioner: shell...
    frontend: Running: inline script
==> frontend: Last metadata expiration check performed 2:38:53 ago on Tue 
Apr 19 17:49:56 2016.
==> frontend: Package httpd-2.4.18-1.fc23.x86_64 is already installed, 
==> frontend: Package mod_perl-2.0.9-1.fc23.x86_64 is already installed, 
==> frontend: Package sqlite- is already installed, 
==> frontend: Package perl-JSON-2.90-5.fc23.noarch is already installed, 
==> frontend: Package perl-DBI-1.633-6.fc23.x86_64 is already installed, 
==> frontend: Package perl-Data-Dumper-2.158-347.fc23.x86_64 is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-DBD-SQLite-1.48-4.fc23.x86_64 is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Image-ExifTool-10.10-1.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-App-cpanminus-1.7039-1.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Exporter-Tiny-0.042-4.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Class-Load-0.23-1.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Test-Warn-0.30-5.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Capture-Tiny-0.30-3.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Sub-Uplevel-1:0.25-3.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Moo-2.01-3.fc23.noarch is already installed, 
==> frontend: Package perl-Package-Stash-0.37-3.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Devel-StackTrace-1:2.01-1.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Test-Most-0.34-5.fc23.noarch is already 
installed, skipping.
==> frontend: Package perl-Type-Tiny-1.05-4.fc23.noarch is already 

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Miroslav Suchý
Dne 19.4.2016 v 19:50 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> Ha. Jak se to správně zastavuje? Jsem teď spustil "vagrant provision",
> něco to udělalo a zase se to rozběhlo!

vagrant halt frontend
  - spravne zastaveni, jakoby jenom vypne masinu, takze pristi "up" je

vagrant destroy frontend
  - smaze uplne vsechno, takze pristi "up" se musi uplne vsechno
nastavovat a spousti se ty provision scripty.


Talk-cz mailing list

[OSRM-talk] 'penalty' for snapping

2016-04-19 Thread Steven M. Ottens

Hi all,

I am working on a tool that will calculate the travel time from villages 
to for instance the nearest hospital for rural accessibility analysis. 
So far I have build a tool which will calculate this for 215.000 
villages in a few minutes, thanks to the help of Daniel P. However I 
realized that not all villages are on a road, actually quite a few are 
at least an hour walk from the nearest drivable road see: 
The villages are typically connected to the roads by informal trails, 
which I do not have as a road network. So I was wondering if it would be 
possible to add a basic penalty to the distance of the point to the 
nearest road.
I am aware that the nearest service will provide me with the distance: 
but before I am going to calculate the extra traveltime for each 
village, I was wondering if it is possible to integrate this with an 
osrm.table request. I am aware this opens quite a can of worms: if there 
is a penalty to snapping, it might be worth it to snap to a road which 
is further away, but in the end quicker to get to the destination. But 
for the moment I'm happy with just the added traveltime for nearest road 

Any suggestions on how to handle this?


OSRM-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] www.openwandelkaart.nl/

2016-04-19 Thread Ronald Stroethoff
Kan iemand even kijken naar http://www.openwandelkaart.nl/
Het lijkt erop dat de achtergrond niet meer wordt geladen.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 19. 4. 2016 14:38:46
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Miroslav Suchý 
Komu: talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
Datum: 19. 4. 2016 13:17:53
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

"Dne 19.4.2016 v 07:32 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> > Mohl by jsi mi když tak poslat mimo konferenci konfigurák apache? Bych
> > to zkusil nejak rozchodit. Bez toho se vývoj dělat nedá.
> jj, taky jsem si říkal. Ideálně udělat dockerfile nebo vagrant
> konfigurák, který by to rozjel jako mikroservice. Ideální na testování.
> Cizí slova kterým nerozumím ;-)
> Ale když bude nějaký návod, tak klidně.


Tak jsem to zkusil. První start dopadl dobře, apache naběhl, jen jsem měl 
problém s remote_ip. Pak jsem ten stroj zastavil, spustil znova a už to 
nejede. Nejprve si apache stěžoval, že nemá nastaveno ServerName. A po 
opravě mi to padá na toto:

[Tue Apr 19 12:29:48.228443 2016] [perl:error] [pid 2387] Can't locate /var/
www/zapi/handler/startup.pl:   /var/www/zapi/handler/startup.pl: Permission 
denied at (eval 2) line 1.\n
[Tue Apr 19 12:29:48.228576 2016] [perl:error] [pid 2387] Can't load Perl 
file: /var/www/zapi/handler/startup.pl for server localhost:0, exiting...

Co s tím zatím nevím a nemám to teď čas zkoumat, musím makat ;-)


Ha. Jak se to správně zastavuje? Jsem teď spustil "vagrant provision", něco 
to udělalo a zase se to rozběhlo!





Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] state of the map: call for sessions

2016-04-19 Thread joost schouppe

The State of the Map Brussels is calling for sessions. If you have done
something cool with OSM, or know someone who did, do step up and do a

Deadline is May 21st, but it is allowed to send your proposal right now.


Joost @
Openstreetmap  |
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 | Meetup
 | Reddit
 | Wordpress

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-co] #MappingEcuador

2016-04-19 Thread Artesano
Han activado una instancia de Mapeo para apoyar la crisis en Ecuador.

Toda la información en :

Para divulgar :

Juan Carlos Pachón
Twitter @Arttesano 
*http://arttesano.com *
Skype : arttesano
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread Rimas Kudelis
2016-04-19 19:01, Saulius Kaukenas rašė:
> Dėl licencijos: Google Translate neblogai susitvarko su anglų kalba.
> EULA yra angliškai, kaip ir, beje, 95% viso pasaulio licencijų. Be
> abejo, jei su licencija nesutinkate, naudoti negalite.

Prie to paties būtų įdomu sulaukti atsakymo į Domo ar Pauliaus laiškus,
kadangi juose kalbama apie tą patį. Jeigu jūsų produktas iš tiesų
pažeidžia GPL licenciją ir tai daroma sąmoningai, tai nereikėtų tikėtis,
kad kiti jūsų licenciją gerbs labiau, negu jūs savo šaltinių licenciją.
Jeigu visgi tai daroma nesąmoningai, pats laikas susirūpinti. Na o jeigu
visgi tos licencijos nepažeidžiate, belieka tai įtikinamai paaiškinti
(arba susitaikyti su tuo, kad kažkas jumis netikės).

Beje, priminsiu: pernai vasarą apie tuos įgarsinimo failus rašėte kiek
kitu tonu:

2015-07-20 18:22 GMT+03:00 Saulius Kaukenas >:
> Sveiki,
> Jau turime profesionaliai įgarsintą versiją su linksniais ir t.t.
> investavome į tai apie 3000 eurų. Vasaros gale pabandysiu pasharinti.
> Antrą kart siūlau to paties darbo nedaryti :)

O gal vėjai jau pasikeitė ir dabar verta tą diskusiją (apie tikrai
atvirą „OsmAnd“ įgarsinimą) atgaivinti?

Talk-lt mailing list

[Talk-cat] Vull millorar Castellterçol però no sé per on començar

2016-04-19 Thread Carlos Cámara
Bona tarda,

Escric perquè en aquests moments OSM té poques dades sobre Castellterçol i
m'agradaria contribuir a millorar-lo. Tot i que he fet canvis menors a OSM,
no tinc molt clar per on començar a editar.

Fins ara he detectat el següent:

   1. Possibles noms incorrectes: he afegit aquesta nota
   : si no fos perquè sembla que el node en questió ve de l'IGN l'hagués
   esborrat o mogut i editat per canviar-li el nom, el tipus i la posició.
   2. Diferents criteris amb algunes places principals del poble que fan
   que tinguin visualitzacions incongruents i en alguns mapes (com ara mapbox)
   no es vegin bé: per exemple la Plaça Vella (
   http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/174324804), la Plaça Pompeu Fabra (
   http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/174324816) o la Plaça dels estudis (
   http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/174314507) (aquesta última potser la
   vaig liar jo, ja que es fa servir majoritàriament com a aparcament
   descobert -tret de moments puntuals com festa major) són molt diferents.
   Quin seria el criteri a seguir?
   3. Dubtes concrets amb la plaça nova i la plaça prat de la Riba: tot i
   que és cert que tenen dos noms, la realitat és que no hi ha cap element que
   indiqui un canvi de plaça i només hi ha un únic espai buit continu (no es
   veu cap línia com ara mateix -http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/295644533-).
   Com puc resoldre-ho? Per altra banda, hi ha un gran desnivell entre la
   plaça i els carrers Plaça Nova i Avinguda Ramon Albó que no sé si hauria de
   resoldre dibuixant dos murs de contenció (tal i com veig que està fet a
   Girona: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/65666097)
   4. No hi ha edificis i m'agradaria posar-ne però aquí sí que vaig (més)
   perdut. Per una banda vaig pensar a importar del cadastre, però no entenc
   el procediment a seguir. Això em va dur a plantejar-me l'opció d'anar
   calcant els edificis, però no sé què puc fer servir com a base: si
   superposo el cadastre (fent servir el plugin de JOSM) hi ha conflictes amb
   els carrers i vies dibuixades actualment. Sembla ser que el PNOA coincideix
   amb el que existeix ara mateix, però A) ni tinc clar que sigiui correcte i
   B) és molt difícil de calcar sobre el PNOA (el cadastre és molt més
   esquemàtic i fàcil de calcar).

Em podeu aconsellar sobre com anar resolent aquests problemes?


Carlos Cámara
Talk-cat mailing list

[Talk-pe] Mapping Raymi por Ecuador

2016-04-19 Thread Johnattan Rupire
como respuesta al reciente sismo en Ecuador varias comunidades de OSM en
la región están organizando Mapping Parties para mapear las zonas
afectadas por el terremoto y así facilitar la labor de rescate de la
gente que está trabajando en el terreno.

Creo que podría ser una oportunidad muy buena para reunirnos y conocer
las herramientas y procesos que existen para responder a este tipo de

Propongo que nos reunamos el día de mañana, los que puedan
presencialmente y quienes no telemáticamente, para mapear lo que se pueda.

Empezaríamos por la tarde, quizá desde las 17.00 o 18.00 hasta las 22.00
o 23.00.

¿Cómo lo ven?


Johnattan Rupire

Talk-pe mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread RN
O Виктор Щерб «OsmAnd programos autorius» žino, kad jo programos praktiškai 
kopija platinama google play?

On April 19, 2016 7:01:36 PM Saulius Kaukenas  

NaviJazz skirtas pagrinde užsienio rinkai, verslo, ne privatiems klientams.
NaviJazz Go yra tiesiog iš patriotiškumo padaryta lietuviška versija. Jei
matysim, kad nėra teigiamo susidomėjimo, šį produktą iš Google Play

Dėl licencijos: Google Translate neblogai susitvarko su anglų kalba. EULA
yra angliškai, kaip ir, beje, 95% viso pasaulio licencijų. Be abejo, jei su
licencija nesutinkate, naudoti negalite.

2016 m. balandžio 19 d. 18:44, RN  rašė:

Asmeniškai man absoliučiai nesuprantama kas parašyta, ir kas leidžiama, o
kas draudžiama «man labai prastai su anglų kalba» Jei norite kad vartotojas
suprastu Jūsų licencijos tekstą, tai išverskite jį į kiek įmanoma daugiau
kalbų, lietuvių taip pat «man dar tinka vokiečių, rusų»

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] ķeguma hes šķērsošana

2016-04-19 Thread Jānis Ročāns
Teiksim tā - labāk tur nerādīties, vismaz ne tiem, kas nav lietas kursā par
laikiem. Noteikti jāliek, lai uzreiz labāk plāno apbraukšanu.

2016-04-19 17:21 GMT+03:00 Rihards :

> On 2016.04.19. 16:49, Marat wrote:
>> Kāds shutdown? :)
>> satiksme pār tiltu būs atļauta katru dienu no 5:00 līdz 10:00 un no
>> 17:30 līdz 21:00
> nuja - jāliek time-based ierobežojumi
> 2016-04-19 16:42 GMT+03:00 pec...@gmail.com 
>> >:
>> Noteikti - 6 mēnešu shutdown jāliek ir iekšā kartē.
>> Pēteris.
>> 2016. gada 19. aprīlis 16:31 Rihards > > rakstīja:
>> kā šķiet tiem, kas tuvāk dzīvo - šo vajadzētu kartē likt ?
>> http://lvceli.lv/aktualitates/slegs-satiksmi-par-keguma-hes/
>> --
>>   Rihards
>> ___
>> Talk-lv mailing list
>> Talk-lv@openstreetmap.org 
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lv
>> --
>> mortigi tempo
>> Pēteris Krišjānis
>> ___
>> Talk-lv mailing list
>> Talk-lv@openstreetmap.org 
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lv
> --
>  Rihards
> ___
> Talk-lv mailing list
> Talk-lv@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lv

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread Domas Jokubauskis
> Čia ne delfi.lt  komentarų skiltis. Tikėjausi kad čia
> rimtesnės diskusijos vyksta. Deja.
Labai šaunu, kad darote įdomų produktą, bet žiūrėkim į faktus.

lt.agmis.navijazz.api.Favorites turinys:

package lt.agmis.navijazz.api;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import lt.agmis.navijazz.AppInitializer;
import lt.agmis.navijazz.domain.Favorite;
import net.osmand.plus.FavouritesDbHelper;
import net.osmand.plus.OsmandApplicationSharedInterface;

Tiesiogiai naudojat GPL kodą ir pasakojat apie „agregatą“. Jei rimčiau
platinsit savo produktą manau, kad tikrai dėl to turėsit problemų, jei
netaikysit visam kodui GPL. Jei nepatinka GPL, galėjot maps.me imti kaip

Domas Jokubauskis

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Piccoli torrenti/ruscelli/rivoli...

2016-04-19 Thread demon.box
ok, capisco, e condivido anche in generale la vostra interpretazione.
soltanto che rimango un po' confuso su quale metodo seguire.
voglio dire i casi sono 2:

1 - copio da CTR
2 - mi affido all'osservazione oculare diretta

spesso torrentello nella parte alta (a monte) esiste soltanto sulla CTR, nel
senso che "ad occhio" non si vede neanche il solco perchè ovviamente inizia
a riempirsi mano a mano che scende a valle...

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread Saulius Kaukenas
Gerbiami kolegos,

Čia ne delfi.lt komentarų skiltis. Tikėjausi kad čia rimtesnės diskusijos
vyksta. Deja.

Skaitykite prašau EULA atidžiai. Viskas ten aprašyta, taip pat ir OSMAnd ir

11. Third Party Notices.

A. The Agmis Software (Navijazz) is built to work as an aggregate with

– OSM Automated Navigation Directions, which is navigation software based

OpenStreetMap. OsmAnd is copyright © 2010–2015 OsmAnd BV (Amstelveen,

Netherlands - KvK 62066714)). OsmAnd is freely distributed under the terms

the GPLv3.

B. OsmAnd utilizes OpenStreetMap data. OpenStreetMap® is open data,

under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the

OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).

C. Cartography in OpenStreetMap® map tiles and accompanying documentation

is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license


D. Navijazz is copyright © 2015 by Agmis.

2016 m. balandžio 19 d. 17:33, RN  rašė:

> Juokaujate?!
> Visų pirma aš lt įgarsinimo niekur viešai neplatinu, o
> savo telefone galiu daryti viską ką tiktai noriu.
> Ir aplamai, android'e toks dalykas kaip licencija neegzistuoja «tik
> teoriškai»
> On April 19, 2016 5:11:02 PM Aurimas Fišeras 
> wrote:
>> 2016.04.19 16:53, Saulius Kaukenas rašė:
>>> Sveiki,
>>> Techniškai įmanoma, tačiau noriu priminti, kad tai pažeidžia NaviJazz
>>> licenciją. Ne OSMAnd dalys programoje (tarp jų ir lietuviškas
>>> įgarsinimas) nėra open source.
>> Sveiki,
>> o NaviJazz nepažeidžia OSMAnd licencijos, kai aprašyme net neužsimena,
>> kad OSMAnd yra naudojamas „agregate“, jau nekalbant apie GPL3 licencijos
>> teksto nepateikimą apk pakete?
> ___
> Talk-lt mailing list
> Talk-lt@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lt

saulius kaukėnas

tel.: + 370 37 211351, fax: +370 37 211352
gsm: +370-687-81204
email: saulius.kauke...@agmis.lt
skype: slsslssls

uab agmis, www.agmis.lt
europos pr 121-301 (mtp technopolis)
lt-46339, kaunas, lithuania

agmis - the best company for Your innovations
Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread Darius Žitkevičius
Kažkaip neskamba. Geriau butu tts.

2016 Bal. 19 17:34 "RN"  rašė:
> Juokaujate?!
> Visų pirma aš lt įgarsinimo niekur viešai neplatinu, o
> savo telefone galiu daryti viską ką tiktai noriu.
> Ir aplamai, android'e toks dalykas kaip licencija neegzistuoja «tik
> On April 19, 2016 5:11:02 PM Aurimas Fišeras 
>> 2016.04.19 16:53, Saulius Kaukenas rašė:
>>> Sveiki,
>>> Techniškai įmanoma, tačiau noriu priminti, kad tai pažeidžia NaviJazz
>>> licenciją. Ne OSMAnd dalys programoje (tarp jų ir lietuviškas
>>> įgarsinimas) nėra open source.
>> Sveiki,
>> o NaviJazz nepažeidžia OSMAnd licencijos, kai aprašyme net neužsimena,
>> kad OSMAnd yra naudojamas „agregate“, jau nekalbant apie GPL3 licencijos
>> teksto nepateikimą apk pakete?
> ___
> Talk-lt mailing list
> Talk-lt@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lt
Talk-lt mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Expert missing maps event 28 april op het geofort

2016-04-19 Thread Leon van der Meulen
Volgende week is er op het Geofort weer een Missing Maps event, dit keer gaan 
we niet alleen mappen, maar ook bestaande data importeren en kijken of we 
dingen slimmer kunnen aanpakken. De focus ligt op Benin en Saba. Iedereen is 
welkom, zeker als je veel ervaring met OSM, Mapillary en imports hebt! Meer 
info en aanmelden: 
Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread RN

Visų pirma aš lt įgarsinimo niekur viešai neplatinu, o
savo telefone galiu daryti viską ką tiktai noriu.
Ir aplamai, android'e toks dalykas kaip licencija neegzistuoja «tik teoriškai»

On April 19, 2016 5:11:02 PM Aurimas Fišeras  wrote:

2016.04.19 16:53, Saulius Kaukenas rašė:


Techniškai įmanoma, tačiau noriu priminti, kad tai pažeidžia NaviJazz
licenciją. Ne OSMAnd dalys programoje (tarp jų ir lietuviškas
įgarsinimas) nėra open source.

o NaviJazz nepažeidžia OSMAnd licencijos, kai aprašyme net neužsimena,
kad OSMAnd yra naudojamas „agregate“, jau nekalbant apie GPL3 licencijos
teksto nepateikimą apk pakete?

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] ķeguma hes šķērsošana

2016-04-19 Thread Rihards

On 2016.04.19. 16:49, Marat wrote:

Kāds shutdown? :)

satiksme pār tiltu būs atļauta katru dienu no 5:00 līdz 10:00 un no
17:30 līdz 21:00

nuja - jāliek time-based ierobežojumi

2016-04-19 16:42 GMT+03:00 pec...@gmail.com 

Noteikti - 6 mēnešu shutdown jāliek ir iekšā kartē.


2016. gada 19. aprīlis 16:31 Rihards > rakstīja:

kā šķiet tiem, kas tuvāk dzīvo - šo vajadzētu kartē likt ?


Talk-lv mailing list

mortigi tempo
Pēteris Krišjānis

Talk-lv mailing list


Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-TW] 無法查詢地址

2016-04-19 Thread Rex Tsai
開放街圖[1]的搜尋界面可以輸入繁體中文,其搜尋功能基於 GeoNames[2] 與 Nominatim[3] 兩個功能。

由於 Nominatim 的沒有實做中文斷詞,以至於無法正確的切出區域名稱後找出對應的地址。

[1] https://www.openstreetmap.org/
[2] GeoNames - http://www.geonames.org/
[3] OpenStreetMap Nominatim: Search - http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/

在 2016年4月19日 上午10:28,  寫道:
> 請問,
> 我想查詢一個地址:80248高雄市苓雅區海邊路29號26樓之2。但我輸入到openstreetmap的網站https://www.openstreetmap.org時候它還無法查到。我也輸入中華民國80248高雄市苓雅區海邊路29號26樓之2時發生一樣的錯。
> 請問https://www.openstreetmap.org有繁體中文輸入功能嗎?
> 康 大成
> line ID: afc888ny
> ___
> Talk-TW mailing list
> Talk-TW@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-tw
Talk-TW mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread Aurimas Fišeras

2016.04.19 16:53, Saulius Kaukenas rašė:


Techniškai įmanoma, tačiau noriu priminti, kad tai pažeidžia NaviJazz
licenciją. Ne OSMAnd dalys programoje (tarp jų ir lietuviškas
įgarsinimas) nėra open source.

o NaviJazz nepažeidžia OSMAnd licencijos, kai aprašyme net neužsimena, 
kad OSMAnd yra naudojamas „agregate“, jau nekalbant apie GPL3 licencijos 
teksto nepateikimą apk pakete?

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread Saulius Kaukenas

Techniškai įmanoma, tačiau noriu priminti, kad tai pažeidžia NaviJazz
licenciją. Ne OSMAnd dalys programoje (tarp jų ir lietuviškas įgarsinimas)
nėra open source.

Am 19.04.2016 16:29 schrieb "RN" :

> Labai nesudėtinga.
> Reikia atsisiųsti iš google play programą NaviJazz «programa parašyta ant
> Osmand'o kodo ir turi lietuvišką įgarsinimą» Paleidžiam, uždarom. Smarto
> atmintyje atsiras papkė navijazz. Atidarom, surandam papkę voice ir joje
> papkę lt «mums jos ir reiks»
> Programoje Osmand reikia atsisiųsti įgarsinimą «pvz. anglišką» Smarto
> atmintyje papkėje osmand surandam papkę voice ir joje bus papkė en, joje
> ištrinam visus esančius failus.
> Dabar  papkėje navijazz einam į papkę voice ir iš papkės lt visus joje
> esančius failus kopijuojam į papkę en. Trumpiau:
> iš navijazz/voice/lt/visi failai
> kopijuojam į osmand/voice/en
> Osmand programos nustatyme pasirenkam anglišką įgarsinimą. Osmand'as
> įgarsinimą matys kaip anglišką, bet kalbės lietuviškai.
> On April 19, 2016 1:52:28 PM Darius Žitkevičius  wrote:
>> Kaip?
>> 2016 m. balandžio 18 d. 18:36, RN  rašė:
>>> Atsirado galimybė programą Osmand «android» įgarsinti lietuviškai.
>>> ___
>>> Talk-lt mailing list
>>> Talk-lt@openstreetmap.org
>>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lt
>> --
>> Darius Žitkevičius
>> Laimingas tas, kuris džiaugsmingai dirba ir džiaugiasi darbais, kuriuos
>> padarė. – J. V. Gėtė.
>> ___
>> Talk-lt mailing list
>> Talk-lt@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lt
> ___
> Talk-lt mailing list
> Talk-lt@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lt
Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] ķeguma hes šķērsošana

2016-04-19 Thread Marat
Kāds shutdown? :)

satiksme pār tiltu būs atļauta katru dienu no 5:00 līdz 10:00 un no 17:30
līdz 21:00

2016-04-19 16:42 GMT+03:00 pec...@gmail.com :

> Noteikti - 6 mēnešu shutdown jāliek ir iekšā kartē.
> Pēteris.
> 2016. gada 19. aprīlis 16:31 Rihards  rakstīja:
>> kā šķiet tiem, kas tuvāk dzīvo - šo vajadzētu kartē likt ?
>> http://lvceli.lv/aktualitates/slegs-satiksmi-par-keguma-hes/
>> --
>>  Rihards
>> ___
>> Talk-lv mailing list
>> Talk-lv@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lv
> --
> mortigi tempo
> Pēteris Krišjānis
> ___
> Talk-lv mailing list
> Talk-lv@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-lv
Talk-lv mailing list

[Talk-GB] Nottingham Pub Meeting tonight 19:30 Lincolnshire Poacher

2016-04-19 Thread SK53
Sorry for being a bit late with this reminder: have not been near enough a

Usual arrangements EXCEPT meeting point (18:30) for mapping will be corner
of Brook Street & Gedling Street
 (outside Notts WT
HQ, and opposite Sneinton Market). The aim is to capitalise on all the
mapping Alex Kemp has done over the last few weeks and try and get as much
detail for the Stonebridge area (bounded by St Matthias Road, Carlton Road,
Bath Street and Beacon Hill Road. Most of the area has been re-developed
and Bing imagery is out-of-date.

Other details on the wiki:

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Programma o servizio di monitoraggio OSM

2016-04-19 Thread Federico Feroldi

avrei bisogno di un'informazione che forse voi potreste avere:per un progetto 
avrei bisogno, dato l'ID del nodo di OSM, di ricevere un feedback ogni volta 
che viene fatta una modifica a un nodo.Questo feedback dovrebbe arrivare per 
una mole discreta (da uno a qualche migliaio) di nodi di cui conoscerò gli ID.
Conoscete un sistema che mi permetta di ottenere una notifica di questo tipo?
Ho provato a fare delle ricerche, ma non ho trovato nulla che possa lavorare su 
questa scala di grandezze.
Vi ringrazio per tutto il supporto che potrete darmi.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Osmand

2016-04-19 Thread RN

Labai nesudėtinga.
Reikia atsisiųsti iš google play programą NaviJazz «programa parašyta ant 
Osmand'o kodo ir turi lietuvišką įgarsinimą» Paleidžiam, uždarom. Smarto 
atmintyje atsiras papkė navijazz. Atidarom, surandam papkę voice ir joje 
papkę lt «mums jos ir reiks»
Programoje Osmand reikia atsisiųsti įgarsinimą «pvz. anglišką» Smarto 
atmintyje papkėje osmand surandam papkę voice ir joje bus papkė en, joje 
ištrinam visus esančius failus.
Dabar  papkėje navijazz einam į papkę voice ir iš papkės lt visus joje 
esančius failus kopijuojam į papkę en. Trumpiau:

iš navijazz/voice/lt/visi failai
kopijuojam į osmand/voice/en
Osmand programos nustatyme pasirenkam anglišką įgarsinimą. Osmand'as 
įgarsinimą matys kaip anglišką, bet kalbės lietuviškai.

On April 19, 2016 1:52:28 PM Darius Žitkevičius  wrote:


2016 m. balandžio 18 d. 18:36, RN  rašė:

Atsirado galimybė programą Osmand «android» įgarsinti lietuviškai.

Talk-lt mailing list

Darius Žitkevičius

Laimingas tas, kuris džiaugsmingai dirba ir džiaugiasi darbais, kuriuos
padarė. – J. V. Gėtė.

Talk-lt mailing list
Talk-lt mailing list

[OSM-co] FW: Earth Day Webinar Event

2016-04-19 Thread Bennet Campoverde
Una invitacion del  World-Wide Human Geography Data Working Group a quien pueda 
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 07:37:12 -0400
Subject: Earth Day Webinar Event
From: supp...@wwhgd.org
To: supp...@wwhgd.org
CC: kurtz_ke...@bah.com; ryan_te...@bah.com

Good Morning,


For those members of the WWHGD Working Group who are
supporting efforts in the area of Combatting Wildlife Trafficking for Human
Security, we want to make you aware of a NGA Earth Day Webinar Event on this 
on 22 April 2016 from 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ET.


To access this webinar, please use the link below. 
Use the dial-in information for the audio portion of this event.


 Toll-free dial-in number (U.S. and Canada):

(877) 885-1087


International dial-in number:

(360) 347-7805

Passcode: 1108011981#


Thank you and v/r,

WWHGD Support Team

Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Michal Grézl 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 19. 4. 2016 14:23:01
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

"2016-04-19 13:12 GMT+02:00 Miroslav Suchý :
> Dne 19.4.2016 v 07:32 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
>> > Mohl by jsi mi když tak poslat mimo konferenci konfigurák apache? Bych
>> > to zkusil nejak rozchodit. Bez toho se vývoj dělat nedá.
>> jj, taky jsem si říkal. Ideálně udělat dockerfile nebo vagrant
>> konfigurák, který by to rozjel jako mikroservice. Ideální na testování.
>> Cizí slova kterým nerozumím ;-)
>> Ale když bude nějaký návod, tak klidně.
> https://github.com/osmcz/api/pull/18

chtelo by to dat do vlastniho adresare pokud to pujde, a taky to
vypada ze to funguje jen na fedore.
teoreticky uz by to ted melo jet i na 2.4

Ten commit jsem stáhnul, ale nějak mi to nejelo. No tak jsem restaroval tu 
virtuálku a už mi to nenaběhlo. 

Taky je možnost použít box s wheeze.


Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] phone boxes used for other purposes

2016-04-19 Thread Paul Berry
> On the subject of defibrillators, they could make a useful GB mapping
> project. They need surveying, but it is something that both urban and
> rural mappers could get out and find on the lighter evenings.

I quite agree. I've just mapped two near me (one in an old phone box, one
affixed to the wall of a shop).

I suspect there are far more out there than would be apparent from the map:


On 18 April 2016 at 19:21, Philip Barnes  wrote:

> On Mon, 2016-04-18 at 18:52 +0100, Robert Norris wrote:
> > >
> > > From: jack.fitzsim...@ntlworld.com
> > > To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
> > > Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2016 16:13:56 +0100
> > > Subject: [Talk-GB] phone boxes used for other purposes
> > >
> > >
> > > I’m sure it must have been discussed before but how do I map a K6
> > > booth
> > > with no phone currently used for another purpose? I visited two
> > > today
> > > intending to get the phone numbers but discovered they were both
> > > local
> > > information points.
> > >
> > I've mapped a few that I've seen used as book shares like
> > amenity=book_exchange, although I'd use amenity=public_bookcase now.
> >
> > Indeed the last one I remember doing has been kindly updated:
> >
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3775804762/history
> >
> > For your case I'd probably use some form of tourism tag too (see http
> > ://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism%3Dinformation)
> >
> I've mapped one which has a defibrillator in it as building=phone_box,
> medical=defibrillator.
> On the subject of defibrillators, they could make a useful GB mapping
> project. They need surveying, but it is something that both urban and
> rural mappers could get out and find on the lighter evenings.
> Phil (trigpoint)
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Miroslav Suchý
Dne 19.4.2016 v 07:32 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
> > Mohl by jsi mi když tak poslat mimo konferenci konfigurák apache? Bych
> > to zkusil nejak rozchodit. Bez toho se vývoj dělat nedá.
> jj, taky jsem si říkal. Ideálně udělat dockerfile nebo vagrant
> konfigurák, který by to rozjel jako mikroservice. Ideální na testování.
> Cizí slova kterým nerozumím ;-)
> Ale když bude nějaký návod, tak klidně.



Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Piccoli torrenti/ruscelli/rivoli...

2016-04-19 Thread Dino Michelini
  penso che sarebbe comunque utile tracciarli perché posso tornare
utili per l'orientamento e nel caso di ricerca di acqua (risorsa sempre
preziosa per l'escursionista). Inoltre, in alcuni casi come ad es. nella
tappa 41 della francigena (Vetralla-Sutri) credo sia obbligatorio
mappare questi apparenti "innocui" corsi d'acqua. Per capire meglio vi
riporto il link della pagina internet dove sono postate alcune foto
scattate a febb. 2014 dei danni causati dal fosso Mazzano, apparente
innocuo corso d'acqua intermittente tra i comuni di Capranica e Sutri
(Viterbo)... e per fortuna che quel giorno non c'erano

Il 19.04.2016 12:44 Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto: 

> sent from
a phone
>> Il giorno 19 apr 2016, alle ore 12:24, demon.box ha
scritto: la mia domanda è: ma se noi dobbiamo mappare la realtà e NON
semplicemente copiare da altre mappe (incluse le CTR) è giusto lasciarli
mappati soprattuto se si presentano sempre asciutti e forse al massimo
scorrerà qualcosa giusto quando piove?
> io li lascerei
>> se lo
lascio (a rigor di logica) nel punto d'incrocio con il sentiero dovrei
anche taggare ford=yes ma di fatto acqua non ce n'è mai.
> +1, va
messo il tag ford
> diciamo che invece del corso d'acqua si vede nella
fianco della montagna l'intaglio del sol
>> ata creata proprio da
quel torrente ;-)
> egrave; anche altrettanto ovvio che ogni valletta di
questo genere quando piove si può riempire d'acqua 
> non solo, ogni
valletta è stata creata dall'acqua che ci scorre..> th:100%">ma questo
non significa che vi scorra un vero torrente... 
>> bo, vero o
falso, in qu
> rave; solo una domanda di quantità. Per indicare che non
sempre c'è acqua puoi aggiungere un'altro tag (credo sia
intermettent=yes, ma sarebbe da verificare). ciao, Martin
___ Talk-it mailing list

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Piccoli torrenti/ruscelli/rivoli...

2016-04-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 19 apr 2016, alle ore 12:24, demon.box  ha 
> scritto:
> la mia domanda è: ma se noi dobbiamo mappare la realtà e NON semplicemente
> copiare da altre mappe
> (incluse le CTR) è giusto lasciarli mappati soprattuto se si presentano
> sempre asciutti
> e forse al massimo scorrerà qualcosa giusto quando piove?

io li lascerei

> se lo lascio (a rigor di logica) nel punto d'incrocio con il sentiero dovrei
> anche taggare ford=yes ma di fatto acqua non ce n'è mai.

+1, va messo il tag ford

> diciamo che invece del corso d'acqua si vede nella fianco della montagna
> l'intaglio del
> solco della valletta che scende ma niente di più.

insomma, quella valletta è stata creata proprio da quel torrente ;-)

> è anche altrettanto ovvio che ogni valletta di questo genere quando piove si 
> può riempire d'acqua

non solo, ogni valletta è stata creata dall'acqua che ci scorre...

> ma questo non significa che vi scorra un vero
> torrente...

bo, vero o falso, in questo caso è solo una domanda di quantità. Per indicare 
che non sempre c'è acqua puoi aggiungere un'altro tag (credo sia 
intermettent=yes, ma sarebbe da verificare).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] SOTM CZ+SK 2016 - program a přihlášky

2016-04-19 Thread Petr Vozdecký
Je to venku! Speciálním bodem SotM CZ+SK 2016 bude Jan March z Berlína, 
autor a developer projektu OSM Buildings. Co plánuje OSM CZ s tímto 
projektem? Živě jen na SotMu!

Přihlašování na SotM CZ+SK v Brně končí zítra! Buďte u tvorby plánů CZ a SK 
OSM komunity do dalších let. Registrace: http://openstreetmap.cz/sotm

Za organizátory konference
Petr Vozdecký

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Vozdecký 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 19. 3. 2016 13:57:29
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] SOTM CZ+SK 2016 - program a přihlášky


pokud jsi přednášející, tak se raději přihlas taky, ale pokud chceš triko, 
tak se PŘIHLAS URČITĚ (jinak to nemáme jak evidovat)

No a pokud chceš trika dvě, tak to prosím napiš do poznámky...


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Komu: talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
Datum: 18. 3. 2016 20:17:25
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] SOTM CZ+SK 2016 - program a přihlášky


Teda - už se mi v práci snažili na tenhle termín naplánovat nějakou 
víkendovou migraci - zatím jsem odolal a snad to tak zůstane :-D

Mám se registrovat i když jsem přednášející? Nebo se to už bere automaticky?
O tričko bych zájem měl, možná i o dvě ;-)
A přesné místo, nebo alespoň oblast už je známo? Rád bych se podíval po 
nějakém ubytování v okolí. Plánuji dojet autem a pak chodit pěšky případně 


Dne 18.3.2016 v 11:25 Tom Ka napsal(a):



pro všechny, kteří chtějí být při tom, přinášíme aktuální informace k česko-
slovenské konferenci SOTM, která se bude konat v sobotu 21.5.2016 v Brně.


    9:00    Zahájení, keynote, představení programu

    9:15    Zkušenosti s portálem freemap.sk(http://freemap.sk), HW řešení, 
uživatelský ohlas
        (Michal Páleník, freemap.sk(http://freemap.sk))

    10:00    Plány a budoucnost portálu openstreetmap.cz
        (Pavel Zbytovský + Marián Kyral)

    10:45    Vše co jste chtěli vědět o turistických trasách v OSM a báli 
jste se zeptat
        (Michal Grézl + Tomáš Kašpárek)

    11:30    Právní subjekt podporující činnost české komunity OSM
        (moderátor Petr Vozdecký)

    12:15    Prostor pro 5-10 minutové stand-upy

   mapování dopravy
   Co znamená slovo “Open” v OpenStreetMap (Mirek Suchý)
   3D mapování (Petr Vozdecký + Pavel Zbytovský)
   WeeklyOSM CZ (Tomáš Kašpárek)
   Pokud chcete něco sdělit ostatním, dejte nám vědět, přidáme vás!

    13:00    Oběd

    14:00    - 18:00 Hackatons + možný přesah stand-upů

   turistické trasy, rozcestníky (Michal Grézl, Tomáš Kašpárek, Mirek Suchý)
   osmap.cz(http://osmap.cz) (Marián, Pavel)
   a prostor pro spontánní akce 

18:00 - volitelně: afterpárty hospoda


Na stránce konference http://osmap.cz/sotm(http://osmap.cz/sotm) naleznete 
registrační formulář. Prosíme o registraci do 20.4., primárně kvůli výběru 
místa konání akce s ohledem na počet účastníků.

Další informace:

Účast na akci je zdarma, účastníci si hradí vlastní konzumaci či ubytování. 
Náklady na akci hradí pořadatelé z vlastních prostředků, proto konferenci 
pomůžete uspořádat tím, když si v přihlášce zakoupíte unikátní triko z 
limitované edice (250 Kč), určené výhradně pro podporu této akce. Triko si 
tak můžete zakoupit, i když se akce neúčastníte. Stejně tak lze poslat 
příspěvek i pokud nechcete triko. A dokonce ani když se nebudete moci 
zúčastnit :o)

Účastníci s požadavky na ubytování se mohou obracet s dotazy individuálně, s
využitím místní znalosti jim budou doporučeny možné varianty.

Za organizační tým

   Petr Vozdecký, Pavel Zbytovský, Tomáš Kašpárek



Talk-cz mailing list


Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Piccoli torrenti/ruscelli/rivoli...

2016-04-19 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 19/04/2016 12:24, demon.box ha scritto:
> ciao, seguitemi per favore in questo piccolo ragionamento.
> spesso mi capite di passare lungo sentieri che incrociano piccoli
> torrentelli/ruscelli/rivoli
> che sono già mappati (copiati o importati dalle CTR).
> si tratta di piccoli corsi d'acqua minori (ma proprio molto minori) senza
> nessun nome.
> la mia domanda è: ma se noi dobbiamo mappare la realtà e NON semplicemente
> copiare da altre mappe
> (incluse le CTR) è giusto lasciarli mappati soprattuto se si presentano
> sempre asciutti
> e forse al massimo scorrerà qualcosa giusto quando piove?
> se lo lascio (a rigor di logica) nel punto d'incrocio con il sentiero dovrei
> anche taggare ford=yes ma di fatto acqua non ce n'è mai.
> diciamo che invece del corso d'acqua si vede nella fianco della montagna
> l'intaglio del
> solco della valletta che scende ma niente di più.
> è anche altrettanto ovvio che ogni valletta di questo genere quando piove si 
> può riempire d'acqua ma questo non significa che vi scorra un vero
> torrente...
> boh, voi che dite?
> grazie
Nel caso l'acqua sia solo stagionale (es. primavera col disgelo) od
occasionale, il tag da aggiungre sul rio/torrente è anche
intermittent=yes[0], il ford ci andrebbe comunque se riconosciuto come

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Piccoli torrenti/ruscelli/rivoli...

2016-04-19 Thread Andrea Albani
Non entro nel merito di quando ha senso mappare un ditch/stream o che dir
si voglia perchè bisognerebbe valutare caso per caso, ma senz'altro puoi
usare il tag intermittent=yes per marcare il fatto che potrebbe non avere
sempre acqua dentro.


Il giorno 19 aprile 2016 12:24, demon.box  ha scritto:

> ciao, seguitemi per favore in questo piccolo ragionamento.
> spesso mi capite di passare lungo sentieri che incrociano piccoli
> torrentelli/ruscelli/rivoli
> che sono già mappati (copiati o importati dalle CTR).
> si tratta di piccoli corsi d'acqua minori (ma proprio molto minori) senza
> nessun nome.
> la mia domanda è: ma se noi dobbiamo mappare la realtà e NON semplicemente
> copiare da altre mappe
> (incluse le CTR) è giusto lasciarli mappati soprattuto se si presentano
> sempre asciutti
> e forse al massimo scorrerà qualcosa giusto quando piove?
> se lo lascio (a rigor di logica) nel punto d'incrocio con il sentiero
> dovrei
> anche taggare ford=yes ma di fatto acqua non ce n'è mai.
> diciamo che invece del corso d'acqua si vede nella fianco della montagna
> l'intaglio del
> solco della valletta che scende ma niente di più.
> è anche altrettanto ovvio che ogni valletta di questo genere quando piove
> si
> può riempire d'acqua ma questo non significa che vi scorra un vero
> torrente...
> boh, voi che dite?
> grazie
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/Piccoli-torrenti-ruscelli-rivoli-tp5872136.html
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Piccoli torrenti/ruscelli/rivoli...

2016-04-19 Thread demon.box
ciao, seguitemi per favore in questo piccolo ragionamento.
spesso mi capite di passare lungo sentieri che incrociano piccoli
che sono già mappati (copiati o importati dalle CTR).
si tratta di piccoli corsi d'acqua minori (ma proprio molto minori) senza
nessun nome.
la mia domanda è: ma se noi dobbiamo mappare la realtà e NON semplicemente
copiare da altre mappe
(incluse le CTR) è giusto lasciarli mappati soprattuto se si presentano
sempre asciutti
e forse al massimo scorrerà qualcosa giusto quando piove?
se lo lascio (a rigor di logica) nel punto d'incrocio con il sentiero dovrei
anche taggare ford=yes ma di fatto acqua non ce n'è mai.
diciamo che invece del corso d'acqua si vede nella fianco della montagna
l'intaglio del
solco della valletta che scende ma niente di più.
è anche altrettanto ovvio che ogni valletta di questo genere quando piove si 
può riempire d'acqua ma questo non significa che vi scorra un vero
boh, voi che dite?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

[talk-ph] FOSS4G-PH Workshop on April 22, 2016

2016-04-19 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
Hello all,

There will be a FOSS4G-PH Workshop event in UP Diliman this Friday,
April 22, 2016. This is an opportunity to learn about various free and
open source geospatial software like QGIS, GeoPython, GeoPandas
(what's with the animals?), LeafletJS, TurfJS, as well as an
Introduction to OSM which will be handled by Project NOAH.

For more information:
Official website: http://foss4gph.github.io/
Registration: http://tinyurl.com/hs6xozx
Facebook event page (to get updates):

FOSS4G-PH is a side event to the PhilGEOS Conference also in UP
Diliman on April 20–21.


talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] nenahrává se lomítko v ref

2016-04-19 Thread Michal Grézl
znaky , a / pridany

2016-04-18 13:24 GMT+02:00 Zdeněk Pražák :
> ještě jsem si všiml, že se rovněž nenahrává desetinná čárka v ref
> například u rozcestníku ID 6062 se místo správného ref 7284/6,5 nahrálo
> 728465
> Pražák
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Zdeněk Pražák 
> Komu: talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> Datum: 11. 4. 2016 14:47:31
> Předmět: nenahrává se lomítko v ref
> Při nahrávání fotek rozcestníků na openstreetmap.cz jsem si všiml, že v
> případě, že rozcestník má starý formát ref, tak se nenahraje lomítko - viz
> rozcestníky s ID 5873 a 5874 kde se místo správného 4867/342 a 4867/343
> nahrálo 4867342 a 4867343
> Pražák
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-19 Thread joost schouppe
> Do we have a fixed spot somewhere were we announce new Missing Map
> parties ? The URL of this page should be on a flyer we hand out to
> every visitor.

Yes we do: http://www.meetup.com/OpenStreetMap-Belgium/ . And then the page
with online resources referred to http://osm.be/nl/community
Your idea and Pieter-Jan's sound very similar to the one I posted a few
weeks back at the Trello:
. If we finally have such a page, it would be nice to infact have little
leaflets with the URL.

I'm still adding everyone to a new mailing list if no-one starts yelling
STOP soon.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-19 Thread Jo
Maybe  osm.be/missingmaps could work, and for people who don't want to type
much, add an alias



2016-04-19 9:57 GMT+02:00 Pieter-Jan Pauwels :

> Hi Marc,
> Good eye, wrote down the same remark in the Hackpad. Something like
> missingmaps.be that is rooted in the local OSM.be  community
> would be a good asset to refer people to.
> And @Joost, spamming in my regards, are unpersonal messages pushed through
> bots, advertising and generic email messages that have nothing to do with
> my field of work or interests.
> OSM-be has none of those factors in my regards, so it’s not spamming :).
> Kind regards,
> Pieter-Jan
> Community Coordinator
> Open Knowledge Belgium
> m: +32 476 66 27 77 a: Sint-Salvatorstraat 18/101, 9000 Gent
> s: www.openknowledge.be e: pieter...@openknowledge.be
> On 19 Apr 2016, at 09:51, Marc Gemis  wrote:
> Do we have a fixed spot somewhere were we announce new Missing Map
> parties ? The URL of this page should be on a flyer we hand out to
> every visitor. So even when they opt out from your spamming, :-)  they
> can look at that page any time they want.
> I think I missed an opportunity to inform all visitors on how they
> could get informed about similar events.
> Some flyer to hand out (besides the one with the instructions we have
> right now) that has some "What's next ? - How to stay in touch ?"
> content would be nice.
> Could contain links to twitter account, FB page, meetup page, osm.be
> website, mailing list.
> Stuff they could map in their neighborhood, ...
> m.
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 8:55 AM, joost schouppe
>  wrote:
> Pieter-Jan,
> I often feel like I'm spamming people, but apparently some of the Gent GIS
> people felt a bit the same as you: why did I know so late (I did contact
> Thimo much sooner, and Geertrui came, so some information flow was there).
> So lesson learned: I'll spam till I drop.
> All,
> I'm putting together a hackpad with things to do when a Mapathon comes up:
> https://hackpad.com/Mapathon-Metainfo-and-evaluation-mlxQ0GwD8lb
> Please feel free to contribute.
> Unless someone has a better idea, I'm going to put all the e-mails from the
> last couple events into a Mailchimp thing and send an "hi welcome please
> unsubscribe if you don't want to know about all the cool things OSM be
> organizes" first mail.
> Yes, we do have a talk-be, but that's just a -little- nerdy for a lot of
> people. I actually met someone - who shall remain anonymous - who works at
> the VUB, is an experienced JOSM mapper and DID NOT KNOW the State of the
> Map
> was coming to his very campus. And he even was accidentally subscribed to
> the weekly Digest of this mailing list, which is of course perfect if you
> like an indigestion. (I get my OSM mailing list overload by the message in
> a
> label+filter subfolder in Gmail to avoid drowning).
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-19 Thread Pieter-Jan Pauwels
Hi Marc, 

Good eye, wrote down the same remark in the Hackpad. Something like 
missingmaps.be  that is rooted in the local OSM.be 
 community would be a good asset to refer people to. 
And @Joost, spamming in my regards, are unpersonal messages pushed through 
bots, advertising and generic email messages that have nothing to do with my 
field of work or interests. 
OSM-be has none of those factors in my regards, so it’s not spamming :). 

Kind regards,

Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Belgium
m: +32 476 66 27 77 a: Sint-Salvatorstraat 18/101, 9000 Gent
s: www.openknowledge.be  e: 

> On 19 Apr 2016, at 09:51, Marc Gemis  wrote:
> Do we have a fixed spot somewhere were we announce new Missing Map
> parties ? The URL of this page should be on a flyer we hand out to
> every visitor. So even when they opt out from your spamming, :-)  they
> can look at that page any time they want.
> I think I missed an opportunity to inform all visitors on how they
> could get informed about similar events.
> Some flyer to hand out (besides the one with the instructions we have
> right now) that has some "What's next ? - How to stay in touch ?"
> content would be nice.
> Could contain links to twitter account, FB page, meetup page, osm.be
> website, mailing list.
> Stuff they could map in their neighborhood, ...
> m.
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 8:55 AM, joost schouppe
>  wrote:
>> Pieter-Jan,
>> I often feel like I'm spamming people, but apparently some of the Gent GIS
>> people felt a bit the same as you: why did I know so late (I did contact
>> Thimo much sooner, and Geertrui came, so some information flow was there).
>> So lesson learned: I'll spam till I drop.
>> All,
>> I'm putting together a hackpad with things to do when a Mapathon comes up:
>> https://hackpad.com/Mapathon-Metainfo-and-evaluation-mlxQ0GwD8lb
>> Please feel free to contribute.
>> Unless someone has a better idea, I'm going to put all the e-mails from the
>> last couple events into a Mailchimp thing and send an "hi welcome please
>> unsubscribe if you don't want to know about all the cool things OSM be
>> organizes" first mail.
>> Yes, we do have a talk-be, but that's just a -little- nerdy for a lot of
>> people. I actually met someone - who shall remain anonymous - who works at
>> the VUB, is an experienced JOSM mapper and DID NOT KNOW the State of the Map
>> was coming to his very campus. And he even was accidentally subscribed to
>> the weekly Digest of this mailing list, which is of course perfect if you
>> like an indigestion. (I get my OSM mailing list overload by the message in a
>> label+filter subfolder in Gmail to avoid drowning).
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
>> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-19 Thread Marc Gemis
Do we have a fixed spot somewhere were we announce new Missing Map
parties ? The URL of this page should be on a flyer we hand out to
every visitor. So even when they opt out from your spamming, :-)  they
can look at that page any time they want.
I think I missed an opportunity to inform all visitors on how they
could get informed about similar events.

Some flyer to hand out (besides the one with the instructions we have
right now) that has some "What's next ? - How to stay in touch ?"
content would be nice.
Could contain links to twitter account, FB page, meetup page, osm.be
website, mailing list.
Stuff they could map in their neighborhood, ...


On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 8:55 AM, joost schouppe
> Pieter-Jan,
> I often feel like I'm spamming people, but apparently some of the Gent GIS
> people felt a bit the same as you: why did I know so late (I did contact
> Thimo much sooner, and Geertrui came, so some information flow was there).
> So lesson learned: I'll spam till I drop.
> All,
> I'm putting together a hackpad with things to do when a Mapathon comes up:
> https://hackpad.com/Mapathon-Metainfo-and-evaluation-mlxQ0GwD8lb
> Please feel free to contribute.
> Unless someone has a better idea, I'm going to put all the e-mails from the
> last couple events into a Mailchimp thing and send an "hi welcome please
> unsubscribe if you don't want to know about all the cool things OSM be
> organizes" first mail.
> Yes, we do have a talk-be, but that's just a -little- nerdy for a lot of
> people. I actually met someone - who shall remain anonymous - who works at
> the VUB, is an experienced JOSM mapper and DID NOT KNOW the State of the Map
> was coming to his very campus. And he even was accidentally subscribed to
> the weekly Digest of this mailing list, which is of course perfect if you
> like an indigestion. (I get my OSM mailing list overload by the message in a
> label+filter subfolder in Gmail to avoid drowning).
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Michal Grézl
2016-04-18 21:31 GMT+02:00 Miroslav Suchý :
> Dne 18.4.2016 v 19:35 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
>> Hmm. Zkoušel jsem to nějak rozchodit u sebe na lighhttp, ale asi
>> potřebuji apache co? Alespoň podle kódu, kde se hojně vyskytuje
>> 'Apache2...'.
> Bavíme se o:
>   https://github.com/osmcz/api
> ?
>> Mohl by jsi mi když tak poslat mimo konferenci konfigurák apache? Bych
>> to zkusil nejak rozchodit. Bez toho se vývoj dělat nedá.
> jj, taky jsem si říkal. Ideálně udělat dockerfile nebo vagrant
> konfigurák, který by to rozjel jako mikroservice. Ideální na testování.
> Apache konfigurák by se hodil, ať nemusím luštit na jaká url jsou
> pověšené ty handlery.
> Mirek
uz se na tom pracuje
konfigurak tam pridam ted do readme

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Marián Kyral

OK. Tak to tak zatím necháme. Nicméně se mi mou geniální myšlenku podařilo 
zrealizovat. A nedopadlo to špatně ;-) 



-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Tom Ka 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 19. 4. 2016 8:01:53
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

"Trochu jsem o tom premyslel, nechal bych ty ikony ted trochu ulezet.
Pokud pak bude vice kategorii chyb, tak by se mi asi nejvic libilo mit
jednu ikonu a kategorii odlisovat jen barvou - pak uz to nebude jen o
chybejici fotce, takze to muze byt treba ten ruzne barevny vykricnik
apod. To ma ale cas.


Dne 19. dubna 2016 7:46 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Tom Ka 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 18. 4. 2016 14:23:45
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz
> Dne 18. dubna 2016 10:39 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
>>> Tak jsem to přetáhnul. Moc se mi nelíbily ty vykřičníky - přišlo mi to
>>> takové matoucí. Naštěstí mne můza políbila a napadlo mne udělat ikonku
>>> chybných rozcestníků černobíle. Taky jsem u chybějící fotky vyměnil
>>> vykřičník za foťák. Snad to nevadí ;-)
>> jo, pocital jsem s tim, ze se ikony doladi. O fotaku jsem taky
>> premyslel ale obe jsou potreba realne nafotit, takze to mi prislo
>> trochu zavadejici.
>> Takže pokaždé chybí foto?
> v obou pripadech chybi pouzitelne foto.
> OK. v tom případě by to mohla být ikona s foťákem a pak ikona s foťákem a
> vykřičníkem.
>>> Taky jsem zkusil trochu upravit ten popup, ale furt je to taková úzká
>>> nudle a nevím co s tím. Bože, jak já nesnáším css. Nikdy to nedělá co
>>> chci já :-(
>> ty popisky jsou porad taky zavadejici - missing = neni foto a neni
>> ref, noref = je nejake foto ale neni ref (realne vetsinou proto, ze je
>> foto spatne nebo neceho jineho nez rozcestniku apod, takze se ref neda
>> vycist a je potreba nafotit znovu).
>> Tak může se to změnit na "chybí foto anebo ref". V tom případě by se ty
>> dva
>> typy vůbec nemusely rozlišovat. A mohla by být jen jedna ikona.
> pripadu kdy je tam ta blba fotka je par (cca 40), ale prijde mi vhodne
> to rozlisovat, protoze je asi dobre se pred cestou do toho mista na to
> pripravit, podivat se kdyz tam ta fotka je, proc nejde pouzit a co
> presne tedy mam nafotit. Ostatnich je mnohem vic (tisice).
> OK. sice jich je jen 40, ale jsou. Co takhle nějaká ikona "pokrčeného
> rozcestníku?" :-D
>> Ono obecně by toho v té bublině mohlo být více. Každý problém na extra
>> řádku. Takže bych po klilknutí na bublinu viděl, co všechno chybí.
> casem az toho bude k nafoceni mene ma podle mne smysl resit dalsi
> problemy a tridy chyb, ted je to cele cileno na to mit zdroj informaci
> kde je nejaky rozcestnik, ktery potrebuju vyfotit.
> OK
>> Jo a mimichodem - co takhle přejmenovat tu vrstvu na "Nekompletní
>> rozcestníky"?
> klidne, ale i kompletni muze byt chybny. Pokud to bude obecne vrstva
> vystupu z OsmHiCheck, tak to bude hlasit nejake problemy a chyby,
> nekompletnost je jen jedna z nich.
> OK.
> Marián
> Bye
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-19 Thread joost schouppe
I often feel like I'm spamming people, but apparently some of the Gent GIS
people felt a bit the same as you: why did I know so late (I did contact
Thimo much sooner, and Geertrui came, so some information flow was there).
So lesson learned: I'll spam till I drop.

I'm putting together a hackpad with things to do when a Mapathon comes up:
Please feel free to contribute.

Unless someone has a better idea, I'm going to put all the e-mails from the
last couple events into a Mailchimp thing and send an "hi welcome please
unsubscribe if you don't want to know about all the cool things OSM be
organizes" first mail.

Yes, we do have a talk-be, but that's just a -little- nerdy for a lot of
people. I actually met someone - who shall remain anonymous - who works at
the VUB, is an experienced JOSM mapper and DID NOT KNOW the State of the
Map was coming to his very campus. And he even was accidentally subscribed
to the weekly Digest of this mailing list, which is of course perfect if
you like an indigestion. (I get my OSM mailing list overload by the message
in a label+filter subfolder in Gmail to avoid drowning).
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] MissingMaps National

2016-04-19 Thread Pieter-Jan Pauwels
Hi guys, just followed up on the conversation. 

I can follow the arguments of Seppe below. Yes, a few media opportunities were 
missed, but still this was a huge achievement for OSM and shouldn’t be 
deminished regarding impact. 
If you look up mapathon on Google (of all places ;)), you end up on OSM. If you 
look at the VTM images you can clearly see Open Street Map on the editor. No 
there hasn’t been a direct mention, but even professional press officers can’t 
control their message completely. 

So it’s good to talk about how things could be better, but I’m sure you’re all 
aware that this was already an amazing campaign. 

Regarding improvements: 
Open Knowledge Belgium can help with promotional stuff like this if you want. 
Giving press-training (press-releasing (text) and press-interviews (video)). 
But also designing and ordering banners, t-shirts, even flyers for that matter. 
And even beyond that, social media training, logistical support… I’m not saying 
we know everything, but if have the in-house experience or know someone, but we 
can see what we can make happen. 

Regarding support I’m partly to blame because I was only aware of this event 
just last week when Joost asked me to write about it on the Open Belgium blog. 
So please feel free to keep Open Knowledge Belgium in the loop so that we can 
see how we can be of service. 

Kind regards,

Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Belgium
m: +32 476 66 27 77 a: Sint-Salvatorstraat 18/101, 9000 Gent
s: www.openknowledge.be  e: 

> On 19 Apr 2016, at 05:20, Marc Gemis  wrote:
> thanks a lot for contacting Belga. Good to hear we now have a contact there.
> Hopefully that person from the university was at the Mapathon and
> learned that we do not use G-stuff. :-)
> m
> On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 6:14 PM, joost schouppe
>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> So I contacted Belga. The report was only used by Metro and Zondag. They
>> didn't think anyone else would pick up on it, and did not see any use in
>> correcting it in their own database. I did get a personal contact at Belga
>> we can call next time we do something, who promised to listen carefully that
>> time. And they will also contact Metro to ask and change their article a bit
>> (remove the Google Earth mention). I don't think it's a good idea to share
>> the e-mail here, but I can send it to anyone who requests it.
>> Apparently, they contacted someone from the university who said something
>> along the lines of "tracing on satellite pictures form the same sources
>> available in Google Earth". And they went from there. So yes, a little
>> press-training might be in order to avoid things like that.
>> Joost
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
>> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz

2016-04-19 Thread Tom Ka
Trochu jsem o tom premyslel, nechal bych ty ikony ted trochu ulezet.
Pokud pak bude vice kategorii chyb, tak by se mi asi nejvic libilo mit
jednu ikonu a kategorii odlisovat jen barvou - pak uz to nebude jen o
chybejici fotce, takze to muze byt treba ten ruzne barevny vykricnik
apod. To ma ale cas.


Dne 19. dubna 2016 7:46 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Tom Ka 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 18. 4. 2016 14:23:45
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] OsmHiCheck chybejici rozcestniky do osmap.cz
> Dne 18. dubna 2016 10:39 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
>>> Tak jsem to přetáhnul. Moc se mi nelíbily ty vykřičníky - přišlo mi to
>>> takové matoucí. Naštěstí mne můza políbila a napadlo mne udělat ikonku
>>> chybných rozcestníků černobíle. Taky jsem u chybějící fotky vyměnil
>>> vykřičník za foťák. Snad to nevadí ;-)
>> jo, pocital jsem s tim, ze se ikony doladi. O fotaku jsem taky
>> premyslel ale obe jsou potreba realne nafotit, takze to mi prislo
>> trochu zavadejici.
>> Takže pokaždé chybí foto?
> v obou pripadech chybi pouzitelne foto.
> OK. v tom případě by to mohla být ikona s foťákem a pak ikona s foťákem a
> vykřičníkem.
>>> Taky jsem zkusil trochu upravit ten popup, ale furt je to taková úzká
>>> nudle a nevím co s tím. Bože, jak já nesnáším css. Nikdy to nedělá co
>>> chci já :-(
>> ty popisky jsou porad taky zavadejici - missing = neni foto a neni
>> ref, noref = je nejake foto ale neni ref (realne vetsinou proto, ze je
>> foto spatne nebo neceho jineho nez rozcestniku apod, takze se ref neda
>> vycist a je potreba nafotit znovu).
>> Tak může se to změnit na "chybí foto anebo ref". V tom případě by se ty
>> dva
>> typy vůbec nemusely rozlišovat. A mohla by být jen jedna ikona.
> pripadu kdy je tam ta blba fotka je par (cca 40), ale prijde mi vhodne
> to rozlisovat, protoze je asi dobre se pred cestou do toho mista na to
> pripravit, podivat se kdyz tam ta fotka je, proc nejde pouzit a co
> presne tedy mam nafotit. Ostatnich je mnohem vic (tisice).
> OK. sice jich je jen 40, ale jsou. Co takhle nějaká ikona "pokrčeného
> rozcestníku?" :-D
>> Ono obecně by toho v té bublině mohlo být více. Každý problém na extra
>> řádku. Takže bych po klilknutí na bublinu viděl, co všechno chybí.
> casem az toho bude k nafoceni mene ma podle mne smysl resit dalsi
> problemy a tridy chyb, ted je to cele cileno na to mit zdroj informaci
> kde je nejaky rozcestnik, ktery potrebuju vyfotit.
> OK
>> Jo a mimichodem - co takhle přejmenovat tu vrstvu na "Nekompletní
>> rozcestníky"?
> klidne, ale i kompletni muze byt chybny. Pokud to bude obecne vrstva
> vystupu z OsmHiCheck, tak to bude hlasit nejake problemy a chyby,
> nekompletnost je jen jedna z nich.
> OK.
> Marián
> Bye
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

Talk-cz mailing list