Re[2]: IMAP rules ..

2004-05-04 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, May 3, 2004, 10:33:40 PM, you wrote:

 do FastMail and MailSnare actually forward the mail out? If so, why
 can't it be forwarded to a POP account in TB?

CT Have a look at FastMail's features.

Yes, I did that yesterday after I'd posted .. I often do
things backwards :-)

CT Go to and click the compare plans
CT link. The short answer is that you can use POP or
CT IMAP with any account you set up and forward mail
CT into and from your account; (POP only with paid
CT accounts). Its web interface is quick and
CT surprisingly sophisticated - I've been pleasantly
CT surprised at how well it works.

I didn't see anything that would forward anything to my
account .. I think that it's one of those things you have
to try if you want to know what it *really* does .. I'll
give it some thought.

CT Well, I live with TB and Mulberry daily. I like TB and its features
CT but, in the area I now need, it just doesn't measure up. I hope it
CT improves but I have reservations, unfortunately.

The thing that's frustrating me is the inability to make
folders to filter the mail ... Mulberry seems to let you
do that, Tbird didn't. It's really impractical for me to
use an account for anything much if I can't filter the
mail ... am I missing something in TB .. ? Anybody? Or is
it something on the mail server I need to fix?

Thanks -


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: IMAP rules ..

2004-05-04 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, May 4, 2004, 7:57:28 AM, you wrote:

PF TB! filtering engine is being rewritten as it
PF does not work for IMAP at
PF the moment.

PF Watch coming releases...

I will .. thanks


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: IMAP rules ..

2004-05-04 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, May 4, 2004, 11:07:12 AM, you wrote:

CT This is straight from FM's FAQ - it's a one-off set up..

Thank you! Apparently I didn't read far enough into the
FAQ ... sorry ... So that might be workable .. I might
have to do some tinkering here.


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Re[2]: Best antispam approach I have found thus far for TB

2004-05-03 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, May 3, 2004, 6:37:38 AM, you wrote:

TF Well, if your ISP decides to reject mails from domains that are in
TF obscure blacklists for wrong reasons, I wouldn't call it your choice
TF any more.

This is a real irritant ... at least one isp blocks some
comcast servers, and though I have other email options,
that's not true of  everyone .. though I suppose one
could always resort to yahoo/hotmail .. I find it
interesting that *their* servers don't seem to be
blacklisted ...


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Re[2]: Best antispam approach I have found thus far for TB

2004-05-03 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, May 3, 2004, 8:24:21 AM, you wrote:

 This is a real irritant ... at least one isp blocks some
 comcast servers, and though I have other email options,

J It sounds like the same mentality of the X-Mailer blocking admins.
J Comcast limits SMTP use for it's -customers- pretty severely.

That's true .. no relaying at all; I had to *buy*
relaying for my LINUX server! Not expensive, though.

J For instance I can only send 10 messages at a time. If
J I try to send more they disconnect me after the 10th.
J If I send 10 once then try to send another few they
J lock me out completely for a period of time -- some 10
J -15 minutes as I recall.

I haven't run into this yet .. but I don't often send to
a lot of people at once, so maybe I've managed to stay
under the limit. We'll see how my vacation announcement
goes ..

J Ironic since it cripples some legitimate operations I
J sometimes need to accomplish. EG: sending a large
J attachment which needs to be split into more than 10
J parts.

Or for that matter, sending some sort of announcement to
*all* your relatives ...

J While I can defeat the imposed limitations, I don't since nearly
J everything under the sun is against the rules of their TOS and I
J don't want to risk loosing the connection.

No - we should probably write to them and point out that
there are a lot of legitimate reasons to send something
to more than 10 people. It's a service; it shouldn't be
crippled ...

I agree with whoever it was said that they'd as soon deal
with the spam issues themselves; there doesn't really
seem to be a good way for the isps to do it.


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Best antispam approach I have found thus far for TB

2004-05-03 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, May 3, 2004, 8:16:32 AM, you wrote:

LT I find it interesting that *their* servers don't
LT seem to be blacklisted ...

TF Not so. I have to manually insert each emnail contact
TF with a Yahoo address into my whitelist on GMX. ;-)

lol! Good news, and bad news :-)

Since there is no way for an isp to figure out which mail
you might consider spam, I agree with whoever said it's
better to handle it yourself. Now if we can only get them
to offer us an 'opt out' option ...


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Best antispam approach I have found thus far for TB

2004-05-03 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, May 3, 2004, 9:34:51 AM, you wrote:

J I don't often use BCC but it might work for that.

Ah .. I do use it, but it's a bit surprising that that
would get through .. if it'll let me through, it'll let
the spammers through, won't it .. tch

J I came across some
J 'mail list' widget on the comcast service page(s). I suppose that is
J their legal answer/solution to mass mailings. Never looked at it
J seriously though since I believe it's some sort of web based
J contraption.

I *loathe* web based contraptions .. lol! But that would
seem to defeat the purpose, too .. I have been, with some
misgivings, flagging the spams I get through the account,
in hopes that they might be trying to track, and have
closed, the open relays that are probably the crux of the
spam problem, but I may be shooting myself in the foot

J While I can defeat the imposed limitations, I don't since nearly
J everything under the sun is against the rules of their TOS and I
J don't want to risk loosing the connection.

 No - we should probably write to them and point out that
 there are a lot of legitimate reasons to send something
 to more than 10 people. It's a service; it shouldn't be
 crippled ...

J I do this from time to time. They used to be much more
J technically receptive before it became the AOL of
J broadband.

It seems to me that *all* of them used to be more
technically receptive, or at least more technically
adept. Probably showing my age :-)

 I agree with whoever it was said that they'd as soon deal
 with the spam issues themselves; there doesn't really
 seem to be a good way for the isps to do it.

J Sounds like me. I just want the connection. @Home didn't realize
J this and blew up trying to be something nobody apparently wanted
J or needed. Since comcast has had the ball it's been so-so.
J I've seen loss of services without rate reductions and rate
J increases for who knows what.. Pay for the 800 commercials they run
J each day perhaps.

No doubt. They have been pretty good for us, on the
whole, but they are bending the budget a bit .. and it
was annoying not to be able to get a static ip or smtp
relay, considering the price.

There are now a lot of dial-up services popping up which
have little or no tech support, for a very reasonable
price. I suppose it's too much to hope that cable will go
that route, given time. Looks like DSL will, but we can't
get DSL :-(


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Re[3]: IMAP rules ..

2004-05-03 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, May 3, 2004, 9:52:21 AM, you wrote:

JL I just recently set up an IMAP account with the smtp (outgoing)
JL specified, and I forward the IMAP incoming to a
JL POP3 account, and set up a
JL filter to change the colo(u)r option for the mail from that account.
JL So I read the mail via a pop3 account, and send mail via the IMAP smtp
JL server.  So far so good.

Could you offer some details on this forwarding business?

I'd really like my imap mail to be a bit more functional
.. I had a look at Thunderbird, but wasn't all that
enamored of it .. haven't got to Mulberry yet.

Hate to have to buy two mail clients, though ... I really
like TB. I was extolling it's virtues to a friend this
weekend :-)


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: IMAP rules ..

2004-05-03 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, May 3, 2004, 10:42:50 AM, you wrote:

CT I've just mentioned to Jim that FastMail or
CT Mailsnare offer extremely
CT good POP, IMAP and forwarding facilities for external mail.

well, I'm looking at Mulberry, but ... :-( I'm really not
keen on web interfaces; do FastMail and MailSnare
actually forward the mail out? If so, why can't it be
forwarded to a POP account in TB?

Maybe I'll just have to live with TB and hope they get to
the IMAP stuff rsn ..

I'm really so spoiled .. lol!


TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Another IMAP Question

2004-04-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, April 22, 2004, 10:52:24 PM, you wrote:

CT I know this topic must be boring the pants off non IMAP users but

I'm glad to see it ...

I recently got a little Gentoo server up, with an IMAP
mail server, and TB won't let me make any folders for
that account  ..

I've been trying to figure out whether the mail server is
blocking folder creation somehow, in which case I need to
figure out how to fix it from there, or if it's TB ..

Otherwise it seems to behave more or less like the rest
of the accounts, but then, I'm not using it really
extensively :-)

If anybody knows, it'd save me some aggro; if it's TB,
maybe I need to look at another mailer for that account.



TBv 2.04.7 Windowsv 5
[EMAIL PROTECTED]* * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 2.10.01 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: AB templates

2002-09-24 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, September 24, 2002, 1:39:47 AM, you wrote:

RO Hallo Lynn,

RO On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 09:54:24 -0700GMT (23-9-02, 18:54 +0200GMT, where
RO I live), you wrote:

LT After reading so many posts about the AB templates (but
LT without any real instructions), I decided to give them a
LT shot.

RO OK, let's go for some instructions.

RO There are four different sets of templates in TB and they're used in
RO this priority:
RO Address Book personal templates

These were what I was making.

RO Address Book group templates

Didn't make any of these

RO Folder templates

Got these, they work well except ..

RO Account templates

Also got these, they work fine too, except

RO (Actually there's still another set, the Quick Templates, but those
RO have a different functionality.)

Don't have any of those, unless there are some defaults


RO As soon as you create a folder a set of folder templates is dropped
RO into the folder properties. They are the same as your account
RO templates and they stay synchronized with those as long as you don't
RO change them. That's to say that when you change the reply template for
RO a folder that one stays fixed. When you edit the account reply
RO template afterwards the folder reply template won't change with it.
RO However if you change the account new message template, the folder new
RO message template will synchronize neatly. (Unless you've edited that
RO one too.)

OK, that seems to work fine. I've had those a long time.

RO Folder templates can be very easy to work with, but they include one
RO very big danger. That danger is when you put a %to or %cc macro in it.
RO Suppose you filter all messages from the list tbudl to a folder tbudl,
RO and you create a new message folder template with
RO %to=[EMAIL PROTECTED], that's real nice, next time you create
RO a new message in the tbudl folder it goes straight to the list without
RO you memorizing the address. Well, next time you open your address book
RO and pick a close friend to send him a message, that's fine, but you
RO forgot to check the highlighted folder and so the message goes to
RO tbudl too, with all embarrassing juicy stories. Don't say it won't
RO happen to you, it happens to all of them. So don't use a %to macro in
RO a folder template without a fail safe like:
RO macro checks whether there are any recipients and only if there aren't
RO any a new recipient is created.

I'll bear this in mind, but haven't got any of those
macros in use, so so far have been safe :-)

RO Address book templates are created differently, they're not created
RO when you create a new contact or group, but when you check the box the
RO box at the properties that says 'Use a specific template for .'
RO This is the same for personal and group templates, their behavior is
RO the same same too, so I'll call them in one sweep.
RO When you create a reply template for a contact, you don't have to use
RO a specific new message template or vice versa. They're all optional.
RO The most frequent problem with address book templates is that you've
RO created one and TB doesn't use it when you send a message. The reason
RO that this happens is that you've created two (or more) entries in your
RO address book for the same contact.

Some of my contacts have multiple addy's though ... ?

RO TB will choose an entry (with the
RO correct address) at random and check if that one has a personal
RO template, a group template, whether there's a folder template involved
RO and thanks to the demon Murphy the most embarrassing template will be
RO used. So if you've got problems with address book templates, check for
RO multiple entries.
RO The same goes for contacts that belong to multiple groups with each
RO group it's own group template. If you send a message to an address
RO book group it's ok, TB will select the group template for all
RO contacts. (Excepts for those addresses that have multiple entries,
RO remember the demon Murphy.)
RO When you send a message to one contact and he's a member of different
RO groups each with their own templates, it's impossible to predict which
RO template will be used.

This hasn't been a problem, though some of my contacts are
members of multiple groups. But I have no group templates.

If I were to build group templates .. no, that wouldn't
work, because I *do* have contacts who are members of
multiple groups ...

LT However, I'm missing something, because I either get 2
LT sets of templates on a given mail (where I built the AB
LT templates), or none at all ...  (after dumping the base
LT and folder templates) ...

RO Well, dumping account templates is not the most sensible thing to do.

No, it defeats the whole purpose. I rebuilt them. But I
was getting both templates when I had both account and ab
templates ...

LT So .. would someone clue me as to what I missed? I figure
LT it's a check box somewhere, but I can't find it.

RO No, the 

Re[2]: AB templates

2002-09-24 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, September 24, 2002, 3:48:06 AM, you wrote:

ACM There's another thing that breaks the address book templates being
ACM auto-applied as they should. This is when you have a single entry
ACM but there are multiple addresses entered with duplication of one or
ACM more of them. The even funnier thing is that when I see this
ACM problem/corrupted entry, I *know* that I didn't do it. Deleting the
ACM duplicated addresses fixes the problem.

I had a look, but I don't think I have any of these. I
know I don't on the ones I tried. It's a big enough ab
that it's not real easy to comb it, but the ones I tried
were OK. I'll watch for them ... but what about contacts
who actually do have several different addresses? The same
template will suffice for all of them, in this case, but
how do you handle that?

tnx ..


1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

AB templates

2002-09-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Hi Batters ..

After reading so many posts about the AB templates (but
without any real instructions), I decided to give them a

However, I'm missing something, because I either get 2
sets of templates on a given mail (where I built the AB
templates), or none at all ...  (after dumping the base
and folder templates) ...

So .. would someone clue me as to what I missed? I figure
it's a check box somewhere, but I can't find it.



1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: SpamPAl

2002-09-21 Thread Lynn Turriff

Friday, September 20, 2002, 12:51:59 PM, you wrote:


KC There really is no need to use a 3rd party filter if you invest a
KC little time setting up The Bats filters. The end result is effective
KC spam filtering with only one program ... your e-mail program. The
KC Bat's backup facility allows you to save everything easily. Who could
KC ask for more?

I found this to be true, too, and had a set of filters
working perfectly .. then I had to rebuild the machine,
and for some reason the filters have been a little cranky,
but eventually I'll get them straightened out again.

But a current black list is a useful thing ... and that's
my next move.

Anybody know which black lists are most current/complete,
and so on?



1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Mangled attachments

2002-09-12 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, September 12, 2002, 4:47:51 AM, you wrote:

BBTE For quite some time, I've seen a problem that I thought was a bug in
BBTE TB, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe it's something that I should be
BBTE blaming on NAV.

BBTE When a message with multiple attachments arrives, if the attachments
BBTE are Word files or JPGs, I can count on some file corruption. The JPGs
BBTE will be unreadable or partly readable, for example. This is virtually
BBTE guaranteed to happen if there are 3 or more attachments.

BBTE When the attachment is a zip file, it always seems to arrive intact.

BBTE Is this a problem anyone else on the list has seen? I'd really like to
BBTE retire Eudora, but I can't until I solve this little problem.

I've been using NAV together with TB for 3 years or more,
which means through several versions of NAV (up to NAV
2000) .. I don't recall which version of TB I started
with, but it was before 1.53. In that time I've received
all kinds of attachments. I can't swear that none has ever
arrived corrupt, but it's been rare.

I've been running it all on NT4, and now w2kp ...

I don't suppose this helps much, but ...


1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: In-Reply-To: Reference:

2002-09-04 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, September 3, 2002, 10:53:53 PM, you wrote:

 It's Office 97 Professional ... I'm too mean to upgrade him :-)

DH Perhaps you should, at least Word 2K is a lot better in certain areas
DH (like synonyms, which are now offered directly in the context menu).

He's satisfied with it, and as he uses it mostly for technical
documentation, dictionary stuff is probably not so useful as it might
be otherwise. At least it's been my experience that built in
dictionary stuff is very limited in that way and you generally have to
build a user dictionary anyway.

But whichever, he's satisfied, so that's really what counts.


1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: small feature request

2002-09-04 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, September 4, 2002, 7:41:45 AM, you wrote:

RR Maybe I'm the only one that feels this way though:)

SP No :) There have been much talk regarding this; search the archives.
SP IIRC, someone from Ritlabs has also pointed out why this feature was
SP left out of TB!

Clue us on the reason, Sudip ... I've adjusted to the F4 thing, but
would also like to see it on the right click menu ...

1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: small feature request

2002-09-04 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, September 4, 2002, 9:44:58 AM, you wrote:

No :) There have been much talk regarding this; search the archives.
IIRC, someone from Ritlabs has also pointed out why this feature was
left out of TB!

AdG Oh, but it _is_ there, though in the wrong place. Right-click on the 
AdG Message List, choose Specials, and there it is:  Reply quoting 
AdG selected text.

That's the long way round your elbow to get to your thumb, though.
Easier to learn F4 ... easier still if it were right on the right
click menu on the mail ...


1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: In-Reply-To: Reference:

2002-09-03 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, September 3, 2002, 7:28:48 AM, you wrote:

JA I don't think I can find any information in the MS help files about it
JA storing information about your user details in their documents either,
JA and I'm not just talking about the stuff you can change.  Each
JA document you create gets tagged with a unique identifier made up
JA partially from the MAC address of a network card if you have one. ;)

G It is even worse then that. At the end of most MS Word and Excel files
G you will find a piece of your Harddisk attached. Use a file viewer to
G look through the end of some files and you will never again want to use

G I have deactivated the UI code.

I thought they were supposed to have dropped this .. but I guess I'm
not surprised they didn't.

I don't use the thing, and that's one of the reasons why, though my
husband is forced to use it at work. He has a license for it at home;
how about instructions to deactivate the code? Private mail is fine.

I was all excited about SP 3 for W2kPro, until I discovered the
sniffing component of the thing ... what happens, I wonder, if you try
to load that up on a standalone system with no modem ..?

Well, I'm way OT, but why would any corporation consider this
acceptable? If I'm not leaping to conclusions, a corporation loading
SP3 to a w2k system running Office is agreeing to give MS access to
all its Office documents .. whether MS invokes the option or not. And
if it were my corporation (or my personal data, for that matter), I
wouldn't make a distinction between the record of the document or the
document content .. it's none of their business either way.

I mention the corporate aspect of the thing because no individual is
going to prevail in a quarrel with MS; only a major corporationo has
the resources to fight something like this.

What boggles my mind is that it's still happening ... amazing!

OK, rant over ... back to my corner to do penance Marck, I promise :-)


1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: In-Reply-To: Reference:

2002-09-03 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, September 3, 2002, 11:22:57 AM, you wrote:

LT how about instructions to deactivate the code? Private mail is fine.

G Hi Lynn,
G  I tried to find it again but couldn't. If I remember correctly it was a
G  small patch program. Maybe someone else on this list knows. Which
G  version are you using?

It's Office 97 Professional ... I'm too mean to upgrade him :-)

Thanks, Gerard ..


1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Re: digest and sig delimiter

2002-09-02 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, August 31, 2002, 3:11:13 PM, you wrote:

MSD dear people...

MSD i'm subscribed to a yahoogroups and i use digest mode for the
MSD group. The problem is when someone use the bat sig delimiter
MSD (dash dash space enter) and there are more than 1 message sent in
MSD the digest so the next message after this sig delimiter will be
MSD assumed as a signature... and the result.. whole message after
MSD the delimiter is a signature... How did you solve this ???

Hi -

I belong to such groups, too, but I have them set to individual mails,
and I filter them into a folder so they come in all to the same place.

This list mail comes to a folder called TBUDL ... the TB OT mail
(which is a yahoo group) comes into a folder called TBOT. And so on.

I did try the digests, but it was an awful pain to answer anything in
them. It's much quicker to have the individual mails in one folder,
where I can deal with them when and as I see fit. And the sig thing is
irrelevant then :-)

Hope this helps ..


1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Send-Display Discrepancy (WAS: Trasnfering/synching withoutlook)

2002-09-02 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, September 2, 2002, 12:41:06 PM, you wrote:

MDP Rats! foiled and hoist by my own petard (whatever a petard is)

It's the gizmo that lets you hoist the flag up the pole :-)


1.60m on Win2kPro SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Re[2]: Beginners List

2002-08-26 Thread Lynn Turriff

Friday, August 23, 2002, 1:16:46 PM, you wrote:

 That wasn't what got my attention, but I have been
 beginning to think there was something wrong with me. I
 thought it was as easy to get off the ground as anything
 I'd ever used, too.

E Of course, it is easy to get off the ground.  What it isn't, is
E free.  Outlook Express, Netscape, Eudora, Pegasus, are.

Hi Elaine -

Cheap at the price, though ... when I found it I promptly
bought enough licenses for the whole family .. and even my
non-geek brother uses it. I didn't have to strong-arm even
one of them!

Free is only a good price if the product is what you


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: Beginners List

2002-08-21 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, August 20, 2002, 10:07:49 AM, you wrote:

E Yes, I think people are wonderful about answering the questions
E that newcomers might pose, if the newcomers are willing to
E surface.  But many threads are way over their heads or of no
E interest to a beginner who is attempting to learn the very basics
E of the program, isn't into ascii art, HTML, signature keys, etc.
E Certainly, the delete key is available, but a lot of beginners
E are going to give up the ship before it even pulls away from
E shore.

I'm not sure that's true .. If I were a beginner getting
discouraged, I'd probably have jumped in here to agree or
disagree, but no one seems to have done that ..

When I started reading this list a lot of it was over my
head, and still is, but I've kind have gotten hooked ..
I'd think that any beginners who tried TB and liked it but
couldn't figure things out would hang around .. and any
who were intimidated would probably have been intimidated
by the software and gone to something else anyway.

Just my 2¢ ...


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: Beginners List

2002-08-21 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, August 21, 2002, 11:04:13 AM, you wrote:

B IMHO, most anyone who bothers to find out about TB and
B downloads it to give it a shot is, by definition,
B probably NOT a beginner at e-mail. They are
B specifically looking for something more advanced than
B what they are currently using or else they wouldn't be
B trying out TB. :-)

Probably true :-) *Real* beginners don't know they have a
choice :-)


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Re[3]: Beginners List

2002-08-21 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, August 21, 2002, 6:10:03 PM, you wrote:

R actually that's exactly how I found the bat!. I was looking for
R something that functioned and was more advanced than what I was
R using.

Hi Razgo -

Did you find it difficult to set up and use?

I've been using TB for several years, but until fairly
recently when I upgraded my system and needed a fix for an
annoying glitch, I didn't use much except the basic
filtering .. having found this list, I've expanded some ..
but I found it very easy to set up and use the basic
functions when I first got hold of it.

I've looked at a few other mailers since, but nothing
comes close, in terms of ease of use or power.



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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: Some fun with Notes

2002-08-20 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, August 19, 2002, 1:35:31 PM, you wrote:


DH Seems the site sometimes has some trouble. Yesterday I
DH couldn't access it, and now it takes forever. One has
DH to try ...

Ah .. I couldn't get there from the link, so I googled
'Interface Hall of Shame', and got right in .. strange.


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Re: Take the bat to linux (offical linux bat thread).

2002-08-20 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, August 20, 2002, 5:50:29 AM, you wrote:

BH Ok the last time I asked if it could be done. It can
BH so how many would like to see it on linux?

I would .. when I get my box up again :-)

I didn't find a really satisfactory client when I had it
up before. They worked, but ...

BH Also How many would pay for it on linux?

If that's what it took, and the price was no higher.
What's one more license? lol!


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Re[2]: [SAtalk] Another one for the RATWARE check?

2002-08-14 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, August 13, 2002, 6:58:16 PM, you wrote:

[snip most of long, interesting discussion]

TF Am I right in assuming that you won't block Outlook, because you
TF can't do *that*! ?

I'm butting in here, but ...

I've been working on anti spam for the last few months,
and well over half the spam that comes into my box comes
via Outlook or Outlook Express. It may be as high as 90%,
the rest coming through hotmail and mailers of that ilk
with a sprinkling of Eudora and commercial stuff I don't
recognize. I have yet to see any spam come through with TB
or Poco on it.

The highest percentage by far comes in labeled Outlook or
OE... but I'll eat my trackball if anybody ever filters on

I'm also receiving some stuff with clearly forged headers
- this I know because some of it has my own address in the
'from' field ...

So I'd be leery to filter on X-headers or mailers.

Just my 2¢ worth ...


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[4]: [SAtalk] Another one for the RATWARE check?

2002-08-14 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, August 14, 2002, 6:46:21 AM, you wrote:

 The highest percentage by far comes in labeled Outlook or
 OE... but I'll eat my trackball if anybody ever filters on

SH I did in my office server. I made Outlook Filtering
SH since last 2-years for any of /outgoing/ messages from
SH our office staff. No one can use Outlook in my office
SH :-)

Oh dear .. and it's an old trackball, and kind of grubby,


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: [SAtalk] Another one for the RATWARE check?

2002-08-14 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, August 14, 2002, 12:13:15 PM, you wrote:

LT Oh dear .. and it's an old trackball, and kind of grubby,
LT too!lol!

C Your trackball is still safe .. syafril is blocking OUTGOING
C Outlook.
C He is not filtering incoming.

C Cheers Yall
C -Cricket

What a relief! It's a decidedly unappetizing proposition -



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Re[2]: anti-spam suggestions

2002-08-13 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, August 12, 2002, 10:20:45 PM, you wrote:

LT I tried it for a while, too, but have found that TB
LT filtering is more effective

WM As an aside, a female friend was receiving unwanted
WM emails from an admirer - not typical spam. I suggested
WM she 'bounce' them using Mailwasher and they stopped.

That's cool .. I'll bear it in mind in case I meet a
similar situation ;-)

But spammers seem to use bots of one sort or another, and
a couple of the people on this list (now including me) are
convinced that bouncing spam just lets them know you are
there ... mine increased after using mailwasher, but is
thinning out now with the filters. It's taking a while,
but I have an *old* email address, and there's a *lot* of

I also found mailwasher slow .. and it takes long enough
to deal with the mail already.

I'm sure MW is a good option for some, particularly if
their mailers don't have really good filtering, but I'll
go with the filters.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: Sorting Office

2002-08-12 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, August 11, 2002, 3:38:36 PM, you wrote:

 Come on Thomas, you have to be a bit more open minded.
 He's not asking to make it bigger, just re-sizeable.
 You could keep it as small as you wanted for yourself.

DAC It is not the size which I find lacking, but the lack
DAC of ability to search.

Yes to both!


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re: OT: Double Negative (was: Sorting Office)

2002-08-12 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, August 12, 2002, 7:16:05 PM, you wrote:

TF What I am saying is that the double negative should be avoided in
TF English, as otherwise nobody won't understand nothing! ;-)

That's about what they told me when I was in school .. but
they put it considerably more strongly than that :-)

In those days, a double negative was a positive, and
therefore invalid, and resulted in negative results
gradewise speaking! lol!


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re[2]: anti-spam suggestions

2002-08-12 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, August 12, 2002, 9:03:31 PM, you wrote:

B FWIW, Mailwasher is not an AV program. It's like TB's
B Mail Dispatcher on steroids. I gave up using it because
B its bounce feature (which seems to make it attractive)
B does nothing to reduce spam.

I tried it for a while, too, but have found that TB
filtering is more effective .. and faster..  IMHO ..


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Re: Reply editor?

2002-07-30 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 30, 2002, 12:45:15 AM, you wrote:

JF I have a few friends who absolutely insist to work with OE 6.0,
JF with the
JF html editor on. :-(
JF I don't mind, but replying is a horror: the quoted lines are
JF over 160
JF characters wide! Is there anything I can do about that? I tried
JF to set
JF my editor to 72 characters, but that only works for my replies,
JF not for
JF their quoted text. Is there a macro to limit the width of quoted
JF text?

I don't know if this will work for your particular
problem, but I receive a lot of such mail, too. I left
your para above as it came in when I hit F4 on it - what I
do with this stuff is hit Alt-L on the line, and it generally
reformats as below -

JF I have a few friends who absolutely insist to work
JF with OE 6.0, with the html editor on. :-( I don't
JF mind, but replying is a horror: the quoted lines are
JF over 160 characters wide! Is there anything I can do
JF about that? I tried to set my editor to 72 characters,
JF but that only works for my replies, not for their
JF quoted text. Is there a macro to limit the width of
JF quoted text?

I do get some stuff this doesn't work on (nothing is
absolute, eh?), and it always works on text, as your
message is - I haven't paid a lot of attention to which
particular mails it doesn't work on, but a lot of my
correspondents use html mode, and it most often works.


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re: Firewalls that don't interfere with TB. Was: Question

2002-07-29 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 29, 2002, 12:01:25 PM, you wrote:

On the subject of firewalls, I'm using the Wingate (v4.x)
firewall (which doesn't interfere with TB), but I have no
clue how reliable it is.

Anybody know? I don't know any way to test it, other than
Steve Gibsons port prober, which says it's cool ...


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Norton Anti Virus 2001 and TheBat

2002-07-28 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, July 27, 2002, 8:45:44 PM, you wrote:

KLc Yep, that's what I was suggesting he do. Scanning
KLc outbound mail is, to me, redundant, assuming NAV is
KLc doing its job in the first place, and that stupid
KLc splash/banner (which cannot be turned off if the
KLc outbound scanning is on) drives me crazy (I get/send
KLc a lot of email).
One suspects that it does it so the recipient can see the
'scanned virus free by Norton' note that it puts in the
email, but that's pointless too, since you have to open
the mail to read it.

Symantec has been spending too much time with MS methinks



1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Norton Anti Virus 2001 and TheBat

2002-07-28 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, July 28, 2002, 1:19:24 PM, you wrote:

JBL On Sunday, July 28, 2002, 4:47:00 PM, Lynn Turriff wrote:

 One suspects that it does it so the recipient can see the
 'scanned virus free by Norton' note that it puts in the
 email, but that's pointless too, since you have to open
 the mail to read it.

JBL I have never seen this notice - are you sure it is NAV that puts it
JBL on, and not the user?

JBL Julian

Nope - I'm using an older version; but I've seen notices
on incoming mail that are being generated somewhere. I
thought I had seen Norton's sign on some of them. The
latest and greatest is running on my husband's machine,
complete with popups and deeply buried controls. I
connected the two, perhaps too quickly.

I may have assumed incorrectly .. One day I'll go into the
thing on his machine and see if I can get some irritating
stuff turned off. If he doesn't get to it first. He
doesn't do much email, so doesn't get to the hair tearing
stage as quickly as I do, but if he's in the mood ...


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[5]: Norton Anti Virus 2001 and TheBat

2002-07-28 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, July 28, 2002, 2:25:12 PM, you wrote:

JR Sudip is right though - both 2000 and 2001 need manual
JR configuration
JR of The Bat to scan mail. I cannot see how email scanning
JR will occur if
JR this is not done.

KLcAs I said, I *did* tell Nav that I was using an other email
KLcclient, and it did scan incoming email, little envelopes in
KLc the
KLcsystem tray and all. What I didn't have to do was touch TB at
KLc all.
KLcNorton handled everything itself. All I had to do was turn
KLc email
KLcscanning on. That's it. :) 

You know it seems to me that it might depend what OS you
are running .. I never had to do anything with NT, but
have begun to suspect that my mail isn't being directly
scanned in Win2kPro ...

In NT Norton put a line in the hosts file, but he didn't
put one in this one.

But I never had to change TB config with NT ..


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: TheBat! filtered for spam

2002-07-27 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, July 27, 2002, 4:02:54 AM, you wrote:

TF Thanks to you and all the people that have given examples of how
TF they
TF use the mass mailing feature without being spammers. I've
TF learned that
TF there is quite a legitimate use for the feature. I might even
TF look
TF into it myself. ;-)

First you have to get your *entire* extended family on
line :-)


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Need help with a Klez filter!

2002-07-27 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, July 27, 2002, 2:47:34 PM, you wrote:

JS Excuse  me  for  jumping  in,  but  I DO use NAV with TB!, and
JS that IS
JS exactly  what  NAV  does!  It  squirrels  the  email *directly*
JS to its
JS quarantine  directory  and  does *not* let come into the Inbox.
JS And in
JS fact, I *don't* see it there.

JS My personal experience...

I'm pretty sure mine does too .. or actually deletes it.
It's in the settings somewhere, I think - you can tell it
to quarantine or delete.


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re: Skipping parts not interesting

2002-07-27 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, July 27, 2002, 5:31:46 PM, you wrote:

A Speaking of which, what proportion of folks do skip
A threads entirely on such basis? Versus reading all
A mail.

I do.

A I'd be curious. And I wonder too what ya do with
A threads with a bunch of Unread status indicators, sort
A of glaring at you. And liable to pull you back towards
A them depending how you're advancing to new mail.

Delete, delete, delete ... :-) I'm ruthless, and fast :-)


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Skipping parts not interesting

2002-07-27 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, July 27, 2002, 8:14:11 PM, you wrote:

AdG I  think it is the duty of every subscriber to read every message
AdG that  is being potsted on TBUDL.

TF No. It is the right of every subscriber, but not the duty. I read the
TF first and maybe second message of every thread, and if it goes a way
TF that I am not interested in, I don't have an obligation to follow the
TF thread any further. That is my privilege.

Thanks, Thomas ... I'm still not sure our leg isn't being
pulled here though :-)


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: No Exit

2002-07-25 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, July 25, 2002, 1:46:28 AM, you wrote:

JP Hello Adam
JP You wrote  On Wed, 24 Jul 2002, at 22:54:57 [GMT -0230] (11:24:57 Thursday, 25 
July 2002 where I live):-

 Some tasks are now active
 Do you want to exit when they are finished?

 Yes// No //

JP IMO this is an annoying bug.  In my case Bat! thinks I am still trying to
JP download, when a bum connection has forced me to cancel the job.

JP Bat! will not close with this annoying message.

I've found it annoying, too, but yesterday when my server
was fouled somehow and TB pulled this trick, I was able to
hit 'abort' on the connection window, and sonofagun, it
did, and I was able to close it without killing it! On
close it said 'said 'server not ready' ... I wouldn't have
known that had I had to kill it.


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[4]: Filters again

2002-07-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 5:29:50 PM, you wrote:

TM All you would need to do is highlight the msg and
TM Ctrl-W to add the new spamer to the AB Group and
TM away you go...

LT I'd rather not do this, if it can be avoided, but anyway

JN Lynn,

JN I'm interested in why you would rather not pursue the
JN AB approach.

Because, as I mentioned in a previous mail, either I have
to put them in my 'personal' AB, where I don't want them,
even as a group, or make a new AB which would have to be
made the default (as nearly as I can tell) to be used in
the filters.

I'll bear it in mind, but for the moment I'm looking at
Allie's system, in part because I'm more than halfway

I may start the new AB so as to have a new strategy in the
pipeline, in case you turn out to be right :-)


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 5:24:16 PM, you wrote:


Hi Allie -

ACM Sounds like you need to invest in one of those
ACM specialist spam filtering tools that have been
ACM mentioned on this list now and then, like Spam Weasel
ACM or SpamCop.

I may resort to that, but looking at some of the filters
to automate it has given me vertigo, so I'm putting it off
till I have a better understanding of the filtering thing.

ACM You could also try the filter be exclusion technique.
ACM This one is based on the fact that if you filter mail
ACM from everyone you expect mail from then everything
ACM else should be spam. I personally do the following in
ACM the order mentioned:

Yes .. this is where I'm headed. I'm now running into
ordering issues, so have kept your list. tnx.

ACM PS// To be truthful, since I've obtained a primary MX
ACM Server for my domain mail, my spam message influx has
ACM been reduced from 20 spam messages a day to 1-2 per
ACM week.

Not an option here for some time to come, unfortunately.
Attractive, though :-)

I appreciate all the input -


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 3:28:25 PM, you wrote:

 so do I list this as 'sender', or as 'kludges', or

DAC I'm using sender for those.

Hmmm .. then I think my current problems must be mostly
the order.



1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 23, 2002, 10:13:11 AM, you wrote:

RO Hallo Lynn,

RO On Tue, 23 Jul 2002 09:01:08 -0700GMT (23-7-02, 18:01 +0200GMT, where
RO I live), you wrote:

LT Because, as I mentioned in a previous mail, either I have
LT to put them in my 'personal' AB, where I don't want them,
LT even as a group, or make a new AB which would have to be
LT made the default (as nearly as I can tell) to be used in
LT the filters.

RO When you define a new address book and create a group in there, you
RO could test for the addresses being present in that group.

RO I've used the same strategy in the past to add people to specific
RO AB's.

Yes, it's easy to add them, but when I went to build a
filter, my choice was the default AB + it's groups.

If this doesn't work out I'll have another look, but I
don't want a thousand spam addresses in my main AB, nor do
I really want to change the default.


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Hi all -

I just want to thank everybody who helped out with this
filtering. I think it's working fairly well now, though it
could use some tweaking. I'm hoping to do that without
hollering help, though :-)


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[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Filters again

2002-07-22 Thread Lynn Turriff

Hi all -

I've been building spam filters lately, as some of you are
aware, and it seemed like I ought to be able to use the
'add' button on the 'general' tab of the filters page to
make a list of addresses that ought to go into a
particular folder. But for some reason those filters are
being totally ignored - So I must be missing something.
I've shifted it (them) around a bit in the heirarchy, but
no result. Here's a sample of the spam filter - I wanted
to do the same with other stuff that belongs in other
folders, but getting the same result. The filters are
ignored. Anyway, here it is:

Name: SpamAdd
Active: 1
Source: \\Lynn\Inbox
Target: \\Lynn\Trash
CopyFolder: none
MainSet: 20Investigate ANYONE Online
MainSet: 00Home Biz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MainSet: 00candyflynn@themailcom
MainSet: 00kenisha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MainSet: 00boakPurrila Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ColourGroup: default
HotKey: 0
IsOfColour: default
SizeBigger: 0
SizeSmaller: 0
AgeOlder: 0
AgeNewer: 0
InAddrPos: 0
OutAddrPos: 0
KillMethod: 0
SysSound: 0
SoundTime: 0:00-0:00
AllowTime: 0:00-0:00

tia ..


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-22 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 8:49:10 AM, you wrote:

TM I would suggest a little different approach.  Put all your spam
TM addresses in a 'spamers' AB group, then have your filter process
TM against that AB group.  That way you don't need to modify your filter
TM each time you want to add a new spamer.  All you would need to do is
TM highlight the msg and Ctrl-W to add the new spamer to the AB Group and
TM away you go...

I'd rather not do this, if it can be avoided, but anyway
... see below ...

TM btw, you would do this on the 'Advanced' tab most of the way to the
TM bottom. Look for 'Address(es) must be listed in the address book:'
TM section.

I must be running an older version of TB than you are; the
advanced tab in my sorting office/filters has no such
box :-( I could upgrade, but have they fixed the memory
leak does anybody know? Never mind, I probably wouldn't
use the rtf viewer anyway ...



1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-22 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 8:11:39 AM, you wrote:

JA Yes... I think you're making a long AND query... so ALL the
JA addresses
JA would have to be listed.  Move all but the first one to the
JA alternatives page, and try running the filter again.

I did that - moved all but the first address to the
alternatives tab, by hitting 'add set' for each ... if I
do that, it'll make the rule 'or'? Or should I have hit
alt-ins ... ?

At any rate, I fixed one of the smaller filters this way,
and after I closed it a couple of them came in, not
filtered ...

Another thing - how can I add just the isp name to the
filter? I get several mails a day from same domain, all
with different prefixes and subjects .. would be nice to
be able to add to the list somehow. I've
tried that a couple of ways, but 

thanks again ..


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-22 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 1:03:51 PM, you wrote:


LG It has, I'm sure about that. This setting has been there for quite a
LG while now (as far back as my TB experience goes, which must be 1.47
LG Halloween Edition, IIRC). There is also a scroll bar on this tab which
LG allows one to scroll down to more options.

Yes, I found it .. but it only selects the default address
book, so either you have to put all your spam addresses
into your personal book (not acceptable), or have a
separate spam AB as default .. also not workable. Unless I
missed something?

I really don't want to put a few hundred (thousand?) spam
addys in there, even sorted to a separate group ..

LG But most people tend to miss that little detail. ;-)

That's the little detail I missed .. duh!

I upgraded anyway .. I dl'ed it when the notice came in,
just didn't get around to the install. Now it's done!


1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-22 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 1:04:51 PM, you wrote:

MDP Completely. In build 'q' of 1.60. 1.61 was 100% stable and 1.62
MDP is
MDP now in beta. Keep up!! ;-)

MDP - --
MDP Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator

Honey, if I could reduce this damn spam to a sensible
level, I might be able to keep TB up to date! lol!


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-22 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 1:14:55 PM, you wrote:


JA You use Add Set.  I think alt-ins adds an AND to the OR statement.
JA So it'd be like this:

JA   A or B AND C

OK, I thought that might be the way it worked.

JA Hrm... no idea.

I'll go over them again .. who knows what I might have

 Another thing - how can I add just the isp name to the
 filter? I get several mails a day from same domain, all
 with different prefixes and subjects .. would be nice to
 be able to add to the list somehow. I've
 tried that a couple of ways, but 

JA Have you tried adding just  I think you can, you may
JA have to enable regexp though.

I did, but now you mention it, I might not have checked
the regexp box .. OK, will comb them for that, too.



1.60q on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filters again

2002-07-22 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 22, 2002, 1:36:41 PM, you wrote:


DAC First, is there some advantage to having one filter with all the
DAC alternative spam items, instead of a number of filters.

I don't know .. but my filter list is so long that if I
want to find one for some reason, it's an awful pain, and
it's also a pain to sort.

I thought if I grouped them, or some of them at least, it
would be more manageable. Maybe not .. it's a 'let's try
this' thing .. shrug

Some of the stuff I'm filtering is legit mail that I just
want to route to a particular folder .. newsletter stuff
that they garble by giving each one a new name. Arrgghh!

DAC Second, at least when you have one item per filter, you can have
DAC sender just be, and then you will catch,
DAC,, etc. If you just do
DAC spammail and leave off the dot com, you will also get

Aha ... so do I list this as 'sender', or as 'kludges', or

I wasn't sure if the '@' was necessary or not ...



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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: TheBat! filtered for spam (again)

2002-07-21 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, July 21, 2002, 6:34:34 PM, you wrote:

DH Only six of the 21 spam messages lack X-MSMail-Priority and none
DH of
DH them are hard core spam. They're spam for insurance or vacations
DH or
DH something equally innocuous. The nastiest ones all have the
DH X-MSMail-Priority or X-MS-Priority: header and as mentioned,
DH almost
DH all are HTML mail. All the html mail have a X-MS component.

This stuff may be innocuous in that it's more or less
inoffensive, but when it comes purporting to be *from*
your own address, it's pretty annoying.

Not from TB, though .. don't think I've ever seen spam
with TB as the mailer .. yet. In time, no doubt.

Most of mine that comes from an actual mail client (as
opposed to aol, hotmail, yahoo .. ) seems to come from
Outlook, or a spam mail client. I'm with the guy who
things they ought to block Outlook :-)


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: OT: Sharing after marriage

2002-07-17 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 10:56:35 AM, you wrote:

TF I believe for dual boot you need seperate partitions anyway.
TF (Partition Magic comes to mind.) If you have programs or data on the
TF NTFS partition (and you will have), I have no idea whether it is
TF possible to recover these when you go back to FAT32.

I haven't dual booted for some time, but I do use
Partition Magic fairly regularly. It will convert some
file systems back and forth safely - as I rarely do that,
unless someone has carelessly formatted a 20G partition to
FAT and it needs to go to NTFS, I don't remember the lurid
details, but it will do some for sure.

No doubt the latest version will do more than the one I am
using, too. A very reliable utility, in my experience.


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: [OT] I hate HTML mail

2002-07-17 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 4:35:03 PM, you wrote:

BK NOOO! Why do you use Opera?  It isn't properly CSS or HTML compliant!
BK Please please please use a browser based on the Gecko engine (like
BK Mozilla or K-Meleon) to give web site designers (such as me) an actual
BK standard that we can work to without fear of browsers such as this!
BK Mozilla 1.0 supports tabs just like Opera, comes without any adverts and
BK supports resumeable downloads.

I can't speak for Richard, but I use Opera (have for
several years), and find very few sites that don't display
properly - though there are a few with java functions I
have to go to IE for.

Apart from the tabs (I often have a dozen pages open on
loading), I like the way it's hotlists work, and it's options for
form filling. It's stability is much less critical now
than it was when I started using it, but that was an

I did dl Mozilla, but haven't checked it out yet .. One
day I'll do that, and hopefully will never have to resort
to the Infernal Exploder again.

BK But hey, at least we're not talking Netscape 4.7.  Don't even get me
BK started on that! ;)

No chance :-)


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: OT: Sharing after marriage

2002-07-17 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 8:47:11 AM, you wrote:


JA Although they found the plain text switch... try looking at the
JA headers.  If I remember correctly, (at least the version I saw
JA anyway), put in a whole load of X- headers for other incredimail
JA users, which can create a substantial over head... especially as one
JA plain text mail that was sent to a list had nearly 22 X-* headers for
JA just a plain text message.

JA - --
JA Jonathan Angliss


No doubt .. but even that is better than some of the
formatting that comes from these things.

I don't really care what they use, but I always appreciate
it if they'll turn it all off and just send text when
sending to me :-)


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: OT: Sharing after marriage

2002-07-17 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 8:32:20 AM, you wrote:

JA I personally cannot stand emails flying into my inbox
JA with size 50 purple font, on yellow backgrounds (which
JA is always the case from a friend). That is something I
JA like about TB!, the ability to turn off the HTML when
JA it comes in. I unfortunately couldn't work out how to
JA do that in OE/OL.

JA - --
JA Jonathan Angliss

That's no joy, but it's the 5pt fonts in pale green on
pale blue that make me froth at the mouth .. if you don't
want it read, why send it? lol!

Websites, too, come to think of it ..


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Well off topics

2002-07-17 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 10:34:24 AM, you wrote:

JA Hash: SHA1

JA On Wednesday, July 17, 2002, Michael Thompson wrote...

 I am using WinXP Professional and every once in a while I am unable
 to delete some directorys, rename them etc. I get the Message that
 it may be in use by another process or user.


Here too, with WinNT4 and W2kPro. W2k seems a little
better at releasing the files .. sometimes a drive refresh
will do it. Sometimes not.


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Well off topics

2002-07-17 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 12:11:42 PM, you wrote:


 sometimes a drive refresh will do it. Sometimes not.

MO Ehrr? What is a drive refresh?

Sorry .. just do view/refresh in the explorer on whatever drive
had the stuck folder in it ..   *Sometimes* that works ..


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[4]: Sliding screen

2002-07-16 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 6:22:01 AM, you wrote:

DvRC Ehm, I just noticed that Internet Explorer does the same thing
DvRC when
DvRC you just miss the vertical scroll bar and drag the mouse
DvRC sideways.

I've been reading this thread with interest, because I've
noticed the same thing .. or at least, I thought I had,
but now I'm confused .. I didn't think it was the folder
pane, I thought it was the mail list.

At least I fixed my problem by doing what Marck (I think
it was, mail now gone) said with reference to the columns
settings. Whoever it was, thank you!


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re: OT: Sharing after marriage

2002-07-16 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 12:06:15 AM, you wrote:

SP Hi Batpeople,

SPHow do you, married folks, manage to share the same computer with
SPyour wife err.. spouse to be gender sensitive, specially if she/he
SPis of IncrediMail genus, without loosing your cool ?? !!

I was going to say, as several others have, that it's time
for the second computer, but they beat me to it. And I
assume if it was a really viable option, you'd have done

I'm not sure though why you can't just run separate mail
clients - I know several people who do, and I've done it
myself. Two of you can't use the same machine
simultaneously, so I'm not clear on the problem. Unless
it's the *mail account* you have to share?

Uh oh ... Any way you can get a  separate mail box? Not
sure where you're located, but North American ISP's will
often supply an additional mailbox (account) for a smallish
fee. They don't always make this clear up front, so might
be worth asking them. My account has 5, which covers the
household nicely. So even if we had to share a machine,
we could use separate clients.

All my mob are Bat-using geeks, though :-)


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: OT: Sharing after marriage

2002-07-16 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 8:16:26 AM, you wrote:

SP Everytime she gets mail (which is one every minute!!), her
SP animated
SP cute doggy notifier pops up and announces new mail with most
SP irritating of barks ! If she'd only agree to learn TB! sigh..

Would make me crazy .. I support a friend who has all
these toys, and it makes me *nuts* trying to do anything
on her system .. .. but she always says .. 'oh, go ahead
and close all that stuff', so it's just a matter of 10
minutes of shutting stuff down. I've given up trying to
reform her, but I don't have to live with it :-)

SP This
SP is just one example, other vandalism in her part includes
SP setting up
SP 700KB BMP image as a desktop wallpaper, windows themes that'll
SP give
SP you migraine, inadvertently shuffling directories around so my
SP visual
SP basic projects go berserk searching for the linked databases and
SP files, etc, etc

I can never figure out how people who compute this way can
find anything .. but then, they are the ones always losing
stuff, aren't they? lol! It does sound like a quick trip
to the rubber room ..

SP I would say this calls for a new computer, wouldn't you?

Immediately, if not sooner ...

LT And I assume if it was a really viable option, you'd
LT have done it.

SP Except for /mucho dinero/ all other options are viable
SP ! When I was still a bachelor, no wonder all my
SP married friends were broke :(

Yeah .. but it does seem like something to put high on the
priority list. You have my total sympathy. As I said in a
previous mail, my lot are either geeks or don't dare
change anything on my system; but in any case our system
is .. well, mature, I guess you'd call it, so only my
brother is a nomad, and he's setting his system up now so
will soon be able to commit whatever vandalism he likes
without criticism. He's a good sharer, though. Still, if
he starts sending out IncrediMail, we'll choke him! lol!

Actually, one of the people I correspond with recently
upgraded to IncrediMail, but when I complained, she
managed to find the 'plain text' switch immediately. If
only I could get the M$ users trained ...

Good luck with it!


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[4]: OT: Sharing after marriage

2002-07-16 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 9:02:35 AM, you wrote:

JB Computers are designed to entertain and I say if people *want* to send
JB e-mail as html by god let 'em.

So far, so good, but a lot of the html mail I get is
nearly unreadable ... if they'd compose for readability
instead of animated gifs and gadgetry, and choose colour
schemes/backgrounds that didn't obscure the message, it
wouldn't be so objectionable, even not considering the
space/bandwidth issues .. I'm not even going to bring up
type size ...

JB Strength is diversity not in training conformity.

It certainly is .. but users of M$ software who have never
looked at anything else, much less the settings for the
software they are using are hardly 'diversified' ... too many
people have been *seriously* trained never to change
anything on the computers they are using.

This is due in large part to vendor support whose first
reaction to some problem is to a) find out what
'non-standard' (read 'non-M$') software is on the machine,
and b) strip it off. Oddly, no one seems to notice that
that generally doesn't fix the problem, but it does make
people scared to try different software options.

Anyway, I don't care what people use in general, and this
clearly doesn't apply to my IncrediMail friend .. I just
much prefer to get *my* mail plain text ... there's a switch
for that .. in almost all the clients I've seen :-)


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filter question

2002-07-14 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, July 14, 2002, 2:49:42 AM, you wrote:

TF This is absolutely correct. Sorry, I didn't point it out. You need to
TF copy the file account.srx from the account with the filters to the
TF account where you want the filters to be copied to. It is a good idea
TF to back up (rename) the file account.srx in the destination directory
TF first.

Thanks to you both .. this'll make life easier :-)


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filter question

2002-07-13 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, July 11, 2002, 8:40:00 PM, you wrote:

JA Hi Lynn,
JA On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 06:52:49 -0700, you wrote:

 In my quest for spam reduction options, I've decided to
 filter on the ip's of spam mails which apparently have
 forged 'from' addresses. If I make a list of these and use
 the 'add' button to add a rule, will these rules be
 applied as 'or', or as 'and' .. ?

JA I'd have thought trying to filter on IP addresses is a little difficult to do
JA when it comes to spam, seeing as the large number of sources.  You'll be forever
JA updating your filters, and then eventually get lost in the massive list.  You
JA may even end up filtering mail you probably shouldn't.  Just a thought ;)

I'm not doing them all, but there are a few obvious
troublemakers ..


JA Selective Downloads filter allows you to read a text file if I remember
JA correctly.  I've seen some people utilising this to block known spammers
JA locations.

I need to look at this further .. it has a blacklist
already loaded .. do you (or anybody) know if this is
updated anywhere?

JA I think one of the better methods would be to speak to your mail provider, and
JA see if they can implement real time black lists, and use services such as
JA or even  Again, just a thought.

I'm trying to start only one project at a time .. this
month's project is filters :-) I have alternatives stacked
up, and will get to them all eventually :-)

Thanks for adding a few more to the list .. My projected
lifespan is coming up on 239 years! lolol!


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: OT - samba stuff

2002-07-13 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, July 13, 2002, 10:01:12 AM, you wrote:

JA Hi Lynn,
JA On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 08:57:44 -0700, you wrote:

 JA Did you install swat?  It's a nice samba configuration generator in a web
 JA browser.. makes things a lot easier :)
 Oh yes ... it may have been a hardware thing, I couldn't
 get swat to work at all for a while; it sort of crippled
 along on a subsequent install, but I still couldn't get it
 working. I also tried another configuration thing whose
 name I can't recall, and I also tried a SUSE install of
 LINUX which got me no further. I've got another box in the
 pipeline, though, so am hoping for a better result.

JA There are a couple of configurations you have to set before swat works.  I think
JA one of them is in /etc/services and the other is in /etc/xinetd.d/swat (or
JA similar).  I'll re-install samba, and swat on here tonight, and let you know :) 
JA If you're using RedHat, then using the RPM files does most of the work for you,
JA but you still need to tweak one or two things ;)

I appreciate *all* input, but will have to hold it all
until this box comes free .. the time is not yet .. but
soon, I hope.

Personal mail is fine, this is a bit out in the
stratosphere, OTopically speaking :-)



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Bug Reports:

Re[4]: Filter question

2002-07-13 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, July 13, 2002, 10:06:00 AM, you wrote:

JA Hi Lynn,
JA On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 09:17:43 -0700, you wrote:

 I'm not doing them all, but there are a few obvious
 troublemakers ..

JA Most or .kr and those kind of areas? ;)

The ones I'm actually trying to block this way are forged
'froms' .. EU and Asia, mostly, according to the whois

 I need to look at this further .. it has a blacklist
 already loaded .. do you (or anybody) know if this is
 updated anywhere?

JA Erm... I didn't know there was a pre-loaded blacklist, so I couldn't say.  May
JA be something I missed somewhere, and cannot check until monday.  Take a look at
JA the filter, and see where it references.

Can't think where it could have come from, then :-) But
I've got a couple, and would like to implement them .. I
may have taken one of them and loaded it, but don't
actually know if the format is correct, and so on.

So if it wasn't preloaded, will it work with CR
separations? lol!

JA Just out of curiousity, does anybody know if you can reference a file on a
JA webserver to use instead of a local file in the selective downloads thing?  Like
JA for example:  Would be good... could then
JA start working on a central type of system to block more spammers, and pool
JA everybody's knowledge, and experiences ;)

A great idea .. I want in on this.


JA That is why the rbl's are left to your mail provider, and not you ;)

Well.. yabut .. I'd kind of rather do it myself, if I can
put something together that'll work. Partly because I'm
hammerheaded, and partly because of things like I hear
occasionally from people on other lists .. ... sorry I've
been absent, but I had to change ISP's, and now my lists don't
come through, and I finally called them, and their spam
filters won't allow it .. they say they'll work on it.. 

There isn't a lot of it about, but complaints may cause
more of it, and I'm a tinkerer by nature :-)

I should ask this in a separate mail, I suppose, but is
there any way I can copy a set of filters from this
machine over to another, or do I have to rebuild the whole
set? It's kind of time consuming ...


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filter question

2002-07-13 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, July 13, 2002, 10:09:24 PM, you wrote:

JA Hi Thomas,
JA On Sun, 14 Jul 2002 11:38:56 +0700, you wrote:

 ..for example copying the account.srx file over. ;-)

JA Wouldn't know what the file was... but I'm sure you're probably right... I would
JA peek, but work is a little far away ;)

I found it, but it's only 1k ... I have a *lot* of filters
.. would this be it? or .. wait .. in the account folder
there's one that's 44k .. sounds more likely ..?


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Bug Reports:

Filter question

2002-07-11 Thread Lynn Turriff

Hi guys ..

In my quest for spam reduction options, I've decided to
filter on the ip's of spam mails which apparently have
forged 'from' addresses. If I make a list of these and use
the 'add' button to add a rule, will these rules be
applied as 'or', or as 'and' .. ?

If the latter, can I make a list on the 'alternative' tab,
and if I do that, how do I separate them? Or do I need to
do it a completely different way?

Wish I could just paste a text file someplace ...



1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filter question

2002-07-11 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, July 11, 2002, 12:18:00 PM, you wrote:

TF Hello Robert,

TF On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 14:25:02 -0400 GMT (12/07/02, 01:25 +0700 GMT),
TF Robert  D. wrote:

 Copy everything between beginfilter  endfilter
 Go to sorting office incoming mail filter and press Ctr-V

RD I like this idea ---so I tried it and, obviously, nothing happens on what
RD I am running. Shouldn't I have seen a new filter called *Spam Filter* ???

TF She should have said including BeginFilter and Endfilter.

I'm not savvy enough to have said anything like that -
yet :-)


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filter question

2002-07-11 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, July 11, 2002, 6:59:10 AM, you wrote:

G Hi Lynn,

G Copy everything between beginfilter  endfilter
G Go to sorting office incoming mail filter and press Ctr-V
G You have now copied a filter.

G String1astring2a are AND functions
G String2bstring2b are AND functions

G String1(ab) and String2(ab) or OR functions to each other.

G Hope this helps.


Hi Gerard -

This is way over my head .. Am I correct in assuming that
somewhere in here I can plug in ip #'s or whatever I'm
filtering on?

I will keep it and puzzle over it until I get it figured
out ..



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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Filter question

2002-07-11 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, July 11, 2002, 7:30:04 AM, you wrote:

MDP Hash: SHA1

MDP Hi Lynn,

MDP @11 July 2002, 06:52 -0700 (14:52 UK time)  Lynn Turriff [LT] in

LT If I make a list of these and use the 'add' button to add a rule,
LT will these rules be applied as 'or', or as 'and' .. ?

MDP These are 'AND' filters.

LT If the latter, can I make a list on the 'alternative' tab,

MDP These are 'OR' filters.

LT and if I do that, how do I separate them?

MDP Add Set for each alternative ad-infinitum.

MDP - --
MDP Cheers -- .\\arck D. Pearlstone -- List moderator


Hi Marck -

Thanks - will do this until I can figure out Gerard's
solution :-)


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Bug Reports:

Re: Mailto from Opera doesn't work

2002-07-10 Thread Lynn Turriff

Wednesday, July 10, 2002, 5:19:01 AM, you wrote:

EC Dear readers from 'TB!udl List',

EC When clicking on a 'Send me a mail' button from Opera v6.03 TB! does
EC not start an empty editor. I've declared the following in the Opera
EC Preference table: /theBat.exe %1/ (without slashes).

EC Does someone know what I'm doing wrong?

EC Thanks

You don't say which version of Opera you are using, but in
v6.02, in preferences, in email, I just checked the box
that said 'use default e-mail client on computer', and in
the field, it just says 'The Bat!' (no quotes) ... mine


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Emoticons

2002-07-09 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 8, 2002, 11:04:42 PM, you wrote:

TF Hello Lynn,

TF On Mon, 8 Jul 2002 07:59:49 -0700 GMT (08/07/02, 21:59 +0700 GMT),
TF Lynn Turriff wrote:

LT Only until I can find a way to run my proprietary and
LT industrial software packages in LINUX ...

TF Have you checked out Micheal Robertson's new pet project?

Checking it out now .. I didn't go as far as I wanted to
with RedHat, because I couldn't get samba working, but the
software I need to run all needs direct hardware
addressing. It's a pain ... If you know more, feel free to
mail me privately - I've got another box nearly ready to
go, and I hear that samba has new resources.


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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Emoticons

2002-07-08 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 8, 2002, 7:11:08 AM, you wrote:


Windoze has a character map .. I probably ran a search to
find it, put a shortcut on my desktop. It's called
charmap.exe in W2kPro. The character in question has to be
in the font you are using ...


R Yeah  sort of... Only I am not aware of the Alt key combinations. Any idea where
R I can look it up. I am just looking for smile  Frown at this satge.

R Thanks.

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Emoticons

2002-07-08 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 8, 2002, 7:32:29 AM, you wrote:

NA Hello Lynn Turriff,

NA In Reference to your Posting on Monday, July 08 2002 at 07:28 AM PDT,

 Windoze has a character map .. 
NA   ^^^

NA Must be a spelling mistake, right? You wouldn't
NA purposely slag a superb Operating System...

I certainly wouldn't, if I could find one ...

NA in fact
NA you are using it yourself, correct?

Only until I can find a way to run my proprietary and
industrial software packages in LINUX ...


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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Emoticons

2002-07-08 Thread Lynn Turriff

Monday, July 8, 2002, 7:54:14 AM, you wrote:

JU Nick,

JU Monday, July 8, 2002, 9:32:29 AM, you typed:

NA Must be a spelling mistake, right? You wouldn't purposely slag a superb
NA Operating System... in fact you are using it yourself, correct?

JU Just because you use it doesn't mean you can't cut up on it, in fact,
JU it gives you more right to do so. 8)

Besides, I've actually used some other OS's! lol!


1.60h on Win2kPro SP2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-30 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, June 30, 2002, 3:04:23 AM, you wrote:

MAU Hello Lynn,

 Reading Miquel's handy instructions (thanks Miguel) for

MAU What do you mean thanks Miguel? You owe me a beer ;-)

You got it .. next time I'm in your neighbourhood!


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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: Please release BatNews!

2002-06-25 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, June 25, 2002, 1:25:51 AM, you wrote:


DvRC Anyway, the Ritlabs people say that TB2 will support newsgroups, so
DvRC this whole pro/con debate is really quite useless.

DvRC Regards,

DvRC -Daan-

I've been reading this thread with interest and some
puzzlement .. seems to me that if it's there, no law says
you have to use it. For those who want it, great!

Reading Miquel's handy instructions (thanks Miguel) for
NewsTraq, I think it was .. reminded me why I don't use
UseNet any more .. but like everything else, there are
good and bad groups there. It's just that plowing through
them to find the gems is a bit daunting ...


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Bug Reports:

Re[4]: question - how can email be sent from me that I didn't send

2002-06-24 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, June 23, 2002, 9:05:22 PM, you wrote:

JA Try looking at the Full headers for the email... The
JA From: header is easily forged, as you can tell, and
JA can also be guessed from the recent Klez virus (or 99%
JA of spam) ;)

Yeah, I see a lot of those too.

JA By tracing down the recieved headers, you
JA can work out the path it took, and ultimately the
JA senders ISP, providing they didn't use some obscure
JA proxy server to send through.

It sounds reasonable, and I've apparently lost the mail,
(I would have sent the header) but there was no path .. no
received headers .. it was as though I really had sent the
mail directly from myself to myself.

The only tipoff that I *hadn't* done that was that I have a
very old email address, and originally because of some
peculiarity with the server it had to be used as
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' .. I didn't know it still worked
in that form, but I haven't used it that way for years.
Evidently these lists persist for a very long time,
because it has to be at least 6 years old.

Maybe that explains my really severe spam problem :-)

JA Glad I could help a little :)

Yeah, you did, but it's still something of a mystery :-)


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Bug Reports:

Re[4]: question - how can email be sent from me that I didn't send

2002-06-24 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, June 23, 2002, 9:11:06 PM, you wrote:

JA Hi Lynn,
JA On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 21:00:08 -0700, you wrote:

 Thanks ..
 Is there any way, apart from intuitive deduction, to
 identify which information is forged, and which genuine?

JA Take a quick look at the headers... some (helpful) mail servers put in may be
JA forged headers along with the details.

JA Notice the line says it's from, then has
JA the real host details of a dial up connection in the
JA brackets... clearly the spammer attempted to forge the
JA header, but the mail server pointed it out. But apart
JA from actually sitting there, and processing them, no
JA real quick way. I guess you could submit it to
JA spamcop, and get spamcop to do all the header
JA processing for you, and when you have the details,
JA cancel the report... just an idea ;)

OK .. if my friend's harassment problem persists, I may do
one of those things. It's always nice to have
alternatives, and I'm an info junkie anyway.



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Bug Reports:

Re: question - how can email be sent from me that I didn't send

2002-06-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, June 23, 2002, 8:17:33 AM, you wrote:

awc Hello Listbuds,

awc I've been reading about the spamcop and filtering, I periodically
awc receive email from me that is not sent from me. If I look at
awc the view headers, it says it came from me! How can this be? Now,
awc I've submitted this to spamcop.. and it just dawned on me that
awc they may ban regular email addres as spam!!! do you have any
awc ideas on what to do or how to stop this?

awc thanks, Laura

Hi Laura -

I was going to start a new thread on this, because I have
one like this, and my email is the *only* address in the
header ... Unless there is a reason not to, I'm going to
filter the sender out .. hopefully that won't interfere
with my email activities.

I gather that only someone with SpamCop's resources has
any chance of figuring out where the thing really came
from ..?


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: question - how can email be sent from me that I didn't send

2002-06-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, June 23, 2002, 10:50:29 AM, you wrote:

JA Hi Lynn,
JA On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 10:27:26 -0700, you wrote:

 I gather that only someone with SpamCop's resources has
 any chance of figuring out where the thing really came
 from ..?

JA Depends on how easy you find it to type a command, or
JA use a website. View the headers for the email, follow
JA the Recieved: header lines, the ones closer to the top
JA are the ones closer to you. The one you're more
JA interested in, is the first Recieved: header, which
JA *should* give you an IP address that connected to the
JA mail server to send the mail. Then use a resource such
JA as and in the Do Stuff box, put
JA that IP address in. Samspade then runs numerous
JA queries, and *should* be able to tell you which
JA network the user connected from, and contact details
JA for that block of IP addresses. That is basically all
JA spamcop does, just saves you a fair bit of work :)


JA Hope this gives you a hint as in how the system works.

I have no problem with the command line, but it's not
clear to me how this helps with a header that contains
only my mail address in the header, in both the 'from' and
'to' positions .. or will it extract the *actual* sender's
ip location, rather than mine?

If so, this might help me track an email for a friend
which we suspect contains a forged sender location.

I thought the last routing (closest to the body of the
mail) was the originator ... no?

Thanks for the input!


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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: question - how can email be sent from me that I didn't send

2002-06-23 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, June 23, 2002, 8:42:50 PM, you wrote:

TF Hello Lynn,

TF On Sun, 23 Jun 2002 20:39:20 -0700 GMT (24/06/02, 10:39 +0700 GMT),
TF Lynn Turriff wrote:

LT I thought the last routing (closest to the body of the
LT mail) was the originator ... no?

TF Yes. But some spammers put fill in some forged additional Received
TF lines, so that the real info is somewhere in the middle. In order to
TF find that injection point, who have to compare a few mails' headers.

Thanks ..

Is there any way, apart from intuitive deduction, to
identify which information is forged, and which genuine?


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Bug Reports:

Re: Filter question

2002-06-21 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, June 20, 2002, 8:19:11 AM, you wrote:

JEB Right now I have a Selective Download filter set up, where any
JEB messages containing particular header strings are deleted before
JEB downloading. The header strings are in a text file; I have put a
JEB shortcut on my desktop to this text file for easy addition. The
JEB problem is, since it's a Selective Download filter, The Bat! first
JEB has to run through all of my email headers on the POP3 server, and
JEB second has to download the messages it has chosen: almost twice as
JEB long, on my cable modem. Is there a way to do this kind of simple
JEB text-file search filtering without using a Selective Download
JEB filter? In short: I want to filter using a text file, but I want to do
JEB the filtering after the messages have been retrieved. Is there a way?

Hi Jonathan -

I can't find anything to say how to separate the strings -
can they just be put on separate lines, or should they be
separated by commas ..?

I've wanted to do this for a while .. thanks!


TB 1.60h
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Strange thing when replying

2002-06-16 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, June 16, 2002, 5:47:16 AM, you wrote:

ACM Currently, no.

ACM You could create a quick template with the handle name 'fa',
ACM containing: %To=%To='%OFROMNAME %OFROMADDR'

ACM You could then use F4 to generate the message with only the
ACM selected
ACM text, and then type qt handle then CTRL-Space. This would
ACM change the
ACM To: headers to that of the senders.

ACM With the use of PowerPro (a macro creation tool), I've remapped
ACM the
ACM keys CTRL-F4 to execute the F4 command followed by the above quick
ACM template when the reply window appears. For me, it's as if TB! is
ACM replying to the original sender quoting only selected text. :-)

Allie, I hit F4 to bring in just your bit of comment here,
(no Cont key) which I selected in the usual way .. works
consistently .. I use it all the time.

Would rather be able to right click the highlighted text,
but F4 works fine here ...


TB 1.60h
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Strange thing when replying

2002-06-16 Thread Lynn Turriff

Sunday, June 16, 2002, 9:43:56 AM, you wrote:

ACM Hash: SHA1

ACM Lynn Turriff [LT] wrote:

LT Allie, I hit F4 to bring in just your bit of comment here,
LT (no Cont key) which I selected in the usual way .. works
LT consistently .. I use it all the time.

ACM I think you've missed the point of the discussion here.

ACM Try replying to this message using CTRL-F4 and F4. Look at the To:
ACM address in the reply message header field. Note that they're
ACM different. One is to the list and the other is to me.

Sorry, you're right .. after I hit the 'go' button, I
wondered if there was something I'd missed ..


TB 1.60h
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Bug Reports:

Re[4]: Flying tray icon

2002-06-15 Thread Lynn Turriff

Saturday, June 15, 2002, 7:18:50 AM, you wrote:

DW Since I upgraded to 1.6q I think.I've noticed this doesn't
DW always work any more. Sometimes, instead of the last message I
DW viewed
DW being highlighted, the highlighting moves back to the first
DW message in
DW the list. Anyone else noticed that?

DW Deborah

hmmm .. I'm noticing it in h ... it's annoying, but I
suppose I was thinking I would eventually fix it by


TB 1.60h
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Bug Reports:

Re[5]: SOT: POP3 lock out - alternatives?

2002-06-14 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, June 13, 2002, 1:03:15 PM, you wrote:

BM Dear Joseph,

BM Thursday, June 13, 2002 at 9:35:11 PM you wrote:

JN I haven't met an IT person yet who's heard of The Bat!


BM I am sorry - I thought this was the case everywhere, except in
BM Denmark, where The Bat! is only known among the intellectual, the
BM students and a few others :-)

In the US Bill Gates is King, and most of the IT guys have
been trained by MS ... they've never heard of *anything*
but MS software ... the US based international company my
husband works for has shut down their mail servers an
untold number of times just this year, at what must be
mind boggling expense, but he says there is no point even
talking to anybody but the RD arm about any other mail
services/clients. He says they might consider it, but as
all the mail is funnelled through global services, there
may be little point.

Bizarre, isn't it?


TB 1.60h
Win2kPro  Build 2195 SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Mouse variant of F4?

2002-06-14 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, June 13, 2002, 1:34:06 PM, you wrote:

A Hello Joseph,

A Thursday, June 13, 2002, 4:12:06 PM, you wrote:

JN Is there a quick and easy mouse/menu way to reply with only a
JN selection quoted, i.e., the same result as making a selection and then
JN pressing F4?

A Download the lastest Microsoft Intellimouse drivers.  Then set a
A button to F4.

Doubtful that that would work here .. using a 2 button
trackball, don't even *suggest* going to a mouse! lol!

I'd like to see a change to defaulting to that setting,


TB 1.60h
Win2kPro  Build 2195 SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: HTML MailTo, Recipient Name + Address Insertion

2002-06-14 Thread Lynn Turriff

Thursday, June 13, 2002, 9:41:04 AM, you wrote:

PL Hello Peter,
PL Thursday, June 13, 2002, 2:41:40 AM, you wrote:

PP As you can see in Paddys request there seem to be something left. Or Paddy
PP 's using an unfixed 6.0.

PP In the latter case Paddy should update Opera and give it another try with
PP 'Use Default' _and_ Space.


I've never had a problem defaulting Opera to TB mailer,
since v 4 something .. now using Opera 6.02. It's just set
at 'default mailer' TheBat.

I didn't realize there was a later version, better get on
over there and collect it!


TB 1.60h
Win2kPro  Build 2195 SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: Mouse variant of F4?

2002-06-14 Thread Lynn Turriff



Thursday, June 13, 2002, 7:00:20 PM, you wrote:

DAC On Thursday, June 13, 2002, 3:18:02 PM, Chris Weaven wrote:

 Here here, get's my vote too.

DAC not wanting to feel left out, add my voice as well, for reply, reply
DAC to all and reply to sender. Haven't thought this through, but possibly
DAC for forward, too?

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Bug Reports:

Re[2]: euro sign

2002-06-11 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 2:56:32 AM, you wrote:

DvRC Hoi Ochrid,

O may not always see the euro sign (¤) as it is meant.

DvRC Well, it shows fine here.

DvRC And you can always send me Euros :-)

DvRC Regards,

DvRC -Daan-

Got the circle with the little tentacles here .. probably
the font I'm using. Right now have Andale loaded, didn't
show with Lucida Console, either.


TB 1.60h
Win2kPro  Build 2195 SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Bug Reports:

Re[3]: New HTML engine?

2002-06-11 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 3:17:31 AM, you wrote:

MP Hello Marck,

 It will never be there in that form. It's just too
 dangerous. I understand that support for retrieving
 non-sent images will be added at some point *BUT* it
 will only get one image at a time and prompt for
 permission for *each* image. This is because not all
 images *are* images.

MP What is the problem with that? If they are not images
MP you display nothing.

MP You detect by extension which image it should be, try
MP to display it if you can, otherwise leave it alone.

Well, maybe not. As I understand it, the extension says
it's a graphic, but it functions as a worm.

So you don't want it loaded. Or at least, I'd rather skip


TB 1.60h
Win2kPro  Build 2195 SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
I'd rather be WARP'ed* * *  Team OS/2

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Bug Reports:

Re[5]: euro sign

2002-06-11 Thread Lynn Turriff

Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 5:14:16 AM, you wrote:

MP Hello,

MP I have checked my font and found the € euro symbol, so it is available
MP on my computer. When I received the message however I got this ¤
MP (sun). I am using the 1.60q. Should not this work correctly then?

MP -- 
MP Best regards,
MP   Mitja Perko

 Hi Mitja,

 I think the Euro is only displayed in EC countries :-)

 Seriously, Peter Palmreuther's message to Ochrid probably explains it.



Now, that one came through correctly ..


TB 1.60h
Win2kPro  Build 2195 SP2

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] * * *Aun Aprendo
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