Re[2]: Very calm

2023-02-27 Thread Adrian

cleaning up legacy code sounds great. Assuming this isn't webapp-ifying it of
course (I'd use Thunderbird if I wanted a webapp-like email client).

I hope his means that the DAILY crashes due to improper memory accesses and null
pointer dereferencing (happening both of my PCs, when I do IMAP stuff from PC A,
TB crashes on PC B, and vice versa) goes away.

And maybe this also fixes the annoying problem where one folder (not many
mails in it, and even after deleting the IMAP folder cache) have extremely
poor performance (over a second to switch between emails, which are all
available locally - so no network isue - and during which the whole TB UI is

PS: I'd gladly demonstrate / help debug these issues if someone reaches out to
me directly.

FWIW, both issues are annoying enough that I'd seriously consider switching
email clients if there was an alternative with the same concise UI (most email
clients nowadays waste space like every designer seems to love when adding huge
paddings and margins nowadays), that does not feel like a webapp... As a
customer for over 15 years now it'd be a shame to have to move to something
else though!


> Hello Martin, 

>> Did I miss something, does this mailing list no longer exist? It has
>> become so quiet...

> Please stay tuned - we continue development, the problem is that there is
> some amount of heavy lifting (related to revising of legacy code) to de done
> in order to finish the current tasks. Plus, we've started conversion the
> current code into multi-platform project, this also takes quite an effort.

> Yeah, the current situation in the neighborhood and in the World doesn't make
> things easy, but we're still here and still working  :-)

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: TheBat! cannot access email on Microsoft

2022-10-25 Thread Adrian
Probably switching to oauth is enough. IMAP/POP can be disabled for an
organization when using Exchange Online though - if that's the case I'd reach
out to IT and see if they really want to disable it or maybe just weren't
awareof people using IMAP clients...

BTW, when testing TB's OAuth support recently I noticed that TB DOES NOT seem to
use refresh tokens:
Once my SSO session (Exchange Online at my workplace) expires, I have to go
through SSO again - which is completely terrible because the browser is embedded
in TB instead of using one of the oauth flows where the regular browser is used.
This is NOT a restriction from our ExO configuration - I can get a refresh token
and use it for a long time just fine. It's just that TB doesn't seem to make use
of it... And in fact this would completely rule out TB with OAuth for me, 
having to do a new SSO login with 2FA every day just for emails? Hell no!

- Adrian

> Hi Thomas,

>> ... they told me that MS does not support POP or IMAP any more "for security 
>> reasons" ...

> You are not alone. It seems the culprit is OAuth 2.0 [1], other email clients 
> are affected too [2,3].

> -Z.

> [1]

> [2]

> [3]

> 'Using TBBETA' information:

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Re: What is up with TB's memory management?

2022-08-17 Thread Adrian
Yes, there are a bunch of exceptions in it. Here's the log in Gist since it's
too big for this mailing list:

I hope it's useful to one of the TB devs, because at least two crashes a day are
extremely annoying... 

- Adrian

> Hello Adrian,

> On Mon, 8 Aug 2022 10:26:03 +0200 GMT (08/08/2022, 15:26 +0700 GMT),
> Adrian wrote:

> [...]
>> I'm a very technical person (software dev + working in IT), but I typically
>> don't do development on Windows so my Windows-specific debugging skills are
>> limited (on Linux I'd just run it in gdb). However, if there is any (hidden)
>> setting to make TB generate full stack traces when memory-related errors 
>> happen,
>> I'd be more than happy to share them. If there's no setting and you can 
>> provide
>> me with a "debug build" that has more verbose error information, that'd be 
>> great
>> as well of course.

> Check out whether the file exceptions.log will help.

> --

> Cheers,
> Thomas.

> Message reply created with The Bat! Version 9.5.1 (64-bit)
> under Windows 10.0 Build 19043

> 'Using TBBETA' information:

'Using TBBETA' information:

What is up with TB's memory management?

2022-08-12 Thread Adrian

sorry for hijacking this list with what's more of a bug report, but on the bug
tracker many things seem to disappear in a black hole and never really get a
reply or followup. Feel free to reach out directly to me by email in order to
not bother the "beta" list with this.

I've been using The Bat for about 15 years now, but a few years ago TB started
crashing with memory pretty much daily after using it elsewhere. Basically I run
it in the office and at home, connecting to the same servers (all of them IMAP
on Dovecot servers).

EVERY TIME I come home from the office and vice versa, TB crashed with a memory
error - since it's happening on multiple PCs I'm quite sure it's not a hardware
issue. Same with running TB on my laptop + one of the other PCs.

So I think there may be some race condition related to accessing the same IMAP
mailbox from multiple locations becaus when I e.g. delete an email from PC 1,
IMAP IDLE will notify the TB running on PC 2 that something changed so it
updates that mail (which is great and exactly why people use IMAP!).

I'm a very technical person (software dev + working in IT), but I typically
don't do development on Windows so my Windows-specific debugging skills are
limited (on Linux I'd just run it in gdb). However, if there is any (hidden)
setting to make TB generate full stack traces when memory-related errors happen,
I'd be more than happy to share them. If there's no setting and you can provide
me with a "debug build" that has more verbose error information, that'd be great
as well of course.
Providing minidumps could be a possibility as well, but I'd be more hesitant
there due to the fact that they may still contain IMAP credentials.

On a possibly related note, one of my folders (even if I completely empty it on
the server and use folder maintenance to clean up or even delete the associated
*.TBB IMAP cache file) tends to be VERY slow - TB sometimes takes over a second
to view a simple email (it's all GitHub notification emails, so nothing large or
otherwise fancy, and they are all available locally so not a server issue 


'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Line breaks in headers are not properly handled

2021-11-15 Thread Adrian
I think the header was fine while sending - when I did it on my own mailserver
(postfix/dovecot) everything was fine. Only when I sent through my work's
Exchange server the garbage linebreaks got added.

But indeed, probably best to strip this type of mess everywhere..

>> FWIW my lorem ipsum test mail was sent from The Bat, so no Outlook involved 
>> in
>> that one ;)

> Which means we need to sanitize outgoing address headers too :)

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Line breaks in headers are not properly handled

2021-11-15 Thread Adrian
FWIW my lorem ipsum test mail was sent from The Bat, so no Outlook involved in
that one ;)

> Yeah, it looks like the sweet pair of Outlook + Exchange make wonders
> together :-)  It's a rare problem, but I agree we need to sanitize address 
> fields in a more friendly manner.

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Line breaks in headers are not properly handled

2021-11-15 Thread Adrian
Another one (this time a real one, not a test) has this in the header:

To: =?utf-8?Q?Adrian_M=C3=B6nnich?= ,

I have the feeling it's our ancient Exchange 2010 (!) that's adding those
spurious line breaks.

In any case, I don't think preserving them makes sense - I think collapsing any
kind of consecutive whitespace into a single space would be logical there. Those
headers are most likely not supposed to contain line breaks anyway.

If you need the original email nonetheless I can send it to you privately, but
except for the different encoding it's not really different...


> Hello Adrian, 

>> I've attached an email and screenshots on the BT entry.

> Thanks!  From what I see, the name contains special characters (see =0D=0A )
> for some reason. Generally, it's not a wise idea to use it in email address 
> fields

> To:
> =?windows-1250?Q?Lorem_ipsum_dolor_sit_amet=2C_consectetur_adipiscing_elit=2C_sed_do_eius?=
> =?windows-1250?Q?mod=0D=0A_tempor_incididunt?= 

> So, those slashes just preserve the new line characters in the name.  It
> would be better if you privately send some real life examples to me, though...

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Line breaks in headers are not properly handled

2021-11-15 Thread Adrian

I've attached an email and screenshots on the BT entry.


> Hello Adrian, 

>> sorry for posting where it probably doesn't belong, but this annoying bug is
>> affecting me nearly daily due to some rather long names at work, and it seems
>> like nobody is reading the bug tracker...

> Thank you for reporting the problem! However, we need some material to work
> with. I mean - examples and screen shots should be attached, otherwise we 
> might be unable to reproduce the bug.

'Using TBBETA' information:

Line breaks in headers are not properly handled

2021-11-15 Thread Adrian

sorry for posting where it probably doesn't belong, but this annoying bug is
affecting me nearly daily due to some rather long names at work, and it seems
like nobody is reading the bug tracker...

I received an email with a To header like this (same problem in CC where it's
even more common due to out mailing lists often having long names):

To: Fooo Baaar , "Fooo.Baaar@domain

It's being wrapped because it's somewhat long. I believe this is allowed in the
relevant standards.

However, when viewing the mail, it gets displayed like this:

Fooo Baaar , "Fooo.Baaar@domain\

which makes no sense. Worse, when replying to all, this backslash nonsense is
kept there as well.


'Using TBBETA' information:

How to manually trigger external image download?

2021-08-13 Thread Adrian

since the update (which uses the chromium engine for HTML emails) I no longer
see a button to just download external images fro the current mail. I do not
want to create a rule in many cases, sometimes I just want to load images for
the current mail.

This button used to be on the right side of the area where From, To, Subject and
similar header information was displayed.

Also, the red-white-checkered placeholder for unloaded images looks extremely
weird, especially when the image is used as a background since it gets blurred a


'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: User-unfriendliness

2010-09-30 Thread Adrian
It shouldn't be in the settings but a prompt when the connection is
made. Simply prompt if one wants to accept the certificate or not.
If you want a setting, just make one where you can choose the default
action (only prompt/reject, not "accept" so people don't auto-accept
all invalid certs).

>>>  By default, the user is not allowed to run files with exe,
>>> pif, etc. extensions. But he has the right to modify that list in the
>>> Settings.
>> Do  you  recommend  a somewhat deeply buried option in the settings to
>> allow bad certificates?

> Yes. Does not have to be deeply buried, should be in the Settings
> somewhere.

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Reply quoting selected text

2005-04-05 Thread Adrian Rudnik

open an email, select a text and hit F4 for "reply with quoting
selected text" doesnt seem to work correctly. it quotes the last
text and quotation picked through the "specials" menu and the F4
point. it works fine in the preview window or through the menu.

someone can confirm that?


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