Re[2]: filter renaming

2003-02-06 Thread Artemich
Hello Wolffe,

Wednesday, February 5, 2003, 10:55:22 PM, you wrote:

W> when I zapped mine, I cheated to get it back .. I created a new
W> (dummy) account then copy and pasted the  from there to the
W> old account. Then deleted the dummy account.

Yes, it works! Thanks a lot.
I did it other way though. I copied (Ctrl+C) filter and pasted it into
blank text document. Then I changed The "Name:" string to  and
pasted it back to the account. The Bat! just asked if I wanted to replace
the current  filter. This way you can name it as you wish.
I think the matter is in the "Action: faoIsKnown" string of the
But idea was yours, so thank again.

By the way, yesterday the bug "[The Bat 0001182]: Name  of Known
filter can be changed in Sorting Office" was introduced:

The following NEW bug has been ADDED.
Reporter:   marek
Project:The Bat
Bug ID: 0001182
Category:   Interface
Severity:   trivial
Priority:   normal
Status: new
Date Submitted: 04 Feb 2003 19:36 CST
Last Modified:  04 Feb 2003 19:36 CST
Summary:Name  of Known filter can be changed in Sorting 
Open Sorting Office, select any incoming filter and click to "Name" field
in "Rule" section. When You select  filter now, name  is
changed to name of previously selected filter.

But now it is not a problem anymore, I hope :)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: filter renaming

2003-02-06 Thread Artemich
Hello Thomas,

Wednesday, February 5, 2003, 4:43:11 PM, you wrote:

TF> I am not sure, but I think you need to name it "$Known$" (without
TF> quotes).
It is not the solution :( Sad, but true.
Anyway thanks.

Best regards,
 Artemichmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Couldn't mail to an IP address directly

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Palmreuther
Hello Jonathan,

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003 at 11:42:26 PM you [JA] wrote (at least
in part):

>> Hmmm... it's interesting. Maybe your recent tries were successful
>> because you're using an 1.63 Beta/5 version of the TB!. Mine was
>> 1.62e and is 1.62i now.

No. I've tried it making a native telnet session to port 25 of my MTA
and succeeded too. Seems my qmail silently "stripped" the backslashes
for recognizing the correct address.
They were not stripped in the mail itself, they cam through, but I can
imagine qmail stipped them while parsing the envelope recipient. I'll
have to have a look at the source code to know this for sure.

JA> It could be that they fixed it... I cannot see anything in the beta
JA> files that mentions it, so it could have silently been fixed. So you
JA> are possibly quite correct.

I don't think.
I've done a test: I exported a new generated mail which contained
those bachslashes, removed the bakslashes and re-imported the message.
In message list no escaping backslashes were shown, in header pane
they were. I captured a SMTP session when sending the message and The
Bat! sent it _with_ backslashes.

JA>>> The question is, what was the error message you got back from
JA>>> your undelivered email to the literal address? Did you even get
JA>>> one?

>>- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
>>- Transcript of session follows -
>> 550 5.1.2 ... Host unknown (Name server:
>> [80\.80\.100\.216]: host not found)

>> The server is running Sendmail 8.12.6 under FreeBSD 4.7-Release.

Well ... Andrey: I have tried to open a telnet session on port 25 to
that particular server and send the mail "manually" by copying the
message from TB! source view and initiate the process by myself.

   >telnet 25
   220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.0/8.11.0; Thu, 6 Feb 2003 11:17:31 +0300 (MSK)
   EHLO Hello [], pleased to meet 
   250-SIZE 1000
   250 HELP
   250 2.1.0 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Sender ok
   550 5.7.1 ... Relaying denied
   250 2.1.5 ... Recipient ok
Seems this sendmail sever is quite strict about the syntax, which is
OK ... it's following RFCs.
So The Bat! is buggy, albeit some MTAs can handle it's output.

JA> - From a guess, TB! seems to want to put in the \ for some reason.

I guess something "thinks" there's a regular expression in this
string. Maybe some used components that could show that string would
interpret a text to show containing '[...]' as "regular expression"
and therefore the period as special character is "escaped" to prevent
it form being misunderstood. Of course this should be "internal" only,
every visualization should be done without the escape characters and
_of course_ the process of sending the mail has to "flatten" the

Andrey: would you file a bug report, if there's not already one that
deals with the subject?
Peter Palmreuther
(The Bat! v1.63 Beta/5 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1)

"Reliable software must kill people reliably." -- Andy Mickel

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Couldn't mail to an IP address directly

2003-02-06 Thread Julian Beach (Lists)
On Thursday, February 6, 2003, 8:25:15 AM, Peter Palmreuther wrote:

> I guess something "thinks" there's a regular expression in this
> string. Maybe some used components that could show that string would
> interpret a text to show containing '[...]' as "regular expression"
> and therefore the period as special character is "escaped" to prevent
> it form being misunderstood. Of course this should be "internal" only,
> every visualization should be done without the escape characters and
> _of course_ the process of sending the mail has to "flatten" the
> string!

I have had this problem with the address book and on the To: line.
Anything that is wrapped in [...] is mangled by TB.  To test this
yourself, change the <...> wrapping an email address to [...] and you
will see that the '.' and '@' are all escaped.

I don't know whether this is a bug or a "feature"


  Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Filter (Regular Expression) Me and "Only" ME

2003-02-06 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello ~John,

On Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 19:35:20 -0600 you wrote:

> Now I can safely say that I am close to spam free, while only using
> theBat! filters!

I am sure you must have a reason to have your date set to 5 years ago.
With this, my systems regards all your messages as SPAM.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Problems importing emails from outlook

2003-02-06 Thread Tim Fountain
Hi all,

I've been trying to convert a friend of mine to The Bat, but we're
having a lot of trouble importing his existing emails from Outlook
(Office XP version).

Whenever we attempt to import the messages, TB throws up an error
about lack of storage space. I had a search of the list archives and
saw that other people have had this problem before, and the solution
was to split the messages up into smaller folders and importing them
folder at a time. We tried splitting his messages in Outlook down to
folders of about 500 messages but still got the same error.

There are well over 60,000 messages to import so splitting them into
smaller groups than that really isn't an option.  His machine has
several gig of disc space and 512MB of RAM, so it's not that.

Are there any other ways around this?  Converting people will be
tricky if we can't import from Outlook properly :(.


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Sending mail from MS Excel

2003-02-06 Thread Nick Dutton

I have a simple automated "send as attachment" macro in an excel workbook:

> Private Sub SubmitButton_Click()

> ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:="", Subject:=""

> End Sub

This works fine when Outlook is the default mail client, but not when TB is
selected, returning:

> Run-time error '1004':

> Method 'SendMail' of object '_Workbook' failed

Can anyone tell me how to make this work please?



Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Sending mail from MS Excel

2003-02-06 Thread Geoff Lane
On 06 February 2003, 10:42, Nick Dutton wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how to make this work please?

FWIW, I tried the following in the Immediate window of Excel 2000:

ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:="", Subject:="Test Message"

and it worked without problems.

However, your comment that it works when Outlook is selected as the
default mail client but not when TB is selected gives me a clue.
Outlook and TB require different versions of the MAPI DLL to act as
default simple MAPI handler and I suspect that, while you switched
default client, you did not configure TB as the default simple MAPI
handler. Outlook is brain dead and can't (IME) act as simple MAPI
handler unless it is also the default mail client -- so simple MAPI
has no valid handler on your system.

Caveat: setting TB as your default MAPI handler may render Outlook

To set TB as your simple MAPI Handler:
1. From the Options menu, choose Preferences.
2. Click the Applications tab.
3. Click "Install The Bat! as the simple MAPI request hander"


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Word Happens

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread Spike
Hello telepro,

On or about Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 06:22:02GMT +0100
(which was 12:22 AM in the tropics where I live) telepro
postulated, ruminated and made these points on the subject of
"Access Violation in x  ?":

t> Hello,

t> I've sometimes (perhaps one time in a day) Access Violation in x ;
t> it does not disturb the good running of the programm, a simple OK and
t> the program continues...

This usually happens when a mail folder (messages.tbb) gets
larger than 2GB.  This exceeds the FAT32 file size limit.  You'll
find that some mail folder can no longer accept new messages too!
Just happened (again) to me on Monday ;-(

t> Have you got these little errors, if yes, in which frequencies ?

Yes, when you allow a messages.tbb to get too large for the O/S
to handle!

t> Config : Millenium, The Bat 1.62i

Warmest tropical wishes,

When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bicycle.
Then I realized that the Lord, in his wisdom, didn't work that
way. So I just stole one and asked him to forgive me.

/"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 XSay NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML).
Using TheBat! v1.61 hamstrung by Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Problems importing emails from outlook

2003-02-06 Thread Spike
Hello Tim Fountain,

On or about Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 10:05:52GMT +
(which was 5:05 AM in the tropics where I live) Tim Fountain

TF> Hi all,

TF> I've been trying to convert a friend of mine to The Bat, but we're
TF> having a lot of trouble importing his existing emails from Outlook
TF> (Office XP version).

What a true friend you are!!

TF> Whenever we attempt to import the messages, TB throws up an error
TF> about lack of storage space. I had a search of the list archives and
TF> saw that other people have had this problem before, and the solution
TF> was to split the messages up into smaller folders and importing them
TF> folder at a time. We tried splitting his messages in Outlook down to
TF> folders of about 500 messages but still got the same error.

See elow explanation!

TF> There are well over 60,000 messages to import so splitting them into
TF> smaller groups than that really isn't an option.  His machine has
TF> several gig of disc space and 512MB of RAM, so it's not that.

How large are the mail folders in MS Outhouse?  TB! needs the
same or slightly more disk space to import them, as they are
being DUPLICATED and imported without DELETING the MSO mail
files!  When compressing folders, you need DOUBLE the space of
your largest mail folder, as a duplicate is created to delete the
ones that are 'flagged' deleted.  Only when you compress the mail
folder is the mail(s) actually DELETED fropm the folder, but it
is still in the TRASH until it, too is DELETED and COMPRESSED!!.

TF> Are there any other ways around this?  Converting people will be
TF> tricky if we can't import from Outlook properly :(.

More disk space (double or more than you THINK you need) is
always advisable!

Warmest tropical wishes,

Reality is for those too scared of computer generated images...

/"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 XSay NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML).
Using TheBat! v1.61 hamstrung by Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread Miguel A. Urech
Hello Spike,

> On or about Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 06:22:02GMT +0100
> (which was 12:22 AM in the tropics where I live) telepro
> postulated, ruminated and made these points on the subject of
> "Access Violation in x  ?":

> When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bicycle.
> Then I realized that the Lord, in his wisdom, didn't work that
> way. So I just stole one and asked him to forgive me.
> --
> /"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
> \ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
>  XSay NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
> / \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML).
> --
> Using TheBat! v1.61 hamstrung by Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195
> Service Pack 3
> --

NO! to bloat mail ;-)

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.61

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Problems importing emails from outlook

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Meyns
Hi Tim,

on Thu, 6 Feb 2003 10:05:52 +GMT (06.02.03, 11:05 +0100GMT here),

TF> I've been trying to convert a friend of mine to The Bat, but we're
TF> having a lot of trouble importing his existing emails from Outlook
TF> (Office XP version).

AFAIR from reading in this list, it is not possible to import Outlook
messages directly to TB!. They have to be converted to the format used
by Outlook Express which then can be imported by TB!.

I hope, someone more knowledgeable can give the details or correct me if
I'm wrong - I never used Outlook.


Press any key... no, no, no, NOT THAT ONE!

Winamp currently playing:  - silence - 

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread lists
Hi All,

I've  been  a  very  happt  The  Bat! user for only a few short weeks, and I'm
trying  to  learn all I can about the application. My questions is, I believe,
simple, yet I cannot seem to find the answer to it.

Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure and footer in a
light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp. When I send myself a message I am
unable to duplicate this effect. Is this a function of The Bat! (something I'm
missing), or is it something out illustrious moderator is doing? Thanks.

Best regards,

Scott A. Blystone
Rochester, New York

"I sometimes wonder if the manufacturers of foolproof items keep a fool or two
on their payroll to test things." - Alan Coren

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re:Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread Csaba Kiss

Adjust your Options -> Preferences ->Viewer -> Rich Text/HTML.

Now it should be nicer.
I hope it helps.
Best regards,

   Csaba Kiss

This message was created on Thursday, February 6, 2003.

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 2:12:30 PM, you wrote:

lsu> Hi All,

lsu> I've  been  a  very  happt  The  Bat! user for only a few short weeks, and I'm
lsu> trying  to  learn all I can about the application. My questions is, I believe,
lsu> simple, yet I cannot seem to find the answer to it.

lsu> Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure and footer in a
lsu> light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp. When I send myself a message I am
lsu> unable to duplicate this effect. Is this a function of The Bat! (something I'm
lsu> missing), or is it something out illustrious moderator is doing? Thanks.

lsu> Best regards,

lsu> Scott A. Blystone
lsu> Rochester, New York

lsu> "I sometimes wonder if the manufacturers of foolproof items keep a fool or two
lsu> on their payroll to test things." - Alan Coren

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread lists
Hi Csaba,

Thanks  for the answer, but it answers the wrong question. I already HAVE that
option  selected.  My  changes  need,  I  think,  to be in the EDITOR, not the

Best regards,

Scott A. Blystone
Rochester, New York

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 8:23:01 AM, you wrote:

CK> Hello,
CK> Adjust your Options -> Preferences ->Viewer -> Rich Text/HTML.

CK> Now it should be nicer.
CK> I hope it helps.
CK> --
CK> Best regards,
CK>Csaba Kiss
CK>  tel:+4687286259
CK>   fax:+468330498

CK> This message was created on Thursday, February 6, 2003.

CK> Thursday, February 6, 2003, 2:12:30 PM, you wrote:

lsu>> Hi All,

lsu>> I've  been  a  very  happt  The  Bat! user for only a few short weeks, and I'm
lsu>> trying  to  learn all I can about the application. My questions is, I believe,
lsu>> simple, yet I cannot seem to find the answer to it.

lsu>> Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure and footer in a
lsu>> light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp. When I send myself a message I am
lsu>> unable to duplicate this effect. Is this a function of The Bat! (something I'm
lsu>> missing), or is it something out illustrious moderator is doing? Thanks.

lsu>> Best regards,

lsu>> Scott A. Blystone
lsu>> Rochester, New York

lsu>> "I sometimes wonder if the manufacturers of foolproof items keep a fool or two
lsu>> on their payroll to test things." - Alan Coren

CK> Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re:Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread Jurgen Haug

Hello to Rochester,

to get this straight... Your problem is that you want to see those
color effects (like the light grey for the sig part) in your EDITOR,
when you actually WRITE a message? or that you can't see that effect
when you look at messages that you wrote?


Thursday, February 6, 2003, 2:35:14 PM, you wrote:

> Thanks  for the answer, but it answers the wrong question. I already HAVE that
> option  selected.  My  changes  need,  I  think,  to be in the EDITOR, not the
> viewer.

> Thursday, February 6, 2003, 8:23:01 AM, you wrote:

CK>> Hello,
CK>> Adjust your Options -> Preferences ->Viewer -> Rich Text/HTML.

CK>> Now it should be nicer.
CK>> I hope it helps.

 Jurgenmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition on Win.XP.5.1.2600.SP1

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hash: SHA1

Hi Scott,

@6-Feb-2003, 08:12 -0500 (13:12 UK time) [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SAB] in

SAB> Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure
SAB> and footer in a light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp.
SAB> When I send myself a message I am unable to duplicate this
SAB> effect. Is this a function of The Bat! (something I'm missing),
SAB> or is it something out illustrious moderator is doing? Thanks.

Two things:

1) The editor doesn't show "rich text" formatting, so you won't see
   the fancy sig display while composing a message.

2) To be a signature, the signature text has to be separated from
   the body text by a "cut mark". There's quite a good explanation
   of the cut mark in the help file but to "cut" a long story short
it is . Like mine would have
   been if PGP hadn't fooled around with it!

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.63 Beta/5 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread lists
Hi Jurgen,

Perhaps  I'm  not explaining myself well. I actually do not care what the text
looks  like  as  I compose it. I'm speaking about the end result, the received
message  after  I  send  it.  When  I  look at most of the posts I see on this
reflector  (except  for the one you just sent), I see that the signatures come
out  in  a  very light greyed-out text. I wish to duplicate that effect in the
messages I send out. Does this clarify what I mean? Thanks.

Best regards,

Scott A. Blystone
Rochester, New York

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 8:46:29 AM, you wrote:

JH> Hello to Rochester,

JH> to get this straight... Your problem is that you want to see those
JH> color effects (like the light grey for the sig part) in your EDITOR,
JH> when you actually WRITE a message? or that you can't see that effect
JH> when you look at messages that you wrote?

JH> Jürgen

JH> Thursday, February 6, 2003, 2:35:14 PM, you wrote:

>> Thanks  for the answer, but it answers the wrong question. I already HAVE that
>> option  selected.  My  changes  need,  I  think,  to be in the EDITOR, not the
>> viewer.

>> Thursday, February 6, 2003, 8:23:01 AM, you wrote:

CK>>> Hello,
CK>>> Adjust your Options -> Preferences ->Viewer -> Rich Text/HTML.

CK>>> Now it should be nicer.
CK>>> I hope it helps.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread Julian Beach (Lists)
On Thursday, February 6, 2003, 1:35:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks  for the answer, but it answers the wrong question. I already HAVE that
> option  selected.  My  changes  need,  I  think,  to be in the EDITOR, not the
> viewer.

The reason that you cannot see the grayed out signatures in your own
messages is because you do not use a cut mark above your signature.
TB uses this to work out where your signature starts, and what to show
in grey in the Rich Text Viewer.

The cut mark is the '-- ' (dash dash space) that you see on the
messages.  Using this helps many mail clients recognise signatures,
which will then be automatically cut off on replies.


  Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread Peter Palmreuther

On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 08:12:30 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I've  been  a  very  happt  The  Bat! user for only a few short weeks, and
> I'm trying  to  learn all I can about the application. My questions is, I
> believe, simple, yet I cannot seem to find the answer to it.
> Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure and footer in
> a light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp. When I send myself a message
> I am unable to duplicate this effect. Is this a function of The Bat!
> (something I'm missing), or is it something out illustrious moderator is
> doing? Thanks.

Put a so called "signature delimiter" at the (or near the) end or your
message. This can be done in the template (I guess it will be the
account templates) so you haven't to enter it every time manually.

The signature delimiter is a line of '' all by
itself on one line, nothing in front, nothing behind.

Simply type '--' than hit space bar and .
You will not see the additional space, and you'll certainly not be able
to "detect" it by pressing  when the cursor is in that line.
The only way to "see" it is putting the cursor in the next line at the
very beginning and pressing  (don't forget to  after
this test, so the _important_ lin break is there again).


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread Geoff Lane
On 06 February 2003, 13:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure and footer in a
> light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp. When I send myself a message I am
> unable to duplicate this effect. Is this a function of The Bat! (something I'm
> missing), or is it something out illustrious moderator is doing? Thanks.


The issue is probably that your signature doesn't have a cut line.
This is something that many mail clients, including TB, use to
determine where the signature starts. Everything below the cut line is
considered part of the sig and is greyed out.

A cut line consists of two dashes (minus signs) followed by a space.
The space character is essential.


Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Need a solution? ... just add water.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Question about greyed out signatures

2003-02-06 Thread lists
Hi Marck,

Bingo! That's it. Thanks a bunch!

PS: I haven't movified THIS template yet to add the cut mark! :-)

Best regards,

Scott A. Blystone
Rochester, New York

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 8:58:15 AM, you wrote:

MDP> Hash: SHA1

MDP> Hi Scott,

MDP> @6-Feb-2003, 08:12 -0500 (13:12 UK time) [EMAIL PROTECTED] [SAB] in

SAB>> Most  of  the  messages  I see on this list have the signtaure
SAB>> and footer in a light greyed out text. It looks quite sharp.
SAB>> When I send myself a message I am unable to duplicate this
SAB>> effect. Is this a function of The Bat! (something I'm missing),
SAB>> or is it something out illustrious moderator is doing? Thanks.

MDP> Two things:

MDP> 1) The editor doesn't show "rich text" formatting, so you won't see
MDP>the fancy sig display while composing a message.

MDP> 2) To be a signature, the signature text has to be separated from
MDP>the body text by a "cut mark". There's quite a good explanation
MDP>of the cut mark in the help file but to "cut" a long story short
MDP> it is . Like mine would have
MDP>been if PGP hadn't fooled around with it!

MDP> - --
MDP> Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
MDP> TB! v1.63 Beta/5 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
MDP> '
MDP> Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)

MDP> GVnw2Y52nkD/cAt22oxY6q4=
MDP> =dE8x

MDP> Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Filter (Regular Expression) Me and "Only" ME

2003-02-06 Thread ~John
LOL, I forgot all about my date being messed up. I was playing with
the clock a few days ago and forgot to set it back up.
Thanks to all that pointed this out to me. :)


Best Regards,

- - - Miguel A. Urech wrote - - -
> On Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 19:35:20 -0600 you wrote:

>> Now I can safely say that I am close to spam free, while only using
>> theBat! filters!

> I am sure you must have a reason to have your date set to 5 years ago.
> With this, my systems regards all your messages as SPAM.

- - - End of Miguel A. Urech's message - - -

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Filter (Regular Expression) Me and "Only" ME

2003-02-06 Thread ~John
No, this doesn't work either.


Best Regards,

- - - Marck D Pearlstone wrote - - -
> How about the advanced setting of "Address must be listed in address
> book" and choose "All recipients"? Wouldn't that catch it?
- - - End of Marck D Pearlstone's message - - -

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Filter (Regular Expression) Me and "Only" ME

2003-02-06 Thread ~John
 I finally got this filter to work, if anyone else is interested in
 it, here is how to do it:

 I would like to thank Mr.Peter Palmreuther of the Bat TECH List! for
 figuring this out for me! Here is what he wrote;

  Give this a try:

(.+@.+[,;].*[EMAIL PROTECTED])|([EMAIL PROTECTED]*[,;].+@.+)

Location: Recipient
Presence: Yes
Regular Expression: Yes

Untested, but could work.
Your expression missed the fact your address could be in angel
brackets and there don't need to be a space between comma and your
address. Additionally a semicolon could be used as delimiter.

The expression above checks for a "seems to be an e-mail-address"
either before or behind your own address, delimited by a comma or
semicolon. Quite far from being perfect, but might help as a first


Best Regards,

- - - ~John wrote - - -
> I have been getting allot of Spam here lately that is addressed to me
> along with several random or generated e-mail addresses.
> So my question is, how do I create a filter that will "trash" any
> e-mail to me [in either the To: or CC:] that has my address
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) listed with *any* other e-mail address.
> This is tricky, because the filter has to catch the e-mail whether or
> not my e-mail address is listed first,last, or in the middle.
> So In other words I want the filter to allow mail to my inbox that is
> addressed to me and *only* me. Other e-mail, such as lists will be
> filtered to the appropriate folder prior to this filter, so that I
> won't miss any list mail.
> (I'm CC'ing this to TBTECH just in case its too complicated for TBUDL)
> But I'm hoping someone, somewhere can tell me how to do this, I think
> it would be a helpful filter for everyone as well.
- - - End of ~John's message - - -

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Empty trash on multiple account w/o exiting the BAT

2003-02-06 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee
Hello tbudl,

  Is there a way to empty trash on multiple accounts w/o existing the program?

Right now I have to do this on individual account if I don't want to exit.

Best regards,
 Kenneth  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Sending mail from MS Excel

2003-02-06 Thread Nick Dutton

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 11:25:44 AM, you wrote:
GL> On 06 February 2003, 10:42, Nick Dutton wrote:

>> Can anyone tell me how to make this work please?
GL> ~~~

GL> FWIW, I tried the following in the Immediate window of Excel 2000:

GL> ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:="", Subject:="Test Message"

GL> and it worked without problems.

GL> However, your comment that it works when Outlook is selected as the
GL> default mail client but not when TB is selected gives me a clue.
GL> Outlook and TB require different versions of the MAPI DLL to act as
GL> default simple MAPI handler and I suspect that, while you switched
GL> default client, you did not configure TB as the default simple MAPI
GL> handler. Outlook is brain dead and can't (IME) act as simple MAPI
GL> handler unless it is also the default mail client -- so simple MAPI
GL> has no valid handler on your system.

Hmmm, this sounds familiar.  I had some MAPI of problems while running TB!
in parallel with OL during my migration.

GL> Caveat: setting TB as your default MAPI handler may render Outlook
GL> unserviceable.

That's OK, I'm pure now.

GL> To set TB as your simple MAPI Handler:
GL> 1. From the Options menu, choose Preferences.
GL> 2. Click the Applications tab.
GL> 3. Click "Install The Bat! as the simple MAPI request hander"

Hmmm again.  I've done this and still no joy.  Is there anything that I
should be looking at to check that it's working OK?

Is there a test that I can perform from outside office?



Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Sending mail from MS Excel

2003-02-06 Thread Geoff Lane
On 06 February 2003, 15:36, Nick Dutton wrote:

> Hmmm again.  I've done this and still no joy.  Is there anything that I
> should be looking at to check that it's working OK?

Just a thought, did you reboot after installing TB as your default
simple MAPI handler?

You can check whether MAPI is configured in Word by issuing the
following command in the Immediate window:

MsgBox "MAPI is " & IIf(Application.MAPIAvailable, "available", "not available")

(all the above command should be on one line)

Because you're working with Excel macros, I assume you know how to
access the Immediate window in Word. However, if you don't, here's

1. Start Word
2. Press Alt+F11
3. If the Immediate window isn't visible, press Ctrl+G
4. type the MsgBox command above.

You should see a message box that tells you whether MAPI is available.

Another thought -- AIUI, Windows 2000 and XP are "self-healing" and
can restore "essential" system files when overwritten. Thus, Windows
could (unhelpfully) retore the Outlook version of MAPI. Try running OL
after you've set TB as the handler for simple MAPI. If OL starts
without complaining, its MAPI library is still installed, in which
case, someone else can hopefully enlighten us on preventing Windows
restoring that DLL after TB replaces it.

Other than that, I'm stumped.

Geoff Lane
Cornwall, UK
Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Insanity is hereditary ... you get it from your kids!

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Empty trash on multiple account w/o exiting the BAT

2003-02-06 Thread Deborah W
On Thursday, February 6, 2003, 3:37:41 PM, Kenneth S. Rhee wrote:

KSR>   Is there a way to empty trash on multiple accounts w/o existing the program?

Folder menu - Purge all folders - will empty trash from all folders, in
all accounts, using the settings you've chosen :-)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Empty trash on multiple account w/o exiting the BAT

2003-02-06 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee
Hello Deborah,

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 1:03:02 PM, you wrote:

DW> Folder menu - Purge all folders - will empty trash from all folders, in
DW> all accounts, using the settings you've chosen :-)

It doesn't work on my system.  I usually have fresh messages on my trash, and nothing 
gets rid of those unless I empty folders or exit the program.

Best regards,
 Kennethmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Empty trash on multiple account w/o exiting the BAT

2003-02-06 Thread Marcus Ohlström

On Thursday, February 6, 2003, 19:12, Kenneth S. Rhee wrote:

DW>> Folder menu - Purge all folders - will empty trash from all
DW>> folders, in all accounts, using the settings you've chosen :-)

> It doesn't work on my system.  I usually have fresh messages on my
> trash, and nothing gets rid of those unless I empty folders or exit
> the program.

Right click the folder you want emptied and tick mark "Maximum number
of stored messages is". Leave the number at zero. Next time you purge
all folders the messages in this folder will be deleted.

Marcus Ohlström

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3
PGP Public Key at

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Empty trash on multiple account w/o exiting the BAT

2003-02-06 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee
Hello Marcus,

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 1:18:11 PM, you wrote:

MO> Right click the folder you want emptied and tick mark "Maximum number
MO> of stored messages is". Leave the number at zero. Next time you purge
MO> all folders the messages in this folder will be deleted.

Thanks.  It worked.

Best regards,
 Kennethmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: Empty trash on multiple account w/o exiting the BAT

2003-02-06 Thread Deborah W
On Thursday, February 6, 2003, 6:12:10 PM, Kenneth S. Rhee wrote:

DW>> Folder menu - Purge all folders - will empty trash from all
DW>> folders, in all accounts, using the settings you've chosen :-)

KSR> It doesn't work on my system. I usually have fresh messages on my
KSR> trash, and nothing gets rid of those unless I empty folders or exit
KSR> the program.

You need to change the settings for your Trash folder then. If you set
the maximum number of stored messages to none, the folder will be
emptied when you purge folders.


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Empty trash on multiple account w/o exiting the BAT

2003-02-06 Thread Deborah W
On Thursday, February 6, 2003, 6:18:11 PM, Marcus Ohlström wrote:

MO> Right click the folder you want emptied and tick mark "Maximum
MO> number of stored messages is". Leave the number at zero. Next time
MO> you purge all folders the messages in this folder will be deleted.

Ooops - I should have downloaded new messages before responding to older
ones :-)


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: good anti-spam prog for use with TB!

2003-02-06 Thread Alan K. Stebbens
RK> I use SpamAssassin (yes, in Windows). It's free and pretty powerful. Very
RK> configurable. Not all that hard to set up, but requires Perl and Pop3Proxy
RK> (both free aswell).
RK> I installed PopFile for a friend of mine. It's easy to set up and to train,
RK> so that seemed the best solution for her. It's free aswell.

I've found SpamPal ( to be the easiest to install and use,
most flexible WinDoze filter, and which is freely available. In conjunction
with Web2POP (which is NOT free) for webmail accounts (including Hotmail,
AOL, Yahoo), my daughter is now using her Hotmail account without SPAM. And,
she can use the SpamPal Bayesian GUI to mark "clean" and "SPAM" mail

Best regards,
 Alan K. Stebbens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   (Voice/Fax: +1.866.579.0801)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread jwayne
On Thursday, February 6, 2003, 12:22:02 AM, telepro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

t> I've sometimes (perhaps one time in a day) Access Violation in x ;
t> it does not disturb the good running of the programm, a simple OK and
t> the program continues...

t> Have you got these little errors, if yes, in which frequencies ?

I get access violations frequently when starting up TB and have for quite a
while. As you said, it doesn't affect the operation of the program (other errors
pop up from time to time and prevent me from properly terminating TB other than
the task manager.)

And I do NOT have a large message database as others have suggested as the


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: MIME Question

2003-02-06 Thread Eduard Fabra-Roca
Hello Allie, 

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, at 17:03:12 [GMT -0500] you wrote:

> I'd love to elaborate on this especially for those who
> don't fully understand the functionality being discussed
> here. At least from the POV of a mere user, rather than
> someone with technical background. ;)

And I love you did :-) Thank you very much!

> You can easily create a MIME digest with TB! by opening a
> new message and then going back to the main TB! window and
> drag and drop messages from the message list straight unto
> the editor window.

Just a note here. I tried as you said but it didn't work. It
seems that dragging and dropping only works if you don't
have the main TB! windows maximized.

Best regards,

[Mallorca, Spain]

Running The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5 on Windows XP

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: changing received emails?

2003-02-06 Thread Robin Anson

On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, 12:36:44 AM, you wrote:
> h, the upset date is (strangely enough) the 'received date' and
> that does not seem to be written in the mail itself?

Then export it to a UNIX mailbox which DOES include the received date.


Robin Anson
Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: MIME Question

2003-02-06 Thread Allie Martin
Hash: SHA1

Eduard Fabra-Roca [EFR] wrote:'

EFR> And I love you did :-) Thank you very much!

 You're welcome.

EFR> Just a note here. I tried as you said but it didn't work. It
EFR> seems that dragging and dropping only works if you don't
EFR> have the main TB! windows maximized.

 This is a common limitation with dragging and dropping from one
 window to another. If the window you're dragging from is maximized,
 then you're in trouble unless, the target application can be made
 to stay on top, or you can do the following:

 Open a new editor window. Bring the main window into focus. Select
 your message/s from the message list and start the drag operation.
 While holding unto your selected messages with the mouse, hit
 - to bring the editor window into focus. You can now
 finish the drag and drop operation.

- --
  -=] allie_M [=-  {List Moderator}

MUA: TB! v1.63 Beta/5 ___ OS: WinXP Pro (SP1)
Comment: My Public Keys -


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread Mike Alexander
Hi Spike,

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 12:18:27 PM, you wrote:

S> This usually happens when a mail folder (messages.tbb) gets
S> larger than 2GB.  This exceeds the FAT32 file size limit.  You'll
S> find that some mail folder can no longer accept new messages too!
S> Just happened (again) to me on Monday ;-(

You mean...there are people out there still using FAT? 


Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread tracer
Hello Mike Alexander,
On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 00:25:21 + GMT your local time,
which was Friday, February 7, 2003, 7:25:21 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,

Mike Alexander wrote:

> Hi Spike,

> Thursday, February 6, 2003, 12:18:27 PM, you wrote:

S>> This usually happens when a mail folder (messages.tbb) gets
S>> larger than 2GB.  This exceeds the FAT32 file size limit.  You'll
S>> find that some mail folder can no longer accept new messages too!
S>> Just happened (again) to me on Monday ;-(

> You mean...there are people out there still using FAT? 

> ;-)

I do and I always ask customers if they want Fat or NTFS.
Reason is that if they mess up windows Xp as an example its much
easier to get data off and reinstall then having to fight NTFS and its
'security'. One can do it, just much more of a headache.
My data drive has NTFS on my video system for obvious reasons..


Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.63 Beta/5 

C.C.S. Associates
handphone : 01-891-9560
FAX (USA): (208) 460-3753
pgp 6.5.3 : 0x909D9B10

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread tracer
Hello Miguel A. Urech,
On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 13:53:34 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was Thursday, February 6, 2003, 7:53:34 PM (GMT+0700) my local time,

Miguel A. Urech wrote:

> Hello Spike,

> NO! to bloat mail ;-)

He probably can can save half the space in that file by removing the
quotation at the end of the messages


Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.63 Beta/5 

C.C.S. Associates
handphone : 01-891-9560
FAX (USA): (208) 460-3753
pgp 6.5.3 : 0x909D9B10

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Forwarding and Redirected messages are stalled

2003-02-06 Thread Jim Kilgannon
I manage email to a group I belong to, and I've set up a filter so
that email to the groups address will get redirected to someone else
while I'm on vacation.

When I tested this, everything seemed to work except that the
forwarded and redirected emails are now just sitting in my Outbox, and
have been for more than a day now.

Any ideas on what I've missed?



Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Forwarding and Redirected messages are stalled

2003-02-06 Thread Spike
Hello Jim Kilgannon,

On or about Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 22:11:44GMT -0500
(which was 10:11 PM in the tropics where I live) Jim Kilgannon

JK> I manage email to a group I belong to, and I've set up a filter so
JK> that email to the groups address will get redirected to someone else
JK> while I'm on vacation.

JK> When I tested this, everything seemed to work except that the
JK> forwarded and redirected emails are now just sitting in my Outbox, and
JK> have been for more than a day now.

JK> Any ideas on what I've missed?

Did you select IMMEDIATE DELIVERY in the filter Options _. Send
Messages tab of the filter?

Warmest tropical wishes,

"The future isn't what it used to be."

/"\   ASCII Ribbon Campaign - Against HTML Mail
\ /   If it aint a webpage it shouldn't be HTML. 
 XSay NO! to bloatmail - ban HTML mail!
/ \   Ask Spikey, he hates everything (HTML).
Using TheBat! v1.61 hamstrung by Windows 2000 5.0
Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread telepro
Hello jwayne,

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 4:41:10 PM, you wrote:

> On Thursday, February 6, 2003, 12:22:02 AM, telepro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I get access violations frequently when starting up TB and have for quite a
> while. As you said, it doesn't affect the operation of the program (other errors
> pop up from time to time and prevent me from properly terminating TB other than
> the task manager.)

Thanks, I'm not alone :-)

> And I do NOT have a large message database as others have suggested as the
> problem...

So do I, I just began with TB :-)



Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Mail Synchronisation ?

2003-02-06 Thread telepro

I don't understand very well the Mail Synchronisation  :-(

I tried it to synchronize my PC and my notebook ; On my PC, it created two small files 
TB1 and
TB2, so I Carried these two files in my notebook, and I submitted
synchronisation archive (process 3), it told me, synchronisation ok,
but according to me, no change ! I suspected that it could not
be able to recover all datas, in vue of the fact files were too
small. (50k)

I have a PC and a notebook ; I leave tomorrow with my notebook and I want to bring
with me all I have in my PC of The bat (settings, mails,...) and I want when I'm back 
in a few
days, just retrieve like if I hadn't leave. Usually in my notebook, I "leave
messages on server" and when I'm back, I have hundreds of mails to check and 
organize... and I don't want that no more, am I clear ?
I'd want just arrive and all retrieve in a few minutes, like if I had
not gone ;-)

What is the best solution ? How can I simply do that ?

Thanks a lot

Best regards,
France  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread telepro
Hello Spike,

Thursday, February 6, 2003, 1:18:27 PM, you wrote:

> This usually happens when a mail folder (messages.tbb) gets
> larger than 2GB.  This exceeds the FAT32 file size limit.  You'll
> find that some mail folder can no longer accept new messages too!
> Just happened (again) to me on Monday ;-(

It isn't the case, I just begin with TB


Best regards,

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello telepro,

On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 04:37:44 +0100 GMT (07/02/03, 10:37 +0700 GMT),
telepro wrote:

>> This usually happens when a mail folder (messages.tbb) gets
>> larger than 2GB.  This exceeds the FAT32 file size limit.  You'll
>> find that some mail folder can no longer accept new messages too!
>> Just happened (again) to me on Monday ;-(

> It isn't the case, I just begin with TB

Are you sure teh AV was caused by TB? What is the exact wording, which
you have left out?



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

"I am loyal to my employer at all costs Please feel free to
respond to my resume on my office voice mail."

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re:changing received emails?

2003-02-06 Thread Jurgen Haug

Hello Robin,

Friday, February 7, 2003, 1:00:54 AM, you wrote:

> Jurgen

> On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, 12:36:44 AM, you wrote:
>> h, the upset date is (strangely enough) the 'received date' and
>> that does not seem to be written in the mail itself?

> Then export it to a UNIX mailbox which DOES include the received date.

> Robin

hey that works, thank you! :-)

 Jurgenmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! v1.62 Christmas Edition on Win.XP.5.1.2600.SP1 while listening to Yello 
- Homage to the Mountain

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Whitelist, can you do this with thebat ?

2003-02-06 Thread Alan K. Stebbens

Monday, February 3, 2003, 10:14:45 PM, you wrote, in part:

~> How can I setup theBat to make sure that I get mail from everyone in
~> my address book, so that my filters don't intercept anyones email that
~> is in my address book or in other words a sort of whitelist?

Howdy ~John,

There is a rule called "Known" which can be used to sort incoming mail from
*known* addresses into a specific folder.  The definition of "known"
addresses depends upon which of your configured address books and groups
are selected.

So, you could file all known users into a subfolder of the Inbox called

There is an option to continue with other rules, in case you want to perform
other filtering actions on known users.  If you leave that option unset,
then the following rules will only be applied to unknown addresses.

You can also setup an Outgoing Mail rule, which I call "Capture Recipient
Addresses", which can add recipient addresses to your address book.  Thus,
people with whom you correspond automatically become "known".

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
 Alan K. Stebbens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   (Voice/Fax: +1.866.579.0801)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Problems importing emails from outlook

2003-02-06 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Peter,

On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 14:04:55 +0100 GMT (06/02/03, 20:04 +0700 GMT),
Peter Meyns wrote:

> AFAIR from reading in this list, it is not possible to import Outlook
> messages directly to TB!. They have to be converted to the format used
> by Outlook Express which then can be imported by TB!.

I understand this is not true anymore. You can import directly from
OL; this was fixed a few versions ago. ;-)



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

A bartender is just a pharmacist with a limited inventory.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread telepro
Hello Thomas,

> Are you sure teh AV was caused by TB?

Yes, absolutely !

>  What is the exact wording, which
> you have left out?

I don't remember, but a dialog box of the bat indicating : access
violation to the adress , the next time I have it,i note !

Best regards,
Christophemailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Whitelist, can you do this with thebat ?

2003-02-06 Thread Jonathan Angliss
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday, February 06, 2003, Alan K. Stebbens wrote...

> Monday, February 3, 2003, 10:14:45 PM, you wrote, in part:

~>> How can I setup theBat to make sure that I get mail from everyone in
~>> my address book, so that my filters don't intercept anyones email that
~>> is in my address book or in other words a sort of whitelist?

> Howdy ~John,


I've no idea how you managed to do it, but you seem to be sending 2
copies of your mails to the list and one to the original sender. I
suggest checking templates, or making sure you're not hitting your
"Reply-to All" button. I don't think there is a need for anybody on
this list to get duplicated mail.

- --
Jonathan Angliss

Comment: Fingerprint: 676A 1701 665B E343 E393  B8D2 2B83 E814 F8FD 1F73


Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Forwarding and Redirected messages are stalled

2003-02-06 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Jim,

On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 22:11:44 -0500 GMT (07/02/03, 10:11 +0700 GMT),
Jim Kilgannon wrote:

> When I tested this, everything seemed to work except that the
> forwarded and redirected emails are now just sitting in my Outbox,
> and have been for more than a day now.

For periodic sending, you need to set two tickmarks:

1.) Account / Properties / Options: [X] Periodilcal check every ...

2.) Account / Properties / Transport: [X] Combined delivery (send and



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Comparisons are as bad as cliches.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Access Violation in xxxxx ?

2003-02-06 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello telepro,

On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 05:57:32 +0100 GMT (07/02/03, 11:57 +0700 GMT),
telepro wrote:

> I don't remember, but a dialog box of the bat indicating : access
> violation to the adress , the next time I have it,i note !

Yes please. The dialogue gives you the address as well as the module
that caused the AV. Without this information, we can only wildly guess
what may have caused it.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Auf Tiramisu von Tesco`s (auf die Unterseite aufgedruckt): "Nicht

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.63 Beta/5
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information: