Re: [tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-20 Thread Watt
"Do you use text to speech for writing such long comments?"

3 thumbs Thomas, on each hand ;)

I'm going to try installing the plugins and see if I can contribute something 
constructive back to you. It may take some time but you've done all the hard 
work. I think my suggestions are mainly about layout and appearance, from one 
mobile zombie's perspective. 

Marie Kondo is on Netflix now. She's should be required viewing for app 

Thanks again for the great work! 

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Re: [tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-20 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Thank you very much for this elaborate comment, Watt, aka Marie Kondo :–D

Did you really write all this on a phone? I am impressed! I will not answer
everything nor will I be able to invent the ultimate TW reader application
you are dreaming of – sorry.

So just some short statements from Mr. Picky here. Read with a ;–)

Am Sa., 19. Jan. 2019 um 13:42 Uhr schrieb Watt :

> I had another look Thomas, and your explanations helped, but you need many
> more explanatory signposts up on the site. I really like the complex
> functionality you are working towards. It is a complicated beast though, a
> bit like a powerful sports car with all the engine and mechanics on the
> outside and the sleek, polished bodywork hidden underneath. It may not be
> ready for the luxury showroom yet but when the mechanics are tuned and
> hidden away Reader/Writer could be a classic vehicle.
I guess it will become a classic skateboard.

I'm using a phone to look at it so that makes navigation harder. If I sound
> negative it's because I'm trying to drive this baby manually, with one
> thumb and one eye on the road. You need more 'driverless' options on it!
Do you use text to speach for writing such long comments?

The short version for Reader; I want kindle style interaction, but with
> super-charged annotation/clipping options and easy import.
> The over long version;
> I'm going to go Marie Kondo on your visuals Thomas. They don't spark joy.
> First up is the landing screen. Where is it? I'm an idiot and a phone
> zombie, so when I open an app (I'm calling it an app) I need to see a blank
> screen with 2, maybe 3 buttons. That's all I can handle.
I like Marie Kondo without knowing her. And I like your explanations about

On this app I'd like the buttons to be 'Reader', 'Writer', 'Settings'. I
> don't want to see a sidebar, obscure tabs or any TW mechanics buttons, I
> don't want to know about config options (yet). I'd prefer not to have any
> text, just icons.
> The reader mode icon that you have at the moment doesn't say 'Read' to me
> Thomas. Here's an alternative from the Noun Project on WikiMedia  title="OCHA Visual Information Unit [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons" href="
>;> width="512" alt="Education - The Noun Project" src="
> (I hope that link works on GGs).
I will think about it. Guess you are right, my icons could be better.

> You don't have a Writer icon yet, but you need one. Here's an e.g. from
> the same source;> width="512" alt="Learning - The Noun Project" src="
> ">
> imo, on startup these 2 (or similar) should be all I can see, plus a
> Settings Cog icon. No sidebar, no title - nothing. If I want to know what
> the app does I go to Setttings, then 'About'.
The sidebar is still standard TiddlyWiki. Not sure if I want to change that
for my purpose. But I think there are solutions around to do what you want
... so you could add that yourself. Ah no – remove that yourself.

Marie Kondo is very big on boxes. She says every object should have a home,
> use smaller, open top boxes within larger containers to categorise objects
> by size or function and fold/store everything in a way that allows it to be
> seen once the biggest container is opened.
> 'Reader', 'Writer', 'Settings' are your 3 top level containers. Everything
> else should fold away in progressively smaller boxes beneath them. You use
> MyStory as a box label. I think you need to change that everywhere to
> 'Writer'.
Well, MyStory is the name of one of my plugins. You are welcome to use that
for your Writer app and re-label it to whatever you like. I like out of the
box thinking.

> You know how Marie Kondo takes all the clothes out of the cupboards and
> piles them up in a mountain on the bed? First of all the owners are amazed
> at how much stuff they've got. Next they have to go through each item,
> discarding the ones that don't spark joy, and then categorising the others,
> folding them in a special way, before putting them in smaller boxes
> according to type.
> I think that's what you need to do with your sidebar tab 'containers'.
> You've got everything in there, jumbled together, very difficult to find,
> not obviously labelled by function or findable for a newcomer. Clear
> instructions are difficult to find. If you threw it all into a pile you'd
> be amazed at how much is there but you have to go through it, discard some,
> re-categorise some and break it all down into smaller units, each with
> their own 'box'. A 'help' pop-up for each box might be necessary.
> Then you need easy, clearly labelled 

Re: [tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-19 Thread Watt
I had another look Thomas, and your explanations helped, but you need many more 
explanatory signposts up on the site. I really like the complex functionality 
you are working towards. It is a complicated beast though, a bit like a 
powerful sports car with all the engine and mechanics on the outside and the 
sleek, polished bodywork hidden underneath. It may not be ready for the luxury 
showroom yet but when the mechanics are tuned and hidden away Reader/Writer 
could be a classic vehicle.

I'm using a phone to look at it so that makes navigation harder. If I sound 
negative it's because I'm trying to drive this baby manually, with one thumb 
and one eye on the road. You need more 'driverless' options on it! 

The short version for Reader; I want kindle style interaction, but with 
super-charged annotation/clipping options and easy import. 

The over long version;

I'm going to go Marie Kondo on your visuals Thomas. They don't spark joy. First 
up is the landing screen. Where is it? I'm an idiot and a phone zombie, so when 
I open an app (I'm calling it an app) I need to see a blank screen with 2, 
maybe 3 buttons. That's all I can handle. 

On this app I'd like the buttons to be 'Reader', 'Writer', 'Settings'. I don't 
want to see a sidebar, obscure tabs or any TW mechanics buttons, I don't want 
to know about config options (yet). I'd prefer not to have any text, just icons.
The reader mode icon that you have at the moment doesn't say 'Read' to me 
Thomas. Here's an alternative from the Noun Project on WikiMedia;>;>
 (I hope that link works on GGs).

You don't have a Writer icon yet, but you need one. Here's an e.g. from the 
same source;>;>

imo, on startup these 2 (or similar) should be all I can see, plus a Settings 
Cog icon. No sidebar, no title - nothing. If I want to know what the app does I 
go to Setttings, then 'About'. 

Marie Kondo is very big on boxes. She says every object should have a home, use 
smaller, open top boxes within larger containers to categorise objects by size 
or function and fold/store everything in a way that allows it to be seen once 
the biggest container is opened. 

'Reader', 'Writer', 'Settings' are your 3 top level containers. Everything else 
should fold away in progressively smaller boxes beneath them. You use MyStory 
as a box label. I think you need to change that everywhere to 'Writer'.

You know how Marie Kondo takes all the clothes out of the cupboards and piles 
them up in a mountain on the bed? First of all the owners are amazed at how 
much stuff they've got. Next they have to go through each item, discarding the 
ones that don't spark joy, and then categorising the others, folding them in a 
special way, before putting them in smaller boxes according to type. 

I think that's what you need to do with your sidebar tab 'containers'. You've 
got everything in there, jumbled together, very difficult to find, not 
obviously labelled by function or findable for a newcomer. Clear instructions 
are difficult to find. If you threw it all into a pile you'd be amazed at how 
much is there but you have to go through it, discard some, re-categorise some 
and break it all down into smaller units, each with their own 'box'. A 'help' 
pop-up for each box might be necessary.
Then you need easy, clearly labelled navigation between each box. Personally I 
hate the sidebar in TW, imo everything you have in the sidebar should go under 
'Settings' and that should have a page of its own.

Ok, imagine we've got a 3 button landing screen. When I click on the Reader 
icon I don't want another tiddler to open below. Scrolling on a phone is out 
for me. (Sidebars are out too. Scrolling through a paragraph list in a sidebar 
or getting dropped back to the end of a book long story river, with a sidebar 
on top is really out! (A 'return to top' button is essential if you're 
determined to keep the scrolling). 

On clicking Reader I'd like the 3 icon landing screen to disappear and a simple 
Library page with these options to appear; 
'List of Titles' 
'Import New title'
'Writer' icon
'Settings' icon.
Back and Forward arrow heads for navigation. 

We're in standard kindlish e-reader territory now.

If I click on the 'Writer' icon it should take me to the top level of the 
writer mode. It shouldn't toggle the 'reader library' into a 'writer library'. 
The exit from one function to the other has to be clear. Again, no story river, 
no sidebar, no headings. Each new page/screen replaces the last. 

('View in Writer' is a different thing and needs a different icon.)

If I click on a 

Re: [tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-17 Thread Watt
Hi Thomas, thank you for your work and the helpful explanations. I'm going to 
take a good look at the reader/writer again tomorrow! 
Best wishes 

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Re: [tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-17 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Hi Mark,

Thank you for asking! Please ask more if you would like to know more.

I think I'm going to need more information. I made a tiddler and almost
> immediately lost it. Then I had to dig for the recent tab to recover it.
This TW is conficured with authoring in mind. It inserts tiddlers at the
bottom (standard TW setting option) where I would continue writing my
story. But of course if you have a story list of more than 150 tiddlers
like in my example, then the bottom of the list is (too) far away.
When I "wrote" (actually copy-pasted) the book I changed to a new story
list after about 25 to 30 tiddlers because navigation got a bit awkward on
my 15" screen.

I think I don't understand the "loading". Is it loading an entire new set
> of items (replacing the old set), or is it adding to the story river?
There are two buttons: Load replaces the present story list with the newly
loaded one. The plus-button labelled "Append to story" – well, appends
tiddlers to the present story. I hope that part is English and

At the end of the writing process I assembled the five parts (story lists)
of the book by appending them all to the first part.

I think you previously had buttons in the menubar that would allow you to
> add new items in place? That seems to have disappeared.
I don’t think so, but it is a great idea! I guess an "insert below" button
like the bookmark button would do? I can’t tell when I will find the time
to try this ...

Thanks again, very much appreciated!
-- Thomas

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[tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-17 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Hi Thomas,

I think I'm going to need more information. I made a tiddler and almost 
immediately lost it. Then I had to dig for the recent tab to recover it.

I think I don't understand the "loading". Is it loading an entire new set 
of items (replacing the old set), or is it adding to the story river?

I think you previously had buttons in the menubar that would allow you to 
add new items in place? That seems to have disappeared.

For someone writing, they will need to add new items right before or after 
the current item. Otherwise it's too easy to make a tiddler and then lose 
it somewhere in the story river.

-- Mark

On Wednesday, January 16, 2019 at 3:17:52 PM UTC-8, Thomas Elmiger wrote:
> Dear TW-friends,
> Thank you for the feedback! An updated demo on 
> comes with bookmarking and drag and 
> drop.
> Bookmarking marks elements in the MyStory tab, so you know where you are, 
> Damon :)
> Drag and drop adds more value than I expected as you can drag between 
> sidebar and story river ...
> Check it out and let me know what you think.
> (Note: Plugins were NOT updated, everything is in a hacky state.)
> Cheers, 
> Thomas

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[tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-17 Thread Watt
Thanks for this Thomas!
Some feedback for you, apologies if you've heard it before. The short version; 
simplify everything, remember mobile users, why not 2 plugins?

The long version;
Reading and writing might be two distinct modes and a user might use different 
devices for each mode. e.g I might read on my phone but prefer to write on a 
laptop. The interface and navigation should be mobile friendly wherever 

I'd like to be able to clearly switch between modes. When I'm reading I'd like 
a minimal set of options and very simple user interface, like most e-readers. A 
library, a title selector, a table of contents (only as far as chapter level), 
bookmarks, a clipping collector. That's about it. I'd like these to disappear 
completely when I'm actually reading. 

Maybe I'd like to swipe or keypress to advance the page, rather than scrolling. 
Navigation everywhere by buttons.

Import of html as an e-book would be nice. e.g Project Gutenberg, but maybe 
webpage import too for study/notetaking. Gutenberg books already have an html 

For me good e-readers are minimalistic to look at and the content already has a 
structure that I'm not going to mess with. It's for reading only, not editing 
or writing.

Writing on the other hand is all about editing, playing with the structure, 
granular control (to paragraph or even sentence level), the ability to move 
things around, generating a toc, indexes, bibliographies, notes on notes etc. A 
good writing tool also enables creativity by hiding the bells and whistles away 
until called for.

E-reader manufacturers have taken a long time to refine their functions. Not 
many of them include E-writers. How many writing tools include an e-reader in 
the kindle sense? 
Maybe this plugin/edition should be split into two? An e-reader for TW and a 
Writing tool for TW. 

Just some feedback, ignore at will.

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[tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-16 Thread TonyM

It is looking really good, and you have some novel (forgive the pun) ideas 
about making this easy to view and use. Good Work.


On Thursday, January 17, 2019 at 10:17:52 AM UTC+11, Thomas Elmiger wrote:
> Dear TW-friends,
> Thank you for the feedback! An updated demo on 
> comes with bookmarking and drag and 
> drop.
> Bookmarking marks elements in the MyStory tab, so you know where you are, 
> Damon :)
> Drag and drop adds more value than I expected as you can drag between 
> sidebar and story river ...
> Check it out and let me know what you think.
> (Note: Plugins were NOT updated, everything is in a hacky state.)
> Cheers, 
> Thomas

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[tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-16 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Dear TW-friends,

Thank you for the feedback! An updated demo on comes with bookmarking and drag and 

Bookmarking marks elements in the MyStory tab, so you know where you are, 
Damon :)

Drag and drop adds more value than I expected as you can drag between 
sidebar and story river ...

Check it out and let me know what you think.
(Note: Plugins were NOT updated, everything is in a hacky state.)


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[tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-14 Thread Damon Pritchett
I definitely like this. In the MyStory tab would it be possible to somehow 
highlight which tiddler you are currently reading so that you could see 
where in the entire story that you are?


On Monday, January 14, 2019 at 2:56:27 PM UTC-7, Thomas Elmiger wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> All your designs are so beautiful!
> Thank you! This one is not so far from a standard TW :)
> The main problem I see is that there doesn't seem to be a way to change 
>> the order of tiddlers without manually entering new index numbers. Is that 
>> right? Or am I missing something?
> In the *MyStory tab* in the sidebar you can see the list of tiddlers and 
> reorder them via drag and drop like in the standard "Open" tab. 
> Then you could go to the (Story) Admin tab and save your new arrangement.
> I could add drag and drop for tiddlers in the story river too. But I am in 
> doubt ... maybe it should be there as an option?
> On the *Contents tab* at the bottom there is a tag to reorder the top 
> level entries in the tree – "chapters" or "books" (if you think of a book 
> or a library) – also via drag and drop.
> Cheers,
> Thomas

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[tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-14 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Hi Mark,

All your designs are so beautiful!
Thank you! This one is not so far from a standard TW :)

The main problem I see is that there doesn't seem to be a way to change the 
> order of tiddlers without manually entering new index numbers. Is that 
> right? Or am I missing something?
In the *MyStory tab* in the sidebar you can see the list of tiddlers and 
reorder them via drag and drop like in the standard "Open" tab. 
Then you could go to the (Story) Admin tab and save your new arrangement.

I could add drag and drop for tiddlers in the story river too. But I am in 
doubt ... maybe it should be there as an option?

On the *Contents tab* at the bottom there is a tag to reorder the top level 
entries in the tree – "chapters" or "books" (if you think of a book or a 
library) – also via drag and drop.


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Re: [tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-14 Thread Thomas Elmiger
Hihi, thanks for all the feedback!

First hints for reverse engineers:

[image: grafik.png]

The button on the right of the save button changes the design.

Check settings of all plugins – or check before you do.

(More explanation maybe in a few hours.)


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[tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-14 Thread 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki
Hi Thomas,

All your designs are so beautiful!

The main problem I see is that there doesn't seem to be a way to change the 
order of tiddlers without manually entering new index numbers. Is that 
right? Or am I missing something? I see where it works fine for reading an 
existing document, but would be challenging for generating new content. 

-- Mark

On Sunday, January 13, 2019 at 2:25:45 PM UTC-8, Thomas Elmiger wrote:
> Inspired by many discussions [1] here about TW as a writing environment, I 
> built my own vision of a reader–writer solution.
> A demo is live now on my server: 
> This project is not finished in any way, but some features/plugins are 
> working and it contains a real book, divided in more than 150 tiddlers as 
> demo content. On start up, the whole book should be loaded, so it might be 
> somewhat slow ... but it’s worth it. 
> I do not have the time for further explanations, but the best thing will 
> be if you play with it, read the story, maybe change the story and see how 
> you get along as a reader or writer.
> I hope you can grasp some ideas behind it. 
> The next week will be busy so answers (and even more: updates) will take 
> some time. 
> All the best,
> Thomas
> [1] This one here ist only the latest of many more: 

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[tw5] Re: [Demo] TW5 for Readers and Writers

2019-01-14 Thread @TiddlyTweeter
Thomas ...

Really interesting.

I tested it on Firefox Desktop and then on Android 8.0.0

TBH the approach is really good not just for writers but also for readers. 
On Android particularly it was excellent for better reading. 

I can see how it could be great for E-BOOKS.

 As usual I'm always running ahead ... 2 thoughts (mainly when you just 
want to read ...)

1 -- Add Bookmarking to sections so you can pickup reading where you left 

2 -- Make the menu of contents "pop-in" so the first thing you see is the 
start of the text, not the contents list.

Just thoughts

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