Re: [Talk-hr] Državne, županijske i lokalne ceste koje to u stvarnosti nisu

2014-04-28 Per discussione hbogner

On 04/27/2014 01:26 AM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

Dana 27. travnja 2014. u 00:32 hbogner je napisao/la:

Ja sam protiv toga da se te ceste označava kao secundary i tertiary samo
zato što je neki političar ili foteljaš tako odlučio i stavio to na papir.
Za to sam ga ih se ubaci u relaciju za državne, županisjke i lokalne.
Za to sam  i da im se stavi ref= oznaka.
Ali tip ceste moramo smisliti neki koji će pasati za njih.
Cilj je da skupimo prave informacije kakve su na terenu a ne da kopiramo
odluke političara/foteljaša koi tu cestu nikad nisu vidjeli, niti znaju
kakva je.

Slažem se da političari nemaju pojma o stanju tih cesta, ali ne radi se o
tome nego o tome jesu li te ceste važne u tim mjestima.

Mislim da i koliko je ta cesta prohodna za automobile i ostala vozila 
ima dosta značenja. Može ljudima cesta biti jako važna, ali ako hitna, 
vatrogasci tom cestom voze 35 minuta umjesto 5 minuta isto ima značenja 
jer bi prije stigli okolo.

A da li bi po tebi trebalo isto označavati ovu
Obje su D1.

Te dvije su sličnije nego one dvije koje sam ja naveo :D
One dvije se baš drastično razlikuju :D
I po voznoj površini, i po zavijenosti ceste i još dosta toga.

Stvar je u tome da klasifikacija ceste nema veze sa kvalitetom ceste. Ima
veze sa važnosti ceste u nekoj regiji. Ljudi koji žive uz tu cestu kod
Gline definitivno gledaju na tu cestu kao dosta važnu. I ako želiš doći do
neke kuće u toj regiji, ići ćeš tom cestom, a ne nekom drugom. Ako sve
ceste označiš kao track, nemaš više nikakvu informaciju.

Djelomično sma ovo komentirao u prethodnom djelu.
Ili tom ili nekom okolnom koja je kvalitetnija, ako ne želiš uništavati 

A kad staviš kao secondary onda drugi ruting algoritmi to pročitati kao
klasičnu asfaltiranu cestu sa

2 prometne trake prohodnu za osobna vozila. Sad možemo nabrajati razne


Nisam baš siguran da želimo mapirati prema lošim ruting algoritmima.

OK prvo se moramo dogovoriti kako označavati takve ceste.

A tko određuje koji je dobar a koji loš ruting algortitam? Ti? Ja? Netko 

Ja sam samo naveo da ih ima više, Garmin ima svoj, Osmand ima svoj...

Ja bi bio zadovoljan kad bi ih barem ucrtali kao unclassified.

Ja sam isto razmišljao kao unclassified, ali sa dodatnim oznakama da se 
definira i objasni zašto smo tako stavili.

Slično moramo i za ceste koje crtamo sa satelita a neznamo kakve su.
Prije smo svi ucrtavali bez dodatnih atributa, ali sad se pokazuje 
velika potreba za što više atributa koji bi što točnije opisali neku cestu.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Državne, županijske i lokalne ceste koje to u stvarnosti nisu

2014-04-28 Per discussione Janko Mihelić
Dana 28. travnja 2014. u 17:00 hbogner je napisao/la:

 Ja sam isto razmišljao kao unclassified, ali sa dodatnim oznakama da se
 definira i objasni zašto smo tako stavili.

 Slično moramo i za ceste koje crtamo sa satelita a neznamo kakve su.
 Prije smo svi ucrtavali bez dodatnih atributa, ali sad se pokazuje velika
 potreba za što više atributa koji bi što točnije opisali neku cestu.

Mislim da moramo agresivno krenuti sa upisivanjem surface taga na 100%
cesta. Recimo, na sve autoceste i primary možemo odmah upisati
surface=asphalt (bar se nadam). Nadalje na sve županijske za koje znamo da
su asfaltirane, i tako dalje.

Na taj način ćemo vidjeti za koje ceste se ne zna surface, i tako bi
routeri mogli znati gdje je sigurno asfalt, a gdje je nesigurno pa bolje
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Državne, županijske i lokalne ceste koje to u stvarnosti nisu

2014-04-28 Per discussione hbogner

On 04/28/2014 05:24 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

Dana 28. travnja 2014. u 17:00 hbogner je napisao/la:

Ja sam isto razmišljao kao unclassified, ali sa dodatnim oznakama da se
definira i objasni zašto smo tako stavili.

Slično moramo i za ceste koje crtamo sa satelita a neznamo kakve su.
Prije smo svi ucrtavali bez dodatnih atributa, ali sad se pokazuje velika
potreba za što više atributa koji bi što točnije opisali neku cestu.

Mislim da moramo agresivno krenuti sa upisivanjem surface taga na 100%
cesta. Recimo, na sve autoceste i primary možemo odmah upisati
surface=asphalt (bar se nadam). Nadalje na sve županijske za koje znamo da
su asfaltirane, i tako dalje.

Moramo obavezno, i ne samo surface, nego što više informacija znamo, 
broj traka, širina, pretjecanje ...
Nažalost ne. Vedran je na facebook grupi naveo primjer državne koja je 
Ja već nekoliko godina to radim, ali nestignem sve stare, nego pokušavam 
sve nove odmah i nešto starih što stignem.

Na taj način ćemo vidjeti za koje ceste se ne zna surface, i tako bi
routeri mogli znati gdje je sigurno asfalt, a gdje je nesigurno pa bolje

Tako je. Treba nam što više ažurnih i točnih informacija.

Evo karte sa surface oznakama:

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Državne, županijske i lokalne ceste koje to u stvarnosti nisu

2014-04-28 Per discussione Ivan Delac
hbogner napisa:
 Nažalost ne. Vedran je na facebook grupi naveo primjer državne koja je 

Treba odlučiti kako označiti takvu cestu. 
Kao primary zasad sigurno ne jer se na većini rendera ne renderira surface
tag i netko bi mogao samo pogledom na kartu odlučiti krenuti tom cestom
misleći da je dobra. Naravno, sad će netko prigovoriti da se ne treba
crtati za renderer.

Pada mi na pamet jednostavano pravilo, a to je da sve ceste u Hrvatskoj
koje u OSM označavamo sa primary, secondary i tertiary *moraju* biti
asfaltirane. Sve klasificirane ceste (DC, ŽC i LC) koje su makadam označiti
sa unclassified i pripadajućim surface tagom.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Državne, županijske i lokalne ceste koje to u stvarnosti nisu

2014-04-28 Per discussione Darko Boto
2014-04-28 20:09 GMT+02:00 Ivan Delac

 hbogner napisa:
  Nažalost ne. Vedran je na facebook grupi naveo primjer državne koja je

 Treba odlučiti kako označiti takvu cestu.
 Kao primary zasad sigurno ne jer se na većini rendera ne renderira surface
 tag i netko bi mogao samo pogledom na kartu odlučiti krenuti tom cestom
 misleći da je dobra. Naravno, sad će netko prigovoriti da se ne treba
 crtati za renderer.

 Pada mi na pamet jednostavano pravilo, a to je da sve ceste u Hrvatskoj
 koje u OSM označavamo sa primary, secondary i tertiary *moraju* biti
 asfaltirane. Sve klasificirane ceste (DC, ŽC i LC) koje su makadam označiti
 sa unclassified i pripadajućim surface tagom.

Pratim i ne znam što bih rekao, al za sada mi se ovaj prijedlog čini kao
najbolje rješenje

 Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

[talk-ph] OSMPH GPS Routable Map Temporarily Halted

2014-04-28 Per discussione Ervin Malicdem
Hi All,

I am temporarily placing the generation of OSM-based GPS Routable map for
the Philippines on hold due to vandalism issues. The last version will be
the one generated last April 25, 2014. This will be discontinued until such
time the DWG gives a* workable* solution to the user/s that is/are
vandalizing the OSM-data for the Philippines.

The v20140425 map is downloadable at

For the meantime, I am generating unofficial releases which I am using
personally but decided to give public access to it. This is using my
personal server so this may be slow. You may use the unofficial releases if
you need a recently updated GPS routable map. But be aware of possible
vandalized data that may result to some incorrect routing and POI search.

The unofficial releases are accessible via the same resource indicated
above under the Unofficial Release label.

Ervin M.
*Schadow1 Expeditions* - A Filipino must not be a stranger to his own
talk-ph mailing list

[talk-ph] OSM Philippines Server

2014-04-28 Per discussione Mark Cupitt
Dear All Philippine OSM'ers

I am in the process of setting up our own OSM server for use with so that we can implement some specific styles and data
presentations for use on our base map

As a side project, if there is any interest, I am willing to set up a
specific Philippine Map that can be styled to suit the work that OSM
Philippines has done. What this means is that if there are any specific
tagging schemes used that are unique to the Philippines we can display them
any way we like.

I will do this at no charge (as a community service) provided that it does
not kill my servers and I will use Google Adsense to try and generate some
income to mitigate costs and advertise on it as well. If
sponsorship of around P7-10K (10 is better) per month can be found, I can
manage the server time, space and update frequencies in a way that will
allow it to be set up so that the usage will be dedicated to the Philippine
map and not shared with our other maps. I can also make it completely add
free (which is good). It will still be on our integrated platforms, but
isolated from other map requests.

For the technically minded, the platforms we use are as follows

Windows Servers
Postgres 91. with PistGis2.0
Styling via SLD

Updates are done every minute from the main OSM servers

Does the community want to have its own map that can be styled to suit the

If so, then:
What Domain do you want to use.
What tagging differences and styles do you want to implement. (I will set
up a generic style on te map that we can discuss and modify)

Looking forward to a positive response.


Mark Cupitt

If we change the world, let it bear the mark of our intelligence

See me on Open StreetMap

See me on LinkedIn

*See me on StackExchange*

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talk-ph mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-04-28 Per discussione Steve Coast

OpenStreetMap is the global, open and free map dataset that anyone can use. It 
is created by a huge community of volunteers who pour their time and energy in 
to the project. It’s also fun, beautiful and cool.

So it’s sad that people don’t want to respect the license. It asks two very 
simple things:

Please say you’re using OSM. This is very simple.
If you change the map, please give the changes back. This is called 
Compared to paying a lot of money for incredibly license-restricted data, you’d 
think people would be ok with these requirements.

Sadly, this isn’t the case.

There are those who are now willfully disregarding our tiny little 
requirements. It’s being framed as some gigantic and unreasonable proposition, 
asking to say where the data came from or giving data back when you fix things. 
As if it’s completely bananas to ask such a thing. As if Linux or Wikipedia 
should be disaster ghost towns while asking for exactly the same thing of their 

This is just baloney. The real comparison should be; if you don’t like the 
license you’re free to use expensive and complicatedly-license data. That’s 
your option. Those guys are just a phone call away, and will be happy to sell 
you data. You’d probably find that they have very strong attribution 
requirements, just like OSM does.

It is the ultimate disrespect to the volunteers who built the data to not even 
attribute their contributions. It’s even worse that there are some who’re 
trying to also own OSM for themselves by taking away the share-alike 

Is the license perfect? I’m afraid not. Specifically we need more clarification 
around the technical implementation and use of geocodes, especially in relation 
to other datasets. It’s hard today to technically comply with some of those 
edge cases.

But that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re speaking here about the simple 
ask, that if you use OSM you please say clearly on the map that it is OSM. 
You’re getting a great dataset, for free, under an open license, that millions 
of people are contributing to. We’re not asking for $100,000 license fees, 
we’re just asking that you say who we are.

It’s the ultimate human need; I was here. I did this.

How could you deny people that?

Apparently, easily and willfully. People within the OSM community have been 
frustrated and trying to fix it for some time. If we were a proprietary map 
supplier we’d revoke a license or jump to legal options.

We are much nicer than that. I propose a four stage plan, organized on OSM’s 
legal mailing list and tracked on the wiki:

A polite email, linking to our requirements
A week later: Another polite email, warning of what’s to come.
A week later: Another polite email, same as above
A week later: Very public naming and shaming on OSMs various social media 
channels and blogs
Most people who miss our requirements are making a simple error. This is a 
process that gives three opportunities and an entire month to correct the 
mistake. This is not a brand new idea or process. The FSF and others have named 
 shamed (and have even went further) for GPL violations in the past.

In a narrow way, this all a good thing. It shows the growth and maturity of the 
project, that there are those out there that want to own it or take all the 
advantages without even saying where the data came from. But in the end, we 
have to defend ourselves for what little, tiny things we ask.___
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-04-28 Per discussione Rob Myers
On 28/04/14 11:42 AM, Steve Coast wrote:
 In a narrow way, this all a good thing. It shows the growth and maturity
 of the project, that there are those out there that want to own it or
 take all the advantages without even saying where the data came from.
 But in the end, we have to defend ourselves for what little, tiny things
 we ask.


- Rob.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-04-28 Per discussione Jake Wasserman

  or giving data back when you fix things.

This is a gross oversimplification of share-alike. And the imperfections in
the license extend beyond geocoding. I don't want to rehash the arguments,
as Alex Barth did very
eloquently at State of the Map US. Let's just not pretend the requirements
are simple, tiny, or little, but are instead complex and sweeping.

In any case, I agree with the larger point that OSM data users must comply
with the rules as they exist and we should publicly call out their

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-04-28 Per discussione Steve Coast

On Apr 28, 2014, at 1:26 PM, Jake Wasserman wrote:
  Let's just not pretend the requirements are simple, tiny, or little, 
 but are instead complex and sweeping.
My comparison was to proprietary vendors. Have you ever read one of their 

 In any case, I agree with the larger point that OSM data users must comply 
 with the rules as they exist and we should publicly call out their violations.

Good :-)

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-04-28 Per discussione Simon Poole

There are some moderate complicated edge cases caused by  and there are
some things that will not be possible with share alike and are not
intended to be possible in the first place.

Naturally anybody is completely within its rights to lobby for changes
that would better fit their business model, but that does not imply that
everything they claim during lobbying is an accurate description of our
current licence.

Further I note there was 0 (zero) response to the proposed updated
community guidelines that go a long way in clarifying a number of the
grey areas, indicating that the whole upset is not about fixing real issues.

Am 28.04.2014 21:26, schrieb Jake Wasserman:

  or giving data back when you fix things.

 This is a gross oversimplification of share-alike. And the
 imperfections in the license extend beyond geocoding. I don't want to
 rehash the arguments, as Alex Barth did very eloquently at State
 of the Map US. Let's just not pretend the requirements are simple,
 tiny, or little, but are instead complex and sweeping.

 In any case, I agree with the larger point that OSM data users must
 comply with the rules as they exist and we should publicly call out
 their violations.


 legal-talk mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-04-28 Per discussione jonathan

I couldn't agree more.


On 28/04/2014 19:42, Steve Coast wrote: 


OpenStreetMap is the global, open and free map 
dataset that anyone can use. It is created by a huge community of 
volunteers who pour their time and energy in to the project. It's also 
fun, beautiful and cool.

So it's sad that people don't want to respect the license. It asks two 
very simple things:

 1. Please say you're using OSM. This is very simple
 2. If you change the map, please give the changes back. This is
called share-alike.

Compared to paying a lot of money for incredibly license-restricted 
data, you'd think people would be ok with these requirements.

Sadly, this isn't the case.

There are those who are now willfully disregarding our tiny little 
requirements. It's being framed as some gigantic and unreasonable 
proposition, asking to say where the data came from or giving data 
back when you fix things. As if it's completely bananas to ask such a 
thing. As if Linux or Wikipedia should be disaster ghost towns while 
asking for exactly the same thing of their users.

This is just baloney. The real comparison should be; if you don't like 
the license you're free to use expensive and complicatedly-license 
data. That's your option. Those guys are just a phone call away, and 
will be happy to sell you data. You'd probably find that they have 
very strong attribution requirements, just like OSM does.

It is the ultimate disrespect to the volunteers who built the data to 
not even attribute their contributions. It's even worse that there are 
some who're trying to also own OSM for themselves by taking away the 
share-alike requirement.

Is the license perfect? I'm afraid not. Specifically we need more 
clarification around the technical implementation and use of geocodes, 
especially in relation to other datasets. It's hard today to 
technically comply with some of those edge cases.

But that's not what we're talking about. We're speaking here about the 
simple ask, that if you use OSM you please say clearly on the map that 
it is OSM. You're getting a great dataset, for free, under an open 
license, that millions of people are contributing to. We're not asking 
for $100,000 license fees, we're just asking that you say who we are.

It's the ultimate human need; I was here. I did this.

How could you deny people that?

Apparently, easily and willfully. People within the OSM community have 
been frustrated and trying to fix it for some time. If we were a 
proprietary map supplier we'd revoke a license or jump to legal options.

We are much nicer than that. I propose a four stage plan, organized on 
OSM's legal mailing list and tracked on 
the wiki:

 1. A polite email, linking to our requirements
 2. A week later: Another polite email, warning of what's to come.
 3. A week later: Another polite email, same as above
 4. A week later: Very public naming and shaming on OSMs various
social media channels and blogs

Most people who miss our requirements are making a simple error. This 
is a process that gives three opportunities and an entire month to 
correct the mistake. This is not a brand new idea or process. The FSF 
and others have named  shamed (and have even went further 
for GPL violations in the past.

In a narrow way, this all a good thing. It shows the growth and 
maturity of the project, that there are those out there that want to 
own it or take all the advantages without even saying where the data 
came from. But in the end, we have to defend ourselves for what 
little, tiny things we ask.

legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-04-28 Per discussione Mikel
 Further I note there was 0 (zero) response to the proposed updated community 
 guidelines that 
 go a long way in clarifying a number of the grey areas, indicating that the 
 whole upset is not 
 about fixing real issues.

Simon, first i've heard about this. Can you point to where it's posted please, 
and also, explain the process by which they were created, proposed, and 
approved? Thanks


 On Apr 28, 2014, at 16:08, Simon Poole wrote:
 Further I note there was 0 (zero) response to the proposed updated community 
 guidelines that go a long way in clarifying a number of the grey areas, 
 indicating that the whole upset is not about fixing real issues.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-04-28 Per discussione Alex Barth

Agreed on a transparent process for tracking unattributed applications of

Separate from attribution however, the issue with “share-alike” is that
it's not open, and hurting our community. ODbL's share alike is simply
shutting out OpenStreetMap from many use cases = adoption = incentives to
contribute. While share-alike was intended to foster this project's growth
it now is only putting limits on it. We can fix this. There are straight
forward ways to make a license modification to ensure that our community
can evolve with the best most open license.

It's simplistic to make broad analogies - this isn't Linux or Wikipedia:
OpenStreetMap is data, data is useful down to its smallest subsets and
unfolding the full power of data is to allow it to be combined and mashed
up in any way with other datasets. And for OpenStreetMap to be used as part
of everything and used by different communities it needs to be truly open
data. By being more open we will grow our community and only improve the
data quality.

And it is this data that is going to change the world. The world is
changing fast right now and the very fact that OpenStreetMap is available
in a structured format starts to be its biggest advantage. We can see this
in humanitarian applications every day. I'm saying this with the deepest
respect to all contributors here: What's to gain is OpenStreetMap in a lot
more applications than today. With share alike dropped, a huge hurdle for
using OpenStreetMap is just gone.


PS: My talk on this very issue at SOTM-US

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 2:42 PM, Steve Coast wrote:


 OpenStreetMap is the global, open and free map dataset
 that anyone can use. It is created by a huge community of volunteers who
 pour their time and energy in to the project. It’s also fun, beautiful and

 So it’s sad that people don’t want to respect the license. It asks two
 very simple things:

1. Please say you’re using OSM. This is very 
2. If you change the map, please give the changes back. This is called

 Compared to paying a lot of money for incredibly license-restricted data,
 you’d think people would be ok with these requirements.

 Sadly, this isn’t the case.

 There are those who are now willfully disregarding our tiny little
 requirements. It’s being framed as some gigantic and unreasonable
 proposition, asking to say where the data came from or giving data back
 when you fix things. As if it’s completely bananas to ask such a thing. As
 if Linux or Wikipedia should be disaster ghost towns while asking for
 exactly the same thing of their users.

 This is just baloney. The real comparison should be; if you don’t like the
 license you’re free to use expensive and complicatedly-license data. That’s
 your option. Those guys are just a phone call away, and will be happy to
 sell you data. You’d probably find that they have very strong attribution
 requirements, just like OSM does.

 It is the ultimate disrespect to the volunteers who built the data to not
 even attribute their contributions. It’s even worse that there are some
 who’re trying to also own OSM for themselves by taking away the share-alike

 Is the license perfect? I’m afraid not. Specifically we need more
 clarification around the technical implementation and use of geocodes,
 especially in relation to other datasets. It’s hard today to technically
 comply with some of those edge cases.

 But that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re speaking here about the
 simple ask, that if you use OSM you please say clearly on the map that it
 is OSM. You’re getting a great dataset, for free, under an open license,
 that millions of people are contributing to. We’re not asking for $100,000
 license fees, we’re just asking that you say who we are.

 It’s the ultimate human need; I was here. I did this.

 How could you deny people that?

 Apparently, easily and willfully. People within the OSM community have
 been frustrated and trying to fix it for some time. If we were a
 proprietary map supplier we’d revoke a license or jump to legal options.

 We are much nicer than that. I propose a four stage plan, organized on
 OSM’s legal mailing 
 list tracked on the 

1. A polite email, linking to our requirements
2. A week later: Another polite email, warning of what’s to come.
3. A week later: Another polite email, same as above
4. A week later: Very public naming and shaming on OSMs various social
media channels and blogs

 Most people who miss our requirements are making a simple error. This is a
 process that gives three opportunities and an entire month to correct the
 mistake. This is not a brand new idea or process. The FSF 

Re: [OSM-talk] ReMAPTCHA Demo BETA 0.2 online! (Was: Hate captchas!!!!)

2014-04-28 Per discussione Stefan Keller
Hi Kate

2014-04-28 7:40 GMT+02:00 Kate Chapman

  I think there would need to be audio challenges.
 There are projects for helping make OSM accessible to people who are
vision impaired, this includes information on the OSM wiki.

I understand. But audio is a complete different technology and our project
wanted to focus on visual clues.

Yours, Stefan

2014-04-28 7:40 GMT+02:00 Kate Chapman

 Hi Stefan,

 On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:

 2014-04-27 21:08 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson wrote:

  I think a bigger situation is that I don't see how this could possibly
 be ADA compliant:
  How does a blind person pass?

 We could add audio challenges - but that's not needed since the context
 and target sites where ReMAPTCHA is designed for, are geospatial websites
 and graphic editors.

 I think there would need to be audio challenges. There are projects for
 helping make OSM accessible to people who are vision impaired, this
 includes information on the OSM wiki.


 2014-04-27 21:08 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson

 On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 8:21 AM, moltonel 3x Combo 

 I'm worried about bots still having a very high chance of sucess. With
 two fairly-legible words in the image and a chalenge asking me to
 write either one of the words or both, a bot still has 33% chance of
 success if answering randomly, wich is high enough that bot authors
 won't even bother trying to smartly interpret the map.

 I think a bigger situation is that I don't see how this could possibly
 be ADA compliant:  How does a blind person pass?

 talk mailing list

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Re: [OSM-talk] ReMAPTCHA Demo BETA 0.2 online! (Was: Hate captchas!!!!)

2014-04-28 Per discussione Paul Johnson
At least at face value, this presents issues for the US chapter, given
blind people...

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 1:45 AM, Stefan Keller wrote:

 Hi Kate

 2014-04-28 7:40 GMT+02:00 Kate Chapman

  I think there would need to be audio challenges.
  There are projects for helping make OSM accessible to people who are
 vision impaired, this includes information on the OSM wiki.

 I understand. But audio is a complete different technology and our project
 wanted to focus on visual clues.

 Yours, Stefan

 2014-04-28 7:40 GMT+02:00 Kate Chapman

 Hi Stefan,

 On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Stefan Keller sfkel...@gmail.comwrote:

 2014-04-27 21:08 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson wrote:

  I think a bigger situation is that I don't see how this could possibly
 be ADA compliant:
  How does a blind person pass?

 We could add audio challenges - but that's not needed since the context
 and target sites where ReMAPTCHA is designed for, are geospatial websites
 and graphic editors.

 I think there would need to be audio challenges. There are projects for
 helping make OSM accessible to people who are vision impaired, this
 includes information on the OSM wiki.


 2014-04-27 21:08 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson

 On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 8:21 AM, moltonel 3x Combo 

 I'm worried about bots still having a very high chance of sucess. With
 two fairly-legible words in the image and a chalenge asking me to
 write either one of the words or both, a bot still has 33% chance of
 success if answering randomly, wich is high enough that bot authors
 won't even bother trying to smartly interpret the map.

 I think a bigger situation is that I don't see how this could possibly
 be ADA compliant:  How does a blind person pass?

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] ReMAPTCHA Demo BETA 0.2 online! (Was: Hate captchas!!!!)

2014-04-28 Per discussione Tim Waters
On 28 April 2014 08:54, Paul Johnson wrote:

 At least at face value, this presents issues for the US chapter, given
 blind people...

The most frequent response I have heard to similar comments in the past was
that the map as a whole presents more of an issue. It may seem a bit
obstructive and glib, but perhaps there is some truth here.  I think it
could be a good opportunity to examine all our infrastructures not only
image representations of geospatial data (i.e  maps).  Blindness is a
spectrum as I understand it - perhaps the lessons that are being learnt in
making OSM more vision impaired people into OSM could be taught to everyone
making mapping tools.

What progress has been made here and how could these be added to improve
this project?

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 1:45 AM, Stefan Keller wrote:

 Hi Kate

 2014-04-28 7:40 GMT+02:00 Kate Chapman

  I think there would need to be audio challenges.
  There are projects for helping make OSM accessible to people who are
 vision impaired, this includes information on the OSM wiki.

 I understand. But audio is a complete different technology and our
 project wanted to focus on visual clues.

 Yours, Stefan

 2014-04-28 7:40 GMT+02:00 Kate Chapman

 Hi Stefan,

 On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Stefan Keller sfkel...@gmail.comwrote:

 2014-04-27 21:08 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson wrote:

  I think a bigger situation is that I don't see how this could
 possibly be ADA compliant:
  How does a blind person pass?

 We could add audio challenges - but that's not needed since the context
 and target sites where ReMAPTCHA is designed for, are geospatial websites
 and graphic editors.

 I think there would need to be audio challenges. There are projects for
 helping make OSM accessible to people who are vision impaired, this
 includes information on the OSM wiki.


 2014-04-27 21:08 GMT+02:00 Paul Johnson

 On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 8:21 AM, moltonel 3x Combo

 I'm worried about bots still having a very high chance of sucess. With
 two fairly-legible words in the image and a chalenge asking me to
 write either one of the words or both, a bot still has 33% chance of
 success if answering randomly, wich is high enough that bot authors
 won't even bother trying to smartly interpret the map.

 I think a bigger situation is that I don't see how this could possibly
 be ADA compliant:  How does a blind person pass?

 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Tagging] Tagging natural or informal swimming holes?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Richard Z.
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 02:07:15PM +0100, Philip Barnes wrote:
 On Thu, 2014-04-24 at 23:03 -0700, Bryce Nesbitt wrote:
  How best should I tag informal swimming areas?  These typically have
  no lifeguard or facilities. An example deep-content site for these
  types of holes is:
  In OSM is it best to create an area and tag
 Forgetting the tagging for a moment, is it not irresponsible to be
 mapping and thus being seen as encouraging such activities?
 Every year when there is hot weather there are warnings not to swim in
 lakes and rivers, and these are inevitably followed by reports in the
 media of a tragic loss of life. 
 The last thing OSM needs is to be seen as contributing to such

a good map can prevent some tragedies by mapping hazards and places which 
are better suited than others.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] ReMAPTCHA Demo BETA 0.2 online! (Was: Hate captchas!!!!)

2014-04-28 Per discussione Kate Chapman
Hi Stefan,

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 2:45 AM, Stefan Keller wrote:

 Hi Kate

 2014-04-28 7:40 GMT+02:00 Kate Chapman

  I think there would need to be audio challenges.
  There are projects for helping make OSM accessible to people who are
 vision impaired, this includes information on the OSM wiki.

 I understand. But audio is a complete different technology and our project
 wanted to focus on visual clues.

Sorry I should have been more specific. I just meant that when/if it was
integrated into the various OSM tools it would be important to make sure an
audio tool was also available.



 Yours, Stefan

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Invisible character LRM in some website values

2014-04-28 Per discussione John Packer
Today I found out a *funny* thing.
It seems some values for the keys 'website' and 'contact:website' have a
LRM character at it's end.
That's not something good because it corrupts the URL. (example)

On taginfo:
Example of an overpass to find this:

I manually fixed these things on Brazil, could someone fix this on the rest
of the world?
You will most likely need an automated solution, because there are around
400 cases of this left.

It seems this also affect other keys (like
but the problem is not as bad as in the keys 'website' and

talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wither Sydney suburb boundaries?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Ian Sergeant
On 28 April 2014 14:23, Michael Gratton wrote:

 So you are saying the ABS suburb boundaries should be checked individually
 rather than imported en mass? How do you know that the quality of the
 GNB/Wikipedia/etc data is any better than that of the ABS dataset where they


Firstly, the ABS data is several years out of date.

The GNB is the authoritative source for whether a suburb exists or not.

Comparing several sources - council, gazette, ABS, GNB - if they
concur, then you've probably got something accurate on your hands.

If they disagree, then further research is in order, and it is
possible that there may not be an open and accurate data source for
that suburb boundary.  Take the opportunity to fix Wikipedia at the
same time.

Coastlines, waterway boundaries are also an issue.

 On a related note, what's the appropriate way to map suburb-sized areas that
 are partitions? A way for each suburb that share nodes along common borders,
 a way for each suburb that don't duplicate nodes along common borders, or
 using a single way for the border and using a relation?


 Hopefully we will have access to the accurate and official suburb
 boundaries in Sydney in an open format sometime in the future (like we
 have for other cities).  Then this problem will go away.

 I literally just heard back from LPI about my enquiry: LPI is currently
 reviewing the licencing framework and will be in a better position to answer
 your query within the next 4 to 6 weeks, so maybe we will have the data
 sooner rather than later. I've asked if I can make a submission to whoever
 is doing the review, will post the details there if I get them so we can
 canvas for a good outcome.

If we have the definitive suburb boundaries, then yes, they are
definitive.  We already have the definitive information for a number
of Australian cities, and this is goodness. The ABS data has numerous
problems, right around the country.  From inaccuracies to completely
fictitious regions.  It's made for stats, and I'd be opposed to a
blind import, and I think I can back up that position.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wither Sydney suburb boundaries?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Michael Gratton

On Mon, 28 Apr, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Ian Sergeant 

On 28 April 2014 14:23, Michael Gratton wrote:

 So you are saying the ABS suburb boundaries should be checked 
 rather than imported en mass? How do you know that the quality of 
 GNB/Wikipedia/etc data is any better than that of the ABS dataset 
where they



Firstly, the ABS data is several years out of date.

The GNB is the authoritative source for whether a suburb exists or 

Comparing several sources - council, gazette, ABS, GNB - if they
concur, then you've probably got something accurate on your hands.

So how accurate does it have to be? For example, I just downloaded 
Andrew's ABS OSM converted datafile (thanks Andrew!), loaded it into 
JOSM, and have been eyeballing the differences for the ABS version of 
Randwick with the LPI cadastre using in SIX Maps. It's confidence is 
rated very good and I can see that the ABS data matches quite well, but 
it's missing fine details such as where the suburb falls entirely one 
one side of road rather than the centerline, and some corners are a bit 
off. Does this matter?


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wither Sydney suburb boundaries?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Ian Sergeant

 On 28 Apr 2014, at 10:48 pm, Michael Gratton
 So how accurate does it have to be? For example, I just downloaded Andrew's 
 ABS OSM converted datafile (thanks Andrew!), loaded it into JOSM, and have 
 been eyeballing the differences for the ABS version of Randwick with the LPI 
 cadastre using in SIX Maps. It's confidence is rated very good and I can see 
 that the ABS data matches quite well, but it's missing fine details such as 
 where the suburb falls entirely one one side of road rather than the 
 centerline, and some corners are a bit off. 

When I'm doing a suburb boundary I think it's minimally important that each 
property is in the correct suburb. So sometimes that makes the road the 
boundary. At other times the property line not facing the road.  

I don't hesitate to modify the ABS data accordingly. What we are mapping is our 
very best estimate of where the suburb boundary lies. This is especially true 
for coastline. 

I think this is the best we can hope for with the data we have available to us 

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wither Sydney suburb boundaries?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Alex Sims

On 28 Apr 2014, at 1:53 pm, Michael Gratton wrote:

 On a related note, what's the appropriate way to map suburb-sized areas that 
 are partitions? A way for each suburb that share nodes along common borders, 
 a way for each suburb that don't duplicate nodes along common borders, or 
 using a single way for the border and using a relation?

I might express and opinion about suburb mapping as I’ve done a fair bit of 
“mapping for the validator” which I suppose is not evil, unlike mapping for the 

I’d prefer relations that depend on single ways, this avoids JOSM complaining 
too much about duplicate ways and can also tie into the definition in words 
that might belong in Wikipedia.

If appropriate ways do not exist, then create ways can be untagged or have a 
“ref=“ tag to indicate what they mean e.g. “Centreline of Smith Road” or 
“Southern side of Smith Road” etc that corresponds to their actual definition. 
Then build the relation (suburb) and super-relation (Postcode, LGA area) etc on 
top of these.

As to the type of relation as “boundary” or “multipolygon” I’ve still not 
figured out which is best.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wither Sydney suburb boundaries?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Ian Sergeant
On 29 April 2014 11:02, Alex Sims wrote:

 I’d prefer relations that depend on single ways, this avoids JOSM
 complaining too much about duplicate ways and can also tie into the
 definition in words that might belong in Wikipedia.

Yes.  I general I do too.

However, we should only use the way when it does represent the
boundary, not because it happens to physically coincide with it.

Usually this is apparent from the data.

 If appropriate ways do not exist, then create ways can be untagged or have a
 “ref=“ tag to indicate what they mean e.g. “Centreline of Smith Road” or
 “Southern side of Smith Road” etc that corresponds to their actual
 definition. Then build the relation (suburb) and super-relation (Postcode,
 LGA area) etc on top of these.

I agree we can build the relations on these.  Super-relations aren't
well supported, and I see no need for them here.  The LGA should be
separate relation utilising the same ways.   This is the only way I've
seen it done, and it works well.

Postcode relations?  Well, if you are keen.  However at least as far
as Sydney goes, each suburb belongs to a single postcode, and I think
it works well to just be a appropriate tag on the suburb relation.

 As to the type of relation as “boundary” or “multipolygon” I’ve still not
 figured out which is best.

No winners here.  Even the validators disagree.  I've been known to use both.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wither Sydney suburb boundaries?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Jason Ward
I have intentions of following the British structure for QLD boundaries (no
permission to use this dataset yet).  Boundary is the chosen type there:

multipolygon, though, is winning that race it seems:

  As to the type of relation as “boundary” or “multipolygon” I’ve still not
  figured out which is best.

 No winners here.  Even the validators disagree.  I've been known to use
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wither Sydney suburb boundaries?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Ian Sergeant
On 29 April 2014 12:56, Jason Ward wrote:
 I have intentions of following the British structure for QLD boundaries (no
 permission to use this dataset yet).  Boundary is the chosen type there:

 multipolygon, though, is winning that race it seems:

I don't think that indicates multipolygon type is more popular than a
boundary type for a relation defining a boundary.  Multipolygons have
extensive usage independent of boundaries.  I suspect the only reason
that boundary is even in the race, is due to some large imports.

The issue stems from overloading of the meaning of 'type', in the
relation definition.

Multipolygon uses 'type' as defining the geometry of a relation.  This
appears to be the original usage.  And a boundary clearly has this
geometry.  So, if 'type' refers to geometry - as it did originally -
then boundary should never have been used as a type, and it should
just have been a multipolygon.

This usage isn't apparent from the word 'type', and you can see why
the person who came along and created boundaries thought they were a
of a different type, even though they were of the same geometry.  And
if type was meant to define the geometry, then it would have been a
idea to use a different tag originally.

Now we have type being used with both meanings.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Nova versão do Mapas Coletivos

2014-04-28 Per discussione Paulo Carvalho
Sim, mapas temáticos são muito úteis.

Em 28 de abril de 2014 00:02, Vitor George vitor.geo...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Ótimo, muito legal que saber que é útil para vocês!


 2014-04-27 21:15 GMT-03:00 Erick de Oliveira Leal

 Vitor, muito legal. Eu acabei de criar um mapa pra minha amiga do Rio,
 ela virá pra cá e queria saber os pontos turisticos, eu marquei e passei
 pra ela o link:

 Em 24 de março de 2014 15:15, Vitor George vitor.geo...@gmail.comescreveu:


 Agora é possível customizar ícones, desenhar polígonos e importar
 arquivos no Mapas Coletivos:


 2014-03-18 16:44 GMT-03:00 Vitor George

 Oi pessoal,

 Hoje o Ecolab, laboratório de inovação em jornalismo que faço parte,
 lançou a nova versão do Mapas Coletivos, uma plataforma de publicação de
 mapas web.

 Vejam lá:

 O código está no GitHub. Fiquem a vontade para abrir issues:


 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Novo kit de compilação Garmin

2014-04-28 Per discussione Paulo Carvalho

   Disponibilizamos novo kit de compilação de mapas Garmin a partir da base
OSM com as seguintes melhorias:

   - colocadas instruções para compilação de conjuntos personalizados;
   - atualizado o mkgmap para a versão v3230;
   - upload automático via ftp (requer login e senha);
   - o nome dos gmapsupp incluem a data no formato japonês (-MM-DD),
   para que os arquivos sejam naturalmente ordenados pela ordem cronológica;
   - tratamento correto às vias não pavimentadas (aparência diferente e
   velocidade reduzida).

  Aproveitem para conferir as recentes compilações:


Paulo Carvalho
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Nova versão do Mapas Coletivos

2014-04-28 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Com certeza!

Mas, por motivos que desconheço, não consigo que as camadas de tiles do
IBGE (rural e urbano) funcionem:

Alexandre Magno

Em 28 de abril de 2014 08:01, Paulo Carvalho

 Sim, mapas temáticos são muito úteis.

 Em 28 de abril de 2014 00:02, Vitor George vitor.geo...@gmail.comescreveu:

 Ótimo, muito legal que saber que é útil para vocês!


 2014-04-27 21:15 GMT-03:00 Erick de Oliveira Leal

 Vitor, muito legal. Eu acabei de criar um mapa pra minha amiga do Rio,
 ela virá pra cá e queria saber os pontos turisticos, eu marquei e passei
 pra ela o link:

 Em 24 de março de 2014 15:15, Vitor George vitor.geo...@gmail.comescreveu:


 Agora é possível customizar ícones, desenhar polígonos e importar
 arquivos no Mapas Coletivos:


 2014-03-18 16:44 GMT-03:00 Vitor George

 Oi pessoal,

 Hoje o Ecolab, laboratório de inovação em jornalismo que faço parte,
 lançou a nova versão do Mapas Coletivos, uma plataforma de publicação de
 mapas web.

 Vejam lá:

 O código está no GitHub. Fiquem a vontade para abrir issues:


Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Novo kit de compilação Garmin

2014-04-28 Per discussione A. Carlos

O Márcio esta ajustando o TYP e eu testando os POLY, dentre as poly  que vc
disponibilizou ali:
- A BR de 5 k, funciona,MAS no mapa ela pega todas as fronteiras dos Países 

- A Brasil_Nelson.poly, esta como vc ajustou agora, ao começar compilar com 
ela, já da erro e cai fora, logo
pq esta deve estar extrapolando os 6.( No futuro se ajustar o programa lá 
pra extrapolar estes 60mil, que sabe este poly seja exata)

-  A Brasil_26k_pontos.poly, esta sim, aquela que montei, agora independente de 
ser a primeira ou segunda vez que compila ele já
pega esta, e esta sim, só aparece Brasil S, na pesquisa de países. Assim só 
renomeei  ela para BR.poly pro BAT puxar ela.

Pode que esta tenha alguma coisa fora, como vc já tem ai a origem dela feita no 
JOSM se alguém reclamar de alguma divisa
é fácil, editar ela e ajustar no JOSM e transformar em Poly denovo.




Anor C. A. de Souza   Concórdia SC  

Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 08:10:25 -0300
Subject: [Talk-br] Novo kit de compilação Garmin


   Disponibilizamos novo kit de compilação de mapas Garmin a partir da base OSM 
com as seguintes melhorias:

colocadas instruções para compilação de conjuntos personalizados;
atualizado o mkgmap para a versão v3230;upload automático via ftp (requer login 
e senha);o nome dos gmapsupp incluem a data no formato japonês (-MM-DD), 
para que os arquivos sejam naturalmente ordenados pela ordem cronológica;
tratamento correto às vias não pavimentadas (aparência diferente e velocidade 

  Aproveitem para conferir as recentes compilações:


Paulo Carvalho

Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Gerson Barcelos
Ótimo atualizar o mapa, e ver que os erros informados nas minhas notas em
BH foram corrigidos,conto com o apoio de todos,pois o meu objetivo,é deixar
o mapa perfeito na área interna da Avenida Do Contorno, onde é muito
complicado chegar a um determinado endereço, para quem não conhece bem a
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Tenho certeza que a comunidade é quem agradece a confiança, você acreditar
e doar seu tempo. Eles, técnicos, acreditam e fazem. O que é mais difícil
acontecer com pessoas que simplesmente querem um mapa para usar, como
você, mas não tem motivações técnicas/ideológicas.

Alexandre Magno

Em 28 de abril de 2014 12:11, Gerson Barcelos escreveu:

 Ótimo atualizar o mapa, e ver que os erros informados nas minhas notas em
 BH foram corrigidos,conto com o apoio de todos,pois o meu objetivo,é deixar
 o mapa perfeito na área interna da Avenida Do Contorno, onde é muito
 complicado chegar a um determinado endereço, para quem não conhece bem a

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Gerson Barcelos
Obrigado Alexandre Magno, seria uma aventura irresponsável da minha
parte,tentar editar erros no mapa;exceto nomear ruas,o que consigo fazer
com segurança.
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira

não tenha medo em tentar realizar edições, elas são revisadas (ao menos em
teoria; aqui no Rio de Janeiro eu faço esse trabalho), caso você cometa
algum erro é simples consertar, e você pode aproveitar para tirar dúvidas
com quem corrigir.

Mais especificamente, eu não terei tempo de revisar suas alterações em BH,
mas tenho certeza que outros mapeadores locais experientes poderão fazê-lo.


2014-04-28 13:25 GMT-03:00 Gerson Barcelos

 Obrigado Alexandre Magno, seria uma aventura irresponsável da minha
 parte,tentar editar erros no mapa;exceto nomear ruas,o que consigo fazer
 com segurança.

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros

Mas se ele não tem o tempo para *estudar*, fazer para ser revertido é
desestimulante. A pessoa investe (perde) tempo em fazer errado e

Eu não estou falando que ele não possa fazer edições simples, tais como
trocas de nome e criação de POIs (dos mais comuns e fáceis). Mas quando a
coisa vai para o lado da necessidade de qualquer classificação, aí não
tem jeito, não dá nem pra ver o fim da curva [?].

Alexandre Magno

Em 28 de abril de 2014 13:36, Arlindo Pereira escreveu:


 não tenha medo em tentar realizar edições, elas são revisadas (ao menos em
 teoria; aqui no Rio de Janeiro eu faço esse trabalho), caso você cometa
 algum erro é simples consertar, e você pode aproveitar para tirar dúvidas
 com quem corrigir.

 Mais especificamente, eu não terei tempo de revisar suas alterações em BH,
 mas tenho certeza que outros mapeadores locais experientes poderão fazê-lo.


Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Erick de Oliveira Leal
Mas nada sera revertido por um erro de classificação.
Em 28/04/2014 13:57, Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros escreveu:


 Mas se ele não tem o tempo para *estudar*, fazer para ser revertido é
 desestimulante. A pessoa investe (perde) tempo em fazer errado e

 Eu não estou falando que ele não possa fazer edições simples, tais como
 trocas de nome e criação de POIs (dos mais comuns e fáceis). Mas quando a
 coisa vai para o lado da necessidade de qualquer classificação, aí não
 tem jeito, não dá nem pra ver o fim da curva [?].

 Alexandre Magno

 Em 28 de abril de 2014 13:36, Arlindo Pereira escreveu:


 não tenha medo em tentar realizar edições, elas são revisadas (ao menos
 em teoria; aqui no Rio de Janeiro eu faço esse trabalho), caso você cometa
 algum erro é simples consertar, e você pode aproveitar para tirar dúvidas
 com quem corrigir.

 Mais especificamente, eu não terei tempo de revisar suas alterações em
 BH, mas tenho certeza que outros mapeadores locais experientes poderão


 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Gerson Barcelos
Mais uma vez,obrigado pelo apoio Arlindo,com o tempo vou adquirindo
confiança, e se tiver alguma dúvida, peço ajuda a comunidade.
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
E o que motiva reversões?

Em 28 de abril de 2014 14:01, Erick de Oliveira Leal escreveu:

 Mas nada sera revertido por um erro de classificação.

Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Gerson Barcelos
Já que você está me incentivando, Arlindo, o tutorial que você me enviou
sobre o vespucci é muito fácil de entender, porém quando tento alterar a
mão de direção de uma determinada quadra de uma rua não consigo
faze-lo,isoladamente, ou seja se a rua tiver três quadras de mão única
naquela direção todas são alteradas,(morro de medo de apagar os nós ou
mover as linhas rsrs.),sr puder me enviar ajuda,agradeço;a propósito o que
seria um erro de classificação Eric?
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Erick de Oliveira Leal
Ah um erro de classificação eh vc criar um ponto com nome igreja e definir
o tipo dele como lanchonete, ou você criar uma rua residencial q não tem
muita importancia e classificar ela como de tipo principal. Mas isso eh
facilmente corrigido. E acredito que muito melhor algo mais ou menos
mapeado do que nada mapeado.
Em 28/04/2014 14:18, Gerson Barcelos escreveu:

 Já que você está me incentivando, Arlindo, o tutorial que você me enviou
 sobre o vespucci é muito fácil de entender, porém quando tento alterar a
 mão de direção de uma determinada quadra de uma rua não consigo
 faze-lo,isoladamente, ou seja se a rua tiver três quadras de mão única
 naquela direção todas são alteradas,(morro de medo de apagar os nós ou
 mover as linhas rsrs.),sr puder me enviar ajuda,agradeço;a propósito o que
 seria um erro de classificação Eric?

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Erick de Oliveira Leal
Uuuum não sou especialista. Mas muitos casos podem levar a reversão ne...
Ate isso que você falou sobre classificação. Mas acredito que com bom senso
poucos erros surgem e só são corrigidos. O trabalho não eh perdido mas
Em 28/04/2014 14:18, Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros escreveu:

 E o que motiva reversões?

 Em 28 de abril de 2014 14:01, Erick de Oliveira Leal escreveu:

 Mas nada sera revertido por um erro de classificação.

 Talk-br mailing list

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Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Arlindo Pereira
Nesse caso você precisa quebrar a linha em duas ou três partes, dependendo
do caso. Assim que eu tiver um tempinho aqui vou fazer e te aviso.


2014-04-28 14:18 GMT-03:00 Gerson Barcelos

 Já que você está me incentivando, Arlindo, o tutorial que você me enviou
 sobre o vespucci é muito fácil de entender, porém quando tento alterar a
 mão de direção de uma determinada quadra de uma rua não consigo
 faze-lo,isoladamente, ou seja se a rua tiver três quadras de mão única
 naquela direção todas são alteradas,(morro de medo de apagar os nós ou
 mover as linhas rsrs.),sr puder me enviar ajuda,agradeço;a propósito o que
 seria um erro de classificação Eric?

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Mapa Perfeito

2014-04-28 Per discussione Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
É facilmente corrigido se for em bem pequena escala, como quase que só isso
no conjunto de alterações (changeset). Mas no mais eu concordo com você. O
Gerson também está com um medo exagerado, para o tipo de edição que
interessa a ele.

Alexandre Magno

Em 28 de abril de 2014 14:21, Erick de Oliveira Leal escreveu:

 Ah um erro de classificação eh vc criar um ponto com nome igreja e definir
 o tipo dele como lanchonete, ou você criar uma rua residencial q não tem
 muita importancia e classificar ela como de tipo principal. Mas isso eh
 facilmente corrigido. E acredito que muito melhor algo mais ou menos
 mapeado do que nada mapeado.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Novo kit de compilação Garmin

2014-04-28 Per discussione Paulo Carvalho
Vou ajustar o BAT para usar sua .poly e subir nova versão do kit.
 Desculpe, esqueci.



Em 28 de abril de 2014 11:43, A. Carlos escreveu:


 O Márcio esta ajustando o TYP e eu testando os POLY, dentre as poly  que vc
 disponibilizou ali:
 - A BR de 5 k, funciona,MAS no mapa ela pega todas as fronteiras dos
 Países vizinhos,

 - A Brasil_Nelson.poly, esta como vc ajustou agora, ao começar compilar
 com ela, já da erro e cai fora, logo
 pq esta deve estar extrapolando os 6.( No futuro se ajustar o programa
 lá pra extrapolar estes 60mil, que sabe este poly seja exata)

 -  A Brasil_26k_pontos.poly, esta sim, aquela que montei, agora
 independente de ser a primeira ou segunda vez que compila ele já
 pega esta, e esta sim, só aparece Brasil S, na pesquisa de países. Assim
 só renomeei  ela para BR.poly pro BAT puxar ela.

 Pode que esta tenha alguma coisa fora, como vc já tem ai a origem dela
 feita no JOSM se alguém reclamar de alguma divisa
 é fácil, editar ela e ajustar no JOSM e transformar em Poly denovo.



 *Anor C. A. de Souza   Co*
 *ncórdia SC   *


 Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 08:10:25 -0300
 Subject: [Talk-br] Novo kit de compilação Garmin


Disponibilizamos novo kit de compilação de mapas Garmin a partir da
 base OSM com as seguintes melhorias:

- colocadas instruções para compilação de conjuntos personalizados;
- atualizado o mkgmap para a versão v3230;
- upload automático via ftp (requer login e senha);
- o nome dos gmapsupp incluem a data no formato japonês (-MM-DD),
para que os arquivos sejam naturalmente ordenados pela ordem cronológica;
- tratamento correto às vias não pavimentadas (aparência diferente e
velocidade reduzida).

   Aproveitem para conferir as recentes compilações:


 Paulo Carvalho

 ___ Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Novo kit de compilação Garmin

2014-04-28 Per discussione Paulo Carvalho



Em 28 de abril de 2014 20:30, Paulo Carvalho

 Vou ajustar o BAT para usar sua .poly e subir nova versão do kit.
  Desculpe, esqueci.



 Em 28 de abril de 2014 11:43, A. Carlos escreveu:


 O Márcio esta ajustando o TYP e eu testando os POLY, dentre as poly  que
 disponibilizou ali:
 - A BR de 5 k, funciona,MAS no mapa ela pega todas as fronteiras dos
 Países vizinhos,

 - A Brasil_Nelson.poly, esta como vc ajustou agora, ao começar compilar
 com ela, já da erro e cai fora, logo
 pq esta deve estar extrapolando os 6.( No futuro se ajustar o
 programa lá pra extrapolar estes 60mil, que sabe este poly seja exata)

 -  A Brasil_26k_pontos.poly, esta sim, aquela que montei, agora
 independente de ser a primeira ou segunda vez que compila ele já
 pega esta, e esta sim, só aparece Brasil S, na pesquisa de países. Assim
 só renomeei  ela para BR.poly pro BAT puxar ela.

 Pode que esta tenha alguma coisa fora, como vc já tem ai a origem dela
 feita no JOSM se alguém reclamar de alguma divisa
 é fácil, editar ela e ajustar no JOSM e transformar em Poly denovo.



 *Anor C. A. de Souza   Co*
 *ncórdia SC   *


 Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 08:10:25 -0300
 Subject: [Talk-br] Novo kit de compilação Garmin


Disponibilizamos novo kit de compilação de mapas Garmin a partir da
 base OSM com as seguintes melhorias:

- colocadas instruções para compilação de conjuntos personalizados;
- atualizado o mkgmap para a versão v3230;
- upload automático via ftp (requer login e senha);
- o nome dos gmapsupp incluem a data no formato japonês (-MM-DD),
para que os arquivos sejam naturalmente ordenados pela ordem cronológica;
- tratamento correto às vias não pavimentadas (aparência diferente e
velocidade reduzida).

   Aproveitem para conferir as recentes compilações:


 Paulo Carvalho

 ___ Talk-br mailing list

 Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Bernd Wurst

Am 27.04.2014 13:59, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
  Gibt es andere
 Software oder Dokumentation im OSM-Umfeld, in der Tags als
 Schlagwörter bezeichnet werden?

Im OSM-Umfeld stimme ich zu, dass das keinen Sinn macht.

Bei E-Mail-Programmen und Weblogs ist die Übersetzung tag =
Schlagwort gebräuchlich. Da geht es ja um die Verschlagwortung zum
Zwecke des Wiederfindens. Ist eine ganz andere Baustelle, nutzt aber den
selben englischen Begriff.


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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Falk Zscheile
Am 28. April 2014 06:25 schrieb Dirk Sohler
 Frederik Ramm schrieb:
 Findet irgendjemand das gut […]

 Nein. „Tag“ ist, wie viele andere Begriffe, eine Etablierte
 Bezeichnung. Auch, wenn „Schlagwort“ eine angemessen sinnvolle
 Übersetzung darstellt, ist „Tag“ die bessere, weil eben etablierte
 Bezeichnung. Zum Internet sagt ja auch (hoffentlich) niemand
 „Weltnetz“, auch, wenn die Übersetzung passt :)

Da sich mir nach fast 6 Jahren bei OSM immer noch ein innerer
Widerstand aufbaut, wenn ich hier Tag schreibe und nicht den
Wochentag meine, wäre ich für eine Übersetzung. Attribut oder
Eigenschaft fände ich passend. Schlagwort ist etwas anderes und daher
nicht geeignet.

Gruß Falk

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 04/28/2014 09:20 AM, Falk Zscheile wrote:
 Nein. „Tag“ ist, wie viele andere Begriffe, eine Etablierte
 Bezeichnung. Auch, wenn „Schlagwort“ eine angemessen sinnvolle
 Übersetzung darstellt, ist „Tag“ die bessere, weil eben etablierte
 Bezeichnung. Zum Internet sagt ja auch (hoffentlich) niemand
 „Weltnetz“, auch, wenn die Übersetzung passt :)

 Da sich mir nach fast 6 Jahren bei OSM immer noch ein innerer
 Widerstand aufbaut, wenn ich hier Tag schreibe und nicht den
 Wochentag meine, wäre ich für eine Übersetzung. Attribut oder
 Eigenschaft fände ich passend. Schlagwort ist etwas anderes und daher
 nicht geeignet.

Ich muss vielleicht doch etwas weiter ausholen.

Im Grunde bin ich der Meinung, wie sie hier von Dirk, Bernd, Lukas und
anderen vertreten wurde - ich würde Tag gar nicht übersetzen (und auch
nicht Node oder Way).

Aber ich musste schon vor Jahren einsehen, dass der Zug abgefahren ist -
Leute wie ich benutzen halt einfach die englische Software, und die
alles muss Deutsch-Fraktion hat die Mehrheit der Zielgruppe hinter
sich, wenn sie das in Knoten, Wege und Eigenschaften übersetzt.
Ich glaube, daran, dass diese Begriffe *irgendwie* übersetzt werden,
kann man nicht mehr rütteln; ich finde das nach wie vor nicht gut, aber
ich akzeptiere das.

Mein spezieller Stein des Anstosses war nicht, dass Tag überhaupt
übersetzt wird - an Übersetzungen wie Eigenschaft hatte ich mich
inzwischen gewöhnt - sondern dass die Übersetzung Schlagwort benutzt

Ich habe gerade die komplette Übersetzungsdatei von JOSM vor mir, und da
ist an vielen Stellen furchtbares Durcheinander. Das Wort Tag wird
mal mit Merkmal, mal mit Schlagwort und mal mit Eigenschaft
übersetzt. Die Sache wird dadurch nicht leichter, dass im Englischen
zuweilen auch von features oder properties die Rede ist -- es ist
denkbar, dass irgendjemand sich überlegt hat: ok, wenn ich 'properties'
mit 'Eigenschaften' übersetze, kann ich 'tags' nicht auch mit
'Eigenschaften' übersetzen... - obwohl, soweit ich sehen kann,
properties in der englischen Version synonym mit tags oder mit
tag-value-combinations benutzt wird. Und dann gibt es solche
Kniffligkeiten wie Try copying tags from properties table - da muss
ich quasi in den Source gucken, um zu schauen, was da gemeint ist. Kann
man also vielleicht den Übersetzern nicht verübeln, wenn sie dann aus
Verzweiflung mit Schlagworten anfangen.

Wen's interessiert, der kann hier

die komplette aktuelle Übersetzung einsehen (man kann die bei Launchpad
runterladen und auch bearbeiten, muss sich dafür aber erst anmelden).


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Sven Geggus
Frederik Ramm wrote:

 gerade ist mir aufgefallen, dass mein JOSM, wenn ich ihn auf Deutsch
 einstelle, die Tags neuerdings als Schlagwörter bezeichnet.

Jepp, das ist mir auch schon negativ aufgefallen. Als nächstes lokalisieren
wir dann auch die keys und values :P


The term any key does not refer to a particular key on the keyboard. It
simply means to strike any one of the keys on your keyboard or handheld
screen. (Compaq FAQ Entry 2859)
/me is giggls@ircnet, on the Web

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Sven Geggus
Falk Zscheile wrote:

 Da sich mir nach fast 6 Jahren bei OSM immer noch ein innerer
 Widerstand aufbaut, wenn ich hier Tag schreibe und nicht den
 Wochentag meine, wäre ich für eine Übersetzung.

Aha, und bei Montageanleitungen kommt es Dir dann vermutlich auch jedesmal
komisch vor, wenn nicht gerade Montag ist %-/



Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly
(Henry Spencer)

/me is giggls@ircnet, on the Web

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Falk Zscheile
Am 28. April 2014 10:03 schrieb Sven Geggus
 Falk Zscheile wrote:

 Da sich mir nach fast 6 Jahren bei OSM immer noch ein innerer
 Widerstand aufbaut, wenn ich hier Tag schreibe und nicht den
 Wochentag meine, wäre ich für eine Übersetzung.

 Aha, und bei Montageanleitungen kommt es Dir dann vermutlich auch jedesmal
 komisch vor, wenn nicht gerade Montag ist %-/

Wenn ich hier der einzige bin, dem es so geht, dann ist es ja gut.
Glaube ich aber nicht. Vielleicht deshalb mit Polemik etwas
zurückhalten, damit hier nicht gleich alle sagen oh diskutieren macht
ja hier eh keinen Sinn, man ernete nur bissige Bemerkungen. Noch
weniger Hilfreich sind die Bemerkungen von Dirk a la Weltnetz --
Todschlagargument. Bis unser T(t)ag so allgemein verbreitet ist wie
der Begriff Internet hat OSM noch einen weiten Weg vor sich. Also:
Wer eine Übersetzung generell für falsch hält, der soll sich doch
bitte an die englische JOSM-Version halten. Alle anderen können gern
weiter darüber nachdenken, ob es für T(t)ag eine bessere Übersetzung
als Schlagwort gibt, oder ob es als Fachbegriff nicht übersetzt werden
sollte. Wobei T(t)ag im deutschen nicht besonders intuitiv ist. Das
Zeile einer Übersetzung ist doch aber die leichtere Verständlichkeit.
Daher  meine Vorschläge Attribut oder Eigenschaft.

Gruß Falk

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione René Falk
On 28. April 2014 10:26:44 MESZ, Falk Zscheile wrote:
Am 28. April 2014 10:03 schrieb Sven Geggus
 Falk Zscheile wrote:

 Da sich mir nach fast 6 Jahren bei OSM immer noch ein innerer
 Widerstand aufbaut, wenn ich hier Tag schreibe und nicht den
 Wochentag meine, wäre ich für eine Übersetzung.

 Aha, und bei Montageanleitungen kommt es Dir dann vermutlich auch
 komisch vor, wenn nicht gerade Montag ist %-/

Wenn ich hier der einzige bin, dem es so geht, dann ist es ja gut.
Glaube ich aber nicht. Vielleicht deshalb mit Polemik etwas
zurückhalten, damit hier nicht gleich alle sagen oh diskutieren macht
ja hier eh keinen Sinn, man ernete nur bissige Bemerkungen. Noch
weniger Hilfreich sind die Bemerkungen von Dirk a la Weltnetz --
Todschlagargument. Bis unser T(t)ag so allgemein verbreitet ist wie
der Begriff Internet hat OSM noch einen weiten Weg vor sich. Also:
Wer eine Übersetzung generell für falsch hält, der soll sich doch
bitte an die englische JOSM-Version halten. Alle anderen können gern
weiter darüber nachdenken, ob es für T(t)ag eine bessere Übersetzung
als Schlagwort gibt, oder ob es als Fachbegriff nicht übersetzt werden
sollte. Wobei T(t)ag im deutschen nicht besonders intuitiv ist. Das
Zeile einer Übersetzung ist doch aber die leichtere Verständlichkeit.
Daher  meine Vorschläge Attribut oder Eigenschaft.

Also mir brauch man das tag nicht übersetzen. Im Gegenteil verwirt mich da eine 
Übersetzung, da für mich tag schon Alltagssprache ist. Sei es beim taggen 
(denglisch) von Mediafiles mit einem Tageditor, oder auch bei der beruflich 
genutzten Software wo diverse Dinge mit tags versehen werden.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Sven Geggus
Falk Zscheile wrote:

 Also: Wer eine Übersetzung generell für falsch hält, der soll sich doch
 bitte an die englische JOSM-Version halten.

Ich verwende mein Betriebssystem seit vielen Jahren in der deutschen
Lokalisierung, weil das nun mal meine Muttersprache ist.

Am Anfang gab es auch da massive Stilblüten. Beispielsweise wurde
Interrupt in der Ausgabe von ifconfig mit Unterbrechung übersetzt.

Inzwischen heißt das aber wieder Interrupt und alles ist gut.

Worauf ich raus möchte: Lokalisierung ist super, wenn Sie dem Benutzer
hilft. Wenn sie aber dazu führt, dass der Benutzer Fachtermini nicht mehr
einordnen kann, dann ist sie über das Ziel hinausgeschossen. Im Falle der
tags finde ich, dass das wie bei Interrupt der Fall ist. Mit
Schlagwörtern assoziiere ich eine ganze Menge, die key-value tags an
Objekten bei osm gehören aber nicht dazu. Daher muss der weg. Schon der
Begriff Objekteigenschaften oder Merkmale wäre IMO besser als Schlagwörter,
wenn man den englischen Begriff partout nicht beibehalten möchte.

Ich frage mich angesichts mancher Postinsg hier warum unsere domain
eigentlich ist und nicht

In der Übersetzung von josm wäre das dann



Das Einzige wovor wir Angst haben müssen ist die Angst selbst
(Franklin D. Roosevelt)

/me is giggls@ircnet, on the Web

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Falk Zscheile
Am 28. April 2014 13:48 schrieb Sven Geggus

 Worauf ich raus möchte: Lokalisierung ist super, wenn Sie dem Benutzer
 hilft. Wenn sie aber dazu führt, dass der Benutzer Fachtermini nicht mehr
 einordnen kann, dann ist sie über das Ziel hinausgeschossen.

Soweit sind wir uns einig.

 Im Falle der
 tags finde ich, dass das wie bei Interrupt der Fall ist.

 Schlagwörtern assoziiere ich eine ganze Menge, die key-value tags an
 Objekten bei osm gehören aber nicht dazu.

Auch hier sind wir konform.

 Daher muss der weg. Schon der
 Begriff Objekteigenschaften oder Merkmale wäre IMO besser als Schlagwörter,
 wenn man den englischen Begriff partout nicht beibehalten möchte.

Was denkt ihr, sollte man vielleicht eine Umfrage starten, um die am
wenigsten Abgelehnte Übersetzung von Tag herauszufinden? Oder warten
wir einfach zu, bis jemand einfach Ändert und damit einen neuen
Vorschlag in den Ring wirft?

Gruß Falk

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Peter Wendorff
Nochmal hallo.

Nachdem die Diskussion ja doch nicht so eindeutig verläuft wie ich
zunächst erwartet hätte (gegen die Übersetzung des Wortes Tag bzw.
Tags, hier noch ein paar weitere Argumente:

- Das Wiki ist teilweise übersetzt, normalerweise wird aber auch hier
und auch auf den deutschsprachigen Seiten der Begriff Tag verwendet,
soweit ich das sehe. Da damit die primäre Dokumentations-Resource für
Mapper keine Übersetzung verwendet, sollte IMHO auch eine Software wie
JOSM keine Übersetzung verwenden.
- Im Gespräch mit anderen Mappern - ob im Chat, im Forum, auf den
Mailinglisten oder anderswo wird üblicherweise das Wort Tag einfach
genutzt. Zugegeben: Das sind meist Mapper, im Durchschnitt vermutlich
auch eher erfahrenere - trotzdem sind Anfänger auch hier mit dem Wort so

Deshalb halte ich die Übersetzung für falsch. Die Fachsprache von OSM
existiert, und sie gezielt vor Anfängern zu verstecken hilft meines
Erachtens nicht. Wenn sie tatsächlich die Einstiegshürde verringern
sollte (möglich, aber ich würde nicht darauf wetten), dann wird die
Hürde zwischen Anfänger und Fortgeschrittenem entsprechend höher.


Am 27.04.2014 13:59, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
gerade ist mir aufgefallen, dass mein JOSM, wenn ich ihn auf Deutsch
 einstelle, die Tags neuerdings als Schlagwörter bezeichnet.
 Findet irgendjemand das gut (bzw. findet irgendjemand das besser als
 Eigenschaften)? Gibt es irgendwo, unabhängig vom konkreten Fall JOSM,
 einen Konsens oder zumindest eine Diskussion dazu? Gibt es andere
 Software oder Dokumentation im OSM-Umfeld, in der Tags als
 Schlagwörter bezeichnet werden?

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hunderte OSM-Kartenplakate öffentlich aufgestellt

2014-04-28 Per discussione Ralf GESELLENSETTER
Am 27.04.2014 01:55, schrieb Tirkon:
 Wenn aber ausgedruckte plakatgroße Papierkarten von OSM in mindestens
 dreistelliger (oder vierstelliger?) Anzahl verteilt über eine ganze
 Stadt zu finden sind, dürfte das sicher hier interessieren. Von daher
 möchte ich auf einen entsprechenden Blogbeitrag hinweisen:

Hallo Trikon, hallo OSM-Talk,

danke für den Link, schöne Sache! Einen ähnlichen Gedanken hatte
ich, als ich zuletzt in einer kleinen Behörde auf dem Land eine
Kreiskarte mit viel Werbung herum sah (so wie unter [1]).

Vielleicht könnte man den Gemeinden Kommunale Karten als
PDF zur Verfügung stellen, drucken (lassen) müssten die diese
selber. Dadurch könnte man Behörden vielleicht zu einer noch
besseren Kooperation (im Sinne von Datenaustausch) motivieren...

Nur so eine Idee - die Kontakte haben sicher Andere hier..



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[Talk-de] RadioOSM: Mumble Treffen/OSMDE032

2014-04-28 Per discussione Andreas Hubel
Hallo zusammen,

wie ihr evtl. schon gemerkt habt ist für morgen (Dienstag, 28. April) eine 
experimentelle Folge im OSMRadio Kalender eingetragen.
Sie wird voraussichtlich nur per Mumble abrufbar sein, das heißt es wird keinen 
Live-Stream per Xenim und evtl. auch keine Aufzeichnung geben.

Wir treffen uns gegen 20:15 auf den Mumble Server

Mumble bitte vorher auf dem Smartphone oder PC installiern, als neuen Server eintragen und Push-to-Talk aktivieren.
Es empfiehlt sich Version = 2.1.4

Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, iOS:

Ggf. werden wir auf der Startseite von noch 
bebilderte Anleitungen verlinken.

Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Teilnahme.

Bis morgen,

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM: Tags = Schlagwörter

2014-04-28 Per discussione Dirk Sohler
Falk Zscheile schrieb:
 Bis unser T(t)ag so allgemein verbreitet ist wie der Begriff
 Internet hat OSM noch einen weiten Weg vor sich.

Du bist nicht viel in Blogs oder auf Bildercommunitys unterwegs, oder?
Da haben sich Tags seit Jahren unter diesem Begriff etabliert.

 Wer eine Übersetzung generell für falsch hält, [weitere Polemik]

Glashaus, Steine, und so, ne? :)


Local time :: Ortszeit :: DE-HH

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Re: [Talk-it] Aree naturali minori della regione Veneto (Open Data Arpav)

2014-04-28 Per discussione Giovanni Caudullo
Ciao, conosco il dataset.
Queste aree non sono vincolate da alcun tipo di protezione, sono solo
delle zone che l'ARPAV segnala per il particolare interesse naturalistico e
per la presenza di specie protette.
Quindi si può solo dare un nome al poligono giusto per indentificare
l'area, anche se alcune volte è stato dato d'ufficio guardando una CTR o
una IGM e vedendo quale era il toponimo più vicino.

Il giorno 26 aprile 2014 12:04, Leonardo ha


 sul sito dell'Arpav sono presenti gli shape delle aree naturali minori
 del Veneto, rilasciati in CCBY 3.0 Unported. Stando alla descrizione del
 sito (
 censimento-delle-aree-naturali-minori-della-regione-veneto), esse possono
 essere classificate così:

 protect_class=5 (ovvero Zona umida, Area Protetta, Oasi, Parco Urbano,
 name=[Nome dell'area]

 Per la licenza non ci dovrebbero essere problemi.

 Pareri sul tagging o in generale?



 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag Surface

2014-04-28 Per discussione solitone
Esatto, Any File.

Quando il fondo è sconnesso (i sassi si muovono), non bisogna usare
cobblestone, ma (i) pebblestone se i sassi sono grossi più o meno
come un pugno, oppure (ii) gravel se più piccoli (ghiaia più o meno

Tuttavia, una caratteristica di pebblestone è che i sassi siano
arrotondati, per azione dell'acqua o del ghiaccio. Per sassi non
arrotondati, che tipicamente si trovano sui sentieri di montagna,
pebblestone non è adatto. Come scritto in un vecchio thread che avevo
aperto sulla mailing list internazionale [1], in questi casi converrebbe
usare un generico rocky.

Circa cobblestone, anche qui di solito si pensa a pietre arrotondate,
ma, a differenza di pebblestone, le pietre sono fisse. In ogni caso,
anche quando vengono usate pietre del luogo con spigoli vivi, per
esempio per latricare le mulattiere, gli spigoli generalmente vengono
smussati dai ripetuti passaggi. Quindi cobblestone è adatto per
descrivere il fondo delle mulattiere lastricate. Se però sono state
scelte pietre piatte, allora cobblestone:flattened è meglio.

Infine, sul wiki si legge che le paving_stones sono di cemento:
 Paving stones are equally sized concrete stones, with a flat top. They
 are comparable to flattened cobblestones (and often used in the same
 cases), but the gaps between the paving stones are smaller because the
 stones have a perfectly regular shape (rectangular, or any
 surface-filling shape).
In realtà, ci sono delle pavimentazioni in pietra naturale molto
regolari, perché realizzate con piastrelle di pietra per esempio
perfettamente rettangolari [2]. L'effetto ritengo sia diverso da quello
descritto con cobblestone:flattened [3]. Anche in questi casi, secondo
me, sarebbe opportuno utilizzare paving_stones. Il fatto che il wiki
parli di pietra artificiali in cemento mi pare di nuovo fuorviante.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] SUrface per lastricato

2014-04-28 Per discussione solitone
girarsi_liste ha scritto:
 Il 27/04/2014 14:15, ha scritto:
  Scusate riporto in cima questa domanda: quale surface per il
  classico lastricato?
  *cobblestone:flattened* oppure* sett*?

 Come già detto in altre discussioni, per me il sett è per i
 bolognini, qui, sono lastre di ardesia o granito che dir si voglia,
 quindi non lavorato ma semplicemente appiattito, e di conseguenza
 mantenendo la forma del sasso, io resto con cobblestone:flattened.

Che dite: possiamo osarci a modificare il wiki per chiarire questo
punto? Rendere sett e cobblestone:flattened sinonimi, come fa il wiki al
momento, è fuorviante.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] surface per mulattiera

2014-04-28 Per discussione solitone

Volker Schmidt ha scritto:
 Io sono interessato in un altro
  aspetto delle mulattiere:
   vorrei taggare il fatto che un sentiero  un antica
  mulattiera, pi il problema della superficie che interessa non
  solo i MTB ma anche i camminatori.
   Pensavo a un tag historic=

A me  piaciuta la proposta emersa in una discussione sulla mailing
list internazionale [1]: aggiungere "historic=mule_path" [2]. Se
siete d'accordo, potremmo cercare di incoraggiare l'uso di questo

Su "smoothness" e "sac_scale", non vedo particolari problemi: basta
adottare gli stessi criteri che si utilizzano per le altre highway.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] SUrface per lastricato

2014-04-28 Per discussione
Sì dài sarebbe una bella cosa mettere un po' di chiarezza sul wiki!

+1 (sono d'accordissimo)


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Re: [Talk-it] Uso di OSM ad Amburgo per il trasporto pubblico

2014-04-28 Per discussione Davio
L'agenzia della mobilità di Roma utilizza il layer MapQuest con base dati OSM
come sfondo:


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Re: [Talk-it] Uso di OSM ad Amburgo per il trasporto pubblico

2014-04-28 Per discussione Davio
L'agenzia della mobilità di Roma utilizza il layer MapQuest con base dati OSM
come sfondo:


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Re: [Talk-it] wtosm

2014-04-28 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2014-04-27 0:01 GMT+02:00 Maurizio Napolitano

 Io sarei però per avere una cosa come

è ora attivo...


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] wtosm

2014-04-28 Per discussione Cristian Consonni
Il 28 aprile 2014 09:44, Luca Delucchi ha scritto:
 Non mi ricordo più qual'era il problema di librerie...
 Comunque il problema attuale è che durante Usa Nuts4Nuts per inferire
 la posizione di alcuni articoli

In realtà sarebbe meglio fare come fatto l'ultima volta, cioè generale
quelle posizioni separatamente.

2014-04-28 17:21 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] come taggare ristorante con cucina cinese giapponese sushi e brasiliana

2014-04-28 Per discussione Lidrie
sabato, mentre passaggiavo sull'argine del Net, ho trovato un post con 


cuisine=fusion? :)

altrimenti separati da punto e virgola...

+1 per la seconda
invece cuisine=international si usa quando non si sa bene il/i paese/i ? 

Per Cucina internazionale si intende quella priva di caratteristiche 
particolari, adattabile ai gusti (accettabile al palato) di clienti 
provenienti da varie parti del mondo.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] SUrface per lastricato

2014-04-28 Per discussione solitone

girarsi_liste ha scritto:
 se si modifica la parte italiana, và modificata di conseguenza anche
 quella inglese.

 Comunque io sono d'accordo a fare le distinzioni di questi due tag.

Vorrei cominciare con quella inglese, che diciamo è la versione master.
Comunque proverei a sollevare la questione sulla pagina di talk e
vediamo che si dice. Se volete potete aggiungere i vostri commenti là,
in modo da cercare di sviluppare la discussione. Vi mando il link appena
ho scritto.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] SUrface per lastricato

2014-04-28 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
2014-04-28 17:50 GMT+02:00 solitone
 se si modifica la parte italiana, và modificata di conseguenza anche
 quella inglese.

 Comunque io sono d'accordo a fare le distinzioni di questi due tag.

 Vorrei cominciare con quella inglese, che diciamo è la versione master.
 Comunque proverei a sollevare la questione sulla pagina di talk e
 vediamo che si dice. Se volete potete aggiungere i vostri commenti là,
 in modo da cercare di sviluppare la discussione. Vi mando il link appena
 ho scritto.

mi raccomando, tante belle foto!


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] SUrface per lastricato

2014-04-28 Per discussione solitone
Provate a vedere se vi piace e dite la vostra:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] SUrface per lastricato

2014-04-28 Per discussione Marco_T
solitone wrote
 Provate a vedere se vi piace e dite la vostra:

Mi limito solo a dare un parere edile se puo' essere d'aiuto per il wiki.
Mi par di capire che con:
- cobblestone:flattened - si possa intendere quello che in gergo
architettonico/edile sia la cossiddetta posa ad opera incerta vedi;
- sett - si possa intendere quello che in gergo architettonico/edile sia la
cossiddetta posa a correre.
Con queste definizioni si trovano parecchie immagini sgoggolando.


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Re: [Talk-it] come taggare ristorante con cucina cinese giapponese sushi e brasiliana

2014-04-28 Per discussione Aury88
Lidrie-2 wrote
 Per Cucina internazionale si intende quella priva di caratteristiche 
 particolari, adattabile ai gusti (accettabile al palato) di clienti 
 provenienti da varie parti del mondo.

Ah! Ok, grazie mille

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Re: [Talk-it] come taggare ristorante con cucina cinese giapponese sushi e brasiliana

2014-04-28 Per discussione Aury88
Fabri wrote
 In osm si può fare lo stesso accordandosi sull'uso dei multivalori di 
 cuisine separati dal ; ?

non saprei...basterebbe secondo me mettere le varie cucine in ordine
decrescente di attinenza se si vuole simulare un comportamento stile
foursquare...per esempio un locale definito Pizzeria Ristorante Italiano
Vattelapesca lo considero prima di tutto una pizzeria e poi un ristorante
italiano e quindi con un tag cuisine=pizza;italian viceversa se il nome è
Ristorante  Pizzeria Vattelapesca uso cuisine=italian; è un
organizzazione dei value che spesso non ha alcun attinenza con la
realtà locale può essere riconosciuto/apprezzato sia come pizzeria sia
come ristorante italiano in egual misura...molti poi hanno nomi che inducono
ad errore...un ristorante cinese che conosco nel nome in bella vista dice di
essere anche italiano, ma menu e personale sono cinesi e per italiano
intendono che fanno qualche piatto di pesce (cose comunque abbastanza
internazionali come cozze al limone o fritto misto di pesce o pesce
misto...quindi non direi particolarmente italiane) questo caso me ne
sono infischiato e ho messo un semplice cuisine=chinese

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Re: [Talk-it] Aree naturali minori della regione Veneto (Open Data Arpav)

2014-04-28 Per discussione Leonardo Frassetto
Peccato. Non c'è nessun altro tag adeguato? È inutile caricare gli shape
con solo il tag name.

Il giorno 28 aprile 2014 11:32, Giovanni Caudullo ha scritto:

 Ciao, conosco il dataset.
 Queste aree non sono vincolate da alcun tipo di protezione, sono solo
 delle zone che l'ARPAV segnala per il particolare interesse naturalistico e
 per la presenza di specie protette.
 Quindi si può solo dare un nome al poligono giusto per indentificare
 l'area, anche se alcune volte è stato dato d'ufficio guardando una CTR o
 una IGM e vedendo quale era il toponimo più vicino.

 Il giorno 26 aprile 2014 12:04, Leonardo ha


 sul sito dell'Arpav sono presenti gli shape delle aree naturali minori
 del Veneto, rilasciati in CCBY 3.0 Unported. Stando alla descrizione del
 sito (
 censimento-delle-aree-naturali-minori-della-regione-veneto), esse
 possono essere classificate così:

 protect_class=5 (ovvero Zona umida, Area Protetta, Oasi, Parco Urbano,
 name=[Nome dell'area]

 Per la licenza non ci dovrebbero essere problemi.

 Pareri sul tagging o in generale?



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 Talk-it mailing list

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Re: [Talk-it] TOWN VILLAGE

2014-04-28 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Un po' complicato.

L'idea di farlo sui numeri mi sembra non sbagliata ed evita la discussione
se città nel senso legale italiano coincide col termine town come
utilizzato in OSM (o in inglese brittanico).
Lo stesso vale probabilmante per frazione=village.
Una frazione fisicamente separata da un paese può essere un hamlet o un
village secondo la grandezza.
Una frazione che è contigua al paese principale sarebbe una neighbourhood e
non un village.
Village spesso è un paese assestante, solo più piccolo di un town.


2014-04-28 19:34 GMT+02:00 Giuseppe Amici

 Ho da sempre mappato il capoluogo comunale come tag:place=town

 e le località del comune individuate come frazioni con il

 Il wiki fa una distinzione per numero di abitanti:

 che non è supportato dalla normativa italiana in materia, ovvero:
 il decreto legislativo 18/8/2000, n.267, Testo Unico delle leggi
 sull'ordinamento degli Enti Locali (TUEL), all'art.18 testualmente recita:

 Art. 18. Titolo di città
 Il titolo di città può essere concesso con decreto del Presidente della
 Repubblica su proposta del Ministro dell'interno ai comuni insigni per
 ricordi, monumenti storici e per l'attuale importanza.

 Rimane il fatto della traduzione sia “Citta” che “Paese” hanno una
 corretta traduzione in “TOWN”
 Mentre anche JOSM propone nelle sue “feature”: frazione come village.

 Come dirimere la questione con un utente che pedissequamente cambia i miei


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] TOWN VILLAGE

2014-04-28 Per discussione Andrea Musuruane
L'utente che ha cambiato i tag sono io e l'ho fatto in seguito alla
discussione che abbiamo fatto qui sui comuni della provincia di Parma.


 Il 28/apr/2014 19:34 Giuseppe Amici ha

 Ho da sempre mappato il capoluogo comunale come tag:place=town

 e le località del comune individuate come frazioni con il

 Il wiki fa una distinzione per numero di abitanti:

 che non è supportato dalla normativa italiana in materia, ovvero:
 il decreto legislativo 18/8/2000, n.267, Testo Unico delle leggi
 sull'ordinamento degli Enti Locali (TUEL), all'art.18 testualmente recita:

 Art. 18. Titolo di città
 Il titolo di città può essere concesso con decreto del Presidente della
 Repubblica su proposta del Ministro dell'interno ai comuni insigni per
 ricordi, monumenti storici e per l'attuale importanza.

 Rimane il fatto della traduzione sia “Citta” che “Paese” hanno una
 corretta traduzione in “TOWN”
 Mentre anche JOSM propone nelle sue “feature”: frazione come village.

 Come dirimere la questione con un utente che pedissequamente cambia i miei


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] wtosm

2014-04-28 Per discussione Simone F.
Grazie per :-)

Il giorno 28 aprile 2014 09:44, Luca Delucchi ha

 2014-04-27 1:31 GMT+02:00 Cristian Consonni
  anche se ci sono stati alcuni problemi di librerie sul server FMACH
  per cui la cosa si è un po' fermata. Spero potrà andare avanti.

 Non mi ricordo più qual'era il problema di librerie...

Il codice di Cristian richiedeva pyspatialite ma avevo trovato il modo di
sostituirlo con pysqlite2.
Avevo creato un test per controllare se la soluzione funzionava anche sul
server fmach.
Cerca un mio messaggio con:
Ricapitolando: il test serve per vedere se puoi usare pysqlite2 al posto
di pyspatialite

 Comunque il problema attuale è che durante Usa Nuts4Nuts per inferire
 la posizione di alcuni articoli il processo viene ucciso e appare la
 scritta Killed ma non dice altro... idee?

Quella scritta dovrebbe comparire solo usando l'opzione -n ma, come ha
detto Cristian, sarebbe meglio usarla solo di tanto in tanto.

Se ben ricordo dovresti lanciare lo script tramite:
python -u -a -t -c -w -s --nofx

Simone F.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Surface per lastricato

2014-04-28 Per discussione
...a me sembra buono!

Anzi aggiungo anche questa foto (non centra con il discorso
cobblestone:flattened/sett ma con il discorso surface in generale): 

che dite? pebblestone o gravel?

Anche secondo me più foto si mettono e meglio è.

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Re: [Talk-it] Traduzione italiana dei presets di JOSM

2014-04-28 Per discussione Cristian Consonni
2014-04-24 11:05 GMT+02:00 Simone Cortesi
 2014-04-24 10:31 GMT+02:00 Cristian Consonni
 Però la traduzione italiana:
 è un file binario.

 non è forse in launchpad?

Non lo vedo... una mano?



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Traduzione italiana dei presets di JOSM

2014-04-28 Per discussione Simone Cortesi
On Tue, Apr 29, 2014 at 12:12 AM, Cristian Consonni wrote:
 Non lo vedo... una mano?

penso sia questo, aggiornato nemmeno una settimana fa:

qui altra pagina su tradurre josm


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Re: [Talk-es] addr de pedanía

2014-04-28 Per discussione Juan Luis Rodríguez
2014-04-27 18:10 GMT+02:00 Mateu Vic

 Yo sería partidario de no mencionar el municipio en la addr en caso de
 pedanías, ya que en estos casos el municipio es un dato administrativo,
 pero no postal, es decir la segunda opción

 2014-04-27 13:27 GMT+02:00 sergiosevillano - Gmail

 una pregunta
 el tema de las direcciones y números de portal como va en caso de una

 etiquetas en el nodo de un número de portal:

 (municipio) addr:city=La Iruela
 (pedanía, si es el caso) addr:village=Burunchel

 o bien


 o hay otra manera

Pues depende, ¿cómo se escribiría la dirección para enviar una carta a

Un saludo,
Juan Luis.
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] addr de pedanía

2014-04-28 Per discussione sergiosevillano - Gmail
tenéis razón 
me estoy liando con los administrative levels

la opción 2 es buena
y en caso de duda responder a la pregunta que ha formulado Juan Luis.

El 2014/04/28, a las 11:12, Juan Luis Rodríguez escribió:

 2014-04-27 18:10 GMT+02:00 Mateu Vic
 Yo sería partidario de no mencionar el municipio en la addr en caso de 
 pedanías, ya que en estos casos el municipio es un dato administrativo, pero 
 no postal, es decir la segunda opción
 2014-04-27 13:27 GMT+02:00 sergiosevillano - Gmail
 una pregunta
 el tema de las direcciones y números de portal como va en caso de una pedanía?
 etiquetas en el nodo de un número de portal:
 (municipio) addr:city=La Iruela
 (pedanía, si es el caso) addr:village=Burunchel
 o bien
 o hay otra manera
 Pues depende, ¿cómo se escribiría la dirección para enviar una carta a 
 Un saludo,
 Juan Luis.
 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Resumen de Talk-es, Vol 87, Envío 22

2014-04-28 Per discussione Julio Torres
Pues yo también soy partidario de dar mas entidad en addr:city a la
pedanía que al municipio. Lo contrario sería engañoso para el que no conozca
las divisiones administrativas de España y cada una de las pedanias de sus
municipios. Visto desde fuera me bastaria con conocer Burunchel y que
ese lugar es una aldea de España.

-Mensaje original-
Enviado el: lunes, 28 de abril de 2014 14:01
Asunto: Resumen de Talk-es, Vol 87, Envío 22

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Asuntos del día:

   1. Re: addr de pedanía (Mateu Vic)
   2. Re: addr de pedanía (Juan Luis Rodríguez)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2014 18:10:18 +0200
From: Mateu Vic
To: Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-es] addr de pedanía
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Yo sería partidario de no mencionar el municipio en la addr en caso de
pedanías, ya que en estos casos el municipio es un dato administrativo,
pero no postal, es decir la segunda opción

2014-04-27 13:27 GMT+02:00 sergiosevillano - Gmail

 una pregunta
 el tema de las direcciones y números de portal como va en caso de una

 etiquetas en el nodo de un número de portal:

 (municipio) addr:city=La Iruela
 (pedanía, si es el caso) addr:village=Burunchel

 o bien


 o hay otra manera
 Talk-es mailing list

Esperanto, internacia lingve neútrala lingvo
 próxima parte 
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 11:12:09 +0200
From: Juan Luis Rodríguez
To: Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap
Subject: Re: [Talk-es] addr de pedanía
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

2014-04-27 18:10 GMT+02:00 Mateu Vic

 Yo sería partidario de no mencionar el municipio en la addr en caso de
 pedanías, ya que en estos casos el municipio es un dato administrativo,
 pero no postal, es decir la segunda opción

 2014-04-27 13:27 GMT+02:00 sergiosevillano - Gmail

 una pregunta
 el tema de las direcciones y números de portal como va en caso de una

 etiquetas en el nodo de un número de portal:

 (municipio) addr:city=La Iruela
 (pedanía, si es el caso) addr:village=Burunchel

 o bien


 o hay otra manera

Pues depende, ¿cómo se escribiría la dirección para enviar una carta a

Un saludo,
Juan Luis.
 próxima parte 
Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML...


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Fin de Resumen de Talk-es, Vol 87, Envío 22

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-at] Gebäude in Wiedner Hauptstraße verschwunden

2014-04-28 Per discussione Gabriel Pfuner
Einen guten Wochenstart allerseits,

Am Wochenende ist mir aufgefallen das ein Gebäude in der Wiedner Hauptstraße 
verschwunden ist. Sehe nur ich das so (also liegt hier ein Fehler im 
Rendering) oder ist das allgemein so? Real ist das Gebäude nach wie vor 

Konkret geht es um dieses Gebäude:
Wiedner Hauptsrtraße 37, 1040 Wien

Ich habe dazu auch einen Hinweis/Fehlerbericht in OSM vermerkt, sie haben statt 
dem Tag Gebäude den Tag Wohnungen. Denke dadurch ist es nicht Sichtbar im 
Rendering. Kenne mich aber nicht so gut aus. 
Habe mich nicht getraut es zurück zu ändern, weil ich mir nicht sicher war ob 
es nicht etwas mit den Adressen etc durcheinander bringt. Kenne mich da nicht 
so gut aus.

Vl könnt ihr euch das mal anschauen, wenn ihr mir sagt wie änder ich es gerne!


Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-cat] layer + trobada + no digest

2014-04-28 Per discussione Simó Albert i Beltran writes:

 Atès que el canal ja és una layer -1 (la llera es considera per sota del 
 0) jo tractaria l'autovia com un pont. Però penso que la solució de deixar
 l'autovia a nivell 0 i el canal a nivell -1 amb un túnel també seria

Si no recordo malament, el canal no te layer=-1 si no li especifiques,
el valor per defecte de layer és 0. Tot i que si és te bridge=yes pot
ser considerat 1 i si te tunnel=yes pot ser considerat -1. D'altre banda
si un es -1 i l'altre 0 o un és 0 i l'altre 1 és el mateix, ja que
el valor de layer només es relatiu a un altre valor layer.

 Coneixent el terreny seria més fàcil decidir-se per una solució o per l'altra,
 sempre és millor posar el que respongui més al que hi hagi sobre el terreny.

Amb això coincideixo, amb una foto podríem parlar del cas concret.

 off topic: Algú podria fer cinc cèntims de la trobada de Sarrià de Ter?

Hi ha un extens resum al wiki:

Ara en serio, m'ho vaig passar molt bé ;-) es va parlar de moltes coses,
per mi sobretot va servir per fer una primera presa de contacte. Crec
que tots coincidiran en que s'ha d'anar repetint.

D'altra banda, deixa'm dir-te que estas trencant el fil de conversa. Si
us plau, podries canviar les teves opcions de subscripció a la llista a
no digest.

Description: PGP signature
Talk-cat mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Overpass turbo extraire départements dans région

2014-04-28 Per discussione Mides

Effectivement, on arrive à extraire les données si l'on sélectionne les
relations. Cela renvoi bien les géométries de type LineString, le fichier
retour étant un peu parasité par quelques géométries de type Point, mais
cela est tout à fait exploitable sur Qgis.

Par contre, si le traitement de la requête est assez rapide, la
construction/download du fichier retour , lourdeur oblige certainement, 15
Mo en format Geojson, prend pas mal de temps.

area [name=Midi-Pyrénées][admin_level=4];
/*added by auto repair*/
/*end of auto repair*/

Le 28 avril 2014 07:04, Jo a écrit :

 Voici ce que moi j'utilisais quand j'ai assisté à l'importation des
 frontière à l'Ouganda:

 area[name~Uganda]  - .UG;
 ) - .allboundaryrelations;

 out meta;


 2014-04-28 4:28 GMT+02:00 Adrien Caillot


 On 28/04/2014 00:04, Mides wrote:

 Je cherche à extraire tous les départements d'un région au travers d’une
 requête Overpass Turbo.
 Quelle doit être l'approche sachant que si je rédige la requête sous
 cette forme , je n’ai qu’un retour partiel comportant à la fois des ways et
 des nodes

 area [name=Midi-Pyrénées][admin_level=4];
 /*added by auto repair*/
 /*end of auto repair*/

 Cette requête semble bien renvoyer les limites de départements situées
 dans la région Midi-Pyrénées, mais à l'exclusion des limites de celle-ci.
 Je connais mal Overpass et j'ai du mal de trouver des docs sur la
 syntaxe, alors je ne connais pas de solution « propre ».

 Mais si c'est pour un usage ponctuel, je vois deux bricolages qui
 fonctionnent :

 - Rajouter explicitement les limites de la région. On obtient un polygone
 de la région, et les limites des départements à l'intérieur (mais pas un
 polygone par département).

 [name=Midi-Pyrénées] [admin_level=4];

 - Interroger carrément sur les noms des départements. Ainsi, on est sûr
 d'avoir un polygone par département. Après, si l'objectif était
 d'automatiser, cette solution est moyenne (mais on peut toujours générer la
 requête Overpass avec un script...).



 Si quelqu'un a une solution plus propre, je suis intéressé aussi.



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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Création cadastre pays du Sud?

2014-04-28 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Je n'ai pas dit que la propriété n'y existait pas mais les cartes ne sont
pas aussi complètes et aussi détaillées qu'en métropole, et concernant la
NC il y a toujours des réformes sur les statuts des territoires et des
secteurs encore taillés sommairement à la hache et pas réellement décidés,
toujours en négociation sur la validité des propriétés et leur délimitation
précise tenant compte des aménagements et des nécessités publiques, ou
encore de droits ancestraux à compenser.
Au final le cadastre sert ensuite aux calculs des taxes (qui sont aussi une
contrepartie de la restriction accordée contre l'usage public et aussi pour
que la collectivité fournisse des services de proximité aux propriétaires
et résidents). Après ça le reste est une question économique qui fait la
valeur des terrains et de ce qui s'y trouve. La propriété est l'acte
résultat de l'accord suite aux négociations entre les parties publiques et
privées intéressées localement.
Le cadastre lui-même n'établit pas les propriétés, il ne fait que les
constater ; son contenu reste contestable mais ce n'est pas le cadastre qui
tranchera en cas de désaccord entre parties privées ou entre privé et
public (qui peuvent aussi s'entendre par un accord sans passer par un
tribunal, et alors faire enregistrer leur accord)

Le 27 avril 2014 04:55, Hendrik Oesterlin a
écrit :

 Le 18/04/2014 à 09:46:15 +1100 Philippe Verdy
 a écrit au sujet de [OSM-talk-fr] Création cadastre pays du Sud?:

  On peut comparer avec ce qui se passe en ce moment encore non loin de là
  Mayotte ainsi que dans d'autres collectivités comme la Nouvelle-Calédonie
  ou Wallis-et-Futuna où c'est encore en chantier avec des occupations
  sauvages du milieu naturel, et l'instauration de situation de facto.

 Dis donc, tu en sais des choses sur la Nouvelle-Calédonie des
 choses dont même celui qui y habite depuis 30 ans n'a même pas
 idée moi qui donnait une signification particulière à mon titre
 notarié de propriété et à tout ces polygones mauves qui apparaissent
 quand on clique sur Cadastre ici:

 Hendrik Oesterlin

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Overpass turbo extraire départements dans région

2014-04-28 Per discussione Nicolas Moyroud


J'ai une impression concernant l'export GeoJSON depuis l'overpass-turbo 
qui n'est peut-être pas pertinente mais bon je vais vous en faire part 
quand même ^^
Le problème principal vient peut-être du fait que l'overpass-turbo fait 
afficher le GeoJSON dans le navigateur avant de proposer la sauvegarde 
dans un fichier téléchargeable. Ce qui est un peu dommage car essayer 
d'afficher 15Mo de données a tendance à faire ramer fortement le 
navigateur... Ne pourraient-ils pas proposer directement dans le 
formulaire un bouton export dans un fichier uniquement qui permettrait 
de faire tourner la transformation en GeoJSON en tâche de fond côté 
serveur uniquement sans affichage côté client et qui enverrait un lien 
de download une fois l'export réalisé ?


Nicolas Moyroud
Site web libre@vous :

Le 28/04/2014 09:19, Mides a écrit :

Par contre, si le traitement de la requête est assez rapide, la 
construction/download du fichier retour , lourdeur oblige 
certainement, 15 Mo en format Geojson, prend pas mal de temps.

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-fr CA] OpenStreetMap France reçue par le Président de la République

2014-04-28 Per discussione Eric Sibert

Rapide premier retour dans le train après le déjeuner avec le Président de
la République.

En vidéo :

Par contre, le coup de te filmer limite en contre-jour, ils t'en  
veulent??? ;-)


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Overpass turbo extraire départements dans région

2014-04-28 Per discussione Christian Quest
Le but d'overpass-turbo est justement de fournir une interface graphique
pour tester ses requêtes et visualiser le résultat... donc ne pas les
visualiser revient à ne plus utiliser overpass-turbo ;)

Une fois qu'on a compris le mécanisme et testé avec des requêtes dont le
résultat est léger, on peut faire les requêtes plus lourdes directement sur

Sinon... autre piste si l'on a besoin d'exports de ce type: récupérer un
shapefile complet serait peut être plus efficace.
Pensez aux shapefile des découpages administratifs mis régulièrement sur ils ont l'avantage d'être vérifiés (donc complets et
cohérents, à chaque export je dois faire des réparations), et d'être
disponibles avec 3 niveaux de simplification géométrique.

Le 28 avril 2014 10:03, Nicolas Moyroud a écrit :


 J'ai une impression concernant l'export GeoJSON depuis l'overpass-turbo
 qui n'est peut-être pas pertinente mais bon je vais vous en faire part
 quand même ^^
 Le problème principal vient peut-être du fait que l'overpass-turbo fait
 afficher le GeoJSON dans le navigateur avant de proposer la sauvegarde dans
 un fichier téléchargeable. Ce qui est un peu dommage car essayer d'afficher
 15Mo de données a tendance à faire ramer fortement le navigateur... Ne
 pourraient-ils pas proposer directement dans le formulaire un bouton
 export dans un fichier uniquement qui permettrait de faire tourner la
 transformation en GeoJSON en tâche de fond côté serveur uniquement sans
 affichage côté client et qui enverrait un lien de download une fois
 l'export réalisé ?


 Nicolas Moyroud
 Site web libre@vous :

 Le 28/04/2014 09:19, Mides a écrit :

 Par contre, si le traitement de la requête est assez rapide, la
 construction/download du fichier retour , lourdeur oblige certainement, 15
 Mo en format Geojson, prend pas mal de temps.

 Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Conférence State Of The Map France du 4 au 6 avril à
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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-fr CA] OpenStreetMap France reçue par le Président de la République

2014-04-28 Per discussione François Lacombe
Le 25 avril 2014 18:03, RatZilla$ a écrit :

 La cartographie des infrastructures a eu un écho particulier compte tenu
 des enjeux. À défaut de faire d'OpenStreetMap une base de données
 d'autorité, la cartographie des infrastructures dans OSM permettra de
 libérer l’imagination des développeurs sur les futurs enjeux
 d'interopérabilité nationale/internationale  - inter

Merci Gaël, je partage complètement !

Pas d'autorité, mais des connexions avec des référentiels existant pouvant
être libérés.
D'où le besoin d'intégrer les codifications et identifications faisant
parties de ces référentiels pour réaliser ces connexions en dehors d'OSM
une fois libérés (ou pas, peu importe).

C'est super prometteur, to be continued !

*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] 7ème continent

2014-04-28 Per discussione Nicolas Moyroud

Le 27/04/2014 12:52, Jean-Francois Nifenecker a écrit :
et les camions à pizzas ? ;-) 
Les camions à pizza ça va ils ont au moins la bonne idée de se remettre 
à la même place à chaque fois. ;-)

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-fr CA] OpenStreetMap France reçue par le Président de la République

2014-04-28 Per discussione Christophe Merlet
Le 28/04/2014 11:33, François Lacombe a écrit :
 Le 25 avril 2014 18:03, RatZilla$ a écrit :
 La cartographie des infrastructures a eu un écho particulier compte
 tenu des enjeux. À défaut de faire d'OpenStreetMap une base de
 données d'autorité, la cartographie des infrastructures dans OSM
 permettra de libérer l’imagination des développeurs sur les futurs
 enjeux d'interopérabilité nationale/internationale  - inter
 Merci Gaël, je partage complètement !
 Pas d'autorité, mais des connexions avec des référentiels existant
 pouvant être libérés.
 D'où le besoin d'intégrer les codifications et identifications faisant
 parties de ces référentiels pour réaliser ces connexions en dehors d'OSM
 une fois libérés (ou pas, peu importe).
 C'est super prometteur, to be continued !

À propos de cartographie d'infrastructures, j'ai discuté avec des
représentants d'Etalab de la problèmatique sécurité/défense... Doit on
faire gaffe aux infos que l'on mets dans OSM ? sujet récurrent.

Ben, il n'y a pas de problèmes, on peut tout mettre, pas de restriction,
pas d'auto censure. C'est sur le terrain, on le mets.

Christophe Merlet (RedFox)

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [osm-fr CA] OpenStreetMap France reçue par le Président de la République

2014-04-28 Per discussione Pieren
2014-04-28 10:35 GMT+02:00 Eric Sibert

 En vidéo :

A quoi reconnait-on un président d'OpenStreetMap ?
A l'absence de cravate :-))

Il faudrait organiser une mapping party à l'élysée avec tous ces
ministres et conseillers. Bonnes chaussures indispensable (et sans
cire-pompe) !


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Les armoires de rues

2014-04-28 Per discussione François Lacombe
Bonjour la liste,

Un peu avant de partir en week end, j'ai passé la proposition sur les
armoires de rue en RFC sur le wiki.
N'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d'oeuil.

Les armoires de rues sont des conteneurs installés sur les trottoirs en
zone urbaine hébergeant le plus souvent des équipements de contrôle ou de
Très peu de détails sont à connaitre sur le contenu pour pouvoir les
cartographier. On pourra rentrer dans le détail des réseaux dans un second
temps, ça n'est pas le but ici.

En gros la proposition introduit une nouvelle valeur pour man_made :
street_cabinet et un nouveau tag pour qualifier le domaine auquel
appartient l'armoire (street_cabinet=telecom, cable_tv, power...)
On considère l'accessibilité ou le manque d'accessibilité des trottoirs à
la suite de l'installation de ces armoires.

Des exemples sont disponibles, n'hésitez pas à en soumettre d'autres et
utiliser la page de Talk.

Bonne fin d'après-midi.

*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Les armoires de rues

2014-04-28 Per discussione Greg
Je suis sceptique concernant les attributs width, length et direction. Si
quelqu'un veut saisir ces informations, autant dessiner l'emprise de
l'armoire au sol, non ?


2014-04-28 16:22 GMT+02:00 François Lacombe

 Bonjour la liste,

 Un peu avant de partir en week end, j'ai passé la proposition sur les
 armoires de rue en RFC sur le wiki.
 N'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d'oeuil.

 Les armoires de rues sont des conteneurs installés sur les trottoirs en
 zone urbaine hébergeant le plus souvent des équipements de contrôle ou de
 Très peu de détails sont à connaitre sur le contenu pour pouvoir les
 cartographier. On pourra rentrer dans le détail des réseaux dans un second
 temps, ça n'est pas le but ici.

 En gros la proposition introduit une nouvelle valeur pour man_made :
 street_cabinet et un nouveau tag pour qualifier le domaine auquel
 appartient l'armoire (street_cabinet=telecom, cable_tv, power...)
 On considère l'accessibilité ou le manque d'accessibilité des trottoirs à
 la suite de l'installation de ces armoires.

 Des exemples sont disponibles, n'hésitez pas à en soumettre d'autres et
 utiliser la page de Talk.

 Bonne fin d'après-midi.

 *François Lacombe*

 francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu

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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Les armoires de rues

2014-04-28 Per discussione François Lacombe
Cela est une possibilité.

On peut aussi représenter l'armoire sous forme de noeud, puis saisir les
dimensions de manière précise (puisque dessiner l'emprise n'est pas d'une
précision à toute épreuve).

Ou on peut même faire les deux ;)

Ces attributs n'ont pas été introduits par la proposition qui nous
concerne, je les ai intégré par soucis de compatibilité avec d'autres
modèles sur OSM.

*François Lacombe*

francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu

Le 28 avril 2014 16:31, Greg a écrit :

 Je suis sceptique concernant les attributs width, length et direction. Si
 quelqu'un veut saisir ces informations, autant dessiner l'emprise de
 l'armoire au sol, non ?


 2014-04-28 16:22 GMT+02:00 François Lacombe

 Bonjour la liste,

 Un peu avant de partir en week end, j'ai passé la proposition sur les
 armoires de rue en RFC sur le wiki.
 N'hésitez pas à y jeter un coup d'oeuil.

 Les armoires de rues sont des conteneurs installés sur les trottoirs en
 zone urbaine hébergeant le plus souvent des équipements de contrôle ou de
 Très peu de détails sont à connaitre sur le contenu pour pouvoir les
 cartographier. On pourra rentrer dans le détail des réseaux dans un second
 temps, ça n'est pas le but ici.

 En gros la proposition introduit une nouvelle valeur pour man_made :
 street_cabinet et un nouveau tag pour qualifier le domaine auquel
 appartient l'armoire (street_cabinet=telecom, cable_tv, power...)
 On considère l'accessibilité ou le manque d'accessibilité des trottoirs à
 la suite de l'installation de ces armoires.

 Des exemples sont disponibles, n'hésitez pas à en soumettre d'autres et
 utiliser la page de Talk.

 Bonne fin d'après-midi.

 *François Lacombe*

 francois dot lacombe At telecom-bretagne dot eu

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