Re: update for SetLibEntryPoints

2005-08-31 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi Developers!

> hMainWindow:=FindWindow('TMailerForm',NIL);

> hMenu:=GetMenu(hMainWindow); //RETURNS 0 !
 In  TB version > 3.02.10 menu is placed on the toolbar. You need HWND
 of this toolbar instead.
 But (from help, about GetMenu):

> Return Values
> If the function succeeds, the return value is the handle of the
> menu. If the given window has no menu, the return value is NULL. If
> the window is a child window, the return value is undefined.

Best regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! XP 5.1

Re: update for SetLibEntryPoints

2005-08-30 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi Developers!

> I will try to add similar code in my [buggy] UMC/UMX plugin :)

I forgot about Finalize:

It will look like this:

void TBP_EXPORT TBP_Finalize()
//restoring oryginal windowproc
SetWindowLong(hMainWindow, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)lpPrevMainWndProc);

//deleting added menu items
HMENU hMenu = GetMenu(hMainWindow);

//get own menu item:
for(int i=0; i

Re: update for SetLibEntryPoints

2005-08-30 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi Developers!

> And just one question: can i add a new menu item using plugin API or
> not?

 Yes of course! :)
 I have successfully added menu into TB!
 Look at attachment.

 Here is my example code:



void TBP_EXPORT TBP_Initialize()

//search  TB main window:
BOOL rc = EnumWindows(
handle to desktop to enumerate
(WNDENUMPROC)EnumWindowsProc,   // points 
to application's callback function
32-bit value to pass to the callback function

HMENU hMenu = GetMenu(hMainWindow);

hMyMenu = CreateMenu();

sLabels.push_back("MenuItem 1");
sLabels.push_back("MenuItem 2");
sLabels.push_back("MenuItem 3");


//add menu :
rc = AppendMenu(
MF_POPUP,   // menu-item flags
(UINT)hMyMenu,  // menu-item identifier or handle of 
drop-down menu or submenu
"TB-Plugin"  // menu-item content

//replace original window proc
#ifdef STRICT
lpPrevMainWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLong(hMainWindow, GWL_WNDPROC, 
lpPrevMainWndProc = (FARPROC)SetWindowLong(hMainWindow, GWL_WNDPROC, 

MessageBox(NULL, "OK", "OK", MB_OK);//debug msg

BOOL CALLBACK EnumWindowsProc(
 HWND hwnd, // handle to child window
 LPARAM lParam  // application-defined value
HWND *hMailer = (HWND*)lParam;

TCHAR ClassName[256];
LPTSTR lpClassName = ClassName;

int Ret = GetClassName(hwnd,// handle of window
lpClassName,// address of buffer for class name
256 // size of buffer, in characters

if(strncmp(ClassName, "TMailerForm", 256) == 0)
*hMailer = hwnd;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

void BuildMenu(HMENU hMenu)
ZeroMemory(&mii, sizeof(MENUITEMINFO));
mii.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);

for(int i=0; i

Description: PNG image

SQL Plugin

2004-11-26 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi All

 Yesterday I developed new simple The Bat! plug-in to co-operate with
 Data Bases.

 It is available for download from page.

 SQL Plugin adds four macros:

%SQLQuery("SQL_Connection_String", "SQL_Query")

This macro execute SQL query and return dataset as comma separated
data in each rows or exception message in even plugin throw it.


%_Query='select FirstName, LastName from Customers'%-
%SQLQuery(%_ConnectionString, %_Query)%-

%SQLCommand("SQL_Connection_String", "SQL_Command")

This  macro execute SQL command without return any dataset (it may
return execute exception only)


%_Command='insert into Customers (FirstName, LastName) values 
("%FromFName", "%FromLName")'%-
%SQLCommand(%_ConnectionString, %_Command)%-


This  macro  open wizard to configure connection string and return it.


Returns plugin name and version number.

 It  is  first  beta version of this plugin. Some problems my occurred
 with it, also be careful! :)

Best regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.13 "Lucky" Beta/6
Windows XP 5.1

Re: Bug in X-Face Plugin 1.5

2004-08-23 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi Developers!

on Monday, August 23, 2004 at 11:24 Thomas Lieblang

> Can anybody confirm?
 Yes, I know.

 Plugin simulates shortcut keypress to invoke a filter. It may disturb
 shift key hold.

 You  may  try  to  define  shortcut without shift key to resolve this
 problem...  but  it  may  conflict  with  other keyshortcuts that are
 combination your_shortcut+shift

 sorry for my terrible english :-/
Best regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.13 "Lucky" Beta/6/Windows 98 4.10

Re: New Plugin: X-Face

2004-08-09 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi Developers!

 Next version - 1.5  is available from
 Last changes are:
 [*]  Macro  %SetXFace  accept  now also path to text file with x-face
  header code (without preceding "X-Face: ")

Best Regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.13 "Lucky" Beta/3/Windows 98 4.10

Re: New Plugin: X-Face

2004-08-06 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi All!

on Wednesday, August 4, 2004 at 16:08 Jacek Szumigaj

>> [...] auto displaying,

> There is already possible in version 1.4
  In version 1.4.1 image is transparent. IMHO Looks better :)

Bet Regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.13 "Lucky" Beta/2/Windows 98 4.10

Re: New Plugin: X-Face

2004-08-04 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi All!

on Thursday, June 24, 2004 at 11:12 I'm wrote:

>  I  want  to  make auto displaying, and hiding face on select
>  mails on the list.
 There is already possible in version 1.4

Bet Regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.12.00/Windows 98 4.10


2004-07-05 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi Developers

 I developed new plug-in: Shell-Plugin

 This plugin adds some macros, and two are most important:

1. %Shell_Run("path\to\exe\file")

   This macro run *console* process and capture all outputs.

2. %Shell_Cmd

   This  macro  open  shell  command  window.  After  exit (close this
   window) all output is captured by macro and inserted into message.
 Plug-in is available for download from page:

Best Regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.11/Windows 98 4.10

Re: New Plugin: X-Face

2004-06-27 Thread Jacek Szumigaj

on June 24, 2004 at 11:12 I'm wrote:

> auto hiding face

 is available in version 1.3

Best Regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.11/Windows 98 4.10

Re: New Plugin: X-Face

2004-06-24 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi All!

on Wednesday, June 23, 2004 at 19:46 Leif Gregory

> How hard would it be to change the plugin so that it could display a
> .gif or .jpg in the header pane.

> Where I'm going with this is a combination of the Roguemoticons and
> the X-Face plugin so that you could define a header called:

> X-Rogue: :Leif_Gregory:

> So that it would display the image of the person in the header pane
> instead of the body of the message?

 Yes, It is interesting idea. I think of to do try it later.

 Earlier  I  want  to  make auto displaying, and hiding face on select
 mails on the list.

 Now I am waiting for free time to do this... :)

Best Regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.11/Windows 98 4.10

Re: New Plugin: X-Face

2004-06-23 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi All,

I'm wrote:

>  I developed new The Bat! plugin to insert and display X-Face header.

>  It  is  available  for download from page.

 New version is now available!

 [+] Face is now displayed on the headers panel active view window.

Best regards,  Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.11/Windows 2000 5.0

Re: New Plugin: X-Face

2004-06-15 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi All!

on Monday, June 14, 2004 at 18:08 Alexey Vinogradov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> If it is written on MS VC,
 No, its written in BCB  :-/
 I try to translate plugin guide and home page to English.

Bet Regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.11/Windows 98 4.10

New Plugin: X-Face

2004-06-14 Thread Jacek Szumigaj
Hi All

 I developed new The Bat! plugin to insert and display X-Face header.

 It  is  available  for download from page.
 The page is in polish, but usage of this plugin is very very easy.

 Plugin adds two macros:

 %SetXFace("Path\to\48x48x1\bmp_file\with\your_face.bmp")  - to insert
 header.  This  macro  requires X-Face header. You should add it using
 "Options/Preferences.../Message Headers/Add Button".


 %DisplayXFace  -  (without  parameters)  to  display  image of X-Face
 header.  IMHO  the  best  place for this macro is filter with enabled
 "save  to file" option, %DisplayXFace macro in save template and with
 defined keyboard shortcut.

Best Regards, Jacek Szumigaj
The Bat! 2.11/Windows 98 4.10