[tw] "Save to web" stopped working

2011-08-15 Thread MummerX
Hi. I have been using an MPTW wiki on tiddlyspot.com for a few years
now, as a combined notebook and shortcuts organiser. It has become
totally indispensible to me both at home and at work.

I access it at home using Ubuntu Linux (Karmic) and Firefox 3-point-
I also use it at work using Windows 7 Enterprise and Firefox 5.0 and/
or IE 8.

I have no problem at home. However, last week, there was a Windows
update rolled out to our work PCs, and since then I have been unable
to save my wiki back to tiddlyspot.com. Firefox just goes quiet, but
IE8 produces the following failure ...

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64;
Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR
3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.1)
Timestamp: Mon, 15 Aug 2011 12:30:00 UTC

Message: '0' is null or not an object
Line: 13162
Char: 5
Code: 0
URI: http://mummerx.tiddlyspot.com/

Message: '0' is null or not an object
Line: 13162
Char: 5
Code: 0
URI: http://mummerx.tiddlyspot.com/

I have tried looking at the JavaScript source code, but View-Source,
Save-Page-As, etc, (using IE 8 and Firefox 5) all give different
commands at line 13162, and I don't know which method to trust.

Grateful for any suggestions, but please don't ask me to try
installing or upgrading software. I am unable to do this. This PC is
locked down & managed by the company IT Support group. They are also
not prepared to help diagnose this problem (unfortunately) as it is
not part of the core business.

Many thanks in advance.

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[tw] Re: "Save to web" stopped working

2011-08-16 Thread MummerX
Well this is frustrating. I have had three goes at reporting what
happened when I tried a temp wiki on Tidllywiki, and lost each attempt
due to power cuts. :-(

I can't be bothered with a lot of typing any more, so here's the
bottom line.

Home PC - Ubuntu (Karmic), Firefox 3.6.18
Work PC - Windows 7 Enterprise, Firefox 5, IE 8

The temp wiki was created OK (with one tiddler) on the home PC and
saved to the web. No problems.
I loaded it on the work PC using IE 8. And then it got messy with
error dialogs, stack overflows and the dreaded "Error in macro
<>" (reported elsewhere).
Despite error dialogs I was able to edit the one tiddler, but the
attempt to save to web failed with the same error as reported before.
Firefox 5 fared better (no error dialogs), but to also did not save to
web - as before, I got "About to save..." then nothing.
Oh, and Firefox 5 also displayed the "Error in macro <>" error,
from the moment I finished the trial edit tof the tiddler (before
attempting to save).

Summary of findings
I only use MPTW on Tiddlyspot - this applies to all wikis mentioned
below on Tiddlyspot.
My original old & large Tiddlyspot wiki was upgraded to the latest
wiki sw a few months back. I don't know if that makes it the latest
version or not (I don't know how to find out).
Said wiki always saved OK on both PCs until one day recently after a
large Windows update on the work PC.
Thereafter, attempting save to web on the work PC (Firefox or IE) no
longer completes, but I can still save to web fine on the home PC.
A newly created wiki on Tiddlyspace shows no errors at all - but is
probanly of less use to me, having got used to MPTW.
A newly created MPTW wiki on Tiddlyspot not only fails to save on the
work PC, but also causes IE 8 all sorts of grief, AND I now get "Error
in macro <>" under both browsers after editing a tiddler.
"Error in macro <>" also occurs now on the home PC, but only on
the new MPTW Tiddlyspot wiki, and only during an otherwise successful
save to web.

What's next?
Grateful for all your help chaps, but I think I am going to  have to
dump Tiddlyspot - I just cannot rely on it, whereas Tiddlyspace seems
to work fine across all the platforms I use.
On the other hand, I do not relish the work involve3d in this, nor
possibly having to give up MPTW features I have grown used to.

Sometimes I really loathe computers.

PS - Phew - I got al lthis typed out (at speed) before the power went
down again. Sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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[tw] Re: "Save to web" stopped working

2011-08-16 Thread MummerX
Grateful thanks for the feedback

Note: My Win7-Ent work PC does not have USB ports, FD, CD or DVD disk
bays. Also, all s/w downloads (excpet MS updates) are blocked. Totally
locked down.

Now this is interesting - I tried a temp wiki on Tiddlyspace.com last
night. I am now at work and I have just found out that I ca update
this wiki from work.
I will try a temp Tiddlyspot wiki next and see if that still has the
problem. - I will report my findings.

Unless there's no solution for my current Tiddlyspot.com wiki, I may
have to transfer it across.

Thanks again.
-- MummerX

On Aug 15, 5:03 pm, Måns  wrote:
> Hi MummerX
> > Firefox just goes quiet, but
> > IE8 produces the following failure ...
> You can download firefox 4.0.1 as a portable app 
> here:http://tinyurl.com/5w5qnnfo your
> Install it to your usb and run it from there...
> Cheers Måns Mårtensson

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[tw] Re: "Save to web" stopped working

2011-08-17 Thread MummerX
@PMario - your pojnts, in order ...
Yup, deleting cookies in IE8 fixed the <> error and the stack
On saving to web, it still fails: "Do you want to navigate away from
this page?" and " '0' is null or not an object".
*** Once (and only once) in many tries, it saved successfully! - This
is getting really screwy now.
OK, your other points ...
<> = 2.5.0
<> = 2.5.3
This is for my large wiki; the one I am having problems saving to web
(@ work). Does that give any clues?
Actually, I have just now tried upgrading the wiki software, and it
tells me this can only be done for a locally stored file (and this is
web hosted). So, I guess I have the latest version of both the above?
Sorry to be dim, but what is an include mechanism? Will it allow me to
transfer my content from my old large wiki to another? Happy to RTFM,
if you give me an URL.

I only just heard recently about GieWiki, so I was not aware (until
now) that it offers MPTW. Thanks! :o)
Is there an easy way to transfer my content across, if I create a wiki
there? Or must I retype it all? (>175k I think)

Grateful thanks chaps. I am bowled over by your helpfulness.  :o)

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[tw] Re: "Save to web" stopped working

2011-08-17 Thread MummerX
Thanks for pursuing this.
I just read https://github.com/TiddlyWiki/tiddlywiki/issues/44
That would indeed fit all my observations, and explains why I can
still save to web on my home PC (old OS) and not on my work PC (new
OS, and recently upgraded).
I will wait and see if anyone kindly helps out by upgrading the
Grateful thanks.

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[tw] Re: "Save to web" stopped working

2011-08-22 Thread MummerX
Sorry for the late reply. I would like to thank this community for the
extremely helpful and knowledgeable responses to date.

Thanks also to those contributors who suggested of alternative hosting
methods. I did check them out, and jolly interesting they are too -
just not for my use though. Tiddlyspot really does fit my needs

So, on balance, I have decided to wait for a developer to kindly step
forward to address this issue. If I had more time and some JavaScript
experience, I might have been tempted to look into this myself, and
"give something back". The best I can offer is this: If anyone needs a
guinea pig to test a possible solution, please email me. I would be
very happy to help.

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[tw] Re: "Save to web" stopped working

2012-02-14 Thread MummerX
Sorry to continue such an old thread, but I am confused. The preceding 
discussion ended when it appeared that more modern operating systems and/or 
browsers had closed some sort of loophole that a Tiddlywiki exploited to 
save itself back to the Tiddlyspot server.

I resigned myself to keeping my old copy of Ubuntu, with Firefox 3.6.x 
running indefinitely.

That copy of Firefox recently updated itself to v10.0 (AFAIK, I was allowed 
no choice in this). Far from preventing me from being able to save my 
Tiddlywiki, it now appears I can still do so. Moreover, checking on a PC at 
work (Win 7, FF 10) I can update my wiki there too (also with Win 7 + IE 8).

Bottom line - I have regained the ability to update my wiki at home and at 
work ... totally against expectations (given the preceding discussion).

Now, I thought that the answer would lie in a developer coming forward to 
implement a different "write back to server" routine in the wiki's 
javascript. This obviously has not happened because I have never updated my 
wiki (and certainly not since this discussion took place).

So what happened? Did Firefox & IE kindly re-open the loophole? Or was the 
Tiddlyspot server updated to allow saves? Or has my wiki's javascript been 
quietly upgraded?

Basically, who can I thank?  :D
-- MummerX

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[tw] Unable to open wiki from Tiddlyspot.com -- "Object expected"

2013-07-18 Thread MummerX

I use an MPTW tiddlywiki to share tiddlers between my laptop at home and my 
desktop machine at work.
TW Core version=2.5.0
MPTW version=2.5.3
Laptop: Firefox (latest), Epiphany (latest), Linux Mint 13
Desktop Firefox (latest), IE8, Win7

Using Firefox on my laptop, I have updated my wiki and saved it back to 
tiddlyspot.com with "save to web".

Since that update, I can no longer open the wiki on my desktop PC at work. 
It hangs for a minute(?) then displays a particular text line from an old 
tiddler, and nothing else (no other tiddlers, MainMenu, Options, noithing - 
just that line of text).

I get the same hang & display using FF & IE8 on the desktop PC, and on 
Epiphany on the laptop.

IE 8 on the desktop PC reports the following extra info:
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; 
Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 
3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3; BOIE9;ENGB)
Timestamp: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:28:05 UTC
Message: Object expected
Line: 25
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: http://mummerx.tiddlyspot.com/

By luck I still have the wiki open in FF on the laptop, so I have saved it 
to the laptop's hard disk. 
I have tried deleting all the most recently update/added tiddlers (in case 
one of them is corrupt), and re-saving to web, but this does not fix the 
I have tried deleting the old tiddler from which the random display line 
comes, and saved it to web, but this does not fix the problem.

Curiously, the same line is displayed when I try to open the wiki from 
tiddlyspot, even though I have supposedly deleted that old tiddler. I guess 
that means that the save-to-web is broken, right?

Help! What do I do now?

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[tw] Re: Unable to open wiki from Tiddlyspot.com -- "Object expected"

2013-07-18 Thread MummerX
I have tried opening the wiki on further browsers:
* Chrome (latest) on Win8.
* Stock browser on Android 2.3.3.
Same result - it hangs a while, then displays the same line (the browser 
window is otherwise blank).

I have just found out (via Vew Source) that the html file for all the 
broken downloads ends abruptly & consistently at the same displayed line 
(part way through a paragraph).

Given that I have repeatedly tried to "save to web" without that tiddler 
(from the still-running browser session with the complete html file (minus 
a few deleted tiddlers)), then possibly I have a recurrence of the "save to 
web" issue that plagued many of us a while back.

Any advice please?
Is anyone else experiencing a sudden recurrence of "save to web" issues on 
Linux Mint (aka Ubuntu)?
Thanks in advance.

On Thursday, 18 July 2013 17:44:54 UTC+1, MummerX wrote:
> Help!
> I use an MPTW tiddlywiki to share tiddlers between my laptop at home and 
> my desktop machine at work.
> TW Core version=2.5.0
> MPTW version=2.5.3
> Laptop: Firefox (latest), Epiphany (latest), Linux Mint 13
> Desktop Firefox (latest), IE8, Win7
> Using Firefox on my laptop, I have updated my wiki and saved it back to 
> tiddlyspot.com with "save to web".
> Since that update, I can no longer open the wiki on my desktop PC at work. 
> It hangs for a minute(?) then displays a particular text line from an old 
> tiddler, and nothing else (no other tiddlers, MainMenu, Options, noithing - 
> just that line of text).
> I get the same hang & display using FF & IE8 on the desktop PC, and on 
> Epiphany on the laptop.
> IE 8 on the desktop PC reports the following extra info:
> Webpage error details
> User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; 
> Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 
> 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3; BOIE9;ENGB)
> Timestamp: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:28:05 UTC
> Message: Object expected
> Line: 25
> Char: 1
> Code: 0
> URI: http://mummerx.tiddlyspot.com/
> By luck I still have the wiki open in FF on the laptop, so I have saved it 
> to the laptop's hard disk. 
> I have tried deleting all the most recently update/added tiddlers (in case 
> one of them is corrupt), and re-saving to web, but this does not fix the 
> problem.
> I have tried deleting the old tiddler from which the random display line 
> comes, and saved it to web, but this does not fix the problem.
> Curiously, the same line is displayed when I try to open the wiki from 
> tiddlyspot, even though I have supposedly deleted that old tiddler. I guess 
> that means that the save-to-web is broken, right?
> Help! What do I do now?

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[tw] Re: Unable to open wiki from Tiddlyspot.com -- "Object expected"

2013-07-19 Thread MummerX
> It sounds like your document file got truncated somehow (perhaps during 
the save-to-web action?). 
> Fortunately, TiddlySpot keeps backups each time you save.
> http://mummerx.tiddlyspot.com/backup/

Grateful thanks, Eric! I've been using MPTW for years on Tiddlyspot, and 
somehow managed never to learn that! d'uh. :-)

I see that Måns Mårtensson gave some advice on restoring from backups in 
He even nails what was the cause of my truncation: a lousy connection over 
a 3G link. Yup, been there, seen that. The highest ping time I've ever seen 
was 62 seconds. Funnily enough, that was on the same day my file got 
truncated.  :D 

I have now tried Måns' procedure. I picked the most recent largest back up 
(twice the size of the following one), opened it successfully, and verified 
it holds what I expect. But when I tried "save to web", I got...
About to upload on http://mummerx.tiddlyspot.com/index.html ...
Can't get original file

Oh of course, silly me.
I entered my password, overwrote "YourName", and entered my user name in 
  and got the same result on "save 
to web".

I am not using 3G now (& possibly never again), so what am I missing? Sorry 
to ask such a (possibly) dim question, but is there anything else that I am 
supposed to remember to re-enter? It's been a long while since I set this 
account up - I could have forgotten something vital.

Huge thanks in advance. :-)

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[tw] Re: Unable to open wiki from Tiddlyspot.com -- "Object expected"

2013-07-19 Thread MummerX
Sorry. False alarm. It saved OK after I re-typed my password.  -- d'uh.

Case closed. Grateful thanks to Eric & Måns for their great community 
sprirt & generosity to an old duffer like me. :D
Thx guys!

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